When Anthonies die, their puffball heads explode into cotton and they turn into butterflies.

We squashed an Adelbert and it was basically like stepping on Ice Cream. I really don't see what's so gory about that.

Scary or not, it won't change the fact that we came in and helped Mami against Familiars. That alone should earn us some points and is definitely better than looking scary and just watching the fight unfold. It's a first step to establishing friendly relations with the local guca.
that's why we're voting to go kill the witch instead.

speaking of: @apeljohn would you be willing to switch over?

Then what are our normal clothes?

Sorry, on a bit of a Zettai Hero Project streak.
I have no idea, but considering the conditions he lived in, they we're probably pretty shitty.
that's why we're voting to go kill the witch instead.
I'n afraid I don't follow.

We're here right now with Mami, we can swoop in to help and earn some points since we clearly assisted someone being attacked.

If we go on to hunt Gertrud, we look like we were after the Grief Seed. That really won't earn Mami's trust.
When Anthonies die, their puffball heads explode into cotton and they turn into butterflies.

We squashed an Adelbert and it was basically like stepping on Ice Cream. I really don't see what's so gory about that.

Scary or not, it won't change the fact that we came in and helped Mami against Familiars. That alone should earn us some points and is definitely better than looking scary and just watching the fight unfold. It's a first step to establishing friendly relations with the local guca.
I'm advocating going after the load bearing boss, as opposed to just watching. And given we explicitly have stealth listed as one of our skills I think it's not unfair to say odds are reasonable we can avoid detection.

The fact is, no matter how gory our fighting style is, are you going to feel comfortable getting close to the unknown male melee combatant? Especially when this is pretty much an OCP for Mami IIRC, and there's a lot of conflict over grief seeds so them assuming we're 'on the same team' isn't remotely guaranteed. I doubt they're just going to invite us over to Mami's house to have some of her cake. :V

And regardless of how intimidating we are to them, our story is so full of holes it's disingenuous to compare it to swiss cheese. We need to come up with a new name, explain what we're doing here, come up with an excuse for our powers, when/why we came to Mitakihara, why we tense up in crowds, our complete lack of understanding about what currency is, etc. Interacting with them is guaranteed to cause trouble. I mean if they take us to a restaurant to chat we're liable to flip out over the wasted food, misunderstand what a restaurant is, or panic do to so many people close by. God forbid they ask for an address or a phone number.

Edit: For people more familiar with PMMM, do the girls retain enhanced physical capabilities when not transformed? Cause if they don't I think we are actually transformed right now.
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We must not let them know our real identity. Any associations with Madoka are likely to screw us over fast. Ergo, we must distract ourselves by interacting with either Sayaka or Mami.


Tatsuya: *Staring at Mami's breasts.* "...How old did you say you were, again?"
We must not let them know our real identity. Any associations with Madoka are likely to screw us over fast. Ergo, we must distract ourselves by interacting with either Sayaka or Mami.


Tatsuya: *Staring at Mami's breasts.* "...How old did you say you were, again?"

We can just call ourselves Tatsuya Kamen. They'll never figure it out, especially since @RexHeller has taken our rightful hair color from us. :V
I'm advocating going after the load bearing boss, as opposed to just watching. And given we explicitly have stealth listed as one of our skills I think it's not unfair to say odds are reasonable we can avoid detection.
Mami cleans up this horde of Familiars really fast. By the time we reach Gertrud, it'd have fled already and we're left having done nothing at all.
The fact is, no matter how gory our fighting style is, are you going to feel comfortable getting close to the unknown male melee combatant? Especially when this is pretty much an OCP for Mami IIRC, and there's a lot of conflict over grief seeds so them assuming we're 'on the same team' isn't remotely guaranteed. I doubt they're just going to invite us over to Mami's house to have some of her cake. :V
I'm not saying we're all suddenly going to be buddy buddy with everyone.

I'm saying that helping now is better than waiting around or looking for Gertrud who we have no gurantee of finding in time considering how fast Mami forced it to flee by killing its familiars. It took literal single digit seconds for Mami to do that.
And regardless of how intimidating we are to them, our story is so full of holes it's disingenuous to compare it to swiss cheese. We need to come up with a new name, explain what we're doing here, come up with an excuse for our powers, when/why we came to Mitakihara, why we tense up in crowds, our complete lack of understanding about what currency is, etc. Interacting with them is guaranteed to cause trouble. I mean if they take us to a restaurant to chat we're liable to flip out over the wasted food, misunderstand what a restaurant is, or panic do to so many people close by. God forbid they ask for an address or a phone number.

