Planes and Mercs: Steel Skies (Still Accepting Players)


A Knight for those Suffering
West Michigan
The year is 2014 and business is booming. With the failure of the UN to pass an anti-mercenary resolution following the African Resource Rush, mercenary companies have become omnipresent across the middle east, Africa, and Asia. With the business of proxy wars carried out by corporate interests, the Soviet Union was able to focus on export sales, keeping afloat a bit longer, and continues on to this day.

You, however, aren't interested in the Geopolitics. Just getting jobs, flying them, and getting paid.

Players will be mercenary pilots working for the Blackthorne Group mercenary company, and flying missions worldwide. I'll be adding players from the wait list in groups of 6 (flights.) The system will be a modified version of Air War C21 (a free rules PDF is available here)

Name: Firstname Lastname
Callsign: The nickname you're known as in the air and by your fellow pilots.
Age: (Should be between 20 and 45, ideally.)
Gender: (You shouldn't need help here.)
Motivation for joining Blackthorne Group:
Picture or Description:
Bio: (Write about your character here)
Pilot Skill: (Starts at 1)
Pilot Advantages/Flaws: (You may pick up to one, if you pick a skill, you must pick a corresponding flaw. You can add skills or remove flaws in play.)
GMC Wallet: (However many GMC remains in your account. Start with 40)
Aircraft: Example x1, Example 2 x1, etc.

Player List:
Wing 1
@Dust and echoes- Johnathan "Templar" Merry
@Rindel- Fenyang "Nitro" Omiata
@Glint- Shurelia "Silver" Barsett
@EternalStruggle- Alex "Revenant" Bortal
@Kensai- Aurélie "SHOCK" Bouchard
@Jemnite- Alexandra "Shrike" Xin
@shinaobi- Nathaniel "Beaver" Johnson
@MaHaL- Vladislav "Hammer" Lagunov
Wing 2


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Players can distribute 3 ranks between these 3 skill sections:
Spotting: Each rank in Spotting increases your rolls for both visual and radar spotting by one.
Maneuver: Each rank in Maneuver adds one to piloting rolls.
Gunnery: Each rank in gunnery adds one gun dice.

The highest skill rank you have is added to ejection rolls.

Deadye- +1 gun damage dice
Flying Natural- +1 to maneuver rolls
Speed Demon- +2 to your aircraft max speed.
Sharp Cornering- Increase your maneuverability by one step
Attacker- Re roll gun dice Hits. Each re roll that hits does another damage.
Artful Dodger- Count as four chaff or flare bundles per mission above what your plane carries.
Resilient- Ignore the first point of damage from any successful hit. When you do this, you also lose two speed.

Double Vision- -1 gunnery dice
What mountain?- -1 to maneuver rolls
Flies like grandma- -2 to max speed
Use your flaps!- lower maneuverability by one step
Shaky- Lower aircrafts damage point max by 2.

Planes, Missiles, and other Equipment:
You have a total of 40 GMC to start, and every year after 1950 that a plane was made, it costs 1 GMC to buy.


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What is Gender? Can I eat it?

Joking aside, why is there Skill then Skills/Flaw?
Shurelia "Silver" Barsett (Glint)
Name: Shurelia Barsett

Callsign: Silver

Age: 45

Gender: Female

Nationality: British-Japanese

Motivation for joining Blackthorne Group: As Shurelia would learn, not many groups would allow a 45 year-old lady to join their air force, no matter how qualified they are. Blackthorne is the one of the last groups Shurelia would apply for in order to come back to the Skies, the Skies which she desperately wants to be in and would fight fiercely for.

Bio: Abandoned as a child in front of an orphanage, Shurelia was raised by the caretaker, a retired soldier. Growing up, she developed an independent streak, one that would always get her in trouble, from big to small. One day, after graduation from high school, Shurelia decided that a desk job wasn't something she was suited for and she definitely wasn't patient enough to go to college. So she decided to fight for her country. To her, there wasn't really much to it. The only problem was, what branch should she join? After a few minutes she flipped a coin that would decide her fate.

