Princess of Mandalore (Youjo Senki/Star Wars)

I wonder if Obi Wan caught that lie of Satine not knowing who White Silver is under the helmet. And we're still not sure if Tanya is Satine and Obi Wan's daughter even if several characters in the story suspected it.
because Mandalore has o reason
I nodded slowly at that possibility. "I understand your skepticism and it is a possibility. But if the CIS were responsible for the attack on the Maelstrom they used Mandalorians to do it." I reached into a pocket and pulled out a holo projector. I pressed a button to activate it, revealing a bit of footage that had been recovered from a data transmission. Shown most prominently are Mandalorian warriors with various symbols on their armor storming a hallway, ignoring shots from Republic troopers as if it were nothing, before retaliating with their own shots at the clones with predictable results. I froze the footage and zoomed in on the Mandalorian warrior to show the Minister.
Deep fake!
"Duchess Satine." I bowed, my mood brightening. Perhaps we could cut straight to the heart of matters now.
Almec is such a mouth breather, wasted Kenobi's time when he could've been staring at the wall.
Chapter 51, 717 FNM (21 BBY) Month 4
Chapter 51, 717 FNM (21 BBY) Month 4

Coruscant, Senate Building
Tanya Kryze

This is madness of a higher degree than I thought possible for this universe. On a level that I nearly suspected a certain God-claiming entity may be screwing with me again. Though considering how blatant he had been in my last life, that seemed very unlikely.

News from the Mandalore sector had been strange over the past month. First, there was the report that the Maelstrom, a ship deployed next to the Mandalorian sector, had been seized by an unknown force of Mandalorians. This had started a literal riot in the Senate, with people demanding explanations for why the Maelstrom, a Battle-Cruiser — one of the very few of its class — is now in the hands of what could be best described as pirates. Senator Merrik had returned to Mandalore for a CNS meeting to discuss how the Ryloth could integrate with the CNS, economically at least when the report on the fate of the Maelstrom reached the Senate.

The exact information on who was responsible had been classified at the time. Either the Jedi Council or the Supreme Chancellor's war council had decided to wait and see on the details before deciding on their next course of action. I had, for the most part, not been able to find anything out on my own. Even delving into my little side project as White Silver gave me sparse reports that something had happened on the borders of the Mandalore sector. I had to wait for Satine to send a report to keep me up to date with what is going on there.

Apparently, Death Watch is actually not just a bunch of kids, but actually an organized paramilitary with significant backing. Death Watch saw the Maelstrom glass Kromus, killing a billion people that live on it, including a population of Mandalorian natives. In retaliation, Death Watch boarded the Maelstrom and killed everyone onboard, even the Jedi in charge of the Maelstrom.

In light of this information, I arranged this meeting with other members of the Neutral Council available on Coruscant to discuss what this would mean for us. There were a few observers as well. Padmé, for instance, is here and she spoke briefly about a problem Naboo had once with pirates and how the local authorities had eventually dealt with them. I am in favor of that because if there is clear evidence that the ones responsible are pirates, Mandalore would handle them without Republic intervention.

Except the day before the meeting, things were thrown out of whack when an unofficial report got leaked to the public holonet. This report outlined a few critical details, mainly that the Mandalorians responsible for taking the Maelstrom are affiliated with Death Watch. The report explained that Death Watch is a terrorist organization that wanted to return Mandalore to its Crusading ways. This raised alarm bells amongst the various Senators and news agencies, who are currently inflating this issue as the possible return of Crusading Mandalorians. Members of the CNS are not immune to the fear, as most of them are located very close to Mandalore and have a history of being on the receiving end of a Mandalorian Crusade.

That changed the calculus greatly. All of a sudden, the pirates had become potential invaders of a similar vein to Mongols, which made it extremely harder to deal with.

I wasn't hyperventilating at all, despite how this created a greater problem. Already, there were a few calls from the Senate to launch thorough investigations on the level of the Austro-Hungarian Empire poking around Serbia during World War 1.

This will ignite a conflict. I am reasonably certain how my fellow Mandalorians would react to this kind of "investigation" and it could push the CNS directly into the CIS's hands. If anyone was playing someone, it was Dooku, as he'd obviously engineered a situation that very well could see him gain allies even with his currently terrible reputation for their own misbegotten superweapon uses.

Because in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter if one side used superweapons; it's whichever side decided to invade Mandalore first that would determine what side the CNS would probably be forced onto.

Trying to take a calming breath, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Looking to my left, I saw Padmé looking worried as she said, "Are you alright?"

"N-not really." I admitted, not feeling fine at all. The pressure is definitely building, and I am annoyed at the fact that I am going to have to deal with this situation alone for the next few days until Senator Merrik returns.

Since I am the representative of Mandalore, I am the only one with the authority of defending Mandalore's honor during the debates for the next few days. Then Senator Merrik and Duchess Satine could take over when they arrived. At least they would be bringing, from what reports indicated, evidence of this massacre that Death Watch accused the Republic of. It would be very useful in trying to build a case that, though Death Watch are Mandalorians, they are operating as independent actors or as vigilantes.

Mumbling to myself, I said, "I'm just coming up with ways to try and keep this situation under control, so it doesn't spill out into a war for the Mandalore sector."

"How would pirates spill out into a war for the Mandalore sector?" Padmé asked, raising an eyebrow.

I looked at her before I realized she didn't know about the leaked report. She still thought that pirates were the ones who stole the Maelstrom. She didn't realize that the culprits have been identified and they are painted as resurgent Mongols rather than Somali pirates.

Sighing, I tapped my finger rapidly on the table in front of me and said, "We found out who did it, and they're no longer just pirates but an organized paramilitary. These Death Watch have managed to do something that very few people have ever achieved, and that is to make the Republic lose the moral high ground. We can call them pirates, terrorists, whatever we want, but people are going to know that they were involved in efforts to bring vengeance on a rogue commander that had committed a war crime. This means the average Mandalorian isn't going to look at them and see pirates, terrorists, or any other organization that they would willingly turn in. They will see freedom fighters and vigilantes that are doing good and will conceal information and support them in some ways."

"That can't be right. I mean, they're Death Watch. It is in the name. I may not know everything there is about the Mandalorian sector, but I've heard about how they were involved in various atrocities during the Mandalorian Civil War." Padmé said.

I shrugged and said, "It doesn't matter what they did during the civil war. What matters is what they do now, since people only care about what you're currently doing for them. Sure, there'll be a few who have old grievances with the organization, but those people would probably still look at this situation with some grudging respect. They may not help Death Watch directly, but they probably will not help the Republic find Death Watch either. In essence, the organization has managed to give itself enough legitimacy that it will have people who are more than willing to look the other way. The fact that they apparently favor Duchess Satine being in control of the Mandalore sector means most peaceful Mandalorians will look the other way as well, since they're taking their conflict out of the sector."

"Okay, but if they acknowledge Duchess Satine as the leader of the Mandalorian sector, why doesn't she just order them to turn themselves in and hand over the Maelstrom?" Padmé asked.

I gave her a raised eyebrow before saying, "I guess she could do that, but would they listen to her? That's another question entirely. They can claim that she's simply doing this to maintain neutrality as her goal. Not to mention, I don't think even if she ordered it, they would hand it over. They've been given a battle-cruiser; they could claim they crashed it into the sun as recompense for the supposed genocide they're claiming happened. But everyone will know that it's still out there somewhere, being used as a training facility or storage facility for resources. It's a mobile base at this point, and no sane person would be willing to give up a mobile base."

"So, what is Duchess Satine going to do about this?" Padmé asked.

I shook my head and said, "I have no idea. But I have faith she'll come up with something. Hopefully, something that would prevent the invasion of the Mandalore sector, along with the complete and utter destruction of what's left of the fragile ecosystems that make up its planets."

Mandalore, Sundari Palace
Korkie Kryze

Standing off to one side, I listen as the council meeting between my aunt and several members of her council are being discussed.

Auntie Satine had returned from Concordia in a not-so-great mood. The details of what exactly had occurred on her trip are hard to pin down as she's keeping it classified, but it seems Auntie had snuck into a Death Watch recruitment camp with only a Jedi and an infamous bounty hunter. I find that hard to believe, it sounded too reckless for Aunt Satine to do. It sounded like something Tanya or Aunt Bo might do, so likely some outside influence is to blame. However, Auntie had discovered something in the Death Watch camp, while watching the camp organize and train new recruits, before they got shipped off.

I wasn't aware of everything that had happened, but the majority of what I had heard came down to the ancient ways not having gone away and not having been tamed as White Silver claimed they would be. Instead, someone is putting together a crusade for the greater Mandalore sector to fight the Republic, and whoever they are is using the name Death Watch as a banner to rally behind. The only good news is that they were not trying to start a war in the Mandalore sector, at least as far as I had heard.

Governor Vizsla is making a very good point as he spoke to Duchess Satine.

"Obviously, this Death Watch organization is trying to draw the Republic to invade the Mandalore sector. With them on the loose, the Republic will be even more fearful of us. The fact that there is a rogue faction using our territory as recruiting grounds for their war against the Republic is going to cause issues." Governor Vizsla said.

"I couldn't agree more." Prime Minister Almec said with a nod. "Rogue Mandalorians, such as Death Watch and their recently acquired ship, are just one of the problems going on. I also heard that the Mandalorian Protectors were involved in several conflicts in the Maldrood sector, Coreward of us, as well as taking part in the defense of Null."

"Even if Mandalore and the Council of Neutral Systems maintains complete order and keeps to the charter honorably, that will be insufficient in the eyes of the Republic. Death Watch and the Mandalorians Protectors openly operate and recruit in our sector. If we continue to provide a safe haven for threats to the Republic, like these rogue Mandalorians, the Republic will view our neutrality as illegitimate. And it will be illegitimate. The Republic will no doubt insist on garrisons and staging grounds in our territories if we ignore these rogue Mandalorians." Governor Vizsla said.

"I will not let that happen." Satine said rather clearly and with an air of annoyance to the idea alone before she continued. "Mandalore will continue to maintain its independence, neutrality, and will not be a battleground for two petulant governments acting like disobedient children." Satine frowned and shook her head. "I know the situation seems dire, but there are still ways to protect the core values of our New Mandalorian way."

"The Mandalorian Self-Defense Force will help us protect those values. We can roll them out and deploy them to try and counter any Death Watch recruitment. There are over 15,000 systems that support the Council of Neutral Systems that require additional forces to harden the sector, 10,000 of them bordering the Mandalore sector. These systems need protection from operations like we've seen carried out on several planets by both the CIS and the Republic.

Surely, if we deploy the Mandalorian Self-Defense Force to help train self-defense forces across these systems, it would provide opportunities for young men to go have an adventure without having to join Death Watch or the Mandalorian Protectors."

Deputy Prime Minister Jerec hmm-ed before saying, "It could work, but all that does is increase our military spending, which is a nasty word on Kalevala, as well as possibly make us look like an even bigger threat to the Republic. We have already dedicated fifty million Arkanian troopers to these garrisons. I believe the analysis of system defense called for three to four thousand soldiers per star system as a minimum garrison force. The Arkanians are more than enough for that. If we turned the MSDF into a jobs program by expanding the garrisons, it would deeply harm the prestige of the institution."

Aunt Satine is deep in thought before saying, "I understand, but this is why I'm going to the Republic to speak with the Senate to plead our case that we have no interest in joining the war and simply are defending ourselves against hostile action from the CIS or the Republic, as well as demand an answer to what happened on Kromus. The planet is close enough to join the Council of Neutral Systems; it was merely taken over in the beginning of the war. We need answers on why it was decided that the best option was to destroy the planet."

"My Duchess, are you sure that's wise?" Prime Minister Almec said. "As a Head of State, traveling outside the sector is incredibly risky. The Republic might be tempted to arrest you as the opening move of an illegal invasion. Pirates might kidnap you for ransom. The CIS could attack your ship. Or a whole host of reasons."

"Admittedly, that is a risk, but I am sure that the Royal Guard can protect me. In addition, we will be taking routes very few people know aboard the Coronet. Only me and several trusted senators, including Senator Merrik, will be aboard."

"I still believe this is a bit too risky." Governor Vizsla said. "Is there not some way to raise your security force? The Royal Guards are excellent, yes, but perhaps we can have the Jedi — what was his name, General Kenobi? Perhaps he can escort you to make sure everything goes well. They are, after all, peacekeepers."

"General Kenobi..." Satine trailed off, and I noticed that she seemed distressed at the idea. Finally, she relented and nodded. In a quieter tone, she said, "Y-yes, I can speak to him about this. The Jedi are servants of peace, so he can be trusted with my safety."

Nodding his head in approval, Prime Minister Almec acted as if nothing unusual had occurred, "Good, good. As for deploying the MSDF to train the local garrisons, I'll coordinate with Minister Ordo on arranging our forces while you're making the trip to Coruscant. I wish you luck, Duchess."

"Thank you, Prime Minister. If there are no other pressing matters. I shall take my leave." Satine said, getting up from her seat and nodding to me to follow as she stepped out of the main area as the others began to continue discussing their next course of action.

Letting out a deep breath as she shut the door behind us, she asked, "So, how are things at the academy?"

I smiled before saying, "Going well, Auntie Satine. Why did you call for me to come by today?"

Smiling, she said, "I just wanted a friendly face I knew I could trust on before I head out on this trip." She paused before saying, "Though I am concerned with the current situation, I thought I would get your opinion on the matter."

Aunt Satine stepped out onto a balcony, and I paused, considering her question seriously for a moment. She called out, "My advisors have already given me their opinions. I wanted a different point of view, someone younger."

I followed her out onto the balcony, looking out over the city, wondering what I would do if I were Duke of Mandalore. Neither the Republic nor the Separatists had much to offer Mandalore. We could make do without the Ithorians if we had to. It would be best if we could be left alone in peace, independent, and not drawn further into the conflict. All our problems could be traced back to external interference, in my opinion.

"I'm afraid my opinion is not too dissimilar from theirs. Trying to maintain neutrality is the best course. The problem, of course, being that there are factions that want to take part in the conflict for their own reasons. Death Watch claims that they oppose the Republic because they caused a massacre. Even if Kromus was destroyed exactly as Death Watch reported, do we know if their cause is legitimate or a matter of convenience? It's suspicious that they were in the system, but didn't stop the Maelstrom until after the planet was destroyed. So it could be mere propaganda to support their cause and undermine you." I wondered aloud.

Auntie nodded her head before saying, "That is a concern I have, though I think if the leader really is aiming to become a..." She grimaced at the title, "Mand'alor, they probably would have attempted to kill me on Concordia. I don't fully understand his motives or know what Death Watch is playing at, but at the very least, I think there is a possibility for a peaceful resolution with them."

I nodded at that.

Satine continued, "If they really did have an opportunity and didn't take it, I'd say something favorable about the Death Watch. But that does not change the fact that their actions are likely to draw us into a situation that the Neutral Council could not handle."

Shaking my head, I pointed out the obvious solution, "Aren't they a stateless entity who have propagated war on the Republic? Why not label them as terrorists? We already have laws in place to combat such groups."

Auntie Satine she looked out over the city. "Saying that is easily done. Yes, I imagine that will already be decided by the time I reach Coruscant. The main problem, though, is they're now folk heroes across the sector. And if we do anything against them, it would legitimize their cause. Give them standing to come against us."

She paused before finally admitting, "There is, of course, an option to officially declare them terrorists and attempt to dissuade people from joining them, without actually taking any active action against them. But that could be seen as taking the situation too lightly by the Republic if we don't show some sort of result."

"If there are no results and if they're already declared terrorists, local forces will be keeping their eyes on anyone who shows up wearing their iconography. And if they commit any crimes, they could be put in jail for that crime and tack on an aggravation charge for being linked to such an organization."

Aunt Satine looked at me before nodding, saying, "That could work. Of course, assuming they don't ask us to hand over the Mandalorians without due process first. That's a step too far."

I'm not sure that it was far enough, actually. After all, if they were connected to an organization that attacked the Republic, and attacked the legitimate government of Mandalore, did we really need them in the Mandalore sector? But I kept that to myself.

Instead, I suggested a policy that had worked in the past, "What if we just keep these troublemakers in Mandalore, designate one of the systems as a penal colony. Like we did with Concordia after the Civil War."

Satine grunted in annoyance, "While that did me some good, turning Concordia into a penal colony only guaranteed that the population became supportive of Death Watch when this conflict sprung up."

I reluctantly nodded my head, as that is an unfortunate point. Whatever fallout this future penal colony would create would likely become my headache in the future.

Satine grimaced, "Despite the drawbacks, it is an option. I'll talk to Governor Pre, see if he has any ideas what we can do about this. Perhaps he knows of a planet where we can send people to work off minor crimes." She turned from the view of Sundari and headed back inside.

I followed Auntie back inside, "Actually, I think you had the right idea when you asked for my opinion."

Talking with Soniee, Lagos and Amis often introduced me to new ways of thinking, an outside perspective. "Let's discuss this with others more and I'll do some research too. It's not urgent yet and..." Now it was my turn to grimace, "Tanya probably has some ideas on the topic as well."

Auntie Satine turned to me and gave me a hug. "I just wanted us to live in a peaceful era. I am sorry that you have to go through a war like I did."

I hugged her back, thinking, "It's not your fault, Auntie. We don't choose the times we live in, only the friends we keep by our side."

Auntie Satine let go and nodded back more seriously. "This trip to Coruscant is vital to keep Mandalore out of the war. I wish for Mandalore to preserve its neutrality. That way, we could create a space for the Republic and the CIS to speak as equals and try to work out this conflict as diplomatically as possible."

I mean, it's still possible for that to happen. "Mandalore stands at the crossroads, in a way, between the Republic and the CIS. We need the two sides to start talking to each other. If they're talking, they might actually come to some sort of agreement."

"How long until your final exams and graduation?"

"Two months? I'll be officially out of school and have to find an actual career, which is going to be a heck of a time trying to figure out what to do."

"Do you not have any plans yet?"

I shrugged, "I was thinking about becoming an archaeologist or an explorer. I know Soniee is applying for a position on the Seeker's Vigil research task force. Research is fine, but I enjoyed the thrill of our expeditions. I wish I could be an adventurer full-time, but it's getting kind of dangerous with that job with the war going on."

"There might be an opportunity for you in the future. I'm considering sending a Representative from Mandalore to the Separatist's Parliament to begin peace talks. We'll need a representative there if we ever want this war to end. Would you be interested in politics instead?"

Mandalore, Coronet
Obi-Wan Kenobi

"Anakin, what are you doing here?" I asked as Anakin leaned against a nearby pillar with a suspicious smile.

"I found Cody and a few of his men preparing for a mission. I asked what they were doing and I heard that an important diplomatic party is in need of protectors for a journey to Coruscant. I volunteered to help. We all want to ensure that everyone is protected on their trip to Coruscant." Anakin is spending too much time in the company of politicians, I swear. I heard Master Shaak Ti give a similar explanation, except about how she escaped from Geonosis. Complete rubbish, of course.

"What about you, Rex, why are you here?"

Rex shrugged his shoulders, "I heard General Skywalker is volunteering to help protect some diplomats. Me and some boys volunteered to come along and help." Drat, I chose the wrong order to interrogate the suspects, and Anakin baited me into giving them a cover story with that suspicious smile. They were all coordinating.

"I see. Cody, why did you allow them to join us?"

Cody shrugged, standing to Rex's left. "Saw no reason to say no to a few extra hands. It isn't just us who are being sent after all; some Senatorial Guards are deployed as well. Apparently, there are a few other major diplomats on the ship who support the Council of Neutral Systems."

"Well, extra protection never hurts, doubly so when dealing with Mandalorians." Satine and several others drew my eye, they were passing by on the nearby ramp, heading towards the upper parts of the ship. I nodded in their direction, and she nodded back, a smile gracing her lips before she moved out of sight. Several Royal Guards trailed behind her retinue, following as she went to the more luxurious parts of the vessel.

Turning back to Anakin, I gave up my interrogation. I wasn't going to figure out what Anakin was up to until he wanted to tell me, but I also wouldn't say anything about it either. Trusting him to talk, at least when he feels the time is right, I sighed. "Still, shouldn't you be training your padawan or deployed on another front? Where is Ahsoka anyway?"

Anakin's smile faltered a bit before he said, "Uh, she's with Senator Chuchi. She needed a little help with something. Some sort of protection detail, or something. I was on my mandatory leave, but it got boring really quickly. So I thought, 'I might as well help since I had nothing better to do'."

I merely narrowed my eyes in suspicion, sighing again, "Alright then." Turning to Cody, I said, "Since they volunteered, we might as well put them to work. You know what to do, Cody so I'll leave you to it. Good luck."

"Will do, General." Rex nodded and I returned the gesture. With that settled I make my way towards the elevator while Anakin fell behind me as we loaded aboard.

"So~, Master." Anakin said with a very recognizable tone, it was the same one as the suspicious smile from earlier. "Was it just me, or did Duchess Satine smile at you?"

"You're imagining things." She was merely smiling in the midst of a conversation, far away.

"Am I huh: How close are you two? You never really talked about what happened that time you were on the run in the Mandalore sector." There really wasn't much to discuss.

"And I won't start now." I summarized matter-of-factly as the elevator continued to go up.

"Fine then. Keep your secret."

I pulled out my datapad and glanced at the Maelstrom intel R4 had forwarded to me. Wait a minute. "Secret? What secret?" Turning to him, I repeated, "What secret?"

"Exactly." Anakin said knowingly, and that very recognizable tone was really starting to become annoying. I was about to ask again, but the elevator opened before I could and Anakin walked out. I decided that whatever game he's playing he would tell me sooner or later.

I stepped out of the elevator too and felt the brief rumble as the ship moved from real space to hyperspace. We are heading towards Taurus on the Mandalorian Road and from there we would be on the Hydian Way, going all the way down into the Core and the center of the Republic.

We should be safe, but I admit, I would feel safer if we had a few cruisers in formation with us. This civilian ship may be Mandalorian-designed and very robust, but it doesn't change the fact that this is still a space liner meant for transporting people and goods from the Core to Mandalore and back.

Our walk towards the central guest area at the front of the ship is interrupted when Anakin's comms sounded an alert, which drew both our attention.

"What is it, Rex?" Anakin asked, and the tiny voice of Rex responded.

