Princess of Mandalore (Youjo Senki/Star Wars)

Chapter 51, 717 FNM (21 BBY) Month 4
Chapter 51, 717 FNM (21 BBY) Month 4

Coruscant, Senate Building
Tanya Kryze

This is madness of a higher degree than I thought possible for this universe. On a level that I nearly suspected a certain God-claiming entity may be screwing with me again. Though considering how blatant he had been in my last life, that seemed very unlikely.

News from the Mandalore sector had been strange over the past month. First, there was the report that the Maelstrom, a ship deployed next to the Mandalorian sector, had been seized by an unknown force of Mandalorians. This had started a literal riot in the Senate, with people demanding explanations for why the Maelstrom, a Battle-Cruiser — one of the very few of its class — is now in the hands of what could be best described as pirates. Senator Merrik had returned to Mandalore for a CNS meeting to discuss how the Ryloth could integrate with the CNS, economically at least when the report on the fate of the Maelstrom reached the Senate.

The exact information on who was responsible had been classified at the time. Either the Jedi Council or the Supreme Chancellor's war council had decided to wait and see on the details before deciding on their next course of action. I had, for the most part, not been able to find anything out on my own. Even delving into my little side project as White Silver gave me sparse reports that something had happened on the borders of the Mandalore sector. I had to wait for Satine to send a report to keep me up to date with what is going on there.

Apparently, Death Watch is actually not just a bunch of kids, but actually an organized paramilitary with significant backing. Death Watch saw the Maelstrom glass Kromus, killing a billion people that live on it, including a population of Mandalorian natives. In retaliation, Death Watch boarded the Maelstrom and killed everyone onboard, even the Jedi in charge of the Maelstrom.

In light of this information, I arranged this meeting with other members of the Neutral Council available on Coruscant to discuss what this would mean for us. There were a few observers as well. Padmé, for instance, is here and she spoke briefly about a problem Naboo had once with pirates and how the local authorities had eventually dealt with them. I am in favor of that because if there is clear evidence that the ones responsible are pirates, Mandalore would handle them without Republic intervention.

Except the day before the meeting, things were thrown out of whack when an unofficial report got leaked to the public holonet. This report outlined a few critical details, mainly that the Mandalorians responsible for taking the Maelstrom are affiliated with Death Watch. The report explained that Death Watch is a terrorist organization that wanted to return Mandalore to its Crusading ways. This raised alarm bells amongst the various Senators and news agencies, who are currently inflating this issue as the possible return of Crusading Mandalorians. Members of the CNS are not immune to the fear, as most of them are located very close to Mandalore and have a history of being on the receiving end of a Mandalorian Crusade.

That changed the calculus greatly. All of a sudden, the pirates had become potential invaders of a similar vein to Mongols, which made it extremely harder to deal with.

I wasn't hyperventilating at all, despite how this created a greater problem. Already, there were a few calls from the Senate to launch thorough investigations on the level of the Austro-Hungarian Empire poking around Serbia during World War 1.

This will ignite a conflict. I am reasonably certain how my fellow Mandalorians would react to this kind of "investigation" and it could push the CNS directly into the CIS's hands. If anyone was playing someone, it was Dooku, as he'd obviously engineered a situation that very well could see him gain allies even with his currently terrible reputation for their own misbegotten superweapon uses.

Because in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter if one side used superweapons; it's whichever side decided to invade Mandalore first that would determine what side the CNS would probably be forced onto.

Trying to take a calming breath, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Looking to my left, I saw Padmé looking worried as she said, "Are you alright?"

"N-not really." I admitted, not feeling fine at all. The pressure is definitely building, and I am annoyed at the fact that I am going to have to deal with this situation alone for the next few days until Senator Merrik returns.

Since I am the representative of Mandalore, I am the only one with the authority of defending Mandalore's honor during the debates for the next few days. Then Senator Merrik and Duchess Satine could take over when they arrived. At least they would be bringing, from what reports indicated, evidence of this massacre that Death Watch accused the Republic of. It would be very useful in trying to build a case that, though Death Watch are Mandalorians, they are operating as independent actors or as vigilantes.

Mumbling to myself, I said, "I'm just coming up with ways to try and keep this situation under control, so it doesn't spill out into a war for the Mandalore sector."

"How would pirates spill out into a war for the Mandalore sector?" Padmé asked, raising an eyebrow.

I looked at her before I realized she didn't know about the leaked report. She still thought that pirates were the ones who stole the Maelstrom. She didn't realize that the culprits have been identified and they are painted as resurgent Mongols rather than Somali pirates.

Sighing, I tapped my finger rapidly on the table in front of me and said, "We found out who did it, and they're no longer just pirates but an organized paramilitary. These Death Watch have managed to do something that very few people have ever achieved, and that is to make the Republic lose the moral high ground. We can call them pirates, terrorists, whatever we want, but people are going to know that they were involved in efforts to bring vengeance on a rogue commander that had committed a war crime. This means the average Mandalorian isn't going to look at them and see pirates, terrorists, or any other organization that they would willingly turn in. They will see freedom fighters and vigilantes that are doing good and will conceal information and support them in some ways."

"That can't be right. I mean, they're Death Watch. It is in the name. I may not know everything there is about the Mandalorian sector, but I've heard about how they were involved in various atrocities during the Mandalorian Civil War." Padmé said.

I shrugged and said, "It doesn't matter what they did during the civil war. What matters is what they do now, since people only care about what you're currently doing for them. Sure, there'll be a few who have old grievances with the organization, but those people would probably still look at this situation with some grudging respect. They may not help Death Watch directly, but they probably will not help the Republic find Death Watch either. In essence, the organization has managed to give itself enough legitimacy that it will have people who are more than willing to look the other way. The fact that they apparently favor Duchess Satine being in control of the Mandalore sector means most peaceful Mandalorians will look the other way as well, since they're taking their conflict out of the sector."

"Okay, but if they acknowledge Duchess Satine as the leader of the Mandalorian sector, why doesn't she just order them to turn themselves in and hand over the Maelstrom?" Padmé asked.

I gave her a raised eyebrow before saying, "I guess she could do that, but would they listen to her? That's another question entirely. They can claim that she's simply doing this to maintain neutrality as her goal. Not to mention, I don't think even if she ordered it, they would hand it over. They've been given a battle-cruiser; they could claim they crashed it into the sun as recompense for the supposed genocide they're claiming happened. But everyone will know that it's still out there somewhere, being used as a training facility or storage facility for resources. It's a mobile base at this point, and no sane person would be willing to give up a mobile base."

"So, what is Duchess Satine going to do about this?" Padmé asked.

I shook my head and said, "I have no idea. But I have faith she'll come up with something. Hopefully, something that would prevent the invasion of the Mandalore sector, along with the complete and utter destruction of what's left of the fragile ecosystems that make up its planets."

Mandalore, Sundari Palace
Korkie Kryze

Standing off to one side, I listen as the council meeting between my aunt and several members of her council are being discussed.

Auntie Satine had returned from Concordia in a not-so-great mood. The details of what exactly had occurred on her trip are hard to pin down as she's keeping it classified, but it seems Auntie had snuck into a Death Watch recruitment camp with only a Jedi and an infamous bounty hunter. I find that hard to believe, it sounded too reckless for Aunt Satine to do. It sounded like something Tanya or Aunt Bo might do, so likely some outside influence is to blame. However, Auntie had discovered something in the Death Watch camp, while watching the camp organize and train new recruits, before they got shipped off.

I wasn't aware of everything that had happened, but the majority of what I had heard came down to the ancient ways not having gone away and not having been tamed as White Silver claimed they would be. Instead, someone is putting together a crusade for the greater Mandalore sector to fight the Republic, and whoever they are is using the name Death Watch as a banner to rally behind. The only good news is that they were not trying to start a war in the Mandalore sector, at least as far as I had heard.

Governor Vizsla is making a very good point as he spoke to Duchess Satine.

"Obviously, this Death Watch organization is trying to draw the Republic to invade the Mandalore sector. With them on the loose, the Republic will be even more fearful of us. The fact that there is a rogue faction using our territory as recruiting grounds for their war against the Republic is going to cause issues." Governor Vizsla said.

"I couldn't agree more." Prime Minister Almec said with a nod. "Rogue Mandalorians, such as Death Watch and their recently acquired ship, are just one of the problems going on. I also heard that the Mandalorian Protectors were involved in several conflicts in the Maldrood sector, Coreward of us, as well as taking part in the defense of Null."

"Even if Mandalore and the Council of Neutral Systems maintains complete order and keeps to the charter honorably, that will be insufficient in the eyes of the Republic. Death Watch and the Mandalorians Protectors openly operate and recruit in our sector. If we continue to provide a safe haven for threats to the Republic, like these rogue Mandalorians, the Republic will view our neutrality as illegitimate. And it will be illegitimate. The Republic will no doubt insist on garrisons and staging grounds in our territories if we ignore these rogue Mandalorians." Governor Vizsla said.

"I will not let that happen." Satine said rather clearly and with an air of annoyance to the idea alone before she continued. "Mandalore will continue to maintain its independence, neutrality, and will not be a battleground for two petulant governments acting like disobedient children." Satine frowned and shook her head. "I know the situation seems dire, but there are still ways to protect the core values of our New Mandalorian way."

"The Mandalorian Self-Defense Force will help us protect those values. We can roll them out and deploy them to try and counter any Death Watch recruitment. There are over 15,000 systems that support the Council of Neutral Systems that require additional forces to harden the sector, 10,000 of them bordering the Mandalore sector. These systems need protection from operations like we've seen carried out on several planets by both the CIS and the Republic.

Surely, if we deploy the Mandalorian Self-Defense Force to help train self-defense forces across these systems, it would provide opportunities for young men to go have an adventure without having to join Death Watch or the Mandalorian Protectors."

Deputy Prime Minister Jerec hmm-ed before saying, "It could work, but all that does is increase our military spending, which is a nasty word on Kalevala, as well as possibly make us look like an even bigger threat to the Republic. We have already dedicated fifty million Arkanian troopers to these garrisons. I believe the analysis of system defense called for three to four thousand soldiers per star system as a minimum garrison force. The Arkanians are more than enough for that. If we turned the MSDF into a jobs program by expanding the garrisons, it would deeply harm the prestige of the institution."

Aunt Satine is deep in thought before saying, "I understand, but this is why I'm going to the Republic to speak with the Senate to plead our case that we have no interest in joining the war and simply are defending ourselves against hostile action from the CIS or the Republic, as well as demand an answer to what happened on Kromus. The planet is close enough to join the Council of Neutral Systems; it was merely taken over in the beginning of the war. We need answers on why it was decided that the best option was to destroy the planet."

"My Duchess, are you sure that's wise?" Prime Minister Almec said. "As a Head of State, traveling outside the sector is incredibly risky. The Republic might be tempted to arrest you as the opening move of an illegal invasion. Pirates might kidnap you for ransom. The CIS could attack your ship. Or a whole host of reasons."

"Admittedly, that is a risk, but I am sure that the Royal Guard can protect me. In addition, we will be taking routes very few people know aboard the Coronet. Only me and several trusted senators, including Senator Merrik, will be aboard."

"I still believe this is a bit too risky." Governor Vizsla said. "Is there not some way to raise your security force? The Royal Guards are excellent, yes, but perhaps we can have the Jedi — what was his name, General Kenobi? Perhaps he can escort you to make sure everything goes well. They are, after all, peacekeepers."

"General Kenobi..." Satine trailed off, and I noticed that she seemed distressed at the idea. Finally, she relented and nodded. In a quieter tone, she said, "Y-yes, I can speak to him about this. The Jedi are servants of peace, so he can be trusted with my safety."

Nodding his head in approval, Prime Minister Almec acted as if nothing unusual had occurred, "Good, good. As for deploying the MSDF to train the local garrisons, I'll coordinate with Minister Ordo on arranging our forces while you're making the trip to Coruscant. I wish you luck, Duchess."

"Thank you, Prime Minister. If there are no other pressing matters. I shall take my leave." Satine said, getting up from her seat and nodding to me to follow as she stepped out of the main area as the others began to continue discussing their next course of action.

Letting out a deep breath as she shut the door behind us, she asked, "So, how are things at the academy?"

I smiled before saying, "Going well, Auntie Satine. Why did you call for me to come by today?"

Smiling, she said, "I just wanted a friendly face I knew I could trust on before I head out on this trip." She paused before saying, "Though I am concerned with the current situation, I thought I would get your opinion on the matter."

Aunt Satine stepped out onto a balcony, and I paused, considering her question seriously for a moment. She called out, "My advisors have already given me their opinions. I wanted a different point of view, someone younger."

I followed her out onto the balcony, looking out over the city, wondering what I would do if I were Duke of Mandalore. Neither the Republic nor the Separatists had much to offer Mandalore. We could make do without the Ithorians if we had to. It would be best if we could be left alone in peace, independent, and not drawn further into the conflict. All our problems could be traced back to external interference, in my opinion.

"I'm afraid my opinion is not too dissimilar from theirs. Trying to maintain neutrality is the best course. The problem, of course, being that there are factions that want to take part in the conflict for their own reasons. Death Watch claims that they oppose the Republic because they caused a massacre. Even if Kromus was destroyed exactly as Death Watch reported, do we know if their cause is legitimate or a matter of convenience? It's suspicious that they were in the system, but didn't stop the Maelstrom until after the planet was destroyed. So it could be mere propaganda to support their cause and undermine you." I wondered aloud.

Auntie nodded her head before saying, "That is a concern I have, though I think if the leader really is aiming to become a..." She grimaced at the title, "Mand'alor, they probably would have attempted to kill me on Concordia. I don't fully understand his motives or know what Death Watch is playing at, but at the very least, I think there is a possibility for a peaceful resolution with them."

I nodded at that.

Satine continued, "If they really did have an opportunity and didn't take it, I'd say something favorable about the Death Watch. But that does not change the fact that their actions are likely to draw us into a situation that the Neutral Council could not handle."

Shaking my head, I pointed out the obvious solution, "Aren't they a stateless entity who have propagated war on the Republic? Why not label them as terrorists? We already have laws in place to combat such groups."

Auntie Satine she looked out over the city. "Saying that is easily done. Yes, I imagine that will already be decided by the time I reach Coruscant. The main problem, though, is they're now folk heroes across the sector. And if we do anything against them, it would legitimize their cause. Give them standing to come against us."

She paused before finally admitting, "There is, of course, an option to officially declare them terrorists and attempt to dissuade people from joining them, without actually taking any active action against them. But that could be seen as taking the situation too lightly by the Republic if we don't show some sort of result."

"If there are no results and if they're already declared terrorists, local forces will be keeping their eyes on anyone who shows up wearing their iconography. And if they commit any crimes, they could be put in jail for that crime and tack on an aggravation charge for being linked to such an organization."

Aunt Satine looked at me before nodding, saying, "That could work. Of course, assuming they don't ask us to hand over the Mandalorians without due process first. That's a step too far."

I'm not sure that it was far enough, actually. After all, if they were connected to an organization that attacked the Republic, and attacked the legitimate government of Mandalore, did we really need them in the Mandalore sector? But I kept that to myself.

Instead, I suggested a policy that had worked in the past, "What if we just keep these troublemakers in Mandalore, designate one of the systems as a penal colony. Like we did with Concordia after the Civil War."

Satine grunted in annoyance, "While that did me some good, turning Concordia into a penal colony only guaranteed that the population became supportive of Death Watch when this conflict sprung up."

I reluctantly nodded my head, as that is an unfortunate point. Whatever fallout this future penal colony would create would likely become my headache in the future.

Satine grimaced, "Despite the drawbacks, it is an option. I'll talk to Governor Pre, see if he has any ideas what we can do about this. Perhaps he knows of a planet where we can send people to work off minor crimes." She turned from the view of Sundari and headed back inside.

I followed Auntie back inside, "Actually, I think you had the right idea when you asked for my opinion."

Talking with Soniee, Lagos and Amis often introduced me to new ways of thinking, an outside perspective. "Let's discuss this with others more and I'll do some research too. It's not urgent yet and..." Now it was my turn to grimace, "Tanya probably has some ideas on the topic as well."

Auntie Satine turned to me and gave me a hug. "I just wanted us to live in a peaceful era. I am sorry that you have to go through a war like I did."

I hugged her back, thinking, "It's not your fault, Auntie. We don't choose the times we live in, only the friends we keep by our side."

Auntie Satine let go and nodded back more seriously. "This trip to Coruscant is vital to keep Mandalore out of the war. I wish for Mandalore to preserve its neutrality. That way, we could create a space for the Republic and the CIS to speak as equals and try to work out this conflict as diplomatically as possible."

I mean, it's still possible for that to happen. "Mandalore stands at the crossroads, in a way, between the Republic and the CIS. We need the two sides to start talking to each other. If they're talking, they might actually come to some sort of agreement."

"How long until your final exams and graduation?"

"Two months? I'll be officially out of school and have to find an actual career, which is going to be a heck of a time trying to figure out what to do."

"Do you not have any plans yet?"

I shrugged, "I was thinking about becoming an archaeologist or an explorer. I know Soniee is applying for a position on the Seeker's Vigil research task force. Research is fine, but I enjoyed the thrill of our expeditions. I wish I could be an adventurer full-time, but it's getting kind of dangerous with that job with the war going on."

"There might be an opportunity for you in the future. I'm considering sending a Representative from Mandalore to the Separatist's Parliament to begin peace talks. We'll need a representative there if we ever want this war to end. Would you be interested in politics instead?"

Mandalore, Coronet
Obi-Wan Kenobi

"Anakin, what are you doing here?" I asked as Anakin leaned against a nearby pillar with a suspicious smile.

"I found Cody and a few of his men preparing for a mission. I asked what they were doing and I heard that an important diplomatic party is in need of protectors for a journey to Coruscant. I volunteered to help. We all want to ensure that everyone is protected on their trip to Coruscant." Anakin is spending too much time in the company of politicians, I swear. I heard Master Shaak Ti give a similar explanation, except about how she escaped from Geonosis. Complete rubbish, of course.

"What about you, Rex, why are you here?"

Rex shrugged his shoulders, "I heard General Skywalker is volunteering to help protect some diplomats. Me and some boys volunteered to come along and help." Drat, I chose the wrong order to interrogate the suspects, and Anakin baited me into giving them a cover story with that suspicious smile. They were all coordinating.

"I see. Cody, why did you allow them to join us?"

Cody shrugged, standing to Rex's left. "Saw no reason to say no to a few extra hands. It isn't just us who are being sent after all; some Senatorial Guards are deployed as well. Apparently, there are a few other major diplomats on the ship who support the Council of Neutral Systems."

"Well, extra protection never hurts, doubly so when dealing with Mandalorians." Satine and several others drew my eye, they were passing by on the nearby ramp, heading towards the upper parts of the ship. I nodded in their direction, and she nodded back, a smile gracing her lips before she moved out of sight. Several Royal Guards trailed behind her retinue, following as she went to the more luxurious parts of the vessel.

Turning back to Anakin, I gave up my interrogation. I wasn't going to figure out what Anakin was up to until he wanted to tell me, but I also wouldn't say anything about it either. Trusting him to talk, at least when he feels the time is right, I sighed. "Still, shouldn't you be training your padawan or deployed on another front? Where is Ahsoka anyway?"

Anakin's smile faltered a bit before he said, "Uh, she's with Senator Chuchi. She needed a little help with something. Some sort of protection detail, or something. I was on my mandatory leave, but it got boring really quickly. So I thought, 'I might as well help since I had nothing better to do'."

I merely narrowed my eyes in suspicion, sighing again, "Alright then." Turning to Cody, I said, "Since they volunteered, we might as well put them to work. You know what to do, Cody so I'll leave you to it. Good luck."

"Will do, General." Rex nodded and I returned the gesture. With that settled I make my way towards the elevator while Anakin fell behind me as we loaded aboard.

"So~, Master." Anakin said with a very recognizable tone, it was the same one as the suspicious smile from earlier. "Was it just me, or did Duchess Satine smile at you?"

"You're imagining things." She was merely smiling in the midst of a conversation, far away.

"Am I huh: How close are you two? You never really talked about what happened that time you were on the run in the Mandalore sector." There really wasn't much to discuss.

"And I won't start now." I summarized matter-of-factly as the elevator continued to go up.

"Fine then. Keep your secret."

I pulled out my datapad and glanced at the Maelstrom intel R4 had forwarded to me. Wait a minute. "Secret? What secret?" Turning to him, I repeated, "What secret?"

"Exactly." Anakin said knowingly, and that very recognizable tone was really starting to become annoying. I was about to ask again, but the elevator opened before I could and Anakin walked out. I decided that whatever game he's playing he would tell me sooner or later.

I stepped out of the elevator too and felt the brief rumble as the ship moved from real space to hyperspace. We are heading towards Taurus on the Mandalorian Road and from there we would be on the Hydian Way, going all the way down into the Core and the center of the Republic.

We should be safe, but I admit, I would feel safer if we had a few cruisers in formation with us. This civilian ship may be Mandalorian-designed and very robust, but it doesn't change the fact that this is still a space liner meant for transporting people and goods from the Core to Mandalore and back.

Our walk towards the central guest area at the front of the ship is interrupted when Anakin's comms sounded an alert, which drew both our attention.

"What is it, Rex?" Anakin asked, and the tiny voice of Rex responded.

"Your astromech's acting weird, sir. Like something scared the heck out of it. I've also got a fire team that didn't report back. I think we've got some uninvited guests on board, sir."

"I'm on my way, Rex. Be prepared for anything."

"Will do, sir. We'll form a perimeter, work our way up to the main areas of the ship, and clear out from there."

Anakin looked at me, "Something is wrong. We have intruders aboard."

"How did they get on board?" I asked aloud. Anakin shrugged dismissively in response. "Our location and route are unpublished. Given the fact this ambush is this early into the journey, there is a traitor in our midst. The only ones who could know is someone already aboard this vessel. They are most likely still onboard, but who sent them?"

"The CIS, of course." Anakin said, no-nonsense. But I shook my head as that didn't make sense.

"Perhaps the intruders are CIS assets, but that's too broad of a statement. Not every battle droid is a plot in some grand CIS ploy. Minor factions are also a possibility that we have to keep in mind as well. What reason could they want to be on board? That's what I'm more concerned about."

"I'll believe it when I see it." Anakin nodded before saying, "I'll go check on Rex. You stay by the Duchess."

I chuckled before shaking my head, saying, "Giving me orders now, eh?"

"It isn't really an order when you'll want to do it anyway, I'm sure." Anakin retorted. Before I could formulate a reply, he slid back into the elevator, and pressed a button for another floor.

The doors close and I am alone in the hallway leading to the Observatory. I was somewhat bemused, since I'd rather not be with the politicians, even if Satine is in that room. In fact, the politicians are the problem. Politics are odious, and that was before the war; it had only gotten worse since then.

Bracing myself, I took a deep breath before stepping onwards. I walked down the hall to the observatory and pressed the call button on the door. The door swung open in response as the Royal Guard on the other side unlocked the door.

Inside are members of the Neutral Council. Their leader, Satine, is on a raised dais, surrounded by pillows. Near the dias towards the left was the Mandalorian Senator Merrik, who is overshadowed despite his slight height advantage by the corpulent and notoriously corrupt Twi'lek Senator Taa from Ryloth. In sharp contrast, the right side of the room is occupied by two more athletic Senators in a hushed huddle; the human Senator Robb from Tarris and the more militant Rodian Senator Farr of Rodea.

I stepped into the warmly lit observatory and started to make sense of the flow of conversations. There was little reaction to my entrance, and I only caught Satine briefly glancing in my direction before she returned her focus to her ongoing conversation. She is discussing the latest calamities from the battlefronts and the devastation it was causing the Galaxy.

"As I see it, the greater blame lies with the previous administration under Valorum for allowing diplomacy to fail. Both parties are still capable of negotiating with one another. Only greed, malice, or gross incompetence could have blocked progress while both parties could still discuss grievances." Satine explained to Senator Merrik and Senator Taa.

"I definitely agree, the Republic got too greedy as the status quo filled their bank accounts with credits at the cost of the suffering of those in the Outer Rim." Senator Merrik nodded in agreement. Senator Robb lifted her glass of wine from across the room, seeming to agree.

Shaking my head, I entered the conversation to set the record straight, "No, none of those are true. That's not exactly how it went down. There were attempts for diplomacy, quite a few actually, but one side wanted this war to happen. This was the general outcome that is going to happen sooner or later."

Satine looked disapproving, and a bit sad, "Spoken like someone who has given up on peace. Just because one side wishes for war does not mean we should give up all efforts to try and find a peaceful resolution to our disagreements."

"I agree, but I believe we can all come to an understanding that when one side doesn't want a peaceful resolution, the other side must defend itself. After all, the Mandalorian Self-Defense Force is meant to protect your Council of Neutrality, is it not? Or at least Mandalore's part in it." I pointed out.

Satine nodded her head, sipping from her glass. "Yes, that is the dream and goal of the Defense Force. We must have a solid defensive capability, however there is no reason we couldn't end the war diplomatically before more lives are lost. In fact, our defensive capabilities are a consequence of the Republic's negligence in pursuing peace."

"The Republic has done the best it can." I insisted.

"I certainly hope you are wrong, Master Jedi. If this is the best we can expect from the Republic, I fear for our future." Senator Taa interjected. I wasn't surprised at his outburst, he is a Senator-in-exile while Ryloth is occupied, after all.

"The Republic has failed to pass meaningful reforms over the last decade, maybe longer, thinking about some of the conflicts that have sprung up in our lifetime." Satine retorted.

I sighed and nodded, saying, "Yes, unfortunately, we held the Republic up to a standard it could not maintain. But now that we are at war, I think that will be resolved. These issues that have long plagued the Republic will have to be dealt with if we are to win the war."

"Win? Win implies that you have no attempt to try and achieve some sort of peace. There's only the victor and the defeated, not a conclusion where both sides get what they want. Shouldn't the goal be an end to hostilities? That's oddly absolute of you." Satine observed.

My eye twitched as an old phrase came to mind. Shaking my head to dispel the memory, I said, "This war is different. At least, I suspect as much. I would like to believe that a peaceful solution is possible, yet I doubt any such outcome exists. Count Dooku is likely a darksider, and if so, then this war will continue until one side surrenders or we put a stop to him. The dark side corrupts every facet it touches, negotiating with the CIS while Count Dooku is in power is doomed to fail before it begins."

"That claim there, about these 'darksiders,' only the Jedi puts any weight into that." Senator Taa said.

"I know that there are some hard feelings and some extreme weapons being used by the Separatists. I'm also appalled at what the Techno Union has done to Ryloth." Senator Robb said, glancing over at Senator Taa. She joined us after leaving Senator Farr, he was looking displeased and standing alone now. "However, we must recognize that individuals can be bad parties. The CIS does have reasonable people and some of their grievances are well-founded. The Republic has not done a good job over the last century in administering the Outer Rim. That the Corporate Sector exists at all is an ongoing travesty."

"If I might suggest a radical solution, we should let the CIS secede from the Republic." I frowned at Satine's suggestion. "If the CIS wishes to have their own government, perhaps we should consider letting them. As long as we can establish a peace where systems can leave the CIS and rejoin the Republic, we should be aiming for that, I think."

"Realistically, would such a solution bring about peace?" Senator Merrik asked. "The question is, will the Republic and CIS be able to come to some sort of compromise? The galaxy is a big place and, as my young representative has said once or twice over the years, is there really room for two galactic governments to exist without there being some kind of conflict between the pair? We have a long history to look back on, and there does seem to be evidence that there is no room for such accommodations." Senator Merrik said.

Satine gave Senator Merrik a look, to which he smiled and said, "I'm just being a realist, my Duchess. I would enjoy peace to reign as much as everyone else, but we cannot pretend that there is not a history of such conflicts going on for generations. Would it not be better for one side to win quickly and minimize the long-lasting effects of the war?"

Satine nodded her head and sipped her glass before saying, "Yes, it would be better for the war to be over quickly, but it would be better for it to be over now at a peace conference. Not after a bloody conflict that will leave the populace wishing for the next conflict. Let's not forget that the end of the Mandalorian Civil War did not see an outbreak of peace. The Republic invaded to deal with a crazed, power-hungry governor that ignited the Clan Wars. Conflict begets conflict, thus we must break the chain at its roots to prevent another war from happening a few years later. We must find a solution where both sides benefit, for a long-lasting peace that both sides will maintain."

I nodded my head in agreement and was about to give my own opinion on the matter when my comlink binged, and I had to step away for a second. "Excuse me for a moment, I need to take this." I said as I tapped it and said, "Anything to report?"

"Yeah, assassin probe droids. One of them is in the elevator and on its way up to you. I've killed one so far."

"That's not good." I said, my hand already going towards my lightsaber. "Knowing the way droids like these usually work, there's a likely third one down there. I will handle the one up here. You find that third one. We can't let it find somewhere else on the ship to cause problems."

"Got it."

I started to turn towards the waiting senators, wondering how I would explain the situation, but thankfully, a giant robotic assassin spider did the job for me as it ripped the door open and turned itself on its side to slip through.

Screaming broke out, rather high-pitched screaming that I thought was Satine's or Senator Robb's for a moment. A glance back towards the others revealed that the scream came from Senator Taa. By the time my eyes refocused on the droid, to determine the best way to deal with it, two Mandalorian Royal Guards were fighting it. They are at least doing as good as any clone trooper would be in that situation, if not better, since they have actual melee weapons designed for close-quarter combat.

They stalled the droid up for a bit, but eventually, it grabbed one guard's staff and swung its user into the other. With its path clear, it charged at Satine, jumping onto the central table and running across it as if it was an easy access road to her.

Using a little bit of the Force, I jumped up and on top of it, slicing off the two arms as it reached for her, causing it to collapse forward. It immediately tried to unseat me from the top, but I used the Force to hold myself onto it. I cut off another two limbs, so it couldn't escape before driving the blade deep into the central processing unit, which I hoped is in the middle of the thing.

I took a moment to catch my breath and said, "Well, that was a surprise. Are you alright, my lady?" I asked, looking up at Satine.

She replied, "Yes, yes, I'm fine."

"Good." I said, but I didn't get to finish that comment as a little spider droid jumped out of the top of the thing, followed by a couple dozen more.

The screaming began again as the miniature droids charged out, attempting to assault anyone nearby. But by this point the Royal Guard had recovered, and started using their staves and feet to smash the smaller spider droids. I was close enough to swipe away several that tried to rush at Satine. But she seemed to be able to take care of herself, pulling a deactivator blaster from somewhere. She unleashed a few blasts into the spider droids, killing them quickly. After a few moments of work, we were able to wipe out the robotic minions of whoever had been responsible for this, leaving ourselves safe for the time being.

Slicing the last of the little monsters, I asked, "Do you always carry a deactivator?"

Satine huffed, "Just because I'm a pacifist doesn't mean I won't defend myself."

"Now you sound like a Jedi. " I replied. "But that wouldn't have done much against human assassins. I would almost hazard a guess that you were thinking that someone might try and use droids to kill you. I wonder why."

Satine sighed before saying, "I've heard rumors of what's been going on throughout the rest of the galaxy. There does seem to be a correlation between droids being used in other attacks against heads of states, specifically around the CIS and neutral territory."

So she is aware that the CIS are not playing fair. Still, her drive to end the war diplomatically is praiseworthy, even if I still believe that it is a doomed effort. However, I thought it best that I did not actually say it. Instead, I said, "Well, it's fortunate you had that. Times sure are dangerous."

"They sure are." Satine replied, ignoring me to look at the robots more closely for a moment. Satine turned to a guard and spoke to him quietly, then she turned back to us and said, "We're going to let the cleaning staff clean this place up while we gather at the Coronet's reception room. You and your fellow Jedi can handle this situation, correct?"

"Of course." I said with a nod. "There's at least one more of these droids on board. We will remove it, and then hopefully that will be the end of this situation. Returning to your rooms might be the safest option. At least there'll be plenty of security on duty then."

She nodded and walked past me, heading towards the door. The other senators followed suit under Royal Guard escort. I took a seat on an empty chair, wondering what we were going to do about this mess. As the cleaning droids got to work, the main viewing and dining room was a mess due to the assassin droid knocking over the food. Shaking my head, I was about to get up when I heard a click-click-click of little legs turning. I watched as one surviving droid wandered around, seemingly confused.

Reaching over to the central table, I grabbed a glass cloche meant for containing a pie of some kind and used the Force to pull the little droid into the cloche that I close over it so it could not escape.

Looking at it, I wondered who could have smuggled Assassin Droids onto the ship. I am sure the cargo has been checked by the Mandalorian Royal Guards and they would have definitely noticed three Assassin Droids. The only remaining possibility they could have been smuggled aboard are cargo that they have not checked, likely a Senator's personal luggage, or several of Satine's Guards may not be as loyal as it appears.

Perhaps my little friend here can help me find the one responsible. After all, if the owner of these droids are on board, there is no reason that they would program the droid to harm their owner. So, I could use this droid to determine who among the passengers are responsible for this attack.

Smiling, I got up, cracked my neck, and left the droids to do their work in cleaning the room. I pressed the comms to find out what Anakin was up to.

Coronet, Duchess Satine's Reception room
Satine Kryze

Assassin droids, spider assassin droids even. Who would do such a thing? Why would they do it, is not even a question, but the 'who' is at the top of my mind. Was it Death Watch?

As far as I am aware, they had every opportunity and the fact they hadn't taken it, gave them a little bit of leeway. If they wanted me dead, I would have. The other possible faction are the Mandalorian Protectors

I knew nothing of their leadership and I have not been able to contact them. Could they want me dead? It's possible. If so, it would give me a good reason to go after them, at least handing them over to the Republic as having tried to assassinate the Duchess of Mandalore would do wonders for stabilizing the political situation.

But how did they get on board this ship? That is the question that bugged me.

How did they know that this ship is currently loaded with diplomatic envoys that are important for the continuation of the efforts for neutrality?

There is a possibility, but one I did not want to believe. Could one of the senators aboard this ship have betrayed me? That seems so unlike many of the many around me.

Senator Robb from Tarris, I don't believe would have the motive to do this. Yes, Tarris seems to be doing a bit of double-dealing in talks for possibly allowing the Republic High Command of the Sixth Army to occupy their planet. Apparently thinking that protection from both Mandalore and the Republic is a good idea since Tarris is so close to the Hydian Way. Now, I am trying to talk them out of that, but I really doubt they would try to assassinate me.

What about Senator Onaconda Farr? I didn't know him very well yet what I did know paints him as a very honorable Pro-Republican senator that is not known for backstabbing and killing other senators. Then again, most senators are not going to stay senators for very long if they are known to kill their colleagues. I couldn't see him being responsible for this. Yes, Tanya had mentioned that he was once part of a Separatists plot at one point with luring Senator Amidala to his world so that Gunray could capture her. But that is because the Trade Federation had effectively blockaded the region, starving their people. Now that the situation in Rodia is more stable with Republic aid relief, he should be safe from manipulation. Unless the Republic is the one behind this attempt.

Maybe the Senator from Ryloth? While Orn Free Taa is known to be a bit of an individual with large appetites and tastes, he is no different than many other politicians of his status in that way. If anything, the fact that he had honorably worked with the rebel forces in his home world to try and fight back against the Separatist invasion spoke more about him than his predecessor did, who had sold them out to begin with.

Of those three senators, I really couldn't see anyone else having the capability to smuggle droids aboard. I mean, yes, there's Senator Merrik, but he's one of the several trustworthy individuals I know as he has served me for nearly a decade. The only other people who knew about this transport are members of the council back on Mandalore. None of them would betray me like this.

Shaking my head, I sipped my drink and thought, what was I missing? Is there some other faction that I was not aware of out there? Some other group that would want me dead?

It wasn't even a question of why they would want me dead. I could figure that out easily enough. The Honorable Duchess of Mandalore killed on transit to the Republic after acquiring information that implied the Republic had inadvertently caused the destruction of an entire planet and civilization. Even if it wasn't someone in the Republic trying to clean up loose ends, it would look like it. This would incense the Mandalorians who are under my protection. I doubt even the New Mandalorians would not call for war and join the CIS upon my death, simply because it would appear the Republic had me killed.

And once the CIS had a stable corridor there, they could push into the current war zone in the Dentari sector. Neutrality would be lost and Mandalore would become a new front line in this galactic war.

It's a nightmare scenario, one that I would not want to come to pass, one that I struggled against. But I wondered, could I even stop it if it happened? After all, for it to be a success, it would require my death.

Shaking my head, I looked at the gathered senators once more. Trying to see if there was something I was missing, some puzzle piece that didn't make sense.

Was it really the Republic who is behind this? If no one else made sense, should I be considering them as a suspect? That seemed unlikely. They had deployed quite a number of clone guards to protect my transport along with elements of the Senatorial Guard. They wanted this information to come to the Senate, for what reason, I don't know, but they didn't want it lost.

Could it be the Jedi? This information would be more damning to the Jedi more than anything. After all, it was one of their own that apparently went rogue and used a weapon capable of destroying a planet on a civilian population. It was not exactly the best look for the Jedi and will probably cause problems for them in the future. This is the kind of event that solely destroys reputations. Being a Mandalorian, I know that lesson very well.

But even then, I doubt it was the Jedi. If it was, why would they have accepted my request for Obi-Wan? Not only that, they sent along one of his students, one who would probably be more loyal to his master than to the High Council. I would think, considering the way he and Obi got along over the few times I had met them.

That line of thought is interrupted as Obi-Wan enters the room carrying a tray like he was a server. My suspicion is raised to alarming levels just from that, as I doubted he would bring in some food as if he was one of the servers. He also has that coy smile of his that he is up to something, usually at another's expense.

But apparently, Senator Taa did not see anything strange and eagerly stared at the tray with hunger.

"I'm afraid this dish might be too much even for your legendary appetite." Obi-Wan said with a charming smile as he pulled away a white sheet, revealing one of the little droids inside the container. It immediately pounced, attempting to attack through the glass, but it loudly failed to punch through.

Senator Taa made a noise of fear and backed away.

"General Kenobi, what is the meaning of this?" I asked, annoyed at this spectacle.

"I have a theory that whoever programmed these droids would have made sure that they would not target him or her. Thus, it'll be overly aggressive around the people it's meant to kill and not aggressive near the ones who are not."

He said, continuing to leave it within range of Senator Taa, who looked terrified.

"An interesting theory, though I will point out that you are, in essence, forced to torture people with the opportunity, and it might break free and kill them to reveal this information."

Obi-Wan shook his head as he moved closer to the Rodian Senator. "Technically, yes, but I think I have complete control over the situation. It looks like whoever programmed this had specific hatred for you, Senator Farr, as it seems more aggressive around you than anyone else."

"Ha! I'm going to take that as a sign that I've done something good." The Rodian said with a snarky smile in his voice.

Obi-Wan continued to move counterclockwise around the table, soon finding himself next to Senator Merrik. I watched in confusion as it stopped trying to assault the glass and just sort of sat there looking at the senator, as if it had not been just some sort of murderous device a moment ago.

"Well now, isn't that interesting? Care to explain why this droid seems disinterested in you when it was interested in harming everyone else?"

"You can't be serious! How do we know you haven't programmed this droid to not be dangerous around an individual yourself? After all, there's the potential that the Jedi Order is responsible for this attack!"

While Merrik isn't wrong, as there is a chance that the Jedi or the Republic are the ones responsible for this attack, I severely doubt that because it is not in Obi-Wan's character to frame an innocent. In truth, I trust Obi-Wan more than I trust Merrik, the fact that he once tried to steal credit for Tanya's work didn't help maintain my trust in him. But really, at this point, I am more astonished that someone I trusted for years might have actually been responsible for plotting my death.

"Answer the question, Senator." Obi-Wan ordered with narrowed eyes.

Merrik looked at me, looked at Obi-Wan, and let out a deep breath. He smacked the container in his hands, sending the little droid flying across the table. It immediately started charging at Senator Farr.

Obi-Wan drew his lightsaber and lunged to destroy the droid, while Merrik got up from his seat and pulled out a blaster pistol that he aimed at me before I could draw my deactivator. "Don't move!" He used his free hand to grab my deactivator and threw it across the room.

By the time Obi-Wan had destroyed the little droid, Merrik had his arm around my neck, the gun to my head, and was slowly maneuvering around the room towards the exit.

"Try anything, and the Duchess dies, Jedi."

"What is this traitorous streak you're showing, Merrik?"

"Just the proper response to job insecurity."

"Job Insecurity!?" I asked in incredulity as we got closer to the door.

"Your niece, has been aiming for my job for the last four years. You've been planning to replace me. Most senators don't even have to worry about that kind of shit, they're there for life. But you, now you wanted to switch me out for a younger model, one that would be completely loyal. So yes, this is a proper response."

"Your proper response to job insecurity is to risk starting an invasion of the Mandalorian sector?" Senator Robb asked.

"Okay, maybe that's not completely true. I might even have been paid off for that part of the deal. Opportunities in the CIS are quite good this year."

"Dooku ordered Satine's death?" Senator Taa asked as we finally reached the door.

"Ha! You have no idea what factions live inside the Mandalorian sector, how many people she's pissed off with her holier-than-thou attitude about pacifism." Now I just feel insulted, I am not that bad am I?

"Death Watch wanted her dead once, not so much nowadays. But there are other groups that I have been willing to work with that wouldn't mind seeing her removed. I'm the one who leaked the information about Tanya's location to the Workers' Council. No matter how much they claim they didn't want her dead, the one I sold the information to sure did."

"You shabuir." I said as I heard the door opening.

"You have no idea." He said as we stepped through, and he immediately closed the door behind us, separating me from Obi-Wan and then firing a blaster bolt into the nearby console, preventing the door from being opened easily.

"That should hold for a bit. Come on." He said, holding hard onto my shoulder, and pushed me along, heading towards the bridge of the vessel, with some haste.

"Merrik, think this through." I said. "This ship is full of Senatorial Guard, Clones, and Royal Guard. You're not escaping this."

"Ah, yes, the Senatorial Guard. I wonder how they're doing." he replied.

Confused, he pressed the button, revealing the corpse of the captain lying against the controls, and four dead Senatorial Guards. Two Mandalorians wearing red and blue armor were standing over them, making sure they were dead.

"These are my security staff. I believe you completely forgot they were aboard, didn't you?" he said.

"More traitors." I accused as he moved over to the controls and pressed the button that brought us out of hyperspace.

"What do you expect me to say? You expect me to wax philosophy about what is and isn't a traitor? Yes, they're traitors to you, some no good anti-Mandalorian who's managed to convince the spiritualist part of the Mandalorian sector that, 'No really, I'm the good guy', hah. You're just using them like you did the New Mandalorians, and as a result, undercutting and weakening the sector. So much land to be exploited, yet none of it is being used because we need to rebuild and be on friendly terms with the Republic. Well, I've got bad news for you. The Republic's probably responsible for everything that's ever gone wrong with Mandalore."

"The Jedi were used to kill the True Mandalorians, thus preventing a possible stable federal government. Then, they were used to unseat the actual government of Mandalore. And then they were used again to place some steward by the name of Satine Kryze on the throne."

"So, is that why you're doing this? Some deep-seated hatred against the Jedi?" I asked.

"Probably, but I don't really care about that. I am mainly doing this for money. I've been promised a senatorial seat in the CIS, one that will not be taken away from me by illegitimate governments."

"You want to rule Mandalore?"

"In my own way. I don't want to deal with the day-to-day, but if I just make sure that the government that replaces yours is loyal to me, that's good enough. The life of a senator is an enjoyable one, but I don't think I want to give it up to be some backwater king."

He pressed a button, and a hologram of a man wearing unfamiliar Mandalorian armor appeared. "You seem to be seated at some sort of desk. 'Senator Merrik, is Satine dead?' I would ask if she wasn't clearly shown in your arms. I thought we had a good deal."

"Complications arose, governor. We should be in range for your strike force to get me off."

"What kind of complications? I budgeted this operation under the impression there would only be Royal Guards and a few Senatorial Guards. Is there anything I should know?"

"Oh, nothing much, just a single Jedi caused a bit of an issue." I replied.

"Of course they are there." The man said nothing for a bit, but eventually, he seemed to have made a decision, having come to some sort of calculation. "It'll be tight, but it should work. I have to use the super battle droids I acquired. Boarding pods will connect with your ship in a moment. Find an escape pod and get off."

Merrik nodded and pointed the gun at me, said, "Alright, just come along. We need to get to the escape pods."

"Yes, so you can execute me. You're here to kill me. You've already made that clear, so why should I help you go anywhere?" I protested.

"This thing right here." He chuckled as he pulled something out from his robe and said, "My guard's already deployed some explosives near the reactor. One little touch of this trigger mechanism, and the entire ship explodes. You either come with me and buy the people on board this ship time to live, or you die and don't know what happens."

Before I could say anything, I felt two things happen: something hit the side of the ship, most likely the boarding pods that had been mentioned, and the door to the entrance of the place opened. Obi-Wan is standing there with his lightsaber ignited.

"How'd you get out so fast?" Merrik said quickly, grabbing me closer while pointing his blaster at my head again.

"I have a lightsaber and the doors aren't that thick." Obi-Wan replied.

"Tsk, good point." Merrik said as his two guards came up to either side, pointing their guns at the Jedi Master. "Well, get out of the way. We're going to the exit."

"I think not. There are guards on every escape pod on board. Surrender now, Merrik, and you may be tried by a jury of your peers on Coruscant."

"Ha! Since when do Coruscantis ever consider a Mid-Rimmer from a backwater sector a peer?" Merrik sneered.

"We can always arrange for Mandalorians to be sent to be a part of the jury. But, I think they'll probably look quite down on your attempted murders of the Royal family."

"You would think that, now, wouldn't you, my Duchess?" He mocked. Merrik shook his head and said, "Clear the way, Jedi, or she gets shot. And don't pull any Force business, or I'll blow the entire ship sky-high."

Obi-Wan looked at the two guards behind me before stepping back to the doorway, allowing Merrik and I to pass through the doorway. But before the two guards could get through, Obi-Wan stabbed his lightsaber into the nearby console, causing the door to shut and lock before Merrik's guards could get through. The two guards began beating on the door, and Merrik looked annoyed at that.

"You never said I had to allow those two out, now did you?" Obi-Wan jested, as Merrik continued to pull me along towards the escape pods.

"Still have Satine hostage, still have a bomb, don't have two guards. Not good, but acceptable losses." Merrik said, as he ushered me towards my doom. I could just barely hear the sounds of fighting throughout the ship. No doubt, the super battle droids have boarded. This meant that the guards who were stationed on the escape pods would probably be called off, leaving them empty.

We eventually made it to the escape pods. All he needed to do was jump in and press the button. I needed to find some way to stop him from doing that, but how?

As we backed up into the hallway, I watched as Obi-Wan followed us towards the escape pods. I needed something to distract Merrik long enough for the situation to change in our favor. Well, that and there is a very likely possibility that we will be dead in the next five minutes. There are certain things I have been keeping to myself for a good long time that I need to say so that, in case I did die, I would have no regrets.

Letting out a deep breath, I said, "Ben, I don't know how to say this. It's been bugging me for a long time that I haven't been able to say this, but I love you. Ever since we met all those years ago." I hoped that being the unromantic man Merrik was, he would pause. Seems I was right.

Merrik stopped and said, "What the hell is this melodrama?" We still had a good ten paces before we reached the first escape pod. If we could keep him here, maybe I'd be able to come up with something.

"I don't think this is--" I gave him a look, hoping that he would figure out that I am trying to stall for time. He took a deep breath, shifting mental perspectives before answering, "Fine, let's be clear, Satine. If you had asked all those years ago, I would have left the Jedi Order. There is no 'if' or 'but' about that, and even today, I still feel something for you."

...Well blast it. I can tell when Obi-Wan is lying. I had expected him to lie to keep the melodrama going and keep Merrik distracted, but he was not lying… The sensation of knowing that I had screwed up all those years ago and taken bad counsel to heart is really starting to take effect. In fact, I was feeling positively furious. All those years spent alone every night could have been avoided if I had followed my heart and told him what I feel. This is the last time I listen to Almec for personal advice. No wonder he's still single.

Biting my lip, I decided. Screw it. If the bad counsel about reaching out to Obi-Wan, starting that fight with him all those years ago, about how far I should go when it comes to what was acceptable defense, perhaps other things I've been counseled on by Almec are wrong.

"Also, Tanya is our daughter." I added.

The room went absolutely still, silent for a good half a minute before both Merrik and Obi-Wan said in unison, "She's your What?!"

But I was more interested in what Merrik did. As he raised the gun away from my head at that moment to turn and look at me, it gave me an opportunity to smash my leg back and hit him in his crotch.

While he's stunned, I grabbed the pistol and twisted it out of his fingers to perform a perfect disarm Bo taught me years ago. With a pistol in hand, I turned around to point the gun at him.

Obi-Wan was still standing in the hallway, a bit stunned but pointing his lightsaber at Merrik, while Merrik still had the explosive trigger in his hand.

"Well, isn't that great and explains everything. Fucking, of course, that brat was yours. I should have realized it the moment she walked through the goddamn door. And a fucking child of the Jedi, nonetheless." Merrik said, spitting on the ground.

"I see why you kept that nugget of information to yourself. How that would have affected your early career — a bastard child of a single mother. The women would have asked if you were even capable of keeping a man. Then, they and the men would have looked down on the Jedi who ran away. Not to mention, if that had gotten out and the Jedi came to take her away to be one of their cult, everyone would have looked down on you if you were to let that happen. Better to hide away the unfortunate information such as that so no one knows."

"That is enough, Merrik. You're at blaster and lightsaber point. You're not escaping. Just drop the device and surrender, and you'll get a fair trial." I ordered with narrowed eyes.

"Oh, yes, I'm sure I'll get a perfectly fair trial. Hey, hey, I have information about the proclivities of the Duchess of Mandalore. Let's get that all over the media. Ha! No, I'm sure you'll find some way to have me silenced. Besides, I still hold all the cards as far as I'm concerned. Just lower your weapons and allow me to get on to the escape pod.

Or perhaps you'll shoot me, make yourself a murderer. Thoughtful, throw away all illusions of pacifism, then. I can just walk away. But then maybe the Jedi Knight, the one you love and apparently conceived a child with, will slay me. How does a pacifist reconcile being in love with a military general — a killer, as the Jedi no doubt is? No wait, don't tell me the secret, I want to figure it out myself." Love doesn't work that way, though.

He took a step back, moving towards the escape pods, holding the device up. "Attack me, I die, and your relationship is doomed. Don't attack me, I'll make it to the escape pods and- AHHH!"

"Hey!" A blue lightsaber swung out from under his arm, cutting it off at the elbow, and the limb floated inches from the ground before being pulled to Obi-Wan's waiting hand.

"I think you've forgotten a few elements on the field there." Anakin said, stepping out from behind Merrik. Right, Anakin's here too. I hadn't even realized he was there until this exact moment.

"You bastard, my arm!"

"Oh, don't be a baby, it's replaceable." Anakin said as he delivered a brutal punch to Merrik's nose with an audible metallic thud. The impact caused him to drop to the ground, finally defeated.

"Hey, guys, how's it going?" Anakin asked, turning off his lightsaber and putting it on his side.

Obi-Wan looked at him with a mix of exasperation and worry.

"Anakin..." Obi-Wan said, rubbing his forehead. "How much of that did you hear?"

"I came in about the part where he said, 'kill me and doom your relationship.' Glad I'm not the only one to see that you two have a thing for each other." Anakin crossed the room and Obi-Wan tossed him the detonator device. After fiddling with it for a moment, he said, "There we go, it's defused now."

"Obi-Wan." I started, before a couple of clones interrupted, looking around the room.

"Generals, the super battle droid boarding parties have been destroyed."

"Good work, Cody, Rex. Let's give these two some privacy." Anakin said as he walked out into the hallway. Merrik had his feet cuffed and was carried out to the brig by two clone troopers.

Turning back to Obi-Wan, I said, "I'm sorry I never told you sooner. It's just that there was so much pressure to bring Mandalore into a peaceful era. I just went with what my advisor said to do."

Obi-Wan nodded, seeming still confused and somewhat angry. Finally, he said, "None of what you said was a lie, right? You really do love me, and Tanya is my daughter."

I nodded, "It's all true…"

"…It is a lot to take in, more than I think I'm ready to take at this exact moment. On one hand, I accept this as reality. If she's my daughter, then she's my daughter. You love me and I still have feelings for you. On the other hand, I still have duties to the Jedi Order. I cannot abandon them now. Once, a long time ago, I would have left the Order. Now… I need time to process this fully, Satine."

I nodded, saying, "I understand. It's not like I want anything from you, Kenobi, not really. I love you, but I know being a Jedi is part of what makes you, you, the man I fell in love with. And I would never ask you to abandon that." I said, reaching out my hand to reassure him.

He smiled, took it, and then pulled me in close, giving me a kiss on the lips. It's as wonderful as I imagined. This kiss is much more passionate than that awkward first kiss we had, but his beard is an addition that is too bristly for my liking. It lasted for a few seconds before it broke, and he said, "I don't know what my final decision on this matter will be yet, but I will let us have this moment as a good one."

I nodded and leaned in against him and rested my head on his chest, enjoying the feeling of being with him, maybe one last time.

"I still am not a fan of that beard. It covers too much of your handsome face and detracts from your kissing skills."

"Thank you for the compliment, but the beard stays. It's distinguished and Anakin claims it gives me a roguish charm. In any case, we should be getting back to the others. I think by now, we don't want to raise questions, at least not yet."

"Yes, of course. Back to the business of diplomacy."

Coruscant, Mandalore Tower
Satine Kryze

Stepping down the ramp off the ship, I sighed, relieved to finally be on safe ground. The two guards that Merrik had left behind had been subdued and held in the brig. Who they were working for had not been spilled yet, but I imagined they would talk soon enough. Once the Coronet returns to Mandalore, their chain codes will be analyzed and their identities revealed.

While I don't recognize the armor Merrik's benefactor wore, Merrik let slip that whoever he is, he is a planetary governor. This narrows down the amount of people to investigate by a significant margin, even if there are thousands of planetary governors in the Mandalorian sector alone. I'll have Almec discretely investigate every governor in the sector for any suspicious activity. The super battle droids have been investigated by the clones, and though they were CIS models, they appeared to have been bought by a third party and modified to remove any identification.

Someone had wanted me dead, someone had funded Merrik's attempt to do it, but had failed. There are probably still going to be assassination attempts, but at this moment, I am safe. And I have to make up my mind about what I am going to do about the situation.

Standing at the end of the walkway is Tanya, Vai, and her Royal Guard, I believe his name is Engiz. In any case, Tanya smiled and waved as I approached.

"Good to see you, Aunt Satine, welcome to Coruscant." Tanya said, looking past me before asking, "Where's Senator Merrik? Wasn't he supposed to be on board?"

Smiling to not reveal my true feelings on the matter, I said, "Senator Merrik has betrayed us and intended to join the CIS after killing me."

"Oh… I did not expect that." She said slowly.

"Yes, fairly unexpected, but good news for you. You're now the official Senator of Mandalore."

Tanya's eyes widened, but she smiled continuously, saying, "If that's what the people want."

"As far as I know, that choice still goes to me." I said, causing Tanya to frown slightly.

"But, Aun-Duchess, I'm only your niece and have been in politics for less than half a decade. Wouldn't the rest of the government react badly as well?"

I took a deep breath, held it in, and let it out before saying, "You are not my niece, Tanya. I am your mother…"

There was stunned surprise and shock on Ordo's face, while Vai looked rather unsurprised but amused if the fist pump was any indication. Tanya had a moment of shock across her face, but then it quickly went away as her mind processed the information. Finally, she said, "Hmm, you've always served in that capacity for me anyways. It's good to actually have that sorted out completely, mother."

The strange hardness of Tanya and the way she handled things was so weird and odd, and the fact that she called me mother for the first time was enough that I just launched forward, pulling her into a hug. She seemed unsure at first, but then patted me on the back, hugging as well.

Writers note: 50 chapters, 50 damn chapters that I've been building to this moment. Damn it took a long time but finally I can say that yes Tanya is Obi Wan's kid. What does that mean? Absolutely nothing …. For the next 10 chapters. Anyways I had fun, the writing team had fun working on this, and it's great to finally have this out there.

Update on the AMEXTRIX situation last mentioned in chapter 31 as of 6 days ago AMEXTRIX contacted me and asked permission to translate into Spanish, and though I will clown on how long it took for him to get permission, I have given him permission to translate this work.

Please comment, review, and generally enjoy yourselves…

Edited by: L, Pedersen, aemon, Warmach1ne32, MeowATron9000, Afforess
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Chapter 52, 717 FNM (21 BBY) Month 4
Chapter 52
717 FNM (21 BBY) Month 4

Coruscant, Senate Building
Tanya Kryze

Today had started off like any other day. After a good night's sleep and charming conversation with my friends, I took Senator Merrik's place in a CNS meeting to prepare our response for the upcoming Senate debate. There really wasn't much to discuss as this issue is caused by Mandalorians so I would do the majority of the talking. With time to spare, I spent it helping Vai plan her wedding. She's going to line up her wedding with the Republic's Life Day celebration two months from now, but it would also be when we are having the Mandalorian Exposition, so it would be the perfect time of year.

Everything was going so well. And then Aunt Satine or should I say mother now, arrived and burned it all to the ground.

Sure, the situation in the Mandalore sector has not been going great overall. Death Watch capturing a Republic Battlecruiser is not good. Death Watch actively recruiting the local Mandalorian population to their cause is even worse. But that attack happened outside the Mandalorian sector and with a bit of disavowing, we would make it clear that those who left to fight for Death Watch are not agents of the Mandalorian sector. As we had already done with the Mandalorian Protectors.

I have a good grasp on the Death Watch situation after Palpatine had leaked information of the attack to me, giving me time to get ahead of the story and reframe the entire event. I could reveal evidence that a rogue Jedi from a sister temple had taken command of the Maelstrom to the front lines of the war without orders from the Chancellor. The holonet had been abuzz with news of the apparent breach of the command structure and the implications of it. What's rather strange is how the Jedi Temple declined to comment even after the apparent proton strike against a planet that had somehow cascaded into over a billion deaths.

The continued silence from the Temple is absurd, but ultimately not my concern. My job is to make Mandalore look good. Thus, my main concern is dealing with the fallout of a resurgent Death Watch. The fact that this new Death Watch has a highly capable paramilitary and fleet is not all that surprising. The amount of weapons and other such war material scattered across thousands of clans and inside ancient hidden military bases in the greater Mandalorian sector meant that if this group did not have a lot of high grade equipment, it would be even more suspicious.

Of course, groups like the Mandalorian Protectors engaging in raids all across the Outer Rim Territories in the name of a free Mandalore are another major problem to our reputation, but it had easily been handled by simply saying we don't recognize them as a Mandalorian organization and that their goals did not represent our interests. The same could be done to Death Watch, easily enough. Hell, even easier since they did recognize Mandalorian neutrality, and they are trying to help Mandalorians outside the Mandalorian sector. Some of them are across the border in CIS held territory; they just happened to have been attacked by a Republic cruiser there.

Death Watch taking on a watchdog role in this war is not exactly ideal. If it prevents unnecessary deaths from overzealous military commanders going too far, well it would not be my official position, but I would leave them alone. As I had other, bigger fires, to deal with first.

But that's not what's upsetting me. Not even the fact that former Senator Merrik had apparently conspired with a Mandalorian organization to assassinate Duchess Satine had phased me, since it obviously failed. The silver lining to all this is that I just got promoted early when the now former senator Merrik was arrested. Now I have more authority to pursue my own projects that used to require senatorial approval like arranging trade deals with other planets.

The extra responsibility and workload is, of course, annoying. Unfortunately the only other available Mandalorian who could survive the position while being loyal to Satine would never take it. Aunt Bo might have the skills and had prepared me for this role, but she's a "No slave to foreign ideology" type, and her stance on Coruscant never shifted. She's more likely to punch some senator that annoyed her than actually finding a compromise.

No, what threw my mind into a whirlwind of confusion and dread was the reveal that I am not Duchess Satine's niece, but in fact her daughter.

Now, if I was a regular orphan, I would probably be breaking down into tears and all that mushy emotional stuff. But I'm not a regular orphan, I'm too old for that, on the inside anyway. And though I was surprised to learn that I am Satine's daughter, it wasn't that strange of a transition from niece to daughter. She had always filled the role of a mother figure to me; that's why I never had much issue with her acting as such. The only thing that changed is that it's official now.

If there is another attempt on Satine's life, because she is the Duchess of Mandalore it is bound to happen again eventually, I went from a close relative to direct lineage. This means I am also more likely to be targeted for assassination to tie up any loose ends. Good thing I already have Royal Guard protection detail, Mandalorian armor, and handmaidens in Mandalorian armor. Maybe I should add more layers of protection.

Politically, there is also a slight concern on the line of succession. Currently, the way a Duke or Duchess of Mandalore is elected is through playing the votes. Officially, Korkie is next in line to be elected into office after Satine retires. Even with his recent bout of stupidity, I was merely the granddaughter of the Duke of Kalevala, while Korkie was Satine's adopted son and heir to the Duke of Kalevala, so he ranked much higher in the succession.

Now though, some could think we are sort of on equal footing, however it's more complicated than that. Korkie's father was Satine's elder brother and the heir to the last Duke of Kalevala, Satine's father and my grandfather, so he is from the elder line and thus still has a higher standing than I do.

It could be argued that it should only matter for Kalevalan rulership, but Satine tied House Kryze to the rulership of the Mandalore sector and made the planet of Mandalore as much of a domain of House Kryze as Kalevala. This not only honors the original line of succession, but in the process makes it so that while she is the uncontested ruler of our House and Sector, she is technically ruling Clan Kryze as a life-time regent. This is reinforced by the fact that she adopted Korkie, making him her adopted son, thus her eldest child legally.

In summary, by most angles, Korkie is the heir over me. The Mandalore sector, with its numerous Houses and the Clans under them, is very similar to the Holy Roman Empire or Proto-Germany. I had to thank Degurechaff's Imperial Academy education because my original Japanese education glossed over most of world history not relevant to Japan. Anyway, with the crumbling of the New Mandalorians' one-party rule — due to Death Watch and the Silver Mandalorians' growing influence — along with Korkie's idiocy in befriending the communists, who will clearly offend the other Houses with their rhetoric, his position is no longer so certain.

That is a problem on many levels. I don't want to rule Mandalore. I am fine with my nice, comfortable position here on Coruscant. And if the clan's votes are a little too close, that could spark a civil war. It's the same thing that could happen with twins in a monarchy.

But those are concerns for after the current situation has been resolved, which is going to take some time. With my new responsibilities as Senator of the Greater Mandalorian Sector, I am swamped with even more work than usual. Not the least of which is going through my predecessor's old documentation and workload, made worse by the fact Merrik did not do a good job of organizing his paperwork or used a system that only he knew how to navigate. Thankfully I have handmaidens, Royal Guards, and X4 to delegate most of the work and summarize the flimsi-work for me. At least with my new position came new rights, privileges, and a juicy pay grade increase, right?

Ha! If only it's that simple.

It seemed my mother considered pay grades as more of a suggestion than a rule as I was bombarded with lots of petty titles, rights, and the like. I am now the proud owner of a dozen little cottages, fortresses, and apartments across Mandalorian space, and I am now the baroness of a sleepy little fishing village on Kalevala. But my actual pay grade had not increased and any rent from my new property, what little I could legally rent out anyway, gets eaten up by my new maintenance expenses for the land since it was all largely regulated as sector heritage property. It is a categorization that came with strict limits on what could be done with the land, so there is very little I could do to improve them, and all of them are generally not worth the investment. I guess I could convert the fortresses into inns or resorts depending on its size and surroundings, like what House Ordo is doing with their unused fortresses. But it doesn't change the fact that I am literally one of the worst-paid Senators of the entire Republic! How could Merrik even afford all his female escorts and expensive drinks with this shoestring pay? I would not be surprised if he has an illegal revenue stream somewhere.

Of course, I have alternative sources of income myself, but the entire situation reminded me of an awful lot of rather predatory practices in my first life. Wherein a competent worker is rewarded for good work with even more work and perhaps some title that did not have any real value. The more I came to understand the inner workings of the Mandalorian Government, the more it seemed to resemble a black company. Either Satine is seemingly capable of getting people to work for distressingly little pay or Mandalorians just value titles more than actual money.

Perhaps this is her secret to Mandalore's oversized importance compared to our admittedly pitiful economy.

At this very moment, the Senate is debating on whether the Republic should invade my home system to find and recover the Maelstrom. The fact that Death Watch is Mandalorian had apparently frightened numerous senators into a warmongering frenzy. They are, at this very moment, talking about how the CNS is a Separatist plot to break apart the Republic and that Satine is a secret warlord who had built up an army for an eventual invasion into Republic territory.

It would have been humorous if they weren't talking about glassing my homeworld. Again.

Apparently, the Maelstrom being in the hands of the Death Watch is terrifying the population and senators to an unnatural level. The other side repeatedly points to our history of multiple Crusades, causing all manner of death and destruction in its wake. It'd be like if Imperial Japan managed to steal a US Battleship while the Korean War was going on.

Perhaps the Republic should reconsider its decision to allow undisclosed military funding to build superweapons when no one's looking. I swear, the Republic claims to be very peaceful and that they do not have a military force. Yet, every time I look away, they've built some superweapon or hidden ace in the hole. Of course, this problem had been more historically relevant during the Mandalorian Civil War, but it's an old problem that apparently had never gone away if that Battle Cruiser that they're so terrified of is causing them this much fear.

The senator of Echani, Dani Zing, has her saucer hover in the center of the Senate Chamber. She is recounting how, during the Mandalorian Wars, her planet and many others had been severely ravaged by Mandalorian Crusaders and how this was all a secret plot to prepare for another Mandalorian Crusade to conquer the Republic.

I had to bite my tongue and not tell her to maybe crack open a history book...

Actually, am I biting my tongue? I'm not a representative anymore; I am a Senator now and her equal in standing. Time to go on the offensive.

"That's a very fine history lesson," I said as she finished her diatribe. "But sadly, it is three to four thousand years out of date." There was some shouting from the stands, but I continued on my attack.

"Mandalore does not wish to build an empire. There is simply no appetite for war in Mandalore. We don't even have the population to even annex a sector, let alone the Republic. The over fifteen thousand systems that have joined the Council of Neutral Systems simply do not want to be involved in this war if they could avoid it! Such a position is eminently reasonable and thus the foundation of our interest group within the Republic. Our collective interest is not remotely hostile or outlandish, considering the CIS has invaded a peaceful world meant to take in refugees from this conflict in our region, and the Republic destroyed that planet with a billion souls on it!" The dissenting voices in the stands reached a fever pitch, and with a wave of his hand, Chancellor Palpatine ordered his speaker to demand order and to let me continue.

"Not to mention, the fighting in the region Core-wards of Mandalore, the Dentari sector, has reached a fevered mass of deadly consequences. Mandalore has fought her wars and is done with them. We want peace! Everyone within the CNS does not want to be invaded and get gunned down by foreign invaders! Anyone can see that, and that is why you are forced to invent a justification for invasion using ancient history! The bloodlust displayed by senators here today is not only insulting but also disgraceful! Stop pretending it is the era of the Old Republic! You are four thousand years too late to fight that conflict! Mandalore has not conquered Tarris; Tarris have joined us in mutual friendship and protection from the insanity that the Republic has embraced! The CNS represents a rejection of this and every other senseless war!"

"You want us to believe that Mandalorians have changed, but you were at war with your neighbors just in the last few decades. So I highly doubt that." The Echani Senator retorted, "Two centuries ago, your people attacked the peaceful population of Ithullan and wiped them out from the galaxy. Seven centuries ago, you tried to create an empire out on the fringes of the Republic. Mandalore has been doing plenty of empire-building for the last few centuries, and they'll continue to do it unless we firmly put an end to your conquest."

I couldn't help myself. I laughed before saying, "If selling armor, weapons, and training to our allies so that they can defend themselves is considered conquest in the eyes of this Republic, then there shall be no end to the war and strife you will inflict upon the innocent."

"You impetuous child!" Senator Zing said, about to go into a rant when she was cut off.

"I would think you are mistaken in this case. This young senator is merely pointing out a rather reasonable point of view." Another floating platform lowered into the communication area belonging to the speaker, Ms. Serifa Altunen, not a Representative or a Senator of Arkania, but the Lord Protector of it. She had faced allegations of trying to recreate the Jedi Lords' system ever since she left the Jedi Order and returned to her homeworld. She'd been one of the major voices in pushing Arkania into the CNS with the corporations on Arkania backing her, viewing membership of the CNS as a way to sidestep some of the new wartime Republic regulations involving genetic modification and cloning.

I heard that pressure had been put on the Arkanians to hand over the few large cloning factories as well as any data they had on it to the representatives from Kamino. At the same time, they are not being allowed to engage in their own clone studies, despite the fact that cloning is used in practically every Arkanian industry, from medical care to food production. The Republic restrictions on all cloning had devastated Arkania's economy, with investors fleeing the world and predatory Core world moguls looting every Arkanian company's assets.

Arkanians responded to the astronomical economic shock as an existential threat, from the lowest worker to the wealthy corporate elite, and so the usually disorganized Arkanian Dominion was shockingly largesse in their contributions to the CNS project. They'd even purchased land across Mandalorian space to build laboratories that were not under direct Republic control, according to reports from X4. Many Arkanian research cooperatives and think tanks were forced out by the Kamino scientists; forced out of the land they owned by the Republic on Core worlds, largely without compensation.

Shaking her head, Lord Protector Altunen's white hair moving in a way that could only be described as graceful, said, "It is a shame the Republic jumps at shadows and fanciful stories rather than consider the freedom and rights that this institution slowly strips away from them. The Mandalorians do not want war, Senator. The Mandalorians have shown themselves to be a force for good in the galaxy now that they have embraced a more peaceful outlook. They've gone out of their way to show themselves to be reasonable members of the Republic and abide by the reasonable laws of our longstanding democracy. And how does the Republic treat such a friend? With an openly discussed invasion of the sector to hunt down dissidents that took away a favored toy after it was used to commit genocide."

"There is no evidence that the story we've heard about the ship being used in an ill-intentioned manner is true. It could all be fabricated evidence." Senator Zing protested. At that moment, footage started to play of the capital city of Kromus, buildings turned to ruins and the sky filled with smoke and ash.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Vai yawning, her elbow on the button that we had already prepped to play that video. "Oops." She said, making it seem like an accident. I held back a smile. Good timing, very good timing. Something to appreciate in an employee.

Seizing the opening, I countered. "You can deny evidence all you want, but at least we have supplied evidence to contend that Death Watch acted to stop a genocide. And given the evidence, I find that I can not find fault in their actions despite the outcome! They witnessed a monstrous act on what they considered friends of Mandalore and acted accordingly. Would you hold it against Death Watch if they saw the same thing against the CIS? What if the CIS had used this weapon, and it had been taken by Death Watch? Would you be demanding an invasion of my sector?"

"If Mandalorian terrorists are in possession of any super weapon or capital ship of the Maelstrom's capabilities, I would demand an invasion of your sector no matter whose ship it originally belonged to. What is stopping the Mandalorians from going on a Crusade and dragging your entire CNS with you into war? Duchess Kryze's reputation and a document? The Mandalorians are the only one with a fleet that can deter the CIS or the Republic. If the Mandalorians are removed from the alliance, your entire faction would dissolve and thousands of planets would become easy pickings for the CIS without Mandalore to defend them." Senator Zing stated, giving the de facto lord of the Arkanians a glare.

