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To Contemplate the Face of God
Well, shit has gone fucked up. Crude but true. There is no other way that I can describe the last twelve hours. The morning was going splendidly until it wasn't. It was like one of those movie clips used as tear jerk material, I honest to God's blitz. The worst part is that it wasn't even directed at … anything or anyone. While some ninja tried to jump me, it was more like Touko-me was a rare prize in the catalogue than a priority target. There were simple too many rich people and too much money in a "soft" target to seem worth the risk. Kidnap the right noble and you can get a fortune in ransom, even the portable wealth nobles carry on their person might be worth the effort. It was literally the textbook definition of random ninja violence in the mainland! I cannot even feel guilty about it, knowing how retarded these ninjas were. It is folly to predict a fool's whim.

Of course, as the resident doctor panacea, where do I fit in it? To whom are the victims of this attack and their loved ones rushing for help? If the words patient triaging does not evoke existential dread and panic attack in you, then you are not a real medical professional. Every injured person dragged themselves and their loved one to my doorsteps. My humble clinic ended looking like an underworld clandestine hospital or a medic tent of a war zone. People I have come to know laid in my tablet with desperate, pitiful eyes.

All these shinobi I contracted came through here, at least. Some among them are veterans that had true first-hand experience of the last war. After the battle was won, and I made clear I would be helping out, they made the executive decision of coordinating things. Taking upon themselves to organize the mobs, raise extra tended and coordinate with other medics and nurses of the city. Their actions saved as many lives as mine own; I might be good but not that particularly fast, so my talent was best served stabilizing patients in critical condition. Life was to be prioritized as there is no injury beyond my capacity to heal so.

Except one, that is.


I am in no way, shape, or form an emergence room doctor, my job is closer to physiotherapy. I do the cleanup and mending, but now I have people blow open, with all sort of injuries, bleeding at my therapy turned surgery tablet and my professional seniors are looking at me for directions. I can barely tolerate blood! I get nauseous just passing by the butcher story! In my head stakes grown on trees! I have half dozen live chickens back home that are giving me eggs because I couldn't man up enough to kill and clean them! And now people want me to pull a Grey's Anatomy!?

I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!

Nevertheless, I am the only one that can do it. Forget social repercussion, I would never forgive myself if I backed down.

Therefore, I did it. I put everything into mending others, getting blood up to my elbows weaving broken bodies together as if this was a fast-food chain. At some point, I notice Apollo gently pulling aside the distraught family member of a patient. Kurama must have brought him back. Good.

My Original One also walked through the door at some point, completely shell-shocked, covered in injuries and blood, being almost dragged by a tall grey wolf friend she made today. Our information sharing is mechanic at this point, something I will pat myself in the back latter, as she look done for. As most of that blood wasn't hers, I now have to look up to the nightmare of tonight's synchronization to boot! I just mended the surface of her injuries, provided some clean cloths and set her in one corner where she won't disturbs my work. She was well enough physically to help, but I cannot even afford to let her on her own at this point. I have my own nightmare of real Trauma Center role-play to deal with!

Of course, minds are in no way as malleable and easily mended as bodies. The festival of violence Kurama instigated might have won the day but left people in their last nerves afterward. Something I apparently had a first-hand experience today. Victory was had, but moral is bottom low, and despite the indiscriminate execution of tragedy that happened today, people started to demand privilege treatment in the triaging, forsaking any solidarity. They might have justified it is due to whatever reason they could come to; to their standing, class, money, to the usefulness of their skills.

As if the measure of a life could be quantified. As if the people that caused this were right in their calculations that led them to think this attack was justified. As if there is nothing sacred in life. Again, who is the worse one then? The one who commits evil in ignorance or the one that sins in abstention despite knowing better?

I tell myself that my hands are already full, that any diversion from my task could not compensate the loss of live that hang at the clock's leg. The worse part of it all by far is that I killed today, that much was obvious. I now am letting go of people I could save, that are being pushed to the wayside because I am too afraid to rock the boat. A lifetime of instincts as a cog in the machine raise its head, rooting me on the spot. Am I 'going native' in the worse way possible?

Everybody want to be a hero but nobody wants to die. The idea of acting like a big shot main character has been beaten out of me so long ago I don't even remember when I lost it. Despite growing up with tales of great and virtuous people that went against the grain to uphold higher ideals it was also expected to 'adulting'. Society was not perfect, but there are proper and proven channels of change, and they exist for a reason. Everyone at least once in their lives think that if given absolute power they could be the ones to usher a utopia. History is full of cautionary tales about those that failed to grow humility and see their shortcomings, becoming willing facilitators to of demagogues that exploit said political ignorance to accrue power.

A single person, no matter how gifted, cannot measure up to the collective brainpower and processing capacity of the collective common sense. It take millions of hours of countless people to lay the groundwork to manifest a single genius. They are the exception that proves the rule. Yet, doesn't that mean that people of Konoha are right, then? Isn't this the same situation of two years ago when Apollo was consigned to a life of isolation? Are these people less deserving of salvation than he was? Isn't anyone out there, that loves them just as much as I love my son, going to lose said love for my cowardice? What changed? Did I change? Would the me of today have saved Apollo?

These are the thoughts running through my head as I pretend to not hear the commotion outside. Mister Fugimaru is screaming himself hoarse with the voluntary nurses, security closing in to detain him for obstructing things. He is a hardy and hardworking person that works as a freelancer drayman in the commercial district. I know him personally because one of his sons had become fast friends with Apollo, leading us to meet and perform the 'parenting networking' that got him to regularly cart supplies to my clinic. But I guess our relationship will come to an end.

In his arms is little Keyko's listless body. He probable got trapped in the rubble of the initial explosions. He lasted a good while but got held back in one of the distant tends due to be low priority. Not even a medic ninja there to keep patients stable, just volunteers. Because they are nobodies.

The chain of events is evident. Without magical assistance, they had little way to deal with the brain damage from oxygen deprivation. As the damage mounted, the brain capacity to regulate bodily functions such as breathing was compromised, creating a vicious circle that resulted in a slow draw out death. While the technology capable of saving him was common in my old World, in this one I have only seen in Konoha so far. His condition worsened and his father only managed to get this far inside by pulling favors.

To no avail, he was dead on arrival.

This is on my head! This is what playing along and letting myself be dragged by the current got me! I could have saved him! But I didn't even try because I was scared of stepping on some toes! All has gone to shit and there was nobody I can run to for help. Not with this. This isn't like back home where I could justify my inaction in my powerlessness! I have power! Even the strongest being in the continent, probable the world, acknowledge me. Why don't I activate these special eyes I am so proud of to take stock of how many more people I have let down!? How do I dare to think that the power of chakra is wasted on these people when I am no better!? I used this gift to kill my enemies and refrained from using it to help someone in my capacity to save.

Am I not exactly the same?

I tried to be rational and reasonable but in the end, I turned in just another hypocrite. This result was obvious from the beginning; I just chose to turn away from it. Because I was afraid. I was afraid of being the especial one. The savior the future of this world rest up. Stalked my power as coincidence instead of divine providence and walked along my way. Because otherwise I would either be wrong, another fool of history books and cautionary tales, or I would be right and the weight of the world wound be mine to bear.

Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.

As it turns out, no choice is also a form of commitment with its own repercussions. This is like the a macabre parody of Jonah, the foolish prophet that that tried to abandon his divine mission; then I guess I am at the part where he was thrown overboard and to pacify a divine storm and was swallowed by a giant fish.

A shame real life is not as idyllic as fairy tales are. Everything Jonah had to do was repent and promise to return to his mission for God to forgive him and have the fish spit him out. My own remorse and regret can't bring the boy back to life. I cannot undo my mistake, my sin!

My hands stay stead as I keep to my tasks but my legs feel like giving out under me. Please, someone, anyone. Save me from this.

Like thunder, the sound of the wooden chair hitting the floor break me out of my funk. It was my Original, stands up so fast that the chair was toppled. Her eyes assume a crazed mania as she looks at me and the pungent and sweet smell of alcoholic fruit linger in the air. Did she never stop turning that power on herself?

"The fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom." She hit me in the head with it. Words I said to myself once before, now so laced with so much meaning it is like a hammer to the knot of thought my mind was wringed into. I must be getting drunk myself, because I got it.

Who is it that said that there is no cure for death? How can I say such thing without even trying? Why am I dismissing the possibility out of hand because of old bias that said this is a miracle or fairy tale? The resurrection of the dead is definitely something beyond human wisdom but is it beyond the grace of the divine? Magic and Mysteries itself are the providence of the gods. Give the divine fire by Prometheus' sacrifice, yet humans fancy themselves the masters of power they do not really comprehend.

I fell to Socrates' seduction, the sweet traps of dialectics. The blind faith that reason is virtue upon itself; indeed, the highest of virtues. Proceeding then to strap the Spirit and the Hunger, putting said reins in Logos hands. As if those irrationals Instincts of Life could be measured as nothings but an unstable force, lacking purpose and meaning, and which only worth could be found as the slavish servants of Reason.

If Nietzsche was the last disciple of Dionysus then Socrates was the Light-Bringer's first disciple, the Spirit of Rationality, and it's tendency of producing all-encompassing, totalitarian systems that encompass everything then fall in love with them. At some point, I believed I had "figure out" chakra, that in time all its secrets would be mine to command. Like a scientist dissecting nature under the scalp and microscope.

At the end of this road is Hell. Nothing above or outside the control of the rational is ever allowed to exist. It denies man as anything but a sterile caricature deprived of vitality and aspirations. The seed of nihilism that denies and smother live at the cradle. It uses the existence of pain and suffering to denounce any god and world that allow and abide to it. Not for the existence of pain and suffering on itself, but for the temerity to exist as something beyond its power to control and arbiter as it sees fit.

I don't want it.

That, if nothing else, is the Truth.

God exist in the Realm of Mystery. By whatever form or culture it was understood, The Divine existed beyond the grasp of human wisdom. And yet humanity exist as part of it, something we can experience. Rituals and ceremonies exist to convey something that is impossible to directly describe. That said, sometimes these experiences do not need to be induced, circumstances align to promote it naturally, like lightning out of the blue sky.

What exactly constitute death when magic get involved? It is obvious when you think about it, if modern medicine can restart a heart that has stopped then what does it matter to be brain dead when magic that can reverse necrosis and regrow what has been lost is possible?

This can only end in tears, to raise a false hope to then topple it down, but I simple could not dismiss it when lives where at stakes. As it turns out, it comes down to the soul.

I turn around so sharply that my assistants look at me now, thinking me also mad. They might not be wrong. Some distant memory of my catechism classes remind me of obscure vesicles that basically states: to experience the rapture of God is to lose you good sense, this is why you depend on the good neighbor to return you to your sense. I appreciate the concern, but for now I will ride this dragon until the work is done.

The Original Self and I push the door down, cutting the confrontation that was taking place before it escalated. Maybe it was the palpable madness around us, but even the grieving father stood to attention.

Before any disturbances could take place again I declare, "Bring him in, now."

My words aggravate the already recalcitrating staff. The medic ninja I first meet with A try to make me reconsider, "He is already-

"Did I stutter? You are wasting time we might not have. Come!" I am beyond caring for good bedside manners now. The father didn't need to be told twice and bolted with the boy inside the room with all haste. Hope is the last to die, we will find out if it is a blessing or the vilest of evils, that which extend suffering.

The boy is now on my tablet. It's show time. I breathe deeply, letting go of every thought and distraction, and surrender to the experience. This Epiphany, the ecstasy of the divine frenzy that transcends beyond the rational and gives up the mind to be medium to the Divine: theophany. I collapse upon myself, the World that is me, for the face of God is the face or a world, if there is a god that is mad then there is a respective world that is also mad. Time to go down the rabbit hole.

O, Sheol.

Deep below the earth, where the spirit of the deceased reside.

A world of darkness and silence.

I have come down here, simple chasing a single butterfly like a child.

Eternal Pain, an inescapable despair, makes its way in with each breath.

How should I call out to my familiar parents if I am to meet them again?

I run in the surface after a long time, gathering limitless knowledge from all cultures.

The Devil's Wisdom.

The ultimate formula that even he cannot scratch the surface of.

I search for an answer.

A single solution all beings can follow.

Blessing. The blessing of being alive.

The absolute blessings of humans, whose colors never fade.

However, the unstable flutterings of a butterfly's wings trigger infinite possibilities.

The Truth of Nature laughs at a thousand years of human wisdom, distancing itself as it nestles closer.

No matter what kind of answer is found, poverty remains, and humans begin to hate one another, become diseased, cry, and walk the path of death.

Ah, Sheol.

Merciless god of the underworld, the shadow of death, listen to my prayer.

Listen to the sorrowful breaths of children.

The corpses of the butterflies you have captured,

Search for the pieces of broken wing, even if it has to break their death's pallor.

The one who struggle, betting their lives, are right here.


The forms of the courageous insects who once again take to the sky!

Turning even the shattered dreams and the remains of the setting sun into dazzling rays.

Spread your wings gallantly again, with a smile on your face!

Fly! Butterfly of Despair and Triumph!

In the end, the body might be just the vessel of the soul but it is still a sacred temple. It bears a 'living essence' that qualify it to house the soul. Once the vessel is broken its content spill out and it takes all my effort just to stop it from leaking out as I mend it. The act of gather back the spilled content is beyond me and its loss will show side-effects that are yet beyond me to restore.... but this is still honest to God's resurrection! My pneuma is living to its name and breathing live back into the deceased!

I watch in rapture, as life returns to the still body, once stilled chest rise and fall once again. Breath and living pallor return to the boy. He stirs up and groggily open his eyes, as if death was just another form of slumber. He look up to the bright sailing, eyes stunned by the light, he turns aside, locking eyes with mister Fugimaru.

"Father?" This did it, the father jump into the tabled embracing the son whose voice he thought would never be heard of again, saying those simple words that mean so much. If the previous whales were ugly and heart wresting, now it is a discharge of gratitude and happiness a person is considered luck to experience once in his life. The son he considered lost returned to him. This is what this gift is for, to bring people happiness.

Thank you, thank you so much. Somehow, looking at this, I feel I am the one that was saved.

"What are you…" the awestruck voice break my musing and I turn around.


It seems that my earlier display caught a lot of attention and the lack of closed doors gave the awaiting patients first row to my little miracle. I… really didn't think this through.

"They are the bassarids." From the back, Kurama oppressive presence is heard. Despite this, his smile is positively feral, full of unquestionable pride. Behind his leg is the small ball of happiness and sunshine, smiling to me just as he did the first time we meet. It fills me with pride, knowing I am still able to elicit such joy from them, that I am still worthy. I am not done though.

"Review the triaging. Less than half an hour, but at least ten minutes, depending on how strong they are of body. Anyone in that window, I can resurrect them for sure if I reach them in time. So Please, help me save everyone!"

My pronouncement lights a fire under everyone, and they all started running around like headless chickens, frenetically talking to rash out the new trial. Maybe the madness really is contagious, but experiencing this small miracle seems to have filled them with resolve to do more too. In the end, maybe what everybody need is just a little push.


The following hours were grueling, until even my superhuman endurance gave out and I was forcibly but gently packed back home.

Over my unfortunate trial and error, I narrowed down the timing of my resurrection to between nine to around twenty five minutes, depending on how strong the deceased was. Nobody lasted more than thirty minutes, no matter how strong, and they are seriously debilitated afterward, something priceless and precious lost during their death experience. But this still basically 5th​ level spell Raise Dead. This has become the talk of town, and if people were friendly before, they are almost worshipful now. I can't really fault them, I guess this is the normal behavior for this sort of situational. The way humans deal with mysteries is by insolating themselves from them. Fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom. Words to live by.

That said it would be bad manners to forget of those that I met before my apotheosis. Just as I reach home I turn back to greet my newest friend. "Good to see that you stuck around. You have no idea how aggravated I would have been if you had actually baited."

"I also would have liked to be thankful you stayed the same busybody and aggravating mad woman that I meet in the morning. But that would have been a lie."

That got me laughing. Deep, from the gut. A hearth laughter that echoed through the street at the daybreak. Even after I was done, the smiling disposition remains. I feel that I could laugh like this again at any minor surprise. I feel different, light, as if something has been knocked loose inside myself, bringing great relief, joy and happiness.

"So, you are coming inside or not?"

"Why would I follow you exactly?"

"Isn't it obvious? I am your new sponsor and friend. Artists like you are nothing but vagrants until you curry the attention and favor of a cat fat. Art is not cheap and it often doesn't put food on the tablet either."

"Then why do you care, if it is so lacking in value?"

"Now you are just putting words in my mouth. The answer should be obvious, your cretin. It is why you bothered with it in the first place, why you stayed for me, why you helped out; thanks, by the way. Pain and suffering are synonym with life itself, this is an unescapable truth. The question then, isn't why or how to escape from it but what is it worth for."

That got a reaction out of him, these words hurt hit deeply in a place he scarcely dares to touch, even if he had no concrete idea of why. "You are playing a dangerous game. There is nothing that I hate more than to be left waiting. Your detour already toke my entire day and now you talk nonsense and insult my art."

I raise my hands in surrender, "Easy there, friend. What is art, really? If you had to express to me in one sentence, I feel that you wouldn't really be able to compress it, would you? That is the sight of a true artist, someone subsumed by its medium. Art is the granulation of experience inside of the self until if crystalize and is discharged through the artist's medium as a wisdom that comes from so deep inside, every other words they had ever spoken sound like a lie."

The now redhead man looks at me. There is a gleam in his eyes now. "That is what you did, then? Do you consider your resurrection ninjutsu art?"

I freeze under the weight of his expectations. This is the decision point, I feel. Said that, this is a difficult question… meh, let's see what comes out of my mad ramblings then, "Art is joined at the rip with beauty and both have an intrinsic value on their own. If a person has secured food and shelter, its next priority is entertaining. If she has no clear path to either, then said entertaining becomes an escape. Art is a balm that redeems life, justify the suffering for beasts cursed with knowledge such as ourselves. Art is the action of affirmation of life but not every action affirmative of life is Art."

"And that is why I said you are a mad fool. Affirmation of life? Life is fundamentally transient and ephemeral. Art is superior to life, for it is eternal and ever-lasting!"

"Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, if there is nobody to appreciate it, then what is it good for? It is meant to be shared."

"That is why I call you naive; I have no need for acknowledgement."

"Then why are you here, then?"

"The truth is that humans are made for trouble. We are the ones born to 'struggle with the divine' as a matter of course. The experience cannot be inherited either, so every human is condemned to yoke under these questions. Even if granted salvation by a godly device we would break it just to see if something interesting and unexpected happens."

"What are you implying here?"

"That is why I went after you despite knowing from the get go you are nothing but trouble… and that is why you went after me, despite knowing the same."

"You are a great artist, even if your medium is something I never had particularly interest before. That said, you spent too long under your own counsel, struggling without respite. Even if this suffering allowed for the creation of great art, I fear for you, friend. That you will lose your way back from the cavernous deeps we call our minds, back to us. It's a more common end for artists than people realize, and the world would be poorer without you in it. The artists are the ones that open the way in the pilgrim's journey, the painter are the vanguards, followed by the musicians, then the poet and only then do the lowly philosopher such as myself map the way back, always lagging behind."

"These feelings are something I can only put into words thanks to you. This is my heartfelt gratitude."

"So, what? Are you going to 'fix' me or something?"

"What? No way! I am a miracle maker, not a god. I lack the capacity and interest to save you. The fact is you are killing yourself, though. So I am going to round out your rough edges so that you can go on for longer."

"Isn't this the same as saying you want me to suffer for longer?"

"Yes, please!"

"My real name is Sasori."

"Nice to meet you Sasori, my real name is Megumi."

"Sasori of the Red Sand."

"Nice epithet, mine is Panacea."

"You have no idea what that means, do you?"

"Should I?"

"Whatever! Fools cannot be saved anyway. Just so you know, I am not cheat though. If you waste my time you will regret it."

"Dude, you think money is a problem to me? Money can't buy My time."

We walked inside.


"Well, are you ready to start?" Kurama inquires, clear anticipation in his voice.

"My, my. I do seem to remember you were the one voting against rushing just weeks ago. Saying I should take my time." I could not help but pipe in. After I was bathed and rested Kurama toke the earlier opportunity to drag me, back to our 4D-dimensional mansion. He knew that I was ready to brand myself with the Magnum Opus Stigmata after my epiphany.

"Shameless until the end, I am saying what you already know. Since you insist in being this petulant about it, let me satisfy the childish petulance of yours: you are ready. The person you are right now is different from the previous self. You realize what humans have forgotten and burst past the bottleneck that held back both your power and your personal development as a person. You accepted yourself as a denizen of this world, and here is where your journey truly start. You answered to the call of adventure!"

"Thank you." I say easily, making little of his speech even though his words filled me with warmth. He sees through me and just roll his eyes at my petulance. He is right about everything after all.

What the practitioners of the Extreme Lotus call Gate of Life, located on the spinal cord, just below the throat, aligned with the center of the collarbone. The Vishuddha chakra, meaning Purest. It's element is the Aether, referred to as Akasha. It's a point of conversion of the previous Chakras, being known as the purification center, thus all five senses previously managed by the bellow chakras converge. In its most abstract form, it is associated with higher discrimination and is associated with creativity and self-expression. It is believed that when Vishuddha is closed, a person undergoes decay and death. When it is open, negative experiences are transformed into wisdom and learning. The success and failure in one's life are said to depend upon the state of this chakra, whether it is polluted or clean. The feeling of guilty is given as the most prominent reason for this chakra to block the Prana moving upwards.

I have long since decided the foundation that said charka would have. However, I lacked the experience to properly make it. This chakra is where the elixir of immortality of the gods drip down from. Know in India as Sanskrit, sharing the same Indo-Aryan etymologic roots as Ambrosia.

Sometimes being referred in legend as Amrita or Soma, it alleged had the power to covers the naked and heals all who are sick: the blind man sees, the lame man steps forth. Capable of let those who seek find what they seek, let them receive the treasure, let him find what was lost before, let him push forward the man of truth. It is capable to grants speed and strength to warriors, excellent and righteous sons to those giving birth, spiritual power and knowledge to those who apply themselves to the study of mysteries.

It's what the gods of Olympus and Indian pantheon use to fight off the shadow of death itself and medium of countless forms of miracles. In addition, it is said that those that consumed it had their crimson blood turned into golden ichor, something toxic to humans yet capable of grand transformation, springing magical herbs when it touches the ground.

Due to these properties, I deemed it fundamental quintessence akin to the Philosopher's Stone. The central Mystery of Alchemy, symbolizing perfection at its finest, enlightenment, heavenly bliss and chrysopoeia, the artificial creation of gold. It is Prima Material, the source of all earthly elements that first sprout from Primordial Chaos. That is also, why the Philosopher's Stone is considered a homonym to Alkahest, the universal solvent.

The Magnum Opus was the "Great Work" required to manifest this key wonder. In the more alchemical tradition, the process is ruled by the precept of the four humors, being created by the order of black, white, yellow, and red that it was governed by. But the Esoteric Hermetic alchemists tradition reject work on exoteric substances, instead directing their search for the philosopher's stone inward. The transmutation mediated by the stone is interpreted as a psychological, theological, philosophical, and aspirational process.

Something I had forgotten, thinking that I would find the answers by toiling into uncovering the secrets of the soul. As if the answer, and maybe even the soul itself, could be measured and broken down in a periodic tablet. That is why I thought it would take years to complete this Stigmata once upon a time.

The Vishuddha Chakra also represent the Third of the Four Noble Truth – nirodha (cessation, ending, confinement): dukkha (suffering) can be ended or contained by the renouncement or letting go of this taṇhā (craving); the confinement of tanha releases the excessive bind of dukkha.

Nirodha, refers to a state of cessation of perception and feeling. It is the out-of-body experience where mental formation cease and the body in in a Flow state, where the practitioner performs activity fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and deriving joy and rapture in the process of the activity.

Alas, instead of find nirodha through confinement I found it through liberation: Catharsis. Literally meaning purification and cleansing, it is the purification and purgation of emotions through climax, in whatever form it may take. Artistic (Spirit) or Hunger (Eros). The inflation of the soul until it break the limits of the Logos and burst free. A Tragic Disposition, in real life men are sometimes too much addicted to pity or fear, sometimes too little; tragedy brings them back to a virtuous and happy mean. Affirming life at its peaks and in its abysses, the fullness of life and the violence of death, the world a mystic temple and hall of doom. The tragic contrast that everything has its opposite within itself, paradox and duality.

This Divine Madness is no sickness, no debility in life, but companion of life at its healthiest. It is the tumult which arrive from its innermost recesses when they mature and force their way to the surface. It is the madness inherent in the womb of the mother. This attends all moments of creation, and ushers in primal salvation and primal pain – and in both, the primal wildness of being.

What the last disciple of Dionysus called the Great Health and Carl Jung called the Treasure of Rebirth and Renewal. The treasure hard to obtain found during the travel to the Underworld of the Archetypal Hero's Journey. I descended into the chthonic deeps and laid eyes into its foundations. Guided by the divine inspiration, I traveled through the road one must go alone, no guides, no helpers, no markers, and risking to lose oneself in the hidden deeps of one's own mind.

All who travel into the abyss of death do die, a person cannot visit the same river twice. The triumphant hero that emerges experience an amazing transformation. It qualified as a form of rebirth, to reemerge from primordial chaos. A rebirth, as if one is their personal dying-and-rising god.

Meditation upon the Vishuddha Chakra bring about various epiphanies and occult powers: vision of the three periods, past, present and future; freedom from disease and old age; destruction of dangers; and the ability to move the three worlds.

The three worlds are physical and objective world, the psychological and cognizant subjective world and the world of concepts, abstractions and creation. The visage of every true god is the visage of the world, the world reveal itself through the god. Humans too, carry within an immeasurable world. The god-that-is-me. Therefore, humans are a holy trinity upon themselves, three gods in one godhead.

The Father, Son and Holy Spirit; Zeus, Dionysus/Zagreus and Hades. Picking between the figure of Jesus and Dionysus daunting task. They are so close to one another that it put into perspective all those critics about Hellenization of the Catholic Church, especially in the Orphic version of the human creation myth. From the fact, they are both gods that justify and redeem suffering, the ritualistic connection to wine, and the following symbolic omophagia connotations to communing with said god by consuming and being possessed by its spirit. The fact both were considered subversive by Rome is the cherry on top. What bring Dionysus the victory here is his validation to the concept of Metempsychosis, the first western theory of reincarnation through palingenesis.

According to this myth, the infant Dionysus is killed, torn apart, and consumed by the Titans. In retribution, Zeus strikes the Titans with a thunderbolt, turning them to ash. From these ashes, humanity is born, tainted by this sin of murder. In Orphic belief, this myth describes humanity as having a dual nature: body, inherited from the Titans, and a divine spark or soul, inherited from Dionysus. In order to achieve salvation from the Titanic, material existence, one had to be initiated into the Dionysian mysteries and undergo a ritual purification and reliving of the suffering and death of the god.

The uninitiated in Orphic cult, they believed, would be reincarnated indefinitely, as the well of rebirth would keep on turning. The newly dead who drank from the River Lethe would lose all memory of their past existence. The initiated were taught to seek instead the river of memory, Mnemosyne, thus securing the end of the transmigration of the soul. Orphics believed that they would, after death, spend eternity alongside Orpheus and other heroes.

This came before the mortal Selene and Zeus' thigh pregnancies, by the way, talk about a guy that never got a break even before being born. But this is why Dionysus is the "confidant of the dead", another thing he got in common with Jesus, who die to cleanse mortal sin and allow salvation and liberation. The Son is the medium between the Chthonic (Hades) elements and the Olympian (Zeus) in the mortal realm, that is why Dyonisus name mean not only the Son of Zeus but also Young Zeus. The fact the New Testament was first written in Greek really does not help the critics of Hellenic contamination. Humans really are consigned to live in the catacombs of theirs ancestors, nothing ever ends. I guess this is another sign of the Eternal Recurrence.

