Perhaps a journey

[X]Send Aasamiah back to the Keeper, with detailed news of the goings on, and where you'll be.
She wants an alliance, now might be a good time to go all out.
And Aasamiah is good at evasion, so is likely to make it back.

[X]Oma and Wajd roll with the Champion.
They'll be coming after him, which means the action will be hottest in his vicinity.
Besides, you've worked together.

[X]Make quip
"Maybe they're jealous of your hair-e?"
You know, if you hadn't gone with Rufus I was going to kill him off :p *Grumbles* Always taking the non-kill ally options.

[X]Send Aasamiah back to the Keeper, with detailed news of the goings on, and where you'll be.
She wants an alliance, now might be a good time to go all out.
And Aasamiah is good at evasion, so is likely to make it back.

[X]Oma and Wajd roll with the Champion.
They'll be coming after him, which means the action will be hottest in his vicinity.
Besides, you've worked together.

[X]Make quip
"Maybe they're jealous of your hair-e?"


You nod at Rufus and turn to Aasamiah, poking her to be certain she's paying attention. "Go back to keeper. Tell her that hound-people are being hunted by horse-people. The Hunters would love to hop in-n."

The fairy in question nods, and blurs off in the general direction of the park. That done, you turn back to Rufus and smile brightly. "Maybe they are jealous of your hair-r?"

Rufus gives a sharp laugh, and you see a few people come out from the station. He nods as they begin to run towards the castle and grips his sword tightly. "Be that it was that easy."

You chuckle a bit and hover around the man. "Well, no worries, the shiny hair shall remain safely on the shiny head."

Rufus rolls his arms around and you see his helmet shake a bit as he stretches. "Here be hoping that it does. A hunter party is likely coming right now."

You blink a few times and motion for Wadj to hide, you doing so as well. Staying in place where they are likely going to be looking for you now just is bad sense. Rufus doesn't bother, and moments after you get into a good hiding spot, you see why. A veritable hail of arrows come right down on top of him as he raises his shield, some of them just missing you in your hiding spot. One embeds itself into the stone in front of you, and you boggle for a moment at it.

Then the Horse Lords come riding in. Twelve in all this time, with one female in back. They all hold up their bows, and aim as they gallop.

Rufus moves out into the street more in response, still holding up his shield. A few arrows are sticking out of it, but it still looks to be intact.

The lead Horse Lord's arrow shines with an unnatural brilliance, almost like the sun itself.


Sorry for short update. :) Wanted to give you a good chance for a plan of action.
[X] Plan kestrel404

I want to target the Horse Lady since she's the mage but we have no in-character reason for knowing that.
[X]Death from Above
Primary target is the leader with the shiny arrow-e; the light from his arrow will ruin his peripheral vision-e.
Eyes and throat.
[X]Then Ricochet through the rest: eyes, tendons, hamstrings, horses
Take advantage of the darkness.
Never stop moving.
[X]Wadj to back up Rufus

Oma should say I am KroganFeary, sometime in this quest considering the author said they are almost the same.
[X]Death from Above
Primary target is the leader with the shiny arrow-e; the light from his arrow will ruin his peripheral vision-e.
Eyes and throat.
[X]Then Ricochet through the rest: eyes, tendons, hamstrings, horses
Take advantage of the darkness.
Never stop moving.
[X]Wadj to back up Rufus
[X] Surprise attack from above on female in back.
[X] Hamstring horses from close to the ground.
[X] Other attacks of opportunity as they make themselves available.
[X]Death from Above
Primary target is the leader with the shiny arrow-e; the light from his arrow will ruin his peripheral vision-e.
Eyes and throat.
[X]Then Ricochet through the rest: eyes, tendons, hamstrings, horses
Take advantage of the darkness.
Never stop moving.
[X]Wadj to back up Rufus


A quick order to Wadj, and you speed down. You form blurs for a second, and then you are in front of the lead Horse Lord. Your sword slips through the armor on his throat, and slices through it smoothly. With a spray of blood, the man drops his arrow and tumbles off his horse. It goes out, and you move through the horses.

Your first cut on one of the horse legs is almost your last one. It hits the flesh fine, but it ricochets off the bone, and sends you careening out of control with no real effect of the horse. Fortunately thanks to your flight skills, its possible to recover. Unfortunately this places you in the unenviable place of trying to dodge a few dozen horse legs before getting re-orientated. You fly up just in time to see the front lines hit Rufus and Wadj.

The fairy isn't pulling any punches as her weapon impacts one of the Horse Lords right in the head, knocking him off. It swings back, and she uses the momentum to move again, whirling the ball and chain around her in a veritable circle of death above Rufus's head.

The Champion himself is using the size of the horses against them. You note that he's not going for the legs, and from your own experiences you think they have been reinforced somehow. He guts the horses instead, thrusting his blade up into one of them as they ride past, and killing the horse.

The rider drops off, and as he pulls out a club, your sword finds his spine, dropping him instantly.

Then you light up, literally. For a moment you look at yourself, shining like a small star, and then you find your wind knocked out of you as an arrow impacts you. It's a glancing hit thankfully. You are too small for it to hit dead on really, and your armor deflects the rest of it. It still knocks you out of the air, and you have to flit quickly back and forth to avoid being trampled as one of the horse lords tries to stomp you with his horse.