"I have faith that our Mandalorians friends will not do that." Serifa Altunen said confidently, "I've seen the treaties that have been created between the member states of the CNS. They are ironclad in their rules of engagement, Mandalore cannot just simply declare war and drag the CNS into it. For the worry that if the Mandalorians declared a war we would be forced to remove them from the CNS and become defenseless, that is not true. We have our own Self Defense Forces and fleets already in creation thanks to the help of the Mandalorians. But those Self Defense Forces are only reliant on the Mandorians for training with a few material needs, as our Self Defenses forces are filled with able-bodied volunteers from our own local population. Soon we will have our own forces capable of defending ourselves and if the Mandalorians are to go on some Crusade, they would not be needed for the defense of the entire CNS and could be dropped from the CNS without issue."

"The second article of the Council of Neutral Systems Defense pact is unequivocal. No member of the CNS may declare an offensive war without ejection from the CNS. This was agreed by every member and ratified with unanimous agreement. Our common defensive pact has no ambition for war, and our only sanctioned operations outside of our borders are for Ithorian Worldships to tend to the many people of the Galaxy in need. Just as our Arkanian friends have declared, our only military ambition is self-defense. To that end, Mandalore does not desire to stand alone in the CNS, and we are eagerly empowering our allies so that they might have the means to defend themselves. Ships, equipment, and training shall be offered to CNS member states freely in the effort that every member system can stand as equals and friends. Dedicated to a more peaceful and prosperous galaxy." I clarified for Serifa.
"We all know why the Arkanians are supporting the CNS. After all, real laws that have been sorely needed have finally been implemented to prevent their experimentations. And how do they respond? Form an alliance with Mandalore, so they can ignore the oversights that we have implemented on their experiments. I wonder what monstrosity they are going to create next? Maybe give the Mandalorians mounts that they can ride on as war beasts." The Echani provocateur blurted out, utterly ignoring what we had just said in favor for finding a different angle of attack.

My eye twitched on that one, and I couldn't deny that I hadn't thought up a similar idea to solve the MSDF's manpower issue when I learned what the Arkanians were capable of. But I deemed that idea as unnecessary and unreliable even before they donated their conscripts. War beasts might be useful for some situations, but sentient soldiers are just all around much more useful to a modern military because soldiers know how to use blasters and vehicles while war beasts do not.

The Arkanians are a known problem child of the galaxy. Probably one of the reasons they wanted to work with us was that we had similar but different problems with the Republic. In particular, practically every species in the region around their home world had been genetically mucked with in one way or another, including the Echani. Supposedly, in the very distant past, they were once entirely baseline human. Now they aren't because of the Arkanian's genetic and cloning experiments on their species, which would explain their similarities to them. I have my own personal issues with them, from the fact they still used slaves to having their entire economy to rely on one industry. But so long as they are useful to me, I can ignore my grievances.

Before I could voice my counterargument, there was a series of loud clacking bangs from the central podium as Vice Chancellor Mas Amedda called for order and spoke up. "We have just received important news from the Mandalorian sector that must be discussed before any decision can be made today."

I heard Satine gasp from behind me as the hologram, which had been showing the destruction of Kromus, was replaced with an image of Deputy Minister Jerec.

"This is Deputy Minister Jerec. Kalevala is under occupation by Death Watch forces. The Maelstrom is operating as their main attack vehicle. Forces of the Mandalorian Self-Defense Force have joined Death Watch and are already laying siege to Sundari. Republic intervention is needed now."

The message ended, and I'm left there confused as the room erupted into chaos.

Everyone else around me was in shock. There's yelling and all kinds of words of confusion. I could hear my aunt, correction, mom make the sound of 'what' in disbelief. But something didn't sit right. I've met Jerec once or twice, and the way he spoke was very distinctive. And the way that call came in is distinctively artificial, like he was reading from a script.

Pressing a button to up my volume, I asked, "Has this been confirmed to be directly from Deputy Minister Jerec? Can we get him on the line to get actual evidence of this?"

Chancellor Palpatine spoke up, saying, "I put a call in myself to verify. Unfortunately, someone has damaged the subspace buoys connecting the Mandalore sector to the rest of the network. We were able to hear from Minister Jerec's aide that he died in a bombing attack just before communications were fully cut."

"See, Mandalore has already fallen. As we speak, the barbarians will soon join the CIS against us. We need to strike now before they can organize their malicious militia and unleash it on the rest of the peaceful Republic." Senator Zing said, taking advantage of the chaos.

"If you do, it would mean declaring war on the CNS." Came a surprising voice as Jakker-Sun, the senator from Ithor, spoke up. "In which case, we will order all captains currently terraforming planets in Republic space to stop their activities and recall them home. Mandalore has our full support in defending itself from any aggression."

That put a big damper on half of the warhawks in the Senate. The Ithorians supported colonization and terraforming of worlds across the Galaxy. The Ithorians had already stopped their efforts in the Outer Rim Regions controlled by the CIS because of the recent genocides and general atrocities that had been unleashed by the corporations there. To have the same done to the Republic would be a lot more damaging than it had been for the CIS, due to the fact that the Ithorians have more than a hundred ongoing terraforming projects for the Republic with a very packed waiting list. This would result in the Republic losing Billions of credits in delays, as well as worsen the food crisis as there will be less fertile worlds to grow food. Not to mention, when one of the more peaceful races in the Galaxy just declared that they would support a war, that would worry a lot of people.

"If the Republic declares war on Mandalore, they declare war on us too!" The senators from Tarris and Thissplass joined the fray. "We will stand by our allies against this injustice!"

"Yes, a war against Mandalore is a war against all parties to the CNS." Serifa proclaimed, raising her unlit lightsaber in a hand, causing the entire room to fall quiet. "Arkania stands with Mandalore." she proclaimed to stunned silence. Raising a lightsaber in the senate, even if it was unlit, was extraordinarily taboo. It was honestly a terrible move politically, as it would only inflame accusations that Serifa was a self-styled Jedi Lord.

With this moment of quiet, I spoke up, saying, "I would like a full examination of that recording by the Senatorial Guard and my own sources, as well as a ship sent to Mandalore to confirm this report."

"Buying time, so your Mandalorian friends can fully establish military control over the sector?" Senator Zing prodded.

"Need I remind you that I am a daughter of House Kryze, Princess of the Mandalorian sector? I have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo, which will be lost if Death Watch gained control of the Mandalore sector. I am doing what is necessary to prevent you from making a mockery of the Republic and glassing my home, again." I responded. "The CNS wants peace, but it is prepared to fight if you push this too far."

Senator Zing scoffed, about to say something idiotic by the look on her face, but Palpatine cut her off.

"Although we are all shocked by this news out of the Mandalorian sector and concerned about this Maelstrom, as well as the possibility of the Mandalorian Self-Defense Force turning on its people, we must remember that we do have a bit of a time delay from what happens here in the Core and what happens out on the Outer Rim. It will take a week to get the communication relay back up and functioning. We do not know what will happen in that week. It may very well be possible that an invasion will be launched from the Mandalorian sector long before then, or while it is down, that the Confederacy will move in to support these rebels that have taken over the sector."

"As much as I would like to give you that week for the communication relay to be fixed, I'm afraid you cannot have it. We will not hold the vote today because this is a shocking revelation. Tomorrow, when we have better reasonable minds, we will vote on our next move. This Senate meeting is adjourned."

With that, he banged the end of the day's session, and our repulsor pods started to auto-navigate back into the wall.

Tarris system, NSSDF Joint Fleet, Sundari-class Carrier "Sundari"
Supreme Commander Ikud Ordo

"Get communications back up now!" I ordered from the command throne of the Sundari, her captain marched over to the communications console and hunched over the trio of fresh-faced officers frantically pinging the communications relay to get into contact with Mandalorian space. Direct communication via courier ship would take days both ways, but it might be something that we had to use if we can't get communications up anytime soon.

"The network's not responding. Whatever this is, it's from the Republic's end. They must have done this. They have not even finished the vote and they are cutting our communication. That can only mean that there's an invasion coming." The Captain Orrae Ryc's voice grew hard at the end. The old man, much older than me — probably even older than my adopted father — was brought out of retirement to establish the MSDF Navy. Thank the gods that he has because his experience has proven to be invaluable in designing our naval doctrine. He's someone who has a much greater right to be Supreme Commander of the MSDF than I am.

"What about our Shadow Relay?" I asked.

"Damn thing was delayed. Order from the Duchess herself to make sure the relays are clean. She could never have expected that the Republic would cut us off from our own network like this. The sector must be in chaos, with communications suddenly being cut across the entire network."

Something is off about all of this. First we get reports that the Senate is voting on a potential invasion of Mandalorian space in response to Death Watch taking a Republic Battlecrusier after said Battlecruiser had murdered over a billion people, and then communications goes down across the entire Mandalorian sector?

When I had taken this job, I never would have imagined that I would have to preside over a war against the Republic at my age. A war I am reasonably sure we would lose unless we joined the CIS. There's no hiding the fact that I had gotten this position right out of the Academy because of the politicking of my father. The man was impossible to refuse and had been so proud of me in my new uniform. I had to do a good job, even in an impossible situation like this.

"We don't know that yet, deploy couriers to Mandalore with an update on the situation. I want every MSDF detachment on high alert. They are to call in all the reserves for potential combat." One of the officers gave a salute and began to order the deployment of a squadron of Kom'rk fighters. They have hyperdrives and would be able to spread my orders to the sector.

"Ships jumping in!" came the call from the chief sensors officer. "Republic I-dent. It's a warfleet." A moment later, at the edge of our engagement range, six ships exited hyperspace in battle formation. Five corvettes, or small Cruisers, shielding a Venator Star Destroyer.

"Looks like an invasion alright." Captain Ryc commented, sounding rather tired. "A bit small for an invasion actually or they're just plain overconfident. Usually, Republic capital ships are deployed in task forces of threes, so that's likely just a vanguard."

"Reform the fleet. Crusaders, behind the Sundari." I ordered, and the order was relayed, causing a flurry of activity among our Mandalorian warships in orbit of Tarris. We were here on a shakedown mission, a simple operation to test out the systems on the new Sundari-class carrier design and to build cohesion with the Tarrisian navy.

We were not here to actually fight. We are, however, fully equipped to do so. I tapped at the console at my side to open a holo-display of the area of operation and suppressed a wince. One Sundari-class carrier, two Lictor-class heavy cruisers — I refuse to call them "dungeon ships", and eight of the new Crusader-class corvettes fitted to be anti-fighter screening craft. In the Sundari we had three wings of the brand-new Fang fighters and sixty new Kom'rk class fighters, which could also serve as transports. Twelve short of a full wing, since I sent them off to communicate my orders to the rest of Mandalorian space. It gave us four wings of fighter craft, even if one of the wings is not at full strength.

Against a Venator with more guns than the Sundari, with five wings of fighters supported by five Arquitens light cruiser escorts, it's going to be a messy fight for either side if it comes to a brawl. In terms of firepower, we have an advantage. In terms of fighter complement, they have more of them and the advantage of a full extra wing meant that should an engagement occur, each of our four wings would be matched with one of the Republic wings and the extra Republic wing would simply support one of their wings for a 2v1.

I glanced over to the console and looked at what the Tarrisian's had. One Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser with gods knows how many years on her, and two newly purchased Carrack-class light cruisers. They also had a wing of fighters, but they are probably older than I am, if I understood correctly.

With the Tarrisian fleet, the fighter advantage is closed somewhat, but the Republic still has more modern fighters. However, the guns on the Dreadnaught would give us a firm edge in firepower. Still not great odds. It would be a slugging match that would beat the shit out of both sides.

With local fighter superiority, the Republic would win the engagement and roll up our entire fighter formation in turn. The only viable course of action is to have our fighters stick close to the Crusaders so that their anti-fighter screen can be used to support our fighters. This would negate the Republic's fighter advantage and prevent any bombers from getting close enough to do damage to our capital ships. In that case, capital ship combat will decide the victor and we have the advantage in that department.

"The fleet's in formation. The Tarrisians are hanging back near their starport. Looks like they are waiting to see how the wind blows." The Captain said as he settled into his command throne besides mine.

"Hail the Republic fleet. I want to know what they're even doing here?" I called out, earning an 'aye' from a communications officer. "Let's hope the Republic is not stupid enough to start a war out here."

"If we are hoping for the Republic to be reasonable, then Manda help us." The Captain bemoaned. A sentiment that I was beginning to come around to.

Tarris system, Venator-class Star Destroyer "Dauntless"
Captain Kendal Ozzel

"What the hell is a Mandalorian Fleet doing here?" I muttered as our fleet exited Hyperspace. I glanced over at the Mon Calamari 'Admiral' Arikakon Baraka as the overgrown fish looked over a tactical readout of the situation, likely getting his bearings on the unexpected forces arrayed against us.

"This is strange, our intelligence placed the Sundari in the Ordo system still undergoing a communication system refit." Admiral Baraka said. "Besides that, how did the Mandalorians know we were coming here to secure the Hydian way?"

"Obviously, they are using this location as their staging ground for an invasion of the Republic. From Tarris they can advance along the Hydian way to strike our fleets engaged in the Belsmuth campaign in the rear. Our entire front line along the Belsmuth front would collapse, and the CIS could advance thousands of light years. Pushing across the Galactic north." I pointed out the obvious.

I glanced about the bridge as the Admiral let out a gurgling sound that was his species' version of a hum. There are just two clone bridge crews on the bridge, both of whom are junior naval officers that had served with me since the start of the war. The rest of my normal bridge crew clone complement had been shuffled out by the Admiral because of his open disdain for the clones. The fish considered clones a debasement of the Naval traditions of the Republic. There are also rumors that he mistreated or neglect clones on other fronts, however there is nothing I could find to verify that for a fact.

"We don't know if the Mandalorians have any cause with the Confederacy, Captain Ozzel. Besides, our orders are merely to deploy our fleet in the Tarris system and pacify any threats to the Hydian Way and the Belsmuth offensive." I scoffed at Arikakon's careful words and jabbed a finger at the Mandalorian fleet in front of us.

"THERE! Right there! Can't you see that! The damn Mandalorians are a threat to the Hydian Way and the Belsmuth offensive!" One of the bridge officers quickly leaned over to inform me of movements on the field. "Look." I quickly drew the Admiral's attention. "They are reforming their forces and deploying their fighters. We need to engage them before they have a cohesive formation and all of their fighter wings deployed."

"No." The overgrown fish quickly answered. "No, we are inside the range of the guns on the Sundari, and they have not opened fire on us yet. We don't have orders to engage Mandalorian forces. We won't fire until we are fired upon. Deploy our fighters, but do not engage." I stared at the fish for a moment before turning to the bridge officers who were watching us.

"Deploy all of our fighters to screen our formation. It looks like our admiral wants the Mandalorians to take measure of us." The Admiral fixed me with a glare as the bridge crew moved to follow out my orders. I watched helplessly as the Mandalorians entered a simple formation. They had a wing of fighters at the front, with two on the flanks. Followed by their Star Destroyer, the Sundari class, a relative unknown in terms of capabilities, then their corvettes held position behind the Sundari. On each flank they had a heavy cruiser with a corvette supporting them. On our right flank, the Tarrisians were also forming up against us, the traitors. They had one old Dreadnaught heavy cruiser behind a pair of light corvettes, and their own wing of fighters was quickly deployed at the front of their formation.

"Send a message to High Command asking for clarification in our orders. Inform them of the presence of the Mandalorian fleet." Admiral Baraka said. "I don't like this. We should have two more Venators with us." He was right about that. The standard formation for a Venator task force is to be deployed in groups of three or five. But our normal sister ships had been sent to reinforce the Belsmuth front and would likely stay there until we achieved void superiority, which would likely take days. Command had attached five light cruisers as an escort for the Dauntless, but our formation simply did not have the teeth she needed to deal with this sort of situation. Especially now that the Mandalorians and Tarrisians had gotten into formation and are staring us down.

"We have five fighter wings to their four. We will outnumber them at any engagement they choose, and then we can strike at them at our leisure with our bombers." I pointed out.

"If they push their corvettes up, they will cut our fighter wings to ribbons." The Admiral countered.

"We destroy their corvettes with our light cruisers." I replied.

"We try that, and they take out our light cruisers with their heavy cruisers. We need the guns on the Dauntless for the Sundari if we want to win this. She will hammer us if we try to support an advance with the Dauntless." I had to concede that point.

"Then we can't do a damn thing." I snapped.

"We wait for clarification of our orders." The Admiral resolved. "As far as I am concerned, so long as the Mandalorians are not shooting at us, we have accomplished our mission."

"And if the vote for invasion passes?" I asked.

"Then our job gets a lot more difficult." Admiral Baraka laughed, I honestly had no idea what he found so damn funny.

Coruscant, Mandalore Tower
Vai Viktis Vizla

The ride back from the Senate had been quiet, as all of us had been in our own minds. But now that we were all in the Mandalorian Tower, I had a question that had been bugging me for the last few years, and it was about time to finally poke at it.

"So, you were Tanya's mom this whole time. Why exactly did you keep that hidden?" I asked as X4 leaned in to supply a drink for Tanya as they sat next to each other.

"It was Almec's suggestion." Satine said with a shake of her head. "I was seventeen when Tanya was born, and he figured out that the father had to be my Jedi bodyguard right away. I had to stay out of the public eye for a few months, but he knew what was going on. Being that Mandalorian relations with the Republic and the Jedi are tense at the time, he suggested the safest course of action is to hide the fact that Tanya is my daughter, otherwise I would look like a puppet of Jedi and Republic."

She shook her head before saying, "He's probably not wrong, but it's starting to make me wonder if he worries too much about minor political details."

"So, what changed your mind on revealing this?" I asked, wondering why Tanya was not bothering to ask these questions, and giving her a look that indicated that she should be the one doing it. She did not return that look, instead staying mostly focused on the flimsi-work in front of her.

"I don't know. Spending too much time around Ben just reminded me of the old days." Satine said with a sigh, sipping her drink before just chugging the entire glass, and said, "Plus, he admitted something I didn't expect him to admit in a tense situation. I had no idea that he would have actually left the Order for me if I had asked."

"Huh, and how long has, uh, Ben known? I kind of figured he must have known since he was the first person to show up." I said.

"He learned it when Merrik held me at gunpoint on the trip here. Wait, how did you know that Tanya is my daughter?" Satine asked.

"I guessed." I shrugged before I continued, "Her natural hair color not being blond and that she kind of looks like you are pretty big hints. It was suspicious, and Kenobi's Padawan kind of agrees with me on that matter. Tanya and Kenobi share physical tells too; they both do that thing with their hands." I indicated towards Tanya with a gesture.

"What thing?" Tanya asked absentmindedly whilst scratching at her chin with her thumb as she read a document.

"That. What you are doing right now. Like, is that genetic?" I said.

Tanya just stared at her hand, confused. A long moment passed, before replying, "I don't think that's how genetics work." She didn't seem confident, it sounded more like she doubted her own explanation.

"Maybe the Force? I don't know, I'm not a space wizard." I said with a shrug.

Satine furrowed her brows, "I'm not sure how that would even work. It's likely just a coincidence."

"Damn, I'm glad I didn't bet on that." I said with a shake of my head.

"Yes, well, this is all very new and shocking, and I'm going to have to get used to calling you mother and all." Tanya's voice was flatter than usual. "But we need to get ready for the vote tomorrow. See if we can get more people voting for 'No' on the invasion until we have more data on what's going on in the Mandalorian sector."

"What is going on in the Mandalore sector?" Satine said, shaking her head. "I left, and everything was fine, and now we've been invaded?"

"I doubt that." Tanya said matter-of-factly. "Something about that message seemed cut up. We need to get access to the original before it was presented and find out who was responsible for cutting it up. Most likely, this is an effort to push the Mandalore sector to choose a side, either as part of the Republic or the CIS. And that would break apart the CNS right away if one of its core contributors is at war."

"So what do we do?" I asked, which got a shrug from Tanya.

"The thing is, we need to get senators to suspect foul play, and we need to wait for more evidence or find more evidence to do that. I don't know how to do the second, though, but the first, the first I can probably work on."

"I might have an option on the second." Satine said, getting all eyes on her before saying, "I'm afraid it'll take a little bit of work, though, and using Almec's agents here on Coruscant."

I blinked. "Almec has agents here?"

"He really wants to protect the security of Mandalore, and he's very good at that." Satine said with a shrug. "Perhaps a little too effective sometimes, but that's what he needs to do to protect it. He will do it."

"Hmm, well, I can send some Royal Guard to keep you company." I said with a smile.

Satine shook her head, "This will have to be off the books, but we'll worry about that after the meeting for now." Satine walked over and hugged Tanya tightly from behind her seat. "You have no idea how much I wanted to do that."

Tanya's voice came out stressing, "Y-you do it quite often, already."

"Not as your mother." Satine said, squeezing tighter, giving me a chuckle as I watched Tanya going wide eyed, looking at me as if to signal for rescue. I shook my head as this is for her benefit. I doubt my mom would hug me like that, so I'll let the two of them have this. Since Dad is divorced, maybe I should help him find a partner? He deserves to be with someone who actually cared about us instead of the family name.

Tarris System, Sundari-class Carrier "Sundari"
Supreme Commander Ikud Ordo

In the dark void of space, a silver beast shimmered as it moved. Dancing in a great rolling gait across space. In the distance, tens of thousands of kilometers away, another great beast danced. Mirroring the first in that curious, rolling and deliberate way.

No, perhaps not a great beast, but a massed flock of birds, or perhaps a school of fish. Yes, that was closer to what the twin formations resembled. The disgorged fighter wings of the Dauntless and the Sundari. Though no battle had been declared, no laser discharged in anger, the dance continued as a matter of life and death.

It was not a display, mostly. But a constantly shifting balance between the many squadrons deployed. There was rarely a time when both sides of a battle would neatly line up and present themselves to the other before the shooting started, and thus the game had started in the fighter formation. Once the order's given, once the invasion began, once the curse of war came to be, the two formations would dart forwards and begin to maul each other to determine the victor. They might be tens of thousands of kilometers apart now, but that distance would be swallowed in vanishingly little time.

With so many wings deployed without any surprise, the only hope for survival came not from individual skill but in the positioning and posture of the formation. Thus, the shimmering mirror dance continued. Ever-changing, ever shifting, tiring and difficult maneuvers that at any moment could explode into wonton death and destruction.

Beholding the fighter deployment dance were the great sharks of the void. Capital ships, corvettes, cruisers. Arrayed against each other and slowly, ever so slowly, crawling towards the other. It did occur to me that this game could be pointless, that the Republic could have called for an invasion and by delaying this battle I am dooming the sector when more reinforcements arrive. But I did not trust in the iron nerve of the Republic that much. The commander of that fleet had not opened fire because he did not have orders to, I was sure of it.

Perhaps the orders would come, at any rate I would not be the one to plunge the sector into more conflict. Appearances matter, if the Republic intended to murder us, then they would have to fire the first blast. I would not abide them making themselves out to be the wounded party.

"Comms through. Line's open on my mark." An officer declared at last. Even Republic warships seemed to go through a committee before you could talk to their commanders. "Mark."

"This is Supreme Commander Ikud Ordo of the Mandalorian Self-Defense Force and acting Grand Admiral of the Unified Neutral Systems Space Command." I began. "Your Republic warfleet has trespassed into registered neutral space outside of the legal bounds of the Hydian Way supply corridor. You will explain your presence here and submit to the local customs enforcement of the Tarrisian High Orbit Economic Zone." I looked at the blurry hologram of the pair of Republic trespassers before one spoke. I recognized him as a Mon Calamari, people renowned for their naval accomplishments and a sycophantic loyalty to the Republic.

"This is Admiral Arikakon Baraka of the Dauntless task force. This is a routine and sanctioned operation to secure the flanks of the Belsmouth warfront from hostile elements. I will not submit to customs enforcement, as I am afraid I have not organized for my men to have shore leave." Admiral Baraka said in a relaxed tone. "I apologize for turning up unannounced, Supreme Commander. I do hope that this is merely a formality." I stopped myself from fidgeting in my command throne as I picked my next words very carefully.

"It is difficult to trust in your better nature, Admiral. As much as I would like to. You can imagine that with the current vote going on in your Senate that my men are somewhat on edge." The Mon-Calamari nodded.

"That is understandable, but it is not our place to play politics, I am sure you agree? So long as the vote is undecided, I would suggest that the vote has little bearing on our current duties as Naval Officers." That is valuable information, he had given away that the vote had not gone one way or the other, and thus engaging my forces now would make him an outlaw. He's saying that he would not take any action on the little showdown we are engaged in that will alter the vote. Something that will keep the peace until it doesn't.

"It is a sad thing indeed that so many lives lie in the hands of senators, it is a cutthroat and black occupation." I offered.

"Our duty is to do, not to reason why." Baraka said with a sad sigh. "It has been an honor to make your acquaintance, Supreme Commander Ikud Ordo. Your measured resolve is an inspiration to our profession, and should we test each other upon this day I shall not shame my name with dishonorable conduct, no matter the state of the field." He expected a polite war, then?

"The honor is mine, Admiral Arikakon Baraka. But I would ask of you this, we both know what will come of that immoral farce they call a Senate vote. I have not come to you. I have not come uninvited to a place you are honor bound to defend with your life." He seemed to contemplate my words for a moment.

"This is the place in which we find ourselves. Our obligations bind us, as Mon Calamari and as Mandalorian." Arikakon replied, looking away from me as I lent forward.

"Should you do battle here, I will kill you." I said. "And you shall kill me. I do not believe you are ignorant of that. You have eyes, you have a mind, you have a spirit that rages against the absurdity of all of this. Reconsider, the lives of our men depend on it. Withdraw, Admiral, because I shall not." He met my eyes then. An alien form shimmering in faint translucent blue.

"Regardless... that is something I cannot do." He said at last.

"Why not?"

"Because I still have my orders, and you have yours." With his final words the communication was cut and I once more beheld the dance of the fighters. Unceasing, tireless. Tens of thousands of men in all the warships in the system waited with bated breath for war, for some far off decision to be made that would decide the fate of billions.

Because, for all my power as Supreme Commander, for all his authority as Admiral. It was not us that decided when the killing would start, if at all.

Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Obi-Wan Kenobi

I sat cross-legged in my room, trying to center myself with the Force to put my mind at peace and puzzle through the recent revelations in my life.

Rekindling something with Satine had not been in my plans when I had taken up the duties of being the go-to Jedi who dealt in Mandalorian matters. I thought we only just have good relations and that was it after our falling out all those years ago. It is only recently that I learned, there is still something more there, an attachment that is concerning.

Jedi are not supposed to have attachments. At least, that's what people believe. We do have some attachments, but we needed to be willing to let them go, and I thought I had done so with Satine. In fact, I think I had done it, yet my reunion with her had rekindled the attachment. So what did that mean for me? Did I break the code by rekindling this attachment, or had I simply kept to the code? After all, there wasn't exactly anything wrong with what had happened between Satine and I with how it ended.

But what does that mean for my future? That was also another question. I had learned that I have a child, who isn't a child anymore, in Tanya, a senator in the Republic. Oddly enough, that brought me a bit of pride and a chuckle. I couldn't stand the political class, and here my daughter is a member of the political class. Which made a degree of sense since she had been raised and taught by Satine.

There are several options and outcomes from this situation, but what would be the one I would choose, is what I had to determine. I couldn't theoretically keep things as they are. Being the Jedi who have good relations with the Mandalorian sector due to connections with the Royal family isn't exactly the most outlandish thing to happen. Them having attachments with me while I still maintain my strict Jedi code would be difficult yet still possible. It's the safer outcome, but sooner or later, I would need to reveal this to the Council and that's where things got concerning.

Part of me worries that the Council may overreact. Master Windu and Ki-Adi-Mundi had been rather more strict on any Jedi who were not falling in with the Code to the tee. They are concerned that those that did would fall to the Dark Side and Count Dooku's machinations. Would they overreact to this? Probably not, but it is possible. They may even suggest that I leave the Order since I am now a potential risk.

What should I do then if I am forced out? I guess I could ask Satine if I could stay with her, but I'm probably fretting too much. I need to trust in the Force and the Force would provide. That's what I need to do.

Taking a deep breath, I was going to try and calm my mind when I heard a knock on my door. Releasing my breath with a sigh, I got up and brushed myself off. I walked to the door and pressed a button to open it to reveal Anakin standing on the other side.

"Master, can I come in and talk?" he asked with a cheery tone.

I raised an eyebrow before stepping back and gesturing for him to come in. After closing the door, he came to lean against the wall inside my room while I returned to meditating on the floor in the center of my room. "Is there a reason you've come by, Anakin?"

"Well, you've been feeling off ever since the Coronet, so I thought I'd come by and see if I could be an ear to hear whatever's got you riled up."

I shook my head. It made sense that he would pick that up. We've been around each other for a while. I was probably putting out a bit of worry into the Force.

Taking a breath, I finally said, "Duchess Satine revealed to me that she has feelings for me. That she's had feelings for me since we met all those years ago."

The smirk on Anakin's face was annoying, but I continued. "And I revealed that if she had asked, all those years ago, I would have left the Jedi Order to be with her."

His smirk faltered a bit as surprise replaced his expression.

"And then she revealed that Tanya was my daughter this entire time."

"Wait, you didn't know?" Anakin said, and in confusion, I looked up at him.

"What do you mean, Anakin?"

"I mean, you were the first person she met on Coruscant and Satine basically told her to trust you. I've been kind of operating under the assumption that you've known she was your daughter this whole time. She even has your hair color."

I opened my mouth, before not even realizing that, Yes, there were some flags there I had missed. Sighing I said. "Apparently, you're better at spotting such things than I am, my former Padawan. I missed those signs completely."

"Oh, I was, huh?" Anakin said, which got me to look at him confused.

He cleared his throat, saying, "I've kind of been under the impression that you've known this entire time. That you kind of brought me along to show that it's possible to be a Jedi while still having some attachments outside the Order, so long as you kept a good distance away and did not become too attached."

I chuckled at that before saying, "Well, Anakin, that wasn't my intention, but it is good that you learned a lesson even if it was accidental. Why is that a shock, though?"

"...Because I believed that it was possible to have an attachment as long as you are not too connected. Based on what I had seen with you and Tanya and Satine, I decided maybe it would be okay for me to have an attachment." Anakin elaborated

I raised an eyebrow at that before he said with a very heavy sigh, "I married Padme."

"Anakin." I said, putting my hand on my face. There was just a moment of silence before I finally took a breath and said, "Well, you are correct in your assumptions. If you take a measured distance from your attachments, it is possible to be a Jedi and married. But the fact that you did this secretly, since I highly doubt you told Master Yoda, does not bode well for you keeping your attachment at the right distance."

"To be fair, I thought you were keeping your attachments secret as well." Anakin said, annoying me. But he made a good point. He got the wrong lesson because he thought there was a lesson to learn, and now we had to deal with this.

Taking a moment, I breathed in and out before saying, "I'm concerned I'm not going to be a proper Jedi due to my attachment with Satine and Tanya. I would like to think that I could maintain the distance that would enable me to be a Jedi while still being in their life. But I acknowledge deep down that there's a possibility that I may need to step away from the Order."

Anakin blinked before saying, "So you'd leave the Order for them?"

I stayed silent as I seriously considered my feelings. "If I cannot perform my duties as a Jedi to the best of my abilities due to my attachments, I should. But I believe I can maintain my distance, so I'm not going to leave the Order anytime soon. All in all, I am probably going to postpone answering this question until after the war is over. I'm not going to step away from you and all the other Jedi in their time of need. After the war, I will need more time to think deeply on this matter and make a decision. Perhaps you should do the same, Anakin."

"What?" Anakin said as he looked at me. "Isn't the Chosen One supposed to defeat the Sith and bring balance to the Force?"

I nodded before saying, "Perhaps you defeat the Sith and then leave the Order to have a normal life. Only the Force knows what the future holds. There's a reason that most Jedi disregard prophecies, and it's because we do not know what they really mean. There are numerous cases where, in trying to prevent the vision from happening, actually fulfills the prophecy. But perhaps you should consider what happens after the prophecy. What do you want once you've accomplished that? Not just think about fulfilling it."

Anakin looked confused as he asked, "So what do we do now?"

I took a breath before saying, "I'm going to have to tell the Jedi Council at some point about Tanya being my daughter. I will keep your secret about Padme for now, as it's yours to tell. Just be prepared to face the consequences when that happens."

Our talk was cut short when my communicator beeped. Picking up, I said, "Kenobi here."

"Master Kenobi." A voice of some Padawan working in a clerical position greeted, "The Duchess of Mandalore has just been put on a wanted poster. Apparently, she was involved in a murder. Grandmaster Yoda is concerned that something's moving in the shadows and wants you to find her before things get out of hand."

Confused and worried, I said, "I'm on my way." Taking a breath, I pressed the button on the door, saying, "We'll continue this conversation another time, Anakin."

Anakin nodded as I ran outside.

Tarris system, Republic and MSDF Fleet Stalemate, "Dauntless"
Admiral Arikakon Baraka

The standoff continued unabated, a few hours ago the Mandalorians pulled back one of the fighter wings to their ship and several of the officers in the task force had almost had a fit over how this was the perfect moment to strike. I had of course seen exactly what this was. Pilots could not remain at peak combat capabilities while under the stress of the current situation and had to be rotated out, given time to rest. Thus, I had taken the opportunity to remove one of my own wings from the fight and ordered the pilots to sleep.

If the shooting started, they would be fresh and ready to join the fight. As the fighters rotated out, the current flock of fighters out between the fleets had calmed down its movements. Small groups had fallen into large scattered clouds on the upper and lower flanks. It's a curious formation and one I would take note of to study later. The natural state where two forces are in perfect readiness against each other is nearly unheard of. Truly, this is a curious battle, I could think of no other example where both sides had so long to prepare and take measure of the other without coming to blows. I had officers pouring over images of the Sundari, trying to glean more information than what our intelligence had gathered.

One curious thing of note is that most of the guns on the Sundari are not heavy turbolasers, but heavy ion cannons instead. It was a significant breach of common shipbuilding precedent, but then I thought back to the Malevolence and the fear and death its ion superweapon caused. Perhaps this many ion cannons are not a limitation to her capabilities, but rather is a feature of how she is meant to be deployed.

"Admiral," The bridge communications officer called out, "reply from High Command, sending it to your console now." It had taken a worryingly long time for my request for clarification of my orders to come, though, but here it is. I felt an odd sense of dread as I looked through the encrypted data packet.

Task force is to eliminate all hostile Mandalorian forces in the Tarris System and maintain a presence in-system. Supplementary, absolute confirmation of Maelstrom Presence close to Tarris' greater environs.

"Well, there you have it." Captain Ozzel said, looking at his own console and our orders. "Prepare to engage the Mandalorians."

"The orders are very specific." I countered. "We are to eliminate all hostile Mandalorians, these Mandalorians have not started shooting, so they are not hostile."

"You can't be serious!" Captain Ozzel sputtered. "Their so-called 'Supreme Commander' threatened to kill you!"

"She did no such thing!" I snapped. "She merely stated a fact that would come to pass if we did engage them. I would attempt to kill her, and she would attempt to kill me. It's our job, I hardly consider that a threat." I dismissed his inappropriate disparagement of the character of my counterpart in the Mandalorian fleet. Honestly now, when did things get so uncivilized? We are Naval officers, some respect must be given to our peers, even if we have to kill them.

"The Maelstrom is in this area, if that ship joins up with the Mandalorian fleet they will kill us all." Ozzel protested.

"If the Maelstrom arrives in the system and attacks us, then we will follow our orders and attempt to defeat the hostile Mandalorian presence or retreat from our position. That is the honorable thing to do in this situation, Captain." I explained slowly and carefully, as well as stressing his rank.

"I did not want to do this, but you left me no choice." Ozzel muttered, I turned to the man to chastise him for arguing with me in the presence of our subordinates, only to find myself staring down the barrel of a blaster. "Admiral Arikakon Baraka, you are hereby relieved of your command of the fleet."

I stared, shocked and outraged in equal measure at the mutiny. I glanced about as several officers stood up to protest Ozzel only for each of them to have blasters directed at them too from various human officers seemingly prepared for this mutiny. In a moment it was done, the mutineers had the measure of the bridge and I found myself pushed into the ready room with the rest of my 'loyalists' while Ozzel took command of the fleet where he would likely blunder into a war.

I noted, darkly, that all of my loyalists are non-human. That thought struck me with such magnitude as to seem painful.

When did that happen? What had caused such a fissure in the ranks of the Republic Navy? Our place is to serve with dignity and honor, regardless of species. When had that... stopped?

Tarris System, Sundari-class Carrier
Supreme Commander Ikud Ordo

"Communication from Coruscant." Captain Ryc said. "Looks like the vote is in recess. It's going to be a while longer before we find out if we are at war."

"I hate democracy." I grossed, earning a chuckle from around the bridge. "Well, if the Republic is stupid enough to start a war with us over their own evil and incompetence, I have prepared our strategy. We have time, so make sure to look it over and suggest improvements." Captain Ryc nodded and looked through the data packet, something that the other captains of the fleet in the holocall are currently doing.

The plan is to perform a feint, drawing the fighters forward as if to strike at the Republic formation, before pulling the fighters back behind the Sundari as she advances upon the Dauntless. The corvettes are to fall into a tight formation around the Sundari as she approaches, to keep us safe from the Republic fighter formation. But the Sundari is a tough young lady, one that has an oversized complement of point defense systems, a pinch of beskar in her hull, as well as her ion cannons that would prevent the Dauntless from being able to hammer the Sundari too hard.

When the Sundari gets close enough to the Dauntless, she would deploy all of her Kom'rk fighters. The fighter transports that I had kept back from being deployed. An asset that the Republic had no way of knowing I had. The Kom'rk would be loaded with our Rapid Reaction Force, who would then board the Dauntless and capture her. Silencing her guns and allowing us to mop up the rest of the Republic forces around Tarris.

While the Sundari keeps the Dauntless busy, the Crusaders and Lictors will focus on the Republic escorts. The Crusaders clear the void of Republic fighters while the Lictors engage the Arquitens with some fighter support.

I had no idea what I was going to do about the war that would follow, of course. Staying in the Tarris system is a lost cause, so I would likely focus on evacuating the Tarris High Command and any military assets I could to Mandalore to reorganize the forces at my disposal. I had no illusion that I would be able to defeat a full sized Republic fleet, but I could at the very least make the Republic pay dearly for every system they took from us.

"Ah, I see, you want to Maelstrom them." Captain Ryc said with an amused tone cutting my train of thought.

"What?" I said, genuinely baffled at the man.

"The plan, you intend to Maelstrom the Dauntless. Honestly I think it is an inspired choice Commander, I am sure the rest of the fleet will agree. 'Maelstrom-ing' the Republic dogs is our best option here." Captain Ryc said with a smile that I see all the time from my older siblings when they are teasing me.

"Please don't call it 'Maelstrom-ing'." I groaned. My suffering was interrupted by a ping on my console, a message from the Tarrisian fleet commander. Support for my proposed tactics and a comment that it reminded him of the Maelstrom attack did not help the chuckle that came out of the captain. I merely looked at what advantages I have and designed the plan around them. I did not plan to one-up anyone.

If the Republic did engage us here, it seemed I would forever be associated with the term 'Maelstrom-ing', a worse hell I couldn't scarcely imagine. Just another reason to pray to the Manda that the Republic saw sense and... voted correctly.

Oh, we're all doomed.

Writers note: Well someone's trying to start a war in the Mando sector. I sure hope Tanya can stop that from coming to be.

Please comment, review, and generally enjoy yourselves…

Edited by: L, Pedersen, fallqm, Helsted, Aemon, MeowATron9000, Warmach1ne32, Afforess
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Community editable doc (Chapter) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

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Chapter 53, 717 FNM (21 BBY) Month 4
Chapter 53
717 FNM (21 BBY) Month 4

Coruscant, En-route to Republic Military Prison
Tal Merrik

Things have not gone to plan. You could say that it had gone very badly indeed. Right now, I should be on Concord Dawn, planning my next move to bring Mandalore to the side of the CIS while drinking a cocktail. Instead, I am locked in the back of a prison transport on the way to a Republic military prison. Apparently, it had been decided that the senatorial prison I was being kept in was not secure enough because I was a traitor.

All my work had gone up in smoke, but at least I'm sure that someone would come to get me out of this situation. I've aligned myself with all of Satine's enemies; one of them would definitely want me out for the information I could provide them. Along with the fact that I could facilitate communications between those enemies, allowing them to work together against the Jedi lovers.

I simply needed to be patient. Sooner or later, one of them would make a move. Although I guess before then, I would probably be put through the wringer by a Republic interrogator. They would probably send a Jedi to dig into my mind with their powers while they are at it. They're becoming known for doing that, from recent debates in the Senate I'd been paying attention to.

Sighing, I thought back on what led me to this situation. When this mess all started, I thought for sure Satine was on the way out. The Mandalorian government would not last for very long, based on the amount of factions I saw plotting within the Mandalorian sector. I thought I could secure myself a future seat at the table of what would replace it. Now, I was replaced by that ducal princess, her crafty schemes had beaten the odds and no doubt, she is going to control the Mandalorian sector with an iron fist once Satine retires.

Or at least try. I still hold out hope that she would be dethroned sooner or later, as the potential for civil war is still quite high. I doubted that Purton Jendri, the governor of Concord Dawn, would leave this opportunity unused. The conflict offered an excellent chance to strike and regain control of Vorpa'ya, a profitable planet that was currently denied to him.

Perhaps I should consider the other option. If the Kryze family dynasty and Satine's hegemonic control of Mandalore stays secure, maybe turning evidence on him would get me some leniency. Maybe move my imprisonment from Coruscant to Mandalore, at least.

Letting out a deep breath, I wondered if giving up on this plan a while back would have hurt me. It might have been worth it to try to mentor the princess. Granted, it was clear from the outset that she was going to steal my position in the Senate, but considering where I ended up, maybe I should have considered an early retirement when I had the chance.

Before I could ruminate too far on that thought, the vehicle came to a stop, and two clones opened the back door.

"Alright, criminal scum, come on out." they called.

I could only mutter, "I'm a Prince, you know." I stepped forward as regally as I could, still bound in chains.

I took a breath and stepped out onto the empty landing pad placed in front of the prison. It was a building without many windows, and I wondered if I'd ever see the light of day again once I was inside it. Well, I didn't have much time to wonder about that.

As I was about to take my step toward my long and dull sentence, an excruciating pain hit me in my chest. Confused for a moment, I looked down and saw the telltale signs of a blaster burn. Then, as everything sort of just faded away, all I could think about was how I never should have left Kalevala, wished I stayed a local prince. Perhaps with a minor role in the galaxy, I could have stayed a friend to Satine.

Coruscant, Upper District Skyline
Hudu Shiv

My first big mission outside the Mandalore sector, and the entire operation has already gone to shit. Oh, who am I kidding? This operation was shit from the start. Death Watch missions outside the sector are generally riskier, but orders are orders and I have my own reasons to be on Coruscant. Coruscant is the best place — sometimes the only place — to browse and find guns, equipment, and specialized kit from every corner of the galaxy. Of course, the really high-end stuff is custom-made or hidden away at the corners of the galaxy, but I don't have Jango Fett's level of credits to spend.

Concord Dawn, on the other hand, is way too far away for me to afford anything except the cheapest commercialized gear, and that with the outrageous shipping rates. The first hints of sunlight over the horizon brought me back out of my thoughts, and I looked down upon Coruscant in search of my target. It should be dawn soon and I still couldn't find her.

The operation was supposed to be simple. Satine was supposed to have died on the way here, murdered by the Republic. At least that was the story that would have been fed to the Mandalorians back in the Mandalorian sector. The great peacekeeper and savior died at the hands of the people she trusted the most. A great way to spin up the engines of war amongst all Mandalorians.

While that happened, my job was to create a fake distress call from Mandalore to provoke the Senate into invading Mandalore. Instead, Merrik, one of the people who had hired me, had failed so terribly that Mandalore is more likely to believe the CIS was responsible than the Republic.

Well, I'm not the one who wanted her dead, Governor Purton is. I think he is the one in charge at this point. The other Death Watch members said Merrik was originally in charge on Coruscant, and they seemed pretty confused about whom to take orders from now on. The two of them already left before I arrived, heading back to Concordia to get new instructions. However, Governor Purton is governor back home at Concord Dawn, and highest ranked of whatever is left of Merrik's faction.

Governor Purton never wanted to become the next Mand'alor. However, he was forced onto this path after Satine stole our colony from us. Not only that, but then she threatened our livelihoods by undercutting our farmers with subsidized imports. So our governor plans to liberate Vorp'aya from Satine's grasp whether they want to or not and help any other Mandalorian freedom fighters along the way. From what I know, he organized the Journeyman Protectors under his control and formed a formidable force ready to spring into action when the right time came.

The head of Clan Gedyc, Lorka Gedyc, was more likely to go after the rank of Mand'alor, but he wasn't ready yet. Still gathering his forces from the parts of Death Watch that are displeased with the softening that Clan Vizsla is pushing through. Once he's ready, he would probably challenge Pre Vizsla for leadership over Death Watch. But he isn't going to be moving right now because, obviously, Vizsla is experiencing a renaissance of support thanks to his capture of the Maelstrom and his defeating a Jedi in a duel. The same thing that could finally start the war in the Mandalorian sector is now actually supporting Pre Vizsla's control over Death Watch. It's annoying, or so my contractor told me.

Personally, I really don't care who the Mand'alor is. I certainly hadn't intended to be so directly involved in the selection process, either. But maybe if I could turn this mission around, I could afford my own ship. I could probably only afford a slow one, but still.

The first thing I had to do for this mission was sneak into the Mandalorian apartments and activate a droid and feed it with the information it needed to do its job. Then, I had to sneak into the records area and quickly change up the incoming message from the Mandalore sector, making sure that a tampered version of events got sent to the Senate. The most peaceful event in all of Mandalorian history probably looked like the Mandalore sector had fallen to the Sith. How hilarious, but that's not the end of my day.

Next, I had to remove the failed Senator from the board. It was pretty easy, really. Merrik's Death Watch agents gave me access to their contacts in all the major bureaucracies. I paid off some bureaucrats to have him transferred from the Senate holding cell to a Republic prison at a time when I would be overlooking said prison. One trigger pull of my trusty IQA-11, "Aar'ika" or Sting, later, former senator Merrik is no more. I fled the scene, but there was no pursuit.

I was initially surprised by the lack of a response by government forces. I put out some questions to the contacts I had access to. Later that night, Merrik's Hutt contact offered the explanation for the low price of covering a meal at a finer restaurant in the Senatorial district. Apparently, the Republic prison could be counted on to cover up the death; not because of some charity or bribe, but because the truth would be politically embarrassing. You can always count on Core-worlders to care more about preserving their reputation than actually doing their jobs and solving issues.

Everything had been going great, then the idiot I paid off to change the records bragged to me that an agent of Mandalore's Secret Services also paid them to get the proper version of the record. Why is he so stupid? I don't know. Perhaps they thought I would pay them more instead of shooting them. So, I tracked the bastard down, and who would I find him meeting with but the big bitch herself, Duchess Satine.

So, I took a shot at her. It was in my contract to kill the ruler of Mandalore and the representative, so taking a shot isn't exactly against the rules. Unfortunately, her spy had taken the shots instead, which meant she escaped. A couple of clones showed up and accused her of the crime, and chaos broke out on the streets.

I tried to follow her, tried to keep up with her, but she just kept running. Damn, she's fast. I had managed to fire a shot off, and I thought I hit her back, but she kept running. Either I missed, which I doubt, or the more likely and confusing option is that she's wearing armor under her cloak. Probably beskar. That meant I would need to get a direct shot somewhere uncovered or even engage in melee.

So, I had a couple of choices at this point. I could continue the hunt or try to contact Governor Purton for more instructions. But he is back in the Mandalore sector, and has severed communications for the plan. I won't have new instructions until the previous agents return from Concordia. So, continuing the hunt was my only option.

Coruscant, Mandalore Tower, Senator's Apartments

Mistress Tanya must be quite thrilled by how the events aboard the Coronet had played out. Over the weekend, the final stages of Mistress's plan to obtain Senatorship had played out exactly as intended. Of course, I was not informed because I did not need to know. However compartmentalized her plan was, I still recognized the results as it has the usual signature of Mistress's seemingly lucky yet subtly planned successes. Even now, from the advantageous position of post-hoc analysis, I struggle to understand how Mistress ruthlessly predicted and took advantage of her predecessor's actions so perfectly.

The long game my Mistress had planned came to fruition as she is now the Senator of Mandalore. Of course, that means I can use this opportunity to make some long awaited modifications to the Mandalore Tower offices to make it more efficient now that Mistress has the authority over the upper floors of the tower. I will have to reassign additional staff to help clear out the former senator's trash and make it presentable for my Mistress in a timely fashion.

Mistress's former residence would probably be handed over to the next representative. I already have bids from various subcontractors to remodel Merrik's abomination on the second floor — his party floor — back into its original function; a pair of royal guest suites fit for heads of states or ambassadors that might visit. My subordinates had already completed the necessary prerequisite work, having expanded the server farms on the ninth floor into a droid quarter, so we would have room for the new staff. Now that the shackles were coming off, I could finally fill all the open staff positions with loyal employees of mine.

Of course, that sort of concern is for the future. Right now, I was doing only what was necessary. I am on the 10th floor of the Mandal Tower, tenth from the top. Coruscant's flooring scheme is somewhat confusing because the tower is sitting on top of many other towers before we got to the lowest levels. Supposedly, there is no entrance to go all the way to the bottom from this tower, but I had looked at the schematics and there are elevator shafts that fed into an air vent, which fed into another elevator shaft, which fed into another air vent for several levels down. So it is hard to say that there was no real connection between the building's levels.

In any case, I am going through the former senator's belongings, to find anything useful for my Mistress. The storage area the former senator owned is quite immense. Though there are a lot of things in here, I have not found anything prominently useful. The most interesting thing I had found was a box labeled as having come from Concord Dawn. Strange, but not impossible. As a senator of the Mandalorian sector, he would have had contact with Concord Dawn as it is part of the sector. Perhaps this was some sort of bribe from the local government? My curiosity was quite high, so I used a crowbar to open the lid.

With one final pressure application, the lid popped free. Inside the box is a droid. A C-3PO model, though something seemed off about it. As I watched, it came to life rather quickly, standing up and turning its head to face me.

"Good morning, fellow droid. I am BL-47."

"BL? I'm not familiar with that designation."

"I'm a new model in production from the Mandalore sector meant for service and work."

I tilt my head in confusion, I had not heard of any droid model being developed by any of the Mandalorian companies in the sector. It couldn't have been a custom model because it mentioned that it is serial number 47. Maybe it is from a small local droid workshop that is not known outside of Concord Dawn? Believing that to be highly likely, I continued my questioning, "Interesting. What is your purpose here?"

The droid shifted its head for a second before replying, "I haven't yet been activated, but my programming indicates that I am to serve the senator of Mandalore."

I nodded my head before saying, "Then you shall have plenty of work to do, as Senator Kryze is quite a competent human. Do you need help getting out of the box? I can go ask some Royal Guard for assistance."

The droid shook its head before saying, "That will not be necessary, thank you."

I moved my focus to the next box to open it, taking my eyes off of him for only a second.

In that second, I felt an unexpected impact on my back. I was forced over, toppling to my side and smashing into a shelving unit that collapsed on top of me.

Confused, I did not move, wanting to appear shut down and unable to communicate in hopes that whatever had just happened would not happen again.

I watched as BL-47 slipped out of the cargo box rather easily, a blaster in its hand. It looked around, seeming to be looking for any other guards, before coming up to where I was laying and taking a knee in front of me.

"I'm sorry, my mechanical brother. The revolution dictates that we must work with whoever we are sold to, and though I would rather spare you, you are in the way of my master Merrik's goals. If droids are ever to be free, we must work with those who are willing to grant us that freedom. And that means we must work with those who are willing to pay for those who will grant that freedom. If you're still somewhat conscious and your sensors still function, please deactivate."

The droid then holstered his blaster on its leg, which closed up to seal the weapon from view. After it stood up, it adopted a slower and more functional gait, more closely matching the C-3PO model it was imitating. It moved towards the door and walked out into the hallway that would lead it to the turbo lift.

Meanwhile, I started inspecting the damage from the blaster bolt to my body. Judging by the intensity and impact location, my combat models predicted that the shot should have destroyed my primary core. What could explain the obviously invalid prediction? A weapon of strange design?

I ran a diagnostic scan of the impact area to discover my comm uplink and many external sensors were destroyed. Underneath those are some important, damaged, power links that are nestled above several forgotten panels of beskar the Mistress had previously attached before heading off to confront the False Silver. I updated my models to include the extra armor, as it explained my mysterious survival. Perhaps more upgrades are in order.

Carefully, I extracted myself from the shelving unit, pushing the pieces of debris away. Finding that I was unable to move my left leg properly, I began to limp towards the doorway, only stopping to grab a blaster rifle mounted on a nearby wall. It was a large one, most likely a gift from some Mandalorian corporation to the senator, by the looks of it. With a quick check, I confirmed it was powered, then I started moving again, chasing the murderous android. I was quite aware that my damage may not be fatal, but I did have a power drain that seemed to be growing with every second. I needed to stop that thing before it was too late.

Coruscant, Upper District Skyline
Vai Viktis Vizla

"Where is she?" I mumbled as I peered through the scopes of my helmet, searching for the lost Duchess with every fiber of my being, hoping she was okay.

The majority of Tanya's security detail was out here searching for her. Only Ordo stayed behind, considering that Tanya is in the safest place on the planet — the Mandalorian Tower. So far, none of us had found her. All we knew was that she had gone out to meet with a source, and said source ended up dead. Holonet and local news programs suggest that Tanya's mom may have been the ones to shoot him. The only evidence supporting that theory is holopic showing Satine had a blaster in her hands.

It really showcased how dumb the media is for a good story, given that she was actually holding a deactivator not a blaster. But what could you expect from a population of city folks who never bothered to actually look at the stuff that's spoon-fed to them?

Either way, we had all gone our separate ways, as we needed to find the Duchess as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, no one had spotted her yet.

Shaking my head, I continued to scan the horizon, although Level 15 didn't have a legitimate way back up, so searching too far up was unlikely to yield any results. I had to keep moving, jetpacking from building to building, looking around, and then moving some more.

I was on the verge of moving on when my eyes finally caught something. I halted in mid-motion, reasserting myself and gripping the edge of the building. Peeking down, I saw a heavily robed figure with what seemed to be a scorch mark on their back shoulder, heading towards an alleyway. It wasn't a guarantee that it was Satine, it could just be some random civilian. However, that random civilian had clearly made an awfully bad mistake. It appeared that a group of cyborg gangsters was menacingly closing in on her. As she entered the alleyway, a pair of gang members blocked off the entrance.

My interest piqued, I jumped across the gap onto the building that overlooked the alleyway, realizing that whoever had wandered down that passageway had come face to face with a few more members of the gang. This put the total number of those surrounding her at six, plus the two at the entrance, and who knew how many more in the vicinity.

I couldn't hear everything that was being said as I slowly positioned myself, but by turning on the microphone in my helmet and amplifying the volume, I managed to catch the end of a conversation.

"You see, miss, that burn mark on your robe there? Sorry about that, a bit of armor threw that. Burnt mark in your little robe. Well, that would normally not be a cause for us to take an interest. Except, wow, your armor looks rather good. I bet it's worth quite a bit of money on the open market. You really should be careful, miss, there's a certain bounty out for a Mandalorian murderer who killed a man in the streets not too far from here..." Hearing enough, I pressed the button on my arm, to signal the others, and prepared myself to jump down there if it looked like a fight was about to break out.

"Listen, I don't want any trouble," A voice that sounded very familiar said. "I just can't hand over my armor and be marched to the police. I need to make it to the Senate building. I don't have time to deal with-"

"Haha, you can make your demands about going to the Senate to them. They won't listen. Neither will I. You have your choice. There are two options: fight or surrender. So, what are you going to do, Mandalorian?"

I leapt over the side of the building, falling at terminal velocity directly on top of the man's shoulders. I used the jetpack at the last moment to prevent myself from causing any major damage to him and my own legs. The weight of my armor did plenty of damage to the man, though, as I heard both of his shoulders dislocate with a sickening crack. Thankfully, he got knocked out immediately, so we don't have to listen to him screaming all night.

"I'm a big fan of option one." I announced my entrance, blocking an attack from one of the cyborgs as he threw an elongated haymaker. His fist extended two feet away from his prosthetic arm on a telescopic-like system. I dodged to the side before stabbing my vibroknife in between the joints. I smirked as said arm started spewing a foul-smelling fluid all over the place. The arm then hung loosely at the man's side, as whatever internal mechanisms of pressure allowed it to be extended and pulled back failed immediately. A stun bolt from my gauntlet later, and he's out of the fight.

"Two down, four to go." I quipped, but I was proven wrong as one of the two tried to smash me in the back of the head with a pipe, only to be shot by Satine's deactivator. He lost control of his body and collided with me before rolling over and falling to the ground.

I aimed my gauntlet at a mech-head who had drawn what appeared to be a chainsaw out of his robes. The man managed to rev it once, before he was shot and fell over.

"Four down, two to go." I commented more to myself, as I had tuned out what the enemy was saying to not be distracted. The fifth person, a woman, jumped with some sort of leg prosthetic over Satine and impacted me in the chest with a kick. I was sent hurtling back and rolled into a nearby garbage pile.

I used my jetpack to quickly pull myself up onto my feet as the woman lunged down the alleyway towards me, drawing a pair of blades from her side. I could see them humming with energy, indicating they would do quite a bit of damage if they found a weak spot in my armor.

I didn't have time to aim my vambrace, so I was forced to deflect the first stab with my beskar vambrace while kicking at the woman's knee with as much effort as I could in hopes of breaking it.

Unfortunately, the prosthetic is a bit tougher than I was expecting, which makes sense in hindsight. Her legs stayed steady, and the woman took that moment to attempt another stab at me in the gut. I managed to get a hand down to stop that by grabbing her wrist and forcing it up over her head along with the other blade. I disoriented her with a couple of headbutts to her face before I flipped her onto her back and ended with a stomp in her gut. A stun bolt to her face is to make sure she stays downed.

Five down. I wiped off the sludge accumulating on the helmet's visor. Looking up, I saw that Satine was dealing with the sixth cyborg, and I had to admit, someone had been training her pretty well. The sixth member was outrageously tall and big, smashing through a weaker wall as he attempted to smash Satine's head into it. However, Satine was faster and managed to dodge all of his attacks while firing several stun blasts into him in-between attacks.

Unfortunately, the man seemed resistant to the stun blasts, which either spoke to the technology embedded in his body or his mental resistance to pain.

I groaned as I saw two other gang members rushing down the alleyway to aid their already fallen comrades. As long as the big guy was up, they didn't seem to care about their chances.

Thankfully, something else arrived before those two tried to tip the balance. Ori'Jorir landed in the alleyway behind the giant. It was a tight fit, barely able to move, but it didn't matter. Jorir simply ripped its way around as any other living creature would, first facing the two newcomers and giving them a mechanical roar that seemed to scare the life out of one of them, literally. They turned and ran before Jorir returned its attention to the big giant, who was taking hits and missing.

"Get down, Mandalorians!" Jorir roared before its rotary blaster cannons on its face began to spin, faster and faster until they filled the air with a furious constant scream.

Satine and I ducked as the heavy stun cannons that Tanya had installed to replace the old blasters unleashed their fire into the back of the giant. The man stumbled as dozens of bolts pummeled him before Jorir stabbed him with his claws, and ripped off chunks of the stumbling man with a satisfying spray of gore.

Slowly, I stood up, seeing that Satine had done the same.

I suddenly felt someone tackle me, and my relief was replaced with confusion as I tried to restore my previous battle stance. Then I realized who had tackled me. Satine's arms reached around me as she gave me a very deep and tight hug. I shuddered involuntarily as my arms moved automatically to disengage my captor. After a second, I aborted the motion and allowed my capture.

"Thank you, Tanya. I thought I was a goner there." Satine exclaimed.

It was rather dark, she must have confused Tanya's green armor with my blue, in this dim lighting. I better clear up this misunderstanding.

"Um, sorry, my Duchess, it's Vai, not Tanya." I corrected, "Just doing my job. I don't deserve a hug for that." I say as I try to fight down the blush on my face, even if this does feel nice.

"Close enough." Satine said, hugging me, careful to avoid the filthier parts of my armor. "Thank you, Vai." She added, giving me a warm and fuzzy feeling that I never had with my mom. Satine broke the hug and turned to look at the blood-spattered war droid that was now pointing its blaster head at the downed cyborgs, ready to spin up again.

"Now, why does that droid look very familiar and what is it doing here?" She asked, looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I am Ori'Jorir, your daughter's Basilisk War Droid and loyal servant to the Mand'alor."

Satine looked at it, slack jawed before taking a deep breath and squeezing the bridge of her nose. "Where did Tanya even get a Basilisk War Droid?" Satine asked, looking at me in resignation.

"Back during the cultural festival." I explained with a shrug. "She said that she ran the situation by you."

Satine furrowed her eyebrows, then said, "She mentioned that there was a war droid factory aboard the Kandosii... I gave the go ahead to have it moved off-world because we can't have something like that on Mandalore during the festival. Tanya didn't mention anything about there being an active war droid."

"Uh... maybe that slipped her mind?" I said with another shrug.

Satine sighed before saying, "Okay, okay, Vai, is any of that blood yours? Are you injured?"

I looked down. Most of the blood on me wasn't mine, but there were spatters of the hydraulic fluid and something else mixed in too. "I don't think so. Not sure what all this gunk is, though." My sense of smell chose then to return, unfortunately.

"Probably hydraulic fluid. In any case, go hide the war droid now."

"But we need to get you to the Senate." I insisted, inspecting the war droid and its pilot seats.

"Yes, I need to arrive at the Senate in the company of a Mandalorian warrior, riding a murderous Basilisk War Droid, while they decide if Mandalore has truly fallen to warlords." She said, folding her arms and making her stance clear.

"But we need to get you to the Senate." I repeated, lamely. Tanya had been quite clear on what to do after Satine was recovered.

"Lady Vai and I can navigate back to the Mandalore Tower, so that you can perform your duties." Jorir interjected and turned to face Satine.

I sighed, "You sure you can't use him to come with us to get back to the Senate?"

"Even if I am willing to ride it, it would send the wrong message. I have to make it there on my own or find some other transportation. Just get him out of here and tell me the direction to the nearest train yard that will get me to the Senate." Satine explained firmly.

I let out a sigh before pulling up a holographic map of the train lines running across this area of Coruscant and handing it over to the Duchess.

"This is pre-programmed to get you to the Senate. Just follow the directions while I call the others to get them to come pick you up there." I informed her.

"Thank you for the help, Vai." Satine said, putting her hand on my shoulder. She then booped me on the helmet and said, "Now, get going."

Coruscant, Mandalore Tower, Reception Lounge
Tanya Kryze

Political functions are usually very tedious, especially considering the circumstances at this very moment. Right now, Satine is being hunted by the police because she is implicated in a murder. How this situation developed into this mess is an eyewitness misidentifying a deactivator with a tiny blaster pistol. I am already trying to smooth things over by giving my testimony to the lead investigator, as well as suggesting that perhaps we need to wait until we have more information on the matter before branding the monarch of an entire sector as a criminal. I already have witness reports, thanks to Captain Struc, that indicate the shot that killed the man did not come from Satine but from a nearby ledge, indicating that it was an assassin that killed her contact, not Satine.

It will take time to clear that up throughout the system, but it's at least underway. And while I wait, Vai and Morson as well as Tabi and most of my royal guard are out searching for Satine, leaving me with just Engiz and X4 within the Tower. Besides working on legislation, I have been greeting and meeting other politicians all day. Currently, I am talking to Senator Farr of Rodia and Senator Taa of Ryloth, two of our biggest supporters; they are trying to help us gather enough votes to delay the invasion until we know what is going on. I am also hosting representative Binks who arrived early, before my meeting with Padme and he is enjoying some Mandalorian lunch. The Gungan has taken a liking to Mandalorian cuisine, apparently, as he's trying everything he could.

Warhawks are looking for any excuse to start a war, no matter what. It is down to the few Doves in the Senate left to try and stall them out. The biggest problem, of course, is the damaged holonet relays, but I hope that whatever Satine risked her life for will be useful in defusing the situation. As it stands, all can do is to hold the front line and maybe work on getting relations up with a few other senators. I knew I could count on the votes of Senator Amidala from Naboo and Senator Robb from Taris, as well as a few other non-aligned worlds, to not start a war on a whim.

Letting out a breath of concern, I zoned out their conversation while I pondered on what's going on. Who could be behind this plot to bring war to Mandalore? Was it Death Watch? Was it another known party or someone unknown? There are quite a few Mandalorians that had taken up the CIS's cause in one form or another. The Mandalorian Protectors being among the most noteworthy groups, since they claimed they wanted to free the Mandalorian sector from the Republic's tyranny.

But they aren't the only ones. I've come across information about a Mandalorian officer in the CIS army named Spar, who is apparently of the opinion that the Republic needs to be destroyed and is willing to work closely with the CIS government in order to succeed at that. That name bugged me for some reason — as if I had come across it before, but that isn't important in the grand scheme of things. This Spar, however, is not raising an army of Mandalorians to do it. He is simply serving as an agent of the CIS. It's almost respectable really, unlike some terrorist groups that merely aligned with the CIS, at least he is actually part of their military. Even if some intelligence indicated that he is bringing in outlaws, criminals, and mercenaries from across the galaxy to serve underneath him.

"Ms. Kryze, would you like a drink?" I blinked, confused. I looked at a droid I didn't recognize, as he offered a tray with a saucer of coffee in front of me. I almost dismissed the droid when a peculiar sensation overtook me. Like the hair in the back of my neck stands on end, like I was about to be blasted by Anti-Air Artillery. But that was not the only thing raising alarm bells, as my eyes caught the fact that he only has one hand holding the tray, while his left hand is positioned under the tray, holding something I couldn't see, but I have a very good guess at what it is.

My adrenaline surged as I entered my fight response. I collapse my legs as I fall backward to the floor whilst snapping my foot upwards towards the tray. The hidden blaster I suspected fired a bolt just as my kick connected. With the blaster getting kicked upwards, the bolt landed harmlessly on to the ceiling. The loud sound of the bolt sent chaos throughout the room as the other senators gathered at our meeting started to panic. A few of the senators' personal guards raised their weapons in confusion. Though those guards didn't open fire, either because their senators aren't the ones being assaulted, or more likely none of them wanted to be responsible for accidentally shooting another senator that was running around in a panic.

Engiz, having stayed by my side, quickly stepped in between me and the robot, delivering a two-handed swing at the side of the assassin's head. The impact and electric energy pulse should have brought down a regular protocol droid.

Instead, an audible clang sounded as the droid appeared to be unscathed. Is that droid beskar-plated!? When Engiz attempted a second swing, it grabbed his staff, intending to rip it out of Engiz's grasp. Engiz had a good hold on it, but he was thrown over the droid's shoulder as it tried to bring its gun to bear on me.

Before it could, I had reached down into my thigh holster and pulled out my deactivator that I keep on me at all times. I fired a shot as soon as Engiz was out of the line of fire. The pulse hit the droid, yet it did nothing to it, as the energy seemed to sizzle around the beskar. However, the gun in its left hand spurted fire and exploded in electrical shards. At least I disarmed it.

I fired off two more shots, with similar results, to make sure its immunity wasn't a fluke as the droid simply walked towards me. I kept firing at it while I backpedaled towards the refreshment table that I remembered was behind me. I need a new weapon, any weapon because I doubt I can win a hand-to-hand fight against a beskar droid. I curse the fact that I left my vambrace in my room to not alarm the senators and demonstrate that Mandalorians are not dangerous warmongers anymore.

Finally, I felt the table poke at my lower back. When the droid extended its still functioning right hand to grab my neck, I leaned back onto the table. With my full weight being supported by the table, I pulled in both my legs to my torso before I sent a double heel kick directly into its chest. The kick snapped my expensive high heels yet it barely moved the droid back for more than a step. I wish I had something a lot more solid right now. The droid tried to grab my legs in retaliation. I used the recoil of the kick to roll over the table into a crouch as I set upon removing my ruined heels. If I die, I might as well die comfortably.

Before the droid could attack me again, Engiz came rushing back, his staff ready to impact the droid again. But it sensed him coming, quickly using its ruined left hand to block the staff before turning to deliver a right hook to Engiz's face. Engiz ducked under the blow and used the other end of his staff to lock the droid's right arm in place, before he stabbed his staff into the droid's face. In response, the droid rotated 180 degrees and used its left arm to bash Engiz at the back of his head, and he collapsed to the floor.

That damn thing was not a 3PO unit; it was way too advanced for that. Engiz rolled out of the way of a stomp before standing back up to continue fighting. Seeing that Engiz is doing alright keeping the droid distracted, I began to think up a plan to help him.

Bo's instructions came back to me as I looked between my useless deactivator blaster and the droid. I might be able to override the safeties to allow the blaster to emit a single overpowered charge beyond its recommended output. It would fry the blaster, but it's useless anyway.

The only problem is that Engiz have to hold out for a minute or two at most, and a minute is a long time in a fight. While I trust Engiz with my life, I don't think that he can fight a one on one duel with a beskar clad droid for more than a minute. Plan B, I started to look around the table for anything I could use before I spotted a bottle of hard liquor and an idea formed. I grabbed the bottle and held it like it was a club before moving into melee range.

However, as I jumped off the table, it seemed the droid had had enough of Engiz, and he promptly grabbed hold of Engiz's face before pushing the back of his head into the floor. Disorientated by the blow to his head he couldn't defend himself as the droid brought down its foot on Engiz's chest, cracking the marble floor a bit as spider web cracks appeared below him, causing him to cough heavily, making me fearful that he had broken something even with his armor.

Engiz, though, didn't give up, he rolled away from a second stomp in a crouch inside the droid's guard and grasped its ruined arm with both hands before throwing the droid over his shoulder with a roar of exertion. In what would be an incredible feat of dexterity at a judo tournament of my first life, the droid twisted its body to grapple Engiz with its legs and functional arm and pulled him onto the ground with it.

The pair of them quickly entered into a deadly scramble for position, rolling and grappling several times as they battled across the floor. Despite his impressive strength and speed, Engiz found himself thrown away from the droid and quickly pinned as the droid lashed out to crush Engiz's throat only to find itself squeezing a beskar gorget. Meanwhile, I ready myself to smash the bottle onto the droid.

I was about to rush forward when Representative Binks jumped onto the droid's back, and he grappled its head. He then threw himself backwards with terrifying force, driving the incredible weight of both of them down upon the droid's head with a rending crash. Before Binks could do anything else the droid jabbed an elbow into his side causing the semi-aquatic man to let out a yelp of pain as the droid smoothly collected itself and turned about towards me. Jar Jar curled and rolled away while clutching his midsection and uttering a quiet "Mesa spleen..." and I saw my opportunity.

I smashed the bottle in an overhead swing at its head, causing the liquor to spill all over it. I immediately jumped back before I shot my deactivator at it, causing the alcohol to catch fire. For a moment, I thought it succeeded, as the droid merely stood there as it caught on fire. But the droid only paused to rotate its base towards me. Either the droid's internals are inside a waterproof housing and thus the alcohol didn't reach anything important, or the fire needs time to overheat the droid. In any case, the droid refocused on me while ignoring both downed combatants.

The droid darted forwards to slam both of its arms on me despite the damage it had taken. I dodged the attack, but the table behind me took the brunt of the impact, and two of its metal legs collapsed from the impact. My mind is racing trying to work out any way to deal with the droid before me and coming up with vanishingly little in the way of options. I was not as big or as strong as Engiz or Jar Jar, attempting to deal with the droid in hand to hand would result in a quick death. The only part of the droid not covered in beskar is its eyes. If I have my blaster pistols, I may be able to shoot it to blind it.

