Voting is open
AN: Two back to back chapters, check the threadmarks.

[X] Stay the Course

[X] Finishing The Build
-[X] Free Combat Data
--[X] Shiro
--[X] Pitohui

2330 Glocken Standard Time

"Can I go say hi?"

"No, he doesn't even know you're here!"

"But like, it's PoH! I can give him a wedgie and he won't even realize it! Or I can keep changing his drink every time he blinks. Or, or I can draw unicorns on his poncho—"

"Just stay invisible. Please..."

You sit in your booth, hopped up on more caffeine than is probably healthy. The Death Gun Derby occurs on July 13th, but you never knew exactly what time of day. You got a message earlier this morning helpfully reminding you it would be July 13th... sharp. As in, midnight sharp. Prime time for the type of people who would typically play GGO. Not so much for you.

Off to the side, Lugh's team is impatiently counting down the clock. PoH looks like he's 5 seconds away from tearing out his hair, while Subtilizer is either meditating or just in a form of self imposed sleep mode. You're not sure when the last time was he even blinked.

But you can ask Sinon. She's been glaring at him since she got here.

Sinon huffs, crossing her arms and looking away. "Still can't believe we're working with him... he better not sneak up on me or I'm going to punch him in the face. I still owe him one from last time."

"I say go for it!" the invisible lump sitting next to you declares. "And when he asks why just go all gruff and say 'it's for the mission' and tell him to go bother Kuro if he wants to complain! What is gonna do, bitch and then get his ass handed to him? We're carrying them here!"

"Um... I don't really get it but..." LLENN asks, sitting at the edge of the booth. "If you all don't like them, why don't you just go and kill them?"

"Because we're on the same side," you answer, scarcely believing the words even as you say them. "Okay? No making unnecessary enemies. We're ending Death Gun as a threat, no matter who we have to work with."

"But isn't the black cloak guy like one of the guys who masterminded Death Gun? And now we're friends? Geez, that sounds complicated." LLENN shrugs, popping a cookie into her mouth. "But whatever. Guess that means GGO's shutting down? Pito's been trying to get me into SLF, so like... it's kinda a shame, but it was fun while it lasted."

"Does SLF even let you customize avatars?" you ask.

"Well, yeah! No way I'm giving this up without a back up plan!" LLENN grins. "P-chan's tagging along too! There's a whole race of talking bunnies and stuff there!"

How exactly she plans on doing a SEED account transfer with you planning on destroying GGO the moment you get the SEED you have no idea, but LLENN is an optimist. You expect it'll work out somehow.

"So does anyone know how the Derby is going to be formatted?" Sinon asks, irritation in her voice. "All we know is that the Black Star's going to be a part of the final event."

Between your various opponents you have more than enough Black Stars to enter the tournament. You have your own, Sinon is using Spiegel's, LLENN has Pitohui's and Gwen has M's. Lugh has managed to track down his own, and you suspect PoH and Subtilizer had no problem sourcing their own.

"A battle royale seems the most likely option, but we have like... 8 people on our team?" LLENN says. "Kinda defeats the purpose of a BoB like game. Maybe they'll do it like «Squad Jam» and have teams spawn together?"

"Will there even be many contestants? Zeliska, XeXeeD... that's it, right?" Sinon asks. "There anyone left even worth worrying about?"

"...I'm sure there are Black Stars we haven't accounted for," you say. HYDRA and Itsuki immediately come to mind, but you have a feeling they won't be showing up in person. "But after『 』showed up, I bet there won't be many willing to show their face. You have to be both brave and stupid to show up to the Death Gun Derby."

"So basically, Johnny Black." Gwen says, "It's like a reunion! Should we break XaXa out of prison to complete the set? Seems kinda strange to not have the three stooges all together. Wait, I'm still a little confused here. If we're working with PoH, doesn't that mean if Johnny Black shows up we're uh... allied with him?"

"Are you kidding? He's a murderer. If he shows up we're taking him out," Sinon declares. "Right?" She sounds more unsure than you're comfortable with.

At the very least Subtilizer has no interested in protecting Johnny Black. Ideally PoH keeps him out of GGO during the Derby, and after everything finishes Subtilizer just hands him over. Here at the end of Death Gun's machinations, it's the original conspirators who are the most useless— their own wishes utterly irrelevant.

The contest will be a brief one, by your estimation. Zeliska and XeXeeD are vastly outgunned, and even if there was some last minute contestant, what could they do? You've been in GGO long enough that you are established and well known— GGO has grown comfortable with you and your powers. Yet another reason that your Personas have had little problem growing in strength and sheer bizarreness. Would the SEED even allow a dark horse entry?


You look up from your daze. It's Lugh.

"The time has arrived. Let's not delay."

You nod, standing up as your team does the same. PoH gives you a grin— the man knows he's getting under your skin and relishes it. Subtilizer has no expression at all, not even to Lievre dangling off his arm like a neglected puppy.

Everybody has Black Stars in their inventory, except for Lievre who insists she's part of Subtilizer's inventory. Deep in your pockets the chess piece thrums with power, a connection made to the cloaked cannon still floating up above Glocken. Either as a trump card or opening salvo, it's something you've hidden from Subtilizer. You can even save it as a sucker punch in case he tries something...

You are ready.

The time has arrived.

GGO, the Death Gun Derby, and the end.

"Let's go."

