Primordial Path (Climb to Godhood Quest)

Turn 2: Drive of Hunger
[X] Talk: You need answers. Somebody should be able to tell you something.
-[X] The Big Rat


You didn't waste a single moment. The more you wait in this damn rain, the more of these tree like creatures would die, and you still need them to understand just what makes them so special to your senses. If they are all dead, then the answer to your strange interest in them would be lost.

And you absolutely can't let that happen.

However, you also do not want to jump blindly into this conflict. At a glance, the situation appears to be simple enough, but who knows just what had caused the rat to attack in the first place? You certainly didn't.

And there's one fast way to change that...

So, you immediately jumped yourself off the ledge that you was on. Where you then landed gracefully at the shallow pool at it's bottom. The impact you caused creating a big splash of water that you ignored shortly before dashing straight towards the raging rat as fast as you possibly can. Swiftly evading all of the tree like creatures that are panicking in your way until you have finally reached your target. Not even 10 meters away from his vulnerable open back.

The rat himself doesn't seems to notice you yet. Him being far too occupied of using his massive set of teeth to tear through the side of another unfortunate tree like creature that he had caught, one that struggles to desperately free themself from his grasp all the while screaming in pure agony from the pain of having their belly being totally munched on. Splattering much of the oddly coloured brown blood everywhere that the rain then quickly washed away.

Strangely, instead of proceeding to entirely consume the helpless creature like what he had done previously, the rat simply let the creature go. Roughly tossing them to the ground without a care before aggresively advancing to another that is standing dumb still in front of him. Palms both spread wide open on his sides and ready to grab the likely scared out of their mind creature in a blink of an eye.

"No! Wait, stop!" You loudly shouted to the rat. Wanting, but having not much hope of a creature looking this... this ferocious from actually understanding you, let alone listen to you. Just like any other similar behaving creatures that you had tried to stop in the past. Once they had started going, it is almost impossible to persuade them from keep on attacking.

Diplomacy DC: 20
Roll (39) + Stats (5): 44

So, it is to your immense, but pleasant surprise to see your attempt this time around managed to actually work.

"Hm? You- !?" Grunted the big rat in surprise at the sound of your voice. Stopping his slaughter of the tree like creatures for the time being. After turning himself around, the rat's drool covered face momentarily showed bafflement at the sight of you, one which he quickly changed into what you recognized as utter contempt. Likely because he is annoyed by your sudden interference.

"What do you want, Fox? I have no ill againts you. Leave. Or taste my wrath." Threatened the rat. His hunched form looming slightly over you for about a foot or two. His gaze towards you looking absolutely murderous even when being hidden behind the rain's cover.

You are undaunted from the threat being displayed however. It will take much more than mere height difference to make you cower in fear, and you will show him just how unafraid you are of him.

"I will not, Rat!" You defiantly declared as you slowly circled the large furred creature around, all the while not caring how your movements are being followed closely by his eyes. Only stopping after you had reached the point where you are completely opposite from where you had originally began, where the rat will need to get past you first before being able to continue what he had been doing before. "At least, I will not before you explained to me just why are you attacking these tree like creatures."

"Tree like... ? You mean the Slyvans?" Puzzled the rat before growling at where you had repositioned yourself. Looking not at all happy about what you are doing and revealing to you just what the tree like creatures was suppposedly called.

At least, according to him anyway. You thought absently before replying. "Yeah, the Slyvans." You confirmed with a nod before continuing. "Why are you slaughtering them with such ferocity? It must not because you are hungry, you must have ate more than twice your size by now. There's also the state of the surrounding forest that makes me think otherwise. Had these Slyvans displeased you somehow? Wronged you? Just why did you take so many of their lives away?"

You silently watched with worry as the rat trembled at the word wronged. Looking as if he is only seconds away from continuing his rampage by how strongly he clenched his teeth together. Making you rack your head hard to find something, anything that you could say to pacify him. Only to feel dismay after finding none.

"I just want to understand." You simply said to him in the end. Hoping that with it, the rat would at least answer you.

He is glaring at the Slyvans at your back now, staring at them with pure disgust in his eyes, so you readied yourself for the moment he tries to dart himself past you, reluctant, but not wanting to let him do as he pleases without a fight.

Diplomacy DC: 30
Roll (43) + Stats (5): 48

Fortunately however, the rat managed to keep himself reigned in. Doing so by closing his eyes while also taking a couple of very deep breaths. Where he then simply exhales himself out after he was done burying everything inside.