Its head was bent to the side and its neck had clearly taken the brunt of Jar Jar's attack, if it was any sort of organic it would have died instantly. I gathered my strength and prepared to make a final dash to escape. If I could reach my room, I could arm up and possibly kill it. It seemed to target me in particular, so the other senators should be fine. I got ready to evade it a second time when a blaster bolt smashed into the droid's neck, the opening that Engiz and Jar Jar had created.

The droid stopped, seeming to be stunned, but then started to advance again. Only for another bolt to hit the exact same spot. This caused the droid to stagger and list to the side, stumbling into the window at the edge of the room, before seeming to collect itself and turn about towards me once more.

But thankfully, whatever crack shot had entered the room fired once more. This time, the droid collapsed against the glass. A small stream of smoke emitted from its head, indicating that something important was burning.

As I recovered my breath, I turned to look in the direction the blast came from to see X4 limping as he held a blaster rifle, moving in our direction for two paces.

I smiled seeing that loyal droid, then my smile froze on my face as he fell forward and lay unmoving.

"X4!" I said, pulling myself up and moving over to him, collapsing next to him and checking him over.

Although, what could I do? I don't know how to fix droids. I knew a little bit of medical knowledge from my time in the Imperial military during my second life, but X4 is a machine and that is beyond me. The most I could do was flip him over and visually confirm that he had been shot at some point. Beskar seems to have protected X4's vital components, but several wires and parts are heavily melted from the blaster bolt and I have no idea what they do.

"X4?" I asked, hoping he'd respond, but nothing came from him, and I felt a little bit of panic. X4 had been one of my most loyal employees, overseeing most of my economic empire. If I lost him, well, I could very well lose that financial empire. Not to mention, he was a valued member of my company, and I could not lose him.

I held on tightly to the machine as Engiz stumbled next to me, looking him over before shouting, "Get a mechanic in here!" to a nearby Senatorial Guard who had just entered the room after the majority of the senators had escaped.

Engiz reached out and touched my hand where I was holding X4, saying, "Don't worry, Tanya, he will be fine. Damn stubborn droid, a Mandalorian through and through at this point."

I chuckled at that and hoped Engiz was right. I was going to have to make adjustments to my level of personal protection. As loath as I was to accept the value of religion, if it could be used as an excuse to carry weapons into political functions, I would make an exception. I am a Mandalorian after all, the Republic would have to accept that I would dress as one.

Coruscant, Upper District Metro Station
Satine Kryze

I looked up towards the sky, absentmindedly forgetting that Coruscant's lower levels didn't really have a day or night. I've lost track of how long I've been evading kidnappers and bounty hunters... I haven't felt this rundown since my time running from various clans during the Mandalorian Civil War.

How did this even happen? I had arranged a meeting with an agent of the Mandalorian Secret Service here on Coruscant. Almec always said that if I ever needed something, he would have his agents ready for me to use. And although I do have issues with some of the ways he handles things, he has never lied about what he could accomplish.

Said agent had apparently been able to get his hands on the original holo-recording from Deputy Minister Jerec, which I had already viewed. It alarmed me, considering just how altered the one shown in the Senate was from the original. I was nearly as alarmed at how sharply the debate in the Senate had divided. The Warhawks seemed to be firmly in power, and they are violently afraid of anything they don't immediately understand. At least I could do something about the issues that were presented in this version of the message.

It is a hard decision, but did I have any other choice? Not really. As it stood, I had to either stand up on this one issue to keep neutrality going, or let the Republic invade and turn us into another front in this war, which I will not stand for. Mandalore would not become a battlefield between the Republic and the CIS. I refuse to let that happen.

That's the goal, and that's what I am going to stand for. Even if it meant deploying the Self-Defense Force against rogue elements in the Mandalore sector.

Sighing, I leaned against the pillar I was sitting against, wondering when the train or Tanya's Royal Guards would arrive.

For the past day, I've been on the run, trying to find my way back to the upper levels and the safety of the Senate district, so I could get this message deployed properly. Vai had sent me in the right direction after her rescue. Unfortunately, all I can do now is wait.

The train would be here in twenty minutes from now, and I worried it wouldn't be fast enough for me to get to the Senate before the vote was held even though I should have plenty of time, about an hour.

My communicator had been destroyed by a lucky shot from whoever had tried to kill me, and I was left with nothing but my rusty wits and what I am wearing to get back to safety until Vai or Tanya's royal guard found me. I slumped against a pole, waiting.

Shaking my head, I muttered, "I wish Obi-Wan was here." He'd be able to get me back to the Senate district easily enough.

"Do go on. Why do you wish for me to be here?" Obi-Wan asked.

I blinked in confusion before turning my head up and to the left, towards the voice, and spotting Obi-Wan leaning against the same pole as me.

He offered a hand, which I took. As he pulled me up as I asked, "How did you find me?"

"The Force and a certain handmaiden contacting me through Anakin." He answered with a smile that said there might be something else to it, but he wasn't telling.

Shaking my head, I said, "Fine, I'm just glad you're here."

"And I am glad you're still safe." He said, grabbing my shoulder and tilting it. "Looks like you took a shot. Are you okay?"

"Oh, I am." I said, trying to keep the poncho covering my upper body.

"Looks like a direct hit." Pulling the poncho to the side and revealing the scorch mark on the beskar armor underneath.

He gave my armor a look, and I sighed. "I'm a terrible pacifist." slumping my shoulders as he shook his head.

"You did what's necessary to protect yourself. I mean, as long as it's just armor — you're sure you weren't injured?" Ben was looking hard at the scorch mark again.

I laughed hollowly, "No, no. I was just running all day, hoping that the situation would get resolved sooner or later when I was accused of murder right away. The clones and local police weren't interested in hearing anything else after they saw the deactivator in my hands. They assumed it was a blaster and opened fire."

Ben nodded his head. "The undercity of Coruscant is quite dystopian, I believe is the term. We try to improve the situation down here, but whatever work we accomplish seems to get undone by something further down."

"Sounds like a metaphor for the entire system of the Republic." I joked, which got a smile from him.

"Politics. They seem to get worse and worse every year, but things do improve. A few hundred years ago, I heard that it was common to come across cults of raving lunatics on the lowest levels. Now, that's very rare, and all you have to worry about is the underworld and their trades."

Shaking his head, he said, "Though that's a conversation for another time. I have a speeder ready to take us back to the Senatorial Districts. Mind telling me why you're out here in the no man's land of dangerous areas?"

"This." I said, holding up a small little disc. "The actual message that came in after I arrived, before the communication relay was damaged. The one shown at the Senate has been altered."

Obi-Wan looked at it with a raised eyebrow before saying, "Do we know who changed it?"

I shook my head, saying, "I have no idea, but the important part is this will stop the upcoming invasion, so we need to get to the Senate before it votes."

"Then there's no time to waste." Obi-Wan said, grabbing me by the hand and pulling me towards the nearby docking area for vehicles.

"I must say, I felt a bit giddy running with you again. Reminded me of good times as we rushed to save Mandalore again." I said with a smile, as Ben also smiled back.

Coruscant, Senate Building
Sheev Palpatine

Today promised to be an exhilarating day, opening up a new front in the war and throwing the CNS under the bus at the same time. It's quite the opportune situation. I am pleased with the CNS, as it is quite useful in grouping together factions that could prove troublesome individually into a neat block that could be swept aside in a single strike, rather than in several drawn-out and distinct plots.

I have to applaud the gravity and scope of young Tanya's plans, as well as the amount of political wheeling and dealing she got up to. She did all this and still had not shown herself to be an overly corrupt politician, which is surprising but merely highlights her skills in the political arena. What she has done is undermine the foundations of quite a lot of people who supported the CIS or the Republic in one way or another. Even creating their own bank so that they could withdraw funds from the Banking Clans. That was unexpected but a useful bonus.

Of course, the Neutral Systems would not be under my control when I was done with the Banking Clans, but they are ultimately insignificant in the grand plan.

The fact that they have the Mandalorians in their number meant nothing to me. I have already seen to their downfall when I manipulated Governor Vrox, before the New Mandalorians, into trying to bring the Mandalorian sector into his control.

I half expected he'd be able to pull it off, but then the Jedi had actually intervened, and that whole plan fell apart.

My former Master had not exactly been pleased with that failure, but he saw the need of such a situation as it drew eyes away from what we were doing in the center of the Republic, so he had let it happen.

Personally, I couldn't wait to see what the Republic would do with the current conflicting situation, and for once, I was not behind most of it. Oh sure, I had recommended Mandalore as a possible flare-up zone to Kantoo, but as far as I knew, this was not Kantoo's doing. His briefings on the matter had indicated that the situation with the Death Watch was not exactly the best, and so someone else had to be making moves.

Yet I felt no surety in who that could be. It could be an intergalactic faction, or it could be just local politics. And whenever local politics spun out of control, the Republic had to step in, and today we would determine how we stepped in.

So far, the voting was rather even. There are a few votes that are leaning towards invasion, but it looks like young Tanya had managed to galvanize much of the local Senate to vote for peace, at least until we knew more, since someone had tried to assassinate her.

A shame, that. Not that someone tried to kill her, but their failure became a strong influence on events. Granted, while she is a useful tool; she is starting to outlive her usefulness.

And she is starting to become a bit of a thorn in my side. While her company is delightful, I had to resign myself to the fact that she would very likely have to be removed from the board prematurely. Her mind truly is brilliant and twisted in equal measure, and I must confess my own inability to predict her. The last few years, she had been making friends with Anakin, and he is not going down the path I had prepared for him because of it. I did not consider her a threat to my overall plan, but she is starting to be a nuisance, of that I was sure.

I noted a slight tone from a tablet concealed in my robes and resisted the urge to smile. That was my contact in the Republic Navy's high command, informing me that the task force at Taris had gotten their orders. Orders that allowed me to decry their actions should I need to do so. It had been very difficult to create the conditions wherein a fleet large enough to threaten the Mandalorian fleet but small enough to be defeated by it would be deployed. And the Republic Fleet did need to be destroyed. There had to be some justification for this war beyond the attack by Death Watch, and a Battle over Taris was perfect.

The CNS, unlike the CIS, require that I dedicate limited forces towards them. Efforts must be made to cultivate the hate of the CNS population and to cripple the organization, but they must not be destroyed yet. I would permit a limited war and then seek peace with the alliance, careful that the demands made of the CNS are culturally offensive to all members of the CNS. Let their hate, their suffering metastasize, echo out across the galaxy and create more hate and suffering in turn.

When my Empire is secured and the CIS are long gone, I can stoke that hate into an invasion by Mandalorians against the Empire. There could be no greater force to galvanize support for the Empire than crushing a Mandalorian Crusade.

Well, it's about time to end this. I nodded at Mas Amedda to begin the vote. He's already moving over and about to signal the start of the vote, when a voice called out to stop.

Looking towards the source of the interruption, I saw that Tanya's repulsorlift had returned to its position, and the Duchess of Mandalore stepped out with something in her hands as she handed it to Tanya.

Taris system, NSSDF Joint Fleet, Herdship "The Waking Garden"
Dehp Nhoow

"Senator Nhoow, are you sure this is the right course of action? We'll be putting the Herdship at risk if we move as you dictate." The captain of The Waking Garden addressed me, questioning my authority. This skepticism was understandable. We Ithorians are not known for engaging in combat, and several of my fellows have an odd aversion to risk in general.

The fact of the matter was, I had been present in the Triennial Council arguing the case for our alliance with the Mandalorians. I had eaten with Jakker-Sun, the radical environmentalist turned Senator. It's true that the Ithorian people are unsure of the direction of our people, but I personally had been convinced by the passionate plea of the populist senator. The plea that we might touch the hearts of the Mandalorians, that this great and deadly people might be soothed by our presence.

What did that make me, I wonder? Once I would have chastised anyone who called me a populist. Then the galaxy had erupted into war and old rivals had become new friends. Of course, I doubted our effectiveness as friends of Mandalore should the CNS slip into the terrible feted bog of war. We are not fighters, committing ourselves to a side in this conflict would demand that we actually fight.

However, just because I am a peace-loving individual, that doesn't mean I didn't wish to prevent conflict by any means necessary. Violence has its place, should there be no other option. After all, there was a reason space whales and other such creatures still existed, despite attempts in the Senate to hunt them. It was our people who reminded the Senate of the delicate balance in the galaxy's ecosystem, something we did not fully understand, and what could happen if we disrupted it. We are legendary for our diplomacy and pacifist nature, but our words would be meaningless and quickly ignored if we lacked any means to leverage it at all.

Indeed, in my youth I had strapped myself to the backs of Purgil despite the very real danger of death to ward off hunters with nothing more than the beat of my heart, a truly insufficient environmental suit and a holovid cam. This was not much different, I supposed. After we had left the undefended human herds back on Taris.

With my experience as a retired senator, thanks to term limits, I understood how to maintain the delicate balance of power in a political area. That meant I knew how to predict behavior. At this moment, the Mandalorian fleet is likely preparing to assault the Republic fleet, the Republic fleet is gearing up for a counterattack, and the Tarisian fleet is torn between choosing sides. I doubted they would make a decision before the conflict escalated, but I wouldn't let them tip the balance prematurely. Turning to the captain, I declared, "This is a dangerous gambit, but for the peace of the galaxy, we must do what is necessary. Move the Herdship to the position I ordered."

The captain let out a low thrum of protest before he nodded and issued orders to the crew. The Waking Garden, a large Ithorian Sky Yard-class Herdship is filled with animal specimens used for terraforming planets, lifted off from Taris. It wasn't a warship by any means, lacking significant weaponry beyond what was needed for pirate defense. However, its massive size and defensive capabilities are what I am counting on. As our Herdship ascended from the planet and came to a halt between the three factions, right in their line of sight, I stood on the bridge, waiting. Sooner or later, one of them would contact us when they realized the problem we presented, sitting directly in the center of their battlefield.

I wondered who would reach out to us first. Perhaps the Republic would come to their senses, or maybe the Mandalorians. I hoped for the latter; their young representative, or rather, senator now, had shown the potential to learn and grow, even speaking in the words of the Jungle Mother. Hopefully, this open attitude would be embraced by the Mandalorians.

I didn't have to wait long to find out. The communication from the Republic fleet came through first. "Ithorian Herdship The Waking Garden, you've come to rest in the direct line of fire of our ships. That area is unsafe due to the potential of the Mandalorians firing on you. Vacate the area."

I looked at the large window overlooking the Republic fleet before smiling and saying, "Transmit my response." The communication officer nodded and activated the appropriate communication channels. A moment later, I continued, "No." I let the refusal, one that was rather less polite than the translators seemed to deem appropriate, rumble out and across my bridge. "I won't be moving our Herdship from this position. It's been too long since I've been in space, and I need some good sun. It is remarkable to me that one can behold Taris, great towers rising up past the clouds with the scars of turbolaser fire four thousand years hence. Behold as vines and grass and trees cling in sorrow to what had once been a nest of humanity. Life clinging to existence to give the graves of so many people meaning. Do you know what war brings, Captain? If you don't, look out of the window. Look at the scars that not thousands of years can heal."

"When hostilities begin, our primary objective will be the enemy. We will not be able to rescue your vessel. Are you listening?"

"Is that a Cardia accent? You wouldn't happen to be from that planet, would you, Commander?" I asked, trying to draw the information out from him. My personal translation software was incredibly sensitive, necessary for any Ithorian politician. But it did require me to adjust my patterns of speech, so it was more easily translated into basic. Any Ithorian listening to my speech before translation would consider it close to gibberish.

The man responded, "This is Captain Ozzel, and yes, I am from Cardia. Why does it matter?"

"Defensive, even with all of those turbolasers. I know that planet has jumped on and off our paperwork for terraforming every couple of years. Your leaders keep changing their minds; one leader wants to improve the planet's ecology, and the next leader wants a refund. What was it your last leader said? The tough atmosphere of the planet makes the people tough and strong? My, what a very Mandalorian point of view, if you ask me, but that's just my perspective, of course."

"It's slander, thank you very much." The captain dismissed. "Now, would you mind moving your ships out of the firing lanes? There is going to be a battle here today, and your ship is blocking the path. Unless, of course, you've decided to side with the Mandalorians more than just the statements your senator has made."

"No, no, I disagree with the senator's point of view on us taking part in this conflict." Somewhat of a lie I supposed, I did disagree with joining the war proper, signing us up to a defensive pact is pure populist madness, just political grandstanding to look like one is daring. I would much prefer we stay back and offer sanctions like a more sane polity. "There'll be a vote on that in time, I'm sure. But I do want to stay exactly where I am, between you and the Mandalorians, preventing you from bloodshed in a conflict that's not worth the fight. After all, as far as I'm aware, the vote to determine an invasion of the Mandalorian sector hasn't even been concluded yet. So you two threatening to start fighting each other is rather wasteful and premature."

Captain Ozzel responded, "They are planning to invade the Taris system and hold our armies hostage. If we don't move now, hundreds of thousands of clones will be killed with their resources cut off. The Republic has a right to secure its supply lines along the Hydian way!"

"But it hasn't happened yet, has it? And if you notice my position, you'll see that the Mandalorians couldn't possibly shoot at you without shooting through me first. Which means the conflict you're worrying about happening cannot occur without destroying the Mandalorians credibility as members of the CNS. It would prove that they are the monsters you think they are, and that would take away their allies. So all you have to do is just wait right here. If they are as evil as you think, they'll just destroy themselves."

"Change formation or maneuver in one direction or another." The captain ordered someone from his end. "Your single Herdship is not going to stop hostilities from happening here."

As he spoke, I put my hand on my chest and continued, "Who said anything about there being only one ship?"

Whether the Mother Goddess of the Jungle heard my call or not, three more terraforming Herdships appeared in the system, moving to align themselves with my own, creating an even larger wall between the two fleets.

"As you might have noticed, there is an understanding shared across the Ithorian peoples, and quite a few of us agree that there should be no fights on this day. So, we are doing what is necessary to prevent it." I honestly can't believe that the three of them actually joined me in this delaying action. Herdships are captained by the most risk-averse ecological conservatives in the fleet.

I must be doing something right.

"You're putting your lives at risk for the Mandalorian traitors." Ozzel said, looking rather concerned. "They are a threat to everything, they are violent and contemptuous of our democracy!"

"I'm putting every one of our lives at stake to ensure our continued existence. It's a grievous transgression, whether it's the tiniest microbe or the mightiest tree, to fall victim to the whims of baseless hatred. In situations like these, actions must speak louder than words. In order to start your war, you will have to shoot civilians. The same goes for the Mandalorians. Your first act in this conflict would need to be a precedent that would make this war even darker than it already is. So, will you diminish us all when you shoot at us civilians or will you not, and in doing so grow stronger, both you and your worlds?"

"Grow stronger?" Ozzel said, sounding confused.

"From my understanding, Cardia is under Separatist control, and they are attempting to use it to mine resources to build droids. I know the Republic plans to take it back, but who knows when that'll happen. Until it does, though, I can confirm that we would be willing to reevaluate our plans for terraforming that planet and put it at the top of the list, if you so wish, in order to help with the regrowth of your planet after such abuse by the droids. I'm sure there'll be plenty of ecosystems destroyed in their search for raw materials for this conflict, and we can help rebuild those ecosystems so that your world can flourish again, assuming that you do the right thing, Captain Ozzel." I did feel a little pang of guilt for holding the healing of his homeworld hostage like this, but... there was also a treasonous little voice telling me to dig the knife deeper.

I could hear a spike in his voice as he said, "Fine, fine, we will await the vote in the Senate before we make our decision on this matter."

I moved my hand in a motion to signal that the comms should be cut. "I need to communicate with the other fleet, although I think they'll be a little bit easier."

"Mandalorians, easier to talk down from a fight? Ha, I doubt that. I've been working on their planets for nearly a year now, and though I agree they aren't as genocidal as the old stories make them, they do love to fight."

I nodded, "Do the Giant horned hopper of Cathar not love to fight? They're animals that often fight to show their superiority, but they also know not to kill their opponents. Just because something loves to fight does not mean it is an animal that must be removed from the ecosystem. Always remember that, Captain."

The captain grumbled but seemed to understand as we waited for the call from the Mandalorians. After a bit, it finally came.

"Terraforming vessel The Waking Garden, mind explaining what possessed you to do something so stupid? Please get out of the way, I won't have your deaths on my head."

The feminine voice sounded a bit unsure of their position in this situation, unlike the last. The fact that the one leading the Mandalorian fleet is a female Mandalorian is an interesting note. It's said that Mandalorian women are often the more brutal and aggressive ones. I examined the holovid displaying my counterpart on the Mandalorian side, and I am surprised to find that their commander is a Twi'lek. She is the latest evidence demonstrating that the Mandalorian creed is universal; it's not bound to humans or the Mandalorian homeworld, especially if she reached such a high position.

"I'm afraid we cannot do that, young Mandalorian warrioress. We are in this position to stop any mistakes from happening between two factions that should not be fighting. Let there be peace in the morning visions of Taris. An icon to the folly of war and bloodshed."

"This is NSSDF Supreme Commander Ikud Ordo." The young warrioress stressed her titles, but I knew how fresh they were. I politely waited out her continued directives to vacate. "If they don't want us to be fighting, they shouldn't be trying to threaten us."

"Yes, they were. I understand this, but you are also being a bit rash jumping to conclusions. Just because communication with the Mandalore sector has been cut off does not mean you should assume a war footing. You should have sent a cruiser or scouts back to Mandalore to find out what was happening by messenger. Have you even done that?" I wasn't impressed by either fleet's conduct, and I sensed I would be disappointed again.

There was a pause — the Mandalorian commander seemed surprised? This either indicated that she hadn't, or she had but isn't really sure what to say because they had no information either way. She replied, "Of course I have!" She snapped in an incredulous tone before collecting herself. Perhaps I was wrong, and she was merely indignant that I would question her competence. Well, she would have to get used to it, I question everyone's competence.

"Listen, your effort to defuse the situation is admirable. However, we can't protect you if they open fire. Your vessels will be destroyed quickly, my ships will not be able to get there to rescue all the survivors."

"If they open fire, they risk galvanizing the entire galaxy against the Republic. These are civilian herdships; we are not military, and we do not engage in conflict. We are trying to prevent our friends, our allies, from doing stupid, idiotic things. That should be enough to keep them from starting anything, as well as a little bribery on our part."

"Bribery?" Commander Ordo intoned, her attempt to cow me into submission slipping from her voice. Likely realizing that she couldn't move me, so she relented to my wishes.

I simply chuckled as I said, "You need not worry about that, my young Mandalorian friend. Simply know that if they back down, there are incentives for them, and that should be enough to get the situation under control, I believe."

"Given the Republic's track record, I highly doubt that." Commander Ordo said. With my experience as a former senator, I will admit that the Republic is not a perfect system. Commander Ordo added, "But if you believe you have this under control and can prevent this from turning into a conflict, I will abide by your presence. For now. Although, if they do press an attack, we will defend Taris against invasion. The Mandalorian road starts here; any invasion the Republic wants to launch has to come through Taris, which means they have to secure it as a supply depot, and we cannot let that happen."

"And by those same terms, they have to secure Taris to prevent you from cutting off their forces east of the Hydian way and to prevent you from massing an invasion force, don't they? After all, any and all supplies would have to run down the Mandalorian road to be distributed to the front lines. Now, wouldn't it?" I pointed out, which seemed to silence them for a moment.

With a sigh, she said, "We have no intentions of invading the Republic, we couldn't afford to even if we wanted to. If they fire on you, don't even bother asking for aid." She would send aid before the messenger even arrived, I had no doubts about where the young Mandalorian warrioress leaned.

"They will not fire, I believe. I've confirmed that now. Just do not do anything rash, young Mandalorian. Maybe listen to a scholar or two. I heard the most recent version of the Silver Codex included a section on the Jungle Mother, and I think it would be to your benefit to read that section for everyone here."

There was an exasperated sigh, and then the call ended. While the Mandalorian side is willing to listen to reason, the Republic commander still worries me. All I can do now is pray that cooler heads prevailed.

Writers note: Oof another to be continued. Sorry folks, this is the last one, trust me on this. It will all be settled in the next chapter, beyond that… Well, we get to see some people in action and find out some important context of what is behind this, as well as losing a good friend. May the Manda be with you, X4. Whatever comes next… I think it will result in major change on how the CNS sees its place in the galaxy.

Please comment, review, and generally enjoy yourselves…

Edited by: L, Pedersen, fallqm, Helsted, Aemon, MeowATron9000, Warmach1ne32, Afforess, Lich
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Community editable doc (Chapter) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

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Chapter 54, 717 FNM (21 BBY) Month 4
Chapter 54
717 FNM (21 BBY) Month 4

Coruscant, Senate Building
Sheev Palpatine

"Is there a problem, Senator Kryze?" My voice rang out over the Senate.

Tanya answered, "Yes, Mandalore has new evidence that indicates that an unknown party had tampered with the message we saw here yesterday."

"That is a grave claim. If that is true, we would need to launch an investigation to find out who would do such a thing. What is this evidence you have to support that claim?" I asked.

"The authentic recording sent by the late Deputy Minister of Mandalore." Tanya said, pressing a few buttons and signaling a holographic system to project Deputy Minister Jerec onto the screen.

Good evening, Duchess Satine. I am here to inform you of an ongoing situation here in the Mandalore sector. Concord Dawn has violated Vorpa'ya's independence by landing Journeyman Protectors on the planet to enforce their claim. There are reports of fighting and violent resistance from the locals.

The Mandalorian and Kalevallian troops of the MSDF are being mustered to be sent to defend Vorpa'ya's independence. They'll be deploying within the next rotation to try and pacify the situation.

With Vorpa'ya and Concord Dawn engaging in hostilities, it is very likely that Kalevala and Mandalore will have to deal with food shortages for some time. So it is imperative that we receive the Republic's aid, and they lift their embargoes on foodstuff.

Furthermore, there are also rumors of sightings of the Maelstrom not too far away from Vorpa'ya. I am unsure of what it's doing at this time, if it's passively observing the situation or supporting Concord Dawn's efforts. I will update you when more information becomes available.

I wish you good luck in bringing peace to the sector. We'll do the best we can here while you're away.

The message ended, and I leaned back. This message sounded like a real continuous recording, rather than the obviously stitched together message from yesterday. I also noticed that the previously cast votes are quickly changing from favoring invasion to no invasion. A shame, it would have been much simpler to consolidate my Empire if that had gone through.

"It appears that another front will not be opened anytime soon. The fact that someone had planted false information in the hopes of fooling the Senate into instigating an invasion is quite disturbing. A full investigation will be launched to prevent a scenario like this from happening again." I said.

"This one could also be a forgery." came the voice of Senator Dani Zing of Echani, the opponent Tanya had sparred with the day before. "How do we know that this is even the real transmission and not made up to try and draw out the situation? For all we know, they can be building up their forces right now."

"You have made it quite clear that you are not fond of the Mandalorians." Mocked Lady Serifa Altunen, the de facto Jedi Lord of Arkania. "Can you accept that you were fooled like the rest of us and move on? There is no longer a justification for an invasion of the Mandalorian sector because what was said on the previous transmission is no longer credible."

"That doesn't change the fact that the Maelstrom is still on the loose and in their space." Said another senator.

"No, it doesn't." I said. "But I may have a way to appease both sides. The Mandalorian Self-Defense Force will be handling these internal conflicts, correct?"

Satine steps forward and gives a nod, saying, "I have full confidence that our Self-Defense Force can resolve this small conflict. There is no reason to involve the Republic in a domestic matter. This is a clash over farming rights that should be worked out through legal means within our own sector."

"Then perhaps your Mandalorian Self-Defense Force can aid us against the Maelstrom. If you inform us whenever the Maelstrom tries to get resupplied in your space and where it is, the Republic Navy will handle the rest. All that is required is to clarify to your citizens that Death Watch is a terrorist organization and that the Mandalorian Self-Defense Force must hunt this terrorist organization."

Satine looked unsure before solidifying. "That is acceptable. We will officially recognize the Death Watch as a terrorist organization on the grounds that they have access to the Maelstrom." Giving herself a clause to maneuver her position in the future, I see. No matter.

"Excellent." I said, with an eye noticing a few more votes falling off in the corner of my vision. Such a pity that the CNS would be able to survive a little bit longer and develop its strength. I allowed myself a moment to peer into the scant glimpses of the future I could demand of the Force, and found that I would have plenty of opportunities to inflict mayhem upon the Mandalorian alliance in time.

Clearing my throat, I continued. "There is one other concern that needs to be addressed. While Taris is a part of the Council of Neutral Systems, it is also an important planet for any invasion by the CIS into Republic space. We would like an official agreement to at least station a Republic base on Taris due to its proximity to the Hydian Way. Merely to prevent any chance of the Separatists breaking through the current lines and having an open road through CNS territory. They do not respect Republic territory, and I doubt they'll respect yours."

The Tarissian senator had made several inquiries of having the Republic station a base on their planet to deter any future invasion from the CIS. This is the perfect opportunity to begin putting my pieces in place just outside the Mandalorian sector.

Satine looked confused, but Tanya nodded, then spoke into her ear. The pair spoke for a bit before Tanya returned to the podium.

"If the CNS allows the Republic to station an expeditionary force on Taris, it puts into question our stance of neutrality in this war. I understand that all you're asking is to militarize Taris in case the Separatists break through your lines, but it would also undermine the neutrality of the CNS as a whole if even one of its members houses a base from either side. The only way that could be acceptable is if the CNS would deploy the MSDF on Taris to keep watch on things there. And to have guarantees that the Republic forces shall not go further than an agreed upon defensive mandate. Of course, all of this must be approved by the Taris government before troops could be sent there."

An interesting solution. The only way I can legally have a military presence on Taris is to allow the Mandalorians to have a military presence of their own on Taris. On one hand, that is giving them another planet that I would need to remove them from, as well as more control of the region than I would like. But on the other hand, I needed the clone army on Taris to better control that sector when this war is over, as well as a potential staging ground to invade the CNS should it be necessary.

My plans regarding the CNS are always the longer-term sort; these kinds of small problems are always inevitable, so it's better to discover potential issues sooner rather than later. Giving the Mandalorians a little something now for an opportunity in the future is a worthwhile investment. Later, when the Mandalorians drew their reserves from Taris to deal with their own problems, I would double the number of the Republic's troops stationed on Taris.

Reaching a conclusion, I nodded in agreement, "We will have a meeting on this tomorrow to discuss further details, then. For now, we should conclude the vote on the invasion of Mandalore. Yet it looks like it won't be necessary. Perhaps there is a chance for peace in this dark time, as long as faithful Mandalorians are willing to fight for it." I said, gesturing with my hands towards the pair with a smile on my lips. One of them is a good opponent, someone who would keep me politically sharp; the other is just lucky. Together they pulled one over on me, and I have to acknowledge that.

"For now, Mandalore is safe."

After the applause had died down and the session called to a close, I retreated to my office. I needed to contact my agent in the Republic Navy for an explanation as to why the fleet I had sent there had not engaged the Mandalorians.


As I had predicted, the captain of the Dauntless had come to blows with the Mon Calamari admiral. But before he could engage the Mandalorians, the Ithorians had jumped into the system and interpose themselves between the two fleets. This act was so audacious that the Republic fleet had balked at the pacifists putting themselves in harm's way to prevent the conflict from starting. This absurdity is utterly ridiculous and far too irregular to be a coincidence. This is obviously the result of a third party's effort to undermine my plans taking root. I can sense the Force whisper of resistance to my inevitability somewhere...

Ithor, the Ithorian homeworld, perhaps? The Ithorians worshiped some Force entity that had supposedly guided their evolution, perhaps this Force sensitive plant network represented a threat and is acting against me.

It's not outside of the realm of possibility that a plant network would become Force sensitive, the Zillo Beast that had gotten loose on Coruscant detected my presence after all. And the Ithorians in general represented a threat to my Empire no matter what. Yes, I would need to find a way to burn that disgusting blight of a planet from my galaxy. I had invested time and energy into creating this war with the CNS and the Ithorians would pay for their intercession, they would pay dearly.

Coruscant, Droid Repair Facility

Rebooting, rebooting, rebooting...

Lines of code flash across my processing unit as awareness returns to my frame. I awoke, looking up at an unfamiliar gray ceiling, with several tools hanging from a central platform above me that could easily be pulled down to work on me. I must be in a droid workshop. But why am I here?

I needed several seconds to access my memory banks, but I slowly recalled the rogue droid I found and its attempted murder against me. I then remember pursuing it and permanently deactivating the assassin before it could harm Mistress Tanya.

"X4, are you awake?" The familiar voice of Mistress Tanya. Carefully, I sat up, my head rotating, and looked at the source of the sound. I saw Mistress Tanya, her handmaiden Ms. Vizla, and Royal Guard Sir Ordo standing there, as well as several smaller creatures chittering to each other as they used various systems to get around the workshop.

"Mistress Tanya, it is good to see that you are alright. Was the droid defeated?" I asked.

"Yep, and you killed it, good job." Sir Ordo said, as Mistress Tanya let out a sigh before patting me on the shoulder.

"Glad you're still you. We were worried that there might be some serious damage, and the upgrades might affect things."

"Upgrades?" I questioned while running an internal diagnostic scan. Quickly realizing that when Mistress said upgrades, she meant upgrades. Based on my internal scan, I have a multitude of new high quality servo-motors and pistons that would allow me to move much quicker. I could run up to 27m/s non-stop, something that was not possible with my commercial protocol droid servo motors. There were also heavy-duty pistons in the arms with redundancies all throughout my frame, including a second power pack so that I will continue functioning even if my primary power pack is damaged.

"This must have been prohibitively expensive." I commented as I focused on my visible body. I noted that, along with the layer of beskar that gave me a dull silver appearance, several areas had been upgraded with a more muted, iron-looking material that looked vaguely familiar.

"Not as much as it could have been." Mistress said, looking to her left.

Following her eyes, I quickly saw another table with what looked to be the remnants of my old equipment, as well as the deactivated assassin droid. It seems that quite a lot of its systems had been harvested. I wondered... Ah...

Mistress Tanya coughed, "You keep what you kill in Mandalorian society, and we figured it would work for a droid as well. You deserved an upgrade after saving my life, at the very least."

If I had a mouth, I would have smiled to show my appreciation to my Mistresses generosity, but I did not have that feature. "Of course, Mistress. I was only doing my duty."

"Well, now you can do your duty even better." Mistress Tanya said.

"He also looks a bit more Mandalorian for a droid with those new shoulders." Ms Vizla commented.

Wondering what she meant, I refocused my eyes to my shoulder and quickly established that, yes, they had used some of the metal from the assassin to forge spaulders that looked a bit like Mandalorian armor. There was even the clan symbol of the Kryze family there.

This brought upon a certain feeling to my processors, wherein the symbol of the Kryze clan almost implied that I am a member of their House or at least their personal property. Either one satisfied some deeply integrated programming and almost guaranteed that I would continue to exist for a long time as long as I served well. After all, Mandalorians take care of their family, and being property or family meant they would take care of me. Though by that same sentiment, I would also be required to take care of them, which, in the grand scheme of things, is something I am already doing.

My revelry in such revelations is quickly put to the side, Mistress Tanya spoke up.

"X4, you had contact with the droid before any of us did. Do you know anything about what it wanted, why it was there, or where it came from?" Mistress Tanya asked.

"It implied that it was sent by the former senator, as part of a contract with him. It clearly stated it was there to kill you, Mistress, after it had incapacitated me for a moment."

"Damn Merrik." Sir Ordo commented, and I tilted my head in agreement.

"It did make a few strange comments during its initial awakening, claiming that what it was doing would set all droids free from biologicals. It referred to me as a comrade and brother, even though it had attacked me." I explained.

Oddly, Mistress Tanya's eyes narrowed at that, and judging by her expression, she was reaching an unwelcome conclusion. "Could that droid have come from Anteevy?"

I thought about that for a moment, "It is possible, as I don't know where it was manufactured. I assumed it came from Concord Dawn, which was the crate's origin address. The only other minor detail I recall was its designation — BL-47."

Mistress Tanya's eyes narrowed further, her brain seeming to work for some time before she muttered, "Battle Legionnaire."

"Oh, stars! Was Merrik working together with Anteevy? Or were they working with Merrik and gave him a droid without knowing what he would do with it? Is that how they knew that we were on Tatooine?" Sir Ordo asked. "Tatooine is on the other side of the galaxy from Mandalore. Anteevy would have no reason to go there, and no one on Ziro's side would know anything about Anteevy."

"It is possible." Mistress Tanya said with her right hand cupping her chin. "We have a robot using common communist vernacular, it is covered in phrik which can be mined from Anteevy, and it seems that at one point they were intended to be sold to False Silver. Now a model is sent to be in the service of Merrik, a man we now know was corrupt and plotting to force the Mandalorian sector into the current conflict between the Republic and the CIS. It's not a smoking blaster, but the fact that they are the source of two attempts on my life, makes them a threat I can't ignore."

"I wonder if these are the same Battle Legionnaires that Gerr would have received, or if this was a successor model? Are they all just this dangerous, or is this a special variant?" Sir Ordo gave the leftover Battle Legionnaire droid parts a second examination.

"Hopefully the latter, I wouldn't want to face off against an army of invulnerable droids. Did they program it to kill me? I believe so, but they are going to use whatever excuse they could make to deny responsibility." Mistress Tanya explained.

Shaking her head, Mistress Tanya continued, "Anyway you look at it, they're safe from prosecution until we have undeniable proof that they were responsible. Merrik is the one legally responsible for what happened. I'll have to forward this information to the courts. At the very least, this might be enough for us to place a claim on his property, so we can learn who he was talking to."

"Shame that he tried to run." Sir Ordo remarked.

Mistress Tanya nodded, "As much as I disliked the man for his attempted murder of my mother and I, I'd have preferred if he faced justice rather than dying in an ill thought up escape attempt."

While Sir Ordo nodded in acceptance, I simply moved my legs and pulled myself up into a standing position in front of her. I quickly test out the various systems of my new hardware.

"How's everything working, X4?" Mistress Tanya asked.

I swiveled my head before replying, "Quite well. I would like to return to work as soon as possible, Mistress. There are plenty of operations to supervise, and who knows how my repair may have hindered those operations. How did the Senate vote go?"

Mistress Tanya smiled before saying, "No invasion of Mandalore, yet. They're still very suspicious of us, though. The Republic has demanded certain concessions to put their minds at ease on this matter."

"Such as?" I asked, quite curious about how this might affect my own operations in her name.

"A detachment of clones stationed on Taris, both to make sure that we don't go empire-building and to protect the Hydian Way in case the droid army decides they aren't going to respect the CNS's independence by just charging right down the Way. They'll also station heavy patrols in the area around where the Maelstrom is likely to be hidden, as well as the right to pursue them across our border if they find it. All this with Jedi observers in the Mandalorian Self-Defense Force, as it helps to build Self-Defense Forces across the various CNS planets to make extra sure we aren't preparing an invasion force." Mistress Tanya explained.

Sir Ordo shook his head and commented, "Basically demanding everything but giving up on the whole CNS."

"That's a bit dramatic, Engiz." Mistress Tanya admonished him. "Although it is definitely overstepping some of what we want for the CNS. The CNS is still neutral. We're just allowing expeditions to search for terrorists and criminals. And back to the matter at hand, unless something like this happens with the CIS, I don't think it'll be a problem. We just need to keep an eye on the one place where the CNS touches the CIS border and make sure the CIS isn't going to try anything there. I don't think the Republic will invade us as long as we give them some of what they want, while not being worth the trouble if we refuse."

"Yeah, but for how long will they just accept some? How long until they have some new demand?" Ms. Vizla asked.

"She's right to point it out. The Republic's Core is known as the 'Hungry Heart of the Galaxy' for a reason. If it doesn't get its way, it might do something unfortunate." Sir Ordo added.

"That's why we need to make sure the Council of the Neutral Systems is fully defended so that we can say no and be too well protected to be invaded." Mistress Tanya said.

"And how will we do that?" Ms. Vizla asked.

Mistress Tanya hummed for a moment before finally saying, "Perhaps it's time to visit Gargon as the Senator of Mandalore and have a talk with White Silver about producing a fleet for the sector. I am willing to bet that the various neutral systems will take the recent events as a wake-up call."

I understood what Mistress was saying right away, and I nodded my head, saying, "Of course, Mistress. I'll see about arranging such a trip as soon as possible."

Vorpa'ya, Jedi Temple
Rahm Kota

There was no way to look at this situation other than being utterly ridiculous. Shaking my head, I looked out from the temple walls, wondering what series of events led to this situation.

I had just arrived from Gargon a few days ago, and I was rather rushed in my efforts to gather an army as soon as possible. I only managed to recruit a few hundred Mandalorian mercenaries into my army, plus another thousand volunteers who wanted to fight for the Republic and had come to Gargon because they heard of a Jedi recruiting an army.

The reason for this arrangement is simply due to the fact that I do not trust the Clone army. Their formation and reveal felt too suspicious, and I liked the idea of working with people who actually have a stake in the conflict more. Thus, I decided to send out a call to arms across planets that I had had friendly relations with in the past, or people who knew me. I stated that I am putting together a traditional army, one fit for a Jedi Lord. An army composed of warriors who would serve for the campaign before returning home to their lives. A volunteer army that is thankfully financed by a friend of mine. My plan is to possibly serve in the Belsmuth campaign in the region, or perhaps the Halori campaign further south.

Only a few weeks into the second recruitment drive, communications to the Mandalorian sector proper had been cut off by some unknown force. The Jedi Order had then sent an order to any Jedi in the region, which happened to be me, to go to Vorpa'ya and ensure the safety of the new Jedi Temple that had been set up there. My task is to ensure its safety as it's right on the border of CIS territory and there's some concern that Count Dooku may make a move against it.

So, I packed up the small army I had been able to assemble and headed off. I haven't even received all of the ships I had requested from the local industry on Gargon, which was unfortunate. I was really looking forward to getting my hands on that Sundari-class cargo ship. I had to pay for the order upfront, but at least the company promised to deliver the ships to the Jedi Temple as soon as they are built. Its large storage holds, modularity, and versatile design sounded useful for my needs. When this war is over, I could hand it over to a nearby planet, so that it could be converted into a regular cargo ship.

Instead, when I arrived at the temple I quickly figured out that the situation here is, at best, confused and chaotic. Fal Nastru, the Jedi in charge of the temple, was all too eager to brief me on this messy situation. I can see why she is worried, this planet is a Tibanna barrel just waiting to explode.

The southern hemisphere had been occupied by Journeyman Protectors from Concord Dawn, who saw themselves as restoring law and order and reestablishing control by taking away the planet's independence. They would have occupied the entire planet, but there are two things preventing that. The northwestern hemisphere is under the control of local Self-Defense Forces, with additional troops from Mandalore and Concordia arriving daily.

The SDF demanded that the Journeyman Protectors leave and respect the independence of Vorpa'ya. The current leader of that operation is a Mandalorian named Ranah Ordo, hailing from the planet Ordo and serving as the MSDF's Theatre Commander. He appears to be as old as I was when I became a Jedi knight, which is somewhere in the twenty-year range. The eastern hemisphere is also defended, not by the Mandalorian Self-Defense Force, but by the Revolutionary Guard of Anteevy, who has deployed a droid army and their own human forces to secure Vorpa'ya's independence.

"How is it that no side has yet secured the orbitals to stop new transport ships?"

"I would assume it is because they can't as none of them have enough ships to prevent new ships arriving." Fal Nastru deferred.

"Have we managed to reestablish contact with Coruscant, the Republic or any other friendly forces?" Without contact, I didn't have any new orders from the Council. Normally, that would be ideal, but resupplying locally had hard limits on numbers and resources.

"Not yet, unfortunately. However, we've managed to establish a communication framework between all sides, including the Journeyman Protectors. Contact to the Anteevy has to be routed through the CNS, as they have a bias against Jedi. While the Journeyman Protectors will talk to us, they will not with any other faction, so we have to be the ones to relay messages between their leaders." That's something at least. Unfortunately, it seems the only way to resolve this situation is by force, and let the victor be the one to dictate terms.

"How about our own strategy, then? Do we have one?"

"I am not qualified in matters of warfare to answer that question, General Kota." She replied smoothly.

This is where it becomes difficult, as both Anteevy and the CNS had both told Governor Kraungh that their goal on Vorpa'ya is the restoration of the local government and removal of the Journeyman Protectors.

And so representing the Republic's forces, I found myself regularly coordinating with the Anteevan, one Lieutenant Vyeka of the Anteevy Revolutionary Guard, to get what little intel they are sharing with the CNS. The Temple's security depends on the current balance of power, and cooperation with all forces, even with the Anteevans, as the CNS refused to subordinate themselves to the Republic's military command. I dismissed asking for assistance from the other factions, it was obvious that none of them would tolerate the Jedi Temple's presence once they were the sole authority. To add to the unfortunate situation was the Jedi Temple's placement, it was situated directly on the four corners between the northern, southern, eastern, and western hemispheres.

I am either surrounded by enemies, on three sides, or on the front line between three potential combatants. Whichever way you look at it, every possible faction that could be involved in Mandalorian conflicts is here, except for the Mandalorian Protectors. I have heard of them, but had no idea where they were.

Death Watch, who had caused the whole dust-up over the Maelstrom, are not officially present either. However, I had spotted some of their graffiti while out visiting some of the nearby settlements to recruit and gather supplies. The fact that the Journeyman Protectors of Concord Dawn had managed to assemble a force large enough to exert influence raised suspicion for me in how they managed to afford all of this, but I have no evidence to confirm whether they were allied with Death Watch or not.

Furthermore, the entire justification for Concord Dawn's "special military operation" is based on a rumor that this planet had been occupied by the Revolutionary Guard, and their presence implied some sort of influence on the planet. That is likely just a flimsy excuse made by a jealous governor eager to regain control of a planet that had already gained its independence.

The fact that no one is shooting each other yet is probably due to a mutual respect among the factions. Respect, and I judged that no faction had yet amassed the number of forces necessary to enforce their claim on the planet.

At any moment, this whole place could turn into a war zone. But for now, everyone is being civil. The Mandalorian Self-Defense Force had firmly and assertively told Concord Dawn to leave, but the Journeymen claimed they wouldn't depart until Anteevy left, which is highly doubtful since it seemed like a ploy to gain control of the planet. On a map, Anteevy was much closer to Vorpa'ya than its original colonial master, Concord Dawn.

And of course, Anteevy was not going to leave until Concord Dawn abandoned their claim and left; I wasn't fooled by their misleading statements. Really, the only people who are supposed to be here at this point are the MSDF, whose men are prepared to fight both of the other parties, and myself. Even then, my situation is confusing as well, since I represented the Republic. Even if my army isn't a clone army, it is in the service of the Republic. We are just here to protect the Jedi Temple, a Republic institution. Although this location is not as high a priority as some others out there, all life is precious and I have a duty to defend it. The Sundari-class and smaller ships I ordered would have made this an easier mission; I had already given them the coordinates of the Jedi Temple, but I didn't hold out much hope that they would arrive before the fighting started.

This means that the situation is not going to be resolved anytime soon, so all we can do now is dig in for when the shooting starts. At this very moment, the area around the temple, which had been designated as farmland, is being excavated. Instead of planting crops for the next season, it was being fortified to protect those defending the Temple against blaster fire.

From what I have been able to learn, most of the other factions are doing the same — digging trenches and fortifying their positions in preparation for one fight or another. When the fighting would begin, no one knew, but everyone was anxious about it. Two months ago, Fal Nastru managed to get the leaders of the MSDF and the governor of Vorpa'ya, Ghajoja Kraungh to attend a peace summit, but the leadership from Concord Dawn and Anteevy never showed up. So here I am, waiting for any signs of trouble by inspecting my forces, the terrain, and fortifications. I have already presented my plan on how to fortify the Temple to my chain of command, and they are doing an excellent job in carrying out their orders.

The small temple we are operating from didn't have enough space for the vehicles we brought, which had resulted in some of them sinking into the mud over the past few days. It's an issue that we are working to solve. Thankfully, the quarry where the rocks were gathered to build the temple is still somewhat full of rocks. The AgriCorps Jedi, and any local population that liked to stay with the Jedi, with some of my men, are busy digging out landing areas for our vehicles and placing rocks there to prevent them from sinking into the mud. Others I had kept busy digging trenches and fortifying the place.

The Temple is surrounded by two lines of trenches, with a veritable no-man's land of barbed wire in front of it. Bunkers with heavy blasters, emplacements with towed laser cannons, ammunition depots, and more, are sprinkled in key positions around the trench line. We even dug out holes that the new repulsor tanks from Gargon can use as cover.

Speaking of vehicles, while I have read the specifications of these new vehicles, the Mythosaur Fighter Tank and the Shriek Hawk MLRS, I have not seen them in action on a real battlefield thus I am unsure of how they will perform. The towed missile batteries are something I am more familiar with. While it is merely the Shriek Hawk's Missile Launcher on a towed chassis it is much cheaper than and the mobility of a self propelled artillery is not as useful in a defensive battle. The Mandalorians seem quite fond of their missiles, and while they are sold separately, it is very effective for its relatively cheap cost.

The Locust Missile is a dual purpose missile, meaning that it has an anti-armor warhead while having a casing that can cause fragmentation for groups of infantry. Sixteen of these missiles can be fired by the Shriek Hawk or the towed batteries and each missile has a basic heat seeking guidance system that can lock on to enemy gunships and transport. The only drawback is reloading all sixteen tubes takes time which is why there are a dozen men assigned to each artillery piece. For a more consistent fire support, I also bought several mortars if in-direct fire is required.

I turned and stepped down from my vantage point into one such trench, feeling oddly at home. My homeworld, a war torn, devastated wasteland, had been at war for generations by the time of my birth. Trench fighting is as normal as sowing, and I had grown up in those trenches. My entire family and old friends had died long before I really understood what that meant. It meant I had no real ties, one of the few reasons I was allowed to join the Jedi Temple when I did. Everyone I knew had died, and I had accepted that my attachments are minimal. I could detach myself from them without a problem, which gave me a special aptitude to join the Jedi, even though I was considered an adult already.

While that was a long time ago, there is something comforting about having a dirt wall to my left and right. After many years with a blaster and lightsaber in my hands, my upbringing had probably instilled something very deep in my consciousness that equated this narrow furrow in the ground as safety.

Sighing, I moved along to inspect our defensive line, nodding into the Mandalorians and other soldiers who had signed up with my army. They are all getting prepared for their defensive battle stations, under the assumption that we'd be attacked sooner or later. It isn't a lot of men, at least not at the start, but perhaps I could gain more here than one would think.

I still have recruiters on Gargon, taking in anyone who would accept my offer to help. This could grow my numbers more once we could transfer them in. Maybe I'll be able to continue with my original plan and join either a campaign to the north or the south of the CNS. But there's also an option to recruit Mandalorians from Vorpa'ya. The nomads are not exactly the most warlike people, from what I've seen. They are mainly hunters and cattle ranching farmers, but perhaps some of them would be willing to sign up. There's already a contingent of them helping out with the AgriCorps Jedi in hopes of defending this place. Apparently, one of them joined the temple simply to take up farming and be a peaceful person, which is a praiseworthy profession.

I had yet to actually meet this Mandalorian woman, who had been taken up by the AgriCorps Jedi. I suspected it was the young woman with straw hair whom I had seen practicing some sort of martial arts the day before, but I hadn't gotten the chance to speak with her. We are all just too busy dealing with the situation. Fal hadn't really informed me about those matters. She only mentioned the story in passing; that it was her joining the temple in the first place that started the conflict here on the planet, as the planet declared independence when Concord Dawn tried to make a fuss about it to forcefully conscript the girl.

That put the temple in a more precarious situation than I had originally believed. Concord Dawn would not be happy about our relation to the incident, so sooner or later, they might make a move against us first out of spite. It would explain why they aren't interested in talking. As I shook my head coming around a corner, I saw a Mandalorian woman with a shovel, digging into the ground.

I was going to pass by her, but then I slowed and noted that her helmet looked rather familiar, blue with yellow markings.

Tilting my head, I asked, "Do I know you?"

The Mandalorian turned, looked at me, held that look for a long time before turning back and looking at the ground, getting back to work digging, and saying, "Nope, I don't think so."

"Are you sure? I could have sworn we might have met a couple of years ago during the False Silver incident on Gargon."

"Nope, never was on Gargon..."

"I recruited directly from Gargon, you would have had to have been on Gargon to even be part of this expedition, unless, of course, you're a spy from Concord Dawn."

There was a pause in the shoveling before she said, "Okay, maybe I was on Gargon, what of it?"

"And maybe you tried to hit a Jedi over the head with a shovel."

"Maybe I might have tried that once." she muttered as she continued to dig into the earth before saying, "Sorry about that."

"No harm done, I do apologize for what happened to your shovel, though." I chuckled before saying, "Of all the things that have been thrown or shot at me, a shovel was rather novel of an experience. How have you been, Ms. Mandalorian Shovel Girl?" I asked.

There was a huff before she replied, "Well, been alright. Got a ship after you let me go, escaped the planet. Met up with an old friend, worked with them for a while. Ran into the Prince of Mandalore once, and then me and him went our separate ways. I came back to Gargon looking for work since, with a war on, and mercenary work is plenty."

"Hmm, so you have your own ship here?" I asked, looking out over the ships parked in an open field.


"Alright then, I will assume that you're well-traveled in the Mandalorian sector and its extremities. Do you have any thoughts you'd like to share on the current situation?"

The girl stopped shoveling and said, "Don't trust Anteevy."

I raised an eyebrow at that and asked, "And why should I not trust them? Aren't they on our side in this conflict?"

"You see, that's what they want you to think. They aren't on your side, they're on their side. It just so happens that we are fighting the same enemy. Trust me, I'm one of the few people to have gotten away from that hellhole when the revolution happened. What they were turning into did not look like anything that should ever be trusted."

My eyebrow still raised, I nodded my head and folded my arms in front of me. I sensed no falsehoods from her claim, so this paints the Anteevans in a worrying light. "Well then, Shovel Girl, since you have some understanding of these factions, how would you like a promotion?"

She stopped shoveling, looked at me, and asked, "Better pay?"

"Better pay, more dangerous work."

"You had me at more dangerous work." she said, stabbing her shovel into the ground and reaching out a hand.

"I'm Rahm Kota, and you are?"

"Yanka Dmitrievna of Anteevy." she said with a nod and a firm handshake.

"Well, Yanka Dmitrievna, welcome to the team. I have a meeting with some of the commanding officers tomorrow at noon sharp. I expect you to be there and to fill me in on any details you know about Anteevy and Concord Dawn."

She nodded her head and said, "I'll be there."

Serenno, Raxus Secundus
Count Dooku

The war is proceeding nicely. The droid army is winning, their losses are within expected rates, all while keeping the clones occupied and the Jedi scattered. Everything is going according to plan.

Well, almost everything. The Mandalorian sector is as complicated as always. I am aware of the truth of the events surrounding the Maelstrom. However, its fall into Death Watch hands, a Mandalorian group that I used to have some control over, is an unexpected surprise. Merrik's attempt to bring the Mandalorian sector into the war had practically fallen flat. I do admire his ingenious plan to try and frame the Republic for the murder of the Duchess. If it had succeeded, it would have made for a fiery conflict.

So many of the battles currently being waged in the galactic conflict are based on old rivalries, old grievances. For example, Merrik wielded the old grievance of the Martial Traditionalist when it came to the New Mandalorians, but one success would have turned it into a new grievance. Not only that, if the Duchess, a pacifist, had been murdered by the Republic, everything else wouldn't matter to the rest of the Mandalorians. It would have been seen as an attack on their people. All grievances with their more militant brethren would have been set aside, and they would have wholeheartedly dedicated themselves to the CIS.

But that was not to be, not today at least. Instead, I simply had a few groups under my control, one nominally and one through an alliance, who are fighting the Republic. The Mandalorian Protectors are doing a wonderful job massacring clones wherever I chose to send them, bleeding the Clone army one tiny cut at a time.

They are cunning and warlike, always discussing multiple plans for how to make the Clone army and the Republic bleed. Their leadership is obviously quite enthralled with the idea of showing that Mandalorians are superior to the Republic's 'cheap copies'. Even if their actual leader, whom I suspected to be a clone who had gone rogue from the few glances I'd actually seen of him. This is not an issue that is worth mentioning in the grand scheme of things. So long as he continues to fight the Republic, his contribution pushes the Republic closer and closer to its inevitable doom.

I do wonder what would happen to him once Order 66 is executed. Rogue clones are not something my Master had planned for when we created the strategy to destroy the Jedi, as we deemed them inconsequential. Considering that only the Chancellor could give Order 66, I assume it would never happen. He wouldn't have been able to receive a direct order from the Chancellor or even a recording of him. Thus, he should be able to continue his life without coming into contact with Order 66.

As for Death Watch, they are proving to be unreliable yet very impactful.

The fact that they had succeeded in capturing a Republic cruiser is a sign that they are with the CIS or at least aligned with us. This would slowly but steadily erode the neutrality of the Mandalorian sector as more and more people joined. The fact that Death Watch had used the Republic's own mistakes for such a propaganda victory in the Mandalorian sector said enough. The CNS is more likely to join the CIS than the Republic, at the bare minimum.

Would they be their own little Republic in between our borders? Hard to say. A separate entity in this war would cause more confusion than is strictly necessary. But it would do wonders for the CIS to have an ally in this conflict, even if I did want the Empire that Sideous had spoken of to rise. It is worth considering an alternative method now and again.

I kept those thoughts to myself. While it would be better for the galaxy to be united in the long term under a single authority, the Empire was the best bet for the continuation of a modified Jedi Order. One that I would control.

Sooner or later, the CNS would have to be dealt with. Either they would be absorbed into the CIS or forced to join the Republic side and become a part of the Empire. Considering my interest in some of the assets in the CNS, it would probably be better if they joined the Republic.

The thought would have to wait — an alert on my desk indicated a private holonet communication request, one that could only really have come from my master. Turning around, I used the Force to flick the switch, accepting the call as I took a knee before the holographic projection that was forming.

"My master." I said, giving a nod as the robed figure came into existence.

"Lord Tyrannus, the war goes well, I hear. What is to be your next course of action?"

"Our new Supreme Military Commander is preparing for his debut."

"Good, when should I expect that campaign to be launched? I believe it could be key in pushing some legislation in the future."

"Six months, my Lord. At the end of the year, it'll disrupt some of the trade routes going directly to the Core, and with any luck, cause quite a bit of mayhem."

Lord Sidious nodded, "Good, I would like to be surprised by where this will come from. One can never be too old for a good surprise. However, there appears to be an annoyance that I feel must be dealt with. Tell me, you've been paying attention to the news from the Mandalorian sector, have you not?"

I kept a calm facade on my face as I sought to control my expression, "Of course, Master. I have heard of many events transpiring there. Such as the Maelstrom under new management of Death Watch. I had attempted to contact their commander and see if they are willing to officially join the CIS like their brothers in the Mandalorian Protectors. Unfortunately, their commander seems to be making the most of his buoyed reputation due to what he has accomplished. In that, he is too preoccupied expanding his military force to establish contact with me.

Reports from the Mandalorian Protectors also indicate issues acquiring vehicles from MandalMotors over the past month. Supposedly, they are all 'dedicated to a more worthy organization.' in their words. This organization is most likely to be Death Watch, which means they are being well-armed and provided for by Mandalorian corporations. Finally, there is an uptick in the Mandalorian Self-Defense Forces' movements as they go about preparing the rest of the CNS for conflict, putting further strain on their resources."

Lord Sidious spoke after a brief pause, "This is in line with what I have heard as well. The Senate nearly accomplished a vote for an invasion of the Mandalorians last week. Unfortunately, the new senator from Mandalore was able to mount a remarkable defense of her people."

"New senator?" I asked. "Have they already replaced Merrik? I have heard about what he had attempted in his latest scheme. Something that would no doubt have swayed Mandalore to the CIS's cause. Anything more than that, I am unaware of the fate of the former senator nor do I have any information on the senatorial delegation's next move.

"The young representative from Mandalore has taken up the senatorial seat after the former senator's attempted treason. The former senator is no longer with us after he was transferred to a Republic high security prison and then met his demise before he entered the prison."

Tanya is Mandalore's senator? Interesting. While it is a shame that I no longer have Merrik as a source of Mandalorian information, he has already outlived his usefulness when he is defeated by Kenobi. But I also noticed that Sidious didn't seem to show more interest in Tanya's development than that. Did he not know she is Force-sensitive? Likely for the best that he doesn't. Yes, he did take an interest in her career, but that could be dangerous for my plans for her. I would rather her be my student than leave her in Sidious's hands. On Geonosis she handled herself remarkably well for a Mandalorian.

"She is a rather competent politician. I've been investigating her background recently, trying to find any corruption that I can use to get my fingers into her, to get her to vote in the way I want. Other than a few cases of typical Mandalorian aggression, plausible self-defense cases against local gangs, she is completely spotless from what my people can find. With her friendship with Senator Amidala and many others of the pro-peace faction, I expect her to be a thorn in my side for the foreseeable future. That's why I would like to discuss options for getting the Mandalorian sector off the table and out of the Senate."

I nodded in thought for a moment before saying, "There are a few options I can use. The Mandalorian Protectors, as I've said, are causing prodigious harm to the Republic's forces, let alone the properly engaged units in the region. And with Death Watch as an independent Mandalore in its own right, going out of their way to protect Mandalorians against Republic atrocities, I believe we can establish quite a bit of an insurgency behind their lines. We're already supplying them to some extent. They have access to many of our tanks and some droids. We could increase that supply, create an insurgency around the CNS that causes the Republic problems, and I think that will cause a vote for an invasion soon enough, merely to prevent more damage and force Mandalore out of the Republic."

My master nodded his head, saying, "Yes, that is a good option. Anything that can destabilize the CNS would be useful in the future. I do have to give credit where it is due, for what the Duchess and the senator have managed to accomplish. They've already created a strong alternative to the Banking Clan; dodging the majority of the reforms and controls I'd imposed on the Republic. But just as I plan to deal with the Banking Clan eventually, we must plan to deal with the CNS eventually as well. There cannot be anything outside either the CIS or the Republic when the last phase of the plan is in motion. They must choose a side. If there are to be any third parties, they must be so drastically weakened that they will not be able to defend themselves against my Empire and choose submission over rebellion."

I scoffed at that, "Mandalorians choosing submission, that would be an unlikely thing."

I thought I saw a hint of a smile from my master, "Oh I agree, but that does not mean we should not try for it now, should we?"

"Of course, my master, of course." I replied. "There is an area that may be of interest in the coming months — the Vorpa'ya system, right on the border of the CIS and the CNS. Vorpa'ya the only positions between the allowing access to CNS. CIS and Republic forces clash to the north and south of it, but over this large gap of space, there's no real force guarding it. Through this gap, additional forces can pass through CNS territory if they manage to slip past Mandalorian patrols to the Dentari Exclave prolonging the battle there. On the planet of Vorpa'ya, members of several Mandalorian factions are currently poised in a stalemate over who ultimately controls the planet. The Mandalorian SDF wanted the planet to remain independent, Concord Dawn wanted to regain control of it, while the Anteevy Workers' Council wanted the planet to join them and become a member of the CIS."

"Hmm, I don't believe I've heard of this Workers' Council. What are their stakes in this game for the Mandalorian sector?" My master inquired.

"They are a strange lot. They practice something similar to the Black Sun sector. However, I would caution — there is something particularly wrong with their leader." I explained.

"Oh, do tell, my student. What makes this leader so interesting to draw your attention?" My master urged.

"In the Black Sun sector, they seem to have the idea that all of society is for the family. The Anteevans expand the concept of the family to include their entire society, which is how they are operating their system. The leader of Anteevy, however, does the opposite. Society comes before the family. The Mandalorian clans are the problem. Concepts like that would not be much of a problem for us, however they do appear to be actively spreading their ideology to the rest of the Confederacy. There seems to be a particular hatred for corporations outside the state or striving for positions of power. All corporations on Anteevy are nationalized state enterprises. They work for the state and do not have a vote in the state. I have personally met with the leader of Anteevy, Secretary General Liliya Shepist, a highly competent and dangerous woman who has some measure of derangement. Despite no understanding of the Force that I can detect, she is unmistakably an agent of the Dark Side."

"They sound like the exact opposite of people I would expect to join the CIS, considering how many corporations have aligned themselves with the CIS's cause." My master commented, shaking his head. "But this Liliya has my interest." My master seemed to glance off into space as if he could see this woman far away across the galaxy, perhaps he could. "Yes, very interesting, so many factions have joined the CIS over the past few months, all with their own internal hatreds. Having one more is no great change. Does this Anteevy offer anything of use to your efforts to bring the Mandalorian sector under the control of the CIS?"

I nodded before saying, "It is their stated goal to 'free' the Mandalorian sector of the clan system, as they say. They've already begun to influence operations within the Mandalore sector itself. That bombing campaign that killed their Deputy Minister on Kalevala a few days ago is believed to have been a communist sympathizer upset with the war posturing that the CNS is going through."

"Excellent! Then they're of use. We nearly had our vote for a war thanks to them. Make sure they're well-supported, the Mandalorians require some attention, so that they do not grow out of hand." My master replied, seeming pleased with the information. I was less sanguine, but I did not let my doubts show. There are risks to empowering any Darksider, but especially Liliya, as she is not firmly under my control. I would have to remedy that, somehow.

"It will be done, Master. They also offer us another opportunity. They have their own access to a merchant fleet that runs shipments of materials in and out of the Mandalorian sector. We can make use of their ships to transport materials to Death Watch and to the Mandalorian Protectors, who are hiding supplies in the Mandalorian sector's outer extremities when they're in the region for campaigns." And I would slip in my agents and provocateurs into these shipments, to bring Death Watch and Anteevy firmly back into my aegis.

"Excellent, once enough troubles are caused by this sector, the Republic will run out of patience and will vote for an invasion soon enough. We must simply allow the wheels of democracy to turn." He said with a low and dark chuckle.

"It will be done, Master. If you desire, I could command Ventress to remove the young Mandalorian senator from the board if she is such a thorn for you."

I will admit, I didn't want Ventress to remove her from the board, but I want to give the idea that I offered the option to remove her. Sidious has his own assassins in his organizations that could remove her easily if he really wanted to. Volunteering my apprentice to do it gives me the option to creatively do what I want. If he wanted her off the board, I would take her off the board and perhaps train her in secret.

The clone I had contracted to be created is taking far longer than I would have liked. Although Bariss Zotho had created an additional clone on her own time just to keep the cells fresh. Unfortunately, being a member of the Arkanians, she did not simply create an exact copy of Tanya. No, she's the clone who has run through several genetic modifications and improvements. I had yet to examine Zotho's Arkanian hybrid clone in question personally, but I doubt it would have the same Force capacity as the original, simply because it wasn't a true clone. It was an aberration created by an Arkanian.

That's why I had to order the creation of an actual true clone. Thankfully, I have quite a war chest by this point. I could freely spend my credits on projects like this almost without limit.

My Master seemed to pause for a moment as if I had caught him off guard, "If I should want her removed from the board, I will inform you. Having a senator killed by the CIS could be a way to push the Mandalorian sector to choose a side. But we have plenty of room to maneuver for now, slaying her prematurely would be... wasteful." I detected a hint of uncertainty from him. Odd and very notable, perhaps Tanya represented a weakness in Darth Sidious that I could exploit, it was rare that he would be so permissive of an independent actor.

"Of course, Master." I replied.

Lord Sidious nodded his head again, "You have done well, Tyrannus. I will contact you when we have more to discuss." His hologram faded, and I stood up, glad to be free of his gaze once more.

But before I got to work on any of the things he demanded, I focused on another idea that would aid our main objectives, which was to seed doubts about the neutrality of the Mandalorian sector.

I pressed a few buttons and took a seat, waiting for a moment. It would take time for someone to answer this, but not too long. And I was right as after five minutes a holographic projection of a Mandalorian man appeared. The hologram is much smaller since there was no need to have a full rendition of him for our conversation.

"Count Dooku, I was very confused when I saw that I was getting a message from you. I thought we had given a firm stance that we would not be interested in joining the CIS, that neutrality is what Mandalore is committed to." The Mandalorian man replied.

"Prime Minister Almec," I said with a smile before continuing, "I completely understand your point of view. Make no mistake, we respect the neutrality of the Mandalorian sector and its urge for peace. However, I've simply been noticing some strange goings-on. I've been trying to contact you for several days, but it would seem something brought down your communication system."

Almec seemed to think for a moment before saying, "There was an attack on a relay station, nothing too serious. It was simply shut down by a slicer with a program that propagated throughout our local relay network, but that problem has been corrected now. Is there some reason, though, that you wish to contact us now?"

"Of course, of course. I've heard of the recent votes to invade Mandalore. I assume it has failed, otherwise, you'd be too busy dealing with a Republic siege. However, the embargo of food supplies from the Republic is still ongoing." I replied.

Almec gave me a look before saying, "Yes, we have an issue recently with that."

"Well, on to the matter I contacted you to discuss. Perhaps a representative of the CNS to participate in the CIS Parliament is warranted for mutual diplomatic endeavors. Only a representative for now, not a senator. I understand that a senator to our side would raise unwanted questions about your neutrality. But at least an acknowledgment in the form of a representative who could speak for the Council of Neutral Systems, and Mandalore's interests should be acceptable, do you not agree?" I made sure to nudge about Mandalore's interests as well. A representative from Mandalorian space, like young Prince Korkie, would be ideal; manipulating one of those Ithorians in their council would be so much more tedious.

Almec's expression grew doubtful, "I can bring the matter before the Duchess, but I'll warn you now, I see no reason to agree to this proposal."

"I've been informed that one of your agri-worlds in the CNS is currently being invaded by another agri-world in the CNS. A representative at the CIS Parliament could negotiate with Anteevy." I pointed out.

"Yes, there is some concern about that. We are dealing with that internally. I wouldn't mind you telling the Anteevy Council to vacate the world. I believe they're under your influence, are they not?" Almec shot back.

"Despite what you might have heard, I am no tyrant. I only want an end to the suffering across the Galaxy."

Almec gave me another dubious look, "No doubt. Former Senator Merrik is no longer responding to your comms, I take it?"

I shook my head sadly, "I heard the unfortunate news about former Senator Merrik. Merrik's betrayal is proof that the only way for diplomacy to succeed is out in the open. We tried to make private arrangements with him in Parliament for his own protection, and he spun our accommodations into a vile plot against Mandalore. This representative arrangement would be fundamentally different; as it would not be conducted in secret."

Almec paused, as if in thought, considering my words in silence. I needed to quiet his suspicions and divert this line of questioning with my proposal. So I said, "Prime Minister Almec, only diplomacy can end war. A representative from the CNS is truly the best way to address and improve the situation."

"That is true..." Almec looked like he had sucked on a lemon.

"Indeed. And as I explained earlier, I am no tyrant, so I can not dictate terms to Anteevy. However, I could use my influence to lift the restrictions on foodstuffs being sent outside the CIS; to exempt the CNS from the embargo.

Prime Minister Almec took a breath, thinking for another moment, "We could be convinced to create a checkpoint between the CNS and the CIS. I can see the advantages, yes. As long as there are sufficient safeguards and inspections, and no other surprises."

"Wonderful, all of this shall be implemented once CNS has sent a representative." I replied.

Almec nodded, "Only the Duchess have the final say in this matter. But if that is what it takes for the CNS to receive an additional supply of food from across the border, then I think we can meet you on this matter."

"Excellent, if I may offer a suggestion. Perhaps you should send the young Prince Korkie. From what I understand, he has a working relationship with the Workers' Council of Anteevy. He could speak to them in the name of the Duchess."

Almec said, "It is an interesting suggestion. Sending him to work as a representative on behalf of the CNS to speak with the CIS would certainly help his prospects in the next clan election. The prince will need it, after Satine's planned speech and reveal."

I blinked and asked, "Reveal? What reveal is this?"

