
Dev testing stuff, so I can quick spawn Pokemon/certain types of events for bug testing. They won't be there in the real game. :V

I think that Machamp starts with a Meowth moveset haha.
Good to know its not something glitchy or that its just happening to me due to bad installation.
['follow animation' made no sense to me.]
You know how, in Heart Gold and Soul Silver, the first Pokemon in your party follows you around with a little walk animation?
Froakie, and presumably others, don't have the little walking animation.

wootius, it was half a joke, but Eliwan likes to sprite, so I thought there was a good chance he'd want to help. And it seems he does.
You know how, in Heart Gold and Soul Silver, the first Pokemon in your party follows you around with a little walk animation?
Froakie, and presumably others, don't have the little walking animation.

wootius, it was half a joke, but Eliwan likes to sprite, so I thought there was a good chance he'd want to help. And it seems he does.

I do not have walking sprites for Gen VI I'll have to find them.

Thanks for getting him here!

Stage 2 move rebalance started. These are the core moves. If it's not here it still exists.

The tiers and what the multiplier means.
Nitpicking away!
  1. I think Scratch should have 100 accuracy. It's basically trading 1/5 of Tackle's power for a 1/8 chance of getting a crit, right? I'd say that makes Scratch slightly worse than Tackle, no need for it to have lower accuracy on top of that.
    • Wait a minute, it has 45 power. Hum. I guess that's okay, then. Maybe boost it to 95 accuracy? Not sure.
  2. In contrast, Pound has 20% more power than Tackle for only 5% less accuracy. Note that Fire Blast has a bit more than 20% more power than Flamethrower but 15% less accuracy. I wouldn't go that far, but nerfing it down to 90% should probably happen.
  3. So, Rage increases your Attack for all moves, not just other Rages? Hum... very situational, since it's less power and accuracy. Only even starts to be useful against those who you can't threeshot.
  4. I can only approve of Quick Attack. Maybe boot it up to 43 power? Remember, the only Pokemon that get it are ones that normally don't need the priority, so it'll usually be less useful for them than Tackle/Pound, even if it had 100 accuracy.
  5. Pounce really needs a better name. Um. Um. Um. Um. Um. Um. Um. Um. Um. Um. Um. Something sound-based, not a canon move, invokes speed, Um. Burst Out? Eh, needs someone better than me to come up with one.
  6. I'd suggest nerfing Weather Ball to 95% accuracy. It can change types according to weather, which means it'll always get the weather boost, so effectively, it's 75 power in the sun/rain. Plus, you know, versatility Tackle doesn't have.
Right, next tier.
  1. I like Vicegrip, in concept.
  2. In regards to all multi-hit moves.... buff them right the hell up. As it stands, they need to hit all five hits to equal Horn Attack, which is, what? A 12% chance? In addition, they have only 90 accuracy. Boot the power up to 20, adjust accuracy to 100, adjust the formula for how many hits hit, whatever, but do something.
  3. Bind is... eh. Can't say I ever really use any of those moves, but not sure what could buff it a good amount rather than too much.
  4. Pay Day really isn't a battle move, more a money one. Feel free to nerf the power down to 40 or something, but increase how much money it pays out.
  5. Why did False Swipe need to be changed? It isn't really meant to take down your opponent, either.
  6. On one hand, Stomp is basically "Horn Attack, but better very rarely." On the other hand, it's a fun flavor detail that's almost never going to come up. I like that you got rid of its flinch chance.
  7. Ooh, nice addition with Surprise.
Next tier!
  1. Maybe nerf Smellingsalt down to 70 power? Doubling it as is makes it a Giga Impact. Sure, it removes statuses, but most wear off on their own after a while anyway, so you can use it near the end of the status's effect for the boost.
  2. Hum. I like Headbutt. Flinch chance is nicely balanced with accuracy drop.
  3. Um. Maybe make Crush Claw a ~x2 modifier? Sub 20% chances to lower a foe's stat don't really register to me.
  4. *Slam changes.*
    • Yeeeeeessss......
  5. Chip away needs a nerf. It's just "Slam, but better.", plus it ignores Screens, which may not come up much, but they do a lot when they do. Maybe make it 90 or 95 accuracy?
  6. Might wanna change Simple Beam's name. There's a canon move called Simple Beam that does something else. Maybe Normal Beam?
Next tier!
  1. Does Rainbow Flash have statuses? If not, make it 100 accuracy. Changing type if you have a plate matters as much or less than Hyper Fang's 12% chance to flinch.
Next tier!
  1. ....Maybe nerf down Body Slam's prlz modifier to x2 or x1.5.
  2. Hum. That's an interesting way to handle Return.
  3. I think Take Down could afford an additional effect. Something like a flinch chance or a paralyze chance, or something. As it stands, it's like Egg Bomb, except you take recoil, which... yeah... You could make the argument that it's because Egg Bomb is a rarer move, but then what about Surf?
  4. I think instead of giving Uproar recoil, you should give it the Outrage effect, locked into that with no item usage/ability to switch.
Next tier!
  1. ...I think the status chance Giga Voice is least likely to inflict would be sleep. Maybe change that.
  2. Rainbow beam is pushing it. Only the fact that an item is needed for it to be anything but Normal type and the fact that it probably isn't exactly a common move keep me from pushing for it to have 92 accuracy.
Bind is... eh. Can't say I ever really use any of those moves, but not sure what could buff it a good amount rather than too much.
There's at least 1 move that gets boosted when you hit a trapped enemy, and you can use it to lock in something that you can set up on. Bind + a +2 stage move will make a Happiny an offensive threat.