Well, maybe not everything. You thought wryly as the rat finally opened his eyes again. His gaze now trained solely on to you. Hunger, you can clearly see is still lingering just behind his eyes even through the haze created by the rain, but there are sharpness in them that wasn't there before. Making you want to gulp some air because of the sheer nerve that they are causing.

"Fine." The rat slowly gritted out through his teeth. Looking completely calm for one moment before practically exploding in the next. His fingers pointed accusingly to the Slyvan's. "You want to know why I am taking their lives? It's because they didn't deserve any of them!"

"What?" You spluttered out in confusion. Quickly asking for a clarification. "Why though? Why didn't they deserve them?"

"BECAUSE THEY DO NOTHING WITH THEM!!" The rat suddenly ROARED. Shouting his words out with such force they echoed even through the deafening sound of the rain. Creating a strong gust of wind that for a moment blew all the falling water around him away, and silencing all who have listened to his declaration. Not allowing even a single argument to be heard as He has now spoken.

You yourself are barely able to resist the call of subjugation. Only managing to let out a pathetic "...huh?" as your only answer.

"You heard me." The rat, no, your fellow God Canditate growled. Eyes now back at the Slyvans. His voice is filled with disgust that ran much deeper than what you have realized was there before. "They didn't deserve their lives, because they did nothing with them."

"I have been watching them for a while now." The Go- the Rat explained to you. Gaze forlorn. "From the moment I first seen them, I knew they are special somehow. Important to me in some way. That for some unknown reason, they would be an integral part of my life."

"You know the feeling don't you? This strange obsession of ours to them?" The Rat asked you with a gesture to his chest. Making you widen your eyes to which he only chuckled at in response. "I myself don't know where they had actually come from, but I do want to know why they even exist. Just what is it with these Slyvans that makes them so different? I just need to know the reason why."

"So, I watched them." The Rat repeats. Movements now frantic. "I watched the first Slyvans that I had ever saw closely, and followed them to their little community here at the edge of the Twin Horned Mountain. Where I found more of them are residing. Where I stayed just out of sight observing them with care. Where I guarded them againts all sort of threats that they can't handle by themselves. Doing everything that I can to not let their lives be in anyway disturbed. I spent so much time with them, and do you know what do I found?"

"I found nothing but disappointment."

"Beside a few exceptions, these Slyvans didn't have much care in anything, not even in themselves." The Rat continued to explain. "All day, from the moment the sun rises to when it rises again in the next, the Slyvans wouldn't do anything unless they are being forced to. The most that they would do was run away when a creature tries to ate one of them, and even then, only the Slyvan being in danger would run. Others would only watch on in sadness. Simply accepting the loss."

The Rat then turn his gaze skyward. Staring straight at the pouring rainclouds above with an unreadable expression on his face. "The sun had even become harsher and harsher lately. Causing water that is necesary for their continued survival to dry up. They will need to move on to a new area to not die. Few did just that, but most didn't want to. Much more prefering to just stand around and slowly wait for their death to come. If it wasn't for this rain, then they would all be dead."

"Just look at them!" The Rat then suddenly shouted out in your direction. Causing you to flinch as he sharply gestured to the Slyvans at your back. Making you turn your head towards them, and finally see the sheer indifference that most of them have in their eyes. "Those who I touched have already fled and hide, while those who aren't still remains here. Just standing there while the being that have tried to kill them mere moments ago haven't even left yet. Going back to passivity the instant danger seems to have passed in their little ignorant minds."

"Do you understand now? They are literally dying, and yet they still do nothing!" The Rat now rants out in fury. His frustration immeasurable. "They have the capacity of doing many great things. They can move and affect the world as much as we do and yet here they are, acting as if they are just some plant creatures when they are obviously something more! Doing nothing when they can do anything."

"That is why I unleashed Hunger to the Slyvans. To the trees that they are all always hiding in. So that they can finally, finally start making something out of themselves. So that their lives can finally have some meaning. Hunger is capable of forcing the Slyvans to act, to search, and to be alive. That is why I have decided, those who struggled againts my Hunger shall live, and those who silently accepted them shall die. It is my gift of salvation to their sorry kind."

"So, there you have it." The Rat simply said to you at the end of his explanation. Sounding tired, but also determined as he stared at you directly in the eyes. "I took their lives away with my Hunger to drive them to betterment. All the loses that happened would be nothing compared to the realization of that purpose."

"So move aside, Fox. So that I can save them from their slow pathetic death into obscurity." Said the Rat as he slowly began to make his way towards you. Clearly having enough of all the talking, and is ready to continue giving his supposed blessings away to the Slyvans.