"Your astromech's acting weird, sir. Like something scared the heck out of it. I've also got a fire team that didn't report back. I think we've got some uninvited guests on board, sir."

"I'm on my way, Rex. Be prepared for anything."

"Will do, sir. We'll form a perimeter, work our way up to the main areas of the ship, and clear out from there."

Anakin looked at me, "Something is wrong. We have intruders aboard."

"How did they get on board?" I asked aloud. Anakin shrugged dismissively in response. "Our location and route are unpublished. Given the fact this ambush is this early into the journey, there is a traitor in our midst. The only ones who could know is someone already aboard this vessel. They are most likely still onboard, but who sent them?"

"The CIS, of course." Anakin said, no-nonsense. But I shook my head as that didn't make sense.

"Perhaps the intruders are CIS assets, but that's too broad of a statement. Not every battle droid is a plot in some grand CIS ploy. Minor factions are also a possibility that we have to keep in mind as well. What reason could they want to be on board? That's what I'm more concerned about."

"I'll believe it when I see it." Anakin nodded before saying, "I'll go check on Rex. You stay by the Duchess."

I chuckled before shaking my head, saying, "Giving me orders now, eh?"

"It isn't really an order when you'll want to do it anyway, I'm sure." Anakin retorted. Before I could formulate a reply, he slid back into the elevator, and pressed a button for another floor.

The doors close and I am alone in the hallway leading to the Observatory. I was somewhat bemused, since I'd rather not be with the politicians, even if Satine is in that room. In fact, the politicians are the problem. Politics are odious, and that was before the war; it had only gotten worse since then.

Bracing myself, I took a deep breath before stepping onwards. I walked down the hall to the observatory and pressed the call button on the door. The door swung open in response as the Royal Guard on the other side unlocked the door.

Inside are members of the Neutral Council. Their leader, Satine, is on a raised dais, surrounded by pillows. Near the dias towards the left was the Mandalorian Senator Merrik, who is overshadowed despite his slight height advantage by the corpulent and notoriously corrupt Twi'lek Senator Taa from Ryloth. In sharp contrast, the right side of the room is occupied by two more athletic Senators in a hushed huddle; the human Senator Robb from Tarris and the more militant Rodian Senator Farr of Rodea.

I stepped into the warmly lit observatory and started to make sense of the flow of conversations. There was little reaction to my entrance, and I only caught Satine briefly glancing in my direction before she returned her focus to her ongoing conversation. She is discussing the latest calamities from the battlefronts and the devastation it was causing the Galaxy.

"As I see it, the greater blame lies with the previous administration under Valorum for allowing diplomacy to fail. Both parties are still capable of negotiating with one another. Only greed, malice, or gross incompetence could have blocked progress while both parties could still discuss grievances." Satine explained to Senator Merrik and Senator Taa.

"I definitely agree, the Republic got too greedy as the status quo filled their bank accounts with credits at the cost of the suffering of those in the Outer Rim." Senator Merrik nodded in agreement. Senator Robb lifted her glass of wine from across the room, seeming to agree.

Shaking my head, I entered the conversation to set the record straight, "No, none of those are true. That's not exactly how it went down. There were attempts for diplomacy, quite a few actually, but one side wanted this war to happen. This was the general outcome that is going to happen sooner or later."

Satine looked disapproving, and a bit sad, "Spoken like someone who has given up on peace. Just because one side wishes for war does not mean we should give up all efforts to try and find a peaceful resolution to our disagreements."

"I agree, but I believe we can all come to an understanding that when one side doesn't want a peaceful resolution, the other side must defend itself. After all, the Mandalorian Self-Defense Force is meant to protect your Council of Neutrality, is it not? Or at least Mandalore's part in it." I pointed out.

Satine nodded her head, sipping from her glass. "Yes, that is the dream and goal of the Defense Force. We must have a solid defensive capability, however there is no reason we couldn't end the war diplomatically before more lives are lost. In fact, our defensive capabilities are a consequence of the Republic's negligence in pursuing peace."

"The Republic has done the best it can." I insisted.

"I certainly hope you are wrong, Master Jedi. If this is the best we can expect from the Republic, I fear for our future." Senator Taa interjected. I wasn't surprised at his outburst, he is a Senator-in-exile while Ryloth is occupied, after all.

"The Republic has failed to pass meaningful reforms over the last decade, maybe longer, thinking about some of the conflicts that have sprung up in our lifetime." Satine retorted.

I sighed and nodded, saying, "Yes, unfortunately, we held the Republic up to a standard it could not maintain. But now that we are at war, I think that will be resolved. These issues that have long plagued the Republic will have to be dealt with if we are to win the war."

"Win? Win implies that you have no attempt to try and achieve some sort of peace. There's only the victor and the defeated, not a conclusion where both sides get what they want. Shouldn't the goal be an end to hostilities? That's oddly absolute of you." Satine observed.

My eye twitched as an old phrase came to mind. Shaking my head to dispel the memory, I said, "This war is different. At least, I suspect as much. I would like to believe that a peaceful solution is possible, yet I doubt any such outcome exists. Count Dooku is likely a darksider, and if so, then this war will continue until one side surrenders or we put a stop to him. The dark side corrupts every facet it touches, negotiating with the CIS while Count Dooku is in power is doomed to fail before it begins."

"That claim there, about these 'darksiders,' only the Jedi puts any weight into that." Senator Taa said.

"I know that there are some hard feelings and some extreme weapons being used by the Separatists. I'm also appalled at what the Techno Union has done to Ryloth." Senator Robb said, glancing over at Senator Taa. She joined us after leaving Senator Farr, he was looking displeased and standing alone now. "However, we must recognize that individuals can be bad parties. The CIS does have reasonable people and some of their grievances are well-founded. The Republic has not done a good job over the last century in administering the Outer Rim. That the Corporate Sector exists at all is an ongoing travesty."

"If I might suggest a radical solution, we should let the CIS secede from the Republic." I frowned at Satine's suggestion. "If the CIS wishes to have their own government, perhaps we should consider letting them. As long as we can establish a peace where systems can leave the CIS and rejoin the Republic, we should be aiming for that, I think."

"Realistically, would such a solution bring about peace?" Senator Merrik asked. "The question is, will the Republic and CIS be able to come to some sort of compromise? The galaxy is a big place and, as my young representative has said once or twice over the years, is there really room for two galactic governments to exist without there being some kind of conflict between the pair? We have a long history to look back on, and there does seem to be evidence that there is no room for such accommodations." Senator Merrik said.

Satine gave Senator Merrik a look, to which he smiled and said, "I'm just being a realist, my Duchess. I would enjoy peace to reign as much as everyone else, but we cannot pretend that there is not a history of such conflicts going on for generations. Would it not be better for one side to win quickly and minimize the long-lasting effects of the war?"

Satine nodded her head and sipped her glass before saying, "Yes, it would be better for the war to be over quickly, but it would be better for it to be over now at a peace conference. Not after a bloody conflict that will leave the populace wishing for the next conflict. Let's not forget that the end of the Mandalorian Civil War did not see an outbreak of peace. The Republic invaded to deal with a crazed, power-hungry governor that ignited the Clan Wars. Conflict begets conflict, thus we must break the chain at its roots to prevent another war from happening a few years later. We must find a solution where both sides benefit, for a long-lasting peace that both sides will maintain."

I nodded my head in agreement and was about to give my own opinion on the matter when my comlink binged, and I had to step away for a second. "Excuse me for a moment, I need to take this." I said as I tapped it and said, "Anything to report?"

"Yeah, assassin probe droids. One of them is in the elevator and on its way up to you. I've killed one so far."

"That's not good." I said, my hand already going towards my lightsaber. "Knowing the way droids like these usually work, there's a likely third one down there. I will handle the one up here. You find that third one. We can't let it find somewhere else on the ship to cause problems."

"Got it."

I started to turn towards the waiting senators, wondering how I would explain the situation, but thankfully, a giant robotic assassin spider did the job for me as it ripped the door open and turned itself on its side to slip through.

Screaming broke out, rather high-pitched screaming that I thought was Satine's or Senator Robb's for a moment. A glance back towards the others revealed that the scream came from Senator Taa. By the time my eyes refocused on the droid, to determine the best way to deal with it, two Mandalorian Royal Guards were fighting it. They are at least doing as good as any clone trooper would be in that situation, if not better, since they have actual melee weapons designed for close-quarter combat.

They stalled the droid up for a bit, but eventually, it grabbed one guard's staff and swung its user into the other. With its path clear, it charged at Satine, jumping onto the central table and running across it as if it was an easy access road to her.

Using a little bit of the Force, I jumped up and on top of it, slicing off the two arms as it reached for her, causing it to collapse forward. It immediately tried to unseat me from the top, but I used the Force to hold myself onto it. I cut off another two limbs, so it couldn't escape before driving the blade deep into the central processing unit, which I hoped is in the middle of the thing.

I took a moment to catch my breath and said, "Well, that was a surprise. Are you alright, my lady?" I asked, looking up at Satine.

She replied, "Yes, yes, I'm fine."

"Good." I said, but I didn't get to finish that comment as a little spider droid jumped out of the top of the thing, followed by a couple dozen more.

The screaming began again as the miniature droids charged out, attempting to assault anyone nearby. But by this point the Royal Guard had recovered, and started using their staves and feet to smash the smaller spider droids. I was close enough to swipe away several that tried to rush at Satine. But she seemed to be able to take care of herself, pulling a deactivator blaster from somewhere. She unleashed a few blasts into the spider droids, killing them quickly. After a few moments of work, we were able to wipe out the robotic minions of whoever had been responsible for this, leaving ourselves safe for the time being.

Slicing the last of the little monsters, I asked, "Do you always carry a deactivator?"

Satine huffed, "Just because I'm a pacifist doesn't mean I won't defend myself."

"Now you sound like a Jedi. " I replied. "But that wouldn't have done much against human assassins. I would almost hazard a guess that you were thinking that someone might try and use droids to kill you. I wonder why."

Satine sighed before saying, "I've heard rumors of what's been going on throughout the rest of the galaxy. There does seem to be a correlation between droids being used in other attacks against heads of states, specifically around the CIS and neutral territory."

So she is aware that the CIS are not playing fair. Still, her drive to end the war diplomatically is praiseworthy, even if I still believe that it is a doomed effort. However, I thought it best that I did not actually say it. Instead, I said, "Well, it's fortunate you had that. Times sure are dangerous."

"They sure are." Satine replied, ignoring me to look at the robots more closely for a moment. Satine turned to a guard and spoke to him quietly, then she turned back to us and said, "We're going to let the cleaning staff clean this place up while we gather at the Coronet's reception room. You and your fellow Jedi can handle this situation, correct?"

"Of course." I said with a nod. "There's at least one more of these droids on board. We will remove it, and then hopefully that will be the end of this situation. Returning to your rooms might be the safest option. At least there'll be plenty of security on duty then."

She nodded and walked past me, heading towards the door. The other senators followed suit under Royal Guard escort. I took a seat on an empty chair, wondering what we were going to do about this mess. As the cleaning droids got to work, the main viewing and dining room was a mess due to the assassin droid knocking over the food. Shaking my head, I was about to get up when I heard a click-click-click of little legs turning. I watched as one surviving droid wandered around, seemingly confused.

Reaching over to the central table, I grabbed a glass cloche meant for containing a pie of some kind and used the Force to pull the little droid into the cloche that I close over it so it could not escape.

Looking at it, I wondered who could have smuggled Assassin Droids onto the ship. I am sure the cargo has been checked by the Mandalorian Royal Guards and they would have definitely noticed three Assassin Droids. The only remaining possibility they could have been smuggled aboard are cargo that they have not checked, likely a Senator's personal luggage, or several of Satine's Guards may not be as loyal as it appears.

Perhaps my little friend here can help me find the one responsible. After all, if the owner of these droids are on board, there is no reason that they would program the droid to harm their owner. So, I could use this droid to determine who among the passengers are responsible for this attack.

Smiling, I got up, cracked my neck, and left the droids to do their work in cleaning the room. I pressed the comms to find out what Anakin was up to.

Coronet, Duchess Satine's Reception room
Satine Kryze

Assassin droids, spider assassin droids even. Who would do such a thing? Why would they do it, is not even a question, but the 'who' is at the top of my mind. Was it Death Watch?

As far as I am aware, they had every opportunity and the fact they hadn't taken it, gave them a little bit of leeway. If they wanted me dead, I would have. The other possible faction are the Mandalorian Protectors

I knew nothing of their leadership and I have not been able to contact them. Could they want me dead? It's possible. If so, it would give me a good reason to go after them, at least handing them over to the Republic as having tried to assassinate the Duchess of Mandalore would do wonders for stabilizing the political situation.

But how did they get on board this ship? That is the question that bugged me.

How did they know that this ship is currently loaded with diplomatic envoys that are important for the continuation of the efforts for neutrality?

There is a possibility, but one I did not want to believe. Could one of the senators aboard this ship have betrayed me? That seems so unlike many of the many around me.

Senator Robb from Tarris, I don't believe would have the motive to do this. Yes, Tarris seems to be doing a bit of double-dealing in talks for possibly allowing the Republic High Command of the Sixth Army to occupy their planet. Apparently thinking that protection from both Mandalore and the Republic is a good idea since Tarris is so close to the Hydian Way. Now, I am trying to talk them out of that, but I really doubt they would try to assassinate me.

What about Senator Onaconda Farr? I didn't know him very well yet what I did know paints him as a very honorable Pro-Republican senator that is not known for backstabbing and killing other senators. Then again, most senators are not going to stay senators for very long if they are known to kill their colleagues. I couldn't see him being responsible for this. Yes, Tanya had mentioned that he was once part of a Separatists plot at one point with luring Senator Amidala to his world so that Gunray could capture her. But that is because the Trade Federation had effectively blockaded the region, starving their people. Now that the situation in Rodia is more stable with Republic aid relief, he should be safe from manipulation. Unless the Republic is the one behind this attempt.

Maybe the Senator from Ryloth? While Orn Free Taa is known to be a bit of an individual with large appetites and tastes, he is no different than many other politicians of his status in that way. If anything, the fact that he had honorably worked with the rebel forces in his home world to try and fight back against the Separatist invasion spoke more about him than his predecessor did, who had sold them out to begin with.

Of those three senators, I really couldn't see anyone else having the capability to smuggle droids aboard. I mean, yes, there's Senator Merrik, but he's one of the several trustworthy individuals I know as he has served me for nearly a decade. The only other people who knew about this transport are members of the council back on Mandalore. None of them would betray me like this.

Shaking my head, I sipped my drink and thought, what was I missing? Is there some other faction that I was not aware of out there? Some other group that would want me dead?

It wasn't even a question of why they would want me dead. I could figure that out easily enough. The Honorable Duchess of Mandalore killed on transit to the Republic after acquiring information that implied the Republic had inadvertently caused the destruction of an entire planet and civilization. Even if it wasn't someone in the Republic trying to clean up loose ends, it would look like it. This would incense the Mandalorians who are under my protection. I doubt even the New Mandalorians would not call for war and join the CIS upon my death, simply because it would appear the Republic had me killed.

And once the CIS had a stable corridor there, they could push into the current war zone in the Dentari sector. Neutrality would be lost and Mandalore would become a new front line in this galactic war.

It's a nightmare scenario, one that I would not want to come to pass, one that I struggled against. But I wondered, could I even stop it if it happened? After all, for it to be a success, it would require my death.

Shaking my head, I looked at the gathered senators once more. Trying to see if there was something I was missing, some puzzle piece that didn't make sense.

Was it really the Republic who is behind this? If no one else made sense, should I be considering them as a suspect? That seemed unlikely. They had deployed quite a number of clone guards to protect my transport along with elements of the Senatorial Guard. They wanted this information to come to the Senate, for what reason, I don't know, but they didn't want it lost.

Could it be the Jedi? This information would be more damning to the Jedi more than anything. After all, it was one of their own that apparently went rogue and used a weapon capable of destroying a planet on a civilian population. It was not exactly the best look for the Jedi and will probably cause problems for them in the future. This is the kind of event that solely destroys reputations. Being a Mandalorian, I know that lesson very well.

But even then, I doubt it was the Jedi. If it was, why would they have accepted my request for Obi-Wan? Not only that, they sent along one of his students, one who would probably be more loyal to his master than to the High Council. I would think, considering the way he and Obi got along over the few times I had met them.

That line of thought is interrupted as Obi-Wan enters the room carrying a tray like he was a server. My suspicion is raised to alarming levels just from that, as I doubted he would bring in some food as if he was one of the servers. He also has that coy smile of his that he is up to something, usually at another's expense.

But apparently, Senator Taa did not see anything strange and eagerly stared at the tray with hunger.

"I'm afraid this dish might be too much even for your legendary appetite." Obi-Wan said with a charming smile as he pulled away a white sheet, revealing one of the little droids inside the container. It immediately pounced, attempting to attack through the glass, but it loudly failed to punch through.

Senator Taa made a noise of fear and backed away.

"General Kenobi, what is the meaning of this?" I asked, annoyed at this spectacle.

"I have a theory that whoever programmed these droids would have made sure that they would not target him or her. Thus, it'll be overly aggressive around the people it's meant to kill and not aggressive near the ones who are not."

He said, continuing to leave it within range of Senator Taa, who looked terrified.

"An interesting theory, though I will point out that you are, in essence, forced to torture people with the opportunity, and it might break free and kill them to reveal this information."

Obi-Wan shook his head as he moved closer to the Rodian Senator. "Technically, yes, but I think I have complete control over the situation. It looks like whoever programmed this had specific hatred for you, Senator Farr, as it seems more aggressive around you than anyone else."

"Ha! I'm going to take that as a sign that I've done something good." The Rodian said with a snarky smile in his voice.

Obi-Wan continued to move counterclockwise around the table, soon finding himself next to Senator Merrik. I watched in confusion as it stopped trying to assault the glass and just sort of sat there looking at the senator, as if it had not been just some sort of murderous device a moment ago.

"Well now, isn't that interesting? Care to explain why this droid seems disinterested in you when it was interested in harming everyone else?"

"You can't be serious! How do we know you haven't programmed this droid to not be dangerous around an individual yourself? After all, there's the potential that the Jedi Order is responsible for this attack!"

While Merrik isn't wrong, as there is a chance that the Jedi or the Republic are the ones responsible for this attack, I severely doubt that because it is not in Obi-Wan's character to frame an innocent. In truth, I trust Obi-Wan more than I trust Merrik, the fact that he once tried to steal credit for Tanya's work didn't help maintain my trust in him. But really, at this point, I am more astonished that someone I trusted for years might have actually been responsible for plotting my death.

"Answer the question, Senator." Obi-Wan ordered with narrowed eyes.

Merrik looked at me, looked at Obi-Wan, and let out a deep breath. He smacked the container in his hands, sending the little droid flying across the table. It immediately started charging at Senator Farr.

Obi-Wan drew his lightsaber and lunged to destroy the droid, while Merrik got up from his seat and pulled out a blaster pistol that he aimed at me before I could draw my deactivator. "Don't move!" He used his free hand to grab my deactivator and threw it across the room.

By the time Obi-Wan had destroyed the little droid, Merrik had his arm around my neck, the gun to my head, and was slowly maneuvering around the room towards the exit.

"Try anything, and the Duchess dies, Jedi."

"What is this traitorous streak you're showing, Merrik?"

"Just the proper response to job insecurity."

"Job Insecurity!?" I asked in incredulity as we got closer to the door.

"Your niece, has been aiming for my job for the last four years. You've been planning to replace me. Most senators don't even have to worry about that kind of shit, they're there for life. But you, now you wanted to switch me out for a younger model, one that would be completely loyal. So yes, this is a proper response."

"Your proper response to job insecurity is to risk starting an invasion of the Mandalorian sector?" Senator Robb asked.

"Okay, maybe that's not completely true. I might even have been paid off for that part of the deal. Opportunities in the CIS are quite good this year."

"Dooku ordered Satine's death?" Senator Taa asked as we finally reached the door.

"Ha! You have no idea what factions live inside the Mandalorian sector, how many people she's pissed off with her holier-than-thou attitude about pacifism." Now I just feel insulted, I am not that bad am I?

"Death Watch wanted her dead once, not so much nowadays. But there are other groups that I have been willing to work with that wouldn't mind seeing her removed. I'm the one who leaked the information about Tanya's location to the Workers' Council. No matter how much they claim they didn't want her dead, the one I sold the information to sure did."

"You shabuir." I said as I heard the door opening.

"You have no idea." He said as we stepped through, and he immediately closed the door behind us, separating me from Obi-Wan and then firing a blaster bolt into the nearby console, preventing the door from being opened easily.

"That should hold for a bit. Come on." He said, holding hard onto my shoulder, and pushed me along, heading towards the bridge of the vessel, with some haste.

"Merrik, think this through." I said. "This ship is full of Senatorial Guard, Clones, and Royal Guard. You're not escaping this."

"Ah, yes, the Senatorial Guard. I wonder how they're doing." he replied.

Confused, he pressed the button, revealing the corpse of the captain lying against the controls, and four dead Senatorial Guards. Two Mandalorians wearing red and blue armor were standing over them, making sure they were dead.

"These are my security staff. I believe you completely forgot they were aboard, didn't you?" he said.

"More traitors." I accused as he moved over to the controls and pressed the button that brought us out of hyperspace.

"What do you expect me to say? You expect me to wax philosophy about what is and isn't a traitor? Yes, they're traitors to you, some no good anti-Mandalorian who's managed to convince the spiritualist part of the Mandalorian sector that, 'No really, I'm the good guy', hah. You're just using them like you did the New Mandalorians, and as a result, undercutting and weakening the sector. So much land to be exploited, yet none of it is being used because we need to rebuild and be on friendly terms with the Republic. Well, I've got bad news for you. The Republic's probably responsible for everything that's ever gone wrong with Mandalore."

"The Jedi were used to kill the True Mandalorians, thus preventing a possible stable federal government. Then, they were used to unseat the actual government of Mandalore. And then they were used again to place some steward by the name of Satine Kryze on the throne."

"So, is that why you're doing this? Some deep-seated hatred against the Jedi?" I asked.

"Probably, but I don't really care about that. I am mainly doing this for money. I've been promised a senatorial seat in the CIS, one that will not be taken away from me by illegitimate governments."

"You want to rule Mandalore?"

