Primordial Path (Climb to Godhood Quest)

[X] You will rouse the Old Tree. Giving your living den the will to reject those who would want to pervert it's existance by...
-[X] getting rid of all it's impurities.
[X] You will rouse the Old Tree. Giving your living den the will to reject those who would want to pervert it's existance by...
-[X] getting rid of all it's impurities.
[X] You will rouse the Old Tree. Giving your living den the will to reject those who would want to pervert it's existance by...
-[X] getting rid of all it's impurities.
[X] You will rouse the Old Tree. Giving your living den the will to reject those who would want to pervert it's existance by...
-[X] getting rid of all it's impurities.
Vote Closed.

Scheduled vote count started by Black.Horus on Feb 15, 2023 at 4:04 AM, finished with 6 posts and 6 votes.
Turn 3: Influence
[X] You will rouse the Old Tree. Giving your living den the will to reject those who would want to pervert it's existance by...
-[X] getting rid of all it's impurities.
FINALLY I AM FINISHED!! Is it a month since the last update? Please don't tell me it's been a month!

Anyways, sorry for the wait everyone. College has been hard on me, and just when I get back to writing I become sick. So sorry for the delay.

Updates will also come longer because of my study. I just didn't have a good mind set to write after my brain got deeply fried. Hopefully the next one wouldn't be as long.

In any case, that's my reason for ghosting you all, and thank you for waiting patiently for me. Now, enjoy the Update!


Blood. The seemingly endless amount of blood that is constantly being spilled from the sky must be the reason for the Old Tree's sudden change. Of this, there's no room for doubt in your mind. Your friend has been forced into absorbing them ever since they have first started to fall all over the valley, and it's newfound madness and deformity must have come from it having so much of the bad liquid deep inside of it's body. Of this, you doubt there is any other fitting explanation.

So. You mentally thought with a grimace, claws clenched tight to the ground. Getting rid of them should bring the Old Tree back to normal, right?

There's no guarantee that it would even work, not when it is something that you had just came up with while under extreme duress. You wouldn't usually trust what you are thinking when you are this high strung.

Although, can you really afford not to try? Your body already felt uncomfortably hot, and many of your muscles are starting to throb from being soaked under all the gore. It takes all that you have just to not start twitching uncontrollably, and you don't think the Old Tree is feeling any better.

If you are already like this, then the Old Tree must be in a far, worser state. Your time and it's are quickly running out, and you really have only one chance of saving your friend.

And I will not going to waste it. You strongly decided. Thus, after taking a deep breath, you readied yourself. Steeling your heart for a moment before resolutely making your way to the Old Tree, not at all deterred by it's fast increasing display of hostility in response to your daring approach.

There's no stopping you now. Regardless of the danger that you are risking, you can't just let the Old Tree to suffer alone.

So, step after step, you walked ever closer to the dark, twisted form of what your friend had become. Not at all paying much attention to the bloodthirsty roots and branches that is starting to make a clear, observable move againts you. Slowly encircling you in all directions, blocking more and more paths that you could use to escape.

Eventually however, after what felt like hours, you have finally made it to the base of the Old Tree. And, by then, it has also finished on enshrouding you completely in a ball made out of dozens of it's hungry, wooden tendrils. Leaving you quite entrapped, with not a single possible way out.

"Shhh." You whispered softly. Tone reassuring as you gently lay your forehead againts it's black, corrupted trunk. "Don't worry. Everything is going to be okay." You said to it amidst the pitter-patter sound of the rain, before slowly, you let your eyes fall to a close, and your world becomes dark.

For a moment, there is nothing. Everything is just silent and empty, with nothing to be seen. It's as if you are the only thing in existance. Slowly however, you began to perceive something. Something that is hidden within the depths of darkness: a presence. A large, but weak presence that seems to be right in front of you.

It's the Old Tree. You realized. And after a more focused scrutiny, more details are put to light under your gaze. What is this?

To put it simply, what you are seeing is just downright bizarre. It's as if the Old Tree is a pond of some sort, filled with all sorts of swirling, glowing colours. With each of them expanding and contorting into one another seemingly without much rhyme or reason. Creating a rather confusing sight that is just plain chaotic for you to look at.

