Peace in Our Time! - A TRO Inspired Franco-British Union Quest

[X] Plan: You Thought I Was Joking? Coup Spain
[X] Plan Triage
[X] Plan Franco-British Superpower
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[X] Plan: Liberalism, By Hook or By Crook

I don't like all of it but I think it's really funny to fuck over Rhodesia like this.
[X] Plan Triage:
-[X][CAT]: Encourage the Nixon administration to provide all levels of support necessary and give him a free hand when it comes to diplomacy in return for the US supporting our policies for the other crises.
-[X][MOR]: Attempt a LoN resolution for peacekeeping and anticipating vetoes threaten to retaliate against Morocco with an CAN wide Air campaign if they don't pull back.
-[X][UAE]: Send troops into Aden to ensure control of the straits. Sidestep the Emirati military corruption by finding more suitable local tribal clients and arming/supporting them directly against Egyptians and Republican infiltrators. Incite Saudis to rack up pressure on their border but no more.
-[X][CON]: Prepare to recognize FLNA as legitimate government of Angola in return for accession to ECCU and its economy remaining open. Encourage US to coordinate on proxy campaign to contain Congo.
-[X][RHO]: invade with the intention to institute majoritarian rule conditioned on gradual land reform and retaining ECCU access.

I think we should accept that we don't have a way to influence events in spain anymore. If we want to do our bit to avoid nukes flying, it may come when the USA is looking for an exit plan when a decade in they realize they're in another never ending insurgency and we have good relations with france so we can serve as in betweens.
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[X] Plan Triage:
-[X][CAT]: Encourage the Nixon administration to provide all levels of support necessary and give him a free hand when it comes to diplomacy in return for the US supporting our policies for the other crises.
-[X][MOR]: Attempt a LoN resolution for peacekeeping and anticipating vetoes threaten to retaliate against Morocco with an CAN wide Air campaign if they don't pull back.
-[X][UAE]: Send troops into Aden to ensure control of the straits. Sidestep the Emirati military corruption by finding more suitable local tribal clients and arming/supporting them directly against Egyptians and Republican infiltrators. Incite Saudis to rack up pressure on their border but no more.
-[X][CON]: Prepare to recognize FLNA as legitimate government of Angola in return for accession to ECCU and its economy remaining open. Encourage US to coordinate on proxy campaign to contain Congo.
-[X][RHO]: invade with the intention to institute majoritarian rule conditioned on gradual land reform and retaining ECCU access.

our work is not done until Ian DouglaSS SSmith is being tried for his numerous crimes in a London court!

@LuxemburgLover69 @Polgas You need to add an indentation to the plan planks or it'll mess with the final count.
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[X] Plan: You Thought I Was Joking? Coup Spain
[X] Plan: Liberalism, By Hook or By Crook