Examinations can be a Soul concern.
Temptation hummed as she lay in John's lap. "Why aren't you guys done yet, Master?"

Her sister snorted, but he hummed and ran his fingers through her hair. "Because of Soul resonance, or something similar to it."

Mmm, that felt nice.

Unfortunately, he kept talking. "The network of Soul backups in my Pocket, despite only being bound together and NOT directly interacting with OUR Souls in any obvious way, reinforce each other on a Conceptual level. Even new backup copies of our Souls experience this effect, despite being stored separately and isolated. It's why I can't just expose our 'main' Souls directly to fix the 'can not open cards' issue in the first place, ALL versions of us get enhanced in some way by our backups."

Boring. "Can't you just get Grace to do some of her techy stuff and fix it all while we cuddle?" A MUCH better plan, honestly.

Her sister snorted. "Our Lord is not that irresponsible… And I have to confess, I am running out of ideas. Soul backups, exposing the originals, attempting to 'distance' either of those via Dimensional warping or actual distance, all tested 'partial defense lowering' techniques… None of them weaken our 'signal' enough to safely interact with this Realm's card game."

John hummed as those wonderful fingers brushed her hair. "Which I should probably be annoyed at, but the benefits are actually pretty great over all."

Mmm. "Hmm?"

He probably nodded. "Even if you girls are lost somewhere, or lose access to my Pocket somehow, or decide to leave me one day…" Wait, what!? "...Your enhanced Souls would resist alteration from outside sources, actively ignore influence from anyone with LESS resonance than yourselves, and passively bypass most attempts to torture or search via Soul manipulation techniques. Overall, while annoying, I'm quite happy with the setbacks we've been experiencing so far."

She rolled over, pulling her face into his stomach and gripping him tightly. "You are my MASTER. I follow my Master, no one can make me abandon my Master. That is not how having a Master works." Not if SHE had anything to say about it!

Grace snorted. "Our Lord will eventually realize his own worth, and stop attempting to cast us aside 'for our own good'. As if our worship and adoration was so shallow as to be discarded like some bauble…" She huffed. "We followed you, our Lord, beyond reality itself. And we do not regret doing so."

Damn straight. "Also, you are super comfy and my pillow isn't allowed to say stuff like that ever again. In fact: I revoke your 'pillow talking' privileges. Now get back to scratching my head again, it felt amazing."

Her pillow hugged her head a bit. "Mmm Hmm."

Good Master.

Grace sighed. "Well, fragmenting a Soul backup is obviously out. Aside from not being a long term solution, as our Souls will only be enhanced MORE over time, just the theoretical thought of it actually makes me feel sick."

Eugh, yeah. "It would probably produce some sort of twisted tortured fragment of our psyche Soul component too, and somehow try to kill and replace us to recover the bits of itself it lost… ALL the chunks would do that, we'd basically generate an army of powerful and insane monsters that were constantly in pain and torment, attempting to murder us all."

Not to mention what it would do to her Master…

Temptation shuddered.

John leaned down and kissed her hair. "I'd keep them all the same, as well as any part of you girls should something like that happen. But yes, let's avoid mutilating copies of the people we care for, even if it would let me play a neat card game."

Temptation couldn't hold back her grin at the warm fuzzies. "So are we done then? Problem solved: Can't play the local games, let's go cuddle?"

John chuckled. "Oh I'm sure we'll work SOMETHING out to handle this. And it isn't just so I can play Duel Monsters." Liar! It totally was! "This is also going to improve our Soul defenses. After all, having an undetectable Soul or one so powerful that reality starts warping? BOTH happen to stand out quite a bit and could cause annoyances as we travel. Being able to fake a 'normal' Soul to outsiders would make us safer."

She squinted up at him. "And let us play that game."

He looked away. "A lucky side effect, really."

Grace sighed. "I simply want more options than 'Undefended' and 'Max Turtle' for the Pocket Settings! My ability to server you, Lord, is predicated on the options I have available?"

Damn it, that made sense. "What happens when you shut everything down anyway? To people HERE I mean."

John shrugged, scratching her scalp once more as he played with her black hair. "Well for one thing I'd block everyone ELSE'S ability to interact with the Soul Fragments. Not quite sure about what range we'd be talking about here, considering that my ability to test this stuff without getting Jessica mad at me is a bit limited, but half the planet at least."

