[X] An abandoned warehouse:
[X] Robotgirl (Robotboy)
[X] Heather/Charmcaster (Ben 10 2016)
[X] Dr. Eggman (Sonic Boom)
A reason why chose an abandoned warehouse is probably because is on America and Asia is really dangerous on Cruel Network at the moment that unfortunate where the temple is located.
Suffice to say Asia really is not a great place for us to start this quest.
Between the hong kong gang and charmcaster, charmcaster is definitely the one more suited to jacks interests. Currently there is a difference of one vote between them in hong kong gangs favor when it comes to third place. I'd say it's worthwhile to start with something of an expert on magic.
I'd definitely have gone for Charmcaster for that reason if Jack wasn't starting with Le Mime, who has a solid 28 in occult. I think it's important to be relatively well-rounded instead of risking too much specialization early on. Eggman boosts Jack's primary strength, especially with what should be a robotics synergy, so I don't want two thirds of these choices to focus on stuff Jack's already got a solid foundation for.
Hmmph. Looks like those Xiaolin losers really were gone! Their old temple was completely free for the taking!
Ah, delicious, delicious irony. You would begin your rule from the very place your most notable enemies opposed you!
You, Le Mime and your new minions were easily able to move in, and there was a ton of space.
You assessed your new allies.
Dr. Eggman, flanked by Orbot and Cubot, was an eccentric man, but From what you had seen he was ALMOST as good a Roboticist as you were! Apparently, he used to terrorize a single village, but he lost a chili dog eating contest and was no longer allowed to step foot there, and then his base was accidentally blown up, leaving him homeless and without purpose. Why he didn't just ignore that agreement and keep attacking wes beyond you, but hey, you had a new ally from it.
The uncreatively named Robotgirl had been in some junkyard. You decided to buy and repair her on a whim. It seemed to be working out so far, and she was pretty chill and nice. You don't know her full capabilities, but you're sure it will be useful from what you could get.
Tuck, Skwydd and Cricket were quite the interesting looking trio. EVOs, they were apparently called. Apparently, they were under the thumb of a local crime boss, but he had recently gotten an inflated ego and tried to take on Vilgax. It ended... Poorly. Now without the protection from other gangs Brought by their boss, the trio got going while the going was good and joined you.
An eclectic crew. But a crew nonetheless.
"Ok, everyone! Welcome to the Jack Pack - trademark pending - the greatest evil crew around! With our combined might the world will fall before us! Any questions?"
Everyone but Le Mime raised their hands.
"Yes you'll be getting paid."
Everyone but Robotgirl lowered their hands. You sigh.
"Yes Robotgirl?"
"Do we HAVE to be evil? Also, what is evil?" She asked cheerfully.
This was going to be a long month....
You get one National action to do per category!
Jack gets 3 Personals, everyone else gets 1
Funding (how much money you have, 1 equalling about a few hundred dollars): 4
National Actions:
- The Little Conquerer: There's a village or something next to your base. Why not just walk in and declare yourself it's new boss?
+ DC: 30/80
+ Reward: Random village captured. Increases Infamy.
Jackbot Patrols: While you don't have much in the way of Jackbot production at the moment, you could always order the ones you do have to patrol your territory.
+ DC: 50/80/120 (Goes up as you acquire territory. Goes down as you build robot producing factories and recruit organic soldiers.)
+ Rewards: Enemies gain a -5/10/15 malus when it comes to infiltrating your territory.
- Do A Little Trolling: You don't really have the bots or guys to go on a war path yet... But that doesn't mean you can't go around and mess with people.
+ The Heylin DC: 150
- The Domain of Aku DC: 200
- High Roller's Empire DC: 55
- Weird World DC: 95
- New Legerdemain DC: 110
- Vilgax's Empire DC: 135
+ Rewards: Random loot. Annoy/Enrage the selected King/Group.
Build A Jackbot Factory: You need more Jackbots, and fast. You don't really have much room at the moment if you want to keep it hidden, but... Eh. Who cares if anyone sees it?
+ DC: 40/60/80/100/120
+ Rewards: Jackbot Factory constructed. If the "Expanded Underground Base" option isn't chosen then you will not be able to hide it.
Expand Underground Base: Your base is pretty rad, but there's not much room for any major infrastructure. Thankfully, you can always go DOWN, which should help you keep certain things a secret.
+ DC: 30/60/90/120
+ Rewards: Underground base established and expanded, allowing you to hide certain infrastructure.
