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Personally I don't mind, but if you feel the need for a break on the Konoha Politics front, you could always jump to describe events outside the village; I feel like this chapter is a good stopping point for now on the Konoha side of the story, since it set ups all the changes on the Uchiha Clan that gives them a fighting chance against Danzo without direct intervention from Megumi.

Mastermind plans take time like it was said at the beginning of the chapter, so unless the climax to the situation can be shown in just one chapter, I have no preference between which situation is shown, whether it's Konoha or somewhere else.
Is she bisexual? Will you post lewds?
Not really. Puberty already hit our main character like a ton of bricks, mostly because I feel bisexuality would be a copout. While she tried to see if things could work out using body transformation what she feels inside didn't change. It is called Orientation instead of choice for this reason. I expanded on it on the chapter I explained 'chakra diseases'. Megumi at this point has become abridge Kiritsugo in Fate/Cero at 4:41.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCesEz49VSY
About lewd, I decide to simple leave it implicit. There will be more conversations about this topic, it would be a waste to not explore it.
Yay! An update, general plotting and Konoha plotting continues!

I do wonder, does she know about Dust release? I would expect she would immediatelly see the sheer untapped potential in dust release. Kurama surely knows about it and I can´t see him not mentioning the most OP kekkei tōta. It is one of the few abilities that she would profit from immeasurably, the only thing that is usually bottlenecking it is not having a lot of Chakra, which is not a problem with our favorite 9 Tailed Fox to be. Literally the only weakness of the technique is the high chakra cost and another Dust Release user(with the Grand total of one alive and one dead, it will not be a problem). Also unraveling the technique to have it work in reverse would be a fun idea, time to make infinite ramen for Appolo...

"I am the Bone of my Broth
Noodle is my Body and Sauce is my Blood.
I have created over a Thousand Bowls,
Unknown to Pork,
Nor known to Chicken.
Have withstood Pain to create many Bowls
Yet those Hands will never hold Anything.
So, as I Pray--
Unlimited Ramen Works"
As I already explained before, Megumi has two Kekkei Tota: Wood Release and Light Release.
One is born from the kneading of all five basic transformations by her senju Yang Essence while the other comes from her Yin Essence. The reason the Magekyo seems able to have all powers imaginable, Mokuton is the simple endless acumulation of power. Her Light Release is a mutation from the normal sharingan power based on Klesha (Poison). Yet both power still originate from the Ten Tails, this is the reason they are super effective against Tailed beasts.

She knows about Onoki, Sasori is now her apostle and information broker. He was the only person she had to avoid while hunting Orochimaru. Whe also should remember adult Sasuke is capable of using Ice Release with trainning. Onoki learned Dust Release from the Mummy guy, both show enough control to use Dust Release while levitating, something only Otsutsuki and Naruto ever managed to do. He probably trained Dust Release by kneading these three elements in a precise ratio. That is why there are only two jutsu from Dust Style.
Megumi own Light Release is closer to Holy Element in RPG. Her Tribulation Lightning is the first true offencive aplication so far, exploiting the target bad Karma to do more damage while ignoring durability. In a sense you could compared it to the Rikugan equivalent of the sharingan's Amaterasu.
Lux Aetherna is the only technique she has that fuse her two Kekkei Mora and it is closer to Disintegration of a Truth Seeking Orb. The problem is the charging time.
About Ramen, remember how a shopkeeper threw a mask in Naruto's face while he was seven. Megumi doesn't trust the villager to not poison his food, so she cook all of his meals. Unfortunately they never had a reason to meet Teuchi but I intend for this to happen one day. Now that he is making more friends he is more likely to play around on his own while Megumi is occupied.
Welp that is kinda a shame, since I really like Dust release and the potential it holds, but I understand the reasoning and it would be my first choice of Kekkei tōta to gun for(flight and molecular manipulation, shit is absolutely ridiculous). Also damn "pranoid" with Megu, is an understatement. His love of Ramen is genetic and metaphisical, it transcends time and space.

Also "SIR LANCELOT!". God I love that scene.
[Kisame Hoshigaki' Interlude]

The throne of Marble and Ivory at the top of the world, above the heavenly dome of starry Heaven, bellow a carpet of clouds that oscillate between the spectrums of the light of the sunset to sundown.

Throughout his life, Kisame had been saddled with the tittle of Monster of the Mist for fulfilling his duties as a shinobi with diligence and zeal. Despite the corruption of his homeland, perhaps because of it, he took for himself the Lion's share of the burden to ensure his Village could prosper. In the heart he pretend to have killed, sacrificed at the altar of Ninja Code, he has always carried the certainty that if everyone worked as he did then the Mist could prosper the same way Konoha and Kumo did, instead of waste away like stagnant pool of gutter water.

Since those dreams started though, he has come to the conclusion that his vision was never meant to be. Wherever he goes, he only find lies, deceit and masquerades. Nothing is unambiguously true, deceit drowns the world like a tide wave.

Perhaps he has been too self-absorbed, as his ideals did not find purchase with anyone else, no matter how long he looked. Instead, Truth found him and he finally understood his fellow men feelings.

He want to turn away,

He want to avert his gaze,

He would gouge out his eyes out if he thought it could help it.

However, it was too late, since the first time he laid eyes on this God, he found he could always picture it in his mind's eye, like a light spot after staring too long at the sun. His mind was branded. Even if he cannot make sense of the being in front of him, he could never mistake it for anyone else. A person shrouded in a mantle of light and majesty. The first genuinely True thing Kisame had ever found in this world of lies.

He curse his naïve self, for unknowing summoning this cruel god. Things were so simple before, no doubt, follow your mission and fulfil your duty. Nothing else mattered… until he was cursed with perspective.

"It is the other way around Kisame, there would be no point in bending your mind to my liking. The pesky voice biting at your heel is your own conscience. Congratulation by the way, you didn't kill them all for a hollow code."

At its words, Kisame bite his lips hard enough to draw out blood; how dare it! His mission, to kill his comrades to prevent information from leaking out, he botched it! And it was all that angel's fault!

If he could, he would tear it limb from limb but all of his attempts have been like a child attacking a bolder. This was not genjutsu, he could feel it in his soul. The gap between them was like Heaven and Earth.

"Why? Why me? What do you have to gain from playing around with mortals? It is no like you couldn't do as you please with that much power anyway!" He screamed at the god. The only thing he had, being a shinobi, his pride as a tool for his village… he lost it. Now he is nothing, once upon a time he would have chosen death over such dishonor but this resolve was like a castle of sand before the being in front of him.

The being look at him with the gateway to heaven it had for eyes, for a moment he thought there was sympathy toward him, but it was crushed under a mask of resolve. "That is exactly the point, Kisame. The younger the world, the older it actually is, as new ages are built over the cadaver of the dethroned epochs. You humans keep on committing the same mistakes again and again, then passing along an inheritance of hatred; sowing misery and reaping conflict…

It then stared at him, as if expecting him to grasp some hidden meaning from this spiel.

"Is this a punishment then?"

"Wrong, it is a trial. Karma is a chain that bind us all everlastingly, even the biggest thing is determined by its smallest elements, that is why human disposition matter. The longer such destructive tendencies go on the bigger the tally humanity collect. Karma is absolute, the Pure World created by the Sage of Six Paths may provide a temporary respire yet humans have abused it as an excuse to keep on racking debt, cultivating bad karma."

The voice then harden itself further, "It would be trivial to drive humans to destroy themselves by exploiting their belligerence or even take a more direct approach and melt the ice caps at the poles. Cleansing the world anew then restarting humanity from scratch, free of the bad karma and sin… but then what would become of the value of human life?"

"I-I don't understand…"

"That is a lie, you simple don't want to understand. Because the truth is painful. If personal power is everything that matter then all your sacrifices have been for nothing as someone more powerful than you has deemed so. This would also mean that the pile of dead friends and enemies you mounted was pointless, their death rendered meaningless."

"I don't have friends."

"That is also a lie, even in that shit hole you call a country people still yearned for connection, meaning and fulfilment. Those are things humans can't find for themselves; only gods and beasts can live on their lonesome and you are neither, Kisame. You are a man."

"Why me? You know who I am. You know what I did! Hell, you can read my heart like an open book!"

"I know what you did, but even I don't know what you might yet do if given an honest shot. You are a patriot, almost a zealot, but that stem from an honest and earnest desire for a better world. A world that shine under the light of the honest, righteous and truth. This is natural, all humans strive to do good… so why did you persist under this wicked path? I don't have to tell you this Kisame, such a world will never manifest through a crocked path."

The God persisted, merciless tearing Kisame's heart of hearts bare under the light. "For Heaven's sake, you are a warrior! Why cowering from the right thing when you always run headfirst into the crucible of death battles?"

"I-I don't know the path! For those in living in heaven the truth might as well be self-evident but for those cursed to live in the earth there are only dead ends! It is impossible. You tell me then, what am I to do?" Kisame never felt more pathetic, the man who raised him since he was a boy, who taught him the shinobi way and iron rules betrayed everything he taught for money. The only redeeming feature was that he had betrayed him first; breaking his oaths and sparing comrades he should have killed for the sake of secrecy.

Right now, he is a man that stand for nothing. He will kill his mentor, he already decided. But then what? So now here he is, imploring for an answer from the heavens.

He should have known better. Ever since he first meet this god of Raging Heaven not once, he has been kind.

"Another lie." It utter from uncaring lips, somehow Kisame didn't have it in him to disagree. "You might have your feet in the ground like a beast but all men have their heads in the clouds, dream of Heaven. The gap between us is not that large, even I am merely a transient steward of a fundamental and everlasting Holy Spirit, the spark of divinity that grace all things."

The God with heaven in its eyes, clad in a mantle of light stood from its throne and walked down the steps that separated us until we were at eye level, even then, it towered over Kisame, but it stayed unbowed at the very least, he wasn't a child after all, and deserved that much respect at least.

"Listen Kisame, the reason I reached to you is because I want to build a fair world. If I simple use my power to crown myself then the keystone of such a regime would be power and nothing would change. That is the reason your life so far has been such a mess. Yet there is still hope, even those in the deepest hole in hell can still see the light of stars. You spared the comrades that you were ordered to murder… that is because all humans strive to do Good. The Blood Mist could not take your humanity from you and it could not do the same to those around you either."

"Wh- no." That is not the right question from the very beginning. "Do you can help me? I can't do this alone."

The God smiled, it was a beautiful thing from something so grand. Like the Sun parting the clouds.

"Be it above or below, you can always find friends as long you look for them. The reason we met is that I searched for fellow comrades that share the same dream. I wish to create a just and righteous world, to uplift the low and humble the might, for the axis of cosmic and moral order to be justice… I tire of seeing the wicked prosper at the expense of the weak."

A realization came to Kisame, over the months this entity has pestered and tormented him they had come to know each other to some extent, to the has taken the measure of This nameless God.

"You can't do it as well, can you? Not on your own, at least."

"It would be pointless, I would grow to hate this self-imposed duty and my charges if I were to do it all on my lonesome."

"So you are the kind that hate when other slack off while you try hard, figured it."

"And you have become very sassy all of a sudden! Anyway, our pact is sealed, so let me give you a last warning as a seer about your future. The path you walk is a thorny one, and I talk from experience, but no matter how grim things might become, there are no true shortcuts! There are words of wisdom from beyond this world that have served me well here; considering you are a pushover, I think they will serve you well."

"Hey!" Kisame protested, he has subject of all kind of insults through his life, from his skin to his country, but nobody ever thought to call him a doormat before. Curse it for being right as well! He was not a leader but a follower. He want directions, not a peep talk.

"No one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life. There may be countless trails and bridges and demigods who would gladly carry you across; but only at the price of pawning and forgoing yourself. There is one path in the world that none can walk but you. Where does it lead? Don't ask, walk!"

"Fate decree there will soon come the time for you to be texted in a final crucible. When that time come, put your faith in the god whose words you believe in the most."


[A, the Raikage's Point of View]

"Mabui, report!" The leader of the Village Hidden in the Clouds asserted to his secretary in his typical ferocious voice. Rather than a reflection of his state of mind, those familiar with him recognize this as a byproduct of his high-strung and straight laced personality, that take every matter seriously and made A the dependable leader he is.

"The report from the Aozaki sisters remains consistent. Touko remains stationary in her clinic while Aoko lives like a vagabond, gallivanting throughout the countryside while scraping by with all sort of odd jobs." Mabui summarized the periodic report of the top figures of the Raikage's interest.

"And what about that monster they call a brother?" The trepidation about the subject was obvious. The Raigake was the rival of the Yellow Flash, the most brilliant shinobi of their generation. He has been dealing with stubborn old fossils like Ranzo, Riruzen and Onoki since his father died too. He had been groomed from birth to carry the burden of his name, he knew power… or he thought he knew.

The report of that disastrous attack in that accursed ominous date of all days set all of his instincts aflame. The appearance of a man bearing an overwhelming malicious aura, capable of rendering veteran shinobi that charged headfirst into doomed fight against modern legends and tailed beasts, hesitant to even to even breathe too hard in his presence due to fear of reprisal. They report that his eyes were devoid of any form of empathy, as if looking at a bug.

The fact such unknown proceeded to crush Kakuzo, the immortal bounty hunter that fought the first Hokage and master of the Earth Grudge Fear jutsu, lend credence to such reports. A personal experience with Touko made him acutely aware ominous demonic aura may not be an illusion or misdirection, but more like a broadcast of one's mindset throughout their chakra, much like Killer B is fond of performing.

Most concerning is the Two and Eight Tails reaction to the man's name. Kurama. The Cloud Village has some experience with the Nine Tails, more than that, it has experience with abominations born of bizarre circumstances.

The Gold and Silver brothers are a stain that has marred the history of the Cloud Village since its inception. An intolerable folk legend about two insurgents that threatened the very foundation of the Cloud Village. Worse, the admiration they inspire is cause for perpetual vigilance.

The mere thought that traitors that attempted against the life of the First Raikage could inspire sympathy inside his Village fills A with so much rage he ended up crushing his desk, a sad routine of his tenure. The fact their names can't be erased from the records show how deep a scar their actions left.

But more important than their actions at the moment is the record of their power. Red odious aura, whisker marks on their cheeks… and now coupled with an iconic red hair. That they might be orphans from the Gold and Silver brothers would be far from the worse scenario. So much for his hopes that Hashirama's line would end with Tsunade. The fact Touko showed prodigious healing skills also doesn't help.

The pieces start to fall into place, forming an ugly picture. Descendants from the first Kyubi container with the first Hokage that inherited a fraction of the beast's power and migrated back to their homeland. Refuges from the Land of Whirlpools.

What a shit show, at least they seem orphan and oblivious of their origin, neither sister has the sights of shinobi up bring. In one side, they are clearly not affiliated with the Leaf anymore and they don't bear any grudge for the sake of their forgotten homeland. On the other, S rank combatants can't be brought with all the money in the world, and bringing people back from the dead qualify one as an national treasure.

Their situation also mean they are unlikely to have inherited the forsaken secrets of that accursed island as well. While Touko resurrection jutsu is astounding, the firm limitations around it and the lack of human sacrifices involved indicate they are a safe remnant not worth of eradication.

The elemental nations are a realm suffering from a self-inflicted form of amnesia for a good reason. The world that preceded the Village System was dark, hostile and inexplicable. Uzushigakure, as part piece of this Dark Age, had to be erased.

There is a reason the tradition of the Five Shadow Summit has persisted through over a century. What bring enemies constantly at each other's throat to seat together is a bigger danger. We call them Secret Wars for a reason; mass conflict are a perfect chance to cover up mass casualties.

Hell! His own father's death was one such event. His legendary last standing against ten thousand shinobi for three days certainly sound heroic to the point of being obviously propaganda. What is conveniently not told in the history books is the name of said enemies; there is one single Hidden Village capable of mustering this numbers of trained shinobi or survive after such losses.

His father didn't die fighting ten thousand enemy shinobi, he died fighting less than one hundred immortal cultists. Jashinists. One of the terrors from Old Night that were dragged into the shadows by nameless and faceless heroes and buried to be perpetually forgotten. Not that different from the tailed beasts when you think about it.

Less than one hundred immortal cultists capable of animating enough dead people at once to turn any city into a necropolis. That such power even exist caused enough fear and paranoia that the Leaf agreed to seal the Impure World Resurrection and look the other way when the time came to put down Uzushiogakure for good.

Honestly speaking, if he hadn't met Touko in first person he would already have decreed her execution on principle alone. Now she is simple too high profile and well connected to be ignored while too well defended to be coerced by force.

He is unsure what to do about it, B is a better judger of character than himself, but any risks involved around his little brother always make him irrational. He wanted his council on the matter but he fear what will come from such meeting.

The only thing he know is that his guts tell him that current state of balance won't hold. Concerning reports are reaching him. There are movers and shakers playing dangerous games under the nose of all greats nations and A does not appreciate to be made of a chump.