…And that would expose a lot of unsuspecting card players to opening dangerous cards that resonated with someone as powerful as her Master.

That would probably kill a LOT of kids. "But like… HOW exactly? Would our Souls squish them?" Wait! "Do we have fat Souls!? Is my Soul FAT!? How do I FIX that!?" SHIT!

John blinked at her sudden concern, then chuckled. "Temptation, you have a beautiful and healthy Soul. It is not fat."


Her mind went blank as she blushed. "Oh."

Thankfully Grace came in, half distracted as she set up some other boring experiment. "Powerful Soul's have this sort of energy effect as they interact with the local Magical, Conceptual, and Mythological environment. Sort of an unconscious reverberation that propagates through the higher layers of the Realm. For 'normal' Souls that kind of thing doesn't matter much, it all blends together and becomes ambient energy that waxes and wanes and affects various prophecies and all that mess, but for us?"

She sighed as something she was testing apparently failed. "Well, OUR Souls would just smash all that stuff out of the way. Like dropping a train into a kiddy pool. It wouldn't go well for everyone else, even ignoring the Soul Fragment issues."

Meh, nerd. "So you can measure that propo-whatzit stuff?"

Grace blinked. "Yes?"

Temptation gave her a look. "Can you duplicate it?"

John stalled as Grace seemed to blank out.

Ha! "Then just take a sample of what this place looks like WITHOUT our influence, expose the sample to our Souls in the Pocket, and dilute the new pattern generated down to something close to 'normal'. Release copies of said watered down pattern at some rate, maybe clean out any excess junk that slipped in there or whatever, and use THAT to pretend we have 'normal' Souls. Yes?"

Grace stared at her like she had onions growing out of her eyes.

Whatever. "Now, get rid of all that nerdy stuff and get over here! I need some sister 'skinship' and Master needs some sweet sweet cuddling."

After all, having ONE pillow was already sweet… Let's double up!

John gave a solemn nod. "Temptation has spoken: It must be so."

As it should be!

~~~Pocket System~~~

Jessica walked back into the game shop. "Alright, I'm ready for the next bags!"

The kind old man was shocked! "You've already secured all those boxes already!? That was very fast indeed!" Solomon then looked at the remaining boxes of booster packs, concerned. "Are you sure your car can fit all the rest of these too though? I still say you should have let the nice delivery crew help you pack these away instead of moving it all yourself. They've always been happy to help me when they bring in my usual shipments, and I've used them for years!"

Considering she was just walking outside, Pocketing the boxes, then waiting until she was 'done loading up her car' before coming back in?

Well, having locals help would kind of ruin the whole point of this subterfuge. "Relax, I'm quite a strong little lady if I do say so myself!"

Jessica flexed her arm and… Oh, right, she actually had noticeable muscles now with the new Body. Like, she was well toned and trained with her ORIGINAL one, sure… But THIS one with enhanced Borg muscles and designed with the assistance of a demoness and a perverted angel?

Her arm had definition by definition!

The grandfather's eyes went wide. "Oh my… Very impressive indeed!"

Might as well go for a larger load this time, after showing off like that. Two arms full instead of one shouldn't look THAT impossible, right? She casually lifted a massive armload of product. "Eugh, there."

Super easy, felt weightless. Although, uhh… "Sorry, could you open the door for me? I don't want to drop anything trying to go through it backwards."

He blinked and quickly nodded, moving to do as mentioned. "Of course, it is the least I could do!"

Eugh, now she'd have to pretend she parked around the back or something so he'd not notice her 'vanishing' all this stuff as soon as she got outside, wouldn't she?

Well, whatever. Still faster than doing this a single armful at a time. "Right, let's do this!"

~~~Pocket System~~~

John blinked at his sister. "You bought the store."

Jessica crossed her arms! "NOPE! I bought all the Duel Monster stuff only!"

Okay, that was fair. "You bought the majority of the stuff in the store."

She nodded. "Yes. Yes I did. Then I convinced them to contact their suppliers and get the weekly shipment brought over early. And I bought most of that too."

