Not really, I mean, people want writing to hold up to basic standards. And while rules can be broken, i f you don't know how to break them, you're gonna end up with egg on your face.

Thread tax: On the subject on SI fics, lots of SI fics with YouTubers don't carry the sprit of the YouTubers content. Hell, I could extend this by saying that SI fiction generally doesn't do this.
How does SI with youtubers work? Isn't a SI about you - the writer - being inserted? Where does the youtuber fit in?
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How does SI with youtubers work? Isn't a SI about you - the writer - being inserted? Where does the youtuber fit in?
I assume it's like an unholy amalgamation of a Self Insert and Real People Fanfiction, except instead the real people are their Youtuber personalities/characters... or maybe the Youtubers themselves inserted with you, it's fanfiction after all this shit can get pretty wild.
How does SI with youtubers work? Isn't a SI about you - the writer - being inserted? Where does the youtuber fit in?
Well, it's basically...

I assume it's like an unholy amalgamation of a Self Insert and Real People Fanfiction, except instead the real people are their Youtuber personalities/characters... or maybe the Youtubers themselves inserted with you, it's fanfiction after all this shit can get pretty wild.

Uhhh...yeah! Pretty much. lol.

I did a combination of that myself. (With UnrealEntGaming, MakeMeBad35, and Twelthofadime) Both because two of the YouTubers in the story stopped making videos, and because I felt interactions with them would be funny, and people did like it, so I guess I was right? *shrugs*

However, other SI fics are just meta-knowledge power fantasies or shipping fics, I know most writers for fanfics are teenage girls, even with that in midn I expected some SI YouTubers fics to be good.

Maybe adults just aren't the ones making real people fics.
Does anyone else think that sounds a lot like "Kids these days use all these stupid slang terms. Not like we did in my day, when we spoke proper English."
Huh. Didn't think about this approach tbh.

I don't think it's the case, since it's more that they're forced to speak that way instead of it being their natural way of speaking, but then again I'm getting oooooooold...
Does anyone else think that sounds a lot like "Kids these days use all these stupid slang terms. Not like we did in my day, when we spoke proper English."
Proper English from the old days:
"He is a stiff. Bereft of life, he rests in peace. If you hadn't nailed him to the perch he'd be pushing up the daisies!
His metabolic processes are no history. He is off the twig!
He's kicked the bucket, he's shuffled off his mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleeding choir invisible!

The best way to get me to forget the title of your fic is to make it song lyrics. Even if I like the song, certain authors have a talent for choosing titles that are the most boring uninteresting part of the song when not paired with music. They also tend to be lyrics that are incredibly similar to average conversational speech, which to me negates the whole point of quoting something.
There is something a weird peeve of mine that I would like to call The Flaw.

The Flaw is when an original work's Fandom collectively decide that it has something that is wrong that needs fixing, it might be a problem with the work, like a botched ending or a reliance on a tired trope, or it might be something external to the series, like having a divided consumer demographic or the wrong ship being Canon, it doesn't matter, the thing is that it is something that a significant portion of of the Fandom has decided that it wrong and it will now completely take over the Fan Fiction scene and now every single fic that comes out has to be in some way shape or form a way to fix The Flaw.
Ah, so kinda like Mass Effect and it's "weak" humanity, which needs to be "fixed" by having Super Power Ultra Special Totally Not Caught In Reaper Trap By Not Using Eezo Tech Humanity That Kicks Ass And Does Not Bow To Aliens?
Ah, so kinda like Mass Effect and it's "weak" humanity, which needs to be "fixed" by having Super Power Ultra Special Totally Not Caught In Reaper Trap By Not Using Eezo Tech Humanity That Kicks Ass And Does Not Bow To Aliens?
I think it would have to be something more universal, like dissatisfaction with the ending of Mass Effect 3.
Pet Peeve: Suddenly a kink creeping into a story. I'm not talking about a specific kink, but I was reading this story and suddenly every female character was getting big boobs, a character was in-story turned into a girl just to give them big boobs. It was frustrating because until that moment everything was great. It could have been anything else, and it would have felt the same.
There is something a weird peeve of mine that I would like to call The Flaw.