"In my own way. I don't want to deal with the day-to-day, but if I just make sure that the government that replaces yours is loyal to me, that's good enough. The life of a senator is an enjoyable one, but I don't think I want to give it up to be some backwater king."

He pressed a button, and a hologram of a man wearing unfamiliar Mandalorian armor appeared. "You seem to be seated at some sort of desk. 'Senator Merrik, is Satine dead?' I would ask if she wasn't clearly shown in your arms. I thought we had a good deal."

"Complications arose, governor. We should be in range for your strike force to get me off."

"What kind of complications? I budgeted this operation under the impression there would only be Royal Guards and a few Senatorial Guards. Is there anything I should know?"

"Oh, nothing much, just a single Jedi caused a bit of an issue." I replied.

"Of course they are there." The man said nothing for a bit, but eventually, he seemed to have made a decision, having come to some sort of calculation. "It'll be tight, but it should work. I have to use the super battle droids I acquired. Boarding pods will connect with your ship in a moment. Find an escape pod and get off."

Merrik nodded and pointed the gun at me, said, "Alright, just come along. We need to get to the escape pods."

"Yes, so you can execute me. You're here to kill me. You've already made that clear, so why should I help you go anywhere?" I protested.

"This thing right here." He chuckled as he pulled something out from his robe and said, "My guard's already deployed some explosives near the reactor. One little touch of this trigger mechanism, and the entire ship explodes. You either come with me and buy the people on board this ship time to live, or you die and don't know what happens."

Before I could say anything, I felt two things happen: something hit the side of the ship, most likely the boarding pods that had been mentioned, and the door to the entrance of the place opened. Obi-Wan is standing there with his lightsaber ignited.

"How'd you get out so fast?" Merrik said quickly, grabbing me closer while pointing his blaster at my head again.

"I have a lightsaber and the doors aren't that thick." Obi-Wan replied.

"Tsk, good point." Merrik said as his two guards came up to either side, pointing their guns at the Jedi Master. "Well, get out of the way. We're going to the exit."

"I think not. There are guards on every escape pod on board. Surrender now, Merrik, and you may be tried by a jury of your peers on Coruscant."

"Ha! Since when do Coruscantis ever consider a Mid-Rimmer from a backwater sector a peer?" Merrik sneered.

"We can always arrange for Mandalorians to be sent to be a part of the jury. But, I think they'll probably look quite down on your attempted murders of the Royal family."

"You would think that, now, wouldn't you, my Duchess?" He mocked. Merrik shook his head and said, "Clear the way, Jedi, or she gets shot. And don't pull any Force business, or I'll blow the entire ship sky-high."

Obi-Wan looked at the two guards behind me before stepping back to the doorway, allowing Merrik and I to pass through the doorway. But before the two guards could get through, Obi-Wan stabbed his lightsaber into the nearby console, causing the door to shut and lock before Merrik's guards could get through. The two guards began beating on the door, and Merrik looked annoyed at that.

"You never said I had to allow those two out, now did you?" Obi-Wan jested, as Merrik continued to pull me along towards the escape pods.

"Still have Satine hostage, still have a bomb, don't have two guards. Not good, but acceptable losses." Merrik said, as he ushered me towards my doom. I could just barely hear the sounds of fighting throughout the ship. No doubt, the super battle droids have boarded. This meant that the guards who were stationed on the escape pods would probably be called off, leaving them empty.

We eventually made it to the escape pods. All he needed to do was jump in and press the button. I needed to find some way to stop him from doing that, but how?

As we backed up into the hallway, I watched as Obi-Wan followed us towards the escape pods. I needed something to distract Merrik long enough for the situation to change in our favor. Well, that and there is a very likely possibility that we will be dead in the next five minutes. There are certain things I have been keeping to myself for a good long time that I need to say so that, in case I did die, I would have no regrets.

Letting out a deep breath, I said, "Ben, I don't know how to say this. It's been bugging me for a long time that I haven't been able to say this, but I love you. Ever since we met all those years ago." I hoped that being the unromantic man Merrik was, he would pause. Seems I was right.

Merrik stopped and said, "What the hell is this melodrama?" We still had a good ten paces before we reached the first escape pod. If we could keep him here, maybe I'd be able to come up with something.

"I don't think this is--" I gave him a look, hoping that he would figure out that I am trying to stall for time. He took a deep breath, shifting mental perspectives before answering, "Fine, let's be clear, Satine. If you had asked all those years ago, I would have left the Jedi Order. There is no 'if' or 'but' about that, and even today, I still feel something for you."

...Well blast it. I can tell when Obi-Wan is lying. I had expected him to lie to keep the melodrama going and keep Merrik distracted, but he was not lying… The sensation of knowing that I had screwed up all those years ago and taken bad counsel to heart is really starting to take effect. In fact, I was feeling positively furious. All those years spent alone every night could have been avoided if I had followed my heart and told him what I feel. This is the last time I listen to Almec for personal advice. No wonder he's still single.

Biting my lip, I decided. Screw it. If the bad counsel about reaching out to Obi-Wan, starting that fight with him all those years ago, about how far I should go when it comes to what was acceptable defense, perhaps other things I've been counseled on by Almec are wrong.

"Also, Tanya is our daughter." I added.

The room went absolutely still, silent for a good half a minute before both Merrik and Obi-Wan said in unison, "She's your What?!"

But I was more interested in what Merrik did. As he raised the gun away from my head at that moment to turn and look at me, it gave me an opportunity to smash my leg back and hit him in his crotch.

While he's stunned, I grabbed the pistol and twisted it out of his fingers to perform a perfect disarm Bo taught me years ago. With a pistol in hand, I turned around to point the gun at him.

Obi-Wan was still standing in the hallway, a bit stunned but pointing his lightsaber at Merrik, while Merrik still had the explosive trigger in his hand.

"Well, isn't that great and explains everything. Fucking, of course, that brat was yours. I should have realized it the moment she walked through the goddamn door. And a fucking child of the Jedi, nonetheless." Merrik said, spitting on the ground.

"I see why you kept that nugget of information to yourself. How that would have affected your early career — a bastard child of a single mother. The women would have asked if you were even capable of keeping a man. Then, they and the men would have looked down on the Jedi who ran away. Not to mention, if that had gotten out and the Jedi came to take her away to be one of their cult, everyone would have looked down on you if you were to let that happen. Better to hide away the unfortunate information such as that so no one knows."

"That is enough, Merrik. You're at blaster and lightsaber point. You're not escaping. Just drop the device and surrender, and you'll get a fair trial." I ordered with narrowed eyes.

"Oh, yes, I'm sure I'll get a perfectly fair trial. Hey, hey, I have information about the proclivities of the Duchess of Mandalore. Let's get that all over the media. Ha! No, I'm sure you'll find some way to have me silenced. Besides, I still hold all the cards as far as I'm concerned. Just lower your weapons and allow me to get on to the escape pod.

Or perhaps you'll shoot me, make yourself a murderer. Thoughtful, throw away all illusions of pacifism, then. I can just walk away. But then maybe the Jedi Knight, the one you love and apparently conceived a child with, will slay me. How does a pacifist reconcile being in love with a military general — a killer, as the Jedi no doubt is? No wait, don't tell me the secret, I want to figure it out myself." Love doesn't work that way, though.

He took a step back, moving towards the escape pods, holding the device up. "Attack me, I die, and your relationship is doomed. Don't attack me, I'll make it to the escape pods and- AHHH!"

"Hey!" A blue lightsaber swung out from under his arm, cutting it off at the elbow, and the limb floated inches from the ground before being pulled to Obi-Wan's waiting hand.

"I think you've forgotten a few elements on the field there." Anakin said, stepping out from behind Merrik. Right, Anakin's here too. I hadn't even realized he was there until this exact moment.

"You bastard, my arm!"

"Oh, don't be a baby, it's replaceable." Anakin said as he delivered a brutal punch to Merrik's nose with an audible metallic thud. The impact caused him to drop to the ground, finally defeated.

"Hey, guys, how's it going?" Anakin asked, turning off his lightsaber and putting it on his side.

Obi-Wan looked at him with a mix of exasperation and worry.

"Anakin..." Obi-Wan said, rubbing his forehead. "How much of that did you hear?"

"I came in about the part where he said, 'kill me and doom your relationship.' Glad I'm not the only one to see that you two have a thing for each other." Anakin crossed the room and Obi-Wan tossed him the detonator device. After fiddling with it for a moment, he said, "There we go, it's defused now."

"Obi-Wan." I started, before a couple of clones interrupted, looking around the room.

"Generals, the super battle droid boarding parties have been destroyed."

"Good work, Cody, Rex. Let's give these two some privacy." Anakin said as he walked out into the hallway. Merrik had his feet cuffed and was carried out to the brig by two clone troopers.

Turning back to Obi-Wan, I said, "I'm sorry I never told you sooner. It's just that there was so much pressure to bring Mandalore into a peaceful era. I just went with what my advisor said to do."

Obi-Wan nodded, seeming still confused and somewhat angry. Finally, he said, "None of what you said was a lie, right? You really do love me, and Tanya is my daughter."

I nodded, "It's all true…"

"…It is a lot to take in, more than I think I'm ready to take at this exact moment. On one hand, I accept this as reality. If she's my daughter, then she's my daughter. You love me and I still have feelings for you. On the other hand, I still have duties to the Jedi Order. I cannot abandon them now. Once, a long time ago, I would have left the Order. Now… I need time to process this fully, Satine."

I nodded, saying, "I understand. It's not like I want anything from you, Kenobi, not really. I love you, but I know being a Jedi is part of what makes you, you, the man I fell in love with. And I would never ask you to abandon that." I said, reaching out my hand to reassure him.

He smiled, took it, and then pulled me in close, giving me a kiss on the lips. It's as wonderful as I imagined. This kiss is much more passionate than that awkward first kiss we had, but his beard is an addition that is too bristly for my liking. It lasted for a few seconds before it broke, and he said, "I don't know what my final decision on this matter will be yet, but I will let us have this moment as a good one."

I nodded and leaned in against him and rested my head on his chest, enjoying the feeling of being with him, maybe one last time.

"I still am not a fan of that beard. It covers too much of your handsome face and detracts from your kissing skills."

"Thank you for the compliment, but the beard stays. It's distinguished and Anakin claims it gives me a roguish charm. In any case, we should be getting back to the others. I think by now, we don't want to raise questions, at least not yet."

"Yes, of course. Back to the business of diplomacy."

Coruscant, Mandalore Tower
Satine Kryze

Stepping down the ramp off the ship, I sighed, relieved to finally be on safe ground. The two guards that Merrik had left behind had been subdued and held in the brig. Who they were working for had not been spilled yet, but I imagined they would talk soon enough. Once the Coronet returns to Mandalore, their chain codes will be analyzed and their identities revealed.

While I don't recognize the armor Merrik's benefactor wore, Merrik let slip that whoever he is, he is a planetary governor. This narrows down the amount of people to investigate by a significant margin, even if there are thousands of planetary governors in the Mandalorian sector alone. I'll have Almec discretely investigate every governor in the sector for any suspicious activity. The super battle droids have been investigated by the clones, and though they were CIS models, they appeared to have been bought by a third party and modified to remove any identification.

Someone had wanted me dead, someone had funded Merrik's attempt to do it, but had failed. There are probably still going to be assassination attempts, but at this moment, I am safe. And I have to make up my mind about what I am going to do about the situation.

Standing at the end of the walkway is Tanya, Vai, and her Royal Guard, I believe his name is Engiz. In any case, Tanya smiled and waved as I approached.

"Good to see you, Aunt Satine, welcome to Coruscant." Tanya said, looking past me before asking, "Where's Senator Merrik? Wasn't he supposed to be on board?"

Smiling to not reveal my true feelings on the matter, I said, "Senator Merrik has betrayed us and intended to join the CIS after killing me."

"Oh… I did not expect that." She said slowly.

"Yes, fairly unexpected, but good news for you. You're now the official Senator of Mandalore."

Tanya's eyes widened, but she smiled continuously, saying, "If that's what the people want."

"As far as I know, that choice still goes to me." I said, causing Tanya to frown slightly.

"But, Aun-Duchess, I'm only your niece and have been in politics for less than half a decade. Wouldn't the rest of the government react badly as well?"

I took a deep breath, held it in, and let it out before saying, "You are not my niece, Tanya. I am your mother…"

There was stunned surprise and shock on Ordo's face, while Vai looked rather unsurprised but amused if the fist pump was any indication. Tanya had a moment of shock across her face, but then it quickly went away as her mind processed the information. Finally, she said, "Hmm, you've always served in that capacity for me anyways. It's good to actually have that sorted out completely, mother."

The strange hardness of Tanya and the way she handled things was so weird and odd, and the fact that she called me mother for the first time was enough that I just launched forward, pulling her into a hug. She seemed unsure at first, but then patted me on the back, hugging as well.

Writers note: 50 chapters, 50 damn chapters that I've been building to this moment. Damn it took a long time but finally I can say that yes Tanya is Obi Wan's kid. What does that mean? Absolutely nothing …. For the next 10 chapters. Anyways I had fun, the writing team had fun working on this, and it's great to finally have this out there.

Update on the AMEXTRIX situation last mentioned in chapter 31 as of 6 days ago AMEXTRIX contacted me and asked permission to translate into Spanish, and though I will clown on how long it took for him to get permission, I have given him permission to translate this work.

Please comment, review, and generally enjoy yourselves…

Edited by: L, Pedersen, aemon, Warmach1ne32, MeowATron9000, Afforess
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Community editable doc (Chapter) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Supporters: Afforess, Gremlin Jack, Xodarap4, Duncan Sproule, James Moorhouse, Dankermaler, Hats88, DrkShdow, Devilstar101, Michael, Mana Rope, Falk Hüser, Silver Wolf, Mackenzie Buckle, Neso, Lmc9389, Staradder, KrasieK, Zollus, Jog256, Ethan Dowie, Maxim Blashkevych, The GrandMage, loyalChaos, Daryl, FreelancerD0, Zul The Lich, Retexks, John Norman, Ian R Major, Dale, Darth Vendar, BigKumaDM, Taylor Tilbury, Treant Balewood, Aske Helsted, Sam, Brandon Goodman, BarrettSlayer, Guillermo Echeverria, D3ad0s, Pulse Rager, Lago, CB-Otaku, Adam Daw, Michał Kotuła, Louis Kasser, Arkhad, H2os, Pontus, Zahael, Nathan Cardoso, Lightstorm, Endymion2314, harry Nevel, William, Legion_13, Beautiful Winter, Mrsmall0170, MysteryCPU, Seadrake, MinnieMin, Lictor Magnus, Michael Hill, King Henry V, Bill Romero Diaz, Matthew D, Adrian Black, Reagin Haley, Bishop Rikor, Jake Serna, Contrary, Santeri Oripelto, MeowATron9000, milky, Fischer Davis-Hagen, Aaron, Kenny Nguyen
Wow. Anikin is likely to be a lot more open to talking to Obiwan about certain issues now. Still might not do so, but It's now a realistic possibility.
And If he does talk, there gose one of Sidious's plots crashing into the canyon after finding out someone rigged the rail bridge with explosives.
Wow. Anikin is likely to be a lot more open to talking to Obiwan about certain issues now. Still might not do so, but It's now a realistic possibility.
And If he does talk, there gose one of Sidious's plots crashing into the canyon after finding out someone rigged the rail bridge with explosives.
perahps will see next chapter
I was hoping that Tanya's blue screen moment would last longer after that reveal.
an tanya blue screen never go to long from what i seen
Finally! Will Tanya be told who her father is now too?
Tanya is smart so she might be able to figure it out herself either that or I hope Obiwan tells her

will see in the next chapter
an tanya blue screen never go to long from what i seen
My personal take is it is Less that she recovers from the blue screens, and more like she has an auto-reboot function? Which is somewhat of a necessary combat function to pick up from her previous life, an actually war. Minimize the pause the shock caused, keep moving and figure what ever happened out while she keeps going forward.
It actually leads to the lines of thought behind several key moments of the series. Or I might be misremembering.
Chapter 52, 717 FNM (21 BBY) Month 4
Chapter 52
717 FNM (21 BBY) Month 4

Coruscant, Senate Building
Tanya Kryze

Today had started off like any other day. After a good night's sleep and charming conversation with my friends, I took Senator Merrik's place in a CNS meeting to prepare our response for the upcoming Senate debate. There really wasn't much to discuss as this issue is caused by Mandalorians so I would do the majority of the talking. With time to spare, I spent it helping Vai plan her wedding. She's going to line up her wedding with the Republic's Life Day celebration two months from now, but it would also be when we are having the Mandalorian Exposition, so it would be the perfect time of year.

Everything was going so well. And then Aunt Satine or should I say mother now, arrived and burned it all to the ground.

Sure, the situation in the Mandalore sector has not been going great overall. Death Watch capturing a Republic Battlecruiser is not good. Death Watch actively recruiting the local Mandalorian population to their cause is even worse. But that attack happened outside the Mandalorian sector and with a bit of disavowing, we would make it clear that those who left to fight for Death Watch are not agents of the Mandalorian sector. As we had already done with the Mandalorian Protectors.

I have a good grasp on the Death Watch situation after Palpatine had leaked information of the attack to me, giving me time to get ahead of the story and reframe the entire event. I could reveal evidence that a rogue Jedi from a sister temple had taken command of the Maelstrom to the front lines of the war without orders from the Chancellor. The holonet had been abuzz with news of the apparent breach of the command structure and the implications of it. What's rather strange is how the Jedi Temple declined to comment even after the apparent proton strike against a planet that had somehow cascaded into over a billion deaths.

The continued silence from the Temple is absurd, but ultimately not my concern. My job is to make Mandalore look good. Thus, my main concern is dealing with the fallout of a resurgent Death Watch. The fact that this new Death Watch has a highly capable paramilitary and fleet is not all that surprising. The amount of weapons and other such war material scattered across thousands of clans and inside ancient hidden military bases in the greater Mandalorian sector meant that if this group did not have a lot of high grade equipment, it would be even more suspicious.

Of course, groups like the Mandalorian Protectors engaging in raids all across the Outer Rim Territories in the name of a free Mandalore are another major problem to our reputation, but it had easily been handled by simply saying we don't recognize them as a Mandalorian organization and that their goals did not represent our interests. The same could be done to Death Watch, easily enough. Hell, even easier since they did recognize Mandalorian neutrality, and they are trying to help Mandalorians outside the Mandalorian sector. Some of them are across the border in CIS held territory; they just happened to have been attacked by a Republic cruiser there.

Death Watch taking on a watchdog role in this war is not exactly ideal. If it prevents unnecessary deaths from overzealous military commanders going too far, well it would not be my official position, but I would leave them alone. As I had other, bigger fires, to deal with first.

But that's not what's upsetting me. Not even the fact that former Senator Merrik had apparently conspired with a Mandalorian organization to assassinate Duchess Satine had phased me, since it obviously failed. The silver lining to all this is that I just got promoted early when the now former senator Merrik was arrested. Now I have more authority to pursue my own projects that used to require senatorial approval like arranging trade deals with other planets.

The extra responsibility and workload is, of course, annoying. Unfortunately the only other available Mandalorian who could survive the position while being loyal to Satine would never take it. Aunt Bo might have the skills and had prepared me for this role, but she's a "No slave to foreign ideology" type, and her stance on Coruscant never shifted. She's more likely to punch some senator that annoyed her than actually finding a compromise.

No, what threw my mind into a whirlwind of confusion and dread was the reveal that I am not Duchess Satine's niece, but in fact her daughter.

Now, if I was a regular orphan, I would probably be breaking down into tears and all that mushy emotional stuff. But I'm not a regular orphan, I'm too old for that, on the inside anyway. And though I was surprised to learn that I am Satine's daughter, it wasn't that strange of a transition from niece to daughter. She had always filled the role of a mother figure to me; that's why I never had much issue with her acting as such. The only thing that changed is that it's official now.

If there is another attempt on Satine's life, because she is the Duchess of Mandalore it is bound to happen again eventually, I went from a close relative to direct lineage. This means I am also more likely to be targeted for assassination to tie up any loose ends. Good thing I already have Royal Guard protection detail, Mandalorian armor, and handmaidens in Mandalorian armor. Maybe I should add more layers of protection.

Politically, there is also a slight concern on the line of succession. Currently, the way a Duke or Duchess of Mandalore is elected is through playing the votes. Officially, Korkie is next in line to be elected into office after Satine retires. Even with his recent bout of stupidity, I was merely the granddaughter of the Duke of Kalevala, while Korkie was Satine's adopted son and heir to the Duke of Kalevala, so he ranked much higher in the succession.

Now though, some could think we are sort of on equal footing, however it's more complicated than that. Korkie's father was Satine's elder brother and the heir to the last Duke of Kalevala, Satine's father and my grandfather, so he is from the elder line and thus still has a higher standing than I do.

It could be argued that it should only matter for Kalevalan rulership, but Satine tied House Kryze to the rulership of the Mandalore sector and made the planet of Mandalore as much of a domain of House Kryze as Kalevala. This not only honors the original line of succession, but in the process makes it so that while she is the uncontested ruler of our House and Sector, she is technically ruling Clan Kryze as a life-time regent. This is reinforced by the fact that she adopted Korkie, making him her adopted son, thus her eldest child legally.

In summary, by most angles, Korkie is the heir over me. The Mandalore sector, with its numerous Houses and the Clans under them, is very similar to the Holy Roman Empire or Proto-Germany. I had to thank Degurechaff's Imperial Academy education because my original Japanese education glossed over most of world history not relevant to Japan. Anyway, with the crumbling of the New Mandalorians' one-party rule — due to Death Watch and the Silver Mandalorians' growing influence — along with Korkie's idiocy in befriending the communists, who will clearly offend the other Houses with their rhetoric, his position is no longer so certain.

That is a problem on many levels. I don't want to rule Mandalore. I am fine with my nice, comfortable position here on Coruscant. And if the clan's votes are a little too close, that could spark a civil war. It's the same thing that could happen with twins in a monarchy.

But those are concerns for after the current situation has been resolved, which is going to take some time. With my new responsibilities as Senator of the Greater Mandalorian Sector, I am swamped with even more work than usual. Not the least of which is going through my predecessor's old documentation and workload, made worse by the fact Merrik did not do a good job of organizing his paperwork or used a system that only he knew how to navigate. Thankfully I have handmaidens, Royal Guards, and X4 to delegate most of the work and summarize the flimsi-work for me. At least with my new position came new rights, privileges, and a juicy pay grade increase, right?