To Shurelia, the Air Force was something that she would come to love. Not because she was being trained, nor was it because it taught her many skills that she would use for the rest of her life. It was because the Air Force allowed her to be in the one place that would give her the ultimate feeling of being independent, of being free. It allowed her to the Skies. The skies was her home, the one place where she was truly free. At the same time, she knew that it was also home to others, others that would, like her, defend their home.

After retiring from the Royal Air Force after twenty-seven years of service, Shurelia settled on a privately owned island to enjoy her life.....for about two months. It first started with some uneasiness, as if she didn't belong. She first thought it was her being sick and got a checkup, multiple times at that. Each doctor that examined her found symptoms of uneasiness but were baffled as to what was the cause. This continued for a month before it just struck her. The Skies. The skies were calling her. She wasn't home until she was in the skies. With that in mind, she applied to join the Blackthorne Group as a pilot.....a pilot with years of service and a kill count to match.

Spotting: 0
Maneuver: 2
Gunnery: 1

Still Got It - Increase your maneuverability by one step.

Is that a Turtle in the Sky?! - Max Speed -2.

Aircraft: F-16A Block 10 1980 (30)

  • AAM - 4x AIM-9B Sidewinder 1956 (1.6)
  • AAM - 4x AIM-54A Phoenix 1974 (6.4)
  • Gun Pods - SUU-23 20mm Vulcan 1970 (2)
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Name: Shurelia Barsett

Callsign: Silver

Age: 45

Gender: Female

Nationality: British

Motivation for joining Blackthorne Group:

Picture or Description: WIP

Bio: Abandoned as a child in front of an orphanage, Shurelia was raised by the caretaker, a retired soldier. Growing up, she developed an independent streak, one that would always get her in trouble, from big to small. One day, after graduation from high school, Shurelia decided that a desk job wasn't something she was suited for and she definitely wasn't patient enough to go to college. So she decided to fight for her country. To her, there wasn't really much to it. The only problem was, what branch should she join? After a few minutes she flipped a coin that would decide her fate.

To Shurelia, the Air Force was something that she would come to love. Not because she was being trained, nor was it because it taught her many skills that she would use for the rest of her life. It was because the Air Force allowed her to be in the one place that would give her the ultimate feeling of being independent, of being free. It allowed her to the Skies. The skies was her home, the one place where she was truly free. At the same time, she knew that it was also home to others, others that would, like her, defend their home.

After retiring from the Royal Air Force after twenty-seven years of service, Shurelia settled on a privately owned island to enjoy her life.....for about two months. It first started with some uneasiness, as if she didn't belong. She first thought it was her being sick and got a checkup, multiple times at that. Each doctor that examined her found symptoms of uneasiness but were baffled as to what was the cause. This continued for a month before it just struck her. The Skies. The skies were calling her. She wasn't home until she was in the skies. With that in mind, she applied to join the Blackthorne Group as a pilot.....a pilot with years of service and a kill count to match.

Pilot Skill:

Pilot Advantages/Flaws:

Uh @Theravis can I have examples of pilot skill and Advantages/Flaws?
Pilot skill goes from Green to Ace, giving between a -2 and a +2 to all piloting rolls.... hold off on that, I'm thinking I might make it less general.

Deadye- +1 gun damage dice
Flying Natural- +1 to maneuver rolls
Speed Demon- +2 to your aircraft max speed.
Sharp Cornering- Increase your maneuverability by one step
Attacker- Re roll gun dice Hits. Each re roll that hits does another damage.
Artful Dodger- Count as four chaff or flare bundles per mission above what your plane carries.
Resilient- Ignore the first point of damage from any successful hit. When you do this, you also lose two speed.

Double Vision- -1 gunnery dice
What mountain?- -1 to maneuver rolls
Flies like grandma- -2 to max speed
Use your flaps!- lower maneuverability by one step
Shaky- Lower aircrafts damage point max by 2.
Quick question: Would it be better to list planes like so?
F-14 Tomcat: Min: 4/Max: 27/Power:High/ Acc1: +3/Acc2: +2/ DCC: -4/ MA: H/ Gun: 7d6/ AM: 7/ Bm: 0/ DP: 8/ Cf: 4/ Fl: 4/ ECM: -1/Rad: +3L/ Sz: +1/Sp: +2/ LD: 22/ Year: '74/ Special: No/ Cost: 15 GMC

Or with just a screenshot of the lists?
Alex "Revenant" Bortal (EternalStruggle)
Name: Alex Bortal
Callsign: Revenant
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Nationality: German

Motivation for joining Blackthorne Group: Defending his nation is not a big priority to Alex, and Blackthorne pays better than any other air force he could reasonably join, and also pays better than any other job he could get. As a mercenary at heart, he joined up for the cash without hesitation.