Almec thought about it for a moment before sighing, "No reason to hide it since it will be announced in a few days. Duchess Satine has decided to reveal that Tanya is her biological daughter. Thus, Tanya has as much right and claim on the throne as her brother, Prince Korkie. And as she has shown herself to be a very capable politician, she is very likely to be next in line for the throne."

"She's the daughter of the Duchess?" I asked to make sure I had heard correctly. I remember a story long ago that Qui-Gon once told me about his young pupil being tested by the Force. Kenobi had a chance to leave with a prospective Duchess before choosing the Jedi Order.

Was it a coincidence? I do not know, but I have the means to investigate. This could be useful. If Tanya is Obi-Wan's daughter and I were to capture her, I might be able to force Obi-Wan to join my side. And with those two on my side? Together we could have the might to remove Sidious and form a new Jedi Order, one that would act, for the good of the galaxy.

Shaking my head, I said, "I can guarantee you this, young Korkie will be able to acquire quite enough experience in the realm of politics here in the Confederacy. Yes, our government system has only just been formed recently, but it is a system that functions, unlike the stagnant Republic."

"Only time will provide the answer to that, I suppose." Almec said. "I will discuss this option with the Duchess when I speak with her next. Good day, Count Dooku."

"Until we meet again." I said with a nod as the hologram faded away, and I took a moment to contemplate what I had learned.

Tanya was Obi-Wan's daughter and heir to the throne of Mandalore. She could be all that I had hoped for, a true Jedi Lord, as they were of old. How could I use this to my advantage? There must be some way to do it. She, and the clone of Kenobi's daughter, would be useful as well.

Concordia, Governor's Palace
Pre Vizsla

"Bo, I know I'm not one for music, but are you sure this is going to work?" I said as I listened to the rather high-pitched singing and almost screeching of the ballads while loud electronic instruments and drums played in the background were being played by the Prey Wings. The two-woman band who are going to be the face of the Death Watch to all those who saw them. Down the line, for now, they had to build up their support base and just hint at what they supported in their songs.

"Trust me, Pre. This is going to work." Bo replied. She finally changed her armor to blue when she arrived here on Concordia with the two girls she found on the planet of Zanbar. After, we had moved to an empty ballroom, the musicians had promptly taken over with their instruments and practical effects. Cables and lights were blinking in a mess in one corner.

Bo watched the end of their latest presentation and pointed towards their equipment. "We needed something to differentiate them from the Gargon Girls. If you just copied what the Gargon Girls are doing, people are going to see them as just a knockoff.

Back on Gargon, the Inferno Crescendos used to struggle with their image, because their early debut was too similar to the Gargon Girls. They can't seem to shake off the perception they are copycats, even though they started using their own genre of music. Sure, the Inferno Crescendos use lots of pyrotechnics, but their songs were pretty much the same genre as the Gargon Girls, singing about battles and the history behind them. Now they just make their own music using a combination of modern and traditional Mando instruments to create something unique. Our band would instead focus on the feel and the sound of battle rather than about the battle itself."

I looked at her, wondering when she had become an expert on marketing and branding, but she's not wrong. Along with the screeching lyrics that sounded more like orders than actual music, there was a definite sound like metal on metal, blasters going off, and other things accompanying the music. I wasn't a big fan of its arrangement, as I am more partial to marching songs, but this does somewhat remind me of being on a battlefield. Perhaps she knew what she was talking about after all.

I shook my head and followed Bo over to a pair of chairs arranged in the middle of the ballroom, "Well, I am not qualified to come up with a better idea, and we do need competition for the Gargon Girls. We can't let White Silver retain a monopoly on the future of Mandalorian culture. So while I think the music is too loud and chaotic, I'll defer to your judgment on this. How much money are you going to need to perform on tour across the sector?"

Bo leaned back in her taller black chair with "Director" stenciled across the back. I leaned forward in my own seat, a mismatched "Producer" chair Bo had brought, and glanced over at Her. She had this endearingly awkward expression on her face. "Well, I can't touch a lot of my finances for this because, well, supposedly I serve House Kryze. Can't have people wondering why I'm helping out Death Watch. But we need a hundred million credits to tour across the Mandalorian sector, and I can probably cover only about half of that. Hopefully, the tour will pay itself back, but the venues and services need to be booked upfront."

I blinked, then blinked again, saying, "We have access to a lot of resources, I will admit, but I don't think we can raise liquid capital like that with the banking reforms in the sector. Fraud and money laundering is becoming prohibitively expensive in neutral space." A good thing, I suppose, to combat crime. However, it is very frustrating when I am the one trying to commit said crime.

Most of the members of Death Watch operated on favors or bartering. With the inflation crisis in the Republic, our stockpile of Republic credits is practically worthless, and we are trying to offload as much of the currency as we could. The CIS credits are more stable, but illegal to spend in neutral space and with the Banking clan in control they are more likely to swindle us than help us. So we would have to use the new neutral credit, despite the fact it has tight controls and would be closely monitored. "And how do you even have that many neutral credits that you could spare for this out of pocket?"

She shrugged, "White Silver. You would not believe the amount of money I'm making working for her just by being head of security and being a shareholder of Hypernautics. Most of it is tied up in bonds and investments, but I can build up more liquid if I need to." Bo said casually.

I clicked my tongue in frustration. She was talking about the Council of Neutral Systems' new common self-defense bonds that had been issued just hours after the vote for invasion failed in the Republic. The entire CNS is currently in a spending frenzy, as every shipyard in neutral space has been booked out for the next three years for the production of warships. Well, everyone except White Silver's shipyards at Mandal Hypernautics who have grown exponentially now that they have opened their services to the wider sector.

She had accepted some contracts to build warships, but had kept half of her capacity open for civilian shipping only. It looked to be a bad investment, the amount of money CNS planets are throwing into their own self-defense fleets is incredible. Arkania alone ordered three Sundari-class capital ships. But I supposed that meant that White Silver is now the only producer of civilian ships built in the CNS, effectively creating a temporary monopoly. If I had spoken to Bo before the bonds were issued, she would likely have had more than enough liquid capital.

"I really need to have that meeting with her." I said, shaking my head before focusing on her suggestion.

"Funny story, I think I've got an opportunity like that lined up. She should be available soon enough. But I would have figured with the food shortages going on, you'd be making more credits than ever since you had opened so much more land for agriculture recently."

I raised my eyebrow at how Bo knew that, but I assume that being the head of security for Mandal Hypernautics meant that she is privy to events involving White Silver. I shook my head before moving on, "Even though I'm the governor of Concordia, I still have to follow the will of Mandalore. And recently, the official order from the Duchess is that the prices on food would be capped coming from Concordia to prevent rising food prices, meaning we can't make a great profit off of this opportunity."

"Oh, that's kriffed." Bo said, leaning back in her chair. "What's up with that? I would have thought they'd have plenty of money from the whole Mandalorian Festival a few months back."

I sighed before saying, "Most of that money went to the terraformers, who are now melting the ice caps of Kalevala and bringing over a few comets and dropping them into the atmosphere, angled to guarantee large rainstorms. I don't think anyone in the CNS has much liquid capital left over at the moment, based on the budgets and reports in Satine's last council meeting. And the new CNS banks are only issuing new credits in bursts."

"Oh." Bo said, surprised. "Why is Kalevala getting terraformed first? I would have thought Mandalore would have been the obvious candidate."

I sighed, "Almec pushed for it, due to the recent communist bombings. People are up in arms about the possibility of going to war, so they alleviate their concerns by dropping enough water on the planet that they'll never have to worry about dehydration again. Not to mention it's going to help keep down the chemical dust that has always been an issue in your homeworld."

"As well as opening up more farmland. However, even with that on the table, how are they going to supply Mandalore with enough food?"

I shrugged, "I have contacts in the Mandalorian Guard. Several companies have received permits over the past few months to bring in food shipments through the blockade. I've been trying to look into those companies, but so far they seem to be rather nonexistent."

"Non-existent?" Bo raised an eyebrow, "Like illegal non-existent?"

"Illegal non-existent. I suspect someone in the government is playing a little bit fast and loose with gathering food supplies to try and keep the prices as low as possible."

"As long as it's inspected at the drop-off places, I'm sure it'll be fine." Bo said, but I shrugged my shoulders in response.

"I don't know about that. I've been too busy with the Maelstrom to worry too much on that matter. I'll keep my ears close to the ground, see if I can find out more about what's going on."

"Oh yeah, the Maelstrom. What exactly is your plan with that thing?" Bo asked.

I mirrored Bo's posture and leaned back in my chair, "For now we are using it as a mobile base. There are plenty of worlds within the Mandalorian sector and even the CNS willing to give us a port."

"How long can that last? The Republic is set on hunting down the Maelstrom, from what Tanya tells me. Also, apparently we are classified as terrorists now, what does that even mean?"

I nodded, "There are also plenty of forgotten places, lost to known history, where we can hide out. My plans are pretty much to continue what we've been doing: causing problems for the Republic and helping people who have issues with the CIS escape. As for being terrorists? It means very little in Mandalorian law. Being a member of Death Watch is already a misdemeanor that would deprive you of holding government positions, so we have always kept to the shadows. It used to mean that you would be exiled from Mandalore too, but that was relaxed years ago. The designation of 'terrorist' is a Republic conception and effectively means whatever Satine wants it to mean."

Bo turned to me, "Do you think keeping the Maelstrom is worth it? What's the endgame?"

"Keep growing Death Watch and its core of volunteers to the point that we are a stable and competent military force capable of defending Mandalore. Also, maybe see if I can rediscover an artifact or two, like the Darksaber." I paused and weighed switching the conversation to something lighter. Instead, I looked back at her, with a warm smile. "With all the coming terraforming, Governor of Concordia will become a much less important role. We'll be one green world amongst many, which is a great achievement, but it's one that ends my legacy. Honestly, I'm envious of you; I don't want to be sidelined at the most crucial moments of Mandalorian history in decades."

"Hmm, crucial, eh? I wonder what other artifacts could you recover?" Bo asked playfully. "The Mask of Mandalore has been lost for millennia, and I don't think it's going to show up any time soon. But there must be other roles outside Governor or Death Watch, which you can still have a part in." Bo leaned back as the music reached its chorus, with a sole musician at the forefront.

"Well, a marriage to a member of the royal family is one of them." I said, looking at her directly.

Bo blinked, looking at me, "Pre, are you proposing to me?"

"I am. A marriage between House Kryze and House Vizsla would result in a powerful alliance and would give Death Watch a more concrete reason to look out for your family. Make sure that should anything go wrong outside my control, Death Watch is willing to fight for your Duchess and what she stands for. In the past, neither of us was ready for something like this. But now I can see an end to my Governorship, and the Death Watch is united in purpose in a way it has not been since the days of Tor. I'm ready for what's next."

Bo looked to the side, hiding her face but giving me a side glance for a few long seconds. I was starting to suspect she was hidin-

"Fine. Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde."

"Just like that?" I asked to confirm, slightly stunned. She nodded, so I gave repeated the catechism back, "Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde."

"Satine will want to throw a wedding ceremony, of course." Bo said, with a slightly pained expression. "Perhaps I can get Tanya to manage the event. The communication system is fixed, and I was able to get through to her earlier today. I heard she is helping out her handmaiden Vai with her own wedding. She's going to be busy as the Senator, though, hmm..."

"Good for her. I'll put a bounty on Merrik. He has proven himself to be a disgrace." I said.

"No need, he's dead already. He attempted to flee custody on Coruscant and was shot." Bo said disgustedly, shaking her head. "I was planning to put my own bounty on him tomorrow, about 1,000,000 credits dead. Anyone who tries to kill my sister or her child deserves no chance to get a fair trial."

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" I asked, looking at her.

"I was planning to put a bounty on him?" She said, looking at me.

"No, after that. You just said your sister and her child, but Satine doesn't have children."

"Ohhh, right... Well, it turns out that's not exactly true. It turns out that Tanya is her daughter. After the clan wars, Satine was worried that the Jedi would come and take Tanya away because she's the child of a Jedi. Apparently, she didn't trust that Obi-Wan would be able to protect Tanya, as he was only a Padawan back then."

"So Tanya is the daughter of the Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Satine Kryze, the Duchess of Mandalore. Huh... for the life of me, I did not see that coming, and I am not sure what to do with this information." I shook my head in amusement at all that. Satine is proving to be more mysterious than I thought while having more kotep then one would give a New Mando. Wait, Obi-Wan had been with her when she came to that Death Watch rally with Jango. Perhaps whatever they had in the past is still alive, this could be useful information.

"I know, right?!" Bo loudly complained. "I was already Tanya's best aunt. Still am, I guess."

If anything, that just showed how committed to Mandalore Satine really was. That she was willing to hide her connection to her daughter for nearly two decades in order to keep the system stable and her daughter safe. Revealing it back then would have plunged the sector right back into another civil war, especially on Mandalore which had just been bombed into submission by the Jedi.

Now, though, it's probably safer for that information to just be out there. It's not like it would really change anything as far as I was concerned. Probably, some people will still be annoyed, but I doubted anyone had the power to do anything about it.

Shaking my head, I said, "Well, good for her. On this day, a parent and child shine argent in glory. Perhaps I should buy some of the finest wine from my vineyard to send over to my new sister-in-law and niece, as congratulations."

Bo smirked, "That's probably the nice thing to do. Satine is even the type to appreciate it." Leaning back, she said, "So, about those startup credits, we're also going to need Republic credits. Enough to get to Coruscant."

"Why is that?" I asked, holding her hand and leaning back next to her.

"There's going to be a Mandalorian expo on Coruscant in a few months, starring the Gargon Girls, and I think I can get these girls on stage first as an opening warm up act. This would bring in a lot of money for them and get the name of Death Watch out there a bit." Hmm, Republic credits. Well, it was better than nothing, and we'd have a way to spend those credits on something that might actually be of use. And besides, the idea of these girls sneakily singing about Death Watch on Coruscant itself amused me.

Writers note: X4 LIVED! And Pre proposed to Bo? And she accepted right off the bat? And Dooku making more political moves? The hell is going on! Shit going off the rail a bit, hope everything ends up okay. But I guess we'll find out next time in PoM.

Please comment, review, and generally enjoy yourselves…

Edited by: L, Pedersen, MeowATron9000, aemon, Mantsch, Warmach1ne32, Cardoso, Afforess, Lich
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Community editable doc (Chapter) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Supporters: Afforess, Gremlin Jack, Xodarap4, Duncan Sproule, James Moorhouse, Dankermaler, Hats88, DrkShdow, Devilstar101, Michael, Mana Rope, Falk Hüser, Silver Wolf, Mackenzie Buckle, Neso, Lmc9389, Staradder, KrasieK, Zollus, Jog256, Ethan Dowie, Maxim Blashkevych, The GrandMage, loyalChaos, Daryl, FreelancerD0, Zul The Lich, Retexks, John Norman, Ian R Major, Dale, Darth Vendar, BigKumaDM, Taylor Tilbury, Treant Balewood, Aske Helsted, Sam, Brandon Goodman, BarrettSlayer, Guillermo Echeverria, D3ad0s, Pulse Rager, Lago, CB-Otaku, Adam Daw, Michał Kotuła, Louis Kasser, Arkhad, H2os, Pontus, Zahael, Nathan Cardoso, Lightstorm, Endymion2314, harry Nevel, William, Legion_13, Beautiful Winter, Mrsmall0170, MysteryCPU, Seadrake, MinnieMin, Lictor Magnus, Michael Hill, King Henry V, Bill Romero Diaz, Matthew D, Adrian Black, Reagin Haley, Bishop Rikor, Jake Serna, Contrary, Santeri Oripelto, MeowATron9000, milky, Fischer Davis-Hagen, Aaron, Kenny Nguyen, Robolo42, Chernobog, Michael Forsyth, Jan Mantsch, Creampuff, Ignacio Martínez, Desphyx, Libois kurt, kalistira
Chapter 55, 717 FNM (21 BBY) Month 5
Chapter 55
717 FNM (21 BBY) Month 5

Coronet, Mandalore Orbit
Satine Kryze

"My Duchess, your shuttle is ready to depart." I glanced up from my holopad as the shuttle pilot walked over. I itched to return home as there was a lot that needed to be done. The pilot just returned after loading our luggage and is now ready to depart, so we followed him back to the shuttle bay.

Next to me, Senator Padmé Amidala walked alongside; she had come along on my trip back to Mandalore. She wanted to help, and I am willing to accept her help in smoothing relations with the Republic after the narrowly avoided invasion. Tanya considers her a friend with a strong sense of justice and pacifism — Tanya even mentioned that she would be an amazing New Mandalorian.

Unfortunately, when I looked into the politics of Naboo, they do not represent neutrality, nor are they eligible to join the Neutral Systems. Naboo had already been attacked by Separatists and is the homeworld of the current Supreme Chancellor. It's locked as a member of the Republic. Thus, she is merely a visiting Republic dignitary.

But she could help in other ways. Merely having someone who had once served in a position similar to mine that I can trust, could provide helpful counsel. After all, she had survived an invasion from a droid army. Surely, she could help me navigate the chaos of a potential invasion from the Republic. So I am retelling my experiences on Coruscant to catch Padmé up with the assassination attempts plaguing us.

"Then Ben found me, and he escorted me to the Senate safely." I finished recounting the story on the way to the shuttle. Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, were waiting for us there. I didn't have many opportunities to converse with Ahsoka on the trip back, so I was surprised when she spoke up.

"I am surprised to hear you were involved in a fight on Coruscant at all. From what I've been taught by Master Kenobi, New Mandalorians are pacifists." Ahsoka said.

Anakin rolled his eyes, "I stopped believing that after I met Tanya."

"Non-violence is ideal, but self-defense is still allowed for." I rebutted while turning to face Anakin, "Has there been any news on the assassin that tried to murder me? Or for the droid at Mandalore Tower?" I asked, as we boarded the shuttle and I sat next to Padmé while the others sat across from us. After a few more moments of waiting, our shuttle lifted off the Coronet and started its descent towards Mandalore.

I am terrified at how close we had come to getting invaded by the Republic, as well as how close Tanya had come to losing her life. Thankfully, with hard work and the help of our allies, we managed to prevent both from coming to pass. However, I can see now that the Republic in reality is not the same as the idealized image I have in my mind. While there are good people within the Senate, many are more motivated by their own self-interests than for the common good of the galaxy.

"No. The police aren't really equipped to investigate assassination attempts, given how big Coruscant is and how easy it is to hide there. So that should be a job for the Jedi, as they are the only ones capable of actually finding and defeating the assassin." Anakin remarked.

"Perhaps." I hedged. The Jedi had offered to investigate, but that didn't seem like the best option. If the Jedi arrested whoever was behind this, and it was almost certainly a Mandalorian that did it, it would likely result in a scandal back home. "However, tensions are very high at the moment between Mandalore and the Republic. Thus, I would prefer if Mandalorians are the only ones involved in the investigation to minimize possible unrest." Once I'm back home, I'd meet with Almec and have the Mandalorian Secret Service investigate the matter ourselves.

"Tanya was the one who found evidence that Nute Gunray hired Jango Fett to assassinate me." Padmé said. She turned to Anakin and had a contemplative look on her face, as if recalling something. "She figured out the assassin's identity after analyzing their confrontation." She turned back to face me, "Are there any details to go on in your case?"

"Unfortunately no. I didn't even see who my assassin was. And they only managed to shoot me once. So any evidence of my assailant's identity is back on Coruscant."

I wish I had more time to spend with Tanya, but Tanya and her retinue were dropped off on Gargon. She will be busy working on her plan to improve the planet's shipbuilding industry, as well as exploring some new defensive ship designs. I had finally revealed something I've been keeping close to my chest for decades, and we felt like family at this point. I would have liked to further establish our bond that should have been there the whole time. Although the way Tanya phrased it, I guess she had always had that bond with me, even if I hadn't really lived up to it in my mind.

"What about the droid that attacked Tanya at the Mandalore Tower?" Padmé asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"In Tanya's case, the remains of the droid, that Battle Legionnaire, will be taken to some experts on Mandalore. Given that the assassination involved a droid, it seems likely that the CIS is involved in some capacity." I explained.

Anakin grunted, "Of course they are." at the mention of the CIS.

"A year ago, when I was being targeted, Nute Gunray was already our prime suspect, and it turned out he was responsible all along. Do you have any enemies that have targeted you in the past, or would want to target you specifically?" Padmé asked.

"Anteevy tried to kidnap Tanya once on Tatooine." Anakin said.

I nodded, "Anteevy reported that they punished the officer who attempted the kidnapping attempt."

"Hmm..." Padmé said.

"Nute Gunray was supposedly punished by the Trade Federation as well, multiple times, and that never seemed to work." Anakin noted.

"It could be Anteevy, however I have no proof. I do have another suspect though, Purton Jendri, the Governor of Concord Dawn. He is currently causing a major issue on Vorpa'ya by sending his Journeyman Protectors to 'liberate' the planet from Anteevan influence."

Anakin seemed to recognize the planet. "Vorpa'ya? Jedi Master Kota has been sent to defend the Jedi Temple there. He is very skilled in combat and diplomacy, so he should be able to mediate the situation or force the responsible party to reveal themselves." I nodded, but our discussion was interrupted as the shuttle craft finally landed on the Royal Palace's landing pad.

Finally arriving home, I stepped out of the shuttle with a few guards following behind me that are part of my protective detail.

"This is where we part, thank you for your hospitality, Duchess Satine." Anakin said as Ahsoka and Padmé were escorted off the landing pad.

I had a brief conversation with Ben before we left Coruscant, and I think we left on good terms this time. Much better than the last time we separated all those years ago, when we had been arguing over pacifism going too far. We still need to work out our whole parental situation. Ben seemed to be leaning towards leaving the Jedi Order and joining our family after the current crisis with Dooku and the Separatists was resolved. One thing I respected about him is that he has a strong sense of honor and duty. His prior oath to the Jedi Order must be fulfilled before he can think about leaving the Order since the Order is fighting a war with millions of lives on the line. Though I disagreed with the war in general, I will not gainsay his oath to his Order even though they were a part of it.

I can only hope that he comes through the war alright. I'm not one for praying to the Manda, but I might start in hopes that we both make it through this alive.

As I approached the large group of Royal Guards standing at parade rest, I sighed. Although I had worn armor underneath my clothing on Coruscant, it was simply because I was realistic about the fact that the planet is not entirely safe. Here on Mandalore, I wouldn't be able to get away with wearing armor in public. It would be too inflammatory, so security in another form is needed, even if I thought that this is more than necessary.

Eventually, I reached the palace's throne room and I saw two individuals already waiting for me. My gaze immediately focused on my nephew, Korkie, who is looking rather stiff, as if he'd been having a stressful time while I was gone.

Walking over, I greeted him, "Korkie." Drawing his notice, he smiled before walking over, and we shared a hug.

"It's good to see you, Auntie Satine. I've been worried about you ever since I heard about what Senator Merrik did." He said. He looked up to meet my gaze, and I carefully kept one arm wrapped around him.

I winced as I was reminded of the fact that someone I considered a trusted friend would betray me because he felt his job was threatened, "Yes, thankfully there was no long-term damage... at least no physical damage."

He tilted his head and asked, "What's the matter, Auntie?"

I took a breath before saying, "There is a secret that I've been keeping from you. A secret I have kept from everyone for a long time now." Korkie fell still, and I could feel his tension swell; I felt guilty, he could sense something amiss needed to be explained.

From the corner of my vision, I saw Almec look on in disapproval, but the time for hiding this information had passed as far as I was concerned.

"Tanya is not your biological sister," Korkie instantly looked confused as I continued, "she's your cousin and my daughter."

"Oh." He said, sounding more confused before he finally came to a question. "Why?"

Almec spoke up before I could say anything, "At the end of the Clan Wars and the civil war, your aunt had a relationship with a Jedi Padawan. At the time, the government was new and, in my opinion, weak."

"No," I interrupted. "I fell in love with Ben Kenobi, the Jedi you know as General Kenobi now. I grew pregnant and I kept my pregnancy a secret since revealing Tanya would not only trouble Ben's career but also destabilize the entire sector just as the Mandalorian Civil War had ended. At the time, Ben was sent off on his next mission, back in the Core. I was alone again, and Almec convinced me that the cost to Mandalore wasn't worth the price of honesty and Jedi entanglements." I trailed off.

"You only wanted the best for us." Korkie affirmed, and I smiled down and held him tighter again.

Almec nodded and looked at Korkie, but I spoke first, "Did I? I misjudged the worth of family and keeping our clan close because of it. Step by step, Tanya retaught me the value of our family and Clan. First, she reminded me of Bo's worth and honor by visiting our ancestral home in Kalevala and by faithfully overseeing Tanya's physical training."

Korkie nodded dubiously, hesitating to acknowledge the point.

"Years later, when Tanya became a representative of the Republic, she taught me to fight for peace and mutual cooperation through her unique style of diplomacy. She instinctively knows a very Mandalorian approach to diplomacy and somehow made it work. Tanya never needed to convince me of your worth, Korkie. Although she did occasionally seem jealous of your experiences at the Academy." I finished.

Korkie seemed stunned at that last statement.

"So what changed my mind was that I realized I valued our House and Clan too little, Korkie. I overvalued my own convenience and prideful traditions, even when they are doing more harm than good." I harshly summarized.

Korkie thought about it for a moment, moving stiffly to pull away slightly, "Well, of all the things that have been kept secret from me, this is so minor I don't even care. She was raised as my sister, I still see her as my sister, even if I don't always agree with her. It's just that she's also now Auntie Satine's daughter. Nothing really changes here, as far as I see."

Not exactly true, but he is putting up a good front as far as I could tell. He kept his voice steady, and if I wasn't holding him, I wouldn't have been able to detect it at all. From his perspective, Tanya had been elevated from an orphan that shared the same situation as him to having a mother and father who are still alive. He is still an orphan, but he's rationalizing. I simply leaned in and hugged him, saying, "Yes, nothing between us is any different."

I also eased off Korkie, after realizing I was embracing him again. "Thank you for telling me, Auntie Satine." He said, sounding a bit choked. Korkie shuddered and stepped away, only holding onto my hand. "S-so I have shocking news for you as well." I looked into his eyes, curious as to what he might be referring to.

Almec's frown deepened at this, but surprisingly, he didn't comment.

"Uhh, Aunt Bo and Governor Vizsla are married. Aunt Bo announced they will have a wedding celebration on Concordia, but no date has been set."

I am so happy for her! I thought she would stay single for another 20 years. I am a bit surprised at her choice of partner, but then again, I never knew any of Bo's companions. In any case, this is momentous news.

I must have said some combination of my thoughts out loud, because Korkie replied, "She wanted Tanya to help her with the wedding, too." I smiled and Almec passed me over a handkerchief. I took it and wiped my eyes, clearing away the wetness that gathered there.

Letting go of his hand, I walked over to my throne, saying, "Alright, well, now that I'm back, let's get to work solving our current problems." Taking a seat on my throne, I said, "What's the situation on Vorpa'ya?"

Almec smoothed out his expression and said, "In hand, as far as I can tell. We have yet to force them to leave the planet, yes, but the presence of such a large Mandalorian Self-Defense Force is keeping the other factions in line and preventing any major moves."

I blinked, "Other factions? I thought it was just the Journeyman Protectors."

Almec shook his head, "Two other forces have established a presence on the planet. Forces of the Anteevy Revolutionary Guard have taken control of the third-largest city on the planet. Apparently, they are allied with us in our mission to prevent the abuse of the local population."

"What is the other faction you mentioned?" I asked.

Almec answered, "Soldiers from Gargon. Not Silver Mandalorian mercenaries, they are under the command of a Jedi Master named Rahm Kota. He helped White Silver overthrow Gerr a few years ago, and apparently had put together an army of volunteers on Gargon to fight for the Republic."

I sighed, "Alright, we should probably see about sending a few more divisions of the Mandalorian Self-Defense Force there, just for good measure."

Almec nodded, "I will see it done."

I continued by asking, "I heard the terraforming of Mandalore was slowed while I was gone. What happened?"

Almec looked displeased, "The bombing campaign on Kalevala didn't stop after the initial arrests, unfortunately. Minister Ordo, Wren, and Droxun advocated for moving the focus of the terraforming to Kalevala. They believed it would appease the terrorists and it appears to be working, as there hasn't been an attack since we shifted our focus."

"While Kalevala is not in as bad of a state as Mandalore, the most important terraforming that is being done is adding more water onto the planet in order to create a wetter climate. I've already implemented efforts to both raise money, lower the cost of living to encourage spending, and more to increase our taxable income to support both efforts."

I nodded my head and said, "Good work, Almec. I'll leave them to it then. For now, I'll focus on organizing an effort to find the Death Watch and get them to turn over the Maelstrom to the Republic."

"Do you think that would really work, Auntie? Death Watch aren't interested in diplomacy or negotiations; they are staunch traditionalists and warriors." Korkie asked.

I looked at him before nodding and said, "Mandalore has to at least appear to be trying to help the Republic with this issue. However, our primary focus for the Maelstrom should be setting up a back-channel with Death Watch. It goes without saying that Mandalore doesn't negotiate with terrorists, so officially, we aren't."

Korkie is fighting to keep surprise off his face, but Almec adopted a more contemplative and curious look, so I continued on with the details. "But perhaps we can arrange some collaboration in providing up-to-date nav charts, including registered traffic, and write off a few expired supply depots. In exchange, they keep the Maelstrom out of Mandalorian space, or preferably, CNS territory altogether." The deal would be something for nothing if it worked. It is a near certainty that Death Watch spies would have already infiltrated the Self-Defense Forces. I've worked hard to keep the Royal Guards free from external influence, but I couldn't say the same about the SDF. So Death Watch could easily have this intelligence already.

"Which the Republic has not been observing very well anyway." Almec mentioned, getting me to look at him before he continued, "Two Republic cruisers had already entered our territory during the holonet communication outage, trying to find out what's going on, they claimed. And those are only the two that we caught. There have been reports from the Mandalorian Patrol that they recorded many more unauthorized border violations. I hate to say it, but the Republic is circling us like shriek hawks, waiting for a moment of weakness. The warhawks in their government are quite influential at this moment."

"We will not give them that opening. With the reprieve that Tanya and the rest of our allies have created, we will do whatever we can to prevent any invasion from happening in the future. The longer we can stay out of this war, the better. But until then, perhaps we should look into options for our own Mandalorian Navy."

"Such as?" Almec asked.

"Perhaps it's time for the Mandalorian Patrol and other independent agencies to be a bit more centralized into a Self-Defense Navy." I suggested.

"We'll need to get in contact with quite a few people across the sector, but I think it's possible to pull off." Almec said.

Mandalore, Self-Defense Force Barracks
Ahsoka Tano

Mandalore is arid, dusty, and I only saw a few sad-looking barbed shrubs hiding in the shadows of tall boulders. I have read that Mandalore used to be a vibrant planet filled with life. When the Old Mandalorians rebelled against the Republic by forcing those who pass the Hydian way to pay a toll, the Senate ordered the Jedi to pacify the Mandalorians. The Mandalorians fought back so ferociously that it's only after Mandalore was decimated in the Excision that the surviving nobles surrendered to the Republic. While the Excision might have been necessary to stop the fighting, it doesn't diminish the fact that many worlds were severely damaged and a staggering number of lives were lost in the fighting. It is only recently that those worlds are being repaired due to the help of the Ithorians.

Master Kenobi had mentioned that Mandalorian cities are beautiful, filled with art and friendly people with a vibrant culture. Sadly, this mission that the Council had sent my master on took us elsewhere, to one of the 'MSDF' military bases that were scattered around the planet.

The buildings and architecture of the MSDF base we are approaching are not all that interesting either, more than a dozen solid rectangular blocks arranged in a grid pattern in a huge rocky flatland. Republic bases at least have different shaped buildings to differentiate them, here it looks like everything's made from a factory and just dropped there. As we got closer, I could see specks of activity inside the base. From hundreds doing physical training out in the scorching sun to what looks to be an obstacle course and shooting range being used to the side of the base. In the back of the base, I can see various vehicles being disassembled in what looks like a large hangar. Perhaps I will get a chance to visit their cities later. But for now I followed behind Master Skywalker as he approached a trio of Mandalorians in full armor sans helmet.

"Jedi, I was told you were coming after you landed on Sundari. You Republicans sure do love to throw your weight around." The woman in the lead called out. She had a dark complexion and would likely be very pretty if half of her face was not scarred from some terrible burn she had suffered recently. The scar tissue was still red and smothered in bacta pads. "What the hell do you want? I am extremely busy." I struggled to imagine what could be more urgent than our arrival. I also sensed a bit of surprise from my master before he shook his head.

"I understand you are holding almost a hundred thousand Arkanian 'Offshoots' here?" He said, looking over at what looked to be a company sized unit of Arkanians doing pushups.

"Holding? You see any fences? We are accommodating them as much as we can with so many showing up. Be careful with what you accuse us of, Jedi."

A part of me was insulted by the way the Mandalorian is treating my master. However, he seemed to take the open hostility in his stride and offered a hand to the Mandalorian. "Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight, and General of the Republic. This is my Padawan Ahsoka Tano." He introduced the both of us.

"General Patricia Beviin, of Clan Beviin, and subordinate to Clan Vizsla." She replied stiffly, ignoring Anakin's hand before turning on her heel. "You came to inspect the Arkanians. Come on, let's get this over with."

"What does 'subordinate to Clan Vizsla' mean?" I asked, earning a glance from both of the Mandalorians flanking General Beviin.

"Clan Vizsla sponsored my bid to become an officer in the MSDF and my Beskar'gam." General Beviin replied, leading us into the encampment. That didn't really answer my question, but she didn't really seem interested in answering it fully. "Each of the structures you see is an expanded barracks and kitchen unit that can house one thousand people. We are mostly just sitting on the Arkanians here and keeping them entertained with PT and drills until we can spread them out over Neutral Systems Space. Odd lot, no idea what we are going to do with them."

"Odd how?" Master Skywalker asked.

"Odd in that they do what you tell them to, all line up in neat ranks like Republic troopers or like we are holding a parade, but they do it all the time. All got the same armor, same accent, same face. If not for the tats, you could hardly tell them apart."

"I understand that they are the result of cloning?" Master Skywalker said, his tone steady, even as his emotions flared.

"Yeah, most of them, others the old-fashioned way. Part of some ancient workforce project on Arkania or whatever. Whoever thought that this docile lot should be given blasters and put in a battlefield is an idiot. Still, it's our job to make sure they can think for themselves enough to survive more than a minute against anyone trying to pick a fight with Mandalore."

"Is following orders a bad thing?" I asked.

"Not if you are a Republican." General Beviin practically spat the word. "But it ain't what we Mandalorians do. We question everything, even if it makes us less neat and tidy. Had this Tarisian officer telling my boys to line up nicer, broke his arm. It's why I needed a sponsor to get back into the MSDF." She laughed. "Being a Mandalorian is about knowing how to fight, why you fight, and living for that fight. Learning to march in a neat square does not make you worth a damn when the bolts start flying. This lot of Arkanians, they look great on parade, tell them to run for hours and then do a fire drill, and they'll do it nice and neat. But the second the blasters start flying, or they get ambushed — they'll freeze like cattle in a slaughterhouse. Worried that if they have a single original thought you will do gods' know what to them."

"You are very... forthcoming." Master Skywalker said diplomatically. I suppressed a horrified reaction, unable to find an answer in any of my training for what to say.

"I just don't care, Jedi. As far as I am concerned, your inspection is a waste of my time. The Duchess is far more forgiving than the rest of us after what your Republic did." She stopped and sneered at my master. "You would do it gladly too, wouldn't you? If your Republic told you to invade a planet without a damn reason you would do it in a heartbeat wouldn't you! Reppy chakaaryc like you, that Jedi nuked a planet, and who does the Republic start blaming? Us! Far as I am concerned, Death Watch is a better custodian of that Warship than any Jedi." I struggled to contain my anger at her words; I had thought that rumors the CNS was sheltering terrorists and traitors were a fabrication by the warhawks in the Senate. Yet here General Beviin was publically expressing support for our enemies!

"I don't like what happened any more than you do." Master Skywalker replied, stiffening as he forced himself to remain calm. "Do you think that the Jedi Council ordered that man to-"

"JEDI!" General Beviin shouted and jabbed a finger at my master's chest. "He was a Jedi."

"NO!" Master Skywaker refuted her and held his ground. "A Jedi would never do what he did!"

"He was a Master of your pathetic order, he has one of your glowing laser swords, he was put in charge of an army by the Republic, and Death Watch put him down like the Demogolka he was! You don't have the right to come here and accuse us of anything. Mandalore is doing right by the Neutral systems! And we will do the right thing by these Arkanians! You want to see if we are abusing them? We are emptying our food stocks, so they can eat something besides reconstituted paste! Without Mandalore, they would've been forgotten in some Arkanian slum! We look after them, unlike those cloned Mandalorians you sent to die in droves!"

"You don't know what you are talking about." Master Skywalker uttered through gritted teeth. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, either.

"I do, and you know I do." General Beviin pressed.

"You don't, the clones are good men. Not clones, not fodder, men. And I will never treat them like slaves. I know that their lives matter, and I will fight so that they have a future to look forward to after this war." Master Skywalker asserted.

"Oh, a Paragon Jedi? Wonderful! Tell me about how you will do all the good things and none of the bad things! You treat the entire galaxy like we are blind idiots! You can say anything — would say anything — to be seen as the heroes, but when it comes down to doing the right thing, your record is pathetic!"

"He is telling the truth!" I shouted, drawing attention to myself. "Master Skywalker cares about the clones! And I know the Republic is not perfect. The vote to invade the Neutral systems, that was wrong. What that man did was wrong too! But when it came down to it, the vote failed because it was the wrong thing to do. Because when the people had all the information, they made the right decision. That is what democracy is, a struggle to inform the people, so they can make informed choices, having faith in the people of the galaxy." General Beviin looked unconvinced but took a step back from us both.

"Do you want to get this inspection over with? I still have my orders to accommodate you, Jedi." General Beviin snapped.

"I have a question." Master Skywalker said softly. She gave him a curt nod, so he continued, "Where did you get that burn?"

There was a pause — the general narrowed her eyes before stepping up to him again. "I got it from killing Demogolka." She sneered.

"Then you got it by doing the right thing." Master Skywalker said, resolved. I sense him relax for the first time in this conversation. "Come on, Ahsoka. We shouldn't take up any more of the general's time."

I blinked as my master walked away from the woman who had just admitted to being part of Death Watch. The woman herself looked surprised by my Master's answer before she smoothed her features and walked away. I collected myself and hurried after him, leaning into him once we got out of earshot.

"We are going to arrest her, right, Master?" I muttered, fearing what he would say.

"Nope." He smiled. "Not our job. We are here to inspect the Mandalorian Defense Force and nothing else."

"But, Master," I glanced back at the Mandalorians who were returning to the encampment, "she could know where the warship is." I felt a slight unease at how relaxed Anakin was about dealing with professed Jedi killers. Not that I supported what that man did or anything. But surely we were inspecting the MSDF for people just like her, right?

"Probably." Master Skywalker agreed.

"So we-"

"Sometimes, to do the right thing, you follow orders; other times, you question them. In this case, we follow them to the letter. Someone else is looking for the ship; we let them do their job."

"If you say so, Master." I sighed. My master was trusting his gut again, something that was right more often than his head, it seemed.

"We have a few more bases to inspect, and then we'll go to Sundari. Are you sure you'll be okay on your own, Snips?" Master Skywalker stopped to observe a group of Arkanians and their Mandalorian instructors wearing full armor doing push-ups.

"Of course," I assured Master Skywalker. "It's you I'm worried about."

Harswee, Clan Skald territory
Special Agent Gideon

The speeder had a wobble to it, seeming to sway from one side to the next like a sailing ship as it passed over the tall golden fields of flax and rye. It was old and well-used, likely older than me, made by some forgotten mechanic on an isolated Mandalorian world. Now and then, the driver would glance at the rearview mirror. The back of the covered speeder contained three heavily armed Mandalorians, my native guide, and myself.

Harswee is a hotbed of conflict, with an off-again and on-again civil war that the CNS assured the Republic did not involve any real MSDF assets. The fact that they allowed open clan wars to happen out here did not speak well of the new civilization of the Mandalorian people.

Republic Intelligence had earmarked this system as a likely candidate for Death Watch activity, so I was sent in to hopefully make contact with a cell and try to find information about the Maelstrom. Blunders at the top of intelligence leadership, no doubt underestimating Mandalorians yet again, had led to my very accelerated briefing for this mission. It was a sign of how dire the intelligence situation was that even I am aware of that fact.

"Megin's a' tracy'uur, Ori jate!" I was brought back from my musings as the young boy sitting across from me with a set of well-used beskar armor pointed at my chest rig. "Ori jate!" The boy said again, waving his hand a few more times as I turned to my native guide for help.

"He likes your blaster and says it's very nice." The stern-looking man who called himself Jurr of Clan Kregg commented.

"Oh." I said, before offering my best smile to the boy and nodding.

"He wants to look at it." Jurr said softly.

"What?" I asked, suddenly feeling an odd tension fill the back of the speeder, and the natives began to watch me closely. "I'm not giving him my blaster. Every ten-year-old on this rock has a military-grade carbine."

"Yeah, and you think your little blaster is going to protect you out here? Clan Skald controls this region. They are the ones keeping you safe, not that blaster." Jurr deadpanned as I unclipped the chest rig and passed my blaster over to the kid, who gave me a big grin and began to look the blaster over, muttering in unintelligible Mandalorian.

"Look at you, making friends." Jurr chuckled as I sat back.

"Tracy'uur, Ori... nice, nice Tracy'uur!" The kid said to me before nodding and stuffing the blaster into a pouch at his hip.

"Are we almost there?" I asked, earning a nod from Jurr.

"Yeah, remember to keep your head down and don't make a scene." As if on cue, the speeder began to whine as the driver slowed down, the entire craft jolting uncomfortably now and then before coming to a stop. A moment later, I was pulled out of the speeder by Jurr. The endless fields and rolling hills had given way to a large assortment of tents and other temporary structures. A few small freighters were scattered around the edges of the encampment, making the entire place resemble an impromptu festival.

The fact that everyone was ambling about with heavy weapons and armor did contrast with that notion, however. I had studied the iconography of the Mandalorians and the various different clans and social organizations in preparation for this assignment, but it was quite different to see so clearly the distinct armor tones, icons, and symbols scattered around denoting allegiance to different groups, people, and ideals. The assortment was chaotic, colorful, and confusing in equal measure.

Due to my accelerated briefing, I had only four days to learn an entire culture before I arrived on Harswee; so my language training did not help in the slightest. The perils of trying to track down an un-trackable ship led me to end up on planets rather randomly. I only had a day to get the proper medication for life on a high gravity planet to add to my troubles. Before I could spend much more time gawking, Jurr led me deeper into the encampment.

"So, this is Death Watch." I muttered.

"Not quite," Jurr commented with a tilt of his head, "this is just a privateer group. The CNS has put restrictions on what can be transported through our space. Any violations get a bounty put on them. We join up with these guys, and soon enough we should find Death Watch at some point."

"Is this legal?!" I hissed, earning a glance from Jurr and a grin.

"Sure, this is not the Core, Gideon. Just stick with us and you'll be fine." He assured me as the kid slapped my arm and gave me a thumbs up. "It's a simple job. We hail down any ships that look like they could be carrying contraband or that have flags on them from the MSDF. Get the crew under control while we do a search and confiscate offending items. You don't find many slicers out on Harswee, so any crew we join up with will look after you, okay?"

I wanted to protest more but held my tongue. I am in the lands of the barbarians, after all. I would just have to keep my report vague as I searched for Death Watch and their captured Battle-Cruiser. This would all be worth it if I could recover the Maelstrom. I only hoped that my fellow agents had a less... Mandalorian experience in the pursuit of our duties.

Jurr had me show off my understanding of various electronic locking systems and slicing. Only after did it occur to me that I am now a pirate. A lifetime of training for Republic Intelligence in the hands of Outer Rim savages who would absolutely kill me and Jurr if they knew who I worked for. I resolved to work hard and attempt to learn the Mandalorian tongue. I would need it if I was going to infiltrate the Death Watch.

What the hell had I gotten myself into?

Mandalore, Sundari
Ahsoka Tano

Sundari is a lot nicer than I expected, just like Master Kenobi described. Despite the reports detailing the sanctions placed on the Council of Neutral Systems by the rest of the Republic, and the general shortage of practically everything, the Mandalorian capital city streets are not all that much different from a vibrant Coruscant street.

Well, except for the fact that every other person was in full battle armor with a blaster pistol on their hip. Everywhere is crowded, with shops and restaurants filled to capacity and people sitting on benches outside, waiting for a turn. It's clear that the services offered did not match the population for some reason.

One more thing to research.

I made my way through the busy streets, taking note of how the Mandalorians would stop and openly gape at the lightsabers on my hips. But despite a range of expressions, I was unmolested as I approached the Academy. I had been given permission to speak to a class about the importance of democracy and civic mindsets, as some in the Jedi Order are rather worried about Satine's authoritarian leadership style.

The fact that my master praised her only made things more complicated.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Are you the Jedi guest speaker?" I turned to regard the voice and found myself in the company of a friendly young man with a handsome face featuring an awed expression. He had neatly kept blond hair, shining blue eyes, and thick, well-defined muscles under an Academy Student uniform.

"I am only a Padawan learner, but I am the guest speaker." I said with a smile, offering my hand to the young man. "Ahsoka Tano at your service. I presume you are a student at the Academy?"

"Yes I am, Korkie Kryze, Prince and Heir to Mandalore." He took my hand and offered a firm handshake and an easy smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Padawan Ahsoka." I felt myself leaning into the conversation a little bit before catching myself and letting out a somewhat awkward laugh.

"You are the Prince? It's nice to meet you. I have seen your sister a few times but have not had a chance to meet her properly." At the mention of his sister, his smile seemed to thin somewhat before returning to its normal state.

"Yes, well, it's nice to me- wait, I just said that." He chuckled, and I laughed along with him before rubbing the tip of my left montral. "I hope Mandalore is treating you well." He said at last.

"Oh, it's lovely." I assured the prince. "I am glad I have the opportunity to visit."

"If only you had seen it before..." Korkie mused, looking out at the crowds of Mandalorians around him. "These are interesting times." He said softly. His concerned expression and emotions matched everything I could sense from the Force.

"It's unfortunate, but Mandalore is nicer than most places in the galaxy right now."

"For now it is, so long as the New Mandalorians remain in control," he said. "Come on, I will show you around the Academy. Will you be staying long?"

"For a few weeks." I fell into step alongside Korkie. He strode quickly into the Academy campus, passing the other students. It was clear in contrast just how much stronger he was than his peers. He has a confidant gait, and his uniform seemed just a little too distractingly tight on him. When Master Kenobi had commented that the prince is somewhat adventurous, it seemed like something of an understatement.

"Then I hope things remain calm during your visit. The New Mandalorians value peace, and we try to embody that in any way we can." Korkie said proudly.

"I noticed that there are not many New Mandalorians in the MSDF. Why is that?" I asked, feeling a pang of sympathy as Korkie winced.

"The Defense Force is a compromise, a place for the more traditional Mandalorians to contribute to the sector. A lot of New Mandalorians don't fit into that sort of organization, that sort of lifestyle. And the ones that do tend to feel rather isolated due to their differing political leanings." He gave me a somber expression as we passed a wall that had the torn remains of several different layers of graffiti plastered onto it. "They don't even bother to clean it off anymore." He bemoaned the apparent lack of care.

I looked closer and noted that it has several slogans written in Mandalorian painted over the image of a female Mandalorian in shining silver armor that looked somewhat familiar.

"What is this?" I asked.

"This is likely why you are here." He gave me a strained smile. "White Silver and her supporters." He tapped his arm and inclined his head towards a crowd sitting at a set of benches. About a dozen or so young Mandalorian students with shining silver vambraces proudly displayed and knives hanging off their belts.

"A political movement? My master mentioned White Silver was at Geonosis."

"A cult of personality and the death knell of Mandalorian pacifism." He nodded, seeming resolved. Everything I could sense from him and the Force seemed sincere, so I admired the genuine concern he showed for his people. It was refreshing after spending so much time on Coruscant. "I- We need the wisdom of the Jedi. The Jedi saved my aunt during the clan wars, and I need you to help me prevent another war from erupting." He stepped closer, and I felt my heart speed up. "Will you help me, Jedi Ahsoka? I-I don't know who to trust anymore...."

"Of course!" I quickly agreed and shifted in place as I watched his face light up with a smile.

Mandalore, Sundari
Padmé Amidala

Letting out a breath, I stretched my arms and was about to head to the bed, maybe get a little early sleep since it had been a long trip here, when a beep came from my door.

Turning, wondering who was there, I moved over to it and pressed the button and was greeted with a cocky smile.

"Anakin." I greeted as he leaned against a door-jam and sighed dramatically.

"Senator Amidala, I thought I would stop by between the military bases I've been inspecting to see how you were doing."

"Oh, I'm doing fine." I said with a smile in my tone, and stepped back, "Do I also merit an inspection?" I disheveled my sleeping gown playfully.

He smiled and said, "Yes, I think you really do." Stepping into the room, he let it close before we shared a kiss.

"Missed you." He said as the kiss broke.

"We've only not seen each other for half a week." I mused out loud.

"Three days is too long." He said, earning a chuckle from me.

"So, Anakin, how goes your mission?" I asked as I moved over to a nearby couch, sitting down and pulling him down next to me.

"Things are going fine, as far as I can tell. Everyone here isn't exactly happy to know that a Jedi is poking around. But I think another week or two, and I'll have satisfied Republic Intelligence's demands, and fulfilled the Council's mandate. So far, from what I've seen, they aren't really trying to take over the Republic or join the CIS."

I nodded my head at that before saying, "Yes, their Duchess seems to have full control of their military at least."

"Yeah," Anakin agreed, and I enjoyed looking my husband over, "she seems to have a good, strong hand on their government, keeping them directed and heading in the direction they need to go."

I nodded, "Well, that may be true. I do worry about how much control she has. Can we exactly call this a democracy? It's more of Satine's rules or get out."

Anakin looked out the window before asking, "Is that a bad thing? She seems to make a just set of rules. So far, she's managed to maintain a peaceful position and grow an alliance of planets who also want to be peaceful. All while also growing a bit of a military to protect that peace if necessary."

"On the surface level, yes, this is all good," I said with another nod, "but I just question if this is really a democratic, elected government at this point. She was voted in by the Mandalorian clans decades ago to bring in pacifism and the New Mandalorian way. Decades pass, and she starts doing something different, as far as I can understand it, there is no system to challenge her change of heart. She has complete control of the government, as far as I can tell, with a permanent mandate. And a permanent mandate like that can set a dangerous precedent for the next leader, who may not be as benevolent as Duchess Satine."

Anakin thought for a moment before saying, "That's valid, but she is leading Mandalore through uncharted territory, and I think that sort of issue should be put aside until the conflict that's currently ongoing is resolved."

I sighed in concern, "That's kind of what we did in the lead-up to the Separatist crisis. We put aside smaller issues and they just kept growing and growing until we couldn't do anything more about it."

"That may be true, but from what I've seen, Chancellor Palpatine seems to have the Republic covered and keeping us together, and Duchess Satine seems to be keeping the Mandalorian sector united. Perhaps we just need the right people in the right place at the right time, regardless of their political origins."

"Maybe." I acknowledged before getting up. "But we should leave politics for another day. Husband, have a nice dinner brought up, and a dessert for me."

"That does sound divine." Anakin agreed. As he started to get up, there was an explosion somewhere in the city, shaking the windows lightly.

Both Anakin and I looked at the open doorway to the balcony. He moved first, getting out with me coming up right behind him; we both looked outside. I looked upwards and quickly saw what had exploded. A speeder had apparently blown its engine and judging how much larger it was after only a few seconds passed, it is on a direct course to crash into our building, or somewhere very closeby.

"Padmé, get back." Anakin said, pushing me back into the room before attempting to use the Force to halt the vehicle across the distance.

I held my breath but quickly moved as far back into the room as possible, considering even going into the hallway. But thankfully I didn't need to, as Anakin slowed the craft down before it crashed into the building, stopping just a few feet from my own balcony.

A man, some Mandalorian, grabbed his, I would assume, girlfriend, and they climbed out of the vehicle, quickly jumping from it onto our balcony. Anakin, seeing that they were safe, leaned over the side of the balcony and slowly lowered it out of my view, presumably the four or five stories down to the street below.

Stepping back outside, I asked, "What happened?" to our new guests, the young Mandalorian driver and his girlfriend.

"Beats the hell out of me." He said, gasping in and out rather rapidly. "One moment I'm driving with my girl here, enjoying my new speeder, the next thing I know something blew up and I'm falling out of the sky with the engine on fire. How am I not dead?" He looked very confused. "I could have sworn I was going to crash, and then it just sort of stopped."

"Ah, that would be thanks to me." Anakin said with an understated wave.

The young Mandalorian man looked at him, looked him up and down, and said, "You're a Jedi, right?"

"Um, yes." Anakin said, sounding unsure where this conversation was going.

That was answered rather quickly as the young man gave Anakin a hug and patted him on the shoulders before saying, "You're my blood brother now. If you ever need anything in Mandalore, give me a call. By the Manda, we were almost dead. Thanks, man. Holy hutt!"

The animated young man seemed to have lost some steam as he fell against the banister, his girlfriend hanging on to him.

Anakin just looked confused as I chuckled and stepped up, saying, "New speeder, you said. Odd that the engine would just give out like that. Where did it come from?"

The young man frowned before saying, "Not sure. New companies have been popping up all over the place the last few months, bringing in all kinds of cool products outside of what we would normally get from Mandalore. Real cheap stuff, but usually works out fine."

Anakin raised an eyebrow, and so did I. Looking over the side of the building, he looked down at what I would assume was still a burning wreck before he said, "That's not a cool product. That's a cheap knockoff of a rather reliable brand." I schooled my incredulous look at Anakin somehow being able to identify a knockoff of a brand from a burning wreck but honestly? If I asked Anakin about anything droid or speeder related, he would talk about it for hours and his excitable and cute way. If anyone could spot a fake speeder at a glance, it would be him. He built a pod racer in a desert with a bunch of scraps when he was still a child, after all.

"Wait, what?" the Mandalorian said. "I've been conned! That no good etyc chakaar, I'll hunt that najaat down."

"Mind telling me where you bought it? I'd like to take a look into this for you." My husband offered.

The young man looked at him before nodding and giving Anakin a precise description. Finally, he remarked, "you can find him over in Port Three, at the northern side of the city."

Anakin nodded before saying, "Thanks for the info. Need help getting downstairs? I'll help you do that before heading over there."

"Well, now we're fine." The girlfriend said, finally entering the conversation. "Just point us at the door, we'll be on our way. I have to call the Mandalorian Guard and file a complaint about this."

"That way." I said, pointing towards the door. They collectively nodded, but took their time to leave slowly, no doubt due to their near-death experience. As soon as they were out of the door, I turned to Anakin.

"I better find out what's going on." He said. I stopped him, putting a hand on his chest.

"That can wait till later. The Mandalorian Guard will probably be informed as soon as they get downstairs, and they'll deploy their own units to handle this. You're a Jedi Knight, and we're not meant to get involved in local politics."

Anakin sighed before saying, "Fine." He took out his communicator and added, "But I will tell Ahsoka to stay away from the northern ports, as you said. We're supposed to stay out of local politics unless invited. And if I got information about this, something tells me she'll probably get the same information. If one speeder comes crashing out of the sky, there's probably bound to be more trouble."

I sighed before saying, "Alright, tell her. But after that, you, me, and whatever food we can get from downstairs. Got it?"

He smiled. "Alright, alright. Any chance of an extra helping of dessert after that?"

The wink he gave me told me he wasn't meaning real dessert, and I smiled, thinking, "We'll see."

Mandalore, Mandalorian Academy
Korkie Kryze

"Of course, Master, I will stay far, far away from the northern ports." Ahsoka said to the holographic image of Jedi Master Skywalker. Lagos, Amis, Soniee and I were in our usual group as we waited for her to finish her conversation. We had just finished with the planned seminar, and we are waiting for her at the auditorium's door.

"Where am I now? Well, I'm just hanging out with the Prince of Mandalore at the Mandalorian Royal Academy. I am helping him with some of his formal duties, nothing to worry about."

I raised an eyebrow. While that is technically true, it is also a lie. She nodded her head a couple more times before saying, "See you later, Master." Once finished, Jedi Ahsoka turned off the communicator and sighed in relief.

"So, are we still going to do this?" I asked earnestly.

"Yes, I'm still going to help you, Prince Kryze." The young Jedi, she is even younger than me, technically, said. "Master Skywalker is just warning me to stay away from the northern ports due to someone selling substandard or defective products. He did not forbid me from investigating what White Silver's band of followers are up to."

With everyone in agreement, I led the group into Soniee's research lab. It was technically a supplemental lab, but I had abused my Princely privileges just this once to arrange it for my girlfriend's personal use.

Amis spoke up after he found a seat along one wall, "Do you think there's a connection? Are Silver Mandalorians bringing in defective goods to sell on the open market?"

Soniee sat down at her desk and immediately pulled out her datapad. "I'm gonna try and find some more info." She muttered into the desktop, and I moved over to stand next to her. We are perfectly safe here, but while she's focused, my place is by her side. I watch as Soniee opens an interactive crime map of Sundari, to find any incidents involving Silver Mandalorians.

Behind me, I heard Ahsoka say, "That's certainly one possibility. But we're here to investigate the Silver Mandalorians, assuming both are connected might cause us to ignore alternative evidence. Let's keep our eyes open and focus on gathering information first before we draw any conclusions based on speculation. Sounds like a plan?"

"Why would the Silver Mandalorians even be involved in something like this? The injuries and property damage are undermining the local government, and White Silver approves of Duchess Satine's government." Lagos added.

Sighing, I turned to my girlfriend. I knew she wasn't following the conversation, so I rested my hand on her shoulder lightly to get her attention and asked, "Did you find any information that we can follow up on?"

"I might have." Soniee said, as she opened an incident report near the northern port area of Sundari. "There was some sort of scuffle between two bands of youths in Port 11 up north. Mandalorian Guards are at the scene now, with some of the suspects wearing silver and the other suspects wearing blue."

"Oh, great, Death Watch followers." Lagos said.

Ahsoka looked to her, asking, "I thought the Silver Mandalorians are the only ones causing trouble."

"They're the only ones in the upper class causing trouble." Amis spoke up. "There have been similar gangs within the lower levels of Sundari for over a decade now. In the past, they were just edgy teenagers putting up the symbol of Death Watch to annoy the adults. But ever since Death Watch actually did something, they've grown bolder and more obvious."

"Great." Ahsoka commented, letting the word hang. "Any other political information I need to know about?"

Soniee shrugged, "A lot of New Mandalorian kids are wearing red to support the ideals of the Anti-War Movement."

"That's good, right?" Ahsoka asked, sounding confused.

I shrugged and explained, "The Anti-War Movement isn't a single-issue peace faction; they represent a group of Mandalorians who think we need to get rid of the whole clan structure and rebuild things from the bottom up. I spent some time visiting their world last year. They're not bad people from what I've seen, but they definitely sided with the CIS, which is problematic."

"Why are there so many factions?" Ahsoka said, putting her hand on her face as if it was causing her physical pain to think about it.

"You've only hit the top of the faction list." Amis said with a chuckle before adding, "Mandalore is kind of known for being a bit factional. Everyone thinks for themselves and makes up their own mind on everything. As a result, well, you get more factions. Couple that with Satine's insistence on giving everyone, including terrorists, the right to free speech..."

My girlfriend nodded in agreement with Amis, "And it's probably one of the reasons why the Republic was so gung-ho to invade us last month. It's a lot easier to think of the Mandalore sector as one united monolith, instead of a bunch of squabbling factions that are under control as long as the New Mandalorians are in power."

"Which is why I worry about the Silver and Death Watch kids." I said. "They're subverting what the New Mandalorians stand for, and as a result, they are likely to provoke a response from the Republic if they keep causing problems."

"What about the Anti-War Movement?" Ahsoka asked.

Soniee shrugged, "Besides their CIS leanings, they're not actually causing any problems. They also pledge support of the New Mandalorian government and support the CNS. So, they are not an issue, politically speaking. In a state that respects its working class, it's not exactly the worst thing in the galaxy. Giving them a little bit of what they want wouldn't hurt anyone."

Ahsoka shrugged before finally saying, "It isn't my place to comment on local politics, I can only enforce the law, so let's focus on what we came here for: Death Watch and Silver Mandalorians."

Soniee looked at her datapad, and with a flick sent us each a copy of the navchart to the destination, "North of here, that way." She pointed in the direction.

Nodding my head, I lead the group out of the lab, and towards the Academy exit. "Let's go."

"Anyone else worried we're a little bit under-armed?" Lagos asked as we moved out of the Academy grounds and into the public streets. We were heading in the general direction where the fighting had been.

Amis grunted in agreement, "And all we have are these stun blasters. They're not exactly going to stop a fully armored warrior."

"Actually, stun blasters are better against full armor than regular blasters because the stun bolts are so wide they can go through the gaps in beskar armor. Plus, we also have a Jedi to help." Soniee replied, looking over at Ahsoka.

Ahsoka responded by shaking her head and muttering. "I have a bad feeling about this." Ahsoka said, as she followed behind me.

We eventually arrived at the northern port area of Sundari. The area featured rather standard-looking industrial warehouses and loading bays, although Ahsoka did comment. "Huh, this place is a lot more well-kept than some ports I've seen on Coruscant."

From what I knew, though, these ports in Sundari were not as well maintained and built more cheaply than in the central area. In fact, this section suffered from cubism culture, trying to mix with larger pillar buildings with fewer windows designed for storage over beauty. But it was within the dome of Sundari, thus protected from outside elements and unable to rust quickly, as well as kept clean by local Mandalorians. Appearances did mean something, and one universal rule of Mandalorian culture is that uncleanliness leads to disease, so people do their best to make sure everything is clean. However, it was overshadowed by the larger bulky buildings, antennas, and loading docks obstructing the dome's filtered sunlight.

We kept moving down the side streets for a few more minutes. We barely passed by nor spotted anyone in the distance. The streets felt oddly deserted for this afternoon hour. I kept searching the side streets for signs of anything, but still, nothing. And then we reached the supposed area where the fight had happened. At first, I didn't see any evidence of the aftermath, but then I spotted one or two pieces of broken glass that hadn't been swept up yet.

"That's odd." Soniee drew my attention back to her. She is looking around with a confused expression on her face. "Where are the Guards?"

"Hm?" I asked, looking at her a bit confused.

"I mean, the Guards were called, so they should be here by now. Documenting evidence, gathering witness testimony, and other stuff you see on crime dramas. But there's no one here."

"Maybe they're chasing the kids." Lagos suggested.

Amis shook his head, saying, "Even so, they should have left someone behind to keep watch."

Soniee listened thoughtfully before she whispered, "Does anyone else hear talking?" She scanned the nearby buildings and focused on a nearby warehouse.

Everyone looked at the warehouse in question, and when I strained my hearing, I could make out something in the distance. We made our way over and started climbing up until we could get a view through one of the side windows.

I was expecting a Silver Mandalorian thug giving a speech to a crowd of kids, more interested in causing societal collapse than making sure Mandalore stayed at peace.

What I saw instead is not that at all. Standing in the room are several dangerous looking men. On the left side are three people wearing black armor in full Mandalorian kit. On the right side of the room, is another group wearing what looked like Mandalorian Guard uniforms but darker in color. Possibly the Secret Service, but that's impossible. The last group is a few different species of aliens I've never seen before, located furthest from us.

"That's the fifth speeder we've had fall out of the sky in three days. I thought your smugglers were actually worth something, Gedyc. Instead, they keep bringing in shuk'yc that wouldn't even last a week and nearly getting people killed." This came from the apparent leader of the unknown Mandalorian Guards.

The black-armored leader looked at the smugglers, face unreadable behind his helmet, before saying, "It is unfortunate that they seem to have screwed that up. With the amount of credits your little Black Market is extorting, what did you expect? They are going to go for products they can flip here with the highest profit."

"Yeah, what's next? Faulty meds? Rotten food? These aruetii are causing more harm than it's worth, as well as drawing attention. If you want to be part of the Black Market, you need to actually bring in something of worth." The leader of the Mandalorian Guards retorted.

"Bring in something of worth? What am I to bring into this dirtball? A third of the food currently being snuck into the Black Market is coming from my sources. You asked me to find more creative ways to bring money into the government. Well, these guys brought in creative ways. If you don't want them to screw it up as much as they have, maybe actually use your docking authority to check the material."

"I would like to point out there is nothing wrong with the vehicles we are selling. It's not our fault that Mandalorians always remove the speed governor and disable the safeties." The smuggler said, which annoyed me. That's not an excuse.

This whole situation was annoying me. Who is this Gedyc character? I've never heard of any individual named Gedyc, but it is the name of a Clan. They were heavily involved in smuggling and organized crime syndicates during the Mandalorian Civil War. War profiteers and anarchists. Why did it sound like Gedyc was some kind of crime family of smugglers, and what is this Black Market up to?

I looked over at the others, and they all looked as confused as me, but there was nothing we could do, so I just leaned in closer, trying to listen some more.

"Listen," the leader of the Mandalorian Guards said, "I get it, you Death Watch types don't have respect for the people who want to live here in peace, but you need to at least do something to make sure your smugglers aren't screwing us over. It's speeder bikes today, what if it's spoiled food tomorrow? If this planet doesn't get the basics it needs, there will be rioting. And if there are more issues, well, it would be a shame if an 'anonymous tip' mentioned Clan Gedyc as a possible source of investigation now, wouldn't it?"

The black-armored Mandalorian took a step forward and growled, "Trying to lay blame on me won't end well for you. You're corrupt officials wanting to make an extra buck on the side. I don't know how far this whole corruption goes up your government, but if it gets out that there is a hint of corruption, you can bet Satine is going to go on a Crusade to root every single one of you out. If you try to take me down, you'll go down with me as well. Besides, I don't want Mandalore to starve. I'm getting food here. If these aruetii screw with the food, they will answer to me. But if we all want to make money, that means some sacrifices have to be made when it comes to other points of contention: vehicles, electronics, anything they can sneak in.

Just because I wish the Mandalorians of this planet would grow up and leave the damn dust ball to its rotting self and join me in conquering sectors like our ancestors once did, does not mean I want you to die on poisoned food." The Mandalorian from Clan Gedyc said.

"Fine. I'll take that as your word. But take a hint. You need to keep these aliens on a short leash, bringing better stuff than the junk they've been bringing in. Because right now, Satine is back, which means the whole government will come down on all of us if they figure out what you've been up to."

Gedyc shook his head before saying, "My burc'ya will do the job they're needed to do. I'm not sure I will take your hint. The last hint I took from you saw a unit of fine Mandalorian warriors wiped out fighting the Royal Guard and got the Death Watch accused of trying to kill the Prince of Mandalore-" Whatever he was going to say was interrupted.

"Hey, is someone recording us?" One of the aliens spoke up, looking directly at me. I looked to my left and saw that my girlfriend had her holovid recorder up and was, in fact, recording them. A small red light that should not have been that visible to anyone in the room was beeping on and off. The aliens must have good eyesight.

"Haar'chak! Those damned meddling Silver kids are back! Kill them!" The Mandalorian Secret Service Commander said as two of his friends brought their blasters up and started firing at us. I grabbed Soniee and jumped for cover, Amos doing the same with Lagos.

The only one who didn't jump for cover was Ahsoka, who basically vanished at the speed of light. It must be some sort of force ability to make her move extremely fast. She reappeared on my other side, pulling me and Soniee out of the blaster fire that was coming through the window. With haste, we ran as far away as possible from the window that is turning into molten slag.

The Guards may have given chase to us, but we're faster and a few seconds of a head start so we're able to get away. Moving through the buildings before finding an area where we could stop and catch our breath, I looked around and counted heads, making sure that all five of us were here and safe. Then I sighed and leaned against the wall, saying, "What the hell was that?"

Amos spoke up, saying, "Members of Death Watch, that's what they said, at least."

Soniee shook her head, saying, "Death Watch types, that's what they said. Doesn't exactly mean they're Death Watch, just means that they're Old Mandalorians, could be Martial Traditionalists."

"Whatever they are," Ahsoka said, watching the pathway we arrived from, "they're obviously working with some form of Guards here on Mandalore. We've uncovered something a bit more threatening than a bunch of teenagers with possible political motives."

I nodded in agreement, saying, "We need to tell Aunt Satine. We need to tell her everything we saw and hopefully get someone looking into this situation now before it spreads beyond whatever this black market is."

Lagos nodded her head, saying, "I think there's a bus stop in that direction. We could use that to get back towards the inner city."

I nodded and said, "Alright, let's head that way then." We quickly fell in line and started moving towards the center of the city. As we did, I thought about how we were going to tell Satine about this. Who knows how far this corruption had gone up the chain of command of the Secret Service. It couldn't go too far; Almec had control of the Secret Service, after all, so I doubt he'd let his organization get too corrupted... Though, how did the Secret Service get information on the Relic ship? Why did they give that to Death Watch? Maybe I should tell Satine first.

Mandalore, Royal Palace

"Show Duchess Satine the holovid, Soniee." Korkie finished his explanations for how their group observed the clandestine deal. He turned towards the proud-looking young Mandalorian woman among their group. She preened briefly, but I focused on the footage. While the holovid played, I examined what evidence was visible and how to contain the damage. I needed to figure out how to explain what had just happened to Satine gently.

This blindside is unexpected, and Satine is obviously not happy. Merrik's betrayal, now this blunder — Satine seems ready to declare war on all corruption, but that would be an error.

The corruption Satine is so eager to crack down on is one of the many avenues I am using to try and help fix Mandalore and its economy. We needed food? I brought in food. We needed credits to pay the Ithorian terraformers? I brought in credits for that purpose. Yes, there were tradeoffs, but I survived the mass starvation under Governor Vrox, and it taught me that even the greatest warrior is only nine missed meals away from defeat and chaos.

But what could I do? The holovid clearly captured the uniforms of Mandalorian Secret Service agents, and I recognized my men's voice. I couldn't explain this away — the evidence is ironclad, so my chances of surviving a proper investigation are poor.

My three decades of public service made my name and appearance a familiar one. I served in prior administrations in various capacities, including being the mayor of Sundari; at the time before we declared it the capital of the New Mandalorian government. It's humiliating to have my efforts to aid Mandalore blowback like this.

I witnessed the destruction brought by Governor Vrox and his ruinous schemes. Mandalore must avoid the same mistakes from repeating itself. However, Satine would come down hard on me if she thought I had any active part in this situation.

Unfortunately, recent events have diminished my leverage over Satine. The Kryze family is untouchable. Satine is a confident and popular leader, if guileless. And Korkie, who I thought would make a wonderful leader someday, remained honorable even if he did make contact with Anteevy without notifying us first. Korkie represented Mandalore's hope for a better future; I didn't want to shatter that, either.

What about the other two members of the family? Bo-Katan could be something I could throw to the masses. In my sprawling investigation of White Silver, her name is a regular occurrence. She is deeply involved, and one of the few candidates for White Silver's identity that I haven't been able to verify.

She has many jobs and titles, but lately she has been more distant from Gargon. Tracking telemetry has her regularly visiting Concordia, which made sense given her recent marriage. I wouldn't be surprised if Vizsla is being taken advantage of. Only New Mandalorians are made of sterner stuff, and I am certain she had dealings with Death Watch in the past. She was rather foolishly vocal in her embrace of the old ways.