As the important final part is that his death is the catalyzer to Apollo and Hermes involvement in his legend. Apollo's actions of burring Zagreus allowed for his reincarnation as Dionysus, giving him the title of Bestower of Dyonisus, both because his action symbolize the reversal of the Anima Mundi back toward unification and because he embody the principle of individuation, the Ego and respectively, the Logos. The dichotomy between the Apollonian and Dionysian can be compared to the structure of the right and left side of the brain, and Tragedy is the synthesis of these two sides, walking hand in hand… well, that didn't hit home at all.

Apollo as the god of all shaping energies is also the soothsaying god, the shining one that rule over the fair appearance of the inner world of fantasies. The call for Higher Truth, and the following rapture its perfection inspires is contrasted with the only partially intelligible and chaotic everyday world. Promoting healing and dreaming, symbolized with its attributes as a soothsayer, and consequently, the arts through which life is made possible and worth living.

A dangerous dream-like artist. There is a reason Paradise Lost was successful enough to affect the Christian zeitgeist, becoming an apocrypha of the faith despite being objectively an ancient fanfiction of the same caliber as the Divine Comedy. It capture in its narrative a self-evident Truth that all can recognize but few can put into words. That the philosophical thought overgrows art and forces it to cling tightly to bough of the dialectic, the apollonian tendency is concerned with its logical schematicism.

Hermes is messenger god, serving as the bridge between the creator and the created. His name means both "heap of stones" and "boundary maker", making him a symbol of the spirit of truth hidden on Earth, given to mankind by the gods. He also has connection to the underworld, the bridges and guider the soul of the dead along the road between "the Under and the Upper world".

The fact his roman counterpart is called Mercury tell everything one needs to know about its involvement with alchemy, he is the verb that denotes change. The union of opposites in the pursue of encompassing totality, the Philosopher's Stone. Mercury can be said to contain the totality of the psyche, both the unconscious and conscious mind, the know and the unknown, and the light and dark within. A trickster that show people boundaries and deficiencies in oneself and wider society in search to reestablish balance.

Apollo is the pin holding the wheel of life of three godheads in place while Hermes is the substance circulating through it all as a medium between the other four. Five gods in total, an auspicious number, five senses and the elemental pentagram. Western occultists make various differing Kabbalistic associations with Vishuddha chakra. Associating it with the hidden sephirah Da'at, where "wisdom" and "understanding" are balanced in the supernal realm by the aspect of "knowledge", a tangible idea which is then expressed, leading to the act of the creation.

But that is not where it ends, I didn't research Ninshu for the last year for nothing. The Vishuddha chakra is the point where the balance of Ying and Yang essences flip, being decidedly more Ying. The fundamental revelation of the bodhisattva only remembered as the Sage of Six Paths is the Creation of all Things. It can be said to be the fundamental mystery of the Ninshu, and its study is the fundamental purpose of its cult; a virtuous human is the one that struggle with god, the search to comprehend it is a virtuous one.

In D&D terms, the Creation of all Things could be conceptualized as the 9th​ level spell, Wish. What I am aiming here for is the watered down version of the jutsu, Limited Wish, a 6th​ level spell that basically can replicate any spell of 5th​ level or bellow, of even restricted spell lists. Considering "Raise Death" was a 5th​ spell that I now can cast, this goal seems achievable. If Kurama's Mythos Exultant is the power to turn every ticket in the lottery box into a winning one, then this power would be of always take out the one lottery ticket among the countless one. Transmutation of Phenomenon, basically, Marble Phantasm to his Reality Marble. It is broader but more limited, the narrow ones path is the further it goes. This is by no mean a loss.


Conceptualization completed, I reach for it, willing it so. That is when, to my surprise, I fell Kurama pushing at our connection and then before I can realize what is going on my body is flooded with his chakra. Wha-

"Brace yourself, Megumi. While that little plan of yours is now viable, it still is going to suck." He smiles jovially at me as I fall to my knees in pain, "and remember, you literally asked for this."


Is that what being a jinshuriki is like? I feel like a balloon about to pope, the power coursing through my body is putting a stress over my chakra network no human is designed to handle. All my nodes are being pried impossible wide. This must be what it feels like for Shirou to perform spells beyond his, I feel like I am about to break. I knew enough about ninja culture and forbidden jutsu to intellectually know how real that dangers where, but this is my first time meeting them personally. The only respire is that while Kurama is pushing his chakra on me; he is also pulling my pneuma to himself, giving me more room even as it gives more room in myself for his power to scorch me.

His chakra excels my body's capacity to handle and it escape my body, creating a cloak of chakra around me. Instead of relief, it bring even more agony. It is more as I am in a pressure cooker, my body trapped into a vicious circle of destruction and renewal. My body is breaking down and being recreated, yet the pendulum definitely is pending toward the destruction side of scales. Through the razy fog of pain I am vaguely aware that I am being unraveled, my skin is being peeled away and rising to the surface of my aura, where it escape as smoke… and I am bleeding golden blood?!

At some point, the chakra reach such density it collapse into itself. What once was more like an ethereal mist then spurred by Kurama into a pseudo-liquid state now reach the final stage. I am past the point of pain, maybe past madness too. I guess the nerves that transmit pain have already being fried, like third degree burns. Despite all logic I also still here, even if I feel like my physical body was destroyed. Despite that I simple can't move, my hyper dense body keep me rooted to my spot. Despite no long having eyes I can still see. I look at myself and perceive a golden being made of pure light, liked a flayed god. Indescribable power course through me and I feel my childlike frame expanding and maturing. This form kind of remind me of Gon in his final transformation against Pitou… so this is the famous Body Reformation all those xianxia novels talk about.

Like the birth of a star, the energy discharges into a final conflagration that rockets the world, threatening to collapse the imaginary space we created.

I look down into myself and see once again the being of light that I was when I confronted Kurama the first time we met. This is not a mindscape but the real world. I remember with my Rikugan that some changes have ensued though; I now have a giant blind spot bellow my chin, damn these Senju genes! My cleavage entered a fight against the Golden Ration my body was supposed to by cast under and it barely lost.

The woman under the starlight guise was like the blessed immortals in appearance. Like Zeus's hardy daughter, Athena, this body resemble one of those famous marble statues, powerful yet lovely and as flawless… to the Hellenic people pain is sacrosanct, thus a sexual symbol is a holy one. The pain of the woman at childbirth sanctify all following pains of life!

I guess that is what I get for using the Greek gods mysteries to perform my Body Reformation; it is less that I am an beauty to break all hearts and more like the pain ensued to get me here made me real in a way that mortal people can never dream of being, therefore beautiful. Beautiful is the only word I can think to describe the experience involved at looking at myself. In a sense, beauty is synonymous to the gods' control over mortals. Virtue is performative excellence; the attribute was elevated to the realm of mystery, an appearance that induct catharsis.

The fact I stand a head over the Raikage in height also helps to make me look impressive. My Yamato like ethnic features of my likely Iron Country heritage mix with the Senju striking features to give off an aristocratic and noble but warm appearance, with smile that comes easy and raven black straight hair that cascade to the waist. Natural four-pack, I only ever managed to have it Before for a brief period in my late teens, but this ones look natural. Indeed, this body can best be described as a lioness.

"Have you finished gawking at yourself?" Kurama's voice break me out of my musings, but his appearance completely push it out of my mind.

"You look dead warmed up!" This isn't a hyperbole either, while once his very presence invoked fear, as if his own casting was designed to be a symmetry of dread, cruelly predatory and powerful, now is a disheveled and emancipated, skin and bones, like the survivors of famine.

I rush over to him, among the gifts Kurama has granted, my divine panoply, one stands for the Virtue of Compassion, the moral foundation of Care. The Cup Grace, something that exist no for my own sake but as something to be offered and given up for the sake of others. I invoke it to my hand and it take the shape of an azul lapis lazuli horn carved with golden embroiled patterns. It is basically a Cornucopia, a horn of plenty, the reason the bull is a symbol of Dionysus, the giver of wine, is because it traditionally used as wine cup.

I startle him by pushing the cup over his lips, but when the coruscate vermilion red ambrosia touch his lips he drink deeply from it. When his strength return to his limbs he take the cup from my hand and gorge himself on it with deep gulfs. By the time he put it down, his frame is once again filled to healthy, though still puny for him.

"And this is why I tell you that you have to learn to look before you jump. You have no self-control, any experience of anxiety is enough to spurring you to act before you can think."

"Are you better now?"


"Good," I punch him in the arm. "What the hell were you thinking? Acting like that without a heads up. You looked dead!"

"It was temporary. This transformation of yours is maintained by the virtuous circulation of our essences, as you take more of mine I too feed on your power. I just had to pay an initial fee as investment to bring you up to a level comparable to my own. You had already acclimated to my chakra over the years and the Magnum Opus Stigmata excelled my expectations, to the point it was worth accelerate your grow so you could then accelerate my own restoration."

"…fine, I can feel what you are talking about. Though I never thought to use our bond as a two-ways street for something besides telepathy. You know anything about this Light form?"

"In fact, I do. It is the power the ancestor of your people, Ashura, achieved after he became the successor of the Sage of Six Paths. Though as you chakra is white while his was yellow, your form is a bit different."

"Wow, talk about hitting the nail in the head. Wait, so you actually met that guy? Didn't you say the Sage was from before your time? And more importantly, are you saying I achieved some form of Ancestral Return hidden power of my bloodline?"


"You are not dealing with the average senju anymore, Kurama."


"I have achieved the legend, the one that you feared."


"I have become the Legendary Super Senju!"

"I hate you."

"Do you hate me because you are envious of my super senju swag or because you are the only person in this realm of existence capable of understanding this reference?"

"Amazing Chest Ahead."

"That is sexual harassment!"


This chapter is dedicated to the nameless beggar violinist. Yeah, he is real. I searched for covers to show you people but the best link I found simple didn't capture the raw emotion the man had put into it, so post a second of a pianist capable of it so you get the idea. He is the man that made understand why people could believe the greatest art is born of the greatest pain.

Here are the links:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XneQd0D5SQ8

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fyp74H3kMdI

Now, to the elephant in the room, resurrection. There is a reason people are hesitant to introduce it in stories, Dragon Ball is the cardinal example of the damage it can do to the stakes, ruining tension and cheapening drama. That is why kishimoto always attached it to a ruinous price. The thing is, it is in the power of chakra to bring back the dead. When Nagato used it, he did not resurrect one person, but thousands. Is the price of opening the gates of death that kill the target so he can resurrect as many people as he wanted or he could actually survive it if he went easy? If so, why not to resurrect his friends and Akatsu members?

But more than that, Chion was the first to introduce the possibility of a resurrection jutsu and she doesn't have any bloodline to justify it, she just created it. Could someone do to Chion what Kabuto did to Impure World Resurrection? If she could bring back to life even a cold turkey Gaara, that was dead for more than a day, what if the person is in better conditions? If the person is just a little bit dead couldn't she just die a little bit to bring the person back to life?

That said, there is no logic in the power of resurrection, it is the bonafide textbook definition of a miracle. This excel human reason, so I went all out to give it the proper gravitas. Megumi got enough experience out of it to jump a lot of levels. It is a 'treasure that is hard to attain', in a figurative and real way.

This mark the end of Megumi's childhood to express how transformative said experience was. She is letting go of old attachments, the modest goal of living something like a cosmopolitan life in that world was a holdover from the past. God may be dead in our world but it is very much alive in the Naruto world, it is not something to be experienced on Sundays in God's crypt but a constant companion of every action of every day. As she said, humans are made for trouble, and she is ready to usher a new age of Madness and Glory.

By the way, she denounce the only thing Madara ever bothered to say to the Kyubi in this chapter, a preview for things to come. Incidentally, about my description of the dangers of the god Apollo and how much it actually match our own. I will just remind you that Hashirama dreamt to make Konoha his entire life, and in the end he betrayed his consciousness to preserve it: he killed Madara where before he had Konoha he spared him then followed this by imprisoning Kurama just because his power 'could' be a treat. The fact he proceeded to reincarnate as the vessel of the beast he wronged and experience the prejudice Madara warned him about can be described as nothing but Karma.

This was a heavy chapter but I wrote it in basically two days. What was mean to be a short interlude took on a life of its own. I could say the Muses went amazon position on me and I am pooped.
but anyways, that was an amazing chapter. I think you handled the resurrection issue very well both from an in story and out of story perspective. This story is always such a joy to read, with amazing content and comedy. I hope that you keep updating and that a new chapter comes soon.
Seriously, it is like reading a theology textbook crossed with Naruto.

The premise and story elements of it are great, but slogging thorough the heavier parts definitely makes this a hard read.
Yeah it's great and everything but when I reached the info dump about Apollo and Dionysus, I skipped it all with only reading the bare minimum to know what's going on.
I gotta admit tho, it's a great read when you are drunk or stoned. Tried both, 'twas fun.
Yeah it's great and everything but when I reached the info dump about Apollo and Dionysus, I skipped it all with only reading the bare minimum to know what's going on.
I gotta admit tho, it's a great read when you are drunk or stoned. Tried both, 'twas fun.
Fair. That is why I broke the 'magic' from the narrative with -//-.
Pieces Fall Into Place
"Ouch, that hurts! Stop hitting me uncle," screams Apollo, while massaging his callused head, directing at the perpetrator a petulant pout.

"I do it because you refuse to learn, you little delinquent. You do have the image but lack the talent to bring said image into reality. Be it ninjutsu or art, both visualization and performance are necessary to actualizing one's imagination. You have to learn to walk before you can run."

"I am trying my best!"

"That is what I am talking about. Instead of trying harder, you have to focus on becoming more talented. This is about internalizing methodology. Stop trying to do a step larger than your leg, break it into smaller steps. If what you search is still out of reach, then break it further."

For good or worse, Apollo was never someone to be pushed down without pushing back, his face say it all, "I can get this, but why the one that has to teach me is you, uncle? Can't Mother or Kurama do it?"

That earn him another noggie for his trouble. "Do not call me uncle. Your mother is paying me handsomely and part of my service is to be your tutor, so during this tenure as my apprentice and assistant you shall refer to me as teacher. Second, instead of asking questions you should observe and learn to speculate from it. Have you ever thought in what way a preeminently talented but still mortal individual can teach you that these two immortals would be unable to impart you with? If so, what?"

He was about to continue buy my attempt to use their discussion to scratch my nose seems to trigger a death flag event. "And who said you could move? He will have to restart the drawing from scratches if you keep disturbing the image. I told I hate to waste time, do so again and I will gut then stuff you."

"Sasori, I have been standing still for an hour! Some movement is only natural, that is when artistic interpretation comes in to fill the gaps. Besides, Apollo is still an amateur, he can't be that bad."

Sasori answers by revealing the canvas Apollo has been working for the last hour.

"…is that Picasso style?"

"It shouldn't be! And don't talk that cursed name inside my atelier! All post-modern garbage is best forgotten in the sands of time. It is my mission to keep this world clean from any abomination calling itself art."

I let escape a sign, talk about troublesome. Maybe giving to him the archive of all my memories about fine arts had been a mistake. For all that it motivated him, Sasori is very opinionated about what constitute art, the loft heights he witness in great works of the past, even if faded and incomplete, only made his disdain for subversive elements more bitterly. He really would gut the 'artist' that put a mustache in Mona Lisa if he could.

His extravagance makes working with him difficult but I could see this too is his 'discharge' of feelings he normally would keep to himself. A prof that he has grown comfortable with the gang over the past months. He has even being talking baths every day! Pointing out that self-grooming is also important for the mindset of the artist has paid dividends, together with daily social interaction and Sasori is almost tolerable for most people.

How did things ended like this again? Why am I here, still as a statue for the last hour, making my best impression of a war goddess, bearing all my regalia and what pass for a battledress, revamped with a modern touch for utility and just as many useless holes just to show my stigmata collection, full of Tengu references?


Ho, that is right. It is all Kurama's fault!

The saying that idle hands are the devil's workshop have never been truer. After acclimating to my apotheosis my Rikugan picked some interesting readings from Kurama. Countless points of light, people Kurama sponsored with his power. He created a … cult, gang, friendship support group? He was bored and had a few billions of units of chakra buring a hole in his pocket he himself could not make use of, so he started franchise chain.

His progress from the first time we met to now make more sense, and he is helping people in a way I think the Sage of Six Paths would have wanted, so when he invited me to do a partnership in franchising our Greater Magical Formulas to people across the continent I accepted, despite my reservations. Moreover, the first thing to do during a merging is revamping of resources and operation politics.

While we have yet to rash out the face of the movement we want to start there is one thing we agree upon, we are going to clean house. Ultimately, what define the long-term success of a movement, be it an imperial cult, ethnic religion, mystery religion, expansionist and exclusivist religion or a nontheistic movement like the illuminist, fascism and communism, is their capacity to promote their members and societies over the long hall. Nobody has a problem with the idyllic world promised by communism but the empirical experience of one hundred million dead in a single century.

That is why we already started with a few goals. First, we will revive the Ninshu, not only it is deserving of revival but this give us a claim and history. That Ninshu is literally ethernet connection of the soul mean I can literally start with an already present infrastructure for me to bring this world to 21th century with a few swoops. This not only will pull the rug of anyone interested in stopping us but also would allow it to easily spread like wildfire over human population.

Second, we would take a bottom up policy. I have no intention to become a god counting every strand of hair in people's heads, especially because I might be capable of it one day. I believe in the self determination of peoples, the condition of the binding vow people sign at initiation will be revised. While I have my doubts in the wisdom of giving every human chakra simple due to the fact the Sage put a loaded gun in everybody's hands, I will respect this decision out of gratitude. We will appeal to the better angels of people; aim to influence people by having a grip over culture and religion without directly ruling.

Third, we will try to maximize accessibility to increase popularity. What Kurama created has a lot of potential, and while his chakra is fundamentally destructive, mine is more versatile. Forget fossil fuel, chakra is path toward the promised post scarcity society. The promises of the 3D printer singularity are here. By creating "routs" we can allow people to more easily make use of our Gates of Truth. While this would be giving up some of the development spurred by the experimentation of the final user, humans are greedy creatures, and the more complex the Great Magical Foundation become the more likely it is to experience diminished returns. These reforms will just free brainpower to experience on new frontiers.

People most of the time do not realize how effective smarter they are thanks to the internet. Do you have doubt about something? Google it. Did you have a cool idea and want to experience with it? I bet other people had the same idea, why don't you band together to try it? Are you lonely, troubled or isolated? Other people feel the same way and some are willing to help.

While the technique aspects of chakra are within my power, the interface required of said endeavor is akin to Elon Musk's augmented reality, except Ninshu doesn't translate to binary, recreating the internet is harden than it looks.

To Kurama's credit, he foresaw both my intentions and this problem and anticipated to it.

The Staff Treasure, the symbol of my Conviction among my panoply of Treasured Tools. Which defines the principle of communication that connects all beings in a way that undermine the divisions imposed by the boundary of self-actualization. Through the medium of this principle, make it so people are able to connect and communicate with one another in meaningful ways. You could describe it as an antenna receiver that facilitate and augment the efficiency of the Understanding of the Heart of Others of everyone within range.

The fact that people can understand one another enlightens them to the peril of their existence. They can see that, like themselves, other people are all a heap of mad (Spirit), self-absorbed (Çogos), ravenous (Eros) patterns of essence we call Soul. They must, therefore, insulate themselves against one another with codes of behavior, with laws and taboos. They must create a social power that restrains them each within the limits of their own selves, the power to bring disparate beings of radically different natures to mutual understanding and bind them together with the social power. Conviction represents those beliefs or principles that they actively impose on others to insulate themselves against their fellows.

The Staff Treasure orders society not through the clumsy brutality of the sword's tip, but through rituals and taboos, through restrictive social conventions and carefully orchestrated riots. It direct the inevitable interactions of civil society that for good or ill, define the sea of culture in which people must swig. Through diplomacy, civility and abiding power of oaths, it strengthen the unity of society while degrading the lot of those outside of it.

Through its power, my power, mortal men can be famed or un-famed, sung or unsung alike, as I will it. For easily I make strong, and easily I bring the strong man low; easily I humble the proud and raise the obscure, and easily I straighten the crooked and blast the proud, -- I who thunder aloft and have my dwelling most high. Attend them with eye and ear, and make judgements straight with righteousness. Treasured Tool, Royal Scepter of Boreal Covenant.

This is the Moral foundation of Equity; the instinct of fairness humans bear as social animals. With my capacity of perceiving Karma, instead of blindness submission, I can exploit said rule to my favor, manipulating casualty by leveraging good and bad karma to give favor or misfortune.

Sticking to the Tengu theme, it takes the form of a hauchiwa, a magical feather fan. The feathers are colored like a peacock's, hence the name Boreal, with its iconic eye at the center, symbolizing revelation and light. It was designed with the capacity to turn into a Gunbai Uchiwa, a non-folding fan that people of this world use as shield and as a mace, because they are mad. It actually makes sense, since the Staff Treasure has the capacity of raise the power and efficiency of a platoon of subordinates by synchronizing the chakra patters of its members. I don't know how Kurama could have predicted its use though.

There is a hipuc though. I am essentially a programmer. I might talk a big game but there is a whole world of small problems that impair the 'adherence by the final user'. This problem difficult to point out but easy to exemplify. As it stand, traditional ninshu is a Linux, my reforms made it into an early Mac, it is too elitist and overly ambitious by nature. You simple overlooked too many things when you were a god. The bar of entry is too steep for the average mortal; it is easy if you have talent, time and capacity to entry required of haw chakra manipulation. If I want to deliver a blow to the status quo that will change the tides for Ninshu I need a Steve Jobs, not only a designer but The designer. That is when Sasori comes in.

I signed.

"What did I say about moving? Keep that up and you will be a stuffed god instead."

"What do you think I am, Sasori?"

"The mad muse I sold my soul to. Such petulant question, woman really do enjoy pointless actions. Not that you had the touch for fine arts even in you past life, when you were a man. At least now, you can contribute to Art through the beauty you have cultivated. That is why you are at your best when you shut up and stand still! If I knew you would be this willful I would have sold my soul to the Devil instead, if only I knew of him before. I am sure he would be easier to work with."

I am going to break his fucking neck!

As it turned out, the one Steve Jobs I found is just as hard to work with. Sasori, indeed, turned out to be a big deal. The Leonardo da Vinci of murder, there is no ninja discipline he did not master by the time his balls dropped; he then proceeded to revolution them with inventiveness and creativity unheard of, even having a spy network of sleeping agents across the continent. It is all about Aesthetics, through it he is able to predict how people behave and anticipate what they want before they realize it themselves.

And speaking about murder. Wow! Living your entire life besides the embodiment of hatred really skewer one's perspective. After he affirmed that helping out in mine plan he would be kill more people than the hundred and thousands he killed his entire carrier I finally notice. Indeed, he had a pretty bad karma score, but when pitted against the civilization destroying Kurama I barely noticed… good for him recent experiences changed my perspective over redemption. This lifestyle was clearly killing him despite him never knowing any better way to live than to be a hired killer, he yearned for more and used art as a balm to numb the pain.

In short, he was ready for a change.

Bringing him into the fold was surprisingly easy, the revelation of my true form had the expected effect, and maybe Sasori was even more susceptive. I spilled the beans, revealed my ambitions and nature. Kurama thought it a stupid and unnecessary risk, but we had to do things right, that is why I gave my word that Sasori could back down if he wanted, as long as he swore secrecy. However, in the end this was the right decision.

Maybe I myself do not know what sold this to him, but he not only accepted but also asked to be my first apostle. He really swore his soul to the cause, so that is why I overlook his a caustic personality when it is clear his actions are for the sake of our goal. I gave him access to my organized archives of the previous world and he toke to it like water to a fish. His ability to perceive small details I overlooked and readjust to the sensibility to the natives is priceless. If only he was not just as foul tempered as, Steve Jobs humored of being. It is what you would expected of designers, abusing the help. Like designers and programmers, and designers and developers, and designers and designers. Damn designers, they ruined designing!

"You are thinking something uncharitable of me, aren't you?"

He also toke to my powers with easy I never thought was even possible. In addition, due to the nature of cooperative nature of the system Kurama created I learn just as much from him as he does through me. Which can be infuriating. I feel like I have no privacy as he rise in the Thought Penetrating Mind discipline. Is this what other people feel while around me?

I am a god you know! Show me some respect! It's true!

"Now, boy. I will not tolerate any student of mine to be deficient. Did you master the sculpting exercise I taught you?"

"S-somewhat. I am not very good with Earth Element, but I can conceptualize the image inside the stone and then break it out of it, like you said. Still make a mess though."


"Indeed, you already are past the point of simple geometric shapes. I recently developed an especial claystone that can be reused for the exercise, so you do not have to worry about making a mess. Maybe I rushed you too much, but if you are really to be my assistant in these tasks then we have to cover all fundamentals. You are to try to capture the basic contours of human anatomy. Megumi, strip."

"This isn't really necessary, is it teacher?!"

"What is the problem?"

"She is clearly holding back tears!" Thanks for the concern, Apollo. However, pit only hurt more.

"Pain, be it physical or mental, is temporary. Art is eternal! Megumi, I already told I hate to waste time, don't make me repeat myself."

I am a god you know! Show me some respect! Ahhhhhhhhhh!


Great ziggurats made of black stone as far as they eye could see, only being broken by terraces build in curling designs of swirling patterns, alien intentions that evoke dread and neurosis. Under the indigo light of dusk, the city-state forgotten by the ages could match any conjured depiction of purgatory, the wind moaning through its edifices carry the anguish of the countless victims that met their untimely end as humans sacrifices. Wrong, everything about this is wrong, and only the knowledge that such sight has already being erased from the world, burned by fire until only an empty crater remains, give me comfort.

That this is just a nightmare of a forgotten age.

Sometimes ignorance and mysteries are the only shield from truths that deny life and all of its joys. There are secrets that are best-left well anole. However, fools rush to where angels fear to tread, the stipend of sin is tribulation. The tick miasma of madness overtake the city, so tick it became palpable, a sign that even after upgrading my Mara's Nectar with the properties of the ultimate solvent of prima material capable of break down both mind and body, I am still green to the ways of craving and suffering. Speaking of Madness.

A city is a place of people live, in a sense you could say it also reflect how they live, what they found important and of worthy could be puzzled out by architecture alone. A diagram to the black box we call mind, so it is only sensible that denizens of a mad city would also be mad themselves. Unfortunately, I was denied confrontation with the simplistic euphoric madness expected to be found in savage societies. There is a rigor and methodology to the madness of human sacrifices and torture that ensure a cacophony of screams could always be within earshot, as if the city was a piano and each person a musical key.

Fucking Uzumaki! Is this what? The third time that I confronted with the unrestrained curiosity of this clan resulting in catastrophic consequences so far. No wonder they were genocide after the Ninja Villages came to be. As callous as this sound, I would gladly trade them for honest and straightforward Jashin worshipers any day of the week. This Cthulhu shit and eldritch abomination attract them like months to a flame, there isn't a sea-side monster they won't worship. Even filtered through a memory, the knowledge we are not alone in the universe and we should be afraid for it is like a stake to the heart.

My bad mode starts to affect the weather, what was once a clear sky is now being overtaken by a mantle of black clouds crowned with furry. A reminder that my existence is now too big to be properly contained, the smallest slips bring about a raging heaven, the Divine Cathedral of Annihilation is starting to take form. All the suffering and decadence oozing out it now fuel for the Tribulation Lightning.

The inhabitants start to take notice, men and women of vibrant red hair that could never be mistaken for gingery of my old world. If a normal person is like a torch to my senses then they are like bonfires, the strength they used to create this monument against creation. The strong do as they will and the weak endure what they must… and again and again, until the death of the world itself. This world is griped by a curse, my heart goes out to the victims, so much so it hurt; but I can't falter, the day will come where I will be faced with this in reality and it will be up to me to deal with it. To make a statement, that justice exist in this world.

