Project Moon Related Media Crossover and Fanfic Ideas Thread

I still hold the opinion of there might be some kind of feedback loop involved with The creation of the bloodfiends since the river does not have the concept of a linear time tied into it, only the points of access which is not limited to only the well.
Nosferatu create bloodfiends, bloodfiends gets feared, the fear of bloodfiends created Nosferatu, and Nosferatu get extracted in the past, repeat.
And assuming the cross loop memory wasn't unique to white night it implies abnos have a Narrative memory not history memory
If we are to say they are living stories then I'd say X and angela are likely Why they can remember as for lack of a term 'audience', confirmers of phenomena
Because their tale was read as they existed cross the loops
They can contain WhiteNight. L Corp has some serious firepower available to them, and then Qliphoth Suppression on top of that. The Pianist and The Crying Children were both only roughly WAW-class equivalent, the Bloodfiend Progenitor is certainly not beyond L Corp's capacity to suppress. Minion-creating Abnormalities tend to be more troublesome than average, but that doesn't guarantee anything.

Funny that I remember that in the unrelased Nostarafu abnormality files it was said that he willingly approached L corp to be contained which funny enough is how WhiteNight in his plague doctor form is also contained...

I still hold the opinion of there might be some kind of feedback loop involved with The creation of the bloodfiends since the river does not have the concept of a linear time tied into it, only the points of access which is not limited to only the well.
Nosferatu create bloodfiends, bloodfiends gets feared, the fear of bloodfiends created Nosferatu, and Nosferatu get extracted in the past, repeat.
Well personally I think that the bloodfiends Progenitor is a thinblood that somehow gotten access to the "lake" beneath the city and is able to drink from it, subsequently boosting his power to at laeast the equvilant of a antediluvian.

Of that theroy assumes that the whole PM universe take place in the far future of world of darkness...
Funny that I remember that in the unrelased Nostarafu abnormality files it was said that he willingly approached L corp to be contained which funny enough is how WhiteNight in his plague doctor form is also contained...
Do note those files are made to obscure the origins of the Abnormalities (being made from people).
Only the Birds are the only Abnormalities that are noted to be natural explicitly if I recall

Well personally I think that the bloodfiends Progenitor is a thinblood that somehow gotten access to the "lake" beneath the city and is able to drink from it, subsequently boosting his power to at laeast the equvilant of a antediluvian.

Of that theroy assumes that the whole PM universe take place in the far future of world of darkness...
I feel at that point why have thinbloods and why not just have Kindred existing

If anything it would be strange to have thinbloods around and not any of the natural Kindreds, since the blood would've been thinned so hard they couldn't sure any new spawn at that point.
Do note those files are made to obscure the origins of the Abnormalities (being made from people).
Only the Birds are the only Abnormalities that are noted to be natural explicitly if I recall
It is unknown which Abnormalities are natural and which are made.

Bloodbath, for example, is clearly made.
But some like Nosferatu and Plague Doctor are too uncertain to judge.

Nosferatu specifically is even harder to pin down due to the Bloodfiend connection.
It is unknown which Abnormalities are natural and which are made.

Bloodbath, for example, is clearly made.
But some like Nosferatu and Plague Doctor are too uncertain to judge.

Nosferatu specifically is even harder to pin down due to the Bloodfiend connection
That is true
I just felt I figured I should note that the origin stories on the Abno records were made to obscure the general origin.

Although reading back I realize that mention of the files was to support their theory that Nosferatu (or the Progenitor Bloodfiend) couldn't be contained by LobCorp, which if they're talking about the Main Branch, I don't think that's true because even if the Plague Doctor willingly entered. Even when he metamorphosis into White Night, the Main branch was able to contain them.

So if they can contain something that can hijack the Manager's control of time, I think they can contain any Bloodfiend primogen.
But some like Nosferatu and Plague Doctor are too uncertain to judge.

Nosferatu specifically is even harder to pin down due to the Bloodfiend connection.
That and I assume that for sentient Abnormalities the files tends to be closer to the truth(or at least what the Abnormalities believes to be the truth) If only because the mere act of talking to the Abnormalities would ruin the ruse if the files isn't 100% right.
Although reading back I realize that mention of the files was to support their theory that Nosferatu (or the Progenitor Bloodfiend) couldn't be contained by LobCorp, which if they're talking about the Main Branch, I don't think that's true because even if the Plague Doctor willingly entered. Even when he metamorphosis into White Night, the Main branch was able to contain them.
The main branch's nature is very...iffy.

The two closest comparisons we have to it are:
1. Angela's Library, which is absurdly strong for an E.G.O.
2. Wuthering Heights.

Both are very related to the River and are connected to the Light (Angela collecting + It is the same spot as the HQ, while the latter have the bough + being right above the River).