Ha! If only it's that simple.

It seemed my mother considered pay grades as more of a suggestion than a rule as I was bombarded with lots of petty titles, rights, and the like. I am now the proud owner of a dozen little cottages, fortresses, and apartments across Mandalorian space, and I am now the baroness of a sleepy little fishing village on Kalevala. But my actual pay grade had not increased and any rent from my new property, what little I could legally rent out anyway, gets eaten up by my new maintenance expenses for the land since it was all largely regulated as sector heritage property. It is a categorization that came with strict limits on what could be done with the land, so there is very little I could do to improve them, and all of them are generally not worth the investment. I guess I could convert the fortresses into inns or resorts depending on its size and surroundings, like what House Ordo is doing with their unused fortresses. But it doesn't change the fact that I am literally one of the worst-paid Senators of the entire Republic! How could Merrik even afford all his female escorts and expensive drinks with this shoestring pay? I would not be surprised if he has an illegal revenue stream somewhere.

Of course, I have alternative sources of income myself, but the entire situation reminded me of an awful lot of rather predatory practices in my first life. Wherein a competent worker is rewarded for good work with even more work and perhaps some title that did not have any real value. The more I came to understand the inner workings of the Mandalorian Government, the more it seemed to resemble a black company. Either Satine is seemingly capable of getting people to work for distressingly little pay or Mandalorians just value titles more than actual money.

Perhaps this is her secret to Mandalore's oversized importance compared to our admittedly pitiful economy.

At this very moment, the Senate is debating on whether the Republic should invade my home system to find and recover the Maelstrom. The fact that Death Watch is Mandalorian had apparently frightened numerous senators into a warmongering frenzy. They are, at this very moment, talking about how the CNS is a Separatist plot to break apart the Republic and that Satine is a secret warlord who had built up an army for an eventual invasion into Republic territory.

It would have been humorous if they weren't talking about glassing my homeworld. Again.

Apparently, the Maelstrom being in the hands of the Death Watch is terrifying the population and senators to an unnatural level. The other side repeatedly points to our history of multiple Crusades, causing all manner of death and destruction in its wake. It'd be like if Imperial Japan managed to steal a US Battleship while the Korean War was going on.

Perhaps the Republic should reconsider its decision to allow undisclosed military funding to build superweapons when no one's looking. I swear, the Republic claims to be very peaceful and that they do not have a military force. Yet, every time I look away, they've built some superweapon or hidden ace in the hole. Of course, this problem had been more historically relevant during the Mandalorian Civil War, but it's an old problem that apparently had never gone away if that Battle Cruiser that they're so terrified of is causing them this much fear.

The senator of Echani, Dani Zing, has her saucer hover in the center of the Senate Chamber. She is recounting how, during the Mandalorian Wars, her planet and many others had been severely ravaged by Mandalorian Crusaders and how this was all a secret plot to prepare for another Mandalorian Crusade to conquer the Republic.

I had to bite my tongue and not tell her to maybe crack open a history book...

Actually, am I biting my tongue? I'm not a representative anymore; I am a Senator now and her equal in standing. Time to go on the offensive.

"That's a very fine history lesson," I said as she finished her diatribe. "But sadly, it is three to four thousand years out of date." There was some shouting from the stands, but I continued on my attack.

"Mandalore does not wish to build an empire. There is simply no appetite for war in Mandalore. We don't even have the population to even annex a sector, let alone the Republic. The over fifteen thousand systems that have joined the Council of Neutral Systems simply do not want to be involved in this war if they could avoid it! Such a position is eminently reasonable and thus the foundation of our interest group within the Republic. Our collective interest is not remotely hostile or outlandish, considering the CIS has invaded a peaceful world meant to take in refugees from this conflict in our region, and the Republic destroyed that planet with a billion souls on it!" The dissenting voices in the stands reached a fever pitch, and with a wave of his hand, Chancellor Palpatine ordered his speaker to demand order and to let me continue.

"Not to mention, the fighting in the region Core-wards of Mandalore, the Dentari sector, has reached a fevered mass of deadly consequences. Mandalore has fought her wars and is done with them. We want peace! Everyone within the CNS does not want to be invaded and get gunned down by foreign invaders! Anyone can see that, and that is why you are forced to invent a justification for invasion using ancient history! The bloodlust displayed by senators here today is not only insulting but also disgraceful! Stop pretending it is the era of the Old Republic! You are four thousand years too late to fight that conflict! Mandalore has not conquered Tarris; Tarris have joined us in mutual friendship and protection from the insanity that the Republic has embraced! The CNS represents a rejection of this and every other senseless war!"

"You want us to believe that Mandalorians have changed, but you were at war with your neighbors just in the last few decades. So I highly doubt that." The Echani Senator retorted, "Two centuries ago, your people attacked the peaceful population of Ithullan and wiped them out from the galaxy. Seven centuries ago, you tried to create an empire out on the fringes of the Republic. Mandalore has been doing plenty of empire-building for the last few centuries, and they'll continue to do it unless we firmly put an end to your conquest."

I couldn't help myself. I laughed before saying, "If selling armor, weapons, and training to our allies so that they can defend themselves is considered conquest in the eyes of this Republic, then there shall be no end to the war and strife you will inflict upon the innocent."

"You impetuous child!" Senator Zing said, about to go into a rant when she was cut off.

"I would think you are mistaken in this case. This young senator is merely pointing out a rather reasonable point of view." Another floating platform lowered into the communication area belonging to the speaker, Ms. Serifa Altunen, not a Representative or a Senator of Arkania, but the Lord Protector of it. She had faced allegations of trying to recreate the Jedi Lords' system ever since she left the Jedi Order and returned to her homeworld. She'd been one of the major voices in pushing Arkania into the CNS with the corporations on Arkania backing her, viewing membership of the CNS as a way to sidestep some of the new wartime Republic regulations involving genetic modification and cloning.

I heard that pressure had been put on the Arkanians to hand over the few large cloning factories as well as any data they had on it to the representatives from Kamino. At the same time, they are not being allowed to engage in their own clone studies, despite the fact that cloning is used in practically every Arkanian industry, from medical care to food production. The Republic restrictions on all cloning had devastated Arkania's economy, with investors fleeing the world and predatory Core world moguls looting every Arkanian company's assets.

Arkanians responded to the astronomical economic shock as an existential threat, from the lowest worker to the wealthy corporate elite, and so the usually disorganized Arkanian Dominion was shockingly largesse in their contributions to the CNS project. They'd even purchased land across Mandalorian space to build laboratories that were not under direct Republic control, according to reports from X4. Many Arkanian research cooperatives and think tanks were forced out by the Kamino scientists; forced out of the land they owned by the Republic on Core worlds, largely without compensation.

Shaking her head, Lord Protector Altunen's white hair moving in a way that could only be described as graceful, said, "It is a shame the Republic jumps at shadows and fanciful stories rather than consider the freedom and rights that this institution slowly strips away from them. The Mandalorians do not want war, Senator. The Mandalorians have shown themselves to be a force for good in the galaxy now that they have embraced a more peaceful outlook. They've gone out of their way to show themselves to be reasonable members of the Republic and abide by the reasonable laws of our longstanding democracy. And how does the Republic treat such a friend? With an openly discussed invasion of the sector to hunt down dissidents that took away a favored toy after it was used to commit genocide."

"There is no evidence that the story we've heard about the ship being used in an ill-intentioned manner is true. It could all be fabricated evidence." Senator Zing protested. At that moment, footage started to play of the capital city of Kromus, buildings turned to ruins and the sky filled with smoke and ash.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Vai yawning, her elbow on the button that we had already prepped to play that video. "Oops." She said, making it seem like an accident. I held back a smile. Good timing, very good timing. Something to appreciate in an employee.

Seizing the opening, I countered. "You can deny evidence all you want, but at least we have supplied evidence to contend that Death Watch acted to stop a genocide. And given the evidence, I find that I can not find fault in their actions despite the outcome! They witnessed a monstrous act on what they considered friends of Mandalore and acted accordingly. Would you hold it against Death Watch if they saw the same thing against the CIS? What if the CIS had used this weapon, and it had been taken by Death Watch? Would you be demanding an invasion of my sector?"

"If Mandalorian terrorists are in possession of any super weapon or capital ship of the Maelstrom's capabilities, I would demand an invasion of your sector no matter whose ship it originally belonged to. What is stopping the Mandalorians from going on a Crusade and dragging your entire CNS with you into war? Duchess Kryze's reputation and a document? The Mandalorians are the only one with a fleet that can deter the CIS or the Republic. If the Mandalorians are removed from the alliance, your entire faction would dissolve and thousands of planets would become easy pickings for the CIS without Mandalore to defend them." Senator Zing stated, giving the de facto lord of the Arkanians a glare.

"I have faith that our Mandalorians friends will not do that." Serifa Altunen said confidently, "I've seen the treaties that have been created between the member states of the CNS. They are ironclad in their rules of engagement, Mandalore cannot just simply declare war and drag the CNS into it. For the worry that if the Mandalorians declared a war we would be forced to remove them from the CNS and become defenseless, that is not true. We have our own Self Defense Forces and fleets already in creation thanks to the help of the Mandalorians. But those Self Defense Forces are only reliant on the Mandorians for training with a few material needs, as our Self Defenses forces are filled with able-bodied volunteers from our own local population. Soon we will have our own forces capable of defending ourselves and if the Mandalorians are to go on some Crusade, they would not be needed for the defense of the entire CNS and could be dropped from the CNS without issue."

"The second article of the Council of Neutral Systems Defense pact is unequivocal. No member of the CNS may declare an offensive war without ejection from the CNS. This was agreed by every member and ratified with unanimous agreement. Our common defensive pact has no ambition for war, and our only sanctioned operations outside of our borders are for Ithorian Worldships to tend to the many people of the Galaxy in need. Just as our Arkanian friends have declared, our only military ambition is self-defense. To that end, Mandalore does not desire to stand alone in the CNS, and we are eagerly empowering our allies so that they might have the means to defend themselves. Ships, equipment, and training shall be offered to CNS member states freely in the effort that every member system can stand as equals and friends. Dedicated to a more peaceful and prosperous galaxy." I clarified for Serifa.
"We all know why the Arkanians are supporting the CNS. After all, real laws that have been sorely needed have finally been implemented to prevent their experimentations. And how do they respond? Form an alliance with Mandalore, so they can ignore the oversights that we have implemented on their experiments. I wonder what monstrosity they are going to create next? Maybe give the Mandalorians mounts that they can ride on as war beasts." The Echani provocateur blurted out, utterly ignoring what we had just said in favor for finding a different angle of attack.

My eye twitched on that one, and I couldn't deny that I hadn't thought up a similar idea to solve the MSDF's manpower issue when I learned what the Arkanians were capable of. But I deemed that idea as unnecessary and unreliable even before they donated their conscripts. War beasts might be useful for some situations, but sentient soldiers are just all around much more useful to a modern military because soldiers know how to use blasters and vehicles while war beasts do not.

The Arkanians are a known problem child of the galaxy. Probably one of the reasons they wanted to work with us was that we had similar but different problems with the Republic. In particular, practically every species in the region around their home world had been genetically mucked with in one way or another, including the Echani. Supposedly, in the very distant past, they were once entirely baseline human. Now they aren't because of the Arkanian's genetic and cloning experiments on their species, which would explain their similarities to them. I have my own personal issues with them, from the fact they still used slaves to having their entire economy to rely on one industry. But so long as they are useful to me, I can ignore my grievances.

Before I could voice my counterargument, there was a series of loud clacking bangs from the central podium as Vice Chancellor Mas Amedda called for order and spoke up. "We have just received important news from the Mandalorian sector that must be discussed before any decision can be made today."

I heard Satine gasp from behind me as the hologram, which had been showing the destruction of Kromus, was replaced with an image of Deputy Minister Jerec.

"This is Deputy Minister Jerec. Kalevala is under occupation by Death Watch forces. The Maelstrom is operating as their main attack vehicle. Forces of the Mandalorian Self-Defense Force have joined Death Watch and are already laying siege to Sundari. Republic intervention is needed now."

The message ended, and I'm left there confused as the room erupted into chaos.

Everyone else around me was in shock. There's yelling and all kinds of words of confusion. I could hear my aunt, correction, mom make the sound of 'what' in disbelief. But something didn't sit right. I've met Jerec once or twice, and the way he spoke was very distinctive. And the way that call came in is distinctively artificial, like he was reading from a script.

Pressing a button to up my volume, I asked, "Has this been confirmed to be directly from Deputy Minister Jerec? Can we get him on the line to get actual evidence of this?"

Chancellor Palpatine spoke up, saying, "I put a call in myself to verify. Unfortunately, someone has damaged the subspace buoys connecting the Mandalore sector to the rest of the network. We were able to hear from Minister Jerec's aide that he died in a bombing attack just before communications were fully cut."

"See, Mandalore has already fallen. As we speak, the barbarians will soon join the CIS against us. We need to strike now before they can organize their malicious militia and unleash it on the rest of the peaceful Republic." Senator Zing said, taking advantage of the chaos.

"If you do, it would mean declaring war on the CNS." Came a surprising voice as Jakker-Sun, the senator from Ithor, spoke up. "In which case, we will order all captains currently terraforming planets in Republic space to stop their activities and recall them home. Mandalore has our full support in defending itself from any aggression."

That put a big damper on half of the warhawks in the Senate. The Ithorians supported colonization and terraforming of worlds across the Galaxy. The Ithorians had already stopped their efforts in the Outer Rim Regions controlled by the CIS because of the recent genocides and general atrocities that had been unleashed by the corporations there. To have the same done to the Republic would be a lot more damaging than it had been for the CIS, due to the fact that the Ithorians have more than a hundred ongoing terraforming projects for the Republic with a very packed waiting list. This would result in the Republic losing Billions of credits in delays, as well as worsen the food crisis as there will be less fertile worlds to grow food. Not to mention, when one of the more peaceful races in the Galaxy just declared that they would support a war, that would worry a lot of people.

"If the Republic declares war on Mandalore, they declare war on us too!" The senators from Tarris and Thissplass joined the fray. "We will stand by our allies against this injustice!"

"Yes, a war against Mandalore is a war against all parties to the CNS." Serifa proclaimed, raising her unlit lightsaber in a hand, causing the entire room to fall quiet. "Arkania stands with Mandalore." she proclaimed to stunned silence. Raising a lightsaber in the senate, even if it was unlit, was extraordinarily taboo. It was honestly a terrible move politically, as it would only inflame accusations that Serifa was a self-styled Jedi Lord.

With this moment of quiet, I spoke up, saying, "I would like a full examination of that recording by the Senatorial Guard and my own sources, as well as a ship sent to Mandalore to confirm this report."

"Buying time, so your Mandalorian friends can fully establish military control over the sector?" Senator Zing prodded.

"Need I remind you that I am a daughter of House Kryze, Princess of the Mandalorian sector? I have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo, which will be lost if Death Watch gained control of the Mandalore sector. I am doing what is necessary to prevent you from making a mockery of the Republic and glassing my home, again." I responded. "The CNS wants peace, but it is prepared to fight if you push this too far."

Senator Zing scoffed, about to say something idiotic by the look on her face, but Palpatine cut her off.

"Although we are all shocked by this news out of the Mandalorian sector and concerned about this Maelstrom, as well as the possibility of the Mandalorian Self-Defense Force turning on its people, we must remember that we do have a bit of a time delay from what happens here in the Core and what happens out on the Outer Rim. It will take a week to get the communication relay back up and functioning. We do not know what will happen in that week. It may very well be possible that an invasion will be launched from the Mandalorian sector long before then, or while it is down, that the Confederacy will move in to support these rebels that have taken over the sector."

"As much as I would like to give you that week for the communication relay to be fixed, I'm afraid you cannot have it. We will not hold the vote today because this is a shocking revelation. Tomorrow, when we have better reasonable minds, we will vote on our next move. This Senate meeting is adjourned."

With that, he banged the end of the day's session, and our repulsor pods started to auto-navigate back into the wall.

Tarris system, NSSDF Joint Fleet, Sundari-class Carrier "Sundari"
Supreme Commander Ikud Ordo

"Get communications back up now!" I ordered from the command throne of the Sundari, her captain marched over to the communications console and hunched over the trio of fresh-faced officers frantically pinging the communications relay to get into contact with Mandalorian space. Direct communication via courier ship would take days both ways, but it might be something that we had to use if we can't get communications up anytime soon.

"The network's not responding. Whatever this is, it's from the Republic's end. They must have done this. They have not even finished the vote and they are cutting our communication. That can only mean that there's an invasion coming." The Captain Orrae Ryc's voice grew hard at the end. The old man, much older than me — probably even older than my adopted father — was brought out of retirement to establish the MSDF Navy. Thank the gods that he has because his experience has proven to be invaluable in designing our naval doctrine. He's someone who has a much greater right to be Supreme Commander of the MSDF than I am.

"What about our Shadow Relay?" I asked.

"Damn thing was delayed. Order from the Duchess herself to make sure the relays are clean. She could never have expected that the Republic would cut us off from our own network like this. The sector must be in chaos, with communications suddenly being cut across the entire network."

Something is off about all of this. First we get reports that the Senate is voting on a potential invasion of Mandalorian space in response to Death Watch taking a Republic Battlecrusier after said Battlecruiser had murdered over a billion people, and then communications goes down across the entire Mandalorian sector?

When I had taken this job, I never would have imagined that I would have to preside over a war against the Republic at my age. A war I am reasonably sure we would lose unless we joined the CIS. There's no hiding the fact that I had gotten this position right out of the Academy because of the politicking of my father. The man was impossible to refuse and had been so proud of me in my new uniform. I had to do a good job, even in an impossible situation like this.

"We don't know that yet, deploy couriers to Mandalore with an update on the situation. I want every MSDF detachment on high alert. They are to call in all the reserves for potential combat." One of the officers gave a salute and began to order the deployment of a squadron of Kom'rk fighters. They have hyperdrives and would be able to spread my orders to the sector.

"Ships jumping in!" came the call from the chief sensors officer. "Republic I-dent. It's a warfleet." A moment later, at the edge of our engagement range, six ships exited hyperspace in battle formation. Five corvettes, or small Cruisers, shielding a Venator Star Destroyer.

"Looks like an invasion alright." Captain Ryc commented, sounding rather tired. "A bit small for an invasion actually or they're just plain overconfident. Usually, Republic capital ships are deployed in task forces of threes, so that's likely just a vanguard."

"Reform the fleet. Crusaders, behind the Sundari." I ordered, and the order was relayed, causing a flurry of activity among our Mandalorian warships in orbit of Tarris. We were here on a shakedown mission, a simple operation to test out the systems on the new Sundari-class carrier design and to build cohesion with the Tarrisian navy.

We were not here to actually fight. We are, however, fully equipped to do so. I tapped at the console at my side to open a holo-display of the area of operation and suppressed a wince. One Sundari-class carrier, two Lictor-class heavy cruisers — I refuse to call them "dungeon ships", and eight of the new Crusader-class corvettes fitted to be anti-fighter screening craft. In the Sundari we had three wings of the brand-new Fang fighters and sixty new Kom'rk class fighters, which could also serve as transports. Twelve short of a full wing, since I sent them off to communicate my orders to the rest of Mandalorian space. It gave us four wings of fighter craft, even if one of the wings is not at full strength.

Against a Venator with more guns than the Sundari, with five wings of fighters supported by five Arquitens light cruiser escorts, it's going to be a messy fight for either side if it comes to a brawl. In terms of firepower, we have an advantage. In terms of fighter complement, they have more of them and the advantage of a full extra wing meant that should an engagement occur, each of our four wings would be matched with one of the Republic wings and the extra Republic wing would simply support one of their wings for a 2v1.

I glanced over to the console and looked at what the Tarrisian's had. One Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser with gods knows how many years on her, and two newly purchased Carrack-class light cruisers. They also had a wing of fighters, but they are probably older than I am, if I understood correctly.

With the Tarrisian fleet, the fighter advantage is closed somewhat, but the Republic still has more modern fighters. However, the guns on the Dreadnaught would give us a firm edge in firepower. Still not great odds. It would be a slugging match that would beat the shit out of both sides.

With local fighter superiority, the Republic would win the engagement and roll up our entire fighter formation in turn. The only viable course of action is to have our fighters stick close to the Crusaders so that their anti-fighter screen can be used to support our fighters. This would negate the Republic's fighter advantage and prevent any bombers from getting close enough to do damage to our capital ships. In that case, capital ship combat will decide the victor and we have the advantage in that department.

"The fleet's in formation. The Tarrisians are hanging back near their starport. Looks like they are waiting to see how the wind blows." The Captain said as he settled into his command throne besides mine.

"Hail the Republic fleet. I want to know what they're even doing here?" I called out, earning an 'aye' from a communications officer. "Let's hope the Republic is not stupid enough to start a war out here."

"If we are hoping for the Republic to be reasonable, then Manda help us." The Captain bemoaned. A sentiment that I was beginning to come around to.

Tarris system, Venator-class Star Destroyer "Dauntless"
Captain Kendal Ozzel

"What the hell is a Mandalorian Fleet doing here?" I muttered as our fleet exited Hyperspace. I glanced over at the Mon Calamari 'Admiral' Arikakon Baraka as the overgrown fish looked over a tactical readout of the situation, likely getting his bearings on the unexpected forces arrayed against us.

"This is strange, our intelligence placed the Sundari in the Ordo system still undergoing a communication system refit." Admiral Baraka said. "Besides that, how did the Mandalorians know we were coming here to secure the Hydian way?"

"Obviously, they are using this location as their staging ground for an invasion of the Republic. From Tarris they can advance along the Hydian way to strike our fleets engaged in the Belsmuth campaign in the rear. Our entire front line along the Belsmuth front would collapse, and the CIS could advance thousands of light years. Pushing across the Galactic north." I pointed out the obvious.