Meanwhile, you are too busy staring in shock at the Rat to do much of anything. Your mind still being absolutely reeled from the small realization of what the Rat in relation to you actually is. Never mind the sheer passion that you can felt from the Rat's speech. He believed everything that he had said to the core, and have no intentions of going back on any of them.

Something which troubles you, as you can somewhat see what he is on about. If the Slyvans are in any way similar to what the Rat had told you, then you would become very dissappointed too as that is exactly the way plant creatures have usually been behaving. Even under the threat of death, more often than not plant creatures wouldn't do anything to help themselves.

Which is also the reason why you are so awkward around the old tree. You are just too unused to see a plant creature like them being that active.

In any case, the Rat is almost in front of you now. You really need to think through just what you are going to do. The situation is far more complicated than what you had originally thought, and the result of your decision might prove fatal. You can't treat this lightly.


Glancing towards the Rat's back, you can see the form of a Slyvan that he had just tore their stomach open. The tree like creature is struggling to get up from the ground. Clearly dying, but their eyes are far more alive than the rest of the Slyvans. They are just staring at you. Not saying anything.

You grit your teeth, and decide.

[ ] You agreed with him. You will move aside and let the Rat do what he must.

[ ] You disagreed with him. You will stand your ground, and not let the Rat kill anymore Slyvans. You will do so by...
-[ ] Fighting him head on. This will become only between you and him.
-[ ] Rallying the Slyvans to fight by your side. Proving the Rat wrong.
-[ ] Talking him out of his decision. It's hard, but he obviously care about the Slyvans.
-[ ] Write-In
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-[] Write-In - stand aside but attempt to heal those that the great rat has spared to prevent them from dying.


-[] Write-In - ask the sylvans why they do nothing, (assuming we can understand them.) depending on what they say do a different action.

would these work?
-[] Write-In - stand aside but attempt to heal those that the great rat has spared to prevent them from dying.


-[] Write-In - ask the sylvans why they do nothing, (assuming we can understand them.) depending on what they say do a different action.

would these work?
Sure, do. Like I said. You could do anything, as long as you passed the DC 20/40/80 to determine how absurd your actions would be.
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-[X] Write-In - ask the sylvans why they do nothing, (assuming we can understand them.) depending on what they say do a different action.

maybe also ask about why the first two we saw were so far from their ... home? village?

lets go with this to start but i think otherwise we should start healing them as while not a good thing to do it sounds like it might be a necessary thing to do to stand aside, at least for there continued survival in this harsh world.
-[X] Write-In - ask the sylvans why they do nothing, (assuming we can understand them.) depending on what they say do a different action.

maybe also ask about why the first two we saw were so far from their ... home? village?

lets go with this to start but i think otherwise we should start healing them as while not a good thing to do it sounds like it might be a necessary thing to do to stand aside, at least for there continued survival in this harsh world.
As that one seems simple enough, I'll allow it as an add on to another vote.
[X] You agreed with him. You will move aside and let the Rat do what he must.

It's time to start building a pantheon. Fenecc and the Rat can become good divine friends.
Going to close the vote in 6 hours or so. Currently, there's practically only one vote which is to stand aside. Where you will then ask the dying Slyvan about why they are so passive.

After that, the vote will only have two options. Fight your fellow God Canditate by yourself head on, or leave. As the Rat will pretty much scatter most of the Slyvans by then to do anything else.

Edit: Vote Closed.
Scheduled vote count started by Black.Horus on Jan 26, 2023 at 2:59 AM, finished with 6 posts and 2 votes.

  • -[X] Write-In - ask the sylvans why they do nothing, (assuming we can understand them.) depending on what they say do a different action.
    [X] You agreed with him. You will move aside and let the Rat do what he must.
Turn 2: Motivation to Act
[X] You agreed with him. You will move aside and let the Rat do what he must.
-[X] Write-In - ask the sylvans why they do nothing, (assuming we can understand them.) depending on what they say do a different action.


You said and did nothing to the Rat as he made his way pass you, something which he did the same in return. Understanding how your inaction speaks louder than any words possible. For now, you have made your decision.

Moments later, screams of terror can be heard once more from your back. Accompanied closely by the Rat's sound of rampage that cut through even the deafening rain. With both of them together creating a terrible symphony of the Slyvan's being helplessly slaughtered one by one.

You didn't turn yourself around. There is no point to. Instead, your attention is solely focused on a single Slyvan. The one that is just staring at you while dying on the ground.

You approached them silently, many questions whirling angrily inside your head. Most of them useless, so you spent a moment to just observe the Slyvan while you get your thoughts in order.