Picture or Description: Middling height and fairly lean, with a close shaven crop of blonde hair and brown eyes on a face that could be generously called ugly. Tends to stand tall and walk quick, as well as keep his helmet on whenever he's in uniform at all, and almost always has his visor down when in the air.

Bio: A quiet and not incredibly skilled individual who nevertheless commanded some degree of respect from his peers. That describes Alex all the way throughout his life. When he was young he lived in Berlin, and at that point lived an uninteresting existence. Studied adequately, got more than passable grades in school, and it looked like higher education might not be for him. However, his parents convinced him to get a degree in an aeronautics related field, and he has been grateful since.

Something about planes clicked with him, and he was able to get a degree and move on to an aeronautics engineering firm for a handful of years. But he also decided to get even more hands on with flying machines, and soon ended up training to become a pilot. He found himself to be drawn to military jets, and reasoning that fate had led him this far, ended up finishing his training and joining Blackthorne, the premier aerial PMC.

He was a little surprised to be actually accepted by the prestigious group, but was hardly questioning his fortune. He's working for them now, and is looking forward to getting payed and not getting shot down.

Pilot Skill:
Spotting: 1
Maneuver: 1
Gunnery: 1

Pilot Advantages/Flaws: None

Aircraft: F-4F Phantom II (23 GMC)
-SUU-23 20mm Vulcan (1 GMC)
-4x AIM-9 Missiles (1 GMC each, 4 GMC total)
-1x ALARM~ Guided Bomb (2 GMC)

GMC: 10
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Quick question: Would it be better to list planes like so?
F-14 Tomcat: Min: 4/Max: 27/Power:High/ Acc1: +3/Acc2: +2/ DCC: -4/ MA: H/ Gun: 7d6/ AM: 7/ Bm: 0/ DP: 8/ Cf: 4/ Fl: 4/ ECM: -1/Rad: +3L/ Sz: +1/Sp: +2/ LD: 22/ Year: '74/ Special: No/ Cost: 15 GMC

Or with just a screenshot of the lists?
Listing them would probably better, though I can see how that might get...tedious...
Okay. Plane stats will be going into the OP in alphabetical order by nation, starting now.
Johnathan "Templar" Merry (Dust and Echoes)
Name: Johnathan "Fireman" Merry
Callsign: Templar
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Nationality: Irish
Motivation for joining Blackthorne Group: Johnathan grew up around war, his mother was an arms dealer, servicing several PMC's operating in Africa during the 80's "Resource Rush" that left much of the continent in ruin. When he came of age and was found lacking in the monetary skills his mother possessed, he took the next best job. Instead of selling weapons, he would use them. And to that point, there was no weapon more glamorous than a jet, and no company more respected than Blackthorne.

Picture or Description: a short, lanky young man with thin limbs. He often mistaken for being much younger than he is. He inherited his mothers red hair and green eyes, though his hair is kept cropped short, and is often hidden underneath a ski-cap.

Bio: Johnathan grew up in several war zones. His mother never told him who his father was, and he never asked. Despite her new child, MacKenzie Merry continued her work as an arms dealer, and Johnathan refused to be the one to get in her way.

As soon as he could, he began helping his mother, hauling equipment, counting rifles, providing demonstrations. Sure, he often would draw odd looks, but not from his mother, and that's what mattered to him. However, throughout this his mother never let him handle the companies money, and only taught him the basic schooling required. Luckily, Johnathan took voraciously to reading, but advanced math still escapes him to this day.

This worked against him when the day came to help his mother run the company more intimately. It was quickly discovered that he was awful with money, and the privilege was revoked.

Unperturbed, Johnathan forged on. If he couldn't sell the weapons, he would use them.

And there was no weapon more glamorous than the fighter jet.

