Planes and Mercs: Steel Skies (Still Accepting Players)

Finland here. We've been having a terrible few days with the temperature just above freezing and the attendant wet slush - and it's particularly nasty when you have to keep a small, very energetic child entertained.

Fortunately we're due to have a sharp drop in about 24 hours. It'll take us down to -12 Celsius or thereabouts.
Finland here. We've been having a terrible few days with the temperature just above freezing and the attendant wet slush - and it's particularly nasty when you have to keep a small, very energetic child entertained.

Fortunately we're due to have a sharp drop in about 24 hours. It'll take us down to -12 Celsius or thereabouts.
My family were Finnish immigrants to the U.P. A few generations back and I've always wanted to visit. You have no idea how hard I am fanboying right now.
@Kensai has romantic date, for basically free, gets good food and makes a new friend.

Meanwhile Johnathan and Fenyang try desperately to hotwire a not-shit vehicle back at base, so they can go out drinking.

Ah, PMC life....
My family were Finnish immigrants to the U.P. A few generations back and I've always wanted to visit. You have no idea how hard I am fanboying right now.

Full disclosure: I'm not Finnish. My wife is, but I'm from Singapore. A jungle boy from smack dab on the Equator, living in the slushy hell that is Southern Finland in late wintertime....
Fair enough. Your mental image probably corresponds better with places further north though. Helsinki gets like a couple of weeks of nice winter weather a year, and the rest of the winter you might as well be in England :(
..... my mental image involves cold and swamps occupied by people who can be described as Sisu.
My grandmother tells stories about her dad losing his leg in a copper mine up north (They're from the area of Ontonagon). He got out of the hospital, went home, cut the leg off his table and turned it into a pegleg, then wobbled off to reshingle the roof.
Definitely swamps.

Cold? Well, depends how you define "cold". A degree or five within freezing isn't really cold to me any more - I think of anything above freezing as "warm" because it involves liquid water. And this is coming from someone who spent most of his life in an eternal, unchanging 30C/90F degree weather with near-100% humidity.

Sisu? I guess anyone who deals with this crap has sisu. But it's pretty much just life, ya know?

Definitely swamps.

Cold? Well, depends how you define "cold". A degree or five within freezing isn't really cold to me any more - I think of anything above freezing as "warm" because it involves liquid water. And this is coming from someone who spent most of his life in an eternal, unchanging 30C/90F degree weather with near-100% humidity.

Sisu? I guess anyone who deals with this crap has sisu. But it's pretty much just life, ya know?

Michigan likes to switch between the two just to keep you guessing.
Well anyway I'm off to bed - it's late and we'll have a long day tomorrow. Been fun, cheers.
Okay. I'm considering putting up a post that basically gives you 2 posts following to resolve your stuff and RTB. Sound good?

Wonder how to include radio chatter in combat updates.... superscript, maybe?
Oh Company of Heroes. You have the best chatter.

"Katyusha. They call it 'Stalin's Organ'..... The musical kind, idiot!"
"You have an anti-tank rifle. Over there, is a tank. FIGURE IT OUT!"
"Roses are red. Violets are blue. I'm stuck on the eastern front, AND SO ARE YOU!"