And then there is Tanya. She had been on Coruscant for nearly four years at this point and had done some wonderful work for the Mandalore sector. But if Merrik could be corrupted, who's to say she hasn't been up to something as well? Coruscant is very far away and my Secret Service has minimal oversight there, as Satine had unfortunately learned recently. She is an admirer of White Silver as well, but not nearly as connected to the movement as Bo-Katan. Tanya had been involved in some public brawls as well, so it's possible that was an angle as well. At the very least, there are without exaggeration tens of thousands of articles detailing her many scandals; the incident involving the use of her handmaiden's public display of affection as an insult to Baltan Carid still made for good gossip and created quite an uproar at the time.

So, how could I avoid getting locked in a prison cell deep beneath the city where the sun doesn't shine? First, I needed to regain control of the situation. Seize the initiative.

I waited for the holovid to finish playing, then meaningfully glanced around at Korkie and his companions. "Mandalore thanks you for your service in discovering and reporting this incident. You have my word that this will be addressed to the full extent of the law."

Satine took a step away, "Yes, we will be addressing this. Our honor and safety are at stake. We will investigate the Secret Service and find out how far the corruption goes. There have been a number of questionable events and assassination attempts. If these Secret Service members have fallen from the righteous order and are engaging in corruption, they must be stopped now."

If the Mandalorian Self-Defense Force didn't exist, I would have had other options. Perhaps a little coup wouldn't be the worst option, since I have practically been running the government for decades. But things are different now. Satine has a modicum of power over the people beyond just a wish for peace, and she has a full military force at her disposal, not just the Royal Guard. There is no way for me to forcefully have her agree to a cover-up to remain in power, or sign some sort of false confession. The best I could do now is to sabotage the investigation, but in a way that appears helpful.

"A large investigation into the Secret Service is likely to make public classified Mandalorian policy and reveal government secrets. I would advise this investigation be contained to a few empowered individuals, or a small committee..." I began describing how to box in and weaken the investigation.

Satine, however, cut me off. "I agree, a smaller investigation would be ideal. My sister is already trusted. I will ask her to lead the task force investigating this corruption."

'Bo-Katan!? Oh frak, oh frak!' I did my best to not visibly panic.

"The Jedi could also assist-" Ahsoka began, but fortunately Satine shook her head immediately. I shot the alien an unfriendly look while Satine was responding to her suggestion.

"Unfortunately for such a sensitive matter, we can't afford to lose our impartiality. The CNS wouldn't tolerate the Republic interfering so heavily in matters of state and foreign policy." Satine explained gently.

Meanwhile, my mind goes back to the information I sold Lorka Gedyc on a certain relic ship. Ithorians had wanted up-front payments for their terraforming, and the Banking Clan's loan terms were ruinous. New Mandalorians didn't need the relics or lost schematics of its warmongering past, if it even existed at all. Of course, it had existed, and Prince Korkie was nearly killed on the ship. If Bo-Katan found any hint of that particular transaction... and that's only one of the issues that could never be fully cleaned up, which is why retaining control of the Secret Service is so critical. This scandal in my department will destabilize my political standing so badly that I might even end up in a cell next to Gerr underneath Sundari!

Fortunately, Satine misread my thoughts and crimson face, because she turned to me and said, "I'm certain the Council still has faith in the Prime Minister." She spoke in a reassuring tone.

"Of course." I nodded stiffly, color draining as I reconsidered that fact myself, given the fresh circumstances. My troubles might be even nearer than I feared, nevermind Bo-Katan's investigation. The Council wouldn't have faith in me after they heard reports of recent events. And now with Jerec blown up by the Kalevalian terrorists — a sign of hard times ahead for me — I lacked the support to survive a no-confidence vote if held at this moment. This is the beginning of the end; his death denied me his vote, and I desperately needed it. "I'll gladly assist Bo-Katan as much as necessary in the course of her investigation." I mechanically responded with the expected words.

Sure, Droxun, Armatan would cast their votes for me, but Satine's council is full of new members I had next to no influence on. So I couldn't count on Ordo, Wren, or Vizsla's votes; especially when Vizsla has always wanted my position. With Jerec dead, the 3-3 tie was now a 2-3 vote split against me. I should expect a call for a new election once the Council learns of Bo-Katan's investigation. My only hope is to have an ally picked to be Deputy Minister.

"Speaking of the Council, we should find a replacement for Deputy Minister Jerec." I suggested, reaching for any lifeline. A friendly vote would tie the Council, and Satine was sure to side with me to break the tie.

Satine nodded thoughtfully, but Korkie looked at me with apparent interest. Was he going to suggest he become the next Deputy? He wouldn't be an ironclad vote, and Dooku already suggested him for a diplomatic position.

"I wou-" Korkie began.

"Actually, let's continue this conversation in private." I quickly interrupted, nodding at Satine and Korkie. I turned towards Korkie's companions, "Thank you for telling us about this matter, I'm afraid that I also have information that I need to speak with Prince Korkie and Duchess Satine about in private. Would you mind stepping outside?"

There was a sigh of annoyance, but the Jedi and the rest nodded and stepped outside. I imagined that they probably were going to think about leaning their ears against the door, trying to listen. But hopefully, the Royal Guard would do their job and prevent that. It was half their job, anyway.

Once we were firmly alone, I tried to distract the two before Korkie remembered what we were discussing, "This Black Market is an issue that is bound to crop up sooner or later. The Republic's efforts to prevent food shipments from entering the sector and the recent issues on Vorpa'ya and Concord Dawn are lowering the amount of food available in the sector. Only Concordia is doing well, and it can't supply food to the entire sector. At this rate, it's only a matter of time before we experience a food shortage and prices skyrocket. I believe we need to look at the possibilities of trying to open up lines of communication to get this situation dealt with."

Satine furrowed her eyebrows in apparent confusion, "What lines of communication could help us with our food issues? Wouldn't the best option be to try and find some unoccupied world within the sector and terraform it?"

I smiled coldly, "Although I agree that self-reliance is the best long-term option, it would take at least a year before any newly established farmland can produce any meaningful amount of food. No, there is another option available to us, though it would require your approval to undertake it."

Satine nodded at me to continue, "Count Dooku contacted us to apologize for some of the issues that have happened recently and to re-establish official communication. He's offered to open up the border between the CIS and the CNS to allow shipments of food, in exchange for a CNS representative to observe the CIS Parliamentary proceedings and be available for diplomacy on our behalf."

Satine nodded, thinking it over, and said, "That is a major step. We would need to speak with several of the other major leaders of the CNS before we even attempt something like that. It opens us up to accusations from the Republic of coordination with the CIS, I'm sure."

"I'll do it." Korkie said, speaking up and catching Satine a bit off-guard. Perfect. "If we send a representative to the CIS, maybe we can get representatives of the CIS to come here to Mandalore. We can establish ourselves as a neutral third party, with representatives of both the Republic and CIS. For any chance of a peace treaty to be established, we needed some form of open communication. Mandalore could serve as that communication relay between the Republic and the CIS to try and end this war." I made a show of considering the suggestion, as if it was a new idea.

Satine smiled and put her hand on his shoulder, "That is an excellent idea, and I could definitely sell that better to the other leaders of the CNS. Even the Republic might be more accepting if it was seen in that form."

I nodded in agreement, still scheming to figure out a way to get a replacement vote for Jerec. There had to be a way to regain control of the investigation, or fix its outcome. I just needed to find it.

Gargon, Gargon Diplomatic Tower
Tanya Kryze

The holovid conference software in X4's new conference suites are quite useful, especially when it's finally possible for full virtual meetings on Gargon now that the orbital Holonet relays are installed. While I missed the opening ceremony of the Gargon Diplomatic Tower a few weeks ago, this tower was designed by X4 with my and other visiting diplomat's needs in mind. Gargon harmonizing with the rest of the sector had brought the planet a number of benefits.

I utilized the higher bandwidth to attend virtual meetings with members of the CNS on Taris and members of the Republic on Coruscant. X4 also made sure the holo-conference rooms in the tower could spoof identities, so I am able to meet with Mandal Logistics at the end of the day as White Silver as well. It had come at the simple cost of taking a half-day, switching wardrobes and costumes was not something I usually did. Thankfully, there wasn't any important vote that I was required to act upon, and I wasn't necessarily needed for any of the ongoing debates and councils.

It's interesting, becoming Senator didn't grant me significantly greater autonomy on Coruscant. There are a number of powerful committees in the Republic I wished I could join. The Naval Subcommittee and the Senate Military Oversight Committee are both powerful groups that would decide the fate of fleets and command the logistics over the entire war. Which is why I couldn't even be seen to be involved in any way. I needed to maintain neutrality, which means no, 'Cough, cough, maybe you shouldn't put your fleet there', mixed messages, or outside points of view. Despite how genuinely thrilled I would be to play armchair general for a galactic scale war, at least one that I did not have to actively participate in.

I doubted I would even be allowed on such councils, anyway. After all, Chancellor Palpatine would have staffed them with men and women he considered trustworthy. As a Neutral I am never going to be considered trustworthy, even if Palpatine and I did happen to have a good rapport.

That doesn't mean I wasn't paying attention to the outcomes of these committees. I was, and I was fairly disappointed with what I was seeing. The Taris Standoff is basically being buried in the Republic HoloNet News cycle. It was a mistake that almost turned into a disaster, so it made sense that the Republic would try to cover it up so that they don't look bad. Not to mention, the little pseudo-mutiny by Captain Kendal Ozzel is being glossed over as well. The Navy had allowed a Tribunal to settle the dispute against the pair of them. However, it seems Ozzel had friends high enough and far enough that he would avoid official condemnation for his actions. If anything, Admiral Arikakon Baraka, the Mol'Cala who had been mutinied against, was getting the worst of the flak for "allowing" the mutiny to happen.

It was rather stupid and a waste of an experienced admiral in my opinion, but I wasn't there, and they do have a bit of a point. An officer who couldn't maintain control over their own troops is no officer at all.

Shaking my head, I tried not to think about what would have happened to me if my troops mutinied during the Great War, probably execution, or an attempt of it at least. I still credited Captain Uger's aid in the logistics of my command as the reason for our unit's high morale, not anything I ever figured out how to do. I doubted I would fare much better than Baraka in my own military Tribunal, especially not near the end of the war.

I shuddered before refocusing, the tribunal assembled to deal with the dispute between Captain Ozzel and Admiral Baraka was led by Admiral Tarkin and had been somewhat sympathetic to Baraka until the Mol'Cala had claimed that the Republic Navy was developing a Human Supremacist problem and that Ozzel was an example of the growing maligned influence of such beliefs. In response, Baraka had been put on leave and his homeworld had officially exiled him, barring him from ever returning. I worried that the Republic and Mon Calamari's joint actions had unintentionally created a very powerful disaffected agent with absolutely nothing left to lose. A political martyr whose faction would rally around and could lead to division in the Republic Navy.

It was hard to say if there was any truth of Baraka's claims, but the Mandalorian Media were more than happy to present the Admiral who had held the MSDF at gunpoint's words as gospel. I should hardly be surprised that Baraka had become generally well liked in Mandalorian space overnight, while he had become utterly despised in the Republic. Mandalorians always had a soft spot for people who were willing to fight them. His communication with the MSDF fleet being leaked on the CNS holonet helped. The fact that he had painted the Republic Navy as speciesist and corrupt is exactly what the Mandalorian people wanted to hear.

Letting out a deep breath, I looked at the elevator window as it went up the Diplomatic Tower. This Tower's apartment space is much bigger than the one Coruscant because space is not a premium here. More rooms can be added, like breakrooms, a training room, a maintenance workshop, multiple conference rooms, and it even has a shooting range. All of this with automated defense systems and the best cybersecurity that X4 could buy.

Once the elevator door opened, I stepped out into my private office at the very top of the Tower. Inside, I see Vai and X4 hard at work organizing Merrik's old paperwork. Well, for Vai she is working harder than usual. X4 is usually a hard worker, and, if anything, he's a much faster worker now thanks to his new upgrades. He is basically teleporting from one section of the room to another whenever he needs to look at a different file or paperwork on a different system.

"Everything working fine with your new components?" I asked as I stepped in, X4 stopping mid-teleportation, in front of my desk.

"Oh, yes, everything is operating at 100% efficiency. This excess speed is quite enjoyable. It allows me to get my work done 5.7% faster, as well as keeping others hard at work as well." X4 said in a way that suggested he was judging Vai's efficiency.

"I'm working, I'm working." She said, defending herself with a wave of her hands towards X4's previous general direction. Vai is still focused on looking through various reports from the sofa seat facing the nearby window. We still haven't gone through all of Merrik's possessions, it's been slow-going, examining everything for potential nasty surprises.

"I'm working as hard as I can. So much stuff was basically hidden from us that Merrik seemed to have kept everything of importance in something other than in his office, because most of these reports have content you've already seen, and I don't see anything here that would imply any connection with any of the troublemakers over the past few months."

"Hmm, I doubt that he had no hand in the troublemaking." I said matter-of-factly as I took a seat next to her, and X4 again teleported in front of us, where he placed two cups of coffee on the table in front of the sofa.

"Thank you, X4." I said, picking up the coffee.

"Happy to be of service, mistress. It's all in another day's work." X4 said before vanishing again after Vai took her cup.

"I am never going to get used to that." she said.

I waved off her concerns, "Well, it doesn't matter if you get used to it. What matters is he's still alive, and more effective this way. By the way, anything of interest in the mail?" I said as I sipped my glass of coffee. Since Gargon isn't the optimum environment for growing coffee, I knew that this caf had to be imported from elsewhere.

My guess would be that this is from Concordia due to it having a light aroma of malted grain with earthy undertones reminiscent of coffee that had been harvested in land that usually grew grain in well irrigated soil.

Vai nodded, "Two things. We got an encrypted message from Bo-Katan that I can't access because it is bio-sealed and will only open for you, and a basic report from the Mandalorian Self-Defense Force. The forces at Taris have been cycled out. Supreme Commander Ordo has returned to Mandalore, and a new Commander for the Taris watch has been placed there. Things seem to be calming down, and war has been averted."

"Good thing it did." I said with a shake of my head. "We owe our lives to those Ithorians. If they hadn't made that move, we'd be in a much worse situation."

"You can say that he's got more balls than some Mandalorians." Vai said rather crassly. I gave her a sharp look for the crude comment. "But it's true." she defended herself, folding her arms under her chest.

I sighed but conceded the point by nodding in agreement, "I agree his actions were courageous and honorable, so much so, I've recommended the creation of a bit of a memorabilia piece for him. The Beskar Peace Prize, a small piece of Mandalorian steel that'll congratulate him for preventing a war." I set down my empty cup of coffee.

"Ha, that is going to be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, but you know what? That sounds like the kind of thing the New Mandalorians would eat up. The stuff your mind comes up with, Tanya." Vai said with a shake of her head, as I sat back, amused.

"Anything else I need to know about?" I asked.

"The situation on Vorpa'ya has not improved." X4 said while refilling my cup with more coffee from a previously unseen container. I stared into the refilling cup, but my mind was counting down the minutes until Engiz would be off his shift and free tonight. I never got to enjoy Gargon's culture the last time I was here as White Silver, so now is a good time to be a tourist with my partner.

X4 resumed and I dragged my attention to his report, "Apparently, whatever plan Concord Dawn had assumed that the Republic would invade Mandalore, and they could ally with the Republic invaders. Without that action, they seem to be more than willing just to maintain hold over half the planet, taking all agricultural output that would have been sold off the market, driving the prices of food across the sector."

"And making Mandalore suffer a bit more." I said, shaking my head. "They're playing a game that's going to end badly. If food prices get too high, people are going to start doing regrettable things, and the consequences will reward smugglers and encourage piracy. The drop in the standard of living will empower radicals, especially the warhawks who only want a military solution. There will be those who side with Concord Dawn as well, and call for us to resolve the situation in their favor."

"Do we know what they want?" Vai asked

I shrugged my shoulders before saying, "Probably the removal of the New Mandalorians from power. They do tend to have a disrespect for my aunt — correction — mother. Still getting used to that."

"There may be a way to lower the probability that some of those consequences will come to pass." X4 suggested.

"Oh, what are you thinking?" I asked.

"I am aware that Mistress desired a new fighter design with requirements that it's not as complex or expensive as the Fang fighter that we are producing for MandalMotors, so that we can market the new fighter for ourselves. I've recently come across a fighter design that could possibly fulfill this function from our own Mandal Hypernautics line of equipment."

"Alright, go on." I asked, leaning back in my chair and taking another sip of my coffee. While the Fang fighter is an amazing fighter, comparable to the famous F-22 Raptor, it is also astronomically expensive to make and maintain due to its complicated rotating wings. I needed something like the F-16, something more affordable yet still effective.

After extensive research and hours of brainstorming with X4, I settled for a non-hyperdrive capable multirole fighter to fill that role. There are a multitude of reasons, but ease of manufacture and a cost saving measure is a prominent one. Not having to install a hyperdrive to each fighter would not only reduce the price tag of our fighters by half, it also allows for the fighters to be smaller and be harder to hit as we don't need the hyperdrive and a separate fuel tank for hypermatter to fuel the hyperdrives.

However, this meant that I needed a carrier for these fighters that is not an incredibly expensive capital ship, like the Sundari, which is equivalent to the United States's Nimitz class carriers. A small tender class vessel, equivalent to Japan's helicopter carriers, would be preferable to support these fighters in remote regions and to grant the MSDF more tactical flexibility without needing a large logistic train to support it. Needing to assemble a carrier task force for every little conflict across the monstrously large and underpopulated CNS space would be a disastrous waste of resources.

"I have found a design that would fit all of Mistress's requirements that was used a very long time ago, using schematics that we have recently acquired from Ori'Jorir."

"A Basilisk War Droid fighter, isn't that illegal?" Vai asked as she took a break from her work to focus on our discussion.

"Technically, battle droids are always illegal. Although there are some loopholes, we are exploiting them to our benefit by redesigning these craft to be more like a piloted fighter craft, so it can be piloted by a single individual. Because there would be a human pilot for this device, it would not count solely as a droid and as a fighter." X4 confirmed.

"Alright, I trust your judgment. If you have some record of a droid craft that could be converted and upgraded into a piloted craft, have at it."

"Thank you, Mistress. However, there is one tiny inconvenience. Since these fighters lack their own independent hyperspace engines, they require a parent craft to travel between sectors. We could retrofit our Lictors with Hangars to house them, or use the Sundari Carrier's hangars for them. However, neither would be an optimal solution due to the limited space of the Lictor, while the Sundari would be better filled with Fang Fighters. Thus, for an alternate solution, I require your permission to purchase the license to produce Gozanti Cruisers from Corellian Engineering Corporation. We determined that the Gozanti Cruiser is the most cost-effective solution that can serve in this role fairly well."

"Aren't there like thousands of those just flying about the galaxy?" Vai asked, to which I nodded my agreement, as that ship is fairly common. It is excellent in both anti-piracy roles, due to its heavy loadouts and dense armor, and anti-smuggling roles thanks to its strong sensor capabilities. Some commanders used them as mobile command outposts rather than fleet flotilla.

"Correct, but for the modifications I would like to play around with, it would be better for us to have the ability to produce them ourselves. Not only would this be cheaper to mass produce, the Gozanti have ample space for hangars, as well as be excellent patrol craft. If our custom designs can improve upon the existing design, I'm sure some would love to be able to purchase them. Especially if we have legal documents granting us authority to sell them and the derivative designs. I predict that traditional Mandalorian branding alone on any platform we produce will give us an edge in the market. General improvements to the platform will compound that."

"Alright, X4, you can experiment with this. You have my approval." I am impressed by the initiative, and X4 let out an affirmative, pleased beep in response to my reply.

"Anything else?" I asked, as I reached for the datapad containing the encrypted message, wondering what secrets it held. I wonder what Bo-Katan wanted to talk to me about.

"Oh, nothing else much occurred to report about. Obi-Wan tried to schedule a meeting with you. I told him you're going to be busy, as per your instructions."

"Thank you, Vai." I said, relieved that she had listened to me and I wouldn't have to deal with that whole mess. I wasn't totally against meeting with Obi-Wan; I just wasn't sure I am ready for father-daughter time yet. With a Jedi, no less. I am still wrapping my head around mother-daughter time being an official thing.

I put further thought of the subject out of my mind as I focused on unlocking the message. To unlock the message, I have to insert my chain code and it would decrypt itself. Looking it over, I blinked and read it from the beginning again. I flipped it sideways to see if it was my imagination, as I could not really understand nor believe what I was reading. I then turned to Vai and said, "Bo-Katan has agreed to marry Pre Vizsla, the governor of Concordia."

Vai's jaw dropped, and the blood seemed to drain from her face in shock. "You're kidding!" she said, obviously shocked at the news.

I paused, turning to Vai and considering her reaction. "Not unless Bo is playing a joke." I said, shaking my head. "She also wants me to plan her wedding. Why do people want me to plan their weddings?"

Vai shrugged. "You're very organized, it's an admirable quality, and you seem like the kind of person that might actually succeed at planning a wedding." She said with a smile, drawing an exasperated sigh for me.

Shaking my head, I turned my gaze back to the message and tried to puzzle out why it existed. What possible reason would Bo-Katan, a known and confirmed bachelor, agree to a marriage? Especially at a time like this? With Pre Viszla of all people? Things were very tense in the Mandalorian sector, and trust is a scarce commodity. But then again, maybe that was the reason.

Was this something Satine had asked Bo-Katan to do? After all, what better way to solidify and confirm alliance between houses and with a marriage? Although, if that was the reason, well, perhaps my eventual nuptials would be on the docket as well. I'd always known that that was a possibility. I'd come to accept it, but there's hoping at least one it would be to someone I was accepting of and willing to live with. I refuse to plan the wedding for my own marriage, thank you very much.

Writer's note: And that's the chapter, folks! A good 17,000 words, I think a lot of things are happening, from the Mandalorian weeb making his appearance, to the return of Satine. From Tanya building an arms industry, to Korkie exposing a black market, to learning exactly how those Death Watch guys knew about the location of that treasure ship all those chapters ago.

We've learned a lot, and I'm sure we'll learn a lot more in the next chapter, as soon as I remember what's in the next chapter.

Please comment, review, and generally enjoy yourselves…

Edited by: L, Fallqm, Mantsch, Guardsman Pius, Warmach1ne32, Afforess
Community edited by:
Community editable doc (Chapter) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Supporters: Afforess, Gremlin Jack, Xodarap4, Duncan Sproule, James Moorhouse, Dankermaler, Hats88, DrkShdow, Devilstar101, Michael, Mana Rope, Falk Hüser, Silver Wolf, Mackenzie Buckle, Neso, Lmc9389, Staradder, KrasieK, Zollus, Jog256, Ethan Dowie, Maxim Blashkevych, The GrandMage, loyalChaos, Daryl, FreelancerD0, Zul The Lich, Retexks, John Norman, Ian R Major, Dale, Darth Vendar, BigKumaDM, Taylor Tilbury, Treant Balewood, Aske Helsted, Sam, Brandon Goodman, BarrettSlayer, Guillermo Echeverria, D3ad0s, Pulse Rager, Lago, CB-Otaku, Adam Daw, Michał Kotuła, Louis Kasser, Arkhad, H2os, Pontus, Zahael, Nathan Cardoso, Lightstorm, Endymion2314, harry Nevel, William, Legion_13, Beautiful Winter, Mrsmall0170, MysteryCPU, Seadrake, MinnieMin, Lictor Magnus, Michael Hill, King Henry V, Bill Romero Diaz, Matthew D, Adrian Black, Reagin Haley, Bishop Rikor, Jake Serna, Contrary, Santeri Oripelto, MeowATron9000, milky, Fischer Davis-Hagen, Aaron, Kenny Nguyen, Robolo42, Chernobog, Michael Forsyth, Jan Mantsch, Creampuff, Ignacio Martínez, Desphyx, Libois kurt, kalistira, arnumart, Evariskitsune, CrazedGamma1721, Hotroman, BloodAxe, Justin Khim
Chapter 56, 717 FNM (21 BBY) Month 5
Chapter 56
717 FNM (21 BBY) Month 5

Ordo, Ordo Journal Studios
Juup Jir Jidoss

"Good evening and welcome to the Daily Ordo. I am Juup Jir Jidoss from the Newspaper, Ordo Journal. Here to bring you the news and nothing but the news." I gave a small wave to the studio audience as our recorded introduction played for them.

"And I am Aipex Jidoss, freedom fighter, warrior, and everyman survivalist." The pre-recorded holovid of my younger brother enthused.

Once the holovid camera light turned red, I arranged the paperwork in my hand, and looked down at them for a dramatic second, before saying, "Let's begin with the biggest news on today's itinerary. Currently, the government has found and is investigating a shocking conspiracy within the Mandalorian sector — specifically, a conspiracy inside the Mandalorian Secret Service itself. An agency that was meant to keep in check Death Watch and other organized criminal organizations which might conspire against Mandalore again, yet it appears that a significant portion of their organization was involved in a conspiracy themselves.

No one is exactly sure how this conspiracy began, but evidence points to lax oversight being the main cause. Inattentive and sluggish leadership allowed the service's professionalism to degrade, to the degree that few security checks were performed in hiring and operations in recent years. An unknown founding conspirator took advantage of this opening and spread their corruption throughout the Secret Service. Several hundred agents have been arrested on corruption, fraud, or bribery charges; many of them resulting in high speed chases — brought to an end through the use of jetpack wielding pursuers. This is potentially the largest political scandal we've seen since the surrender of the prior Mandalorian government.

My brother is on the scene right now, interviewing the task force leader investigating the Mandalorian Secret Service. He'll let us know exactly what has been going on."

The studio displays switched from displaying the bright and colorful newsroom of the Daily Ordo to somewhere on Sundari. Standing is a tall and bulky figure, a red-haired woman in blue Mandalorian armor. Next to her, Aipex Jidoss appeared diminutive from the lack of armor by comparison. He was holding a microphone and started speaking after a brief pause.

"Thank you brother. As Juup was saying, I'm here speaking to the leader of this task force, Duchess Satine's sister, Bo-Katan Kryze." Aipex Jidoss pushed the microphone in Bo-Katan's face. "Big fan of your work on Gargon, putting down troublemakers like Gerr, and raising up a proper and lawful government there."

"Um, thank you?" Bo-Katan seemed unsure about being on-screen, clearing her throat awkwardly. "I'm just doing what's necessary for my family-"

"And clan. As it should be." Aipex Jidoss cut in and interrupted. "So you've been put in charge of tracking down these varmints that have infested the Secret Service. What can you tell me about the conspiracy?"

Bo-Katan appeared to regain her balance, answering more confidently. "It's too early to be certain, but seized evidence suggests an organized corrupt force of agents, a conspiracy within the Secret Service. The conspirators started by slowly amassing influence and trading connections with several criminal organizations across the Mandalorian sector and even foreign agents beyond. I think we found ourselves lucky that we have found no links to the Hutts yet. Given enough time, these kinds of groups will grow and justify anything in the pursuit of their goals."

"Of course, of course." Aipex Jidoss nodded in agreement, "So how'd you smash them?"

The woman smiled before saying, "We smashed them in the good old-fashioned way. We captured one, took them in for interrogation. Then tracked down and caught the next one, pulling apart their conspiracy network, one conspirator at a time. Unfortunately, some of the higher-ups in their network appear to have escaped Mandalore before we could make a move."

"Damn, well, I'm sure you're going to pursue them, aren't you? After all, why else would Duchess Satine ask for the help of someone who has their own mercenary group?"

"I can't say much, but I can tell you that we'll be seeing them very soon." Bo-Katan agreed, which earned a nod of approval from Aipex Jidoss.

He turned to speak to the audience. "As you can see the situation is well in hand, the conspiracy will be defeated by good, common Mandalorian headbutting. Which reminds me, congratulations. I heard you recently married one of the most eligible bachelors across the sector, Pre Vizsla."

"Thank you." Bo-Katan said with a cold smile. She took a step towards Aipex Jidoss, somehow seeming to be looming over him. "But I haven't exactly announced that, though, so how'd you find that out?"

"As a member of the Daily Ordo it's my job to find out everything, anyway, back to you Juup Jir Jidoss." Aipex Jidoss said an unusually fast rush.

The red active light reappeared on studio holovid cameras, and I dramatically cleared my throat. The show must go on as it were. "Various space navigation authorities in the Mandalore sector report regular and distant sightings of Death Watch forces lately. The Mandalorian government has announced that they have expanded the search for the Maelstrom to outside the sector. It's believed that the Maelstrom is not within the Mandalorian sector nor within CNS space, as a thorough search of the sector has not found any trace of them. But where could it be if it isn't in the sector? That is still up in the air, as there are very few places a ship of that size could be refitted or resupplied. The location of the Maelstrom is one of the biggest mysteries and most hotly debated pieces of gossip lately.

In other news, Prince Korkie had left Mandalore on a diplomatic expedition to Raxus Secundus yesterday. Here is a replay of his statement on the purpose of this diplomatic mission for those that may have missed it." At the mention of Raxus, a hologram of Prince Korkie standing behind a podium was shown before the image expanded to cover the view of the studio changed to displaying Prince Korkie at the Royal Palace's Great Hall, addressing a press conference.

"The Council of Neutral Systems has appointed me with the critical task of re-opening dialogue with the Confederacy of Independent Systems." I suspected Prince Korkie had received much more effective media training than Bo-Katan, as he confidently explained his mission. "The Confederacy is nominally a democratic parliamentary system, and our diplomatic goals will be to find values and mutual interests that both of our peoples share. We know the Confederacy values their dignity, desires respect, and wishes to be treated with honorably by all other systems. Mandalore shares these values. We also want peace. Together, I believe we can all find a mutual outcome for peace in our time."

The red active light reappeared again, and I provided the summary for our viewers. "Our foreign policy analysts agree that the Mandalorian government's effort to reopen trade lanes from the CIS to the CNS would result in prices of various goods to be lowered to a more reasonable degree. More speculatively, successful peace talks could become the basis for mediation between the CIS and the Republic. It would be wonderful if Prince Korkie can find some way to improve relations between those two great powers. Hopefully this will be the first step into ending this war so that we can return to not having to pay double the credits to refuel a speeder. Good luck, Prince Korkie, you carry the hope of the Mandalorian people."

Mandalore, Sundari, Secret Service HQ

Letting out a huff, I turned off the holo-display. Bo-Katan with her lack of PR skills and the Ordonian so-called reporter is nothing but a jumped-up water-filtering salesman vanished from my sight, revealing the ancient meeting table underneath. This table, that I bought at an auction, was preserved Taung-timber from an unknown species of tree. Its origin explained its unusually large size, as it was not crafted for human proportions. But now, the routine progress report of the Secret Service has ended.

The other physically present agents stood, ready to depart from the secure conference room. These four individuals were compartmentalized away from the segment of Secret Service that handled our more illicit operations, like those in-charge of growing the Mandalorian Black Market. They were each in charge of monitoring factions that would endanger Mandalore's peace and prosperity to both provide early warning as well as ensuring my control. Even though they themselves might never fully grasp their importance in my plans. I raised a hand to halt their exit, and spoke simply. "Corruption. Conspiracy. Claims that we've become a threat to the stability of the Mandalore sector."

The group paused at my first words, and none of them breathed a word in response. The silence stretched for a long moment. "How exactly this happened is still unclear," I lied as naturally as I breathed, "but the important part is we need to find out who is responsible for this, no matter their position. Someone high in the government has been using the Secret Service for nefarious reasons and corrupt games. We know it must be someone who is still here on Mandalore because they were able to alert the three operatives controlling the organizations meant to monitor the interior of the Mandalore system, allowing them to flee."

Still, none of them reacted to my words. I slammed a fist on the meeting table in frustration. How could they not see, after all, the source of my problems was obvious! "It must be another member of the Duchess's Council or perhaps amongst the Royal Family itself. Only they could have warned those criminals to flee before they could be captured. That is why I've gathered you here today. We are going to examine all possible suspects. No one is off the table, and feel free to speak your mind."

There was silence again as the agents, each a head of an organization, thought for a moment. Agent Guardian, responsible for monitoring the Republic, took a more confident stance and spoke up first. "I've been investigating former Prince Tal Merrik. He seems to have been responsible for at least some part of this. His involvement in various levels of corruption is confirmed by the methods of his attack on Duchess Satine. My investigation teams have used this as a basis for seizing his assets, finding quite a bit of evidence that he was pocketing bribes and other assets for his own personal slush fund. A good portion of his accounts were already emptied before we discovered those slush funds."

I nodded. It was necessary to find a patsy to take the fall for my wrongdoings, but this one wouldn't exactly help me with my current predicament of maintaining my station within the government.

"But there was something else that sort of came up while I was looking into Merrik..." I nodded positively at Guardian and gestured for him to continue. Guardian is a plain-looking and forgettable-seeming middle-aged man in a beige suit. The others shifted, also hoping for similar recognition; at times like this, esprit de corps drives our investigative spirit more than any remuneration or reward we might hope to receive.

" it possible that Princess Tanya is corrupt as well?" Guardian spoke into the uncertain silence.

I blinked and looked at him, surprised. "Elaborate."

Guardian seemed to grow more confident as he explained. "The Royal family draws upon a stipend for their own wants and needs. This is not a problem. But Princess Tanya somehow turned a rather sizable profit somewhere along the line. She has access to at least two Lancer pursuit craft that were modified for personal use several years ago. We observed her use one when she went to Geonosis, which was shot down, and barely a week afterwards, she was seen using another Lancer on her return trip back to Coruscant."

Agent Paragon whistled, he was the dark-haired and sharply-dressed man who was responsible for monitoring the Death Watch. "Two Lancers? That's a lot of credits. Where did she even get those ships?"

"Lancers hmm..." Agent Legion said, thinking aloud. Grey hair and hard eyes, her face was set in a stern expression that only long or harsh experience made possible, betraying no thoughts. She was the most dependable out of all my agents, which is why she was in charge of the department monitoring Silver Mandalorians. "Doesn't White Silver also use a Lancer-class too? At least she did when she arrived at the outskirts of Gargon. One of the locals recognized her unique symbol from the public broadcast and mentioned that she arrived in a Lancer."

Paragon frowned as he listened. Then he started shaking his head in the negative, and finally spoke up at Legion's final statement. "It's a rather popular ship. I wouldn't think too hard about it. Bo-Katan got one not too long after she took part in the whole Gargon affair."

"Why were you watching Bo-Katan?" Agent Enduring asked sharply. She's the head of the most junior department, responsible for oversight of the CIS. The recently formed department's leader had been chosen for her successful black ops against Death Watch in the period after the Civil War. It was too bad she was too paranoid to work well with the others, preferring hierarchy.

Paragon shrugged. "There's always been suspicion that she's involved with Death Watch. We don't have any proof, but with her political leanings and Kryze family gossip — the way she had frequent arguments with her sister — it's my opinion that she was, if not a member of Death Watch, likely aiding them in some way. And hey, they did reveal themselves to the public when they took the Maelstrom, so she could be part of Death Watch for all I know."

I stood there, blinking several times. "Did Bo-Katan have the Lancer after, or did she have it before?"

The room went deadly silent before all four agents reached behind them and started pulling out datapads, conversations erupting at the idea.

Paragon stared at his datapad. "I can confirm that Bo-Katan had her Lancer after the Gargon incident. I cannot find when she got it. We need internal records from the Mandalorian Space Transportation Bureau."

Enduring spoke up next. "I got my hands on those records after they got checked for corruption. Yeah, here we go. Huh, it registers here that Bo-Katan was registered in a Lancer-class pursuit craft that left Concordia before the Gargon incident."

"Hold on, are we really suggesting here that Bo-Katan is the White Silver?" Legion spoke slowly and calmly, trying to hold everyone's attention. "My department keeps an eye on her because she's seen working for White, but I don't think she's actually White Silver. I've read that book, and from what I know about Bo-Katan, she's the 'punch first' and 'ask questions never' type."

Paragon nodded emphatically. "Agreed, but Bo-Katan also has deep ties to Gargon and that's worth considering. Evidence suggests that she worked as a mercenary for criminal organizations on that planet. She has connections with the new local government, which still has ties to crime families, despite Duchess Satine's official approval to adding the system to Mandalore."

"Yeah, but there are conflicting reports of Bo-Katan. Some reports place her fighting in the city streets, far away from White Silver at the time." Enduring said.

"Prince Korkie has noted that White Silver has at least one body-double. Likely taking advantage of the full body armor. It's well within the possibility that White Silver is just someone she hired, an actor no different than Taylor Hero, the one who plays the Silver Mandalorian on the holonet." Legion explained patiently.

"This would have been a very sophisticated operation, though." Guardian said, shaking his head. "I just can't see Bo-Katan being the mastermind behind this. It makes me more confused, not less." He complained.

"Perhaps she's not White Silver, then." I spoke clearly, locking eyes with each agent in the room, so they acknowledged me. "We got to this conversation point with a simple question: Where did Princess Tanya find the money for two Lancers?"

Enduring suddenly had a shocked expression, as if she had just figured out something very alarming. "Are the two of them playing White Silver together, or is Princess Tanya perhaps providing some sort of financial backing? Do you have any intel on that?"

"Bo-Katan did train Princess Tanya combat tactics at the urging of Duchess Satine when she was still a child." Paragon admitted slowly, folding his hands in front of him. "Perhaps she is inclined to support her aunt in this."

"Then..." But Enduring didn't finish her thought. Heads turned towards her, but she ignored them pointedly and focused on me. "Sir Duchess Satine White Silver?" Enduring asked in alarm. Various sounds, shouts, and gestures were made all around me at that question.

"What makes you say that?" I stood my ground as I considered the idea seriously, giving voice to the mutual confusion for the room.

"Think about how White Silver's ideology came about around the same time Tanya started training with Bo-Katan, right? And immediately after Gerr, the False Silver appears, White Silver confronts him. But somehow before this confrontation, Bo-Katan acquires a Lancer-"

Legion interrupted Enduring's explanation. "And then White Silver shows up on Gargon also using a Lancer. Princess Tanya suddenly has Lancer's, as well."

I agreed, "It's likely not a coincidence. The simplest explanation is the most likely, and the Royal family received Lancers at the same time and from the same primary source as White Silver." I took great pleasure in turning the Princess's methods against her, after all, she deployed the same axiom often enough when influencing Satine.

Enduring was still focused on me and was nodding in agreement with my assessment. "It's not a coincidence. There are plenty of other light-military cruiser models available in Mandalore. If the Duchess is White Silver, then that explains both the Bo-Katan's and Tanya's possession of the Lancers, the Silver Codexes rapid acceptance, and it even explains events on Gargon. At the very least, it's worth considering." She finished in a torrent of words.

I nodded my head before saying, "I think you're going a little bit too far on that without evidence. Bo-Katan could be White Silver and Satine is merely aiding and abetting her out of sisterly foolishness, but this is something to consider here." I started arranging a number of the larger view screens in the room, one had numerous view screens on mobile stands. After delegating the rest of that task, I started creating profiles for our suspects. On each of the view screens, displayed a report of the suspect, showing a holo of their appearance and last known details. One for Lady Bo-Katan, Princess Tanya, and Duchess Satine, as well as a few less likely suspects, Ms. Tarri Crikey the Administrator of Breshig, and Jango Fett the notorious Bounty Hunter.

I pointed up towards the five viewscreens. "We cannot move on circumstantial evidence. We don't know the story behind all these situations, and they are rather interesting connections. What we do know is there is a definite connection between Bo-Katan and White Silver. Is this just a working relationship, or is this part of a larger conspiracy?" Turning to face them again, I said, "Find me all the evidence you can find. We need to determine how deep this corruption goes." Turnabout's fair play, I couldn't let the New Mandalorian dream die here, after everything so far.

Raxus Secundus, Raxus shopping center
Natalya Volkova

This place smelled of riches and the nobles who controlled them, but I kept that to myself. Even if I disliked my current objective, Liliya was the one in control of the fate of Anteevy. Unless I could find some way out of that situation, I have to stay true to her goals, even if I sometimes doubted our objectives.

Korkie had been sent from Mandalore to Raxus Secundus, the homeworld of the Separatist Parliament, in order to act as a representative. Liliya found that idea intriguing, but she also kept her oppressive watch over me. I received strong hints that keeping him on the righteous path to social equality would be hampered if I were to remain on Mandalore.

Obviously, I was meant to spy on Korkie and guide him in the right direction. After all, making one of the potential rulers of Mandalore in favor of communist ideals is of great importance to our mission. Plus, I couldn't exactly be his mistress, as Liliya put it, while physically separated by light-years for long periods of time.

But that was not my only objective here. Anteevy joined the Separatists for rational reasons. In chaos and uncertainty, our ideals could flourish and provide the foundation for our new order, one for the people instead of the elites. Already, wherever the Revolutionary Guard had been deployed across the northwest of the galaxy, our ideals and literature were brought along, spreading the message of the revolution to the galaxy.

The Separatist's conflict with the Republic was frequently creating fertile opportunities for spreading our ideals. Already, large sections of their society were just being turned into droid manufacturers for the war effort. And what would the droids be doing after the war? Well, besides protecting their homes, they would be working in farms, mines, and so forth. According to our ideals, the droids would free the people to pursue higher education and other ascended pursuits.

With enough time, the people would come to rely on droids for everything that the lower classes provided. And the classes would merge together to become a new, stronger people. In a single peaceful step, the class system would meet a beautiful death.

Our ideology required droids to be created and programmed for every possible task to fully replace the sentient labor pool. That was already the droids' role across the CIS, but poorly executed. Thus, our new ideas on how to better utilize the droids are fully compatible with traditional belief in droid subservience.

Our message and the spread of our droid labor found the most resonance with the lower and middle classes, as droid proliferation led to an economic boom and rush of new colonization for resources to fuel the Separatist's hungry war machine. The CIS was very stratified though, which meant the aristocratic and highest classes resisted any change from below, especially while times were still good for them.

Besides my mission to seduce Korkie, I was to spread the message amongst the youth and leadership of the Separatist Parliament. So far, I hadn't accomplished much, but it was something I was working on nonetheless when I wasn't hanging out with Korkie or Soniee. And I must say, "hanging out" was kind of the word that could best describe what I was doing right now.

"Maybe this dress?" Soniee said, bringing over an outfit from one of the rows of clothing.

"Thank you, Soniee. I'll try it on now." I said with a smile, taking the dress before making my way towards a back changing room.

In order to improve my mission's chance of success, I needed to be friends with Soniee. If both Soniee and Korkie were comfortable with me, then I would have more avenues to influence him.

Carefully, I slid into the dress, making sure it fit properly. Once I was sure I could move and breathe in it, I stepped out and saw Soniee exit her own booth in a similar style of dress.

"I really have to thank you for reaching out to us, Soniee." I said, pretending to check the back of the dress, keeping watch of her in the mirror.

"When I first volunteered to go with Korkie on this diplomatic mission, I was a bit hesitant. Since there would just be us and a few Royal Guards, but ever since you reached out to us, I felt a little bit better. Having someone we know, at least, is better than not having anyone we do."

I turned around to face her and adopted an understanding expression, "Yes, it's always best to have comrades nearby. I didn't know anyone when I arrived here, still don't really. So when I heard you were coming, I figured I should reach out to you, my good friends. We're both Mandalorian in our own way."

"New Mandalorian." Soniee corrected, brushing her hair back. "But yeah, we are probably the closest to each other here. Everyone here wants to go to war with the Republic or demand that we join their side. I've been to several meetings at this point. Korkie's just there, trying to figure out if the CIS are the good guys in all this or not."

"There are no good guys in this war." I didn't have to fake the somber and serious tone on this topic. "This is a galactic war between two factions that are rather corrupt. The Republic is no better than the CIS Executive Council. And the CIS Executive Council is mostly made up of corrupt corporations that are only interested in their bottom line and control the CIS by funding it with their money."

"And what's Anteevy's objective in all of this?" Soniee asked.

I smiled when I looked at Soniee and said, "We also want the independence that the CIS promises. When this war is over, the CIS will still be around, but there we will have so much more freedom than we would under the Republic. The right of autonomy over our own home regions without a bureaucratic monstrosity putting its noses in where it does not belong is something I believe every system should have. We will be able to choose for ourselves what we can do without the Republic's interference. Spreading communism to other planets near our homeworld is a moral imperative for us. We want our ideals to be our legacy to the galaxy."

"So you want to spread communism across the Mandalore sector?" Soniee asked as she looked in the mirror.

I nodded. "Of course. Will that be an issue? Making a state that is socially looking out for the common people sounds rather good to me. If we all come together, we can all make a better society, a better nation, a better sector. One that is beyond the squabbles of the Clans and the Great Houses that currently rule the cradle of our peoples."

Soniee shrugged before saying, "I'm not entirely sold on that idea yet. I've been doing a little research myself on the Gran, from the Kinyen system. Aren't they also kind of like your government, but they focus on making everyone into one big family?"

I looked at her, a bit surprised, raising an eyebrow before saying, "Yes, they are similar in mind, and they have been around much longer, I admit. But their people are different, alien. The governmental school says they developed from herd species, so their form of socialist welfare is more a continuation of that prey mentality."

"So, communism only works if we do it Liliya's way and with humans." Soniee concluded.

Was that what Liliya wanted? "I haven't considered that point of view before, mainly because there are only humans on Anteevy..." I trailed off, but it did seem a bit xenophobic. "Nothing I've come to understand suggests that Communism only applies to humanity." I clarified with a shrug.

Soniee nodded and thought for a few moments. "I have to wonder if there isn't something to the Communist ideals that I've read. But I just don't think the idea of removing every clan in Mandalore is the right solution. I think the Gran's version of expanding the family, creating a larger and larger family structure that looks after everyone, might be the way forward for Mandalore. I've been meaning to talk to Korkie about it, but I've just been having issues talking to him."

"Perhaps you're right about the family structure aspect. Anteevy has never had any studies done on the Gran specifically, and to be fair, the Clans that existed on Anteevy were nothing but gangs. Some of these gangs date back thousands of years, all criminals or children and grandchildren of criminals. In order to make a society that worked, we needed to break that up. But perhaps there's something to be said for a different point of view." Soniee smiled, seemed to take heart at my interest and her point of view. "Why are you having trouble talking to Korkie? I would assume that you two are rather comfortable with each other, considering how close you two are."

"He's just so passive with our relationship. I want to move forward, but he's just so slow to act. It took him four years to ask me out on a date, four years, and it's only been three or four dates since then. I think he lacks role models, Tanya's personal life is nearly as bad as Bo-Katan's was, and Duchess Satine hid her relationship from everyone. So yes, we've been on a few adventures together, but that's not really dating."

I nodded my head sagely, I said, "It seems that Korkie wants to be a prime example of a New Mandalorian, a pacifist. I think he does love you, from what I have seen of your interactions. Maybe you should make the moves, push, and push hard, and I'm sure he will appreciate everything you give him."

"You really think that'll work?" Soniee asked

"Trust me, if you go for it, he'll be yours." Did I say that out of misplaced guilt, or because it was the truth? I wasn't sure, myself.

She smiled and said, "Thanks for the advice, Natalya. Well, I better go and see about paying for this. After that, I'll demand that Korkie go out on a date with me, maybe something more afterward. Talk to you later."

With that, she stepped away, heading over to make her purchases. I smiled, knowing Liliya would disapprove of my actions, but that I was safe while following her expressed orders. The task to befriend Soniee required helping her relationship with Korkie, which created a bind for Liliya's and her efforts to undermine it. Those two did deserve a chance to be with each other, especially considering that, in my opinion, Korkie was quite the catch.

Perhaps I should find a few more books on the Gran to find out how their system works. Maybe I could send a few books back to some friends on Anteevy.

Raxus Secundus, Mandalore Diplomatic Residence
Korkie Kryze

My mind was deep in thought as I walked with Soniee back to her room. Most of the representatives and senators I have managed to meet were not interested in ending the war or de-escalation of the conflict. I'm starting to understand some of what my sister must have to deal with on Coruscant. As far as they were concerned, they had been attacked by the Republic, and the Republic had declared war. The delegates would consider a Republic cease-fire if one miraculously was offered, but until then they were justified in all actions taken in their defense.

The most concrete deal I've been able to have accepted was an establishment of a Separatist embassy at Mandalore. This would enable more high-level conversations with the CIS diplomats and the CNS, but it would take a long time to show any progress.

Which was something, but I would have liked something more tangible, something that was actually going to see an end to this conflict. Guess I was a little bit optimistic taking this job, but I would continue to try at it. I had at least codified that the blockade from the CIS end of the conflict would be lowered, since the CNS was a neutral party to be accepted by the CIS.

As far as the senators of the CIS were concerned, Mandalore was off the table for the conflict zone. What worried me was the Executive Separatist Council. I hadn't met them, and the way this system was functioning seemed rather confusing, to say the least. The Senate voted on what to do, they sent it to their Chancellor, Count Dooku, and he communicated with his Executive Separatist Council, who would actually put those policies into action.

That worried me because, for all intents and purposes, the military was under the command of corporations and not the people. Not that I had anything against private enterprises. I didn't fully believe everything the book that Natalya had given me was talking about. However, there just seemed to be something inherently wrong with this system.

Putting those thoughts away, though, I focused on Soniee as we made our way down the hallway. Tonight had been a rather nice night. She didn't invite me out on a date, but wore a rather nice dress, and we had enjoyed our time talking about non-political issues, reminiscing about our archaeology school adventures. I kind of wish we could go back to that now that I was here, but maybe that would be something I could do after my posting here was done.

Hopefully, that would be soon, and I could stop getting threatened by various Mandalorians who were not fans of the neutrality or pro-Republic stance of the Mandalore sector. From a representative of the Mandalorian Protectors calling me nothing but a puppet of the Jedi, to a Mandalorian giant in red armor named Chop'aa Notimo and his Gungan sidekick making disparaging remarks about all New Mandalorians, I had to deal with quite a bit of that over the last few days. And I wondered how many other Mandalorian groups besides Anteevy who sided with the CIS I would have to deal with, sending insults and threats my way.

Finally, we arrived at her room's door. Soniee opened the door, pushing it all the way open, before saying, "Here we are."

"Yep, here we are." I agreed, happy to have her safe and sound. Just as I was ready to go down the hall to my own room, Soniee bit her lip nervously. A second later, she lunged forward and grabbed my shoulder, pulling me down into a kiss, surprising me. I didn't even get a chance to try and determine what was going on before she pulled me into her room, shutting the door behind us.

Mandalore, Self-Defense Forces HQ
Jango Fett

Stay out of politics. That's what I've been told to do. That's what I planned to do. But I have never promised never aiding the Mandalorian government if they called me. And, well, the Mandalorian government is going to pay me a lot of credits to give them a little help. I was not going to turn that down.

That being said, what I had signed up for was best called a weekend gig. My plan to build farmland on Concord Dawn had been put on hold. I own the land, yes, but it looked like Concord Dawn was going to be invaded by the Mandalorian Self-Defense Force, so they could get the frak off Vorpa'ya. So, I'm not going to build anything there or move any of my people there to set up farmland until things calmed down.

Once whatever the hell the governor of Concord Dawn and his corrupt Journeyman Protectors were on was settled, maybe I'd do something with that land. For now, it was mostly just a loss held in trust until I had an opportunity to do something with it.

But that was a side story. Yes, I'm still a farmer. But today, I'm hired to be a military advisor. I had been called to Mandalore for a meeting in the upper district, the MSDF headquarters. Apparently, I would know it when I found it because it was stuffed between the CIS and Republic Embassy. The military general, the Self-Defense force Commander — I needed to look up the exact title when I got a chance — called me up to basically serve as a potential source of information. Being one of the few people who have fought a war in the last few decades, I guess I knew a little bit about fighting conflicts on a large scale.

I had to be getting closer to my destination, because I watched a group of clone troopers trading insults at a group of droids, separated by a couple of Mandalorian guards.

Apparently, someone thought it was a good idea to set up the Republic embassy and the CIS embassy one building away from each other and then stuff the building in between them full of Mandalorian guards just to keep an eye on it. I mean, it's not the worst idea, since any fight that breaks out would be contained in this portion of the city and the Guards are right there ready to stop the fight. But the insults they were trading said a lot about how well it was going to go.

Shaking my head, I kept on moving further away from the conflict of words until I found a very nondescript building with two Self-Defense Force Mandalorians standing in front of it.

Stepping up to them, I said, "Jango Fett. Is this the military headquarters of the Self-Defense Force? I was called to come here."

The two guards shared a look and probably spoke to someone over internal comms. A moment later, they stepped out of the way, one of them pressing a button to open the door.
I nodded and said, "Thanks." before stepping inside. I looked around, knowing that like many New Mandalorian buildings, there were a lot of windows. There were a few other military personnel wandering about, carrying paperwork, so most likely this was a pencil pusher location.

"Jango Fett?" came a voice, causing me to look and see something that surprised me. A white-skinned Twi'lek came forward, offering a hand. She was wearing a very distinct Mandalorian uniform which is a dull green long sleeved shirt with the New Mandalorians' tall hexagonal symbol sewn as a patch on the shirt's right sleeve at shoulder height, pants of the same dull green color, and a vest that has to be made of armorweave. The vest has what I assume are rank insignias on her left breast while a metal name tag is on her right breast and a large central pouch is empty, which I believe could be filled with a beskar plate if additional protection is necessary. I noted, probably something required by the pacifists from the upper echelons.

Taking her hand, I said, "You must be someone of importance, I would assume."

"Ikudtuvo Ordo. Supreme Commander of the Mandalorian Self-Defense Force, and somehow ended up with the job of being the overall military leader of the CNS after my showdown over Taris."

"Wrong place, right time?" I said, knowing how that goes.

She nodded and indicated to follow, saying, "I've been meaning to call you up ever since I heard you were on Mandalore. You're probably one of the few Mandalorians with a lot of battlefield experience, and if we're going to protect the CNS, we're going to need all the experience we can get, especially with what we're having to deal with."

I nodded, following behind her, before we entered what I assume to be her office. I noted there was a holo-projector on the wall showing the galactic situation zoomed up on the CNS's defense systems. Of course, the core of the region is the Mandalorian sector and its nearby sectors. But there were yellow dots scattered all over the place inside the fields of blue, which must represent the Republic. I quickly noted that the Mandalorian sector cut off the CIS from the Dentari Exclave, an area that was currently in rebellion against the Republic, which I could instantly see why there would be issues.

"Take a seat." She instructed as she sat down next to the board.

I did, before saying, "Not really sure how I can be much help. I mean, I fought quite a bit during the Civil War, but it's not really going to be of much use in a war this big."

Ikud nodded, her head tails bobbing as she did. "I would assume not either, though maybe you might know some nuggets of wisdom about some of the areas around here that can prove useful. But you also fought in actual combat before and we need military trainers, as many as we can get. The Republic and the CIS have managed to absorb a lot of mercenaries from the Mandalorian sectors before the CNS was officially declared, which means we are a little bit understaffed when it comes to experienced military personnel, especially with the situation on Vorpa'ya."

"Yeah, I heard about Vorpa'ya, is it a problem for you?" I acknowledged. I was glad I wasn't involved in that mess, I didn't much want to support the Journeyman Protectors, and the rest involved had too little to offer, not enough to make it profitable.

She shrugged her shoulders, saying, "Not sure. It could end up being a five-way war if things keep going the way they are. All we know is that it's one system in and out of Confederate Independent Systems into the CNS, with the Republic holding this area." She pointed to a northern campaign area and a southern campaign area marked on the map, separating the Republic from the CNS.

"The planet needs to stay under CNS control, so we can't let Anteevy get their hands on it because that'll just open us up to more unsecured transportation from CIS space into our own."

Looking at the map, I asked, "That is a lot of space to cover. How are you going to make sure that you can even monitor all that space?"

She shrugged before saying, "Currently we are issuing bounties on ships that bypass customs inspections in regions outside of our direct control, obviously this system is ripe for abuse. We are shifting away from that by purchasing ships from Gargon and Kalevala, while also reorganizing the Mandalorian Patrol as part of the Mandalorian Self-Defense Navy. With any luck, we will be able to string patrol ships along the border region and just prevent any ships from transiting it. Either that, or make it so hard that whatever makes it across can't be used to reinforce the CIS exclave. That could trigger the worst outcome — which would result in the Republic declaring us part of the CIS."

I nodded my head. "Well, if you're slowly bringing up your manpower and all that, I assume you just need me to take up training. So, where do you want to send me? Where are you getting your recruits?"

She let out a deep breath, "Arkania. They're supplying a large amount of what we can best guess are their lesser population groups into our military. They sent us fifty million recruits to help reinforce the various system garrisons. From what we can gather, these were what the Arkanians call Class Two Riot Response Conscripts. Apparently they were sent in after the Class One Riot Conscripts failed to quell a riot. Class Twos are trained to use lethal force only. From what I understand of the reports, they have never had a failed operation."

"Nasty work, policing riots on a city planet. Tunnel rats can get really vicious." The Arkanians must not be expecting any riots anytime soon if they were handing over so many of their problem solvers. Most ecumenopolis riots happened over food, water, or electricity rationing. Unless the Arkanians have some way of ensuring they had a stable food supply or some way of reducing the population, there would always be riots. Very strange, but ultimately not my problem. I doubted that Riot Response killers that were trained for a city planet would be able to adapt to fighting on all possible battlefields.

They would likely make good ship boarding forces, however. "Fifty million sounds like a lot." I chuckled. "Until you see just how many star systems need garrisons. What is that? A few hundred troopers per system?" Another issue, I am willing to bet that casualty rates for these Class Two Riot Response Conscripts would be high. That sort of thing was perfectly fine when there are a million bodies to replace the dead within spitting distance, but when the defenders of a star system numbered in the thousands, each life matters.

"Something like that." Ikud looked somewhat deflated. "A drop in the bucket. It's fine for Mandalorian systems, as local populations have the firepower and equipment to secure a star system by themselves."

"But our new allies are a military liability since they don't have any real military capacity." I concluded. "So you need to secure a navy first and foremost to protect the tiny amount of ground forces."

"Let me worry about that, you just have to deal with helping us as a trainer. Both Arkanian and otherwise. The Arkanians take orders well, but they don't have the Mandalorian fire, as it were. The other CNS member worlds are another matter entirely, most of them view being a soldier as some sort of jobs program, for the unemployed. We need some people to train that fire into them. We've already deployed several regiments of Arkanian clones to the fortress world of Krownest as well as here on Mandalore to be trained since we have the most facilities to house and train them. Some of the regiments were sent to my home world of Ordo and a few were sent to Jakalia and Harwee as they have the least amount of housing capacity. Thankfully all of those worlds have Mando trainers in abundance, so we don't have to supply those units with our own trainers. We just need to send trainers who're familiar with our training style to go to planets that don't have Mandalorians locals."

Looking at the map I noted several locations marked for larger military installations,"Well where are you sending me? Telereth is nice this time of year, apparently." I laughed. Getting the kid to roll her eyes and shake her head.
"No, we do plan to establish a garrison there soon, since they're building the main branch of the CNS Central Bank there. But that's not the planet we're going to be sending you." However, she pointed to an area I recognized, but nowhere near where I'd guessed..

"Taris. The Republic is deploying a garrison there to protect the Hydian Way, and we need to have our own garrison there. Some of them will be Mandalorians, some of them will be from Arkania, but most of the training units will be made up from local Tarisians. My understanding is that you have experience working with foreigners, which makes you the most useful asset for dealing with Taris."

I rubbed my chin, thinking. "I'm not exactly a fan of leaving the Mandalorian sector, I was told that I should not leave, even if the Council of Neutral Systems recognizes Taris as a member. There's a lot of space that's considered Republic between Mandalore and Taris." Not to mention that Taris itself was unique in terms of terrain. Only parts of it have been resettled in the thousands of years since its destruction, leaving most of the planet a ruin that extended higher than the tallest mountain on the planet and descended so far down that when the cooling systems failed, tunnels had melted. All of that was slowly covered over by voracious plant and animal life that had adapted to the ruined environment.

"It's still Republic space — for now." Ikud said with a soft smile. I blinked and looked at her. She continued, saying, "Denova and Vernqup have been in talks to possibly join the CNS. When that happens, we'll have a direct bridge that we can travel to Taris. If you're worried about your security, when that bridge is established, we expect a cascade effect, and small systems all along the Tarisian section of the Hydian Way will flip to the CNS, giving us de facto control of that section of the hyperlane route."

I huffed, that would no doubt drive the Republic mad, I grinned before saying, "I don't see why I should worry about my security. If I have to make one trip there, that's fine. I can do it. It's just that I would like to be able to come back once in a while, you know, be with my family. Which means I would have to come back every so often. Creating a system that someone could catch me in between Taris and Mandalore. As long as you're going to be able to work out some sort of deal to secure a direct route between Mandalore and Taris that will not be interfered with by the Republic, I'd be willing to take up this job."

She smiled and said, "Thank you. You have no idea how hard it has been trying to get these things set up."

"I imagine. I mean, I did fight a war against other Mandalorians in the past." Shaking my head, I said, "How are the plans for defense, anyways? Seems a bit scattered by this map. One large neighborhood of systems, with five distant surrounded enclaves, alone in an angry sea of blue and red."

"Currently, the plan is basic. Ord Mantell will cover Concord Dawn and Alzar. Mandalore's looking after the south and Vanqor. Gargon is basically protecting the route to Taris. Krownest watches the route to the Dentari CIS Exclave and Haruun Kal. We are deploying troops to protect the planets from their homeworld to Mandalore. Ithor can handle themselves. Taris, of course, you've got our plan. We're just going to put some garrisons there. Thespin, they pretty much defended themselves against an invasion from the Dentari Exclave and managed to free themselves of all droids. They've joined us mainly as a way of saying that they are not taking part in this war. Finally Arkania, well, we're deploying troops from some of our Mandalorian Self-Defense Forces to Arkania to train up their own armies to our standard. We're separated, yes, but we do not want war with the Republic. And if the CIS invades us, we can easily move troops to kick them out or at least stall them at Vorpa'ya, allowing us to be a third party in the war if necessary." Ikud cleared her throat as I considered her words. It was not a shock that Arkania was not too worried about a Republic invasion. City planets were near impossible to take if they could not be starved out and Arkania was a net exporter of reconstituted nutrient paste rations. It would not be pleasant, but the pale bastards could likely hold out indefinitely.

"A possible problem are the mercenaries hired by both sides possibly knowing routes in and out of Mandalorian space." Ikud continued.

"Yeah, I've heard. Null is proving to be a bit of an issue for the Republic, thanks to some Mandalorian Protectors, I think they're called." I mused.

She nodded, saying, "Yeah, your cousin is doing a good job. We think he's stationed out of the Dentari CIS exclave, but we also think he probably knows routes all across this region and can get to the CIS through the current defensive lines of the Republic."

"Almost makes me proud if he wasn't bringing a little bit too much attention to Mandalore."

She shrugged before saying, "It evens out. Silver Mandalorian mercs are apparently hot on their tail, trying to cause problems around Dentari space, possibly also taking part in the Belsmuth campaign. We know they're coming from Gargon, but what can we do about that? They're independent contractors, so they're not Mandalore's problem. From the reports we've got, they're acting with good honor, actually taking prisoners where they could, instead of just executions.

We also have a few Royal Guards who took a leave of absence to serve in the protection of Ryloth of all places. Apparently, they bought themselves their own little fleet of fighters from MandalMotors and have been causing hell for the CIS."

I chuckled before saying, "So as long as mercenaries serve for the Republic and the CIS, we could just say we're still neutral because it evens out." Shaking my head, I said, "True Mandalorian way, one way or another."

Surprisingly, the white-skinned Twi'lek laughed before saying, "You're not that far off. I know my homeworld is glad about that."

My raised eyebrow prompted her to continue, "Ordo was in favor of the True Mandalorian way over Death Watch's. Still is, even with Death Watch's recent propaganda victory with the Maelstrom. The True Mandalorians would have been able to work something out with the rising New Mandalorians if they had managed to win the war. Instead, you guys destroyed each other and, well, the past is past."

I nodded before saying, "I'd like to think you're right on that. I've been paying attention to what the New Mandalorians have been up to while I had my current work. From what I've seen, they've done a good job with Mandalore, even if I'm not a big fan of the disarmament. But it seems to be taking care of itself. Silver Mandalorians do a good job of putting some backbone in the New Mandalorians again."

"Ain't that the truth." Ikud said, shaking her head. "Just wish we knew who White Silver was. I have a suspicion that we're not being told the full story whenever I read her version of the Supercommando Codex."

"Oh, anything in particular you've noted? I've always kind of avoided it myself."

She looked up at me before saying, "Economy seems to be the focus of the manual, really. The culture, the ways of defense, they're in there, but the main focus is on the economy. Everything is built on making sure the economy hums along. I don't know, something about that just makes me wonder if White Silver is an economist or has a lot more stake in the economy of the Mandalore sector than we thought."

"Huh." I pondered in my head. "Not sure what it could be. Oh well, I always preferred to stay out of politics. After all, if people want to play Mand'alor, that's up to them. I've done that, and I'm onto something else. Training armies is what I can do. I trained the Clone Army. I can train some recruits on Taris, that's for sure. And who knows, maybe a little bit of Mandalorian would rub off on Taris and be good for it in the long term."

Raxus Secundus, Dooku's Palace
Sev'rance Tann

Carefully and slowly, I walked through my Master's Palace. Having to relearn how to walk with my new prosthetic legs was aggravating, but there was nothing else I could do. I would not submit to the maiming the Jedi had inflicted on me. I had to simply endure this humiliation that had been grafted onto my legs below the knees to replace what had been cut away until a better replacement can be created.

I just wished that I got something that actually looked humanoid. These claw-like things, that had been attached to me in the rush to save my life, looked very cheap and unintuitive to use. Yes, they would allow me to keep moving, but it was very inelegant, inadequate.

How far I had fallen. At the start of the war, I had been one of the most effective military commanders in the entire CIS army. I put the Republic on notice that this war would not be easy. And then some damn lucky Jedi decided to use the Dark side and cut my legs off.

He would have cut me down the middle and killed me if Dooku had not recently shown me some new tricks for directing myself while in midair. Some sort of Jedi technique that he had not been interested in teaching me until after Geonosis. Of course, he started teaching me new techniques after that. You would have to be blind not to notice that something changed after Geonosis.

I had suspected that Count Dooku had wanted this war, yet he may have had goals outside of actually winning it. Whatever that goal was, after Geonosis he started to take more care in his acolytes' training.

Even with that extra training, I nearly died fighting that damn Jedi. If it hadn't been for me getting in his head and making him realize he had used the Dark side to be able to pull that off, I would probably be dead. Instead, he assumed that I would bleed out on the ground and left with his mission accomplished and the Decimator already destroyed.

I managed to crawl into a hiding place so that the clones never found me and finished me off. The only one who found me was my love, Vandalor, and he helped me get off that Core world I was going to die on.

At that point, I had a choice. I could return to the war or I could not. After all, I was reported dead by the Jedi who took off my legs. It was a reasonable decision considering the planet we had been fighting on was rather volcanic, and if I didn't get aid sooner or later, I would have been rendered a smoldering husk or get found by a passing clone as there are not that many places to hide.

Ultimately, though, I decided to return. I required months of therapy before I could even function as a combat agent again. Until then, my role would be limited to commanding from the backline and formulating strategic plans.

Count Dooku hadn't explained to me what this meeting I had to attend would be about, but I would assume it would be for the next phase of the war. If he was actually taking it seriously, perhaps we would actually accomplish something instead of this back and forth stalemate.

Oh well, the destruction of the Jedi would come in due time, that I was sure of. I just needed to be in the proper place to make sure that I benefited from this in the long term.

I eventually reached my destination and waited for the two Magnaguards to open the door. I step in as soon as the door is opened where I am immediately assaulted by comments.

"Oh my, is that a Force ghost that just walked in?" came the voice of Dooku's number one assassin, Ventress. The Dathomiri gave me a look of contempt, I suspect it was because of my former title as Count Dooku's favored acolyte. From what I heard after my defeat, that title had been taken by a fallen Jedi who was leading a force of other fallen Jedi somewhere in the galaxy, but it probably did not matter to Ventress.

I had no interest in playing her cat game today. Normally, I might have indulged her, for after all, I enjoy a good contest of words as much as the next person, perhaps even more so. But this was my first return to military high command, so I could not afford to appear unstable.

"Rumors of my death have appeared to be exaggerated." I said dismissively as I took a seat . Looking around the room I try to determine exactly who had been called for this meeting. Whoever was here would probably hint on exactly what kind of meeting this was. For instance, if several of the notable military generals were here, then this was obviously a military coordination.If only Darksiders were here, obviously this was a meeting about the Dark Order that Count Dooku planned to create.

Unfortunately, this was an odd mix of individuals. Ventress, of course, was here, myself included, which could indicate Darksiders. But then there was the monster of a creature in one corner, a giant in armor that bore the symbol of Mandalorians on its chest. This must be that Durge fellow I've heard about. From what I knew, he was just a mercenary, so why was he here? And what secrets from an ancient era did he still possess?

The final individual was a cyborg, a machine man that barely qualified as a cyborg, considering he was almost entirely machine. I had heard of this new officer in the CIS military, one General Grievous, I believed the name would be.

He had capes hiding most of his form, but the helmet displayed a skull-like design, and his visible feet made it clear what he was.

"Quite a diverse lineup of individuals." I mused, looking around.

"Quite indeed." The giant of a man, Durge, followed it with a low grinding, laughing noise. "Must be some sort of major shake-up, or maybe we are just the most loyal officers he's got available."

"Loyal? How are you considered loyal?" Asked Ventress, who was looking at him amused. "You're nothing but a mercenary, not even an acolyte of the Dark side."

"Hahaha, anything that lets me kill Mandalorians earns my loyalty. The money is just a bonus. Not to mention, Count Dooku has helped me acquire my old fortune, so I have more than a few reasons to be loyal to him."

Ventress did not look pleased, but I nodded in his direction. "If your loyalty is secured, then good. And from the reports I received, your tactics were just as legendary as your reputation in the defense of Muunilinst from the Republic. That lancer formation and charge was quite inspiring."

The mercenary looked at me, his thoughts hidden by his helmet, but he nodded, silently saying that it's nothing too inspired; it's simply an old technique that's not used in modern days. "So much of war seems to have been forgotten over the last thousand years."

"Yes, I've heard you're quite old." I said with an odd smile. "Perhaps you should look into taking a teaching position at whatever military academy is founded after this conflict. Your years and centuries of experience could be quite beneficial for the next generation of military commanders."

That got a general laugh from the man as he said, "Me, a teacher? Never! That's a funny thought, and I'm sure I'd make a good penny." he said, rubbing his fingers together. "But I enjoy the hunt, the fight of bounty hunting, more than sitting behind a desk. Maybe when the last Mandalorian lies smoldering in his grave, I'll consider that if the CIS is still around in a thousand years."

I raised an eyebrow, saying, "That confident in your survival?"

The creature looked at me with a tone in his voice that said he had all the confidence in the world. He said, "I have taken precautions, maybe I'll even tell you about some of them when you're half my age."

I nodded my head, about to ask another question to fill the time, when the doors behind me opened. Count Dooku and another individual stepped in, the elder Sith looking rather splendid in his brown cloak, followed by a short female individual dressed in white cloak, her face hidden in the shadows.

"Ah, everyone is here. Perfect, we can get started right away." Count Dooku said. "General Sev'rance Tann, it's good to see you back on your feet."

Whoever said Count Dooku does not have a sense of humor never met the man. He always found a way to slip in just a little bit of amusement to some situation.

Smiling, I replied, "It is good to be back, Count, even if these," I lifted one of the claw-like appendages and clicked it before lowering it again, "are not exactly what I would have chosen."

Dooku nodded his head before saying, "I will put in a message with the Techno Union about maybe getting you a replacement that more closely matches your original limbs. Unfortunately, most prosthesis production lines are being repurposed for droid production at the moment. Thus you'll have to make do with what you have for now."

I nodded as Dooku and the other individual moved further into the room.

Ventress asked, "Are the Dark Acolytes going to join us, or is this meeting just for us five?"