"Be cleansed by the lighting." I gesture with both hands and a volley of lightning bolts fell to the earth like an artillery battery with the rumbling of thunder, carpet-bombing the once proud city into rubble. Towers fell, showering the incautious with slags of stones, burring and crushing indiscriminately. Lightning pierced others, frying them into charred skeletons or simple stopping hearts, depending on their karma. Their crying were smothered by the thunder and the rain cleansed the city into a nice crypt. Some tried to escape but the wind of the tempest obstructed the movement of even the most talented of shinobi… no I guess they aren't shinobi yet. Whatever, chakra users then.

Alas, discounting Uzumaki mad brilliance is a sucker's bet, people started to use the mad topography of the city to raise barrier formations, in an attempt to shield themselves from the divine storm. Futile effort, the same way as always, the last Stigmata brand have fortified my grip on its respective element and senses, in the Magnum Opus' case, this facilitates the mélange of all basic elemental natures and the synesthesia of all my senses. The once unyielding Light Release now come easily to me, but due to the asymmetrical elemental balance of my body, a small portion of Wind Element remains to it after synthesis of Light Element is finished. As there is no benefit to filter it out, I simple use it as a medium, refining it into lightning to deliver a Divine Thunder that ignore conventional durability and is capable of scorching the soul.

The barriers break like glass, and the punishment continue. I sense through my cross wired perception how the sensors gifted with people of today call Eye of Kagura pick me out inside the storm. They scramble to deliver the news but I see no point in making this easy for them. The storm answer to me like any limb and shower lightning down these significant agents of the city. I am more than content to wait it out if the best they can do is turtle up while a drop the world around their ears.

If only I could be so lucky. From the central palace a crimson comet scales up to the sky by literally kicking the air so fast that it compress it into a leverage point, like a stair way to heaven. With my total synesthesia, I can see that his Life Gate is pried open, a death sentence to any shinobi. But such things don't seem to be capable of stopping the Uzumaki, maybe because these savages never learned how to read. A network of seals that look more like a child's scrawl than proper hieroglyphic craft is manually stopping him from blowing himself up, if only just. Honestly, at this point I can't even be surprised, Apollo's progenitor (I am never calling them more than that) also survive Kurama's extraction. A clan that do not die when they are killed, how quaint.

I convert the power of the storm to me, manifesting a Tesla Coil Halo of Light in my back, wirelessly redirecting the energy the storm is generating to myself. I then shot forward him, our punches collision are like the bells of Armageddon, toppling buildings and levering the ground. The power is enough to push ourselves back from each other, so we keep on colliding through the sky of the heretic city.

The Uzumaki king is tall, for a mortal. He kind of resemble Kurama's human form, actually. Stocky muscles that are all utility, bulged to the limit, a strong jawline and predatory disposition, even the taste in clothes is a bit similar, the skulls of children necklace is too gaudy though. The beard is novel though, and the prison tattoos, it might sound rich coming from me, but his endurance is bullshit. He should be in too much pain to even mounting a resistance, but this poisonous engine is going strong. Not only that, he is literally burning his chakra by accelerating its circulation, so any contact with him ignite my own chakra. Without the Ambrosia's universal solvent properties, I would be cooked alive by my own chakra!

Another case of a nut job that went for transient temporal power over the call of Greater Workings. Nothing more than a savage barbarian. No matter how mean or strong, he is unredeemable unrefined and crude in execution. The gap between us is the gulf between Heaven and Earth. Channeling the power of the Tribulation Storm concentrated in my halo through my body, I sends a surge of its Essence at the moment of impact up my limbs, multiplying the force of my blows many times over.

The Heaven Thunder Hammer push him across the sky in a horizontal line, destroying three buildings without losing momentum. Not that I will give him that chance, channeling more power from my Halo of Tribulation Storm through my arms and legs I rips through the space between us with a flashing of thunder, Lightning Strikes Twice. Inside the territory of my Divine Cathedral of Annihilation I see and feel everything, as if it was an extension of my own body, the normal limitations to spacial transportations are lifted.

His surprised face is really goofy, but it would look goofier with coupled of missing teeth, nothing I can't correct. With a hammer blow to the face I send the crimson king down like a comet, it was so beautiful that I moved once more to intercept him before he landfall. The spinning kick might have been unnecessary but damn, it feels good!

Unfortunately, his little obstruction actually worked, giving people time to close in on myself, despite the storm. Four men scream something smothered by the sound of the storm and perform some hand signs, creating a fucking Tesseract barrier that shield them while contain and compress me. Impossible! How can some flimsy barrier even hold me? I bring about more power, tapping into my reserve of ambrosia to direct my power toward the cracks and flaws of the barrier. As the barrier shatters the casters die with it, they literally shared their life essence with it, gambling their lives in containing me… sucks to be them!

The crimson king is coming back; he literally bit the throat of a little girl open to absorb her life force to recover from my last beating, so this is how he lasted this long! I knew his seal was too shaggy to holding him together. A culture of live sacrifice, no wonder Kurama was called here. Any society where young people are sacrificed for the benefit of old people is doomed anyway. However, this mean a battle of attrition is actually against me for once, I have to end him in one blow.

The crimson king dodge my thunder the best he can while closing distance, I try to make distance but pests keep on raising more barriers to obstruct my movements, giving the despoiler time to reach me. He punch the air, creating pressure canon blows, but the wind itself is my friend and kindred, the sylphs respond to me, reducing punishing strikes into a brazing currency. I fearless rush through one of these attacks to deliver a sucker punch elbow strike to his eye, followed by throat and kidney blow, ending it all with an axe kick to the groin. Something for Kurama to think twice about when the inch to make one of his jokes comes about.

While cathartic, it cost me. More pests rushed me, women wielding a literal barrage of chain arrows my way. I ascend with all haste, the charge of my Halo too small for another teleport. With my synesthesia perceiving and predicting the trajectory is well within my capability, I weave and slip through the gaps in the net they are creating and make it look easy. Like I am fucking Omni-man; no, I am the hero here, more like super-man. Unfortunately the thunderbolt barrage have winded down, even if the storm itself has not slow down.

That is why when king douchebag once again comes for me, I get too distracted by another barrier formation and start to get tangled. First one on one leg, I try to shake it off by frying the wench but she hold, fucking Uzumaki vitality! Then another in the arm, and is downhill from there. I am pinned. The king hoar in victory, crotch low and starts to charge his finishing move. He ascend to the sky and fall down on me like a comet, destroying one city block with his blow. The street is painted with the ichor of my broken body, he laugh with triumph.

Poor fool, from the start he was in the palm of my hand, they all went delusional by the power of the Mara's Nectar, killing one of their friends. I whistle to him, for a moment enjoy the look of desolation on his face when he sees me. Then I move in the space between moments to go behind him, befuddle him, and then use this opening to drive my hand through his chest, seizing and crushing his heart. He cries in a muffled gurgle, but before any response can come I seize his waist belt and lift him over my head, just so I can enjoy his cry of terrified wonder.

The reason the lightning bolts have ceased to falling is not that it have run out of steam. How could it? The constant discharge of jutsus that have been dispersed in the atmosphere by our fight was more than enough to keep it going. The Divine Cathedral of Annihilation is take its true shape, a giant ring of power inside of the storm is revealed by parting clouds, this is my final blow. No second phase for you, mad king. No summoning evil god in death throes or the manifestation of grudges. This baptism by searing light will be just what you guys need. I will be fine though, the same power course through me, my aura protect myself like a Faraday Cage.

"Blazing Eye of Annihilation!"

The world is undone by Light. I wake up from the memory inflicted by the Polymorphic Combat Illusion, a technique to assist in my training by pinning me against opponents experienced or imagined by the caster in a simulacrum. "Yeah, perfect score. SSS across the board! That is what I call a jackpot."

"Considering the number of times you had to go through this I wouldn't brag about it, unless you develop a technique to wind back time." Kurama ships in because he is a bad loser.

"Come one, I am getting the rang of it. It is not as if I can actually really let loose in the real world. Will you die if you ever congratulate me for one?"

"I will congratulate you when you defeat Madara and Hashirama in these simulations. Care to give another shot at it? I will even let you fight them individually."

I deflated like a popped balloon. "Do you have to suck the fun of everything? That fight is unfair and you know it! I totally could take on the Mango guy if he couldn't summon you! And Hashirama is a sage! He has effectively infinite power as a representative of nature, he manipulate the raw mana of the planet as if it was just another limb, without even needing to converting it! How is that fair?"

"Hoh, who was the one bragging about having more raw power than me again? I created this jutsu exactly because of this big head of yours. Giving you a chance to learn how big the world is without paying the same price I did."

That got me chagrined. He is right. Without this technique he created as an off-shot of Oblivion Correction, something that prevent him from forgetting grudges, so that if he even happens to be controlled again he can still act upon these vendettas, I would be sleepwalking toward disaster.

Fundamentally, I became Freeza. Not in the racist sense, but in too powerful to bother sense. There simply is not a point in training, Kurama described that my base state is in the same ballpark of his weaker siblings in term of sheer reserves. I certainly feel like it, over two hundreds of times more reserves than the average jonin. The fact most of it goes to physical augmentation only aggravate my Freeza syndrome. The world is made of cardboard, it crumble at my hand as a matter of course.

That is not even starting about my super-senju form (provisional name). The true nature of the mokuton is generation of endless might through the processing of raw nature energy into refined chakra, and the heart is the root of the Ashura factor that instigate said grow even the basic senju has. Hashirama was like a city built on a landfill that continues to add buildings even while sinking into the sea, expanded by adding more and more to himself, ignoring the risk of self-destruction in a directionless frenzy. That is what killed him. That is why my base form is stronger than his despite his superior reserves that even surpass Kurama's.

Thanks to the fragment of power that Kurama gave me the first time we met which I proceeded to engrave in my Gate of Life as a Toori this fatal flaw doesn't apply to me. My Ashura factor is bond by it, using Kurama as a blueprint, this both accelerate and direct my grown and put a hard cap to my power progression. Now that I have matured to my peak this grow has only one direction to go.

The Heavenly Sentinel Stigmata, the etymological origin of the work Tengu is said to come from conglomeration of two Chinese spirits: the heavenly canine, tiāngǒu and the fox spirit called huli jing, before the nuances of meaning were expanded to include local Japanese kami, therefore the true Tengu in appearance. In a sense you could compare it to the Greek pun with ivory and horn, that sound indistinguishable to the sound of lie and truth. The final result is that a new Nine Tailed fox has been born, the final sum of my power when I grow all of mine nine tails will match Kurama clad in Madara's Majestic Attire Susanoo while in my Golden White-Faced Fox form.

Seriously, am I the weird one to think this is enough power? This isn't Dragon Ball Z, if this isn't enough power to solve any problem then the solution isn't even greater power but a softer approach. Even then, Kurama is more than a match for even Hashirama now-a-days. I felt entitled to be a bit negligent in training, so Kurama threw this curve ball my way. I really felt like Freeza fighting Vegeta and Goku while facing simulated Madara and Hashirama. These mortals had no business even putting a token resistance against a blessed immortal! Seeing my ichor hitting the ground really shattered the nascent sense of invincibility I had developed. I feel that I could defeat them with my Rikugan but it even pierced the simulacrum, making it pointless.

That is why I was training in Kurama's danger room, I am a noob, my base should be more than enough to burry both of them into the ground but the fact was they were warriors that fought countless battles since infancy and I was talented novice. I have to git0gud. For a time I toyed with the idea to go even further beyond, a super duper senju, but I honestly hated the idea for the same reason I discarded the search for the patronage of an animal clan to tutor me senjutsu. After seeing Hashirama sage mode, I am convinced of the sacred nature of sagehood, it is more than a power up from a shonen series. I am ok with the fact I have peaked, I have more power in one pinky than most people will ever achieve. Besides, I should be able to sacrifice my tails to temporarily surpass my limits.

"Don't even think about it!"

"You are really against the idea, aren't you?"

"Don't laugh about it! That a fellow of mine would even think casually about losing tails make my skin crawl."

"So I finally found something to breach that unflappable façade of yours!"

"I am serious. Don't you have any pride as a (soon to be) nine tailed fox?"


"I guess you are used to losing this kind of appendage, aren't you?"

"Fuck you!"


"So Sasori, did you really found the bastard?"

"Sure enough, my contacts tracked down Orochimaru to Earth Country. Though I still don't know why going after him in particularly."

"It's about the legacy of the Sage of Six Paths. I already told that little adventure of mine started when I decided to pursue clues about the origin of the Strength of One Hundred Seal, right."

"A senju treasure, in a sense. Incorporeal but inseparable from the descendants of the clan."

"Exactly, recently I came across some Intel that shed some light to this puzzle. The senju are the descendants of the Great Sage's successor. The true nature of the seal is a 'Prof of Pedigree' that is keyed to the senju bloodline."

"And you think Orochimaru stumbled into it and has another piece of the puzzle."

"I don't think anything. I know for sure his cursed seal phylactery is something he created using the pieces he found coupled with his deranged creativity. It combines sealing and medical jutsu, the specialty of his teammates. How sentimental."

Kurama said that the super senju transformation was something that Ashura managed to do, but the problem with it is that he was an infant when the Sage died, the technique for creating Jinchūriki was more than one millennia away and the Gold and Silver Borthers were the first pseudo-Jinchūriki. How did Ashura managed to channel enough power through himself to trigger the transformation? Even if he were like Hachirama and I his body would acclimate or slowly break down like Hashirama's. An overflow is necessary to trigger the form, like Tsunade's incomplete version. That is when I realized that another seal in Konoha actually fit the bill.

Orochimaru's Juinjutsu is a mark he put in targets of his interests, inside of it he seal a fragment of his own soul that then control it from within. From Intel Sasori got the man describe it as gifting others a a portion of his power. Analysis of bodies purchased in black market reveal it to be a form of enzyme that gather raw Natural Energy to be broken down by the fragment of his soul inside the seal. A parasite that drug its host with short shots of power while devouring its life force in each exchange, hollowing out the host.

My experiences in Kurama danger room really educated me about the range of creativity people of this world can deploy to enact the most deranged and megalomaniac ambitions. Orochimaru is pursuing immortality, becoming a body snatcher worm-that-walk lich is not beyond him. He is already pass his prime, hitting fifty; a young body must be enticing. Everybody that suffered injuries or was born with even small problems, like myopia has been made aware of the fragility of the flesh.

Putting him out of the picture is community service, the spoils are simple a bonus. In order to manifest our vision we have to reach wide subscription, and most people are not ready to bear the rigors of channeling the essences of entities like ourselves. This is the greatest bottleneck to our project and my brief experience of what is like to being a jinchuriki made me aware of the dangers it represent for an individual and how it can snowball into bigger problems for an entire society.

"So, what is your goal, exactly? Capturing him for the information, stealing his research or simple killing him?"

"Me, I will decide about it when I meet the man. Sure, he is scum, but so are all shinobi. This world make monster of men by design. He might have been an upstanding and bright-eyed young man once. If I can rehabilitate you he might not be unredeemable."

"I never heard such bullshit in all my life. You are saying that just so you don't feel bad after you shew him like a toy."

"Again Sasori, what kind of god do you think I am?!"

"One that think the only difference between Good and Evil is a matter of aesthetics. If all entities want for prof of their existence, to make themselves known and felt by exerting will-to-power then the difference between those two elements are simple a matter of methodology. You will do good deeds if you think they are beautiful and evil deeds if you think appropriate, always following your own personal aesthetic sensibility. Your perception of Good and Evil is too divorced from the common sense of people of this world, altogether not unpleasant but dangerous."

"Really? How so?"

"You are moralist about all kinds of violence but take pleasure in bullying the weak. You are self-righteous about the great responsibility the power of chakra should be the gifted yet has a superiority complex that look at all humanity like inferior creatures. You are judgmental, thinking everyone a savage barbarian by default yet is also a promiscuous slut that happily hop from bed to bed every other day."

"Ok, smart ass. First, what is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? I have been human once, that is why I know this body is in no way human, it is fundamentally beyond humans, not simple better but different. As such, it comes with its own set of instincts, some which paint an unflattering picture of my fellow men. Believe me when I say that you were not the first to notice this, the accelerated adulthood made it obvious. It's like I am a cat, despite being a popular pet they are among the most successful invasive predatory species, responsible for extinction of countless species and would gladly kill its own owner if it was just big enough to do so. In my case, the size is decided by chakra, while it is easy to see Kurama and Apollo as people, something in me cannot help but feel "inferior creature" and "monkey" when I look at people. This doesn't mean I act upon those feelings, every life is precious and has a merit, and we all are shackled by the cruel wheel of samsara, even this form is transient, so being good to those born in an inferior position to your own is good thing."

"Because one day you might be back at the bottom, cowardice if you ask me."

"Second! I am an ass to most people because I am right. Chakra is wasted on them. If people toke their heads out of their asses this world would be a paradise ages ago. We could be exploring the stars! Yet they have been bludgeoning each other in the head with it for over a thousand years! This is prof they are not ready to wielding chakra, it is a sacred fire they can seldom do anything but destroy themselves. However, the cat is out of the bag, we live in this world and I am personally thankful for it. The Sage of Six Paths was not wrong because the great Sage cannot be wrong. So the ones at fault are the humans, and is my responsibility to set things straight as he would have wanted as a show of gratitude. My mission is to validate him."

"Hence, this unflattering view coupled with your condition led you to rationalize people as 'mortals', inferior than you both morally, spiritually and physically but yet bearing some potential of worth that make it so they should not only be spared destruction but deserving of protection and guidance. Isn't that manifest destiny and white-man's burden? You certainly seems ready to make your part in the process of colonization. I am surprised you are not expecting yet."

"Apparently even my body reject 'seed' from all but the most outstanding of specimens somehow, as if there was an intelligent designee at work to bring about a child best than its parents. It is honestly bizarre, nothing like this exist in nature. It is almost as if I am an alien. Which is both a shame-

"O my god, how do you already have baby fever? You have been an adult for less than six months!"

"- and bring us to our third topic. I could make all ranges of excuses for you, but I simple do not feel like it is worth the effort. From time to time, the urge simple comes to me, I tried to bottle it in at first but it went as well as the time I made vow of celibacy as a promise to pass my final exams when I was a child. At first, it was awkward I admit, but how would fighting these impulses make me happier? Have it been working for you? You were months from gelding yourself in a full body prosthetic just so you could avoid all troublesome feelings that come from being human. In fact, I will go even further; I like nothing more than to be the girl of the man in front of me. To whatever god that handle reincarnation, if I have to be born a man again, please make me gay. I know there is a fifty percent chance future me will say the very appositive, because this is all hormones talking, but do not listen to him. There is a reason gay means happy, sex was never so available!"

"Do you have to be a glutton about it then? I am pretty sure there was a place in your hell for adulterers and homewreckers."

"Do you see? It is that my milf preference was ported over, but the best ones are usually taken. Is it so bad to take the neglected ones out for a ride? I am doing a favor here; some have been stationed so long it risked complication, you know clogged pipes and the likes."

"Please, spare me the details."

"Considering how well informed you are, you probably know, your voyeur!"

"More like I stumbled in an exhibitionist! This kind of thing might be normal in your old home world where you can rook up with one click, but here people marry for live!"

"Don't remind me. After giving up on ignoring the problem, I looked for adult material and it was a disgrace. Even the famous Icha Icha was such a softcore sappy shit I found myself regretting not have read 50 Shades of Gray when I had the chance. No wonder I couldn't last one month!"

"I am serious!"

"So am I! The mortals hold moral superiority over me in one discipline. Congratulations to them, there is a hill made of the bones of children for them to look down on me from everywhere too. I know where you coming from, Sasori. Moreover, it make me happy that you can muster that much passion about something. I even get your point, my parents' divorce sucked. However, there is a world of difference between 'daddy is no longer living with us because he fucked up' and 'we are burying daddy in a closed casket'. It's hard to take it seriously when people are so casual about life."

"Shouldn't god advocate for the eternity of love?"

"Love is everlasting as long it endures and not a moment longer. People fall out of love for the same reasons they fall in love. As a god of justice I am the first to recognize that the heart has no metric or form of measurement, and that too is irreplaceable magic."


"Come on, you too Kurama? You think sex is disgusting, and I am sure you did not even had reproductive organs before. What kind of stake do you even have in this conversation?"


"If the day come where my capital virtues become so common place as to be taken for granted and I become remembered just as a lecherous god then I won enough to take the jokes in good grace."

[I guess this too must be eternal recurrence. Well, I did my part. Just remember this – I told you so.]



Spoiler ahead: she won't take the jokes with grace. So, lots of things happening this chapter. One of the things I always disliked about most shonen is how reactionary the heroes usually are. Megumi is here to cause trouble, as you surely can see. Sasori accommodated in the gang well enough while still being a pseudo sociopath. Now Megumi will make her debut in Earth Country.

The inspiration for Barion mode made his appearance. Considering the Uzumaki worshiped a Death God the possibility they had an Astek phase, so it was an interesting mental experiment to imagine how their natural talents would shape this society. Megumi's Freeza also was showing.

These Otsutsuki genes are doing wonders to her personality. It's like taking a chonky kitten home for it to grown overnight into a 600 pounds tiger with xenomorph genes. The closer a person is to an Otsutsuki the more he resemble them in behavior. Both Kakashi and Madara showed it, besides it is kind of cool, like sayian social dynamic. Kakashi fell to the uchiha depression for over a decade despite previously walking out of his father's suicide while Madara became a battle junky after implanting Hashirama cells, despite being essentially a Death Preacher and never showing these tendencies before.

Megumi is an atavism, at the moment she probable inherited more from the Otsutsuki than anyone but Jigen. Her saving grace is that the sudden nature of her transformation created a big enough whiplash from her normal behavior that she noticed. Considering she could have ended as rabidic murderer like the Kaguya clan, she really was a genetic lottery winner. That said self-control was never one of her fortes, she is being overwhelmed by these instincts. Naruto's lore is a chapter of Chariots of the Gods, Kaguya, an alien of immeasurable age and power landed on this planet, killed her boss, toke one look at the local fauna, saw a handsome hairless monkey and decided the best thing to do was intercourse. Otsutsuki are literally gene-stealers, Sakura was dead-set in getting that Uchiha gene; that is the only explanation for her obsession with a boy she barely knows. Megumi had no real chance.

Yeah, Otsutsuki come racist from fabric by default, they are a predatory species that genocide planets as meals, it toke a millennia for Isshiki live among humans to start to take mannerisms from them, such as drinking wine and making friends. He was still going to eat the planet until he hit his death-doors, then he passed his will to a supposedly inferior specie; character development!

By the way, I have been foreshadowing something practically since chapter three and nobody caught on or mentioned it yet. So I practically screamed it this chapter. Am I be too obtuse with it?
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I haven't really looked for the foreshadowing, so I don't know. When I read I usually just enjoy the journey. I really like all these characterizations you're making about the clans and why they are like they are. It really highlights that this is a different world with different people. You saying exactly that helps as well. I also appreciate that we didn't have to spend too long with Megumi coming to terms with her sexuality and new life, but still had a good portion of the story talk about it and a very good in story reason for why she is the way she is now. All her character flaws really help flesh out who she is as a person.

I really enjoyed this latest chapter and I look forward to her next public debut with the wider ninja world. Kuramas section 2 chapters ago was great and I hope you can write some other pers as well.
Great Sage Equal to Heaven
OBS: a few notes, to help readers, since my tendency to dive deeper into details yet reuse terms can be confuse, I am nailing these terms from here on out. Kishimoto do much of the same, so think of this as the first databook.

  • Spiritual energy – Ying essence
  • Physical energy – Yang essence
  • Chakra – (Ying + Yang) essence
  • Natural energy – Mana
  • Pneuma – (Ying + Yang + Mana)

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to our Megumi express excursion tour through the exotic Earth Country. To your left we see… rocks, and to your right… more rocks. Same to your front and back. Because this is a giant rocky xeric highlands! There are only bald mountains and hills as far as the eye can see! Even the rain in this country is made of rocks this is ridiculous! Apparently, the reason this country was never occupied or used as battlefield not just due to the mountain range that mark its border with the rest of the continent, but because there is nothing here for the taken. Curse the Kazekage, shorting the gold economy! So there is only brown rocks, shiny rocks and mole-men.

Every so often, I see a head pop up from the earth just to dive back just as quickly. The Hiding Like a Mole Technique must be the Hidden Rock version of tree walking or something. Might be his attempt to slowly work this shitty soil into something that can actually grow food. Earth has to export most of its crops from Flower Country, if I am not mistaken. Their main import are minerals. Might be worth to look some easy spell to create a universal compost, actually. I bet something like a Goodberry spell would be popular, some simple thaumaturgy rituals to create black soil too. Projects for latter. Now Orochimaru.

This should be easy in theory, the number of S rank shinobi in this country can be counted as one. Onoki the Fence Seater is the only one worth the name at this moment. The mortality rate of aces shinobi is high, especially due to fact they are usually pitted against each other. It is said that when this happen it is more common for both of them to die than a stalemate. The second most common end being madness and or desertion. Orochimaru is basic like that. My Sasori though is getting better.

In practice, I have to comb the state of Texas searching for the guy. Shinobi are mobile if nothing else, hunting them down is literally a full time job. Even the Rikugan doesn't make this less daunting. The fact I have to make a token attempt of low profile at the very least, to avoid Onoki, does not help.

But as they say, necessity is the mother of invention. With the Creation of All Things, diminished as it is, I can make things that can do the work for me. That said, transforming something that already exist with form and limited sapience is far easier than cooking them from the grounds up. I said I could summon elementals but now this goes even beyond that. I take a deep breath then exhale. I breathe form to the very air that escape from my mouth, as it leave my lips the air start to take the shape of diminutive winged fairy like pixies with all range of bird features in all the shades of colors of the sky.

Sylph, the air spirit that inhabit the Air Ether. Following the precept of Anima Mundi life is a universal concept, the Cosmos itself came to be as a living being from its conception, so all that is part of it is also alive in some sense if in smaller scale. They all possess the spark we quantify as soul. The Ninshu is no exception to this precept either, as my research about sagehood have shown me.

There are some ethical questions about the creation of life but honestly, I do not really care at the moment. Seeing these little children joyous laughter and song as they come into being make me feel like a god in a way all my bravado never quite managed. I am just creating a container for what was already alive. They still remember being the air I respired and will return to it one day. And while I could watch them play for hours I have a mission here.

"Now, now, little ones. Gather around." As entities of air, they respond well to my whisper, we are already familiar with each other anyway, kindred even before this.

They all talked to me, childlike voices simple taking in the joy of an adult's attention. "Can the little ones do a favor to me? I am looking for someone, but he is a slippery snake that like to hole himself up. Find me anyone with a presence of closer size to mine than to humans then return to me. The winner one get a kiss."

That was all the motivation they needed, with a flicker of will they became wind itself and scattered, happy to impress. They are in no real danger either, as entities of pure wind most weapons will simple pass through them. Jutsu are different but the likelihood of detection is low, Orochimaru is a failed sage. Someone as wicked as him could never be recognized by the soul of the world as a worthy herald, the little ones will not show themselves to him.

I take a seat in a cliff side and wait for the little ones. There is a desolated wonder to this sight after all. I certain look impressive and mysterious with my tengu attire and mask. That is right; I am living the chuuni dream of being the mysterious and cool character that pass their time in the desert looking cool and mysterious for any passerby.

This might take a while, maybe I should have asked a few of them to make me company.


"Come, come! I found it! I found it!" the little sylph danced around me, dashing three times as she spoke.

"Right, let's go then. It is hard to maintain the level of coolness I have. You saved me there." I take flight and the sylph start to lead ahead. We go in a countryside road and, yeah, still just rocks. You see Earth Country once you have seem all of it. We spend a few hours like this, until we reach something that is not rocks. It is a mountain; said mountain had been hollowed out into a temple. It was genuinely amazing, carved into the mountain itself, it looked ancient, like one of the Egyptian monuments of Earth.

I guess it make sense for Orochimaru to be here. He is obsessed with ninjutsu so desecrating a historical site would not be beyond him. With the number of civilizations destroyed and born, build over each other, there might be something worth looting.

