Turn 1 Results
Po Town was many things as you looked out the window. Cold, Damp and above all looking miserable.
"At least the Heat Works." You said calmly looking at your Pokemon crashing out near the space heater.
"Yeah, thank goodness for small miracles." Guzma said. "Hey yo...can I ask you a few things?"
"Alright shoot." You said.
It had been a tense couple of days since you moved in with the grumbling and uncertainty of your new leadership position now showing the weight of its so-called crown.
"What's yiye story kid?" The White haired bug specialist asked "Everyone who joins Team skull, whether to try and usurp me or to be hired muscle has got some past they want to get away from. Plumeria had peer pressure, Gladion clearly had mommy issues, so what's skeletons are you keeping in the closet?"
That was an uncomfortable question...one you can't really answer...due to some odd hole in your memory where things should be...Some sort of tournament of sorts? Bahh you'll figure it out later.
"Uhh, I'm a ranger and I was a spy for them and joined team rocket to spy on them." You said awkwardly.
"Hmm" Guzma's baggy eyes seemed to stare right through your soul.
You knew that he could tell you were hiding something, though thankfully he didnt press the issue anymore than that.
"I also Fell in love with the Grass-type Gym Leader Erika, did a festival or two with her...made love in her flower garden before being cockblocked by a Sheymen of all things." You said.
"And then there was the fact The Elder himself got on my case and gave me a Latias egg and then I hatched it. After going around and seeing an Artichuno land and muck a rukus." You continued.
"And the rest I can't remember." You finished.
Guzma was quiet...penitent and silent for but a moment. "Why do I always get the weird ones."
-[X]PR and People skills: The Gangster look can stay...after much complaining...but the point still stands Team Skull's people skills are atrocious and the years in poverty haven't helped anything. Time for some basic people skills retraining kids. NOW! Cost: 0 Poke, Chance of Sucess: 40%, Reward:Team Skull (And Guzma) Learn the Value of Good PR and relations.
Rolled: D100 => 52+20=72
"Alright everyone...what is the first Rule of Public Relations?" You asked the makeshift class.
"First Impressions?!" One shouted.
"Handshakes!!" Another said.
"No...Its all about PRESENTATION!! of your Brand!" Guzma said.
You sighed. A
t least they got most of the lessons down.
Reward: Team Skull's Brand is now presentable to the Public...if we can get the public to accept our PR Stunts.
-[X]Meeting the Locals: Your going to make a Jog and meet some of the Locals, enjoy the sun in a place that isn't raining. See who you can see. Cost: 0 Poke, Chance of Sucess: 80%, Reward: You meet the Locals and get to know them. Rolled: D100 => 7+20=27
You looked at Nanu who nodded. "Keep them out of trouble now will you."
"I Will." You said.
Well that was odd.
Reward: Local Met Nanu, the Trail captain and Police Officer.
[X]Loose Ends and thee: Apparently...Not all the Grunts of Team Skull Got the Message of New Management, it must be dealt with before it causes further strife in the Organization...Also nothing Surfers...bullying school children, it's Pathetic. Yo. Cost:0 Poke, Chance of Sucess: ???%, Reward:You, Guzma and Team Skull bring the Hammer of JUSTICE down upon them.
Rolled: D100 => 98 CRIT!! d100 => 98 CRITx2: D100 => 56+20=76
It came to the Teams Attention quick enough, all they needed to do was follow the screams, the brawls and the uptick in confidence in the many petty crimes that were rare in Alola.
It all started with a group of goons in nice hats, wearing their former headbands and bandanas as arm decorations, doing more or less what they did before Crimson arrived to set them straight. It was petty stuff, bullying for lunch money taking barriers from bushes without paying.
Things that were more or fewer misdemeanors when in context.
But now things were getting more and more serious. What had once been simple nuances had evolved into more serious infractions.
And then it turned into the makings of a Criminal Syndacate... Armed Robery's in a Pokemart. Stealing Pokemon from homes, Robbery and even attempted Highwayman activity.
It was all becoming bigger and bigger.
Crimson looked at the Map of the many many dots that denoted crimes committed, robbery and other signs of criminal activity. "This is far more organized then your boy's can pull off on their own, but is it possible they can organize to this level? Guzma? I'm asking if your boy's that left can actually put in the work."
"How has our little PR Work been doing?" He asked.