You ascend again, avoiding his swipe and trying to get at his head. With the light, your advantage is severely negated, and you are forced to move in and out as he tries to bat you out. You are too fast for that, but it takes more time that you would like to hit something vital. You get his arm with a good slash, and then as he tries to back up, manage to get an artery. This causes him to fully flee, clutching at his arm in desperation.

The battlefield has changed at this point. You and Wadj are moving targets now, and half the Horse Lords are going after you both now. Wadj is fine, but the Lords are abusing Rufus being on foot. He can move quick enough to maybe get one or more, but the arrows they have are piercing things, and he's already got two in him.

Wadj is unable to help, but you might be able to at this point.

You think the woman is causing the magic light on you. She's pointing at you. There are eight more Horse lords though, two of them are coming after you, one is occupied with Wadj, and the rest are trying to bring down the champion.

[X]Help Rufus
[X]Have Wadj geek the mage

"Wadj! Vital point, to my left, up high-h!" The words are in fairy tounge, and actually amount to three words. It's one of the concepts that doesn't translate well at all, but it's one of the most urgent hunter calls you can make.

Wajd doesn't hesitate immediately disengages from her fight, and goes after the woman Horse Lord. You see the ball that is her weapon go out, and glance of something intagible blocking it before you set about assisting Rufus.

It's not an easy thing, lit up as you are. However, the riders attacking Rufus have to keep an eye on him lest he pickes them off one by one. The light you have gives them a bit of warning, but not enough, especially since your target isn't them, but the bows they are using. Unlike them, these bows have very little protection surrounding them, and you are fast enough that you can catch them, even when they are being used.

You destroy several bows before they reorient on you. A club catches you in a lucky hit, and you are knocked out of the air again.

But this lets Rufus get into the fight again. The Champion's form blurs, and another Horse Lord is immediately dropped. Furthermore, Wadj is pressing her opponent back and keeping her occupied. The Fairy is one of the most formidable non-keepers in the area right now, a lesser fighter would likely have been killed.

Much like you have to avoid right now yourself as you have to immediately dart to the side to avoid being trampled. The light is making you a prime target right now, and you have to continually move as you are targeted with various attacks. Then, you make a mistake. Something is thrown over your head. You slash it open in a moment, but that's enough to get hit by something worse than the standard clubs they use.

You can't tell what it is, only that it hits you with enough force to shred the front part of your armor. Only your training and the armor enchantment keep it from cutting your body in half. Instead you are knocked into a wall, and feel something break as you hit.

At that point the light cuts out on your body, and you hear trampling and horses running.

Soon after Wadj comes up to you, hefting her weapon and looking you over. "Fun fun, aint it-t?"

You cough out. "It was fun till the end there-e."

"I think that be the general consensus." Rufus chuckles a bit as he limps over to you. He looks like a veritable pincushion. "The enemy be retreating now. Now we just need to rest up."

You wince a bit, and rest against the wall. Flying doesn't feel like a good idea right now.

Soon after you are picked up and brought to a medic. It's relatively easy to heal fairies thankfully, so you are up and ready to fight again the next day. Right now there is a lot of recovery work to do, but you are relatively free duty wise. Crime is down significantly, and most of the officers are off with family or otherwise dealing with things.

So you actually have little to do.


[]Choose one advance in something.
[] Actions
[x] go to the keep and suggest that we take a few hunters with us and see if we can't make the horse lords regret attacking the city.
[x] Ricochet

Looking over the battle, it wasn't our offensive ability keeping us alive, and while our armor and Disperse helped, they were nowhere near as critical as simply moving incredibly, incredibly fast. Even when the enemy knew exactly where we were, it was our speed that stopped them from finishing us. Our advance should therefore go to upping our combat speed, and of our abilities with do that Ricochet seems likely to produce the greatest increase in effectiveness from a single advance.

In future advances we'll need more Focus, Disperse, Movement, of course, but getting Tracking adapted to terrains other than the jungle, increasing our leadership abilities beyond the "squad of a half-dozen" level, and boosting our knowledge of poison wouldn't hurt, either.

[x] Talk to Rufus and discuss the aftermath of the attack. How much damage was done? Did anyone important die? Is this a big attack, as such raids go? When are they planning to hit back, and how? What was that woman with the light, and how can you fight someone like that more effectively?
[x] Meet with the keeper, share what we've learned from Rufus, and get her impression of the battle's aftermath. Did any fairies get significantly hurt? What is her opinion of the Horse Lords? Discuss our own experiences in battle, and the next move of the fairies collectively. Are we going to sign up to fight in this war? What will we get out of it if we do?
[x] Check to make sure that all our friends- the police people, the fairies, Pearl- are okay.
[x] Train in spare time. There's battles coming up, we can feel it, and we'll need to be fast and deadly.

Hopefully this covers the core of our interests. Following political situations is difficult, given that it's not our focus, but it's quite important.
You got knocked the fuck out; not fun-e.
Need to get better at handling damage-e.

Debrief, and politics; things are gonna heat up, if you are any judge-e.
And you might wanna know how things went in the Enclave-e.

He healed up?
Anything else interesting happen?

[X]Check on friends
Fairies, policemen, Pearl, the works.
Who lived, who died, who's healing.

Lily had the right idea: you wanna kill lots of Big People efficiently, you need poison-e.
Perhaps you can brew some, or the traders brought in some new stock; certainly you can get a discount-t.
[Focus+Movement] Redirect momentum/convert momentum, has alot of value to me it would seem.