0000 Glocken Standard Time

You descend in a column of golden light, alongside all your allies. The streets are filled with familiar sights, the towering «Governor's Mansion» overlooking it all. This is the central district of Glocken, a zone you've had little contact with since your arrival. Strangely, it's bathed in a golden light, all of it originating from a towering pillar that's stretching into the sky.

"Uh... is this where the Derby's happening?" LLENN asks. "Doesn't seem to be a lot of people here."

She's right. For a battle royale with an unknown number of participants, there should be some level of commotion. But instead the street is utterly barren, and the pillar is the only thing that catches the eye. Your HUD makes no indication you're in an instanced zone. This is the public space, open to any player.

"I still have a connection to «SBC Flügel»," Lievre speaks up. "Phff, dumb humans can't even organize a death match properly."

"Yo, where the fuck is everyone!? I've waited months for this and I don't even get any action?" PoH curses. "I worked my ass off to make this possible!"

"Shut up pooface, you didn't do anything but sleep and drink!"

"Silence." Subtilizer stares upwards. "...I don't recall this pillar being here before."


Your question is interrupted by an explosion of color, the pillar suddenly turning from a dull brass to a brilliant gold. A wave washes through you all, the light pulsating and expanding. For a moment the world is pure, endless gold.

And then... it's all washed away like nothing happened.

"The hell was that!?"

"A system announcement?" Sinon says, her brow furrowed.

...You've felt this sensation before, above the World Tree. The air shimmers, the buildings feel incoherent, like they're waiting to morph with just an errant thought. If any of your allies notice this they make no mention of it, the pressure entirely focused upon you. The walls of the world feel thin, but there's nothing to direct it, no will behind it.

"Hey. HEY! Fuck! FUCK! Menus, everyone!" PoH growls, punching buttons in the air.

"It's gone?"
"I can't logoff..."
"What's going on!?"

"It's a judgment." A voice says. She steps out from behind the pillar, leaning against the marble. White hair tied into a pony tail that cascades down her side, her hands empty of any weapons and deep red eyes that burn into you.

"The site of the final battle, Kuro. No more holding back, for either of us." He appears around the other end, sunglasses and cocky smile firmly in place. He relaxes against the pillar, his grenade launcher set on the floor but within immediate reach.

XeXeeD. Zeliska. Your opponents.

"Fuuuuck. I knew you were shady, but now you're working with Subtilizer? What's up, man? Did you finally climb out of that foxhole? Cause in case you haven't paid attention, the meta has changed."

You step forward, Subtilizer not bothering to answer.

"XeXeeD. Zeliska. Just stand down. The only thing I want is to stop this madness."

"The madness you caused?" Zeliska hisses. "This all started when you showed up, Kuro. The Black Star, the destruction of GGO— all of it! And now look who you've teamed up with. I should've listened to him. You cannot be trusted, Kuro. This was all your doing."

"You don't know anything," you retort, "I've been fighting Death Gun—"

"What, like the gas mask guy you stopped me from killing!? Sounds a whole lot like you're in cahoots with Death Gun, you feel me? So? Where's the bastard? This is his fucking tournament ain't it?" XeXeeD asks, clearly agitated. "C'mon, if we're going to do this I want to see his mug one more time."

"He's my enemy too—"

"What my esteemed colleague is trying to get across," PoH steps up, that damned smile on his face. "Is that he's just a stooge. JB's too much of a small fry for this stage, see? You want to kill the mastermind? Well today's your lucky day!"

"Vassago can you shut up—"

He spreads his arms as far as he can, encompassing your entire party. "Cause we're ALLLLL here, baby! Hate to break it to you but Kuro's been our bestest bud for a long time now. You've been playing to our tune the whoooole time. Everything's been just a prelude to the destruction your little sandbox deserves!"

Zeliska looks at you, disgust written on her face. XeXeeD is silent, his head cocked to the side. His expression behind the shades is unreadable, but he's visibly shaking.

You want to defend yourself, try to explain things as they really are... but all it takes one look at who stands behind you and who stands against you. The Type-Z that tried to destroy the world, the mastermind behind the initial Death Gun murders, a soulless mercenary...

"Heh. Hahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHA!" XeXeeD begins cackling, his shoulders shaking as he tries to regain his breath. "Shit. That's just perfect, isn't it? The bastards who killed Usujio. The hypocrites who protected his killer. The fucking liars claiming to be heroes when all the want to is destroy MY WORLD! You're ALL FUCKING HERE!"

A gunshot rings out, a single round piercing the air. A black shadow wraps around XeXeeD, red eyes shining through his shades as fire warps the air and spreads along the city, only the single golden pillar seemingly spared from his wrath.

Your allies separate. Somewhere in the commotion Lugh and Subtilizer have disappeared, and where Gwen is hiding not even you know. Sinon rushes to put distance between herself and XeXeeD while everyone else stands their ground. PoH is on the front line, a rusty knife in his hands.

"Waitwaitwait, we're starting now!?" LLENN asks while batting away the incoming flames. "D—did the Derby even start!?"


The voice calls from above you, booming and omnipresent. Golden light spills forth from the clouds, the sun locks in the sky halfway down the horizon, and the pillar's glow grows to the point where it's impossible to look directly at it.

Another wave of gold washes through you, and the Black Star in your holster shudders, a wisp of darkness rising up to block out the golden light. All your allies do the same, the Black Stars acting as a shield to prevent the light from washing over you. It has chosen you as its champions, and it will not allow you to exit simply from the actions of a GM.