"There have been brawls between Skulls and the Rogues all across the island, but that's the thing?" Guzma said. "They're packing Pokemon I've never seen before?"
"Koffing, Muk and one or Two Meowth's and a Rockruff." You said. "Standard Team Rocket Fare."
"You think that there's a connection?" Guzma said.
"Oh absolutely, The Zaibatsu is trying an expansion into Aether Corps Territory for some semblance of Security what's going on a desperation attempt." He said.
"BOSS BOSS!! B and Ander's started a brawl with the Rogues!! I think they started something BIG!" A Grunt ran in.
"I better get down there and bust a Face Yo?" Guzma said as he ran out.
"Be careful!!" Crimson said.
(Anders POV)
"I think we started something big yo!!" You shouted as the fire attacks and ranged Pokemon battles began to rage around them.
ALL This because you and your boys happed to stop a Pokemart Robbery!!
"The Boss is not paying us enough for this!!" B said.
"He doesn't pay us at all Yo!!" You said. "Start breaking down their biggest guy the rest will fold YO!"
"They ain't folding!!" B said as the rest of the Crew began to batter down the rogue Skull Grunts and their dumb nice hats!
"I'm gonna punch one!!" You said.
"A..! Don't be dumb." B said.
"YEAH BOY!!" You ran and started the melee as your boys and pokemon charged into the dock and started the Brawl in earnest!
Fists flew as you prayed and hoped for more men, I mean By Arceus this was a lot of guys for a dock!
"Oh, Arceus if Only Guzma was here!!" You said.
"IT'S YA BOI!!!" And then Guzma and Golisopod knock them back
Then when they try too run, Crimson comes and blocks their escape route.
"Your All under arrest!! In the Name of the Ranger Union and the Pokemon League. For Trafficking Pokemon illegally, unlawful transport of goods and Regional Law Violations in Alola's founding charter." You shouted.
Out of all the things that it took to get your attention to take these grunts down it was tracking money from the Team Rocket Zaibatsu.
Or rather...their black market accounts!
But who were you to complain about the ease of finding the Paper trail and finding something to get those noted. To say nothing of the possible environmental damages that an uncontrollable group of Houndoom's could do.
"They paid us good scratch and a good Mon's for this Guzma, unlike you!! You sold out to Square Guy!" The grunt said. "I though you'd said long ago that you'd never sell out!"
"Sell out!! Your the ones who sold out!" Guzma said as he hit a grunt to the Side. "You ran off, broke with the Team for MONEY!"
"We have a life to live, so what if we break a few rules, you broke them too!" The rogue said.
"I broke em too escape my crappy and find a place for myself! And even then, I
never took it this far!" He yelled, twisting the elbow of one and throwing him into a wall
"Team Skull was made on the belief that their were people out there, just like me and that I could reach out a helping hand too all of them. Not go around hurting innocent people and Pokemon!" He fired back, taking a punch too the gut before elbowing an upcoming Grunt and activating his Z Ring.
For all your though of how things work, how the world treated you like dirt, you never stooped this low. NEVER Abanodoned your ideals, sure you had slip-ups and missteps, but you worked to correct them.
That was part of being the Face, you screw up and learn from it.
You felt your Z-ring deactivate as one of the grunts went for your arm. "I got his arm!! Give him hell!"
Well, that was a disappointment... where the hell was your backup. "B. Where's Crimson!?"
Then you threw off the Grunt and kicked him before reactivating your ring and prepping the Z Move.
"He's busy with the Guy's by the containers!!" B said.
"Well tell him to hurry up...He's gonna miss the light show!" You said looking to your Pokemon.
Golisius shining blue from the Swords Dance from Earlier as his massive arms turned Yellow as he got ready for an X Scissor, before turning Green as the Buginium Z he was carrying activated.
Several shots of Silk shooting out of his mouth, each clinging onto every pokemon on the field before dragging them together into one mass as they were swung closer into his awaiting attack.
The Explosion of Silk and rubble highlighted once more a firm statement. You weren't gonna let Team Skull fall to this madness.
Even if that meant being under someone else. It's self-awareness you see...knowing when to step back, look and see.
"Hey Crimson took you long enough." Guzma said as he finally arrived.
"Got the Evidence...this was clearly a smuggling and traffiking Operation of Pokemon." He said firmly.
"Guess they're not coming back to Skull with a pat on the back and a Hug aren't they?" Guzma said.