This close to them, you are able to notice a few more details about the Slyvans in general that you haven't been able to identify before. Giving you a far more complete picture of these creatures without any distance, haze, or mud obstructing much of your vision. There are far more interesting things about them beside their obvious possession of six limbs and a pair of wings seemingly made out of chitin.

First of all, their flesh is actually some sort of tree bark just like what you had already suspected, only they seems to have a mixture of colour that must have been beautiful to see once on their body. Pale, shriveled, and covered in mud as they are now however, they just looked sad.

These Slyvans also doesn't seems to have a mouth of their own, and the ears on their side of a head is notably long. The last thing you noticed about them is their rather eye catching bush of a head that is being covered partly by large bluish-green leaves. A stark difference with other leaves that you have usually saw in normal plants.

You noticed all of that and more in a span of a second as you observed the dying Slyvan before you. Watching just how the water on their body seems to be directly being absorbed as they lay there breathing rather heavily on their back. Their colour slowly becoming more and more vibrant.

This one will live. You thought with some comfort, before asking the Slyvan the one question that is just nagging at your core. "Is it true? You Slyvans don't value your own lives?"

Diplomacy DC: 20
Roll (20) + Stats (5): 25

For a moment, the Slyvan just kept staring at you. Not doing anything and making you a bit frustrated. But soon enough they did give you a reply. Causing the strange sound that they made to just simply appear in your head. Just like any other plant creatures that you were able to get an actual conversation with in the past.

Their's however is a little bit strange. You need to focus on their ethereal voice a lot more to actually understand their intentions. A bit confusing, but not exactly troublesome for you.

We don't? They asked you with some confusion in their tone. Giving you a question of their own. I don't understand.

Tilting your head, you try to phrase your questions in a manner that is a bit more direct. "Why didn't you go look for water when the sun is slowly killing you? Why did you all do nothing when others of your kind are dying right in front of you? Don't you have any care for each other?"

Nothing we can do. The Slyvan tried to explain. Their voice slow, and is filled with anguish. Unfortunate to the would be dead. Interfering only risk the still living. Better to let go.

"Even when each one of you are dying to the last?"

Thought everything would be better in the morrow.

You took a very deep breath at the answer they had given. Feeling overwhelmed by how the Slyvans best solution of continued survival was apparantly hoping for the best. "And has your new found Hunger changed your mind? Helps you find a new perspective in life?" You asked them further.

Yes. They simply answered. Causing you to almost drop your shoulders, before hearing how the Slyvan apparantly has something more to say. Hunger not new. Hunger always there. Hunger always present.

You leaned your muzzle towards them, eyes wide. "What changed then?"

Never this bad. Never this painful. Hunger now overwhelming. Not pleasant.

"You and every other creature under the sun, Slyvan." You chuckled at the response they made. Now beginning to realize just how simple these creatures are.

Your humour however, suffer a swift death by what the Slyvan said next as they clutched tightly at the wound on his stomach. It hurts. It hurts. Happy for the rain. A moment full. Better. A moment after. Emptier. The worse. It hurts.

Not want Hunger ever again.

The Slyvan then fell unconscious. Exhausted of all their energy for speaking with you, and was soon dragged off into the realm of sleep. Where they will continue his recovery.

You then spent a few moments just watching over the sleeping Slyvan. Making sure that they will not die of their wounds, and will in fact, recover. Before long however, the sound of the carnage that is still happening behind you did eventually pull your attention back to them. Making you see just what the Rat had done while you are being busy conversing with your new acquaintance.

Which seems to be quite a lot actually. The large gathering of Slyvans from before had now been shrunk drastically. Leaving only one third of them here that are still around.

They no longer are just standing motionlessly. All of them, both those who had been bitten by the Rat and those that hadn't, are now actually doing something for a change. Even though it doesn't seems to do much. Some seems to be crying incoherently, some are just running around in circles, and some are even trying to put up a fight to the Rat. You can even see one in the distance that is currently dragging off another with them deeper into the mountain. A complete difference from the attitude they had just displayed before.

The Rat however, doesn't seems to notice all of that, and is still trying to eat as many of the Slyvans as he could. Prioritizing those that he hadn't bitten yet, but also not giving any mercy to those that tried to attack him. Eating them fully when their wounds became too much, and they eventually stopped moving all together.

Watching all of this while standing silently in the rain, your mind is racing with all of the information that you had gathered. Forming conclusion after conclusion with them about this complicated situation that you have on your paws.

Observing the Rat continued killing of the Slyvans however, even those that now have their eyes alight brightly with life, you can't help yourself but to have one more question that you are rather curious about. One that was prompted by the realization of what you and the Rat actually are in your short interaction with him.