(I want to get a trapper with dual Screens for Doubles to go with my Absol. Maybe BP the Absol some heals/boosts, too.)
Nitpicking away!
  1. I think Scratch should have 100 accuracy. It's basically trading 1/5 of Tackle's power for a 1/8 chance of getting a crit, right? I'd say that makes Scratch slightly worse than Tackle, no need for it to have lower accuracy on top of that.
    • Wait a minute, it has 45 power. Hum. I guess that's okay, then. Maybe boost it to 95 accuracy? Not sure.
  2. In contrast, Pound has 20% more power than Tackle for only 5% less accuracy. Note that Fire Blast has a bit more than 20% more power than Flamethrower but 15% less accuracy. I wouldn't go that far, but nerfing it down to 90% should probably happen.
  3. So, Rage increases your Attack for all moves, not just other Rages? Hum... very situational, since it's less power and accuracy. Only even starts to be useful against those who you can't threeshot.
  4. I can only approve of Quick Attack. Maybe boot it up to 43 power? Remember, the only Pokemon that get it are ones that normally don't need the priority, so it'll usually be less useful for them than Tackle/Pound, even if it had 100 accuracy.
  5. Pounce really needs a better name. Um. Um. Um. Um. Um. Um. Um. Um. Um. Um. Um. Something sound-based, not a canon move, invokes speed, Um. Burst Out? Eh, needs someone better than me to come up with one.
  6. I'd suggest nerfing Weather Ball to 95% accuracy. It can change types according to weather, which means it'll always get the weather boost, so effectively, it's 75 power in the sun/rain. Plus, you know, versatility Tackle doesn't have.
Right, next tier.
  1. I like Vicegrip, in concept.
  2. In regards to all multi-hit moves.... buff them right the hell up. As it stands, they need to hit all five hits to equal Horn Attack, which is, what? A 12% chance? In addition, they have only 90 accuracy. Boot the power up to 20, adjust accuracy to 100, adjust the formula for how many hits hit, whatever, but do something.
  3. Bind is... eh. Can't say I ever really use any of those moves, but not sure what could buff it a good amount rather than too much.
  4. Pay Day really isn't a battle move, more a money one. Feel free to nerf the power down to 40 or something, but increase how much money it pays out.
  5. Why did False Swipe need to be changed? It isn't really meant to take down your opponent, either.
  6. On one hand, Stomp is basically "Horn Attack, but better very rarely." On the other hand, it's a fun flavor detail that's almost never going to come up. I like that you got rid of its flinch chance.
  7. Ooh, nice addition with Surprise.
Next tier!
  1. Maybe nerf Smellingsalt down to 70 power? Doubling it as is makes it a Giga Impact. Sure, it removes statuses, but most wear off on their own after a while anyway, so you can use it near the end of the status's effect for the boost.
  2. Hum. I like Headbutt. Flinch chance is nicely balanced with accuracy drop.
  3. Um. Maybe make Crush Claw a ~x2 modifier? Sub 20% chances to lower a foe's stat don't really register to me.
  4. *Slam changes.*
    • Yeeeeeessss......
  5. Chip away needs a nerf. It's just "Slam, but better.", plus it ignores Screens, which may not come up much, but they do a lot when they do. Maybe make it 90 or 95 accuracy?
  6. Might wanna change Simple Beam's name. There's a canon move called Simple Beam that does something else. Maybe Normal Beam?
Next tier!
  1. Does Rainbow Flash have statuses? If not, make it 100 accuracy. Changing type if you have a plate matters as much or less than Hyper Fang's 12% chance to flinch.
Next tier!
  1. ....Maybe nerf down Body Slam's prlz modifier to x2 or x1.5.
  2. Hum. That's an interesting way to handle Return.
  3. I think Take Down could afford an additional effect. Something like a flinch chance or a paralyze chance, or something. As it stands, it's like Egg Bomb, except you take recoil, which... yeah... You could make the argument that it's because Egg Bomb is a rarer move, but then what about Surf?
  4. I think instead of giving Uproar recoil, you should give it the Outrage effect, locked into that with no item usage/ability to switch.
Next tier!
  1. ...I think the status chance Giga Voice is least likely to inflict would be sleep. Maybe change that.
  2. Rainbow beam is pushing it. Only the fact that an item is needed for it to be anything but Normal type and the fact that it probably isn't exactly a common move keep me from pushing for it to have 92 accuracy.