"Heh, they're scum now...Real scum," He said. "And we're ending this before it gets worse...Take a team and Hit the Main Wearhouse. they're gonna try to burn it down. Then meet me at the ship and help me keep it from getting out of here."
"No need...My boy's know the score." Guzma said.
"Then let's get the warehouse." He said with a smile.
The Two of you barged into the Large house to see a man in a nice hat and suit. "So you two are the idiots dismantling my Operation?"
"You don't look like you have the brains for this...your just the middle man to another's work." Crimson said.
"Yeah, your just the Delivery Boy." Guzma said.
"How insolent! When my superiors hear of this they will BURN YOUR Little thugs to ashes!!" The Team Rocket Grunt said.
Crimson smiled. "Your a Deniable asset, they're gonna leave you to rot if your caught Its Over!"
He then got a good look at Crimson. "Wait...You were!-"
Guzma rushed him to the ground and knocked him out.
"Dead...and unfortunately for Gio...he's gonna have to keep thinking that...for now." You said.
"Clean up boy's this a Citizen's arrest supported by a Ranger!!" You said to the grunts as they clambered in.
"Yes sir!" They said
Good, they learned so fast.
"Guzma...go tell the cops what we did...and then, help me carry the good shit out its evidence, but Rangers get first dibs on On-Site Procurement, as long as we do the paperwork its ours." You said.
Reward: Rogue Team Skull Members arrested by your Vigilante Actions, Team Rocket's attempted Expansion into Alola is an UTTER Failure in execution.
You have Seized 4 RECON Units from the Operation.
Guzma Gains +1 Martial.
Crimson Gains +2 Martial
Team Skull Gains ??? as a result of their Actions.
Giovanni knows something has gone wrong yet cannot find its source.
Team Skull is now...somewhat Respectable.
+1000 Poke has been added to the account.
Plumeria is proud of you all.
-[X]Pool the Cash: You know that Team Skull has...unconventional methods of getting cash, time for them to pay up, and get you the green, and hopefully you can get something.Cost: 0 Poke, Chance of Sucess: 75%, Reward: All Cash belongs to TEAM SKULL!! Rolled: D100 => 54+20=74
"So that's it huh?" You said.
"Yeah, we were in a slump and even with what we got, it's still not a lot." Guzma said.
"We'll make it work." You said.
Reward: +1800 Poke added to the Treasury.
-[X]Investigate the Sewers: Alright with the Sewers in need of cleaning might as well see if there is anything useful in it before the Deep clean.Cost: 0 Poke, Chance of Sucess: ???%, Reward:You look in the Sewers. Rolled: D100 => 85+20=105
You looked at what was found carefully.
"Is that a...Super Tank?" You said in disbelief.
"That is a Rubinelle Republican Super Tank, and here I though they were Museum Pieces...How did it get here?" Guzma said
"Whoever left it here...wanted the right people to find it." You said.
"Whoever you are. Thanks."
Rewards: +1 Wartank in excellent Condition and +500 Poke. Brenner's Wolves Cache 1 of 5 Recovered.
-[X]Remidial Courses and you!: Yeah...these people need a refresher course, a few weeks are not enough, they need the full package, and maybe you'll get in on it. Cost: 0 Poke, Chance of Sucess: 75%, Reward: You send team Skull back to school for a few weeks. Rolled: D100 => 86+20=106
"I sure hope the Remedial courses and the re-registration is as easy as I hope." You said looking at the Principle.
"I'm just surprised they are here for the full course, Mr. Mura, they only stay for the re-registration and then leave." She said.
"Well I was able to convince them of the benefits." You said.
"Plumeria will only come back if you become a Trial Captain legitimately Guzma." You said.
"I have to study and train now!! Get ME signed up Ranger!!" Guzma shouted.
"Not until you go through Remedial courses and re-register with the League. Then you can train for Trial Captainship." You said.
Reward: Team Skull is now retrained and set back to success.
Guzma gains +1 Learning.
-[X]Z-Crystals and You: You are going to learn about these Z-Crystals just in case. Cost: 0 Poke, Chance of Sucess: 75%, Reward: You Learn about Z-Crystals.Rolled: D100 => 40+20=60
"Alright Crimson its time for me to teach YOU something." He said.
"Yeah get on with it, we have a long day of trying to get that Tank out of the Sewers and begin the proper flow again." You said.
He twitched. "I'm trying to be nice BOSS and you ridicule me!! No pay attention Yo!" He said.
