Princess of Mandalore (Youjo Senki/Star Wars)

Will be interesting to see how you cover the elapsed time.

Would suggest checking the spellcheck or grammar settings of whatever word processor you're using. Lot of this stuff should be getting flagged for review so you're able to spot it before it gets passed on. My phone can't handle it so running it through a computer might make it easier.

educated guesses
A lot of time have been spent researching on the trip here, so I have prepared for this meeting as much as I can

A lot of time had been spent researching on the trip here, so I had prepared for this meeting as much as I could.

wanting to know what's my
wanting to know what my

This had an artifact of basically turning each sector into a mini-empire under the Republic.
This had the effect of turning each sector into a mini-empire under the republic.

basically can be stripped out without losing the idea and feels tighter

It was a very calling precedent that could be implemented in any sector when you thought about it.
chilling precedent

to this more middle-of-the-road takes that I had been informed about.
to this more middle-of-the-road philosophy that I had been informed about.

could use the word "take" but philosophy sounds nicer to me

her family o offer my services and help them get settled on Coruscant
her family to offer my services

Tanya gave him a look that's seemed to pity him

all politics are corporations. But as long as those corporations are staying by the rules of society they work in
all politics are corporations-> ?? politics are activities corporations are groups of people, maybe this is something like "All political organizations have similarities to corporations"?

corporations are staying by the rules

"following the rules"
or "staying within the bounds"

I would rather have more time to talk than it becoming short due to bad timing."

I would rather have more time to talk than having to cut our discussion short due to poor timing.

The Droid showed us out and we found our way to be elevator quick enough

way to the elevator

Well, you're straight to the point.

Well, you're very…

Direct is sometimes necessary for the completion of a task,
"Being direct"
or maybe
"Being frank"

I wonder if Czerka Arms will show up and get involved. Been awhile since I actually played it but might be amusing if they repeat something from the past and once more interfere. Only this time with Mandalorians likely to be involved. ...Probably also some Mandalorian corporations who want to file a violent complaint to another company basically stepping into their turf. Why there's already a company it seems utilizing a version of the Silver Codex who might fall back on it and say self defense or something.

Though MandoTech? Wasn't it at one point called Mendel Technologies or something earlier or was that changed?

What a ridiculous name, what's next? Starkiller?
Gotta admit, I at first thought of a different Starkiller before remembering that it was just a codename. But there is still the House of Marek so I suppose it's possible to encounter Kento and possibly his wife. Seems like both were Jedi who eventually deserted the order according to the wookipedia.

Alternatively looking at this page: Starkiller (disambiguation) it appears there are others with Starkiller as a name with mention of a Jedi master being one. So fully possible to encounter someone with that name and would be funny if Tanya does encounter one somewhere. Though not sure if it's an actual single family (Granted that'd mean it's a family consisting of at least Human, Rodian, and Mon Calamari with some members in the Order, so if so good for them. Would certainly be interesting.) Or more likely it's also one of those names used to give those who don't have a family name or something.

Oddly, I noticed the girl had been looking between me and her with a rather stunned look on her face wondering what that was about, but it's not my concern.
"Right," Anakin was looking between me and Tanya for some reason as he said that before he continued "so this Silver Codex What exactly is the goal of it?"
Ah yes. Until it's outright said I'm gonna still consider it a diversion or something. But with these reactions it seems possible that Obi Wan and Tanya might be the only ones who won't notice until someone finally says it out loud around them. Though might still be funny if everyone is just assuming this meanwhile Satine, Obi Wan, and Tanya are just confused about the looks people sometimes give them when in the same room together.

Or it's true and Tanya is directly related to Obi Wan and Satine. Meaning either Satine technically won against the others interested in him or something.

...Now I kinda want an appearance from at least one of the others. Pretty sure one of them was a Jedi as well.

"Additionally, another truthful statement is your Law of Life does not conflict with the Mandalorian Code. And it would be very possible for some Mandalorians to take up this Law of Life as a sub-section to the Old Codes. Culture always have a very unique and interesting way of intermixing over time and a good working relationship always imparts a chance of cultural infusion."
I'm not sure why I now really want to see a group/team/whatever of Mandalorians who follow both the Silver Codex and the Law of Life...Code of the Silver Life? Wonder if there's anything else that could be added? Would one of them adapt some things from a force order? I'm aware of the Wardens of the Sky so that could be amusing.

Or if the Empire forms and everything there's just a Warden working with a group who adopted the Silver Codex and Law of Life....SOunds like omake material...

I heard there was a representative from the Gunguns with her at the time who had been given full representative status after the blockade; perhaps it was his strategy.
...Well it'll certainly be enjoyable when she meets Jar Jar.

Also, this ark was originally only going to be 4 chapters for 2 years… it might be more now thanks to chatting in the thread, and discord. A Concept came to my attention that I could turn into an ark of a different kind.
Hm, should at some point check what's going on in the other thread. Havn't really went there yet. Really at this moment I don't know what's going on in either the other thread or the Discord. Probably won't bother checking the Discord though...

Also searched Warden and ended up comming across a Corporate Sector company called Ulban Arms who apparently has a security droid that could resist mind wipes and was ruthless in their security duties.
OMAKE: Tanya and the Binks Conspiracy
OMAKE: Tanya and the Binks Conspiracy

Vai-Viktis Vizla walked into Tanya's room, intent on finding out why she wasn't working at this hour. It wasn't like her to slack, so clearly something was going on.

What she saw was a holo that dominated the entire far wall, with red lines connecting different holo-images: A Lucrehulk-class battleship, to a Neimoidian in Trade Federation attire, a human Vai recognized as Senator Amidala, a pair of jedi, an odd looking bright yellow fighter, the senate building, former Supreme Chancellor Valorum, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, a glass of juice, and a few others all linked to a central image.

"Tanya." Vai began, forcing calm into her voice. "Why do you have an entire wall dedicated to a Gungan?"

She only recognized the species because of all the research Tanya had done on Nabu while writing her new codex as well as a particularly hilarious diplomatic embarrassment. Gungans were hardly movers and shakers on the galactic stage.

Tanya turned to her, blue eyes wide with a mania she recognized from when Tanya got a little too into sparing. "It's exactly as I suspected! Senator Amidala is determined and smart, but far too driven by her passions to have pulled this off. I theorized that she wasn't the true genius behind the events on Nabu, but the truth? Behind the mask of a fool Jar Jar Binks wears is a cunning individual climbing the ladder of power!"

A memory sparked. "Wait. Isn't that the name of the Nabu senate delegate who spilled movo juice all over the Banking clan representative?"

Tanya nodded seriously. "The very same."

Vai couldn't believe her ears. "Tanya, he's an idiot."

Her friend opened her mouth to object before seeming to think on the matter for a moment. "I can see why you would think that. I was also tempted to dismiss him at first glance, until I saw the results of the movo juice incident you just mentioned."

"Results? It was a juice spill."

Tanya strode over to a wall segment and tapped the holo to enlarge it. The picture of juice was now linked to one of a tall Muun and a block of text. "Yes. An innocent mistake that caused a member of the Banking Clan to leave the room to clean his clothes… just as Senator Amidala began speaking to another senator about a bill proposed to increase banking regulation. His actions ensured the Banking Clan representative was not present to express opposed views or become offended."

Vai shook her head. "Sounds more like Amidala chose to take advantage of his absence than anything particularly clever."

Resetting the holo-wall, Tanya moved to a different section. "By itself perhaps, but less than a decade ago Jar Jar was banished by his people. Strange that he now holds a senate position now, is it not?"

That Vai could admit was strange. Fortunes could change in a blink of an eye, but banishment tended to kill political careers unless you came back at the head of an army.

Tanya must have seen her hesitation as she moved to a different section of the wall. "After using my new position to access the Jedi's reports on Nabu, I came to the conclusion that Jar Jar encountered the Jedi by chance and realized they represented his best chance to turn his fortunes around. In refusing to part from the Jedi, he was not only able to escape the planet, but also spend time ingratiating himself with Queen Amidala. I believe it is around this time that he realized his immediate needs were met and began looking for ways to benefit his people while simultaneously helping himself."

This sounded familiar. Tanya was always going on about the needs of the worker and how fulfilled individuals were better for the workforce. Best go with it before she could start a separate lecture on economic practices. "And how did he do that?"

Her friend tapped a different segment of the holo, and a picture of a particularly fat Gungan holding a glowing orb above his head as Queen Amidala and several other dignitaries (Palpatine and Binks included) stood on either side. "He returned to Nabu with Queen Amidala and was appointed a general by Boss Nass for making cooperation possible with the humans of Nabu while their shared planet was under siege. Truly, the power of interpersonal connections cannot be understated."

Vai understood this part. Even her parents had recognized it, given her whole relationship with Tanya was founded in the name of making nice with the next generation of powerful people.

Tanya didn't let a lack of reply stop her. "Through what was no doubt a clever bit of political maneuvering-"

Lightyears away, Boss Nass smiled to himself as he enjoyed his meal in uninterrupted peace and quiet. Sending Binks (and his 'itty-bitty accidents') halfway across the galaxy at the first opportunity had been the best decision he had ever made!

"-he managed to get himself assigned as a senate delegate. Through him, his people have more say in galactic policy than at any point in history."

Tanya slapped a hand on the wall and raised her other hand to point at Vai. Her voice began to rise. "Only one question remains: Will he seek to become Supreme Chancellor or continue to support Palpatine behind the scenes. I believe it will be the second, given his act and past habits. It's all part of the plan!"

Vai stayed quiet for a moment, trying to find a way to tell Tanya she sounded like one of those conspiracy theorists that thought the Jedi were secretly trying to overthrow the chancellor. In the end she elected to deflect. "You've obviously worked hard on this. Perhaps it's time to rest."

Tanya looked at Vai, then back at the holo wall before turning back to Vai again. Something about the situation must have clicked with her since she straightened her posture and smoothed her dress. "Yes. I suppose some rest would be appropriate. I will be able to review this tomorrow with a rested mind."

Bonus: Some Time Later

Jar Jar addressed the senate. "Senators, fellow delegates. In response to this direct threat to the Republic, mesa propose that the Senate give, immediately, emergency powers to the Supreme Chancellor."

Tanya hissed. "I knew it!"
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Though MandoTech? Wasn't it at one point called Mendel Technologies or something earlier or was that changed?
Its an abbreviation like Apple Inc. or Czerka Corp. Much catchier.
Hm, should at some point check what's going on in the other thread. Havn't really went there yet. Really at this moment I don't know what's going on in either the other thread or the Discord. Probably won't bother checking the Discord though...
Not much goes on in Discord but the SB thread had a discussion on how Mando fleets should be organized so there's stuff like that there.