"Oh. Oh fuck, she actually did it!" Lievre screams, ducking behind you. "Didn't they tell you not to eat energy fields bigger than your head!? That moron just chowed down on one the size of a world!"

You feel it descending. The SEED is here, but unless last time there is no master. No OBERON, no guiding force, not even Zeliska is in control. This is not GGO fulfilling her wishes. It's raw potential, unguided... the SEED itself has a will. Without a soul to latch onto it's weaker, unable to create a world by itself, but its power remains undeniable.

"Zeliska, what did you do?" you call out, the Black Star ironically shielding you from the golden light that still tries to overwhelm you. All around you the buildings of GGO warp, bending inwards, like audience members leaning to get a good view of the action. "What happened to the Derby?"

"Isn't it obvious? You won, Kuro." Zeliska scoffs, a weapon materializing in her arms. "Nobody wants to challenge you. Nobody else has the Black Star. Nobody else is interested in your bloody crown. We're not here for that anymore. We're here for something much more important."

You don't have... any rivals? You had thought XeXeeD at the very least would be...

"Don't waste your words, Uncrowned Queen. A friend of mine made me realize something. That this isn't about strength anymore. Hell I ain't gonna lie to myself and pretend I can win against you cheaters. If I fight, I'll lose— simple as that. But you know what? When faced with pure evil, sometimes you gotta take a stand even when the deck is stacked."

Dietrich roars in approval, spewing dragon fire with every word. XeXeeD steps next to Zeliska, the two presenting a unified front.

"I've been looking at it all wrong, being a Champion doesn't mean being the strongest in the world. It's about taking responsibility. GGO's been waiting for it— a leader, a savior— a KING!"

"I won't let you destroy GGO."
Zeliska continues, her voice cracking. "Daisy did this because of you! This... this never should have happened. Everything should've been... but now... now she's...!" Zeliska shakes her head, raising her weapon at you. "I will turn things back to the ways things were— the way they should be! It was my responsibility and I... I will not shirk it again. Daisy... she'll... she'll come back to normal, when everything..."

"Yeah don't kid yourself there! That little stupid Type-X died the moment she crawled back into the SEED," Lievre calls out, "Like, what did you think was going to happen!? It's like turning a gun back into a pile of plastic and scrap metal! What a dumbass!"

"SHUT UP!" Zeliska's voice screams out, "You don't deserve—"


"Damn right! Destroying the world's our «Calling», and your little stunt ain't stopping Senpai! The «Edge Punisher» always finishes the job!"

"Type-Z?" Zeliska responds. "Ridiculous. It was one line in the backstory. That's the logic that's making you do this? In the new GGO there will be no more Type-Zs. GGO isn't about endings. It's about fair competition, about fights without blood— about fun! That's all it was until YOU SHOWED UP!"


"You've turned GGO from an arena of equals into a world where the strongest rules— with your strange magic, with the Black Star you orchestrated! There is no peace in GGO anymore, just Chaos!"


You hear them. Voices... a thousand voices and more. In the distance the sounds of cheers and gunfire light up the sky, the golden barrier in Glowgen buckling under the combined celebration of the GGO playerbase. And they're chanting... for you...?

Yo this is the same shit that happened two weeks ago!
This the Derby!? I want to see some blood! RIP'EM UP KURO!
Hahaha, let's go! No more of this handholding. KILL THEM KURO!

"It's a misunderstanding," you answer. "This is... I choose..."

Your right eye hurts. It burns, and combined shouts of GGO echo through your brain.


A «Calling»? Ridiculous. You are a human. You are...

Screens erupt around Glowgen. You see players of every shape and size, staring straight at you. Strangers and enemies, the people you've fought alongside. Everyone in GGO is invited, the walls of the world growing thin here in the core of the world. Everything they think of you, every rumor, every story, each a bullet striking your heart.

This is...

This is what OBERON felt?


"Call forth your monsters! Cower behind the bastards you call your allies! DO YOUR FUCKING WORST, KURO! Me and Dietrich will burn you to the ground! GGO isn't your playground, it's MY WORLD, and I'm sick and tired of seeing it get fucked over by troll like YOU!"


"I'm done hiding. I am taking charge, as an employee of ZASKAR. You are in violation of the Terms of Service, and if you not surrender your account, it shall be eradicated."


The light thins, you see the face of GGO's Goddess through the light.


A pillar of gold, a statue of war, unmoving and unfeeling. A halo of guns, an avatar of GGO.


A dress of Lugh's design and golden hair done up in Zeliska's preference is the only indication of her previous name.


The eyepatch is gone, replaced by a crimson eye. Did she pull the trigger? Or is she trigger, gun and everything in between?


You feel the attention, the wishes of the world flow into you. Wishes of death, destruction— those who want to kill and laugh. Those who want watch you destroy another world. Those who simply want to stand and gawk at the destruction.

They call out your name, and append to it a new title.

To them you are no longer the «Edge Punisher». That name means little in the world of GGO. There is a name they respect more.



>At the end of every scene [Calling: Seventh Bullet] will attempt to inflict MADNESS: DEATH GUN upon Kuro. Should Kuro fail the CHT Roll (ties resolve in favor of Kuro), Kuro will be forced to don XaXa's Death Gun Mask and you will lose control over Kuro's actions.
>Its strength is calculated as DGBULLETd6 + STRESSd6. [Currently 4]
>[Calling: Seventh Bullet] obeys Resistances to Status Effects, so certain Personas are completely immune to its effect.
>Your opponents, however, do have the ability to SEAL Personas.