Pilot Skill:
Spotting: 1
Maneuver: 2
Gunnery: 0

Pilot Advantages/Flaws:
Advantage: Artful dodger

Flaw: shaky

GMC: 10


2 x Aden Mk. 2
2 x AA-8 Aphid (R60 M)
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Planes are in. Weapons are yet to come. I'll put in the finalized skill system and then one you all update to it, start accepting players.
Name: Shurelia Barsett

Callsign: Silver

Age: 45

Gender: Female

Nationality: British

Motivation for joining Blackthorne Group: As Shurelia would learn, not many groups would allow a 45 year-old lady to join their air force, no matter how qualified they are. Blackthorne is the one of the last groups Shurelia would apply for in order to come back to the Skies, the Skies which she desperately wants to be in and would fight fiercely for.

Picture or Description: WIP

Bio: Abandoned as a child in front of an orphanage, Shurelia was raised by the caretaker, a retired soldier. Growing up, she developed an independent streak, one that would always get her in trouble, from big to small. One day, after graduation from high school, Shurelia decided that a desk job wasn't something she was suited for and she definitely wasn't patient enough to go to college. So she decided to fight for her country. To her, there wasn't really much to it. The only problem was, what branch should she join? After a few minutes she flipped a coin that would decide her fate.

To Shurelia, the Air Force was something that she would come to love. Not because she was being trained, nor was it because it taught her many skills that she would use for the rest of her life. It was because the Air Force allowed her to be in the one place that would give her the ultimate feeling of being independent, of being free. It allowed her to the Skies. The skies was her home, the one place where she was truly free. At the same time, she knew that it was also home to others, others that would, like her, defend their home.

After retiring from the Royal Air Force after twenty-seven years of service, Shurelia settled on a privately owned island to enjoy her life.....for about two months. It first started with some uneasiness, as if she didn't belong. She first thought it was her being sick and got a checkup, multiple times at that. Each doctor that examined her found symptoms of uneasiness but were baffled as to what was the cause. This continued for a month before it just struck her. The Skies. The skies were calling her. She wasn't home until she was in the skies. With that in mind, she applied to join the Blackthorne Group as a pilot.....a pilot with years of service and a kill count to match.

Pilot Skill:

Sharp Cornering - Increase your maneuverability by one step.

Flies Like Grandma - Max Speed -2.

Uh @Theravis can I have examples of pilot skill and Advantages/Flaws?
Name: Alex Bortal
Callsign: Revenant
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Nationality: German
Motivation for joining Blackthorne Group: Defending his nation is not a big priority to Alex, and Blackthorne pays better than any other air force he could reasonably join, and also pays better than any other job he could get. As a mercenary at heart, he joined up for the cash without hesitation.
Picture or Description: Middling height and fairly lean, with a close shaven crop of blonde hair and brown eyes on a face that could be generously called ugly. Tends to stand tall and walk quick, as well as keep his helmet on whenever he's in uniform at all, and almost always has his visor down when in the air.
Bio: A quiet and not incredibly skilled individual who nevertheless commanded some degree of respect from his peers. That describes Alex all the way throughout his life. When he was young he lived in Berlin, and at that point lived an uninteresting existence. Studied adequately, got more than passable grades in school, and it looked like higher education might not be for him. However, his parents convinced him to get a degree in an aeronautics related field, and he has been grateful since.

Something about planes clicked with him, and he was able to get a degree and move on to an aeronautics engineering firm for a handful of years. But he also decided to get even more hands on with flying machines, and soon ended up training to become a pilot. He found himself to be drawn to military jets, and reasoning that fate had led him this far, ended up finishing his training and joining Blackthorne, the premier aerial PMC.

He was a little surprised to be actually accepted by the prestigious group, but was hardly questioning his fortune. He's working for them now, and is looking forward to getting payed and not getting shot down.
Pilot Skill: 1
Pilot Advantages/Flaws: None
Update your skill ratings and you're in.
Name: Johnathan "Fireman" Merry
Callsign: Templar
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Nationality: Irish
Motivation for joining Blackthorne Group: Johnathan grew up around war, his mother was an arms dealer, servicing several PMC's operating in Africa during the 80's "Resource Rush" that left much of the continent in ruin. When he came of age and was found lacking in the monetary skills his mother possessed, he took the next best job. Instead of selling weapons, he would use them. And to that point, there was no weapon more glamorous than a jet, and no company more respected than Blackthorne.