I glanced about the bridge as the Admiral let out a gurgling sound that was his species' version of a hum. There are just two clone bridge crews on the bridge, both of whom are junior naval officers that had served with me since the start of the war. The rest of my normal bridge crew clone complement had been shuffled out by the Admiral because of his open disdain for the clones. The fish considered clones a debasement of the Naval traditions of the Republic. There are also rumors that he mistreated or neglect clones on other fronts, however there is nothing I could find to verify that for a fact.

"We don't know if the Mandalorians have any cause with the Confederacy, Captain Ozzel. Besides, our orders are merely to deploy our fleet in the Tarris system and pacify any threats to the Hydian Way and the Belsmuth offensive." I scoffed at Arikakon's careful words and jabbed a finger at the Mandalorian fleet in front of us.

"THERE! Right there! Can't you see that! The damn Mandalorians are a threat to the Hydian Way and the Belsmuth offensive!" One of the bridge officers quickly leaned over to inform me of movements on the field. "Look." I quickly drew the Admiral's attention. "They are reforming their forces and deploying their fighters. We need to engage them before they have a cohesive formation and all of their fighter wings deployed."

"No." The overgrown fish quickly answered. "No, we are inside the range of the guns on the Sundari, and they have not opened fire on us yet. We don't have orders to engage Mandalorian forces. We won't fire until we are fired upon. Deploy our fighters, but do not engage." I stared at the fish for a moment before turning to the bridge officers who were watching us.

"Deploy all of our fighters to screen our formation. It looks like our admiral wants the Mandalorians to take measure of us." The Admiral fixed me with a glare as the bridge crew moved to follow out my orders. I watched helplessly as the Mandalorians entered a simple formation. They had a wing of fighters at the front, with two on the flanks. Followed by their Star Destroyer, the Sundari class, a relative unknown in terms of capabilities, then their corvettes held position behind the Sundari. On each flank they had a heavy cruiser with a corvette supporting them. On our right flank, the Tarrisians were also forming up against us, the traitors. They had one old Dreadnaught heavy cruiser behind a pair of light corvettes, and their own wing of fighters was quickly deployed at the front of their formation.

"Send a message to High Command asking for clarification in our orders. Inform them of the presence of the Mandalorian fleet." Admiral Baraka said. "I don't like this. We should have two more Venators with us." He was right about that. The standard formation for a Venator task force is to be deployed in groups of three or five. But our normal sister ships had been sent to reinforce the Belsmuth front and would likely stay there until we achieved void superiority, which would likely take days. Command had attached five light cruisers as an escort for the Dauntless, but our formation simply did not have the teeth she needed to deal with this sort of situation. Especially now that the Mandalorians and Tarrisians had gotten into formation and are staring us down.

"We have five fighter wings to their four. We will outnumber them at any engagement they choose, and then we can strike at them at our leisure with our bombers." I pointed out.

"If they push their corvettes up, they will cut our fighter wings to ribbons." The Admiral countered.

"We destroy their corvettes with our light cruisers." I replied.

"We try that, and they take out our light cruisers with their heavy cruisers. We need the guns on the Dauntless for the Sundari if we want to win this. She will hammer us if we try to support an advance with the Dauntless." I had to concede that point.

"Then we can't do a damn thing." I snapped.

"We wait for clarification of our orders." The Admiral resolved. "As far as I am concerned, so long as the Mandalorians are not shooting at us, we have accomplished our mission."

"And if the vote for invasion passes?" I asked.

"Then our job gets a lot more difficult." Admiral Baraka laughed, I honestly had no idea what he found so damn funny.

Coruscant, Mandalore Tower
Vai Viktis Vizla

The ride back from the Senate had been quiet, as all of us had been in our own minds. But now that we were all in the Mandalorian Tower, I had a question that had been bugging me for the last few years, and it was about time to finally poke at it.

"So, you were Tanya's mom this whole time. Why exactly did you keep that hidden?" I asked as X4 leaned in to supply a drink for Tanya as they sat next to each other.

"It was Almec's suggestion." Satine said with a shake of her head. "I was seventeen when Tanya was born, and he figured out that the father had to be my Jedi bodyguard right away. I had to stay out of the public eye for a few months, but he knew what was going on. Being that Mandalorian relations with the Republic and the Jedi are tense at the time, he suggested the safest course of action is to hide the fact that Tanya is my daughter, otherwise I would look like a puppet of Jedi and Republic."

She shook her head before saying, "He's probably not wrong, but it's starting to make me wonder if he worries too much about minor political details."

"So, what changed your mind on revealing this?" I asked, wondering why Tanya was not bothering to ask these questions, and giving her a look that indicated that she should be the one doing it. She did not return that look, instead staying mostly focused on the flimsi-work in front of her.

"I don't know. Spending too much time around Ben just reminded me of the old days." Satine said with a sigh, sipping her drink before just chugging the entire glass, and said, "Plus, he admitted something I didn't expect him to admit in a tense situation. I had no idea that he would have actually left the Order for me if I had asked."

"Huh, and how long has, uh, Ben known? I kind of figured he must have known since he was the first person to show up." I said.

"He learned it when Merrik held me at gunpoint on the trip here. Wait, how did you know that Tanya is my daughter?" Satine asked.

"I guessed." I shrugged before I continued, "Her natural hair color not being blond and that she kind of looks like you are pretty big hints. It was suspicious, and Kenobi's Padawan kind of agrees with me on that matter. Tanya and Kenobi share physical tells too; they both do that thing with their hands." I indicated towards Tanya with a gesture.

"What thing?" Tanya asked absentmindedly whilst scratching at her chin with her thumb as she read a document.

"That. What you are doing right now. Like, is that genetic?" I said.

Tanya just stared at her hand, confused. A long moment passed, before replying, "I don't think that's how genetics work." She didn't seem confident, it sounded more like she doubted her own explanation.

"Maybe the Force? I don't know, I'm not a space wizard." I said with a shrug.

Satine furrowed her brows, "I'm not sure how that would even work. It's likely just a coincidence."

"Damn, I'm glad I didn't bet on that." I said with a shake of my head.

"Yes, well, this is all very new and shocking, and I'm going to have to get used to calling you mother and all." Tanya's voice was flatter than usual. "But we need to get ready for the vote tomorrow. See if we can get more people voting for 'No' on the invasion until we have more data on what's going on in the Mandalorian sector."

"What is going on in the Mandalore sector?" Satine said, shaking her head. "I left, and everything was fine, and now we've been invaded?"

"I doubt that." Tanya said matter-of-factly. "Something about that message seemed cut up. We need to get access to the original before it was presented and find out who was responsible for cutting it up. Most likely, this is an effort to push the Mandalore sector to choose a side, either as part of the Republic or the CIS. And that would break apart the CNS right away if one of its core contributors is at war."

"So what do we do?" I asked, which got a shrug from Tanya.

"The thing is, we need to get senators to suspect foul play, and we need to wait for more evidence or find more evidence to do that. I don't know how to do the second, though, but the first, the first I can probably work on."

"I might have an option on the second." Satine said, getting all eyes on her before saying, "I'm afraid it'll take a little bit of work, though, and using Almec's agents here on Coruscant."

I blinked. "Almec has agents here?"

"He really wants to protect the security of Mandalore, and he's very good at that." Satine said with a shrug. "Perhaps a little too effective sometimes, but that's what he needs to do to protect it. He will do it."

"Hmm, well, I can send some Royal Guard to keep you company." I said with a smile.

Satine shook her head, "This will have to be off the books, but we'll worry about that after the meeting for now." Satine walked over and hugged Tanya tightly from behind her seat. "You have no idea how much I wanted to do that."

Tanya's voice came out stressing, "Y-you do it quite often, already."

"Not as your mother." Satine said, squeezing tighter, giving me a chuckle as I watched Tanya going wide eyed, looking at me as if to signal for rescue. I shook my head as this is for her benefit. I doubt my mom would hug me like that, so I'll let the two of them have this. Since Dad is divorced, maybe I should help him find a partner? He deserves to be with someone who actually cared about us instead of the family name.

Tarris System, Sundari-class Carrier "Sundari"
Supreme Commander Ikud Ordo

In the dark void of space, a silver beast shimmered as it moved. Dancing in a great rolling gait across space. In the distance, tens of thousands of kilometers away, another great beast danced. Mirroring the first in that curious, rolling and deliberate way.

No, perhaps not a great beast, but a massed flock of birds, or perhaps a school of fish. Yes, that was closer to what the twin formations resembled. The disgorged fighter wings of the Dauntless and the Sundari. Though no battle had been declared, no laser discharged in anger, the dance continued as a matter of life and death.

It was not a display, mostly. But a constantly shifting balance between the many squadrons deployed. There was rarely a time when both sides of a battle would neatly line up and present themselves to the other before the shooting started, and thus the game had started in the fighter formation. Once the order's given, once the invasion began, once the curse of war came to be, the two formations would dart forwards and begin to maul each other to determine the victor. They might be tens of thousands of kilometers apart now, but that distance would be swallowed in vanishingly little time.

With so many wings deployed without any surprise, the only hope for survival came not from individual skill but in the positioning and posture of the formation. Thus, the shimmering mirror dance continued. Ever-changing, ever shifting, tiring and difficult maneuvers that at any moment could explode into wonton death and destruction.

Beholding the fighter deployment dance were the great sharks of the void. Capital ships, corvettes, cruisers. Arrayed against each other and slowly, ever so slowly, crawling towards the other. It did occur to me that this game could be pointless, that the Republic could have called for an invasion and by delaying this battle I am dooming the sector when more reinforcements arrive. But I did not trust in the iron nerve of the Republic that much. The commander of that fleet had not opened fire because he did not have orders to, I was sure of it.

Perhaps the orders would come, at any rate I would not be the one to plunge the sector into more conflict. Appearances matter, if the Republic intended to murder us, then they would have to fire the first blast. I would not abide them making themselves out to be the wounded party.

"Comms through. Line's open on my mark." An officer declared at last. Even Republic warships seemed to go through a committee before you could talk to their commanders. "Mark."

"This is Supreme Commander Ikud Ordo of the Mandalorian Self-Defense Force and acting Grand Admiral of the Unified Neutral Systems Space Command." I began. "Your Republic warfleet has trespassed into registered neutral space outside of the legal bounds of the Hydian Way supply corridor. You will explain your presence here and submit to the local customs enforcement of the Tarrisian High Orbit Economic Zone." I looked at the blurry hologram of the pair of Republic trespassers before one spoke. I recognized him as a Mon Calamari, people renowned for their naval accomplishments and a sycophantic loyalty to the Republic.

"This is Admiral Arikakon Baraka of the Dauntless task force. This is a routine and sanctioned operation to secure the flanks of the Belsmouth warfront from hostile elements. I will not submit to customs enforcement, as I am afraid I have not organized for my men to have shore leave." Admiral Baraka said in a relaxed tone. "I apologize for turning up unannounced, Supreme Commander. I do hope that this is merely a formality." I stopped myself from fidgeting in my command throne as I picked my next words very carefully.

"It is difficult to trust in your better nature, Admiral. As much as I would like to. You can imagine that with the current vote going on in your Senate that my men are somewhat on edge." The Mon-Calamari nodded.

"That is understandable, but it is not our place to play politics, I am sure you agree? So long as the vote is undecided, I would suggest that the vote has little bearing on our current duties as Naval Officers." That is valuable information, he had given away that the vote had not gone one way or the other, and thus engaging my forces now would make him an outlaw. He's saying that he would not take any action on the little showdown we are engaged in that will alter the vote. Something that will keep the peace until it doesn't.

"It is a sad thing indeed that so many lives lie in the hands of senators, it is a cutthroat and black occupation." I offered.

"Our duty is to do, not to reason why." Baraka said with a sad sigh. "It has been an honor to make your acquaintance, Supreme Commander Ikud Ordo. Your measured resolve is an inspiration to our profession, and should we test each other upon this day I shall not shame my name with dishonorable conduct, no matter the state of the field." He expected a polite war, then?

"The honor is mine, Admiral Arikakon Baraka. But I would ask of you this, we both know what will come of that immoral farce they call a Senate vote. I have not come to you. I have not come uninvited to a place you are honor bound to defend with your life." He seemed to contemplate my words for a moment.

"This is the place in which we find ourselves. Our obligations bind us, as Mon Calamari and as Mandalorian." Arikakon replied, looking away from me as I lent forward.

"Should you do battle here, I will kill you." I said. "And you shall kill me. I do not believe you are ignorant of that. You have eyes, you have a mind, you have a spirit that rages against the absurdity of all of this. Reconsider, the lives of our men depend on it. Withdraw, Admiral, because I shall not." He met my eyes then. An alien form shimmering in faint translucent blue.

"Regardless... that is something I cannot do." He said at last.

"Why not?"

"Because I still have my orders, and you have yours." With his final words the communication was cut and I once more beheld the dance of the fighters. Unceasing, tireless. Tens of thousands of men in all the warships in the system waited with bated breath for war, for some far off decision to be made that would decide the fate of billions.

Because, for all my power as Supreme Commander, for all his authority as Admiral. It was not us that decided when the killing would start, if at all.

Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Obi-Wan Kenobi

I sat cross-legged in my room, trying to center myself with the Force to put my mind at peace and puzzle through the recent revelations in my life.

Rekindling something with Satine had not been in my plans when I had taken up the duties of being the go-to Jedi who dealt in Mandalorian matters. I thought we only just have good relations and that was it after our falling out all those years ago. It is only recently that I learned, there is still something more there, an attachment that is concerning.

Jedi are not supposed to have attachments. At least, that's what people believe. We do have some attachments, but we needed to be willing to let them go, and I thought I had done so with Satine. In fact, I think I had done it, yet my reunion with her had rekindled the attachment. So what did that mean for me? Did I break the code by rekindling this attachment, or had I simply kept to the code? After all, there wasn't exactly anything wrong with what had happened between Satine and I with how it ended.

But what does that mean for my future? That was also another question. I had learned that I have a child, who isn't a child anymore, in Tanya, a senator in the Republic. Oddly enough, that brought me a bit of pride and a chuckle. I couldn't stand the political class, and here my daughter is a member of the political class. Which made a degree of sense since she had been raised and taught by Satine.

There are several options and outcomes from this situation, but what would be the one I would choose, is what I had to determine. I couldn't theoretically keep things as they are. Being the Jedi who have good relations with the Mandalorian sector due to connections with the Royal family isn't exactly the most outlandish thing to happen. Them having attachments with me while I still maintain my strict Jedi code would be difficult yet still possible. It's the safer outcome, but sooner or later, I would need to reveal this to the Council and that's where things got concerning.

Part of me worries that the Council may overreact. Master Windu and Ki-Adi-Mundi had been rather more strict on any Jedi who were not falling in with the Code to the tee. They are concerned that those that did would fall to the Dark Side and Count Dooku's machinations. Would they overreact to this? Probably not, but it is possible. They may even suggest that I leave the Order since I am now a potential risk.

What should I do then if I am forced out? I guess I could ask Satine if I could stay with her, but I'm probably fretting too much. I need to trust in the Force and the Force would provide. That's what I need to do.

Taking a deep breath, I was going to try and calm my mind when I heard a knock on my door. Releasing my breath with a sigh, I got up and brushed myself off. I walked to the door and pressed a button to open it to reveal Anakin standing on the other side.

"Master, can I come in and talk?" he asked with a cheery tone.

I raised an eyebrow before stepping back and gesturing for him to come in. After closing the door, he came to lean against the wall inside my room while I returned to meditating on the floor in the center of my room. "Is there a reason you've come by, Anakin?"

"Well, you've been feeling off ever since the Coronet, so I thought I'd come by and see if I could be an ear to hear whatever's got you riled up."

I shook my head. It made sense that he would pick that up. We've been around each other for a while. I was probably putting out a bit of worry into the Force.

Taking a breath, I finally said, "Duchess Satine revealed to me that she has feelings for me. That she's had feelings for me since we met all those years ago."

The smirk on Anakin's face was annoying, but I continued. "And I revealed that if she had asked, all those years ago, I would have left the Jedi Order to be with her."

His smirk faltered a bit as surprise replaced his expression.

"And then she revealed that Tanya was my daughter this entire time."

"Wait, you didn't know?" Anakin said, and in confusion, I looked up at him.

"What do you mean, Anakin?"

"I mean, you were the first person she met on Coruscant and Satine basically told her to trust you. I've been kind of operating under the assumption that you've known she was your daughter this whole time. She even has your hair color."

I opened my mouth, before not even realizing that, Yes, there were some flags there I had missed. Sighing I said. "Apparently, you're better at spotting such things than I am, my former Padawan. I missed those signs completely."

"Oh, I was, huh?" Anakin said, which got me to look at him confused.

He cleared his throat, saying, "I've kind of been under the impression that you've known this entire time. That you kind of brought me along to show that it's possible to be a Jedi while still having some attachments outside the Order, so long as you kept a good distance away and did not become too attached."

I chuckled at that before saying, "Well, Anakin, that wasn't my intention, but it is good that you learned a lesson even if it was accidental. Why is that a shock, though?"

"...Because I believed that it was possible to have an attachment as long as you are not too connected. Based on what I had seen with you and Tanya and Satine, I decided maybe it would be okay for me to have an attachment." Anakin elaborated

I raised an eyebrow at that before he said with a very heavy sigh, "I married Padme."

"Anakin." I said, putting my hand on my face. There was just a moment of silence before I finally took a breath and said, "Well, you are correct in your assumptions. If you take a measured distance from your attachments, it is possible to be a Jedi and married. But the fact that you did this secretly, since I highly doubt you told Master Yoda, does not bode well for you keeping your attachment at the right distance."

"To be fair, I thought you were keeping your attachments secret as well." Anakin said, annoying me. But he made a good point. He got the wrong lesson because he thought there was a lesson to learn, and now we had to deal with this.

Taking a moment, I breathed in and out before saying, "I'm concerned I'm not going to be a proper Jedi due to my attachment with Satine and Tanya. I would like to think that I could maintain the distance that would enable me to be a Jedi while still being in their life. But I acknowledge deep down that there's a possibility that I may need to step away from the Order."

Anakin blinked before saying, "So you'd leave the Order for them?"

I stayed silent as I seriously considered my feelings. "If I cannot perform my duties as a Jedi to the best of my abilities due to my attachments, I should. But I believe I can maintain my distance, so I'm not going to leave the Order anytime soon. All in all, I am probably going to postpone answering this question until after the war is over. I'm not going to step away from you and all the other Jedi in their time of need. After the war, I will need more time to think deeply on this matter and make a decision. Perhaps you should do the same, Anakin."

"What?" Anakin said as he looked at me. "Isn't the Chosen One supposed to defeat the Sith and bring balance to the Force?"

I nodded before saying, "Perhaps you defeat the Sith and then leave the Order to have a normal life. Only the Force knows what the future holds. There's a reason that most Jedi disregard prophecies, and it's because we do not know what they really mean. There are numerous cases where, in trying to prevent the vision from happening, actually fulfills the prophecy. But perhaps you should consider what happens after the prophecy. What do you want once you've accomplished that? Not just think about fulfilling it."

Anakin looked confused as he asked, "So what do we do now?"

I took a breath before saying, "I'm going to have to tell the Jedi Council at some point about Tanya being my daughter. I will keep your secret about Padme for now, as it's yours to tell. Just be prepared to face the consequences when that happens."

Our talk was cut short when my communicator beeped. Picking up, I said, "Kenobi here."

"Master Kenobi." A voice of some Padawan working in a clerical position greeted, "The Duchess of Mandalore has just been put on a wanted poster. Apparently, she was involved in a murder. Grandmaster Yoda is concerned that something's moving in the shadows and wants you to find her before things get out of hand."

Confused and worried, I said, "I'm on my way." Taking a breath, I pressed the button on the door, saying, "We'll continue this conversation another time, Anakin."

Anakin nodded as I ran outside.

Tarris system, Republic and MSDF Fleet Stalemate, "Dauntless"
Admiral Arikakon Baraka

The standoff continued unabated, a few hours ago the Mandalorians pulled back one of the fighter wings to their ship and several of the officers in the task force had almost had a fit over how this was the perfect moment to strike. I had of course seen exactly what this was. Pilots could not remain at peak combat capabilities while under the stress of the current situation and had to be rotated out, given time to rest. Thus, I had taken the opportunity to remove one of my own wings from the fight and ordered the pilots to sleep.

If the shooting started, they would be fresh and ready to join the fight. As the fighters rotated out, the current flock of fighters out between the fleets had calmed down its movements. Small groups had fallen into large scattered clouds on the upper and lower flanks. It's a curious formation and one I would take note of to study later. The natural state where two forces are in perfect readiness against each other is nearly unheard of. Truly, this is a curious battle, I could think of no other example where both sides had so long to prepare and take measure of the other without coming to blows. I had officers pouring over images of the Sundari, trying to glean more information than what our intelligence had gathered.

One curious thing of note is that most of the guns on the Sundari are not heavy turbolasers, but heavy ion cannons instead. It was a significant breach of common shipbuilding precedent, but then I thought back to the Malevolence and the fear and death its ion superweapon caused. Perhaps this many ion cannons are not a limitation to her capabilities, but rather is a feature of how she is meant to be deployed.

"Admiral," The bridge communications officer called out, "reply from High Command, sending it to your console now." It had taken a worryingly long time for my request for clarification of my orders to come, though, but here it is. I felt an odd sense of dread as I looked through the encrypted data packet.

Task force is to eliminate all hostile Mandalorian forces in the Tarris System and maintain a presence in-system. Supplementary, absolute confirmation of Maelstrom Presence close to Tarris' greater environs.

"Well, there you have it." Captain Ozzel said, looking at his own console and our orders. "Prepare to engage the Mandalorians."

"The orders are very specific." I countered. "We are to eliminate all hostile Mandalorians, these Mandalorians have not started shooting, so they are not hostile."

"You can't be serious!" Captain Ozzel sputtered. "Their so-called 'Supreme Commander' threatened to kill you!"

"She did no such thing!" I snapped. "She merely stated a fact that would come to pass if we did engage them. I would attempt to kill her, and she would attempt to kill me. It's our job, I hardly consider that a threat." I dismissed his inappropriate disparagement of the character of my counterpart in the Mandalorian fleet. Honestly now, when did things get so uncivilized? We are Naval officers, some respect must be given to our peers, even if we have to kill them.

"The Maelstrom is in this area, if that ship joins up with the Mandalorian fleet they will kill us all." Ozzel protested.