Building Upward!: While underground bases are cool, there's nothing stopping you from building upward. Sure, it will be more obvious but... You don't care. Having your own skyscraper office is too cool to pass up.
+ DC: 40/80/120
+ Rewards: Start turning your base into a skyscraper. Gain more space in your base.
Misc-Bot Factory: Of course, you do have other types of 'bots you could build. Hmm... Decisions, decisions...
+ DC: Select a design.
- Hound Bots: 35/70/105/140
- Soda Bot: 20/40/60/80/100/120
- Yes Bot: 10/20/30/40/50/60
- Winged Jackbot: 60/120
- Regenerating Jackbot: 100
- Chameleon-Bot: 60/120
- F-Bot: 10/20/30/40/50/60
+ Rewards: Selected 'bot factory built.
Rebuild Robo-Jack Spicer: A, in your *humble* opinion, *very attractive* robotic copy of yourself! He's such a perfect copy... That he ended up betraying you twice, even with an obedience chip inside of his head. This time, you'll make sure he's actually loyal. After all, who else will hate the people you do just as much as you do besides you, hmm?
+ DC: 10/100
+ Rewards: Robo-Jack Spicer built. Is an exact copy of Jack Splicer. Must roll over a 100 to ensure the obedience chip works this time.
Hybridized Jackbot Weapon: Do the Blade-Bots and Gun-Bots REALLY need to be different models?
+ DC: 50
+ Rewards: Blades and Guns added to all other Jackbot designs, with them being able to switch between them on the fly.
Cure Colorblindness: You might... Kinda... Sorta... Be color blind... Specifically when it comes to reds and browns. You wouldn't really care, but those idiots on those villain chatrooms and forums keep making fun of you due to it!
+ DC: 60
+ Rewards: Cure for color blindness created
The Mecha Train: You've been hearing talk of "Transformers", robots that can turn into vehicles. Bah! You already made one of those!
+ DC: 70
+ Reward: Create a new train that can turn into a mech. Repeatable.
Upgrade Jackbots: While you do tinker with them on and off in your free time, it might be wise to set about a more sizable amount so you can make some REAL upgrades to your favorite 'bots.
+ DC: 40/60/80/100/120
+ Rewards: Can choose an upgrade for your Jackbots based on what tier you pass.
Build Dude-Bot 2.0: You're... Not really a PEOPLE kinda guy. One of your 'bots was, though. Why not build an improved version of him to help you on that front?
DC: 30/60/90/120
Rewards; Dude-Bot rebuilt. Diplomacy Hero that is incapable of performing Martial actions without additional upgrades.
So... Nanites: *Apparently*, the entire Human race got infected by nanites some time ago. You don't really remember that happening, but, you may as well check to see what's up with the ones in your body.
+ DC: ???
+ Rewards: ???
Reprogram V.I.R.U.S. (Incompatible with Recruit V.I.R.U.S)
Of course, you could always just reprogram him. Make him a REALLY evil A.I.!
DC: 100
Rewards: Eviler, more obedient V.I.R.U.S. recruited.
Hire A Detective: Why waste time spying on people yourself when you can just hire people to do it for you?
- Inch High Private Eye: A private eye who was turned into a one inch man thanks to a mysterious serum.
- Detective Mumbly: Cousin to Muttley. While the Dread Baron did hire him to help the Really Rottens during the Laugh-Olympics he's a detective at heart and returned to his previous profession after that was put on a permanent pause.
+ Rewards: Does not cost an action point. Temporarily hire a detective for this turn that you can assign to any Intrigue action. Costs Funding.
Space Based: There seems to be a LOT of random radio and television transmissions coming from space. What's going on up there?
+ DC: 40/70/100/130
+ Rewards: ??? (Repeatable ? number of times)
Pollution Solution: For some stupid reason a lot of people are purposely polluting the lands surrounding your base. You don't really care about the environment, but you can't stand the smell! Find whoever did this and teach them a lesson!
+ DC: 50/80
+ Rewards: ???
Malaysia Melodies: Someone blew up Malaysia. Why? Nobody knows...
+ DC: ???
+ Rewards: Discover who nuked Malaysia off the maps.
Island Hopping: It's an evil villain tradition to build island bases, and most of those tend to get abandoned so newer, much larger ones can be built. Why not raid what's been left over to see if you can find anything useful?
+ DC: 30/60/90/120
+ Rewards: Scavenge different islands in search of possible loot.