You have gained the following buffs:

>Your Persona Slots are UNLIMITED for this battle.
>Consequently you have automatically equipped your ARMOR for this battle.
>Your Max HP and SP are increased by +5.
>Every time the DG BULLETS number increases you immediately regain 3 HP and 3 SP.
>«Incarnate: Shield of Flowers»: Any Fatal Blow or attack that deals >5 HP in one instance to Kuro will be blocked, once per Combat. You may pray to regenerate this ability, if you wish.

You may use dialogue to directly speak to the spectators watching you in order to try and manipulate the DG BULLETs stat.


⁍[Incarnate: Black Star]: A target killed by this gun dies in real life.
⁍[Evoke: Death Gun]: Put your life on the line. Gain [Real Deal: Survivor] for the remainder of the battle.
⁍[Fatal Bullet]: Mudo spells fired by this gun can affect non-NPC targets.

⁍[Mudo Boost]: +2 DICE when resolving Mudo effects.
⁍[Freeshooter]: Death Gun abilities ignore Range.
⁍[Dark Verdict]: ADVANTAGE when resolving Mudo effects.
⁍[Lost One]: A target killed by this gun becomes comatose, if they are otherwise unable to die.

Party Members have been BUFFED!

>Lugh has been replaced by the combined unit: Glowgen Defense Systems. PoH serves as the 'frontman', whereas Lugh and Subtilizer are folded into his attacks and abilities.

>Hecate Aimopotis is now available.

Glowgen Defense Systems
World of Origin: Post Starfall [Lugh]/ Aincrad [PoH] / YGGDRASIL [Subtilizer]
Current World: Post Starfall
Race: Human

HP: 20/20
SP: 10/10

STR: Rank A (5 Dice)
MAG: Rank B (4 Dice)
AGI: Rank C (3 Dice)
VIT: Rank C (3 Dice)
CHT: Rank S (6 Dice)

Resist: Slash, Curse
Weak: Bless

ARMOR: Old Poncho [ARMOR + 0]
OPTICAL BARRIER: Aether Optical Defense Shield [SHIELD + 2]

«Real Deal: Assassin»: A man who kills one is a murderer. A man who kills dozens is a lunatic. A man who kills hundreds is a professional. Gain +3 DICE on all combat rolls.
[Your Soul Will Taste So Sweet]: Any damage dealt by this unit is stored as SOUL.
[Switch: Laughing Coffin]: Once per scene PoH at his discretion can take an enemy blow for Kuro OR (not both) deal a free follow up attack when you hit an enemy weakness. If PoH becomes aware of Gwen's existence, he may use this to protect Gwen as well.

Backstab: Surprise. [4 DICE / SLASH / +3 DMG if HIDDEN]
Barrett XM500: It's effective. That's all. [7 DICE / PIERCE / IGNORE VIT]
Crossfire: All those damn drills gotta be worth something. [5 DICE / PIERCE / TARGETS LOWEST OF AGI/VIT]

Disarm: When in Melee Range make a contested STR check with ADV against your foe— if successful divest them of their weapon.
Imbue Soul: Expend X SOUL to restore Kuro's SP by that number. For every 4 SP regenerated by this ability, inflict 1 STRESS to Kuro.
26 Legions: You inexplicably understand Kuro's fighting style. Use your action to provide Kuro +ADV on one attack.

[Incarnate: Intent]: Premeditation is not a sin. It is a requirement. Study one opponent, learning their weakness. Backstab gains an additional +3 DMG bonus upon striking that opponent.
[Incarnate: V???A]: What is this feeling? [SOUL / ALMIGHTY]
[Incarnate: Mate Chopper]: Feels fucking good to be back. [CHT / SLASH / +2 DICE PER FALLEN ENEMY OR ALLY]

STATS remain the same.

Weak: Fire / Wind / Psychic / Bless
Resist: Ice / Elec / Nuclear / Curse

[Golden Sandals]: Narratively fly at a speed equivalent to your running speed. You can pick up and carry allies, provided you sacrifice your ability to attack. Costs [1 SP] per turn you fly.
[Elemental Murder]: Striking an enemy's weakness causes you to deal +1 DMG and increases your ADV degree by +1.

Magic Bullet: Imbue your BASIC ATTACK with any single MAGIC element of your choosing. [2 SP]
Elemental Armor: Swap your Weak/Resist profile. [1 SP]
Free Magic: Generate ANY element and apply a complex modification or syntax to it. [1 SP]
Papyri Graecae Magicae: Imbue your foe with a curse of mortality. For every 3 SP spent, one of your enemy's magical NEUTRAL resistances is immediately replaced with a WEAKNESS. Which element is chosen is hidden from you. If you spend 7 SP the second weakness will instead target one of your foe's RESIST or NULL elements. [X SP]

World of Origin: YGGDRASIL
Current World: Post Starfall
Race: Human

HP: 20/20

STR: Rank A (5 Dice) + Rank A (5 DICE) = 10
MAG: Rank E (1 Dice) + Rank B (4 DICE) = 5
AGI: Rank C (3 Dice) + Rank D (2 DICE) = 5
VIT: Rank A (5 Dice) + Rank E (1 DICE) = 6
CHT: Rank B (4 Dice) + Rank D (2 DICE) = 6