He looked at the stacks of boxes, each filled with smaller boxes, each filled with booster packs stuffed with cards. "I only needed like, one sample pack to work with." Or theoretically, a single unopened card.

This seemed a tad excessive.

Jessica grinned! "Ah, but are you SURE about that? What if different Soul Fragments interact with the different booster packs in unknown ways? Plus, the nice grandpa over there made these things out of already opened cards, and I thought you could learn some stuff with more data samples."


Plus most of this money came from some real assholes on this planet, so who cared anyway? "Right, I'm going to start scanning all this stuff. You go over and sit in that awesome chair so Grace can calibrate your Body settings for the newly modified Soul Defense modules. Then we can open up some cards!"

She blinked, glanced to the side… And paled. "...John?"

Hmm? "Yes?"

Jessica pointed. "Why does that look like an electric chair?"

John blinked. "What do you mean?"

They both focused on the metallic throne covered in wires and sensors and… Oh, the skull clamp. "That bit examines your brain so we can be sure nothing goes wrong while we calibrate your new configuration settings to better falsify your Soul signature and stuff. Your Soul isn't like, IN your brain or anything, but watching the Mind does give us useful information to make sure you don't accidentally melt or something."

She held up a finger. "I like not being melted, but that looks like a literal death trap. No, not a trap: It's too obvious. It looks like a death machine."

Huh, really? It had seemed pretty awesome so far. "Which part?"

Jessica pointed.

Oh. "The skull clamp?" Well, that was sort of reasonable. "For the record, it doesn't actually clamp onto your skull or drill into the brain anymore, the new sensors and stuff get the job done easily enough. I mostly kept the older design because it seemed aesthetically pleasing really."

She did not seem amused. "Why does it still HAVE a bone drill then?"

Well doi. "Because the Borg conversion chairs didn't always know how dense the skull would be, and some species resist nanite injections and it was more efficient to just drill in and… You know what, it doesn't matter. Like I said, it's not required."

Ms. Buzzkill The Lame crossed her arms. "How much of ALL of that IS required? The straps and tubes and spikes and the injection port clamps, all that stuff."

John tried not to grumble. "I mean, if you want to be SUPER pedantic, I guess technically I could just have my Pocket scan you now using the existing data feeds connecting your secured self to this Body avatar."

Temptation stepped up like the badass awesome girl that she was! "But wouldn't it be AWESOME to sit in the 'Soul Configulizer' instead? Look at what Master added to it! These bits spin, those sections light up, the fog machine is in the back and most of the robotic limbs have been programmed to…"

Jessica gave all THREE of them an unimpressed look. "Give one good reason."

Grace awkwardly raised a hand. "I ask them to include an automated back massage feature? And the metallic spike stuff is actually heated leather, so it won't actually hurt you to sit on it."

Was she contemplating it? She was, right!?

Heck yeah, the 'Soul Configulizer' throne of awesomeness WAS A GO!

John grinned madly and tried to covertly send Grace a sweet thumbs up! Good job!

Then the whole world had to be a jerk when something popped, the entire chair SPARKED with electricity, black and green smoke oozed out of one of the metallic skulls on the upper left side, and a third of the twitching claw manipulators began to attack each other.

All four of them watched the entire device slowly destroy itself before Temptation slumped a bit. "You were right sister, the secondary empowerment matrix was too overloaded to handle all the extra effects. But the extra pneumatic blades and electric metal spines were just so awesome with the whole aesthetic!"

Grace gently rubbed his back, while moving away from the slowly melting chair of awesomeness. "Don't worry, my Lord… It will be easy enough for us to fix this right up if we adjust the psionic distribution network to…"

Jessica sent the entire thing into the Pocket, marked for recycling. "Nope."

Daw! "I was so sure this one wouldn't break down so quickly…"

Temptation was scowling at the missing chair of doom. "I know, right? It seemed mathematically sound in theory… At least, before I added those last few parts and stuff."

Oh well. "At least we have Grace's backup option."

Jessica jerked back! "Grace! You didn't make one of those monstrosities TOO, did you!?"

His angel puffed up! "Yep! Though… My version got rejected because it wasn't 'cool' enough…"

Temptation growled! "THAT abomination didn't even have an acid fountain! What's the POINT of makinging cool shit while having easily replaceable Bodies if we only design boring junk!"