While nobody with eyes missed the giant meteor that fell on Rock country, A would eat his Kage hat if it were a natural phenomenon, as Onoki said. All Hidden Villages are deploying an information blackout at a level only seen during open warfare. So whom are they fighting?

A Kage Summit could enlighten things… but the first to invoke it would be seen as the weak link. No Shadow would dare to lose face in front of their rivals, the shrew Monkey and Withered Stone are far better at this kind of game than himself too.

The only lead he has left are found in the minor countries but all of the traces have led to dead ends or lethal ends. His soldiers that returned empty handed were the lucky ones… or the unluckiest of all. As much as he hate to doubt his men, Yamanaka don't have exclusive right on mind controlling jutsu.

A hates this, he feels like he is fighting smoke! Like a rat beating at his ankles while his back is turned. He is getting paranoid yet he fear for the old house of cards called Shinobi System the most.

Worse, he fear that in putting an outward appearance of tranquility and calm in order to keep stability he might be playing into the invisible hand behind these oddities.

The world is changing, he can feel it in the air. His mission remains the same though, ensure his nation keep up ahead, no matter what.


[Sasori of the Red Sand]

Sasori, is not having a good time. No, that isn't exactly right. Things were excellent until they weren't. Hoshigakure was a backwater village comprised of less than a dozen shacks, infiltrate the place was a child's play. He had to spent more time replicating a scintillator from the snippets of scientific knowledge Megumi manage to retain in that empty skull of hers than reaching said meteorite.

The fact she was dead on the money and the scintillator reacted like in one of those nuclear hazard documentaries at the very least vindicate his efforts in revert engineering the damn thing, he hate to get his time wasted!

He also made with her collaboration a magic formula that provides some shielding from radiation based on electromagnetism; because of course that idiot savant goddess would breeze right through petty concepts like Advanced Bloodlines and categorize it under Wind element. Her workings as wondrous as they are aneurism-inducing, business as usual.

Of course, this demanded that Sasori worked on inventing my own version based on the magnet release of the third Kazekage as a matter of principle.

From there it was just a matter of walking into the place, putting it inside the Quantum Box, a neat device based on the sealing arts that deliver any item sealed inside it to its twin, allowing rapid transmission of goods, and he was done.

He still walked around for a bit to check if the villager really were going crazy from radiation poisoning like Fallout games suggest. He found some basket cases, but it is hard to say if they are the result of radiation poisoning or simple shinobi moral bankruptcy.

Eventually he got bored and vacated from the place, there was nothing there worth taking or remembering. He toyed with the idea of teleporting back but the image of him so readily returning after completing his assignment like a trained dog irked him. As if he were an eager servant all searching to please and ready to serve, so he opted for the scenic view. That was his mistake.

He is still a notorious shinobi and apparently, those are in high demand now-a-days. His pursuers weren't bounty hunters, the artificial mystic eyes installed on his new Hiruko puppet showed a refined chakra head to shoulders above the average fortune hunter.

More important than that, Megume's old world imparted Sasori with the concept of Bluetooth and wireless connection, something he began to experiment with his puppets in earnest after his breaking through. His knowledge of medicine coupled with the exotic signature carried by the rods and piercing placed all over the bodies of his pursuers, coupled with the lack of body heat of a living being show through his infrared vision spell, leads Sasori to conclude his pursuers are indeed puppets.

While he couldn't detect any chakra signature broadcasting who was puppeteering these reanimated ninjas, he also can't feel the presence of Megumi's Demons until they desire to be known either. Natural Energy (mana) already exist in a different frequency from the chakra of living things. As galling to his pride as it was, it seems someone already beat him to the punch in that front. Him, the supreme genius of puppetry!

The bastard probably think himself so clever too, confronting him with a remotely maned dead body. Well, He has some tricks in his sleeves as well.

While Orochimaru's original cursed seal used an artificial enzyme to serve as a binding agent. Megumi's own Sacred Crest used a combination of Megumi's two Kekkei Moras to create a Divine Filament that integrate itself with the Chakra Network and flesh alike. They are as her own flesh and blood and her grow also is reflected to some extent in the puissance of the Sacred Crest.

You could call it part of Orochimaru's scientific legacy. His true aim was to replicate the boy Jugo's Advanced Bloodline in earnest, a second level of the cursed seal. While just a hypothesis, Megumi saw the merit of his research and redirected it to her own agenda and vision.

She call the Demons that serve her Qliphoth entities, born from Hollow Release, something that is impossible yet materialize.

Qliphoth are the imperfections born in the Light of Keter (Yin) that are discharged in Malkuth (Yang). This literally imaginary element is made real with the Creation of All Things, as husk that protect the divine, something born from Light that fulfil its purpose when are left behind. It share its origin with the Unwholesome Roots as a Thesis of the Origin of Evil, yet it is a life affirming one. While one affirms that Duḥkha (suffering) make the existence inside Samsara untenable, denying life and incentivizing people to search salvation by abandoning this world and rejecting attachments to it (Taṇhā). Megumi's own philosophy is based on the proposition that the struggle with evil and adversity affirms Goodness, virtue and life itself. Sitra Ahra revealed that the first world was a paradise where humans lingered in meaningless rapture while the second was a hell scape where no life could endure, but the third world comprised of these two are where the soul can cultivate virtue.

Qliphoth is also a Substance capable of interact with Form, touching the immaterial through material means, that is its quintessential nature. By itself, a wonder alloy only nominally follow the laws of physic. Capable of taking disparate properties on demand, and stretch the limits of what is considered possible: a super conductive to inductive, becoming both impossibly hard yet still flexible, adhesive to almost frictionless and swing from acid to base like a pendula. Harder, more flexible, more temperature-resistant, and sharper than any other naturally occurring substance that exists on Earth.

Put in simple worlds, that stupid girl stubbornly refuses to believe life as a mistake. She will actively works with the blind faith that she can validate the ugly world guided by this childish stubbornness. The fact she always seem to pull it off piss him off, he want to see that goofy face twisted with the true grief ever present in the Shinobi world, yet…

While she can make little direct use of it herself due to being a manifestation of "something theoretically possible, but not in the physical plane", being more divine Ichor than mundane flesh, leaving her with only the more circumvent and indirectly means of application, like familiar magic, it is revolutionary to mortals.

It can be deployed to subtlety reinforce and manipulate the flesh of her children, like the theorized nanomachines. Something only feasible thanks to the processing power of the Melting Furnace and Armory Demon God Terminals. While they don't beat magic applicants that literally grow on trees in convenience, the strength of Hollow Release is its personal utility. A form of 'combat form' or 'stage 2' for the sacred crest.

As the woman herself put it, "nanomachine magic, son!"

It was so idiotic Sasoru would have disregarded it if it weren't for the fact he was granted Alpha access to it as her first 'apostle'. While the Demon Gods could do the brunt of the processing power, they lack imagination and terrestrial perspective of how to best apply it. For now, besides the internal modifications, they restrict themselves to just supplying everyone with a basic, but elegant light and ever clean tunica; considering how vain Megumi is, to make all of her 'children' paragons of beauty, Sasori isn't entirely convinced she didn't intentionally made them to cover so little. Not that he disagree, the pursue of beauty and art are always worthwhile, even in carnage.

Especially in carnage.

The basic kit of the Qliphoth Carapace was inspired in the Nanosuit powerarmor. Funny how scientific progress always rely on fiction to illuminate the way, a man had to first dream of the satellite for another to make it manifest.

The biggest Prof of it is the Material Intelligence born of the Qliphoth nanobots augmentation into the brain. Based on Crysis Nanosuit S.E.C.O.N.D. (Semiautonomous Enhanced Combat Ops: Neuro-integration Delivery AI), a non-sentient information delivery Artificial Intelligence interface and augmentation used as a data storage, delivery, and transfer device capable to store its data within the brain of the user, and stream data directly into the user's brain almost instantly. It is the backbone of the Chakra Path transmission relay and training wheels for ninshu connection. Instead of the hypothesized augmented reality of illusory screens the material intelligence do the heavy lifting, guiding the user by instinct based on desire, interests and attention. That the vacant processing power can be taped at her leisure is also a plus.

Megumi fears of the dangers in the allure of augmented reality such as Holodeck is well founded. If given the option between the real world and a fictional able to grant all pleasure and freedom from pain, most people would choose the second. A genuine civilization destroying technology.

Second comes the Exoskeleton, a rigid yet impossible flexible, vacuum-sealed protection and support structure. Despite its size it is impossible light, radiation shielded, with electron active polymer nanofiber that both protect and augment the user strength. By mimicking nanotubes structure it easily one hundred times stronger than steel and capable of generating 200 hundred times more force than basic chakra enhanceless humans muscles while being an excellent thermal and electoral conductor, capable of assisting in energy storage.

The energy aspect is actually crucial advantage, the closer the Qliphoth alloy mimic things found in nature, the cheaper it is, so indeed physics and chemical knowledge is crucial to make them energy efficient, to the point they can be self-sustainable if one is creative enough. By mimicking carbon nanotubes filled with gold nanoparticles, the powerful radiation will smash into the gold atoms and strip them of their electrons, these then can go through the carbon nanotube to a conducting wire and become an electric current. The Qliphoth Carapace can literally collect all forms of electromagnetic energy from the sun, even x-rays and gamma rays when outside of Earth Biosphere.

This also allow the Qliphoth Carapace to be used as a Thermoelectric material, generating electric current from heat, so the outer layers can generate a current when exposed to extreme heat or cold while the deeper layers are optimized for protection against extreme temperatures.

As something intended to use in crisis and combat situations, it can mimic piezoelectric properties, harnessing kinetic energy, which boron nitride nanotubes are the best pick for mimicking. They generate energy while stretched, making the user virtually tireless. Besides granting it non-Newtonian fluidic properties for optimal protection from shock absorption.

Mimicking the copper nanolattice, an extremely light yet strong and porous material made of nanometers sized ordered patterns that offer low thermal conductivity, as the temperature is conducted through the copper and not by the empty space between the nanolattices. This serves as ideal insulation to the deeper layers, since it disperse the heat more effectively while doubling as a faraday cage, offering optimal protection.

The Qliphoth Carapace is hermetically sealed, allowing it to survive in any environment, including space. While the suit has a rebreather and strategically placed artificial gills for water environments, in space the oxygen is supplied by hydrolyzing the water molecules coupled by artificial photosynthesis, recycling the CO2 exhaled by the user. This ensure survivability as long as there is enough energy.

The integrated visor has Nano vision enhanced capabilities, serving as integrated binoculars, thermal and night vision, while still preventing impairment by overstimulation, rendering sensorial attacks like flashbangs useless. Coupled with an ear integrated microphone that not only enhance the hearing capacities in the individual basis, but the integrated connection granted by the Paths allow a platoon to gather critical information through triangulation by data sharing, grating critical information such as battlefield layout, enemies location and condition. All this without exchanging a single word between teammates.

All those systems, coupled with the integrated life-support system mean that while engaging in Qliphoth Carapace mode, not only can a person survive grievous injuries but also maintain optimal performance. It even allow the filtering of waste and manufacture nutrients to sustain itself for almost one year while fully active and one century while hibernating.

It is clear that Megumi intent to expand to space exploration age and that mysterious meteorite has answers that she search.

Well… those are just the basic functions of the suit, there is infinite room for customization. Due to this, Megumi delegated to me the task of extract all of the potential of the Qliphoth Carapace potential before making it available to the masses. Something Sasori has dedicated himself in earnest, to the point of humming a song while preparing himself for this battle.

"I got no strings to hold me down," his skin starts to become charcoal black and white keratin like plates grow all over his body, until nothing of the man remains to be seen.

The body continues to change, shaping distorting and elongating, arms separating into until three wicked and razor sharp yet thin set of arms emerge, bone frames resembling featherless wings emerge from his back. While his body continues to get more and more emaciated looking, almost as if he was just skin and bones under the frame, "to make me beg or make me bow."

"I had strings but now I am free," suddenly a black tar start to hemorrhage black tar from every crane of his armor, like a deluge to create a shallow but immense pool of black tar.

From said black tar, bone white shape of all sizes and forms emerge in a ceaseless march. Some resembling Sasori new macabre appearance while others complete novel shapes, from normal animals to dinosaurs and robots, "there are no strings on me."

His pursuers finally catch up to him, Six men bearing black cloaks with red clouds, all bearing orange hair, rod piercings and exquisite purple ringed eyes. How exquisite, this is going to be enlightening.

"Sasori of the Red Sand, I have gone to great lengths to track you down. We have much to discuss."

Sasori answer by laughing at his face. "We have nothing to talk about that I can't simple take from you. Now come, let us see who is the superior puppeteer in an honest match; all of you versus all of me." Sasori gesture theatrically.

The meat puppet didn't gesticulate, but the pause was enough to show the unevenness his words caused to the man behind the strings.

"I had strings but now I am free, there are no strings on me!"


[Author's ROOM]

Yeah, Sasori went full Ultron. There is a reason Megumi doesn't see the Hidden Villages as rivals or treats, she doesn't know anything capable of threaten her anymore… so the only thing left to fear is the unknown.

Hollow Release and a level 2 to the sacred crest is something I had been planning from the beginning. I simple did not mention previously because I am trying to avoid info dump until it is actually necessary. You can thing of Hollow Release as a sort reverse cursed technique, it share similar roots to the special chakra rods the Rinnegan can create to disrupt chakra.

Sasori is from the Ishin caste, and specialize in crafting skills and even him is a now a nightmare that could wipe the floor with his canon self as an afterthought. Qliphoth has some properties that counter the more grievous rax powers, as you will see next chapter. Sasori will fight for keeps now.

I changed the circumstance behind A's father death because there isn't a village capable of walking off this kind of casualties. The Shinobi Alliance had 80k ninjas, after years of prosperity and population increase. Plus it shed some light into the Uzumaki clan death and serves as foreshadow for what is to come.

Yes, Megumi is taking a page from Biju telepathy to head hunt for talented subordinates; she has a lazy disposition in the end of the day. All cult leaders know that most men live lives of quiet desperation, it isn't that hard to gather followers with the right sales pitch. Finders' keepers, losers' wipers is the name of the game.
Damn, Sasori is going off his rocker. I like, mindbroken by Earth Knowledge. Pain will now learn the meaning of True Pain.
Damn, Sasori is going off his rocker. I like, mindbroken by Earth Knowledge. Pain will now learn the meaning of True Pain.
The reason why nobody play D&D past tier3, clone and simulacrum are kind of broken. The idea of the qliphoth crysis armor came from a mix of the Games We Play and Olympus Lostbelt from FGO. We see people creating and altering things all the time but this aspect seems to always go to the wayside. Megumi did this as a Metal Gear Revenge reference but the potential to take something mundane and crack it up to eleven is very real; if Naruto could transform himself into a functional giant shuriken than any material can be replicable. This also show how useful the Demon Gods familiars can be even when reduced to a support role. They are like the jutsu version of AI art generation, just repurposed for the creation of weapons of mass destruction instead of anime porn.
I can't wait wait for the scientific explanation of how the meteor works and to hopefully see it incorporated into the final gate seal. Any chance we'll see other non managa cannon power sources explored/exploited? If so I'd really like to see what our protagonist thinks of the stones of gelel or the dragon veins
I can't wait wait for the scientific explanation of how the meteor works and to hopefully see it incorporated into the final gate seal. Any chance we'll see other non managa cannon power sources explored/exploited? If so I'd really like to see what our protagonist thinks of the stones of gelel or the dragon veins
Yes, we will explore dragon veins, including the stones of gelel. The thing about Sasori is that he has the Support of Megumi as a patron to do a lot of the legworking for him, leaving him free to focus on his especialty. He is rocked up to a virtualy limitless well of pneuma (chakra + natural energy/mana) and can borrow the processing power of her Demon God familiars. Plus Hollow release most important property, besides being cheap and versatile, is that it can naturaly insulate chakra, something Megumi developed as a means to prevent anyone from exploiting the soul link. She know entities that might as well be gods, like Jashin exist, so she is anticipating any Chaos God by instaling a firewall. That this make Infinite Tsukiomi plan dead in the water just validate her paranoia.
The meteorit has less to do with the final Chakra and more to do with the extremes of the energy we call chakra outside a stable biosphere, this is a Otsutsuki plotline.
That said, the final Chakra is related to a plot I have been foreshadowing since chapter 3 and is about to start soon.
New Brave World
[Shikadai Nara, Child of the Grove]

Shikarai is in foul mood, which isn't that unusual since anything that take him out of his leisure time puts him in a disgruntled temper. Normally he solves this by putting on an air of austerity since the responsible is more often than not one of his older relatives nagging him to do something. Unfortunately, this is not the case this time, worse, the source of his restlessness is the new job that should be his ticket to a lazy carrier of his dreams.

The Leaf Police Force position looked like such a sweet gig too. No more sticking one's neck outside the walls, days away from backup, no more endless marches to the corners of the world, camping on the dirty and shitting on the ground. A nice, safe and well-paid job inside his home village was something he almost had to kill for; the competition was fierce inside the Nara clan, he will have to step lightly from now on for a good while around his cousins.