Silver Codex and the Law of Life...Code of the Silver Life? Wonder if there's anything else that could be added?
Life Codex? I think this would be something similar to Rhodes Island from Arknights. A pharmaceutical organization who goes out into the field to conduct humanitarian aid to conflict zones with combat capable operators to protect their mission.
Tanya in her armor
Found a pic of Tanya in her armour
ha well i actually have pic thanks to fan on space battles

Will be interesting to see how you cover the elapsed time.
and edited in the main document to be fixed next time i do updates it be fixed everyware
huh never heard of them before, neat

Though MandoTech? Wasn't it at one point called Mendel Technologies or something earlier or was that changed?
same company

the think about star killer is Starkiller was proto Obi-Wan name in the script before episodes 4 was refined to what we got. so that why it shows up so often
huh never heard about them neet

SOunds like omake material...
i do thread mark omakes so if you coem up with idea feel free to post it. their omake on spaces battles called three masters that were the inspiration for part of last chapter so makes can affect the story.

the discord really only for Tanya writers and editors helping in tanya projects,

OMAKE: Tanya and the Binks Conspiracy
ha perfect!
I just knew that if I screwed up enough, that Mandalore was going to get invaded.
Well, I can only wish those poor fools good luck.:V
I had no idea why members of the pseudo-religious cult would be knocking at my door.
To ask if you can spare a minute to talk about The Force, our lord and savior.:rofl:

Oh, and errors:
We had arrived in the middle of the night or day
So was it night or day?
have a few edicated gueasses on
Educated guesses.
since stepping on board the ship here
Probably it's supposed to be "off the board of the ship"?
company scripts being
To offer.
a cup of Tea with guests
a cup of Tea." I said,
Why is this tea capitalized here? It's just tea.
History was a wonderful tool, the answer to a lot of problems could be solved if you look deep enough into it.
Remove "the answer to" or replace "solved" with "found".
Sure, there were similarities to the UN but the results of similarities to any representative government.
I'd have to give up on that one. No idea what it's suppose to be.:???:
"Impressive, the woman said looking at the device
Replace comma with closing quotation mark.
hand Ms. Tanya he?" asked
"Ms. Tanya?" he asked".
Last edited:
the think about star killer is Starkiller was proto Obi-Wan name in the script before episodes 4 was refined to what we got. so that why it shows up so often
I'm aware it was a prototype name.

huh never heard about them neet
Yeah it is interesting. I'm not sure if i've really come across anything actually making use of them before yet though.

There are plenty of other force orders that are around, though the Wardens are on the more decentralized side of things and more hidden.

Also, I wonder if Tanya is aware of Vine-coffee being a thing? Probably isn't able to really have any considering certain factors but still...

Another thing is how Chocolate/Legends main source is from 8 planets. Granted in Legends it eventually reaches a point where 7 of the 8 are no longer able to produce it thanks to the world's being reshaped. I'm mainly aware of Endor and Trammis III/Legends being among the world's. Though the later apparently has Dinosaur or at least the Akorec who have sometimes been refered to as such or compared to them.
fixed, man I have more people over here finding errors than on space battles, makes me wonder if I should post here first then.
Another thing is how Chocolate/Legends main source is from 8 planets. Granted in Legends it eventually reaches a point where 7 of the 8 are no longer able to produce it thanks to the world's being reshaped. I'm mainly aware of Endor and Trammis III/Legends being among the world's. Though the later apparently has Dinosaur or at least the Akorec who have sometimes been refered to as such or compared to them.

damn only 8 planets make chocolates, sound like a market that needs to be expanded on...
chapter 12
Chapter 12
714 FNM 24BBY)
Month 4

Coruscant Mandalore Representative Tower
Tanya Kryze

Being a representative of a planet was a rather dull experience. For the first 3 months, I didn't need to do anything of any major interest. I woke up, I arranged whatever meetings I could get that could aid in Mandalore's recovery, which wasn't that many, and then I would go back to sleep to rest for the next day.

I have had more talks with the Ithorians, which relatively went nowhere. But to my understanding, those conversations usually took time as they didn't like to make rash decisions. Along with various attempts to workout trade deals with anyone who is interested. Of course since Mandalore was so off the beaten path, it was not a major Port of Call and so very few are interested in having stops there.

I had found one interesting situation though, the senator from the Ojoster Sector, Kin Robb of Taris, had scheduled a meeting with me and discussed the possibility of acquiring armor for their own self-defense force. Taris is a gateway into the Mandalore Sector and a city world like Coruscant but not as built up. Not only that but it was on the main Thruway from the Core to the Corporate Sector. So it has a lot of trade running through it.

From what I understood, the planet had been thoroughly destroyed during the Mandalorian Wars but built itself back up over time. Thus I could understand why they would be interested in having a military force armored by the best armor creators in the entire known region of space.

A few prods and pokes revealed that, yes, in fact she had heard about the Silver Codex and the section that talked about selling armor had intrigued her enough to make the meeting. If I could go back in time and hug myself for adding that little bit of example, I would, because this was a golden opportunity.

Not only is this a way to bring revenue into Mandalore's coffers, this would also get us an influential ally on the main trade route running by our sector. Of course, I couldn't promise anything, being a simple representative and all, I had to put everything through its proper channels. The proper channel was to simply send a message to Prime Minister Almac and let him know about this opportunity. And when I did, I happened to mention that the planet was looking for around 40,000 suits of armor.

More than any one armorer could probably supply.The Mandalorian Guard does have their own production company for producing their own armor, but it was obvious from our conversation that a helmet, shoulder pads, knee pads, and a shield were not what senator Robb was looking for. The Royal Guard had three armorers, from what I had been able to determine and that was it. The influx of Royal Guard was never greater than what they could produce, plus they would not be able to build 40,000 suits within the required time. So I mentioned that Kryze's family armorer was still in business and most likely knew quite a few fellow armorers that could help out.

No doubt if you decided to pursue this course, he would contact his own family armorer which would benefit everyone. With contracts this big, it really was a bit of an issue when you thought about it. A single armorer could probably produce a thousand suits of good quality a year, they could probably make more suits but they would need to be of lower quality than the standard. This is of course not taking into account helpers and droids that are able to augment this number, probably up to 50% but not much more.

Really, there needed to be some sort of consortium by which armorers could find work. An organization that put out a standard by which armors should meet and then paying for that armor, meant that standard armor would then be sold to the person who wanted large amounts of armor, it would be the most effective way to meet the demands of such situations. Vai and X4 seem to agree with me when I mentioned it, the question now was how to make such a thing a reality without ending up looking like I was profiting off my position. Though I may be in favor of it, I knew it would not look good to Mandalorians if it were to come out that I was using my position for my own benefit.

Besides that, my life was rather mundane. I went to more of these meet and greet parties they had so that incoming representatives and senators can make friends and network. I have not had much success in building up alliances, in my mind. I'd had a few conversations with local sector leadership, they were all giving me suspicious looks though simply when they realized I was a Mandalorian. Again, the years of warfare had really given any diplomatic efforts I tried, a very hard road in front of it.

Although I had succeeded in building a rapport with the representative of Naboo at least. I believe she thought I was some sort of fan girl at this point. An unfortunate circumstance, but I was more than willing to play into it, as any friendship with any senator could be useful in the long term. Padme had only recently joined the Senate a year before me having been pressured by her sister into taking over for Palpatine who had ascended from senator to Chancellor a few years before.

She was relatively an open-minded person to talk to, we disagreed on how peace must be maintained. She believed that it could be done through diplomacy and the government of the galactic Republic. I believe in those words too, but having a back-up plan is always better in the long term than depending on only the government of the Galactic Republic. Otherwise, we generally get along and something told me that she and Satine would be excellent friends. I needed to come up with more contacts, leaving myself to just a few will not be good in the long term I believed.

Unfortunately, I would have to wait on that. For today is another meeting I scheduled, one that had taken 3 months to get through the paperwork around it. Officially, the protected planet status for an environment went through something known as the Agricorp, an organization led by the Jedi. In order to get the protected status removed or transferred as I hoped, I would need to meet with their counsel and discuss the issue.

So today would be the first day I'd stepped foot inside the Jedi Temple. I was half convinced that the moment I stepped in there time would stop and a statue would start talking to me. Oh sure, I hadn't seen Being X at all since my 3rd life but that didn't mean he wasn't around. He had made himself scarce the first time he had reincarnated me, so there was nothing to say he wasn't doing that again, though I wish I understood why he had done it.

However it was probably just a bit of past paranoia taking over. This would be a simple meeting and nothing would interfere with my goals of securing what Mandalore needed to improve its conditions. And it shouldn't be too hard, from what I understood, the Ithorians had a majority on the Council. I already made some inroads with them so things should work out.

Coruscant, Jedi Temple

That had been a grind, I hadn't realized how slow and plodding the Ithorians were. When I spoke to just one of them, but the Agricorp Council was full of them, all five members were Ithorians . What should have taken no more than an hour had taken 4 hours simply because of how slow their speech pattern was.

Not to mention some of their questions were just not necessary. Half the time I felt like I was being interrogated, as if they believed I had some sort of ulterior motive on why the planet's status as protected needed to be withdrawn or at least confirmed in this millennium. By the end of the meeting I was thoroughly exhausted with the whole experience, but I had successfully managed to wrangle up support from three of the five members of the council to launch a comprehensive investigation of Concordia. Which was a success I was willing and glad to take.

At the moment though, I was sitting in one of the public areas of the temple trying to get some mental calmness before I found my way back to the transport hub to get back to the senatorial district. Vai was not too far away, talking to a curator. I think they called him some sort of art expert that apparently was assigned to this area of the Temple, to explain what the images and statues were about to those who are interested.

My guards, I wasn't exactly sure where they were. Officially I had no need of them while on Jedi Temple premises, plus I had given them the time off to do as they please. I have assumed they were close by but who knows, they could have gone somewhere else. They probably had gone back to the Mandalorian Tower and would probably show up with a speeder car when I gave the call to return.

Nobody was around though, so I was just taking a moment to enjoy being relatively alone. When you really think about it, I had not been alone in nearly 6 years, as that was when Vai became my handmaiden and shadow. There have been moments when I was by myself for a while, which is why I had not thought about it till now. However, ever since coming to Coruscant and sharing an apartment with Vai, there wasn't much in the way of alone time. There wasn't much of a way of privacy either, considering the person who had been previous the representative using this room before me had knocked down the wall between the two separate bathrooms and closet space, that I assume that used to be between our rooms and remodeled it into a larger bathroom with a tub large enough for multiple people. It had not been a big issue yet but there had been a few incidents since my arrival that, of course, reminded me that yes I used to be male.

One should not speak ill of their boss but I was really not a fan of what the current senator of Mandalore had done to the bathroom. And I was pretty sure it was him. Not only did he have the money, the time, and the opportunity, I've seen enough floozies making their way up to his room with him to know that he was most likely up to corrupt things upstairs. If I ever became the senator I feared what I would find up there. Most likely it would have to hire a company to thoroughly clean it before I could take up residence.

But that is Future-Tanya's problem. Present-Tanya is going to enjoy 10 minutes of relaxing cool breeze on this nice bench, listening to the various Temple inhabitants go by. Most appear to be Jedi and their padawans or younglings as they were called, I guess, if they weren't padawans yet, all in their brown off-white robes. But there were also other visiting guests. I recognize a few of them as people who visited parties where senators and representatives have met, so I assume they were wealthy locals or sentitors. With the disparity between the wealthy and the poor on Coruscant, it was to be expected that only the people who have money could visit leisure sites like this. Even if it was free entry, which it was, most people didn't have the time to relax due to work.

This didn't stop the various Jedi institutions setting up donation boxes I noted. Obviously they were for various charities but, I would not be surprised to learn that the Jedi were classified as a charity so some of the donations went to fund the upkeep of the Temple.
My thoughts were interrupted as I heard shuffling only the very old and weary could make. Looking to my left I saw a very small and green creature, no, green being was wearing clothing and was definitely an intelligent sentient with what appeared to be a lightsaber on its side.