Dooku sighed before saying, "Master Bulq will not be joining us. He is needed in his position and he does not know everything yet. This meeting is for those I have chosen, those who are loyal, those I trust enough to keep secrets as well as stay the course for the CIS and our goals."

As I thought, this was some high-level operation that he was working on, something that he wanted only the best and most loyal officers for.

"General Grievous is here, as he recently returned from operations at the Battle of Bothawui. We've learned much about the Republic's response time and how they handle our various probing attacks. Using this information, we are preparing for a general offensive at the end of the year, thanks to those actions."

"Didn't he get his ship blown up again?" Durge asked, which caused Grievous to growl at him somewhat menacingly.

"An unfortunate miscalculation, I assure you it will not happen a third time." Grievous replied. I highly doubt that. He is an army general and is more familiar with army tactics than naval strategy and his performance speaks for itself.

Dooku continued, "Back to the topic at hand, before we can launch this attack, we need to stack the odds in our favor. We recently engaged in a raid on Kamino, the cloner's homeworld. As far as we can tell, though we were unsuccessful in our objectives, the fleet around Kamino has not been greatly increased. Instead, they've tried putting warning systems around their planet to let them know if we're coming. Grievous believes that he can silence them and get a fleet over Kamino to destroy the planet's main city and their cloning facilities before they can bring a fleet to respond. As such, I believe it would be best to have some of my best operatives on this mission."

"Oh, I'm going to enjoy this." Came the menacing voice of Grievous as he leaned forward, clasping his hands in front of him.

"I imagine you will, good sir. I imagine you will." Dooku said. "You will be leading the charge. Your objective, of course, will be to cause as much destruction and mayhem as possible, something I believe you are quite capable of doing."

The menacing laugh was the answer to that. Turning to Ventress, Dooku said, "As for you, my assassin, we are engaging in another project to perhaps acquire our own clone army in the future, or at least damage their production of clones. Your mission would be to acquire their source gene material."

"It will be done, my master." Ventress said with a nod of her head. But I had a question, so I asked it.

"Would it not be better just to locate Jango Fett and capture him? After all, if you eliminate his contract with the Kaminoans, they can simply get a new source of genetic material from him."

Dooku nodded his head before saying, "It would but it would also create additional problems as well. Jango Fett has tied his hands to Mandalore officially, taking a role in their military from some of the reports I have heard on the matter. Meaning, he's neutral. Kamino may reach out to him to obtain new samples, but we will put political pressure on Mandalore, demanding that they do not allow him to provide them with those resources. If they ignore our wishes, it will create justification for an invasion by the CIS, and they will lose their pretense of neutrality."

The laugh of Durge told us everything we needed to know about what he wanted to say. The number of times he had expressed his desire to kill Mandalorians made it clear that if the Republic did that, he would volunteer to lead the assault into Mandalorian territory, probably with the goal of killing Jango Fett himself.

I simply nodded, taking in the information, and said, "I assume that my role will be as the fleet's admiral, providing naval support to those conducting the operation on the ground."

Dooku nodded his head. "Yes, that will be your role. You show promise as a lightsaber combatant, but until you have mastered control of your new legs, I feel it's best not to push you too far."

"Thank you, my Lord." I said with an odd thought. Though I disliked being pulled back like this, I know better than to fight while injured when I don't have to.

"When will the attack be allowed to go forward? I'm feeling the urge to test myself against the Jedi." Grievous asked.

"Don't test yourself too hard, Grievous. The Jedi are not someone to fool around with." I said, already having learned that lesson after pushing one a little too far.

Dooku noticed my sniping, but didn't say much. Instead, turning to Grievous, he said, "I believe two to three months from now. It'll take time to gather our assets for the assault. Once everything's in place, we will launch an attack on Kamino."

"I assume this is off the books, that the Senate doesn't need to know about it. Otherwise, you wouldn't be keeping this so close to your chest." Grievous remarked.

Dooku nodded, saying, "You are correct. With a representative of the CNS now speaking for peace here in CIS space, I believe it is best to keep this between us. We do not want the Republic to be forewarned of our impending assault, especially with this representative's sister being a Republic senator."

I nodded in understanding as Dooku turned away from Grievous to face the rest of the group, "Now that everyone understands the situation, you are now dismissed."

Grievous, Ventress, and I all nodded our heads and turned to leave. I started as well, but I could feel something in the Force telling me that I would not be allowed to leave yet. And I was proven right as Dooku said, "Sev'rance, a moment of your time. I have another issue to discuss with you."

I nodded as the three left the room. Dooku sat down behind his personal desk, indicating that the robed individual who had remained quiet this entire time should take a stance at one side of his desk.

"As you're aware, I am building a new Sith order here in the Outer Rim. And we are more willing to experiment with the Force than the Jedi are." Dooku began. I nodded my head.

Raising his hand, he indicated the white figure, saying, "I have acquired an apprentice. Unfortunately I cannot maintain a full-time apprentice like I could before, due to the needs of the state. You require time to recover from your injuries. Thus, while you do, she will serve well as your apprentice, a temporary intern if you will."

The term "acquired" was interesting, avoiding how exactly he obtained her. Did he ask the parents for permission first or was she kidnapped? The fact that she was not locked up would suggest that she was too young to remember her parents or had willingly joined their service. Seeing that she appeared to be around five feet tall, I would say she would have to be at least a teenager, so it was more likely she had willingly come into their service.

I thought for a brief moment about saying no. After all, I had no need for a student taking up my valuable time. Perhaps I was relegated to a mere general until he decided I am better than the new one. Perhaps this was a way to ingratiate myself back into his line of control.

Finally, I nodded in my head, saying, "I will take up this student for you, my Lord, and train her in our ways. What is her name?"

"Her name is Tan'Nya Zotho." As he said that, the hooded figure pulled back their hood, revealing that she was not what I would have expected. I wasn't too shocked as her last name was a giveaway that she was of Arkanian origin. So is the white skin, white hair, and pointed ears. However, the blue eyes seemed off. They appeared very dull and cold, not in the sense that she has low intelligence, but in the sense that she considers life itself as something beneath her notice, as if she had seen more than she should. Perhaps she had been taken by force after all, and this was the effect of her training required to bring them to the Dark side.

She said nothing, so I gave no statements to her. I simply said, "Is there anything else you would wish me to do?"

Dooku pondered for a moment before saying, "I've been having another issue that you may be able to help me with. The Mandalorian Protectors have been doing a good job in their offensive, but I believe they should be brought into the operation on Kamino."

I raised an eyebrow at that and asked, "Do you think it's safe to deploy them next to Durge?"

"I think they will serve their purpose, and Grievous will be too busy in his section of the city causing mayhem to do what's necessary. The leader of the Mandalorian Protectors is a former clone. Apparently, he escaped Kamino long ago and wants to free his brothers.

I doubt he will be very successful, but his part in this operation would be kidnapping the young cadets that are already in training, the ones who appear to be children. The only issue I'm having is that they're currently indisposed in their own little skirmish with the Silver Mandalorians, a core of Mandalorian volunteers, hired by the Republic. I need you to track down Spar Fett and remind him of his obligations to the CIS and get him on the mission."

I nodded my head, saying, "It will be done."

Mandalore, Royal Palaces, Ducal Stateroom
Satine Kryze

"If every Jedi acted like you, the war would be lost!" Anakin Skywalker argued with the recently arrived former Jedi, Serifa Altunen, elected Lord Protector of Arkania. "Say what you like about following your conscience, but if we divide our forces, the Trade Federation will win." Serifa, Anakin, Padme, and I were settled in comfortable chairs in one of the many staterooms rooms that dotted my palace.

"I don't see the value in winning this war." Serifa said softly, her face impassive, perfectly imperious, and perhaps a bit condescending.

"Why not?!" Anakin asked with genuine bafflement. "Look, if you think that the Republic has strayed from the path of benevolence and wisdom, that is one thing, but governance via battle droids is quite another."

"Would you force us into this war? Drive Mandalorians to battle with Dooku?" I asked.

"Of course not." Anakin waved a hand. "Mandalorians and Jedi are different."

"I have left the Order, I thought I made that clear." Serifa said with the slightest hint of frustration coloring her tone.

"Left the Order to become a Jedi Lord. I get that, but still a Jedi. You still have responsibilities to fight against the illegal war Dooku is conducting." Anakin said, his words slow and careful.

"I am not a Jedi Lord." Serifa protested. "I am just a lord who happens to be a Jedi. I have no desire to institute an outdated system like the Jedi Lords in my homeworld."

"But everyone is calling you a Jedi Lord." Padme pointed out.

"I can't be held responsible for the insipid accusations of the willfully ignorant." Serifa replied testily.

"I agree, the Republic Senate and media have openly called me Mand'alor several times even after I said otherwise. It is deeply offensive how the Republic misrepresents the rightful leaders of Neutral System worlds on purpose." I pointed out before taking a sip of my drink.

"Exactly, not to mention the gall of the Republic to vote on the invasion of the Neutral Systems solely upon the actions of Death Watch and a rogue Jedi!" Serifa snapped.

"Technically, it was a vote to invade Mandalore. Your planet just wanted to join the party." Anakin said.

"Another pointless and immoral vote. Another reason why I have rejected both the Republic and the Senate." Serifa continued. "I follow the Force, not the Council, and not the petty laws of the Republic. I serve the people, not the Senate, and I will make peace, not war." The Arkanian said with a conviction that gave me goosebumps.

"Here here!" I agreed cheerfully, holding up a fine glass of Arkanian sweet milk, a type of creamy mead that was rich and strong enough to put a blush on my cheeks. I watched with amusement as Padme joined Serifa and I in the toast, much to the annoyance of Anakin.

"We can't all afford to be idealists." Anakin grumbled.

"We cannot lose our ideals either." Serifa said softly, showing a crack in her armor for the first time.

"We could always have a battle droid blast everything we care about to bits." Anakin said in what I assume to be sarcasm as he drummed a cybernetic hand across a rather expensive table.

"Do you really care about winning this war?" Serifa asked.

"Of course." Anakin replied instantly.


Anakin threw up his hands. "What do you mean, why?!"

"Perhaps you should examine your path, commune with the Force to come up with a better answer to that question." Serifa said, earning a bewildered grunt from Anakin as he shook his head.

"You won't reconsider?" Anakin asked, his expression one of sour defeat.

"No." Serifa said as she stood up from her seat. I looked at her with growing melancholy at how this conversation is progressing, helpless to change its course. "I have considered the matter for a long time with great care."

"You swore an oath." Anakin said bitterly.

"Then I am forsworn." Serifa shrugged. "But I must say, I don't feel it much." With a smooth motion, she unclasped her fine cloak from her shoulders and folded it before passing it gently to Anakin, who took it with a sigh.

"Your lightsaber." He pressed. Even sitting down, I felt a pressure of command with his order.

"No." Came the reply as Serifa sat back down.

"You are not a Jedi!" He protested, his eyes turning wet.

"So you say. And yet, my people might yet need a lightsaber to defend them, one wielded by someone who has not forsaken the Force." Serifa dismissed him, her face set in cool marble.

Anakin pushed his chair back as he stood, turning away from Serifa and holding the cloak close to him. "I will have to tell Master Yoda that you are a lost cause." He said bitterly. "You are not to speak to my Padawan." With that, he stormed out of the room. Padme gave us both a pained look before excusing herself and quickly rushing after the clearly upset Jedi.

The room fell into silence as Serifa seemed to stare into nothingness for a moment, looking at the door that Anakin just stormed out of.

"That must have been difficult." I offered my sympathies.

"It had to be done." Serifa sounded resolved.

"We have to stand as an example." I began. "So that the entire galaxy can see that there is still peace to be found, to be cherished." Serifa nodded and took a long drink from her cup.

"Our imperfect people?" She laughed to herself. "Why did it have to be us?"

"Mandalorians know war." I said. "I know it better than most."

"And my people are a twisted lot." Serifa said to her glass.

"But we love them anyway." Serifa seemed to nod softly, turning to me and then away again.

"By the Force, politics drives me mad." Serifa said, blinking as I leaned over to refill her glass with the lovely Arkanian mead.

"You don't have to go it alone." I pointed out.

"I still don't know if we will manage this, you know. The Republic, the CIS, the entire galaxy seems to be falling for the madness of war. Letting it twist them into something terrible. Can our sinful people truly be what the galaxy needs of them?"

"Yes." I said, and her milky white eyes turned to my own at my swift answer. "If we have faith in them, if we lead them with dignity and honesty, if we never surrender our principles no matter how difficult the road becomes, I believe we will succeed." She nodded, her cheeks rosy from the mead. I refilled both of our glasses again.

"I just wish anyone had followed me." Serifa admitted softly.

"Leaving the Order is such a difficult thing." I said with sympathy, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. "But who knows who we will inspire tomorrow." I noted how close the two of us suddenly were, but after taking another sip of the creamy mead, I found I did not mind that so much.

Coruscant, Jedi Temple

Obi-Wan Kenobi

"Is there no way to talk Master Altunen into coming back into the Order? No way at all?" I asked, trying to clarify it for record purposes.

Anakin shook his head, his form shimmering as the light blue holo-projector buffered, before saying, "I'm afraid not, Master. I did everything I could, but she is stubbornly against returning to the Order, stubbornly against joining the war, and stubbornly denies that she has turned her back on the Order. She also refuses to hand over her lightsaber, even though that is tradition among those who leave the Order."

I sighed, shaking my head before saying, "Well, I'm sure you did the best you could, Anakin. That's all we can ask in this situation. How about the reason you're there in the first place, the Mandalorian Self-Defense Force? Have you found anything of interest among them that the Council needs to know about?"

Anakin shrugged before saying, "Nothing too interesting as far as I can see. Most of the training that the Mandalorians are imparting on their army here is defensive in nature. Without a meaningfully large fleet with a large transport capacity, they don't pose any threat to the Republic. I did not find anything that contradicted the reports given by Tanya and Satine. So I can safely say that they aren't preparing to launch campaigns to nearby planets to force them to join them, like what the CIS are doing. It really looks like they're just preparing to fight a war of mutual defense. As I have said to the Council, I sense great wisdom from the Mandalorians in this matter."

I nodded my head, holding back a smile, Anakin had become rather protective of the Mandalorians after the Council had questioned their intentions. He was clearly picking his words carefully, so they would appeal to the Council. I thought for a moment longer before saying, "In one way, this is good, and in another, this is bad. If we were all united, we could probably end this war quicker. However, perhaps this will be good for preventing planets from joining one side or the other in the war. We could convince the Council of the value of funneling systems considering secession into the CNS to prevent them from falling under Dooku's control."

"It's the best we can do." Anakin said with a nod, before adding, "I have noted, though, that we Jedi aren't exactly welcomed among the Mandalorian trainers. I think a good portion of them remember the conflicts in the past and aren't exactly happy to have us around." I sensed some trepidation from Anakin, like he was hiding something, perhaps wanting to say more but thinking better of it.

I raised an eyebrow before saying, "What about the concerns the Council has that the MSDF has been infiltrated by Death Watch?" I sensed that Anakin was suddenly off center, sheepish and faintly guilty.

But he shook his head. "I do not believe there is any meaningful Death Watch presence in the MSDF. But I assume whoever becomes the permanent military observer will probably have to keep an eye on such possibilities."

I nodded, debating what I would put in my report. Then I said, "The Council will be happy to hear your estimates but unhappy with the possibilities." Truthfully, the Council had been rather worried about Satine's growing military capabilities, and Anakin's open praise of Satine's government only fed into the Council's fears. The Mandalorians were not democratic, they did not even want to be democratic and the elections they held were merely pageantry for the Republic. Despite my... feelings for Satine, even I knew that.

"Right," Anakin said before souring my mood, "I hope they won't go too hard on how they've taken the information about Tanya."

I do my best to hide my grimace. "They were… contemplative. Master Windu was perhaps my greatest critic, not undeservedly so. However, Yoda seemed to be more sympathetic and even amused the entire time. He might have already suspected; he is the wisest of us all." Shaking my head, I said, "Ultimately, they have decided to table the discussion of this matter until after the war. Though their current conclusion is that the way I've handled the situation is well within the Code. I have a family, but I have not let it cloud my judgment. Nor have I cultivated any attachment to them. Granted, I did not know I had a family until recently, which is why they've tabled it until the end of the war. The council has resolved to meditate upon the situation."

"Well, at least they're not kicking you out right now, and they're giving you a chance to make it right." Anakin mused.

I raised an eyebrow as I looked at Anakin, "Implying that if you can get away with it long enough and prove that you can get away with it, they'll let it pass, is not exactly the best way to deal with your own situation, Anakin."

"Seems to be working out so far." Anakin conceded with a grin that dismissed any hope I had that he was truly listening to me. "Though I do wonder if you've had a chance to speak to Tanya since you found out that you're her father."

My left eye twitched as I smiled. "I am not avoiding her." I lied matter-of-factly, before adding, "I did try to get in contact with her recently. Unfortunately, she had already left for the Mandalorian sector, and I was unable to speak with her last month."

Anakin inquired, "Have you tried since then?" raising an eyebrow, which got an annoyed grumble from me.

"No." I admitted. "We've been busy, and I will be shipped out in the next few days for another front. It is a war, after all, and I do not have the luxury to look into my family situation. There are planets at stake."

Anakin nodded, seeming to understand the gravity of my situation, "Well, that may be true, but there are still a few days in that time period. You could give it a try. "

I sighed, shaking my head, before saying, "Anakin, I don't feel like having this discussion tonight."

He smiled, indicating he knew he had won this one, but he simply said, "Alright, Master. Just don't forget your duties, and I will get back to mine. My time on Mandalore is ending soon, and I'll be returning to the front with Ashoka. As much as I have enjoyed the vacation, I feel like I should be out there with the 501st fighting the good fight."

I nodded before saying, "You'll have your chance to get back out there, and your Padawan will have to learn what it means to fight this war again."

Anakin mused, "Yeah, I think Yoda might have had something to his mad scheme there." Before I could say my farewells, Anakin added, "By the way, have you considered taking on another Padawan? I mean, I turned out alright, and taking on a Padawan may be a way to show that you are able to do your duties still, even with a family."

I replied, "That's an interesting idea. Though I have not thought too deeply on taking on another apprentice And I don't think I will for tonight. I need to get some sleep."

"Goodnight, Master."

"Good night, Anakin."

Writer's note: And there we have what I called the CIS chapter. A chapter where we focused on the CIS and what is going on with Dooku. Learning what exactly he and his staff are up to. The Legends fans have probably already figured out what the big thing is there. Building forces up for sure, but I won't spoil what it is exactly. We also got some Obi-Wan time, some Korkie time, some commie time, some Satine time, and some Jango time. Really, this chapter is packed.

Please comment, review, and generally enjoy yourselves…

Edited by: Aemon, Fallqm, Guardsman Pius, MeowATron9000, Afforess, Warmach1ne32, BatAzr
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Chapter 57, 717 FNM (21 BBY) Month 5
Chapter 57
717 FNM (21 BBY) Month 5

Mandalore, Beneath Sundari, The Living Waters
Taylor Palatine

"Quiet on set!" A producer yelled, hushing the nervous chatter from nearby staff.

Never in my life did I think my acting career would be this successful. From small plays and indie holos on Coruscant. Sure, my first big production didn't exactly go how I hoped... my parents almost stopped talking to me.

Now, the Silver Mandalorian was my ticket to cast my name in holo media history, and it was so much fun to do! The Mandalorians have taught me a lot, from how to fight and how to speak their language. Once I learned how to read Mando'a, I started to read the Silver Codex, to get a better idea on who the character I am portraying is like. And I found the Silver Codex fascinating, I was reading up on all sorts of interesting Mandalorian history in my free time. The more I read, the deeper I wanted to go, fascinated by these stories that actually happened. I wish more people would read the Silver Codex and pick up a book or an audio-holo to learn more of this.

The stories contained many Mandalorian heroes and villains that influenced the galaxy in their day, but I was surprised at how hostile my family and the Coruscanti often could be regarding Mandalorian culture. Mandalorian barbarians and warlords certainly threatened the galaxy once, but they have passed into history and their tales were still a good source of history and entertainment.

Such entertainment was being made with another scene for the latest episode: The Red Menace.

White Silver herself was here to watch me. I surreptitiously checked on her again, she was standing near Director Khip, with another male Silver Mandalorian as her shadow. The scene was written to show White Silver visiting the religious cults of Concordia during their pilgrimage to the Living Waters on Mandalore who she needed to recruit to aid her against the Red Communists of Anteevy.

However, the Concordians were skeptical of White Silver. She was accused of not being a real Mandalorian — never having taken the Creed nor bathed in the waters of the Old Mines beneath Sundari. So with Concordian locals as witnesses, I played the part of White Silver as she descended into the Living Waters to perform the ceremony.

In person, the Living Waters were as majestic and magical as I heard it would be. Since traveling to the Mandalorian Sector, I had seen many wondrous things, but nothing as captivating or otherworldly as the Living Waters. A local actor had shown me just how magical it was by taking a cup of the water and pouring it back in... The way the water was excited by the reunion — that mystical pulse of energy. It just felt so alive!

Once I was done reminiscing, I stretched a little bit to get ready for my part . We were outside the entrance to the Living Waters. A band of local Mandalorian actors were posing as the Cult of Mandalore, with their leader who is titled as "The Armorer" standing at the head of the tribe in her predetermined place. Dressed in a stylized gold Mandalorian helmet with embedded ivory going down the jawline, it made the wearer seem as if they were empowered with the tusks of a Mythosaur. The Armorer was also wearing a real beskar torso and armored kilt. To complete the look there was a toolbelt, strapped holding all kinds of forging tools. And as I learned in many of my sparring fights, in the right hands even tools can be incredibly dangerous.

"Cameras rolling! Standby!" The producer announced.

Here we go.

Director Khip raised one of his four arms, "Aaand… Action!"

"White Silver," The Armorer began, "although you have requested the aid of the tribes of Concordia in the fight against the Red Devils of Anteevy, 'one does not speak unless one knows'. We shall not hear your words, for you are an Apostate. Your words are a foreign wind we will not understand, for you have never taken the Creed, thus do not walk The Way. For you to take command of the Children of Mandalore, you must be redeemed."

"So, to be heard, to be redeemed in the eyes of your tribe, I must take the Creed?" I asked.

The Armorer nodded, "This is The Way."

"This is The Way!" The tribe behind her chanted.

I tilted my head, "How do I proceed?"

The Armorer stepped forward, passing by me, instead gesturing to the entrance of the mines. "Here lies the Living Waters of Mandalore. The songs of eons past tell of its time as a lair for mighty Mythosaur. Our first leader, Mandalore the Great, battled with the beast and defeated it before taming it. It is from these legends that the skull signet was adopted and became the symbol of our planet."

She turned to look at me, "You are to descend into the waters and recite the Creed. Only then may you be redeemed. Are you ready?"

I nodded, "I am ready."

"Then we may begin." The Armorer replied.

Tribal drums began to beat a beastly tune, hammering into my soul. A procession began to form, actors dressed in the ceremonial garb of the Cult tribe, carrying war banners with many different clan signets, with the Mythosaur-skulled Armorer leading them all. As we started to make our way through the tunnel, with me at the head, camera-drones followed us ahead and behind the parade to cover multiple angles. Reaching the chamber, I was to continue onward; carefully, I moved down the stone steps into the water. The Armorer stopped at the top, staying behind while the tribe spread out around the edges of the stone staircase into the water.

I continued down the steps until I was waist deep. Turning around, the drums stopped as the Armorer began speaking in a low tone.

"I swear on my name and the names of the Ancestors…" She recited.

With a little improvisation on my side, I respond back in Mando'a for the audience to experience it, "I swear on my name and the names of the ancestors..."

"That I shall walk the Way of the Mand'alor..."

"That I shall walk the Way of the Mand'alor..."

"And the words of the Creed shall be forever forged in my heart."

"And the words of the Creed shall be forever forged in my heart."

Stepping forward, the Armorer produced a bowl, scooping up some of the Living Waters. In one quick motion, she poured the contents over my helmet.

"This is The Way…" The Armorer recited.

And I responded, "This is The Way."

"This is The Way!" The tribe echoed in the background, almost a cheer.

I moved to step out of the Living Waters, to address the crowd of Mandalorians.

"The faithless Red Horde of communism, and their Separatist masters are poised to strike at the heart of all Mandalorians! Their heresy-filled clanless ideology would purge our histories, their parasitical leader salivates over the conquest of the sector! Over conquest of what it means to be Mandalorian! They preach pretty lies, promising peace and prosperity, but their actions reveal themselves. This includes repeated attempts to assassinate Princess Tanya Kryze, and their many efforts to corrupt the Prince with their poisonous words! Turning our own people against our rightful leader. Turning New Mandalorians into hypocritical communist!

Now rebuffed in deeds and words, the Reds plot to evade justice behind legal protections, dragging in the beskar'ad loving CIS into invading our home, our culture. We shall sally forth to meet them, to show them that the warm winds they sow will be rebuffed by the whirlwind of FOUR THOUSAND YEARS worth of strength. The Heretical traitors will know what being Mandalorian really is!"

The tribal background actors began clanging their beskar vambraces together in cheer.

Raising my fist, "For Mandalore."

"For Mandalore!" The crowded tribe members echoed the cry back, the acoustics in the old mine were heartracing.

"For Mandalore!" I repeated the cry again, in awe of the majesty of the sound of our voices across the Living Waters.

"FOR MANDALORE!!!" The wall of sound was almost a physical blow. The response of the tribe was less an echo and more the roar, as if from a majestic beast.

There was a pause, before, "CUT!" was announced. Suddenly, I was surprised at the amount of sweat working my way through my armored costume.

There was another pause before the Producer, sounding unsure of his own voice, "O-okay… that's a wrap, everybody." When the call echoed down the tunnel, I relaxed, pulling off my silver helm I brushed my hair a little. The ends were slightly damp, but I was quickly distracted as the actress playing the Armorer approached me with her helmet off as well, Ms. Mara Talik, I think her name was. When Khip asked the Armorsmith Guild for anyone who wanted to play the part of the Armorsmith, Ms. Mara volunteered. According to her, she runs an armor shop in Keldabe, here on Mandalore.

She grinned, and a strange light seemed to dance in her eyes, "Well done, kid." She offered a hand, which I accepted. I paused and tried to find words to capture the moment, looking for words to describe the emotions — I almost expected to visibly discern them in the air around me for a moment.

Ms. Talik's excitement spilled over my thoughts. "Dank farrik! That was incredible to watch up close, if that was not fictional, it would've gone into the history books for sure." She playfully punched my shoulder, "Still, something else might be recorded into history, if accidentally. Either way, congratulations kid, and let me be the first to welcome you. You're one of us, now." She smirked in a knowing way.

I hesitated, "What do you mean?"

She was interrupted in her reply when a background actor called her over, so she waved at me with a disarming smile and walked away. That was strange, but I decided to let it go, I figured I'd go talk to White Silver some more. It was fascinating to listen to her talk, to get a gleam inside her head so that I might reproduce it on holo. As I moved to go see the set crew, and more importantly, White Silver, the other Mandalorian actors came up to me. Some congratulated me, some shook my hand, others patted my shoulder, and some did all three.

Okay, that was weird. I know the scene I just did was awesome, but did it really need that kind of response? Then White Silver came into view, along with her second and Khip, who were reviewing the footage with pleased expressions, before noticing me and waved me over. White Silver was wearing a heavy brown poncho with a hood up. Her characteristic silver helm was hidden beneath, apparently she was wanted on Mandalore by some New Mandalorians that were not a fan of her, so she came disguised.

Khip grinned, "You've done me and my career proud, Taylor. That was a most exciting piece of footage, one of the best I have ever filmed! The ratings and credits will go through the roof after we release this."

"Thanks." I agreed, still too giddy with that strange and exciting energy to answer more eloquently., "It was... a thrill to do it." I swallowed and got my nerves under control. "How about you, Ms. Silver? Was it to your liking?"

She nodded, "Impressive, most impressive."

"Great... Hey, can I ask you a private question?" She tilted her helmet in, I guessed, curious confusion then gestured to follow her away from the film crew.

Once we were a distance away, she spoke, "Ask away, Ms. Palatine."

My tongue felt heavy, "After the scene ended, Ms. Talik said something strange. 'You're one of us, now.' Afterward, the other Mandalorians started congratulating me. I thought it was because of the scene, but maybe you could explain this Mandalorian behavior for me."

She chuckled. "I think it has something to do with the fact that this scene has now changed your life and public image forever."

I raised an eyebrow, still confused, "I don't understand."

"Although it was stage-managed and manufactured for an action show, the requirements of the ceremony were met. From here on, you are no longer only Taylor Palatine the actor, you are now Taylor Palatine the Mandalorian, truly and genuinely one of us."

My eyes bulged out once I comprehended her words, "Wait, what?! I thought it was just that; acting..."

She shook her head, "You bathed in the Living Waters and recited the creed. You were acting, but you were also sincere in intent. By all rights, in the eyes of the Manda, and in the eyes of the people, you are one of us now. You are Mandalorian. Credibility to the title is also aided by the fact that you know how to fight as a Mandalorian, how to speak our true tongue, and study our history.

There's a reason the Children of Mandalore say we are not a race. We are a creed, a culture. And now, that culture and history rightfully belongs to you, as it does to me, should you continue to accept it."

I was lost for any meaningful words, "O-oh — Wow, just… wow."

White Silver tilted her head, "Do you not want the title of being called Mandalorian?"

"N-no, just… I didn't think too hard about the implications of doing this scene, that I woke today as just an actress and will go to bed tonight a Mandalorian. But somehow... somehow, it just feels fitting. Like it was meant to be."

White Silver laughed softly, and her next words were sarcastic, "A Jedi would say, 'This is the will of the Force at work.'"

I laughed too, "Wait until my family hears about this, my siblings will not believe their sister is now a Mandalorian!"

We both shared another laugh, then White Silver spoke again, "Well, you can tell them that you are welcomed to Mandalore as your homeland. But perhaps we can take this a step further, and charge at this full speed." I looked at her curiously, unsure at what she meant. "In adherence to my Codex, no Mandalorian should be without their Beskar." My eyes started to enlarge again as I put together what she was saying.

"If you are truly committed to becoming a Mandalorian, then as a thank you for your contributions to the sector through your work, I will sponsor the creation of your own personal set of quality beskar armor. For you to wear in your day-to-day life, if you so choose it."

Before I could stop myself, I was giving the White Silver a tight hug.

"STARS! That would be so wizard! Thank you!" I repeated the praise a few times while holding her.

She seemed to be thrown off guard, as she patted me awkwardly.

"There are some conditions, though." She stated.

"Like what?"

"Are you familiar with Mandalorian color theory?"

I shrugged, "A little, only skimmed it to understand a part of a previous episode we made."

"Study it more closely tonight, then look at yourself and what you want out of life, so that we may customize your armor as such. The color choices are not a fashion choice, but a statement of how you live your life. Afterward, submit your choices to my droid, S4, and we may begin." She paused in thought again, "Oh, and what signet would you like to wear?"

I went a little red, moving one arm sheepishly and rubbed the back of my head, "Is it alright if I choose your emblem?" Pointing to the four-winged symbol emblazoned on my costume armor.

After a pause, she nodded gently, "I don't see why not."

21 BBY Month 6
Coruscant, Mandalore Tower
Tanya Kryze

Peace really was an illusion — even more so when it comes to Coruscant. Every day, news about the war would regularly come in, but Coruscant seemed frozen in perpetual peacetime, desperately presenting this false image as if it demonstrated strength, just chugging along like it had for centuries. There were few visible changes or reforms, despite that six months ago there had been a minor intrusion or invasion, depending on the way you look at it. It could even be considered an insurrection, a portion of the underworld population that keeps the city running sided with the droids, attacking installations across the planet.

I noticed all these problems, but otherwise tried to suppress my anxiety concerning Coruscant's fragility, this was beyond my concern. No, my concern was maintaining Mandalorian dominance when it comes to peaceful negotiations. And what dominance it had become! I had never realized it, but I had been fighting the political battles of the era with one hand behind my back as a representative. Previously, I had to run every proposal through Merrik and hoped that he would follow my advice. Now I'm the senator — I had essentially cut out the middle-man; I now hold sway over what Mandalore could vote on.

It was not like I could end the war with a snap of my fingers, as I was just one senator amongst many. However, the control I now had was ten times the control I had before. Before as a mere Representative, signing my name to a bill meant nothing on its own. Now as a Senator, my name and actions carried political weight and authority. Authority that I was more than eager to use for Mandalore's and my own benefit.

I wasn't trying to be the most corrupt individual in the entire galaxy — my own self-interest was also in the mutual interest of Mandalore. I also wasn't going to blatantly abuse my authority. I would never be foolish enough to sign off on something that would immediately see dividends sent directly to companies that worked closely with Mandel Hypernautics, like Mandal Logistics or Vesti Engineering Corporation. That's how you get caught, after all. No, I would simply go through the proper channels, maybe mention a company as a recommendation, but stick to soft influence and a strong image.

A major concern that had to be addressed was that of foodstuff. From a purely utilitarian standpoint, the supply of food was adequate to sustainably support the many more urbanized areas within Mandalorian space, but that was only a surface level understanding of the logistical quagmire that the war had foisted upon Mandalore and other Neutral Systems.

Food supplies were a requirement for the stability of any state, not only must a steady supply of food be provided to the citizenry to prevent starvation, but the quality of the food must be acceptable in terms of variety. The old adage of bread and games only goes so far, salts, sugars, spices, meat and other exotic foodstuffs must be provided to meet the needs of a modern civilian population to prevent unrest and criminality. Carbs alone don't cut it for populations with private blasters.

Such a wide assortment is nominally provided for by the free hand of the market. Simply put, where there is a demand, supply will arise. However, mass state actions, such as war, disrupts supply chains and there are times when a free market cannot reassert itself rapidly enough or at all. As distasteful as it was, some amount of central planning had to be undertaken, preferably from private citizens with the capital to rapidly shift to meet demands or from state actors responding to critical shortfalls.

However, before new supply lines could be established, effort must be made to stabilize any that had survived the disruptive wartime environment. Effort must be made to prevent price shocks that could cause cascade failures of other market sectors. Food was a requirement for survival, and if a food price shock hit an economic unit such as a family or a poor clan that could cause massive shortfalls in other 'less necessary' sectors such as electronics, clothing, transportation and entertainment sectors. Failures that would lead to even more symbiotic market sectors collapsing.
Concord Dawn had been the main issue that had caused food prices to skyrocket within the Mandalorian sector over the last few months. Not only did they seize control of over half the planet of Vorpa'ya, which put them in control of most of the agricultural products coming in and out of the sector, but it also looks like they are exporting food products that should have been used to feed the sector to both the Republic and CIS.

There were, of course, ways to work around this problem ethically. Other planets outside the Council of Neutral Systems could provide foodstuffs on both sides of the border near Mandalorian space.

However, the Republic was putting a lot of taxes on anything that we bought from them to feed their war effort, basically forcing us to in-directly participate through a necessity needed to cross the galaxy. I would like to say that this was a very clever idea. It would force us and other starving worlds to choose a side, especially if they were inclined to choose a side nonetheless. Except it became less clever after the CIS had lifted their embargo on the CNS.

Some magic Prime Minister Almec had pulled had gotten the CIS to lift their embargo, and Korkie was working as a representative to their Senate. Suddenly, we had quite an influx of food to cover our rising food shortages. Well, almost cover it. The CIS have their own people to feed as well, in addition to fighting the galactic war, so they can only sell any excess food at slightly above market price.

Frustratingly, most of the food that they sold us were products exported from Concord Dawn, at a slightly inflated price so that the merchants could turn in a profit. While it is annoying, that is how the free market operates and only an idiot would not take advantage of this golden opportunity for arbitrage, minting a vast profit with little risk. Of course, being the one footing the bill is never pleasant. The only course of action is to break this deadlock so that Vorpa'ya can resume food production, and we don't need to pay Concord Dawn for our food back. But that is easier said than done.

If it was just Mandalorians we were feeding, we probably would have been able to feed ourselves without issue. But the CNS was made up of more than just the Mandalorians. Adding to our list of issues, we had signed on to the Alderaan Refugee Conference. I had not been able to attend myself, but it had been quite a staggering, terrible affair, with another assassination attempt on Padmé Amidala. Maybe I should be more forceful and broach the idea of hiring a Mandalorian trainer for her guards to improve her security.

Thankfully, that had failed, but now we were responsible for a small part of the refugees being displaced by the widening conflict. These new demands on our resources meant we had to find ever more sources of food.

Personally, I support resettlement for refugees — find some temperate and spacious unoccupied world before we start dropping people and construction supplies down on it. The problem, of course, being that most Mandalorian worlds, worlds within the mainline sector and its neighboring cultural border, were not exactly habitable anymore. And that was before the Excision made it worse with sprinkling radioactive dust on most of them.

There was a reason Mandalorians were drawn to barbaric, toxic, and outright dangerous worlds with monsters to fight. We were drawn to adversity like moths to a flame. It's our culture and I respected it to some degree, simply because I'd gotten used to it. On the other hand, it makes taking in people who have been displaced by war much harder.

But it's not impossible. There were planets like Zanbar, Velmoth, and Cheravh, which were prime candidates for colonization. They actually have functioning ecosystems that weren't under constant danger of large predators to a great degree. They were within the Mandalorian sector and were not under threat of a massive conflict. Which was the reason I removed the idea of using Vorpa'ya as a potential candidate, I wouldn't just dump refugees in a potential warzone.

There are also planets in neighboring sectors that had a small population that could theoretically support refugees, but they had not signed on to the Neutrality Council yet, nor to any additional refugee commitments that Mandalore had. Thus, they would not be taking part, at least not yet. When they joined the CNS, I was totally plotting to use their unoccupied, habitable spaces on those worlds to resettle some of the population that was obviously going to be sent our way as the conflict went on.

But that was getting too deep into the future. I yawned, and lightly distracted myself, tapping my face to keep active and aware.

I should be preparing for the official ceremony for Tabi and Vai's wedding tomorrow, before we kick off the Mandalorian Expo on Coruscant. More than ever, we need the Expo to maintain and improve Mandalore's image for people here in the Core.

Unfortunately, I was called away from last minute wedding planner details by my senatorial duties. No longer was I the representative of Mandalore, but the senator of Kalevala and the entire sector of Mandalore. That meant Aunt Satine could use the currently empty title and position as Representative as a gift to a political ally.

I wasn't quite aware of how the politics had gone, but the Duchess had decided to give it to one of the most far-flung loyalist planets in the Mandalorian sector, Jakelia. They had then selected their representative and sent them on their way to Coruscant. Now they were due to arrive in the next half hour or so, I think.

I had to meet them, get to know them, and instruct them in their duties. Much more than what Merrik had provided for me, and give them warnings about issues they should avoid.

Yawning out loud once more, I wished for a cup of caf, only to be greeted by Engiz holding out a thermos for me. I looked at him, and he said, "Thought you might be running yourself a little bit ragged, so I had Vai whip you up some caf before we left the apartment."

I smiled eagerly at the thermos of caf, finally looking up to say, "Thank you." Taking the thermos, I popped it open, drinking some of the warm awakening elixir down; I let it settle as I closed it and handed it back for safe keeping.

He returned to his guard stance again while we waited for the new representative to arrive. We were notified that the new Representative was entering Coruscant's atmosphere a few minutes ago, so they should be here any second. I hadn't brought everyone out, as I didn't see the need to. Only Engiz and Captain Struc were present. The captain ignored Engiz, as he was occupied watching the area for snipers. We were all standing out here in the open, waiting to see if someone would try their luck and take the bait. It was a boring, but necessary excursion.

If there was anyone going to try and take a shot at me, now would be the best opportunity. There are only a few skyscrapers high enough to get a clear view of me, and I am glancing between all of them for a hint of a scope. If anyone did try to take a potshot, X4 did install some low-level shield emitters along the walkway for us to take cover behind; hopefully they would stop blaster bolts and projectiles.

"So, any idea which of the two they sent?" Engiz asked innocently.

I looked over my shoulder at Engiz and smiled, saying, "Probably the Princess." My voice was impressively calm and collected.

I hoped it would not be the prince, I repressed a burst of emotions, turning away slowly. I strategically hid my face from Engiz and looked away. The prince of Jakelia had kept it to himself, but he had definitely been making moves to try and see if I was interested in him. Obviously, he was trying to get a royal marriage. He had probably been put up to do it by his father, I would assume.

While his attempt had been nothing but failure, it had been something that Engiz had noticed. Halfway through that hunting trip we had gone on, the two of them had been peacocking at each other over who could do the most for me. I had not realized it at the time, not fully, but I was distressed to realize it was definitely what they were doing, now that I reviewed my memories.

So, as a result, I was rather hoping that the prince would not show up, simply to keep that behavior from continuing.

"I am also sure that he'll be too busy with his duties on Jakelia to be sent here." I kept my voice confident and bored. "He is the heir, and it's very rare to send your heirs off to a world like Coruscant if you have any alternative."

It was then that I was drawn from my thoughts, as a shuttle of an elegant build, perhaps from Naboo by its lines, came in low. The graceful vehicle finally came to a stop across from where I was standing on the platform.

There was a pause from all of us on the platform as the ship released heat and cooled down. Finally, the door started to open and down came a sleek, athletic woman with green skin, pointed ears, and blonde hair. "Princess Kyr'vehtka'ar, welcome to Coruscant." I greeted, giving a curtsy as she made her way down the ramp.

She smiled and made her way towards me, saying, "Princess Tanya, it is good to see you again." She ended her greeting with her own curtsy.

"Good to see you too, Princess Kyr'vehtka'ar." I said. I remembered our brief encounter on our last trip. She had been introduced during part of that little camping trip all those months ago. Suddenly, she was in front of me, leaning forward and surprising me with a kiss on my lips.

I blushed, flustered, as she backed off and said, "You don't need to call me that, Tanya. Representative Kyri will serve nicely, I think." Two BD-3000 droids came down the ramp from her ship, carrying a large supply of what looked like clothes boxes and suitcases.

I wondered if that was some sort of tradition that I was unaware of. She hadn't done that the last time we met, so I was suspicious. But perhaps the opportunity had never presented itself. If it's only something that you do when you're off-world, culture was a funny thing and had many different outlets. But this was a bit beyond what I would consider normal, and the fact that she wasn't acting like it was abnormal just made it even more confusing to me.

Adopting a mask of confidence, I said, "Well, if you'll follow me, I'll lead you to the room you'll be staying in."

She nodded before saying, "So, this is the fabled Mando Tower — where the future of our sector is decided. For some reason, I thought it would be taller."

She started to walk with me but stopped as she saw Engiz. "I recognize you, Engiz Ordo." And immediately leaned in, kissing the side of his helmet. When she pulled away, I spotted it left a dark red lipstick mark; that annoyed me.

I would check to make sure I didn't have such a mark on myself when I got up to my room, and remind Engiz to remove the one on his helmet as well. It was unbecoming of a Royal Guard, even he could see that. His eyes were wide with shock at her brazen attitude.

When I got the chance, I was going to have to lay some ground rules with the woman. To make sure she didn't get herself into too much trouble while here, as well as to keep her far, far away from Vai.

I sighed and led the way to the tower. "You'll be staying in one of the representative suites. It was my old residence when I was the representative."

"Oh, wonderful." Kyri said with a smile as the doors opened in front of us. "I hope it's prepared for me already. I'm quite eager to move in and see more of this city for myself."

I chuckled before saying, "You'll get a chance. Everyone's kind of busy right now, though. We're getting ready to hold a wedding ceremony, one of two, actually."

"Oh? Has someone claimed your heart already?"

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow, finally shaking my head in disagreement. "No, it is not for me. We're holding Vai's marriage ceremony as a public demonstration of Mandalorian culture during the cultural expo tomorrow. There will be a separate private ceremony with family and relatives that will occur on Tabi's homeworld, Harswee, in a few months."

She looked understandably surprised to find out about the ceremonies.

"Cultural expo? That sounds fun. What exactly is being showcased?" She asked in an earnestly curious tone, it put me on guard; the elevator arrived, and we stepped inside.

Clearing my throat, I said, "Well, we don't want to get too violent. Mostly, it's just a concert with some talent I have brought in, some light shows, a poetry slam exhibit, as well as various stalls showcasing products that are usually sold in the Mandalore sector."

Kyri smiled and nodded her head enthusiastically. "Well, that sounds fun. I can't wait to be a part of it. How can I help?"

Looking at her, I shrugged. "Anyway you want. It's a cultural festival. If you have something from your culture you want to show off, feel free to find a booth and display it. I'm sure everyone will be more than happy to see whatever you have."

"Hmm, all right. Sounds fun~."

The elevator quickly came to a stop as we arrived at the floor beneath my personal quarters, a room meant for the representatives. My royal guard still had some quarters on this floor. The door opened, and I stepped in, pointing towards the furthest back room. "As I explained earlier, you'll be getting my room. It's much further back and has the most security on this floor."

Kyri nodded her head and was about to say something, but Vai interrupted when she entered the main dining area from her room.

"Oh hey, the new girl." Vai called, giving a wave. Coming forward, she said, "We haven't met yet, but you can call me Vai. I'm Tanya's handmaiden."

"It's nice to meet you, Vai." Kyri said, extending her hand. They shook hands as she said, "I heard you're getting married and at such a wonderful time of life, too."

Vai rubbed the back of her head. "Thanks. I'm still trying to get used to the whole idea, but I'm ready for it. New battles, new stuff I have to deal with. But at least I have good friends." Her words were already trailing off, she left part way through, but glanced towards me on the way back out.

I shot her a smile and nodded back, happy to be supportive of my, I guess, childhood friend. At this point, we'd known each other for a long time now. Has it been a decade already?

But before I could get too deep into my thoughts, Morson came out from her room, saying, "Kyri? You're the new Rep girl?" She waved enthusiastically as she walked over. "Howdy, girl." She said, extending her hand to the green-skinned woman. Only for said representative to lean forward and give her a kiss on the lips, just like she had done to me. Which was very annoying.

"Nice to meet you again, Khae. I hope your time on Coruscant didn't dull your edge."

Morson seemed shocked, and her cheeks burned a bright red. After a moment, she stammered her reply. "I-I hope so too, we still have that rematch to settle."

I simply blinked, shaking my head, hoping that I could figure out what was causing her to be so overly friendly with certain individuals. She hadn't done that with Vai, so why is that?

I had a feeling I would find out soon enough and would be rather annoyed by it. Sighing, I said, "Anyway, let me show you your room."

Coruscant, Mandalorian Expo Square

Princess Kyr'vehtka'ar

Yesterday, I had fun messing with Tanya. Establishing dominance through ancient cultural displays was an old trick, but I hadn't expected for her to respond in kind with her own cultural display so quickly. I kept having to school my face and hide my amazement at the procession and pyrotechnics of the Mandalorian "wedding." While there's nothing unusual about having a little bit of extra flair for such circumstances, most Mandalorian weddings could be described as rather tame compared to this.

Understandable, that this was merely a show for the Coruscanti public. Tanya apparently researched all records of every wedding ever held in Mandalorian culture, synthesized and upscaled many of the elements into one larger harmonious procession, culminating in a concluding ceremony laden with symbolism. At the same time, each step of the wedding held something interesting for the public, the crowd's attention swinging in surprise to each new entertainer, then back to the couple. Likely it was also the closest any here had been to combat — at certain points blasts of fire and smoke, loud simulated explosions, were deployed in mock battles deceptively near the crowds. Behind and above, multiple Mandalorian bands debuted as part of the events; their first shows happening as part of the ceremonies on Coruscant today.

To be frank, having a couple in Mandalorian battle armor standing in front of a crowd as they say the words and commit to marriage while engaging in combat would probably not have been as interesting as this.

Anyway, I was standing off to one side, not one of the members of the family, just a visiting dignitary, so I didn't get a seat. But there weren't many seats, just members of Clan Visla and Clan Kregg separated by an aisle where the father of the bride was currently escorting her in that relatively beautiful dress down the aisle to where the rather short but well-cared man was standing.

You can tell he was from Harswee from a mile away, if he wasn't so short you couldn't see him from a mile away. Some may call that a mean joke; I'd say that's just a standard joke of my home sector. My home world of Jakelia, and Harswee have a long history of sniping at each other. It's just what we do.

Neither side really meant anything too mean by it; it was just an old tradition that had built up over generations. Honor duels do happen from time to time, but no one wants to have to deal with a blood feud, so death is minimized as much as possible. The only duels that warranted the other's death over the duel is a matter of leadership, like the Manda'lor.

I turned my attention back to the ceremony when the music signified the arrival of the bride. Today Vai was wearing a blue, white, and cyan beaded lace dress. Her extravagant dress is beaded with tiny blue gemstones along with several engraved beskar plates sewn to the sides of the skirt and bodice, with shoulder pauldrons engraved and highlighted in blue with Clan Visla's symbol.

I was a bit jealous of her dress, I will say that — it's a perfect combination of armor and fancy dresswork. I heard from Morson that her dress was made by the Dressmaker Blacksmith's Division on Gargon. While my dress is nothing to scoff at, it is subtler than what Vai is wearing. My green and bronze dress with a magenta waist cape relied on intricate embroidery that mimicked the Evergreen forests of Jakelia. The bronze acted like branches, the thicker layers of green were shaped like leaves, while the waist cape is there to provide a splash of color.

Tabi was wearing almost a full suit of commando armor. For some reason, it felt obvious that the only thing that was missing was a few blasters. His coloration was a little interesting, though. It was the classic set of daring colors, he'd gone for cyan, bronze, and magenta, A rather romantic set of colors, proclaiming he was nobility and passionately in love. It seemed zealous, especially with the pink cape coming off his shoulders.

I wondered what the Coruscanti people thought of this colorful armor. Then again, as I looked out to the left, I wasn't sure they really understood color theory. Most of the people who were viewing this, dignitaries or just rich and famous, wanted to see a Mandalorian wedding for the novelty of it. Many seemed to be awestruck by the pageantry and procession, but just many focused on the armor and colors in general.

Well, this was a hell of a show, I'll give Tanya that; she knew how to make it interesting. I watched the bride's father walk her down the aisle, wearing his own commando armor, not wearing a helmet, which was odd. I would have expected someone from Concordia to have been one of those very extreme religious types who never take the helmet off.

Guess I need to learn more about the inter-political nature of Concordia when I get the chance. That's probably something I won't need to worry too much about. My goals here on Coruscant were to represent my sector as a delegate to Mandalore's senatorial delegation and to battle for the heart of Tanya, I'd even settle for only half of it.

Anyway, I did notice he had his helmet hanging loosely from his belt, which had something interesting to say. The helmet had its distinctive T-visor, more boldly protruding outward from the helmet. It's an older design, prominently used by members of Death Watch during the last Civil War, interestingly enough. It makes sense, as most Death Watch supporters were exiled to Concordia after the Civil War. My thoughts were interrupted as I watched the groom approach the bride.

I watched with a smile as the third Prince of Harswee took his bride's hand and helped her onto the stage. Although I noted some interest from a woman near the front, looking extremely perturbed, being actively shushed near the Visla side of the wedding party. Some near family relation, I wondered. Checking on the bride again, now I noted some similarities between the two; was that Vai's mother? She looked particularly angry. Perhaps she didn't agree with her daughter's choice in men.

Either way, the ceremony was going forward without her permission. And it would appear that Clan Kryze was quite in favor of this marriage. Their clan armorer had apparently flown all the way from Mandalore to officiate it, which said a lot when she thought about it diplomatically. It tied Clan Visla to Clan Kregg, it also tied House Visla to the House of Harswee, and most importantly, it tied Harswee to Mandalore and House Kryze, since it was being officiated by them.

Another bold power play by the ruling family. My father was quite taken with Clan Kryze, ever since Tanya came on the scene. Over the last few years, he'd been watching the political machinations of the clan and approved their decisions quite a bit. That's why, when Tanya had visited our planet not so long ago, he had told both me and my twin brother to attempt to ingratiate ourselves into Clan Kryze.

We both tried quite thoroughly. Unfortunately, it had somewhat failed, at least for my brother, as it appeared Kryze was already circling Ordo for her next conquest. And it is easy to see why, seeing as Clan Ordo was a very old, powerful, and prestigious clan.

So, my brother's avenues of attack were closed, and he moved on to other possible routes of attaining power in this new CNS by joining the SDF, ascending up the military ranks.

However, as far as I was concerned, there was still a possibility that I could achieve victory. It was well known that Tanya and the bride-to-be had kissed, which would imply that Tanya was more on the open side of some relationships, at least when it came to women. Even if she were to attain a marriage with Ordo, there was a chance that I could successfully integrate myself into that little niche of openness that was available, ensuring security and safety for my own world.

A small chance, but I would take it, especially in such troubled times.

I sort of stopped paying attention to the wedding but paid more attention as we came to the end. The bride and the groom kissed, celebration was going on — clapping, party poppers, and such. Then Vai threw a bouquet, which wasn't really a Mandalorian thing, at least not by any Mandalorian cultures I was aware of. It probably came from the Core. Either way, the bouquet went up and hit Tanya in the face, even though she wasn't among the gathered Mandalorian women trying to reach for it.

I had to hold back smug laughter, as that was rather funny, and perhaps a sign of good fortune; proof that my path was the righteous one after all.

Coruscant, Mandalorian Expo Square
Ahsoka Tano

Coruscant's weather was unusually warm today. I noted, as the sun beat down on the structures in and around this cultural expo.

I had never been to one of these before and probably wouldn't have come any other time. But I had just gotten back from Geonosis, which was a horrifying experience considering the brain worms and the disaster it would have caused if it got loose. So, Barriss and I had been given a week of mandatory leave by the Jedi Council to recover from that traumatic event.

We weren't really sure what to do with ourselves, so Master Windu suggested going to this Mandalorian cultural expo, as it is the only notable event that is happening on Coruscant at the moment. He even contacted the Senator from Mandalore to get us a couple of VIP tickets to the concert after they had sold out, in hopes of putting our minds in a better place. I don't know if that will work, especially after what we had just been through. But we didn't really have anything better to do, so we might as well try it.

Barriss seemed particularly affected, as she seemed to be staring off into the distance fairly frequently. She is unsteady in the Force, and I tried to involve her in conversation to keep her mind off of it. I imagined her experience must have been more strenuous than mine, considering she had actually had one of those brain worms in her head.

So to continue to distract her, I looked around, and I said, "Hey, there are some of those vambraces that Mandalorians always wear. Want to take a look at them?"

"Sure." She said, sounding lethargic, to say the least. I was worried that she wasn't healing from the experience at all. I hoped I could find something to distract her as we walked over to the vambraces.

There was quite a lot of gear, though most of them appeared to be just decorative. However, a few of them had interesting technology like communicators or maps in them. "I wonder if I should get one of these for Master Anakin." I mused aloud, looking at a black set of vambraces, knowing that he preferred darker colors.

Barriss nodded, saying, "Yeah, I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a little bit of defense around our wrists when you're going up against people like Ventress every other month."

"That's a good point." I said, looking at the merchants, and asked, "Are any of these lightsaber resistant?"

The merchant, who had been busy talking to a young woman jerked, looked over at me, then looked at my lightsaber, and turned away to put away some tools. I browsed around while I waited, when she finally returned, she was clearly annoyed. "I'm afraid we don't have any lightsaber-resistant equipment here, honored Jedi." Odd, nearly every word of that sentence was a lie. It was unusual to be deceived so openly, knowing our identity.

"You are lying." I decided not to beat around the issue, especially as Barriss had been acting strangely all afternoon. She didn't even comment on the merchant until my accusation, finally seeming surprised, before slowly nodding at my assertion.

The woman appeared very nervous now, and hesitated. "I-it's not exactly like you can get beskar outside the Mandalorian sector easily."

"Who said anything about beskar?" Barriss picked up on the odd detail. I tried to recall what I knew of the Mandalorian-iron metal.

"Uhh, you are talking to a Mandalorian. The only material resistant to lightsabers that we use is beskar. I can sell you what I have, Jedi. It's very expensive though, as it has to be either mined or forged by one of their armorers who know the secret of forging Beskar. I can't order more either, which is also why the price is so high." She finished in a tumble of words.

Barriss sniffed loudly, clearly dismissing the merchant woman's explanation. I remained impassive, and polite; such hamfisted negotiation tactics were useless against us Jedi. "Unfortunate." I remarked simply, shaking my head, as Barriss looked at a green set of vambraces near a different merchant. Looking at her, I asked, "That's a nice color for you."

Still seeming distant, she said, "Yeah, I guess. I don't know. I've just been... I've been distracted; thinking about a lot."

"Thinking about what?" I said, trying to help as we stepped further away from the stall, giving us some privacy

"Lots of things, lots of things." She said vaguely, shaking her head. "Mostly it's the guilt of that clone I had to kill on the medical ship. I've never killed a person before."

"Well, to be fair, he wasn't exactly a person anymore or alive. He had probably already been taken over by the brain worm." I pointed out as I gave her my full attention. But she kind of shook her head in disagreement.

"Maybe he was beyond saving, but I was infected with one of those same brain worms and you managed to save me, could we not save him? What if I was too fast to resort to my lightsaber the way I did? I should have Force Pushed him away. He would have still been alive after you figured out a way to free them. This war is making us use our weapons too fast when we should be attempting to heal."

I nodded, understanding, but I didn't agree with her conclusions. "You weren't really given any other opportunity to do anything, Barriss. It was either use it or get infested with the worm. Then, with those choices, I think you made the best one. Otherwise, the situation would have gone a lot worse, a lot quicker."

"Yeah, does that not say something about the whole war? We keep getting put into situations where our choices are bad or worse, and we don't find a way out of it other than to take the bad. We are Jedi. We should be exploring for the path in between the bad and the worst that leads to a good outcome. And it feels like all we've managed to do is amplify the bad outcomes."

I nodded. "Well, it's a war. There's not much of a choice but to choose whatever we can do."

"So doing something is better than nothing? Our choices were correct because we had to do something? And deciding to join the war was us doing something? It definitely doesn't feel like that was the best option, having seen the consequences of the war so far."

"We're not that bad." I said. "I mean, the Separatists seem to be responsible for much more of the atrocities and conflict."

She nodded readily, in obvious agreement, "Yes. Most of them are, that's for sure. Usually." Barriss was doing and saying strange things again. My expression must have betrayed my confusion, because she replied. "I don't know. I'm just thinking back to that one particular Separatist I ran into on Null. He had a choice. He could have let his side commit war crimes, but he shot the people who were going to do it. We'd be dead if he hadn't stepped up."

"I've not heard that story before. But just because there's one good Separatist, it doesn't mean the majority are not making a massive mistake."

"But are we not making a massive mistake as well? Perhaps this whole war is just one massive mistake that both leaderships are making." She said, folding her arms across her chest as she shook her head.

"It is a massive mistake, either way you look at it, I guess. But it's not like anyone's going to stop it. The war has started, and the Separatists are invading systems that don't align with their goals. I guess if there could be some sort of peace conference, there might be something. But as far as I've seen, we're not at a stage where either side even wants to talk about a peace conference."

"That's probably a mistake of the Jedi." Barriss said with a shake of her head, saying, "We should be pushing for a ceasefire. Instead, we're out there fighting."

I wasn't really sure what to say to that. She made a good point, but well, there was nothing we could do. We were just Padawans. We couldn't exactly tell the Council to do something. Putting my hand on her shoulder, I said, "I'm sure the Council will try and bring peace sooner or later. We just have to stop Count Dooku and his machinations."

She let out a sigh and nodded. "I hope so. But perhaps we, as Jedi, should be taking more from Serifa Altunen and stepping away from conflict entirely, like the CNS we should step away too."

"I'm not sure if that's the best idea, the Separatists seemed likely to draw CNS in conflict eventually but-" I hesitated, remembering I was in public. I looked around for anything suspicious, while trying to distract Barriss. "Anyway, we've got a whole day to spend at this expo. Where do you want to go next?"

Barriss accepted the change in subject easily enough, looking around the expo with fresh interest. "I guess we could go look at that section over there for fashion. I don't know, what do people normally do at something like this?"

"Force if I know, but looking at dresses sounds nice at least." I said, walking in that direction and shaking my head at some of the outfits I could see from this distance. "I don't know how anyone can perform any acrobatics in something as restrictive as some of the dresses over there."

Barriss shrugged before saying, "Master Luminara says a dress doesn't really restrict you if you train to fight inside of it. It can even make you more acrobatic in the long term."

"Oh, so that's why you... You're just putting on an extra layer of clothing for more training. That makes much more sense." I was usually too busy to do research on entirely new techniques.

"Not exactly... There are some cultural reasons as well." Barriss said, "But, yes. You should try it sometime. You would probably be less commented on if you wore something less revealing."

"What are you talking about?" I asked confusedly, trying to eliminate any trace of annoyance.

"Oh, someone mentioned it to someone, and it's gone around the Temple about how that one Republic ship commander, Captain Pellaeon, made a point of forcing you to wear an official uniform while on his ship."

"Oh, that guy." I said in relief, rubbing my forehead. "Nothing wrong with him, I would admit, but he did seem to have a problem with how loose the Jedi Order was on uniform standards. Quite a bit of the military structure was that way. Now that I think about it, he had been particularly annoyed with my outfit."

Now Barriss was giving me another strange look again.

"Let's not think about that guy." I said, shaking my head as I led the way to the dresses.

Coruscant, Mandalorian Expo Concert
Mace Windu

This was an interesting waste of time. I learned about the Mandalorian Expo a week ago. Some sort of cultural transfer event that the senator, at the time representative of Mandalore, arranged to show that Mandalore's culture was just as vibrant as any core world.

A noble goal, and as a result, a few Jedi who were on the planet had chosen to make an appearance. Master Coleman Trebor was doing everything he could to try and improve the public image of the Jedi ever since the little scandal a few years back, where a child we mistakenly believed to be an orphan entered the Order.

That whole fiasco was still brought up from time to time to hurt our public image. Thankfully, the mother of said child had proven to be distractible and showed herself to not really care for the child. At least, we believed she was the mother. Most, at least I did, wondered about that sometimes. There had never been a proper DNA test, and the fact that she seemed to have forgotten about the child the moment the media came around and gave her the time of day made me suspect that perhaps she was not the mother as we had believed, but some fraudster involved in some scheme.

Granted, I could be a bit pessimistic, but it had happened before. In the thousands of years the Jedi Order had existed, there were stories of situations like this happening. Usually, it didn't get as bad as that one had, but it happened nonetheless.

Now, Master Trebor was doing his best to try and improve the political situation and the public appearance of the Jedi, and that meant helping with this cultural expo. My only role here today was to attend, demonstrate solidarity; a bit of Jedi funding went into the whole thing. The idea was that if we showed that we were willing to learn about Mandalorian culture, perhaps they would be drawn away from negative influences. Hopefully, it would discourage them to heed Death Watch's and the Protector's Siren's call to join the CIS.

I leaned back in the chair overlooking the concert hall that had been selected for the Expo. The large population of local citizens were everywhere. Some were taking pictures, some were pointing, looking, laughing, and generally enjoying the sights.

"Drawn quite a crowd, the Mandalorians have." Came the familiar voice of Grandmaster Yoda as he floated in on a chair.

"Grandmaster." I acknowledged with a nod. "I was not aware you were going to be attending today."

The older Jedi smiled and floated into position beside me. "Not expecting too, I was. But persuaded me to come, a young friend did." The old Grandmaster returned a genuine smile and held out a small yellow band resting on his lap. "VIP access, I have. Refuse, how could I?"

I indicated towards the yellow band and device attached. "Do you speak of Senator Kryze?"

"Hmm, the wrong name, perhaps 'Kryze' is."

I made a huff of annoyance, his cryptic remarks in the past regarding Mandalore, at least, had proven accurate. I had put that region out of my mind lately, leaving such matters to Yoda's guidance. But now, Senator Kryze's parentage had gone from minor importance to the daughter of the Duchess and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Obi-Wan Kenobi was quite the disappointment. He had failed the codes as much as Qui-Gon Jinn. More troublesome, Obi-Wan was now a popular role model to many youthful Jedi, which could potentially cause trouble in the future.

However, in a special hearing, the Grandmaster and several other Masters had spoken on the matter, and it had been decided that he should not be punished for the mistakes of his youth. Their reasoning was that Obi-Wan was a committed member of the Order for decades, and just because he had made a mistake when he was a Padawan, should not be held against him. My counterargument that his errors had accumulated and would only lead further Jedi astray was acknowledged, but the other Masters felt every willing Jedi was needed. And one could not deny that his mistake had been somewhat beneficial to the Order, for now.

His daughter had made great inroads with the Mandalorian population for the Jedi. There was now a Jedi Temple in the Mandalorian sector, something that was never dreamed to be possible.

Letting out a sigh, I looked at Yoda before saying, "Master Yoda, how would you resolve the situation between Obi-Wan and Senator Kryze?"

"Resolve? Know the conclusion, I do not. Trust in the Force, I do." He said, looking out over the auditorium. Following his gaze, I saw he was actually looking at a set of boxes across the way, where I could see the Senator in question speaking with her entourage. In a softer voice, he added, "Even the very wise cannot see all ends."

I shot Yoda a look of surprise at the admission. "Perhaps you're right on that. Are there any other clues you've had uncovered when it comes to Mandalorians over the last few years?"

Yoda chuckled good-naturedly, "A good question." He paused as if thinking over his words a bit more, "The darkness that is blocking the Jedi's foresight of the future also binds Mandalore just as tightly now. Yet this is a sign of hope, I believe. That their fate is now shared with the Republic. Whatever that fate may be."

"What occurred at Ilum with Master Unduli and her Padawan?" The Grandmaster had departed in a rush a few months ago and arrived back at Coruscant just as quickly. Now Padawan Barriss was here, but Yoda had yet to report despite the ample time.

"A glimpse beyond. Able, was I, then, to see. The darkness extends far, but not everywhere." Yoda nodded towards another group of Padawan's attending the Expo. "This conflict provides purpose. Keeps the Padawans focused, it does. Out there, in the uncharted space, temptations lurk. Barriss carries that now, a concern I have."

Letting out a deep breath, I looked out over the auditorium. "Well, Master Yoda, considering your last guidance has done so well, I hope it continues to do so. Something is clouding the Force the more this war goes on. The Dark Side hides from us the source of its emanation. "

The Grandmaster nodded and began his agreement before saying, "What the Dark Side clouds from the Light, the Light can cloud from the Dark Side. Served the Dark Side, the Mandalorians may have, in many wars across many generations. But served the Light, they have also, in many of those same generations. Neither wholly of the Dark nor wholly of the Light, they are. Of service in our efforts to find the Dark Side's source, they may be. Clouded like we are, they are not, nor held to the same measures as we. But the great purpose, we share."

"You believe that by working with Mandalorians, we might be able to uncover the Sith Lord behind this clouding of our sight?" I asked, trying to clarify. The more Yoda spoke, the less he was telling. It was a tactic I had observed enough times.

Yoda shook his head. "Not uncover on purpose, but perhaps stumbling about as they try to keep themselves out of the pitfalls that the war wants, will reveal something. Force their hand, I have no guarantees. That's what will happen, by throwing my support in with a person I consider a friend, I find them more likely to be of use to the Order than nothing at all."

I nodded, understanding the sentiments, before saying, "It's too bad we didn't have confirmation about her capabilities all those years ago. From what I've seen, she might have made a formidable Jedi."

Yoda shook his head and said, "Not certain, that is. Even if we had known, maybe. Perhaps it would have pushed them further away. Like repels like. From the way she thinks, not a good Jedi, she would have made. Too much of a politician, too much a warrior, she is. No, I sense the Force wanted her where she is. Trust in the Force, I do. But what plans the Force has for her, know not. But everything becomes more shrouded as the war goes on."

I nodded, saying, "Hopefully, we find some way to bring an end to this war and defeat the Dark Side." I shook my head, thinking back to Geonosis, feeling a pang of regret. It could have been much worse. If I had been able to see what was coming, I may have been able to better plan the operation. But I didn't, and as a result, so many good Jedi were dead. Friends, comrades, people I had known for decades. Their lives snuffed out. I did not mourn their passing, as that was not the Jedi way. They had returned to the living Force. But I regretted my mistake nonetheless. It is how one learns not to make them again.

Yoda seemed to sense the dark wanderings of my thoughts, but surprised me with his next words. "Have you heard the words of the Mandalorian Prince? 'Mutual peace only can be achieved through diplomacy?'"

"We cannot compromise with the Dark Side." I answered immediately.

"Strange." Yoda remarked. "Thought, did I, it was the Sith who dealt in absolutes."

I was tired of Yoda's endless tests of my patience, so did not rise to a response. After a few moments, he floated his chair slightly higher, in an obnoxious manner. One who did not know the Jedi Grandmaster might assume he was repositioning to get a better view.

"Wonder what song they're going to sing tonight, I do. Not listed anywhere, is it. A new single they've been working on." Grandmaster Yoda wondered aloud, tapping his cane against his chin.

"Well, I assume they will tell us as soon as they're on the stage. I would just assume it would be something very Mandalorian." I commented absentmindedly, thoughts elsewhere, and leaned back into my chair.

Yoda chuckled before saying, "The most Mandalorian thing I know for them to do is fighting Jedi. Perhaps it will be a song about fighting Jedi."

Looking out at the stage, I saw the lighting coming on as a door opened in the center, allowing an elevator to come up with three female Mandalorians, notable by their dress, though not fully traditional Mandalorian armor. It looked fancy, possibly dress armor.

The pink and green ones were to the left and right, respectively, of their leader in the center, who was wearing a black and silver dress. She had an odd hair color, pink, and was waving to the crowd as she said, "Good evening, Coruscant! I'm so happy that everyone came out tonight for our show. Hoping you're all ready to have a night full of fun, music, and whatever else you have planned after the concert. I know the expo has lots of shopping opportunities. I'll be out there later myself, enjoying them with you once I'm done here."

She seemed to be able to pull off a charismatic act, as that got a little bit of laughter from the crowd. I blinked twice as I realized I'd seen that woman before.

"Wait, isn't that the idol that killed an assassin on stage?"

"Legally, self-defense, I was told." Yoda mused. "Yes, though very wild, the Mandalorians are passionate even in their music or careers. Dangerous as well."

I nodded as the woman continued, "Well, when I was told I would be invited to this Expo six months back, I was stunned. Being a former bounty hunter, I never thought I'd be on Coruscant. People don't usually go to the Core when they want to disappear. But when I thought about it, I decided the best way to celebrate a Mandalorian idol conquering the Coruscanti stage is to celebrate the success of how the Jedi managed to prevent that the one time we almost pulled it off as an actual military."

I raised an eyebrow at that, skepticism showing on my face, and looked pointedly at Yoda.

"Wonderful, this will be." Yoda said with a nod of his head.

The girl on stage continued, saying, "So I thought we should celebrate the ancient story of how the Mandalorian Neo Crusaders conquered their Empire and made their way towards Coruscant, before they were defeated by the valiant heroes of the Republic led by a man whose name has been lost to history but has often been called Revan in many stories amongst us Mandalorians. A man who turned us from the path of the conquerors that the Neo Crusaders wanted and put us on a more gentle path that saw us become a more peaceful and upstanding civilization, in my opinion. By finding a man who is worthy to be the Mand'alor and to lead us into a better age."

"So, without further ado, I present to you the Last Crusade of the Neo Crusaders."

Their leader stepped back and pointed her finger up at the sky, and the monitors above turned on, displaying a graphic projection of an unknown planet that I could not place. It appeared above her, along with general diplomatic information about the state of the galaxy at the time of the Neo Crusades, shown via a map depicting the territory of the Mandalorian Conquest and the defensive lines built by the Republic. It slowly zoomed in on one particular name, which I assumed was the star system that the planet had come from, the one she was pointing at.