What predominates them all however, is the colour of Green, which is holding steadfast from within the deepest part of the Old Tree like shape. And the colour of Red, which is aggressively advancing inward from the edges, already filling up more than half of the space with no sign of stopping.

You don't exactly understand what is happening. But, it is clear that what you see reflects on what is happening on the outside; an inner battle between the Old Tree, and the Blood's invading influence.

Then, my path is clear. You thought as you understood the situation, before swiftly, you push your own colour, sandy brown, to the mix. Annihilating every other colour beside what is probably your friend's with ease.

Your interference are met immediately with resistances. Not only from the Red, but also from every other colour that you are attacking as well. For they do not want to disappear, not for anything in the world.

It's too bad that you care about your friend more than any one of them. Thus, you ignore all of their desperate pleadings, and started to wipe out every single one of them without any shred of hesitation.

Green, seeing it's chance, also didn't stay idle. It immediately began to fight far more fiercely againts the Red, and is gradually filling up the spaces that was once occupied before your unexpected arrival. Although, for the latter, it seems to be struggling.

The way they are going now, there would be parts that would remain empty once the two of you are finished, and you don't know what that would cause to the Old Tree. So, to help, you try to break down your own colour, making it into something that is more akin to dust than water, before promptly giving them to Green.

It seems to be reluctant at first, but it doesn't take long for Green to accept your gift. And after it had taken them, it began to grow faster and stronger than ever. Quickly taking over the rest of the tree like shape.

It is also vibrantly pulsing for some reason. But, you don't really have time think as to why. More cleaning up is need to be done.

Once you are sure that they are all gone, you slowly pull your presence back to yourself. Letting Green to freely take over the now much less crowded space, while also stopping the Red that is stubbornly still trying to re-enter. Making it the only light that is left inside of your friend.

You are caught off guard, however, by Green abruptly changing it's own colour the second it has filled everything. Before suddenly, before you can even react, everything becomes blinding.

You opened your eyes with a jerk, taking a couple steps backward in surprise. Where, upon looking around, you can see how you are back in the real world. With blood still raining down mercilessly from the sky all around you.

I'm... back? You thought with some confusion and heavy breathing. Feling extremely tired for some reason, before hurriedly looking in the Old Tree's direction. Mind filled with worry at what had just happened. What abo-

"Woahh." You can't help but to simply let out. For the Old Tree has now changed completely. Once again when you aren't looking, and this time, into something that is not only beautiful, but also, what you can only consider as: pure.

What is the Old Tree's new look?
[ ] Tree 1

[ ] Tree 2

[ ] Tree 3

[ ] Tree 4

[ ] Tree 5


Huff... Huff...

"Please, be okay." You breathlessly murmured to yourself. Calling for more of your strength to come forth and aid you in reaching for the Slyvan's forest. A place which had just come within your line of sight in the distance. All the while, adamantly ignoring your slowly worsening state under this damn, malicious weather.

It has been at least a day ever since you had 'Purified' the Old Tree back at your den, and here you are now, running raggedly towards the place that you had just left not too long ago. Feeling as if your stomach is going to spit itself out at any second, and is only barely holding on due to the immense concern that you have for the Slyvans.

All the fallen blood on your body, together with your injuries that still hasn't healed yet, has proven to be one of the most grueling combinations that you have ever experienced. At one point, you could even swore that the blood on your fur is trying to wiggle itself deep into your wounds. But, you can't really confirm it whenever you take a look, and all that you could do after that is to grudgingly continue on your walk while steadfastly ignoring the occasional disgusting feelings.

Your trek through the mountains, however, could have been done much quicker, and much more bearable, if not for some unwanted stops that you have on the way. Stops that was spurred on by some familiar faces.

Like the one just now.

Dangerous Encounter
23 (Roll) + 10 (Blood Rain): 33

Boom... Boom...

Finally, it was gone.
You thought with some annoyance. Already not putting much thought to the bulking form that is rapidly leaping away from you. Now, a tongue short.

Even if you had managed to get past all these hindrances without anymore injury than what you had already have, you wouldn't exactly call what you had done a breeze. For not only did you need to endure the nauseating feelings that permeates through your entire body while being constantly on the move, you also need to watch out for more of these rude encounters as well. With all of them coming from a group of creatures that you thought you are quite knowledgeable about.