Villain Forum Vengeance! You're a laughing stock on the villain forums and chatrooms, an absolute joke. That won't stand! Hack them and show them that you won't take this lying down!
+ DC: 80
+ Rewards: Everyone who mocks you and/or dares to use the phrase, "I just got JACKED" will instantly get banned from these sites! Petty vengeance! Muahahaha!
Investigate... Well, Anything: There's a lot of weird stuff going on. Like, REALLY weird stuff. Why not waste some time and look into it?
+ DC: Dependent on what is chosen.
- Investigate the Monks. DC: 100
- Investigate Chase. DC: 110
- Missing Persons Cases (Local). DC: 75
- Missing Persons Cases. DC: 95
- Robots. DC: 80
- Non-Magical Non-Human Species. DC: 90
+ Rewards: Variable.
Infiltrate A Faction: You don't really know... Well, anything, when it comes to the new big name villains. While you could just look them up on the villain forums and wikis... You won't dare to go back onto those sites until you have your revenge! So, instead, you'll send spies out to gather information like the good old days.
+ DC: Variable.
- The Heylin DC: 105
- The Domain of Aku DC: 195
- High Roller's Empire DC: 100
- Weird World DC: 100
- New Legerdemain DC: 110
- Vilgax's Empire DC: 95
+ Rewards: Information. Chosen territory infiltrated.
Malaysia might be the, *literal*, biggest explosion that's rocked the world, but it isn't the only one. In fact, Moscow... It's just gone. You REALLY need to find these mad bombers before they decide to blow *you* up!
DC: ???
Rewards: ???
Contact Ninjas
You need mooks that are good at sneaking around, and you need them now! Thankfully, there should be a few Ninja clans still running around...
DC: Variable
- Arashikage Clan (G.I. Joe: Resolute) DC: 100
- Nya's Rebellion (Ninjago) DC: 85
Reward: Ninja Clan contacted. Chance for collaboration and possible annexation/merger.
Study Shen Gong Wu: Wuya was, quite obviously, the lady who told you all about the Shen Gong Wu you encountered. Without her assistance you'll, mostly, draw a blank when it comes to the histories and possibly powers of any new Shen Gong Wu you encounter. That also means you'll have to do all of the legwork when it comes to researching them... unless you order a lackie to do it instead, of course.
+ DC: Variable.
- Monkey Staff: 100 (As you already know a lot about the staff.)
+ Rewards: Increased info on Shen Gong Wus. Chance for additional Shen Gong Wu Occult actions to be unlocked.
Chasing Ghosts: While you're familiar with certain types of monsters, like Cyclops, there's still plenty of things out there that you've never even heard of before. Why not check and see if you can find any new supernatural pals to replace those stupid traitors?
+ DC: Variable
- Ghosts (General): 80
- Demons (General): 85
- Random Monsters (General): 75
- Chinese Spooks: 60
- Japanese Spooks: 80
- Australian Spooks: 50
- American Spooks: 80
+ Rewards: Supernatural entities discovered. Possible recruitment options.
Research Non-Shen Gong Wu Artifacts: While you're PRETTY sure that all supernatural objects count as Shen Gong Wu, it's better to double check and see if there are other types of magical items out there.
+ DC: 85
+ Rewards: Non-Shen Gong Wu artifact discovered.
Investigate Occult Investigators: So, you found a random ad for "Ghost Seekers Monthly" floating around and a few other advertisements on videos you were watching for different "paranormal investigators". As everyone you used to know in the criminal world would never help you out now, even if it's just to give you a bit of advice, it might be smart to investigate some of these instigators.
+ DC: Variable
- Ghost Chasers: DC 60
- The Funky Phantoms: DC 75
- Fangface and Company: DC 65
+ Rewards: Group investigated. Can hire them in exchange for Funding.
Rich Boy Connection: Being the villainous son of two millionaires does come with some perks. Namely, a lot of companies and think tanks will be happy to have you visit in the hopes you'll boost their ratings. There's also a few other guys and girls in a similar boat as you, so they'd probably enjoy having peers they can count on as allies.
+ DC: Variable
- Bling Bling Island DC: 65
- Chateau Chattoo DC: 75
- King of Flan DC: 80
- The Addams Family DC: 85
+ Results: Selected group/person contacted. Rewards varry.
Cut Deals with Local Gangs
DC: 85
You have to admit, organized crime has never really been your style, too old school. But maybe you could spare some mercy and drag them along into modern times.