I land and invite myself inside. The gate itself is enormous, as if it was the front door for a giant. The inside is not much different, the idea that something immense lived here comes to the mind. I first dismiss the idea but then think better of it, Kurama was not the only kaiju of this world. The architecture has a unique personality; the hieroglyphs are beyond anything I have seen yet resemble the patterns that manifest in my super senju form, closer to Mayan in both design and appearance. The monkey theme is everywhere though.

I make a point to cloak myself with the help of the wind, refracting light to make me invisible and using the power of my Mask Treasure to hide my chakra signature. I don't even touch the ground either, floating up to prevent traps and seals. Orochimaru is a shifty fellow. The walls of this place have been irradiated with a powerful chakra, making reading this place difficult.

Eventually I reach the throne room, the little Sylph look around clearly confused, as if searching for something.

"Did he go away?" I ask.

"M-maybe, I am sorry." The Sylph replied, clearly disappointed to the verge of tears. God, they are so cute!

"Now, why the long face? Even if the one you found has moved away this is still an amazing finding. You did well enough to deserve a reward." I offer my finger as a bird perches which she toke without excitation.

"Really? I did good?" the child asks like only children can.

I must have become weak to cute things in this turn of the Wheel. Don't babies smell like cocaine to women? Lucky me! I bring the little one close and give a peek in the cheek that cover an entire side of her head, suffusing her with a little bit more of my pneuma. The effect is instantaneous, she grow to the size of a ten years old, and becomes more anthropomorphized as the avian features become more recessive, wings become arms adorned with feathers and avian hear limbs become legs with taloned nails.

She dance up and down with joy, and from her behavior and speech patterns it is clear her mindset matured from an infant to something resembling a child. Before long she is going back outside, screaming something about find me other nice things. I could hardly do more than sigh in fond exasperation. I intended to explore the temple anyway but these cute airheads can be a handful.

"Hoh? So you are really letting the little one come and go as she please instead of chained her close? You are kind for a human." I deep baritone voice says that to my ear, catching me completely flat-footed. I practically jump out of my skin, this shouldn't be possible! Time stops and I move as far away in the space between moments as my legs allow, turning to confront my ambusher.

The monkey-man hybrid has a tick red fur from head to toe, except in the face and front chest, like a SS4. He has a boned plate tiara for eyebrows, orange sclera with white eyes and baboon canines, he wear loose martial arts pants and no shoes and from his back I could see four boned monkey tails.

Super Saiyajin Four, that is the best description of the man- no, sage! I can feel the residual pneuma coursing through him, like Jiraya's. Something only I could do as a human. While Kurama also has pneuma since he is a weird elemental that was further suffused with my pneuma, the sylphs are more pure, having only mana. The most likely scenario is an ascetic sage, a true follower of the Sage of Six Paths!

"You are a sage." My brain to mouth filter decided to fail me now. Good job brain, this is a great first impression! Call him tall next!

"And you are an intruder, humans aren't welcome here. The only reason I did not end you on the spot was my curiosity about the little one. You showed something good so I will let you out of the rook."

God damn it! I need to save this situation. I bring my closed fist into my open palm and bend low in greeting. "Please wait, great sage, I implore you! I understand your distaste for humans, they turned their back to the teaching of the great bodhisattva today only remembered as the Sage of Six Path, but I am different! My name is Megumi. I am a Pratyekabuddha that has been self-taught through memories of my past lives and scattered records. If you are an actually sage then you can help my education. This meeting must be destiny! Please don't let our fated encounter go to waste!"

I put all my heartfelt sincerity in each word, transmitting them through Ninshu to show both my proficiency, validate my claim and translate any meaning that might be lost. The guy's presence is immense, the only reason I didn't noticed him from miles was because of the temple, he cloaked himself in the background radiation of his own power. He is actually stronger than me at my base, while Kurama said that I measure up to the same weight class as his siblings in base form I still only have one and a half fox tails to stack over it, best to avoid a confrontation. If he is the real deal then he will understand me and resolve things peaceful.

He look intensely into me, searching for sights of deceptions… and yet- there is a timid hope there as well. He is far more open to this than I expected! This is great! My heart is beating a mile a minute. I should have rewarded the wind spirit far more.

"I recognize your sincerity, Megumi. It actually makes more sense for a Deva to show this level of wisdom than for a dumb human to grow a good sense toward the sacred disciplines. I am the Great Sage Equal to Heaven, Son Goku!"

"Wait, you are a monkey man and your name is Goku? Your Father must have been really pressed for names." Foot, meet mouth.





Goku seems chagrined by Kurama's remark, but more importantly. "I don't follow. You two know each other?"


"Wait, your brother is a monkey? I thought they would be foxes!"


"There you go again. This is why almost no one likes you Kurama. You think you are superior to everyone else. Our relative strength has nothing to do with the number of tails."


That seems to put the rug from under Goku, but the sage monkey seems too proud to concede without having the final word. "And the solution must be the young lady right in front of me, I presume. The real question is why aren't you free?"


"Ok that is it," I cut between them. "I am completely out of the loop here. I seem to have lost the memo. Can someone fill me in?"


I deflated like a balloon. This is not even the first time we had this kind of conversation. And I can even guess why he does that. The day I manage to create a temporary vessel for Kurama he revealed to me the truth of October 8th. If I had known Apollo and Kurama were being hunted down by a teleporting minding controlling stalker I might have done something drastic to get them out. Things most definitely would not have worked out as smoothly as they did. Now Apollo real body is safe outside Konoha, which lack any means to even know I replaced him with a clone, let alone protect him from the masked man. He might hide things from me but he is nothing but loyal. If he judges I am best no knowing something then I have to give him the benefit of the doubt. My adult form is the result of his restraint and good judgement. He would have told me about Goku eventually at the most opportune chance.

"I trust you, Kurama."


"As I live and breathe. I never thought I would see the day when the caustic Kurama could be this tender and considerate to anyone. You must be really something for him to hold you with such respect."


"Why do you have to make it sound like a suggestion for me to whip it out?"


"Fine, since he has showing off his it is fair to show him mine." Maybe he is rubbing off on me but I guess indulging him once and a while won't hurt. With an exertion of will I unpluck the ghost limb at the end of my tailbone. I can't help but let off a sight of relieve, that is a novel experience in the craziness that my life has become. I can see Goku's open surprise at the ethereal tail of light with jet-black tattoo patterns that manifested from my back. It is actually quite fluffy and I tend to use it as pillow and night lantern for Apollo when I can get away with it.

"You will want to take a seat for this. We will be here for a while."


"Ha! No wonder he is so sour, I am more popular than he is. As expected from a higher realm, they have the good taste to appreciate the great me!"

I could not fight off a bemused smile at Goku's antics. There are few greater joys in life to share a single brain cell with a true friend and the Monkey King has the kind of personality you can't help but love. Over the last hour, we have talked with each other and I became comfortable to the point I even showed off by creating Hero's Feast with Creation of All Things, to Goku's delight. He even eats like the children's hero, totaling a meal course for twelve people, there is a mix of boisterous boyish charm and proud wise man that make you believe he is indeed a king.

At some point he asked me what I meant by saying his name was obvious. After a brief explanation about the worldwide phenomenon and its ancestral background, he was so beside himself with pride he asked me to show it to him through Ninshu. I must confess that there is something nostalgic about the series, I started watching the original series as a Saturday cartoon in same age as Apollo's, Goku's final confrontation with Freeza years later helped me distract myself from the death of my grandfather, and from there I made a point to keep watching it through my childhood. That is why I best stop him from being gutted by a pissed off Kurama.

"Easy there, you have a long way to go before you pick a fight with Kurama, he is the strongest for a reason."

"Yeah, but can he beat Goku?"

I couldn't help but laugh at his audacity, the feedback from my brother was like static to my senses, he is not only listening but will surely remember it. Kurama is such a sour bitch he invented a Book of Grudge charm so he can't forget things like this.

"Anyway, you said you are looking for someone dangerous. Despite all this simulation training, I cannot help but feel you are a bit green. Why don't we have a little spar to help digest this lunch?"

I guess this too is a Goku thing to say. I stand up to oblige when a fly of fancy strike me. This is so stupid, but might be glorious too. I manifest my tail and cross my arms, putting my best Vegeta impression.

"And you think you can defeat me, Kakarot? I am a tailed elite. This daring if suicidal display make you entertaining if nothing else."

Goku freeze up for a moment at my acerbic response but then things click and he too could barely keep his own smile down as he threw my way a determined grimace.

"Then let's settle this and fight somewhere else more deserted. Away from by standers."

Good thinking, this temple is neat. We can't fight here. "Wherever you like it, it will be your resting place after all." We looked at each other and smiled like buffoons at the ensued stupidity.


[In my defense, I am four years old.]

Son Goku rush us through the desert, he knows exactly where he want it to be and when we arrive, I have to laugh in delight. We are literally doing the famous desert stand off from Vegeta's debut. Son Goku is in front of me with his serrated fists held bellow his waist so I go to my spot and do my best Vegeta impression. Not satisfied I ask the sylph to sing for us the iconic soundtrack through a quickly Ninshu info dump. Son Goku was hyped up, I sensed, even if he didn't break character. God, when was the last time I played pretend?

"Now I understand. You choose this place to be your grave. You should feel honored, as an inferior tail warrior you will have the honor to fight against tailed elite. When our kind are born they are examined to know their potential, those wretches that are born with a limited number of tails like you are sent to backwaters like this filled with weaklings. Meaning that you are born a loser!"


[Hush, you.]

"If a loser put on the effort maybe he could surpass an elite." The way he says it… some part of him really meant it. Words he never had the reason or courage to say aloud. Maybe is because as the four tail he was conscripted at the lower end of tails, but seem Goku's own love for the four stars dragon ball touched him in a deep way. I guess he feel more at easy after seem it, like it was destiny. Like that Goku, the desire to surpass his own limits seems to have taken shape in him.

"Hahaha, what a joke! I will show you the wall you will never surpass no matter your effort." That was the cue; the background music goes high, signaling the beginning of our fight. Since there is no real hostility between us, I have little means to raise the Divine Cathedral of Annihilation and as Goku couldn't fly ours would be mostly CQC (Close-quarters combat) fight, what the natives call taijutsu.

Goku take the first move and it is obvious he is not using his Mythos Exultant, but even then the pattern of behavior itself remains, re moves with fluidity uncanny for someone so big and muscular, my own style is all utility polished in simulated death matches, all practicality and brutality of a professional soldier. I am more like Vegeta or Omni-man than a magical kung Fu martial artist that Son Goku seems to be.

We clash midair with our forearms and then trade blows as we descend, flying around while Goku is land locked would not be fun for either of us, I am not Kurama. He bobs and weave through my blows with practiced grace while a block and push through his own with minimalistic utilitarianism to seize the advantage. It soon becomes clear that despite being in the same weight class, so to speak, I simple outmuscle him. The conversion rate caused by my Stigmata anchoring my chakra more firmly to my body means that I really am like the DBZ aliens with a fixed power level while everyone else is like earthlings that fight with bursts of power… in theory. In practice, any technique that would allow anyone to match me has to be too deadly to be feasible. Battle is not that fair, it is chaotic and unpredictable, and one slip up and an inferior opponent could seize the initiative.

"Amazing, lady Megumi! You really are extraordinary. I am the more martial inclined among my siblings and am confident enough to trade blows even with Kurama and yet you could keep up. I might restrain from using Mythos Exultant against a child, since this goes against my sense of fair play, but the showing is impressive."

"That sounds like a concession of defeat. What happened to all your confidence of earlier? Have you showed me all your power?"

"Very well, I will show you. All that I have left is to take a page out of Kokuō." As he says so I see that green flames start to shroud his body and with a moment of exertion explode into a bonfire. I guess he is trying to recreate the kaioken by igniting his chakra and accelerate it, like a combustion engine. This would be foolishness from a human but Son Goku has a constitution of a mountain and probable could even survive being buried under one too, like in the legend.

"I see you have also developed Goku's propensity for stealing techniques as well."

"Monkey see, monkey do." He charges at me like a green missile, sucker punching me by breaking through my guard. What the hell? That was more than a simple multiplier! The next exchange has me on the defensive as his new strength coupled with his superior experience press me back. He capitalize my desperate counter to back hand me, and only my superior aerial mobility allow me to turn the table on him, by goading him left just to suddenly go right, turning his momentum against him. With a two-handed hammer blow, I send him back into the ground, forcing him to release his aura to land gracefully.

I take stock of the situation; this was a really interesting showing. Kurama never displayed fox like powers but Goku is full of them. Monkeys are recognized for their "human like attributes". Intelligence, wisdom, creativity, trickery, fluidity and power. Maybe Kurama is the lazy one since he can literally reduce the planet surface to ashes but I am more inclined to believe this is one of Son Goku's talents instead. I bring the back of my hand to clean my face and see the golden ichor in my glove. It really should bother me more but the wound itself already closed, despite said punch knocking my teeth loose. I knew intellectually that only the total destruction of my heart or brain could really kill me yet seeing it drive the point home. This feat of endurance against someone like Son Goku make me feel more at easy, somehow. Even the burns are being mending, and the scalding heat becomes more bearable with each experience, prof the Celestial Noon Stigmata passive effect of adaptability is working as intended, rejecting and breaking down foreign chakra the more it is exposed to it. I will never get down in one shot. I am strong now, truly a god. And this is a game, so it is time to enjoy it.

"Was that everything? You disappoint me, Carrot Cake. It seems you reached your limit, so I will now show my power as a favor before you die. The extraordinary power of tailed elite!"

"Yeah, I want to see. Despite the tense situation I am really excited."

Indeed, so do I. While my foundation is rock solid, my idea of how to wield it has changed. The experience of seeing the God of Shinobi have shifted my perception of power. Hashirama sage mode was like a force of nature, he impressed me enough for me to review my perception of the Mokuton. But more importantly, he validated the concept that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts – no matter how powerful a single individual is, he can never win when pitted against the whole. Hashirama loved the world and the world loved Hashirama back. They fought as one. While it is too early for me to cross this threshold I can at least dip my feet in its waters.

Instead of Kaioken I am more of a Genki Dama kind of gal myself. My Halo is based on the operational principle of Tesla's Coil, something he once dream would light the world and transfer data wirelessly through the earth and the atmosphere by using the planet's magnetic field. While this resulted to be impossible due to the very laws of physic, the existence of Mana and chakra solve this problem. The first serves as the perfect medium while the second bring elasticity to the laws of physics. I serrate my fists and start the classic power-charging stance; while its effects are dubious, even placebo effect helps here. I am effectively rooking myself to the world by a wireless leyline, this is only possible because the Mokuton protect me from the ruinous effects of mana reflux. Even then, this is more a theoretic exercise with limited real use in practice as no enemy would allow me to charge it. However, one day I might be able to use as a source of limitless energy and close my only weakness as my freely available chakra reserves will be only twenty percent of my total reserves by the time the final two stigmata come into shape.

Sound in theory, but the practice… it's like rectal retention, just with all the chakra nodes in my body! I feel like a balloon that is about to pop, all my muscles have inflated to their limit. Sure, it is visually impressive, the magnetic field create an aurora boreal, rocks are flying up and black clouds are forming but the experience is horrible. Even my adaptability can only take me so far. The power had nowhere to go but out, so I did just that, rushing like an arrow against Goku.

"It's your end, Kanaka Cabbage!"

This time it is I that is on the offensive, with each exchange he is the one being pushed back while I charge through, a punch to the jaw, a kick to the stomach and elbow to the chest; between each of these blows we cross a football field. Until I finally give out, my control slipping. I use this chance to break engagement and take a breather while hiding my signature the best I can. He sensed me earlier somehow, and something tell me it was senjutsu, he is using the elementals that inhabit the ethers to expand his sense of touch. Time to try my Sphere Boundary, normally I only use it as a passive detection technique to sense my immediate surroundings but if I just use it synchronize with the world, to adjust and minimize the noticeability and impact of my existence, I might fool even the senses of a sage.

Either Goku is a better actor than I gave him credit for or this really worked, he is looking around searching for me. I try to sneak closer to him and get actually really close but something I did gave me away or my own anticipation betrayed my position. Is it wrong to cheat a little bit? Moving in the space between moments, I move to where he is looking to behind him.

"I am right behind you!" while delivering a kick to his back, sending him flying across a football field.

One more time! I want to see if I can sneak up to him one more time! Let's see if ranged attacks can work. I am not crazy enough to use my lightning though, so I use a more basic fire lance from Gevurah in my right arm. He turns to me just as I am about to throw it his way, flying up. I predict his trajectory to attack again, where he will be. He saved himself by the skin of his teeth with a grunt of effort, his aerial mobility is really limited, this is like a jet fighting a tank.

"Ha ha ha, good! That is how you do it. You must dodge, I lanced it without strength so you could dodge it. It would be boring if I killed you instantly. Ha ha ha!"

We once again take to our positions. Goku is worse to wear but still going strong and in high spirit.

"It doesn't matter if my body is destroyed or if I die. I have to do the triple kaioken." He take in deep breaths, charging up. That is my cue to trash talk.

"What happened Kaka(?) – fag, don't you want to fight? Ha ha ha, did you already used all of your special techniques? I think your current adversary isn't adequate. I must say I am the most powerful tailed elite of all the universe! No matter how much you have trained, you continue being a loser, the only think you managed was to live a little longer than expected."

Son Goku is really roiding up now, it's crazy! And scary. He was already as tall as me, surpassing any mortal man in stature, but now his muscles had muscles! They are throbbing in clear exertion.

"Please body, resist the power of the triple kaioken!"

Honestly, I appreciate the effort into playing the role, but you look more like Broly at the moment! Green aura and hulking muscles. Ok, things might be starting to get a bit dangerous. Maybe I went too far into the trash talk?

"W-what is this power!?"

Goku charge me once more and despite blocking it by crossing my arms together I could still feel the bones of my arms cracking under the pressure. It is less that I am throw and more like I am trying to bleed off the momentum. He intercepts me and all I can do is land a cross counter into his face, lancing me up. I arrest my momentum by seizing the wind essence and turn toward him, preparing another fire lance, yet did he finesse me? He flied up to my face just to change trajectory with fire burst power. Showing off, are we? I throw the fire lance at him but it didn't even came close.

So, the experience of being punched through a stone column and buried inside a hill isn't really as cool in the first person view. More painful and disorienting than anything. I am starting to understand Vegeta here. I am more pissed and in pain than hurt though, when I explode the hill screaming blood murder there might be some genuine outrage there.

"Bastard!" Goku is lucky I am no quitter. I try once again to charge myself with raw mana and charge him now that he is winding down himself, but with what he has left he still jump over my head and try to land a kick in. I block but he turn the kick into a leg-lock by twisting, exploiting my knee-jerk reaction to lock me with his other leg and seize my arm, to finish by altering his density with Earth essence to pin me down. He intend to finish this here, we go down and create an ever expanding crater as his weight increase, but I am not out of options just yet.

The Svadhishthana Chakra, being the fluid element of Water, grace to those that have mastered it freedom from enemies and the status of a lord among yogis. Despite my predicament, I manage to relax all of my muscles and simple slip and slide from Goku's grip, twisting my body in way beyond what should be possible for a mortal.

Now this is my chance, his extreme density made Goku a sitting duck. I make to attack him but he make good use of his longer limbs, instead of blocking or dodging he attack the core of my stomach where the free chakra center is located with a Bruce Lee one-inch punch. I seize up immediately, this is not like the gentle fist at all with the destruction of internal organs, this is just a side effect. He induced me into mana reflux, disjointing my pneuma by instigating the mana and chakra from separating, inducting my chakra network into its version of circulatory shock. Is this senjutsu, can it really do this as well? Is this for sage into sage violence or for training?

Whatever the reason, my stigmata collection is the only reason I can even stand up at all, even if barely in shaking legs. I run in mostly pneuma all the time so this could be far worse but the anchoring effect they have prevented it from happening to all of it, even if it makes me feel like shit. Only the free chakra got disrupted… and yet I am curling in fetal position on the ground as my legs finally give out!

I got the memo, this technique is stupid and too dangerous to be used because anyone worth the bother has good chance of knowing this move as well. But the overload can still be used to charge ranged attacks from a safe distance, freeing me from this trouble. Time to destroy the planet!

"D-do you think I will allow this? I am the best warrior, I can't be defeated by one inferior class warrior! I-I am the strongest of the universe! You worm! I never will forgive you. I NEVER WILL FORGIVE YOU!" I scream to the heavens, it help with the reflux and nausea. I am a bit light headed too.

"I don't need this dirt planet anymore. Now you will explode in a million pieces together with the Earth!" I shot up like a bean of light.

"What did you say?" Goku really badly asks, his acting has to be polished.

"Try to dodge if you can, even if you survive the Earth will blow up." I manifest the my Halo once again, using both hands I try charge an attack through the Emission discipline. Maybe I have grown too reliant on my Holy Lightning, if someone find a way to obstruct my Divine Cathedral of Annihilation even for one moment one of these days I will be in trouble. Having something generic but powerful might save my bacon.

"This is not very nice."

"Of course not. I am fucking evil!"

"You won't get away with this! I will have to gambit it all." Wait, is he really doing it? The Kamehameha!


Now Kurama pipes in like a narrator, this really is looking like Dragon Ball the more we fight, the music goes all out too. But If Kurama know of it then it must be good, at the moment I am just posturing like a retard, the energy might just as well blow on my face so stealing some of Goku's moves for once might be worthwhile.

"Ka-me," I see pure Yang Essence soo dense as to manifest in black particles start to gather with pure Ying Essence white particles between his hands, forming a ball. It actually resembles Megaman X charge busters more than Goku's signature move. Even if I don't know exactly what I am doing some instinct that I suspect come from Kurama guide me as I separate the chakra in its basic essences just to violently colliding them together again.

"Ha-me," as I watch Son Goku starts to infusing his Ying Essence with Fire Ether and his Yang Essence with Earth Ether, the density and power of the small ball increase, it is like he is holding the core of the planet! My own Yang Essence is fundamentally tied to my wood release while my Ying Essence is tied to my Light Release, so for me it is easy to mimic him. My synesthesia crosswire not only my physical senses but also their respective chakra senses as well, so I pick up the ration of 8:2, the rest is just basic golden ration application to adjust it.

In my hands a small ball of manifest heaven take shape, a coruscant white light breaking into a rainbow at the edges. That is when I notice that I myself am in the center of a rainbow circle and that day has suddenly turned to night, making me the only light source besides the defiant Goku and his own attack. This is True Ether in its quintessence, the Prima Materia in my blood and body manifested in its most raw, unstable and destructible form. It not simple destroy but unravel and unmake any pattern less than itself. Something only the divine can truly grasp. My first pure Light Release technique. I think I have a name for you.


The beam struggle, the modern pinnacle of a man's romance. Two combatants staking everything they have in a final clash, putting in line not only their lives but also their spirits. Laying bare their souls and trusting the truth of their lived experience in a decisive clash. Even if I am no longer a man I am happy that I can still see the raw beauty of it. To have the honesty and purity of heart to bring a conflict to its fruition head on, to stare unflinching at the truth of each other and to finally come to terms with each other and bring the fight to a conclusion as both parts find the middle term where they can compromise. Allowing both parts to not only walk away from what could be a death match but also be victorious and enriched with the blessing of a true and worthy new friend.

Is it a surprise then, that the Heavens themselves would sanction such a sacred rite? This is another sigh this Realm is still blessed by the Great Bodhisattva's grace. Son Goku's chakras and mine connect and for a single moment that might as well have been an eternity, we both are as good as one. We stare at each other like two rascal children that got away with the cookie jar in a mental realm of light. This is the anointed conclusion of our little skirmish. The next words will surely shape our friendship from here on out.

"You know, it is a shame you were born a human instead of a monkey, Megumi."

"But Goku, humans are monkeys."


"Ha he he, I guess monkeys together strong, but not necessarily smarter. But this isn't so bad, to have a friend to share a single brain cell with is a joy, and that said friend is mighty Goku, Sage Equal to Heaven is an honor." Goku is taken in by my own mode and start laughing as well, and we soon pass the time in this realm like this, laughing at nothing like too loons. Simple basking into each other's presence.

Back to the waking world our beans converge together and then scatter, not in a violent explosion that scar the world but in a blistering shower of rainbow starlight's that revitalize it. It seems Earth Country is a seasonal desert, which bloom with live in the rain season. I land and we simple get back to laugh and goof off again, seeing the display around us.

I truly feel blessed to being born in this world.


Alas, all good things come to end. The little ones found something else; I still have a responsibility to fulfil my first solo mission, rectify Orochimaru and plunder his research on the Sage's legacy. That said I would never left a friend of mine hanging empty handed.

"Wow, amazing Megumi. I don't even know how to repay you."

"You don't really need to worry, this is what friends are for. Your happiness is mine own. From what I gathered, you have many places to be besides this abandoned temple and since you got a rotten Roshi it is up to me to make up to it by being an extra awesome Bulma."

As we fought I noticed Goku was basically landlocked and as someone that seems to travel around a lot this might be a problem, especially if said ambusher know his frequent routs. The Stone Village will most likely try to capture him again after he broke free from his container, a man called Roshi. What a sick joke. Different from said lovable pervert, the man spurred Goku at every turn, not even acknowledging his name. That is why I am making up to it by being the one to give him the Flying Nimbus. Using Creation of All Things together with my new awareness of Light Release, I managed to create this little baby that live up to the original in utility and characteristics. Only those of pure heart can mount him and once someone attune to him, he will always hear the call from anywhere.

"His name is Pegasus; please take care of each other."

The two of them have already bonded, and Goku really look impressive seated in the golden cloud.

"Don't you want me to accompany you?"

"Tempting, but I think it is important for me to try this on my own. Kurama very well could have accompanied me, but then this would have been a cakewalk. Doing this on my own in terms dictated by myself is optimal for experience. Besides we already exchanged addresses so we can always chat telepathically."

"Very well, as soon as you can, please come to the Water Screen Cave. As my sworn friend, everyone there will be happy to have you. Besides there are countless masters of polearms weapons that can help you train to master your Valor Treasured Tool."

"I would love to! I have been holding back meeting with animal clans so far so going to one of these legendary places would be wonderful!"

We part as friends do, with the promise of meeting soon.



"Yes, meeting Megumi really make me believe she is the one. But why keep us all in the dark?"


"What do you need from me then?"


"I am sure it has nothing to do with this rotten personality of yours."


"Do I really have to? Aren't the monkeys of Water Screen Cave enough?"


"You are doing that just to ruffle my feathers, but I guess you are right."


"And so you are take point. Do you see? You really do care about all of us."


"And what about Shukaku?"




This chapter was a real blast to write. Once again, Megumi stumble her way to victory. Do you guys remember Gaara Retrival Arc and thought the second part of Naruto would be a marathon across the continent as Naturo trys to stop Akatsuki from taking all tailed beasts but instead we got 200+ chapters of Uchiha wank? Good times.

Considering how important they all are, we got a whole lot of nothing about them. Especially considering part two was supposed to be about the relationship between these kaijus and the world they live in. Instead, all of them got defeated off screen. Yeah, the tailed beast are now actors instead of devices thanks to Megumi careless generosity. The only reason the world isn't in chaos yet is because Villages suppress any information about the loss of their greatest weapon and nuclear deterrent. Desnecessary to say, Goku's little battle for the sake of the world will be registered as a gas leak explosion. Except for Shukaku, Kurama will never waste an opportunity to dunk the guy.

Yeah, Goku and Megumi are BFF now. Kishimoto's laziness for the win. This plot fitted like a glove. I mean, if she could melt the heart of a stone cold Kurama then most of them will be a piece of cake. Kurama is lariating Black Zetsu for the title of Big Bad Evil Guy that plotted this all along to compensate for the diabetes all these feelings gave him.
Ouroboro in talons
I follow the wind, riding in the currency like a sailing boat. My recent experience with Son Goku showed me that basic stealth techniques I have used so far are not really enough against the top bracket I now belong in. That is why I am putting the extra effort to blend in with my surroundings while avoiding obstructing the Outer world with the guidance of my Sphere Boundary.