You sat in anticipation.
"Right, now first of all, its said that all Light came from the Pokemon God Necrozma" He took out a sketch of a Majestic Dragon-like being.
"Wait doesn't all light in the world come from Arceus?" You said pulling out and sketching the God of Pokemon.
"A Common misconception," Guzma said.
"See, it was said that Necrozma was the Pokemon of the Stars, the creator of all Light which it shared with the world." He showed an image of Astral bodies being crafted by the Dragon "It created the Sun and formed the Moon, granting humans Light due too its inner kindness."
"And the Z-crystals are the shards left behind when it came to earth, like Jirachi and its wishes." You said.
"Quit mixing up mythologies, stories and Pokemon man, this is really special and important to Alola. Stop messing with the story." Guzma said with a quick glare. "Your acting like a Tourist man. Always thinking their stories are better."
"But somewhat, its actually said that Necrozma was killed by greedy humans, the battle between them nearly destroying the world as pieces of its body broke and spread across Alola, which lead too the Island naturally forming Z Crystals over time as other pieces led too the Birth of a species called Cosmog. Two of which are said to ascend and take his place as the Guardians of the Sun and Moon in honour of Necrozma's wishes." A picture of a Moonlike Bat and Sunlike Lion were shown "Lunala and Solgaleo"
"The Regional Legenday's that seemingly every damned Place seems to have, Lugia and Ho-Oh. Fire and Water" You said.
""Lunala and Solgaleo, Sun and Moon." Guzma said.
"Anyway, Z Crystals are the Blood of Necrozma's Light, and with it gives True Power too any Pokemon that wields it." Guzma showed his own Z Crystal in a demonstration.
"But much like Light itself, the power of Z Crystals is Quick and fleeting, so at most it can be used for One Attack before fading out." Goliosopod came out too help give a live demonstration
"It burns bright and helps with an attack?" You said.
"Thats more or less what a Z-Move is, using the power in a brilliant forish." He said.
"Don't waste it here...you'll need it for yourself." You said.
He then put away his Z-Crystal. "You sure?"
"I'm sure." You said as Latias held something in her claws. "Quite lucky that one."
Guzma smiled "One Legendary looking for the shard of another...there is a story to this?"
"Guess we'll look into it later." You said.
Reward: You learn about Z-Crystals and have one Z-Crystal for study New actions avalible.
-[X]Talk with your boys: Time to Gague Morale and you know check in. Rolled:
D100 => 58+20=78
(Guzma POV)
You looked at one of the makeshift tables in the Pokemon center near the space heaters. "Hey guy's."
"Hey, Guzma heard about the ass-kicking you and the new Boss gave to the traitors. Now they're falling in line and it's all starting to go back to normal." One of the grunts said.
Things will never be the same, not any more…but you did appreciate it.
"So how have things been going up the grapevine you staying out of the stuff he'd arrest us for?" You asked with a smile taking a chair up. "I'd have to tell him, and he'd kick your ass for it."
They looked at each other "No boss, we've been aiming our nature and the destructive forces you let us use at more conventional things."
"How so…?" You said feeling somewhat confused. "Come on guys…your giving me shit, I'm only asking how you're doing."
"Oh…Well, we can tell you about a few of the more wild things since the ranger got us that kick in the balls to rethink what it means to be TEAM SKULL, Yo." The Grunt started.
"Such as?" You wanted to know more.
"Harry got a job as a dishwasher, yet won't give some of the cash to the crew…Say's he's going to use it help his pokemon morale and all that." He said.
You raised an eyebrow. "Good for him, he's got stable income now…and he was the uhh, guy with money troubles when we found him, glad he's taking control."
"You not mad about him not giving a little something?" He said.
"I'm not, spending time with the Ranger gave me a bit of perspective…" You motioned for a drink and were given one. "We help you and give you a home, family, and its forever and all that…but the guy says we got to let them live their own lives eventually. This is a step."
"So…he's not gonna be a part of Team Skull anymore?"The Grunt said worryingly.
"He's always gonna be apart of Team Skull, but it dosn't have to fully define him." You said. "I mean, he has dreams…I want to be a Trial Captain." You said.
"Gwen, what's your dream?" You asked to one of the other grunts.
"I want to see a Legendary, and then I want to go on one of Unova or Kalos's Fashion shows as a model." She said.
"Well one of them has been done already. I can safely say…you can do it." You said with a small smile.
