Project Moon Related Media Crossover and Fanfic Ideas Thread

When I say the crying things are considered as cattle I'm saying that the head wouldn't care about them becausethe head don't think these crying eyeballs can actually attack human in any meaningful capacity other than trying to trow tears on us, and don't have enough intelligence to be counted as things with human like Intelligence and they are not treated with the basic human rights of the city of having to pay their own taxes.

The great lake is a part of the outskirts, The district of what count as within the city is only extending to the end of land and not counting anything beyond the shoreline which means the whales are considered outskirt anomaly creatures.

Other than that, Transformed human are only okay when the head considers the process to be wholy human in origin( The process is human made, the material is human and who did that to them is a human or human made being) or they are not powerful enough to have any possibility of usurping humans, and even then I am not sure they will have the status of being "a human"

Distortions and abnos are considered human because they are human ideas or humans who have been consumed by an idea. The mermaids are harvested for their organs and oil, The crying things are milked like cattle, The sweepers at least have the decency of being treated as janitor staff by the head. The other two are actually just treated as fish and cattle.

There is the case of Angela which shows that if you have the possibility of actually becoming fully human and have the desire to be human, the head doesn't care about you

So why would the head allow something that does not even see themselves as humans, originated not from a human made process or something made by humans, Having enough power to have a possibility of usurping human rule, have no way to turn back to humanity, and in the end a bunch of beast in human like features who wants to make humans into their cattles?
So why would the head allow something that does not even see themselves as humans, originated not from a human made process or something made by humans, Having enough power to have a possibility of usurping human rule, have no way to turn back to humanity, and in the end a bunch of beast in human like features who wants to make humans into their cattles?

I suppose that depends on how you want to write this hypothetical crossover.

If you want to stick to PM canon, then the various monsters could be reinterpreted as Distortion-like beings. Father Wolf, Luna, Gaia, the Exarchs, the True Fae, the Principle, etc. could be rendered as equivalents to Nosferatu.

Even if they loom large in the WoD setting's lore, the games aren't really about those high powered eldritch entities. They're more like GM characters who wield phenomenal power in the background while the actual PCs play in a different sandbox with powers that are so much weaker.

Different GM, different GM characters.

If we're going the other direction and considering WoD as the ancient past of the City, making it something like A World of Future Darkness or something, then they might just be too difficult to root out from humanity at this point.

There are ways to evade a Beholder's sight, and those kinds of powers would be essential for anything with a Supernatural Potency trait to live in this Age of Humanity. Like cockroaches, if you see one monster, there's a colony of them somewhere. Rooting them out entirely is basically impossible without doing undue damage to the Head's garden. So the Head contents itself with the occasional purges to keep the monsters hiding in their very crowded shadows.

Those that can't hide are probably just chilling in the Outskirts somewhere.

Edit: You can also just use Beast: The Primordial as the WoD's overarching canon if you want to weld it to PM. Very few people I know of like Beast the Primordial, but it's explanation for all the weird shit happening is the most conducive to the City.

The titular Beasts are humans possessed by a Horror from the collective subconscious of humanity, needing to feed on human fear to survive. The lore of Beasts say all WoD monsters are descended from ancient Beasts who evolved in some way, losing their need to feed on fears in exchange for feeding on other stuff and having fixed weaknesses.

It's not hard to just say that Horrors and Abnormalities are the same/related phenomena, and thus that all monsters can be considered a kind of Distortion.
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So the idea is that E.G.O. is a kind of Exigence then?
Correct! I think it's pretty easy to design individuals like Gebura and Xiao as Exigents accounting for their existing abilities (heck, Xiao's just a Celestial-level Dragon-Blood in my eyes with how many of their traits she embodies.) Plus, it makes sense that an E.G.O. would be something that connects to your soul like an Exaltation would.

That, and if we remove Gebura, Xiao and Binah (I'd guess that Arbiters are like Exigents in their own right, they certainly have the strength and powers for it with their Singularities) from the pool of candidates, we can have a more diverse cast/Circle to work with. Why bother making everyone a Solar or Lunar when we can have some unique cases mixed in with everything?
Correct! I think it's pretty easy to design individuals like Gebura and Xiao as Exigents accounting for their existing abilities (heck, Xiao's just a Celestial-level Dragon-Blood in my eyes with how many of their traits she embodies.) Plus, it makes sense that an E.G.O. would be something that connects to your soul like an Exaltation would.

That, and if we remove Gebura, Xiao and Binah (I'd guess that Arbiters are like Exigents in their own right, they certainly have the strength and powers for it with their Singularities) from the pool of candidates, we can have a more diverse cast/Circle to work with. Why bother making everyone a Solar or Lunar when we can have some unique cases mixed in with everything?

That would certainly make things more interesting.