While I sincere doubt even a gifted mortal merit this level of caution, Orochimaru is a fully realized demi-god from the Ashura bloodline, his power is closer to my own than to the average mortal shinobi. I would not even be pursuing him if he were not; mortals that live by the sword die by it, but Orochimaru is above concerns of reprisal from mortals. He literally walked out of Konoha. More than that, he is like Jiraya, someone with gravitas of Legend, something tells me only someone that 'matters' in a metaphysical sense can put an end to his own legend. A hero in the Homeric sense – more than a mortal but less than a god, and a chthonic nature that can affect the world even in death. Only divine can hold the divine accountable. I am here to deliver to Orochimaru an honest death.

The little sylph bring me to the coast, and then we travel deeper, almost reaching deep-sea waters. I see, Earth Country share no border with any great nation in its coast, so the surveillance is more lax, there must be some island here that he turned into a base of operation. He has been everywhere after defecting from the Leaf, probable accruing resources and scavenging old contacts. Money is the universal tongue, and a ninja of his caliber has no want for it. Another reason powerful shinobi are a razzle.

Jack-pot. I eventually reach an 'island', more like a precipice poking itself out of the sea. It has a good vegetation cover with a lighthouse structure in the side, which only look more suspicious for and obvious front. I activate the Rikugan and see right through it, and surely enough, in the back from the coast there is an immense complex facility almost encrusted to the sideway of the stone.

The complex is textbook ROOT facility; leave it for drones to be predictable. Orochimaru… is not here. He did not bait though. With the Rikugan I confirm we literally passed each other! I look back, what the hell is this? No wonder I missed it, I was looking for something akin to human, but whatever he became, he cannot be called that anymore.

I see him swimming under the sea like a serpent, legs fused together into a tail. He ditched the traditional Leaf uniform for a ridiculous drag queen getup, if I couldn't see the monster under the skin I would call him a clown. Like Jiraya and Son Goku, his coils are suffuse with mana, leading him to permanently irradiate a small quantity of pneuma even while not in "sage mode". What I now can identify as the tell of a sage… but he was wrong.

Everything about him was wrong, he was like a walking scar in the world. I heard that he failed to become a sage at Ryūchi Cave but I never got what this really meant. It wasn't a matter of qualifications but of character, the World itself looked at Orochimaru and found him unworthy so now it actively reject him wherever he goes, like a brand. He seems more than happy to oblige it, reveling in his new status, leave it to an opportunist to exploit even this to his advantage.

Demonic Arts. A bit manichaeist but not really hyperbolic. He is using said rejection as a mantle of anonymity. Worse, instead of pursuing absolution by amending his bad behavior he doubled down in it, becoming a living crime against creation. The same way Piccolo could feel the souls of people Cell absorbed when he flexed his aura I too can feel someone else smothered over Orochimaru's presence. He completed his research on it, his thesis of immortality, the Power of the White Snake.

Whatever the hell he is, I am not having it. I will not suffer a body snatcher Roa, Voldemort, Dracula, whatever he is, in my garden. Yet I might have underestimated him. Even if I destroy his body, he might have way to anchor himself to the world through bearers of his cursed mark. When a caster of shadow clone dies, does the clone receive the memories of the original?

Fucking great! Now I have to horcrux hunt? Theoretically, my Valor Treasured Tool was designed precisely to deal with this kind of hax bullshit but I lack training with it. It might work or I might simple destroy part of his soul, giving him a chance to go underground and become a torn in my side for millennia to come. I most likely have one chance to get him unprepared before he realize the gulf between us and never risk confrontation again. As novel as this is. I am immortal now, so I will live to reap the consequence of my actions.

I am better off going at this prepared. It's not like I don't have time, at his cruising speed he will hit land in five hours, I know his general direction and while I admit his little trick fooled me at first, now that I know of it I can actually track him down by following the retching of the elementals that he induce in his passing.

There are life signs of him in the lab, which I am familiar enough with his work to deduce, are White Snakes prototypes the likes he had in the Leaf. Understanding his progress and short-term goals will be valuable insight on his limits and form of containment. While the mere idea of leaving that monster to walk freely fill me with an almost irrational anger, the open sea is not optimal battlefield condition for me. I don't know if he even need to breath anymore and the Divine Cathedral of Annihilation is mostly based on Wind Ether as a medium, my main element. While I can still follow him, breathing underwater by converting Water Ether into Wind with the power of the Philosopher's Stone would be to my detriment. Best to tear him apart at my leisure in dryland. Water is not the conductor people think it is.

Instead of going inside and risking tripping whatever wire Orochimaru set up for security, I decide to take a more expedient and safe route. While my normal approach would be to spy with the Rikugan, this only worked in Konoha because what I spied on were people themselves. The paradox of a society where secrets were as precious as any currency is that traders could not stop themselves from trafficking it. Everyone is trying to get ahead of the curve so there are no end of under the table deals. Even if nobody there know how to cast Impure World Resurrection, the information that such jutsu is even possible has worth. Leaf denizens are almost pathological gossipers, maybe all ninja villages are.

Orochimaru hideout is abandoned, and even then, I do not have that much time. Fortunately, my encounter with Son Goku enlightened me about the nature of my Light Release. While learning about the potential of Wood Release is easy enough with Kurama's memories, and observing the Leaf's only Wood Release user, my power might be entirely novel to the elemental countries, forcing me to start from scratch. Even if my theoretic knowledge qualify it as True Ether, the source and origin of all basic degraded ethers, the origin, the Quintessence, knowing of it is different from grasping it. In practice, using one of the basic four is far more easy and productive. However, with the Magnum Opus Stigmata and the experience of my first purely Light Release technique I am full of ideas moving forward.

I had previously theorized that True Ether is Dark Matter, something people from my previous incarnation discovered by mathematical analysis of how the universe held itself together. It is the medium for light to travel and underpin the operational principle of gravity. The Outer atmosphere is supposedly comprised of it, but I am still not megalomaniac enough to travel there on foot. It lacked the characteristics of dry or wet, heavy of light, and it favored circular motions upon itself without any restriction of direction.

While something like free telekinesis is theoretically viable, I think a limited mimic of Gojo's Limitless techniques Blue and Red are more viable with my right and left hands. Nevertheless, what I need right now is something more related to Light than gravity. By mimicking Sasori's chakra strings with my pseuma and infusing it with Light Release, I hope to creating Etherlite treads. These treads behave like artificial nerves, becoming a medium through which information can be received, by understanding how each sense works a diverse amount of information can be harvested. More importantly, it can become a two-way street, serving as a medium for Spiritual Racking of other people's souls with Ninshu. The fact it is almost undetectable by virtue of what Dark Matter is, make it a devastating technique. I might even be able to create simulacrum of a person by infusing enough data in a 'Light Clone'.

I send ten treads from each of my fingers, combing through the entire facility at once as if I was there in person. In the end of the day, this is not that different from sending a shadow clone to scout, except for being better in every single way. With the literally absurd processing power of the Rikugan I learn in one hours everything about the building complex, as if I had laid every brick of it… fuck. Orochimaru, you sick bastard!

Sasori might be right. The idea I would give that monster a shot at redemption is laughable. While his bad karma isn't that much worse than Sasori the key difference between them is remorse. Sasori jumped at the chance to abandon his old life without even blinking. He knew it was wrong to live like that, even if he grew up in a fucked up society that saw murder as a virtue. He might never admit it, but the reason he turned the third Kazekage into a puppet was revenge. He felt some measure of pride for the puppet but the high of string along the tyrant that set him in the path of ruin gave him the greatest satisfaction. While Orochimaru might resent the Leaf, he is too sadistic and theatrical about it for any kind of remorse for his crimes to exist. He enjoy tormenting the weak and toying with people.

He is here head hunting, recruiting talent for his new powerbase, creating another hidden village. He really toke his loss for the title of Hokage badly. He became the meme of 'I will create my own village, with human experiments and crimes against reality'. Step one - exploit vulnerable children as disposable soldiers!

I will fucking kill him dead!

He seems to have some remaining ties with the Root, at least enough of a finger in it to monitor people of interest. In this case, a pre-teen that is decorated enough a spy to be too dangerous to live by the standards of the War Hawk of the Leaf himself. Danzo Shimura ordered the death of a boy that worked himself to the bone for years just because he could not break him into one of his little toy soldiers. The fact a teenager can even qualify as an infiltrator speak volumes about how rotten the Hidden Villages are.

I take a deep breath. This rage won't help the boy. He is so screwed only godly intervention can save him at this point. Even if he survives the assassin Danzo send his way, Orochimaru will either pick him up or kill him. I might be too optimist thinking the boy is innocent after reaching this deep in shinobi business but if there is a chance he can be saved I will take it. I have my own boy back home that could have ended like that without me. This is too close to home.

Danzo… is my enemy. He probably will try the same kind of shit in me eventually. To someone that live his life vicariously through children he make a point to brainwash into 'perfect shinobi' the idea of sparing his own flesh and blood is anathema, especially when said granddaughter was born with the power he covet above all else. More urgent, he somehow got his hands on the samples of my blood and tissue harvested in the battery test performed after I manifested the Wood Release and did god know what with it together with his pall, Orochimaru! If I didn't have the Rikugan active to extinguish my panic attack I probably would be carpet bombing Konoha right now. He is the last person to have this kind of power!

The fact I have not seem hide or hair of dear grandfather at all must be Hiruzen's doing. The man is a fucking saint! I will so giving him a basket fruit next time he come visit. While I had already deduced Apollo and I came from the Shimura/Senju crossbreed line, a pleonasm as only the Sarutobi are more in bed with the Senju, Orochimari's databank have my possible genealogy mapped out. Probable an attempt to puzzle out the Wood Release.

The fact I ended up in an orphanage in the first place must be some kind of divine providence. I really dodged a bullet there. If only the world had more Hiruzens and As and less Danzos and Orochimarus we wouldn't be in such dire strain. My doubt about how much real control the Kages had over their villages are being validate, A probable was cornered and had to capitulate and double down on the Hyuga incident or look weak. The ultimate game of chicken.

More pressing, the level of data Orochimaru have on me is frankly creepy. The freak want my body!

Ewu, Ewu, Ewu! I feel dirt. God damn it! I don't want fucking clones of myself walking around. Megumi cells are not open source! They are copyright exclusive, all rights reserved. I will fucking sue him into Tartarus itself! I feel violated, and that is saying something when I couldn't find a shed bed I didn't felt at home under. I was going to deal with the bastard because it is my responsibility, like spider-man taught me, but now this is personal. He will know the price of crossing a god!

There is extensive material about the Power of the White Snake. Snakes are almost universal symbol of immortality and reincarnation and Orochimaru decided to capitalize it by going full Ouroboros. To master death by riding the Wheel of Life as if it is a wave, shedding your body again and again like it was a snake skin. Turning the cycle of life, death, and rebirth into a tool to transmigrate the soul from body to body.

Besides performing the Living Corpse Reincarnation technique, this also give him pseudo-immortality – incredible regeneration, shapeshift to mending himself whole and even shedding a body too destroyed to be salvaged with Metempsychosis at the cost of deteriorating his current vessel, like data loss or corruption of digital archive. The monster is basically a Dead Apostle Ancestor at this point. This fight will not be fun at all, the only techniques I have that might put him down in one blow are the Blazing Eye of Annihilation and Lux Aeterna and Orochimaru will bolt before long. Besides my goal is to extract his knowledge about the SSP' Legacy as well.

I might be better off using Wood Release, the Wood Dragon could hold back even Kurama, but my best shot would be Sage Art: Gate of the Great God. Alas, sage arts are more than techniques augmented by pneuma. The essence of Sage arts are based on the use of their privileged station as terminals of the planet, when they perform sage arts they are making use of the natural world like the human brain commanding the body. The dimension of difference is clear when Sage Art Wood Release - True Several Thousand Hands easily pummeled down a Susanoo clad Kurama. While I am not a sage yet, the same doesn't seem to stop Orochimaru.

He seems to have upgraded the cursed seal since he abandoned the Leaf. He synthesized through ninja alchemy an enzyme capable of absorbing mana, increasing its capacity of converting chakra into pneuma. Despite being a failed sage he still managed to run mostly in pneuma like myself, this is not only a huge upgrade but coupled with his fallen status opened the door for more Demonic Arts. He intend to upgrade The Impure World Resurrection the same way the fourth upgraded the Flying Thunder God. At present, said jutsu is more like a folk legend and horror story than a dreaded weapon. The best Tobirama could do with it is using them as walking bombs with his Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags. If he make it more efficient and start to bring out dead legends like Hashirama and Madara closer to their full power then he might become unstoppable, a self-styled master of life and death.

Yeah, the fate of the world is at stake here. No sweating, no panic, I am ice-cold… I lied, I am panicking, and this is a zombie apocalypse scenario waiting to happen! What the fuck! I am a wet behind the ears godling and my first battle is saving the fucking world? What the fuck! Even the Rikugan can only keep my little attack of nerves to a minimum.


[Well, du! Of course I do. Nevertheless, now that I have seen this I cannot pretend this is not my problem. An incalculable amount of death and destruction will happen if I do not stop him now.]


I take a deep breath, Kurama is right. Panicking about the problem in front of me will not solve it. I am the only one with the capacity and interest to stick my neck out, even if I bring this to the villages, they would just exploit it to their advantage or seat on it. This is how Orochimaru got away with kidnaping people in the Land of Fire for years. I am confident in my raw power, if nothing else, but the likelihood of him slipping away is high enough I must cut off escape routes, even if it cost me. This might be a dangerous gamble but the worse outcome by far is simple that he survives and escape, it is clear that he is far closer to me in mindset about jutsu and the potential of chakra. While a good portion of powerhouses relying on cultivating their special bloodline to become powerful, Orochimaru is a creative genius that revolutionize ninjutsu. He is more of a mad scientist to my mystic like myself, yet only make him more dangerous in his irreverence to the power he manipulate… that is it!

An idea start to form in my head. Time to see if I inherited any of the Shimura talent for Taoist based fuinjutsu. While I can't claim to be as good as Minato (just yet!), I might be able to make a good enough barrier just for Orochimaru.


In the end, I take my sweet time preparing for his, to the point I reach Orochimaru after he is already tailing the super-spy child-soldier like a fucking freak! Seriously, he is literally waving his tongue at the boy like a sex offender and whispering his name while cracking to himself. I don't know if these are a normal parcel that every Senju experience or the result of my elevated status but to me his behavior evokes only deep revulsion, like I am looking at a disgusting bug, instead of dread at one of the most evil and powerful shinobi of the ninja world. While these instincts were disconcerting and unsettling while directed at normal people, here they help me center myself. Even if this feels like an out-of-body experience, this dehumanizing instincts that only look at Orochimaru as a lesser life form make me keep my cool. Like I am not about to possible kill a person, but fulfill a chore of getting hid of an insignificant but poisonous animal that snuck in my home.

This feeling is far less useful when directed at the boy though. He doesn't look twelve and yet he is playing a dangerous game of mouse and cat with stone shinobi. Either he slipped up or, most probable, considering the timing, someone tipped off his true nature so now he is rushing to an extraction point he thinks will save him only to land on Orochimaru' lap. Part of me is inclined to act now, kicking the tablet where shinobi play these games over, accost the boy and extract him to safety with force. He has no means to harm me and proper introduction can happen in a safer setting, without Orochimaru breathing down his neck. The more rational part of me informs me this is just self-serving indolence, his life is at stake and his world is about to crumble around him regardless. The reason children are used as soldiers is because of their mental dependency on adults make them susceptible to psychological manipulation. They are treated like dogs to be groomed into blind loyalty; to children parents are like gods.

He will need all the help he can get after this. The Sage of Six Paths did not gave humans chakra for this, he should be enjoying life as a bookworm, fantasizing about being a super-spy that saves the day and get the girl, not being hunted down like a rat and tortured for Intel. Orochimaru probably intent to tattle on Danzo to shatter the boy's faith then pick up the pieces. Typical child abuser tactic. As distasteful as this is, my job of extracting him will be easier if I intercept him. It's not like he will believe me if I just pop up in front of him and tell him everything. If he get captured and Orochimaru decides to cut his losses I can save him easily too but rescuing him from Root is still too much for me just yet. The Leaf defeated and sealed Kurama after all, even weaklings can get the upper hand through sheer quantity to trump quality.

Nightfall bring the little chase to a climax. The root double agent corner the boy and is about to intercept him, starting the sort of skirmish most typical for shinobi, a fast passing dance of the death where opponents trade blows while quickly engaging in and out of each other's range, trying to assert position for an ambush. The woman has the upper hand in skill and positioning but luck is a flick mistress, a blind and desperate chakra blade strike slices her from waste to chest and she is down. The boy looks at her… and loses his shit!? He asks why she is here while trying to mend her desperately and calling her mother. Is this some kind of root brainwash to facilitate his termination?

I look at Orochimaru and his aura convey sick excitement and triumph, with a hint of tragic irony. The sick fuck predicted this? Fuck that, this plan was stupid anyways. Never relinquish initiative to the enemy. I set the sylphs to their task and arrest this tragedy in their track, Deux Ex Machina style.

"It is Kabuto," the boy scream while putting his glasses in her, "don't worry. I will save you I promise!"

"Who… are you?" the dying woman ask. These words are like the executioner's axe to the boy's spirit. To witness what a person's mind breakdown with my new senses is a new kind of affliction - to all my senses is as if his taste, smell, color and heart's song where bleached until only a hollow maw was left. He is becoming like one of Sasori's puppets, in the rare moment they are left unattended. The light of the mystic palm jutsu recede and he just stares at her.

"What are you doing, stupid boy?" I am in front of him before I even realize it, the better angels inside of me demanding something is done about this travesty. Kabuto almost jumped out of his skin with my ninshu-augmented rhetoric. 'She is your mother, so save her, you will regret forever otherwise.' Was what I said. Not really gentle, but this grounded him, a flicker of color held on desperately.

"M-mother d-didn't recognize me! Does it mean I was someone else up until now?" There is a heart renting pain in his voice I don't even need the ninshu to perceive. I want to so nothing more than to touch him, embrace him and push the pain away, nevertheless Orochimaru is furious and two stone ninja are fast approaching. I can' save him and his mother while battling Orochimaru and stopping her from murdering him. He will have to save himself and what he loves with his own power. I can only light his way.

"Stop talking non-sense, boy. Even if you are mistake the pain you feel right now might rest over someone else that feel much the same about the woman; that is why murder is wrong. That is why saving her has a merit of its own. Can't you spare even a little bit of compassion for this faceless child too, Kabuto? Saving someone is never wrong."

I reach inside the shadow in the palm of my hand and retreat three items, prototypes of mass-produced of charka-augmented consumables that any newbie will be able to make with ninshu instructions. I do not have time to mend her and even then, she might just try to murder him again, this is for the best, Kabuto is skilled enough. I throw his way a roll of Blood-Staunching Compress that instantly stop blood flow, a potion of Hero's Recovery that assist mortal bodies to health in a simulacrum of mine own by harmonizing the five elements, and Wound-Cleansing Unguent that prevents infection of wounds after surgery.

He barely catch it before I turn my back to him. "It's up to you now, I promise that I will protect you and your family, no matter what comes, so promise me you will not give up."

I was busy doing hand signs as fast as I could. Now that I gave up the element of surprise, Orochimaru will wise up that I was tailing him, for sure.

"H-hai!" he screams to me, despite feeling the dreadful bloodlust of the snake sannin. It is unwise but I turn enough to smile at him. "Uchiha Flame Formation," I scream while manifesting small chakra flames on each finger of my right hand, then slamming it palm on the ground, resulting in the creation of a cylindrical barrier of flames around the two. The last of Kabuto I see as the barrier closes is his nervous smile, he is a good kid, and I do not think I will regret this decision at all.

With my renewed resolve, I meet the incoming white bolt of death coming my way without flinching. I grab between two fingers what reveal itself an impossible long straight blade – this must be the sword of Kusanagi. I could feel the blade stretching further but I am much stronger the Orochimaru and can easily find purchase in the air and earth ethers, so he is the one that ended up being pushed around. A bad experience, no doubt, as he is holding Kusanagi with his month. I am sure he felt he was just so cool with this trick until now.

I don't pursue him though, this situation is still salvageable. If I antagonize and stall him enough I just might get a victory. "You really didn't think his jutsu through, did you?" You idiot, I left unsaid.

"Ku ku ku, I seem to have stumbled into something nice. Or rather, I got the attention of a mysterious hidden wonder. Tell me, what kind of creature are you?" Despite being furious he is too much of a drama queen to dispense theatrics, it seems. However, his fascination is not really out of place for him, considering whom he is talking to. My form hold the gravitas of the blessed immortal gods, making my appearance a profound natural phenomenon. Yet this is confounded by the power of the Mask Treasure: Trismegistus Celestial Oculus, that instead of simply wrap me in a veil of anonymity, make my existence too opaque to be distinguished, prevent witness to grasp any form of information about my name, abilities, or appearance from memory or even records.

The cognitive dissonance between profundity and opaqueness is a powerful combo, it can be said to embody the concept of mystery, the root of faith. Natural phenomenon that defy humanity's boundaries and common sense. It is, consequently, the realm of the gods. It is god's nature to live apart. To sees all things and be seen by none, to dwell in secret. Untouched and unspoken of.

It is a statement by itself, and like beauty, the meaning is in the eyes of the beholder. To an artist like Sasori it can be deeply moving and inspiring by it, to a lost child, like Kabuto, it is an anchor of certainty in a turbulent and uncertain world. To a megalomaniac that think all secrets of nature can be extracted in a surgery table, under a microscope, it is a slap in the face. The promise that the gap between Heaven and Earth will be everlasting. I deny his deepest motivations by merely existing and this instigate an irrational hatred in him. Good.

"My name is ֍֍֍֍, not that you can make sense of it. Can you, Orochimaru?" The way his face crumble is delicious, even if he is too disgusting to touch, bullying the weak really is disturbingly fun. No wonder Sasori picked this up; I think I could do it all day! "Now, aren't you going to run away while you can?"

"Why would I do so when such a rare specimen just land on my lap?" His smugness is not entirely unjustified, combining the Hiding like a mole jutsu with his demonic arts he managed to hide from a good deal of my senses.

If I did not had Kurama's senses to sniff his odious scent out he would have jumped me. But as it is, when his flying head bolted at me from the ground only attached to a hideously long neck I grabbed it without any fanfare. With a hand big enough to envelop his head entirely I put pressure in it with all my fingers, his skull held for one second then cracked like an egg, ejecting brain matter through the stony ground. Anticlimactic but not unexpected, my baseline parameters match Madara's Susanoo up to its armored form, only being surpassed back by the Perfect Tengu form; from there on I have to start trying.

Alas, if Orochimaru were this easily dealt with I would not be here. He tries to fake out his death to jump me again, regurgitating a new body with the Power of the White Snake, greeting the world slinging with a demonic pneuma augmented punch right at my face. I didn't see a point in dodging or blocking. His face of bafflement was a treat. How many people did you get off on tormenting? Not so fun being in the other side, is it?

"Please," I answer with as much scorn at his attempt as I could, then delivering a punch in his chest that not only crush his ribcage but also sends him fling through a football field, bouncing a good while. Even if this is fun, I actually have not made any progress in this fight. Currently we are embodying the paradox of an invincible warrior versus an immortal one. I could beat him black and blue all day but he would refresh by harvesting mana with the Cursed Seal of Heaven. While his vessel would deteriorate through it, Orochimaru is smart enough to flee long before he reach this point. Phase one, distract and bamboozle Orochimaru was a success, now starting Phase two, boxing him in while he shed his skin.

I bring the hands of Gevurah and Chesed into the Hand Seal of Confrontation, "Eight Trigrams /A/Oroboros/Ω/ Confinement!"

At my command eight pillars of black light rise in an arc around Orochimaru and myself, meeting each other and forming a dome that act like a change of film pellicle of the world, like a horror movie. Each of the anchors for this barrier were made from samples of White Snakes carefully selected to correspond with one of the eight trigrams, the little ones then planted them for me.

The Taoist principle states the from the Infinite (0) comes the Supreme (1), from the Supreme (1) comes Duality of Ying and Yang (2), from Duality (2) comes the Four Phases (4), and the four are expressed through the eight Sacred Symbols (8). When the eight Sacred Symbols combine with each other, they form 64 hexagrams that represent everything in the world. In this case, I added the Alpha and Omega principle of the beginning and end, principle derived from the New Testament that was written in Greek.

"Do you like it? I made this barrier just for you. As a natural philosopher, I am sure you can appreciate it more than most. The potential of Binding Vows is poorly understood despite being the foundation for Forbidden Jutsu. In this case, this barrier contain the Totality of the existence know as Orochimaru, anyone else can come and go as they please but nothing Orochi-like can escape. The exception is, of course, myself. As the caster I am the anchor of this barrier, so pushing me out of it sort of count as a ring out." I ship in, lightly.

"Awfully generous of you to explain your jutsu for me. I will make sure to do good use of this Intel while I dissect you."

"Don't need to thank me, this is called Showing One's Hand, by explaining how a technique work to enemy I strength it, basic equivalent exchange. Now that all four conditions have been met, the barrier is complete. Thank you very much for seating through my explanation, fool."

My sassy seems to have done it; by subverting common sense of not giving Intel about oneself to an enemy, I bamboozled him again, causing Orochimaru to go ballistic on my ass. Summoning a tide wave of snakes armed with swords in their mouths, what a bother. This barrier also cut me from upper atmosphere, so no Tribulation Storm, so no lightning to clean house. Which is a shame, Orochimaru is an offence against the Heavenly Principle on legs, and it would be super effective.

That said, there is no reason for me to bother, the snakes are disgusting but mostly harmless, so I simple rise above their reach, recreating a scene from World War Z, as they try to scale up to me in the air. I can still manifest the Halo of Light at my back by gathering and converting power from Earths electromagnetic field, my Crown of Thunder. While not as extreme as what I did against Son Goku, this still a remote battery I can use to augment my aura. I dive-bomb the snake pyramid, scarring the earth like a warhead, fried snakes raining around me.

That is when Orochimaru summons a giant kaiju sized purple snake, the horns of the thing and the pneuma coursing through it market him as Manda, the snake boss Orochimaru was contracted with, Sasori's Intel has been spot on so far. Now that is a challenge worth of my time. I charge up to him in perpendicular arc, sucker punching the giant snake in the shin. Instead of piercing through its head as I expected, my fist simple toppled it to the ground like a building collapsing. Now this is a worthy punching bag, its venomous green eyes lock on me with hatred that send shill up my spine.

"Will you be the main course of my night, big guy?" I say with a smile, I guess Kurama's fox nature is leaking through me. Fox eat snakes, don't they?


I laugh at the temerity of the snake while he bolted at me. Bringing Mara's Nectar lethargic properties to full tilt as I weave and bob through its attacks. We dance around each other at dazzling speed for something so big for a good half minute. This is not working, maybe the snake's trade in poison made Manda especially resistant to Mara's Nectar or his frame make the effect imperceptible, all I know is that this strategy didn't paid off. Manda seems to be of similar mind, opening his mouth and releasing a jet of putrid venom like a Mozambique spitting cobra, forcing me to duck and wrap myself in wind currency as I spin to avoid said poison.

As expected from an ambush predator, Manda hush at me in this moment of inertia, too bad for him I anticipated this. When he opened his mouth to swallow me I clapped them together just as he shut it around me, delivering a thunderous shockwave that surely rattled his brain, with lightning coursing through his nervous system, paralyzing and stunning him. Now I finish with my favorite combo, seizing all the air currency inside the barrier with both hands, I foster an immense charge currency between my two fists as I rent the air asunder. The power I wield now is nothing like what I had in the attack of almost one year ago. With power capable of reducing armies to cinders at my fingertips, I tear Manda apart, a thousand plasma spears cut through scales and fresh boil flesh in thunderous conflagration that could be heard through miles.