Edit: For people more familiar with PMMM, do the girls retain enhanced physical capabilities when not transformed? Cause if they don't I think we are actually transformed right now.
If anything, our weirdness will cause pity and confusion. It'll make Madoka curious. That's good enough in my books.

We're here to make a good first impression, not date.

And yes, MGs are always amped up be they transformed or not.

Not really.

We're 15 right? Mami's 14-15 going by the wiki.
Your hair's still brown, just darker. Because everything in a grim dark post-apocalypse is dark, even hair color. Unless it's pure white but the you're trying to hard.
Um, no, his hair is pink. Like Madoka's hair is pink. That isn't dye. :V

Edit: I can see your confusion. It's more a dark pink than anything. :V
This looks pink to me...
I mean, it's almost the same shade of pink that Madoka's hair is.
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Mami cleans up this horde of Familiars really fast. By the time we reach Gertrud, it'd have fled already and we're left having done nothing at all.

I'm not saying we're all suddenly going to be buddy buddy with everyone.

I'm saying that helping now is better than waiting around or looking for Gertrud who we have no guarantee of finding in time considering how fast Mami forced it to flee by killing its familiars. It took literal single digit seconds for Mami to do that.

If anything, our weirdness will cause pity and confusion. It'll make Madoka curious. That's good enough in my books.

We're here to make a good first impression, not date.

And yes, MGs are always amped up be they transformed or not.

Worst case then if Gertrude flees we slink out of the Witch's barrier and try and get some answers, or chat with the group outside of a combat zone. I'm really uncertain if that will make a good impression on them though, and if we do catch up to the Witch and kill/engage it, we can always offer it to Mami or leave it behind.

I don't think the violent sociopath with a chronic mistrust of people is going to want to socialize all that much, and if he has any self awareness of how fucked up he is (and he definitely seems to have some) he'll realize Madoka interacting with him/interested in him, is not to her benefit. He's a killer, and is constantly on a hair trigger, exposing that to the one person he would literally damn the world for is not what he would consider ideal.

Why would he expose the naive and innocent sister he loves more than anyone else in the world to this?
I don't remember a time when the people around you were something more then monsters by necessity. I don't remember not having to kill to survive. I don't remember a time when the world wasn't falling apart.

Although nice to know about the always amped.
Mami cleans up this horde of Familiars really fast. By the time we reach Gertrud, it'd have fled already and we're left having done nothing at all.
You have time. In canon Mami clears out the familiars in one barrage. I've changed it here to her combatting the familiars normally so that you can help out if you like. She'll still be done in a few seconds and then the Witch will get away.

A few seconds may not sound like much but you're pretty fast even for Meguca standards. I don't think anyone caught this but you made it from your starting room to the girls in the time between Mami's warding circle activating and Mami transforming. Basically you covered 50 feet of maze and made a 10 foot vertical jump in just a few seconds.

You guys shouldn't worry so much. You still in "tutorial mode" so to speak so there are no wrong choices right now.
You have time. In canon Mami clears out the familiars in one barrage. I've changed it here to her combatting the familiars normally so that you can help out if you like. She'll still be done in a few seconds and then the Witch will get away.

A few seconds may not sound like much but you're pretty fast even for Meguca standards. I don't think anyone caught this but you made it from your starting room to the girls in the time between Mami's warding circle activating and Mami transforming. Basically you covered 50 feet of maze and made a 10 foot vertical jump in just a few seconds.

You guys shouldn't worry so much. You still in "tutorial mode" so to speak so there are no wrong choices right now.
Careful, we might take that as a challenge.
Worst case then if Gertrude flees we slink out of the Witch's barrier and try and get some answers, or chat with the group outside of a combat zone. I'm really uncertain if that will make a good impression on them though, and if we do catch up to the Witch and kill/engage it, we can always offer it to Mami or leave it behind.

I don't think the violent sociopath with a chronic mistrust of people is going to want to socialize all that much, and if he has any self awareness of how fucked up he is (and he definitely seems to have some) he'll realize Madoka interacting with him/interested in him, is not to her benefit. He's a killer, and is constantly on a hair trigger, exposing that to the one person he would literally damn the world for is not what he would consider ideal.

Why would he expose the naive and innocent sister he loves more than anyone else in the world to this?

Although nice to know about the always amped.
Again, I'm not saying we should go and talk. I'm saying we go, help and then let them to their own conclusions.

Mami won't go after Gertrud. Homura's there and she has to protect Madoka and Sayaka from Homura. What do we gain by going after Gertrud? A Grief Seed. That's it.