Grace pouted. "It's NOT boring, it's just safer! Safety is cool too! My Lord, tell her how cool being safe is!"

John didn't know how to address that… Uh. Move on? Yeah. "So like I said: Let's go with Grace's backup option."

His sister seemed LESS than enthused. "You guys are NOT going to get me to sit in any sort of death trap, metal masher, carnage carriage, torture tank…"

Then she went silent as the new chair was placed in the hotel room.

The bright pink, soft squishy version of the 'Soul Configulizer'.

Grace had tried, she really did… Even copied most of the final design schematics to the 'Soul Configulizer' too, even if she ended up altering most of what the thing was made out of and got rid of the vast majority of the features.

Bless her little heart.

He couldn't look into her eyes and even attempt to bad mouth the brightly cushy scanning device. Although… "I still don't know why you added in the seatbelts."

She huffed! "So you won't fall out of it and hurt yourself, silly!"

John glanced at her. "More than one though seems a bit excessive."

Grace pouted! "You let Temptation add extra meat hooks to HERS!"

Jessica interrupted the potential issue by cautiously poked the VERY PINK attempt.

It squeaked.

His sister hesitated… then nodded. "I am willing to give this one a shot."

Temptation groaned as Grace blossomed in joy! "Oh, let me help you get strapped in!"

…Welp, at least ONE of the two chairs got approval. Good enough!

Oh, right: Before he forgot! "Temptation, make sure to start the sample resonance analysis with the LOWEST concentrations first this time! We can always go the boring slow way to tune it in while we calibrate this mess. If we melt Grace's chair, she'll cry."

The demoness huffed, but nodded. "Fine… Hey Sis, let me help too. This should be the last requirement before fully adopting the new Soul security measures, right?"

Heck yeah it does! Almost time to open up some awesome Duel Monster cards! Woo!
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The first half is great and I enjoyed it. The second half is random and weird, but kinda funny? Very WTF for me though.
...i think that describes most of the story? Not that I find that bad, as i love the story, but yeah..
🤷‍♂️ It's an Aceoffire story. Of course there's crack. Writing down their dementia is how they keep calm and collected in life. What were you expecting?
Yay! Random pack cracking!

Now it is time to.... open packs, stare at cards, bicker about who gets what, make lists of cards opened, bicker about who gets what again .... yanno... normal stuff for when people dont draft.

I hope Temptation bonds with SoCuteBoss while Grace gets Madolche Puddingcess.
Is there a YuGiOh draft format? I know the various MTG formats, and can bullshit a Soul Master format if I have to, but don't know YuGiOh or Pokemon.
Can the history be scry'ed?

I had a vision of the time in 'Mary Poppins' and a few cards resonate.

And somehow make Jessica uncomfortable, she is not planning to do so much paperwork again!
Is there a YuGiOh draft format? I know the various MTG formats, and can bullshit a Soul Master format if I have to, but don't know YuGiOh or Pokemon.

Never encountered IRL but I think some of the newer games got one, but Konami didnt exactly do much beside milk money with those.
I miss solomon draft...
2k Life points, those were the days...
Dude, check out some of these original duels from the anime...

It starts at 10:05.

In the end, Yugi only played 5 cards. Total. Then drew a literal combination of 'I Win' cards from his deck. Didn't even have to play them, he won just by drawing them...

It really shows the differences between the card game that we play and the card game portrayed in the anime and the manga... And it only really is the tip of the iceberg... Anyone remember when he attacked the moon?

Seriously Japan, leave the moon alone! I mean it!
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If you really want some yugioh nonsense, early days of the game, there was no upper card limit to how many you could carry. Minimum 15 cards. It was only implemented when someone in a tournament brought in a pillar of cards that required two people to carry.
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Dude, check out some of these original duels from the anime...

It starts at 10:05.

In the end, Yugi only played 5 cards. Total. Then drew a literal combination of 'I Win' cards from his deck. Didn't even have to play them, he won just by drawing them...

It really shows the differences between the card game that we play and the card game portrayed in the anime and the manga... And it only really is the tip of the iceberg... Anyone remember when he attacked the moon?

Seriously Japan, leave the moon alone! I mean it!