Is that what a God is like? You wondered within the privacy of your own mind as you watched the Rat do what he thinks is best for the Slyvans. Thinking on what you should do now after hearing what the Slyvan on your side have to say about themselves. Whether you should help them or not.

[ ] You decided to leave. At least for now, there's nothing for you to do here.

[ ] You decided to rush your fellow God Canditate to stop him. This isn't right, there must be a better way to help the Slyvans.
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[X] You decided to leave. At least for now, there's nothing for you to do here.

I do not believe in Slivan, they have too low a starting point for becoming our followers. If every time you have to arrange a massacre to induce them to life, if you have to educate the Will in them for generations. At the same time going against their "roots". They are limited by their nature, they can get better, but they will never get much better in the foreseeable future. Too many useless efforts.

It's easier to wait for mammals. In any case, they will have the motivation and will to live like hundreds of Slivans. In the meantime, we'll be busy acquiring the aspects of divinity.
[X] You decided to rush your fellow God Canditate to stop him. This isn't right, there must be a better way to help the Slyvans.
Alright, vote closed. Huh, looks like we are getting your first battle after all. Now let's see whether the mechanic is fun or not.
Black.Horus threw 8 100-faced dice. Total: 429
31 31 44 44 92 92 97 97 49 49 28 28 76 76 12 12
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Battle: The Rat of Hunger 1
[X] You decided to rush your fellow God Canditate to stop him. This isn't right, there must be a better way to help the Slyvans.

Is that what a God is like?

. You mentally answered as you finally made up your mind. Heart now burning with newfound determination, you lower yourself closer to the ground in preparation for a charge. It wasn't.

Not while you are here.
You all but swore as you launched yourself forward at great speed. Making a mad dash straight towards the ongoing scene of the slaughter currently being made by your fellow God Canditate.

A God Canditate who doesn't seems to notice you as of yet. The Rat still having his mouth full of the latest Slyvan that he had caught. Once again leaving his back vulnerably open to you.

Usually, you would not even blink to use the chance being freely given to you like this, but your previous interactions with the Rat causes you to hesitate. You want to stop him, no, you Will stop him. That, at least is clear to you.

You just aren't sure on how you would stop him.

The sight of the Rat shoving the Slyvan's head right into his drooling mouth however, forced you to act. "No! Rat, please stop!" You shouted to him. Immediately alerting him of your approach.

"You again? Didn't I just told you to leave? What do you want now, Fox?" Questioned the Rat as he turned his body towards you. Nonchalantly letting go of the Slyvan in his hand to simply fall limply to the muddy wet ground with a splat, thankfully only unconscious.

"You can't kill anymore Slyvan, Rat. It's just not right. There must be a better way for us to help them." You tried to reason as you slowly stopping your pace only a dozen or so feet away from the now frowning Rat. Hoping he would listen.

Diplomacy (Pacify) Vs Martial (Melee)
Roll (31) + Stats (5): 36 Vs 44

The rain is what had saved you. Before you even knew it, the Rat had already lunged towards you in a blink of an eye. Reaching you on all four within the matter of seconds, and almost giving you a deadly swipe that you were only barely able to dodge just in time, the attack having misaiming only slightly to your left.

Intrigue (Disengage) Vs Martial (Melee)
Roll (92) + Stats (10) + Bonus (10): 112 Vs 97

"Die!" The Rat yelled as he continues his series of deadly attacks againts you. Now back to standing upright, he slashes at you twice in a row using his pair of vicious sharp claws. Clearly having no intentions of even entertaining any of your words.

You are now prepared however, so he doesn't even come close from actually dealing you with an injury. Evading all of his slashes with ease, you instantly recreates your distance from him by jumping away backwards. Making him look absolutely livid by the end of his assault.

A sentiment which you also beginning to share. "Grrr, so that's how you want to play, huh?" You growled. Your eyes now alighting themself similarly in anger with the foolish Rat that flat out refuses to just sit down and simply listen to you. Your patience slowly running dry.

Martial (Melee) Vs Martial (Melee)
Roll (49) + Stats (-5) + Bonus (-5): 39 Vs 28

"Fine! You want a fight? Then I'll give you one!" You yelled towards the Rat before immediately reclosing the distance between the two of you. This time, being the one who is in attack.

Seeing this, the Rat tries to predict your movements before finally making his own, but it's clear from the beginning that the rain doesn't give him much of a favor in this fight, for all he hit when you had come closer to him was only the ground that blew up due to the force of his strike. The impact splashing much of mud, water, and soil all over his black fur.

And leaving his far outstretched right side open for you to freely exploit.

So exploit them you do, and this time without any sort of hesitation on your part.