Both are inferior in the magnitude of their existence to Ayin's HQ.

The absurd importance the HQ has to the entirety of PM's universe cannot be understated. It wouldn't be wrong to say that the HQ of Lobotomy Corporation might be the singular strongest structure short of the HQ of the Head itself.

Forget The Primogenitor, Whitenight, or any other Abnormalities.

The HQ was powerful enough to contain Gebura, the "Strongest" when she had the widest amount of tools.

It was powerful enough to keep Binah permanently stuck inside its 10,000 years of time loops. Even though she had Fairy which can open anything.

Given that with a single Golden Bough, Catherine was able to essentially kill an infinite amount of Cathies, it's questionable how absurdly powerful the HQ could be had Ayin utilized the Seed of Light (i.e the rest of the tree) for anything other than his (Carmen)'s ideals.

That and I assume that for sentient Abnormalities the files tend to be closer to the truth(or at least what the Abnormalities believe to be the truth) If only because the mere act of talking to the Abnormalities would ruin the ruse if the files aren't 100% right.
We don't know. The Files presented to the Manager and the Files that are available for the Employees are 2 different things.

X isn't meant to learn the ins and outs of an Abnormality, only the bare minimum on what they should tell their employees to do. (You can pay attention to them working and see the extra messages pop out next to the containment chamber)

The files are likely not even the complete picture in comparison to the stuff our Employees have.

I wouldn't be surprised if Nosferatu did approach Ayin/Benjamin to be contained, but once he is inside the HQ, he is not getting out of there until the Seed of Light is germinated.

We know from Heathcliff's Canto that 'Fated' actions/events related to the Light will sometimes be impossible to prevent.

So far, Distortions are included in such a category. It wouldn't be a leap to say that the Seed of Light itself is another. So anything inside the HQ and it's cells won't be breaking out (because to do so, is to unbox the surprise and invite the Head's attention).
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I mean if given a large enough database and given the right to pick and choose your cherries, any series of random event can be explained as fate just because it has a pattern.
Doesn't mean it is a sealed in point in every world. It just means that there is a lot of world that this will happen, And if you can only see these words, you don't get the full image and Perhaps there is a separate infinite amount of world where this event doesn't happened. We are dealing with a Mutiverse after all. And there is no canon event in a Mutiverse. There is only coincidence and those that only look at coincidences.
This is not like fate series where there is quantum time locks, pruning and locking the world into a few Approved time lines, We are dealing with infinites here.
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Doesn't mean it is a sealed in point in every world.
Yes, but that matters little when Fated Forcefield is genuinely a canonical thing in this series.

It's safe to assume that the Seed of Light likely has capabilities it (or is it safer to say, they, as in Ayin and Carmen in the light) employs when it can to ensure it's own existence. Just as it does whenever someone manifest E.G.O or Distorts the "correct" way.

Which by the way PM/KJH, I would like a little more clarification on PLEASE?!
you know.
Looking at the fucking trailer for limbus company specifically the TGA one
the seed goes down the tree of light grows and countless branches blossom into the three games with most of them diverging into it. And those that do not branching off into dead ends.
And given the mirror time restriction, we are still limited in view. And we have already seen some dead end words already.

Have you forgotten? Lobotomy Corp A and B endings? and Library A and B endings?