How does that duel show the difference between the card game in the manga/anime, and the real world one? That 'I win' combination is literally how it works in the real world. There's even specific decks designed around forcing it to happen. Some even have it on a turn 1. The basic idea is to use cards that allow you to draw, and continue. Some of those cards even force your opponent to draw as well. Those types of decks are counterable, from my understanding.

Saw a video of a game using a digital setup (which let you have any cards, from my understanding, so you have free range to build your deck with any card), and pranked his friend with a 'new deck setup' in a battle. I think it was a lot of deck churning. Stuff like sending cards to the graveyard, bringing them back into the draw deck or hand. I think there was a 'select card from graveyard' instant spell was involved?

I suppose the argument could be made that the 'never been done before' bit is the difference. Which I guess means that not many people managed to get all the pieces of the combination at one time to put in their deck. And from there, those that did didn't get the Heart of the Cards to have them all in their hand to win.

Of course, there's also the fact that Yugi soon lost that 'I win' card combo entirely.
How does that duel show the difference between the card game in the manga/anime, and the real world one?
The guy played a magic card and his opponent went 'wow, he's a genius!' which I always find myself enjoying...

But for a full breakdown covering the differences, just listen to John rant to himself on Friday. If you want a very short spoiler that covers the gist of it though: Most of the Duelist's decks don't bother to run more than one copy of each monster! Why bother trying to increase the chance of drawing the right card when chance doesn't even enter into it!? Your Soul is either strong enough to draw what you need or it isn't!
It was only implemented when someone in a tournament brought in a pillar of cards that required two people to carry.
The deck was over 2000 cards. Designed entirely around searching the deck for specific cards. And of course after each deck search the deck has to be shuffled, by hand.

For people interested, here is a good video discussing the story.

View: https://youtu.be/Ns17sYK4Eag
The deck was over 2000 cards. Designed entirely around searching the deck for specific cards. And of course after each deck search the deck has to be shuffled, by hand.

For people interested, here is a good video discussing the story.

View: https://youtu.be/Ns17sYK4Eag

That's an absolutely insane story and I can't believe how long that thing would take to be shuffled by hand. Plus, imagine accidentally dropping it, it'd be like a bomb went off!
I must admit that I giggled a bit imagining one of them having to climb up and down a stepladder every turn to draw a card though.
What a pair! Drawing opportunities and self reflection.
Ba-dong ba-dong ba-dong ba-TING!


John grinned! "Alright, it's done! You can now get off the… Oh, she fell asleep."

Apparently Grace's version of the 'Soul Configulizer' felt SUPER comfy… Well, it was fine. "Girls, are you sure you don't want to play this too?"

Grace shook her head while Temptation snorted. "I'm still getting used to existing, thank you very much! I am more than happy to wait until you get the bugs ironed out and get the entire process enhanced or whatever. Besides, it's more fun convincing my prudish sister to join me in wearing skimpy cheerleading outfits to support you in the stands anyway." "Sister!"


John felt his blush growing but couldn't help but smile. "Alright then, I guess I'll just open the first one of these and see if our patchwork configuration alterations hold together…"

Now, which booster pack should he go with? According to the online lore, he should 'Trust his Heart of the Cards' or something, but at this point he wasn't sure he HAD one of those.

Was that entire concept metaphorical? Literal for locals? Some sort of magical organ or something?

In the end, he took one pack from several booster boxes, mixed them up, and went with the one seventh from the top. For no real reason. "'Light of Destruction', huh? Alright, let's see what I get then!"

He carefully tore open the wrapper and…

Something complicated interacted with the space that COULD have been his Soul, based on the energy patterns his defense settings were emulating.

Huh. "Keep recording all this for everyone to look over later."


Then, with a very odd feeling of confidence, he casually discarded all the cards in the pack except for one 'rare' card.

It wasn't super powerful, not according to the stars showing its level… In fact, it wasn't even as 'good' as the most common four star cards most decks were made out of!

Instead this was a level one card, a single star Duel Monster with only 100 attack points.

Though he could certainly take a beating if he was in defense mode, considering his 2000 defense booty!

The Water Aqua type monster, Substitoad.

John could barely feel the connection growing before Temptation squealed in his ear! "OH my GOSH he's so cute! And look sis, it's half angel and demon like the two of us! It's toad-ally destiny!"