We achieve absolutely nothing by going after Gertrud who will flee in the next few seconds by depositing everyone from its Barrier the moment the Familiars are wiped out. So, let's say we kill Gertrud, then what? Do you expect Mami to offer us Milk and Cookies? :V

She won't. What she'll see is an anomaly with power who may or may not harm her girls. If we go help now, what she'll see is an anomaly that may or may not harm her girls but has so far acted in her favor.

Why would we expose Madoka to the gritty world of MGs? Because she already has been exposed. We can't stop that process and trying will just end in tears. What we can do, however, is help steer her in the right direction.
Also, Tatsuya has no fucking idea what Witches are or that he needs them yet, and for all he knows Mami is the Devil or the Devil is gonna snipe his sister as soon as he turns around.

Get points with Mami, monitor sister, be in better relations for later. Build the foundations for endgame victory.
but the Devil never hurt his sister before, why would the Devil do it now?
Again, I'm not saying we should go and talk. I'm saying we go, help and then let them to their own conclusions.
Why would we expose Madoka to the gritty world of MGs? Because she already has been exposed. We can't stop that process and trying will just end in tears. What we can do, however, is help steer her in the right direction.
Okay, with the Original timeline laid out a little clearer it seems reasonable to change my vote.
[X] Help the blond girl to kill the monsters and protect Madoka.
-[X] Just beat them to death.

Alright, so long as we try and avoid just flat out socializing with them, I can't really figure that ending positively. Also, I'm not all that aware how bad MG lives in PMMM are other than 'pretty damn bad'. But going by the fact our protag describes everyone he knew and himself as monsters killing each other for necessity with literally no compassion/empathy/camaraderie whatsoever, and his inability to handle crowds mean whatever he went through was a lot worse than even what MG's go through. There's a big difference between 24 hour survivalism in Hell, with literally everyone else as your enemy, and moonlighting as a magical girl against eldritch abominations and fighting each other over territory. However bad the MGs' have had it, Tatsuo has had it worse. The only one I can see being remotely close is Kyoko, and even she doesn't have to be concerned about the average salaryman trying to kill her over the food she found in the dumpster.
Okay, with the Original timeline laid out a little clearer it seems reasonable to change my vote.
[X] Help the blond girl to kill the monsters and protect Madoka.
-[X] Just beat them to death.

Alright, so long as we try and avoid just flat out socializing with them, I can't really figure that ending positively. Also, I'm not all that aware how bad MG lives in PMMM are other than 'pretty damn bad'. But going by the fact our protag describes everyone he knew and himself as monsters killing each other for necessity with literally no compassion/empathy/camaraderie whatsoever, and his inability to handle crowds mean whatever he went through was a lot worse than even what MG's go through. There's a big difference between 24 hour survivalism in Hell, with literally everyone else as your enemy, and moonlighting as a magical girl against eldritch abominations and fighting each other over territory. However bad the MGs' have had it, Tatsuo has had it worse. The only one I can see being remotely close is Kyoko, and even she doesn't have to be concerned about the average salaryman trying to kill her over the food she found in the dumpster.

Are you taking account that Puella Magi turn into Witches?
[X] Help the blond girl to kill the monsters and protect Madoka.
-[X] Just beat them to death.
Are you taking account that Puella Magi turn into Witches?
I'm not really sure if there's any continuity between an MG pushed over the brink and the witch itself, so I honestly don't see it as a massive OMGWTFBBQ. Now if they're at least somewhat aware of what they've become and trapped until they're killed...

Yes, if you get too sad, you die in a horrific way, that's terrifying, but I'm fairly sure in a reality where the laws of physics are more like guidelines and causality itself is unravelling, you're likely to find fates far worse than death. Especially if the Devil was a psychotic Homura like most people seem to believe, then attracting its ire might very well mean an eternity of torment.

Ultimately, what matters more here is less the suffering contest between MGs and the MC, and the fact our MC is more maladjusted than any of the MGs and a clearly indicated danger to people he's around. I genuinely doubt there's a MG in PMMM who's first instinct when in a crowd is to start killing them. I mean, even Homu doesn't have to actively suppress instincts to kill anyone who's around her AFAIK, and I'm pretty sure she's a solid 11 on a 1-10 scale of how shitty an MG's life can get.
She hurts literally everybody else, and that's before you get into the whole mind control thing. Everything she does to Madoka is bad.

I made sure the Incubators won't threaten her ever again! I gave her a happy life! I gave her the chance to be human! To be remembered by others! Everything I did was for her!

I even gave Sayaka, Mami and Kyouko happy lives as well!
