Peace in Our Time! - A TRO Inspired Franco-British Union Quest

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The Government asks you to vote 'Yes', clearly and unmistakably.

If we were to fail, I do not think any Government could succeed. I feel it would lead to a totalitarian government of the left or the right.
The Gnarled Old Oak Tree said:
Comrades, there is a line of poetry which is a good line for socialists, even if it was not intended to be:

A man's reach should exceed his grasp
Or what's a Heaven for?
Like everyone in the Labour Movement, I believe in a high level of public expenditure. But I part company with those who believe we can rely indefinitely on foreign borrowing to provide for greater social expenditure, a better welfare service, better hospitals, better education, the renewal of our inner cities and so on. In the end these things, comrades, are only provided by our own efforts.
We began as a Party of protest. We must never lose that, never forget it. There are many ills and many evils in the condition of our society that have still to be remedied. But we are more; we are now a Party of Government, a Party which has put many of the aspirations of the pioneers on the statute book, as the law of our land.
I conclude my Report. Inevitably it has dealt with many varied issues and problems, some of them I regret to say in not as detailed a way as I should have liked. But Derek Gladwin said to me last night 'Keep it as short as you can.' What I would like to emerge from it is that the Government is willing to tell the people the truth, willing to consult with the Party, willing to work with the trade unions and with the people to solve our national problems. That is the philosophy of the Social Contract. Do not listen to the faint-hearted. Have confidence. The Labour Movement has the responsibility. Now let it prove that it has the maturity to lead our country and our Party to a new future.
I sum up the prospects for 1971 in three short sentences. We are back on course. The ship is picking up speed. The economy is moving. Every seaman knows the command at such a moment: 'steady as she goes'.

Something to consider for our next domestic phase. The elite British universities (Oxford and Cambridge) have been repeatedly mentioned as popular among post-colonial leaders. I think they could be a real tool of soft power and help us maintain control over our ex-colonies/kind-of-colonies, but we could give them some extra funding to be on the safe side and keep them elite as the global university scene grows. Or help the next-to-elite universities (Russell Group?) to try and make them very attractive as well.

The trouble, of course, is that we also need to cut spending soon to avoid an inflationary spiral that price controls can't fix. And the public won't like it if their pile of cash shrinks and the snobby unis' grows...
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I think they could be a real tool of soft power and help us maintain control over our ex-colonies/kind-of-colonies, but we could give them some extra funding to be on the safe side and keep them elite as the global university scene grows.
Scholarships, scholarships is what you want I think? Giving full scholarships for talented foreigners around the world, basically an expansion of the Rhodes Scholarship, the same scholarship Bill Clinton got.
Ya know at this rate I wouldn't be surprised if we get actual Palpatine as a candidate at some point.
Historians still question Prime minister Mcdiarmonds years. Many think his policies were cruel and forgiving. Others congratulate him on reestablishing the British empires place in the world and creating the largest (space) navy in human history, and finally some just like his red lasersword, black robe and cool lightning powers.