"Hey, boss?" Another grunt said. "Why are you so…your just acting square?"
"There it is…Ben owes me twenty." The grunt said.
You looked down "Heh…still got it."
"So you all doing good?" You asked again, "And are the grumblers we dragged back being annoying?"
"Nah, we're good, and the grumblers are seeing the error of their ways?" He said.
"Good, I'm glad we're…on our way to becoming respectable." You said.
Reward: Morale is good, Team Skull grunts feel like they can go out and take control of their lives in small ways again.
-[X]Comfort Pokemon: You think its Time to comfort them, it's a New Place and it's Scary, we will get through this together. Rolled: D100 => 93+20=113
You looked at them as they snuggled around the heater. "Hey Guy's!!"
They all looked at each other and then looked at you expectantly. "We are going to be spending the Week together one on one. And I've planned it out and everything."
"We are going to go…King, Growlithe, Vulpix, Eevee, and Latias." You said.
"EEVEE!!" <Why does the FOX GO BEFORE ME!!>
"Vulpix" <Because you eat everything and pee on the floor still, and you need to be trained.>
"Hey..you two knock it off or I am putting you in the kennel." You said. "Now its time to get a good night sleep and finally get you all adjusted to the new region properly I can't have you all tackling each new thing you come across."
"Now…come here group hug, it's cold outside." You said.
The Day with King
"Slowpoke?" <Crimson I say, must we go to the Hot Springs when a perfectly serviceable beach is nearby.>
"Buddy, I know that you like this...don't deny it." You said soaking. "But the thing about this is that there are NO surprises."
You closed your eyes and relaxed for the first time in months.
(King POV)
King waddled around for a moment and ate one of the floating apples in the pool. "So should I tell him you are here…are you staying long…I can make him get chocolate and all that."
The Pink floating mouse cat giggled for a moment and bounced on the sphere it made before floating down and putting her tail in the water like you.
"Why must you be this way?" You said calmly.
She then splashed Crimson in the face forcing him to open his eyes.
<Gahh…What the…> He said.
<Uhh….> He then rubbed his eyes as he saw the fellow pink marshmallow-like being.
<I…Know…you.> He said calmly. <You like chocolate and sweets but like fruit the best.>
Mew smiled "I know though, given the state of his mind, he doesn't remember a lot…I'd take it slow…You haven't tried to touch the barriers his mind put into place, did you?"
"No…those must be removed on his own power, Aura is complicated like that." You said.
"Oh…well then, I must say Once I find the time I may visit one of the other trainers in this place." Mew said. "Now…I want his chocolate and lots of ear scratches."
You rolled your eyes. "Of course you will, and here I thought you were supposed to not over indulge in Human Food? I remember how much you ate in Smash Manor."
"I won't overindulge," Mew said. "Besides, I love it when trainers spoil me on my visits, do you know how many calories it takes to fly everywhere?"
(Crimson POV)
You came back with a small tray of treats. "How Lucky am I to have a visit by a legendary and Its Mew…so adorable…I just hope the rest of the days are calm."
Growlithe's day…
"Alright, buddy that's enough digging People work here." You said.
Growlithe then stopped and ran over, running around you twice before sitting.
Good, the obedience training was still worth it.
"Vul, Vulpix Vul(My, what a fool)" An Alolan Vulpix snarked from across the beach with her trainer.
"Is he done being a ruckus?" The trainer said.
"Are you done being uptight?" Crimson hotly replied.
"No...but that thing started to destroy the Beach without any regard of the people around them." She said.
Growlithe groaned. "Growlithe." <Dad, can I pee on her, it will be funny.>
You damn well knew what he was asking. "Sadly no Growlithe, we need to give Team Skull good PR, which definitely won't happen if someone hears the leaders pokemon decided to spring a leak on someone."
The trainer blinked. "Oh, your one of those weird trainers that think they can talk to Pokemon."
You roll your eyes, cause of course this girl would get more annoying
"Look, me and my growlithe were just enjoying some private time too ourselves on our day off. Can you please go away before you
really piss me off?"
"I work for the Aether Corp Bub...I can have your life ruined in a phone call." She said.