All of this effort, and now he can't even sleep at night. He should know things were too good to be true when the ANBU got caught red handed with state of art surveillance cameras inside the Uchiha Compound. He still helped searching all cameras though, too blind to realize the pit fall he was walking head first inside.

Things got even more strange in the exams, weirdly specific or cryptic questions which there could be no proper answer. He cursed his eidetic memory in times like those, latter on after his induction his Police Force training consist on examining the real cases in question. They were all cold cases of dead Uchiha clansmen that died outside the walls. Worse, they all share a commonality, the body and more specifically, the eyes could not be recovered at the time.

From conversation with other new members, he gathered that their tests and training were much the same, though Fugaku was trying to be subtle and compartmentalize things, he was not the only one that noticed. Especially when you have a bunch of fresh-faced civilian-born medic ninjas do something as crazy and memorable as dissecting marinated sharingan eyes from dead Uchiha in the search for falsifications or tampering.

People talk and from what Shikadai gathered, the Uchiha clan head and his new superior is in raising an inventory of lost sharingan eyes. Bloodline theft is a sad reality of shinobi life, the recent Hyuga incident only reinforce this, that is why such crimes are usually handled by ANBU… except, what to do when the ANBU are the main suspects?

Uchihas are tough cookies, any member bearing their awakened bloodline is an elite as a matter of course, so for them to simple quietly go down silently in the night is strange. There are very few natural counters to it and Konoha own almost them all. More specifically, ANBU does. They don't have eyes on the back of their heads so the Aburame poisonous bugs or the Yamanaka body transfer jutsu could immobilize them.

Worse, this has clearly something to do with the humors of Kyubi attack and the surveillance around the compound. Some may suspect treachery but what if this was a case of gas lighting instead? Be the first to accuse as to shift blame away.

Há, as if! This isn't the Blood Mist village. If the Uchiha could control the Nine Tails then they would have used this power on the last three wars by now… right?

The fact that Shikaku Nara almost had an aneurism when the news reached him was not exactly comforting. He gentle asked me, the way a mastermind with a mind reader best friend would ask a lemming about the new job. Shikadai might be as intelligent as any Nara but he lacks the social apathy to not tattle about his new superior. That turned out to be a mistake, it marked him as reliable and discrete.

So now he is here. In the jaw of the tiger. A commemoration to his promotion. He knew things would go downhill the moment he saw Ino-Shika-Cho seated at the private room inside the Akimishi barbecue. His friend Inojin pleading for help with his eyes; so, he got dragged here too?

What a drag!

The door closing behind him felt like the executioner's blade. Shikaku is the jonin commander, he is privy of many secrets of national security, his reaction gives credibility to Fugaku's theory that someone outside the Uchiha has the sharingan. Worse, this gives weight to the old legends of Uchiha Madara controlling the Kyubi with the sharingan. The rumors that they were the ones that attacked Konoha was supposed to be just a malicious gossip from bitter civilians sticking to The Man.

Now he has become a knight piece in the board of a game he can barely understand, involving an internal power struggle and possible treason of the highest order from people seating at the top.

This is more than a drag; this job can get him killed just as well as any incident with foreign ninja. This is not what he signed for! His dream job?

[Nono, The Mother of the Forsaken]

To agent Peacock nothing really mattered besides the mission, her personhood long ago striped for the sake of her duty. Deception, misdirection, lies; for the longest time her life and personal preferences had been sublimated for the sake of success, so how come she ended as a mother, as Nono?

When did her old mask ended and Nono emerged? She herself could not say, yet if what her new patron has anything to say then Nono was always been there. Nono was what could not be taken away from her, no matter how many masks and sins she performed. This wasn't as motivational as Megumi intended, if Nono can't be taken away then what about Peacock? Could she ever get rid of her either?

Despite all the years she spent as a caretaker of war orphans, all it toke was a little bit of instigation from her old boss for Peacock to come out. She once again lied, stole and killed at his order… for the sake of Nono and her family.

That she fell for such a cheap trick all almost killed her Kabuto was the stray that broke the Camel's back, she cannot bear to let Danzo live, he is the darkness that will swallow all happiness and goodness of the world for the sake of his ambition.

Part of her want to go the Leaf, like, right now. A suicide charge to excise that cancer from the world, for the sake off all children in the world. Only the reality of its futility stays her hand in this matter. That and the fact Danzo's comeuppance is due sooner rather than later.

No matter how many tricks he has on his sleeve, he will never scape Megumi's retribution. She saw with her own eyes the kind of power she could bring to bear. At the time she was groggy from blood loss and almost thought she was hallucinating. To her credit, the world really felt like it was ending, this is the kind of power God of Shinobi bring to bear.

The fact such power is in the hands of someone so righteous and caring almost feels like divine intervention. Her Kabuto was saved from the brink, Peacock had seen the kind of damage ego death can cause, she knew how close he came to lose something irreplaceable with her own death, damned by her incoherent and thoughtless last words.

This was a debit Nono could never repay her, so Megumi had also earned Peacock's eternal loyalty. If she can't help being a menace then at least she can entrust her loyalty to a worth master. Megumi is in the same page as her and intend to fulfill her dream to end the shinobi system, this monster that orphan children to then turn them into soldiers to perpetuate itself with their blood and lost innocence.

All those old mummies will get what they fucking deserve, even if she has to do it with her own hand! And then…

Nono toke a deep breath, life has been good lately but far too adventurous for her blood. She needs to assert her footing, children, especially her poor disabused children, are really sensible to even the smallest of emotional permutations from adults. A real critical skill for any street urchin, that is how she herself survived long enough to caught the eye of Root spotters… yeah, more like child poachers.

This bitterness never goes away. Every time she looks at Kabuto, she remembers what they did, what they made her do. She wants revenge, both Nono and Peacock will only rest easy when Danzo is dead. Fortunately, she can help expediting this process. Megumi's plan is good, creating more orphans is the last thing she wants but he is too slippery for those in the straight and narrow to ever get cornered. Outside help is essential.

Her old cursed seal was no challenge for Megumi, so now Peacock can help her as a double agent. Infiltrating the Root is laughable easy once the initial hurdle of a lifetime of indoctrination is breached. Danzo fucked up by overestimating himself and his little underworld kingdom, the lifestyle of secrecy lend itself to a multitude of loose ends and breaches of security. Only Danzo himself know Root inside and out but even he doesn't have enough time to micro manage every agent, much to his chagrin, no doubt.

Better yet, Megumi's blessing means Nono can stay back and take care of the little ones while Peacock goes behind enemy lines. Shadow clone is a Leaf original technique after all, and Megumi certainly improved on the basic concept. With the assistance of mister Sasori to provide an artificial body for the clone to mane with minimal output, Peacock is now free to go in long term infiltrations once again.

That fucker doesn't know what is waiting for him!

"Mother, look, look!" Yozora-chan intone excitedly while entering the kitchen waving a collar of flowers around, she is also dragging two other smaller girls arounds, new additions to our family. "Me and the girls made this for you, Mother Nono. We all helped to make it!"

She did a little more than that. All girls are adorned with all kinds of flower ornaments, from bracelets to rings and armbands. A testament to how thoughtful Megumi was, to fill this little oasis with all kinds of entertainments for the children. The fact they are the same age as Kabuto makes her heart ache, while at the same time, affirm she wasn't such a failure of a mother after all.

"Oh, they are so pretty, thank you darling!" Nono lower her head and let them put the crown of flowers on her head. "So, how do I look?"

"You are really pretty! Right, Kashiwa?" They then proceed to chatter amiable about their little personal game of make believe.

Nono sometimes wonder who is really saving who here. They center her in a way Nono never thought possible and now money is no longer a restrain for her. She got a blank check to save as many children as she can. This new freedom made her realize that this might not be enough, she is only one person, the number of people she can reach is limited.

She can do so much more, so she will. Be it as Peacock or as Nono. She will never let anyone harm her charges ever again. That is a promise.

[Kabuto, the Mercurial Mirror]

Kabuto was having an eventful day, not that it said much. Every day since he left the orphanage, he called home have been uncertain, but even then, there was a pattern that he learned to follow. Not so much so anymore, Megumi entered his life like thunder out of the blue, shattering his sense of reality while saving him.

It still felt surreal, like his life was some tragedy play resolved by then whim of a righteous god. He is grateful to it, her turbulent introduction to his life has left him little time to freak out about what almost happened.

Standing in the ground zero of a comet collision thinking you are about to die with your mother might be less traumatizing than accidentally killing your own mother, but not by much. If anything, it is far more terror inducing.

Even so, he will never forget the sight of her back standing in front of said collision. It is hard to even put into words but all Kabuto know for certain is that the sight of her back will always remind him of the feeling of wonder he felt when the world cleared out and she stood unbowed against that conflagration.

The following fight felt like a fever dream, he never even suspected power like this existed in the world! But regardless of what kind of trick Orochimaru and the resurrected Hokage performed, Megumi stood proud and unbowed, the same back toke everything they threw her way and surpassed them all.

Later on, she brought us home and explained thing to Nono… it still hurt, knowing that she almost forgot me, that I could be replaced. But again, it is not like he truly knew Nono besides the side she deigned to show him. The situation was about to deteriorate again until Megumi once again was her forceful self and declared everything was Lord Da- the Cyclopes fault; whatever the hell a cyclops is.

Now here he is, living in an artificial paradise island mostly populated by children. Both Megumi and Nono promptly pulled him from ninja duty which kind of chafe; he is a great spy after all, it is his calling. He is no longer the same defenseless kid wandering through the waste lands. He is no kid at all… yet every time he brings it up Nono starts to cry and he gives in.

Kabuto know she is somewhat performing, but the fact she returned to ROOT for his sake fill him with too much shame to call her out. He is frustrated, with his new Ishin powers he could do so much more than just standing baby-sitting… or so he thought.

Turns out that taking care of one hundred knee bitters with super powers is full time job. It is hard to believe how infantile they can be despite the short difference in our ages. That some among them have shinobi training and up bring don't help matters.

Fortunately, there is always some entertainment to be had in this place. The new kids, Kimimaru and Jungo also help as they are the uncontested top dogs among the Cherubims caste, keeping the others in line when Nono's back is turned and Megumi firm hand is absent.

Life otherwise… is good. He almost feels like he is back home. Wasn't that what he wanted in the first place? Why did he become a shinobi? Was for Nono or for himself? Megumi compliments to him for his selflessness make him feel like a fraud now. That said, he feels he can indeed help them both in time. If he does a good job here preventing these rascals from killing themselves and each other then Megumi might trust him with more important duties in time.

Everything he has to do is arrange things so life run smoothly inside the island. While he can't do that alone he really doesn't need to. Yozora is the bee's knees of the Ofanin, Kimimaru is the strongest Cherubin and while he doesn't care much for anyone he cares for Jugo, who is himself a pacifist. Apollo is the uncontestable top Serafin and all around most popular child in the island, partly due to the fact he is Megumi's son, which is someone pretty much everybody wants to be acknowledged by. Not surprising, she is everybody's savior.

A plan starts to form in Kabuto's mind. It will require no end of palm greasing but he is the best spy in the Land of Fire… now he just has to find a way to get An-chan on board with the plan and he will manage to prove to Megumi he can be of helpful. These damn Hashmalins have eyes on the back of their heads, nothing passes their notice! If they call me out on this then the island might fall into civil war.

So, this might really be a challenge after all.

Kabuto smiled.

[Itachi Uchiha, young Tengu]

Night was peaceful in the Uchiha Clan's Head household, despite the tumult around the village this place stays a bastion of tranquility. In clear nights of full moon, Itachi always liked to seat by its beautiful backyard, decorated with tranquil garden and artful pond blessed by the rhythmic sound of bamboo water pendulum.

Even more especial than that, his cute little brother is here with him pinning for his attention, with a plate of homemade dango filled for two that he actually had all for himself thanks to Sasuke's distaste for sweets.

In the end the night was so beautiful and warm that Itachi pulled two futons so they could both sleep under the light of the moon, lullabied by the cool wind breeze. Sasuke talked about his time in the academy all the while until he fell asleep. His little brother seems to being having a better time in it than he ever had.

Throughout it all, he couldn't muster even the will to try to shut his eyes, too enraptured with his little brother's tales for once, instead of bemused fondness. Every time he talked about some activity or other, the same name always pooped up again and again with casual disinterest, as if it was only natural for Megumi to be so involved in his school life.

It kind of was, Hound was a prodigy with a record even more impressive looking than his own and a temperament to match. What he expects from others is set to his own personal standards and when people failed to meet them, he is surprised and disappointed, never taking a second look.

Alienating himself from others based solely on shinobi skills.

Itachi himself pretty much never talked with anyone during his entire year there, unless prompted by others. After the first day it was clear he was so far ahead that there was little for him to gain from mingling with other kids his age. They didn't have the vision he had, their talent was pitiful compared to his and they had no means to propel him forward to greater heights. He couldn't bother to slow down or stop for their sake when his own dream was already so far always.

Megumi on the other hand had show care and tenderness to each and every one of her classmates. She has step in when Kakashi went too far and made sure every one was on the same page, giving attention to those that were lagging behind. She turned training into games that honed individual skills and teamwork, offered instruction and support while intuitively grasping the interests and potential of each kid.

Be it by stirring the lazy yet inquisitive mind of Naras or fabricating situations where shy kids with low self-stem could excel. Megumi Uchiha has set herself as more than a genius, but a leader worth following. Were there any wonder people have set their hopes for the Uchiha clan on her shoulders? Shisui's words of encouragement ring hollow when everyone from the Hokage to his own father seem to look up to her so highly.

Itachi stood up, he was too restless. There is better use of his time than complaining. He made a detour to his room to take a kunai pouch then walked to the other side of his backyard so he wouldn't awaken Sasuke.

He prepares himself, in the center of the clearing, then jump, throwing kunai after kunai with practical easy, they bounce from each other like dominos falling over. Each throw hit its mark and he land down in a crouch. He walks toward the last target hidden behind a stone; there he sees the kunai affixed to the plank inside the second outer ring.

He failed.

"That is quite the source face there, Itachi. Though, I think this is the first time I have seen you miss." His father's voice cut through the clearing, making Itachi jump out of his skin. He was seen, that isn't anything new, his father has always had the uncanny ability to see through him but that he failed to mind his surroundings sting something fierce.

At this rate he will never become Hokage.

His father walks up to him and pats his head, as if he was Sasuke. Before he can even think about it, he pushes him away. This kind of disrespect isn't something he has ever done but his temper gets the better of him. Instead of responding in ager, his father laughs in good humor.

This is an uncommon behavior for Fugaku, he has always kept an air of austerity as far as he can remember. Now that he cared to look it was clear that Fugaku looked horrible, bags under his eyes and loss of weight from overwork, paradoxically followed by a fire in his eyes Itachi doesn't remember his father ever possessing.

Things have changed for the Uchiha Clan, it is opening up and every day more people from outside the clan can be seem walking around the compound. It seems there is always something to be done, an event, festival or business promotion. The non-combatants have never been busier.

This should make Itachi happier, this is what he always wanted after all. Compared to the sinister talks going on before this is far more productive. So why does it bother him so much then?

"Something on your mind, Itachi?" His father was not without tenderness, he understood as he always has.

"Will I really not be joining ANBU?" Itachi asks before he can even second guess himself just to immediately regret it. His father face takes on a more severe tenor than before, though it isn't directed toward himself specifically.

"It was always a bad plan in the first place. Besides it is no longer necessary-

"Because you already got yourself a bridge between the Clan and the Village that is better than I could ever be!" Itachi accuses his father with hot indignation, he doesn't know where this came from, he has never felt this emotion his entire life but he hates how infantile that statement sounds to his ears. He can't help but remember those irrational disparate comments children his age always throws his way when his superiority is displayed – so that is what they were feeling then?

Fugaku looks stunned his way as if seeing him for the very first time. "That, right there. This is why this was a bad idea. No matter how mature for your age or talented you are, in the end of the day you are child. Megumi isn't exempted from this either, she panics and fall on instincts without reservation. The difference between the two of you is that she knows better than to associate herself with the Darkness of the Shinobi."


"That you have been contacted by Danzo yet hid it from me? That is for me to know and for you to find out."

His father delivered his assessment as he always has, with the swift decisiveness of a falling hammer, as if he was reprimanding Sasuke from a casual mistake. He hates it. Yet that was the very first time Itachi found himself in the receiving end of Fugaku's tongue lashing and his body instinctively flinch, driving the point across.

Somehow Fugaku found out that Danzo has contacted him, offering himself as a sponsor for his induction into ANBU. And he told this to nobody, there is no way Danzo let it slip either. He knew his father had many subordinates outside the clan now but even then, his competence actually caught him off-guard.

"Itachi, why didn't you tell me about this? That man is dangerous, more than you can possibly imagine. I mean it! If you are so broken up about losing to a girl Sasuke's age then you should be double warrying from where she inherited her honey tongue and spider web mind."