Weak: Ice, Psi
Null: Fire, Nuc

ARMOR: Hildegrim [ARMOR + 3, -1 DMG from all non-MAG attacks]
OPTICAL BARRIER: Void Optical Defense Shield [SHIELD + 4, -2 DMG from MAG and Optical based attacks]

GRENADE LAUNCHER: XM-29 Objective Individual Combat Weapon

[Exceed]: +3 Bonus DICE when firing MODERN weapons. Free attack on any open opponents with your assault rifle once per Scene.
[Combat Legendarium]: Utilize one of your arms as a free action once per SCENE whenever you fire your primary weapon.
[Giant Slayer]: +ADV when attacking champions or gods.
[Fury of the Dragon King]: Consume the world in Dragon Fire. This is considered a RELEASE RECOLLECTION type environmental modification that causes all opponents to suffer 1 degree of drop in FIRE resistance (Null > Resist > Neutral > Weak)
[Real Deal: Champion]: +2 Real Deal trait that activates upon the following: Losing > 15 HP or upon recovering from any Mind-Altering Status Effect.

Call Nagelring: The shining sword gifted to Dietrich by Alberich to pierce the giant's skin and the first of his arms. Reduces ARMOR or VIT by 1 every time you damage an opponent with this weapon. [STR / BLESS / IGNORE VIT+ARMOR]
Call Eckesachs: The giant blade claimed from the Giant Ecke, famed to slay dragons. Narratively infinite range as the sword grows to whatever size it needs to, striking whomever it needs to. [STR / SLASH / IGNORE AGI / WIDESPREAD]
Call Mimung: The storied blade gifted to he who would end Dietrich's life. If successful, replaces the weapon in your opponent's hand with Mimung, a blade that induces madness and demands you attack XeXeeD. [CHT / MADNESS / TAUNT]

Basic Attack [High Explosive Round]: Explosive bullet that uses software to airburst opponents behind cover. ADV when firing on stationary or entrenched opponents. [8 DICE / FIRE]
Basic Attack [Kinetic Energy Round]: An automatic rifle for close combat. [6 DICE / PIERCE]

World of Origin: Post Starfall
Current World: Post Starfall
Race: Human

HP: 10/10

STR: ?
MAG: ?
AGI: ?
VIT: ?
CHT: ?
Weak: ?
Resist: ?

ARMOR: Advanced Combat Armor [ARMOR + 2]
OPTICAL BARRIER: Kaleidoscope Optical Defense Shield [SHIELD + 3, -1 DMG from MAG and Optical based attacks]

Shotgun: Kel-Tec KSG Optical Modified Shotgun

GM Command [God Mode]: You cannot take any damage. Ineffective against CHOSEN and their immediate allies.
GM Command [Dev Tools]: Ties in CHT rolls resolve in your favor, rather than the defender's favor.
[Real Deal: Innocence]: Your presence on the battlefield gives the GODDESS a +2 Real Deal bonus.

GM Command [Restrict]: Target ONE Persona you have seen or are aware of (but is not currently active), preventing it from being invoked for 3 SCENES.
GM Command [Ban]: Attempt to Log Off the target Player, subsequently banning their GGO account. [CHT / HAMA]
GM Command [Jail]: Target Party Member leaves the battle for 1 SCENE. [CHT / DESPAIR]
GM Command [Spam Filter]: Target Party Member's HUD is hacked for a moment, causing their attacks to go haywire and strike allies. [CHT / CHARM]

Basic Attack [Spreadshot]: A close range burst of pellets best utilized against rapidly moving foes. [6 DICE / PIERCE / IGNORE AGI]
Basic Attack [Hardlight Slug]: An alternate fire mode that releases a sphere of pure energy. [6 DICE / PSYCHIC / IGNORE VIT]

Race: SEED

HP: 50/50

STR: ?
MAG: ?
AGI: ?
VIT: ?
CHT: ?
Weak: ?
Resist: ?

[Pillar of the World]: Instant Death Effects cannot effect you, but deals 5 Points of ALMIGHTY damage when they land. Mind Altering Status Effects always wear off in 1 SCENE, and you become RESISTANT to anything that manages to affect you even once.
[Barrier Maiden]: A golden barrier recreating the effects of a safety zone is currently erected over Glocken. Will be disabled upon losing half your health.

Samarecarm: Revive and fully restore the HP of one you care about. Cannot be used the exact same SCENE she dies in.
Recarm: Revive one ally with 5 HP, or revive a Warrior that has died. Cannot be used the exact same SCENE your target has died in.
Teleport Other: Grant an ally's offensive action +1 ADV by repositioning them into the perfect position.

Basic Actions:
Call Warrior: Summons a GGO player from the audience to fight on your behalf. All Warriors have a uniform 5/5 HP. All stats are 3 if not otherwise specified.

Available Warriors:
Musketeer X: A francophile sniper who attacks with a homing sniper rifle round. [10 DICE / PIERCE / +2 DMG]
Yamikaze: A taciturn speedster who strikes multiple targets with lightning fast speed. AGI 7. [6 DICE / PIERCE / WIDESPREAD]
Pale Rider: A silent infighter who dances with grace, distracting and taunting your attacks. AGI 6. [TAUNT] [6 DICE / BLUNT]
Red Rider: A friendly midline fighter with the most heavily customized dual revolvers on the server. [7 DICE / TARGETS KNOWN WEAKNESS / X2]
White Rider: A tired stealth specialist who fires a single silent arrow from the shadows. [7 DICE / PIERCE / +1 ADV]
Black Rider?: An insane poison specialist who ???
???: An Attendant of God. CHT 7.