"Hrrmmm. Good afternoon, young one." the old being said, tilting his head in my general direction in some form of bow. Looking over I could tell he was some sort of venerated elder. With how he held that cane close to his side, I would guess he had trouble walking and probably was an authority figure of diplomatic or academic renown within the order. If I had to make a guess, I would say he is an elder CEO. Someone who has had a great amount of experience in the company, or Jedi order as it were, but now had no real power besides influence amongst the younger ones who had worked with him for decades to generations. Someone I should show respect to or I might get my ass thrown out faster than the Empire's counter invasion of Dacia. "Sorry, I am, to interrupt your meditations."

Nodding my head similarly to the way he had, I said "Good afternoon venerable elder. Worry not, I was not really meditating, more people watching than anything, taking a moment to relax at most."

The little green fellow knotted his head, "A moment to relax to center oneself taking, a form of meditation in its own way is."

I nodded my head and said, "True, however when I hear meditation, I would think it would be more related to the Force that I've heard so much about."

"Speak you do, as if you do not believe in the Force." The little green man said, looking at me with interest.

"I tend to believe things that I see, I've never seen the Force or how it works, I've only heard what people tell me about it. Not exactly evidence for or against its existence, it's just word of mouth until I see it for myself."

Little green fellow chuckled and said, "You'd believe it then, if you saw the Force, Mandalorian?"

"Well, I would be very foolish to not believe my own eyes if I saw something before me." I said matter of factly. It took me a moment to realize that he'd mentioned Mandalorian. I dismissed it right away, there was an Iron Heart or two on my dress, it wouldn't be that hard to figure it out. It simply meant this Jedi was well traveled.

Without much prompting the little green fellow reached out his hand and held it out as a servant Droid of some sort walked by with a crate full of fruit. One of said fruit floated out of the crate three to four feet towards us before landing in his hand. But the look on his face told me that he wanted me to say 'the Force was real' just based solely on that, but I had to pop that balloon.

"That's an impressive telekinetic ability, not exactly proof of the Force as I've been informed of it but the power that allows manipulation of objects is very awe-inspiring." I said with a shrug. Force abilities, I could understand it was a form of magic. Fine that was reasonable, it was the other part of the Force that I wasn't sure about that made me question it the supposed will I heard about.

Little green fellow chuckled and put the fruit down on the seat next to him. "You see the Force for the powers it gives, but not the will behind it. This Mandalorian outlook is why they are so rare amongst the order's history." The being only sounded saddened by that reality, it wasn't an insult, just something he felt was an unfortunate situation so I took it as it was an opening for a debate.

"I would have assumed they were rare because of the cultural importance of family. From what I understand, the order looks down on attachment, and a Mandalorian family would consider it heresy to break connections with their loved ones."

"True that is, but attachments can lead to loss, loss leads to fear, fear can lead to anger, and anger leads to the Dark Side." The old alien said, bringing a few thoughts to my mind.

So they acknowledge the Dark Side of their so-called Force, which was interesting, well then. Let's poke a little hole in that philosophy, see what happens. "I won't pretend I understand the moral quandaries of the Force, but isn't the exact same true for attachments the other way? Attachments could bring courage, courage brings hope, hope springs the Light Side." Privately I knew this was somewhat true, I had done some really really dumb things during the Great War and was beaten solely because of attachment I had formed with the 203rd. I put a lot of time and investment into making the 203rd as effective as it was and I was not going to let my time and investment go to waste if I had anything to say about it.

The little green aliens seem to be deep and thought before he said, "Attachments can do that, yes, but over connecting with those attachments can lead to abandoning one's duty, one must have a proper level of attachment."

That was understandable, but my past life had given me a bit of different experiences. "In a desperate situation when I need help I would rather have someone who has an attachment to me coming to my aid than no one at all."

"Misunderstanding me you do, young one." he said as he looked at her with an amused expression. "At its core, the Order promotes compassion, our members are raised together and it is extremely common to forge bonds between each other. However, we have a duty to the Galaxy and the Republic, as well as the Order itself prior to any engagements to our peers." he continued, "Common, it is for our members to sacrifice their lives for the greater good, many good friends, we lost in this struggle to protect the Galaxy, but it always was necessary. After all, should we save one jedi over a hundred innocents, or in more extreme cases, to sacrifice the opportunity to stop a war? It is a question which haunts many of our young, especially the more rash young ones., but save the community over the individual, we must always do."

"Perhaps I have misunderstood, but that is understandable. I am on the outside of your order and only have second-hand knowledge of the exact meanings certain things represent." I said with a shrug considering his words with more thoughts, before asking, "So why did you sit down next to me?"

"A flight of fancy perhaps or the will of the Force." The little green man said, with a chuckle and got a chuckle out of me as well.

Checking my vambrace I saw the time and realized I probably should get going and call for a ride back to the Tower. Standing up for my seat I said, "Thank you for that pleasurable conversation."

"Thought provoking, it was," the green alien said before continuing, "Yoda, I am."

Nodding I said, "Nice to meet you Yoda, I am Tanya Kryze. Have a wonderful day."

"Same to you, Tanya." He said with a smile before I turned to go find Vai so we could get going, back to the Tower.

Coruscant, Regal Star Caf and Chocolate shop
Tanya Kryze

I shook my head as I read the latest version of the Silver Codex, keeping up with all the variants and attempts to try and understand meanings or redefine it was a bit of a task. So far though most of them were just emphasizing points I'd already made and so I was rather enjoying just watching this academic debate take off. Granted though I was not able to get the most up-to-date versions going around the holo-net in the Mandalorian Sector but I had the maids of the Royal Palace send me what they could find in care packages.

And I thoroughly enjoyed watching this academic debate take off. An academic debate between Mandalorians not ending in blaster rifles and a civil war was a unique event in the history of Mandalore as I understood it. Of course, I had detractors. There was an ice colony of workers which gave me deja vu that mass produced droids on the border of the Mandalorian sector that viewed my talking points about how the early wars were defensive in nature not offensive as revisionist.

And they weren't wrong, I did engage in a little bit of revisionist history, I admit. Those were assumptions without real evidence to back it up, either way though everyone just assumed that they were wars of conquest, it was believed to be wars of conquest by the rest of the Galaxy. Pointing out the possibility that it could have been defensive was not necessarily wrong, but it was definitely skirting the line of the truth. But the truth doesn't really matter when you're trying to prevent more pain in the here and now.

There is also a kingdom that was apparently a pretender to the throne of Mandalore. I only just found out about this recently when going through some of these articles, they took severe issue with my implication that Satine was the proper leader. Well they could sit and spin for all I care, the system in question was even further on the outer reaches of the Galaxy and didn't have the power to really cause any problem.

And then there was Shogun, Shogun was interesting. Shogun was a planet in the far south of the Galaxy, all the way at the edges of known space. It might even qualify as Wild Space to a few people. Shogun is firmly anti-Silver Codex, from what I was able to dig up the people there were made up of descendants of two groups. Neo-Crusaders that had somehow come to conquer that far south and never really got around to leaving, and samurai. Oh sure they have their own little word for it but they were basically just feudal Japan and samurai. This universe got weird sometimes and I suspected there was something at play beyond my understanding. As a result I basically had a planet full of Neo Samurai Mandalorians, denouncing the document under religious reasons because, to add it on to the craziness of it all the planet had served as a Jerusalem Mecca for several Mandalores of the past having religious visions there and having redefined what it meant to be Mandalorian.

I have the distinct feeling that if someone were to conquer them in the name of the Silver Codex they would immediately adopt it. Due to the fact that the religion of this planet was based around might makes right. And I was simply annoyed that this text hadn't come from their system. They've done the same for the SuperCommando Codex and Death Watches treaties on what it meant to be Mandalorian.

Besides that, the most interesting counter argument inside the scene was from a man named Sparr on Concord Dawn, a bounty hunter by trade according to his own writings. He found some of the documents good, especially when it came to the armor and self-defense in the continuation of the SuperCommando Codex. What he took issue with was what he felt was a subservient status to the Jedi.

Apparently he particular had an issue with Jedi interference with Mandalorian politics, noting their interference in the end of the Mandalorian civil war. As well as other situations that had not ended favorably for the Mandalorians. It was an interesting read at the very least because it gave me a point of view of the population of Mandalorians that hated the Jedi. That blames them for most of the issues in the galaxy. It was somewhat understandable, they were having their own little conflict and then came these monks with laser swords to settle the conflict for them in order to restore peace in the sector. It looks like armed, busy bodies interfering with other people's problems. Thankfully that was not my issue to deal with, I was just glad to see that even amongst the ratted Jedi haters there were people who thought the ideas in the codex were a fine way of handling the situation Mandalore found itself in.

With a sigh I reached over to my cup of tea, again I had ordered X4 to order me a cup of coffee but he'd come back with a cup of tea, a little bit spicy though so it was something. One part wanted to be annoyed with him but another part of me realized it was just his programming and the last part of me wanted to see what would happen if he eventually broke that programming and actually did bring me a cup of coffee. I don't know if it would actually happen but I wasn't more than willing to wait and see what happened.

Sipping the tea I put down the latest variants of the codex I've been reading. This one has been focused more on the idea of bringing back anti-piracy formations and trying to get paid for securing the local tradeway. It wasn't a terrible idea though the person seemed very idealistic… that just building a fleet of ships and having them sail back and forth along the Trailway would get them paid. No, you need the payment first otherwise it would look like you were attempting to build a racketeering situation.

Hands free, I swiped to the next tab over for the newest thing I was going to be reading, Paths to Power. Apparently the Supreme Chancellor was an avid writer and he had written a book about his rise from a simple senator of Naboo to the current leader of the Republic. I don't know if it was any good but I was intrigued to see what he had to say. Funny how knowing how your boss's boss thinks is always a good way to make sure your promotions are guaranteed. Although I'm sure it was not going to be as entertaining as what Vai was reading, she has apparently found a copy of the book the Silver Rider have been based off of. Though I would love to read that, I was on the clock, my personal clock, so today I was studying for the future.

No, just because I was studying didn't mean I didn't get to enjoy myself. I have done my research and found out about this little coffee shop about a week ago. I thoroughly enjoyed its atmosphere, the chatting was minimal but very interesting, and well they sold some Divine chocolates here. It was so good that I had to put in a limit on how much I got, just to make sure I didn't do any damage to my figure since that was a part of the image I needed to sell for my position. An overweight Mandalorian was a comical sight on the best of times, one in politics simply meant they are probably involved in corruption. Unfortunately, even the amount I indulged in resulted in requiring an extra hour in the gym or several extra rounds in the sparring ring.

"Such a terrible book, I was not given enough time to get all the facts down and it didn't help that the artist the publishing company hired for my likeness went with that fractal style." I smiled as I looked up from the book to Vai's face. Looking at her surprised reaction to who was most likely over my shoulder confirmed my not so subtle suspicions.

Turning in my seats I said in surprise, "Or at least close enough that anyone nearby would believe it's Chancellor Palpatine, what an honor."

The elder statesman having a kind glint in his eyes smiled down at me and said, "Oh none of that, I'm simply a customer of this fine establishment right now. I will say you have me at a disadvantage young miss."

Nodding my head I responded, "Yes, of course Tanya Kryze, representative of Mandalore, though I guess I'm just a simple customer of this establishment as well."

That got a chuckle out of the elder statesman, "That is true, how do you find my book so far though? I am always interested in what the next generation of politicians think."