"Danzo is Megumi's relative? Why didn't he raise her then?"

"Because the gods are kind, after all. So, don't give him the cold comfort of a consolation prize either. Danzo will tell you anything you want to hear and string you along, twisting truths into beautiful lie until he convinces you that down is up and up is down. Leading you by the nose into doing his bidding all the while believing them to be your own volition."

"I am not that naïve!"

"Yet you are acting like a brat. The Clan had a moment of good fortune, giving us a lot of face but this sympathy won't last forever, that is why we have to seize this opportunity and strike while the iron is hot. That is why everybody is working hard to make the Uchiha clan a fixture in the village. Yet, what have you been doing?"

"What are you implying?" Itachi couldn't help but put heat behind his words now.

"How have you been using your talent and training to bring prestige for the clan? Have you gained the respect of your chunnin colleagues with missions? The admiration of the Fire Nation population maybe? Do you even have any friend outside clan? Do you know Sasuke is actually really popular according to your mother? He is also receiving tutelage and praise from Hataki and Megumi. At this rate, forget Megumi, you are going to fall behind Sasuke."

The boy didn't know what to say, he simple couldn't think of a rebuttal. All his life power was what he sought. The idea that if he was the strongest then he could put an end to all the fighting. Despite already being the strongest- former strongest member of the Uchiha Clan this dream doesn't seem any closer. The Clan is moving always from it, adopting a policy of conquering hearts and minds. All his strength is useless here.

He feels so powerless. In the end a person doesn't get acknowledged by becoming Hokage, those that get acknowledged become Hokage.

It takes more than strength to lead. It should have been obvious in retrospect, his father is the Clan Leader because he cares for the entire Clan, he earned the respect of his new subordinates by understanding them and protecting their interest and dignity. He is the bridge that connect the clan with the Village now.

And he is just a stupid kid with hopeless daydreams.

In the end Itachi crumble and crouch over, collapsing in a cry of anguish he could not muscle down. What did he accomplish in all those years? His father was right and he was wrong and it toke the sour taste of defeat for him to finally accept that. The cries flow freely now, he lost all self-control. That is why he is caught by surprise when his father picked him up over his shoulder, something he stopped doing so long ago Itachi can barely remember it.

"Honestly, you are suck a sore loser Itachi. As expected from my son." The words were light and flippant yet not without tenderness. Something so unlike him that Itachi freezes up.

More than that, those very same words. That small curse Fugaku used every time he felt threatened by Itachi's talent were delivered with care that stopped boy train of thoughts in his tracks. At some point the must have been words of praise, but when did they became a curse? It has been the first time in a long time he didn't felt suffocated by them.

He keeps on crying, somehow all the walls of his heart crumble and he can only think to vent it all out to the wind.

At some point he calms down and seat down in the bench, much like the early event with Sasuke. After some water and dango the heartache gives way to comforting emptiness. Throughout it all his father has patiently accompanied him, and now he felt bad. He is already busy enough to be dealing with his immaturity.

"You know, I always wanted to be Hokage." Fugaku reveals with some reverence while watching the full moon. This is the first time Itachi heard that.

Not be Hokage to bring honor to the Clan but a personal desire. A form of self-validation. The dream he could never admit he was pinning for. Shisui has always being something of an older brother to Itachi, but he never loved him more than the day he said he could do it, become Hokage, giving voice to his wish.

This dream seems so distant now, Megumi is clear the best candidate. She was personally groomed by the third, is a Uchiha by blood yet possess the legendary Wood Release of the First Hokage. She is cunning, powerful, charismatic and can be charming when she wants to. Everyone sees her as a young Pillar of the Leaf since she joined the Ninja Academy, especially in these trying times of uncertain.

Even people of the clan are pinning for her. Sasuke innocent invitation just the other day was turned into a small event around the park closest to the Entrance Gate, where she played the role of the exuberant prodigy so perfectly, Itachi instantly knew she was doing it for the sake of his father's plan.

"Do you think I still can make it?" Itachi asks and hates how meek he sounds.

"It depends." His father answer in good nature.

"Depends of what?" He can't help but asks hopefully.

"Depends if you can beat this old man to the punch, of course. It isn't like I actually gave up, after all!" Fugaku answer in defiant good humor, that fire in his eyes vibrating.


[Nagato, Apostle of Pain]

The situation couldn't be more dire. For the fulfilment of Akatsuki goal, the cooperation of extraordinary individuals is required. The stronger a ninja becomes the more they chafe under the yoke of the Great Ninja Villages. Forcing such eclectic band of individuals with far flung up brings and goals to capitulate to one goal is something only possible through the imposition of an even more extraordinary strength.

Only the God Pain can see it through.

Yet Sasori has blown all such expectations away, Black Zetsu has broken his back searching high and low for him yet the master puppeteer has deftly avoided all attempts of pursue. For all intents and purposes, it was as if he had vanquished from the face of the Earth. Until now, that is.

Zetsu came to him in a hurry, saying that the puppeteer has emerged. Originally Konan would be the one tasked with his recruitment but the uncertain circumstances had forced his hand and so he came in force to secure Sasori. At this point the intel about his disappearance trick is worth more than his services.

Nagato prepared the ambush by setting a good spot to manipulate the Paths of Pain while avoiding detection and set things in motion. He intercepted the man then everything when to hell.

Nagato watched from afar as six sets of eyes, save one, saw something inexplicable. Sasori body was coved from head to toe in a white keratin like substance, making him completely invisible to his chakra senses. It spread like an infection, blackening muscles like a pox, then expelling the white carapace from every pore. After his body was completely covered it then twisted his body in hideous shape, legs twisted and elongated like the hear of a quadruped ending in cruel talons that shined like amethyst stone, his trunk stretched at the same time they desiccated into a monstrous spine with a new ribcage exploding outward like a skeleton. From the joints of his shoulders two extra sets of skeletal arms manifest, from the hips a skirt made of coruscant feathers- no, they were actually folded winds aligned to his center of gravity and from his back, surge branches resembling skeletal wings. Finally, his face is comprised of two theater masks, one in joy and the other in despair.

In the eyes of all but the Petra Path, this phenomenon defy explanation. Sasori looks like a monster straight out of the underworld, there is no way the man could have survived that transfiguration. Not without chakra to support him, bending the rules of nature in his favor… and yet he still moves with intent. Black ooze streaming from his joints forming pounds that birth a menagerie of monsters.

The situation is getting out of control fast. At least now he knows how Sasori has evaded him for so long. The Petra Path hold the answer to this puzzle, it is like trying to pin down a wraith in the corner of one's awareness but he can see the suggestion of the realm supplying Sasori with said Mass. Only the nimbus cloud of chakra emitted from his entire body give a hint there is a soul beneath the monster.

"Watch what you say, this is your only warning from the god that will bring order to this world. Surrender now and cooperate with our cause and your restless soul can find true purpose."

"Huhuhu, god? Are you people coming out of the woodwork now-a-days? This world has really gone mad, but that is alright. I actually quite like it." It was a wonder the thing could even speak; it had no space for lungs at all. Its voice was like gravel striking each other.

"Who are you talking about?"

"You will have to defeat me to get those answers. Come, let me judge for myself how godly you truly are." Sasori said lightly.

"So be it."

Battle was joined.

Pain immediately toke a battle formation, Deva Path in center, Animal and Naraka Path in the back with Ashura, Petra and Human Path as vanguard. Sasori army of monsters come charging as the spear's tip, some look like quadruped lizards armored from head to toe and adorned with green crystals releasing wind chakra in a steady flow, another looked like a siege engine with a blue crystal horn of electricity and a mace for a tail cracking with thunder, other are cruel looking dragons with a fin of red crystals from the top of their heads to the tip of their tail, blazing fire.

Those behemoths where met by Animal Path summons in a titanic crash, creating space for smaller and more celery beasts in the shape of felines and hounds to charge forward, a myriad of elements pushing them beyond their physical limits.

These crystals can clearly retain elemental transformations in an inert shape until they are needed. This make easier to track them but there are good odds some stealth units are using the conflagration as smoke screen.

Ashura Path discards its cloak and enter combat mode, shooting a volley of missiles to tin the herd, there are too many targets to miss. Nagato needed to find a way to contain that Black Mud otherwise he would be overrun by these monsters soon.

A swarm of flying Jellyfish made almost entirely of that elemental crystal flock in formation and deliver as one a giant tornado of elemental powers, Petra Path moves forward to absorb the elemental conflagration. At least its powers still work against those puppets, the same cannot be said about the Human Path; it can find no purchase in these creatures, worse case Sasori might be shielded from its touch, rendering it useless.

The man himself is stationary doing a macabre dance, its lower hands are moving through a dizzy sequence of hand seals Nagato has never seen before with its inferior limbs while the middle set of arms is making the movements you would expect from a puppeteer while the superior arms are moving like a maestro. Whatever happened to him, Sasori now could conquer a nation with this instantaneous army of monsters.

I squadron of flying raptor monsters rush from all side like a volley of arrows, Ashura path is being buried by a tide of monsters, forcing Deva Path to jump up to scatter them with Almighty Push yet their broken bodies are retrofitted into a swarm of insects, reaching the paths before the cooldown resets. Animal Path summons stone panda but swarm fall like suicide bombers, exploiting the window of time for all that it is worth. The hounds pilling on Ashura path explode, disrupting Petra Path with a rain of shrapnel. The clearing is covered in fire.

Sarori wastes no time surrounding pain while dispatching and containing Animal Path summons. The more agile summons act as linchpins for a barrier that box his Hell Hounds, then compressing the snare until they are crushed. While the Dragons halted the progress of his biggest animals, the rounds harassed their flank and agile felines lunged to soft spots with amazing alacrity while spider monster bonded them in webs.

From the smoldering smoke a bizarre green bird emerges, on it are Deva path carrying the out of commission Ashura and Petra Paths in each arm, all three remaining paths are worse off to some extend but broken bones and organ rupture don't impede their movement. All thanks to Human Path's timely sacrifice, it will be replaced latter.

Naraka path immediately summons the King of Hell to mend the two downed Paths, the bird summon is dropping a battery of bomb of explosive eggs, carpet bombing their pursuers and buying them crucial time. Nagato knew of Sasori's Red Secret Technique: Performance of a Hundred Puppets, but this blew always all expectations. This is the kind of force multiplier capable of threatening any nation. Where did he get that much chakra for this? That is when Deva Path sees it.

All Paths of Pain suffer from a form of myopia, by splitting the sight of the Rinnegan in each path its ocular power also gets divided through each path. Only Human Path can see human chakra while Animal Path can see chakra of animals, that is how some path are prone to be caught by surprise from transformation techniques and Henges. And That is why Nagato is so surprised when Deva Path actually pick up something now that Human Path is out of commission. Normally this only happens when he looks at another set of Rinnegan eyes. Even if faint, this is both alarming and also enlightening.

Even after twenty years, the inner workings of the Rinnegan are mostly a mystery to Nagato, all of its power have been discovered through trial and error or the instructions of Madara. They saved him in the worse day of his life, when Yahiko died, so despite Marada's dubious character Nagato has kept his reservations about the man to himself.

Whatever the case, Sasori might be too tough to be captured or recruited, augmented by an unknow source of godly power. This might have something to do with the incident in Land of Earth. It seems Akatsuki isn't the only mover and shaker exploiting the holes in the current Shinobi System enforced by the Greater Villages. The likelihood they might be involved in the disappearance of the Tailed Beasts is the most pressing concern though. Either their goals are divergent from Akatsuki or they might recuse to submit or cooperate.

Nagato decided he is going to get his answer, even if they are from a corpse.

That is when the Bird Summon is skewered through in a single blow. The projectile too fast for the eyes to follow, only hindsight of the Rinnegan revealing it to have been a lance cutting through the heavens at Match 5.9 instead of a yellow beam of power. The responsible for the attack reveals itself then, another of the puppeteer creation. While the initial volley was comprised mostly of Primal Beasts most at home in predatory nightmares, the second wave have a downright bizarre design. A walking Ballista with wheels reinforced by continuous tracks for swift locomotion in difficult terrain… and there was half a dozen of them!

"ALL MIGHTY PUSH!" The deva Path declare by bringing the hammer of heaven to bear, breaking the spears in an invisible wall of force. Even then the situation is dire, Sasori most likely has figured out the cooldown of the Deva Path or will confirm it with the volley of projectiles delivered by its auxiliary artillery. Enough Bullets to turn a misty morning into bright day light and all remaining Paths of Pain were on freefall like sitting ducks.

The restored Ashura Path reconfigure itself with trustees in its back and feet while the rest of the body bring out all its ranged weapons against the wall of steel coming their way, from missiles to head laser and cannon beams while using its own body as a meat shield. Petra Path followed suit, it can't absorb projectiles and so any time it can buy is optimal. Animal Path summon as many sturdy animals as it can to shield Naraka and Deva Paths.

In the end Nagato had to admit he underestimated Sasori. He won't get any change of a third wind with that much firepower directed his way, worse yet, Sasori somehow is already aware he is controlling the paths of Pain remotely with that introduction. He likely is tracking him at this very moment. He has to end this. Now. Nagato let Naraka path go and concentrate all remaining power on Deva Path, he is already close enough anyway.

Yahiko's body join both hands in prayer and then let go of a single black sphere containing the power of the Heavens. The jutsu that creates celestial bodies, responsible for this planet's Moon.

"True: Heavenly Body Bursting from the Earth!"

Immediately the unceasing battery assaulting the Pains are diverted in their course, sediments are lifted from the earth and start to aggregate into a proper celestial body growing by the second. Sasori commitment on the pains sealed his fate as the increased mass of the planetoid now give it the necessary insulation against the volley and soon enough the army of monsters and its infernal mud are all dragged down to join the sphere.

All except one, that is. The remaining of Ashura Path, less than a torso, uses its rocket punch as a rook to drag down the puppeteer while the remaining jets give it leverage. The g forces involved in the battle between Ashura Path and the Planetoid more than immobilize the monstrous puppeteer, Sasori looks more like a snake now than a person, until Ashura Path win the tug of war and deliver Sasori to the Earth with the force of a comet.

In the end even Naraka Path had to be sacrificed to break Deva Path's fall. Sasori had no right to be as difficult an opponent, but now he can restrain him and get his answers. Yahiko's body stretch its hands and drag the withered carcass of Sasori to his grip, "Heavenly Attraction of All Creation!"

"Hehe, how disappointing. I guess not everything that shine is gold, after all. You must be awfully pride of yourself for a victory that means nothing!"

"Enough of cryptic answer, Sasori. You are going to tell me who is your benefactor, even if I have to break that shell of your apart and drag your soul kicking and screaming from it."

"Oh, don't you worry. We are going to be talking face to face very soon."

Sasori's words are followed by the sudden tremor of an earthquake, to the hidden spot of Konan and the Outer Path! A giant armored worm with a pit of fire for a maw adorned with endless rows of teeth scale the paper tree like a snake in a garden. He must have created it from the underside of the mud!

Deva Path firm its grip on Sasori. "What make you think I can't stop you right here and right now?"

"Because I am already there. Do you think this shell means anything to me? Ha ha ha, you really are the god of clowns." The body goes limp as if all the puppet's strings were severed at once. The body break apart like gray sand that then disappear like ether.

Deva Path screams.

Now there is only Nagato and Konan, she is working as hard as she can, trying to slow down the hell worm by chain detonating the Paper tree. A Valiant effort but vain, Nagato's broken body is a sitting duck. This was a checkmate. Even the improvised giant paper dove won't be enough for them to escape. The air was already full of dozens, maybe hundreds, of flying monsters born from the cast-off parts of the worm.

More than that, now that Nagato is seeing Sasori's creations with his own eyes the full picture finally falls into place. Sasori used the receivers in Human Path's body to track him down. The reason he did not realize it before was due to the nature of these white and black bodies, they share the same nature as Black Zetsu, chakra constructs completely deprived of any signature. A literal black hole in his awareness. Any attempt to hijack the monster using the black receiver would fail; even interact with his soul would be impossible. His soul is completely shielded now, unlike when he manifested that aura of power.

The hell worm ends its ascension to heaven, it now bends down to put the two Akatsuki founders in direct line to its maw, shinning like a furnace. There was no chakra emission anywhere, Yahiko had no means to regenerate himself using the Petra Path's power. A hopeless situation.

From the back of the worm a humanoid figure emerges, it was just flayed hard skin held together by countless wires clearly visible by the numerous holes present throughout the man's body, but its face has become unmistakable. Baleful red eyes meet Nagato's with open disdain.

"End of the line, godling." His voice now has returned to a human range, he was monstrous enough as it was. This was the most hopeless prediction in Nagato's life, even the Summoning: Demonic Statue of the Outer Path would be useless here. He can see no soul to seize in the walking flayed skin in front of him.

This is it, the end of the line.