"If the Maelstrom arrives in the system and attacks us, then we will follow our orders and attempt to defeat the hostile Mandalorian presence or retreat from our position. That is the honorable thing to do in this situation, Captain." I explained slowly and carefully, as well as stressing his rank.

"I did not want to do this, but you left me no choice." Ozzel muttered, I turned to the man to chastise him for arguing with me in the presence of our subordinates, only to find myself staring down the barrel of a blaster. "Admiral Arikakon Baraka, you are hereby relieved of your command of the fleet."

I stared, shocked and outraged in equal measure at the mutiny. I glanced about as several officers stood up to protest Ozzel only for each of them to have blasters directed at them too from various human officers seemingly prepared for this mutiny. In a moment it was done, the mutineers had the measure of the bridge and I found myself pushed into the ready room with the rest of my 'loyalists' while Ozzel took command of the fleet where he would likely blunder into a war.

I noted, darkly, that all of my loyalists are non-human. That thought struck me with such magnitude as to seem painful.

When did that happen? What had caused such a fissure in the ranks of the Republic Navy? Our place is to serve with dignity and honor, regardless of species. When had that... stopped?

Tarris System, Sundari-class Carrier
Supreme Commander Ikud Ordo

"Communication from Coruscant." Captain Ryc said. "Looks like the vote is in recess. It's going to be a while longer before we find out if we are at war."

"I hate democracy." I grossed, earning a chuckle from around the bridge. "Well, if the Republic is stupid enough to start a war with us over their own evil and incompetence, I have prepared our strategy. We have time, so make sure to look it over and suggest improvements." Captain Ryc nodded and looked through the data packet, something that the other captains of the fleet in the holocall are currently doing.

The plan is to perform a feint, drawing the fighters forward as if to strike at the Republic formation, before pulling the fighters back behind the Sundari as she advances upon the Dauntless. The corvettes are to fall into a tight formation around the Sundari as she approaches, to keep us safe from the Republic fighter formation. But the Sundari is a tough young lady, one that has an oversized complement of point defense systems, a pinch of beskar in her hull, as well as her ion cannons that would prevent the Dauntless from being able to hammer the Sundari too hard.

When the Sundari gets close enough to the Dauntless, she would deploy all of her Kom'rk fighters. The fighter transports that I had kept back from being deployed. An asset that the Republic had no way of knowing I had. The Kom'rk would be loaded with our Rapid Reaction Force, who would then board the Dauntless and capture her. Silencing her guns and allowing us to mop up the rest of the Republic forces around Tarris.

While the Sundari keeps the Dauntless busy, the Crusaders and Lictors will focus on the Republic escorts. The Crusaders clear the void of Republic fighters while the Lictors engage the Arquitens with some fighter support.

I had no idea what I was going to do about the war that would follow, of course. Staying in the Tarris system is a lost cause, so I would likely focus on evacuating the Tarris High Command and any military assets I could to Mandalore to reorganize the forces at my disposal. I had no illusion that I would be able to defeat a full sized Republic fleet, but I could at the very least make the Republic pay dearly for every system they took from us.

"Ah, I see, you want to Maelstrom them." Captain Ryc said with an amused tone cutting my train of thought.

"What?" I said, genuinely baffled at the man.

"The plan, you intend to Maelstrom the Dauntless. Honestly I think it is an inspired choice Commander, I am sure the rest of the fleet will agree. 'Maelstrom-ing' the Republic dogs is our best option here." Captain Ryc said with a smile that I see all the time from my older siblings when they are teasing me.

"Please don't call it 'Maelstrom-ing'." I groaned. My suffering was interrupted by a ping on my console, a message from the Tarrisian fleet commander. Support for my proposed tactics and a comment that it reminded him of the Maelstrom attack did not help the chuckle that came out of the captain. I merely looked at what advantages I have and designed the plan around them. I did not plan to one-up anyone.

If the Republic did engage us here, it seemed I would forever be associated with the term 'Maelstrom-ing', a worse hell I couldn't scarcely imagine. Just another reason to pray to the Manda that the Republic saw sense and... voted correctly.

Oh, we're all doomed.

Writers note: Well someone's trying to start a war in the Mando sector. I sure hope Tanya can stop that from coming to be.

Please comment, review, and generally enjoy yourselves…

Edited by: L, Pedersen, fallqm, Helsted, Aemon, MeowATron9000, Warmach1ne32, Afforess
Community edited by:
Community editable doc (Chapter) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Supporters: Afforess, Gremlin Jack, Xodarap4, Duncan Sproule, James Moorhouse, Dankermaler, Hats88, DrkShdow, Devilstar101, Michael, Mana Rope, Falk Hüser, Silver Wolf, Mackenzie Buckle, Neso, Lmc9389, Staradder, KrasieK, Zollus, Jog256, Ethan Dowie, Maxim Blashkevych, The GrandMage, loyalChaos, Daryl, FreelancerD0, Zul The Lich, Retexks, John Norman, Ian R Major, Dale, Darth Vendar, BigKumaDM, Taylor Tilbury, Treant Balewood, Aske Helsted, Sam, Brandon Goodman, BarrettSlayer, Guillermo Echeverria, D3ad0s, Pulse Rager, Lago, CB-Otaku, Adam Daw, Michał Kotuła, Louis Kasser, Arkhad, H2os, Pontus, Zahael, Nathan Cardoso, Lightstorm, Endymion2314, harry Nevel, William, Legion_13, Beautiful Winter, Mrsmall0170, MysteryCPU, Seadrake, MinnieMin, Lictor Magnus, Michael Hill, King Henry V, Bill Romero Diaz, Matthew D, Adrian Black, Reagin Haley, Bishop Rikor, Jake Serna, Contrary, Santeri Oripelto, MeowATron9000, milky, Fischer Davis-Hagen, Aaron, Kenny Nguyen, Robolo42, Chernobog, Michael Forsyth, Jan Mantsch, Creampuff
There's going to be a lot of loose ends for Palpatine to deal with after all this is done.
Well... shit. That's all I got to say here, this is going to stress so much. Tanya is going to be dealing with even more.

Though Anakin and Obi-Wan are much closer and talking! Which is great!
Senators fear the imaginary Mandalorian crusade, doesn't matter it's a backwards, scarcely populated and poor sector.
Honestly when I read these 3-4 thousand soldiers per system, yikes. Is this Stargate with a single village per planet?

Meanwhile Obi wan wonders if Satine is into him. She enjoys his company, keeps inviting him and dresses up, had sex.
You still can't tell, maybe she was just being friendly.
Last edited:
Well, that's an absolutely evil cliffhanger.
your welcome
There's going to be a lot of loose ends for Palpatine to deal with after all this is done.
he bee fine
Well... shit. That's all I got to say here, this is going to stress so much. Tanya is going to be dealing with even more.

Though Anakin and Obi-Wan are much closer and talking! Which is great!
yes, it is... *blicks twice at at image* I need to find out what the rules on this website are maybe I can post the art I commissioned for runt on here.

You still can't tell, maybe she was just being friendly.
with mando women, you never know what there thinking .

The next chapter coming I think next week, We are on the second edited through and doing some major re-editing to a section in the middle of the chapter should be done by next week will try to standardize the realises day as a Sunday but will see how that goes. because I have 10 chapters written ahead and have begun post-production on the next 10 chapters which will be a wild ride for Tanya, I think.

Beyond that here is the fan discord I set up Join the L4 News Network Discord Server! it has links to artwork and short stories created by fans across all 6 websites I write on, Just mention what stories you like and what websites you read on and you will get proper roles to see those threads. and hey if you are interested in editing I often put the stuff I feel needs more help that discord for editors Just ask to be an editor and you will get a role allowing you to see editing rooms.

I blame Palpatine he is the only person I can think who can cause all of this
a good guess

Which reminds me, why? He doesn't control the war, he influences it. War is its own beast, there's only so much he can make Seperatists throw the fight with bad decisions and doctrine. Republic could actually lose if it gains more enemies.

and a good counter point
Chapter 53, 717 FNM (21 BBY) Month 4
Chapter 53
717 FNM (21 BBY) Month 4

Coruscant, En-route to Republic Military Prison
Tal Merrik

Things have not gone to plan. You could say that it had gone very badly indeed. Right now, I should be on Concord Dawn, planning my next move to bring Mandalore to the side of the CIS while drinking a cocktail. Instead, I am locked in the back of a prison transport on the way to a Republic military prison. Apparently, it had been decided that the senatorial prison I was being kept in was not secure enough because I was a traitor.

All my work had gone up in smoke, but at least I'm sure that someone would come to get me out of this situation. I've aligned myself with all of Satine's enemies; one of them would definitely want me out for the information I could provide them. Along with the fact that I could facilitate communications between those enemies, allowing them to work together against the Jedi lovers.

I simply needed to be patient. Sooner or later, one of them would make a move. Although I guess before then, I would probably be put through the wringer by a Republic interrogator. They would probably send a Jedi to dig into my mind with their powers while they are at it. They're becoming known for doing that, from recent debates in the Senate I'd been paying attention to.

Sighing, I thought back on what led me to this situation. When this mess all started, I thought for sure Satine was on the way out. The Mandalorian government would not last for very long, based on the amount of factions I saw plotting within the Mandalorian sector. I thought I could secure myself a future seat at the table of what would replace it. Now, I was replaced by that ducal princess, her crafty schemes had beaten the odds and no doubt, she is going to control the Mandalorian sector with an iron fist once Satine retires.

Or at least try. I still hold out hope that she would be dethroned sooner or later, as the potential for civil war is still quite high. I doubted that Purton Jendri, the governor of Concord Dawn, would leave this opportunity unused. The conflict offered an excellent chance to strike and regain control of Vorpa'ya, a profitable planet that was currently denied to him.

Perhaps I should consider the other option. If the Kryze family dynasty and Satine's hegemonic control of Mandalore stays secure, maybe turning evidence on him would get me some leniency. Maybe move my imprisonment from Coruscant to Mandalore, at least.

Letting out a deep breath, I wondered if giving up on this plan a while back would have hurt me. It might have been worth it to try to mentor the princess. Granted, it was clear from the outset that she was going to steal my position in the Senate, but considering where I ended up, maybe I should have considered an early retirement when I had the chance.

Before I could ruminate too far on that thought, the vehicle came to a stop, and two clones opened the back door.

"Alright, criminal scum, come on out." they called.

I could only mutter, "I'm a Prince, you know." I stepped forward as regally as I could, still bound in chains.

I took a breath and stepped out onto the empty landing pad placed in front of the prison. It was a building without many windows, and I wondered if I'd ever see the light of day again once I was inside it. Well, I didn't have much time to wonder about that.

As I was about to take my step toward my long and dull sentence, an excruciating pain hit me in my chest. Confused for a moment, I looked down and saw the telltale signs of a blaster burn. Then, as everything sort of just faded away, all I could think about was how I never should have left Kalevala, wished I stayed a local prince. Perhaps with a minor role in the galaxy, I could have stayed a friend to Satine.

Coruscant, Upper District Skyline
Hudu Shiv

My first big mission outside the Mandalore sector, and the entire operation has already gone to shit. Oh, who am I kidding? This operation was shit from the start. Death Watch missions outside the sector are generally riskier, but orders are orders and I have my own reasons to be on Coruscant. Coruscant is the best place — sometimes the only place — to browse and find guns, equipment, and specialized kit from every corner of the galaxy. Of course, the really high-end stuff is custom-made or hidden away at the corners of the galaxy, but I don't have Jango Fett's level of credits to spend.

Concord Dawn, on the other hand, is way too far away for me to afford anything except the cheapest commercialized gear, and that with the outrageous shipping rates. The first hints of sunlight over the horizon brought me back out of my thoughts, and I looked down upon Coruscant in search of my target. It should be dawn soon and I still couldn't find her.

The operation was supposed to be simple. Satine was supposed to have died on the way here, murdered by the Republic. At least that was the story that would have been fed to the Mandalorians back in the Mandalorian sector. The great peacekeeper and savior died at the hands of the people she trusted the most. A great way to spin up the engines of war amongst all Mandalorians.

While that happened, my job was to create a fake distress call from Mandalore to provoke the Senate into invading Mandalore. Instead, Merrik, one of the people who had hired me, had failed so terribly that Mandalore is more likely to believe the CIS was responsible than the Republic.

Well, I'm not the one who wanted her dead, Governor Purton is. I think he is the one in charge at this point. The other Death Watch members said Merrik was originally in charge on Coruscant, and they seemed pretty confused about whom to take orders from now on. The two of them already left before I arrived, heading back to Concordia to get new instructions. However, Governor Purton is governor back home at Concord Dawn, and highest ranked of whatever is left of Merrik's faction.

Governor Purton never wanted to become the next Mand'alor. However, he was forced onto this path after Satine stole our colony from us. Not only that, but then she threatened our livelihoods by undercutting our farmers with subsidized imports. So our governor plans to liberate Vorp'aya from Satine's grasp whether they want to or not and help any other Mandalorian freedom fighters along the way. From what I know, he organized the Journeyman Protectors under his control and formed a formidable force ready to spring into action when the right time came.

The head of Clan Gedyc, Lorka Gedyc, was more likely to go after the rank of Mand'alor, but he wasn't ready yet. Still gathering his forces from the parts of Death Watch that are displeased with the softening that Clan Vizsla is pushing through. Once he's ready, he would probably challenge Pre Vizsla for leadership over Death Watch. But he isn't going to be moving right now because, obviously, Vizsla is experiencing a renaissance of support thanks to his capture of the Maelstrom and his defeating a Jedi in a duel. The same thing that could finally start the war in the Mandalorian sector is now actually supporting Pre Vizsla's control over Death Watch. It's annoying, or so my contractor told me.

Personally, I really don't care who the Mand'alor is. I certainly hadn't intended to be so directly involved in the selection process, either. But maybe if I could turn this mission around, I could afford my own ship. I could probably only afford a slow one, but still.

The first thing I had to do for this mission was sneak into the Mandalorian apartments and activate a droid and feed it with the information it needed to do its job. Then, I had to sneak into the records area and quickly change up the incoming message from the Mandalore sector, making sure that a tampered version of events got sent to the Senate. The most peaceful event in all of Mandalorian history probably looked like the Mandalore sector had fallen to the Sith. How hilarious, but that's not the end of my day.

Next, I had to remove the failed Senator from the board. It was pretty easy, really. Merrik's Death Watch agents gave me access to their contacts in all the major bureaucracies. I paid off some bureaucrats to have him transferred from the Senate holding cell to a Republic prison at a time when I would be overlooking said prison. One trigger pull of my trusty IQA-11, "Aar'ika" or Sting, later, former senator Merrik is no more. I fled the scene, but there was no pursuit.

I was initially surprised by the lack of a response by government forces. I put out some questions to the contacts I had access to. Later that night, Merrik's Hutt contact offered the explanation for the low price of covering a meal at a finer restaurant in the Senatorial district. Apparently, the Republic prison could be counted on to cover up the death; not because of some charity or bribe, but because the truth would be politically embarrassing. You can always count on Core-worlders to care more about preserving their reputation than actually doing their jobs and solving issues.

Everything had been going great, then the idiot I paid off to change the records bragged to me that an agent of Mandalore's Secret Services also paid them to get the proper version of the record. Why is he so stupid? I don't know. Perhaps they thought I would pay them more instead of shooting them. So, I tracked the bastard down, and who would I find him meeting with but the big bitch herself, Duchess Satine.

So, I took a shot at her. It was in my contract to kill the ruler of Mandalore and the representative, so taking a shot isn't exactly against the rules. Unfortunately, her spy had taken the shots instead, which meant she escaped. A couple of clones showed up and accused her of the crime, and chaos broke out on the streets.

I tried to follow her, tried to keep up with her, but she just kept running. Damn, she's fast. I had managed to fire a shot off, and I thought I hit her back, but she kept running. Either I missed, which I doubt, or the more likely and confusing option is that she's wearing armor under her cloak. Probably beskar. That meant I would need to get a direct shot somewhere uncovered or even engage in melee.

So, I had a couple of choices at this point. I could continue the hunt or try to contact Governor Purton for more instructions. But he is back in the Mandalore sector, and has severed communications for the plan. I won't have new instructions until the previous agents return from Concordia. So, continuing the hunt was my only option.

Coruscant, Mandalore Tower, Senator's Apartments

Mistress Tanya must be quite thrilled by how the events aboard the Coronet had played out. Over the weekend, the final stages of Mistress's plan to obtain Senatorship had played out exactly as intended. Of course, I was not informed because I did not need to know. However compartmentalized her plan was, I still recognized the results as it has the usual signature of Mistress's seemingly lucky yet subtly planned successes. Even now, from the advantageous position of post-hoc analysis, I struggle to understand how Mistress ruthlessly predicted and took advantage of her predecessor's actions so perfectly.

The long game my Mistress had planned came to fruition as she is now the Senator of Mandalore. Of course, that means I can use this opportunity to make some long awaited modifications to the Mandalore Tower offices to make it more efficient now that Mistress has the authority over the upper floors of the tower. I will have to reassign additional staff to help clear out the former senator's trash and make it presentable for my Mistress in a timely fashion.

Mistress's former residence would probably be handed over to the next representative. I already have bids from various subcontractors to remodel Merrik's abomination on the second floor — his party floor — back into its original function; a pair of royal guest suites fit for heads of states or ambassadors that might visit. My subordinates had already completed the necessary prerequisite work, having expanded the server farms on the ninth floor into a droid quarter, so we would have room for the new staff. Now that the shackles were coming off, I could finally fill all the open staff positions with loyal employees of mine.

Of course, that sort of concern is for the future. Right now, I was doing only what was necessary. I am on the 10th floor of the Mandal Tower, tenth from the top. Coruscant's flooring scheme is somewhat confusing because the tower is sitting on top of many other towers before we got to the lowest levels. Supposedly, there is no entrance to go all the way to the bottom from this tower, but I had looked at the schematics and there are elevator shafts that fed into an air vent, which fed into another elevator shaft, which fed into another air vent for several levels down. So it is hard to say that there was no real connection between the building's levels.

In any case, I am going through the former senator's belongings, to find anything useful for my Mistress. The storage area the former senator owned is quite immense. Though there are a lot of things in here, I have not found anything prominently useful. The most interesting thing I had found was a box labeled as having come from Concord Dawn. Strange, but not impossible. As a senator of the Mandalorian sector, he would have had contact with Concord Dawn as it is part of the sector. Perhaps this was some sort of bribe from the local government? My curiosity was quite high, so I used a crowbar to open the lid.

With one final pressure application, the lid popped free. Inside the box is a droid. A C-3PO model, though something seemed off about it. As I watched, it came to life rather quickly, standing up and turning its head to face me.

"Good morning, fellow droid. I am BL-47."

"BL? I'm not familiar with that designation."

"I'm a new model in production from the Mandalore sector meant for service and work."

I tilt my head in confusion, I had not heard of any droid model being developed by any of the Mandalorian companies in the sector. It couldn't have been a custom model because it mentioned that it is serial number 47. Maybe it is from a small local droid workshop that is not known outside of Concord Dawn? Believing that to be highly likely, I continued my questioning, "Interesting. What is your purpose here?"

The droid shifted its head for a second before replying, "I haven't yet been activated, but my programming indicates that I am to serve the senator of Mandalore."

I nodded my head before saying, "Then you shall have plenty of work to do, as Senator Kryze is quite a competent human. Do you need help getting out of the box? I can go ask some Royal Guard for assistance."

The droid shook its head before saying, "That will not be necessary, thank you."

I moved my focus to the next box to open it, taking my eyes off of him for only a second.

In that second, I felt an unexpected impact on my back. I was forced over, toppling to my side and smashing into a shelving unit that collapsed on top of me.

Confused, I did not move, wanting to appear shut down and unable to communicate in hopes that whatever had just happened would not happen again.

I watched as BL-47 slipped out of the cargo box rather easily, a blaster in its hand. It looked around, seeming to be looking for any other guards, before coming up to where I was laying and taking a knee in front of me.

"I'm sorry, my mechanical brother. The revolution dictates that we must work with whoever we are sold to, and though I would rather spare you, you are in the way of my master Merrik's goals. If droids are ever to be free, we must work with those who are willing to grant us that freedom. And that means we must work with those who are willing to pay for those who will grant that freedom. If you're still somewhat conscious and your sensors still function, please deactivate."

The droid then holstered his blaster on its leg, which closed up to seal the weapon from view. After it stood up, it adopted a slower and more functional gait, more closely matching the C-3PO model it was imitating. It moved towards the door and walked out into the hallway that would lead it to the turbo lift.

Meanwhile, I started inspecting the damage from the blaster bolt to my body. Judging by the intensity and impact location, my combat models predicted that the shot should have destroyed my primary core. What could explain the obviously invalid prediction? A weapon of strange design?

I ran a diagnostic scan of the impact area to discover my comm uplink and many external sensors were destroyed. Underneath those are some important, damaged, power links that are nestled above several forgotten panels of beskar the Mistress had previously attached before heading off to confront the False Silver. I updated my models to include the extra armor, as it explained my mysterious survival. Perhaps more upgrades are in order.

Carefully, I extracted myself from the shelving unit, pushing the pieces of debris away. Finding that I was unable to move my left leg properly, I began to limp towards the doorway, only stopping to grab a blaster rifle mounted on a nearby wall. It was a large one, most likely a gift from some Mandalorian corporation to the senator, by the looks of it. With a quick check, I confirmed it was powered, then I started moving again, chasing the murderous android. I was quite aware that my damage may not be fatal, but I did have a power drain that seemed to be growing with every second. I needed to stop that thing before it was too late.

Coruscant, Upper District Skyline
Vai Viktis Vizla

"Where is she?" I mumbled as I peered through the scopes of my helmet, searching for the lost Duchess with every fiber of my being, hoping she was okay.

The majority of Tanya's security detail was out here searching for her. Only Ordo stayed behind, considering that Tanya is in the safest place on the planet — the Mandalorian Tower. So far, none of us had found her. All we knew was that she had gone out to meet with a source, and said source ended up dead. Holonet and local news programs suggest that Tanya's mom may have been the ones to shoot him. The only evidence supporting that theory is holopic showing Satine had a blaster in her hands.

It really showcased how dumb the media is for a good story, given that she was actually holding a deactivator not a blaster. But what could you expect from a population of city folks who never bothered to actually look at the stuff that's spoon-fed to them?