Exaltation and Exigents are generally created by the gods and/or Primordials. They all have patrons, even if those patrons can't rescind their gifts.

Would you consider Carmen/Ayin as E.G.O.'s patron or would that just be the Light/Singularity itself?

Or would you consider this situation more akin to the Exaltations from the Shards?
That would certainly make things more interesting.

Exaltation and Exigents are generally created by the gods and/or Primordials. They all have patrons, even if those patrons can't rescind their gifts.

Would you consider Carmen/Ayin as E.G.O.'s patron or would that just be the Light/Singularity itself?

Or would you consider this situation more akin to the Exaltations from the Shards?
I'd say that the Light itself is the "Patron," even if Carmen's there to throw a wrench in things when she can. Distortion slightly complicates things here, as you might imagine.

On the subject of how WOD relates to Project Moon I've noticed that the fixers do kinda look like a wod splat if you think about it.

Like to use VtM as an example the Association (especially Hana) is a rough anolog to Camilla in as so far they are large alliance of clans/organisations that define and enforce the laws and practices of they respective splats, they have a dark counterpart (the Sabbatt and the Five Fingers) who on default is assumed to be more evil than the player counterparts.

Though interestingly enough, the Five Fingers has the opposite philosophy of Sabbat since the Fingers as a whole is about embracing human customs (Hireacy = Thumb, Art = Ring, Faith = Index, Family = Middle, Promises(?) = Pinky) to the most illogical extremes compared to the Sabbat's rejection of the same concepts, and you could even say the Yurodiviye is the Cites equivalent of Anarchs, although the only differences are that Yurodiviye has a figurehead to rally around in the form Saint Sonya and the Anarchs just don't.

Finally, the Association even have a rough elder equivalent in the form of the Colour title which is only handed out to the most exceptional fixers and most characters that bear the Colour title would be high profile NPCs in the vein Beckett and the Purple Tear in pretcuar would fit the mould of a hyper manipulative metaplot character since every time she appeared in a project moon media it's heavily implied she here to ensures the situation goes a certain way so it would fit into her plans.

Of course the main differences between the Fixers and the Vampires and other WoD splats is that fixers dosent have a masquerade equvilant since at the end of the day Fixers are considered a mundane job in the city (if anything it's usually they clients that enforces they own masquerade) and the "clanless" character not getting screwed over as much as in the other gamelines since there isn't any social or supernatural stigma for they're existence (besides not being able to put worked for an Association on they resume) and there's nothing that prevents an independent fixer from actually attaining a Colour tile. Indeed, only two of the Colour fixers mentioned in the games are explicitly said to be part of an Association, the Red Shack whose probably killed by Christmas gnomes in the outskirts (it's a long story) and the Purple tear who Founded her Association.

The titular Beasts are humans possessed by a Horror from the collective subconscious of humanity, needing to feed on human fear to survive. The lore of Beasts say all WoD monsters are descended from ancient Beasts who evolved in some way, losing their need to feed on fears in exchange for feeding on other stuff and having fixed weaknesses.

Of course I should note that the difference between beasts and distortions is that instead of a possession by an external being the distortions is explicitly said to be a person's own self-destructive tendencies made manifest by the light (with Carmen providing a light push). Though an existence of an EGO welder equivalent for the beasts as Golconda equivalent is interesting shake up for the gameline.

If you want to stick to PM canon, then the various monsters could be reinterpreted as Distortion-like beings. Father Wolf, Luna, Gaia, the Exarchs, the True Fae, the Principle, etc. could be rendered as equivalents to Nosferatu.

The picture of all those powerful entities in the WOD metaplot getting bottled up in a Lcorp facility somewhere bring me endless amusement.
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The picture of all those powerful entities in the WOD metaplot getting bottled up in a Lcorp facility somewhere bring me endless amusement.

I'd imagine they'd either be natural WAW and ALEPH Abnormalities/Aberrations like Nosferatu and White Night, or that they fell off hard in between modern day and the Age of Humanity.
I'd imagine they'd either be natural WAW and ALEPH Abnormalities/Aberrations like Nosferatu and White Night, or that they fell off hard in between modern day and the Age of Humanity.

Talking about Abnormalities anyone got an idea for a WoD themed fan Abnormalities? One idea I have for abno is called the Sliver Hatred which represents humanities hatred towards the garou and the need to avenge those who died during the imurgum. They're pretty calm and civil when interacting with humans but in the presence of werewolves they go totally ballistic and try to attack them. Influence any weak willed employees to follow and they also have an erlking Esq to ability to resurrect people who died to garou claws as sliver clawed wraith intent on avenging they deaths...
Been thinking on it, I wonder if U Corp has Sweepers. It is after all, out at sea.
what exactly happened to the world of project moon to make it the way it is? how did the civilization that preceded the city fuck reality up that badly?
what exactly happened to the world of project moon to make it the way it is? how did the civilization that preceded the city fuck reality up that badly?