Results: Gangs and Mobs within the area are contacted as allies. Gain further actions to collaborate with them.
-Ask your parents to get some bussiness contacts (Dc: Variable)
Ugh the resources for making money are getting scarce, and although you could maybe buy it yourself. You could probably ask your folks to do some networking for you.
Ok i might need to prepare my sad dog eyes for them, *Cof* *Cof* ¨Mommyy!!¨
Reward: Jack gets contact who can sell him material for his inventions.
Collaborate with evil youth (dc:50)
Hah, i will show them all, you will create your own heylin faction better than Chase!, he will even come to me begging me to join my new faction. Now i might need to look who is willing to work with me.
Reward: Open actions to collaborate with other villains around.
Contact Robotics Companies: While you might be an evil villain, at the end of the day your true passion will always be robots... As they can easily crush your enemies! Still, there are other robotics experts out there, be the lone guys/gals or entire corporations. Maybe you could convince them to collaborate on a project with you, if not outright hire them?
DC: Variable.
- Boxmore (Evil Robotic Company): DC 50
- Black Hat Organization, Robotics Division (Evil Omnidisplinary Company): DC: 40/60/80/90/100
- Dr. Quentin Q. Quinn (Former Sealabs Scientist): 40/80/120
Rewards: Variable
Recruit V.I.R.U.S (Incompatible with Reprogram V.I.R.U.S.)
V.I.R.U.S. is a self proclaimed villainous A.I.... who only spoils the ending to shows. Sure, that is EVIL, but it's not really villainous. Still, having a A.I. that's an expert at hacking wouldn't be a horrible idea...
+ DC: 50
+ Rewards: V.I.R.U.S. recruited. Just watch out for him spoiling the ending to any show you like!
Personal Actions:
Practice With Your Shen Gong Wu: Doesn't hurt to practice, right?
- Monkey Staff
+ Reward: Possible stat bonus when using that Shen Gong Wu.
Tinker With Jackbots: They're your creations, so you know them like the back of your hands.
+ Reward: Jackbots upgraded. Upgrades less potent than if you spent a Learning action on them.
Research Fellow Evil Scientists: If Wuya is going to ditch you and make it harder to deal with mystical stuff, then you'll just find a new scientist to fill her spot instead!
Rewards: List of potential Learning heroes. Chance to recruit one off the bat.
Practice Figure Skating: ... No one must know.
Rewards: +1 Martial
Practice Knife Throwing Skills: What you ACTUALLY wanted to learn as a kid. Well, no time like the present.
Results: Fulfilment. Learn how to throw knives.
Hire Someone you Skipped Over (Can be taken once)
You had a shocking amount of people interested in working for you. Some were offended by being looked over or had other opportunities lined up, so not everyone is still available, but hey, better than nothing.
Hire Who?
- Dick Dastardly
- Heather/Charmcaster
- Madelyn Dinkley
- Wreck-Gar
- The NumberNumbers
- Scooby-Dum
- MK
- Moxy and Flea
Reward: Hero Unit hired.
Do Some Pranks
Le Mime doesn't have a lot going on really, and is a jokester. Not the best combination for you AND your enemies.
Reward: Le Mime pranks some random people.
Create French Art
Ah, le French Art! Wait, Le Mime isn't an artist...
Reward: French Art?
Host Evil Mime Classes
Every good villain has their own thematic minions!
Rewards: Le Mime gains Evil Mime Minions.
Enforce The Mime Language
Le Mime refuses to speak even a single sound, instead using his miming abilities to communicate. He will ensure all the idiots that he works with understand him... Lest they suffer the consequences.
Rewards: Everyone can more easily understand Le Mime... Whether they want to or not.
Talk to Orbot and Cubot
They're bungling buffoons, but they're all you got left. Ugh. Might as well talk...
Reward: Eggman hangs out with Orbot and Cubot.
Rebuild Mombot
She was a nag... But you miss her...
Reward: Mombot is rebuilt and added to Eggman's stat block.
Rebuild a Random Badnik
You have made a lot of robots over the years, almost all of whom were destroyed when your base got blown to smithereens. Time to hunker down and restart them.
Reward: A random one of Eggman's many robots are rebuilt. May help patrol your territory or be added to his stat block.
Learn What "Evil" Is
Uh, Mr. Spicer never actually answered your question...
Reward: Robotgirl does Personal research into villainy.
