[] Fight Passively. Counter her blows and take advantage of her openings. You're not just gonna stand here and take it.
She closed in the distance as you got ready. Moving in, you struck her with a palm strike but she weaved out of the way and got close to you. You waited as she slammed her knife into your side before you smashed your fist against her face. She staggered back as her face bled before you raised your leg to kick her as she weaved back. She summoned her knives above her head to rain down on you while you had gears spin around you to ward them off. They bounced off while you waited for her to come at you with an axe kick. You blocked it and grabbed her leg, tripping her over while maintaining contact.
You then smashed her into the dirt where she rolled and recovered as you kicked open her block. Her knife flashed as she swung it only for you to catch her wrist and backhand her face. Stomping her feet, you kept her in place before you performed a Tiger Drop into her gut which sent her flying back. Ana was sent sliding as she landed while holding her stomach.
Standing before her, you kept your arms raised as your wounds slowly healed. Don't dodge. Face her head on.
Ana moved in with her knives to throw them at you as you launched gears to answer her. They clashed in the air as you both got in close with you raising your defenses. She slashed as you blocked her strikes with your shields, absorbing the force of her blows before she turned to throw several knives at you and thrust to shatter your guard.
This led her to being open to a haymaker while she cut your side.
Ana flipped over and fell down as you turned to face her. She snarled as she raised her leg to kick as you ducked and weaved. Her knife flashed as you used your shields on that to absorb its blow. Redirecting its strength, you channeled it to the ground on her feet which kicked up dust and debris. You punched through it as she raised her weapon. You drove palms into her stomach before landing a thrust into her shoulder.
"Dragon of Sacred Halls," you breathed as you smashed your back into her.
Ana gasped from the blow shaking her entire body and rattling her bones. You closed in the distance as she ducked and weaved away from your strikes, you jumped and slammed your foot by her head as she dodged. She stopped and called upon knives to surround you before pulling her arm in for them to launch at you. You raised your barriers to absorb the force behind the knives before closing in on her. Ana slashed and cut with her blades as you received them with your shields.
They bounced right off as you gathered more and more kinetic energy before she closed in. She made to kick for your head as you blocked, forcing her down and catching her thrust, your cheek bleeding as the distance between her knife and your flesh became hazy. Twisting her arm, you forced her back as she raised her heel with a blade on it.
Letting go of her arm, you aimed for the base of her spine and unleashed the brimming power you gathered from your fingertips.
"Royal Revenge,"You declared as a spiral of power erupted to slam her body into the floor where she bounced and gasped in pain.
She rolled and tumbled on the ground as she hissed. Placing her palm on the ground, she roared as knives erupted from the surface of the floor with their blades distorting to extend. You dashed back as she got up to throw several sparkling knives. You blocked as they exploded and cracked your shields.
"After everything I've done, you're not going to stop me! It'll take more than that to turn it all for naught!" Ana roared as she held knives in her fingertips before throwing them at you. They shined, crackled and blazed all at once as you moved in.
Smashing your panels against them, your shields cracked as Nacht squirmed inside you. You blocked and fought through the blasts of magical knives just as Ana cracked open the last panel. She gutted you hard before trying to tear your flesh upwards only for you to hold her hand in place. You grabbed her by the throat and released the energy within your panels straight into her neck, sending her smashing into a rail which bent from the hit.
Ana gasped for breath before gritting her teeth and turning her glare your way.
"You may think yourself righteous, but I've seen others who fought for own causes but with the wrong methods. You're not going to get anywhere like that," you told her as you looked down on her, "If this is all you could do, then you have no chance getting past this stage. Even if you managed to succeed earlier, after that then what?"
"A corpse doesn't have the right to tell me anything," Ana grunted as she held her stomach.
"A corpse is telling you that you'll become one if you don't stop. So please, stop this ceaseless struggle," you implored her as you raised your hands, "I don't want to hurt you further."
"You... Make me sick," Ana spat as she staggered forward.
"It's over," you declared as you clenched your fist.
Nene gasped as she grit her teeth to rise up from where she was on the ground. She looked at Ana with a tearful gaze before speaking, "Ana... Please. Have some humanity."
"Humanity... Look around you, Shimazu. I don't see humanity here. Just a system designed to fuck us over. I've had enough of it. And I'm going to stop it no matter the cost. Even if it means toppling those at the very top!" Ana snapped as she took something from her pocket. It was an Evil Nut which she then inserted into her forehead, "I'll be going first, Milady... I can't take this anymore..."