Picture or Description: a short, lanky young man with thin limbs. He often mistaken for being much younger than he is. He inherited his mothers red hair and green eyes, though his hair is kept cropped short, and is often hidden underneath a ski-cap.

Bio: Johnathan grew up in several war zones. His mother never told him who his father was, and he never asked. Despite her new child, MacKenzie Merry continued her work as an arms dealer, and Johnathan refused to be the one to get in her way.

As soon as he could, he began helping his mother, hauling equipment, counting rifles, providing demonstrations. Sure, he often would draw odd looks, but not from his mother, and that's what mattered to him. However, throughout this his mother never let him handle the companies money, and only taught him the basic schooling required. Luckily, Johnathan took voraciously to reading, but advanced math still escapes him to this day.

This worked against him when the day came to help his mother run the company more intimately. It was quickly discovered that he was awful with money, and the privilege was revoked.

Unperturbed, Johnathan forged on. If he couldn't sell the weapons, he would use them.

And there was no weapon more glamorous than the fighter jet.

Pilot Skill:
Spotting: 1
Maneuver: 2
Gunnery: 0

Pilot Advantages/Flaws:
Advantage: Artful dodger

Flaw: shaky
You're in.
Fenyang "Nitro" Omiata (Rindel)
Name: Fenyang Omiata
Callsign: Nitro
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Nationality: South African

Motivation for joining Blackthorne Group: Although by all logic he should have been dubbed a war criminal and tried in the Hague, the code of silence among the SAAF ran true for just long enough to expatriate him to the U.S. Unfortunately, it turns out that a number of human rights groups are rather gifted at tracking down men like him... but as luck would have it, the Blackthorne Group's resources were more than sufficient to help him erase his checkered past. There were certainly strings attached to the deal, and Fenyang is likely to spend the rest of his life as the company's bitch, but that existential dread is mitigated by the joy of flying combat missions once again.

Picture or Description: Firetruck red hair, emerald green eyes, and a shark-like grin are the first things people usually notice about Trent. The second is his frenetic, wayward energy: his long, dexterous fingers are always fiddling with something, and he tends to bounce in place when standing like someone out of an 80's Midway Arcade game. His pale skin and the deep bags under his eyes give him a look of permanent fatigue, contrasting immensely with his apparent bottomless font of energy. He speaks with the odd, amorphous accent that comes with learning a variety of languages, which only serves to accentuate the breakneck speed at which he speaks. He's 6 feet tall and muscular, but not enormous; his build comes more from his military service than any particular preoccupation with fitness. Fenyang favors the Matrix/Raver-chic of the 90's, and often cites his status as a mercenary as an excuse to dress flamboyantly: he has a collection of glossy, candy-paint trenchcoats, fingerless gloves, shirts sporting playful anti-establishment tropes, and boots with enough studs, spikes, and chains to make any edgelord mall-ninja blush.

Bio: Fenyang doesn't talk about his history much. The company file on him mentions that he joined the SAAF straight out of high school, and demonstrated the consistently high marks of a motivated and interested student. His scores on the flight tests outranked his academic scores by an order of magnitude, but his test scores averaged out in time for him to be ratified as flight-capable. His scores on drills were outstanding, and after several years of almost-fanatical devotion to his unit, he qualified for a loaner program to a joint task force. Unfortunately, the parable of Icarus rang true with him, and he rose too quickly, too fast. He exceeded his position during a close air support operation; details have yet to be released, but he was discharged immediately following the return to base and stripped of both rank and freedom. After this, his record gets really messy, and several months later he reemerged in New Mexico under the alias of Trent McCarthy. This was when his first application to join Blackthorne came through, and was promptly rejected on the basis of insufficient documentation. Six months later, he was detained by police following his doxxing by a South African hacktivist who wanted him deported and tried for a very colorful list of atrocities. This was when Blackthorne received his second application, complete with flight records, what he could muster of his declassified details, and a plea for assistance. The rest, as they say, is history: he was freed from police custody following questionable interrogation practices, the chain of custody was broken on several vital pieces of evidence in his case, and he vanished in a flurry of paperwork and red tape... He flew his first combat mission for the company just one week later.