Learn from Mr. Spicer
He repaired you and gave you a place to stay! So he has to be nice!
Reward: Robotgirl hangs out with you and may gain a new opinion on you... For better or worse.
Look into Your Creator
Professor Moshimo wouldn't leave you without a good reason. You hope he is ok...
Reward: Learn the fate of Professor Moshimo.
Loot This Temple
The new boss is a weirdo, but this new base is cool as heck. Hey, he doesn't gotta know what they do in their free time...
Reward: Loot the Xiaolin Temple. Potential to find random abandoned stuff of value.
Take What You Can from Quarry's Stuff
Your old boss was a jerk. Now he's a dead jerk. You're sure his stuff has been picked clean, but hey, you never know...
Reward: Gain random stuff owned by Quarry.
Talk to the Boss
Again, he's a weirdo, but he's paying you and giving you a rent free place to stay without constant death threats and psychological abuse. So... Better than the old boss.
Reward: The Gang hang out with Jack. Shenanigans probably ensue.
Where the Heck is Circe???
The last member of the Crew just sorta... Vanished one day. You're worried...
Reward: Learn the fate of Circe.
So... Nanites: *Apparently*, the entire Human race got infected by nanites some time ago. You don't really remember that happening, but, you may as well check to see what's up with the ones in your body.
+ DC: ???
+ Rewards: ???
Expand Underground Base: Your base is pretty rad, but there's not much room for any major infrastructure. Thankfully, you can always go DOWN, which should help you keep certain things a secret.
+ DC: 30/60/90/120
+ Rewards: Underground base established and expanded, allowing you to hide certain infrastructure.
Jackbot Patrols: While you don't have much in the way of Jackbot production at the moment, you could always order the ones you do have to patrol your territory.
+ DC: 50/80/120 (Goes up as you acquire territory. Goes down as you build robot producing factories and recruit organic soldiers.)
+ Rewards: Enemies gain a -5/10/15 malus when it comes to infiltrating your territory.
Island Hopping: It's an evil villain tradition to build island bases, and most of those tend to get abandoned so newer, much larger ones can be built. Why not raid what's been left over to see if you can find anything useful?
+ DC: 30/60/90/120
+ Rewards: Scavenge different islands in search of possible loot.
Rich Boy Connection: Being the villainous son of two millionaires does come with some perks. Namely, a lot of companies and think tanks will be happy to have you visit in the hopes you'll boost their ratings. There's also a few other guys and girls in a similar boat as you, so they'd probably enjoy having peers they can count on as allies.
+ DC: Variable
- Bling Bling Island DC: 65
- Chateau Chattoo DC: 75
- King of Flan DC: 80
- The Addams Family DC: 85
+ Results: Selected group/person contacted. Rewards varry.
I say we meet with the adams family. Gomez is a sucker and watching Wednesday make Jack and his minions run screaming and sobbing from the premesis will be funny.
Chasing Ghosts: While you're familiar with certain types of monsters, like Cyclops, there's still plenty of things out there that you've never even heard of before. Why not check and see if you can find any new supernatural pals to replace those stupid traitors?
+ DC: Variable
- Ghosts (General): 80
- Demons (General): 85
- Random Monsters (General): 75
- Chinese Spooks: 60
- Japanese Spooks: 80
- Australian Spooks: 50
- American Spooks: 80
+ Rewards: Supernatural entities discovered. Possible recruitment options.
Island Hopping: It's an evil villain tradition to build island bases, and most of those tend to get abandoned so newer, much larger ones can be built. Why not raid what's been left over to see if you can find anything useful?
+ DC: 30/60/90/120
+ Rewards: Scavenge different islands in search of possible loot.
Expand Underground Base: Your base is pretty rad, but there's not much room for any major infrastructure. Thankfully, you can always go DOWN, which should help you keep certain things a secret.
+ DC: 30/60/90/120
+ Rewards: Underground base established and expanded, allowing you to hide certain infrastructure.
This one is also important, until we have a stronger base we shoul avoid getting too much atention. And Eggman add 32 to Stewardship wich is
pretty great.