Growlithe then laid down and looked at the Vulpix. "Growlithe?" <What the hell is she going on about?>
"VULPIX!" The vulpix shouted. <NO...NO I am not supposed to talk with the unwashed masses, have you even brushed your teeth!! When was the last time you took a bath you mongrel!!>
"Growlithe..." Growlithe noted <Great...a kit who is utterly crazy and delusional, have you had to work a real day in your life?>
"And I'm the Leader of Team Skull, I can have your life
ended in a phonecall" Crimson deeply glared, a flicker of red aura bouncing off his eyes as the girl backed off, unverved.
"Your...just get that damned thing on a leash or I'm calling the cops." She said.
"Please go away...you've annoyed my Growlithe enough." You said.
"Growlithe." <Good riddance to bad Rubbish.>
The girl quickly ran away, her alolan Vulpix trying to follow behind…
If only Growlithe would let her go.
"Growlithe." <GIVE ME THE BARRY!!>
You finally realized what was going on. "Growlithe DROP!"
The Vulpix then was freed and ran back to her owner.
"What did I say about trying to take other pokemon's items...Bad Growlithe, no treats tonight, you have to stop doing that." You said.
Growlithe gave you puppy dog eyes holding up the Sitrus berry.
"We have to break that Habit...now we are going home...you will enjoy the barry and you are getting the kennel tonight." You said.
He yipped in delight before running off for more shiny's that he could find in the next 5 minutes before you dragged him back by the ear.
Vulpix Day.
"Vul...VULPIX!!" <Must make den,must Make den!! DEN!!>
It was foraging day it seems, Ahh, Vulpix was trying to make a den because she knows that she's going to be in Heat soon.
"Yes Vulpix...I am letting you make your den...now stop running around like an idiot for a moment and let me, calm you down."
"Vul...VUL!!" She said <I'm gonna have so much stuff in it.>
"It's just a box and an indent you made in one of those old couches we dragged back in." You said.
"I swear you aren't listening to me today." You said as she laid down and judged you.
"Vul!" <Belly rub me.>
Figures you spoil her too much sometimes at least she isn't Eevee.
Eevee Day
She was being very picky and that made you upset.
"I'm sorry for all of this, it was her turn to pick out food for the month and not one of my other ones." You said to the clerk.
"Its alright we get the sorts of trainers like you all the time." She said.
"She's just smelling the samples…she's not even eating them." You said.
"I've never known a pokemon to be that picky with food." She said.
"Just pick one already!!" You said firmly.
"EEVEE!!" <Don't rush me DAD!!>
"I will make you pick one if you don't hurry up!!" You said.
"Eevee!!" <YOU WILL NOT FORCE ME TO CHOOSE!! Where is the Dino Supreme Blend with Chicken!! I know you people have it!!>
"Great…that's it you are testing my patience." You said.
"She's eating the Blend." The CLerk said.
"We'll take a bag of that." You said. "Thank you and sorry for that one being a nuisance."
Latias Day.
(Latias POV)
"Uhh. is this safe?" You asked
"Yes its perfectly safe." Mantine said calmly. "Now I know its a bit different compared to what you were thinking but its safe I promise."
"Ok" You nod, the straps on your back suit tightly fashioned as Daddy lay on his surfboard.
<Alright, you feeling comfortable?> He said.
<Alright, Mr. Crimson remember, your going to try to move with your Latias, you don't want to stangle her and you don't want to pull her out of the sky.> The trainer said.
"Is it going to hurt?" You said.
"As long as you make it clear your moving it shouldn't...remember your both working together for this." The Mantine said.
You hesitantly nod, daddy tugging your vest
<On 3> The Trainer said.
"I just realized something?" You said.
"What is it?" The Aqua pokemon asked.
"I can't swim.> You said.
"Ahh a type disadvantage...just be careful...I ain't pulling you out." She said.
<Two> The trainer said.
<Hey don't worry about what happens next and fly.> Crimson said.
You felt your eyes flash and then...You flew forward beside the waves.
Not 5 minutes later, daddy was coughing up sand as you and him lay in the wreck of a ruined sandcastle.
<How fast was she going...and how much Air did I get?> He said.
<She clocked 80 Miles, quite impressive for something that small, and you got 5 seconds.> She said.
<Remind me not to give her Caffeine.> He finished. <I think she learned Aerial Ace.>
"Did I do a bad thing daddy?" You asked him with worry.
<Come here you...I'm proud of you and well, you gave me a shook.? He said hugging you.
Reward: All of your Pokemon have been cared for and given love and attention. You think King knows whats going on.
AN Now I want to thank you all for your Patience. and You
@radioxaxa for helping me put it all together.