Perhaps a journey

Will note in Shale, it's probably not going to be a 'big' event for you. It's a world event, and your country frankly is probably going to be a bit too low on the totem pole when it happens.
Lost Star said:
Will note in Shale, it's probably not going to be a 'big' event for you. It's a world event, and your country frankly is probably going to be a bit too low on the totem pole when it happens.
No reason we cant send some troops over for support even if its only token support.
[x] Big people are stingy-y! Dont be to rough, dont break this, dont make a mess here... But they pay good in shinies-s! Offer enough and we are sure to get a good bargain for having fun with their enemies-s.

^_^ I love the New Keeper btw. So her focus is basically organization?
6 of us play as councilors in the Kingdom of Endroads, which is somewhere on the other side of the HorseLord's raiding area from the Dog-people.

Just a warning- The invasion may have vague elements of anachronism, insanity, and mad science.

Also a distinct possibility of superpowered Dark Brotherhood Ninja.
Vindictus said:

Just a warning- The invasion may have vague elements of anachronism, insanity, and mad science.

Also a distinct possibility of superpowered Dark Brotherhood Ninja.
Ninja? I don't know 'bout no damned ninja, Lad. Nope, I diffidently didn't help you alter them inta the super ninja.
Tha' would be silly.
Hmm? Oh, how silly of me. I seem to have had... Something from a conspiracy theorist's "newsheet" mixed into my own official papers. How dreadfully odd.

I'll just go ahead and get rid of that right now.
[X] "And what will it cost us-s?"
[X] Escort for the meeting with the king; she's capable of taking care of herself, but you don't want any incidents
[X]Arrange meeting with Pearl
She'd probably appreciate a known face when she has to deal with another Keeper.
[X] Practice Focus
You may need to CUT soon.​
All of a sudden I feel very evil and really want to mention magic to her... Is it a bad thing I can't stop grinning when I imagine the consequences.

[X] "And what will it cost us-s?"
[X] Mention/Give a demonstration of what little magic we have. She is a Knowledge Seeker after all and this is something new...
[X] Escort for the meeting with the king; she's capable of taking care of herself, but you don't want any incidents. Not to mention Escorts are a Thing with the Big people.
[X]Arrange meeting with Pearl. She'd probably appreciate a known face when she has to deal with another Keeper.
[X] Practice Focus
[X] "The big people are fun! I am already hunting their enemies in this city, so i would also help them with their war if they asked-d."

[X] Escort for the meeting with the king; she's capable of taking care of herself, but you don't want any incidents
[X]Arrange meeting with Pearl. She'd probably appreciate a known face when she has to deal with another Keeper.
[X] Practice Focus
[X] "And what will it cost us-s?"
[X] Escort for the meeting with the king; she's capable of taking care of herself, but you don't want any incidents
[X] Arrange meeting with Pearl. She'd probably appreciate a known face when she has to deal with another Keeper.
[X] Practice Focus
You may need to CUT soon.

Upcoming Combined Quest Event? Awesome.
EDIT: Keeper's been sent here to protect Fairy interests, so outright saying you'll join the human cause is probably not gonna get you points with the her. We may like the humans, but we were a Fairy first. On the plus side, even if we don't outright state we want to join the war, I don't find it likely the Watcher will stop us seeing as we were literally MADE for this kind of stuff.
[X] "And what will it cost us-s?"
[X] Escort for the meeting with the king; she's capable of taking care of herself, but you don't want any incidents
[X] Arrange meeting with Pearl. She'd probably appreciate a known face when she has to deal with another Keeper.
[X] Practice Focus

"And what will it cost us-s?" You are a bit curious about that honestly.

The Keeper gives off a small laugh. "Oh, that's a fairly insightful observation Oma." She smiles at you as she continues. "It's not going to be pleasent for a lot of us. I'm going to be certain that it's worth it, but likely a few hunters are going to die when they fight."

She pauses here and looks around at the activity.

"Like it or not, we can't play in just the jungle anymore. There is a whole world out there, and I would rather not ignore it. After all, it's the things you don't know that will get you killed." Aalimah looks at you as she finishes. "It's going to cost us lots. But it's going to get us more-e."

You smile slightly. "Well, I'll be ready for it-t!"

The keeper laughs again. "Well, we will see then-n."

You return to your duties soon after that, but take the time to escort the keeper to the meeting with the king. You aren't able to wait while she does it, since it's takes most of the day, but you are able to get a bit of information on it. From what the keeper tells you, it's going to take a least a month before anything significant comes from the meetings. You can't be there for every meeting, but you manage to get a few officers to be around when she normally comes in. This should keep any incidents down to a minimum.

In the meantime, Lilac gets out of the prison on a parole of sorts. She's basically doing random tasks in the city. It keeps her occupied and burns off some of the energy she has. Which is a pretty good thing all told.

The meeting with Pearl and the keeper goes... Tolerably well. The previous keeper she had met had made a very significant impression on her. Aalimah is a different sort. The two don't exactly hit it off, but she finds this one less scary than the other one.

Ultimately, things are pretty quiet aside from the keeper being there. Amusingly, the big people haven't figured out that one is in the city from what you can tell, so it's relatively low key at the moment.

Enough for you to practice on focus and your sword. Right now you use it mostly to scratch and cut smaller things. With the practice you dedicate to it however, you are able to go from cuts to literally cleaves. In fact, with your enchanted sword now, you can cut through non-enchanted metal armor. The enchanted stuff however is still beyond your reach sadly.

This peace is shattered rather rudely when you are woken up in the middle of the night. There are lots of people yelling, and you see several lights off in the distance. Most of your fellow faeries are darting all over the place, and you frankly have no clue what's going on.