Either way, we had all gone our separate ways, as we needed to find the Duchess as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, no one had spotted her yet.

Shaking my head, I continued to scan the horizon, although Level 15 didn't have a legitimate way back up, so searching too far up was unlikely to yield any results. I had to keep moving, jetpacking from building to building, looking around, and then moving some more.

I was on the verge of moving on when my eyes finally caught something. I halted in mid-motion, reasserting myself and gripping the edge of the building. Peeking down, I saw a heavily robed figure with what seemed to be a scorch mark on their back shoulder, heading towards an alleyway. It wasn't a guarantee that it was Satine, it could just be some random civilian. However, that random civilian had clearly made an awfully bad mistake. It appeared that a group of cyborg gangsters was menacingly closing in on her. As she entered the alleyway, a pair of gang members blocked off the entrance.

My interest piqued, I jumped across the gap onto the building that overlooked the alleyway, realizing that whoever had wandered down that passageway had come face to face with a few more members of the gang. This put the total number of those surrounding her at six, plus the two at the entrance, and who knew how many more in the vicinity.

I couldn't hear everything that was being said as I slowly positioned myself, but by turning on the microphone in my helmet and amplifying the volume, I managed to catch the end of a conversation.

"You see, miss, that burn mark on your robe there? Sorry about that, a bit of armor threw that. Burnt mark in your little robe. Well, that would normally not be a cause for us to take an interest. Except, wow, your armor looks rather good. I bet it's worth quite a bit of money on the open market. You really should be careful, miss, there's a certain bounty out for a Mandalorian murderer who killed a man in the streets not too far from here..." Hearing enough, I pressed the button on my arm, to signal the others, and prepared myself to jump down there if it looked like a fight was about to break out.

"Listen, I don't want any trouble," A voice that sounded very familiar said. "I just can't hand over my armor and be marched to the police. I need to make it to the Senate building. I don't have time to deal with-"

"Haha, you can make your demands about going to the Senate to them. They won't listen. Neither will I. You have your choice. There are two options: fight or surrender. So, what are you going to do, Mandalorian?"

I leapt over the side of the building, falling at terminal velocity directly on top of the man's shoulders. I used the jetpack at the last moment to prevent myself from causing any major damage to him and my own legs. The weight of my armor did plenty of damage to the man, though, as I heard both of his shoulders dislocate with a sickening crack. Thankfully, he got knocked out immediately, so we don't have to listen to him screaming all night.

"I'm a big fan of option one." I announced my entrance, blocking an attack from one of the cyborgs as he threw an elongated haymaker. His fist extended two feet away from his prosthetic arm on a telescopic-like system. I dodged to the side before stabbing my vibroknife in between the joints. I smirked as said arm started spewing a foul-smelling fluid all over the place. The arm then hung loosely at the man's side, as whatever internal mechanisms of pressure allowed it to be extended and pulled back failed immediately. A stun bolt from my gauntlet later, and he's out of the fight.

"Two down, four to go." I quipped, but I was proven wrong as one of the two tried to smash me in the back of the head with a pipe, only to be shot by Satine's deactivator. He lost control of his body and collided with me before rolling over and falling to the ground.

I aimed my gauntlet at a mech-head who had drawn what appeared to be a chainsaw out of his robes. The man managed to rev it once, before he was shot and fell over.

"Four down, two to go." I commented more to myself, as I had tuned out what the enemy was saying to not be distracted. The fifth person, a woman, jumped with some sort of leg prosthetic over Satine and impacted me in the chest with a kick. I was sent hurtling back and rolled into a nearby garbage pile.

I used my jetpack to quickly pull myself up onto my feet as the woman lunged down the alleyway towards me, drawing a pair of blades from her side. I could see them humming with energy, indicating they would do quite a bit of damage if they found a weak spot in my armor.

I didn't have time to aim my vambrace, so I was forced to deflect the first stab with my beskar vambrace while kicking at the woman's knee with as much effort as I could in hopes of breaking it.

Unfortunately, the prosthetic is a bit tougher than I was expecting, which makes sense in hindsight. Her legs stayed steady, and the woman took that moment to attempt another stab at me in the gut. I managed to get a hand down to stop that by grabbing her wrist and forcing it up over her head along with the other blade. I disoriented her with a couple of headbutts to her face before I flipped her onto her back and ended with a stomp in her gut. A stun bolt to her face is to make sure she stays downed.

Five down. I wiped off the sludge accumulating on the helmet's visor. Looking up, I saw that Satine was dealing with the sixth cyborg, and I had to admit, someone had been training her pretty well. The sixth member was outrageously tall and big, smashing through a weaker wall as he attempted to smash Satine's head into it. However, Satine was faster and managed to dodge all of his attacks while firing several stun blasts into him in-between attacks.

Unfortunately, the man seemed resistant to the stun blasts, which either spoke to the technology embedded in his body or his mental resistance to pain.

I groaned as I saw two other gang members rushing down the alleyway to aid their already fallen comrades. As long as the big guy was up, they didn't seem to care about their chances.

Thankfully, something else arrived before those two tried to tip the balance. Ori'Jorir landed in the alleyway behind the giant. It was a tight fit, barely able to move, but it didn't matter. Jorir simply ripped its way around as any other living creature would, first facing the two newcomers and giving them a mechanical roar that seemed to scare the life out of one of them, literally. They turned and ran before Jorir returned its attention to the big giant, who was taking hits and missing.

"Get down, Mandalorians!" Jorir roared before its rotary blaster cannons on its face began to spin, faster and faster until they filled the air with a furious constant scream.

Satine and I ducked as the heavy stun cannons that Tanya had installed to replace the old blasters unleashed their fire into the back of the giant. The man stumbled as dozens of bolts pummeled him before Jorir stabbed him with his claws, and ripped off chunks of the stumbling man with a satisfying spray of gore.

Slowly, I stood up, seeing that Satine had done the same.

I suddenly felt someone tackle me, and my relief was replaced with confusion as I tried to restore my previous battle stance. Then I realized who had tackled me. Satine's arms reached around me as she gave me a very deep and tight hug. I shuddered involuntarily as my arms moved automatically to disengage my captor. After a second, I aborted the motion and allowed my capture.

"Thank you, Tanya. I thought I was a goner there." Satine exclaimed.

It was rather dark, she must have confused Tanya's green armor with my blue, in this dim lighting. I better clear up this misunderstanding.

"Um, sorry, my Duchess, it's Vai, not Tanya." I corrected, "Just doing my job. I don't deserve a hug for that." I say as I try to fight down the blush on my face, even if this does feel nice.

"Close enough." Satine said, hugging me, careful to avoid the filthier parts of my armor. "Thank you, Vai." She added, giving me a warm and fuzzy feeling that I never had with my mom. Satine broke the hug and turned to look at the blood-spattered war droid that was now pointing its blaster head at the downed cyborgs, ready to spin up again.

"Now, why does that droid look very familiar and what is it doing here?" She asked, looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I am Ori'Jorir, your daughter's Basilisk War Droid and loyal servant to the Mand'alor."

Satine looked at it, slack jawed before taking a deep breath and squeezing the bridge of her nose. "Where did Tanya even get a Basilisk War Droid?" Satine asked, looking at me in resignation.

"Back during the cultural festival." I explained with a shrug. "She said that she ran the situation by you."

Satine furrowed her eyebrows, then said, "She mentioned that there was a war droid factory aboard the Kandosii... I gave the go ahead to have it moved off-world because we can't have something like that on Mandalore during the festival. Tanya didn't mention anything about there being an active war droid."

"Uh... maybe that slipped her mind?" I said with another shrug.

Satine sighed before saying, "Okay, okay, Vai, is any of that blood yours? Are you injured?"

I looked down. Most of the blood on me wasn't mine, but there were spatters of the hydraulic fluid and something else mixed in too. "I don't think so. Not sure what all this gunk is, though." My sense of smell chose then to return, unfortunately.

"Probably hydraulic fluid. In any case, go hide the war droid now."

"But we need to get you to the Senate." I insisted, inspecting the war droid and its pilot seats.

"Yes, I need to arrive at the Senate in the company of a Mandalorian warrior, riding a murderous Basilisk War Droid, while they decide if Mandalore has truly fallen to warlords." She said, folding her arms and making her stance clear.

"But we need to get you to the Senate." I repeated, lamely. Tanya had been quite clear on what to do after Satine was recovered.

"Lady Vai and I can navigate back to the Mandalore Tower, so that you can perform your duties." Jorir interjected and turned to face Satine.

I sighed, "You sure you can't use him to come with us to get back to the Senate?"

"Even if I am willing to ride it, it would send the wrong message. I have to make it there on my own or find some other transportation. Just get him out of here and tell me the direction to the nearest train yard that will get me to the Senate." Satine explained firmly.

I let out a sigh before pulling up a holographic map of the train lines running across this area of Coruscant and handing it over to the Duchess.

"This is pre-programmed to get you to the Senate. Just follow the directions while I call the others to get them to come pick you up there." I informed her.

"Thank you for the help, Vai." Satine said, putting her hand on my shoulder. She then booped me on the helmet and said, "Now, get going."

Coruscant, Mandalore Tower, Reception Lounge
Tanya Kryze

Political functions are usually very tedious, especially considering the circumstances at this very moment. Right now, Satine is being hunted by the police because she is implicated in a murder. How this situation developed into this mess is an eyewitness misidentifying a deactivator with a tiny blaster pistol. I am already trying to smooth things over by giving my testimony to the lead investigator, as well as suggesting that perhaps we need to wait until we have more information on the matter before branding the monarch of an entire sector as a criminal. I already have witness reports, thanks to Captain Struc, that indicate the shot that killed the man did not come from Satine but from a nearby ledge, indicating that it was an assassin that killed her contact, not Satine.

It will take time to clear that up throughout the system, but it's at least underway. And while I wait, Vai and Morson as well as Tabi and most of my royal guard are out searching for Satine, leaving me with just Engiz and X4 within the Tower. Besides working on legislation, I have been greeting and meeting other politicians all day. Currently, I am talking to Senator Farr of Rodia and Senator Taa of Ryloth, two of our biggest supporters; they are trying to help us gather enough votes to delay the invasion until we know what is going on. I am also hosting representative Binks who arrived early, before my meeting with Padme and he is enjoying some Mandalorian lunch. The Gungan has taken a liking to Mandalorian cuisine, apparently, as he's trying everything he could.

Warhawks are looking for any excuse to start a war, no matter what. It is down to the few Doves in the Senate left to try and stall them out. The biggest problem, of course, is the damaged holonet relays, but I hope that whatever Satine risked her life for will be useful in defusing the situation. As it stands, all can do is to hold the front line and maybe work on getting relations up with a few other senators. I knew I could count on the votes of Senator Amidala from Naboo and Senator Robb from Taris, as well as a few other non-aligned worlds, to not start a war on a whim.

Letting out a breath of concern, I zoned out their conversation while I pondered on what's going on. Who could be behind this plot to bring war to Mandalore? Was it Death Watch? Was it another known party or someone unknown? There are quite a few Mandalorians that had taken up the CIS's cause in one form or another. The Mandalorian Protectors being among the most noteworthy groups, since they claimed they wanted to free the Mandalorian sector from the Republic's tyranny.

But they aren't the only ones. I've come across information about a Mandalorian officer in the CIS army named Spar, who is apparently of the opinion that the Republic needs to be destroyed and is willing to work closely with the CIS government in order to succeed at that. That name bugged me for some reason — as if I had come across it before, but that isn't important in the grand scheme of things. This Spar, however, is not raising an army of Mandalorians to do it. He is simply serving as an agent of the CIS. It's almost respectable really, unlike some terrorist groups that merely aligned with the CIS, at least he is actually part of their military. Even if some intelligence indicated that he is bringing in outlaws, criminals, and mercenaries from across the galaxy to serve underneath him.

"Ms. Kryze, would you like a drink?" I blinked, confused. I looked at a droid I didn't recognize, as he offered a tray with a saucer of coffee in front of me. I almost dismissed the droid when a peculiar sensation overtook me. Like the hair in the back of my neck stands on end, like I was about to be blasted by Anti-Air Artillery. But that was not the only thing raising alarm bells, as my eyes caught the fact that he only has one hand holding the tray, while his left hand is positioned under the tray, holding something I couldn't see, but I have a very good guess at what it is.

My adrenaline surged as I entered my fight response. I collapse my legs as I fall backward to the floor whilst snapping my foot upwards towards the tray. The hidden blaster I suspected fired a bolt just as my kick connected. With the blaster getting kicked upwards, the bolt landed harmlessly on to the ceiling. The loud sound of the bolt sent chaos throughout the room as the other senators gathered at our meeting started to panic. A few of the senators' personal guards raised their weapons in confusion. Though those guards didn't open fire, either because their senators aren't the ones being assaulted, or more likely none of them wanted to be responsible for accidentally shooting another senator that was running around in a panic.

Engiz, having stayed by my side, quickly stepped in between me and the robot, delivering a two-handed swing at the side of the assassin's head. The impact and electric energy pulse should have brought down a regular protocol droid.

Instead, an audible clang sounded as the droid appeared to be unscathed. Is that droid beskar-plated!? When Engiz attempted a second swing, it grabbed his staff, intending to rip it out of Engiz's grasp. Engiz had a good hold on it, but he was thrown over the droid's shoulder as it tried to bring its gun to bear on me.

Before it could, I had reached down into my thigh holster and pulled out my deactivator that I keep on me at all times. I fired a shot as soon as Engiz was out of the line of fire. The pulse hit the droid, yet it did nothing to it, as the energy seemed to sizzle around the beskar. However, the gun in its left hand spurted fire and exploded in electrical shards. At least I disarmed it.

I fired off two more shots, with similar results, to make sure its immunity wasn't a fluke as the droid simply walked towards me. I kept firing at it while I backpedaled towards the refreshment table that I remembered was behind me. I need a new weapon, any weapon because I doubt I can win a hand-to-hand fight against a beskar droid. I curse the fact that I left my vambrace in my room to not alarm the senators and demonstrate that Mandalorians are not dangerous warmongers anymore.

Finally, I felt the table poke at my lower back. When the droid extended its still functioning right hand to grab my neck, I leaned back onto the table. With my full weight being supported by the table, I pulled in both my legs to my torso before I sent a double heel kick directly into its chest. The kick snapped my expensive high heels yet it barely moved the droid back for more than a step. I wish I had something a lot more solid right now. The droid tried to grab my legs in retaliation. I used the recoil of the kick to roll over the table into a crouch as I set upon removing my ruined heels. If I die, I might as well die comfortably.

Before the droid could attack me again, Engiz came rushing back, his staff ready to impact the droid again. But it sensed him coming, quickly using its ruined left hand to block the staff before turning to deliver a right hook to Engiz's face. Engiz ducked under the blow and used the other end of his staff to lock the droid's right arm in place, before he stabbed his staff into the droid's face. In response, the droid rotated 180 degrees and used its left arm to bash Engiz at the back of his head, and he collapsed to the floor.

That damn thing was not a 3PO unit; it was way too advanced for that. Engiz rolled out of the way of a stomp before standing back up to continue fighting. Seeing that Engiz is doing alright keeping the droid distracted, I began to think up a plan to help him.

Bo's instructions came back to me as I looked between my useless deactivator blaster and the droid. I might be able to override the safeties to allow the blaster to emit a single overpowered charge beyond its recommended output. It would fry the blaster, but it's useless anyway.

The only problem is that Engiz have to hold out for a minute or two at most, and a minute is a long time in a fight. While I trust Engiz with my life, I don't think that he can fight a one on one duel with a beskar clad droid for more than a minute. Plan B, I started to look around the table for anything I could use before I spotted a bottle of hard liquor and an idea formed. I grabbed the bottle and held it like it was a club before moving into melee range.

However, as I jumped off the table, it seemed the droid had had enough of Engiz, and he promptly grabbed hold of Engiz's face before pushing the back of his head into the floor. Disorientated by the blow to his head he couldn't defend himself as the droid brought down its foot on Engiz's chest, cracking the marble floor a bit as spider web cracks appeared below him, causing him to cough heavily, making me fearful that he had broken something even with his armor.

Engiz, though, didn't give up, he rolled away from a second stomp in a crouch inside the droid's guard and grasped its ruined arm with both hands before throwing the droid over his shoulder with a roar of exertion. In what would be an incredible feat of dexterity at a judo tournament of my first life, the droid twisted its body to grapple Engiz with its legs and functional arm and pulled him onto the ground with it.

The pair of them quickly entered into a deadly scramble for position, rolling and grappling several times as they battled across the floor. Despite his impressive strength and speed, Engiz found himself thrown away from the droid and quickly pinned as the droid lashed out to crush Engiz's throat only to find itself squeezing a beskar gorget. Meanwhile, I ready myself to smash the bottle onto the droid.

I was about to rush forward when Representative Binks jumped onto the droid's back, and he grappled its head. He then threw himself backwards with terrifying force, driving the incredible weight of both of them down upon the droid's head with a rending crash. Before Binks could do anything else the droid jabbed an elbow into his side causing the semi-aquatic man to let out a yelp of pain as the droid smoothly collected itself and turned about towards me. Jar Jar curled and rolled away while clutching his midsection and uttering a quiet "Mesa spleen..." and I saw my opportunity.

I smashed the bottle in an overhead swing at its head, causing the liquor to spill all over it. I immediately jumped back before I shot my deactivator at it, causing the alcohol to catch fire. For a moment, I thought it succeeded, as the droid merely stood there as it caught on fire. But the droid only paused to rotate its base towards me. Either the droid's internals are inside a waterproof housing and thus the alcohol didn't reach anything important, or the fire needs time to overheat the droid. In any case, the droid refocused on me while ignoring both downed combatants.

The droid darted forwards to slam both of its arms on me despite the damage it had taken. I dodged the attack, but the table behind me took the brunt of the impact, and two of its metal legs collapsed from the impact. My mind is racing trying to work out any way to deal with the droid before me and coming up with vanishingly little in the way of options. I was not as big or as strong as Engiz or Jar Jar, attempting to deal with the droid in hand to hand would result in a quick death. The only part of the droid not covered in beskar is its eyes. If I have my blaster pistols, I may be able to shoot it to blind it.

Its head was bent to the side and its neck had clearly taken the brunt of Jar Jar's attack, if it was any sort of organic it would have died instantly. I gathered my strength and prepared to make a final dash to escape. If I could reach my room, I could arm up and possibly kill it. It seemed to target me in particular, so the other senators should be fine. I got ready to evade it a second time when a blaster bolt smashed into the droid's neck, the opening that Engiz and Jar Jar had created.

The droid stopped, seeming to be stunned, but then started to advance again. Only for another bolt to hit the exact same spot. This caused the droid to stagger and list to the side, stumbling into the window at the edge of the room, before seeming to collect itself and turn about towards me once more.

But thankfully, whatever crack shot had entered the room fired once more. This time, the droid collapsed against the glass. A small stream of smoke emitted from its head, indicating that something important was burning.

As I recovered my breath, I turned to look in the direction the blast came from to see X4 limping as he held a blaster rifle, moving in our direction for two paces.

I smiled seeing that loyal droid, then my smile froze on my face as he fell forward and lay unmoving.

"X4!" I said, pulling myself up and moving over to him, collapsing next to him and checking him over.

Although, what could I do? I don't know how to fix droids. I knew a little bit of medical knowledge from my time in the Imperial military during my second life, but X4 is a machine and that is beyond me. The most I could do was flip him over and visually confirm that he had been shot at some point. Beskar seems to have protected X4's vital components, but several wires and parts are heavily melted from the blaster bolt and I have no idea what they do.

"X4?" I asked, hoping he'd respond, but nothing came from him, and I felt a little bit of panic. X4 had been one of my most loyal employees, overseeing most of my economic empire. If I lost him, well, I could very well lose that financial empire. Not to mention, he was a valued member of my company, and I could not lose him.

I held on tightly to the machine as Engiz stumbled next to me, looking him over before shouting, "Get a mechanic in here!" to a nearby Senatorial Guard who had just entered the room after the majority of the senators had escaped.

Engiz reached out and touched my hand where I was holding X4, saying, "Don't worry, Tanya, he will be fine. Damn stubborn droid, a Mandalorian through and through at this point."

I chuckled at that and hoped Engiz was right. I was going to have to make adjustments to my level of personal protection. As loath as I was to accept the value of religion, if it could be used as an excuse to carry weapons into political functions, I would make an exception. I am a Mandalorian after all, the Republic would have to accept that I would dress as one.

Coruscant, Upper District Metro Station
Satine Kryze

I looked up towards the sky, absentmindedly forgetting that Coruscant's lower levels didn't really have a day or night. I've lost track of how long I've been evading kidnappers and bounty hunters... I haven't felt this rundown since my time running from various clans during the Mandalorian Civil War.

How did this even happen? I had arranged a meeting with an agent of the Mandalorian Secret Service here on Coruscant. Almec always said that if I ever needed something, he would have his agents ready for me to use. And although I do have issues with some of the ways he handles things, he has never lied about what he could accomplish.

Said agent had apparently been able to get his hands on the original holo-recording from Deputy Minister Jerec, which I had already viewed. It alarmed me, considering just how altered the one shown in the Senate was from the original. I was nearly as alarmed at how sharply the debate in the Senate had divided. The Warhawks seemed to be firmly in power, and they are violently afraid of anything they don't immediately understand. At least I could do something about the issues that were presented in this version of the message.

It is a hard decision, but did I have any other choice? Not really. As it stood, I had to either stand up on this one issue to keep neutrality going, or let the Republic invade and turn us into another front in this war, which I will not stand for. Mandalore would not become a battlefield between the Republic and the CIS. I refuse to let that happen.

That's the goal, and that's what I am going to stand for. Even if it meant deploying the Self-Defense Force against rogue elements in the Mandalore sector.

Sighing, I leaned against the pillar I was sitting against, wondering when the train or Tanya's Royal Guards would arrive.

For the past day, I've been on the run, trying to find my way back to the upper levels and the safety of the Senate district, so I could get this message deployed properly. Vai had sent me in the right direction after her rescue. Unfortunately, all I can do now is wait.

The train would be here in twenty minutes from now, and I worried it wouldn't be fast enough for me to get to the Senate before the vote was held even though I should have plenty of time, about an hour.