Grace pressed up against his back to better see as well. "Oh, an effect monster? What does it do?"

John blinked, having gone into something like a trance connecting with the Concepts behind the tiny amphibian. "Uh, let me see… Huh. He protects any and all Frog monsters from being destroyed if they fight other monsters in battle! Well, except for one guy. Someone called 'Frog the Jam' somehow had a massive falling out with the rest of the family and that issue is apparently a whole thing, so Substitoad won't support him… But other than that? Any and all Frogs are basically immortal in battle thanks to this bro."

Temptation blinked. "What the hell!?" Seeing Grace frown, she flinched. "I mean heck? What the heck did 'Frog the Jam' DO to piss off everybody?"

No clue. "Whatever it was, it was bad enough that he changed his name to 'Slime Toad' and nobody wants to talk about him."

Grace was humming as she hugged John from behind. "So our Lord's Soul linked Duel Monster is dedicated to protecting his family? Sounds like he takes after MY side of our relationship, doesn't it?"

Temptation snorted. "As if! After all, this kermit ripoff is not just limited to that sort of lameness! Look at this bit!" She pointed at the card. "This tiny dude can tribute other Monsters to summon out his Frog friends and family members out from the Deck directly without needing to draw them first! That's hardcore!"

John hummed as the odd connection was analyzed and proxied to allow a similar sort of connection to begin modifying the experimental copy of his Soul. "I can feel… There's an entire family TREE out there, mostly composed of Frogs. An entire Archetype of Water Aqua monsters that do all sorts of things… My deck's new Boss monster will certainly have a lot of options to choose from with all these little ones out there."

That caught the girls attention, so he began to explain. "There are several cards like T.A.D.P.O.L.E., which can call forth copies of itself from your deck when they die. There are other frogs that grow stronger with each T.A.D.P.O.L.E. in the graveyard, others that gain extra effects from that sort of thing, etc. There's even one guy, the Treeborn Frog, that keeps hopping OUT of the graveyard and back on the battlefield at the end of every turn if I don't have any spells or traps out!"

The connection was growing deeper, and in the distance John could hear the soft nature sounds of a quiet pond and the familiar warble of croaks and the buzzing of insects. "Other frogs can destroy magic cards or traps if they have family already around, or can pretend to be each other while summoning backup if they get sent away to summon something else or… It all connects to each other. A sort of…"

His hands started drifting to another booster pack without him realizing it. "There's a whole NETWORK of monster cards, specifically trained to help out my Toads and Frogs… Some which don't seem to fully exist yet? Like this guy…"

The pack was torn open and the chaff cards casually discarded as John held up a new friend. "This guy is 'Amphibian Angel - Mifrog'. He's more a legend that Substitoad read about in his early years in the pond, but this one card can be called forth by tributing frogs, destroy the defensive magic of my foe, and then call forth an amphibian army to DOMINATE ANY FOOL WHO DARES TO…"

Temptation yanked his head into her breasts while Grace carefully extracted the two Duel Monster cards from his shaking hands. "Shh, it's okay… Calm down, Master, deep breaths… In and out…"

Grace snorted as she carefully placed the two cards into plastic protective sleeves. "If you want our Lord to breathe, you should relax your grip significantly… There we go!"

The two cards fully double sleeved using the experimental custom Crafted materials seemed to have done SOMETHING as John felt his mind begin to recover from the impact.

Grace sighed with frustration. "I suppose that even THIS dilution level was almost too much for continuous openings… Thank GOODNESS we had a backup plan."

John assumed she was shifting the cards to the protective chest they'd set up earlier to reduce Soul interactions during any defensive calibration adjustments. That seemed likely, at least.

It was hard to tell while being smothered by a sexy woman's chest, after all. Not that he was complaining or resisting or anything, just… Mmm.

As he slowly drifted to sleep (Partially due to obstructed air flow), John could hear his sister's confusion in the background. "Why am I covered in frog cards?"