Or not, while not as miraculous as Orochimaru's Metempsychosis, Manda has access to a sage art substitution that saved his skin, literally. In the shed molten skin Manda transferred and left the brunt of the damage incurred; maybe it is more accurate to call this a form of Palingenesis. Due to his size the technique is prohibitive expensive so our battle has reached its climax, he has to seize victory in the next two moves or he is done.

While using sage art similar to my Sphere Boundary to hide his presence, Manda rise from the earth like a earth worm, cloaked into a gradient ghostly white aura, he then coil upon himself, using his body to form a uzumaki spiral sign, creating a red orb in its center, "Sage Art: White Rage Technique!"

My world turns into pain. I literally lose my grip on the Wind Ether, plummeting to the ground, not that I can feel it. All the cells of my body are vibrating under the intense effect of the jutsu, like an infant in front of a giant sound box, my body is being grinded down by every point of contact. Normal humans would have popped like a balloon. The bastard must be proud of himself; he must be opening his mouth wide to lazily swallow the arrogant monkey whole. He only made one mistake – he pissed me off!

To Manda's surprise he finds out this morsel is not agreeable to his gullet, instead of rolling smooth inside him I keep on falling like a stone, literally pinning him from the floor of his mouth as if I was the giant one of impossible weight. I then rush him like a training track, carelessly crushing and tearing through everything in my path until I explode out from the tip of his tail bearing an adamant shield in front of me like a battering ram.

Temperance Treasured Tool: Adamantine Celestial Orrery. Embodying the self-contained eternity of the virtue of Temperance – the ring represents a complete, contained, never-ending thing with all its energy directed inward upon itself, the inward focus that gives that gives a sense of identity. As such, it embody the pattern of precepts that one can never violate, since these are the pillars that reinforces ones identity against the outer world.

This is inspired in Achilles' shield made by Hephaestus at the request of his mother to replace his stolen magical armor. Said shield described within a hundred lines of text in Book 18 of the Iliad is the first known example of ekphrasis in Western history, depicting the world Achilles lived that was reproduced in artwork. The three rings of the shield contained four layers – a god at its central layer, the celestial sphere and the twelve constellations in the second layer. The world of men and urban life and conflict at the third layer that embody terrestrial realm. Ending with the countryside life, religion and nature bordered by featuring swirling ocean currents on the outer circumference due to the sea god.

The shield is a World Egg, being a microcosm of the world it depict, like a compressed file data. The ultimate barrier that stand against nearly any attack by deploying a miniature world, to oppose this shield is the same as making the world your opponent. As I like using it like a blunt instrument to pummel enemies, 300 style, I aiming to crush the opponent with the miniature world by continuously pushing forward after its deployment.

Mine is designed for optimal efficiency, being comprised of a pauldron depicting a bull, connecting with a gauntlet bearing a retractable shield capable of unfurling with a thought. All made of adamant, the mythological sacred mineral that is the manifested concept of 'unconquerable', something I was able to actualize with the power of ambrosia, the philosopher's stone. A silver bright wonder.

The visage of every true god is the visage of the world, there can only be a god if there is a world, which reveal itself through it. This is called Orerry as a reference to the fact the shield is actually a Simulated Global Environment Model of the 'Anima Mundi' (world soul) that manifests in miniature a perfectly accurate replica of the planetary body of Earth, permitting a representation of the World's status both in past and future eras. Living proof of concept about the 'On Exactitude in Science' cautionary tale.


I look around and see he manifest four coffins from the ground – Impure World Resurrection! How? He barely finished the Power of the White Snake; there should not be time for him to figure it out. This must still be Tobirama's original version then, when the victim bear little of their original power and are best used as an immortal punching bags and kamikaze.

[I am not so sure about that. Try looking at it with the Rikugan.]

I hesitate; Kurama is a master of telling through the unspoken. I would have seem Orochimaru's ploy if I kept the Rikugan activate through the fight. Yet besides studies and contemplations, I barely use it recently and I especially avoid using it in combat. The reason is quite simple – humans are creatures that depend on information to live, yet are bound by that information until they die. Since vision is the sense that acquires the greatest amount of information, possessing Mystic Eyes means accepting being bound by them.

This is further complicated by my Senju inheritance. As people so fundamentally rooted to the "instincts of life" our vitality is bound by it. There is a reason I bent the knee to those instincts and hoed it up. There is a saying that the Church tried to poison Dionysus, he survived but got addicted instead of dead. The same way the Yang Essence grown as I affirm the instincts of life it can dims and sickens if I deny them. Chakra deviation is just as lethal as any ailment or disease. This was the final nail of Hashirama's coffin. It is far easier to learn to dealing with enjoying hiding the zucchini than being turned inside out by my own pneuma. Doubt to our kind is just poison, better to live and die ignorant and proud.

That said a person's self-image can bent just so much before it breaks, Ying Essence deviation is also in the tablet. That is why that which does not bend either break or bend those around it. I tried to see if I could find the same joy as before, but even with my best transformation jutsu I couldn't change what was inside, the memory itself make me nauseous. I might have played it cool with Sasori, but if he wasn't who he was, if we weren't as intimate with each other for me to know what he truly meant, and if he wasn't in such dangerous position, the outcome of our conversation might have ended with his broken body and battered mind.

I am in a delicate state right now and the last think I need is the Rikugan dying my soul purple. Even I realize my psycho inflation, megalomania and self-righteousness. To be human is to be part god and part beast, to have your head on the clouds and your feet in the dirt. If I do not take care to properly balancing these two elements, I doubt I will be as lucky as Kakashi, arrested in a stunted state of development. Most likely it will be like the fall of Babel itself, just in virtue of the difference in scales between us. For all that I have been uplifted from mundane concerns this has opened me to new ones, chakra is the manifested mélange of one's physical and spiritual energy, as such it is shaped by our nature and life choices. Even if the person in me is reasonable, neither the Beast or the God are prone to take any insult lying down, sensible little bitches that they are. Avoiding a confrontation between the two is a matter of self-preservation.

This deadlock now is costing me. Second-guessing myself and holding back gave the Sannin this window of opportunity. I can see that the corpses Orochimaru is using for the Impure World Resurrection have been embalmed with a culture of mine cells. Of course this fucking works somehow in the five minutes I take my eyes off him, because Orochimaru is a mad scientist, he does not have to explain shit! Four coffins start to take shape, and I know at least one of them!

Nope, nope, not happening on my watch! I do not care what Orochimaru might know, he is too dangerous to live!

Time to break in these new toys then. While amazing this shield is, overall, just a combination of Kratos' Golden Fleece and Guardian Shield, duct taped with Achilles' shield. It would be cringe if he were not so awesome! Alone this make it an amazing armament worth of a god, but its greats strength comes when combined with the Royal Scepter of Boreal Covenant. Both of them are tools of the Pillar of the Left of the Sephirot Tree. The first embodying Gevurah's essence of judgment and limitation while the second embody Hod's submissive force that breaks down energy into different, distinguishable forms, being the foundation for ritual magic.

It completes a circuit with the left eye of the Wisdom Treasured Tool: Trismegistus Celestial Oculus, that embodies the Binah Sephirot, meaning "understanding", embodying deductive reasoning. They can be deployed in concert as leveraging points to accomplish miracles, even more so when assisted by ambrosia. The whole is always greater than the sum of its parts.

The Origin of word Tengu come from the heavenly, fierce and anthropophagous (man-eater) canine monster that resembles a shooting star or comet. Now I invoke this concept to reenact said phenomenon, using all of my available MP I manifest my Boreal Scepter in its hauchiwa form, its peacock eyes shining with enough concentrated chakra to leave a luminous trail as a move it around me. Using the Celestial Orrery as a compass to increase the range of the Rikugan, and with the augmented understanding granted by the Oculus to make a circuit stairway to heaven connecting me to the Celestial Sphere. I raise my arm high under my head and with a momentous swing, I bring the Scepter down, plucking a star from the heavens and casting into the ground as a physical manifestation of calamity and divine punishment.

This phenomenon is categorized as a phantasm, the descending star will return next night, and the comet did not physically exist until I finished my movement. To take an asteroid from the Moon belt and have it reach earth in 1.3 seconds would require accelerating it to the speed of light, doing so would give it more than enough energy to pierce through the Earth and incinerate the atmosphere. That is why when hard science is used for power scaling Flash always beat superman, as his modest mass moving at said speed generate enough friction in the air to slip atoms. That said my humble comet is far from dismissible, the resulting impact has enough power behind it to rival the Tunguska event, a 12-megaton explosion capable of flattening everything in 2,150 square kilometers area.


Crap baskets!

I rush to the crimson barrier as fast as I can, making it just in time. Without other recourse, I stand before the barrier containing him, angling myself to absorb as much from the impact as I can. I set my feet down and bring the Adamant Celestial Orrery shield up, fueling it with all the dredges of available MP I have left. The comet hit landfall and the world is consumed by fire, even behind the formidable shield, it take everything I have to brace myself against the impact. I feel the bones in my arm fracturing in dozen of places, my ears are ringing from the bell-like sound generated from the explosion against my shield. For short moments that felt like an eternity, it was as if the world was ending.

When the dust settled, the first thing I saw was the precipice just in front of my feet that went around a perpendicular arc around me. The two barriers held – the bigger one because it only prevented Orochimaru from coming and going, and the smaller one because I protected it.

The cloud of smoke was no impediment for my senses, and that is why my heart fell when I saw broken fragments of what once was a giant wooden frowning demon, Wood Release: Hōbi Technique. I failed to completely disintegrating everything. The confirmation of my fears came with a laughter, starting small and hoarse to then turn full and deranged.

"I did it! Should one man scale high enough, Heaven is bond to take notice, even if its answer is always the same. No matter! I, Orochimaru, will defy the gods themselves and plunder from their dying corpses the secrets from the universe. Starting with you, heavenly sentinel! Behold, how a reverse the Wheel of Life and become master of life and death itself with only a small fragment. Once I have that girl's body I will be unstoppable!"

Orochimaru talked more in the last minute that ever let him do since we first met. Not surprising, he disgust me so much I see killing him as an obligation at this point. However, right now I could care less to interrupt him, because in front of me three mummified bodies start to take shape from scattered paper. Two of them were garmented with Warring States Era armor, one blue and another red. The men were like mirror appositive in appearance, one was pale and white haired with severe features while the other was sun kissed bronze with round, warm and strong features with long straight hair, just… "Perfect."


[Did I said that aloud?]


[Well, I am sorry your replica did not prepare me for facing the real deal!]

While we bickered the third man, an unassuming ambu garmented shinobi, turned around and decapitated Orochimaru.


So, a lot happening right now. I have to go a bit further into the "chakra disease" that was more a justification to take out powerful ninja off screen. This is how kakashi went from being a one hit wonder to spamming jutsu through the War Arc. He resolved this bottleneck after talking with his father and witnessing Naruto defeating Pain. That is the origin of Itachi's disease as well, as he said to Kabuto, he lost himself and died with regrets. Naruto himself, despite beating Pain, simple fainted in the Five Kages Arc just from the worry and conflict around Sasuke's situation; he feared he could no longer fulfil his promise to Sakura. While Sasuke's own power swelled thanks to the power of hatred yet Sasuke's own power with EMS didn't came close to Madara's own in his flashback. Mental amps are a serious thing in Naruto.

Megumi showing off more of her realized power. If she wasn't such a noob her life would be far easier, but these stupid decisions also show her strength of character. Orochimaru's immortality make him a great Kenny, he was simple outclassed by at least three dimensions here, skill is something people use to close the gap of power, Megumi don't need much of it to clean the floor with him. He didn't have a single jutsu capable to break her skin, remember that kusanagi failed to break the ultra-dense V2 four tails kyubii cloak and Megumi's body uses Kurama as its blueprint template; her baseline adult state has passive attributes equivalent of its nine tailed version two cloak.

In addition, we see that she did not manifest from the ether and there is many power plays abound, this is foreshadow to what is to come too, we will return to Konoha at some point. Megumi Cells is a meme I have been waiting to use, ninjas are shameless plagiarists, and they will slap those things in everything. Now that Danzo has a more compatible form to it, he can be an even bigger douche bag.
This reads like a cultivation novel fight scene mixed with Dragonball Z bullshit sprinkled with random mythological tibits. Thanks for the chapter.
A Blast From the Past
I watch with muted interest as Orochimaru's head spins through the air in an arc to the earth. Despite this his body stood straight up, and from the neck stump two hands emerged, seizing it and pulling it down like a grotesque cocoon of flesh. The emerging Orochimaru looked cross at the responsible for his predicament. Standing just over six feet, the ambu in question had a leonine port that set him apart from the more athletic lean ninja, not the truculent frame of the Raikage but a stocky and distilled power. While his face was hidden behind a chonky tiger mask, his short black hair still gave an air of professionalism and the face behind the mask is hugged and handsome, he filled the AMBU uniform well.

"Well," Orochimaru contemplated the tiger masked man. "In hindsight you are probable the last person I should have brought back. Isn't that so, Kotaro?"

"Don't be like that, boss." the voice of the man was flick and too light for its baritone timbre and action. "You missed me enough to go through the hassle to bring me back, how could I not greet you properly?"

"Useless boy! Do you have to be a disappointment to the very end?"

They have a short stare down for a more moment then bolted to each other's throat, knifes draw out. Orochimaru released a stream of snakes from his sleeve at the now named Kotaro, that answered by deftly weaving and cutting down snakeheads, until he wasn't. Exploiting his undead status he used his body as a battering to create an opening in Orochimaru that he exploit to reenact the previous decapitation in its entirety. Artful, wasteful, and utterly futile, the only purpose to this was a display of disrespect toward the snake sannin.

"I know it is meaningless, but damn if it doesn't feel good!"

The sannin's answer was a scream. Despite the gory exchange that followed, there was a certain sense of familiarity and routine to it, as if this was an old dance between them. This only made the display more macabre, especially considering the surroundings, the only light piercing through the smoke were flames and the glassed red-hot floor of the crater. Between the scenery and the participants, this looks like an expressionist depiction of hell and its inhabitants.

Appropriate, considering the nature of this forbidden jutsu. After a bodhisattva achieve Buddhahood and proceed to die, they break from Samsara. This phenomenon is called Parinirvana – meaning 'nirvana after death'. The ascended Buddha then establish a territory in Nirvana nominally called a "Pure Land". Metaphysically the Pure Lands are 'super-heaven', as the realm of the devas are already considered heavens despite existing in Samsara. While in my opinion this is just pettiness – a fight of imaginary friends to claim superiority of another's faith, the point still stands. Pure Lands are the sacred resting place of the dead outside the depredations of the Three Poisons: attachment, hatred and confusion.

There are as many pure lands as there are Buddha's, and each is shaped according to their masters philosophy of salvation of all things. The Sage of Six Paths is especially generous with this gift as he is with everything else. No matter what a piece of shit you are, you can come there as long you were born in this rock and you want to go there… he is too good for his own good, even Buddha's that help damned souls out of hell still demand repentance. I am so creating a purgatory to bar entry to unworthy souls until they expiate their bad karma, starting with the casters of said jutsu.

To kidnap a soul from a Pure Land is a sin too big to be paid for in a single lifetime, my righteous heart fills itself with fury just looking at this. Death is too good for Orochimaru, I decided. He will be made an example of so that every single mortals will know the weight of the sin against the Heavenly Principle. I feel something shift inside me, as if a switch was turned or a series of domino pieces tumble down, uncountable of minutely small changes taking place. The tensions of my soul that were previously wasting themselves working against each other now find a singular purpose.

Ha, I see. Heaven and Earth have found balance.

Even if I am a mess of a person bearing uncountable contradictions, at least right here, right now, directed against him, I can perform my best. The tensions that previously obstructed me found the equilibrium and become a spring of endless strength. I am absorbing so much mana and breaking it down and remixing it into pneuma so fast that Hashirama is raising an eyebrow in wonderment. Good thing Orochimaru can't benefit from extended sensory ability all true sages have… now that I look at them.

The dead Hokages are not just watching things and accessing the situation. Tobirama is weaving his chakra in interesting ways while Hashirama is trying to forcibly break through it with power alone. None of them found success due to my own genetic material leashing them, even Hashirama that was summoned extremely close to his original power failed. The reason is clear; there are two objective scales of measurement of power – scale of existence and hierarchical standing in the pecking order of the world. My essence is closer to the 'origin' than Hashirama's, the best way to explain this would be the principle of diminishment of the world. I am the result of an atavistic mutation that place me closer to the Sage of Six Paths than even Hashirama.

Which raise the question – how did that man manage to escape when these two have not?




[I don't have time for that right now!]

Orochimaru's control is absolute but loose. The kages are bound to his last command so neither is proactive about how to perform their tasks. As long as I do not attack him, they will stay in place. I have the initiative and intend to use it to set the battlefield to my advantage.

I bring my hands together, weaving my fingers between the gaps and closing it, the snake hand sign. "Wood Release Secret Technique: Nativity of a World of Trees!" As I command, the volcanic crater my last jutsu created is terraformed by a forest avalanche of marble white and ivory trees bearing phosphorescent leaves. Before long this tide wave encircle the border of the barrier to only then start to close in on Orochimaru and company.

"What are you doing standing still, stop it!" his moment of distraction cost him as the zombie Kotaro decapitate him once again. The dead brothers take their masters order to the letter, Tobirama spiting a cutting Jetstream of water from his mouth while Hashirama cast his own version of Deep Emergent Forest to counter mine. The two forests compete like a fast-forward tape of flora biology documentary, the two biomes trying to ensnare and supplant the other. For a moment, I feared for the worse but my latest experience with Son Goku paid bigger dividends than anticipated.

After successful performing Lux Aetherna I seem to have started to knead my pneuma better. While before this, I saw Light Release and Wood Release as different Kekkei Mora, after integrating them together I now managed to integrate them somewhat. I always said people are like trees but it turns out trees are like people too – they also are composed from the dust of the four corners of creation and the more they reach for the light the deeper they sink their roots. While their lightning weakness is regrettable as this make it incompatible with my Divine Cathedral of Annihilation, this make wood release my primary backup weapon.

This also give me the upper hand against Hashirama. While we both are atavisms, I am closer to the 'origin' of chakra than him, giving me a hierarchical superiority over his chakra the same way he has an upper hand against Kurama's chakra. I can feel his attempt to usurp my control over my forest now that overpowering me has showed itself impossible but the response he gets is sluggish.

"What is the meaning of this, First Hokage? Why are you losing?!" Look at this the edge of desperation has returned.

The truth is that Hashirama has shown nowhere his limit yet, the limited ground he control is more than enough to manifest the Wood Golem he used to fight Madara's Tengu Susanoo. Something I don't care to see in person, this might be a foolish gambit but it is not like I care to let him live, he will carry my secret to the grave before the sun rise. Time for another 'Showing One's Cards'.

"Kuku ku, you still don't get it, do you? Aren't you supposed to be a genius? Very well, I will make a favor to a monster that is about to die. He can't overcome my mokuton for the same reason that he can't break free from your control." Those two factors spring from the same source, was left unsaid between words.

His eyes widen in disbelief and even the zombies have ponderous expressions as they digest the implications. How interesting the number of lies one can tell with the truth alone.

"I see you have connected the dots. You realize our meeting wasn't coincidence, I was hunting you. The boy was merely an uninvolved bystander, lucky me you misinterpreted things and charged at me instead of running away."

"How? Megumi is just an infant. You can't be her!"

"How disappointing, even if you are scum I am forced to admit that in terms of imagination and creativity you are the only one that I can call a peer. No matter who you may be, everyone goes through their ups and down of successes and failures. That said the power of leaping through the pitfall known as the future is the power to always be at your best; then you will never experience setbacks in your life." Like the snake eating its own tail in a perfect loop, my existence is proof that you will fail.

Orochimaru is deeply shaken by the revelation, despite his strong front. To the senju doubt is only a poison. As a crazy scientist the idea of time travel must seem viable so the idea some would use it to pave a golden road to their younger self must seem the most obvious use of said power. Time to twist the knife, I turn to the man and smile. Although Kotaro can't consciously recognize it, this is still enough for me to push the impression. Help me here, say I bootstrapped myself into reality.

A brief but profound moment passed between us, as he pondered my request. Whatever our relationship might have been, it toke second place to the chance to fuck over with Orochimaru's head.

"You can see it too, don't you? Despite the secretive nature of our ghost friend here, these eyes of her pierce straight through anything to reveal the truth. It's like a brand in your mind. I swear I could see it in my head while I was railing her mother." Kotaro explain flippantly while I suppressed the instinctive cold shill of all children have when they realize their parents have sex.

"It was essential for me to be born at Ocotober 8th, the Kyubii break out would be the perfect opportunity for an orphan to slip through the cracks of the system, don't you think?" What are the odds the girl keep on slipping through so many fingers?

"DO YOU THINK ME A FOOL? EVEN YOU WOULDN'T HAVE THE AMOUNT OF CHAKRA TO FUEL SUCH JUTSU! THIS IS NOTHING BUT A CHEAP TRICK?" He is at the edge of a nervous breakdown, the peril of being a mad scientist, there is no one around to keep you grounded. However, the invisible pollen delivering my Mara's Nectar also might have contributed some. Time for the finishing blow.

I reach for my mask and partially remove it, the mantle of anonymity disperse and all presents take in my godly presence, appearance and stature. That said what I want him to focus on are my whisker marks on my checks, the tell of the vessel of the Nine Tails. I smile at him with revealing my shy of too big canine teeth and let loose the two golden tails from my lower back. My play with Son Goku allowing me the final break through to a second tail.

"A shame that I had to sacrifice seven tails, but the strongest of wills is required for the greatest of visions to manifest. Only dead people are allowed to see this face though. You realize what that means, don't you?" I smile jovially at Orochimaru, then move in the space between moments right behind him, when time resumes I drive my fist through his rib cage.

This is for more than gory display, with the power of my Mask Treasured Tool I direct its information manipulation effect to perform the Wind of Lether, excising his memory of me driving my fist through him together with his information about the Sage's Legacy. This not only will drive him over the edge with my Diavolo impression and complete my mission but also preventing him from throwing another curve ball at me.

"Consider this a parting gift. Since this is the end, I will fill you in. What you just witnessed and felt was you in the future. You from a few seconds from the past witnessed yourself in the future." I leaned closer in Orochimaru's ear. "This is my King Crimson ability. I erased time and leaped past it!"

I squeeze Orochimaru's beating heart, extracting another moan and silencing his questioning. "You know as I do why I am here. I will not allow anyone to threaten my throne, no matter what. I must fill any pitfall that threatens my path!" I look at the dead Hokages, they are still engaged in his last command even as they listen to us. His jutsu is still imperfect but their performance is stellar and his immortality make his body indestructible. The best option is to attack either his soul or his mind; not something, I ever particularly cared to learn how to do. My best option is to literally wither him down until he is ragged and then sealing him. The fact I will have to withstanding two hokages close to their primes while at it mean I need all the help I can get. I lock eyes with Kotaro once again. Play along.

He walk in front of Orochimaru and smile a mean look at him, it really fit his face. "Not having a so great day, boss? I can relate, believe me. It's ironic, isn't it? That I would succeed where my old man failed. But I promise you won't be alone in hell for long. When you meet my old man in there deliver to him my regards." He starts to waving at him and giving off the biggest and fakest smile his face could make. Something in me urge me to indulge him, so I set Orochimaru on fire from the inside out with my fire bending, turning his incoming answer into screams as he immolate alive.

Alas, good things seldom last. Orochimaru use that repulsive Power of the White Snake, to once again, emerge whole from his screaming body. "Kill her, kill her, kill her right now!" The dead kages are quickly to comply, but the fact they don't charge in but instead flank me is concerning. Killing machines are comfortingly predictable.

I turn to my nominally ally, and he too is seizing me- no, he is drinking me in, committing every last detail down to memory, an intensity there turn my spine iron-rod straight. Ninshu can be such a bother, he also can feel the connection between us and is just as clueless what to do about it. The chakra of parents resonate the easiest with their children, without my Mask Treasured Tool, he cannot miss it.

I bring my mask back into place, "Focus, until the battle is won. Then we will talk." Somehow, my measured answer seems to piss him off more than if I had actually mouthed off to him. I could easily see him pondering about spitting me on principle.

"Please." I ask.

"… Fine." He relents in the end. The little standoff is resolved and he settle closer to me against the dead senju brothers.

They both are what I expected yet both more and less. While the Hashirama has this cute clueless face as he tries to make sense of what is happening Tobirama's aura is in turmoil. Either his game face is that sourly or he is has actually understood something and disapprove of this situation and my very existence.

"Have something to share, Second?" I decide to probe, his chakra has been swelling up sharply after my little performance to Orochimaru. His senju heart is overclocked, giving him a massive morale power amp. So this is the ceiling of power of the average senju? It is actually frightening, the same way an adult man would fear a rabid small dog. To think a mortal could be so ferocious...

He consider me for a moment, but in the end, he is simply too triggered to not go off complaining like the old man he is. "One well bear sprint medicinal water and the other bear only sour poison, even if the resulted cocktail of the two might see drinkable that doesn't mean the poison was neutralized."

"D-did I just get racially profiled by the Leaf's second Hokage?" I ask while looking at Kotaro. This is as much for mine sake as it is for Kotaro's. While this commentary completely flied over my head Kotaro got it and toke exception to this, to say lightly. His own senju heart went ballistic, fueled by an ugly and bloody red vicious feeling that promised murder.

Honestly, life was so much easier when I thought I sprung out of the earth. "Did he just called you a race traitor? That is no way for a founding father to port himself! To think I have long admired him." I say in overdramatic scandalized fashion. While clownish, this at least let Kotaro center himself.

"Yeah, so much for the power of bonds and love and friendship, right? These guys never live up to the hype." He answer just as clownish.

"Tobirama! I told you to quit spewing such bigotry!" Hashirama, god bless his soul, barge into the discourse of hidden daggers like a good hearted bull in a china shop.

Tobirama is unperturbed, "Still as passionate as ever, yet even you did what had to be done. The situation is dire, not only this Orochimaru boy reinvented my jutsu but a maverick unknown has entered the field. You know as I do she might be an even bigger danger than Madara!"

"That is precisely why you should let sleeping dogs lie, this young woman is the materialization of the promise of peace we build the Leaf on! Could you at least try to be a bit more respectful?" Hashirama cuts in; this has become a family affair. There is an air of routine to their argument, which is actually expected – Hashirama always came off as the dreamer while Tobirama was the architect that bridge the gap with reality.

Said that, I do not like to be a bystander of a conversation involving me. Orochimaru has retreated to the edge of the barrier. He appears to be distracted negotiating with a snake into reversing summon him. I do not need to worry too much about him, some basic wind bending will prevent him from overhearing anything that does not match the lie I feed him.

I turns toward my… father. "Something tells me this isn't about a one night stand with some Iron Country girl." I left unsaid between words that I don't know what they are talking about, he is my best bet to answers. He sort of locks up, unsure of what to do. Now that I look at him, his youth is evident behind the rugged and scared macho man impression he gives off. Middle twenties tops.

"So you don't know after all. Maybe this is for the best."

"Tobirama!" Now his brother was truly angry, bring the weight of his pneuma to bear. He is not a man to be crossed lightly in the end fo the day.

I am tired of people talking over my head, "Try me then." Something tells me you are going to tell me anyway.

Tobirama looks thoughtful for a moment about what I left unsaid, for one moment that is. "The Leaf is the only Hidden Village to bear ocular advanced bloodlines – the Byakugan and the Sharingan. Tell me, woman. What are the odds a child born in said village manifesting unique ocular powers does not trace her roots to one of these clans?"

"… so all this showboating so far just comes down to ancestral grudge of dead people? Dead men owe to learn to bury their hatred with their bones, in the end only the legacy of their love will remain past themselves." While cringe these words come unbidden. Just seeing how Kotaro's posture straighten make it worthwhile somehow. Rather, the fact my words have such effect on him show he deserves to hear them.