Just what is wrong with these Toads? You began to ponder with some concern. That was the fourth toad that you need to fend off for today, and if it wasn't for you trying to not attract any kind of attention by sneaking around the shadows, that number could have easily been doubled by now.

Judging from what had happened to the Old Tree, you had already reckoned that there would be some unfortunate creatures that would have also gotten mad from all the blood that must have fallen over them during these dark days. However, beside the Toads, no other creatures have actually bothered you on your way here.

Entering the forest proper, you let out a rather tired sigh. Granted, you had also did not see any other creature beside the Toads, but after receiving so many attacks that is only coming from them and them alone, you can't help but to ask; Just what is wrong with these Toads?

As you progressed deeper into the forest, you slowly put your grievances with the Toads at the back of your mind. Putting more of your attention to what is going on with your surroundings instead. It must just be a coincidence. You reasoned without thinking much further.

The Slyvan's forest was, and apparantly still is, not in a good condition. Signs of the Rat's influence can still be seen here and there, and the blood rain situation didn't exactly help matters. This, you concluded while ducking under a moving branch. Sparing a moment to give a tongue to the corrupted plant.

It seems like, same with the Old Tree, the forest is slowly being turned into bloodthirsty creatures. You thought as you eye the trees around you, with many of them are also eying you back. Mutations aplently on their beings. Though for some reason, none of them are to the extensions to what you have seen previously in your friend. Wonder why?

Interestingly enough however, is how the obviously dead trees doesn't seems to be at all affected by the blood. They just lay on the ground, not moving just like they should.

Not important. You in the end decided, for your nose is sniffing some familiar smells. Smells that invokes the feelings of sereneness and tranquility in your mind.

They are close. You thought. Trying very hard to not think about the growing sense of fear and despair that are mixed in with the scent. Soon enough, you will see them for yourself.

Walking past another tree, you came to an area that is filled with the group of Slyvans that you are looking for. Where in a rather dense area, they are currently doing something that gives you a little bit of surprise.

Slyvan's Resistance
Roll: 62

They are hiding. Cowering fearfully beneath the trees that hasn't been fully deformed or was already dead, the Slyvans are hiding from the red rain. An action that should have been a given, yet still stunned you all the same. More so when you remember their mostly apathetic reactions to being slaughtered by the Rat.

Large Eared One?

Once again hearing the Slyvan's ethereal sounding voice in your mind, you began to approach the one that had called for you. Recognizing them for the one that you had watched over previously.

Upon noticing you, the other Slyvans began to perk up, before immediately trying to rise and make their way towards you. Only for them to flinch, and scamper back to their previous spots after making a brief contact with the corrupted rain. Where they then resorted to just observe you with something akin to hope in their gaze.

"... Hey there." You weakly greet the Slyvan as you have your eyes travel between each that you can directly see. Noting how their numbers seems to have lessened even more, before promptly, refocusing your attention back to the one sitting before you. "Are you all okay?"

No. The Slyvan simply answered, voice somehow subdued in your mind as they turn to stare lifelessly at an empty patch of ground. Lost.

Hearing that, you can't help but feel saddened. Didn't these creatures already had enough bad things happening to them? "How many?"

Unknown. Said the Slyvan with a small shake of their head, before beginning to explain further. Wide Maws, swallowed. Greens, sent away.

Here, they hesitated, before continuing after hugging themself tighter. Slyvans... changed.

"Changed?" You curiously asked. Already having an idea of what the Slyvan meant, and their next response confirms it.

Changed. The Slyvan repeated, eyes wide and body trembling. It didn't take long for tears to start leaking from their eyes. Changed. Unnatural. Twisted. Unnatural. Blackened. Unnatural. Reasoned. Failure. Pain. Death. Blood.

You silently watch with a slightly open snout at the now crying Slyvan before you. Your heart filled with pity at what they had become. Where they are now broken after their brethren have apparantly been turned againts them.

It seems like the Slyvans aren't quite as emotionless as you had once thought. You just hoped you wouldn't have to find that out like this. What did they do to deserve them?

Before you can spiral more into your mind however, you grew more and more alarmed at the Slyvan's rapidly deteriorating state. Where they have now devolved into a rambling, incoherent mess.

Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unnatural. Unna-

"HEY!" You hurriedly shouted. Breaking the Slyvan out of their horrifying trance. And before they can suffer a relapse, you closed in and basically smother their body with yours in an instant.