Sorry for the long hiatus. Personal reasons basically. I'm back though, and I have a small snip!
[X]Grab sword and armor, go out; whatever this is, it's unlikely to be good
[X] Grab fairy, shake news out of her
[X]Organize fairy defence, hunters and civilians alike; all this aimless darting around is wasteful
[X]Take detachment of hunters with you into the city; police station first for news
[X]Grab sword and armor, go out; whatever this is, it's unlikely to be good
[X] Grab fairy, shake news out of her
[X]Organize fairy defense, hunters and civilians alike; all this aimless darting around is wasteful
[X]Take detachment of hunters with you into the city; police station first for news

It takes a few minutes to get on your armor. It's not exactly hard to get on, but you have to do it right or it will cut into your skin. Then you grab your sword and dart out. Outside looks to be chaos. Several dozen fairies dart past you, and you have to lunge to snatch one. She almost hits you before she recognizes you.

"Oma! Big-big people are attacking the littler big people-e!" She shouts out.

"What-t?!" You shout back.

"People on horses are riding around outside the park setting things on fire and taking stuff!" The fairy clarifies. "They are bigger than the hound people by a lot. I think they are called Horse Lords-s."

"All right." You frown at the fairy. "Where is everyone going then-n?"

"Keeper has us protecting our area and making certain that Hound People aren't hurt if they run in-n." The fairy buzzes her wings a bit, obviously eager to get back to what she was doing.

You let her go and take a look around you. The defense is already being organized now that you know what to look for. Unfortunately you still need more information. You grab Wajd as she starts to heft her weapon, and another hunter named Aasimah who specializes in evasive maneuvers. Then with a quick word to one of the merchant faries, you all dart off an into the city.

It's complete bedlam outside the park. It's confusing inside of course, but there are fires everywhere outside, and quite a few big people on horses galloping around. All three of you are tiny and fast enough to avoid any trouble, but the rest of the people in the city aren't so lucky. Here and there you see places where fights are springing up.

The size different between hound and horse is immense. But from the few battles you've seen, it's not an uneven match. If the Horse Lords are off their horses, a Hound Person can handle them. Here and there you see them actually mounted upon the hounds as well, and these fights are surprisingly even. A Hound is just small enough to get right in the weakest points on the horse.

The police station is one place where there is a very dedicated packet of resistance. In front you see Rufus.

And it occurs to you that you have never seen him go all out. Clad in full armor, and holding a sword and shield he's the bulwark of the defense. There are a good half dozen Horse Lords outside his reach, but even as you watch one darts in on his horse, holding a massive axe. The Champion moves smoothly, deflecting the axe with his shield, and severing the horse's legs off at the knees. Then as the rider rolls off expertly, he moves. Almost faster than you can see, his sword impales the rider, and the man falls to the ground screaming.

At this point the others around him attack with bows. Several deflect off his shield, and one hits his shoulder with a ping. One catches on something in his leg.

Then you and the hunters are on them. No mercy this time from any of you. Your first slice on your opponent glances off his arm and armor as you lunge at him, and you see his eyes wide as he finally spots you. The second slice, quick as thought takes out those eyes. He screams, and then gurgles as your sword goes through his throat and spine. You hear the horse whinny as it's rider slumps, and you look around as you wrench your sword out of him.

Wadj has already taken out hers, and as you glance at her, you see the ball that is her weapon impact into another's head with a sickening crack. Aasimah's opponent is swatting at her fruitlessly, and you can see him start to slow down.

The other two are looking at you all, and immediately starting to flee. You think about going after them, but you need information first before you can do anything else.

Rufus wrenches out the arrow in his leg as he waits for you to approach. Now that you are closer you can see that he's basically the only one there at the moment as several others dart back into the building. "Be good to see you." He grunts out. You see the armor around his leg start to reform as he puts his hand on the hole.

"What's going on-n?" You wave your hands as you as the question, indicating the whole city.

"It's a Horse Lord raid." Rufus states simply. "They have never gotten this far before, so be likely they did some trickery to get it done. Expect them to loot and burn things for a few more hours before they be forced to leave."

"All right, so what should we do-o?" Is your next question.

"No one be here right now." Rufus points behind him. "Too prominent, and not defensible enough. I be leaving after the rest of the night crew be ready to go." He points towards the castle. "That be the main point of defense. You can go there, or go around the city and kill Horse Lords." Rufus shakes his head. "I'm not a tactician. Plus Horse Lords will be coming after me when they know where I be. Champion scalps be something they want." He makes a face at that.

[X]Send Aasamiah back to the Keeper, with detailed news of the goings on, and where you'll be.
She wants an alliance, now might be a good time to go all out.
And Aasamiah is good at evasion, so is likely to make it back.

[X]Oma and Wajd roll with the Champion.
They'll be coming after him, which means the action will be hottest in his vicinity.
Besides, you've worked together.

[X]Make quip
"Maybe they're jealous of your hair-e?"
[X]Send Aasamiah back to the Keeper, with detailed news of the goings on, and where you'll be.
She wants an alliance, now might be a good time to go all out.
And Aasamiah is good at evasion, so is likely to make it back.

[X]Oma and Wajd roll with the Champion.
They'll be coming after him, which means the action will be hottest in his vicinity.
Besides, you've worked together.

[X]Make quip
"Maybe they're jealous of your hair-e?"
[X]Send Aasamiah back to the Keeper, with detailed news of the goings on, and where you'll be.
She wants an alliance, now might be a good time to go all out.
And Aasamiah is good at evasion, so is likely to make it back.

[X]Oma and Wajd roll with the Champion.
They'll be coming after him, which means the action will be hottest in his vicinity.
Besides, you've worked together.

[X]Make quip
"Maybe they're jealous of your hair-e?"