IIRC In Lobotomy Corporation, Angela states that there was a World War were all sides were throwing Singularities around. Then the Head came, beat everyone created the City and forced everyone there to follow their laws.
I suddenly have a safe way to put Ayin in P3 without any usual bullshit.

that being said, I still have my Ayin in P5R story I need to get back to, but, my jobs is eating away all my time
what exactly happened to the world of project moon to make it the way it is? how did the civilization that preceded the city fuck reality up that badly?
The war mentioned by ziizo is most likely the smoke war which is not the reason why the city came to be.
The reason why the city came to be like this has no answer. but we have theories.
One of those that I personally support and is mostly taken by the community is that there was three apocalypses that almost killed humanity.
the theory is supported by the ordeals in Lobcorp, Which is machine uprising, Big *** off bugs, and eldritch bs.
The ordeals in Lobotomy corporation symbolizes humanity fears, And since one of the ordeals is basically the social structure of the city itself, It is reasonable to assume that: Most if not all of the ordeals were real at some point.
and this lines up with the head's conduct.
All the ordeals except those that doesn't have a midnight or the white one, Shares one single trait with each other.
They are not human.
And the head doesn't allow anything non human.
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So since the current Canto as of writing obviously going to heavily feature bloodfiends and Moses just delivered an exposition dump on them I think it's Appropriate to make a list on what we know about the bloodfiends. Which are the following:

  • The blood fiends can control blood and shape it to they will, and they use this ability to create Various construct when needed (usually it's weapons and armour to fight but this ability can also be used for creating whole buildings as La Macha Land has shown).
  • The Bloodfiends also has a VtM style generation system where higher numbered generation bloodfiend is weaker and Subsequently Subordinate to a lower numbered generation bloodfiend (ex the 6th gen Cassetti is weaker than a second gen Don Quixote (?) )
  • The Bloodfiends can only turn two humans (or embrace to borrow a VtM term) into bloodfiends at a time no matter the generation (for example a First kindred can only create two second kindred and the two second Kindreds can collectively create four third Kindreds and so on) The only reason Moses give for this rule is that a bloodfiends can't create family members willy-nilly.
  • Blood fends can also create bloodbags which are former humans who are reduced to feral ghoul like things that only instinct is to collect more blood for they master. A bite from a blood fiend could instantly turn a human into a bloodbag though a lower gen bloodfiend could delay the transformation or even stop it and trigger it later
  • The only bloodfiend that is exempt from the above rule is the progenitor of bloodfiends who sired many First Kindreds before He's presumably locked up by L Corp (assuming Nostrafu is the progenitor... ).
  • A bloodfiend is psychological block ageist feeding a bloodfiend of a bloodfiend of a lower generation. Moses compares it to a child unwilling to harm they own parent and the act it self is known as "going ageist the blood stream" which is one of the biggest crime a bloodfiend can commit in the eyes of other bloodfiends.
  • Bloodfiends has a crippling fear of water. Moses said it's purely phycological and water can't actually hurt them but they still recoil at the sight of it. Though elder Bloodfiends can resist the effect since blood is thicker than water...
  • There's a noticeable familial them with the bloodfiends where they embraced are refured to sons and dughters and they in turn refured to they sired as mother/farther...
  • Moses outright said that Bloodfiends aren't distortions, they're undoubtedly related to distortions in some way but aren't distortions themselves.
That's all the facts I can think off on the top of my head. Feel free to inform me if I missed anything.
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Its mentioned that like VtM Clans, Bloodfiends can gain special abilities based on their sire. Also, I believe Distortion Detective mentioned there's only one First Kindred/Elder active in each District.
Its mentioned that like VtM Clans, Bloodfiends can gain special abilities based on their sire.

Yeah, though unfortunately I doubt we'll see that aspect on display in this current Canto since as we know we're fighting the one clan though I should note that the Tzimisce style blood magic all Bloodfiends displays is a inherent ability and not a skill that needs to be taught. This fact would elate some "intresting " reactions from a Tzimisce if they run into a bloodfiend...
If nothing else bloodfiends are likely, keyword here, likely similar to other abno affected employees from Lob corp
A term we could use as a catch all could be Derivatives considering the nature of the category

This also somewhat shines a light on the heads own.... standards of humanity
To correlate everything
1 the human must be genetically ubiquitous for them to allow them to exist until your typical city induced death
This is based on conjecture in regards to faust being the homunculoys stuff... which considering all the details we've seen including her hex nail corrosion, it's kind of pointing to her being a designer baby if I remember the term right which assuming the recurring flask motif isn't just for symbolism then faust for lack of a term is a mewtwo of the original faust which means the head is Okay with artificial humans.... and explains why the population is never depleted and yet no one on the backstreets is simply abducted for human testing by the wings
Why do that when you can make a disposable lab rat?
Also explains the dough at wuthering heights... and the agent creator at lob corp head quarters

