As you gazed at your blackening Soul Gem, you were filled with a sense of absolute loathing as you gripped it with your hand, ripping it off your person. With a scowl on your face, you muttered something that you didn't entirely understand before crushing it in your hand.
Wait, does Nathaniel subconsciously know about the lich and witch bomb all along?
Wait, does Nathaniel subconsciously know about the lich and witch bomb all along?
What @Mokyu said. If your partner who got you involved in a system that you promised to protect her from (even without knowing all the details) died at the hands of one of the same beasts you'd have to fight regularly, it wouldn't be the most irrational response to break the thing that's a reminder of the whole circumstance.
PMAL - Chapter 2 Part 7
[x] Interrupt the service (Scream as loudly as you can while you kill all the ghostly figures with your summoned weapon).
[ROLL: 86]

If there's one thing you're capable of doing, it's being a nuisance.

You tested the waters by rapping your knuckles against your shield. It seemed pretty sturdy, but the material it was made of didn't seem like it was metal. It reverberated with a low hum, and you could almost feel the tool react to your stimuli like a small stone being skipped across a lake, the ripple effect sending vibrations that coursed through your entire body.

As the sound was produced, the witch recoiled at it, hissing at you as the familiars that made up her assembly of acolytes glaring at you with a distasteful, empty irritation. Guess that means this is a positive way of doing things.

You started pounding on the shield, the sound growing louder and more intense as it let loose sound waves that shockingly didn't sound like slamming pots and pans together.

Well, for the most part.

The sound seemed to craft a precise note… C Minor? It'd been a while since you've done anything musical. It retained this sustained noise as you banged on it, and the craziest part was the fact that while it didn't sound cacophonous, it maintained a volume that could pierce eardrums, like if you inadvertently started playing music on your earbuds when your phone's volume was at max, which wasn't effective overtime, but loud enough to deal a severe burst of damage. To add insult to injury, you let out your own shrill cry.

The witch let out an unearthly shriek as the chapel around you began to shake, the ghoulish observers beginning to fret and frenetically scramble about haphazardly. As they moved about the pews, you noted a series of barely visible strings contort and strain themselves as the followers moved, the fibers stretching from the backs of the familiars upwards and looping themselves around the crown of their master.

Better late than never to do something.

You walked closer to the familiars, and once you were in range, sucker punched one of them across the face, your shield ripping into them like a letter opener, before the rope snapped and the acolyte exploded into an oozing, black pile of sludge.

[x] Protect the Window.
[ROLL: 72, 85, 30, 36]

Dahlia was in the stained glass, but something told you not to break the mirror.

Didn't mean you couldn't weed out the opposition.

You let loose a battle cry and lunged with your shielded arm. You'd never been in an impromptu fistfight, but the movies made it look close enough. Throwing punches was probably your best bet, as punch after punch flew, bashing through a series of familiars. The first tore right through one on your left, and you immediately whipped around and decimated a second with a back-roundhouse. Two others surrounded you, and you just barely managed to nick them, before backtracking.

Can't fight forever. You need a plan.


[x] Go for the Witch

[x] Write-In

[x] Run away

I've returned from Hell
Classes start Monday for me
So I'm on the grind
[x] Run away
Gotta be honest, we have Nagissa levels of potential, which means that our attack potency and magical pool is extremely small, we need to find some allies, or witch out for superpowers.
Edit: As long as we have a good strategy and good dice rolls. We are fine on this.

My vote:
[x] Go for the Witch
-[x] Remember to shield yourself and the window of Dahlia from any attacks.
-[x] If you are not close enough to hit the witch, start pounding on your shield again.
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I don't think that's a good idea for Nathaniel, at all.
You see, Nathaniel has a different form of a contract because it comes from Ultimate Madoka (Madokami) version of Kyubey. Who knows what his Doppel will do when unleashed?
There's also this:
eh, we're a level 1 puella magi fighting on one of Alina's witches, if we want to survive, we have to go all out, and besides, doppels are relatively quick:

[x] Go for the Witch
-[x] Remember to shield yourself and the window of Dahlia from any attacks.
-[x] If you are not close enough to hit the witch, start pounding on your shield again.

not voting for the doppel addition, not because it's a bad idea, but because Nathan doesn't know he can do that yet iirc
[x] Go for the Witch
-[x] Remember to shield yourself and the window of Dahlia from any attacks.
-[x] If you are not close enough to hit the witch, start pounding on your shield again.

not voting for the doppel addition, not because it's a bad idea, but because Nathan doesn't know he can do that yet iirc
hmmm, you're right
but Kaede also didn't know about the doppel option, and it worked out relatively well
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[x] Go for the Witch
-[x] Remember to shield yourself and the window of Dahlia from any attacks.
-[x] If you are not close enough to hit the witch, start pounding on your shield again.
PMAL - Chapter 2 Part 8
[x] Go For the Witch
[ROLLS: 89, 54, 68, 11, 90]

"You're… uhm… going down?"

You weren't a hundred percent sure what the etiquette was for mid-battle conversation, but you leapt directly upwards, ascending into the air like a bottle rocket, gracefully flipping your body with the plan of positioning yourself on a roof.

Too bad the labyrinth didn't fabricate one.