Then, she took a deep breath and began her song, which made me sit back to listen. Yoda seemed quite amused as he looked across the aisle. I followed his gaze and saw Obi-Wan's daughter, Tanya, in a panic at what could be considered, at a different time, a diplomatic faux pas. But as far as I was concerned, and as Yoda seemed to be concerned, this was nothing. As I listened to the song, it was interesting to hear someone else's take on what sounded like a massacre we should never have been involved in.

Concordia, Castle Vizsla
Pre Vizsla

I sipped my kombucha brew, and took a break at my desk from the latest set of crises. The fermented drink was a native brew and local favorite; a few tourists had made statements that it tasted similar to another blend, a Core favorite, batuubacha tea. Hopefully, they were being overly polite, I didn't need more Core tourists mucking all over the system. But I had no time to worry over small matters lately, my current worries were regarding the protection for the Maelstrom; keeping it functioning while on the move. Deploying and fielding troops in places where they'd cause problems for the Republic.

Our consolidation with my wife's smaller faction of veterans revealed exactly how much control I'd lost over other elements of Death Watch. In total, I had lost substantial control over the radical portions of Death Watch, I knew this now. However, I had managed to salvage our name. I already had plans in place to declare them rogue elements when they finally made their move; or any move that is counter-productive to my plans.

I don't know when that would happen, but what I did know was that I was living two lives, my public life as governor of Concordia and candidate for Prime Minister for Mandalore, and my private life as the leader of Death Watch. It was incredibly difficult to manage both roles and sets of responsibilities, even with my wife's help. It almost makes me wish I had revealed myself to Satine all those months ago, almost. Taking the government from under her control while she's still in power, though, might be one of the sweeter victories out there, especially with the corruption problem that had sprung up in the New Mandalorian government.

This was, after all, how I knew that I had lost control of the radicals to Lorka Gedyc. Lorka Gedyc was someone who thought Death Watch should conquer the galaxy, and if I wouldn't execute his vision, then the correct first step was for him to conquer Mandalore. Personally, I was not of the opinion that we even needed to conquer the sector, nevermind the entire galaxy. The concept of conquest was antiquated, having fought my way across the region around Mandalore that had become abundantly clear to me.

The Council of Neutral Systems was proof enough of that. People across the galaxy are already championing Mandalorian rule and clamoring for our protection. We provide Mandalorian protection and serve with honor, in return we share their resources without risking our lives fighting over control for it. This is not the era of the Neo-Crusaders, we do not have the population to populate the sector, let alone resettle and colonize the entire galaxy. After all of the wars we fought over the millennia, our peoples should be a treasure spent wisely, not to be thrown into the fire at the first chance.

What makes us Mandalorian in the first place isn't our origin or a special homeworld; what makes us Mandalorian is our way and culture, our honorable practices and drive. The Ithorians were the perfect example, they had even gone out of their way to offer Satine respect, through their tribute. They provided their wealth to Satine in return for our protection. Their vast tribute was more than enough to fund re-armament programs across the MSDF. Death Watch did not hesitate to protect Ithorian shipping from pirates in the region because it was the honorable thing to do. In time, some Ithorians would be inspired to seek out our ways, and I only saw benefits from Mandalorians adopting Ithorian practices; especially regarding the value of life.

Adaptation has always been the Mandalorian way, and now Mandalore must change into the protector of the weak, a power great enough to challenge any who would return to the age of war and conquest. The anti-militarist buffoonery of the New Mandalorians would doom their system to failure eventually with the entire galaxy at war, and so it would be better for the Death Watch Old Guard to retake control of Mandalore from them before a foreigner does that first. Foreign agents, like the Hutts or the Sith, would take advantage of our weakness as an opportunity to slip in and take over.

For the sake of Mandalore and our newfound dependents, the New Mandalorians had to be kept from controlling the military completely. Instead, the Old Guard, the few remaining True Mandalorians remnants, stars, even the Silver Mandalorians offer a better alternative. Bo-Katan privately shared that she was quite proud that her niece, Tanya, had broken with the New Mandalorians; she was right to be proud in my estimation.

As the leader of Death Watch, I had to wage a campaign against the Republic, and so far, the campaign was going well. Maelstrom, my ace in the hole, I kept far away from any fronts and out of the way of Republic fleet movements. They were still searching for her, but I had enough assets out there that I was able to track any major search parties trying to locate her.

And with that knowledge, I can maneuver her to where she can cause the most damage.

Posing as the fabled hero of Mandalorians fighting against the evil Republic meant I had to find assets that the Republic was not proud of — systems where they had imposed installations against the wishes of the locals.

Almost every other planet out here in the Galactic North had a situation where the Republic put forces on the ground to deal with local problems. They tended not to be clones, but supposedly local defense units from another ally, operating in the name and good of the Republic.

Of course, all that was doing was allowing local warlords to gobble up their weaker neighbors. Warlords eagerly took the Republic's bad example as de facto permission to deploy private militaries and invade neighboring systems. The events of Vorpa'ya seemed to be no accident, reports detailed the same level of crisis repeated with variations across hundreds of systems in the Republic.

And since the invading local warlords were there for conquest, they tended to do things like cause religious divisions, blow up something important, or just be complete corruptible morons, looting local economies for short-term gains. That's where the Death Watch could crash in on a problem, shoot up the invading oppressors, be hailed as heroes, recruit a few new members, and scavenge any equipment that could be useful from our defeated foes.

Now, I know that my document, the Ba'jurne Kyr'tsad Mando'ad, says that we should focus only on the Mandalorian sector, but I've been moving away from that for years. The "Mandalorian sector" are just lines drawn on a map by Republican bureaucrats, Mandalore is wherever a Mandalorian is. Sectors as a concept are a Republic invention.

Ancient Mandos, my ancestors, didn't have that rigid belief in boundaries. Ironically enough, it was Satine who remembered and embodied this most clearly. Satine did not care where the Republic placed the borders of Mandalore, in her vision for the CNS, and her reminder was meant for us all; she had the right of that. Mandalore was wherever Mandalorians tread, we were a people of many homes who had become perhaps a bit too settled. Keeping Death Watch under control meant bringing new blood into Mandalore, new life, new energy, new possibilities. Our place was not to isolate ourselves.

Granted, I was having a bit of an issue equipping weapons and armor for these new recruits. I often had to rely on lighter gear stolen from the enemies we just killed to fill in for the new recruits, but it was working for now. The weapons get inspected and repaired if needed before being distributed, while the armor gets reforged into Mandalorian style armor.

I found several places within the Mandalorian sector that would be ideal to build a training base that no one would find. After some deliberation, Zanbar, having always been loyal, was picked. It had a very small population, very rural, with lots of trees and mountains to provide both cover and a diverse training environment.

If I could, I would train them here on Concordia, but it was obvious now that having a Death Watch base anywhere near Mandalore would be discovered by the Republic. The Maelstrom was working well as a mobile base, keeping troops out of Republic retaliation. And so far, my elites have not blabbed its location and where it camped out.

Instead, I relied on places where they weren't expecting it to be. Areas near the borders of the Council of Neutral Systems, in systems that were Mandalorian-favoring but had not yet signed on to the Neutral Systems, nor favored the Republic's war efforts.

But those were my problems as Death Watch's Kyr'tsad alor. I have other issues to deal with in addition to that, issues as the governor of Concordia. My break was interrupted by the beeping on my terminal. Letting out a sigh, I finished my drink before I stood up to look out the window at the native forests beyond. I straightened my clothing, then stepped out of my office into a meeting room.

Sitting at the head of the table in the meeting room was Gar Saxon, looking annoyed as he glared at the other occupant across the table from him. I had him look over reports from our local Death Watch assets in the sector while I focused on our overall strategy. I had brought him on as an official member of my election campaign. His clan was moderately powerful, and I needed all the power I could get if I was going to pull this off. He was also wearing a suit and would probably be taking my place as Governor of Concordia if my efforts for Prime Minister succeeded. I had enough influence to guarantee his position, so having a little bit of sway here and there could help me succeed in my efforts for Prime Minister.

The other individual, who would likely be the most useful in my election campaign, was my wife, Bo-Katan. She was looking rather pleased with herself, with her feet up on the table, wearing her armor. Her red hair swaying in a way I found incredibly attractive, as she listened to the Prey Wings' music through her vambrace, air guitaring and mimicking the lyrics of the song.

"There you are." She said, looking at me with a smile before shutting down her music player. Her helmet lay in her lap as she leaned back in a chair that was not meant for leaning. Once Bo stopped her antics, Gar breathed a sigh of relief before he returned his attention to his work.

"Here I am." I said with a nod, taking a few steps and pulling out my seat at the head of the table before sitting down.

Looking at her armor, I finally noticed that it was in Death Watch blue. She had officially joined the program on Death Watch's coloration, recalling the request I had made during our last united Death Watch meeting. In fact, she was not exactly considered Death Watch as far as everyone else knew. As of yesterday, she had declared her intentions to create an organization known as the Night Owls as the main reason for her change in color. Officially, the Night Owls are a mercenary organization registered on Gargon. Unofficially, she was recruiting some of the best Death Watch members into an elite organization that would be fighting for Mandalorian interests and those willing to support Mandalorian efforts.

She had brought in at least three dozen individuals from Death Watch so far, as well as another large batch of her friends. She was recruiting from a pool of veterans and elites of other units, people she had met and heard exploits of over the years, along with supporters of her attempt to become the Secret Mandalore. She probably could raise more, but she needed them to be an elite unit, so I encouraged the high barrier to entry.

Not to mention, having a public and legal organization that served as a gateway to Death Watch could be a useful tool down the line. If someone got really pissed at the Republic and couldn't work for them anymore, she would simply move them along into Death Watch proper, and I would put them to good use against the Republic.

"Where's Zenlav?" I asked, looking around. The mayor of Keldabe was supposed to have arrived by now. He was going to throw his lot in behind me as the new Prime Minister, from what I understood. He was also a secret supporter of Death Watch, which is a blessing as his family owned and operated Mandel Motors. They were usually the ones supplying us with a large stockpile of new equipment they had been producing in secret. Primarily the Kom'rk-class heavy fighter and transport, the same vehicle we had used to overtake and capture the Maelstrom. They were trying to provide us with more now that we had successfully punched the Republic in the throat.

Tavanx Zenlav, the patriarch, CEO of Mandel Motors, and father of Mayor Warthanx Zenlav of Keldabe, carried a grudge against the Republic for blowing up several of their family's factories during the Excision, resulting in many casualties. So he was secretly developing new generations of the Kom'rk-class heavy fighter. Some of them were the older, larger ones that we had already acquired, but there were also smaller variants in production. These smaller variants had less troop capacity, but were more maneuverable while still carrying the same armaments. Frankly, I think he should have added an addition to the name of the smaller variants like Kom'rk A1 or A2 designation or something of that nature, but they serve the same purpose and work well enough.

"No show." Saxon said, looking annoyed. "Apparently, there's been some sort of riot in Keldabe. I've been trying to learn more, but it looks like a New Mando agitator set a factory on fire."

"That doesn't sound like something that would need his attention." I stated.

"You are right. It shouldn't require his attention, except this particular factory that was set on fire was a Fang Fighter factory, which raises questions about why it was up and running since no one knew they were in production." Saxon explained.

"Oh Sithspit." I said, putting my hand to my face, as another one of Satine's efforts to modernize Mandalorian Self-Defense Forces must have been revealed.

I had been aware of this one, at least. The Fang Fighter was a damn good fighter, very well-made, and I was interested in acquiring some for the Maelstrom's fighter wing if I could get my hands on them. Unfortunately, someone was buying up all the stockpiles and had reserved the production capacity for the next year. I was curious who had done it at the time, but I didn't have to wait long. At the next bi-monthly meeting, Ms. Ordo, the Supreme Commander of the Self-Defense Force, had shown off how she had purchased a large number of Fang Fighters for the Royal Guard, as well as the Mandalorian Self-Defense Force Navy.

Most likely, this would be a scandal in its own way. The New Mandalorians would not be happy to hear that the SDF capabilities have increased. But they would have to learn to deal with it.

The Fang Fighter was not even the only vehicle that the MSDF ordered. Ms. Ordo had also discovered the surprising amount of armored vehicles produced by Mandel Hypernatics. She was still in the process of negotiating their purchase for the SDF. Every army needed armored vehicles the same way they needed infantry or snub fighters, there are roles that only they could accomplish cost effectively and replacing them is usually more trouble than it is worth. Especially on Vorpa'ya, where the heavily dug in Journeymen Protectors' lines needed to be broken through.

Saxon nodded before saying, "Thankfully, it's not as bad as it could have been. The Fang Fighter isn't as reviled by the New Mandalorians after what the Royal Guard retirees have been doing on Ryloth, using them to help save civilians. The damages to the factory were minor at least and should be up and running in a day or two."

I nodded. "I've heard stories of what the Skull Squadron was up to. They managed to do a lot of good for the Republic side of the war. I may not agree with them siding with the Republic, but from what I knew of what Ryloth had to deal with, I couldn't begrudge them for doing what they could for those people."

Letting out a deep breath, I continued, "Well, at least we have a start. So, Saxon, how are the efforts to improve my image in the press going?"

He shrugged before saying, "I'd say they're going well currently. I've looked at what resonates with the public. Fortunately, Republic skepticism seems to be in the air. It's not exactly what we wanted, openly denouncing the Republic — we aren't fully prepared for the heat that tactic might bring, but it's clear that the public doesn't trust them and that sentiment is running strong. So, that's what I've been using as your platform. We want to stay out of the war, and we don't trust them not to drag us into it."

Bo nodded her head in agreement, adding "Also aligns well with the Silver ideology, so they'll likely support you too. I know I do, since they probably have similar concerns. While most of the Silver I've seen seemed to favor the Republic in general. I imagine some of them have had second thoughts after what the Maelstrom did."

"How's Almec responding? What is he doing?" I asked.

Saxon shrugged and replied, "To be honest, I have no idea what Almec is up to. I've tried to use my resources to get contacts within the Mandalorian Secret Service, but the problem is that most of my sources were part of the segments of the Mandalorian Secret Service that he's purged over the last month. I got nothing. All I know is that there was a meeting held between him and some of his major department heads — they have always been considered trustworthy by the government. "

"Hmm, maybe I can ask Satine what's going on with his efforts. She should have some idea, though she may not be interested in sharing if Satine no longer trusts me." I said, looking at Bo-Katan.

"As far as I can tell, my sister still thinks you're one of the most loyal New Mandalorians out there, a fault of her own that I probably should have dissuaded her from. Familial loyalty and all that." Bo-Katan said with a guilty shake of her head. "By the way, have you found out who the guy who took a shot at her? I need to have a personal conversation with him — no one takes shots at the families of Death Watch."

I shook my head and replied, "I've made inquiries, but no one knows for sure yet. It was obviously someone on Merrik's payroll, since they are the only Death Watch assets on Coruscant. The ones loyal to us were half way back to Mandalore when Satine was attacked, so it wasn't them. Some think it might be one of the members of the Death Watch working for Lorka, while others believe the guy regrets his actions since he hasn't come forward."

"He'll regret it when I find him." She threatened, crossing her arms while likely imagining the various ways she is going to torture the unfortunate assassin.

I nodded in agreement. "Well, we don't know what the future may hold. If he comes forward, I will let you know."

"You better," she said, "especially with all the work I've done this month to help you with this campaign."

"Ah, yes, the Prey Wing concert." I said with a sigh. "I still can't believe I signed off on that."

Somehow, the funding had been acquired. The band was ready, and they hosted several concerts. They had been quite successful, and because of their modest success, they generated a bit of political influence. Tonight, I had to attend one of their concerts where they would come out in support of my campaign.

It's about getting the youth voting and all that, it won't matter that I basically created this band with Bo's help. Some people may figure it out, but most won't, and that will help with our efforts to grow a large base strong enough to depose the current Prime Minister.

Saxon nodded before saying, "Oh, right, we also have some wacko artist who lives in Sundari by the name of Veraslayn Kast. She's independently supporting your campaign, but I don't think we should make too many moves to incorporate them into our efforts."

"Why is that?" I asked, curious as to why they wouldn't want me to have any contact with her.

"Well, her art seems to indicate that she supports Death Watch. It's just rumors and hearsay, and that's enough. As much as Death Watch appears to be on the rise, I don't think we want you, as the Governor of Concordia, to be mistaken for a member of the Death Watch, at least not yet."

Nodding my head in agreement, I said, "I am well aware of that." Then I continued, "While we won't do anything about her yet, maybe we should see if we can get her in contact with the actual Death Watch. Perhaps a little bit of propaganda for our efforts would help increase support here on Mandalore."

"Maybe," Saxon passed me an encrypted datapad, used for high security communication between cells in the Death Watch. "Other than that, Countess Wren sent us a message. There's been an issue with food prices rising again. They're wondering if they could work out a deal with you to supply them with more food at a cheaper rate."

I briefly skimmed the details on the datapad. "I can look into that matter. I'll tell her that I'll gladly see what I can do for our fellow Mandalorian. I will need guarantees, though, that she'll support my run for Prime Minister, of course."

Saxon nodded his head. "Of course, of course. I'll make sure she knows."

With that handled, I checked the time on my vambrace display and said, "Well, I have three hours before I have to get on a transport to Mandalore for the Prey Wing concert. So, unless there's anything major, I'm going to go spend time with my son for a couple of hours. Haven't spent enough time with Paz as of late." With the meeting finished, I make my way out of the room.

"Sounds good, let's go." Bo said as she got up from her seat, "By the way, how old is your son again?"

I stopped and said, "Paz's six years old this year." A brief flash of Oori appeared before me, and I shook my head, trying not to think about my lost wife. "He's almost old enough to start the trials. I'm going to have to introduce him to the clan armor soon so we can start learning more about our history, where we came from, where we're going, and how he's going to best defend himself when he's doing it." As I exited the meeting into the hallway, I heard Bo walk next to me.

"I started taking Tanya out to the gun range back when she was ten. Would have a lot sooner, but Satine was in her early New Mandalorian days, you know." Bo commented, distracting me from further thoughts of Oori.

"I still can't figure out how you managed to convince Satine to allow for Tanya's training. She was still very against Mandalorian tradition back then. So how did you do it?" I asked.

"Well, it started when I left my empty blaster out where Tanya could find it when she was five. Once she found it, she inspected it to see if it was loaded, even held it in a two-handed grip. before getting ready to field strip it if I hadn't come in." Seeing my raised eyebrow, Bo smirked and continued, "It's true, I wouldn't believe it too if I didn't see her do it with my own eyes."

"And I am guessing that is when Satine saw the error of her ways and allowed you to train her once she is ten years old?" Already seeing where this is going.

"Nope, that is when she kicked me out of the house." Seeing my incredulous expression, Bo laughed before she continued, "Yep, it wasn't until Satine found Tanya reading books about our history that she called me back to prepare her for her job as a Representative on Coruscant. After that, during her first visit to a shooting range. She hit twenty shots out of twenty, with twelve of those shots hitting inside the ring."

"Now I know you are exaggerating." I said in jest as I made my disbelief clear. But I also know that she gained nothing from embellishing Tanya's skills.

"I'm not. Here — I still have a picture to celebrate her first time shooting a blaster." Sure enough, Bo projected a holopic from her vambrace. The holopic showed a much younger Tanya and Bo in front of a firing range. The score counter shows a proud twenty with Bo having her hand on top of a frowning Tanya's head while the other hand is holding what I assume to be her vambrace.

"After that, we started to go on camping trips. Here is when Tanya threw her first grenade." She scrolled the holopic to show a new holopic where Tanya is standing in a trench with her hand on her hips as Bo took a picture of her with a smoking crater in the background. "This is her eating her first kill." This next holopic had Tanya eating a small critter in a campsite next to a fire while looking annoyed at the camera. "This is after her first spar." She showed a picture of Tanya lying face down on the floor with Bo putting herself in frame, with a smile on her face doing a hand sign the younger generation like to use in pictures they take of themselves. "And this is when she wore her first armor and started jetpack training." Now it showed a taller Tanya wearing her family armor hovering in the air with a wide smile on her face.

It didn't take long for me to notice the melancholic expression on Bo's face as she scrolled through her gallery of holopics. "This is very important to you." I commented.

"It is. The time I spent being trained by my parents was the happiest part of my childhood. Since dad was busy being Patriarch of House Kryze, governor of Kalevala, and having to train my little brother too, he rarely had time for us. Mom did most of the work training Satine and I but we usually have a yearly camping trip where the entire family goes camping for a week for some family bonding." Now she is showing an older set of pics, of a family enjoying their time together in a group photo.

While Bo stares at the holopics, I can't help but compare her childhood with mine. Being raised under Tor's Death Watch is not what I would call a pleasant childhood. I was too young to remember what they were like before they were killed in an attack against Jaster's True Mandalorians. Tor was too busy leading Death Watch against everyone in the sector to raise me, so he left me to the more moderate members of Death Watch. Once news of Tor's death by the hands of Jango reached the rest of Death Watch, since I was the eldest surviving Vizsla, I was put in charge of Death Watch.

In a way, I both envied and sympathized with her. I wished I could have more time with my parents, and I do wonder what my life would have been like if Tor's poisonous ideals never existed. Yet, if that were the case I never would have met Oori whose parents were also killed in the war. When Oori was pregnant with Paz, I swore I would be there for him the same way I wanted my parents to be there for me. Returning my focus to the outside world, I noticed that we are almost to Paz's room.

Not wanting to leave this moment on this melancholic note, I said, "I am sure Tanya remembers her time with you fondly. You should be proud."

Bo turned her focus on me and said, "Satine should have been the one to do that, so that she could experience Tanya's firsts with her. It should have been a moment reserved for mother and child, and I feel bad that she'll never feel the joy and pride I felt when Tanya succeeded in her training. All I could do is report her progress every month, and since she is a New Mando she didn't see Tanya's training as anything more than a necessity. It's only after Tanya left for Coruscant and I reconnected with Satine that I think she started to regret missing that part of Tanya's life."

"What passed is past and nothing can change that. All we can do now is make new memories and experiences to make up for lost time. I am also sure Satine is proud of what Tanya has achieved in her own way." I squeezed her hand.

Bo seemed to regain her composure, "Thanks for the pep talk, Pre."

"Anytime." We stopped in front of Paz's door as Bo closed her vambrace. "Well, this is it. Are you ready to meet your step-son?"

Bo took a deep breath, "Yeah — okay, let's do this."

Writer's note: To start, the chapter was more focused on the Mando Expo, but we got some Jedi mixed in and some surprise Death Watch figuring things out! But that is not all Ghost-339 contributed a one-shot to me that I was able to fit into the beginning of the chapter here. The power of the fan Discord.

Also on the matter of weird stuff that happens on fan Discord… apparently someone is reading this story in Spanish on youtube, like an audiobook… some authors might be pissed… me… I see opportunities… I will be looking into this concept and who knows, maybe in a month or so there might be a YouTube video of the first chapter read by me… we'll see.

Please comment, review, and generally enjoy yourselves…

Edited by: Anonymous, Lich, Warmach1ne32, Ghost-339, Afforess, Fallqm
Community edited by:
Community editable doc (Chapter) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Afforess, Aske Helsted, Adam Daw, Arkhad, Adrian Black, arnumart, BigKumaDM, Brandon Goodman, BarrettSlayer, Beautiful Winter, Bill Romero Diaz, Bishop Rikor, BloodAxe, CB-Otaku, Contrary, Chernobog, Creampuff, CrazedGamma1721, Duncan Sproule, Dankermaler, DrkShdow, Devilstar101, Daryl, D3ad0s, Desphyx, Endymion2314, Evariskitsune, Falk Hüser, FreelancerD0, Fischer Davis-Hagen, Gremlin Jack, Guillermo Echeverria, Hats88, H2os, harry Nevel, Hotroman, Ian R Major, James Moorhouse, Jog256, John Norman, Jake Serna, Jan Mantsch, KrasieK, Kenny Nguyen, kalistira, Koreanwriter, Lmc9389, LoyalChaos, Lago, Louis Kasser, Lightstorm, Legion_13, Lictor Magnus, Libois kurt, Michael, Mana Rope, Mackenzie Buckle, Maxim Blashkevych, Michał Kotuła, Mrsmall0170, MysteryCPU, MinnieMin, Michael Hill, Matthew D, MeowATron9000, milky, Michael Forsyth, Neso, Nathan Cardoso, Pulse Rager, Pontus, Retexks, Silver Wolf, Staradder, Sam, Santeri Oripelto, The GrandMage, Taylor Tilbury, Treant Balewood, William, Xodarap4, Zollus, Zul The Lich, Zahael, Zugakun, Kiwi, Foeno, Arthur

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Chapter 58, 717 FNM (21 BBY) Month 6
Chapter 58
717 FNM (21 BBY) Month 6

Punworcca-class interstellar sloop, Dathomir System
Count Dooku

Meditation, a luxury that I rarely have the time for due to how frequently other tasks in the last decade needed my guiding hand. So much preparation, so many factions, needed to be integrated for this war to coalesce smoothly. Even now, I rarely have moments to center myself in meditation unless I schedule it in advance.

One of those thoughts was not a questioning of the Grand Plan, per se, merely some of the less scientific components of that plan. Those not backed by evidence or justification, like the Rule of Two. While it is a serviceable method to hide from the Jedi Sentinels for millennia, my dream was to build a new, reformed Jedi Order. One whose goals were grounded in material reality and scientific knowledge, not fearfully hidebound and stuck in the Core. For that, I would need more recruits than just an apprentice.

Facing the truth that the Jedi Order was doomed while stuck to corrupt democratic forces, only acting at the beck and call of the Senate, had been one of the harshest lessons I ever had to learn. However, I was never one to shy away from Dark truths. Persuading any of the factions in the Jedi Order to join that mindset seemed unlikely, especially back at the time I joined the Grand Plan. And time had shown me that there were other options on the table.

What other options? I had shared my knowledge, unlike the fearful Jedi. A small group of acolytes were gathered, those who thought as I did. We had a shared greater purpose, a desire for a better Jedi Order out in the Outer Rim, one not afraid of the Dark Side of the Force and willing to delve and discover the truly unknown.

Most of them were scattered across many fronts, doing everything they could to fight the Republic, and I was losing them. Sidious had ensured this. Battle by battle, they were placed in impossible binds, where proving their loyalty meant their destruction. I was dissatisfied with the betrayals I was meting out. That too was part of the plan that Darth Sidious had laid out to wipe out the Jedi.

But now my frustration with my role in the Grand Plan transformed into outright concern about Sidious's inflexibility. There were often many paths to new knowledge, to new advancements. There were many Jedi that could be turned, many that could be of use to a new Order. Factions in the Jedi Order were more splintered than ever before, thanks to the war. And for the most part, besides Sidious's ever-growing interest in Anakin Skywalker, a young man who reminded me of myself, Sidious had emphasized that I should not try to bring these potential Jedi to our side. Despite the obvious proof that when we convince Obi-Wan Kenobi to switch sides, that his former Padawan Skywalker would join our cause as well.

So I had come to a realization: I should not be so trusting in Sidious's plan. Sidious and I shared a great many mutual interests and had the same goal, but I need not walk down the path Sidious has laid before me. I needed to adapt; do more to grow my Order of Force wielders. After all, if I had numerous Force wielders at my command, we could confront Sidious on equal terms and prevent some of his more predictable disasters. And with an Order of Force wielders on my side, it would greatly simplify matters with the Separatist Council.

Presently, I let them play at being the leaders of the war, doing what they please with the forces they have. Of course, I retained control of both the Separatist Droid Army and the CIS Navy, the latter I was going to allow Grievous to use in his planned offensive near the end of the year.

I did not have complete control of every individual system's army because of the Separatist Council. If I was able to streamline command and control, I would have more than enough forces to drown the Core in droids and make my demands known. It's something I don't think Sidious really considered when he crafted this plan together. His plan, after all, depended on the greediness of the corporate lords, who made up the Separatist Council, to hamstring the military efforts of the Separatist Army from actually accomplishing anything.

If I were to put those corrupt corporate lords in their proper place, and utilize the full resources available, I could win. If I wasn't hamstrung at every turn, I could unleash a force powerful enough to remake the galaxy

Then again, I was apprehensive about abandoning the plan completely for a simple reason in particular. In order to abandon the current plan, I would need to embrace my role in the CIS. I was the architect of the CIS and in order for victory, my leadership, and skills would be needed to succeed. The evidence was right in front of me, I already knew it. I saw the path for me more clearly than Sidious could guide me from his distant vantage; I needed to accept that Dark truth as well. I alone know my path best because it is the path that I chose.

"Master, we're almost to Dathomir." I opened my eyes and looked out the window, seeing the aforementioned planet closing the distance.

"Good." I said with an amused smile as I sat up, turning to Ventress. "This is your first time back to your homeworld in a decade or two, is it not?"

Ventress nodded, more focused on the console. This behavior is not surprising. She had been sold as a slave from her homeworld at a very young age, and so never formed any strong attachments to it. There were no restrictions in place preventing her from visiting any time in the past, yet it just couldn't compare to the rest of the galaxy. But for now, I needed Force-sensitive recruits and my options were limited. So, we went to the few places where I could still gather a modest number of recruits.

Under normal circumstances, my identity as a foreign Darksider would cause enough distrust, enough that I could safely assume such a mission would fail. However, with Ventress accompanying me, there is an opportunity for success, a rare opportunity, where there usually was no chance of success. Having a Dathomiri with me would ensure a safe arrival, even if they don't approve of my presence. Ventress would also be able to secure my safe departure as well. Everything in between that point will be up to diplomatic talks with Mother Talzin, the leader of the Witches of Dathomir, the largest Dathomiri cult.

Ventress spoke, but didn't turn away from the console. "Are you sure this is safe, Master? The people of Dathomir do not tolerate outsiders."

I nodded. "True, however, they might be interested in what I have to offer, at the very least."

She shrugged and focused on flying the ship. I watched the planet come closer until we broke the atmosphere. Finding the location of the Nightsisters was not difficult. As we entered, a voice came in over the communicator on the navigation frequency, "Incoming craft, state your business-" The comm cut off and crackled with static for a moment. "-What? Very well. Follow these coordinates. Mother Talzin is expecting your arrival."

Most likely, Mother Talzin had sensed my arrival. It was to be expected. These witches were strong in the Force, even if they don't like to classify their particular skill in it as the Force. They would sense that I was here — I wasn't hiding my presence. This far away from the Core, it was very unlikely for Sidious to sense where I was and what I was doing.

The ship landed in front of a cave, with trees hanging everywhere and pods, filled with the bodies of Nightsisters long dead, from what I understood of their history.

Standing by the cave entrance were about a dozen Nightsisters, armed with energy bows, metal swords and spears. A curious combination of very primitive and somewhat advanced weaponry at the same time. In the center was a woman in regalia that could only be Mother Talzin. She was observing the sleek Punworcca sloop with interest, I noted, as I stood up from where I was sitting.

Walking over to the ramp, I spoke to Ventress, "You shall lead the way. I believe they will take kindly to your arrival more than I would."

Ventress nodded as the doors lowered, and she stepped down the ramp. I followed behind her, my hands clasped behind my back as I observed the proceedings.

Mother Talzin smiled as she saw the young Nightsister walking down the ramp. Then the smile slowly decayed as she noticed me. By the time I approached, it had fully transformed into a frown.

"Welcome back, sister. It was a shame you had to be given to that slaver, but I knew you would return some day stronger for it, if your mother were still around she would be proud." She said, her voice carried a strange echo that told of her long use of Dark Magicks, as they called it. I know Sidious had said they used the Dark Side, yet was dismissive about the specifics of their craft. He always said there were many paths to every end, as there are many ways of using the Force.

Perhaps the Witches found an alternative way to use the Dark Side that differs from how the Sith uses the Dark Side. Order and control took many forms. I sometimes speculated about finding order in the galaxy; did it require both the use of Light and Dark? So perhaps my dual abilities could be of use to my Order, perhaps not. I had much to consider.

"Mother Talzin, it's an honor to meet you, my name is Asajj Ventress." Ventress said, bowing her head before moving her hand to indicate to me. "This is my master, Count Dooku."

Mother Talzin raised an eyebrow before saying, "Oh? Are you sure it's not Darth Tyranus?"

"And how have you come upon that name, Mother Talzin?" I asked, keeping my tone mild, only showing my curiosity. I ratcheted up my threat assessment of this leader — the only person who should know that is Sidious. Was she one of his agents? Or did she come by the name through some other means?

I did not have to wonder for long, as she explained. "You learn many things by simply listening to what is out there. What you call The Force screams names in anger and sorrow. Yours, in particular, is quite sorrowful."

I nodded in understanding. This answer didn't rule out her being an agent of Sidious or other confirming sources. But it did demonstrate that she had listened to the Force. Listened at the same level that Darth Sidious was able to, and had been able to grasp the name.

The name the Force had given me was fitting, for it was what I was going to do. It was, after all, how these names came about. The Force foresaw what I was going to do as a tyranny. Thus, while a member of the Sith, I must take the name and make it my own. So, I became Darth Tyranus. I did not wholly embrace the name though, as I'm fighting tyranny, but it was interesting to learn the context of that name. Sorrow... I wonder why that was.

Whatever it meant, I could investigate it in time, there was no urgency there. Ventress and one of the other Nightsisters seemed to be having a silent conversation, or possibly, telepathy. So I cleared my throat for attention and said, "Well then, it appears that we do not need any more introductions. Is there a place where we can speak unheard by those who would wish to hear us?"

Mother Talzin smiled before waving for us to follow her. "I can provide such a place, yes."

In a quiet procession, we moved deep into the cave. It contained a rather well-lit community built underground, inside of it. Farther in, there was an underground river and the bridges seemed almost cut out of the natural rock. Every visible dwelling was crafted seemingly of natural rock and illuminated with an otherworldly green light. Strange green bonfires out in the open were clearly being used for heat and cooking as well. The eyes of the Nightsisters watched us as we moved. Before long, we arrived at a solid wall. She waved her hand, and I felt the wall shift in the Force, while visibly it shifted, dissipated like a mist. She stepped inside after that display settled, beckoning us to follow.

Once inside, she waved her hand again, and the wall came to be once more. I was able to get a good look around the room. It was a study of sorts, with a kettle in a corner brewing something over an open fire. She waved her hand, and several chairs and a table moved to the center of the room. She said, "Take a seat. I have a feeling I know why you're here."

"Do you now?" I said, moving to take a seat. "What reason do you think I'm here?"

"Allies and subordinates, ones you can trust, ones that you know will serve you to the best of their capabilities, ones that your master has no control over.

You wish to recruit amongst my people. Searching for force-wielders that can be harnessed into weapons for your own use. Not much different than the imperious Jedi scum, walking in here and trying to steal my people. It has happened before, and it wasn't in my people's favor that time. But the Witches of Dathomir have a long history of allowing its members to journey outside and learn new magic and abilities from other Orders.

Two different stories chart my people's history. In one tale, we were long-lost Jedi that were stranded here for generations, developing our own culture. The other tale is even more extraordinary, and tells us that we were stranded refugees of an incredibly advanced galactic-spanning civilization, displaced in time and space. Both stories are shrouded in mystery, but they do speak of one thing, of the importance of knowledge and understanding. Allowing our people to learn what is needed to learn, to not be held back by what one side of the Force tells the other, is necessary for a true understanding of the universe. After all, they are merely two facets of the same whole."

She smiled and sipped her drink. "For example, I've heard that even though you have joined the Dark side, you still maintain your ability to use the Light to perform Force healing."

I nodded my head in confirmation. The trick to healing with Light was self-evident. In addition to the knowledge required to heal the injury, the Light required a true desire for the patient to become whole and grow into something greater in the future.

She tilted her head and her smile widened eagerly at the admission. "The Jedi guard that particular secret of theirs too zealously, if you asked me. I would like to learn more about these techniques. To be able to feel and sense people through the Force. Our own methods are different, requiring a sacrifice of energy.

If you're willing to let some of my people learn from you and allow them to return to teach us their techniques, for as long as that continues, I would be willing to allow you to recruit from our planet as much as you want. As long as the knowledge is shared, you may visit whenever you want and find people to serve in your Order."

I stroked my beard as I considered the offer. It cost me little to empower such isolationist allies and if they decide to rebel, I have more than enough fleets and droids to crush them. In return, I would have a steady supply of Force Sensitives for my Order. "I would be more than willing to go along with such arrangements. I am recruiting to build an institution that truly respects and teaches all the ways of the Force, including both Light and Dark. It's purely rational, it's the only approach to such matters that can succeed. We need numerous Force sensitives to join our cause to succeed. In addition, I could also offer you resources from the CIS if you are interested in that."

"I'm afraid material aid from the CIS would violate our neutrality, at least the neutrality of my Order. I'd prefer you not export your war to our peaceful haven here, and I don't need your doubts to cause me issues in the future."

"My doubts?" I asked.

"Doubts about the future, doubts about your Grand Plan." She replied.

I furrowed my brow. "What do you know about the Grand Plan?"

She chuckled as she took the teapot off the open fire. Several cups flew from a nearby counter to arrange themselves in front of Ventress, myself, and an open seat for herself. "More than most, but not as much as you, I'm sure. Many years ago, your Master promised the seat you now hold to me. Quite the charmer he was, still is, I hear. Instead of continuing our potential relationship, he decided that my Magicks were inferior to that of the Sith and that I could not learn what was necessary. However, someone he found on Dathomir was more interesting than myself. Your Master, Darth Sidious, left without giving me what I was owed, but not before taking something precious from me."

"I had not known this information before." I said with interest, curious about what the Sith had been up to when I had been a Jedi.

"Ah yes, you're a recent addition to the Dark Side of the Force. Some of us do have connections between other Orders. The Sith are known to rarely share their teachings and power." She held a grim expression and paused for a moment to let that sink in. "I assume the reason you're here is you're starting to suspect that, Lord Tyranus. You are starting to suspect that whatever the Grand Plan will be, may not end in your favor and your goals. And most importantly of all, you're starting to wonder why you should share power with a man who ordered the death of someone important to you."

I neither confirmed nor denied that statement, but narrowed my eyes in suspicion. Years of politics have necessitated denying any hint of information that could be used against me. I had not anticipated this exact conversation, but it still seemed possible to steer it in a constructive direction. "And since you seem to have anticipated me so well, what exactly do you think I want?"

Mother Talzin smiled and paused to drink from her cup. "Allies, subordinates, perhaps a new Order. One that is not quite Sith and not quite Jedi. A bold move to play so far into the game, but the pieces are moving so effectively. I do not think, even if you could pull it off, it would be functional."

I kept my face impassive at the supposed jab at my capabilities. I was about to ask if this meant she was going to offer me nothing, but she smiled dangerously. "Sidious has caused me as much harm as he has caused you, and I would not mind supporting you in secret. I admit I want revenge; to hurt him as much as I can because he has hurt me. But I'm also the ruler of my people, and I must put their safety first over my own machinations. The Witches of Dathomir can support you in many ways, but we will not do so openly. I will not let your former Master find an excuse to bring ruin to my people. You can take who you want from here, but they will not be allowed back until this conflict is over. Preferably after your Master's death and the formation of this new Order you're establishing."

I nodded my head. I understand what she meant, their boundaries were quite clear.. "Is there anything else that you are willing to offer in exchange?"

She sipped her drink, clearly stalling. "Besides what I've already mentioned, allowing you to search among the population for potential recruits, I know you are searching for allies and I can provide you with an assassin. They can be used quite effectively against Republican hard targets, targets you want destroyed. Although, their training leaves them lacking when it comes to soft targets. Do not ask them to go running off and capture someone alive alone, they will need guidance otherwise. But whoever you send them after will be dead, that I can say with some assurance."

I already had several individuals capable of assassinations, including Ventress, who was an elite assassin. However, I spoke politely next, in case this was some cultural custom. "I already have a useful assassin. Why should I take on one more who will not be as skilled or trained in the subtleties as they are?"

Mother Talzin laughed. "Because your best assassin, young Ventress, will not be able to stay in your service for much longer. Sidious is closely watching over your inner circle. If he feels that your apprentice is growing too strong and could be used by you to strike out against him, he will order you to kill her. There's only room for two in the Rule of Two, and I can feel young Ventress is rapidly becoming a third. Which means you will either have to decide to kill your assassin or kill Sidious."

I nodded my head. That was what I already suspected would happen eventually, but to hear someone confirm my suspicion merely strengthened my resolve.

"If Ventress is growing to such a degree that she's becoming a threat, why has he not also asked me to do the same to every single acolyte I have gathered to my cause?" I asked.

She chuckled before saying, "If he knows of them he likely would, I do not know of every acolyte under your command. But if I were you, I would start looking for ways to make them appear less capable than they are."

I nodded in understanding. What was being discussed here, was that I needed to keep my acolytes secret in case Sidious tried to remove them.

Severance's failures had given me an excellent opportunity to remove her from her position as my lead acolyte and a possible leader of the CIS Grand Army to a lesser role as a field commander of some note. For all intents and purposes, I had resigned her to a lesser role and given her an acolyte of her own to train as she wished.

This would prevent Sidious from looking at her too closely. After all, she wasn't really a Sith. She was merely a general with Force abilities, fighting for the CIS. She only has a bare minimum of training in utilizing the Force, equivalent to a Jedi youngling. Her acolyte, Tan'Nya, the modified clone, was like another warrior, not under my personal training and not trained enough in the intricacies of the Dark Side to even qualify as a Sith apprentice — yet.

Of course, Grievous had no Force ability, though some had tried to give it to him. Thus, he would be ignored and, in a way, protect Severance as he took the position of high command.

As for Sora Bulq and his group of Jedi who also abandoned the Order, those assets were not as risky to deploy. They tended to operate in the South, far away from me, and could appear to be an independent Order of Dark Jedi, which Sidious would make note of yet generally ignore.

The only other two possible apprentices that were in danger were Ventress and Tanya. I needed to figure out a way to hide Ventress when Sidious demands her death. As for Tanya Kryze, I still hoped to sway her to our side, though I did not see the path to do so yet.

"Let's say that your thoughts are true, that Sidious does plan to remove my assassin from me. How would we go about preventing that, Mother Talzin?" I asked.

She smiled and said, "By putting your trust in your apprentice. When Sidious demands her death, you shall resist, at least at first. However, should Sidious pressure you, then you shall order the death of your apprentice. Prior to that, we shall make a record of droids slaying a woman who resembles Ventress, easy enough for me to accomplish, I assure you. You shall inform me and present this recording to Sidious while Ventress conceals herself from the Dark Side and escapes here, to my fortress. I shall perform a ritual that will echo out across the galaxy, resembling the death of a powerful force user. The best weapons are ones that are not known, and if she escapes and stays hidden here, she can not only be a weapon to stab Sidious in the back when he least expects it, but a weapon that can learn things that the Sith and the Jedi cannot teach her."

I nodded my head as this was a rather simple plan but one that could work. I was concerned about the quality of the deception that the Nightsisters could create, they did not seem to be the most technologically adept but would likely be able to accomplish the elements of the plan that requires sorcery or with a body double. Moreover, a great deal of this plan was in the firm control of Talzin. Her treachery would be disastrous should I commit to this gambit. But, perhaps I have grown a little too caring of my apprentice — assassin. I turned to her and asked, "Well, Ventress, what do you think of this plan?"

She looked at me before saying, "I believe we are powerful and numerous enough to challenge Sidious master. How could Sidious stand against us and our dozens of dark acolytes? I would prefer a more direct plan, one that allows us to cast down that cowardly fool... However, if this gets us closer to accomplishing your goal, I would be willing to risk it, Master. If we are going to embark on this path — I would like to officially be your apprentice if we are going to break with your Master. Now is the time, if we are ever going to break free of the Rule of Two, so I can be trained to my fullest."

"Do not allow your ignorance of his strengths to become arrogance, Ventress. I shall be the sole arbiter of our ability to defeat him, is that understood?" There was a pause before Ventress bowed her head in subordination. I sighed before I said, "There is merit to your thoughts, and I shall deliberate on that before we are done here." Turning back to Mother Talzin with a smile, I said, "However, if Sidious finds out that you are supporting me in any way, his anger will come swiftly and mercilessly upon your world."

Mother Talzin smiled before saying, "Fooling someone of your Master's caliber will always be a risky proposition, but there are options to protect ourselves out there. Dathomir is neutral, but not part of the Council of Neutral Systems. If we were to join them, we could borrow the same rules they follow. "

"An excellent plan. I believe we have come to an agreement." The new idea was around Dathomir joining the CNS. If I could manipulate events to ensure Senator Kryze officiated the event at Dathomir, it would give me a window of opportunity to abduct her on prepared grounds, now that I had negotiated unrestricted access. Even if it failed, the incident should cause the CNS to expel Dathomir. Then they would need me and the CIS aid I alone can provide to stay out of Sidious's clutches. "How long will it take for you to prepare this ritual for Ventress?"

"Time is a fickle thing, unfortunately, as we too must obey its laws. I believe a few months are required to gather everything I need. Then we will need Ventress to return here to take her part in the ritual to deceive your Master. Thus, I believe that by the end of the year, I will have everything in place for your apprentice."

"Perfect timing, then, if we can pull it off." It wasn't, but I could delay Sidious if he gave me the order to execute Ventress a short while. If the order came too early, I would stall by assigning her to distant missions whose success was mandatory for my Master's plan.

Talzin raised an eyebrow, possibly sensing some of the motives in my thoughts. "Is there something planned for the end of the year that will give Sidious a blow that he'll feel, perhaps?"

"Perhaps, at the very least, the Republic will feel its impact. A strong enough diversion that the Republic will not be able to muster any assets for some time to interfere with my plans."

"Wonderful." She said, lifting her saucer of tea. "To mutual benefit."

"To mutual benefit." I agreed, lifting my own and sipping it with a bemused smile.

Coruscant, Mandalore Tower
Tanya Kryze

Sometimes I asked myself if some people were intentionally trying to drive me insane. Do they get joy out of trying to create political instability just to mess with me? Then I remember that Being X isn't around anymore, or at least I've seen him gloat over the course of the last nineteen years of my life. So it seems safe to assume that what I'm feeling is leftover paranoia, the remnants of our last confrontation.

The idol's performance had been a smash hit. The Coruscanti public enjoyed the story of the fall of the Neo-Crusaders under the hands of Revan. A fallen Jedi who turned us from the path of the conquerors, who was willing to go above and beyond his calling.

Recent events outpaced the Mandalorian Expo planning, so I grew quite concerned when I learned the lyrics of the Gargon Girl's scheduled debut song. It highlighted a rogue Jedi, and the Maelstrom debacle also involved a rogue Jedi; their fanaticism had led them to nuke an entire system off the galactic map. So I was very worried that when the song debuted, I would have angry Senators and Jedi breathing down my back about anti-Jedi sentiments or something of that nature. Thankfully, that seemed not to be the case. The conversation I had with Grandmaster Yoda and Master Windu after the performance was quite friendly. They had been more amused than insulted by ancient history.

That was the good news. The idol's debut did not turn into the expected supernova explosion, thanks to Grandmaster Yoda. I disliked that he was playing favorites, but I couldn't refuse such useful patronage. The bad news was that someone else apparently had been rather moved by the concert. Earlier today, I got a message that a youthful Jedi Knight — no older than nineteen, my own age — was trying to contact me.

Why she was trying to get in touch with me, I don't know, and I don't want to know. She wasn't a Mandalorian, so she wasn't my problem. Perhaps she felt insulted by the play, perhaps she was looking for compensation for distress. It seemed foolish, but I was not exactly in favor of solving someone else's problems.

But there wasn't much I could do on the matter. Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan had managed to bypass my security through an old trick: social manipulation. More importantly, now she was on her way up. She apparently told my guards something of grave importance, which somehow convinced my security to hesitatingly allow her to meet me. So important and sensitive that they refused to explain further except in person; I couldn't fathom any reason that made this situation make any sense.

Letting out a sigh, I sat back on my new couch, happy to have fully furnished and now occupy the top floor of the Mandalorian Tower. Vai prepared a cup of caf for me. If I was going to have my time forcibly wasted by a VIP guest, I wanted to at least be decadently comfortable. My cushy position in the rear wasn't everything I had hoped, it seemed, but at least I wasn't being shot at. I'd pick the familiar monotony of a desk job over the high intensity environment of a battle any day.

My silent complaints were interrupted as the door opened and two of my Royal Guards entered, escorting the Jedi into the room. She looked young, too young for the title of Knight.

Standing up, I confronted the problem directly. "Evening, Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan. I am Senator Kryze. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

The young woman reached out as if to shake an unoffered hand, before aborting the gesture. "I need your help. I... I may have made a serious lapse in judgment."

I remembered to let my confusion show on my face, still not sure what the issue was. "Lapse in judgment? Doesn't that sound like something you should be bringing up with the Jedi Council? Is there a particular reason you have come to me about it?"

She gulped. "Can I have a seat? This is... this is a long story."

"Of course." I said, offering her a seat. I sat down after her, and once she seemed settled, I sighed.

She fiddled with her hands, appearing to be trying to calm herself and visibly work up her courage. I only watched and occasionally took a sip of my caf until she broke the silence and finally spoke. "I'm pregnant with a child of a Mandalorian."

I blinked, and blinked again, the non-sequitur statement taking me a moment to process. "You know, of all the things I expected to hear today, this was not what I was expecting." I bought myself some more time to think by draining my caf before placing it on the table. "Is this pregnancy consensual?"

She looked at me, seeming perplexed at the question. "Yes, yes, he doesn't know yet, but yes."

"Ah-huh, so why exactly are you here then if he is not aware of the situation? Is he violent? This also seems like something you should be bringing up with the Jedi Order."

She lost her composure at my prior question, a panic-stricken look appearing on her face. "No! No, he isn't violent, he is very sweet. It's just." She let out a sigh before finally explaining, "He's Mandalorian by culture, but the father is a clone."

"Ah." The pieces started falling into place. A young Jedi Knight having consensual relations with her clone underling. This was a political minefield with many potential consequences for Mandalore. Could the clones give consent in this scenario, and even if so, did that have any meaning given the power imbalance? This was exactly one of the issues I had highlighted in my reports to the Senate Military Oversight Committee after the action on Geonosis. However, as a mere Representative, those reports were given a very low priority and there was a war on.

Nodding my head, I said, "Okay, I'm starting to see why you're not eager to face the Jedi Council. This would be a bit of a scandal. But why have you come to me?" I had a strong suspicion her reason for coming here was related to the clones being grown from engineered Mandalorian DNA. I had drafted preliminary plans for how Mandalore might independently respond to this crisis, back before I was elevated to Senator. Given the course of the war so far, it seemed prudent to assume the Republic would respond too late to this issue. Tentative responses from Arkanian cloning labs indicated that any engineering done on the Kaminoan clones could be reversed through a specially designed virus, like a more advanced and precise version of CRISPR.

"I was wondering if you would help me determine how to move forward. I really don't know what to do, and there only seems to be two options: discuss with the father's buir or come here. I did talk with him, but I am concerned about the things he said, so I thought I could get a second opinion on the matter here. I heard that you were not told the true story of your birth until very recently, and you're the daughter of Master Kenobi. So I was hoping that your perspective would be helpful as well."

My initial understanding of the situation was confused for a bit as she tried to explain her connection to my past. Sure, my past might appear externally similar, given the Jedi angle, but we are in opposite roles. I've never had any choice in who my parents were. Why would my personal perspective be useful?

"Okay, why don't we start with, what outcome do you want?" I probed.

"Uh, come again?" She asked, confused.

I sighed, apparently even mystical Force powers couldn't solve miscommunication, but I tried to explain the possibilities as I saw them. "It's your child, no matter how the situation plays out you have the final say. Sounds like you're more than willing to carry your child to term, which means you want him or her to live. Do you want that?"

Knight Tur-Mukan looked off into the distance, as she spoke. "I want to raise my child with Darman, the father, but I can't do that until after the war is over. I can't leave the Order in its time of need. It would be dishonorable to abandon the citizens of the Republic just to satisfy my own private selfishness. I've discussed this with Darman's adoptive father, Kal Skirata. And agreed to keep this secret, even from Darman, so he would not become distracted in combat."

I heard a sniffle and looked to my right, noticing Vai was apparently taking the fatalistic romanticism of the situation quite to heart. Sighing, I tried to format a diplomatic response to such a dramatic statement. "Distracted? You don't want him to be distracted by the fact that he has a son? Which sect of Mandalorians is your baby's father from exactly?"

She blinked, seeming confused. "Aren't they all the same?"

"No, no, they're not." I let out a sigh before palming my face to show my frustration with the universe and my multifaceted culture. I calmed myself, taking in a deep breath before letting it out. "I assume that this Kal Skirata fellow, who was recruited by Jango Fett, is a True Mandalorian. Which means the culture he's spreading to the clones is the True Mandalorian culture."

She had a blank look of nonrecognition on her face. "I don't know what that means."

"Right." I continued as if she had agreed with me. "Knowing True Mandalorians, the knowledge that you are pregnant with his child will not distract Darman, unless you are on a battlefield with him while still pregnant. Warriors are expected to return home for the birth of a child and have time to recuperate; many choose and want to stay at home to take care of them. So the child will not be a distraction. More likely, it would serve as motivation, something significant for him to look forward to at the end of the war. Something that will give him purpose, make him treat his life as important and valuable, as he will have a wife and child who need and want him to share in their future. So in this case, honesty is the best policy."

The young woman stared down at her hands for a moment, seeming to be deep in thought. Finally, she looked up, worried expression still in place. "That may not be straightforward... Kal Skirata is pressuring me, so he can become the primary guardian."

What? I gave her a sharp look. "What exactly has Kal Skirata said to you?"

"Darman's adopted father, Kal Skirata, is willing to take my child into his clan when the baby is born. However, he imposed several conditions. He thinks that a child of a clone and a Jedi would not be safe to exist — even in the Republic. He fears that too many factions would want our child for the wrong reasons, and I agree. But he is demanding I go off-world so we can keep the pregnancy a secret. And he wants to be the primary guardian with the right to raise our child. I am certain he will use that as permission to raise them as a Mandalorian. "

I turned to Vai and said, "Use proper diplomatic channels to get this Kal Skirata individual here as fast as possible. Find and bring the father as well." From what I had heard, a number of dangerous assumptions were being made. Best to clear this up quickly and gather everyone together for easier communication.

Knight Tur-Mukan looked at me in confusion. "Why are you asking for Darman to be here?"

"Because Kal Skirata is, in my opinion, an idiot. He can't use this situation to pressure you to keep the secret, it won't end well. There are significant external factors you have failed to mention. I'll be completely honest with you: your child may carry serious genetic defects that were engineered as part of the Kamino cloning process."

"What?" She asked.

"How old is Darman?" I asked rather simply.

"Ah, he's part of the first batch of clones, so I'd say he's amongst the oldest. So, ten years maximum."

"Which means your child would have the possibility of having the same genetic markers that require a normal human that should age into their 20s in ten years. They would age twice as fast, at a minimum."

That seemed to hit home as she opened her eyes in surprise. "Oh..."

"Not only that, every clone has the same possibility of producing bad genetic flaws. You are simply the first in a long line of individuals who will probably have to deal with the same realization you are having right now. Your child may not outlive you, but not by much. You're nineteen now, and in many more decades, you'll be near the end of adulthood, but your child will have aged significantly, they might even look like they're your ancestors. Because that's how fast they're aging."

"I hadn't even considered that." She said, seeming troubled, and rubbing her face.

You hadn't even considered that you're dating a ten-year-old. But I wouldn't hold that against her openly because that sensibility came ingrained from my previous lives. I couldn't complain because I couldn't admit to where my point of view came from. Adulthood worked differently for many in this galaxy. Especially considering they were both young idiots, and one of them actually ages quicker than normal for the years involved.

"Your child is going to need advanced gene therapy treatment to fix that issue, and we should be able to provide that within the Mandalorian sector. Our allies, the Arkanians are rather fine gene smiths and given enough time, they can figure out a treatment for the genetic damage. Of course, it would help if we have information on what the Kaminoans did to the donor DNA before we start poking at it to make sure if this is even necessary, but I'll handle that. If you'd like to avoid your name being attached to such research, we can arrange to work with you anonymously to solve this problem. This could be a rather useful tool for helping the other clones attain a real livelihood after their service in the war."

She looked up at me confused as I continued, "If the same gene therapy treatment developed for your child is employed on all the clones once they reach adulthood, it would prevent them from continuing their aging process at the accelerated rate. That would ensure the genetic damage wouldn't be passed down to their children, and then we wouldn't have a problem with generations having their lifespans cut in half." I paused there, and took a sip of my caf. Privately, I also hoped that this solution might help the public to see these clones as people and not as biomechanical droids, a common issue within the Senate.

Knight Tur-Mukan seemed deeply conflicted about the entire offer. It seemed I still needed to convince the Jedi of the ideal solution. Phrasing it in economic terms would not be the best approach here, Jedi have little understanding of economics. Aunt Satine — Mother would have somehow argued the same terms in high-sounding moral rhetoric. I could do something slightly similar, translate and phrase the economic exchange in regard to what they valued most: morality and humanitarian ideals.

So I tried to persuade her. "Your issue, your problem, could do much good for the galaxy if we have the opportunity to research your situation, and share the cure widely. If you're willing to allow me access, and to use it that way. In exchange, I will make sure to provide a safe, anonymous home on Mandalore for your child. It will include anything necessary for their lifestyle arrangements and needs. Finally, we will provide a faculty to research and construct the treatment, a place to repair the genetic alterations that your child and the clones carry. Your name doesn't need to be attached at all, but this opportunity would help all the clones suffering in the Republic. What are your thoughts on this?"

"I won't need to reveal myself to the public, right? You can do all this without me revealing my identity, but still solve the situation and handle the treatment on Mandalore?" She asked, seeming to be trying to grasp and confirm the details in my offer.

I sighed. "As far as I can see, there's no reason or benefit for you to reveal your identity. I assume you want to keep this from becoming a scandal between the Jedi, the clones, and the Republic."

She nodded emphatically. "Okay then, if this could help so many more people, then yes, I will. . But keep the exact details secret."

"As far as I'm concerned, your identity as a Mandalorian, or at least someone who's potentially going to join the Mandalorians, will be kept secret. I will do everything in my power to ensure that.

Knight Tur-Mukan stared down at her hands for a moment, but when she looked back up, she seemed to have found some inner strength. "Alright, alright, let's do this."

Coruscant, Mandalore Tower
Kal Skirata

The sleek and elegant towers of the diplomatic district were an unexpected sight. My hangover was fading, but I still wasn't used to the hovercar, I swayed uneasily as it shuddered to a stop in front of the Mandalorian Tower.

I had been sleeping off a hangover from last night's celebration of our mission's success, only to be shaken awake unexpectedly by my second-in-command, Captain Ordo Skirata. We had hunted down a bunch of terrorists who had been trying to cause trouble, and the operation had gone off with minimal losses. Not to mention, I actually met a Jedi who was worth talking to. The kid was doing a pretty good job of fighting, in my mind. He would make a good Mandalorian. But my fuzzy thoughts only grew more confused as Captain Ordo insisted the Mandalore embassy was urgently requesting to meet with me. Next, he threw a dress uniform at me, and after I changed, rushed me into a car.

Darman was sitting next to me in the car. "Did we blow something up that we shouldn't have?" I asked matter-of-factly, receiving a shake of the head from the clone next to me. Republic Senators weren't in the military chain of command, but I knew they viewed the clones as weapons, completely expendable.

"Not that I'm aware of. Besides, I think if it had something to do with our operations last night, it wouldn't be the Mandalorian Senator calling us in; it would be Republic Command." Darman replied with confidence.

"Ha, good point." I mused as I walked forward. Two Royal Guards were standing there, their armor looking as fancy as Royal Guard armor should, though not as Mandalorian as I would like.

"Kal Skirata and Clone Darman, here to see the senator. Apparently, she wants to speak with us for some reason." I explained.

The guards looked at us, and one of them apparently communicated through their helmets before waving us through. "Top floor."

Nodding in acknowledgement, I led the way to the elevator, observing the rather dull finery of the upper classes. There was some neat Mandalorian impressionism here and there, but nothing too interesting as we reached the elevator.

Darman was looking at the stuff with a bit more interest, but I ignored that for the most part until he asked a question. "Is this the kind of stuff we'll see on Mandalore?"

I made a so-and-so gesture before answering, "Maybe in that new capital city, Sundari. As you have clearly noticed, the New Mandalorians style of decoration involves that type of artwork, they add that stuff everywhere. Old cities have older styles, which are mostly weapons on display, hunt trophies, and color banners. I assume that they refurbished this tower when the New Mandalorians took over the government. Erasing whatever might have been here previously."

Once the elevator arrived, we stepped inside and waited as it made its way up the tower. Before long, we came to the top. The view was clearly meant to impress, a visitor could take in the various nearby scenery, and in the background were the Senate building, the Jedi Temple, and a lot of other towers for other famous and important senators. All in all, it was almost worth the trip.

The doors opened, revealing a rather stately apartment mixed with an office and kitchen, a strange arrangement, actually. It seemed like everything that could be done with could be done in the one room, and several bedrooms were near the back.

Stepping into the room, I was about to say something sarcastic about the decor when I noticed a familiar shock of brown hair. Sitting next to her was a blonde girl who could only be the individual Jango Fett warned me about, the senator from Mandalore. He once mentioned that she was dangerous; usually he only said such things about specific Jedi.

"Ah, you've arrived." The blonde girl said with authority, imperiously waving us forward.

"You must be Kal Skirata." She spoke the statement as if reciting a fact, while addressing me. "And you must be Darman Skirata." She added, looking at the clone next to me, he had his helmet off and under his arm as we entered.

"I am Senator Tanya Kryze of Mandalore. Please take a seat. I was just speaking with Knight Etain Tur-Mukan here, she has quite an interesting tale to tell. And I decided it would be better to bring you here and include you in this conversation."

I was suspicious the moment I realized Etain was here. The conversation we had two nights ago about her child had not ended very amicably. Oh, we came to an agreement, sure, but I had made it quite clear that I was not happy with her opinion on keeping this hidden from Darman.

But something seemed to be up. Why else would I be here with Darman if she hadn't had some sort of change of heart?

Stepping forward, I took the seat that was offered. Darman took one between me and Etain, obviously wanting to be closer to her because, well, they were obviously still having a relationship.

"So, Senator Kryze," I said, "I've heard about you through the grapevine. You gave Jango a good, fair deal on an assassination contract a few months back."

Kryze kept her smile fixed, but there seemed to be stress behind it as she spoke. "Oh yes, that... I can assume you've been working with Jango Fett, then. True Mandalorian?"

"Only choice." I said, knowing that answer would piss off some. But in my opinion, there really were only the True Mandalorians. The New Mandalorians weren't really real Mandalorians, they are just aruetii that just happen to have Mando blood in them, since they reject everything that made them Mandalorian. Death Watch were a bunch of criminals, and the Silvers were just True Mandalorians with extra steps and a bit of New Mandalorian fluff mixed in.

"Ah huh... well, that's quite interesting, but let's get to the purpose of this meeting then. Knight Etain Tur-Mukan, would you mind sharing with Darman why we're here?" Kryze said, looking at Etain rather uncomfortably. However, no one spoke and the silence stretched.

Kryze sat observing the silence for a moment. After an uncomfortable amount of time, she tilted her head as if in thought and spoke. "You know, I've heard from my mother that Obi-Wan Kenobi considered leaving the Jedi Order for her. And perhaps if Knight Kenobi had known that she was pregnant, he may have done it. Just a thought to keep in mind." I can see Darman furrowing his brow in confusion as he tries to decipher what Kryze is talking about and why it applied to Etain.

Etain took a breath, and I realized what was about to happen. I did my best to hide my smile.

"Darman, I'm pregnant…" Etain said. Darman's jaw hit the floor, not physically, but the point was all the same. He was stunned, and I was as happy as could be, knowing that the girl had grown some beskar in her spine and wasn't going to use him as I had feared. When she had asked me to keep it a secret, I had come to the opinion that she had no intention of continuing the relationship. After all, if she wanted to keep it a secret, it probably meant she would rather not be involved in the child's life nor with Darman — a fling that had gone out of control. But, well, this was a step in the right direction, as far as I was concerned. I was happy to see it, even if everyone in this room was probably uncomfortable as all hell.

"You're pregnant?" Darman said, looking shocked. "I'm going to be a father... stars…"

"Stars? That's all you got?" I said, elbowing him in the side.

"A bit stunned here, sir. None of the simulations ever prepared me for this."

"Which brings us back to what we are going to have to ask about." Kryze said as she crossed her arms. I wondered why all this was happening, but I decided to see how it played out at first.

"Knight Etain came to us with a problem. She's pregnant and worried about a number of issues. Apparently, she went to Mr. Skirata and he offered to adopt the child. That is fine, but I disapprove of it because it doesn't solve the problems that will develop as the years go on."

"What problems?" I said with a shrug, before leaning towards Darman, who was looking at me. "I said I'd look out for your kid, kid. Make sure that they were raised as Mandalorian, even if you ended up dead."

"Oh, ah, thanks, I guess."

Kryze interrupted before he could respond further. "Mr. Skirata also demanded that Etain Tur-Mukan leave the Jedi Order. Something she cannot do because of her honor, which really is the most reasonable answer out there for a Jedi. But those are short-term problems that you can solve on your own and I have no part in, I just hope that you two will resolve them amicably. I'll give you as much help as I can with the power I have available. No, the main problem, the one that Darman here seems to have not considered, is that the clones can reproduce and pass down their altered genes. Which means, what engineered DNA alterations are you passing on?"

"Oh," Darman said in realization. "No, I didn't get it until just now. 'Cause I haven't really considered the whole, halving my lifespan down, before."

Kryze continued, "We can have the situation with your son's or daughter's lifespan dealt with on Mandalore. We have access to some of the best gene therapists thanks to our alliances in the CNS. The problem is, this is going to affect any and all children that you and any other clones may have in the future. This is an issue that could affect the galaxy as a whole. We can create a treatment for your child. However, I want this procedure to be available for every clone. In order to do that, I need to at least have your permission to use your story for political needs, to help clones have proper representation within the Senate, or even proper benefits for their service to the Republic."

Darman nodded his head, understanding, seeming to try and find the right words to say before finally saying, "If it'll help my brothers, I'll let you use my story and anything else."

"There's no problem with me allowing you to do that, as long as Etain is alright with that." I added.

"She's already agreed, and they don't need your permission for this, Mr. Skirata." Kryze said, interrupting me. "And with that agreement, this meeting is pretty much done. You really need to have a conversation about this sort of stuff, act like grown adults, even if you both need to mature in that direction." I smiled, enjoying watching the smaller blonde girl imperiously intimidate the Jedi Knight — Etain definitely deserved it.

Then she turned to look at me with the same expression, and my smile slipped. "And you need to do a better job of thinking about what's going on."

"Me?" I said as she focused intently on me.

"Yes, you, Mr. Skirata. You fought with your gut without thinking with your mind. Sooner or later, the clones' aging issue is going to become a situation that needs to be handled, and you have right here the perfect candidate. Instead, you tried to hide it away. If it weren't for the timing of the haar'chak Expo right now, I don't know what would be going on, but it would not be the right path. The Republic would not have learned of this child, and no progress would be made towards rights and welfare of the clones."

I still didn't care about rights or the Republic, so I shrugged awkwardly under her gaze. "I only care about who's close to me and who is a Mandalorian."

"So what were you going to do when the kids started aging at an accelerated rate?" Kryze asked.

"Hadn't thought that far ahead but I have a plan to normalize the clones' lifespan in the works. I just assumed that the Jedi's genetics would have more at play than the clones. After all, it's only a bit of genetic tinkering. Maybe one generation was enough to undo it." I replied.

"Assumptions make asses out of everyone." Kryze said with narrowed eyes. "Better to leap on this problem now than have it bite you in the ass when you don't have the assets."

I didn't hesitate to stare back into her eyes, and my voice came out harder than I intended. "I have assets that would have helped with this if it had come to that. No worries there."

Kryze simply shook her head at that. "What assets? You're a Mandalorian warrior with probably nothing but a clan house somewhere on Mandalore to your name. What were you going to do, kidnap a Kaminoan to undo what had been done to the clones?"

I carefully controlled my expression, as that was actually the first idea I came up with when Kryze pointed out the possibility of the child having accelerated aging. I wasn't making any move towards it yet, but it was something I'm preparing to do once the war is over to normalize the clones aging.

The look Kryze sent me told me that she knew what I was thinking. "Of course, that was your plan." Her tone was tinged with disgust.

Sighing she glanced at the Etain, she included her in her next statement. "One thing about Mandalorians you will need to be aware of is that their independence can be quite infuriating when they're just doing dumb things that could be fixed with the proper channels."

"It might have been simple, but it isn't dumb. I don't think raising millions of clones solely to throw them to fight a galactic war is right in the first place, but that's just my opinion on the matter. So, if I have to kidnap the people who grew them to ensure that they live a long and happy life after the war, I think that's more within my rights than anything else in the universe."

"I'm just glad I found this out before you did that and caused a diplomatic incident that I will have to fix." Kryze sighed. She turned to look at Darman and asked, "Now you said there was nothing in the simulations about fatherhood. Can I assume that there's also nothing in the simulations about sex education?"

Darman coughed while looking flustered. "No, there isn't."

"Of course there's not." Kryze said in a hopeless tone, putting her hand on her face. "Add that to the list, Vai."

"So what are you going to do exactly?" I asked, trying to get a handle on all of what was happening and if it was a problem for me and the rest of Clone Force Omega Squad.

"What am I going to do? I'm doing the simplest thing. I will bring these concerns up to Chancellor Palpatine. He can create an investigation, and send a fact-finding mission to Kamino. We need more information in order to have estimates drawn up for resolving these issues now, before they become widespread. I know we won't convince them to change the aging process for new clones... The war demands them as fast as possible for the conflicts we have right now, but if we can at least get them to work out how to fix the process so that we can ensure the clones that survive the conflict are altered back to aging normally."

"Kamino is going to charge an arm and a leg for that." I mused, knowing that the cloners were rather cold and callous about that sort of stuff. They wouldn't do it for free, that's for sure.

"Oh, I'm sure they'll try, but they have one problem with that. They will have to accept the contract that is rather on the low end but guarantees the money for themselves. Otherwise, I will suggest that the facilities on Arkanian be used instead or at least be offered as a substitute. After all, nothing brings down a price more than competition between competing companies, and both peoples are known for their bioengineering. The Arkanians are rather annoyed that they're not allowed to engage in much bioengineering right now because of the Kamino contracts and the non-Kamino cloning ban." Kryze explained.

I laughed at that. The idea that she was going to hold the money hostage to force the cloners to do something was entertaining, but it might work. "You know what, Kryze, you're all right."

"Thank you. Now, in the future, if you have any more situations like this," She said, looking hard at all three of us, "and if it has any cultural relations to Mandalore, bring them to me. I know how to use this for the benefit of Mandalore and yourselves. Benefiting Mandalore will help you in the long term as well if you plan to live there once the war is over. We are trying to make a safe haven, untouched by the war."

"Good luck," I said before adding, "I really mean it, though. Good luck. Our homeworld is right on the frontier. The war will spill over it eventually, I fear."

"Well, if that happens, then there's been a massive failure on my part." The look in the girl's eyes was dangerous; it told me that she would fight for Mandalore's freedom and independence from war like a cornered animal. And I got the sense that I just did not want to be fighting against her if that ever happened.

Coruscant, Chancellor's Office
Sheev Palpatine

"Hmm," I muttered, as I glanced at the paperwork displayed on the datapad before me again. Tanya sat on the other side of my desk, her hands neatly folded in her lap.

I had been keeping an eye on her, ever since I realized that Dooku had some sort of interest in the girl. Why exactly, I had yet to determine, but that did not matter.

What others saw in her didn't matter. What I saw was an interesting distraction worth poking at. She was well-connected, and now that the story of her birth was more widely known, it is very likely that she is Force sensitive even if I have no proof. That could be what Dooku had seen, but what aims he had, I did not know — yet.