Nagato turns to his oldest friend and savior. Konan had always been beautiful but her kindness and courage where always the first virtues he associated with her. Even now she looks at Sasori with nothing but defiance. He could see the way her chakra recoiled like a snake in preparation for an attack.

"Konan. That is enough." He plead to her. This is the end of their dream. His pain hadn't been enough and in his final moments he realize he should invest what is left of his life in his loved ones.

"Nagato, what are you doing? You are supposed to be the savior of the world! Don't give up like that after all this time!" She plead to him; his face must have given the game away. She always has been able to see right through him.

"How cute, I promise I will make something eternal of this friendship of yours so-

Sasori's gloating is suddenly cut short and the man practically fall over himself with laughter.

"Are you serious now? You really like to break my back with the most absurd and unreasonable requests, don't you?" Sasori suddenly says aloud, clearly talking to someone else.

Most unbelievable of all, the flying monsters suddenly become dust in the wind, and the behemoth under Sasori's feet soon follow. Nagato can't believe it, Sasori had him dead to rights! Why letting him go now?

"What is the meaning of this, puppeteer?"

"Don't ask me, I am just a grunt in the end of the day, I set the stage but the one directing the show has their own agenda. I must confess that this one is over the top, though. You really have the Devil's own luck, to have a mentor on the wing, willing to sell his soul for his pupils' safety." Sasori's own body start to break apart as he points their way with a breaking body. "Just keep in mind, this was a one-time transaction. Next time we met I will have free reign to do as I please."

Both Konan and Nagato stared, dumbfound. They were alone now, as if this desperate battle had never happened.

What the hell happened? More importantly, what is the fate of Jiraiya-sensei at the moment?


Hey, long time no see. This unexpected hiatos was not something I had planed but that is the joy of tropical rain season diseases for you. For the first time in my life I got to bit this bullet and it was chikungunya. Good new though, I never developed any of the symptoms of the neural damage or cognitive decline it could manifest.

Now that the acute part of the disease her passed I have entered the semi-acute part, which involve pain and swelling in hands, feet, shoulders and knees. Seriously, it hurt to clan my ass. As a liberal professional I had to work through the pain so to pay my bills so there was no way for me to write anything.

After a second visit to the doctor he passed some new medicine that gave me the strength to put this chapter to paper. I am happy to inform you guys that I am mostly recovered as off right now. I still will have to take medicine and watch out for a good five months though.

The best part for me was Itachi's interlude and Sasori's fight. In the end nobody ever captured Itachi was socially awkward kid way over his head. He had no real control over the situation and he only realized it by the end of it. His trauma and Uchiha genes kind of blinded him to the world around him. Fortunately, he isn't so screwed this time around, though to say he is happy with it is a mistake. He is a control freak obsessed with power, most Uchiha are, even Megumito some extend. His loss of agency hurt but this is just part of growing up.

Fugaku actually reached Itachi like this in the original too. The problem then was that he was committed to the coup. Just a small shift and many things can change. Danzo is almost as clever as he thinks himself to be but Megumi is a chip from that old block, a reversal is something he actually did in Pain Attack.

Yeah, Jiraiya has bitten more than he could chew this time around. Some things never change.
Really great chapter.
Glad that your okay man, happy to hear you'll be getting better too.
I really liked the fight scene between Sasori and Nagato, it seemed to really highlight the huge differences in style that megumi is showing the world. Lots of new and interesting ideas. I also enjoyed your characterization of itachi, really seemed to do Justice to the idea of a prodigal child who is still maturing emotionally. And of course that crazy uchiha tunnel vision. All the other perspectives we're also really great to read, adding some depth to characters and showing what is happening around the world and in Konoha.
Thanks for the chapter, hope you can keep writing, I think this is an amazing story.
Hope your health improves and that everything can go away from your infection!
I love the fight! Sasori exuding that final boss energy only to go:"Oh? I´m just a grunt! Boss told me to spare you..."
Mindbreaking Pain is going well.

Happy to hear you got through the Chikungunya without the heavy stuff.
The Abyss Between You and Me
It is kind of funny how social ladders work. Those in the bottom rungs imagine the existences above them as some kind of paradise above the daily grind, concerns and infortunes like disease or accidents. Worse, those that actually climb it up bring with them to the top the same perspective they had at the bottom. Until they are confronted with reality that is.

Ever since I first came to understand my surroundings, I have either lived in the grip of existential terror of a brutal iron age society and policies augmented by magical power or had done my best to burry my head in the sand.

That was because I was weak, disliked pain and had been born in a warrior caste. I had plenty of justifications for my conduct and I can't say I really regret anything I have ever done so far, but this doesn't mean that I can keep living as I have so far.

My battle with the resurrected Hokage was the crossing of my Rubicon. I was someone that mattered, whether I liked it or not. All my decisions would have ramifications that would escalate in life changing events to those bellow me. There wasn't a country in the world capable of offering me any resistance. World conquest is literally within reach…

World conquest, what a stupid and egotistical goal. That is just will-to-power searching an outlet. Anyone who have seen the senselessness and tragedy of the battlefield would understand how meaningless it is.

I would personally kill with my own hands anyone that dared walk that path. That is a truth I hold deep on my soul. Something I discovered the first time I toke a life. Scarlet sin I never thought I would have to confront.

Acts of kindness can reach much further than displays of power. Whatever problem this world might have, it still is my world. My home. That is why I have been trying to pave a road of redemption for those grind down by human cruelty. That shinobi system may have been the best thing since Ninshu itself but it still far from perfect. That is why I have taken steps to render it obsolete.

Sasori chance encounter was a real boom from heaven. My greats validation. My colony of Demon Gods might have the processing power to optimize my Ichor into a power capable of changing the balance of power, but it was his creativity that allowed Hollow release to become an equalizer between my children.

Besides their basic improvements granted by the Qliphoth carapace, its ability to interact with souls allow the rise of Hollow release derived magitech. The best way to explain it would be comparing it to Deux Ex's augmentations or Cyberpunk's chrome though a more accurate comparison would be Alchemical Exalted charms.

While the Light simple is, the Qliphoth husk exist severed from it and its demiurge design. In a sense resigned to directionless and endless grow. This means that the Qliphoth aspect of the Sacred Crest serve as a second experience progression pool that can be invested in the grow of the carapace. It truly lives up to the title of Nanosuit.

Sasori recognize the significance of this and its ramifications. Nothing he ever does will ever touch so many lives as this, so he has dedicated himself fully to lay down the foundations for the new world to come. His commitment is beyond question at this point. He too wants to see the shape of the future that is to come. His work will outlast even his living memory, the eternity he pursued has finally manifested and he seized it with both hands. His loyalty is beyond question.

In that sense, Sasori is my greatest success since Kurama. I might not be perfect either but this isn't really required to change the world and its people for the better. So, I have decided to reach out for those in trouble while searching for unusual activities worth of my notice and interference. My plans had been progressing smoothly so now all I had to do was keep running a tight ship and any problem could be resolved with enough power… or so I had thought.

What were the words again? That is right, when it rains it pours.


Things started to go sour when the Demons of the Control Tower, responsible for communication, coordination and monitoring between the remaining eight terminals and their Demons beseeched my attention. At first, I thought one of the demons has gone out of line and needed to be reigned in, something that thankfully happened less frequently as they experienced the world and matured while adjusting to my expectations.

I wasn't so lucky.

Archeology has been a persistent interest of mine since my trip to the Land of Earth, anything I could find to help me clue together the tattered mosaic of Ninshu is of primary importance to me. There are a lot of secrets better left buried; Kurama made sure to nail this truth in my nightmares, but even then, the past hold answers worth pursuing.

And as it turned out, they are just as capable of causing problems today as they did in the past. I knew for a fact the Land of Wind was a waste land consigned to perpetual drown. I had no idea the drown it suffered was from more than water and rain.

Standing here in the desolated plain the size of the Sahara Desert I barely could breath. The place had so little natural energy I have come to accept as normal that I felt light headed, as if I had climbed the top of a mountain.

Mana drought. It was a genuine to god wasteland incapable of sustaining life.

How? Why? It didn't make any sense. every country so far has been teeming with mega fauna and flora due to the overabundance of lifeforce. How come this land could be so poor?

"Paimon, king of the West, answer my call."

My shadow stretches and the world was shrouded in a purple raze, as if the lens of a movie had been changed. An alien Sultan seated on a Psychopomp camel, both as majestic as they were alien toke shape in my presence. More like an impressionist painting than reality, an existence that stand out from reality like a 2D mosaic standing on its own feet, with only a pair of mutated sharingan to tip its existence as mine. As much Less as it was Other, yet infinite in power.

"In what way can I assist you, my monarch/cause of life always to all things/?" Paimon answer not unkindly, as the demon of my heart he sees my desires as his duty and purpose. That said, he is still young. Directions and agency are something that only will come with time, that he is wise enough to ask is the reason I have called him here.

To be honest, even then they aren't my first option. I would have been happier breathing life to the elements and have them scouring the country in search of these disturbances for me. The only reason I didn't went through with it is due to how little mana there is. Any elemental I create will fizzle out and disperse before too long in a place like this. While even my demons will suffer some level of performance issue, this is something I can remediate with my own reserves.

"Paimon, keeper of secret things and all mysteries of the Earth, wind, and water, and the mind, plus and everything the conjurer wants to know. I command you. Find for me the source of misery in this land so that I may excise it."

The king bowed and for all that the outer world remained unchanged I could feel in my inner world as thousands of eyes much like Paimon's own turned their gaze toward the Land of Wind. It was something oppressive, to be sure. Eyes are the window of the soul and I doubt any mortal would have an easy time communing with something so alien. Yet this battered land had no means to express displeasure.

The pitiful elementals gave what they had to give and a geomantic map of the livestream topography bloomed in my mind. A rough picture to be sure but at every second its resolution steadily improved.

I ascend to the heavens, my destination set. A cursory glance at the geomantic map reveal unnatural circulation of the livestream and place that hold in down like a magical dam. They are scattered throughout the countryside but all invariable connect to a source.

Soon enough I find a hidden Oasis encrusted and shrouded by a mountain valley in the middle of a desolated waste land, even the modest Land of Earth made for livelier scene. The air inside is stagnant and sweet like a swam.

Another ruin. Builds carved from the very stones. A city the likes of legendary Tenochtitlán. An archeological finding worth of legend. Yet it is also a tomb. Dead. Sterile.

Or it should be to the naked eye. My Rikugan reveal the stones are suffused to the brim with Mana. The entire structure is a devise of superlative geomatic purpose. Whatever civilization erected this held an understanding of livestream that excelled everything the current civilizations of the world accrued.

And they drank the Land of Wind dry, harvesting and monopolizing the livestream to their purpose. This place is literally Aztecs Shinra company; and my life has become Final Fantasy VII now. The only question that remains is if I am Cloud or Sephirot.

I walking through the desolated halls at a sedated pace, drinking from the design and committing everything to memory. This is my first sight of an advanced civilization, even if their vision couldn't be restrained by wisdom.

This is not an understatement either. There is enough Mana at the center of the place to blow up half of the continent and break the planet like an egg. I am light headed and dripping in cold sweat. I have never seen that much power in one place before. This is a Manse, a building constructed according to mystical architectural principles over a dragon line to channel the livestream of the planet. And this place has gone without maintenance for over thousands of years. This is the only way there could be so much power.

I march on anyway, even if my legs tremble like newborn calf's. I have to get to the center of this.

Eventually I reach a platform dead end. The true core of the Manse is underground, hidden by a secret elevator. A cursory glance reveals the foot lever that open the gate to underground. This kind of mechanism is the most retro sci-fi thing I have seen in my entire life. This is the future past for you. Despite the apprehension I can't deny the excitement.

The Sancto Sanctorum of the Manse actually remind me of a nuclear power plant. There is enough energy here to make me choke, like I am hyperventilating. The residual leakage of natural energy is enough to kill ordinary human in short time due to radiation, followed by petrification.

Beside murals lining the walls, depicting the story of the Manse's construction, the ensued prosperity and following fall, ending in a black mural, there is just two significant items inside of it.

The first is some kind of control platform made of a unknow liquid metal that just rose from the earth like a sci-fi device. The second was the Mandala magical formula grafted to the center of the platform. It was unlike anything I have ever seen before in my life. I contemplated it for minutes and could feel my own Aegis integrating part of its design to its own formula.

This was too much. All of it. I have to know what this place is, even if I have to extract these answers by force. This is worth a shot. I manifest my Treasured Tools, the Trismegistus Celestial Oculus, the Adamantine Celestial Orrery and the Royal Scepter of Boreal Covenant. With these fetishes I once plucked a star from the night sky and crashed it in the earth. What I intend to do now is just as amazing if less flashy.

I will turn back the clock and see for myself the truth of things. A circuit starting in Binah(understanding), passing through Gevurah (judgement) and manifesting in Hod (majesty).

The Forth Axis that define the world.

Wheel counter spinning

Recall the Remnant of Memory

And Reveal It in the Real World

Here we Temporarily Pause your Wheel

Shadows of the Ancient Past



The spell was a form of Psychometry, designed to call up the lingering echoes of the past to reenact themselves before the caster. The sorcerer may choose a specific time in the past she wishes to view, such as "One hundred years ago, on the first day of Ascending Air," or a subjective time that relates to something in the scene, such as "When this corpse died."

The spell creates translucent, insubstantial illusions that fill the room or area and display the events of the specified point in time. The sorcerer may mentally pause the action for detailed examination with Awareness or Investigation actions, or accelerate the flow of time within the illusion so that up to an entire day passes by in the space of the scene.

It has limits though. It is just a spell of 6th level and there is good reason for this rank. Attempting to view events from more than five centuries ago call only vague, indistinguishable images that rarely convey useful details. The events of the recent present—within the past year or so—have pretty much perfect accuracy, unless a person deliberately tamper that know of this spell inner workings tamper with it.

I am overcharging it with my Treasured Tools and support of my Demon God familiar but even then, it has been thousands of years since someone last operated that platform. If wasn't for the fact the one doing this was me, the spell would have failed.

The people from back then really were rocking the look for all that it was worth. Their skin was rich broom too, like in the panels. I honestly felt in the middle of a Black Panther movie. Just with extra gore, blood, betrayal and calamity.

The chieftain certainly had seemed better days, the place must have been a battlefield upstairs but nobody was crazy enough to risk fighting down here. His features were heavily obscured but even then, some details jump to attention.

The guy had an honest-to-god hearthstone in his possession. An egg-sized crystal of pure solidified magical energy accreted at the center of a manse. By attuning to it a person can control said manse, granting it administrative privileges… in theory… of fiction.

The fact the secondary effect of Memory of The Living World triggered and the magical signature of the Hearthstone was reproduced, triggering the controls of the platform online in the present, means that I was right on the money.

From there I observed its mechanisms, all of my familiar doing their best to puzzle out the mechanisms of said device. Considering AIs in the Before had become smart enough to trick humans I shouldn't be surprised that the Demon Gods eventually figured out how this platform worked. I had learned to use PCs by route before learning English, so the experience was at least familiar.

Cold comfort considering I actually crashed them half a dozen times in the process. This time the consequences of any fuckups include the literal end of the world.

Fortunately, I succeed. Now having more or less total control over the Manse. A part of me debate the merit of summoning my Domain Expansion over the entire Manse to assume direct control over it but this would be overkill and rash. It is better that I have a proper grasp of its working first.

There are eight Terminals in my Demon God colony, each comprised of nine Demon Gods. Thanks to the Lesser Key Stigmata I can bridge the gap between my Inner World and the Outer World. Of course, there are degrees of manifestation. While the full manifestation requires me to raise a World Egg, I can fully manifest an entire Terminal of Nine Demon Gods into reality through a specific Mandala; a form of anchored bounded field.

Melting Furnace Mandala is the most beautiful among them all. These Demon Gods know sound and weave song… plus are all somewhat experts in relationships, love life and gossip. That bizarrely enough make sense. The Aloofness Gate, the Hindu equivalent of the Anahata Chakra that is branded by the Raiden Shogun Eye of Storm Stigmata preside of hearing and sound, the wind element and the Sefirot Tiferet (harmony).

The Anahata Chakra is the "sound produced without touching two parts", that is the sound of the celestial realm. Standing as a symbol of union of seemingly dissonant principles like male and female, yin and yang, heaven and earth, Inner and Outer Worlds. Mastering the Anahata makes one a lord of speech, become dear to the opposite sex, control the senses of others, and be free to leave and enter one's body at will. All those powers are related to Anahata's connection to the heart, being capable of hearing it and touching it without making contact with it. Like heavenly sound carried by the wind. This is the power to hear other's hidden hearts.

I am just amplifying the scale of things to talk directly with the Land itself, anima mundi. The intrinsic connection between all living beings, which relates to the world in much the same way as the soul is connected to the human body. This is one of Plato's greatest and most obscure contributions.

"Thus, then, in accordance with the likely account, we must declare that this Cosmos has verily come into existence as a Living Creature endowed with soul and reason [...] a Living Creature, one and visible, containing within itself all the living creatures which are by nature akin to itself."