Jumping on top of his back, you took a bite straight out of his exposed nape, clamping your teeth down on to them with a great amount of force coming from your jaws. Prompting your fellow God Canditate under you to let out a loud roar of pain, all the while shaking himself wildly in an attempt to throw you off from him.

Unfortunately before long, you see one of his hand quickly began to reach themself out towards you, and before the Rat were able to secure himself a grab, you leap yourself a short distance away from him. Leaving him with nothing but air, and a large gruesome wound open on the side of his neck.

"RAAAARGHHH!!!" Doing his best to stop the bleeding with one hand, the Rat roared out as he glared at you in fury. Scattering much of the Slyvan's that had decided to stay, and spectate. "Damn you, Fox. You will regret for daring to interfere with me!!"

"We'll see about that, Rat." Scoffing, you taunted him upon hearing the threat. Not lowering your guard down even as you watched him intently for his next move. Wondering how you should go from here on out.

Learning Vs Intrigue
Roll (76) Vs 27
Second Degree of Success

Next Turn (Rat)
Round 1: ????
Round 2: Stewardship (Fennec)
Round 3: Martial (Fennec)


Enemy 1: Rat
[/] [????]

Self: Fennec
[/] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Battle Area:
1. Open Clearing (Current):
-No Effect

2. ???? Forest:
-Stewardship: +5
-Intrigue: +5

Battle Condition: Heavy Rainfall
Martial: -5
Intrigue: +10
Learning: -5

Battle Plan
Votes must always be in the Plan format. Any Write-In Actions that weren't in variation of the Standard Actions such as singing your target to sleep or asking the cloud to send thunder down to your target's head would need to pass through the usual DC of 20/40/80.

[ ] Plan: Try Again
-[ ] Diplomacy (Rat): Pacify
-[ ] Intrigue (Rat): Disengage
-[ ] Martial (Rat): Melee

[ ] Plan: Write-In
-[ ] Stat (Target): Action
-[ ] Stat (Target): Action
-[ ] Stat (Target): Action

Please wait a bit for the Battle Mechanic. If you have any questions then please ask. I think what I made is pretty simple, but if there's any confusion then I would try to clarify them.
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(Unused) Battle Mechanic
[ ] Plan: Write-In
-[ ] Stat (Target): Action
-[ ] Stat (Target): Action
-[ ] Stat (Target): Action

A Stat is any Stats that you wished to use for the Action. Which is Martial, Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue, and Learning.

A Target is what you want your action to work at. This can be anything whether they are your Enemy such as the Rat, a bystander such as the Slyvan, or even anything else such as the Forest, the Rain, or even a random rock lying on the ground.

An Action is what you wanted to happen with the Target using your Stat. Usually, you only need to use the Actions provided by the Standard Actions. If you want something else however, you can also Write-In anything you want. It can be anything from something simple such as Sleep or something more complicated such as 'Ask the Clouds to attack the Rat in front of you'. Just remember that the more ridiculous your Write-Ins are, the more likely they would need to pass the usual DC of 20/40/80 along with beating your opponents Roll.

You have the Armor Class (AC) of 10. So even if your enemy's attack againts you is successful, they would need to have the overall Roll Result of more than 10 of your overall Roll Result to inflict an injury. Otherwise they would deal absolutely no damage. The same also goes for you.

An Action done to physically injure your Target. If successful, deal 1 Wound to your Target while also giving your next Action a +10 Bonus. The Bonus will increase by two times upon another success.

An Action done to inhibit your Target. If successful, block the next Action of your Target. Leaving you both with only the Struggle Action until the target rolled higher than yours.

An Action done only to survive. If successful, raise your AC by twice of it's original value.

An Action done to subdue your target in a non-violent manner. Making them want to surrender. The number of times this Action needs to be successful varies depending on the Target.

An Action done to lower the guard of your Target using various methods. Either by taunting, lying, or even making a joke. If successful, lower the overall result of their next Action by 15.

-Inquire (Write-In):
An Action done to gain information from your Target. If successful, you will learn something new from your Target. Must be specified.

An Action done to unconventionally injure your target using everything around you. If successful, deal 1 wound to your Target.

-Use (Write-In):
An action done to utilize an item you are in possession of. If successful, the item's intended effect will also be successful.

-Build (Write-In):
An Action done to create something while in the middle of a Battle at the cost of 40% of your overall Roll Result. If successful, the desired result would be made, whether they are something great such as a non one-use spear of lightning or something simple like a deep trap hole. Must be specified.

An Action done to physically injure your Target. If successful, deal 1 Wound to your Target while also giving your next Action a +5 Bonus. The Bonus will increase by two times upon another success.