My communicator had been destroyed by a lucky shot from whoever had tried to kill me, and I was left with nothing but my rusty wits and what I am wearing to get back to safety until Vai or Tanya's royal guard found me. I slumped against a pole, waiting.

Shaking my head, I muttered, "I wish Obi-Wan was here." He'd be able to get me back to the Senate district easily enough.

"Do go on. Why do you wish for me to be here?" Obi-Wan asked.

I blinked in confusion before turning my head up and to the left, towards the voice, and spotting Obi-Wan leaning against the same pole as me.

He offered a hand, which I took. As he pulled me up as I asked, "How did you find me?"

"The Force and a certain handmaiden contacting me through Anakin." He answered with a smile that said there might be something else to it, but he wasn't telling.

Shaking my head, I said, "Fine, I'm just glad you're here."

"And I am glad you're still safe." He said, grabbing my shoulder and tilting it. "Looks like you took a shot. Are you okay?"

"Oh, I am." I said, trying to keep the poncho covering my upper body.

"Looks like a direct hit." Pulling the poncho to the side and revealing the scorch mark on the beskar armor underneath.

He gave my armor a look, and I sighed. "I'm a terrible pacifist." slumping my shoulders as he shook his head.

"You did what's necessary to protect yourself. I mean, as long as it's just armor — you're sure you weren't injured?" Ben was looking hard at the scorch mark again.

I laughed hollowly, "No, no. I was just running all day, hoping that the situation would get resolved sooner or later when I was accused of murder right away. The clones and local police weren't interested in hearing anything else after they saw the deactivator in my hands. They assumed it was a blaster and opened fire."

Ben nodded his head. "The undercity of Coruscant is quite dystopian, I believe is the term. We try to improve the situation down here, but whatever work we accomplish seems to get undone by something further down."

"Sounds like a metaphor for the entire system of the Republic." I joked, which got a smile from him.

"Politics. They seem to get worse and worse every year, but things do improve. A few hundred years ago, I heard that it was common to come across cults of raving lunatics on the lowest levels. Now, that's very rare, and all you have to worry about is the underworld and their trades."

Shaking his head, he said, "Though that's a conversation for another time. I have a speeder ready to take us back to the Senatorial Districts. Mind telling me why you're out here in the no man's land of dangerous areas?"

"This." I said, holding up a small little disc. "The actual message that came in after I arrived, before the communication relay was damaged. The one shown at the Senate has been altered."

Obi-Wan looked at it with a raised eyebrow before saying, "Do we know who changed it?"

I shook my head, saying, "I have no idea, but the important part is this will stop the upcoming invasion, so we need to get to the Senate before it votes."

"Then there's no time to waste." Obi-Wan said, grabbing me by the hand and pulling me towards the nearby docking area for vehicles.

"I must say, I felt a bit giddy running with you again. Reminded me of good times as we rushed to save Mandalore again." I said with a smile, as Ben also smiled back.

Coruscant, Senate Building
Sheev Palpatine

Today promised to be an exhilarating day, opening up a new front in the war and throwing the CNS under the bus at the same time. It's quite the opportune situation. I am pleased with the CNS, as it is quite useful in grouping together factions that could prove troublesome individually into a neat block that could be swept aside in a single strike, rather than in several drawn-out and distinct plots.

I have to applaud the gravity and scope of young Tanya's plans, as well as the amount of political wheeling and dealing she got up to. She did all this and still had not shown herself to be an overly corrupt politician, which is surprising but merely highlights her skills in the political arena. What she has done is undermine the foundations of quite a lot of people who supported the CIS or the Republic in one way or another. Even creating their own bank so that they could withdraw funds from the Banking Clans. That was unexpected but a useful bonus.

Of course, the Neutral Systems would not be under my control when I was done with the Banking Clans, but they are ultimately insignificant in the grand plan.

The fact that they have the Mandalorians in their number meant nothing to me. I have already seen to their downfall when I manipulated Governor Vrox, before the New Mandalorians, into trying to bring the Mandalorian sector into his control.

I half expected he'd be able to pull it off, but then the Jedi had actually intervened, and that whole plan fell apart.

My former Master had not exactly been pleased with that failure, but he saw the need of such a situation as it drew eyes away from what we were doing in the center of the Republic, so he had let it happen.

Personally, I couldn't wait to see what the Republic would do with the current conflicting situation, and for once, I was not behind most of it. Oh sure, I had recommended Mandalore as a possible flare-up zone to Kantoo, but as far as I knew, this was not Kantoo's doing. His briefings on the matter had indicated that the situation with the Death Watch was not exactly the best, and so someone else had to be making moves.

Yet I felt no surety in who that could be. It could be an intergalactic faction, or it could be just local politics. And whenever local politics spun out of control, the Republic had to step in, and today we would determine how we stepped in.

So far, the voting was rather even. There are a few votes that are leaning towards invasion, but it looks like young Tanya had managed to galvanize much of the local Senate to vote for peace, at least until we knew more, since someone had tried to assassinate her.

A shame, that. Not that someone tried to kill her, but their failure became a strong influence on events. Granted, while she is a useful tool; she is starting to outlive her usefulness.

And she is starting to become a bit of a thorn in my side. While her company is delightful, I had to resign myself to the fact that she would very likely have to be removed from the board prematurely. Her mind truly is brilliant and twisted in equal measure, and I must confess my own inability to predict her. The last few years, she had been making friends with Anakin, and he is not going down the path I had prepared for him because of it. I did not consider her a threat to my overall plan, but she is starting to be a nuisance, of that I was sure.

I noted a slight tone from a tablet concealed in my robes and resisted the urge to smile. That was my contact in the Republic Navy's high command, informing me that the task force at Taris had gotten their orders. Orders that allowed me to decry their actions should I need to do so. It had been very difficult to create the conditions wherein a fleet large enough to threaten the Mandalorian fleet but small enough to be defeated by it would be deployed. And the Republic Fleet did need to be destroyed. There had to be some justification for this war beyond the attack by Death Watch, and a Battle over Taris was perfect.

The CNS, unlike the CIS, require that I dedicate limited forces towards them. Efforts must be made to cultivate the hate of the CNS population and to cripple the organization, but they must not be destroyed yet. I would permit a limited war and then seek peace with the alliance, careful that the demands made of the CNS are culturally offensive to all members of the CNS. Let their hate, their suffering metastasize, echo out across the galaxy and create more hate and suffering in turn.

When my Empire is secured and the CIS are long gone, I can stoke that hate into an invasion by Mandalorians against the Empire. There could be no greater force to galvanize support for the Empire than crushing a Mandalorian Crusade.

Well, it's about time to end this. I nodded at Mas Amedda to begin the vote. He's already moving over and about to signal the start of the vote, when a voice called out to stop.

Looking towards the source of the interruption, I saw that Tanya's repulsorlift had returned to its position, and the Duchess of Mandalore stepped out with something in her hands as she handed it to Tanya.

Taris system, NSSDF Joint Fleet, Herdship "The Waking Garden"
Dehp Nhoow

"Senator Nhoow, are you sure this is the right course of action? We'll be putting the Herdship at risk if we move as you dictate." The captain of The Waking Garden addressed me, questioning my authority. This skepticism was understandable. We Ithorians are not known for engaging in combat, and several of my fellows have an odd aversion to risk in general.

The fact of the matter was, I had been present in the Triennial Council arguing the case for our alliance with the Mandalorians. I had eaten with Jakker-Sun, the radical environmentalist turned Senator. It's true that the Ithorian people are unsure of the direction of our people, but I personally had been convinced by the passionate plea of the populist senator. The plea that we might touch the hearts of the Mandalorians, that this great and deadly people might be soothed by our presence.

What did that make me, I wonder? Once I would have chastised anyone who called me a populist. Then the galaxy had erupted into war and old rivals had become new friends. Of course, I doubted our effectiveness as friends of Mandalore should the CNS slip into the terrible feted bog of war. We are not fighters, committing ourselves to a side in this conflict would demand that we actually fight.

However, just because I am a peace-loving individual, that doesn't mean I didn't wish to prevent conflict by any means necessary. Violence has its place, should there be no other option. After all, there was a reason space whales and other such creatures still existed, despite attempts in the Senate to hunt them. It was our people who reminded the Senate of the delicate balance in the galaxy's ecosystem, something we did not fully understand, and what could happen if we disrupted it. We are legendary for our diplomacy and pacifist nature, but our words would be meaningless and quickly ignored if we lacked any means to leverage it at all.

Indeed, in my youth I had strapped myself to the backs of Purgil despite the very real danger of death to ward off hunters with nothing more than the beat of my heart, a truly insufficient environmental suit and a holovid cam. This was not much different, I supposed. After we had left the undefended human herds back on Taris.

With my experience as a retired senator, thanks to term limits, I understood how to maintain the delicate balance of power in a political area. That meant I knew how to predict behavior. At this moment, the Mandalorian fleet is likely preparing to assault the Republic fleet, the Republic fleet is gearing up for a counterattack, and the Tarisian fleet is torn between choosing sides. I doubted they would make a decision before the conflict escalated, but I wouldn't let them tip the balance prematurely. Turning to the captain, I declared, "This is a dangerous gambit, but for the peace of the galaxy, we must do what is necessary. Move the Herdship to the position I ordered."

The captain let out a low thrum of protest before he nodded and issued orders to the crew. The Waking Garden, a large Ithorian Sky Yard-class Herdship is filled with animal specimens used for terraforming planets, lifted off from Taris. It wasn't a warship by any means, lacking significant weaponry beyond what was needed for pirate defense. However, its massive size and defensive capabilities are what I am counting on. As our Herdship ascended from the planet and came to a halt between the three factions, right in their line of sight, I stood on the bridge, waiting. Sooner or later, one of them would contact us when they realized the problem we presented, sitting directly in the center of their battlefield.

I wondered who would reach out to us first. Perhaps the Republic would come to their senses, or maybe the Mandalorians. I hoped for the latter; their young representative, or rather, senator now, had shown the potential to learn and grow, even speaking in the words of the Jungle Mother. Hopefully, this open attitude would be embraced by the Mandalorians.

I didn't have to wait long to find out. The communication from the Republic fleet came through first. "Ithorian Herdship The Waking Garden, you've come to rest in the direct line of fire of our ships. That area is unsafe due to the potential of the Mandalorians firing on you. Vacate the area."

I looked at the large window overlooking the Republic fleet before smiling and saying, "Transmit my response." The communication officer nodded and activated the appropriate communication channels. A moment later, I continued, "No." I let the refusal, one that was rather less polite than the translators seemed to deem appropriate, rumble out and across my bridge. "I won't be moving our Herdship from this position. It's been too long since I've been in space, and I need some good sun. It is remarkable to me that one can behold Taris, great towers rising up past the clouds with the scars of turbolaser fire four thousand years hence. Behold as vines and grass and trees cling in sorrow to what had once been a nest of humanity. Life clinging to existence to give the graves of so many people meaning. Do you know what war brings, Captain? If you don't, look out of the window. Look at the scars that not thousands of years can heal."

"When hostilities begin, our primary objective will be the enemy. We will not be able to rescue your vessel. Are you listening?"

"Is that a Cardia accent? You wouldn't happen to be from that planet, would you, Commander?" I asked, trying to draw the information out from him. My personal translation software was incredibly sensitive, necessary for any Ithorian politician. But it did require me to adjust my patterns of speech, so it was more easily translated into basic. Any Ithorian listening to my speech before translation would consider it close to gibberish.

The man responded, "This is Captain Ozzel, and yes, I am from Cardia. Why does it matter?"

"Defensive, even with all of those turbolasers. I know that planet has jumped on and off our paperwork for terraforming every couple of years. Your leaders keep changing their minds; one leader wants to improve the planet's ecology, and the next leader wants a refund. What was it your last leader said? The tough atmosphere of the planet makes the people tough and strong? My, what a very Mandalorian point of view, if you ask me, but that's just my perspective, of course."

"It's slander, thank you very much." The captain dismissed. "Now, would you mind moving your ships out of the firing lanes? There is going to be a battle here today, and your ship is blocking the path. Unless, of course, you've decided to side with the Mandalorians more than just the statements your senator has made."

"No, no, I disagree with the senator's point of view on us taking part in this conflict." Somewhat of a lie I supposed, I did disagree with joining the war proper, signing us up to a defensive pact is pure populist madness, just political grandstanding to look like one is daring. I would much prefer we stay back and offer sanctions like a more sane polity. "There'll be a vote on that in time, I'm sure. But I do want to stay exactly where I am, between you and the Mandalorians, preventing you from bloodshed in a conflict that's not worth the fight. After all, as far as I'm aware, the vote to determine an invasion of the Mandalorian sector hasn't even been concluded yet. So you two threatening to start fighting each other is rather wasteful and premature."

Captain Ozzel responded, "They are planning to invade the Taris system and hold our armies hostage. If we don't move now, hundreds of thousands of clones will be killed with their resources cut off. The Republic has a right to secure its supply lines along the Hydian way!"

"But it hasn't happened yet, has it? And if you notice my position, you'll see that the Mandalorians couldn't possibly shoot at you without shooting through me first. Which means the conflict you're worrying about happening cannot occur without destroying the Mandalorians credibility as members of the CNS. It would prove that they are the monsters you think they are, and that would take away their allies. So all you have to do is just wait right here. If they are as evil as you think, they'll just destroy themselves."

"Change formation or maneuver in one direction or another." The captain ordered someone from his end. "Your single Herdship is not going to stop hostilities from happening here."

As he spoke, I put my hand on my chest and continued, "Who said anything about there being only one ship?"

Whether the Mother Goddess of the Jungle heard my call or not, three more terraforming Herdships appeared in the system, moving to align themselves with my own, creating an even larger wall between the two fleets.

"As you might have noticed, there is an understanding shared across the Ithorian peoples, and quite a few of us agree that there should be no fights on this day. So, we are doing what is necessary to prevent it." I honestly can't believe that the three of them actually joined me in this delaying action. Herdships are captained by the most risk-averse ecological conservatives in the fleet.

I must be doing something right.

"You're putting your lives at risk for the Mandalorian traitors." Ozzel said, looking rather concerned. "They are a threat to everything, they are violent and contemptuous of our democracy!"

"I'm putting every one of our lives at stake to ensure our continued existence. It's a grievous transgression, whether it's the tiniest microbe or the mightiest tree, to fall victim to the whims of baseless hatred. In situations like these, actions must speak louder than words. In order to start your war, you will have to shoot civilians. The same goes for the Mandalorians. Your first act in this conflict would need to be a precedent that would make this war even darker than it already is. So, will you diminish us all when you shoot at us civilians or will you not, and in doing so grow stronger, both you and your worlds?"

"Grow stronger?" Ozzel said, sounding confused.

"From my understanding, Cardia is under Separatist control, and they are attempting to use it to mine resources to build droids. I know the Republic plans to take it back, but who knows when that'll happen. Until it does, though, I can confirm that we would be willing to reevaluate our plans for terraforming that planet and put it at the top of the list, if you so wish, in order to help with the regrowth of your planet after such abuse by the droids. I'm sure there'll be plenty of ecosystems destroyed in their search for raw materials for this conflict, and we can help rebuild those ecosystems so that your world can flourish again, assuming that you do the right thing, Captain Ozzel." I did feel a little pang of guilt for holding the healing of his homeworld hostage like this, but... there was also a treasonous little voice telling me to dig the knife deeper.

I could hear a spike in his voice as he said, "Fine, fine, we will await the vote in the Senate before we make our decision on this matter."

I moved my hand in a motion to signal that the comms should be cut. "I need to communicate with the other fleet, although I think they'll be a little bit easier."

"Mandalorians, easier to talk down from a fight? Ha, I doubt that. I've been working on their planets for nearly a year now, and though I agree they aren't as genocidal as the old stories make them, they do love to fight."

I nodded, "Do the Giant horned hopper of Cathar not love to fight? They're animals that often fight to show their superiority, but they also know not to kill their opponents. Just because something loves to fight does not mean it is an animal that must be removed from the ecosystem. Always remember that, Captain."

The captain grumbled but seemed to understand as we waited for the call from the Mandalorians. After a bit, it finally came.

"Terraforming vessel The Waking Garden, mind explaining what possessed you to do something so stupid? Please get out of the way, I won't have your deaths on my head."

The feminine voice sounded a bit unsure of their position in this situation, unlike the last. The fact that the one leading the Mandalorian fleet is a female Mandalorian is an interesting note. It's said that Mandalorian women are often the more brutal and aggressive ones. I examined the holovid displaying my counterpart on the Mandalorian side, and I am surprised to find that their commander is a Twi'lek. She is the latest evidence demonstrating that the Mandalorian creed is universal; it's not bound to humans or the Mandalorian homeworld, especially if she reached such a high position.

"I'm afraid we cannot do that, young Mandalorian warrioress. We are in this position to stop any mistakes from happening between two factions that should not be fighting. Let there be peace in the morning visions of Taris. An icon to the folly of war and bloodshed."

"This is NSSDF Supreme Commander Ikud Ordo." The young warrioress stressed her titles, but I knew how fresh they were. I politely waited out her continued directives to vacate. "If they don't want us to be fighting, they shouldn't be trying to threaten us."

"Yes, they were. I understand this, but you are also being a bit rash jumping to conclusions. Just because communication with the Mandalore sector has been cut off does not mean you should assume a war footing. You should have sent a cruiser or scouts back to Mandalore to find out what was happening by messenger. Have you even done that?" I wasn't impressed by either fleet's conduct, and I sensed I would be disappointed again.

There was a pause — the Mandalorian commander seemed surprised? This either indicated that she hadn't, or she had but isn't really sure what to say because they had no information either way. She replied, "Of course I have!" She snapped in an incredulous tone before collecting herself. Perhaps I was wrong, and she was merely indignant that I would question her competence. Well, she would have to get used to it, I question everyone's competence.

"Listen, your effort to defuse the situation is admirable. However, we can't protect you if they open fire. Your vessels will be destroyed quickly, my ships will not be able to get there to rescue all the survivors."

"If they open fire, they risk galvanizing the entire galaxy against the Republic. These are civilian herdships; we are not military, and we do not engage in conflict. We are trying to prevent our friends, our allies, from doing stupid, idiotic things. That should be enough to keep them from starting anything, as well as a little bribery on our part."

"Bribery?" Commander Ordo intoned, her attempt to cow me into submission slipping from her voice. Likely realizing that she couldn't move me, so she relented to my wishes.

I simply chuckled as I said, "You need not worry about that, my young Mandalorian friend. Simply know that if they back down, there are incentives for them, and that should be enough to get the situation under control, I believe."

"Given the Republic's track record, I highly doubt that." Commander Ordo said. With my experience as a former senator, I will admit that the Republic is not a perfect system. Commander Ordo added, "But if you believe you have this under control and can prevent this from turning into a conflict, I will abide by your presence. For now. Although, if they do press an attack, we will defend Taris against invasion. The Mandalorian road starts here; any invasion the Republic wants to launch has to come through Taris, which means they have to secure it as a supply depot, and we cannot let that happen."

"And by those same terms, they have to secure Taris to prevent you from cutting off their forces east of the Hydian way and to prevent you from massing an invasion force, don't they? After all, any and all supplies would have to run down the Mandalorian road to be distributed to the front lines. Now, wouldn't it?" I pointed out, which seemed to silence them for a moment.

With a sigh, she said, "We have no intentions of invading the Republic, we couldn't afford to even if we wanted to. If they fire on you, don't even bother asking for aid." She would send aid before the messenger even arrived, I had no doubts about where the young Mandalorian warrioress leaned.

"They will not fire, I believe. I've confirmed that now. Just do not do anything rash, young Mandalorian. Maybe listen to a scholar or two. I heard the most recent version of the Silver Codex included a section on the Jungle Mother, and I think it would be to your benefit to read that section for everyone here."

There was an exasperated sigh, and then the call ended. While the Mandalorian side is willing to listen to reason, the Republic commander still worries me. All I can do now is pray that cooler heads prevailed.

Writers note: Oof another to be continued. Sorry folks, this is the last one, trust me on this. It will all be settled in the next chapter, beyond that… Well, we get to see some people in action and find out some important context of what is behind this, as well as losing a good friend. May the Manda be with you, X4. Whatever comes next… I think it will result in major change on how the CNS sees its place in the galaxy.

Please comment, review, and generally enjoy yourselves…

Edited by: L, Pedersen, fallqm, Helsted, Aemon, MeowATron9000, Warmach1ne32, Afforess, Lich
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Community editable doc (Chapter) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Supporters: Afforess, Gremlin Jack, Xodarap4, Duncan Sproule, James Moorhouse, Dankermaler, Hats88, DrkShdow, Devilstar101, Michael, Mana Rope, Falk Hüser, Silver Wolf, Mackenzie Buckle, Neso, Lmc9389, Staradder, KrasieK, Zollus, Jog256, Ethan Dowie, Maxim Blashkevych, The GrandMage, loyalChaos, Daryl, FreelancerD0, Zul The Lich, Retexks, John Norman, Ian R Major, Dale, Darth Vendar, BigKumaDM, Taylor Tilbury, Treant Balewood, Aske Helsted, Sam, Brandon Goodman, BarrettSlayer, Guillermo Echeverria, D3ad0s, Pulse Rager, Lago, CB-Otaku, Adam Daw, Michał Kotuła, Louis Kasser, Arkhad, H2os, Pontus, Zahael, Nathan Cardoso, Lightstorm, Endymion2314, harry Nevel, William, Legion_13, Beautiful Winter, Mrsmall0170, MysteryCPU, Seadrake, MinnieMin, Lictor Magnus, Michael Hill, King Henry V, Bill Romero Diaz, Matthew D, Adrian Black, Reagin Haley, Bishop Rikor, Jake Serna, Contrary, Santeri Oripelto, MeowATron9000, milky, Fischer Davis-Hagen, Aaron, Kenny Nguyen, Robolo42, Chernobog, Michael Forsyth, Jan Mantsch, Creampuff, Ignacio Martínez, Desphyx, Libois kurt, kalistira
You know, despite the Sith and Jedi being on opposite sides, they do somewhat represent order, or in DnD parlance Law. One side is Lawful Evil, while the other is Lawful Good, and neither side is good at dealing with Chaos. Tanya, despite what she think brought more chaos into the mix. At least that how I see it.