…Meh, she'd probably figure it out.

~~~Pocket System~~~

Wait, the store was closed today? That didn't seem right.

Yugi Muto pushed open the door to his grandpa's game shop. "Grampa! I'm home… Wait, what!?"

The store was in chaos!

But even as his heart started to race, his mind shifted from alarmed to… Confused.

This didn't seem like some sort of intruder or thug had come in to vandalize everything… No, the madness was more like an organized descent into madness than any sort of act of violence or aggression.

Shelves mostly empty, product stacked high into impromptu pillars of goods, the floor COVERED in mounds of sealed packages, and there was barely room to squeeze past the… "Grandpa?"

The old man blinked, looking up from his cheerful mess of discarded packaging and scrapped plastic wrappers. "Yugi my boy! Come help your grandpa sort this mess out. I've had to send the nice young delivery men off to get some food a half hour ago, and it has left everything a bit jumbled."

The boy carefully maneuvered through the mess, his Millennium Puzzle pulsing as he could feel the various levels of potential radiating from each box. "Grandpa, does mom know that you went on another spending spree again? You KNOW this place has a limited amount of room to sell stuff!"

His grandfather huffed! "That was ONE time! And I handled the emergency storage rental myself, all you younguns have no eye for business and proper product management!"

Where was a garbage bag? This mess needed to be cleaned up a bit. "I thought you were just chasing one of those really rare cards in the new set for a deck you were crafting?"

Solomon froze, then awkwardly laughed! "No, no, of course not! That time was solid business acumen, yes sir!" Uh huh. Right. "Anyway, help me unwrap the product from these three sets to go on the shelves over to that side, we need to get this handled before the afternoon rush comes in."

Wait, that didn't seem right. "I thought that section was for that new 'Dungeon Dice Monsters' game that had cropped up last month?"

His grandfather chuckled. "I moved that entire bundle over towards the board game area, it requires a lot of extra components to play anyway and we needed the space for all these new booster pack boxes that arrived. Just begin to fill the shelves up, we are sorting them by release date for now and I'll handle the main counter display case after everything else gets settled."

Huffing with a bit of effort, Yugi began shifting the new boxes of cards towards the corner and… Yeah, there was a LOT of missing goods. "What HAPPENED to all the stuff you had on here earlier anyway?" There had been a booster pack he had been keeping an eye on that he had planned to buy for his friend Joey when he came by to visit. Something about it felt right.

Solomon hummed as he carefully unwrapped another package. "A nice young lady decided to purchase some cards to introduce the game of Duel Monsters to a new generation: Her younger brother had never played before."

…So what, she bought everything!? "When you say 'new generation' did she decide to set up her brother's entire school to play too!?"

The old man paused. "Huh… You know, she might have? That WOULD explain the odd feelings I was getting from her as she continued to increase her order size. I suppose providing everyone your sibling meets with the materials needed to become brand new challengers WOULD be one way to use money to improve your dueling skills… Even if it is a bit of an expensive game plan."

More and more empty shelves became visible as Yugi worked his way between stacks of boxes… "Goodness, how much did she end up buying!?"

His grandfather chuckled. "Everything except my private collection and the duplicates of the 'starter decks' I developed. Now: We have a lot of new product to shelve and limited time! Let's see if we can surprise the moving crew when they get back from their lunch break, shall we?"

Eugh, why!? "Yes, grandpa."

~~~Pocket System~~~

Jessica glanced back at her brother. "And you are SURE you girls fixed this already? John still seems pretty out of it..."

Grace nodded while Temptation ignored them both to continue cuddling her brother. "The feedback loop and other issues were a side effect of us emulating things TOO well and with too good a communication channel… Normal people interact with the cards through the interference of reality and stuff, not directly connecting it through their Pocket interface modules and…"

Seeing Jessica's expression, Grace trailed off. "Um, yes. Yes we fixed it."

Sigh. "Very well… Here we go then, I guess."

Eenie, meenie, miney, moe… "I'll go with the 'Dark Illusion' booster pack then."

As she tore open the wrapper she felt something… No, someone. Someone analyzing something, someone documenting and keeping a professional eye on a complicated situation.

Without conscious thought, her fingers discarded cards until she was looking at a woman in a command center.

A Dark Spellcaster special agent, with a low 1,200 attack and a powerful 2,800 defense, she was simply called 'SPYRAL Master Plan'.