"It's okay... It's okay... Everything is going to be alright." You said to them calmly. Softly nuzzling them and trying not to kick another panic out of the Slyvan. "Just leave the rest to me. I promise it will soon be better."

Over and over again did you repeat those words, and after you are sure the Slyvan is stable, you released them. Standing back up on all four with a smile. "You good?"

Good. Answered the Slyvan with a nod. Gratitude. Large Eared One.

"No problem." You said to them simply, accepting the thanks. Before you take another look around the area, focusing a bit longer on each individual Slyvans that is currently suffering because of the rain. "Now, what do I do... ?"

The Slyvans are in a pretty bad predicament right now. Even though you know the rain wouldn't last for much longer, it's impossible for you to just leave them like this.

You must, no, you need to help them. You can't accept anything less.

What are you going to do?
[ ] You are going to make them some coverings for them to wear. That should give them some freedom to walk around, and you are confident you would be able to gain some fur as materials from other creatures that is still in the forest.

[ ] You are going to build them some shelters for them to hide into. It would be hard, but you have a feeling the trees would be willing to aid you in creating a safe place for the Slyvans.

[ ] It's a bit uncomfortable, but you are going to take them away with you. In your cave, the Slyvans would be most protected.

[ ] Write-In

What you are going to do is also not something that will happen very quickly, and you are practically dying for a chance to talk with the Slyvans. There's a lot that you still don't know about these plant like creatures, and now might be a good time for you to rectify that.

Like other group of creatures that you have seen, the Slyvans seems to exist in a variety of themselves. Although, with a lot more similarity than those that you know.

You are going to interact with them all regardless of your decision. But, you think it would be better for you to just focus on some Slyvans this time around. Get to know just what they are like before moving on to others.

Who are you going to approach?
[ ] The Little Ones

[ ] The Tall Ones

[ ] The Faded Ones
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[X] Tree 1
[X] You are going to make them some coverings for them to wear. That should give them some freedom to walk around, and you are confident you would be able to gain some fur as materials from other creatures that is still in the forest.
[X] The Tall Ones
[X] Tree 1
[X] You are going to make them some coverings for them to wear. That should give them some freedom to walk around, and you are confident you would be able to gain some fur as materials from other creatures that is still in the forest.
[X] The Tall Ones
[X] Tree 1
[X] You are going to make them some coverings for them to wear. That should give them some freedom to walk around, and you are confident you would be able to gain some fur as materials from other creatures that is still in the forest.
[X] The Tall Ones
[X] Tree 1
[X] It's a bit uncomfortable, but you are going to take them away with you. In your cave, the Slyvans would be most protected.
[X] The Little Ones
[X] Tree 1
[X] It's a bit uncomfortable, but you are going to take them away with you. In your cave, the Slyvans would be most protected.
[X] The Faded Ones

Hidden option!!
[X] Tree 1
[X] It's a bit uncomfortable, but you are going to take them away with you. In your cave, the Slyvans would be most protected.
[X] The Faded Ones
Vote Closed. Tree 1 and Tall Ones win.

Hmm, can I get a tiebreaker between:

[ ] You are going to make them some coverings for them to wear. That should give them some freedom to walk around, and you are confident you would be able to gain some fur as materials from other creatures that is still in the forest.


[ ] It's a bit uncomfortable, but you are going to take them away with you. In your cave, the Slyvans would be most protected.

Scheduled vote count started by Black.Horus on Mar 9, 2023 at 3:49 AM, finished with 6 posts and 6 votes.

Alright then, let's roll the dice.
Black.Horus threw 1 2-faced dice. Total: 2
2 2
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Quest Rebooted
Hello again everyone. Long time no see. Been wanting to go back to writing lately, and my mind kept on returning to this Quest. I have already made a pretty big backstory/world building for it, so it just rubs me the wrong way for the large part of it to be left unused, or written poorly like what I did to the 'Proto Elves'. Damn my inexperience, but I sure did paint them to be more pitiful than what is in my head.

For those reason, I decided to just start over from scratch. Sorry for any of you who are dissappointed, but I think this is for the best. I'll change a few things so that we do not tread on any old grounds for way too much. Just to keep things fresh. If any of you are interested, then the link is right here. Hope to see you there!