My own parents from before also had some family feud with my grandparents. It's pretty common for people that go through these sort of problems try to overcorrect with their own children. I reach up to him, closing in on the final gap between us. This might be dangerous, the dead brothers can get away with this talk because they are choosing the most convoluted route to fulfill Orochimaru's orders, information gathering is essential to kill a whole lot better. However, if I give off a good enough opening they will be forced to act instead of fishing for Intel.

Even then.

I interlock my hand with his own.

It must have been awful, having Danzo as a parent. If he couldn't be there for me then that he choose to let me escape and have a real shot at being free is good enough. While Minato is a big shot, he put the institution of the Leaf over his own son's and turned him into a living sacrifice. Better to be the daughter of a nobody that strive for their child's happiness when the chips are down. I have being blessed. More than any power, the cavalcade of meetings I have had across life make me truly thankful to be alive. This is enough for me to recognize you as my parent. You did everything I could ask from a parent, your best.

This was my most sincere gratitude in the best way I could convey. I remember all the eventful meetings I have had so far, despite the tribulations I would not trade this for anything else. I owe to at least say this much to the ones responsible for this opportunity. And, if my traitorous heart skip a beat when Kotaro tightens the hold I started like it was a lifeline, then I would keep it to myself. It's almost overwhelming, how much these feelings mean to him. I must have been the first person to validate him… no, the second.

It truly is a blessing, to be a child born out of love. Once more I stand validated, people are born for this reason. I return the grip with mine own.

"See, Tobirama? Can you really call her a fiend or existential treat when you see something like this?" She is not like Madara, even if she looks at me the same way he did, Hashirama ships in, nosy his way in something meant to be private! A hunky or not, I don't appreciate people scrutinizing my personal life.

"Nothing about this swage my worries. You know just as I do her kind have always been impressionable." This only make the prospect of her fall more worrying, he implied with his words.

"Care to fill me in, deadbeats?" I don't appreciate being window dressing! The nerve of these zombies. While Tobirama didn't seem like someone prone to small-talk, he has shown so far he won't waste an opportunity to express his displeasure. When he open his mouth, once again I feel validated in my assessment.

"While clueless you seem well informed about the Leaf's origins, you also seems aware of your senju ancestry. It goes unsaid then which side of the family you inherited these eyes from and who they are."

"That makes no sense. The closer the familial relation the stronger people's chakra resonates with each other. I would have noticed if I was related to the Uchihas easily enough while I lived in the Leaf! If I could puzzle out that I descend from the Shimura branch of the Senju, both which have almost dissolved in the village general population, then the closed off and somewhat inbreed Uchiha would have been easier."

"These eyes must be sharp indeed for you to realize this much on your own, but this is most likely the reason you missed this. The Uchiha clan possess a unique familial mental sickness, when the right circumstances to its manifestation arrive the same symptom always manifest, without failure." He stay silent urging me to finish for him, grouchy bastard!

"I presume this is the Sharingan then." I comply urging him to hurry up while we still have time. As expected from dead people, no respect for other's time.

"When the member of the Uchiha clan reach a certain threshold of stress from anguish and despair their ocular power manifest, subsequently their ocular power swell the more they suffer from these traumatic experiences. This is aggravated by their propensity to experience positive feelings of attachments far more strongly than the general population, leaving them open to experience even greater sense of loss."

Pieces start to fall into place, as distasteful it is to hear these kinds of talk, like racial theory straight out of the eighteen century, a multitude of secrets can be revealed from a shinobi's body and nobody had the most opportunities to unveil the Uchiha clan secrets from dead members than the Senju.

While conventional military doctrine institute not to engage an Uchiha without numerical superiority the Senju have historically matched then one to one. It is the public reason for their rivalry; contractor would immediately search one clan when pitched against the other. This also means the number of casualties racked against each other by far and away exceed what other clans inflicted upon them. Add to this the family structure of the Warring State clans and you have a recipe for disaster. At some point, you could not call this by anything other than a race war.

"What is your hypothesis then?"

"Dissonance. While your signature might have resembled a young Uchiha child once upon a time, by the time you your own ocular bloodline manifested and you started to compare it with those around you, the deviation between you and a mature Uchiha member were big enough to be seen as incompatible."

"Jeez, don't you want to measure my skull to make sure?"

"No need, I have already refined my sensorial ability and I am familiar enough with the Uchiha anatomy to perceive the less prominent tells."

"I was been sarcastic! Can you go easy on the C.E.O. of racism impression for a moment? I can overlook some of it as you were born in a race war and conscripted as fodder in it since you were seven. Yet, at some point, it is hard to overlook these tendencies when you become the big man with the big hat. Especially as the inventor of this odious jutsu that now threatens to break the gates of the underworld and enslave both the living and the dead. Was Madara right then when he alleged the Leaf was a trap and false peace?"

At my allegation both brothers flinch, Madara seems like a sore topic. Hashirama intervene, "That is why I told you to drop it, brother. She is living proof that time can indeed mend all wounds… she is also right about this immoral jutsu, remember that one time I lectured you on-

"Silence brother, I haven't finished my discussion with the woman." Tobirama mercilessly cut him off, Hashirama deflate like a balloon.

"Yeah, this isn't even about my Uchiha ancestry, is it? You already said I am a deviation in that front as far as you are concerned. But the same can't be said about my Senju side, the first words you said to me… this is about the true essence of out cursed clan."

My affirmation bring them both to sharp attention, so they really buried this little dirt secret intentionally.

"Our family inherent disposition hardly qualify as a curse. With proper discipline and socialization it is possible to direct the senju overwhelming drive to the benefit of all." Tobirama justify, but this sounds pathetic to everyone present.

"You mean that if one squint their eyes enough a wild wolf can be mistake for a domesticated dog. The proclamation of love is obstructive propaganda – sure a senju 'can' become stronger with the power of love… but hatred is just as effective. The power of the Senju is tied to the 'health instincts of live', by not merely surviving but truly thriving by living wild and free we are propelled to ever-greater heights, a trait shared with the Uzumaki, famous for being wild. But then, what is the surest path to power for our kind?" This time it was my turn to leave damning implications suspended in the air.

It was Hashirama that broke the silence, "An overwhelming sense of self, and a complete disregard for the status quo, social convention and feeling of others." Like we have done. There is a gravity to his words that is cloying, the affable man of a moment ago was replaced by the gravitas of the God of the Shinobi.

I push on nevertheless, "This is the absolute requirement to push through the ceiling that separate the 'merely strong' from the gods of war our bloodline is famous for. Not exactly conductive for the restrained life of civilization, is it? The reason the Leaf is the strongest Village isn't because it has the most prized bloodlines or captured the strongest demon, but because of the 'great vitality' that excel in adversity. While shinobi life is a grim affair to everyone else that must be greeted grimly, to the senju it is one of the only remaining spaces they can cut loose. The reason Orochimaru himself reached such power… and the reason you look at me with suspicion, Tobirama!" You identified the treat the senju proclivities represented to your vision and legacy and put deterrents in place to ensure another Hashirama would never appear again.

The Leaf Village is unlike any place I have ever seen in the world. The truth is that I probably would have been happy to accommodate as another of its gears in time if it was not my Apollo's situation. It rather resembles my former home, a place of deep contradictions and hypocrisies but paradoxically there is this unspoken sense of honesty, of being settled in one's skin and knowing what you are. The two first Hokages side by side are like the anthropomorphization of its national spirit and how deep and true its blood flow despite the skin-deep diversity it bear. Only in the Leaf people would look at those two and easily catch on they are even related at all, let alone brothers. However, just because things are like that now does not mean they had always been so.

Like most other clans, the Senju claimed ancestry to the Sage of Six Paths, unlike most clans this claim is both true and is backed by records and stellar historical performance. Now imagine what happen when you turn to what is basically a sayajin powered by Id and Eros and tell them they are the chosen people, plus one thousand odd years in a brutal and magically fueled Bronze Age while constantly fighting their treacherous cousins? Not someone you would want to meet in a deserted alley at night. Without the Uchiha around the Senju would have steamed rolled the world by now, they are fertile ground to foster people like Gengis Khan, Alexander the Great or Caesar.

I pressed on, "Tobirama, how many of your own people did you deliver back to the earth with your own hands?"

Despite his poker face, Tobirama's chakra recoiled as if he had been slapped in the face. "Too many to let it all going down the drain by the whims of a brat." His chakra doubled and redoubled with his hardened conviction.

Well, fuck. Talk about a crisis. The secrets of a hokage are terrible indeed. Despite that, the dipping respect I had for the Second got an involuntary reflux, supplanting my terror at his unsaid implications. The intellectual knowledge that life expectation of shinobi was below 30 because of the slaughter of preteens doesn't do justice to the hell the world was a mere century ago. Just looking at these men that walked through said hell and not only survived it, but dragged their people out of it kicking and screaming, I start to get a sense of it. By carrot or stick, by bribing, cajoling, threatening and murdering everyone that stood between them and their vision. Both without and within their ranks.

I finally understand Tobirama, he may indeed hate the Uchiha, but this hatred is an old and familiar friend he leaned on through his formative years. The hatred he bear for the Senju name is like a volcano, it is rooted so deep it reach hell itself, and it is something he has little control over. He erased the name the best he could, to the point only the Uchiha remember them by this ancestral name and he deemed it a good thing. When he look my way, he can only see the long shadow of said name rising from the grave. He expects me to have done the same actions his brother did to have reached a level comparable to his own. He is projecting in me that which he finds most unacceptable about himself and his family legacy… the Impure World Resurrection is baffling simple and straightforward jutsu, that is, if you are a senju that is. When I extracted Orochimaru's pertinent knowledge about the Sage of Six Paths' legacy this jutsu came along. It relies on the senju's divine authority as the bearers of his Karma to forcibly summon and bind souls inhabiting their ancestor's Pure Land. That is the true face of said forbidden jutsu.

Hashirama once more intervened, "The last words I said to Madara as I stabbed him in the back were that I would cut down anyone that threatens the harmony of the Leaf, be it my family, brother or my own off-sprint. That is the will we carried to close that chapter of history. Shinobis are beings that must make impossible choices in order to achieve our dreams… and depending on the nature of the dream the dreamer has to change to accommodate said dream, as we did."

There are expectation on his words, with my sense it is trivially easy to get what he is really asking. With my level of power I stand unmatched in my own age, Gods of War no longer walk the land, and most of today's shinobi dismiss records of their power as legend and fairy tale- because they willed it so! What is it that you want to do? What is your dream and how far do you intend to go to see it through?


Am I that much of loose cannon that Kurama think I will pick a fight with the two strongest senju in recorded history? I look at my father, this talk flied way over his head, despite being an exceptional shinobi, among a crowd of senju he would qualify as nameless background fodder that fills numbers, a grunt. This is way over his paygrade, despite that I could not help but smile mischievously his way. I never had interest on the petty businesses of the denizens of this world and discovering I am the ninja lovechild of ninja Romeo and Juliet certainly didn't help it any!

"As if I would care to swave the feelings of buried and dead men by justifying myself! Hokages, it is time for me to deliver you back to the Pure Land! Strap yourselves, for the ride is going to be bumpy!"




Yeah, this wasn't actually the plot twist I was talking about, but I have actually been laying the ground for this in some time now. Megumi's Gate of Truth unintentionally created something akin to a Heavenly Restriction that caused the sharingan to mutate. This is something I will enter in more details later, though her caustic personality from the beginning and self-righteous tendencies come from that side of the family. Even the way she decided to sacrifice herself for Naruto just after meeting him is a result of the Uchiha's capability for love. Interestingly enough, Naruto was right when he said he could have been in Sasuke's place if things played out differently. The Uchiha could have gained a reputation of tragic heroes bearing pyric victories for the greater good while the senju could have been known to creating tyrants as magnanimous as they are terrible.

Tobirama's father certainly fit said bill, exalting the death of his infant son as a respectable thing. While Hashirama was brazen and confrontational, Tobirama was measured and conciliatory while resenting and deriding all the adults behind his back. While it is expected for him to hate the Uchiha, it is more interesting fact is how he supported Hashirama all the way for saying what he did not have the courage to say. He sees himself as rational and logical, believing a strict code of conduct was necessary to regulate ninjas.

He basically created the Iron Rules of shinobi and because of it he is oblivious to his own pettiness. As the jonin body have veto power to choose who gets to be Hokage through single majority and most jonin are senju by blood if not surname, the senju very much own the Hokage seat. Yet, despite berating his brother that he should make decisions through a democratic body instead of imposing it "like their father did", He directly endorsed Sarutobi as Hokage because he resembled Hashirama in disposition. Despite, maybe precisely because, he wasn't a senju.

This elevated the standing of both Sarutobi and Shimura and his personal pupils, Hiruzen and Danzo. Konoha is very much the world Tobirama wanted, a place where the senju name is nothing but a memory. He is a very deep character when you look at him, not the shinning beacon Hashirama is supposed to be yet he left his mark everywhere. All jutsus that matter can be traced back to him and even the course of the story was shaped by his decision. He is the one Hokage that best embody what a nation's founding father is supposed to be – a objective terrible person that made sure to kill everyone that would threatens to make his nation less than what it is. More fitting for interesting history books than personal meetings.

Now, about the Senju. In the fest corner, we have Gaara, a noble scion of Sand Village nobility, empowered by the sand demon of an apostate priest, groomed to be the ultimate weapon of his village, trained by constant assassination attempts to his life. In the right corner we have a spandex wearing, autistic kid powered by juice. The fact Rock Lee almost won that fight is prof hard work is bullshit. Gaara is the product of an entire system yet he almost lost anyway, how is this fucking fair? By the end of the series it becomes clear that the thousands of hours people wasted learning to throw kunai doesn't measure up to any try hard demi-god.

So, the legacy of Hagoromo take shape. We already knew he had a way to monitor things from the Pure Land, and while we assumed he just felt like Deus Ex Machina Naruto to stop Kaguya, it becomes more interesting if the feud between brothers is fought over something palpable that has some significance and long-term relevance and precedent. There are many hidden freebies in being daddy's favorite and since Black Zetsu is supposed to be Kaguya's own version of Karma, it is fair to let Hagoromo to customize his own for other purposes since he doesn't want to return to Samsara. This also tie the similarities between Karma and Orochimaru's cursed seals.

Next chapter Megumi enter the second fight of her life.

P.S: Orochimaru is still reeling from emotional damage, trying to get reversed summoned by the snakes. While in the anime we see a brief confrontation him and Itachi, in the manga it is left obscure. The thing is even Amaterasu is useless against him, Tsukuyomi and ass pull magical sword are the only thing in Itachi's arsenal that has proven to be capable of stopping Orochimaru. Suigetsu also affirmed Sasuke only won because he was debilitated and Sasuke was also familiar to him. So it is most likely that Itachi gave up on killing Orochimaru and simple sent him packing, it's not like the MS comes with instruction manual, Sasuke was almost blind by the time he started to perform Perfect Susanoo.
Nice chapter, all these reveals about Megumis family and history is a treat. Along with some background and great world building about the Senju and characterization of the hokages. Hope megumi kicks their old asses next chapter!
I hate the intro, there is nothing to ground me into any sort of scene or narrative. I'm not here to read a dissertation on magic within fiction, i'm here to read a story.
I hate the intro, there is nothing to ground me into any sort of scene or narrative. I'm not here to read a dissertation on magic within fiction, i'm here to read a story.
The thing is, anyone that has suffered a serious illness that got them bedbound for one more than a month know how introspective it is, you are bored and miserable, prime setting for introspection. Human babies are born premature, gestation time for humans should be of two years. Most of these stories start in really cliche way, ignoring how traumatic this experience is. This is also why I made the MC ignorant of meta knowledge, she is living her life like everybody else, not "fixing the story".
Tobirama and Hashirama are examples of people I wanted to writte about for a long time, as their behavior and legacy is all over the place. Maybe I would have written it differently now, but I still sherish the experience.
The thing is, anyone that has suffered a serious illness that got them bedbound for one more than a month know how introspective it is, you are bored and miserable, prime setting for introspection.

I'm aware, but i refer specifically to the fact that the very first few lines were introspective without establishing what environment or character this introspection is in reference to, which means there is 0 reason for me to be invested in reading it. It's like the writing technique of starting the story in media res with the character thinking about a concept that is a tangent to their immediate situation, allowing the narrative to smoothly transition to that from the introspection. However, it never actually does so for several paragraphs, meaning that the info is disconnected from any actual events, knowledge of the environment the protagonist is in, the protagonist themselves, narrative or anything else that would make this an actual story.

It misses the mark in being a lead-in to the story proper and becomes its own disconnected thesis that has no value in being a fictional narrative. I would recommend shortening that or switching some things around so there is a clue of how this is related to the actual story and allows the reader to become engaged in it. Even a hint in the first paragraph that this stuff is related to some sort of event would be appreciated.

For the other stuff in your comment i have no idea what you mean because i put this down after paragraph two when the story was still firmly in the realm of "whoa magic" without explaining why this is the subject of thought. On a quick glance and re-read it turns out that at the very end of paragraph three there is a clue about the protagonist's immediate situation where they are a baby. Checking the word count, that's a full 190 words with 1,113 characters before the writing actually includes info that is not abstract theory.

I also think that there is a typo where "a" should be written as "I", and some awkward prose about the heart makes it hard to tell that the protagonist is speaking about themselves and how they gained magic, which on a second read seems to be the intention? When i first read this story it came across as meaning "the first thing a person experiences when they gain consciousness is magic", which caused me to misunderstand the later parts about magic circuits spreading through their body and skip over it mentally. Instead I think you wanted it to read as "the first thing that I gained awareness of was magic, which spread through my various body parts" which is a huge departure from what the typo made me think you were writing about.

You say that you would like to have done it differently, but you still can do with some small tweaks so that newcomers to this work understand what you were conveying better, and so that they actually have something to latch onto and immerse themselves into during the lengthy magic-pondering section. Something to make them think "Oh, they are pondering this concept of magic because they are a baby with access to magic" earlier on, without which it is just some random lengthy breakdown about what magic is, with no reason to care.
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Say then, matthew badger, are you interested in being my beta reader? The truth of the matter is that english is my thrid language and I self-taught in it. I got the writter's bug bit after the pandemic and since the volume of material in english is by far the largest I sort of ended here. I sued some online programs to review things but it is clear this isn't enough.

You do that and I can start next week.
Day of The Dead
The two Hokages had radical different receptions to my brazen statement. While Tobirama was gearing up to battle with everything he had, Hashirama had this subdued expression of exasperated fondness and nostalgia. It rather pissed me off, because he was right, I was compromising. At the end of the day, they are both dead men, whatever stake they had on the mortal realm bear no meaning anymore. I have no obligation to honor their wish or accommodate to their belief, and yet… They are both people worth respecting. For them and for myself I will not lie and say that I care to preserve that which they build- because I acknowledge their result as something worthwhile. The past is never over, it is not even really the past; actions once taken echo through eternity.

The Village Hidden in the Leafs is a meagre legacy for such towering existences. I have been in countryside cities bigger than Konoha, and the monuments of old Europe and crown jewels like New York strike home how petty, primitive and downright tribal the businesses around Hidden Villages are. Compared to the billions of lives gambled around the Cold War and the threat of nuclear extinction, or the millions of deaths of World Wars, the hundred thousand active ninjas of the five major villages look like a regional affair. I could raise cities bigger than the Leaf Village in less than one day, Hashirama could as well.

In the end, I find myself once again starting a fight over nothing. It is Kurama all over again, and this is a good thing. Even if there is nothing substantial to be gained, what is actually at line is far more profound. Hashirama achieved levels of power more fitting for a god-king than a rumble warlord and yet the good and stable things about the Shinobi system can be traced back to him. He came the closest to "peace in our time" people of his era could conceive of. That is why I know that even after the Age of Shinobi is gone, that people will see this kind of stability as 'the minimum tolerable' standard; much the same way slavery became untenable in the west. Objectively speaking, there were more slaves in my time of life than in the height of the transatlantic slave trade, the problem wasn't erased but people's perception of it changed. Slavery became a clandestine practice that no legitimate power could engage in.

This is the kind of feat that takes more than personal strength. He went out of his way by hook and crook to ensure other powers followed his example and today the five Kakes would join forces in alliance if they knew what I have in store for the world. What my plans are. By the time they wise up, it will be too late. I am not a caricature of a cartoon villain like Orochimaru, people won't even know I exist. This is why this fight has significance. This is the only honest shot the old order has to stop me.

If the two are right and I am wrong then the two brothers will emerge victorious when our wills clash. This too is Justice. This is the very least I have to overcome to inherit the world. To assuage myself that I am not some fluke, that I can protect the world and overcome the same level of challenges these two had done. In addition, I have to do it my way. That is why I do not want them to hold back, I will neutralize them both and put an end to Orochimaru's ambitions.

Therefore, the battle was joined.

Tobirama started out charging forward while Hashirama drew back, quickly and professionally they performed their hand signs and my Rikugan captured how they achieve to knead with one seal what even jounin would require over ten signs; so this is ninja version high-speed incantation. By the time Tobirama was done, he gathered not only the moisture in the air for his jutsu but also from a good deal of my trees, damaging and destroying them while directing these resources toward me in a giant drill of water blades blender tornado.

His jutsu is in a whole different dimension from what I have seen so far and the fact he is using it to destroy my forest field show he has good grasp of the Wood Style potential and strengths, not that they are done though. "Bringer of Darkness!" right at the last moment, manifesting a screen of darkness with Yang release. A true counter for the sharingan, a taboo jutsu from the times of tribal war.

This work for us.

From the darkness, a silver bright star crowned with a rainbow halo pierce the darkness and flew like an arrow, unraveling the tide wave into harmless and directionless pound. It tried to do much the same with Tobirama but his reflexes, battle experience and luck turned an impalement into mere dismemberment of his right arm. The arrow of light then revert with sharp zigzag turns of its motion back to the hand that threw, where it solidify into an adamantine spear, simple yet elegant and impossible beautiful.

That is my Valor Treasured Tool. The virtue of Valor presides over more than conflict for conflict's sake, it drives the bearer to challenge oneself and others constantly, and seeking always to better themselves and improve upon the legacies, they will leave behind when they are gone. A call of greatness. It is courage to stand to adversity, defiance against higher imposition, be it a person of the engines of the world itself. The will-to-power that drive one above, to cares not if others desire you, to be unconcerned whether others respect your traditions, to be irreverent in the admiration others harbor toward the purity of your vision. The certainty of purpose that make all other dreams subordinate to your own.

It is clear how defining my first fight with Kurama was to him. The impression I left him with can be said to be crystalized in this treasure. The armament is of the right hand that represent Chesed, the Loving Kindness of God, and the hand that bring other closer together to oneself. A weapon that truly deserve the title of holy and sacred, it is above scything lives and destruction. It purge resentment, cut through bonds, fate, causality, and destiny, and slice through the idea of karma itself. A weapon fit for a god, capable of breaking the wheel of Samsara through the Buddha' power of extinguishing of Poisons, the dispersion of the Three Unwholesome Roots.

Valor Treasure Tool: Heaven Violating Vajra.

The reason its basic form is a Vajra is because it symbolize diamond indestructible, making it take easy to manifest as adamant and because it also means Thunderbolt, my main weapon of choice. This is due to the god of rain, Vajrapāṇi. His name literally means Vajra (thunder) in hand, and he is the "defender of Buddha", and the manifestation of Buddha's Power. Being a weapon associated with both Indra, the king of devas, but also Zeus, due to Greco-Buddhism born in the Hellenic Age, leading to such a through Hellenization of the nascent religion in its formative centuries the likes only Christianity had ever experienced. The Hellenic fondness of statues rendered the first depiction of Buddha by Greek followers, changing the tradition that started out frowning upon anthropomorphic representations of Buddha after the "extinction of the body" is only the shallowest mark of Greek influence.

The powerful symbolism make it a super-b weapon for these situations. The arm Tobirama lost is not reforming as the record said it should. While less effective against remediative measures like regeneration, I bet this can easily destroy cursed seals and even this Oroboros Wheel of Life if I execute a proper 'coup de grâce' in him... one day. As of right now, it is a glorified paperweight imbued with 'dispel magic' in it. Even its ability to shift in all sort of different weapons is of little use to me as my skill at arms is still rather mediocre at the moment. That is why I lend it to my father, something the senju brothers realize a bit too late.

Using the Rikugan to extinguish my own emotions feedback, I manage to execute a perfect ambush on Hashirama, shoulder slamming him away from Tobirama, his body breaking gruesomely in paper a he is catapulted through a football field, breaking half a dozen tree trucks on his way. While he can cast high level jutsu all day in comparison to myself, the shinobi inefficient chakra network mean my baseline speed, endurance and strength excel his own by a lot. He can make up to it with jutsu such as Wood Golen, but it is impossible to create a golem strong enough to overwhelm me with human stature. He would have to inflate it to titanic size making himself an easy target against my mobility… I never won in our simulations, his head for tactics was better than mine own so he always boxed me in, the fact Hashirama actually mitigated my sneak attack by manifesting a wood armor to disperse the impact show how the real deal is far less predictable and creative than the simulation. My best chance is to hold him down until Kotaro defeat Tobirama.

I fly toward the fallen Hashirama but he is boosting the reformation of Edo Tensei bodies with his own regeneration, focusing in his left hand. He intend to make me pay for intruding his own forest field, making a one handed tiger seal he instigate the trees around me to violently explode like fragment grenades. There is something to be said about how terrifying it is to be attacked by an avalanche of stakes bigger than an adult from all directions; my shield isn't omnidirectional and the unassuming status of holding all basic elements mean that there isn't a proper elemental counter for it. Time to try the dark matter aspect of Light release, I raise my gauntlet left arm in the same tiger seal to create an Infinity singularity based on the paradox of Achilles and the tortoise around myself, one of Zeno's paradoxes series made reality through the power of chakra.

All the stakes slow down to the point their momentum is lost and they fall down, but their purpose as a distraction and deterrent fulfilled. Hashirama is back on his feet and already preparing his Nativity of World of Trees once more. Yeah, the defensive stance is a mistake against Hashirama, with his stamina each inch you give he take a mile from you. I unfold my shield and bulrush him behind it, using the weight its world to crush the trucks attacking me. While I make it look easy, the truth is that I am the first person to ever beat this jutsu, even Madara was simple overwhelmed until he achieved the Tengu Susanoo. The fact he slowed me down enough with it for Hashirama to trade places with a wood clone show the overwhelming power of his technique. This is what a battle between senju looks like, overwhelming and senseless power being casually throw around carelessly, the earth tremble and the air scream with our exchange.

I stretch out my left palm and from it a white wood log sprout, taking the shape of a club; Hashirama and Tenzo are not the only ones that can do it. Despite my mediocre skill with weapons, I played baseball during one summer after an older cousin brought the equipment as a souvenir from his trip to America, so I know enough to put my back into the blow. Channeling my holy lightning in a pneuma burst, I swing the club upward, destroying the Wood Tori Gates Hashirama manifested to restrain me in a thunderous conflagration, Kaido style. That is probable his most dangerous jutsu Hashirama has against me, I do not want to test if he can actually pin me down with all he has. At the end of the day, his maximum output is actually superior to my own.

Hashirama uses the tree grenade trick once more, but this time I bring the club down to the earth in the same momentum, manifesting another Heaven Thunder Hammer, blowing up the battlefield and damaging his forest field. While cool looking, Gojo's technique is not that easy or effective here, Edo Tensei bodies are still rocketed to the Pure Land infinite energy, making them inexhaustible. This is not a fight I can win by playing the defensively.

Hashirama manifest giant flowers overhead from a hidden place… I really underestimated the wood clones, so this is the true deep of a keke mora. If he was a living person, I could pick him apart from the doubles, but as a weird summon the jutsu is actually a perfect simulacrum. Well, too can play this game. Taping into my reserve of ambrosia, I peek at the multitude of options available to me through the refraction of causality to take one-step toward all of them. Probability clones, all and none of them are the real me, until disproven otherwise. This is a brain breaking jutsu as I suddenly multiply into dozen existences going into multiple directions.