"It's an intriguing work, sir," I said with a smile, "still trying to get my head around some of it but I could see how it could be of use." It was not a lie though, I was still fairly early on in my reading. It was a reasonable understanding of the political system and would come in handy in the future with dealing with senatorial debates.

"Good, good it's always good to hear that something you've created, even if you think it's not up to the standards you would have preferred, is still usable to those who need it." He looked past me at the table where you noticed the box of chocolates that Vai and I were sharing. "I see you have good taste, Kashys is one of my favorites here. I always come by here at least once a month to pick up a supply to keep in my office drawer as a little pick me up."

"Really sir? Well if you would like one now we wouldn't mind sharing, that news was not news to me. You'd mentioned it in page 58 as one of his keys to keeping a harmonious mind." Buy Kashys, and you know that Kashys is not hard to find out where it's sold, then calculate the closest place someone might pick it up from the Senate. Make sure it has a good rating on-line and oh? What do you know, you've just bumped into the Chancellor of the Republic and established yourself in his mind as someone of interest. It was a bit devious, a bit underhanded but it was in his own book so I knew even if he caught me on what I was doing, he might respect it.

"Well if you're offering," he said, leaning over and grabbing one of the pieces of chocolate and popping it in his mouth, chewing it a bit and savoring it before he finished and said, "I see we're going to get along quite well in the Senate with you around."

"I can only hope we do." I said with a smile as he looked over at his blue uniformed guards who were waiting to be on their way.

"Perhaps we can set up a longer time so we'll be able to have a more interesting discussion, I'm afraid I've got another engagement I need to attend to, till next time." he said, with a smile stepping away and walking towards the exit of the coffee shop.

"Till next time." I called after him, a broad smile on my face.

Coruscant, Mandalorian Tower

"Your tea, mistress." I intoned, lowering the tray full of drinks to Tanya's level while she looked at the window at the city beyond. She was relaxing after a long day of diplomatic talks with representatives from sectors near Mandalore. Although I was not privy to her conversations, I would assume they had gone well as she was in a rather good mood. She'd even asked for a cup of coffee even though that was against my orders from Duchess Satine.

The first couple times she had done it, I was wondering why she would make it a habit of asking for something I could not provide. Eventually I realized that she was simply preparing me for the day that she could ask for coffee and I would be able to deliver it. And I looked forward to that with some excitement. One year and 6 months from now, I could not wait to find out what her favorite to blend was.

But that was for the future, today I was simply living up to her expectations and delivering a cup of tea with a little bit of spice that I knew she tended to enjoy was in the blend. And on the side of the dish with a chocolate from that establishment that she enjoyed so much.

Giving me a rather cheerful smile she took the cup and said, "Thank you X4," before continuing her conversation with her handmaiden. Knowing my place I took a few steps back and listened in as I was sure she wanted me to do. So much of her communication requires you to pay attention to everything she says or you'd miss an important detail.

"Anyways, I was speaking with representative Asal'vazos of Ryloth and they were asking about the possibility of getting shipments of armor, for a self-defense force of their own. An intriguing possibility but not much we can do about that, the Trade Federation's price is literally gouging out the possibility of sending something all the way down the main trade roads from one end to the other."

"Wait, the tail heads want Mandalorian tech level armor? I thought they didn't have much in the way of money for that kind of armor."

"They make some, not a lot. I was able to look that up and find out that if they were to pull a two-year tax income together they could purchase enough for a thousand men. It's not enough to deal with a proper invasion but to deal with slavers and pirates, which is what they usually have to deal with. The Trade Federation, they are just gouging the trade to a ridiculous level. Sending something Core-ward? That's fine. Getting something from the Core? That's fine too. But getting something from one side of the galaxy to the other? That's when the Trade Federation starts taxing you to make up for the money they're losing paying taxes out there. Now that the Free Trade Zones are over, it used to be that they could just go round about the edge of the Galaxy, not so much now."

"Damn nothing, suits of Mando style armor would do a lot of good on Ryloth. Sure there's no way we can't find a middle man here in the Core and make the trade off?"

"I've been trying but I'm not very familiar with how Trade Companies work inside the Core. It is laughably easy to set up a Trade Organization though, you really only need a ship with a loyal Captain to make the run and you are good to go. The problem is you're incentivized by taxes to bring raw materials in, luxury goods in, and only finished materials out of the Core."

"So we're basically at a position where any organization would have to eat the cost of importing the Mandalorian armor to Coruscant and then whatever profits are left would probably not even make it to Mandalore because of that said cost?"

"Exactly, unfortunately I had to tell Asal'vazos this, but it does annoy me. Restricting the flow of trade is never a good thing for civilization, and it often ends in conflicts."

"Conflicts?" Vai asked from where she sat across from Tanya as she sipped the soft drink I had already retrieved for her.

"The kind that needs that armor, in larger quantities than they're requesting."

"Well that's good for Mandalore, in a way. If something like that were to happen, there would be quite a large demand on us for producing armor."

"Yes but it's also a dangerous game to produce armor in that way. All you need to do is sell armor to enemies of the Republic and all of a sudden Mandalore is getting bombed again. If such a conflict were to arise, we would either need to sell armor to both sides or make sure just not to sell armor to either side at an official level."

Vai nodded in some kind of understanding before she asked. "So focusing on the present, in order to successfully sell that armor we would need a company here to be the middleman that is willing to eat the cost. Can we set that company up? I mean selling our armor to Ryloth seems like a good way to get a lot of good press. The planet is always getting screwed over by its location so close to Hutt Space."

"Theoretically, yes it would be no big deal for me to set up a company to do that. There would be costs in finding a good pilot, finding a good ship, and all those minor issues but they could be done. The problem comes with the public perspective of a politician owning a company that's making money selling items. Even if you're selling the cure for disease, people are going to give you the side eye and start thinking you're in politics to make money. And a reputation like that is hard to break."

"So could I set this trade organization up?" Vai asked. Which seemed to have an effect on Tanya as she paused mid sip, then putting her cup down, and thinking hard by the looks of it.

"Yes, you could be the head of this organization quite easily. There would be some conflict of interest questions, people would wonder if you were getting tip offs and back room deals because of your closeness to my position, but other than that it would be much more manageable than if I were to have founded it..

"Mistress," I said, interrupting her, stepping forward as I did "under trade policy code 3757 it is not required that the owner of a company divulge their true identity. As long as taxes are paid, no one cares from the government's point of view. These conditions are in place because the government will sometimes use smugglers when dealing with blockades and other unfortunate military situations that the judicial system cannot handle and they often have heavy criminal records besides their smuggling."

"Interesting." Tanya said, looking up to me while rubbing her chin just like that Jedi did. I suspected something there but I kept my tongue, as it were. I suspected a lot of things, for why else would the guardian of my mistress have included a protocol for interrupting her if she were to ever get involved herself in a physical relationship below the age of 21.

"So," Tanya said, "if you could set up a company without giving the real name, Vai could run it. That is quite a few degrees of separation from my position and if it ever does come out I could shift the blame substantially enough and simply having to dismantle the company publicly would be enough to assuage any anger." She said before finally nodding. "It sounds like a perfect plan so be very careful. And keep any profit to a minimum, such an organization needs to appear driven out of the kindness of our hearts, understand?"

"Of course my mistress, I understand completely." This is after all not the first time she'd asked for such a company to be created though this was the first one where she'd outright ask for one to be made.

"By the way X4, how are my investments doing?" Tanya received a large stipend in order to care for her well being, while she lived on Coruscant but she only needed about 40% to get through month for month, so she gave me 50% to invest for her.

"Your investments in the medical industry are doing well, several investments into aerospace are also doing fairly good. However you also took some losses recently with one company going belly under. Thankfully it's nothing that can't be covered through the other companies moving in to fill the niche that company left open."

But accounting for the 40% that she directly told me to always invest towards aerospace civilian companies and medical technologies. The last 10% she let me invest on my own since I had a firmer understanding of the economic forces on Coruscant. At least that was what she told everyone who asked, if you listen to her closely though you realize that she really wanted you to invest the 10% in operations that she could not have traced back to her.

That 10% went towards companies like, Mando Logistics not an excellent name but one that served its purpose. You brought in Mandalorian style vambraces and sold them on the open market here in Coruscant as well as other minor technologies that would more be centered in the Outer Rim if not for the company itself. And Armor Consortium, a new business opportunity I had invested in last month after one of Tanya's conversations with Vai. Its main goal was to collect request forms from the Outer Rim into neat packets of manageable size that could then be distributed to Mandalorian Armorers who were willing to make that armor.

Setting up a company for selling armor to Ryloth would be no issue whatsoever as most of the groundwork was already there. I simply needed to acquire ships for cargo out of Coruscant and capable pilots. And Mistress must know this already considering she'd already had me lay the groundwork.

"Well, I guess I would have to come up with another name other than Silver for the owner of this company, since there needed to be some sort of separation." Ms. Viktis stated.

"Perfect, I haven't had someone this competent as a secretary since Visha." Tanya said, reaching for her tea and sipping it.

"Fish who?" Vai asked, sounding confused.

Tanya did not seem to break stride at all, simply finished her sip and said, "Oh, a friend from kindergarten, nothing to worry about." Attempting to bat away the questions by the sound of it and Vai let it go but I filed that name down. It would work perfectly for our needs.

Writers note:let see I don't think I Did Yoda very well let everyone diced on that, here are first look at X4 mind set, and progress is made in fixing the planet of Mandalore. Did I miss anything? Don't think so.

Edited by: Warmach1ne32, Markus, Lord Feunoyr
Community edited by:Afforess
Community editable doc (Chapter 12) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Supporters:Neso, Markus, Mackenzie Buckle, Silver Wolf, Daniel Martinez, Falk Hüser
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I hope Tanya is interested in men when it comes to romance. It just gets a bit boring and tiring that in all stories where romance with tanya occurs, it's always tanya x woman.
I hope Tanya is interested in men when it comes to romance. It just gets a bit boring and tiring that in all stories where romance with tanya occurs, it's always tanya x woman.
I have actually given this some thought believe it or not and the answer I've come to is I do not want to repeat myself.

In the Tanya bleach Fic Tanya is lesbian or straight to depending if you count it as the male brain just doing what it sees as natural.

In the Tanya Warhammer 30k Tanya will be an ace she won't have relationships at all simply because I don't really want to deal with that kind of situation in that universe slanish is a thing after all.

So in this fic I really only have two options straight or bi and going off my implications of this chapter chapter behind us and the chapter coming next week you'll have a pretty good idea which way I went.
So X4 and possibly Vai as well misunderstood Tanya and actually did go through with establishing companies. Wonder how Tanya will react if she does find out about those other ones existing...

Also appears Visha's name is going to be used...

I wonder how Tanya feels about the Temple Security Force especially considering it has non-force sensitive members. Their also very loyal with surviving members assisting in evacuating and protecting what survivors they could. Some members in legends even showed up to basically return to their duty when Luke reestablished things basically. Kinda impressive the amount of loyalty they have.

Did notice the mention of chocalate, how long till she finds out how many worlds actually grow it? Let alone if it gets into her mind to do something like a green house on a Mandalorian world meant to grow and produce various things such as chocolate. Granted those world's would probably complain...
So, regarding Yoda's speech where he correct Tanya on her misunderstanding, i am responsable for it.