1) Tier 1
Took most of you feedback. Special Quick Attack is now After Image.

2) Tier 2
  • Multi-hits hit an average of 3 times, so ~54 power.
  • Yeah I keep Bind in for flavor.
  • Payday should just be replaced with a generic "Punch" yeah. I wanted a nice 60 BP move for Technician Pokemon to use.
  • Yeah, it's flinch bothered me.
3.) Tier 3
Followed, but nerfed Chip's BP too.

4.) Tier 4
  • Buffed Takedown.
5.) Tier 5
  • Nerfed Rainbow Beam
Thank you. I'm probably too reluctant to change status chances on old moves.

With all the work you do I'll definitely credit you.
No, but it's not going to have Ice, Grass, or Water, unless wootius adds them to its movepool.

Assuming you evolve around level ~19.

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Honedge+ should work in battle now. I do not have overworlds for it.
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First impression of Sun Touched is that it's awesome. Haven't actually used Fluffy as a front-line battler yet, though, so a full review will have to wait. He's only level 22, and opponents are in the 24-31 range at the moment.
Also, I was really surprised when I went south of Lavender. Suddenly, level 45s! Very glad I saved after finishing Rock Tunnel. The lady on the second floor of the building down there gave me TM 27, but I got it from somewhere else already (not sure where).

Now to see if I can fight my way to Celadon yet so I can get those stones...

EDIT: Got to Celadon, but the shopping center has non-functional stairs and an elevator that teleports me into the wall of some house.
I don't even know where the house is, and I can't move after going in. A lot of Celadon seems to be kinda incomplete/not there/not accessible.
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EDIT: Got to Celadon, but the shopping center has non-functional stairs and an elevator that teleports me into the wall of some house.
I don't even know where the house is, and I can't move after going in. A lot of Celadon seems to be kinda incomplete/not there/not accessible.


Checking teleports now... But you can get stones with work from in front of the Lavender side rock tunnel.

Checking teleports now... But you can get stones with work from in front of the Lavender side rock tunnel.
Or I could just throw money at someone.
Because I'm a trainer, so I'm rich.
But I guess if I have to work (like some kind of peasant) to get my legendary hound to ride across the lands, I can do that.
Or I could just throw money at someone.
Because I'm a trainer, so I'm rich.
But I guess if I have to work (like some kind of peasant) to get my legendary hound to ride across the lands, I can do that.

UPDATED. Celadon not borked, shopping(stairs, elevator) works! Demo 1-2.rar needed.
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Look! I'm Spider-woman!

Also, don't go onto the roof of the Celadon Shopping Center (through the inside; go ahead and run all over the outside, it's fine [aside from being a clipping error]), because you'll get stuck.

EDIT: While I'm on the subject of clipping, the grass just north of Mr. Daycare's house needs some, because as it stands the grass on the far right is on top of the fence and you can just walk through it.
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More issues. I...also think I wiped my special sprite when I updated, so do you think you could include it by default in future Battlers.zip files?
Jasmine after winning all the battles in Trainer School:
Hello...Ah you're not a student here then.
Ah, you're

Hmm, Would you like a Steel pokemon?
would, Pokemon

...many won't be taking badge challeges for years

Selecting Bronzor
...able to float about it's ground weakness or t have

temptered its body against the Fire one.
its, tempered

Selecting Riolu
Cynthia from the Sinoho region

sure, then?

Selecting Klink
...few pure steel Pokemon

Can walk through the walls near the second floor south exit. Can

also walk through statues on either side of said exit.

Froakie has the wrong cry when you bring up it's status menu

Can walk into the doors of Sable city's houses - perhaps make them

solid, and if you try and talk to them have the 'it's Locked'

message appear?

Can see the black edges of the map from all sides of Sable City -

add more rock/trees/etc to hide this?

secret stuff edit!
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More issues. I...also think I wiped my special sprite when I updated, so do you think you could include it by default in future Battlers.zip files?
Jasmine after winning all the battles in Trainer School:

Ah, you're

would, Pokemon


Selecting Bronzor

its, tempered

Selecting Riolu


sure, then?

Selecting Klink


Can walk through the walls near the second floor south exit. Can

also walk through statues on either side of said exit.

Froakie has the wrong cry when you bring up it's status menu

Can walk into the doors of Sable city's houses - perhaps make them

solid, and if you try and talk to them have the 'it's Locked'

message appear?

Can see the black edges of the map from all sides of Sable City -

add more rock/trees/etc to hide this?

secret stuff edit!

Fixed, aside from making a new Sable map. Several sprite and audio errors has been fixed also. Sadly, this means....



Already fixed it to "you're"

Uh, query: I finally sat down and loaded the game and the game crashed in the first battle.
Admittedly, with the release of Splatoon today, I won't be playing it that much, but could somebody point me to the reason why it's not working?