Any time a character is described as badass or something similar, it is 99.9% smut/harem/lemons etc etc. Fucking annoying.
Maybe that's an artifact of what kind of fanfiction you are reading? Because I've never noticed that; but then, I don't read many stories that have a harem in the first place.

Generally the characters I see use the word in fanfic are teenagers. Or someone being insulting, as in "What, you think you're some kind of badass?"
Any time a character is described as badass or something similar, it is 99.9% smut/harem/lemons etc etc. Fucking annoying.
If there's one decent thing about royal road (and theoretically Ao3, I think, but it's more fiddly there), it's that the website makes it pretty simple to just blanket filter sexual content. If you don't want to deal with that stuff, you can easily just nope it out of your browsing experience.

I definitely find things a lot more... consistent, I guess? Doing so, these days. Erotica can be pretty difficult to weave into a story well, and it can be nice to not have to constantly trip over the failures :V
Rule 3: Be Civil. This is not an acceptable way to respond to other posters.
It is called reading the summery on you dumb clueless shitheads.
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The one thing FF.Net's system has over AO3 is that it's much easier to search for Crossover fics there. Whereas with AO3 if you want a specific crossover of say two series, you also have to filter out a bunch of other series at the same time

Bringing up Fate/ again, probably my biggest pet peeve with Fanmade Servant sheets is when they go on for frickin' ever (mostly a Beast's Lair thing nowadays, SB ones tend to be more to the point). Yeah, I know some length is needed if you want to express their actual character and not just be a list of Skills and Noble Phantasms, but when you're way too long and unending then I'm gonna end up glazing over the whole profile, regardless of how technically well-written is

I'm kinda hesitant to list any specific examples, given I post sheets on Beast's Lair so I'm worried it'll look like I'm snubbing certain people behind their back. But when my own sheets are actually on the shorter side, you know you have a problem
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Stop: This is not acceptable
I have never found a decent Pern fic. I would love if you have a suggestion.
If you don't mind crossovers, An Undeniable Impression by Ansud on AO3 is pretty good, in my opinion. Focuses primarily on Robinton, AIVAS, & Menolly, crosses over with the Vorkosigan Saga.

Peeve tax: authors who assume that the courts or the school system in all countries work like in their country, or like they do on TV. Tends to bug me the most when it's Americans writing about British settings or vice versa (it's not just the Atlantic and a common language that divide us).
Taking a character from a messed up setting and having them act like their world was better than their new one. Generally, see it with 40K crossovers.

Like the character is from a trash planet stop having them say their trash planet is better than an entire universe where everything is trash
Taking a character from a messed up setting and having them act like their world was better than their new one. Generally, see it with 40K crossovers.

Like the character is from a trash planet stop having them say their trash planet is better than an entire universe where everything is trash

I could see this as a really good character development arc.
They start off "nostalgic" for the world they left out of habit, and eventually realizing how horrible it was.

Of course, that just makes it worse when you read through 40 chapters, waiting for the character development, then realize it's never going to happen.
I could see this as a really good character development arc.
They start off "nostalgic" for the world they left out of habit, and eventually realizing how horrible it was.

Of course, that just makes it worse when you read through 40 chapters, waiting for the character development, then realize it's never going to happen.
only had seen O.N.E story had the MC silently crying while explaining the world (earth) he came from and then started bawling crying once the realization on why the people he was talking to looked horrified at the explanation of our world and that he escaped from a dying death world (our planet) by pure chance.

And it came from a now dead forgotten hentai story at that.
Taking a character from a messed up setting and having them act like their world was better than their new one. Generally, see it with 40K crossovers.

Like the character is from a trash planet stop having them say their trash planet is better than an entire universe where everything is trash

Part of the problem is the 40k mindsets 'ours is the best way and only way and any other is doomed/warp fodder.'

Even well written 40k expats will struggle to move beyond'their way is only way'
I could see this as a really good character development arc.
They start off "nostalgic" for the world they left out of habit, and eventually realizing how horrible it was.

Of course, that just makes it worse when you read through 40 chapters, waiting for the character development, then realize it's never going to happen.
people hating their home place even if it isn't that bad is common. plus some parts of 40k like the T'au empire are pretty nice
It annoys me when the author's mouthpiece goes on about how their setting is much better than the other setting because theirs is more democratic/scientific/fair/nice/mean/whatever, and I still don't like it even if the two settings get switched around.
Part of the problem is the 40k mindsets 'ours is the best way and only way and any other is doomed/warp fodder.'

Even well written 40k expats will struggle to move beyond'their way is only way'
40K is really hard to have that balance of: Machismo belief in ones self as the best and taking it to ridiculous extremes and actually being able to wink at the audience and admit it's just LARP and for fun.
Back when I read Harry Potter, while I liked the Harry/Hermione pairing a lot, I really hated the "demonize the Weasleys" trend in Harmony fics. Or anything similar in other series. In 99% of cases, you don't need to make "Ron the Death Eater" to make your characters get together. Just have the canon pairings end up with some difference that gently and (relatively) amicably drives them apart. Like for Ron and Hermione, maybe he never does grow to appreciate the things she does or vice versa. Real people don't have to have one of them join the Klu Klux Klan to break up, why should fiction?

EDIT: I hope this doesn't count as "orientation of characters in fanfics", I was mostly complaining about implausible and irritating tropes in general for pairings.
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EDIT: I hope this doesn't count as "orientation of characters in fanfics", I was mostly complaining about implausible and irritating tropes in general for pairings.
Pretty sure it doesn't even come close; as far as I know "orientation of characters" is there to cut off complaints of "urergh Harry Potter is STRAIGHT MALE in canon, you can't make him gay/bi/ace/trans/non-binary/etc in your fic!"
Eh, seems reasonable.

Especially since while Ron and Hermione are clearly compatible, they're not so super-compatible that you'd need to heavily derail Ron's character to explain why they never happened to get together in a parallel universe.

Pretty sure it doesn't even come close; as far as I know "orientation of characters" is there to cut off complaints of "urergh Harry Potter is STRAIGHT MALE in canon, you can't make him gay/bi/ace/trans/non-binary/etc in your fic!"
Heh. Without the rule, we could trawl the thread as bait for bigoted idiots and see about knocking them about the head with some infractions. I kid, I kid.
huh. i don't think i ever read a story with a realistic break up. it's always fighting like two teenagers instead talking about how they don't love each other anymore like adults
Especially since while Ron and Hermione are clearly compatible, they're not so super-compatible that you'd need to heavily derail Ron's character to explain why they never happened to get together in a parallel universe.
Even the author admitted she shouldn't have stuck to her original draft for the epilogue. She had to force the canon characters to end up together, so just remove the one moment where she pushed in book 7 and you should pretty much end up with Harry/Hermione by default.