Lord Feunoyr is my username.

If you find it too wordy or than it use too much of the reverse speech, sorry, i tried my best, but my french ass can struggle sometimes, this alongside the fear of how much reverse speech Yoda should use
I hope Tanya is interested in men when it comes to romance. It just gets a bit boring and tiring that in all stories where romance with tanya occurs, it's always tanya x woman.
Ya just to go on record, I'm strongly of the exact opposite opinion. Would definitely want a Tanya x women option than any of the other tediously basic options. F/M relationship in stories are inherently boring in comparison to F/F stories.
I wonder how Tanya feels about the Temple Security Force especially considering it has non-force sensitive members. Their also very loyal with surviving members assisting in evacuating and protecting what survivors they could. Some members in legends even showed up to basically return to their duty when Luke reestablished things basically. Kinda impressive the amount of loyalty they have.
at the moment no idea, when and if i find some way to fit that in maybe i'll run Tanya.EXC and find out
Did notice the mention of chocalate, how long till she finds out how many worlds actually grow it? Let alone if it gets into her mind to do something like a green house on a Mandalorian world meant to grow and produce various things such as chocolate. Granted those world's would probably complain...
as soon as inf opportunity for it making sense to come up with probable

Ya just to go on record, I'm strongly of the exact opposite opinion. Would definitely want a Tanya x women option than any of the other tediously basic options. F/M relationship in stories are inherently boring in comparison to F/F stories.
well, its good thing I'm going for F/M/F/?/?/?/?

is that the plan will it be mix gender harem or is it just a misdirection, only my madness knows *ghost noises*
With X4 success maybe Tanya will help with A.I. rights movement.
possible but galaxy set in its ways, and Tanya showen herself to obey the laws of society she in.
well, its good thing I'm going for F/M/F/?/?/?/?

is that the plan will it be mix gender harem or is it just a misdirection, only my madness knows *ghost noises*
is it weird that the one thing I focused hard on here is the "ghost noises" part. Like do these ghosts even make noise, is it truly them making the noise and not the environment as a consequence of their existence. Or for that matter what does it even sound like.

Other than that far more interesting part.
F+M= Snore

Eh, to me F/F F/M all offer opportunities for character development. Relationship dynamics depend a lot on personalities and social context, whether it is good or not is writer skill (and attitude) and reader attitude. I'm game for whatever the author is willing to try, the story seems like it could support anything if it's well thought out and the benefits are relatable for the characters.

For physical stuff this ain't QQ and we all have hands, necks, faces, legs, butts, etc so plenty of options for describing intimacy without describing intercourse or being super focused on chests/crotches.

X4 perspective seems like an interesting challenge for the writer to figure out what a droid "voice" feels like.


It wasn't a terrible idea though the person seemed too rather high in the sky with idealism

It wasn't a terrible idea though the person seemed very idealistic…

Well perhaps another time, we'll have a longer time to have a more interesting discussion but I'm afraid it's a busy life being a Chancellor, till next time."

the word time here feels clunky. Took a stab at some semi-formal language.

Perhaps we can set up a longer time so we'll be able to have a more interesting discussion, I'm afraid I've got another engagement I need to attend to, till next time."

long day of doing diplomatic talks with various Representatives that represented sectors that were near Mandalore

long day of diplomatic talks with representatives from sectors near Mandalore

"So staying on the here and now, in order to successfully sell that armor we would

So focusing on the present, in order to successfully sell that armor we would
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Or for that matter what does it even sound like.
i would suspect it a lot moaning in pain and boos

Other than that far more interesting part.
F+M= Snore
got it so lot of girlfriends only a few boyfriends will have you good. :p

X4 perspective seems like an interesting challenge for the writer to figure out what a droid "voice" feels like.
it is, espicly considering what happened with him, he was post to be Tanya C3P0, but some pointed out that this particular droid mindset is simmler to the salaryman, and from there he morphed into something like demugire

anyways edit fixed
I see this.

Tanya did not seem to break stride at all, simply finished her sip and said, "Oh, a friend from kindergarten, nothing to worry about." Attempting to bat away the questions by the sound of it and Vai let it go but I filed that name down. It would work perfectly for our needs.

How well known will Visha's name become? Enough that someone assumes it?
Chapter 13
Chapter 13
714 FNM (24BBY)
Month 5

Coruscant, Senate Building, Senatorial Office of the Mandalorian Sector
Count Dooku

Asset or threat, asset or threat. What would the Senator of Mandalore turn out to be? It was a shame I had to look at the galaxy in such a way. But I was on a knife's edge, one false step and the game would be over.

The plan was entering the final stages, he just had a few other assets to acquire, before the Separatists could make their intentions known.

And one of these assets that would prove invaluable are the Mandalorians. Not only were their martial prowess something that could come in handy, but the sector itself would prove invaluable for moving troops between some of the potential fronts that may develop in the war to come. The fact that they sat just off a major Trade Lane was also a potentially useful situation.

The only real problem was the pacifist government that had taken root since the last time I have been in the Mandalore Sector. But the pacifist government's nature was to side with the Republic no matter what, and that was a problem. One I'd been working to solve for the last year and a half.

And I thought I'd finally had the situation under control. The Senator of Mandalore was like any other senator, easily corruptible and full of vices. One of the reasons I believed they should be done away with, the political class that allowed so much suffering and pain in the universe had no place in it especially with the way their xeno corporations run everything into the ground. But those corporations will have to wait, they were useful assets for now, after the plan was completed they would be dealt with as the threats they really were.

My thoughts were interrupted as the door banged open as the Senator of Mandalore entered in an annoyed huff. "Stupid child, when will she know to stop making deals like that behind my back ? " He said, moving towards his desk without looking in my direction.

"Problems? Senator Merrik?" I asked from the guest seats I've been waiting in. The senator looked utterly shocked seeing me there. Which was to be expected, I didn't have the luxury of announcing my presence in such meetings this close to the final stage of the plan. Pretty soon trips like this to Coruscant would become a rare, and dangerous affair in reality and not just the possibility that someone might try to assassinate or arrest me.

"No Count Dooku, everything's perfectly fine. Just settled with a new representative who's a bit too eager to make a name for herself." Ah, the perfect politician having to deal with a younger more go-getting politician, a fate I only wished on more politicians. The poor girl, whoever she may be, would end up just as corrupt as the rest but he hoped she caused him enough pain between now and then to make it entertaining.

"Well, as long as it's only a trivial matter there is no reason to talk further on it. We have other less trivial matters to discuss." I said as I took a datapad from my cape and laid it on the table.

Senator Tal Merrik sat down across from me and picked up the tablet. Looking it over before looking up at me and asking, "The Silver Codex? I'm not exactly seeing the issue that would bring you here. This is simply a passing fad, a childish fantasy of what could be."

"It may be a fantasy, but it has disturbed elements of the alliance." The Workers Council of Anteevy had been hounding me about the issues they had with this Codex and King Gokus of Alzar was in no better shape. The only good that had come out of the existence of this Codex was that the planet Shogun had officially signed onto the Alliance. They, up till recently, maintained a neutral stance but the Codex would have seemed to have angered them quite clearly enough that they were willing to drop that stance.

"Not to mention your Death Watch planned on deepening the general anger within the population about the demilitarization of society. From what I understand, this Silver Codex has taken off and is re-militarizing but in a less violent way. If the plan to stage a populous uprising is falling through, I would like to know now rather than find out at a rather inconvenient time such as when we're trying to move forces through your Sector."

Senator Merrik simply waved my concerns off and said, "As much as the Silver Codex appears popular with the public, it is not all encompassing or taking root in the government. The Duchess of Mandalore is still a New Mandalorian, a peaceful pacifist who wants nothing to do with military conflict. There might be a little less upwelling than what we want but Mandalore will fall with a few pushes for the Separatist cause."

"For your sake, I hope you're right. I believe your career will end rather quickly if it turns out, you cannot deliver on your promises." I said, looking at him closely watching for any signs of falsehood. I already had a few senators try and pull the wool over my eyes, promising that they would join the separatist cause but then mysteriously never show up to the meetings or sign off any secret paperwork.

I had already had to deal with them through various assassins and bounty hunters. And the replacements did tend to be more willing. Especially when you leave plenty of implications that it was the Republic doing the removal of threats and not himself of course.

"The situation is well in hand, I'm sure the Silver Codex will be a long forgotten fad by the time the war starts." The senator said matter of factly, catching my interest.

"You believe they'll be at war and they won't let the systems that have signed on leave without the issue?"

"Considering what they did to Mandalore 700 years ago just for trying to create a separate system? Oh yes, the Republic will never let it stand. They'll do something, even if they don't have an army right now they will put one together. I doubt it'll be very successful but they will try."

'Well at least you're a realist.' I thought before saying out loud. "Then let us hope that they prove very incompetent in this war if it comes to that."

Before I could make a move to get up and get on with the rest of my day, I had a dozen meetings like this across Coruscant, a knock came from the door, indicating someone was wanting to come in. There weren't many escape routes from a Senatorial Office so I simply prepared to use a technique that would silence my presence in the Force. On a Force sensitive it wouldn't work but on a mundane person without sensitivity, they would simply not even realize I was there. Of course Senator Merrik would know I was there because he'd just been talking to me. Which was one of those key factors that I need to keep track of when using such abilities.

Waving that he may let the person in, I simply sat there and reached for a glass of water I had poured myself before the senator had arrived.

"Come on in." he called to the door, getting up and heading for his desk.

The door opened when a two young blond girls stepped into the room. Her dress was a typical New Mandalorian style, so most likely the young politician who had been causing Senator Merrik so many issues. This would prove entertaining. I was literally a fly on the wall as he had to deal with a young replacement.

Turning to the senator she said, "Good morning Senator, I wanted to talk to you about the deal with the Ithorians. They reached out to me and said that they may be more willing to work with us on the Mandalore Sector project, if we were to support a few bills that would increase funding to terraforming across the Galaxy."

'Young politicians, so full of hope and dreams, she must think she's doing good or that whatever she does will come to some fruition.' I thought as the girl said "Oh I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?"

My thoughts were immediately sideswiped as the girl looked directly at me. For a moment I thought I may have made a mistake and not done enough to quiet myself in the Force but looking past her I saw the blonde girl all of a sudden looking at me with shock, as if I had just appeared out of thin air. My power worked, the girl was simply Force sensitive, and rather good at seeing through basic illusions if I had to guess.

Senator Merrik simply shrugged and said, "We were having a little discussion. The meeting is almost over. Nothing to worry about, as for your deal with the Ithorians. I can see about supporting a few of their measures, as long as it doesn't affect Mandalore too badly and we get a bit of a knock off on the deal for a few planets in the Mandalore Sector, we will probably be willing to support this, I'll reach out to them and see if we can work out a final deal on that. Is there anything else you need to talk to me about before I get back to my meeting?"

"No Senator Merrik, I simply wanted to share the news, and keep you apprised of what I'm working on."

"Alright well, I will finish my meeting and then I will see about contacting the Ithorians, you may go." He said indicating that they are dismissed which they dutifully curtsy and left. I sat there for a moment staring after them trying to determine what I was going to do about this situation. But before I could really start my dissection of what just happened, Senator Merrik began to talk.

"That girl is after my job, I suspected as much when I first saw her but this is just more proof."

"She seems very committed to her sector, I don't see exactly why you're sure she's after your job."