The Evil Nut sunk into her flesh before she gasped and fell down her knees. You turned and tackled Nene just as Ana's Soul Gem reached severe levels of corruption almost immediately. Her Gem lost its light before darkness erupted from within its contents. It enveloped your world as you were pulled in while you protected the Hokkaido Representative beneath you.
You endured before the hard asphalt of the helipad was replaced by a different sensation. You and Nene looked up to find yourselves beneath a hill of Snow. A blizzard howled and robbed you of your vision but you could see light at the distance. You could sense the Witch as it made its presence known by rising through the storm of cruel ice.
It was a being of clockwork and ice, its head being nothing more than a golden compass which had their hands snapped off. It swung its heavy head back and forth as its knife hands dragged themselves on the snow. The Witch howled before winter sprites appeared and giggled in response to their master's screams. They were brilliantly dressed sprites if Angela was ice based, she would look like them. But they were obviously malicious as they circled the Witch and froze the beating heart on its flesh.
You stood before the Witch as you got between it and Nene.
"I'll protect you," you reassured the other magical girl. You then faced the Witch as it unleashed its frustrations by raising its hands up in the air for the blizzard to intensify.
Snow was kicked up before you noticed that they were hiding blades beneath them. Swords of infinite number surrounded the Witch as they flung themselves into the air. They shined with power unlike anything before only to launch themselves at you. You swept your hand through the air as gears flew from behind your back. The lead cogs smashed against the blades, knocking them off course blow for blow as you grit your teeth to defend against them.
Sparks flew through the air as the blades fell on you had no mercy. You set one wheel ablaze before shredding the next few swords just as you dashed to the side. Snow was kicked up where you moved just as you came upon the base of the Witch. Gravity refused your feet as you kicked off the ground, gears spinning around you while on rainbow fire.
The cold sought to extinguish your flame as blades flew towards you. You moved to sweep your hand and expelling the cogs to clear the air. You held your hand up to summon a gear high above your head. Dragging your hand downwards, you grit your teeth.
"This is for
you!" you roared as you had the gear descend to smash the Witch's head.
The Witch responded by swinging its hands and slicing the gear apart as you raised your shields to defend yourself from the blades. You were slung to the ground, shooting through two snow hills before stopping. You gasped for breath before you opened your eyes to stare at the waxing moon above you. You reached out before getting up and facing the Witch. Snow fell off you as you let out a shaky breath. With a grim expression you got ready to face the Witch again as it turned your way to see you standing.
It didn't like that.
"Coward," you breathed as you held your shoulder.
You found that it seemed to have its attention on something behind you. You tensed up before feeling your seeds squirm beneath your flesh. Walking through the blizzard was a familiar white Wraith. Dressed in a white cloak and a blank welding mask, she held in her hand a bloody yet rusted machete. Blood dripped from its weathered blade and was held by a steadfast grip.
The Assassin had her gaze firmly fixed upon you. The Witch behind you shifted its position a bit and howled as blades shined in the air before it flung them at you. You moved to raise your shields but loud hisses rang from behind you. Magic Missiles tore through the air and clashed with the blades as the Assassin lowered her bow. A sleek jet black bow replaced the rusted blade she once held.
She then took aim at you as you dodged. The Assassin ended up shooting the Witch's Familiar sneaking up on you.
You both stood frozen staring each other down. You moved as she raised her bow to aim at your face while you held up a flaming hand at her too. The blizzard howled before the Witch lurched to face you two. It swung its knife hands and split you two apart, making you slide back and fall down your knees.
The Assassin moved in as she grabbed a sword from the ground to charge at you.
The Witch thundered about to rain down more blades between you both. The Assassin reacted by loading the sword into her bow and using it as an arrrow, enchanting it before releasing. The sword detonated and wiped out the rest which fell down from the sky. Orange explosions blossomed in the winter sky before she drew her gun to shoot you.
You moved in to lift her hand as she fired above your head.
She tried to smash her elbow into your face but you held it back with your forearm. You both were locked into one another as the Witch howled beside you.
Winter Moon
[] Focus on the Assassin. She's the greater danger here. Neutralize her before the Witch.
[] Focus on the Witch. Taking it out would decrease the hazards of the area. Kill it first.
[] Focus on escaping. Take Nene and outrun the Assassin and the Witch. You can't handle them both.
[] Write in...