An Action done to escape the notice of your Target. If successful for two times in a row, apply the Ambush Bonus to your next attack. Any cost to all of your following Actions would also be cut in half until you were found. Must be done after the success of Disengage.

An Action done to briefly break off from the ongoing battle. Negating the accumulating Bonus your Enemy had acquired.

An Action done to familiarise yourself with your Target at the cost of 20% of your overall Roll Result. If successful, you will gain a +5 Bonus againts that Target specifically. The Bonus will last even after the Battle, with a degradation of 5 per Quest Turn.

An Action done to learn something not obvious or hidden from your Target. If successful, you will learn something new from your Target.

-Search (Write-In):
An Action done to look for something while in the middle of a Battle. Whether they are an Enemy in hiding, some random object of power, or even a bystander you are intending to drag into the Battle. Must be Specified.

An Action done when you want to leave the Battle before a Winner can be decided. Can only be used after the Disengage Action is successful. Any Stats can be used for this action. Must be successful for three times. Each success would grant you a +10 Bonus to all of the following Escape Action.

An action done when you can't do anything else. Neither Stats nor Bonuses would be applied to your overall Roll Result.
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[X] Plan: Tricksy Little Fox
-[X] Intrigue (Rat): Melee
-[X] Diplomacy (Rat): Distract
-[X] Intrigue (Rat): Melee
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I'm not sure killing the Rat would be the Right thing to do, but sparing or allowing him to leave would also lend to an Enemy ongoing. As for the Sylvans, I'm thinking we end up giving them Curiousity, to offset Hunger. Hunger to drive them, Curiosity to guide them. A pull to Hunger's push. A Goal to contrast a Drive.
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Battle: The Rat of Hunger 2
[X] Plan: Tricksy Little Fox
-[X] Intrigue (Rat): Melee
-[X] Diplomacy (Rat): Distract
-[X] Intrigue (Rat): Melee


Unfortunately, time is not something that you currently have an abundance of at the moment, for it is only the height of folly to simply let an opponent be comfortable when they are taking the lead of a possible fight to the death. The very notion itself is just maddness. For who would want to play around with their own lives?

It is just one of those things which every Creature who had survived long enough in this world had long since learned during their time of young. Something which your fellow God Canditate is obviously not an exception of. For you can already see him taking those very lessons to heart.

Meaning, the Rat has basically spent no time at all before resorting to just charging at you with all the speed and momentum of a starving 9 feet tall creature made out of dense fur and muscle. Instantly filling the entirety of your field of vision using only his mass alone.

Being the target, you let out a gasp, and quickly make your way away from the fast approaching Rat. Not having any desire of being trampled on by something likely twice your own weight that is moving as fast as the wind itself. A move your opponent did not approve of, not in the slightest.

"Get back here you damned Fox!" Yelled the Rat as he chased after you in blind fury. Obviously while also trying to repeatedly pound you to pieces, for you can clearly hear him doing just that to the muddy grounds which you had just ran pass. Prompting you to move faster, and making your pursuer angrier. "When I get my hands on you, I will eat you to your very bones!!"

"Make me, Fuzzball!" You yelled back at him as you carry on with your momentary retreat. Doing the best you can to not get hit.

Intrigue (Melee) Vs Martial (Melee)
Roll (19) + Stat (10) + Bonus (20): 49 Vs 54

Fortunately, you are faster than the Rat, albeit only slightly. That small difference of speed however, is enough for you to avoid all of the deadly strikes being made againts you by running yourself forward in a zig zagging patterns. With only a few of them are even able to come close from touching the tip of your tail.

You would have prefered being able to strike back at at the Rat however, but after risking a glance behind, you know you will not have that chance. For he is just way too close.

Without a doubt, the moment you slowed yourself down to prepare a counter strike, one of Fuzzball's attack would definitely land themselves a hit, and you do not want this to become a trade off if at all possible. For the desert has the bad tendency of punishing those who aren't at their very best during the worst of all moments.

You need to quickly think of something to turn this situation around, before the Rat is able to gain on you. Luckily, you know just the thing to turn somebody who is already mad to go even madder. Making them go even ballistic.

"Hey Fuzzball!" You shouted out loud towards the Rat while also avoiding another of his powerful arm strike. Immediately gaining you his attention. "Don't you think maybe it is because of you that the Slyvans are the way they are now?"

"What?" The Rat snarled upon hearing your words. His pace slowly beginning to a stop.

"I mean... ." You tilt your head to the side. Stopping your run after seeing the Rat had also done the same. "You said you had been protecting them, right? Doing everything that you can to not let their lives be in anyway disturbed? That is exactly how you had explained it to me, right Rat?"