"It's simple, she's the niece of the Duchess, no doubt she's been promised my job and is attempting to ensure that when the time comes there's no better candidates. At least that's what I think her initial plan is. I worry that she's going to try and push me out completely before I'm ready for retirement. That's why I've been trying to prevent her from having any major meetings with other senators, stunt her political power growth as it were, so that she does not get any ideas about replacing me before I'm ready to leave."

I nodded but in my own mind I didn't really care. I took in his thoughts but mine were in the other situation if it was more important than the ramblings of a senator worried about losing his job.

The girl had seen through a minor illusion as if it was nothing. That was a definite sign of Force sensitivity, not only that she was a Mandalorian noble no less. She had no training which meant she was relatively powerful as Force sensitivity goes. I doubted that she'd be able to see through heavier illusions, those that are made by the Sith were far too complex to simply walk in and spot like she had just done. So she was not a threat to the plan, but she could be if I was ever required to do something in the Senatorial building after the war began. Although as an asset she was possibly priceless, someone who could just instantly see through illusions, that could be useful for dealing with Darth Sidious when his time came.

"What is that girl's name?" I asked matter of factly, "Just in case I need to arrange her removal from the board I'd like to know who to send the people after."

The senator gave me a raised eyebrow before saying, "Tanya Kryze, as I said she's the niece of the Duchess and is always protected by at least six Royal Guards as well as her handmaiden. She's probably the most protected asset of Mandalore on the planet so I don't think we'll be removing her from the board anytime soon."

I nodded that was a good point, perhaps after Mandalore had been forced to join the Confederacy I would arrange her kidnapping. A few years of training and suffering would turn her into a proper apprentice. Even if that could not be accomplished during the coming war. My Dark Jedi order, the Fist of the Empire that Sidious promised me, would not take no for an answer in recruitment so I could easily acquire her then.

I'll just have to be patient, see what opportunities the Force would lay before me.

Coruscant, Senate Building, Senatorial Office of the Mandalorian Sector
Tanya Kryze

Sipping my tea, I looked across the table at the representative of Mandal Motors that apparently ran the local branch.

I did not arrange this meeting, in fact I don't think I was the suspected person he wanted to talk to at all. I'd simply checked my schedule and found that Senator Merrick had added it to my schedule through X4. No doubt he was used to meetings with this fellow and was trying to get him to understand that there was nothing he could do or just not deal with him. Either was possible though I leaned towards not wanting to deal with him as the man before me seemed very panicky.

"I'm telling you, if we don't figure out a way to get control of Gorgon, the entire sector is going to be engulfed in the madness of pirate raids. The Hydian Way, and the Republic will be forced to take action." The man said as if he was trying to proclaim, as if you'd been granted some vision of the future.

"A possibility," I said, lowering the cup for my lips, "but Mr…?" I fished for a name because he had basically forced his way into my apartment as soon as he was let in, not even bothering to identify himself in his hurry. All I knew was he was a representative of Mandal Motors and I would at least like something more if we're going to have a civil conversation.

The middle aged man seemed to realize his mistake and said, "Kark of clan Trig, I'm sorry I pushed my way in here. I've just been trying to get a meeting with Senator Merrick for the last 3 months and he's ducked every attempt, so I've been a bit excited to finally have a meeting with anyone representing the government."

I nodded my head as he reached down and picked up the glass of tea X4 had prepared, sipping it a bit trying to calm down by the looks of it.

"Well Senator Merrick is a busy man, I am not surprised that he is not available for every meeting you scheduled. Well I'm here now and I'm willing to hear out the issue that Mandal Motor has with Gorgon, assuming it's more than Mandal Hypernautics.?

"Of course, there's more, it's just that they also happen to be part of the problem." The defensive way he said that told me pretty much everything I needed to know. I thought this was just a simple disagreement that spilled over in some way might as well hear it out though.

"Explain the issue, please." I said attempting to get him to focus on the conversation at hand.

"There's several issues, but we'll start with Gorgon as it's the main one, I assume you're unaware of Gorgon?"

I nodded my agreement as I had not run across this planet too often in my studies. "I think I may have seen one mention of it being conquered during the Crusaders Era, but other than that, I knew nothing."

"Its capital city is overrun by drug dealers and criminal elements from across the Galaxy. Its proximity to the Hydian Way, makes it the perfect place to build a smuggling ring and has been host to a ton of mercenaries and bounty hunters over the years. Those who were not big fans of the rise of the New Mandalorians. The number of ships they're buying from Mandal Motors factories has increased exponentially over the last year, mainly patrol craft fighters but it's quite a bit. So much so we've actually had to double production on Ordo to meet the demands of Gorgon and the Hutt empire."

That raised an eyebrow and I asked "Mandal Motors sells to the Hutt Empire?"

Kark simply shrugged and said, "We'll sell to anyone as long as they have the credits, and the Hutts particularly like small but powerful frigates so they buy a lot, but that's not a concern. What's really concerning is the amount of ships Gorgon is buying, it's almost getting to the point where it could rival some of this production we put for the Hutts and I think they're preparing to build a pirate fleet."

"Okay, I can see some of the strands to this point. They're having you build large amounts of ships for unknown reasons and the planet is run by criminals. Both of those make sense but why do you think they'd go straight to piracy with this fleet and it's not some sort of self-defense force to protect themselves from an operation by the Mandalorian guards to bring Gorgon into compliance with the rest of the sector." I asked

"Oh, I thought of that too and it would make sense except they already have ship production from Mandal Hypernautics that could easily make the fleet of ships needed for a self-defense force. They're our main competitor with the Hutts, but their contributions to the Hutt's arsenal have fallen in recent months. So if the leaders of Gorgon are getting resources from us and their own homegrown shipbuilding company, why do they need such a large fleet? It must be for a pirate fleet."

I all of a sudden understood why Senator Merrick had been ducking this man's meetings. He was a conspiracy theorist with some power in a company trying to peddle it to the politicians out of fear that it might actually be something. Now on one hand it was respectful that he had dug up all this data showing that there was a large influx of ships to the Gorgon sector and was presenting them as evidence. It would be even more respectful if he brought that evidence but I'd ask about that after the meeting. On the other hand he was seeing two things and coming up with whatever he feared the most. It could be a pirate fleet, it could be some sort of illegal racket that he was unaware of, it literally could be anything for why they needed a large amount of ships.

Best I could do was write up what he believed was going on and send it up the chain. As well as his belief to make note of the large number of ships. Although his belief may be wrong, it was still concerning that a system within Gorgon was purchasing so many light vessels.

"You mentioned there were other concerns?" I asked, trying to continue the conversation in order to get everything out of him now so I could make sure such meetings were not frequent.

"Yes, Mandal Hypernautics has stolen more of our designs. There needs to be some sort of recompense on that. The CEO of that company, Bresug Gerr, is becoming a mini despot."

"A mini despot? That's a bold claim. What is the reason you would call him such?"

That got a chuckle out of him at least before he continued, "The Gerr family has been running that company for a long time and when they were forced off of Mandalore after the end of the Clan Wars he took it a little bit harder than most of the exiles. They were rising stars of the traditionalist corporations and they got cut off completely by the New Mandalorians due to their warship designs often having specialty guns just for planetary bombardment. But that's the history, the reality is now he's the seller of a lot of ships into the underworld, I dare say he's probably the richest man on Gorgon and from what I've been able to dig up he acts that way. Buying Mandalorian relics and supposedly he's hired a good percentage of Old Mandalorian traditionalists to work as an impromptu police force for the part of the city he lives in. Don't know if that's true or not but from what I remember of him he was always a bit full of himself so I wouldn't put it past it."

"Is he known for stealing things, this Bresug Gerr? I'm not familiar with his story."

"Yes, out of the four initial designs that were used to found his company, three of them were from Mandal Motor's rejected pool. All they did was add bigger guns to them."

"Rejected by the Traditionalists or Mandal Motors?" I asked as a matter of course.

"Mandal Motors themselves because of design issues, the guns that were originally on them would shake the ship to the point that it was dangerous to the crew. Sure, the original guns made it dangerous enough but they put bigger guns on them. One of the reasons the siege of the Old Capitol went down as easily as it did for the Republic was because they were buying mainly from Mandal Hypernautics. Their ships could hit well above their weight class but they could also blow themselves up."

"So his family and him are known thieves who will take credit for other people's work. That explains why they ended up on Gorgon at least."

"Thieves who are also the traditionalist's favored son. They have a lot of good rep with non-pilots, even though their ships blew themselves up just as often as they blew up their enemies. Presumably their newer designs don't have these issues but I don't trust the data they publish as far as I can throw the tower we're sitting in."

I rubbed my chin as I took that in. So there was an oligarch on the planet of Gorgon taking credit for anything he could get, stealing anything he could get, and building up a fleet of ships, possibly. Yes, Trig believed that Gorgon as a whole was buying those ships but what was the possibility that Garr was buying those ships? Why would an oligarch need a fleet? I didn't like that I would have to mention that as a possibility in the report I'd write up on this.

Nodding my head I finally said, "I will send this up the chain. Let the Duchess and the Senator know of your concerns. You do have evidence of this copyright thievery and ship buildup, correct?" It's the least I could do, if he could supply the evidence.

"Some of it, yes. I can give you the data I've been able to dig up."

No idea if the data was good, not exactly proof of anything, but it would help support any further investigations down the line. "I'll need a copy of that for my report. By the way, why does Mandal Motors have a representative on Coruscant?"

"I'm not really a representative per se, I'm just a salesman. Mandal Motors owns a small showroom, we keep a few of our vessels here, the newer variants and show them off to be sold. Doesn't bring as much money as our other contracts but it's a way to show that Mandal Motors is still a competitive ship building company. Until recently we've mainly just had a bunch of boats designed for helping ships get into dock being sold in the Republic, but the Duchess recently allowed us to start selling cargo ships so we're trying to add that to the market."

"Really?" I said in surprise, I hadn't actually had the chance to offer that idea to Satine. Which meant I didn't need to offer that idea, I smiled as I realized my aunt had come up with it on her own and implemented it.

"Of course, we're still trying to come up with a good cargo vessel, small and fast but at the moment we've taken to using older designs and retrofitting them for cargo needs. The Old Mandalorian Dungeon ship is a big block of iron but it's a big block of iron with plenty of room in it, so it serves as a good long haul transport. For smaller vessels, we've been retrofitting a few Pursuer Class blanks to serve that goal, lot of small time companies enjoy having a small ship to outrun pirates than a big ship that could carry more, so we expect that to sell a lot more than the Dungeon ships, which we're looking into finding a new class name for just because how dungeon ship sounds a bit… eh?"

"Evil." I said, not even sure this was pointing out the obvious.

"Yes that, just need to come up with some other class name and designation. Probably just call it a freight ship but that's for the PR guys to figure out, I'm just a salesman. By the way if you're ever looking for a ship for your own personal use I can give you a great deal at the showroom, being that you're related to Duchess Satine, I could get you 50% off almost any ship in the room, no questions asked."

That felt like a tactic to prevent me from asking why 'just a salesman' was interested in the goings on the Gorgon. But it was working, because that was an intriguing amount of money off of owning a starship. I wasn't enamored with the idea of space flight like I had been with personal flight but I could always learn and even if I couldn't, having the ability to load up a ship and go anywhere in the Galaxy was an intriguing thought for retirement.

"I'll keep that in mind." I said with a smile as I thought about the possibilities.