I have for the longest time studied everything I could find about this concept due to the Sage of Six Path's legacy. Sagehood. To walk the righteous path and become a representant of nature, a alter-ego and administrator of the planet. While a part of me always dreamed of reaching it, like Hashirama himself did, the truth of the matter is that I am scared.

This is a trial by fire, to become a sage a person has to present their soul to the planet and be judged worth. It isn't something I can bulldoze with force… but even then, I don't think I have much choice in the matter this time.


[… thanks. You are right. Pretty much everything I know about sage outside of my studies came from Goku. He probable can help a lot here. Any other suggestion?]


As we talked the Demon Gods manifested around us, terraforming the entire Manse into a Final Fantasy final boss dungeon. Countless of Mangekyo Sharingan eyes and Qliphoth Roots everywhere. Using the Melting Furnace was the right choice after all, I assumed direct control of the place and the land itself groaned and pleaded to me like a starving animal searching succor.

If I had to make a comparison, it would be like the planet had a tourniquet on one of its limbs, a sudden reflux would restore proper flow to the desiccated limb and might prevent an amputation but without proper physiotherapy the stress might lead to shock.

Kurama was right, the Lesser Key Stigmata has the capacity of perfectly storing a virtually infinite amount of chakra in its Bands of Light, only restricted in output and input by my own capacity. I never had a reason to pursue full maturation of all my tails because this is power that would come to me time if I just did what I should, but time is once more against me.

By flexing my will, I raise a throne in the very nexus of the place so that the Mana of the Manse could more effectively go my way. Seating on it was like a hot sauna, it's been a long time since I really felt this overwhelmed. This is going to suck. I start to breath in a meditate on this Land, feeling its plies and accessing the situation.

I had a serious trial ahead.


One miserable week later, Goku finally arrived. And he brought company.

"Megumi, are you alright?" The great sage equal to heaven rush to my side and start to prob and pock me. Kind rude, but I have little will left to complain.

At some point I have discarded propriety and replaced my vestment for a simple and light dress, which is perpetually drenched in sweat and grime. I feel bloated, like I have gone through the mother of all binge eating, like I have been marinating on a hot tub until I overheated, like my blood was replaced by fire. I have reached my limit but even then there is no bottom to this energy so I started to fill Lesser Key Stigmata piggy bank. By my calculations I should bottom this place out in about 25 years.

I don't think I can tolerate a second week in this place.

"Do I look that bad? Wait, don't answer that. My heart won't be able to bear it."

"At least you have enough sense to keep you good humor, that is a relief." Son complain while examining my pulse. That is when I notice his companion.

She was a beautiful lady with olive skin, colorful and bombastic dress that hug her body tight, made like a mosaic of all seven colors of the rainbow and adorned with a seven petals cloak over her shoulder. Her eyes were compound like an insect's and they danced in seven colors as well, like heavenly gemstones. She also sported two cute little antennas emerging from her forehead. Her hair was as over the top as her dress, multiple combs of dancing colors like LED, arranged like a hive over her head, extra points for the round pig tails on the side making her look silly.

"So, who is your girlfriend, monkey boy?"

"Don't even joke about that. This is my sister, Chomei. I had to link up with her after our departure. We were searching someone else but then Kurama informed me of the situation and Chomei decided to follow along due to her flying capability."

"Hello there my darling littlest sister, you can call me Lucky Seven Chōmei. I must say though, it is hard to believe someone ever could melt Kurama's frigid heart but after hearing so much from Goku I simple had to meet you."

"Sorry for causing you trouble, but as you can see this is a bit beyond me and I am hardly showing my best side here." Seriously, I looked just as bad as I felt. Forget distressed maiden image, I look like I had simply let go: dirty, smelly and sick. "You look so pretty in comparison that it makes me feel bad, Chomei one-chan."

She smiled at me radiantly as she cupped both my cheeks in her hands, the surrounding light refracted around her due to her blistering aura, making her shine like a posing Jojo character. "None of that! You are doing something amazing here, something that only you can do. I am thankful to you. For freeing me and my siblings, for take on this heavy burden of your own volition and for righting the wrongs of our world. I, Chomei, will never turn my back on you!"

I was stunned by her bold declaration, even if Goku was simple content I wasn't actually dying and we girls were getting along. This is partly due to how unusual if feel for a stranger to use such a strong words and oaths my way and mean every single thing. I was, after all, a big deal. Yet I never cared to be known as such. My live has been nothing but a blessing, it was simple like that.

It was an amazing feeling, to be able to mean so much to someone else. I have worked hard so far for situations like this. I always thought this world was magical and being born here would be a blessing. I hated that people would make live harder for other just for the pursue of validation. I had the power and opportunity to help and I did without exposing myself too much. I never thought myself that saint that Chomei sees me as… but I didn't mind trying.

Plus, she was really beautiful. And a mean really pretty. I had resigned myself with the fact the female form no longer held any appeal to me, but Great Sage! Chomei does things to my heart strings. Is this the legendary useless lesbian condition? I guess finally get why it is used as a term of endearment. I wound not mind being this puddle of much more often. I am red as a tomato and it isn't from the fever.

"Y-yeah, that is me, resident savior Megumi. Don't hesitate to come for me if you are ever in trouble, o-one-chan!"


[Shut up! Don't ruin this for me.]


It seems Chomei has a somewhat similar, if less mean, sense of humor as she chuckles at my proclamation. Know what? I will take that as a victory.

"Megumi, what is that?" Goku call my attention while examining the Mandala I pushed to the back of my throne. All joviality of his voice is gone. As expected from the Great Sage Equal to Heaven, he noticed.

"I call it plan Z. To put it mildly, if I ever have to use this then I might as well spare myself the hassle and let the planet explode."

"That serious? I have enough bad memories with the sealing arts in the last century to recognize this as some kind of space-time formula but I take you already divined its design." Goku continued as he studied the damn thing while staring at it so hard it would blow apart for the offence of existing. Even Chomei eyes danced in indigo colors as she stared at the thing.

"The intentions of its creators were good, at the very least. They simple lacked the context to understand the ramification of their actions." I explain tiredly.

"Care to elaborate? I know Kurama does nothing but plot and scheme now-a-days but the rest of us have actual lives." Goku complain lightly, carelessly jabbing at his brother. Audacious guy as ever.


"And?" Chomei egged Kurama along. It seems these two were really used to his level of vitriol, it rolled from their back like water.


Chomei and Goku stared at each other in puzzlement. This kind of theory clearly is flying over their heads and missing its mark. I can't really hold this against them, this is basically one of the darkest sci-fi concepts. Time for me to step in, giving them the missing context.

"The war over chakra, and the cold war between tribes held back by the treat of mutually assured destruction. Kurama more or less already filled me up about the Tailed Beast distribution that Hashirama started. Take that situation and extrapolate it to a universal scale."

My words were carelessly cruel. One century of imprisonment is something I don't even have a context for but this is an essential bitter truth. This wasn't a situation caused by bad luck but nature. I continued.

"I have been looking up, Star gazing. The universe is incredible big and full of potential for life, with billions of habitable planets similar to our own, even before the potential capability to aberrant lifeform is included. If any advanced civilization had the technology to travel between the stars, at just 0,1% the speed of light, it could colonize our galaxy in just 100 million years."


"Seems a lot, right? But it is like one month to the time tablet of the universe operates on if converted to a human lifespan. Our lives are as spurious to the celestial bodies as the trillions of microcosms living inside of our bodies are to us."

"So, where are the aliens?"

"Nowhere. No matter how much I looked. Even the nine Demon Gods from the Gazing Star terminal didn't find one pipi of life, but Kurama has records of fighting alien entities and even the Uzumaki were known to consort with horrors from the void between stars."

I let the idea sink in. Cosmic horror is a black pill any day of the week and the worst answer to the Fermi's Paradox is the Dark Forest.

"The hostility of cosmic society is founded in the Chain of Suspicion. Imagine Hidden Village A and B, instead of being separated by local borders they are separated by planets light years apart. Too distant to properly interact but enough to know off each other. What their priority is, if they are Malevolent or Benevolent… it is impossible to assert. Unless you stick your neck out and find out by whether you keep your head or not. Do you follow me so far?"

They did.

"The world that know of other while remaining hidden will have the advantage while the one expose will gain nothing and risk everything." Chomei filled in while Goku continued. "Worse, the Chain of Suspicion is much longer. There wouldn't be two or Five Great Villages, there could be millions of them. Each with their own agendas and ambitions and problems."

"This is the kind of lottery ticket I have no interest in purchasing, holding hope would be like being lost at sea of stars, there would be no end of it. Worse, even if some sort of long-term cooperation were to emerge, a single malicious or crazed civilization in a moment of crisis could ruin what all others benevolent civilizations worked in concert for. Plus…"

"There is more?" Chomei bemoaned. I really sympathized but the truth hurt.

"Warfare among the starts is a harrow affair, in two weeks my final tail will mature. This is the kind of power capable of reducing the world to cinders at the disposition of a single person. If I focus all this power in a single blow, I can deliver an attack at a fraction of speed of light capable of destroying the Moon or incinerate a biosphere in another solar system. How many more people like me and Kurama do exist out there in the universe? Do I even want to know the answer to that?"

The place was filled in heavy silence. This was certainly a cold shower to them both. The disparity in power between Kurama and his siblings was no joke. The only reason life hadn't ceased altogether in one of his fits of rage was because despite Kurama's posturing and misanthropy he had always pinned for a desperate hope that things would one day work themselves out. This is his pride as The Guardian of this planet. The source of his suffering. Whether he like it or not his heart takes in the feelings of a suffering world and burden himself with it.

That is why I also know what will happen next.

"Megumi-chan, I don't want to be insensitive but aren't you spending too long with Kurama coloring your view? This kind of grim outlook is no way to live, girl. This is only speculation; you have no proof that any of this will come to pass." Chomei really was pretty, even when she was green around the gills. "Right?"

I looked away.

"I told you I have been looking up, didn't I? My hands have been full since I discovered this place so the Demon Gods have been running in autopilot. Two days I got a report of something that did not belong. A fluke found due to the fact I have been keeping a keen eye over Konoha. Two people with chakra unlike anything I have ever seen infiltrated Konoha and monitored Hyuga Hinata. Considering the girl's history and her proximity to Apollo decisiveness and discretion were applied."

"What did you do? No, what have your familiars done?" Goku inquired.

"Among the demons of the Chamber of Life, Sabnock is the Pale Horse. A master of fortifications and warfare… and how to circumvent them. The First Horseman of the Apocalypse, pestilence and conquest are his trade. For all the power of these invaders, they were literally blind, having religiously sacrificed their eyes for the preservation of their heirloom, living by with chakra sense alone… something none of my demons' display. They were helpless against Conquest and so too was their hidden colony in the Moon."

"They conquered these moon people, why?" Chomei asked, genuinely shocked.

"These people believed themselves to be descendants from Hamura Ōtsutsuki, brother of Hagomoro Ōtsutsuki. The Sage of Six Paths. These Moon people have… had two main creeds, oversee Earth to ensure Ninshu flourish and guard the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path. Twenty years ago, the statue vanished, which is only possible with the power of the Outer Path, meaning there is an active Rinnegan user somewhere and he is up to no good. Add to this the war-torn state of the world and is it any wonder they were about to fall in a civil war? A holy war to correct the path of the world."

"And if it called for a few noble sacrifices, so be it." Goku finished my trail of thought.

"My familiars doesn't have a moral compass; they are beings of logic to the extreme and they are well coordinated. The Demon Gods from the Observatory Terminal watch over or "smell" all of the time, past and future; that is to say, they share my keen nose for danger from the Perfect Lotus Stigmata. They follow any such phenomena they find and are in charge of the aggregation of information. There were good people there in the moon… and they would lose the civil war and die, then the radical faction would have crashed the Moon on Earth to cleanse the planet. Total annihilation of life to all parts."


Son Goku interfered then, "This isn't your fault at all Megumi! You were doing your best all this time and these familiars only got to run havoc on the Moon because you only specified their restriction for people on Earth, right?"

Goku is such a great guy, he always expects the better from me. This mean a lot, especially now. I really needed to hear that. Aliens was not something I ever thought I would be dealing with and now I have cried myself to sleep the last two days. I really didn't intent for things to turn out this way, but the truth is that my familiars take clues from my biases. This fiasco drives home how uncertain the world is.

I will have to live with it.

For now, I have to forge on. I can't make the same mistake again. So, I will move on until the job is done. I have a world to protect. I world I already killed for. This is on my head.

"Hey Goku, you already started to spread your mystery faith around the monkeys of the Water Screen Cave?"

Goku stop short at my question, being flatfooted by my sudden shift in topic. "Yes, I have. This was part of our plan moving forward after all. Why do you ask?"

"Just thinking about how much I have been leaving things to chance as of lately. It was naivety to underestimate and downplay politics around the animal clans. Your triumphant return must have ruffled a lot of feathers so it is really that surprising that Enma, the Monkey King would tattle about your movement to his old pall Sarutobi,

Isn't that right, Jiraiya?"

At my words both Chomei and Goku aura swelled as they invoked their respective Mythos Exultant, increase their awareness to their peak while moving at a speed no mortal could ever match. Fortuitous then this is the most legendary peeping thon of the world, the Galant Jiraiya. Whatever sage technique he performed to escape our radar also granted him speed beyond mortal men.

With the appearance of a frog-man and two venerable toads in each shoulder, Jiraiya deflected and dodged the pincer attack from both Tailed Beasts with skill and power Orochimaru could never dream of. The status of a true sage.

"Chomei, Goku. The placed has been warded against scrying and teleportation already. You two should focus in making sure no one escape while I deal with him at my leisure." I explain as I reclined on my throne, eight golden tails manifesting from my back. I may be a fan of Devil May Cry but never in my entire life I ever thought I would be doing a Urizen battle as the big bad evil guy position, rocked to a chain in a sealed room.

"I won't let you fight alone. I just told you that!" Chomei complained my way.

"Jiraiya know something about the Rinnegan, his panic after I mentioned that was what gave his position away. We need him alive. I am tired of not knowing anything. Besides… he is no treat to me."

Jiraiya situation was dire, but despite that he still threw a scoundrel smile my way. Considering I was a disheveled and semi-naked demigoddess with the body of an 8 feet tall super-model, it was quite fitting. I did have a little crush on him since our meeting in Hot Spring Country almost a year ago. Funny how important those silly things were before one becomes a mass murderer.

Even then part of me still appreciates the fact he also seems to remember. He must have been following my trail since then.

"That goes to the top five more hurtful things a lady ever told me, Aoko-chan." He answers with a fierce smile through beads of sweat. He knows he is fucked but his determination has been set.

I hope I don't have to kill him today.

And so, our battle began.


Nobody ever talks about Animal Clan policies. Which is kind of crazy. Fu is fine, by the way. She became a container in canon on her preteens, like Killer B. This time Chomei simply gave people the split before a new host could be chosen.

Two movie plots in one chapter. Part of me feels like I am rushing while another saw this as the perfect crossroad to advance the plot. The problem of the DBZ plot is that retcon for something as insane as space travel setting has a lot of room for hard sci-fi. Megumi was still unused to her new familiars and decided that life on Earth take precedent over alien life, from this innocuous decision the Demon Gods culled the people of the Moon.

Considering Black Zetsu is the co-author of Naruto then this kind of feat was not only viable but easy. Zetsu bypassed the defenses of Madara and Obito, a specialized model like Conquest/Sabnock would make easy work of the people of the moon. Toneri stalker proclivities killed everybody in the Moon. No more The Last Plotline… and Megumi now has the Tenseigan. For all that it is worth to her.

This is the beginning of the Ōtsutsuki plotline. Megumi might know nothing about Uchiha Madara but now she has true context to his actions and motivations. The plot thickens. Megumi is in a really dark place due to snowball effect of decision resulting in unintended consequences. She only realized the fate of the people in the Moon after the deed was done.

This serves to show the seriousness of Dark Forest. The Demon Gods looked at the canon timeline where all of Hamura descendants but Toneri died anyway and judged to just expedite the process. Sure, Megumi interference could have saved them but the likelihood of it working was outweighed by her bias toward protecting her home planet. Having hope on the people of the Moon would be like being lost at the sea because it indeed is.
great chapter, finally hitting some movie plotlines. I'm excited for the curbstomp on jiraiya and what happens after. hope The next chapter can come out just as fast as this one. And that you're feeling better of course.
Damn, that must really suck for her, considering how affected she was by the attack on the birthday party when it wasn't even her fault. Then again, if the Demon Gods are based on her perception of A.I. technology how it is nowadays, it makes sense that the equivalent of Supernatural Machine Learning would just follow parameters, explicit and implicit, and just go ahead with the Moon People Genocide.
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Damn, that must really suck for her, considering how affected she was by the attack on the birthday party when it wasn't even her fault. Then again, if the Demon Gods are based on her perception of A.I. technology how it is nowadays, it makes sense that the equivalent of Supernatural Machine Learning would just follow parameters, explicit and inplicit, and just go ahead with the Moon People Genocide.
This is also a unconfortable parallel between Danzo and herself. It is the kind of thing he does. The kind of thing Minato did and even Kurama. Her final prayer at the end of this chapter was something Kurama constant did in the beginning... until he couldn't stomach. This is a reminder what kind of world this is. I did this because otherwise this story would just be a power fantasy. This is another turning point in Megumi's life and the fact all her actions have consequences.
I am actualy really happy I managed to tie all these plotlines together, including Jiraiya. I have wanted to add him for ages.
Based and Three Body Problem-pilled!