>You are in the middle of Glowgen's center. The arena is open with many sightlines. Do not concern yourselves with Distance in this fight (basically nixxed).
>You are NOT in an Instanced Zone.
>Lievre is not an active combatant. She is using her 'actions' to try to call Flugel into the battlefield.
>Siegessaule is maintaining a Golden Barrier around Glowgen, therefore outside reinforcements (Read: Flugel) cannot enter.
>The Golden Barrier will fall at half health or earlier if narratively appropriate (like convincing the audience to attack the barrier).

Enemy Strategy
>Generally speaking, the more you 'act' in a Scene the more your enemies 'act'. Everyone will act at least once.
>Siegssaule's actions are pegged to Kuro's actions.
>Zeliska and XeXeeD's actions are pegged to your Party's actions.

>[ ] You may choose less if you prefer.
>[ ] Choose Sinon's Hecate Form if she's in your party.


[ ] Try to talk to any of the following: GGO Audience (you are live), XeXeeD, Zeliska or Siegessaule. Shaking enemy resolve may affect their action economy. Talking to the Audience effects the current strength of Death Gun Incarnation and its effects on Kuro.


[ ] Write-In one plan/stratagem to pursue next SCENE. Any plan that uses more than ONE Persona will accumulate SP costs. You can be as fine tuned or as broad as you like.
>Stalemartyr has 3/3 Shots Remaining
>Star Child Kirito may be summoned via Write-In at any time (you will make one guy very, very happy).

No second phase is planned, mechanically speaking.
Last fight using the current combat system before I blow everything up.
Give me about an hour to update all the Informational Tabs.

Last edited:
Star Child Kirito may be summoned via Write-In at any time (you will make one guy very, very happy).
"I'm back…Asuna?"
"No time to explain, just kill the bad guys.."
"Uh… ok."
Attacks PoH

We're in a bit of a catch-22. If we do lose the will of the crowd, the enemies might get a boost. And it makes Glowgen antsy. But if we keep the will of the crowd, we might get gaslit into a role we didn't want.

I feel like it's getting harder to toe the line between the two sides, both from the decision from a few chapters ago and now.
If we wanted to we could use the Judgment gun (no one will expect that after the seriousface moment) and build something around it.
Mechanically not sure bothering with the extras are useful, just leave them at full HP since they will likely be brought back anyway.

As for banter, maybe point out that while we both agree the games should be games with little RL circumstances, we need this one gone to get a stepping stone to break the foundation of the vulnerable VR games?

Either that or play into the Calling of the Seed - subvert or reinforce this role??
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As for banter, maybe point out that while we both agree the games should be games with little RL circumstances, we need this one gone to get a stepping stone to break the foundation of the vulnerable VR games?

I don't think that going to work, like saying sacrifice your love for someone random stranger.

And went are we going to stop, like Kei Shirogane said the cat is out of the bag and unlike the Persona game it will still be around long after kayaba defeat, no matter what we do or how many Persona we have, in the end of the day we will become like kayaba, someone who destroying and distorted games for their on gains.

I mean, we already destroyed a World/Heaven with our own hands, don't get much more Evil than that.

Also this is kinda what I mean about Pete making me feel a bit stupid. Of course we're the last Bullet, we killed an entire world and are looking to destroy this one too, don't get much more Bullet flavored than that, especially if we were always a Type-Z.

So, that they can Seal our Persona is... troublesome, but I say we go in and own the Deathgun thing, do what we do best and twist around us until we break it using, uhh, I think it's Nyarly's Persona that has the Madness immunity?
I'm thinking that the longer this battle goes on, the higher chances of something truly bad happening. So let's drop the nuke early, shall we?

Though when I think about it, if we decide to drop the burning tree as our first action, it would fit right in with the stereotype we built up. We'd be playing right into the role. And if we fail to win immediately, we're making our fight more difficult.

I think a blitz is the right call over a prolonged fight, but I don't know how to do that without feeding the crowd.
[x] Party: Dark Justice
-[x] Sinon (Aimotopis)
-[x] Gwen
-[x] Glowgen Defense Systems

[x] Plan Storm of Revelations
-[x] Kuro: Summon Ys, and cast away a storm that fills Glowgen with water. Start with Urvashi and channel lightning bolts that will strike the ArFA ahead of you. If an opportunity shows itself, see if the Zeronium Cluster Cannon still is effective against it.
-[x] Party: Support Work
--[x] Glowgen will use Incarnate: Intent and study the weaknesses of The Goddess. If the opportunity shows up, they will attempt to strike at her with a Backstab.
--[x] Sinon will use Papyri Magicae Gracae to push weaknesses on XeXeeD, then Reload.
--[x] Gwen will attempt to work to distract Zelinska as much as possible.