Coruscant, Bonteri resident
Padme Amidala

"Wait, I thought New Mandalorians believed in pacifism." I asked as I looked over at Tanya, I'd come to another one of Mina's parties and run into the young representative again. Her and her handmaiden seem to be inseparable and with their hair color matching up I suspected that she served a similar purpose to my handmaidens, so I thought I would engage in a little conversation with the Mandalorian girl, again. Most of the senior senators or lower representatives were giving her a wide berth I'd noticed, I suspected it was due to the Mandalorian status and lack of real political power in the Senate. Though a young representative from the Ojoster sector and my friend, Senator Organa, had been talking to her when I joined them.

Our conversation had been meandering to some extent but when the representative from Alderaan mentioned that their self-defense force was being armored with suits from mandalore I had to ask a bit of a question.

Tanya simply smiled and sipped the glass of tea she'd been nursing throughout the conversation before she said, "New Mandalorians do follow a doctrine of pacifism however we are not fools. The Galaxy is a dangerous place and seems to be getting a bit more dangerous with each passing year. Making sure our neighbors have forces they can use as a central self-defense force for the main militia that they would put together. In such a situation it is an important step in not only showing that the Mandalorian government has moved on from our ancient ways, but providing ways for our closest neighbors to defend themselves in case something were to happen in our area of space."

Organa looked at her and said, "That seems reasonable," before looking at me and saying, "you can't exactly hold it against their governments, the Trade Federation kind of proved her point with your planet."

"While true, creating variants of your armor for other systems seems a bit dangerous, considering the amount of weapons I've heard are going to be built into your sets of armor."

Tanya nodded but then said, "This is also true though from what I understand, most of these sets of armor that are being produced have only defensive capabilities or useful features in mind." She held out her vambrace and pressed the button on its side showing a holographic display of what would look like the holonet? she wasn't sure if she never actually visited the holonet. "Communicators, holonet access, GPS, I know some of the variants have energy Shields that can be used from one arm. And that is just the vambraces, I heard that some of the helmets have infrared and night vision equipment built in, a rebreather unit for vacuum activities and more. I suspect finely crafted Mandalorian style armor will take off as the new standard of self-defense force is with enough time."

"Still seems a bit pulling back on the whole pacifist thing to be creating Mandalorian armor." I asked, trying to understand the perspective on this.

"Mandalorian style armor not Mandalorian armor itself." She corrected me, "Beskar is not being used in the creation of these export armors, as it holds too dear a place in our society to be given away or sold. I suspect if someone walked in with a set of Beskar armor to an armorer, they would be able to walk away with six or seven Mandalorian style armors of lesser material. But still, it's a civilian use of our skills. Sure, our armor could be used for war but we are creating them for defense. I believe Naboo has a Master Craftsman ship industry not too dissimilar to the standard we're trying to set up."

I nodded at that, "We do have a small ship building industry and all the ships that come out of it handcrafted. I understand that, I just don't believe we went around selling lesser model versions of the new Naboo Starfighter."

"You should, from what I understand it's probably one of the better models of Starfighter on the market." Tanya said matter of factly.

"I don't know about that, sure there was the issue on Naboo with the Trade Federation but I don't think that's going to be repeated. Peace won out in the end and judiciary forces will not let something like that ever happen again."

"We can hope, but in my opinion it's better to be prepared for the worst, for all we know we could be having a conversation next year about an invasion from extragalactic aliens or flesh eating viruses. This galaxy is a big place and from my reading of history there's a lot of crazy things that happened."

"That's a little bit presumptuous of the worst." Senator Organa said, "I think the greatest threats to the galactic Republic are long behind us. Any issues now, will be settled through diplomacy."

"I hope you're right, but I'm also sure that the senators who ran the Old Republic thought the same thing before the Sith returned a dozen times. And I'm sure that whole business with the Eternal Empire was completely unforeseen."

"The who?" I asked, not familiar with this Eternal Empire she had mentioned.

"Oh, some empire that supposedly came out of the Unknown Regions a couple thousand years ago. The details I was able to dig up in the Mandalorian libraries are minimal to nil, so I don't think it was very long lasting. However they did supposedly conquer the majority of the known Galaxy for a short time. It serves as a good example though of what could go wrong with a policy of outright pacifism, an unknown factor could decide to rear its ugly head somewhere down the line."

"While true," Organa said, he then continued by pointing out, "this is why we have the Judiciary Forces. Though if something were to happen like that, we could rally all the independent sector forces under them."

Tanya nodded her head before she gave her point of view. "Supposedly this is true. However, just 20 years ago there was a conflict where such a situation was put to the test. The Stark Hyperspace War, that conflict may not have involved the Judiciary Forces directly but it shows the issue that is developing. The Sector Forces have not had a real conflict in the last thousand years. They do not know how to conduct a proper military campaign as their doctrines are either outdated or based on doctrines for dealing with pirates and small-time problems that a sector would normally have to deal with."

"I also doubt that the Judiciary Forces are any better. Probably the closest thing some commanders have seen of combat was the bombardment of Mandalore. There might be a few with a good head on their shoulders, but if a conflict or war were to arise, I expect the losses to be great for the first two years purely out of mismanagement. And that's the price we would have to pay for pure uncompromising pacifism. The military expertise needed for self-defense degrades while also you are Ceding the initiative to the bad actors of the Galaxy."

"Is this the official stance of Mandalore?" I asked curious now, wondering if I had been hearing a bunch of misunderstood statements about the so-called New Mandalorians and their pacifist Duchess.

Tanya seems to stop mid sip of her cup before putting it down and then saying, "It is not, this is just my personal opinion from my research on the matter. The Duchess of Mandalore is not a pure pacifist in her own way, she doesn't exactly believe that a dedicated military service is needed. The Judicial Service or the Mandalorian Guard can handle any issues that come up from day to day."

"It is just my simple belief that people who wish to live in Peace and Freedom must be willing to fight for it or they'll have neither."

"So do you believe the Republic should have an Army and Navy?" Senator Organa asked.

"No, no, that seems like a recipe for disaster." she immediately said. "Each sector should definitely have their own Self Defense Force that should be able to work with each other without issue, but to create an overarching military structure just leaves an opportunity for some general to get it in his head that the politicians aren't leading the Galaxy as good as he could be. Said general will then decide, instead of watching the outer reaches of nowhere, he'll take this army that the politicians gave him and travel back to Coruscant to crown himself Emperor."

"Not to mention any military commander in this proposed, let's call it the Republic Galactic Army, would have the need to have a massive industrial complex at their back to maintain and supply the army. This will encourage behaviors that could lead to wars that we don't need. All it would take is one rogue general with a chip on his shoulder about the Hutts and their slavery practices and all of a sudden we have a Republic and Hutt Empire War on our hands and no one wants that, such a conflict would be devastating to the Galaxy."

All of a sudden I was getting a bad feeling, thoughts of a young blonde boy I met on Tatooine coming to mind.

"As I said, sectors should be able to defend themselves. Local forces will not only know the terrain they will have to deal with, but also know what to do to prevent a major war. But for intersector stuff, diplomacy is better, diplomacy is more likely to be a longer lasting solution to prevent a major war would be less likely in the long run."

While I didn't exactly agree with all of her points, I could at least get behind the idea that diplomacy was a better option for the intersystem situations. Organa seemed to think the same as he raised his glass and said, "Then perhaps a toast to the hope that diplomacy is always the best option for intersystem conflicts."

Everyone at the table raised their cups to that and we continued our evening as if the conversation hadn't happened.

Coruscant, Green Singularity Club Entrance

"I'm not sure this was such a good idea." I said, feeling somewhat self-conscious as we stood in line. I had worn a lot of things in my life or lives. From the suits of my first life, to the military officers uniform of my second, and I made progress, lots of progress getting used to wearing dresses in this life. This was pushing the envelope a little too far in my opinion. But I should explain how I got myself into this situation before I get into what I had gote myself into.

It had been 5 months since my arrival on Coruscant,Vai and I had come to the realization that we weren't really going to have much else to do but go to political meet and greets and parties. Yes, there were a few meetings I had managed to schedule once and a while and meetings that were shoved on me but that meant out of a 35 day month, you had practically 30 days free.

I of course was fine with this as I could find enjoyment with a good book, Vai on the other hand was not fine with this and was getting a bit of cabin fever. So she had to control, coerce, and thoroughly guilt me into doing something she wanted to do.

As much as I would rather not, I knew having a happy employee was a key to success in any situation so I had finally agreed that we would do what she wanted to do. That had not gone the way I had hoped, as I had assumed that she wanted to go to a gun range. No, I forgot she was a few years older than me and was apparently having the start of a relationship with Tabi Kregg. One of my Royal Guards, not the worst choice out there, as long as they kept everything professional while on the job, it was not a matter to my concern. What turned out to be my concern was he had found out about a part of the Senatorial District that was meant for the youthful Representatives to hang out.

Yes, I had just been tricked into going into a club that the youthful senators of the day considered trendy. Which meant it was most likely going to be close to a rave or punk scene. Which meant my formal dress had to stay on the hooks.

To prepare, Vai had taken me to a clothing shop for a quote unquote wardrobe upgrade. I don't know much about fashion, I probably looked good. All I knew is that I felt ridiculous standing on the side of the street in knee-high boots with thigh high leggings underneath shorts and wearing a long sleeve sweater that showed off a bit of the stomach over a shirt I had been told to wear even though if I took off the sweater it would show off a bit of too much cleavage in my opinion. I was simply glad that I had managed to snag colors in green since that was the only choice in the matter I've been allowed, along with the sunglasses I was wearing. I might be forced to embarrass myself by coming to such a venue but I would at least attempt to hide my shame to any future Representatives that I may have to deal with in the coming days.

"This is a great idea and you need to start being more rebellious." Vai said next to me, wearing a very similar set of clothing only in blue instead of green, leather pants instead of shorts though she had wrapped the sweater around her waist showing off her substantially larger cleavage.

She had her arm around Tabi's arm who was wearing some extremely tight clothing, black pants, a set of combat boots, and a shirt that showed off the muscles he had from his training. Oh and when I say tight I do not mean in the sense of cool or any other colloquialism for modern and trendy, I mean in the sense that I could make out features I would rather not have known about. I could not wait till I got out of my teenage years and my hormones naturalized so I stopped noticing things like that. I had not had to deal with a wandering eye in my last life since the terrible conditions of the front I put myself through had thoroughly stunted hormone production. This life I had avoided that fate though I was now starting to regret it as I forced my eyes from wandering to those two.

"You need to chill out Miss Kryze." Tabi said, smiling in my direction. "You're supposed to be a representative of our people, well not all of our people are nobles or the sort who go to fine dining parties, a lot of us just go to things like this." he said, indicating the club. "I'm sure you won't find a lot of the older folks in favor of these kind of establishments and you won't find them on a lot of the more frontier worlds, the place is more build up like my homeworld Harswee, Ordo and a few of the more interesting places on Mandalore have plenty of clubs like this."

"I'm sure they do but I'm not attending one of those places, this is a club for the political class of the Galaxy."

"Then treat it as training for when you visit one of Mandalore's clubs. I'm sure Ordo here would love to take you to one so you can see how Mandalorians party down." That got a chuckle from me as I don't believe I would ever willingly go to one of these clubs. But outwardly I said, "I'll keep that in mind." For all I knew, something could come up that would require me to visit an establishment like this in the future. The universe was a strange and weird place and it got weirder every day.