A nameless secret agent, one working for the SPYRAL agency. Once on every turn, she could assign a 'SPYRAL MISSION' from the deck to Jessica's hand of cards. These missions were spells and traps that could return cards from the grave to the hand, control the opponent and turn them against their Duelist, enhance the effects of monsters Jessica had already summoned during battle…

And if she fell in the line of duty, she was able to summon forth the Field Spell card, SPYRAL Resort, as well as provide Jessica one SPYRAL agent from the deck to her hand to employ there.

The field spell itself protects all of Jessica's agents on the field, called forth an agent from the Deck to her hand for deployment once per turn, and (Again, once a turn) returned a retired agent from her graveyard back to the deck to be summoned once more to serve the cause in the future!

She had already opened a copy of the resort while dazed from another pack, even as her mind felt a closer connection to that distant woman fighting in the dark to keep her people and those they protected guarded and watched over.

And it WAS a LARGE number of people.

Not just those connected directly with SPYRAL itself, but many more Duel Monsters that acted as support or enhanced the mission despite not being vital to the ongoing activities directly!

There was even a Soul shard bound to the 'Charming Resort Staff' that worked at the SPYRAL Resort itself!

And as her mind flickered through the cards, feeling them out and somewhat resonating with their determination and devotion to their cause, she couldn't help but grow curious about what exactly they were all so focused on, what had caused the organization to connect with Jessica specifically.

And as that thought grew, she found herself shifting over to the side of the hotel room. "No, not this one… Not that one… I think it's from this 'Crimson Crisis' release?" SOMETHING was pulling her in this direction, anyway.

Ignoring the girls and John entirely, she tore open the booster pack and found herself staring at a pulsing card.

A Dark Reptile behemoth, the Alien Overlord. One that could infect foes to weaken them, and could call itself forth with the support of its followers.

A Boss Monster from an entire archetype of Aliens, that used Alien counters to alter reality around themselves as they dominated an unexpecting planet.

She couldn't help but snort. "So my Duel Monster Boss Card is basically a leader of her OWN version of MIB. Because of course she is."

Although from what she could feel from her partner's echo, THESE aliens were no longer the threat they had once been, back when SPYRAL first was founded. NOW they were clumsy and slow, needing complicated counters and odd effects to even attempt to dominate the battlefield in modern Duels.

But that hadn't ALWAYS been true… And the cause behind the weakening of an entire Archetype? The secret actions that will never be spoken of nor immortalized, that protected so many people and creatures and societies?

Jessica carefully accepted the plastic sleeves and protected her copy of 'Spyral Master Plan'. "Yes… I can play with this."

Grace huffed. "Well I would hope so, considering the mess you made. Now help me clean up before our Lord wakes up, I can't cuddle with all these other cards and wrappers thrown all over the room!"

Huh? "Good grief, did I open ALL of those!?" How!? WHEN!?

The white beauty ignored her shock and pushed another trash bag into her arms. "Packaging and wrappers in there, I'll gather and sort the excess pack filler cards that neither of you ended up imprinting with."

She sighed, looking at the impossible mess… And back at the dozen or so cards in her hand. "I don't even remember sleeving any of these in the first place! And John and I discarded so many other ones… This might take a few minutes to clean up."

Meanwhile on the bed, Temptation was giggling quietly while hugging her little brother. "No no, you two take your time! I'll keep my Master accompanied, there's no rush."

Of course she would. "Grace, don't let her get to you…"

The other woman was starting to twitch. "I. Am. Going. To. Clean."

Ah. "Alright…"

Best not to poke her right now, apparently.
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Either the cards realized John was jobbing with his soul power or that despite said power prefers to support
Or something that neither us nor John know about from his prior time
Aha! You went with the agents after all.
Thought you'd skip them after seeing how their best monsters are spread out among the different types of summoning.

I am curious enough to ask something tho, did you decide on them before I brought them up in earlier comments? :)

Kinda surprised by the toadyness tho, but then Change of Heart is pretty darn limited...
So, remind me? What was the card Yugi wanted to get Joey for his deck?

I see frogs, will we see a Muppet Kermit the Frog as a card to Summon?

Will Jessica meet her agent face to face from the connection? 'Spyral Master Plan'.
Well, at least the leaking soul power isn't causjng the cards to randomly manifest actual bodies or anything like that.