You flailed in the air with a lack of a foothold, having effectively ragdolled yourself into the air with no real method of landing anywhere. Uh-oh. Your body rotated in midair as the haunting gaze of the acolytes below you were the only clue of what lied in wait once your feet hit the ground. Your body was flipped upside down, your legs awkwardly jutted out above you like you were trying to do an impromptu somersault.

"Shit!" was all you could manage as gravity began to take hold, before your Soul Gem began to glow. The emerald light emanated from the gem and grew outwards around your body like some sort of wildvine, stretching from the bauble around the nape of your neck down to your feet, looping around them before you felt something solidify down there, and you froze.

Blood rushed to your head as you craned your neck to look up. Your shoes looked fine, apart from a glowing light that seemed to beam from their soles. They were like suction cups, keeping you dangling in a precarious position in the air, and you were baffled by the fact that in the moment, you were Spider-Man from the waist down. Even the familiars seemed confused.

It felt sturdy enough. Why the Hell not?

You pushed off like it was a springboard, zipping down towards your enemies as you cape billowed in the wind. About a meter from the ground, you kicked out your leg, and a second platform materialized, allowing you to maintain the momentum, simply changing your direction mid flight like a missile as you burst forth.

Once you were in range, you thrust out your arms, swinging about like a jackknife as you tore through the familiars, rendering them into nothing, one after another as you made your path towards the witch herself.

Her body towered over you. Direct attacks don't seem like the best option.

You launched yourself at a slightly curved angle, dodging her gangly limbs as you nicked the robes covering her body, landing clumsily in the midst of the pews.

She turned to face you… though she didn't really have a face. Her whole figure was vibrating with a sheer sense of aggression. Uh-oh.

[WHAT NOW???]​

[x] Attack…
  • Her Tentacles (Ew.)
  • Her body (Covered in robes, no idea what's in there.
  • The Crown (?????)

[x] ジョースターの秘技

I've returned from the realm of college work
At least temporarily enough to write because work is awfullllll
I'll try not to vanish next time
[X] Attack the Crown

...and just like that, I'm on a watchlist in multiple European countries. :V
A trap? Inconceivable!

I'm sure the witch will decide it's nothing to lose her head over...
PMAL Chapter 2 Part 9
[x] Attack the crown.
{OFFENSE ROLLS:93, 97, 17, 77)
You felt a sheer wave of anticipation wash itself over your entire body. Your body vibrated with energy, causing you to tingle from your scalp to the tip of your toes.

End it.

Your feet pulsated with energy as you took one final burst forward, shooting outwards with a demonic cry from your throat and a hate-filled demeanor on your face as the witch shot out her jet-black tendrils. They twisted and snapped at you like a whip being cracked by a lion tamer.

Don't stop.

You tore through the limbs like it was nothing. One managed to loop around your left leg, and pulled. Hard.

It came loose from your body, and you immediately let out an eardrum-damaging shriek. Injuries never bugged you before, mostly due to the fact that you never had anything more severe than a twisted ankle. But this pain felt nigh indescribable as bloody viscera shot out of your leg, flowing fast as you desperately tried to ignore the pain. The worst part was the sudden, gaping feeling around the newfound amputation wound, and the lack of feeling right below there.

You grabbed onto one of the other tentacles wrapping around your left wrist. Taste of her own medicine, perhaps?

You jammed the bladed shield into her, before pulling outwards to rip off the appendage, and receiving a face full of the most disgusting entrails you've ever encountered- it was a shade of dark violet that looked like a bloodstained fabric, and thankfully, you didn't get a taste. The lukewarm temperature and viscid consistency was enough, thank you.

You forced yourself forward, and raising you arm triumphantly, you shanked the weapon into the crown that made up the Witch's head. It sank deep into the flesh, and you were overcome with an immediate bloodlust. You kept repeating the motion until it let loose a weakened, defeated cry, and began to collapse, sinking down into the robes before dissipating entirely, melting into itself like an implosion.

The hall fell silent, the battle won. The world around you began to warble and shift before eventually turning back into an unfamiliar hall. Dahlia laid a few feet away, panting heavily with labored breaths. Your leg laid next to her, a grief seed sitting in the blood it leaked.

And then you immediately fell over due to the lack of balance and sheer exhaustion of what you've just put yourself through.


[x] Write-in (Please form a plan of what next)
Witch #2 - Dorothea
Dorothea, the Cathedral Witch, whose nature is seeking devotion. Once she sought the truth, and once it was revealed to her, she longed for all that she'd lost along the way. She puppets her familiars with the strings tied to her crown, forcing them to exalt her name and yet hating them for parroting her words. Humans trapped in her labyrinth are compelled to shower the witch in affection, bringing her whatever she desires even at the cost of their lives. Defeating this witch is simple; just ignore everything she says.

Felice, familiar of the Cathedral Witch. Their duty is to show affection. They can often be seen running along the witch's strings, clinging to them with their many tails. However, they bear a strange curse, wherein heavy objects often fall on them.

Agape, familiar of the Cathedral Witch. Their duty is to worship. These familiars take the form of someone the witch once loved, and are controlled entirely by the witch herself. Unfortunately, as the witch desires genuine affection, they serve as little more than frustrating echoes.