2 they will not destroy a non human entity that has a liklihood of acquiring genetic humanity at minimum....... we have precedence for this by library of ruinas conclusion, they will only strike AFTER they give up the pursuit of humanity

3 any non human that is non sapient or stuck in a cognitive loop is okay, it's only when they diverge and getting sapient the head brings the hammer down
Likely why ordeals, mutant animals and similar are allowed but the gnomes aren't , same likely applies to abnormalities of definite non human nature and hologram from wonderlab

4 The human must not have died and been resurrected in the same body, why this is I have no clue but assuming fixer insurance runs on this principal this does explain why dante isn't hammered down and that the agent records are a thing in Lob corp headquarters
dante undoes death, not resurrects, distinct semantic difference
While the other creates either a copy after the original is disposed of feasibly, whether the spirit goes into the copy is another question

5 as long as humans do not remove all organic aspects, the head won't bring the hammer down on them, another conjecture based on what we've dealt with thus far
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I don't think Nosferatu is the Bloodfiend progenitor, mainly because I don't think L Corp could have contained such a thing.
Which means that nosferatu is a lesser abberant..... which makes sense afterall we've seen his style and it doesn't match what we've seen of elena or other bloodfiends
Could mean there is a nosferatu lineage of bloodfiends though

Assuming there is an abno progenitor................
Well considering 400 roses I'm willing to bet it predates nosferatu a good deal
I don't think Nosferatu is the Bloodfiend progenitor, mainly because I don't think L Corp could have contained such a thing.
They can contain WhiteNight. L Corp has some serious firepower available to them, and then Qliphoth Suppression on top of that. The Pianist and The Crying Children were both only roughly WAW-class equivalent, the Bloodfiend Progenitor is certainly not beyond L Corp's capacity to suppress. Minion-creating Abnormalities tend to be more troublesome than average, but that doesn't guarantee anything.

Which means that nosferatu is a lesser abberant..... which makes sense afterall we've seen his style and it doesn't match what we've seen of elena or other bloodfiends
Nosferatu's style is extremely similar to Elena's, but the Bloodfiends from La Manchaland have a different style of fighting that primarily involves crystallised blood rather than the more vine-like version Elena and Nosferatu both use.
They can contain WhiteNight. L Corp has some serious firepower available to them, and then Qliphoth Suppression on top of that. The Pianist and The Crying Children were both only roughly WAW-class equivalent, the Bloodfiend Progenitor is certainly not beyond L Corp's capacity to suppress. Minion-creating Abnormalities tend to be more troublesome than average, but that doesn't guarantee anything.

Nosferatu's style is extremely similar to Elena's, but the Bloodfiends from La Manchaland have a different style of fighting that primarily involves crystallised blood rather than the more vine-like version Elena and Nosferatu both use.
Which means.......
Remember the carousel that has impaled bodies in don quis promo image?
And alot of the bloodfiends of LA mancha use piercing type attacks I'm guessing
Calling it a hunch

But wouldn't be surprised if the abno equivalent of Dracul got involvement pending details
Afterall.... assuming vlad embodies a bloody crusade
Who better as part of his retinue than one like Don am I right?
They can contain WhiteNight. L Corp has some serious firepower available to them, and then Qliphoth Suppression on top of that. The Pianist and The Crying Children were both only roughly WAW-class equivalent, the Bloodfiend Progenitor is certainly not beyond L Corp's capacity to suppress. Minion-creating Abnormalities tend to be more troublesome than average, but that doesn't guarantee anything.
Ah, I misstated my meaning. L Corp has firepower, there is no denying it, but their primary method of containing Abnormalities is the Qlipoth Deterrence. I don't think the Bloodfiend Progenitor is an Abnormality, I don't think it's Nosferatu, and I doubt that L Corp could contain it if it isn't.
Ah, I misstated my meaning. L Corp has firepower, there is no denying it, but their primary method of containing Abnormalities is the Qlipoth Deterrence. I don't think the Bloodfiend Progenitor is an Abnormality, I don't think it's Nosferatu, and I doubt that L Corp could contain it if it isn't.
Deterrence works on things that aren't Abnormalities, though. It's able to slow down and even temporarily reverse the effects of the Pallid Whale's Pallidification, and I have a suspicion that the Golden Bough is going to be important to the Bloodfiends in La Manchaland somehow.
I still hold the opinion of there might be some kind of feedback loop involved with The creation of the bloodfiends since the river does not have the concept of a linear time tied into it, only the points of access which is not limited to only the well.
Nosferatu create bloodfiends, bloodfiends gets feared, the fear of bloodfiends created Nosferatu, and Nosferatu get extracted in the past, repeat.
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