The exchange that followed was pandemonium of chaos in a rambusious free-for-all that was almost comedic and cartoonish, like one of those meme flash gifs. One Megumi kick one Hashirama head from his shoulders, to be jumped by a gang of three more that proceed to be grinded into paste by another Megumi with a giant wood axe, that get impaled by a furtive Hashirama, that get dismembered by another Megumi with a giant wood sword lightsaber, that get put down by a ballista maned by another Hashirama. While Hashiramas literally sprout from the woodwork, the Megumis are simple there, dogging out of the corner of one's eyes, their numbers never decreasing.

While this can give off the impression of stalemate, the truth is anything but. Even if Hashirama is hidden like a needle in the hay, there is one true body out there, keke mora or not, there should be a way for me to pick the original from the fake. As I cut them down, I make a point to engrave every single detail I could about these clones, until I isolated a tell that would give him away. This jutsu cannot be invincible, otherwise Madara would have been dispatched long before the Valley of the End. I am making judicious use of my psychometry acquired from the Magnum Opus Stigmata as I destroy these clones to triangulate the original.

Suddenly one of the Megumi perform a sharp turn, letting go of her weapon to bring down both fists in a perpendicular angle to each other against a unassuming wood log, that proceed to explode, revealing the true Hashirama. My attack was for more than dramatic reasons; Hashirama was trying to gather mana to enter Sage Made. By replicating Son Goku's technique to disrupt the harmonization with natural energy his charka network got short-circuited. While this is not lethal for people of our weight class, it is debilitating even for those of our kind's constitution. When Goku hit me with it, I remember wishing the pain would knock me unconscious, without the Stigmata's to regulate the network the effect must be far worse.

This is my chance to seal him. After my success with Orochimaru barrier, I had an epiphany. Sealing arts and fuinjutsu in general, are fundamentally just Rhetoric made real with the power of Creation of All Things. The appeal of one's rhetoric can judged on three factors – Ethos, Logos and Pathos. Maybe the dormant Shimura genes have activated or this is an inherited karmic destiny, but I think I can usurp the control of Edo Tensei from Orochimaru. "Hokage-Style Sixty-Year-Old Technique — Kakuan Entering Society with Bliss-Bringing Hands!"

Through my command, Hashirama is crucified and pinned down in vines while being surrounded by spiked pillars full of inscriptions of subjugation; his clones rush in assistance to their original but my own fellow Megumi's intersect them with a wild diversity of bending abilities, from fire, wind to magma fields. My heart is beating like crazy. Victory is at hand!

That is when the party pooper, Tobirama, comes to ruin my fun. Because of course, he has his brother tagged by the Flying Thunder God seal, third wheel bastard! He looks like he has seen better days, while Edo Tensei zombies look like brittle paper zombies, he look especially ragged. Father has put him through the grinder, besides the lost arm there are countless of shallow cuts that make Tobirama look like a ruined statue more than a person. Impressive for one nobody to put this much damage to the fastest shinobi in history, no Uchiha is said to have ever laid a single finger in him, time to change that.

Moving in the space between moments I manifest my Conviction Treasured Tool in its war fan form, bringing it up just as Tobirama was about to headshot me with a water finger bullet. "Uchiha Reversal!" reversing the attach back to Tobirama's face; at least I know now why Kurama made these treasures like so and why so many of Madara's techniques came so easily to me. I am being petty, but at least this might just put a smile in whoever is watching me from the Pure Land Uchiha version of Ancestral Plane. You will not get this Uchiha slipping!

That is when Tobirama literally explode, freeing Hashirama in the process. Come on! How annoying can this bastard be? I had him dead for rights! Things could not be worse. "Wood Style: Wood Golem Jutsu!" I… will just shut up now.

"Woos Style: Elder Orodrin jutsu!" From the ground two colossus emerged, one a stout Ogre of oak bearing a dragon as a pet in one side and in the other and a giant ashen tree of vaguely recognizable humanoid features displaying a severe face with beard made of leaves and starlight shining in its eyes. I created an Ent, the famous sentient trees from Tolkien's literary work.

The two colossus are brought to the world swinging at each other, the clash of their fist the bell of the End-of-days.




"Sorry about that."

"Sorry doesn't really cut it! What sort of bed-side-manners are that? Calling out someone else's name in the middle of our death match?"

"I already said sorry, what else do you want from me? Besides I cannot really help it, ok. This weird mask of your obstruct all of your features. I can't even remember your face or name."

"So now it is my fault? Is that what you are saying?"

"No, no, I didn't say that. However, you have to be more understanding. Madara was the only one that ever could tell my clones from me apart, or put any kind of resistance really. This whole situation was so familiar and I found myself reversing to old habits and-

"And what? We Uchiha do all look the same so it is ok for you to scream out for your old flame was appropriate in our battle? What the hell are you thinking!"

"Now you are being overdramatic! It is just a fight."

"Just a fight? Your bitch… I set the stage, mode and raise the stakes for an epic battle that will decide the fate of the world and you string me along just to leave me hanging! Mother warned me about Senju boys like you, that string you along for years, just to run off with an Uzumaki bimbo in the end!"

"Wow, wow, wow. Easy there! Look am I really-

"Brother," Tobirama, once again interfere by sucking all the fun of the room in the black hole he call soul. "She is messing with you."

"R-really?" the way the big doffs is so hopeful about this is actually kind of cute; killing him will be the hardest thing I ever enjoy."

The two turn suddenly toward me. "Did I say that aloud? Opsy."


"I know, I know. Still messing with you. This one is a willful child but she is definitely of his, I can sense it too. Probably from Izuna's line, most likely. Honestly, from an entire clan, of course Danzo's rebellious boy had to go for that one, didn't he?"

"She is doing weird suggestive things with her tongue that make me uncomfortable now!"

"Just go back to punch each other already!" Tobirama finally blows up like a kettle pot. Man, these guys are hilarious. Well, if he insist.

I command the Ent to swing at the golem. It seems violence is the only language Hashirama is quickly on the uptake, as he answer with his own. The two are in a dead lock, trying to outmuscle each other down, first over fist in a contest of strength. It is as awesome as it is stupid; our clash is creating an honest to god chasm separating the two giants. Hashirama use the arm wrestling as a bridge for his dragon to reach my Ent, but this old man comes equipped with a surprise of his own. He open his mouth to reveal the same energy leaking from his eyes rushing out like a beam to the golem's face.

Hashirama protect himself with another scowling fierce face wood shield but this is my time for team assist. His Golem get cut down at the knee, giving me the decisive advantage. The Ent grab the Wood Dragon like a anaconda and start to beat the Golem to death with it.

As Hashirama abandon ship, I trigger my ambush. Much of his advantage in wood release is that, as the only recorded user, he laid the foundation of said jutsus. While I have extensive records of wood power in fiction, most of them are more support and display a low level of power besides. Said that, there is one exception.

During my teenage years existed a national manga inspired RPG comic called Holy Avenger, featuring Lisandra, a half-dryad daughter of BBEG that was cursed by a disgraced god with a curse of false love to gather twenty sacred gems to resurrect a fallen champion. Every night she had nightmares of a great evil her lover must stop and as the curse ran its course and her mind deteriorated, she pile sin on top of sin for each gem. By the end of it, Lisandra realize she is the evil that must be stopped by her lover. Think less of Hashirama wood toys and more like a cross between flesh-that-hates and 40K Tyranids.

Before Hashirama can make landfall he is intercepted by flying drakes made of wood, wings make of glittering phosphorescent blue leaves leaving a trail as they fly. The beast biting him down with cruel bark teeth made to hook and tear flesh. It is also called drake because it has indeed a breath weapon similar to the Ent, which it proceed to use against the trapped Hashirama.

Tobirama and Orochimaru aren't having a good time either. The reason I charged Hashirama was so the forest could gather mana for me. Now that it has enough, it has come alive, trashing like a frenzied snake. Insectoid hulking brutes are being sprout from it like it was a giant anthill, each one a weapon of murder ready to die for their queen. With the power of the Boreal Specter I can harmonize and coordinate them with uncanny precision. Many hands make light work, even if their individual strength is trash; that is what ninja get for ignoring constitution and endurance for agility. Look at me, I am Tayler Herbert now; and here you thought this was not a Worm fic.

Orochimaru breaks his kusanagi blade out in an attempt to cut the forest down to size, but each big hulk contains a tree resin inside themselves that turn the once sharp blade into useless baton – dead weight. Making him easy target for the grenade bugs, skulking critters that contain a special cocktail that ignite the resin like Greek fire. His screams really set the mood nicely, good think these instincts prevent me from seeing him as a person.

Tobirama set Hashirama free once again. Honestly, their teamwork is starting to grate me. Hashirama Sage Mode is a death flag for me so the sour bastard exploit my focus to go down the radar until the time is right. He is a sadist that like to get his opponents with their pants down just when they think themselves victorious. He has been far too relevant in a fight he is completely outclassed, like a stubborn fly.

Fortunately, father feels the same way. From the gap inside the tree truck a silver flash emerge, severing Tobirama's remaining arm. The disk then is pulled back by adamantine chains, revealing it to be a scythe connected with a weighted chain. He then turn it into a three section staff over his shoulder and start to deftly swinging it around himself. He is… pretty amazing at it actually. The closest Dante crazy weapon swamping could be done in real life, especially considering our ancestor is supposed to have six arms. The Cornucopia steroids must have also helped though.

The same way the Conviction and Temperance Treasure Tools can be stacked together as they belong to the Left Pillar in the Sephirot Tree so can the Valor and Compassion Treasure, as they are from the Right Pillar. While the Valor Treasure embody Chesed, the love of god, the Compassion Treasure represent Netzach, the everlasting victory of God. By giving the Cornucopia of Plenty to someone he is blessed by having the body endowed with qualities of its owner, that being me. Their body start to behave like a simulacrum of mine own, like a space-marine to their gene-father Primarch.

I presume that in time I might come with combos with it like my meteor shower, the top of the pillar of the right is Chokmah, the Wisdom of God is also the Fear of God. But I don't imagine I will ever need to use it. Hashirama is far and away the strongest there ever was yet this battle is as good as won. Someone more charitable might discount my victory as the result of nerf and assistance but it is not as if he also did not had help. Victory is as good as mine.


To prove his point, I see as Hashirama manifest a giant flower that then start to break chakra into basic Ying and Yang essences then recombining them, making that attack Son Goku used! How the hell?


I am starting to see why the Uchiha hated our guts. We are fucking monsters! That is so unfair! To get stronger in the middle of a fight is a privilege I reserve to myself. Only I am allowed this kind of protagonist asspull!


[Why? I am way through with energy transfer battles. I indulged Goku because he is a friend but Hashirama is not that cute to deserve the same courtesy. Besides he is not the only one that evolved in this battle.]

Just as Hashirama finished charging and fired the chakra nuke at my direction two unassuming hooked vines shot in its path. They hooked on the air as if it was a veil where they intercept and then pulled back, manifesting a rift to an imaginary outer cosmos space where the bomb fell into. An Worm-hole to be exact, leading to an exit miles from here, in open sea.

[Eat your heart out Minato!]

Kurama laughed his ass off while I stood stoic because cool people do not look at explosions. I am in a good mode. Dismissing the effort of your opponent so casually felt good. Palpable progress from the fiasco of my second battle. Yet… looking at the chain of casualty, the bifurcation of the paths leading to my unavoidable victory never took shape. Why? Am I missing something?

I retrace my steps in the chain of causality, ruminating over the data I previously overlooked in favor of dedicating my brainpower to line the dominos to my current advantage. That is when I see it.

I turn sharply for the responsible of my panic. "Tobirama!!"

The bastard was in the ropes, father was putting him through his passes. Despite its teleportation jutsu he simple could not get the jump over Kotaro, his sharp senses reacted casually to his best ambushes. What I inherited from the man was absolute body control – the ability to restructure the body starting from the brain to become purely for combat at will; the muscles act in a way unbefitting that of a living being and even blood vessels adjust themselves so that he does not even have to breathe. All functions of the body needed as a "human" can be removed in favor of functions needed to be a weapon. That is how Tobirama has been grinded down, Kotaro fight like one of those rack-and-slash videogame protagonists where the goal is to showing off your skill by making absurd combos.

This is the end for Tobirama yet the bastard decided to use his final moments to throw a scoundrel smirk my way as his head is separated from his body. At some point he realized that father and I were communicating telepathically when holding hands, he must have imparted his plan to Hashirama when he saved him from the flora drake by replicating my feat. To someone of his caliber Ninshu would come easy, as he must have realized my awareness is too extensive for him to risk verbal communication.

At Tobirama's instructions, his brother created an empty hidden room inside one tree, hidden by advanced sage arts to blend with the ambient mana perfectly. He then used the chakra bomb as a distraction to sneak a shadow clone inside it. Since I was dedicating all of my focus in monitoring Hashirama it fell to Tobirama to gather the natural energy.

Tobirama is not a sage, he lack the residual pneuma clinging to his chakra nodes that give away the sage status. This is a suicide move, so he decided to make it worthwhile. A shadow clone suffering rapid arborization suddenly teleport to his brother's side. Hashirama grab it by the throat and absorb his pneuma, entering sage mode.

Fuck! Don't think you have won, you are not dealing with the average senju anymore! I ignite my soul, my pneuma soaring into the heaven like a pillar of while light crowned with a broken prism of light. While I am still fond of super-senju mode, the historical implications of my achievement call for a more inspired name.


I take to the air like a comet, invoking the manifestation of the Heavenly Sentinel/Canine I inherited from Kurama. A death killer star falling into the sage like divine judgement.

Hashirama is quickly in the uptake "Sage Art Wood Release: True Several Thousand Hands!" manifesting a Buddha statue of titanic proportions capable of dwarfing even Kurama and his siblings. A veritable mountain that almost reach the ceiling of my barrier.

I bring everything to bear against it, over a dozen giant flowers charging Lux Aetherna directed his way, flora beetle charger centurions rushing like kamikaze, volley of leaves shot like bullets of machine gun, the remaining Ent charging as the front man, a murder of drakes attacking from all sides. I am throwing all the trump cards I once thought would give me victory just to stand my ground.

They broke like water meeting stone against the Buddha. Hashirama bring his thousand hands to bear and I see the chain of causality converging in a single point that forecast my defeat. No matter, not the first time I faced such odds. The difference in power between Kurama and me back then was bigger than to my current predicament. I will break this fate the same way. Kind nostalgic really.

"Gomu-Gomu Giant Gatling Gun!" The advantage of having six arms in this form, as the arm stretch they also expand into a size compared to one of the Buddha's hands. Like with my fight with Kurama, I ride the currency of causality dictated by karma to keep my head above the water, so to speak. The flaw of Hashirama's jutsu is that the hands attack with such force that they break so I just have to endure for long enough. Easier said than done.

Each fist collision is like thunder and despite the phantom nature of my limbs, pain race through them in each impact to the point of being unbearable. I can taste ichor in my mouth from the stress my body is under, I feel like a child fighting a stonewall. The battery of Light Release cannons and explosions are capitalizing on my success staling Hashirama to cut the Buddha arms down. Every so often one of my flora familiars using the Ent fallen body as cover, manage to reach the foot of the Buddha, damaging it as best they could before being crushed underfoot, just to slow it down with its sap blood, helping the next soldier perform just a little bit better.

This battle looks like the end of the world. What about this look like a battle between ninjas? More like a battle between gods. It is somewhat ironic that I am not the only one here sort of lost at what to do next. Through his entire life, Uchiha Madara had being the closest thing of a rival Hashirama ever had, but even him would simple fold when pressed against this overwhelming power, falling back on a diversity of hax abilities to remediate the battle in his favor. The fact I am actually getting stronger through adversity must be worrying, while I started out with two tails, now I have reached five, using them as whip spears as I focus my regeneration one arm at time to continuing attacking.

The outcome of this battle is far from decided, but unfortunately, I am still far too green. Exerting myself in Ashura mode burn through my reserves like nothing else, so my training with it is far less than what I would have liked; one minute per day, less than four hours of total training time. The extra tails have helped a lot, but my inexperience finally caught up with me. My light recede and disperse and I am left in baseline state to endure the onslaught.

I bring my shield up but Hashirama compensate by attacking multitude of directions, I move in the space between moments but he cover wider margins to intercept likely spots. I use my acquired familiarity with Light Release to upgrade my Heaven Thunder Hammer gravity by exploring its dark matter stacked over the weight of the world inside the shield of my Temperance Treasured Tool to replicate White Beard's Gura Gura powers, cracking the fabric of space-time to direct immense power. Even then, I am get being pushed back. Gojo's infinity is out of question, it require calculations effort and pneuma I no longer have. Probability Clones are also out, Hashirama is throwing around enough power to crush all my possibilities. The Rikugan is amazing but this fight has shown that it can be overwhelmed and bamboozled, even if you have to be the God of Shinobi to do that.

Time for desperate measures then. Let's see how much binding vows can raise one's techniques. Despite the diversity of jutsu I have created, my inherent Stigmata techniques will always be the backbone of my strength. By making a contract with myself, I will raise them to their zenith in a single burst at the cost of temporarily confiscating them for commensurable time. To gain something you have to give up on something, that is what Hashirama told me. Each second will confiscate my techniques for one minute thereafter.

"Maximum Technique: King Crimson!" Ironic that a made up technique would actually become reality. The world is pulled apart around me, revealing an astral plane as I skip time. The effects in my body where immense, like I was in the bottom of the sea or deep space without a protection suit. I won't hold it for very long, ten seconds tops, and even then my condition will be too withered to capitalize on my advantage. Five seconds of skipped time is a more realistic goal. Better to make it worthwhile then. I am beyond the turn point where I can back down now.

I move through the wall of fists Hashirama erected around himself and when I return to proper time his momentary disorientation from forgetting the last five seconds deliver to me my opening. Time to do my best White Bead impression. Punching him down with my gauntleted right arm, I bring the weight of my world into my fist, using my recent upgrade in my Heaven Thunder Hammer to crack the world like brittle glass. The acute shriek of the fraying space-time is everything that can be heard, as the Buddha statue is rented from head to root.

I bring Hashirama down through it all, until he make landfall, where I proceed to carve out a inner sea for Earth Country by breaking the tectonic plate apart in a chasm that stretch so far in all directions it reach the seaside. Earth Country's own Dead Sea… not that it is likely to remain so for long, I have bleed more of my golden ichor throughout the Buddha's assault than mortals do have blood to give over ten times.

Hashirama is not without recourse yet, he has enduring my attack by mimicking the Hyuga by releasing an outrageous quantity of pneuma. This prevented him from being disintegrated by my attack but shorten his sage mode as well, we are in the final stretch.

With the fragments of his destroyed familiar he fashion countless of Torii Gates. "Sage Art: Gate of the Great God!" Dozens, maybe hundreds of Torii Gates fall on myself from all directions. I would not be able to say, I had to deactivate the Rikugan at some point to redirect power to keep the pressure on Hashirama. The shockwave stream released from my attack is such that the first gates are withered down and broken apart before they could even reach me. The same happened to the following gates, but each Gate reached farther by riding each other as windshields.

Despite my best effort they start to pile up on me and pin me down, being broken down immediately after yet slowing me down until they start to actually stack over each other. This dreadful state of affair goes on until I get immobilized, both my legs restrained together, my left hand restrained over my chest and my stretched right arm pined along. In total, over twenty gates are restraining me.

My respiration is ragged and the effect of the seal in my pneuma make me light headed. Hashirama isn't faring better either, and it isn't because he is dead. Maybe it was the straight in the soul channeling this much power from the Pure Land or my blossoming extinguishment effects of Light Release, but his body is taking a long time to reform and his form is battered and crocked. He is also out of sage mode, showing how far I pushed him. The only thing going out for him is that he is free while I am restrained, turns out this is everything that matter.


From his back, a one-foot long adamantine blade skewer him from behind, Kotaro executed his role perfectly. He look incomprehensively at it, disbelieving he could be taken off guard so easily. He looks up to me and understands. Despite being dead for rights, pinned down and restrained with my ass up the air, my savage smile spells out I am far from beaten. "Maximum Technique: Veil of Māyā," I explain to him, "shame I couldn't be your Madara, maybe in your next life. Even if you just danced in the palm of my hand, it was fun while it lasted."

"Hope you get your head off the gutter and lay down on the sexual harassment by then, young lady." He shot back on his way out as the tag that manifested the jutsu gives out and his soul released. Come on, I am not that bad, am I?

Without the master driving will, his gates get loose, coupling with it my adaptation passive ability and my yogi flexibility and I start to weasel my way out of the damn thing. As I work, I turn to Kotaro once more, "aren't you going to help me here?"

He look me straight in the eye and make as if thinking deeply about it, "Nope."

"Bastard!" I scream out before I can help it, be burst out laughing, some internal joke only he could understand.

"Hey Megumi, what are you going to do from now on?" he asks lightly, masking the weight of his question the better he can. What make me stop is the understanding that for him the information is worthwhile more because it involves me than for the ramifications to the world. It is… oddly unnerving and familiar, to account the progress of your life goals to a parent, and the fact we have bonded that quickly is somewhat scary. He fought like hell against an opponent he had no business facing in normal circumstances, for my sake… that was how he spent his last moments too, I realize. Not because I am some messiahs or what-is-not, but because he still sees that defenseless infant when he look my way.

So, the very least I could do is assuage him I would be all right, that he already did enough. I dismiss my panoply, including my mask, and look him straight in the eye as I resume my scape. "The same thing I have been doing every single day of my life. Living with courage. This world is cruel but is also beautiful, despite the adversities I am glad for being born. It has been a blessing, and I do not intend to give it up for anybody. I will enjoy it for all that it is worthy, I promise."

"That is exactly what I am worried about. Your old man's heart can only take so much. Not only you are a carnivorous woman but you also has shown the propensity to be a first grade troublemaker that keep picking fights with dangerous men. Wasn't Orochimaru enough for you? You had to pick a fight with the two Hokages as the same time as well?"

"Yes." I say shamelessly and pipe.

He burst out laughing his ass off. "Gods, your mother would have your hide for this, and then tan it alongside my own, blaming me for this somehow."

"What? Is a washed up uncle like you the actually cool parent?"

"The coolest, I defeated the God of Shinobi and the fastest shinobi after all."

"Excuse me?" I intersect with a smile that would not melt butter on. "I think Hashirama punched my head a bit too many times. Care to run that by me again?"

"I said that I defeated those two. Cool, right?" He answer with a shit-eating smirk. He is doing it on purpose. How is he getting under my skin already? Kurama took a long process of trial and error to get to his current level of annoyance.

"Are you forgetting who exactly made all the heavy lifting around here, old man?" Despite my best efforts my exasperation leak through, stealing valor is not cool at all!

He makes an impression of thinking about it for a moment, and then deliver a bomb. "I stand by what I said. You are my overgrown loin sprout, so technically I not only delivered the killing blow but also did the heavy lifting." He has the gall to say to my face.

"Why don't you wait for me to get out of here so we can talk about this in more details, old man?"

"Scary, scary. You know that kind of attitude isn't exact popular with men, right?"

"Pot calling Kettle black much? Besides, that is why I fake it until I make it! I don't have to worry about appearances with the likes of you!"

"Touché…" his lazy demeanor change into a serious one, "hey, where is Orochimaru?"

"He became a skin crawler in pursue of immortality, possessing bodies like a bad ghost story. He is still new to it though, he pushed his host body too much and the vessel gave out, leaving him as a sort of chakra construct like the 'demons' the villages collect as weapons. This made him easy target to my Mokuton and now he is contained somewhere inside the forest."

"What are you going to do with him now?"

"Hell is too cozy for that snake, he scattered fragments of his soul all over the place too. Bastard is infuriatingly hard to kill, so I am giving him the Ganondorf especial."


"Fucking boomer! I will be using the Heaven Violating Vajra to sever all bonds that tether Orochimaru to the Impure Land and yeet his worthless soul to the Pure Land, from where he won't be able to return from without subjecting his soul to be recycled by Samsara."

"So we really won, then. Damn, you really have everything in hand then?"

"Of course! Whom do you think you are talking with? I came here prepared for this at the very least. I admit things went out of hand once or twice, but things whapped up nicely at the end."

"Good for you." He answer with a serene smile as he rips out the tag tethering him to the Impure Land.

"NO!" I bolt to his side so fast I actually broke my legs in my way out of the restraints, getting my arms around him just in time for him to unravel in my embrace, resulting in an unsightly landing face-first in the ground.

I just- but… why?


[And why the hell does it fucking matter?!]


[He was right in front of me! Why the hell does those technicalities fucking matter now? Even if it was an accident, we could have something!]




I cry a bit, an ugly sob simple scape out of me, but I swallow it back down. There is still more work to be done.

[Thank you, Kurama. Time to go home. I am sick of Earth Country.]


After Megumi leave with her spoils and new friends through her portal, a shadow make itself known in the vicinity. An unassuming looking man, wearing monks attire and a simple rod, the only distinctive featuring being the diamond tattoo in his chin. That is not exactly true, if there were anyone else there to witness, they would point out how off putting the cavalier attitude the man display toward the acrimony he stride through. If anything, he was pleased with what he saw.

Walking with purpose, he eventually reached down to earth, piercing it with easy to retreat a lonely white snake from the debris. Despite the animal's will trashing, the man show no fear in bring it to eye level.

"Quite the nice little bonus I found here, that said," he reach into his robes, producing a vial containing a brilliant golden thick liquid, the blood of a blessed immortal, "the treasure I found following a familiar taste turned out to be the real prize. Care to share what you known about it, little snake?"


Let us start with a disclaimer from our sponsors; it has come to the Bureau of Heaven's notice anonymous tips about the sexual harassment conducted by a young delinquent deva. The Bureau want to manifest it take such conduct very seriously and assure that the long arm of Karma will see justice is served. When she discover he adoptive son is the past victim of her atrocious behavior, not only will the shame scar her for life, (link for reference:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIYz_6InB7c) but her fox brother will hold this over her head FOREVER! We from the Bureau of Heaven believe this kind of punishment is the most appropriate corrective measure for blessed immortals, as they are above concern from punishment mortals would balk at. The corrective measure derived from shame and trauma are far more effective.

Man, I really have to stop setting up jokes I can only milk months later. But I won't.

This mini arc finally is over. Megumi won and immediately proceeded to be careless. Happen to the best of us. Jigen made an early debut; I actually planed this from almost the beginning. I can accept that Ishiki sees thousands of years as a blink of eye, as a predator of celestial bodies it make sense for him to operate in their scale and time tables.

What I can't accept is that he never capitalized on Madara's plan to sweep up and steal the spoils. He defeated adult Sasuke and Naruto, there was nobody there capable of stopping him and Kaguya return is a bad end for him. He could have stolen the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path from Madara just before he fused with the Ten Tails. His goal is to eat the chakra fruit to heal himself and as the original Ten Tails was made by eating half of him, it is perfect to restore him.

Also, I love the chaos and madness of a race between many factions pursuing the Ten Tails. Obito could have just stayed home instead of giving the Kages a reason to unite against a common enemy.

Both Hashirama and Megumi manifested more of the Ten Tails abilities. This was a fun battle to write. For those that want to know how Veil of Maya works, it is basically Aizen's Kyōka Suigetsu (Mirror Flower, Water Moon). Its working principle is to exploit Logos's propensity to think itself entitled to the truth. Just remember what I said about Apollo dangerous dream like artist, Lucifer's arrogance to think himself equal to God. Without the modesty to fear God one is led astray by hubris. It's a complex genjutsu, if I were to rank Maximum Techniques in game terms then they would be level 8th spells; Wood and Light releases cap at level 7th, same as eternal Mangekyo Sharingan justu like Kamui. Megumi is becoming more of an Otsusuki with each milestone; those in the known are bond to notice.

The problem in being an epic level character is that the world does not progress with you, so you still have to live in it. Tailed beasts are going missing and epic battles are taking place in Hidden Village's backyard, and neither Kurama nor Megumi are used to clean their trail, so to speak. Sasori might point out this eventually, but as of now, he think she simple does not care to hide.
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