[X] Plan Keeping Our Heads Down
-[X] Jackbot Patrols
-[X] Expand Underground Base (Dr. Eggman)
-[X] Build Dude-Bot 2.0
-[X] Pollution Solution (Hong Kong Gang)
-[X] Research Non-Shen Gong Wu Artifacts (Le Mime)
-[X] Recruit V.I.R.U.S (Robotgirl)
-[X]Jack Personal
-- Practice Figure Skating
-- Research Fellow Evil Scientists
-- Hire Someone you Skipped Over
--- Heather/Charmcaster
-[X] Le Mime Personal
-- Enforce The Mime Language
-[X] Dr.Eggman Personal
-- Rebuild Mombot
-[X] Robotgirl Personal
-- Learn from Mr. Spicer
-[X] Hong Kong Gang
-- Where the Heck is Circe???
This is my starting plan, where we stay undercover for a while and start rounding out our bases. I picked pollution since it's happening right next to us and also making Dudebot and recruiting Virus since we need a diplomat and someone else with a decent stewardship so we can have Eggman on learning actions.
[X] Plan Jack Pack, Disperse!
-[X] Jackbot Patrols: DC: 50/80/120
-[X] Rich Boy Connection:
--[X] The Addams Family DC: 85 Robotgirl
-[X] Expand Underground Base: DC: 30/60/90/120 Eggman
-[X] Hire A Detective
--[X] Inch High Private Eye
---[X] Pollution Solution
-[X] Island Hopping: DC 30/60/90/120 The Hong Kong Gang
-[X] Build Dude-Bot 2.0: DC: 30/60/90/120
-[X] Chasing Ghosts:
--[X] Japanese Spooks: DC: 80 Le Mime
-[X] Hire Someone you Skipped Over (Can be taken once)
--[X] The NumberNumbers
-[X] Tinker With Jackbots
-[X] Practice Figure Skating
-[X] Enforce The Mime Language
-[X] Rebuild a Random Badnik
-[X] Learn from Mr. Spicer
-[X] Where the Heck is Circe???
This one is also important, until we have a stronger base we shoul avoid getting too much atention. And Eggman add 32 to Stewardship wich is
pretty great
Jack as the antagonist, applies his bonus to all national actions.
Martial : setting up patrols
Diplomacy : talking up rich folks for funds and miscellaneous help
Stewardship : expanding the base
Intrigue : Looting. It's what the hong Kong gang is good at and we don't want other people beating us to the good stuff.
Learning: free up robotgirl for martials.
Occult: we could use an Oni.
[X] Plan Jack Pack, Disperse!
-[X] Jackbot Patrols: DC: 50/80/120
-[X] Rich Boy Connection:
--[X] The Addams Family DC: 85 Robotgirl
-[X] Expand Underground Base: DC: 30/60/90/120
-[X] Island Hopping: DC 30/60/90/120 The Hong Kong Gang
-[X] Build Dude-Bot 2.0: DC: 30/60/90/120
-[X] Chasing Ghosts:
--[X] Japanese Spooks: DC: 80 Le Mime
-[X] Hire Someone you Skipped Over (Can be taken once)
--[X] (Who are we in favor of recruiting. I'm leaning towards the numbers numbers or Charmcaster. Will edit once I get feedback.)
-[X] Tinker With Jackbots
-[X] Practice Figure Skating
-[X] Enforce The Mime Language
-[X] Rebuild a Random Badnik
-[X] Learn from Mr. Spicer
-[X] Where the Heck is Circe???
[X] Plan Jack Pack, Disperse!
Is a pretty good plan, we should go for the numbers, Le Mime is already a pretty good occult unit, while Robotgirl being our diplomacy one
means we are missing a Martial one.
Also, remember to asign Eggman to the Stewardship action.
Cure Colorblindness: You might... Kinda... Sorta... Be color blind... Specifically when it comes to reds and browns. You wouldn't really care, but those idiots on those villain chatrooms and forums keep making fun of you due to it!
+ DC: 60
+ Rewards: Cure for color blindness created
I fixed it. I also just put Charmcaster as the one I'm recruiting.
I think we really should loot the island bases now before anyone else has the chance to do the same. I'm also not sure Virus is a stewardship unit? He reads as more of intrigue(hacking) unit to me.
I fixed it. I also just put Charmcaster as the one I'm recruiting.
I think we really should loot the island bases now before anyone else has the chance to do the same. I'm also not sure Virus is a stewardship unit? He reads as more of intrigue(hacking) unit to me.
I mean he is an virtual AI so I imagine his stewardship would be a minimum of around 20. Though out of curiosity what's your reasoning for chasing Japanese spooks?
I mean he is an virtual AI so I imagine his stewardship would be a minimum of around 20. Though out of curiosity what's your reasoning for chasing Japanese spooks?