The Flaw is when an original work's Fandom collectively decide that it has something that is wrong that needs fixing, it might be a problem with the work, like a botched ending or a reliance on a tired trope, or it might be something external to the series, like having a divided consumer demographic or the wrong ship being Canon, it doesn't matter, the thing is that it is something that a significant portion of of the Fandom has decided that it wrong and it will now completely take over the Fan Fiction scene and now every single fic that comes out has to be in some way shape or form a way to fix The Flaw.
Ah so for example the flaw in Zero no Tsukaime would be the existence of Saito the MC which is why every single fic has Louise summon someone else instead?
Ah so for example the flaw in Zero no Tsukaime would be the existence of Saito the MC which is why every single fic has Louise summon someone else instead?

I feel like that's not an example of the Flaw as described so much as him being underwhelming + the summoning being a perfect vehicle for crossover/self-insert/etc
Pet Peeve: Suddenly a kink creeping into a story. I'm not talking about a specific kink, but I was reading this story and suddenly every female character was getting big boobs, a character was in-story turned into a girl just to give them big boobs. It was frustrating because until that moment everything was great. It could have been anything else, and it would have felt the same.
That sounds less like the kink creeping into the story and more like it kicking in the front door, shotgun in hand.
Ah so for example the flaw in Zero no Tsukaime would be the existence of Saito the MC which is why every single fic has Louise summon someone else instead?
The summoning is a Hook a very good place from where you can make a change and change the story, that is the reason why 99% of ZnT fics start at the Summoning, where Louise can get someone different and, in theory, completely change the story.

A better example would be the obsession of the Harry Potter fandom to make Ron and the Weaslies Bastards Covered in Bastard with a soft Bastard filling to justify Harry and Hermione getting together even when there is no need to justify breaking the Harry/Ginny and Hermione/Ron paring for it to happen, or Star Wars fic that inevitably decent into whining about their favorite version of events and have to make clear that ST will never happen even if the fic is set centuries before the OT.
It's an annoying when a fic has some single interesting premise for a divergence from canon that then immediately gets buried in so many additional changes, power fantasy boosts, etc. that you couldn't find that initial idea that you were interested in even if you had a search party helping you.
Fuck, yeah, reading a summary and going 'shit, that sounds really interesting' and then you get to reading and after a couple of paragraphs another thing is piled on and then another and another and until the actual draw is completely gone.

There was a Harry Potter fanfic that had a really cool concept - Harry going 'fuck all this, I'm going to camp out in the wilderness somewhere and just hide for a while' after fourth year, nice little bit of survivalism with magic tacked on, should have been a fun read - and by the end of the first chapter he was Lord This and That, magical cores, nice goblins, the whole fanon cavalcade of garbage and there was no indication he would ever be going out to camp in the wilderness as I was promised.
For me it was a Naruto fic with the premise that Mizuki didn't manage to tell him he was the Kyuubi container in the beginning.
It interested me because I was interested in how the author would take it.
After all, it doesn't actually come up that much as a deliberate choice on Naruto's part for a while.

They then immediately had him join a different team (not for any secret-related reasons I could tell) and had different missions, and a different Chuunin exam in a different country...
20 chapters in and he was totally different, but I couldn't point to any way the secret came into play, known or unknown at all.
For me it was a Naruto fic with the premise that Mizuki didn't manage to tell him he was the Kyuubi container in the beginning.
It interested me because I was interested in how the author would take it.
After all, it doesn't actually come up that much as a deliberate choice on Naruto's part for a while.

They then immediately had him join a different team (not for any secret-related reasons I could tell) and had different missions, and a different Chuunin exam in a different country...
20 chapters in and he was totally different, but I couldn't point to any way the secret came into play, known or unknown at all.

Was that the one where he ended up in Asuma's team? I vaguely recall one like that.
... I'll be honest, I'm probably guilty of writing some of those.

As a writer, I can say very easily that it is hard to not escalate the situation as you go on. You got away with the base premise, so why not add another thing now that you've covered the first part. That mini-arc is over, and now you have new things as something established for you to do, so why not another.

Then you reach the point where you've turned half the extended cast into different species and can only look back and think "why couldn't I have avoided this?"
... I'm probably not fixing this issue with my writing anytime soon, because the answer is often "because I personally found that fun, and I write as a hobby", but this is still a confession that I probably have that problem with my works.