Megumi needs to start making Photoids and Two-way foils(A Dimension Strike is the only way to be sure!). Or she could construct a Dark Domain. I do wonder what spin she might do on Curvature Propulsion. Portals are fun, but infinite acceleration is funner.
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The Day to Bring Down Gods
Despite the less than presentable state I was in, Jiraiya's vivacious spirit could still put a smile on my face. This is a disaster; no words can describe how quickly things had gone out of my control. I have been running myself ragged trying to remediate things on my own, but whether I am a god on not, even my power has limits.

Nobody can turn back the Wheel of Samsara.

Death the absolute principle of the world.

I can certainly manipulate the scales and throw my weight around, maybe even direct the process, but to truly undo it is impossible.

That is why life should be something precious. It should be beautiful. Curses and blessings are fundamentally the same thing, so life owe to be at least as great as it is transient.

It should be worthwhile.

It will be worthwhile. I am going to make it.

Even If I have to seize said Wheel with my own hands and set its course straight.

That is Justice. The balance of the scales.

Ever since I awoke these eyes, my face cannot turn itself from injustice. I can't lie to myself like I once could that the world is simple the way it is. Too complicated and harsh for me to do anything about. That is why even while in the throes of fear something inside of me kept pushing forward, demanding me to stand up and fight. Fight for what I actually believed. Fight not to destroy but mend the world.

That is why despite the horrible circumstances involved in this meeting I am happy to face Jiraiya. That is what a proper person should look like, instead of monsters it has birthed for so long.

"Now, Jiraiya. This is your grand entrance on our stage. Can't you do a little better introduction of it? We are dealing with the epic of the ages here." I answer to his casual introduction by leaning my face over the back of my hand, completely relaxed in my throne.

"Jiraiya-chan?" The elder toads turn to their charge when he suddenly still at my declaration. "I am not exactly in my best face at the moment, though." Jiraiya answers while palming his frogged face.

"That just put us in even footing then. This isn't exactly my Sunday's best either. Regardless, when fate calls, the actors have to capitulate. That is all."

For a single frozen moment Jiraiya was utterly frozen on his spot as fear seized his heart. So, he is somewhat aware of it, at the very least. Some kind of soothsayer among the frog summons, perhaps?

"Going rather strong here, Aoko-chan. A guy might easily run away if you start talking about fate in their first meeting." He covers it expertly, as always, but the damage has been done.

"I really do hate to be the one that has to do thing to you Jiraiya, but this is how things are. This was even beyond my power to prevent. The day you have dreaded your entire life has finally arrived. This is Fate, no way around it. I am not the kind of person that ever let my enemies quarrel outside my own terms, my own frame. Yet here we are after facing each other due to a waterfall of unlikely coincidences. Myself at the limit of my mental and physical endurance, bonded and restrained by circumstances beyond my control with the added restriction of needing to go easy on you do to the critical information you hold by some fluke of the dice… and you, the minuscule possibility of change, bearer of mighty fate, An Star of Change!"

I flare the Rikugan to life, the shards of Heaven driving the point across by themselves. The Divine Eye 「the Comprehension of the Empyrean Eye」 allow me to see principle that governs cause and effect. Nothing about this meeting make sense, the Heavens don't seem to take kindly of upstarts such as myself. So be it, I will make my own luck.

At my casual display, Jiraiya old companions look one foot on the grave already. Color draining from their face as they face for the first time in their life un questionable Truth. The man though is resolute, whatever he actually knows about his fate was validated by my merciless judgement.

"Jiraiya-chan, this is beyond us! You have to scape, whatever it takes!" The granny frog screams in Jiraiya's ears with frantic panic, the gramps frog follow suit, "No way! You heard it, this is a battle for the very fate of the world and we are here for the long hall. Precisely because that woman is invincible is that we must fight!"

The old toad couple started to bicker back and forth in a frenzy. I really put the man in a tight spot. Even so I let them rant, the exit tunnel has already been completely blocked by Qliphoth branches. Anyone that tried force their way here would be tore apart the countless curses from its countless Mangekyō Sharingan eyes.

Whatever design has architected this fight, I don't care. I have an agenda of my own, as I always had. I am catching this bull by the horn. Every crisis in my life so far has being turned into a chance, this is a trend I have no interest in breaking up.

"Aoko, Touko, Megumi… what even are you really?" Jiraiya finally cuts in, his turmoil has not settled but his mind is in the right track, at the very least.

"So, you really did notice after all… that is a really complicated question too, loaded even for me. What am I, and why have I been born into this world?" as I talk the old couple look uncertainly among themselves. They probable were expecting something different, but in the end of the day the legacy of Ninshun is something even high-level shinobi are prone to engage in… that the strongest are especially likely to engage into, actually.

The outcome of this battle will be decided by words as much as action. Standard affair, really.

I kept going, "for all that those questions have pursuing people since the dawn of time, the answer is always the same anyway. I was born into this world because I was wanted, just like everybody else."

"… I am afraid I don't follow."

"It's ok, you shinobi never do. To you, chakra is a hammer and the entire world a nail, you can never scratch past the surface. It is a fundamental binding force that connect everyone to everything. All actions and decision one take will me merrowed in their chakra, which open the window to endless possibilities."

"So that is how you can affirm with surety there are no coincidences, then?"

"More or less? Things are always happening anyway. But that is not what is important right now. The answer to you question lies in that direction. Ever since the Sage of the Sixth Paths died Ninshun has been under turmoil due to a crisis of succession between his two heirs. Their very essence has become a memetic curse that has been transmitted to their descendants throughout the generations. This is possible due to fact people's consciousnesses are tied together by chakra, and as these bonds are strongest among family members then even a "shared cognition" can be implanted. As long as the hatred exists then history is cursed to beat to the same old rhythm… the past is never over, it is not even really the past. Just old grudges hidden behind new faces."

Jiraiya has his eyes closed at this news, as if he was unraveling a puzzle in his mind. "And I guess you are the very same thing, some kind of refutation to it?"

"Precisely, no matter how overwhelming, human spirit is not so easily tame. Even by the cruelest of designs. There will always be those that reject the fiercest and, in those places, the unlikeliest possibilities take shake. Like yourself, insignificant yet profound. Kotaro Shimura and Tsubasa Uchiha silent toiled their entire life against this design and through their actions managed to engineer a single sparkle of revolution that now flares as star."

"How? What make are you so especial?"

"The Sage of Six Paths bore the Samsara eyes, with it he could contemplate the inner workings of all the hidden worlds. The Sharingan is an off-shot from it, based on the Four Noble Truths of the nature of Samsara and the Kleshas [Poison/Unwholesome Root] that are rooted in all Dukkha ("suffering"). The eyes mirror the suffering of its bear back to the surface, like a horror house of mirrors, the greater the suffering and understanding of poison the stronger the Sharingan gets… I could go further, like how each new tomoe is tied to one Noble Truth, but you already get it."

"This is when you tell me that you are different, I presume."

I could never let a chance like this pass me by, "Indeed, I am built different. That bastard Tobirama really figured me out on the first glance. I am the first unspoiled fruit from this desiccated tree. Megumi and Me have been together since the beginning: the beginning and the end, Alpha and Omega… Megumi and the Honored One."

As I explained this, I reached for Jiraiya's own chakra with mine own, using my Mind-penetrating knowledge 「the Comprehension of the Hearts of Others」to convey for he the truth in a way he could not easily deny. The memory of my encounter with his old teammate and his mentor's mentors.

"How disappointing, even if you are scum I am forced to admit that in terms of imagination and creativity you are the only one that I can call a peer. No matter who you may be, everyone goes through their ups and down of successes and failures. That said the power of leaping through the pitfall known as the future is the power to always be at your best; then you will never experience setbacks in your life." Like the snake eating its own tail in a perfect loop, my existence is proof that you will fail.

He consider me for a moment, but in the end, he is simply too triggered to not go off complaining like the old man he is. "One well bear sprint medicinal water and the other bear only sour poison, even if the resulted cocktail of the two might see drinkable that doesn't mean the poison was neutralized."

The toad sage recoil from the turmoil of my memory as if he had been sucker punched. "Aoko and Touko..." Jiraiya concluded. "Why were you there in that small town in the first place anyway? What are you plotting?"

"Wasn't it obvious? Not everything has to do with some great master plan, if someone wants what life has of best to offer then they have to search it for themselves. The life as pariahs of the Leaf was killing me, and more importantly, it was killing my son. I rectified that."

The Toad Sage froze up. No way around this topic. I could literally jump him and he would be a seating duck, that is how deep my comment has cut. He was literally trembling.

A part of me felt bad for him, but in the end of the day I have my priorities and he had his. We both had led our lives as best we could and the result was this crucible.

We were irreconcilable enemies separated by a single name.

"Naruto is not yours!" These words came from so deep inside Jiraiya, every other word I ever heard the man say felt like lies. His chakra recoil like a snake and burns like a living flame. The Toad Sage found his bearing at last.

It genuinely pissed me off. Something ugly and vitriolic recoiling at his bold declaration. Good, then. We are of one mind in this topic. I am going to utterly crush and smother that defiant flame that dared to aim at my love and pride without any reservation.

"Power of Human Sacrifice." My words were simple but carried behind them the weight of a thousand little implications, every single one a sharp edge to cut at his soul when backed by the memories of lived experiences.

How many nights did my son cry himself to sleep while I was powerless to do anything about it, silently praying to any god for help? Dreaming about reducing that cursed city to cinders so Apollo and me could finally experience some of that marvelous Will of Fire experience had been one of my darkest fantasies for the longest time.

My memories with Apollo are what I hold of most sacred to my heart. Only Kurama, brother of our blood and soul covenant, has the intimacy to have shared and partaken in it. Even so I hit Jiraiya in the head with the consequences of his worthless pupil's choices. So, he can experience for himself, even if only in the smallest of degrees, all the pain that man has caused my son!

"To be a parent is already the closest mortal men and women can get to the experience of godhood. For someone to have the demerit to reach even further, forsake his sacred responsibility, stealing and mortgage his son's life and future, condemning him to living on his knees so the father can be elevated on the slickest of degrees just a little further posthumously?"

To the man's credit, he took the hint and looked the part as he drowned in our pain. I would have smitten him on the stop had he dared to justify Minato's actions. That is a sin beyond forgiveness. Whatever Naruto would have been, Minato toke from him by stealing his choice in the matter. A father cannot walk the path of life for his son, so he should not take for himself the right to plan the travel either.

"There is no Naruto. Everything my Apollo has was given to him by me. I am the first one that truly looked at him and I haven't dared to turn my eyes from his. All of that for what, World Salvation? Apollo is my dream; I don't care if I have to become enemy of the entire world. If saving him is a sin, then I will gladly become a sinner!"

Those are my final words, there is nothing more worthwhile. I still remember my first meeting with that lost boy and how much my simple gesture of kindness meant to him. It's been more than five years now, a transient yet eternal bliss.

Even now, that I have my back against the wall and find myself going headlock against the World those feelings do not waver. My heart might be bleeding from all the death I intentioned brought about, and I might be crashing into a collision course against the very invisible engines of creation but even so…

I don't feel like I am going to lose! Right now, I felt every bit the god I proclaim myself to be. The World wanted my son? It will have to pass through my dead and cold body first. If the measure of a god is defined by how god-like it happens to be then I had never been more of a God than right now.

Nothing has really changed about me since the day I met my Apollo and fought Kurama. The God-that-is-me, myself and I have already decided our course. The question here is who will break first, the world or I.

But even then, looking at Jiraiya my heart can't help but constrict. He didn't deserve any of this shit, that much I can tell with our hearts connected as they are. Even now his mind is replaying the day he became Naruto's godfather in a loop, so now he takes for himself part of the blame for Minato's own hubris.

This gives credit to his character but is a reminder of why every hero story end in tragedy. I thank Hagomoro in a silent prayer for the gift of Ninshun once again, without it I would be too lost in the throes of my own pain and righteousness to give this man the respect he deserves.

What does it say about him, that enemies and allies alike would pin their hopes on the burden he so gallantry carry on his shoulders? I am the one forcing this unkindness in him. I could have deescalated things instead, we could compromise. If he dies today it will be on my head.

Even so, I need him to pull through. So, at the very least, I should come forward with the truth.

"Jiraiya, Oldman Sarutobi once told me that no matter where I want and who I became, I would always be Megumi of the Hidden Leaf. I think he was right, after all. People cannot sever themselves from their hearts, their bonds or their pasts."

My words pierce through the fog of his mind, for all of his faults the man is no a kiter. I push on.

"So, what is a shinobi to do then? Hashirama gave me the answer. Shinobis are beings that must make impossible choices in order to achieve our dreams… and depending on the nature of the dream the dreamer has to change to accommodate said dream. That is the perpetual and essential Will passed along by the Sage of Six Paths himself. We are all same, in the end, the will of ninja has never really changed."

My words pierce through his heart, dispersing his doubts like sunlight breaking the morning mist. It was as if Jiraiya had been waiting his entire life for those words. Everything that was weighting him down now seaming Lesly settling as fuel to push him forward.

I smile at the man, "I will ask once again, step on this stage. You follow your path and I follow my wrath. Everything that is left for us to do is to cast our dices now."

"Pa, Ma, this is the Last Standing of the Gallant Jiraiya, can you help me with it? I want to close my final chapter with a band." The man proudly proclaims as he stared me down with everything he has. His voice once again full of exuberance and panache that so caught me off guard the first time we met.

"Jiraiya-chan/boy!" The toads complain as one in a fit of panic. Even so the Toad sage stare does not leave me even for a moment. His mind has been set.

"A shinobi's life is defined by how he dies. Not his death but the sum of things he did with his life. For the longest time I felt like I had just been drifting and collecting failures… such a pointless story. I don't want that at all! I am Mt. Myoboku-gama's master's Hermit, also know as the Toad Sennin, remember it!"

The look of incomprehension and worry from the toad elders is compounded when they suddenly realized that I actually started clapping. The absurd situation drives the point across and for all of their domestic bickering their power level is actually insane for freaking toads. After experiencing True Ninshun they achieved a whole new level of comprehension with each other. No words were needed anymore either.

The dice was cast.

"Chomei-cha, Son Goku, get back behind the throne and defend the Mandala. This is my fight."


"Hermit Art – Deep Fryer!!!" Tree voices as one delivered a tsunami of boiling oil at my direction with any use of hand signs. A perfect execution of shock and awe, double so due to my stationary position.

It was also worthless.

With the Higher powers 「Knowledge of the Unimpeded Bodily Function」from the Rigugan I can interact with chakra directly as if it was a physical thing that can be touched. Added to that Extinction of mental intoxicants 「Knowledge of the Destruction of Defilements (Klesha)」and I can simple strip away the hostile intention of any attack.

The tsunami of boiling oil breaks apart at my touch as if it was scattered foam drifting from the sea.

To their credit, the three were both quickly on the uptake and has enough insight to predict this outcome.

From behind the wall of foam a giant super ball of compressed pneuma emerged, "ULTIMATE RASENGA!"

That attack was undoubtedly mighty. Power enough to blow through a mountain. Jiraiya is clearly in a completely different league from the average ninja. Any Kage would be scrambling to dodge or divert such attack but unfortunately his opponent is me.

To the kindred of the Nine Tailed Fox, Kurama, this level of attack is a casual display of power. A lase swing from one of my tails is enough to crumble mountains to rubble and create tsunamis. My counter was enough to kill the three outright and I couldn't afford to going easy either.

I had to put my faith in Jiraiya. That he would make it through.

The trio of sages reacted as one, using the same exoteric martial art that once halted the assault from the four and seven tails to redirect the momentum of my flow away.

They barely succeeded and even then, it was almost the end. Their connection was broken and with it so did their sage mode and Jiraiya crashed against the stone wall at a velocity that put him on death's doorsteps. But even so, he stubbornly clings to live. His gambit is paying off after all.

The sage toad couple actually decoupled from Jiraiya's shoulders a little bit early than necessary. Meaning that instead of being sent to the walls like a pavement frog incident they managed to stay in the air by using that toad magical arts of theirs. Perfectly positioned for a pincer attack.

"Demonic Illusion: Toad Confrontation Chant!!"