Seeing that we were third in line behind a group of, blue skinned girls in costumes that put the ones I had been forced into shame in the amount of how revealing they were, I held up my left wrist to check my messages on my vambrace. Quickly scanning through, I saw nothing of importance other than a message from my captain of the Royal Guard asking where we had gone off to. I simply dispatched a message back saying that I was with two of his subordinates on a late night trip to the Jedi Temple for a conversation with that elder statesman I met a while back. I'd actually done that a couple times since then, he was an interesting fellow to talk to. No, I wondered why he had such an odd speech impediment.

"Wow, what is that?" the blue skinned girl in front of me said, looking back at my vambrace.

"This," I said, "is a…" I was going to say something simple when an idea occurred to me "new product from Mandal Technologies what better way to keep your communication devices and information safely secured but on a nice stylish vambrace locked onto your wrist." Shaking it about to show how secure it was my wrist I said, "This thing will never get lost no matter how wild the dance may get."

"Coooool, Mandal Technologies. I'll have to remember that and look it up later." The blue girl said before she started talking to her friends again. I knew there was a good chance that it would not take off but on the off chance it did, I got more business for Mandalorian companies, I was willing to put up with degrading myself into a spokesperson and talking to a probably high on death sticks political class trust-fund baby. I only would probably save her life since no doubt her parents would demand safety precautions installed on whatever they bought for her.

Sighing, I turned to my quote unquote date Engiz, he was more of my chaperone just to make sure I didn't get into any trouble. I doubted anyone would try to kidnap me for being a princess as I looked like any other average citizen on the street but you never know, when there could be some crazed lunatic who would attempt something and it was not the worst idea in the world to have a little backup in a fight. I can probably handle myself but if the argument was between quality of fighter and numbers I'd rather play with both quality and numbers. He was wearing something a lot more normal than Tabi, just a gray set of pants and coat over a white shirt. I suspected it was the official civilian garb for the Royal Guard though I had no evidence as I'd always seen them in their full uniform.

"So Engiz, how have you been enjoying your stay on Coruscant so far?" I asked, trying to be nice and have a chat with him. Yeah I've been his pen pal for many years and that's how I had learned of many of the forgotten histories of the Galaxy. Such as the brief appearance of the quote unquote "Eternal Empire" that appeared to have only lasted 10 years. It would seem that naming your empire as grandiose as that was a sign that you were not going to last very long, as most of the empires I noted fell apart sooner or later, the more grandiose the name the quicker it fell apart.

"I'm doing well princess." he said very stiltedly as if not sure of something I assumed it was not sure if he should be using my royal title so I responded.

"Tanya, you can just call me Tanya here." We were in a civilian setting and it was better if he didn't use the Royal word while out and about like this could give gangsters ideas.

He smiled and commented, "Thank you Tanya. Yes, it's been alright getting used to the quarters below has been something but there's a lot of resources on this planet to investigate, a lot of books to read and history to learn. During my downtime, I go to the Senatorial Library they have for the public to look through. Got to say, they have a lot better record keeping on some events than I would have suspected."

"Oh?" I asked as we moved forward in the line as the people had us started being let in.

"Yeah, they have actual facts and figures about the losses during the Mandalorian Wars, our records on that whole situation was pretty much nil but they get it down to the unluckiest protocol Droid that walked out of a hanger and was shot during a defensive battle in the early days of the wars. Now it does seem that certain elements of the stories have been removed or censored, not a single reference to Revan.

"Revan?" I asked, a bit amused by the idea that there was someone named after Raven but slightly off.

"Oh, I'll have to get you a bit of our information on that the next time I get a chance, but basically he was a Jedi Knight who stood up against and for the Mandalorians at certain points. It's closely tied to one of Ordo's major historical figures, Canderous Ordo otherwise known as Mandalore the Preserver, so although we don't know as much as we'd like, he had a significant effect on Mandalorian culture around 4,000 years ago. You could see him as the first true obstacle that really put Mandalorians on the route towards where we are today, not some religious horde of barbarian zealots roaming the Galaxy."

"Interesting, I would like to read more about this Revan figure." I said. Simply because who knows what useful information could be found from looking through his history. If he had so thoroughly defeated the Mandalorians that they stopped being the Neo-Crusaders and warmongers, it would be useful to know the why's and how's of that whole situation.

As we approached the door and the uncomfortably loud music he said, "Will do princess."

"Tanya." I corrected with a smile before looking over at Vai and pink hair to see how she handled the whole getting us into the club situation. Vai was looking at me and Engiz with a smile until she saw me looking in her direction and immediately went to work talking with the bouncer to get us in.

Coruscant, Outside Green Singularity
Struc Ordack

When my charge and her handmaiden went out to go shopping earlier today, I was not too concerned. After 5 months with next to nothing to do other than stand guard and follow the princess around, it does eventually get repetitive. Thus when the princess and her handmaiden informed me that they were going to go shopping at the nearby commercial district, I didn't see a reason to refuse. They are going to a location that Senator Merrik allowed the princess to travel to and they are bringing the 2 Royal Guards on escort duty.

Once they were on their way, the rest of the guards and I proceeded to do what we usually do when the Princess is away from the Tower. Spend time in the tower's ready room in full armor waiting for a distress call to spring into action. Your subordinates find ways to spend their time. Skota read holo-books and do a bit of baking in her spare time. Mok watches his holo-vids and tinkers with new tech that he found on the open market. Kastel does some basic calisthenics before ending with a spare against the sparring droid while listening to workout music. I spent my time cleaning and maintaining my armor and weapons.

However after several hours, it was already sundown and they had not returned yet. I had Mok locate Pixie's vambrace and found that the group are currently at a club near the commercial district. Concerned, I sent a message to the princess asking about their whereabouts, while the team entered an escort speeder which Mok had upgraded in his spare time with his connection to Mandal Tech.

I received a reply stating that they were at the Jedi Temple to talk with a senior member there. Of course, the princess's vambrace showed that that was a lie and they were nowhere near the Jedi Temple, so I gave the go ahead to go to the princess's location to make sure nothing happened out of our sight.

"Pixie Actual, spotted entering the club. Mok, have you finished slicing through the club's security cameras?" I asked before I lowered my macroscope.

"I got it, sending the feed to your HUDs now." A moment later, I see the notification on my HUD asking for my permission to open the data packet. After accepting, I was given a fly on the wall view of the club. Mok's facial recognition software, highlighted Pixie Actual, her handmaiden, the Ordo kid, and the walking disciplinary action of a subordinate.

"When this is all over, I swear I am going to give those two di'kuts a piece of my mind. Maybe then they'll use they're brains instead of their bevik." I can understand why Skota would be annoyed as the princess went behind our backs to go to a club. If she could not trust her own guards then who could she trust?

We would have likely covered for her if she informed the rest of us. At least all 4 of them are competent enough in hand to hand combat to take care of themselves. We are here just in case of a situation where it's too big for them to handle.

"I wouldn't be too hard on them," Mok commented "it's possible that they merely don't want the senator to know that they are out partying. Plus I did my research on the way here, this is a fairly popular spot for young representatives to mingle in a more informal atmosphere. This would probably just be another forgettable night on Coruscant."

"However, on the off chance this is going to be an eventful night, we will be ready to do our jobs." I interject. "Once this is over though, I think Ordo and Kregg are scheduled for a sparring session tomorrow. Do you think the princess and her handmaiden would like to watch?"

"I'm sure it would keep them entertained at least." Skota commented while Mok chuckled at what would likely be an entertaining afternoon. Kastel kept silent but you get the feeling that he was amused.

A few minutes of silence followed, as everyone watched the camera feed to make sure nothing was amiss. The feed shows Kregg and Vizla teaching the others how to dance on the dance floor. Princess Kryze who was only taught ballroom dances at a young age and Ordo who likely is not the kind of kid who got invited into parties, don't know how to dance. It eventually culminated in two trying to awkwardly dance with each other while their companions watched.

"So I heard the Silver Ranger is going to get another season. Are any of you interested in the show?"

"Not really something I would watch. I'm more of a romantic comedy type of girl." Skota replied absentmindedly as she set her helmet to play music.

"It's alright." Kastel commented whilst watching the feed on his vambrace.

"Watched a few episodes when I babysat my younger cousins, it looked interesting enough." I answered while checking out the surrounding area.
"Thankfully, the show is formatted to be episodic so you don't need to watch all of the episodes in order to enjoy it. If you want we could watch it together, to catch you guys up to the current season. Might as well invite Pixie and her handmaiden and make it a holo party, it's not like there's anything else to do around here."

"I'll ask Pixie about it tomorrow, if she gives the okay, I don't see why not." I answered. Mok is right, other than following Pixie around to various meetings with the Agricorp or the Senate Building, everyone usually stood guard at Mandalorian Tower. A night to watch a holovid series sounds like a nice way to unwind and be entertained, even if it is only for a few nights.

I return my gaze to my view screen to see Pixie Actual and Ordo are done with dancing and are now taking a seat in a partially occupied booth.

"Looks like Pixie and Ordo are just talking, want me to slice Ordo's vambrace to listen in on their conversation?" Mok asked. While it would help keep the stake out interesting, it is a severe breach of privacy. Besides, you doubt Pixie would reveal any confidential information in a club so it's likely just them engaging in small talk.

"Belay that, it's not our job to eavesdrop on our charge. But since we are here, make a list of persons of interest inside the club. Should be a useful cover for Pixie, that she is trying to network in the club and not go on a double date with her bodyguards and handmaiden."

"I'm on it, should take a few minutes."

"Vizla and Kregg are now at the bar and ordering drinks." Skota notified us.

"Fruit Fizz and Photon Fizzle, respectively." Mok mentioned before I could ask.

"Isn't Photon Fizzle alcoholic?" Kastel questioned.

"So long as Kregg drinks in moderation, his Harswee metabolism should break it down fast enough so he doesn't get drunk enough to impair his judgment." Skota informed us. "Well since this is turning out to be a fairly normal outing, I'm going to go get some Nerf Kebabs from down the street, any of you want some?"

"I'll have some Fritzle Fries if they have any." Mok mentioned while his eyes stayed on his view screen.

"I'm good." Kastel answered. "Same." I spoke right after.

"Let me know if anything interesting happened." Skota said before she exited the speeder.

"Best get comfortable, it's gonna be a long night." I said before sipping my canteen.

Writers note: Alright, what we got here, is a bit of politics, a bit for the dark side, a bit of the light bit of Tanya talking with Padme bit Tanya being dragged along to do normal teenagers things, the abusltes horror. Clarifications on her thought process when comes to military, and continuation of the strange nerdy history lesson dynamic between Tanya and Ordo.

I hope everyone enjoys the chapter, let me all know what you think.

Edited by: Warmach1ne32, Markus, Lord Feunoyr
Community edited:Afforess
Community editable doc (Chapter 13) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Supporters:Neso, Markus, Mackenzie Buckle, Silver Wolf, Daniel Martinez, Falk H,
Mana Rope
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What could possibly go wrong with getting Dooku's attention, I am curious and you have been keeping it under wraps as to her force sensitivity, it would not be surprising that she has similar levels as Leia from the OT, but who knows it will be entertaining, especially if Yoda has any random suggestions as to keep it from going out of control, its not like he will ever train an adult in the force :)