"Get to the point." Heavily frowning, the Rat all but ordered you. Now clenching both of his hands tightly on his sides.

"So~, here's a thought." You nonchalantly obliged the Rat. Noting how his tail is becoming more and more erratic as you kept on talking with your muzzle. "Don't you ever think that those Creatures you had been repelling is what makes these Slyvans seems so special? Think about whether the lives of being in constant danger that they had provided is what actually had been motivating the Slyvans to act? You are basically trying to do the same, right? Only with hunger instead."

"You know nothing." The Rat harshly declared. Now slowly beginning to fume in newfound anger.

"Of course I don't, I'm just guessing." You innocently answered him. Laughter almost bubbling out from down within your throat. "I just want to tell you that maybe, just maybe, the Slyvans were completely fine before you had found them, and they only got worse once those creatures you had chased away didn't kill them as much."

"Oh!" You suddenly let out a gasp. Acting as if you had just realized something before widely grinning. "But doesn't that mean... "

"That the Slyvan's apathy is mostly there because of you?"

Diplomacy (Distract) Vs Stewardship (Improvise)
Roll (99) + Stat (5): 104 Vs 83

"RAAAAAAAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!" The Rat once again ROARED out in fury, but this time, his outrage was immediately followed by the appearance of a tall incoming wave of mud. Made instantly by him quickly spinning himself around, and using his tail to strike hard at the flooded ground in front of him up skywards. Sending a literal deluge of drenched soil directly towards you.

If it was prepared correctly, then this set up would definitely be able to both surprise you, and injure you. Done like this however? All the Rat did was creating a covering for you to hide behind, and by the time the wave had dispersed away to reveal how you had long since vanished, you have already readied yourself to make a strike back from directly behind his back.

Intrigue (Melee) Vs Martial (Melee)
Roll (62) + Stat (10) + Bonus (25): 97 Vs 88

Truth be told, the Rat's reaction time at that moment is honestly frightening. It's as if the second he sees you gone, he immediately turned himself around to swung his arm downwards at anything that was behind him. Not a single second of hesitation to be seen.

Thus, it is only fortunate for you to find how that just wasn't enough. For there are just too many factors that is working in tandem together againts the Rat. Before he was able to bring his arm down, you have already made your leap towards him, your fangs biting down hard and puncturing deep into his left calf. Severely wounding it to the point of it now bleeding profusely.

With that, the Rat let out a loud screech of pain, before he then tries to immediately strike you down regardless of the agony he felt. Only to hit nothing but air, for you had already moved away once you had reached the bone. "D-Damn you... ." He simply muttered out as he falls down to his knee. Strength rapidly leaving from his legs.

Licking away the blood clean from your teeth, you silently watched the Rat as he glared at you with hatred clear in his eyes. His form is defiant still, despite knowing well enough that his chance of winning againts you is now slim. He would still try to fight you on regardless, for Hunger would not go out with a whimper.

You would only need one more good hit to kill him. What would you do now?

Learning Vs Intrigue
Roll (87) Vs 56
First Degree of Success

Next Turn (Rat)
Round 1: ????
Round 2: ????
Round 3: Martial (Fennec)

Enemy 1: Rat
[/] [/] [ ]

Self: Fennec
[/] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Battle Area:
1. Open Clearing (Current):
-No Effect

2. ???? Forest:
-Stewardship: +5
-Intrigue: +5

Battle Condition: Heavy Rainfall
Martial: -5
Intrigue: +10
Learning: -5

Battle Plan
Votes must always be in the Plan format. Any Write-In Actions that weren't in variation of the Standard Actions such as singing your target to sleep or asking the cloud to send thunder down to your target's head would need to pass through the usual DC of 20/40/80.

[ ] Plan: Write-In
-[ ] Stat (Target): Action
-[ ] Stat (Target): Action
-[ ] Stat (Target): Action
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Battle: The Rat of Hunger Emergency Voting
There's a few more hours left until the vote was going to usually end, but I just call this one now. It seems I'm still not good enough to write a story using a complicated mechanic. So from this point onwards, battle will be more decision based, where you will only vote for the key moments in them, which we will start now, if anyone is still interested in this Quest.

The Rat is at the edge of defeat. What would you do?
[ ] Kill him: The Rat is too dangerous to be let alive. You will end him here, and now.

[ ] Spare him: You only need the Rat to stop, nothing else. He will live to see another day.

[ ] Write-In
[x] Kill him: The Rat is too dangerous to be let alive. You will end him here, and now.