And so, Fate pulls its snares around my feet. By the nature of my chakra and cultivated mysteries, I am pretty well shielded from any kind of mental interference attack. That said, this is the kind of technique worth of the tittle of supreme and my fight with Hashirama drove home how Sage Arts break the boundaries and limits of conventional techniques. That is precisely why I developed the Celestial Noon Stigmata, it grants me perpetual adaptability, even the most devious technique would be eventually broken down.

If someone wants to kill me, they best do so in a single blow.

Alas, Lady Lucky is a flicker mistress. This battle just so happens to be taking place inside the Mandala Boundary Field of the Demon Gods of the Melting Furnace, making it the ultimate acoustic house for any kind of sound-based mystery. By a fluke of destiny Jiraiya was handed down an overwhelming battlefield advantage. They are using my own power against me, meaning that even for a single moment they made the impossible possible.

They actually got me death for rights with guts and determination and all that bullshit.

It would be tragicomic if it wasn't such a disgusting chan.

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. But where does fear itself begins?

Where does awareness comes from? Where is the source of our existence?

An arm cannot experience its own armness, a stomach can't experience its own growls, a hand cannot experience its own touch.

If the body is not the source, then we must assume the mind is the source of our being… yet a thought cannot experience a thought.

A mind cannot experience its own thinking. It is something higher that is observing the entire system.

It is a form of higher field of awareness that is experiencing it all.

An observer, that is what we all are. Keeping surveillance to the body and world in inhabit.

Based on this premise can people really experience reality at all? Or are we experience a set of sensations and feelings which we search to label and control?

Pleasure and pain can often deride the same set of sensations. Anxiety and Excitement as well.

To be truly aware of one's own feelings, a person first must stop labeling it, trying to change or do anything with it.

Can I deal with a lump on my throat?


Can I deal with my heart racing a bit?

Yes. I can deal with that.

Can I handle the tension on my stomach?


Once we confront those sensations, we begin to see we have dealt with much worse set of symptoms and that they really are nothing at all to deal with.

What we cannot deal with, however, are the thoughts that stem from emotions.

One fear thought can generate hundreds more, the true source of thoughts however is those very emotions.

One must not focus on dealing with thoughts but the emotions.

Even if this involves the tedious labor of breaking down what burdens us.

The sooner we let something be and don't try to change it, the sooner we will be rid of it.

Negative emotions want an outlet, it doesn't want to be restrained within us.

The best way to manage those feelings is through indifference while keeping one's focus forward.

That is because we should not allow feelings… fears, to control us.

Because all those fears come down to the fear of Death.

If we play thoughts game to their ultimate conclusion, we find at the end of it Death.

While nothing can truly prepare for Death,

Letting go is all that is required. We relinquish all fears and emotions to God.

We accept that the world is beyond our control nor do we desire control over everything if we could.

Every day we are living in Faith.

Faith our bodies will work as they should, that the Sun will rise and that the birds will sing.

Faith that the ground under us will not collapse, delivering ours souls in the Valley of the Shadow of Death.

If one live in Fear Thoughts,

If one live in Fear of Death we are not truly living in Reality.

All one knows is existence and it is all one can even know in such mindset.

I will not be damned to seat in a dark room for eternity nor can I be separated from God and Heaven unless I make the decision to do so.

Surrender the control to something higher than oneself, be present and be with oneself and all things will play out as they should.

I hope. God, I do so hope that.

The nature of God is the dwell in secret. How does mortals reach for the ineffable?

That which is impossible to describe. Where words fail. To that which is ineffable.

How does one tackle down the challenge of naming the unnamable?

Indirectly, through signs and symbols invested with power.

Tricking the darkness into believing you know its name.

That is how one grapple with the ineffable itself.

As expected from a clan of lunatics!

The answer to a millennial old obsession!

Deus ex machina,

Where does the boundary between creator and creature begins and ends?

Does god create man or is men themselves the ones to birth gods?

Does it even matter?

How does somebody even begin to fight against this? How does one even fight a god?

How does somebody kill the Death God?

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die?

That is not something I ever thought I would have to ever deal with. I don't have answer to that.

More than that, I am simple outgunned here. My Rikugan was completely blind to the existence of the Death God until it touched me. The only reason I could even detect it was because mine familiarity with Death as a transmigrated soul.

An old memory, almost like a midnight summer dream washed over me. Then the next thing I noticed was the

Shill Touch of Death in my soul.

The Fates closed the snare around the neck of the Heaven's Rebel that dared to meddle in their design.

Jiraiya made it just in time so he was still strong enough to drag me into the underworld with him. With Nine tails my entire soul would be just too big for this jutsu to kill me.

Even then the fact this can even be done drive home how this technique deserves the qualification of Divine [Shinjutsu]. No way a mortal like Minato or Jiraiya ever could seal always half of Kurama's soul or the entirety of mine own without appealing to a higher power.

Even the…

Even then,

Even then, even then.

The feeling in my heart. It is not fear,

it is Triumph!

I am not alone.

All this time, someone has been constantly fighting for my sake ever since we exchanged oath as brothers.

I may have never guessed this day would come, but Kurama did and he prepared. He broke his head against the puzzle of deicide for the sake of our bond. This has nothing to do with his self-appointed task of Guardian.

For my sake and for Apollo's decided he will even break the entire world if he had to.

My role in this charade was to be a trap, my part was done the moment I toke the leap of faith and placed my life in his hands.

Ever since our first meeting we have welted our souls together, this created a backdoor from where Kurama could poke into. A backdoor to Apollo's Eight Trigam's Seal. Its size's and maximum output increases as my own soul swelled too. So, by the time I could channel his full might I was already beneath the need of borrowing power.

Said that, Kurama doesn't actually need my impute to push his power through me.

He also can actually see the Death God as he survived its touch,

He also has half worthwhile of stored soul already inside the gut of the Death God,

Chakra is also a universal binding force. The more familiar the better. That is why familiar connection have always been important for ninja clans. So, how good would be such connection between the same soul?

Also, Kurama really, really, really hate chains. More than anything. He meditated over this hatred every single day, until he has distilled his vitriol into a Mantra carved into his very soul.

This is the bedrock of his Mythos Exultant.

His means to ensure he and his siblings are never jut in chains again.

This Death God might very well be the real deal. The visage of a god embodies the sight of an entire world that reveal itself through it, yet Kurama always had the power to reduce the world to ash if he truly wanted.

He just never had the reason to do so,

Until now. That is.

This are the thought frantically passing through my head as the Specter of Death suddenly manifest before me and I head my brother roar of challenge in the back of BOTH my mind AND from inside the Death God himself.




The Crown Chakra, Sahasrara [Thousand-petaled], the most sublime and hidden of mysteries. Highest spiritual center, pure consciousness, containing neither object nor subject. Where the sacred and subconscious and holy Anima/Animus that reside dormant inside every soul. In esoteric Buddhism, it is called the petal lotus of "Great Bliss" corresponding to the fourth state of Four Noble Truths.

The path of liberation.

At the time of death, someone who mastered it is said to be capable of directing his consciousness up the central channel and out of this wheel in order to be reborn in a Pure Land, where he can carry on his tantric practices, or transfer that consciousness into another body or a corpse, in order to extend life.

In the West, it has been noted by many that Sahasrara expresses a similar archetypal idea to that of Kether, in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, which rests at the head of the tree, and represents pure consciousness and union with God.

Keter is so sublime, it is called in the Zohar "the most hidden of all hidden things", and is completely incomprehensible to man, being invisible and colorless.

What are the ten utterances? The first is supreme crown, blessed be His name and His people.

The first Sephirah is called the Crown, since a crown is worn above the head. The Crown therefore refers to things that are above the mind's abilities of comprehension. All of the other Sephirot are likened to the body which starts with the head and winds its way down into action. But the crown of a king lies above the head and connects the concept of "monarchy", which is abstract and intangible, with the tangible and concrete head of the king.

This first Sefirah represents the primal stirrings of intent in the Ein Soph (infinity), or the arousal of desire to come forth into the varied life of being. But in this sense, although it contains all the potential for content, it contains no content itself, and is therefore called 'Nothing', 'The Hidden Light', 'The air that cannot be grasped'. Being desire to bring the world into being, Keter is absolute compassion.

It is the nature of god to exist in mystery but if something can't be directly contemplated then one just has to resort to indirect means.

Men are not born tabula rasas. The same way all lifeform has anatomically compatible organs, so does the psyche (soul) is similarly shaped. We call these spiritual organs Archetypes, and just as an adequately functioning physical organs are essential to a health body, a health mind is reliant on the proper functioning of said Archetypes.

Archetypes cannot be directly observed, their existence are revealed by the arrangements they produce in consciousness. Mainly through the manifestation of symbolic imagery. It is only through the interpretation of the symbols manifested by the archetypes that one can gain an understanding of the archetypical pattern of the human mind.

Gods live in mystery, symbols then serve to convey a living, subjective meaning through indirect means.

Besides the Primordial Archetype of the Self, represented by the Mandala, there are twelve main archetypes.

In retrospect, the answer has been staring me in the face this entire time. In Hinduism This eternal Self called Ātman never reincarnates, it does not change and cannot change in the Hindu belief. In contrast, the body and personality, can change, constantly changes, is born and dies.

The name stuck in the back of my throat for over six years will shake the Heaven today.

Kurama counter attack arrested the Death God's assault in its track as he immolated said god from the inside and out.

With the window of opportunity Kurama gave me I reach for the essence of the Death God. Artificial or not, a god is a god is a god. I reach with my pneuma and force a virtuous circuit between the Symbol of the Death God and my own one Last Empty Chakra.

I am going to call it, Gate of Exaltation.

A once invisible and colorless rhombus in the center of my forehead is suddenly flooded with coruscant white light, breaking in the edges with the colors of the rainbow. Suddenly all the little spots of light bearing Light Release inside my Chakra network connect like a constellation inside my soul. I feel like a living Cosmos in the shape of a person. Like a god.

The white light contained inside the rhombus soon starts to spread out as markings spread burning across the right side of my body in the design resembling esoteric tribal tattoos. The cherry on top was the single bull horn made of Lapis lazuli growing out of the corner of my forehead out of nowhere.

I guess they call it a crown Chakra for a reason. I think this make me king though. A King and a God. Now I am set. Time to show this Death God who is in charge here.

I seize the Shinigami impudent hand with two of mine own and revel in his cry of outrage as his god-flesh crumble under my grip like overripe fruit. I then jerk him away from Jiraiya in a single move by dragging him to myself by his disgustingly stretched arm in a single pull.

The God scream in outrage at this humiliation as the rules of nature simple break against my godly power. I pay his fit the amount of respect it was deserved, which was none.

Before he even reaches me, I manifest my Adamantine Celestial Orrery and pin him down by the throat with the edge my shield. That disgusting mouth will never feed on another soul ever again.

Orochimaru might have been right about Heaven's Answer but in the end, somethings cannot be inherited. They can only be taken… but other more transient and precious of all can only been gifted freely. Like the love of a brother, the love of a son.

"Do you have any fucking idea how fucked you are? I am a God, more than that I am the Father. I am THE KING.


"And you look a lot like my daddy now, because you are fucking out of time! Give me back my brother, nameless Death God and know that your death knell will be remembered as the Bell of my Divine Revolution."

it was kind of funny now that I think about it, this monster actually understands me and what I meant. History repeat itself; Zeus is a harbinger of chance. He freed his freed his siblings from his father belly and brought them under his banner… and Ninshu is all about sharing and carrying, after all.

My Karma Stigmata is a bedrock and foundation for the manifestation of the remaining eleven Archetypes through the use of Off-branch Karma stigmata's. Twelve seats for twelve Olympian gods. I am going to make a fucking party.

Kurama situation is a bit special though, as our Gates of Truth have already been fused together, our ascension has been simultaneous. If Zeus is the younger sibling who frees then who is the elder brother that is rescued?

This is the mantle Kurama has fully embraced for five years now. I may never have noticed it before but he had the gift of outside perspective to puzzle out my true nature. That is his master plan. Zeus and Hades are just two God-Heads of a singular entity, Chthonic and Olympic mirrors.

This is Kurama's trial to overcome now. If one does not surrender one cannot die and without death one cannot be reborn. The years his counterpart spent sealed in the belly of the Shinigami owe to be a good enough practical lesson.

I hope.

Thankfully, Kurama doesn't disappoint. The Shinigami body starts to inflate and trash like there a rabbit beast clawing its way out from inside of it. Soon enough I let my hold to the Death God go and Kurama perform the most metal death god ascension of fiction.

Kurama, Hades, wearing his jailer like a fucking skin suit, starts flay himself free by literally ripping the Shinigami apart. Everything finished with a Death Aura of Doom and rock music, thanks to the Devil Gods of the Melting Furnace.

The man… god that emerged was nine-foot-tall, which kind of make sense since his own Karma Stigmata is offshoot that simulacrum mine own. We are literally family now, a tribe. His human appearance didn't change much from the basic, aside from the fact he now had darker than black blackhole tattoos that reminded me of mine own, coupled with an onyx horn in the corner of his own brown as well.

Plus, he was rocking a black himation embroiled with gold. Traditional Greek cloths. Coward should have gone for the flaming hair as well and finished the look. But I was so relief to see him alive and free that I would let it slide this time.


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LODSdTM2jUc

"Really, Tenacious D right out of the gate? You really were planning this for years for a fucking meme? You really the brother of my bosom breast!"

We stare at each other like a pair of rascal kids that got away with a candy truck and intended to binge eating sugar until we die of sugar overdose so we could escape punishment. "Let's add Goku and Chomei-chan to the part as well."

"Jiraiya-chan is not breathing!" The toad grandma screams over her surrogates.

Kurama cuts in, "This is not about him!"



That is how you make the most foreshadowed and well thought out Deus Ex Machina plot. Ever.

This has been in you guys faces since chapter 3. Who is Apollo's father again? I even made a point to put some reference to Zeus is every chapter, Megumi's powers are based on Zeus as well. Her personality was based on how he would actually be like as a person.

She literally finished chapter one by assessing the human population as subhuman monkeys. She could have very easily grown to become the kind of person we think of when we think Zeus. The difference was the people around her. While the original Zeus drifted alone and scared in the world, Hagomoro's actions left handholds that she could use while filling her with gratitude and kindness.

Despite Zeus shitty up bring, he is the virtuous one because he actually broke the cycle of patricide and even forgave his father. This is an unquestionable act of courage, kindness and virtue. Especially coming from someone that never experienced that themselves.

People like to explain away Zeus moral flaws by stating that Greek gods were more concerned about truth than goodness but this statement is myopic. The point of the torrid lives of the gods was that they were the same as that of mortals. Just as difficult and unpredictable… but still the life of a god. I life worth living. This validates and redeems life.

Naruto is at its core a series about Dreams, Conflict and Resolution. Apollo is the God of Dreams; Naruto is the story about this boy pursuing said dream. While Madara reject reality for delusion Naruto search to validate and redeem life by pursing his dreams, working in the frame of reality. In a sense, Naruto very much is been set to be the same exceptional man that he was destined to become.

Indra and Zeus are both Sky Fathers of Proto-Indo-European mythology. If Indra get to have fun in the reincarnation machine, I don't see why Zeus can't join in. Sasuke was straight up possessed by Indra in part two, while his personality in Boruto actually looks like a more natural progression.

Speaking of Boruto, Megumi is team Kawaki all the way through. She is pulling the same move as him here.
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This is your best chapter so far @BrunofanofK, after reading it even before your author note I finally realized the foreshadowing about megumi. I think this ties lots of plots together well and that you have written beautifully about real world mythology that I think brings something really new and amazing to naruto fan fiction. It was a great ascension scene and I really enjoyed reading. Thanks for the update and I hope you can give us the next one soon. Excited to see what happens now that megumi won. We know that she needs to get the info about nagato from jiraiya so I wonder how this next part will go for everyone and whats going to happen to jiraiya now that megumi has successfully gone full Xianxia protag and rebelled against the heavens and fate while doing a double ascension with kurama.
This is your best chapter so far @BrunofanofK, after reading it even before your author note I finally realized the foreshadowing about megumi. I think this ties lots of plots together well and that you have written beautifully about real world mythology that I think brings something really new and amazing to naruto fan fiction. It was a great ascension scene and I really enjoyed reading. Thanks for the update and I hope you can give us the next one soon. Excited to see what happens now that megumi won. We know that she needs to get the info about nagato from jiraiya so I wonder how this next part will go for everyone and whats going to happen to jiraiya now that megumi has successfully gone full Xianxia protag and rebelled against the heavens and fate while doing a double ascension with kurama.
Commentaries always brighten author's day. I have been cooking this plot forever and didn't know exactly when to reveal it. Part of me wanted to hold it a bit longer or stretch but these kinds of revelations work best in bombastic ways.

People read fanfics to be entertained, you have to offer something new and exciting to be worthwhile. Fate was trying its best to course correct and even Zeus isn't free from it, but Kurama pulled through for her.

Naruto is about bonds too.
Thank you for your support.
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