Those are dead ends, The self implosion of the corporation and the seed of death of the second L Corp ending, And incomplete seed in both library bad endings, Leading into the city going back to its cycles again.
We have already seen dead end worlds. The tree of ligit is a very likely but not the only possibility.
The seed is a very possible Outcome of L Corp, Because the possibility is fucking manipulated by Ayin with the script but it doesn't mean that there isn't bad endings, He just boosted the likelyhood of the good ending 10 fold by repeating it again and again.
He forced an infinite number of possibilities down to fucking 3, With the other two being purely because you didn't Complete the script.
That is fucking impressive.
He forcefully synchronized all the time lines into three with the other two purely existing because X didn't Complete it.
He forcibly created a quantum timeline lock, to force the existence of the seed into every single universe, With only the matter of time being a problem for it.
And if the seed fails?
Those time lines simply self destruct. By the hands of Adam
And lobcorp ending A? That one can be reversed by TT2, which means there is only two possibilities for Lobotomy corporation, either it makes it or it destroys all of the world.
The existence of Lobotomy corporation is a time lock. There is no other possibilities because Ayin killed every other possibility.
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And before anyone mentions the fucking head.
Even if the head rebuilds everything, that timeline doesn't matter anymore, that timeline does not have the city we know of in it. that is a different world entirely and that doesn't fucking matter.
In the tree of possibility. That one is a separate one now. Completely disconnected and have no way to survive either way, Only the head is keeping it alive is barely even if it grows. It won't breach into ours, because There is no anchor points between the two.
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You know, I feel like Limbus kinda glossed over the fact that a) Fate is real, and b) it has a forcefield button. Just a tad.
I just sort of assumed that was Faust was being metaphorical, and that the force preventing people from interrupting a Distortion/EGO is derived from the Light. We've already got a significant exploration of the idea of fate and free will in LoR in the form of the Index, and it's significantly less explicit in its workings. Things may be "fated", but only because people will make the choices they make and in doing so trigger other people to make other choices. We create our own fates for ourselves.
I just sort of assumed that was Faust was being metaphorical, and that the force preventing people from interrupting a Distortion/EGO is derived from the Light. We've already got a significant exploration of the idea of fate and free will in LoR in the form of the Index, and it's significantly less explicit in its workings. Things may be "fated", but only because people will make the choices they make and in doing so trigger other people to make other choices. We create our own fates for ourselves.
Which begs the question
What is Fate as an entity?
We know conceptual entities and forces permeate the city on a level where one can't tell what's pure tech and what is OCCULT tech
Is Fate Carmen preventing others intervention with the distortion process
Is it something else?
Is it the Will of the city, the gestalt entity forged from its citizens and itself playing a series of events?
The Head brute forcing outcomes?
A mix or an abno?
Truly the enigma remains
Questions, when does something stop being a coincidence? Wasn't it shown 9/10 that Healthcliff and Catherine have their canon event and in only 1 timeline they were able to avoid it? Does that mean the expectation break the pattern or is the expectation the one that break the rules? Pointing to George, all his ID (so far) always have him with a prosthetic arm, even rich boy id (the one that you could argue shouldn't even have a prosthetic) still has one.

Also what's up with Iori? Her motivation is to see her son again going off of her book, and the Head is really against bringing the dead back to life. If there infinite timeline where anything could happened couldn't she just... hop over to one where her son isn't 6 feet in the ground?
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Questions, when does something stop being a coincidence? Wasn't it shown 9/10 that Healthcliff and Catherine have their canon event and in only 1 timeline they were able to avoid it? Does that mean the expectation break the pattern or is the expectation the one that break the rules? Pointing to George, all his ID (so far) always have him with a prosthetic arm, even rich boy id (the one that you could argue shouldn't even have a prosthetic) still has one.

Also what's up with Iori? Her motivation is to see her son again going off of her book, and the Head is really against bringing the dead back to life. If there infinite timeline where anything could happened couldn't she just... hop over to one where her son isn't 6 feet in the ground?

The most recent Dante's Notes implies tha Heath and Cathy were tunnelvisioned, and the Mirror only showed bad ends to reflect their confrmation bias.

As Dante points out, the Mirror Worlds are infinite, and reading through an infinite data set takes infinite time, even if you only glance at each World for a second. Therefore, while Erlking and Every Cathy never found a World where they get a happily ever after, that doesn't mean a World like that is impossible.
The most recent Dante's Notes implies tha Heath and Cathy were tunnelvisioned, and the Mirror only showed bad ends to reflect their confrmation bias.

As Dante points out, the Mirror Worlds are infinite, and reading through an infinite data set takes infinite time, even if you only glance at each World for a second. Therefore, while Erlking and Every Cathy never found a World where they get a happily ever after, that doesn't mean a World like that is impossible.

Damn skill issues. Also what is up with Erlking? Is that like his full ego or is it something else?
Heathcliff is a natural born Necromancer, apparently. Wild Hunt Heathcliff says that all his other Mirror selves just develop the ability to cast Create Undead at will as a Spell-Like Ability eventually.

I can't tell if you're joking or not. That sound wacky af. Bro invested one level into the sorcerer class.

Also the mirror would be like a good couple tests, "both look into the mirror and tell the other how many bad timeline there is."
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Heathcliff is a natural born Necromancer, apparently. Wild Hunt Heathcliff says that all his other Mirror selves just develop the ability to cast Create Undead at will as a Spell-Like Ability eventually.

So you're saying that eventually Heathcliff will bring back Cathrine as an undead. Well we already have the human flycockroach and a vampire, might as well add a lich.

Also the mirror would be like a good couples test, "both look into the mirror and tell the other how many bad timeline there is."

"It's The City. They're all bad one way or another."
To be fair...

It's probably related to his E.G.O since every Heathcliffs usually have their Catherine dead, so it might be the manifestation of their desire to resurrect a loved one. know, messed up since Heathcliffs in such situations are usually consumed by rage.
A nercomancer, a vampire, a database, and a marked one walk into the bar...
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Heathcliff just being born a Sorcerer isn't unprecedented even without his E.G.O.

Iori gets to cast Planeshift at will and she did that before the Seed of Light project started.