Pilot Skill: Spotting: 2
Maneuver: 0
Gunnery: 1

Pilot Advantage: Speed Demon +2 to Aircraft Maximum Speed
Pilot Flaw: Double Vision: -1 Gunnery
Aircraft: Mirage F1AZx1


  1. Mirage F1AZ
    1. 2x MAGIC 2
    2. 1x AS.37 Martel
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Name: Fenyang Omiata
Callsign: Nitro
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Nationality: South African

Motivation for joining Blackthorne Group: Although by all logic he should have been dubbed a war criminal and tried in the Hague, the code of silence among the SAAF ran true for just long enough to expatriate him to the U.S. Unfortunately, it turns out that a number of human rights groups are rather gifted at tracking down men like him... but as luck would have it, the Blackthorne Group's resources were more than sufficient to help him erase his checkered past. There were certainly strings attached to the deal, and Fenyang is likely to spend the rest of his life as the company's bitch, but that existential dread is mitigated by the joy of flying combat missions once again.

Picture or Description: Firetruck red hair, emerald green eyes, and a shark-like grin are the first things people usually notice about Trent. The second is his frenetic, wayward energy: his long, dexterous fingers are always fiddling with something, and he tends to bounce in place when standing like someone out of an 80's Midway Arcade game. His pale skin and the deep bags under his eyes give him a look of permanent fatigue, contrasting immensely with his apparent bottomless font of energy. He speaks with the odd, amorphous accent that comes with learning a variety of languages, which only serves to accentuate the breakneck speed at which he speaks. He's 6 feet tall and muscular, but not enormous; his build comes more from his military service than any particular preoccupation with fitness. Fenyang favors the Matrix/Raver-chic of the 90's, and often cites his status as a mercenary as an excuse to dress flamboyantly: he has a collection of glossy, candy-paint trenchcoats, fingerless gloves, shirts sporting playful anti-establishment tropes, and boots with enough studs, spikes, and chains to make any edgelord mall-ninja blush.

Bio: Fenyang doesn't talk about his history much. The company file on him mentions that he joined the SAAF straight out of high school, and demonstrated the consistently high marks of a motivated and interested student. His scores on the flight tests outranked his academic scores by an order of magnitude, but his test scores averaged out in time for him to be ratified as flight-capable. His scores on drills were outstanding, and after several years of almost-fanatical devotion to his unit, he qualified for a loaner program to a joint task force. Unfortunately, the parable of Icarus rang true with him, and he rose too quickly, too fast. He exceeded his position during a close air support operation; details have yet to be released, but he was discharged immediately following the return to base and stripped of both rank and freedom. After this, his record gets really messy, and several months later he reemerged in New Mexico under the alias of Trent McCarthy. This was when his first application to join Blackthorne came through, and was promptly rejected on the basis of insufficient documentation. Six months later, he was detained by police following his doxxing by a South African hacktivist who wanted him deported and tried for a very colorful list of atrocities. This was when Blackthorne received his second application, complete with flight records, what he could muster of his declassified details, and a plea for assistance. The rest, as they say, is history: he was freed from police custody following questionable interrogation practices, the chain of custody was broken on several vital pieces of evidence in his case, and he vanished in a flurry of paperwork and red tape... He flew his first combat mission for the company just one week later.

Pilot Skill: Spotting: 2
Maneuver: 0
Gunnery: 1

Pilot Advantage: Speed Demon +2 to Aircraft Maximum Speed
Pilot Flaw: Double Vision: -1 Gunnery
Right: I'm posting this in the OP as well, but I'll do prices by year.

You have a total of 40 GMC to start, and every year after 1950 that a plane was made, it costs 1 GMC to buy.

Please add a list of your current plane roster to your character sheet, like so.

Aircraft: Example x1, Example 2 x1, etc.
Right: I'm posting this in the OP as well, but I'll do prices by year.

You have a total of 40 GMC to start, and every year after 1950 that a plane was made, it costs 1 GMC to buy.

Please add a list of your current plane roster to your character sheet, like so.

Aircraft: Example x1, Example 2 x1, etc.
You might want to explain GMC briefly, for those who aren't in Exclusive solutions