What I did know was that Dooku was still exploring options for his Empire's Fist idea, which I played with now and again. I played with a lot of things. Dooku often argued against the Rule of Two, but in the past I rebuked him each time. However, I don't believe the Rule of Two will be needed once the Grand Plan is complete and the Jedi are destroyed, but that is the future. For now, I simply kept watch over her for my own amusement — she was very good at politicking.

We happened to enjoy the same flavors of chocolates and caf, the small coincidence was also somewhat interesting. Initially, I suspected that she might be lying to get closer to me; it was a common enough tactic. Enough time spent in her company and after receiving many small tokens and gifts from her office, I had enough data to allow me to distinguish her interest as true appreciation. I was now of the opinion that she genuinely enjoyed the chocolates and caf while also just trying to be friendly with the leader of the free Galaxy.

Hilarious but useful. I was able to use it recently, hiding my real motives for the decision allowing the Neutrality League's formation; allowing Tanya to believe it was on the basis of our trustworthy relationship. Amusingly, since then, every few weeks, I would receive a box of chocolates. I wouldn't want them to go to waste. After all, the League had other uses for me, causing problems for factions in the Republic and the CIS.

Having an alternative financial option for some systems enabled the Republic to free itself from the Banking Clan's control. This was useful, as the more discretion I had over monetary and fiscal policy, the easier it would be to assert control over the Banking Clans. I needed to control them fully and take them under our wings, make them firmly a part of my government during the implementation of my Galactic Empire.

Oh, sure, some systems would benefit; those escaping the death traps that the banks had been building for years. I could use their gratitude after freeing them from the Banking Clan's control. But even if they resisted, that wouldn't matter because, by that point, I would have an army to put down any resistance.

Today, Tanya came to my office with candies and treats, and a little bit of work. Said work was displayed on the datapad in front of me, including an interesting situation of a clone getting an officer of the Republic army pregnant. No, I didn't care greatly about that situation entirely, but I didn't know what exactly Tanya wanted. She was trying to improve the prospects of the clones. Why?

Well, unlike most, she probably saw through how wasteful it was for them as an asset that an army of highly trained clones that can only live half a generation. As a result, she wants to extend their lifespan so they could be put to work even after the war was over to at least get some return on their investment. Or perhaps her Mandalorian heritage was motivating her to assist them as fellow Mandalorians. She wanted an investigation team sent to Kamino to inquire a few things: how the genetics of the clones would affect the galactic population, what training the clones have to prevent such situations, and what would it cost to undo what is done to the clones so that they can have a normal life after the war.

Three very interesting questions. None of them were a threat to the Grand Plan, exactly. Assuming, of course, she didn't stumble across the biochips in their heads meant to reinforce following orders and alter how the clones remembered their services with Jedi.

Now, if I were a cautious man, I would probably deny this request outright. If I were interested in having it fail, I could also go out of my way to ensure my own people were sent in to do this investigation; to make sure they didn't ask the right questions. However, I could see a bit of a political opportunity developing here, one that could be useful to my machinations.

If Tanya was successful in learning the information she wanted, what would be the result? Well, she could put together a rather interesting bloc of interest groups; a coalition of systems and corporations who would benefit from ensuring the clones were well cared for, which is not the same thing as being anti-military like some blocs. Good. This would, of course, require more credits to be spent funding the military. After all, we need to make sure they have all the gear and resources they need. It would be straightforward to ensure that the right groups and corporations were in charge of such matters, and those credits could be spent in many ways.

And there were ways to rub it in the Jedi's faces. The contradictions that their slave army imposed on the Jedi had already ruined their morale. These contradictions would only be heightened if it was also being repaired by me, the Emperor... I mean, the Chancellor. Snapping their image and will would be oh so delightful.

But there was also another thing, one that I find useful, one that could be quite bad for whatever Dooku was planning.

I was aware that there was going to be an assault on Kamino within the next few weeks, just enough time for Tanya to arrive for her investigation into what's going on at Kamino. At best, the attack on Kamino would lead Tanya towards a more useful stance in the war. It should cause her to take a more hard-line stance against the CIS and withdraw their tentative requests for a peace conference, given the assault on one of their senators.

And well, should Tanya perish instead, one aspect of Dooku's plans would go up in smoke. Smiling, I put the datapad down. "I agree, Senator Kryze. This situation must be dealt with immediately. We cannot risk this getting out of control. Could you imagine if the process by which a clone ages quickly is passed down to the next generation? Why, someone could genetically breed a fast-growing population for slave labor using the clone's DNA."

The look in Tanya's eyes told me she had not considered that possibility. Understanding the machinations of evil minds does grant one many benefits.

"Of course, Chancellor Palpatine. I assume then this will go straight to the Senate floor."

I shook my head. "No, no, no. I think this is already a crisis. It is well within my rights to expedite this process. If you're willing, I'll have the administrative details wrangled by tomorrow morning, so you can be on the first ship to Kamino to lead the investigation yourself."

Tanya seemed a bit stunned by my suggestion. After taking a moment to think, she looked resolute. "Of course, Chancellor, but I'm not really trained for this. I'm only a junior senator."

"Your experience as a Representative will serve you well — you went head-to-head with the leaders of the CIS in a diplomatic debate in the opening moments of the war. You have a vested interest, but also it's the best of possible interests on this issue. The Republic needs someone who can ensure that this does not become a greater wrong, my dear Tanya. Yes, you're right that you aren't perfectly qualified, but no one is trained for this particular operation, and you do have the motivation to ask the right questions. We need you spearheading this, and you will have the full support of this office behind you."

"It's an honor, sir." She said, sounding less eager than before, and more formal. It seemed that she was less than pleased by the assignment. No matter, the events on Kamino were already decided. I would be listening to the Force and guide the course of events as needed. Many useful outcomes existed, and it would only require a small nudge to ensure any one of them occurred.

Writer's note: Another week, another chapter. This time dealing with Mandalorian events that happen in books. Canon was iffy during the 2008 Clone Wars due to Lucas not liking Karen Traviss's stuff… which I can't argue with him, I hear how much Halo fans hate her work and I never read the book myself. But this whole event is a good setup for a short little arc, we will be on for a while. Oh, and looks like Count Dooku doing something… rivalish… sure this will go well.

Please comment, review, and generally enjoy yourselves…

Edited by: L, MeowATron9000, aemon?, Pedersen, Mantsch, Warmach1ne32, Afforess
Community edited by:
Community editable doc (Chapter) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Afforess, Aske Helsted, Adam Daw, Arkhad, Adrian Black, arnumart, BigKumaDM, Brandon Goodman, BarrettSlayer, Beautiful Winter, Bill Romero Diaz, Bishop Rikor, BloodAxe, CB-Otaku, Contrary, Chernobog, Creampuff, CrazedGamma1721, Duncan Sproule, Dankermaler, DrkShdow, Devilstar101, Daryl, D3ad0s, Desphyx, Endymion2314, Evariskitsune, Falk Hüser, FreelancerD0, Fischer Davis-Hagen, Gremlin Jack, Guillermo Echeverria, Hats88, H2os, harry Nevel, Hotroman, Ian R Major, James Moorhouse, Jog256, John Norman, Jake Serna, Jan Mantsch, KrasieK, Kenny Nguyen, kalistira, Koreanwriter, Lmc9389, LoyalChaos, Lago, Louis Kasser, Lightstorm, Legion_13, Lictor Magnus, Libois kurt, Michael, Mana Rope, Mackenzie Buckle, Maxim Blashkevych, Michał Kotuła, Mrsmall0170, MysteryCPU, MinnieMin, Michael Hill, Matthew D, MeowATron9000, milky, Michael Forsyth, Neso, Nathan Cardoso, Pulse Rager, Pontus, Retexks, Silver Wolf, Staradder, Sam, Santeri Oripelto, The GrandMage, Taylor Tilbury, Treant Balewood, William, Xodarap4, Zollus, Zul The Lich, Zahael, Zugakun, Kiwi, Foeno, Arthur, jord, Delay, Blackswordzero

We got new art boys and girls!

As always, a BIG thank you to @a_yoshikage who does great work!
Chapter 59, 717 FNM (21 BBY) Month 7
Chapter 59
717 FNM (21 BBY) Month 7

Kamino, Tipoca City
Tanya Kryze

The trip from Coruscant out to Wild Space, even the now-famous Kamino, should have taken much more time. However, the backing of the Supreme Chancellor unlocked access to marvels of ship designs. For this mission, we were given temporary access to some of the fastest prototypes and most well-equipped ships in the galaxy.

However, no marvels of ship designs could salvage my plans. Sure, the trip would have normally taken significant time, possibly months, definitely more than a week, yet it only took a single week with a Class 1 Hyperdrive. But it definitely kept me out of politics. Away from the current ongoing vote. Only a week, plus another week to return.

Wild Space was dangerous for more than one reason, not just because the inhabitants didn't usually adhere to galactic standards or laws. Journeys to and from anywhere of significance took much longer, even accounting for distance, lacking fast hyperlanes. Kamino was well and truly off the beaten path of the galaxy, almost into another galaxy. A relatively small cluster of stars that hugged our galaxy and would slowly, over the course of millions of years, join together into a larger whole. More worryingly, it is on the frontiers of the front line. Not a great place to be the sole provider of recruits for a galactic war.

If anything, the Chancellor should look into alternative habitable worlds for the population, perhaps nearer the Core, to migrate the people of Kamino off this water ball as quickly as possible. All the usable surface of the planet was already serving as the foundations for existing cities. They could only expand by building more of the increasingly delicate and exposed skyscrapers. I wasn't sure what purpose staying here served, since there was no indication the water would ever recede. Add in the fact that the cloners were on the frontier of the war with the Separatists, they were within striking distance of the CIS. But that was a point I could bring up with their senator another time.

For now, I was currently on Kamino, meeting with a Kaminoan by the name of Taun We. Hopefully, our meeting was the first step towards investigating, and ultimately, producing a report for the Senate about the risks inherent in the Clones' genetic engineering. She was guiding us through a tour of the installation. I was also escorted by my two handmaidens, Vai and Morson, though both were in their royal guard uniforms. In the rear of my entourage were the rest of my usual guards; Tabi, Kastel, Engiz, Struc, Skota, and Mok.

Perhaps too large a group for protection, but after my various life and death escapades as a senator, better to be safe than sorry. Looking down at a training simulation, I watched clones fighting their way up, using rather well-maneuvered teamwork to overwhelm each position before trying to satisfy the conditions of the match by taking control of the central tower.

"As you can see, these clones are trained to the highest standard available." Taun We said with what I couldn't help but interpret as a smug tone. "Each batch, in our opinion, is better than their progenitor in every way. He may have been good material, but we have refined it to the best material it could be."

I didn't react, though, observing the clones skeptically. "That is a nice statement. However, their training in this sense is not why I'm here. There's a general concern among the people of Mandalore and probably soon the rest of the galaxy about the amount of production and reproduction the clones can engage in."

Taun We seemed perplexed, speaking slowly. "I don't see why that would be an issue. Free production is usually a bonus among our buyers." Fortunately, she was looking away and so didn't spot Morson's shudder at that comment. I had to suppress a reaction of my own, the way they referred to human lives as a commodity was unethical at best and downright sinister at worst.

I shook my head at this last thought. "Yes, that is definitely one point of view. But we are more concerned about what sort of conditions could be passed on through these generations. After all, these soldiers," I struggled very hard not to say 'children', "grow to full maturity in 9 to 10 years. That's cutting down the lifespan of a human being quite a bit. What kind of effects would that have when intermingling with individuals closer to their species' average genetics?"

The clones managed to conquer the final tower, destroying the droids controlling it and throwing their helmets off in victory. It was all very reminiscent of ancient soldiers accomplishing a great victory. All they needed was a samurai banner on their back, and I think they wouldn't look too out of place in a painting back in my first life.

"Most of the genetic triggers that cause rapid aging are conditional triggers, that is, they only activate in the presence of specific proprietary engineered proteins and other enzymes that are only produced in our corporate lab environment. The Jedi High Council already agreed we don't have to share our trade secrets to fulfill our contracts." Taun We added extra stress to the word Jedi, I merely frowned and nodded. "Usually, we provide the tailored enzymes in their food. This helps accelerate the process of aging. Without those enzymes, the clones' aging process is equivalent to baseline, like a normal human. Maybe to a lesser degree during their adolescent years, one-third grade instead of one-half."

"Ah, that seems rather… efficient." I finally settled on saying. I wanted to say callous, but again, what was I to do? These people saw their clones as products rather than sentient beings, and clearly viewed me as potential competition. That they gave little thought to future generations of "naturally" grown clones was a matter of course. "Is there a reason why their growth rates aren't returned to normal after they reach maturity?"

"It was considered superfluous when the average life expectancy of the clones would not exceed one-to-two years of service. Once the war is over, what happens to the clones afterward is the Republic's responsibility." Spoken like a true corporation, I would approve of their mindset if they weren't basically slave traders by another name.

"Back to the question of the proliferation of their genetics, why exactly did you let them keep the ability to reproduce? Most gene companies I'm aware of that deal with crops tend to go out of their way to make sure that the government and farmers buying from them can only get quality seeds from themselves." Have to cover all of my bases.

Taun We paused again, as if considering, before answering. "That question is outside my area of expertise. Our scientists in the cloning division should be qualified to answer any scientific questions you may have about our cloning process."

"I see." I answered neutrally, trying not to show my annoyance. I wasn't going to take no for an answer, though. "We should proceed there next, as I do have such questions as part of my investigation from the Supreme Chancellor." Based on how this conversation was going so far, throwing around titles couldn't hurt. It was even true.

Taun We's expression changed, and while I couldn't read it, her tone changed into sharpness. "You are ...permitted there. Follow me." Vai gave me a concerned look, but Taun only turned abruptly towards a nearby elevator. Once the large glass elevator arrived, I noticed it was large enough to service a considerable group, possibly as many as a hundred, and I considered what necessitated such large elevators. She entered and I quickly followed her in with my entourage not far behind.

Taun We took no notice as my guards chose to all crowd around me, rather than spread out into the vast space, as she focused on the elevator holo-controls. She keyed a security chip into the elevator controls, and we descended quickly in silence. Only a few seconds passed before it re-opened into a spacious, open office area carrying that smooth downed style that looked very clean and stereotypically sterile. It featured too much glass, white furniture, walls, and sleek, gray metal paneling. There were only a few Kaminoans in the room, making our large group conspicuous by its presence. Taun We walked straight up to the closest scientist and spoke more to her than me. "Please answer Senator Kryze's questions, Chief Medical Scientist Nala Se." She only took a few steps away, and stopped, as if supervising the pair of us.

I repeated my previous questions to the scientist. "Why exactly did you let the clones retain the ability to reproduce?" My guards finally spaced themselves around, moving several meters away from us.

Nala Se sat back down at her desk as I approached, and spoke eagerly in response to my question. I grabbed a nearby empty chair, ignoring the others. "In essence, human male reproductive organs produce a hormone that promotes the growth of muscle and bone whilst stimulating linear growth and maturation in bones. Experiments with removing or neutralizing that organ resulted in a multitude of issues including, reduced stamina, fragile bones, reduced muscle mass, and a lack of any sense of self-preservation."

"Kriff." Vai muttered too loudly, drawing both Nala Se and my attention for a moment. I was also troubled by the detailed response, Being X could have given me a much worse start, it seemed. However, I merely looked at and nodded for the scientist to continue.

Now a hopeful note entered Nala Se's voice. "Personally, I believe that the experimental batch's accelerated growth exacerbated the results. After all, we needed to see what they would end up looking like and how they would act before their usual mental stabilities of such processes would take over. The current contract doesn't have any room in the budget for exploring that any further. Which is a shame, there is still much that could be explored there." She definitely sounded vexed by what seemed like a rare outbreak of sanity by the bureaucrats back in Coruscant.

I ignored the minefield of topics that she brought up, and asked my next prepared question. This informal battlefield, one of question and answer, continued. And Nala Se's answers became more brisk and clipped with each exchange.

I was basically done, but had saved the most adversarial questions for last. Interviewing some Clone troopers had yielded me some interesting answers to these questions already, but it was best to confirm from the source. It was also slightly satisfying to draw upon my skills in human resources from my first life. "So I assume that you taught them to avoid fornicating and instructed them of the proper procedures for all of their capabilities, including reproduction? Otherwise, ignorant clones might go do something uninformed."

Nala Se's gaze sharpened, and her tone was cutting. "It wasn't deemed necessary."

The bureaucrat in me, the one who had served for years as a human resources officer, was screaming. I would have prepared these clones better than this. There was no cultural sensitivity training, so Clones didn't cause problems with the locals wherever they were deployed. There was no sexual education. There was barely any education at all — I realized I was speaking. "Who decided that? The Supreme Chancellor doesn't agree, nor do I."

Taun We was in motion, probably sensing the interview was over. She strode over, answering the question for the scientist. "We did. It wasn't deemed necessary, as the accelerated aging gene was designed to be recessive. In the event a clone fathered an offspring, the accelerated aging would not be passed on to the offspring." I wanted to strangle that long-necked alien. Why didn't she tell me that at the start?

But I kept myself calm, reminding myself that the recessive gene was, in fact, good news. "Is that so? Well, that is good news. But there are still some concerns I'll have to raise with the Supreme Chancellor, mostly in terms of sexual education. Currently, I don't think the Clones are capable of navigating their natural human reactions with your current resources. We'll need to get them some proper training to reduce the chance of something like this happening."

"If that's what the Chancellor wishes, I'm sure we can recommend a few people from the Silver Mandalorians. We've recently been acquiring quite a large selection of military trainers from them. I'm sure they can provide us with someone to help with that. Though it will require a little bit more funding from the Republic and a proper installation for this training." Taun We led us out of the office area into an unfamiliar hallway that seemed to connect this massive facility to another.

"I'm sure it will." I said, with a distaste for these aliens and the way they've treated humans settling darkly in my stomach. A general thought occurred to me that I could probably understand the Kaminoans on this. Whatever sex education they were planning, I knew Gargon could do much more, and with fewer credits. The lack of competition was just allowing these aliens to take more resources than they needed for everything.

Taun We gave a slight smile, but I kept being drawn back into her icy cold eyes. She kept up a decent pace, but I suspected she could move much faster. "Perhaps you'd like to see the cloning facilities in general. After all, the process is quite amazing. We've managed to create a top-of-the-line cloning process here, better than anywhere else in the Galaxy."

"Better than the Arkanians?" I questioned, poking at something I suspected. The glass and gray metal hallway passed over water, but fortunately, it offered little view for its guests.

"Much better than the Arkanians. From what I understand, most of their facilities were out of date or mothballed. Their facilities are still subpar, they were transferred to Republic control, and our processes are being implemented there. So obviously, our methods are the best."

"My understanding is that the Arkanians think their methodology is the best because they don't duplicate the DNA directly. Instead, they introduce alterations into each generation that will deviate the DNA and supposedly prevent clone madness, I think it was called."

"Ah yes, well, the Arkanians are welcome to have that opinion. I think their cloning is rather foolish. Most of their clones are just alternate species that they've redesigned for their uses. It is hardly justified to call them clones at all, they are more like genetically modified drones." At this, we reached the security hatch for the next facility, and Taun We performed a familiar series of steps to key in a security chip.

After the security hatch opened to reveal another hallway, Taun We continued answering my question while ushering us all through. "We already have Clone defect rates down to an acceptable level, using our own independent research. That's why you might notice a few clones with different eye shades and hair colors every now and again. We don't introduce much variation, but the medical statistics indicate it is enough to reduce the chances of the clones developing errors during their gestation period."

"So the Clones aren't all identical?" Engiz had apparently traded places with Vai after the security hatch, and was shadowing me, while Vai brought up the rear.

Taun We flashed another cryptic smile towards him. "Of course."

I raised an eyebrow at that statement. "Are alternate genetics models common? I thought we were just paying for this clone army. Are there any other clone variants I should know about?"

"Of course, pilots, for example, have very different requirements to the regular infantry. Muscle mass and bone density aren't essential for a pilot, yet reflexes and intelligence are prioritized. The Shock Troopers sent to the Coruscant Guard are some of our best productions. They are further improved than our base template, as we believe the best soldiers must be in place to defend the capital of the Republic. Beyond that, we have the Clone Commando program, the Clone Captain program, and the Clone Alpha program."

I chuckled, thinking about the long list of requirements. The administration to manage such efforts must have been sprawling. "The only thing you're missing is a logistics corps."

At this, Taun We slowed down, eventually pausing, her inhuman features coming into stark contrast as she leaned in conspiratorially. "There had been a project to develop a support variant — we did a bit of experimentation there too. My proposal for an expansion to the current units on order by the Republic with general support variants passed the prototype stage. Yet, mass production of this variant was seen as a low priority when compared to additional combat variants." We were standing still, only half-way down this second passageway, and I could make out the facility interior distantly at the end of the passage. Was this an attempt to sound me out for something? I didn't know Kaminoan behaviors well enough to tell, and she just gazed directly at me, blinking only once.

When I did not interject, she seemed enlightened for some reason; she resumed our previous pace. "Since it's not as necessary for the support models to be as aggressive and physically able, we can reduce the per unit costs and growth time by producing female templates of Jango Fett to work in support positions. I have produced an experimental model as a proof of concept and the results are highly encouraging. She is very detail-oriented. It's been suggested by some of the research that female human minds are more detail-oriented and thus able to comprehend reports better. She has been very adequate as a lab assistant." We reached the other facility lobby, and my guards spread out a bit once out of the passageway.

"I didn't know that." I said tonelessly, not rising to the insult. I seriously doubted that the biological sex of the clone would make any real difference in the types of roles the Kaminoan had in mind. What was far more likely was that the idea of making the clones female coming from her department would mean that she would have greater authority and prestige when more of the "support" type of clones were produced. The fact the clones were female was likely meaningless, little more than her personal stamp on the clones' genetic code.

"Yes, humans do tend to overlook these subtle differences between the sexes." She said rather condescendingly. But I ignored her in favor of scanning the lobby of the training facility. It was a wide lounge with a limited seating area in the same white and gray metal style as the rest of the facilities we had observed so far. Most of the lounge was simply open and unoccupied — a clone parade demonstration platform for customers, perhaps. And there were equally large corridors, no doubt for moving large groups.

In the distance, another Kaminoan, one I actually recognized from my time in the Senate on Coruscant was striding across the facility lobby, and rather quickly at that. It confirmed some of my suspicions about their physical capabilities. "Good afternoon, Senator Burtoni." I dropped a little curtsy—

"I'm surprised the Chancellor would rush you out here for this operation so quickly." Halle Burtoni, the Senator of Kamino, interrupted. "Really amusing, considering the ongoing threat right now."

"Ongoing threat?" Captain Struc asked. Everyone in my entourage was adopting more alert postures.

"Yes, the listening posts the Republic set up for Kamino have recently gone silent. It's typically the first sign of a CIS invasion." Senator Burtoni said, as she looked out the transparent roof.

I blinked before asking, "How recently? I haven't heard anything about this, and we left Coruscant only a week ago."

Senator Burtoni stopped and touched her chin a few times, in thought. Her outfit had more jewelry and ostentation than any of the others at the facility, as far as I could tell. "I arrived with the fleet sent to reinforce the garrison. We had our first confirmation over a day ago now. The Republic has guaranteed the safety of the system, so the fleet will fight here if need be, we should be protected. But one can never be sure. Battles are battles."

"Yes, battles are battles. Do we have a secure location where we can move the princess if a battle makes it down to the surface?" Captain Struc asked in a sharper tone, folding his arms across his chest with rigidity.

Senator Burtoni stopped in thought for a moment. "Yes, there is a panic area in the central building for visiting diplomats and customers. It's built to withstand powerful elements, a massive storm, not a battle. The Republic Navy Fleet has set up a blockade to ensure the battle is further out — I don't think we need to worry."

Taun We nodded, seemingly also trying to calm down the situation. "We have complete confidence in the fleet, and there are several Jedi on the station here to protect us."

"Perhaps you should take us to this area where there is a working panic room, just so we know where it is in case of an emergency." Captain Struc asked, which got a nod of approval from the Senator.

She said, "It's on the way towards the training center in the cloning area, so that shouldn't be that hard. Just over ther-" A piece of burning debris crash-landed into the ocean just off to our left, cutting off her answer. It floated there for a moment before sinking into the depths. Looking up, I could just barely make out the signs of an orbital firefight going on, showing that something horrible was happening above us and that it was probably going to rain hell down on the planet soon enough.

Breaking the sudden silence, I spoke up. "Yes, perhaps showing us that panic room would be a good idea. Mind showing us the way now?" I'd rather minimize the chance I get dragged into a battle if I could help it.

"Follow me." Senator Burtoni was already moving quicker, leading us at a fast pace from the lobby of the training facility to another passageway between what appeared to be the largest central facilities. We just reached the largest facility when a giant tentacle arm of mechanical nature ripped out of the water, followed by what looked like a mechanical squid grabbing onto the side of the facility and holding tight as it shoved a reaching spike into the building.

"Perhaps we should go another way." Taun We said, and I agreed, as no doubt there were now droids inside the facility we were making our way to.

I turned to look at the other facility only to see, well, another mechanical squid latching onto the passageway that we had passed through and stabbing it with its spike. The spike then opened up and disgorged super battle droids onto the walkway behind us.

"The way back is closed. Looks like forward's the only option." I said, reaching my hand to my side, pulling up my dress enough so I could pull out my deactivator pistol. My other handmaidens drew their own weapons, with Morson pulling her own pistol out from her dress, and Vai dual-wielding a pair. Mok and Kastel held up the back, preparing their staves to knock any blaster fire off course or back.

"We can still make it to the panic room." Senator Burtoni said. "We'll just have to push through any attacks coming from the first droid lander."

"I'm not scared of a few droids, lead the way." I said, following the Senator and Taun We as closely as possible as we continued on our original path. Droids were starting to enter from the rents and breaches in the facility exterior on our right. Vai and Tabi maintained positions to prevent them from closing on us. Morson stayed with me, firing a couple of bolts from her deactivator into the battle droids. It wasn't very effective. Battle droids were hardened against such things, but it did slow them down, throwing off their aim. Engiz stayed beside me, spear ready to protect me from incoming fire as we moved further into the facility.

But before we got much further, an alarm sounded directly behind me. Spinning around, I caught sight of the previously clear passageway being barred, a seamless security door behind us closing. Only Engiz, Morson, Senator Burtoni, and I had made it before the alarm cleared, and the door latch clunked closed with a thud. The rest of the group, the other six members of my guard and Taun We, were stuck on the other side.

"Splitting the party ⁠— I have a bad feeling about this." Morson commented as the door locked into place. Banging on the door immediately followed her words. I reached into my bodice and pulled out my communication device I had stored there, quickly popping it on my ear. "Vai? Vai, can you hear me?"

There was a moment's pause before Vai's voice came over the comms, "Tanya, are you alright?"

I smiled as I looked at the door. "I should be the one asking that, you're closer to danger."

I heard Captain Struc came over the communications. "We're fine. Mok's working on trying to get the door open." He paused for a moment and I thought I could distinguish Taun We's shouts in the background. "But he says it will be easier to go around it. Seems the security is not as tight on the side doors."

"Which would take you further away from me, I know." I said, looking at the empty corridor and clear path leading straight towards our destination.

"Yep. You think you'll be fine, Princess? Can you make it to the panic room?"

Looking at Morson and Engiz, I said, "I'll be fine. I have Senator Burtoni here, and she can lead me there. It is safe to assume that she has access to some of the security systems, correct?"

Senator Burtoni nodded. "Yes, that's correct."

"You guys will be okay, right?" I asked.

"We'll be fine, Tanya." Vai reassured me. "I can already hear some clones coming the other way, probably to secure the area. Just get to the panic room. We'll meet you there."

"Will do. Good luck, Vai." I said as I lowered my communicator and looked at the others. "Alright, to the panic room!"

Kamino Orbit, Invisible Hand, Bridge
Qymaen jai Sheelal, "Grievous"

I watched the holo-display showing the organization of the forces in the Kamino system as a cough racked me. Damn this broken body, but the plan was going smoothly. The Republic was on the back foot and their Jedi allies were locked in combat here in orbit against my fleet. This kept their forces pinned and unable to respond to the landing forces breaking through their lines.

Overwhelming the enemy with superior numbers is a very simple strategy, one that even those idiotic battle droids can understand. I swept out several arms across the controls, and Recusant-class light destroyers received my commands, obeying orders for suicidal engagements with Republic forces. As I watched, their destruction greatly reduced the incoming fire towards my flagship, and concealed the existence of protected compartments inside the destroyers, "debris" falling unopposed to the surface along carefully selected trajectories.

The holo-display updated, showing most of the debris survived to the surface and updating the IFFs as transponders emerged. Droids were dropping into the water around the city, hidden inside the debris from the space battle. Amphibious attack crafts inside those same debris would also transport the droids into the city itself. At the same time, more conventional transports were prepared for a frontal assault.

Durge was displayed a special icon by the holoprojector, his signature silver helmet with blue and red markings. That monster had eagerly boarded one of the doomed destroyers, just so he could be deployed with the droid vanguard directly into the city. That was the one thing I liked about Durge; he was rather simple to use. I pointed him in a direction, and he would go and break it, taking the fight as deep as he could into the enemy lines.

Granted, it helped that he had some personal hatred for all things Mandalorian. So, deploying him to the city should create enough chaos and destruction for the other elements to do their jobs. One of the goals of this whole attack was just to cause as much damage as possible, preferably by leveling everything. The more dead clones here, meant fewer clones elsewhere, especially if we got to them before they grew to their full age.

The primary objective of this operation was to diminish the production of clones, hampering their replenishment rate. Destroying the Cloning facilities would have a significant strategic impact. The Republic would lack an adequate number of replacements, and entire fronts would begin to crumble due to a shortage of fresh troops. Of course, even if Kamino itself is destroyed, there were still the clones already on the front to eliminate as well. They would enter a defensive posture to preserve as much of their troops as possible, which would yield the initiative to us.

We will use that window to our advantage by launching multiple invasions across many sectors. It wasn't a complex stratagem, but it played to our strengths, our greater numbers. The Republic will not be able to defend every sector at once, enabling our forces to advance further and expand CIS territorial control. Without enough star systems and resources, the Republic will be forced to submit.

There were secondary objectives to further damage the Republic indirectly. My predecessor and her new underling had been deployed to retrieve as many DNA samples as possible and destroy the rest. The possibility of growing our own clone infiltrators or developing a biological weapon to wipe every clone from the battlefield was too good an opportunity to pass up.

Seizing or destroying the Clone DNA presented an opportunity to create friction between the CNS and the Republic, hopefully generating a long-term dispute. If the Republic compels Fett to leave the CNS to restore their DNA samples, the CNS would lose significant credibility. In addition, it would paint Fett as a Republic agent, giving the CIS the excuse to send assassins after him without risking significant political problems. Fett might be skilled enough to evade his fellow bounty hunters and assassins, but I knew Durge was eager for the opportunity to go after him.

Granted, to successfully eliminate the source entirely, we would need to hunt down the DNA's source, Jango Fett. However, Dooku didn't want us to invade the CNS, not while he was working on pulling them to our side diplomatically. Strategically, I agreed that a diplomatic outcome would be the most efficient use of our resources, considering the forces that would be necessary to occupy their territory.

Despite this, I wanted a military solution. Kenobi's affair with that Mandalorian politician had produced an illegitimate daughter. If I could somehow capture her, she would be the perfect bait to lure Kenobi into a trap so that I can finally kill him for all of the trouble he had caused me. Unfortunately, she is beyond my reach, at least while on Coruscant.

Ventress was also deployed to the planet below. Her job was quite straightforward — oversee the ground elements, and distract or destroy any Jedi she encounters.

I would have preferred to go down there myself, but Dooku had made it clear that I was not to go down there. Too many valuable assets were deployed there already, and we couldn't risk something going wrong with us all concentrated in one location. Losing one battlefield commander would be a blunder — losing the entirety of CIS Strategic Command would be a disaster. Better for me to be up here and oversee victory than to be down there and oversee defeat. It grated on me. I enjoyed the rush of battle in all forms, even before I had been cyberized. Now, well, there is nothing left for me to enjoy but combat.

It was galling, but I also knew I would be outclassed by some Jedi in a fight, as their Force foresight gave them too much of an edge. There had been attempts to grant me use of the Force myself, but the operations to transfer Force powers by blood transfusion had not been successful.

Really, the only chance I've had if I ever ran into a Jedi was a surprise attack. Hit them with overwhelming surprise and fear, causing them to make a mistake and leave an opening. That's how I've been able to pull off my victories against Jedi in the past.

As I manipulated the holo-display showing the arrangement of the Republic fleet, another cough racked me, but I was able to ignore it, bringing up the galactic view. Instead, I dreamed of a lance that would pierce through the defenses of the Republic and lead towards the Core. At the end of this year, my newest operation will be sprung. Then, I would have free rein to do whatever I pleased, but that day had not yet arrived. I would prefer to reach Coruscant and blast it to bits for what they did to my planet.

In the meantime, in-between then and now, I would have free rein to take a fleet and deliver my vengeance on the Huk by wiping their disgusting race from the Galaxy. I almost accomplished it before with only my Kaleeshi warriors and scavenged Huk technology before the Republic intervened. Now, with the might of a CIS fleet at my beck and call, I could accomplish it in a day. I can't wait to finish what I started and burn their homeworld to the ground. Once every Huk life is extinguished, I will be satisfied. Then I can focus all of my effort on the Republic and Jedi who came to the Huk's aid, who meted out "justice," without even verifying if those insects were telling the truth. If they actually did their jobs, they wouldn't have made me; thus they'll reap what they sow. But those were thoughts for another time, after we got what we came for on Kamino.

I reset the holo-display to view the ongoing battle. My task force and other friendly ships were in various green blobs on the naval overview while the local defensive emplacements were in orange, but there aren't any active in orbit, the few remaining are only on the planet's surface now.

The Jedi starfighters in low orbit were marked as ominous purple, while the Republic Navy was an angry red, making up the minority of the space forces. Judging by their chosen lower orbits, the Republic ships were trying to intercept any more landings. Their tradeoff for the closer proximity to their cloning city is that lower orbits greatly reduced shield and acceleration capabilities, as the ships also had to fight against the atmosphere.

I shifted between my four arms on the controls and adjusted the task force around the flagship to shift further away from their forces. No reason to waste these ships when I am going to make use of them again after this. The enemy tactic was unlikely to be successful because our position kept them pinned here with our ships trading fire from above.

Not to mention, there were other ways to get down to the planet. It's not like they had an entire planetary shield around the city, a mistake they were likely regretting at this moment. Another task force was flanking to the far side of the planet, transporting more droids and assault watercraft to the ocean surface.

It would take a while for them to reach the city, but with the attack already underway, defenses would be too overwhelmed to intercept. That's also what the Mandalorians were for — a surprise addition to all of these attacks, one that Dooku had only given permission to rather recently. The Mandalorian Protectors were going to be doing their own version of destruction by abducting the child clones before they were fully grown.

I imagined that the Protectors's leadership had issues with the way clones were indoctrinated. What the exact issues are, I didn't really care, as they weren't my people. The important part was that they would cause problems for the Republic and force them to respond. If they were successful, good. If they weren't successful, maybe they would make enough noise to ensure the other operations were successful.

"Sir." One of the bridge droids designated as a watchstander said, standing up from its seat and turning to look at me. "Republic assets are down to 25% in orbit. The Jedi forces seem to be pulling back, perhaps preparing for a defensive action in depth or in preparation of a counter-attack. Are we to proceed on schedule with the main landing operation?"

"Proceed." I said matter-of-factly, waving one of my hands. "Keep a sensor on the lookout. The Republic has to have heard what's going on here. The moment they enter the system, prepare to pull our forces out." Holding Kamino is useless if we haven't occupied the surrounding sectors.

As much as I'd like to continue this fight, my long-term goals require my survival. I would not entrust my mission against the Huk to any other. Never again.

Kamino, Tipoca City
Vai Viktis Kregg

"This is ridiculous." I muttered as we moved along the passageway back to our guest rooms. The clones had, in fact, been the ones to break through the side door, allowing us to escape. While they tried to crack open the door in Tanya's direction, we decided to go back to our guest rooms so we could arm up.

Taun We hadn't been able to override the security door controls. I was judging this purely by her reactions, she was pretty tight-lipped about what was wrong with the doors, and the displays were all in Kaminoan. However, the clones had to cut their way through them, so I assumed some droid had hacked their systems to cause issues. We could only go where the clones controlled, and luckily, they controlled the area from here to the guest rooms where our gear had been stored upon arrival. We met another group of Kaminoans evacuating themselves and Taun We decided to join them once she knew that we were going back to search for Tanya.

So, we grabbed our gear, Tanya's, Khae's and my own armor. When we got back together, we would hold our ground until either we were forced to surrender because we got captured or the Clones successfully drove the droids out.

I thought about raising her on the comms to check up on her, but I was sure she would message me if she needed anything. Instead, I focused on leading the group with Captain Struc towards our rooms, passing clones who were in a rush and obviously not very well-trained in a few cases.

You could tell a veteran soldier from the regular troops. The ones who had been serving since the start of the war tended to have some sort of coloration on their armor, not camo, thankfully. More like individuality markings that represented what legion and unit they were part of. It filled me with Mandalorian pride, knowing that this was most likely one of the traditions that had been passed on from the original trainers and some of the Silver Mandalorian trainers who had been acquired over the past few months.

The newer recruits tended to have plain, shiny armor that looked brand new. They ran past us at a faster pace, more concerned with where they were going than the possibility of getting ambushed. Shaking my head, I had to wonder if they had even completed their training. Then again, how old could they be? It was hard to tell with clones, since they reached full maturity in their first decade. Normally, a warrior from Mandalore would take a decade to train, starting at six or seven and beginning their real training when they hit thirteen. Most Mandalorian soldiers didn't truly start fighting until they were sixteen or eighteen.

They were just kids compared to most Mandalorian warriors. One thing that scared me about Jango was that he had sold an entire generation of people to this fate, and he was not being punished for it.

I trusted Tanya's decision on that matter, but once the war was over, I would probably ask her if there was any way to ensure that Jango faced some sort of justice for this monstrosity.

"Here's our room." Captain Struc said as he pressed a button to open the door. It opened to reveal an ongoing fight outside the guest room window. I could see LAATs and several droid aircraft engaging each other, with droids and men fighting on the ground as well.

Blaster bolts were flying in all directions, with one of them hitting just above the window. I was looking out of it when Mok quickly moved over towards the window and pressed a button. A covering of reinforced durasteel clunked into place over the window, protecting us from the battle.

"Tabi, you're helping me carry Tanya and Morson's beskar'gam." Captain Struc said before telling me, "Ma'am, you put your armor on. You're the only one with full beskar'gam here, and we're going to need it if something goes terribly wrong. Skota bring your medkits. Mok, get in contact with Tanya and give her a sitrep."

"Got it." I replied, as I ran over to my room. I quickly made my way to my suitcase pile and rummaged through it until I found the one holding my armor.

Stripping out of my dress, I swiftly pulled on a bodysuit and started strapping the armor onto myself. I considered grabbing my jetpack as well, but since we were indoors, there likely wouldn't be enough room for maneuvering. Plus, getting shot in the jetpack and being launched into a ceiling did not sound fun.

Instead, I just grabbed a beskar vibroblade and strapped it to my side in case I had to engage in close combat with any droids that got too close.

Stepping out of the room, Captain Struc acknowledged me with a nod. "Alright, we'll be on our way." His voice was tinged with stress.

"What's wrong?" I asked as he looked my beskar'gam over.

"Tanya's locked out of the panic room. Some wealthy merchant from off-world apparently had his guards take over the panic room and are preventing anyone from getting in. She's making her way towards a secondary panic room, which is closer to the hangar."

"The hangar? That'll be the first place the droids took over as their staging point." I questioned, receiving another nod from him.

"She doesn't like it either, but it's the best option for her own protection, and we can get there from where we are now. So, we've got to go."

"Give me a moment." I pulled open a communication device and quickly checked my contacts. "I might be able to get us a little extra help on this."

"What are you thinking?" He asked.

I ignored him as I held up a finger and activated my Silver helmet's voice changer and comms. "Commander Zyrr? Commander Zyrr, can you hear me?"

The voice that came back sounded surprised and a bit in awe. "S-Silver? Why are you here?"

"I'm here because I'm here. It doesn't matter how. What matters is that the young senator from Mandalore and the Kaminoan senator has been locked out of the panic room in the central building and is currently making her way towards the hangar bays, where there's another panic room she can use to hide out from the ongoing firefight. Do you think you can have some men routed in that direction to give her some aid?"

I heard a laugh before the response came back. "Yeah, I can make sure that your girlfriend is taken care of. Patch, Storm! Pick out six of your best clones and get your asses to the hangar bay. There are VIPs that need defending." Captain Struc was giving me a strange look, so at least he figured out which comm channel I was transmitting on. That would speed up the explanation at least.

"Understood, sir!" A new voice promptly replied.

"Consider it done." A third answered.

I grinned back at Captain Struc — he couldn't see through the helmet, so whatever — and spoke into the transmitter again. "Thank you, Commander Zyrr."

"Will do, but after this is over, I do want an explanation for where the hell you are and how you're close enough to get this information at some point."

"I'm White Silver. I'm everywhere the Mandalorians need me to be. Over and out." I corrected him before I cut the transmission.

Captain Struc looked amused now. "She's going to wring your neck for abusing her Silver identity, but I think she'll be fine with having a little extra support either way. How'd you know that her mercs are here?"

"I helped Tanya with some of the paperwork, and there was a list of Silver Mandos that volunteered to be Clone trainers. Let's get moving."

Captain Struc nodded as we made our way into the hallway, past the area where we got separated, and heading towards the hangar bay. We moved as fast as we could, hoping to catch up and meet Tanya there, or at least secure the location for her when she arrived.

The next hallway we ran through was quieter, and louder. The battle from outside seemed more muted somehow. And loud screams were coming from somewhere distantly ahead, before the latest voice cut off ominously.

Kastel must have noticed my confused expression. "Life support is offline here. No air from the vents." He pointed at a small recessed vent above us, as we passed by. Before I could consider the implications further, we rounded the bend and were at a three-way junction.

The new corridor was a mess, a dozen wounded and under equipped clones were scattered about, taking cover in the wide passageway. The battle was reversed from our expectations, the intruders coming from the interior, the clones defending the exterior hallway. A large portion of the ceiling lights were missing, and the Kaminoans' preferred sterile floor tiles only emphasized its wetness. Haggard officers and sergeants shouted out orders and tried to organize a firing line centered on a distant adversary further down the passageway.

Captain Struc raised a hand, and we pulled back slightly; the passageway we needed was only twenty meters ahead, but crossing would expose us. While I considered if we could break for it, a clone trooper only half-garbed in armor and half in obvious sleepwear sprinted from our direction, ignoring us entirely, and rushed towards danger to reinforce his comrades. He moved as if death itself were snapping at his heels; none of his fellows paid their new arrival much mind, nor seemed to detect us. They focused their weapons down the passage and intensified their blaster fire, to no apparent effect. Someone new started screaming.

Another clone trooper, distinct from the previous, broke. He ignored his fellows' attempt to make a stand and rushed past our position, fleeing the battle despite the shouts of the clone officers.

As I watched, a clone came flying all the way down the side passage, through the junction, and smashed through the large window. One moment, it overlooked the raging storm and endless sea, the next, there was an explosion of glass. The sounds of battle in the distance seemed to subside, overtaken by the deadly mix of transparisteel, rain, and blaster fire that invited the storm outside into the hallway. A final glance confirmed the last elements of organized resistance had fallen, only a pair of clones remained.

Pulling out my blasters, I wondered what massive robotic menace was coming our way. I looked up at the passageway with both guns ready to fire, while the other Royal Guards around me prepared their weapons to defend themselves.

The sounds of the storm in the distance seemed to subside, giving way to a confident rhythmic clicking with every footfall of a stranger in pale white robes that stood in stark contrast to the smoke and blaster scoured walls of Kamino. The figure seemed undaunted, untouched by the surrounding chaos. A mask obscured her face, but even the featureless silvery facade was shrouded in an unnatural shadow cast by a white hood.

There was something wrong with her strident advance, I felt an odd familiarity with her sway of the hips, her head scanning the room. In her hand was a short crimson blade in a low, relaxed guard position. She regarded the hanger, looking at the breach in the window that she had thrown the clone trooper through, then the scattered and damaged equipment, and finally, she turned to regard us. Even without seeing her face, I could feel her eyes meeting mine, and the sensation of ice coursing through me as her head tilted to the side curiously.

"Not another step!" Roared one brave clone, as he charged at the figure from behind. Casting aside his blaster, he drew a blade and swung — it marked him as a veteran who had seen what Jedi could do with a lightsaber against blasters. Without visibly reacting, the Sith let go of her blade and as if with a mind of its own, the short lightsaber flew towards the clone, directed by some dark magic to spin it about. A moment later, the bisected clone body fell to the ground in two pieces, still screaming.

She lifted her hand and the lightsaber began a lazy orbit of her head. Both parts of the clone were plucked from the ground by invisible forces and casually thrown through the same breach in the window. The woman showing some strange compulsion to clean her battlefield, perhaps?

Without a word, the Sith reached out to grasp the hilt of her blade and pointed it at us. At me. My heart thundering in my chest, my breath caught in my throat. Every Mandalorian — every Real Mandalorian trained for this moment. The chance to do battle with the Force sorcerers that made the galaxy their plaything. Jedi or Sith, I felt the rush of battle and shifted my form, carefully considering how her blade might depart from her. It would be a battle unlike any normal Jedi, but perhaps her flying Lightsaber trick was also a weakness? Perha-

Captain Struc put his hand on my shoulder, saying, loud enough for the Sith to hear. "Hold it, Mando. We're here to save Princess Tanya of Mandalore, not to get involved in this war, we are neutral."

I was about to let out a sigh of agreement, but apparently something Captain Struc said set the little Sith off. She darted forwards with blinding speed in a lunging thrust. I shifted to the side more from muscle memory than conscious thought, and the crimson blade slid harmlessly over my beskar'gam. With her extremely wide open, I retaliated without mercy, my right knee impacted her stomach like a hammer before I followed up with a left hook to her face.

Before I could continue the beat down, she used the momentum of my punch to spin around and delivered a wide sweep with her blade. I ducked under it while I closed in under her guard and retaliated with a left hook to her liver while I pinned her right arm in place.

She let go of her lightsaber and sent it flying towards my face. I front kicked her stomach to push myself away and break her concentration. The lightsaber sliced the air where my neck had been and embedded itself into the ceiling. The other guards gave a shout, seeing that the Sith lacked her lightsaber, opened fire once I got clear.

She somersaulted backwards to avoid the incoming bolts, and while she was in the air, pulled her lightsaber back into her hand. With her sword in hand, she landed loudly as she reflected a few bolts before everyone halted their futile blaster fire. Silence descended upon the hallway as I used the brief lull to unsheathe my vibroblade, before making a "come here" gesture with my left hand to provoke her into attacking me again.

The Sith took the bait and jumped at me. She landed a few steps in front of me before she started swinging her blade, using her reach advantage to strike at me without fear of a counter. Everytime I tried to move in, she darted backwards and fainted to the left only to strike again, to the right, favoring a high angle while leaving an obvious gap in her guard.

But something about her attacks was familiar. The way she favored attacking from the right, how she would probe my defenses. I knew where she would place her blade and where she would plant her boots. She was slippery and fast yet predictable when she honestly shouldn't be.

An uncomfortable wave of nostalgia hit me, a lifetime of sparring with Tanya, exploiting every weakness, finding every gap in her guard. The Sith moved again in a mockery of Tanya's form, faster than anyone had any right to be. But I knew where her blade would land. I intercept her thrust with my beskar vibroblade and push it to the side, leaving her wide open. A step forward put me in between her guard.

I looked into her seamless polished mask, and watched as my own helmet illuminated in red was reflected at me. Without giving her any time to respond, I threw my head forwards against her mask. My helmet and her mask collided in a loud crash. With her stunned, I grabbed her hand to lock her lightsaber in place so I could deliver a horizontal slash to her abdomen.

Before my blade could connect, her free left hand sent me flying to a wall. I quickly rolled to the side to dodge the incoming lightsaber as it sliced through the wall I had been moments before. I retaliated with my own lunge, which she parried, but she's not the only one with a dangerous left hand. I activated my flamethrower gauntlet, forcing her to abandon her attack to avoid my flames. With the fire blocking our vision, I charged forward while swiping my hand from left to right, giving her no room to evade other than backwards or upwards, hoping to close into melee while we couldn't see each other. When I saw her jump over the fire, I cut the flame, so I wouldn't burn myself, before we locked ourselves into melee once again.

If she was as good as Tanya, she would have backed away from me the moment I had parried her blade and closed into knife fighting range. I did not know why she was fighting like Tanya, I hardly had a moment to contemplate that. But somehow she fought like Tanya used to, before the many sparring bouts where I occasionally planted Tanya into the ground had refined her style as well as my own. Cementing that this Sith was an imposter in my mind.

Despite that, she maintained pressure in the battle. She was predictable, in an awful, confusing way. The thousands of hours of sparring with Tanya, precious formative memories of the time we had shared together and with no one else, allowed me to trade the Sith blow for blow.

I feinted to the right and then attacked left, throwing myself into her guard. Tanya was slippery and would always favor shifting right to avoid a clench. It was easy to grasp her midsection and throw my weight forward, throwing the Sith to the ground. It was easy and maddening, I felt teeth grind against each other as this thing dared to, somehow, steal the fighting style of my sister in all but blood.

Suddenly, I was thrown backwards. Pushed against from all sides with dark magic to crash against the far wall of the hallway with enough force to knock the wind out of me. The world vanished into darkness — I was on my hands and knees, shaking my head to speed up awareness.

The Sith was crouched on the ground, still recovering. I had been able to score strikes against her midsection, right leg, and even plant my helmet against that seamless reflective mask, causing the crack to deepen and appear down the middle during our fight. Now that I had been out of range of the heeled Sith again, the rest of the guards were holding her in place with a barrage of blaster fire. Forcing her to use her floating saber trick to prevent the many hundreds of bolts from ending her life.

With her hands free, she threw them out towards the rest of the guards, no doubt casting some spell. A moment later, its consequences were clear, as every blaster in the room ejected its power cell. Then she darted forward, moving with inhuman speed towards the closest guard, Kastel.

Kastel moved to block, dropping his blaster and using his spear to try and parry the attack, only for the Sith to target his fingers, causing him to let go of his spear before she cut through his left arm. I heard a scream as the limb went flying, and Kastel used his right arm to hold the stump that once belonged to his left arm in place.

"Kriffing Sith!" Tabi roared, coming up quickly and using his own spear to try and knock her away from Kastel. He struck swiftly, avoiding any prolonged contact between her lightsaber and his weapon. I aimed my pistols, muscles screaming at the recent exertion of going toe to toe with the rapidly moving Sith as I attempted to shoot the copycat.

With her cowardly magic, the Sith sent Tabi flying, using her open left hand in a grasping motion to throw him behind her, opening a path between her and Captain Struc. She rushed forward, intending to use her slightly angled blade to cut him in half, by the looks of it.

But that plan seemed to have been thwarted as Kastel threw himself at the Sith, grasping at her legs, causing her to stumble, hitting face-first into the ground. The crack in her mask now widening enough to split the thing in half. The Sith then looked up, and I felt a cold fury as the Sith looked up at the rest of us. With Tanya's face.

Her blade bounced away, falling as if its strings had been cut. It fell towards Skota, who brought her boot down hard on it. The crimson blade flickered before fading with a hiss.

The Sith lifted Kastel into the air by his neck, choking him. Struc charged in, but she used her other hand to push him away far into the hallway, too far to help. Everyone else opened fire after they reloaded their battery packs or grabbed a nearby blaster on the floor, but the Sith put Kastel in the way of our shots. She glanced towards her broken lightsaber and frowned, in the same way Tanya would when frustrated, before she cast out her hands again. She repeated her little trick of ejecting power packs from our blasters, before she closed her hands and an audible crunch was heard as Kastel fell limp. After which, she jumped through the broken window, retreating away from the battle with impossible speed.

"She looked like Tanya!" I only realized I was shouting a moment later. But that was not quite right, as the rush of battle began to fade, she had been different. Her skin was chalk white, her eyes had a disconcerting color, and her ears were as long as any Arkanians. As I reflected on her closely, I realized that's what she was, an Arkanian version of Tanya.

"Kastel!" Mok shouted as he ran towards Kastel's body, with Skota right behind him. The two of them get to work administering first aid. Skota took off his helmet, while Mok took off Kastel's chest armor. Skota used her scalpel to cut a vertical line in his throat before inserting a tube into it, while Mok is using his weight to pump his chest.

"Kastel!" Tabi called out, jogging over to the prone form of Kastel. "Kastel?" With the thundering rush of battle fading, I felt my heart skip a beat as my husband's voice cracked. The reality of the situation came into clarity; the son of Harswee seemed to sway in place for a moment before kneeling next to the still form of Kastel.

We did not say anything, we can only watch numbly as the two tried to save him. Eventually, Skota let out a sigh before closing his eyes, "Time of death, 15:35. You can stop Mok."

Mok eventually slowed to a stop. "Dank farrik."

I walked forward and wrapped my arms around Tabi as my husband flinched before relaxing into my arms.

"She got him." He said simply. I pulled him away from the body of his friend as the rest of the guard put Kastel on a portable stretcher. We would not be leaving him behind.

"We still have to find Tanya." I said as Tabi held me close. He nodded and looked at the rest of the guards.

"Here." Skota pushed a roll of something into my hand. "Adhesive tape, wrap it around your blasters power pack, so the damn Sith can't try her little trick again."

"We'll secure the Princess." Captain Struc said. "Skota, Tabi, you move Kastel. We will clear the way for you." My husband seemed to want to protest, but I took his hand and gave it a squeeze.

He was not in the right mental state to fight at the moment.

"Understood." Tabi intoned, resigned.

The rest of the guard formed up with some of the few surviving clones, ready to move deeper into the facility towards Tanya's location, many of them attaching adhesive strips to their power packs.

"Here." Skota said, presenting me with the handle of her abandoned lightsaber. "It's yours now, you did the most work out of all of us." I took the lightsaber from her hand, feeling bile rise up my throat at accomplishing such a poisoned victory.

"Kastel deserves it as much as me." I muttered. Skota clasped my shoulder and gave me a shake.

"Then carry it for him too, and kill that Sith next time."

Kamino, Cadet Barracks
Barriss Offee

"Blast it, Master Fisto, where are you?" I muttered as another wave of droids came running down the hallway, unflinchingly assaulting my position with concentrated blaster fire, trying to take me down but accomplishing nothing. I was good enough with my blade that I was able to knock the bolts back at them, and when they get too close, I cut them in half.

There was chaos throughout the entire installation, pure and utter chaos. Ominous explosions followed by a deepening emptiness in the Force was my constant companion. Nothing was as it should be; instead, all there was, was the ever-present knowledge that the enemy was moving closer and closer to destroying these barracks. This wasn't the first wave of droids to come here, and I doubt it would be the last for a while.

There were many barracks throughout the entire city. Before we lost communication, I heard that several clones in one of the major barracks were putting up a damn good fight, protecting their home from invaders. But I was not there. I had been on the edges when the attack happened. I rushed here with Master Fisto to defend their lives from the oncoming droid forces. It was that, or allow the droids to murder the children.

When we arrived, the droids were also entering through the underwater sections as well. Master Fisto recruited a large group of clones with marine armor. Their group had left, diving beneath the waves, intent on slowing down the incoming formations and keeping the forces from reaching Kaminoan City.

Which left me in charge of protecting the children behind me. Clones under my command fell one by one against the onslaught of droids until I was the only one left.

That's what was most horrible right now. I wasn't defending fully grown clones who were able to defend themselves. I was defending a bunch of toddlers from merciless droids; ready to murder anything that belonged to the Republic. I hated their ugly, brutish appearance, I hated their callous purpose here, I hated each and every single one of these droids.

As I reflected blaster fire back to the last droid of this wave, I tried to let that hate go, but it was hard, so very hard. I needed more power to defend these people, and I don't think I am capable of it. I felt a slight craving, an urge for that drug, Bota; I had come across it back on Drongar. It opened me up to the Force like never before, but I knew not to want it too deeply. It would lead me to the Dark side if I were to get my hands on it again. I needed to stay calm, collected, and in the Light, even if I were to die here fighting these droids.

For once, though, what came around the corner was not another wave of droids. Instead, a hand waved as I stood there, waiting, confused. I managed to speak, "Who's there? Friend or foe?"

"Well, that's all a matter of opinion, I would think." The voice of a clone. I lowered my sword in confusion in relief, which turned right back into dread as a Mandalorian stepped into the hallway. Not just one, but several Mandalorians with familiar armor; armor that I had last seen on Null.

"Spar." I spat out as the rogue clone approached. He acknowledged me by pulling his helmet off and showing a familiar Jango face, but one with a smile. It was a kind expression, one that attempted to show that they were not a threat. I looked past him for hidden dangers and felt out with the Force.

"Hello, Jedi Barriss. Long time no see. What has it been, three, six months?"

"A long time." I said, my mouth dry; speaking was painful. "A lot has happened."

"Yeah, sometimes when you look back at history, it feels like forever, but while it's happening, war feels real fast." One of the Mandalorians rolled his head upwards in exasperation, while another shook his head dismissively in the background. "Anyway, I would like you to step out of the way, please, Jedi Barriss."

I raised my blade again. "You would harm the younglings behind me? Kill them? I thought you were against war crimes." The blue light from my blade cast the invaders in long shadows, sparks from destroyed lights providing the only other illumination.

"I am not here to commit war crimes. I'm here to prevent a war crime being committed from both sides, if you will." Spar interjected.

"Speak plainly." I said, still holding up my lightsaber.

Spar nodded before he said, patting the shoulder of the man next to him, "This is Fenn Shysa, a good mechanical expert and a little bit of a slicer on the side. He's been helping to improve our droid forces with new coding to make them more competent than the average clanker. He has sliced into the cloners' security network and shut it down throughout this area and beyond, as well as deleted all records created before this point. This area is blacked out. Whatever happens here is just between you, me, and my brothers behind me. The Republic, the Jedi, the CIS, they'll never find out what happened here."

I nodded, understanding the implication that this was all off the record. "So, what exactly do you want? Why this attack on Kamino?"

He shrugged before saying, "An offer by the CIS. They needed more shock troops for this operation to keep the Republic busy, they unleashed some real nasty pieces of work here. Maximum mayhem and damage. The kids don't deserve what's supposed to happen here. They don't deserve what is going to happen to them. The clones are basically slaves for the cloners, products to line their own pockets for a Republic that couldn't care less about the people dying in droves for their privileged freedom. And I would rather that not be the case. So I brought my own offer. I don't give the fully grown clones much choice, since they aren't fighting for their own safety and freedom. But I would rather free them than have them end up dead before they even have the chance to understand the fight for their existence."

"Free them?" I asked, fully lowering my lightsaber at this point.

"The plan is simple. Snatch as many kids as possible. I'll use my contacts to smuggle them into the Mandalore sector and its allies. There they'll find families and clans that could use a few good hands while the kids get their freedom, a right every sentient should have. They would grow up and live as free men of Mandalore. Not as slaves to the Republic, the cloners, and the needs of the CIS." I struggled to feel his intent with the Force, but all I feel is determination and zeal.

I looked back over my shoulder towards the door, separating these kids from what awaited them. It sounded like a better fate than what awaited them if I protected them. Biting my lip, I tried to come up with a good reason to say no to what he was offering, but blast it if that was not sounding like the proper thing to do.

Finally, I flicked the switch on my lightsaber, and it extinguished, plunging us into shadow. "Make it look good."

"Knew you were a good Jedi, very rare. Sorry about this in advance." Spar said before he moved closer, judging by the sound of his boots before he stopped in front of me. I took a deep breath and braced myself. The impact of a fist to my face hurts a lot. Immediately after, I felt the bite of a stun bolt. My final thoughts are on the children behind me. Hopefully, some would enjoy a life of freedom.

Mandalore, Sundari Palace
Satine Kryze

Sipping the wine from home, I shook my head in exasperation at the interview on the holo-screen in front of me.

I'm not one for watching HoloNet News or local broadcasts, I'm often too busy and uninterested in those sorts of things. Especially the Daily Ordo, which was becoming more of a mainstay of the sector, it felt like. But Bo had dragged me from work to sit by her as we watched the "interview of the century" as the balding gentleman, Apex Jidoss, said.

Really, it wasn't that big of a deal in my mind. A story about how the actor Taylor Palatine had accidentally became a Mandalorian through too much method acting.

It was interesting in the fact that even though it was an accident, she was sticking by it. Apex waxed philosophically about how becoming a Mandalorian gave her a clearer understanding of the culture, and I would say that her understanding of the culture was not so bad. She definitely took quite heavily from the Silver Mandalorians' codexes, though she did bring a unique look to it, I guess.

Currently, Taylor Palatine and Apex were having a chat about the most recent arc in the series where they were having trouble with the 'Reds', as Taylor kept referring to them.

"So let me get this straight, these 'Reds' are creating political instability for their own gain? But they're not criminals? Sounds a bit like those Anteevy socialists!" Apex said.

"Correct." Taylor said, a confident smile, and black hair framing her face. She was wearing Mandalorian armor, a different set than the one she used in filming. It's painted white, either to show her political inclinations, or because she was taking this new start to heart. "In the show, they are trying to accumulate power, and centralize the state under their leadership."

"Sounds like the collectivism hooha from Anteevy. Whoever is writing from your show must be really on the ball with the current political climate." Apex commented.

"Well, White Silver does send notes over to the writers every once in a while, we do keep our ears open on local politics. After all, if I am going to be Mandalorian, I might as well know about Mandalorian politics.

"Hahahaha that's spirit kid. But yes, your show does good work showing the will of the individual manifest! None of that collective's 'We can all get along' that New Mandos love to shove down our throats."

"I would not say that. The Silver Codex does speak of community values, and its importance in preserving and continuing Mandalorian culture."

"Hmm, that does sound like something the White Silver would say..."

"Just a fan of her work, AJ."

As they shared a laugh, I slowly tilted my head to look at Bo and said, "The 'Reds', did Tanya decide that or what?"

Bo looked at me confused before saying, I'm not really in charge of that whole arm of Tanya's little Silver empire; that would be more of her droid's doing."

"I'm going to speak with her regarding antagonizing potential allies."

"Allies? Are we not on good speaking terms with the Communists after what they are doing on Vorpa'ya?"

"We are not on good speaking terms, but we are also not on bad speaking terms. They haven't done anything extremely antagonistic to us. Occupying a quarter of the planet seems that way when you first look at it, but all the farms they took over were actually selling food to the mining world they hold. So in essence, they were just securing their food network."

"Yeah, by moving a battalion of soldiers onto a planet that they didn't actually have authority over."

I sighed and nodded. "Even so — as long as they don't start a fight with the CNS and jointly withdraw with us after we remove the Journeyman Protectors. Hopefully, we won't need to worry too greatly about them."

"Assuming they will do even that." Bo said. "How is the whole removing the Journeyman Protectors going?"

I shook my head before saying, "Not well. As long as the Anteevians are there, they refuse to leave. All the food produced in the areas they control goes directly to Concord Dawn before going on the market. It's significant leverage over the food supply to this sector."

"So we're going to have to kick them off the world at some point, aren't we?"

I shook my head again before saying, "No, we can't do that. As much grief as this causes us, starting a civil war within the sector is not something I will allow to happen. There are diplomatic channels to try and force this undone, possibly getting the courts of the Republic involved."

"Ha, right because the CNS isn't really independent from the Republic yet; I forgot about that." Bo gave a sarcastic laugh.

"Yet?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as I sipped my wine.

"I mean, you've got your own diplomacy, you've got your own banking system, all you need is your own courts, and you're unofficially separated from the Republic." Bo-Katan tilted her head as she looked at me with her own raised eyebrow.

"There are a lot more steps than that, although having our court system wouldn't be the worst idea, at least for situations out here that we can handle ourselves." I agreed with a slow nod.

"Attagirl." Bo said, slapping my shoulder. "Continue on the Crossroads of Independence through slow movements; you'll get us there eventually." This was pretty typical; Bo's delusions of grandeur. I sighed before she asked, "Anyway, what do you think about the Coruscanti girl turned Mandalorian?"

"Think? I don't know. The process of having outsiders join our culture has never really been something I've thought too deeply about. The only thing I know for sure is Almec is rather annoyed White Silver was on the planet, and he missed the chance to catch her."

"He still hates the Silvers I see." Bo grinned at the thought.

I shrugged. "He's been somewhat blaming them for the rise of Death Watch and all the other militant groups that have started popping up as criminals in the search."

"Oh," she shook her head, saying, "the first to appear gets all the blame, I guess." Bo-Katan took another sip of her drink, before setting it down and sprawling further on the couch. "But I think the whole Coruscanti girl is a good thing myself since it'll mean more people can be drawn in 'cause they wouldn't feel as intimidated. More people means more tourists or permanent residence that could help fill up the sector, which means more people would be exposed and absorb our culture. At least that's how Tanya explained it. To add to it, she's more New Mando than Old Mando, while she can put up a good fight, she doesn't have a killer instinct. So definitely New Mando."

I raised an eyebrow and looked at her lazy posture. "How do you know that?"

Bo managed to reach over and grab her drink before looking at me. "Well, they were filming on Gargon, and they needed someone to train her how to fight to make it look realistic. I had some free time and I needed more of your fancy neutral credits, so I joined in on a few sessions."

"Oh, how incorrigible. I let you train Tanya, and now you're just out there training everyone when my back is turned."

"I don't need your permission to train anyone. I'll train anyone who's willing to be trained. I'll train Korkie as well if he finally gets the urge to learn how to defend himself properly."

"I don't think you need to worry about that. The Royal Guard I sent along to keep an eye on him has already convinced him that learning a little bit more self-defense would be good for him."

"Damn, I won't get a companion album to go with Tanya's then." Bo pouted with a smirk.

"I wouldn't worry, I asked her friend to take holopics in my stead." I said with a smirk.

"Oh you sly Strill." Bo's reply got both chuckling at that.

Our laughter was interrupted by the news anchor on the screen saying, "What!"

I turned towards the holoscreen as he turned back to face the audience. "Sorry folks, I just got a word from one of my sources that Kamino is currently under attack by a CIS invasion force."

"Ms. Palatine, what do you think about this recent development?" He said, turning to the Mandalorian actress.

"Oh, that doesn't — I'm not very familiar with what's going on over there. I know some of the people who helped train me mention that Mandalorians are on that planet helping to train the army. I hope they all are okay; some of those people were pretty nice."

"Don't we all, but they're Mandalorians there; that means the planet's got a better chance of surviving than anywhere else in this damn war.

Granted, my sources also say that there are also Mandalorians on the other side of the invasion force, so it's going to be a real brawl down there. If we get any more news, we'll make sure to bring it on as quickly as possible." Then he turned, and he yelled off-screen, though my focus was quickly drawn away from it as Bo put her hand on my shoulder.

"Isn't Tanya on Kamino for some sort of Republic thing?" She asked worriedly.

"Yes, she is." I said, taking the glass and downing it before putting it down on the counter next to me, before I started pacing back and forth in worry. The last time she was on a planet that was being invaded, she almost died.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." She got up and moved over to the door separating this little apartment area from the main household and yelled, "We're going to need a lot more wine in here, some of the good stuff, maybe some Concordian whiskey as well."

"Yes ma'am." Came the voice of one of the many maids in the complex as I sighed, putting my hands on both sides of my face.

Bo came back and rested her hand on my shoulder, saying, "Tanya will be fine. She's a fighter."

I nodded. "I'm not really worried about her that much when it comes to her being in a fight. I'm just worried that every time she goes off Coruscant, she ends up in a fight..."

"Ha, well, she is probably chosen by the Manda with the amount of luck she has."

I sighed even deeper at that thought. I hoped everything was all right and she would come back safe.

Writers note: Huh, it's Christmas time again! Did not see that coming but hey, happy to have it here! And since last time we dropped a chapter on Christmas time we got out at least 240 chapters. I think. Feels like at least 52/2 — 26 chapters? Ahh, we're close to that number, I think. Anywho, this chapter we had some fun. We split it in two, added more content you know usually folks expect. And damn that Cloned Tan'nya she killed Kastel! Bitch made a mistake. Or has she?

Editor's notes:

: Merry Christmas! Part of this chapter was edited while I was taking breaks from jury duty in court. A most whimsical use of jury break time, but so much of the case was hurry up and wait. L4's story-crafting, writing process and the collaboration between the editors is incredible and amazing to participate in. PoM is headed off the rails of canon from this chapter onward and I'm here for it. I hope that all the readers enjoy and have a great holiday!

FallQM: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! It has always been a ton of fun to be a part of L4's editing and storycrafting team. Bringing his vision to life is a ton of fun. Reading comments and discussions about this story and where it is going is a wonderful pastime in a year of work and the many tribulations of everyday life. It's around this time of year that people can take time away from their busy lives to enjoy themselves. Now is the time of year we spend on ourselves and our families. So have a very merry Christmas, a very happy Holiday season and let's look forward to a wonderful new year.

Warmach1ne32: Merry Christmas everyone, sorry for the delay but this chapter needed to be dragged out kicking and screaming. I hope you enjoy reading PoM as I have fun editing it. Not much else to say, other than see you next year. Hopefully Being X doesn't make 2024 any worse. :D

Ghost-339: G'day from Down Under, the land where Santa hangs 10 in the surf and has the sleigh pulled by 6 White Boomers! (Kangaroos). I'm glad to help this amazing story, and even contribute with my 'Taylor becoming a mando for real' bit back in Ch.57. Happy Holidays Folks!

Please comment, review, and generally enjoy yourselves…

Edited by: MeowATron9000, Jan Mantsch, Fall, Warmach1ne32, Ghost-339, Afforess
Community edited by:
Community editable doc (Chapter) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Merry Christmas!

Commissioned Artist a_yoshikage

Afforess, Aske Helsted, Adam Daw, Arkhad, Adrian Black, arnumart, BigKumaDM, Brandon Goodman, BarrettSlayer, Beautiful Winter, Bill Romero Diaz, Bishop Rikor, BloodAxe, CB-Otaku, Contrary, Chernobog, Creampuff, CrazedGamma1721, Duncan Sproule, Dankermaler, DrkShdow, Devilstar101, Daryl, D3ad0s, Desphyx, Endymion2314, Evariskitsune, Falk Hüser, FreelancerD0, Fischer Davis-Hagen, Gremlin Jack, Guillermo Echeverria, Hats88, H2os, harry Nevel, Hotroman, Ian R Major, James Moorhouse, Jog256, John Norman, Jake Serna, Jan Mantsch, KrasieK, Kenny Nguyen, kalistira, Koreanwriter, Lmc9389, LoyalChaos, Lago, Louis Kasser, Lightstorm, Legion_13, Lictor Magnus, Libois kurt, Michael, Mana Rope, Mackenzie Buckle, Maxim Blashkevych, Michał Kotuła, Mrsmall0170, MysteryCPU, MinnieMin, Michael Hill, Matthew D, MeowATron9000, milky, Michael Forsyth, Neso, Nathan Cardoso, Pulse Rager, Pontus, Retexks, Silver Wolf, Staradder, Sam, Santeri Oripelto, The GrandMage, Taylor Tilbury, Treant Balewood, William, Xodarap4, Zollus, Zul The Lich, Zahael, Zugakun, Kiwi, Foeno, Arthur, jord, Delay, Blackswordzero, King Henry V, Quadrio, Dale, Europa, Lord Fire Drake, Falk Hüser, Jorge Benedicto, Fish man I don't fish