[x] Speech: "Playing God"
-[x] "...hello, Daisy. Did you tire of playing house with Zelinska as her sister? Or did you finally get fed up with me? Because I'm getting this shit a lot recently."
-[x] "You say this is judgment. Some of you blame the world for being in this state due to me...the truth is far beyond that. As far as I can tell, at the end of the day, we are all puppets in a string for someone else's plans...and this infuriates me."
-[x] "I couldn't care less if you guys got killed by staying shut inside your NerveGears, Amuspheres, or the like. Who wins and who loses a game inside these places? I couldn't give a shit...I wish I could say that. But I fucking can't. Because someone one day decided to play god and start the shittiest of all daisy chains, that people bandwagon into in their self-righteousness. The greatest of all a-holes. And you, Daisy, is just the last in a long chain of idiots."
-[x] "You said that my role, my Calling, as an ArFa, as a Death Gun, the final bullet in the mag, is to destroy..." Grabs mask. "And I say
to hell with that." Cast it away. Let it be struck by thunder until nothing remains. "I am no ArFa. I am a human, tired of being just a puppet for whatever asshole thinks they can get a kick out of me! I am the Edge Punisher, Kuro! And I choose my fate!"
THAT'S not how I saw things starting, man...

Well, might as well make the most of it while we can.

[X] Party
-[X] Sinon (Chrysosondalos)
-[X] Gwen
-[X] Glowgen Defense Systems

[X] Speech: I never asked for this
-[X] "You think I WANTED something like this to happen?! There are so many other things at play behind the scenes that both of yours' shortsightedness is laughable! I know this is going to be meaningless to you now, but let me make a conciliatory gesture!"
-[X] *take out XaXa's mask and break it*
-[X] "You still want to fight? Then let's fight."

[X] Combat: Out of context dummies
--[X] Manifest Brihannala, full-body if possible. Make a show of firing off Agniastra at Zeliska and Myriad Astra at all of them. Switch to Cats of Ulthar and summon two cats.
-[X] Have Glowgen Defense Systems use Incarnate: Intent on the Goddess.
-[X] Gwen uses Agilao on Zeliska, manifesting the flame as a rapidly shrinking disk of fire. After, she may do as she pleases.
-[X] Sinon uses Freila on Zeliska, manifesting the nuclear element as an expanding ball of plasma. After that, she may do as she sees fit.

Sinon can switch between Chrysosondalos and Aimoptis relatively freely, so no reason to saddle her with weakness to half the elements in the game immediately. And the intent of the combat plan is to essentially spook Zeliska and get her to burn her Persona sealing ability on something relatively low-impact, while maintaining immunity to Madness: Death Gun.
There is a face you can make out through the static. It is not the beauty that draws your attention. It's her soul. It cloaks her like a storm, and even through the monitor you are overcome by the desire to bow.

So Itsuki's rock solid loyal to Quinella. Also explains why he could have been so into Hiyori despite her not being his type, her and Quinella are really similar now thanks to all the deviations.

<Why? Because it is different from your Real World? Your world has failed you time and time again, so why cling to it? You are a being who can be anything. So be what I want.>

While there's canon Quinella's control freak characterization here she's also mixing it with PHILEMON's rhetoric so unlike in canon she might really believe it.

XeXeeD. Zeliska. Your opponents.

The two of them actually look really good together.

"Don't waste your words, Uncrowned Queen. A friend of mine made me realize something. That this isn't about strength anymore. Hell I ain't gonna lie to myself and pretend I can win against you cheaters. If I fight, I'll lose— simple as that. But you know what? When faced with pure evil, sometimes you gotta take a stand even when the deck is stacked."

Dietrich roars in approval, spewing dragon fire with every word. XeXeeD steps next to Zeliska, the two presenting a unified front.

"I've been looking at it all wrong, being a Champion doesn't mean being the strongest in the world. It's about taking responsibility. GGO's been waiting for it— a leader, a savior— a KING!"

Did XeXeed get positive character development offscreen? Damn, I wanted to see that.

"You've turned GGO from an arena of equals into a world where the strongest rules— with your strange magic, with the Black Star you orchestrated! There is no peace in GGO anymore, just Chaos!"

GGO was never like that Zeliska. It was always a place of dudebros, power-jockeying, and social darwinism. You're even working with the guy who scammed half the player-base.

@afreaknamedpete I have a couple questions before I make my plan.

Can Bartlesby be used on Daisy?

Can Ragnarok burn through the golden walls as a world-ender?

How exactly does the Stalematyr cannon work stat wise? It's not on the combat sheet.

Can we use Ash Nazg to Dominate someone on the other side of the barrier and make them destroy it?

Finally, Urashima hasn't been replaced by Titor on the quick combat sheet. This is important because it has immunity to madness and given how much its changed it might not work with its old weapon anymore.
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Fuck, this is not what I expected. I mean, I knew we were the 7th bullet, the interludes we're super clear about that, yet this still blindsighted me.
Anywsy, how does MADNESS: DEATH GUN interact with Haunter of the dark passive?

Archetype [ETTEILLA Avatar]: This Persona is connected to your patron but remains under your complete control unless you become afflicted with MADNESS. You will be filled with the hatred of all false worlds, and seek their destruction with single-minded fury.
Should you surrender or be afflicted with MADNESS your patron will happily take over. [ETTEILLA will guide your action for 1 scene, then switch off this Persona automatically.]
This Persona accumulates 1 Stress per scene, with an additional Stress per scene if you become afflicted with MADNESS.
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"Rath is planning on killing everyone and uploading copies of them to the internet!"
Ok, so we're one week out from rolling out the social camera system. It was rocky with that whole ALO incident and the tsunami, but hopefully it will be smooth sail…


Oh no.

This is really bad. But it looks manageable. Thankfully it can't get any worse…

Hiyori: "And I have one of them right here" *Pulls out Kirito*

Kikouka: *dies inside*
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Regret that I couldn't get one of my Throw Away Your Mask plans to win back when it was still effective

Anyway, I don't know if it would be effective but SEED!Daisy is riddled with contradictions here. For someone who kept interjecting to calm Zeliska down with "There is no place for hatred. They are only fulfilling their calling." her throwing down the gauntlet felt pretty emotionally loaded. Could poke at it I suppose - ask why she's holding herself and Zeliska to different standards, and giving herself more freedom of expression. If we want to cruelly get under her skin, suggest that she was simply sick of being Zeliska's doll and wants to swap their roles.

Obviously at this stage we can't (and shouldn't) deny we're all in on destroying GGO. We could play into PoH's twist of the narrative where he paints us as more villainous and more complicit than we (and even he/Glowgen) are but I don't particularly like that play. I think the two paths I'd be open to there are just deciding it's not worth explaining in a "Believe what you want, I know who I am." sense or if we want to try and engage in debate/banter, point out that XeXeeD is so easy to taunt and get under his skin and that's basically what PoH is doing - tie it into his heavily game mechanic mindset and that anyone can see he loses his cool when Death Gun is brought up and it's an easy way to get him to act predictably. "That's the new meta, idiot."

For the crowd... I don't think it's worth addressing them specifically (and I don't think we can since it's basically a livestream - it'd be a mid-combat monologue) but if we do I'd probably just put them down as losers? I don't think that'd materially change anything, really. It's almost literally arguing with internet trolls - there's just no winning.

Combat wise this feels like a rather weird fight. With SEED!Daisy's revive abilities I almost feel like seriously engaging XeXeeD (and to a lesser extent Zeliska) is pointless. Yeah, it takes them off the board for like a scene-and-a-half but given it probably takes more time than that to put them down is it worth it rather than just trying to manage them while focusing on the SEED?
Okay so, a couple questions/ observations:
1. Practically speaking, what does this mean?
>At the end of every scene [Calling: Seventh Bullet] will attempt to inflict MADNESS: DEATH GUN upon Kuro. Should Kuro fail the CHT Roll (ties resolve in favor of Kuro), Kuro will be forced to don XaXa's Death Gun Mask and you will lose control over Kuro's actions.
>Its strength is calculated as DGBULLETd6 + STRESSd6. [Currently 4]
Is it like, a cheat roll?
If we end every scene with a Madness Nulling persona can we safely use Madness weak ones?

2. I really don't want to use this but if we decide to pray, does it take an action?
>«Incarnate: Shield of Flowers»: Any Fatal Blow or attack that deals >5 HP in one instance to Kuro will be blocked, once per Combat. You may pray to regenerate this ability, if you wish.

3. What the fuck is this.
Black Rider?: An insane poison specialist who ???
???: An Attendant of God. CHT 7.

4. SIEGESSÄULE has 2 unknown passives and one unknown skill, Zelinska has one unknown passive and Skill, we know everything about XeXeed.

Okay, battle strats: XeXeeD is the attacker, Zelinska is the debuffer and SIEGESSÄULE is the damage sponge/ reviver. Only thing we can do to XeXeeD/ Zelinska is ignoring them sadly or statusing Zelinska (XeXeeD gets extra dice if we status him). If all for using Flugel tbh, we need that barrier gone yesterday.

Also, we shouldn't fear Zelinska persona sealing- we have enough Despair Nulling personas to alternate with, even if she spams it (that's of couse assuming SIEGESSÄULE unknown skill isn't a persona sealing supermove, then we're fucked)
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What the fuck is this.

Black Rider?: An insane poison specialist who ???
???: An Attendant of God. CHT 7.
Black Rider? seems to obviously be Johnny Black. ...Actually, I wonder if that's by design on PoH/Glowgen's part - basically a trap set and would actually summon an ally for us.

??? my best guess there is Itsuki, having graduated from "Servant of God" in the Interlude now that he works for Quinella.
Something that I thought of way too late, but how does Megumin St Attila passives interact with Titor's Fax//[INSERT]?

Also in that same vein the regeneration effect for Archon works with triple effectiveness under Titor's time forwarding right?

(The connection between the two questions is that if Invitation to the Holy Grail is up and Titor is time skipping ahead Hiyori can still use the Explosion ability without the drawbacks and still remains with a cool 6 sp afterwards due to the expeditated regen)

(The two chuuniest persona seem to enable each other lmao)
Also, I did a quick wikipedia/google search on Dietrich (the myth) to see if I could find some kind of conceptual weakness we could use but what very little I did (seriously it was like two minutes of research anyone can do a better job than me) was he just gets on a giant horse (that also may be the devil) and flies away never to be seen again so that wasn't helpful! Probably! (Also depending on the work it differs. Another time a dwarf tells him his kingdom is no longer of this world and he just vanishes... maybe convince him GGO is gone and he weakens/logs out? - Bonus points if it's LLENN? :V )

But that's probably an option to explore with XeXeeD since the way that collective unconscious works means we can kinda treat Personas from myth like Servants from Fate in terms of looking at their legends for weaknesses/causes of death as a strategy.
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But that's probably an option to explore with XeXeeD since the way that collective unconscious works means we can kinda treat Personas from myth like Servants from Fate in terms of looking at their legends for weaknesses/causes of death as a strategy.

Maybe you are looking at the wrong place? Instead of myth, look at man.

Edit: ...guys?

Your right eye hurts. It burns, and combined shouts of GGO echo through your brain.

I think we may have a big trouble. If it still keeps stinging, we're shooting our eye out.
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