Peace in Our Time! - A TRO Inspired Franco-British Union Quest

I mean, we could try and see if France would like to mediate talks in Spain too, we did enter talks with them last year, maybe this would work out, and see to deescalate tensions with the Soviets.
One thing is that with Franco's early death and without quite the same economic recovery and everything, I don't think Franco was ever able to pin down Juan Carlos de Borbon as his personally groomed monarch and in effect VP to himself, and since we don't know about Juan Carlos' OTL about-face allowing the dismantling and liberalizing of the Francoist regime to proceed, we could probably parachute in Juan Carlos' father, Infante Juan, who has for a while now been a firm Franco-hater as an illegal usurper of his crown and a strong supporter of constitutional monarchy, and bonus, spent a good while as an officer in the Royal Navy. Doing a good old fashioned regime change with like King Juan III as at least a transitional figure in the interim is 1000% possible, at least from the perspective of his own personal willingness, I think.
[] Plan: You Thought I Was Joking? Coup Spain
-[][CAT] Blanco remains a persistent obstacle. Coup him for a suitable liberal before passing a Commonwealth vote for a CAN intervention in Spain.
-[][MOR] Cut a deal with the King exchanging diplomatic, economic, and military support for cooperation in dealing with the Liberation Army. Hold a Commonwealth vote in securing and establishing a Mauritanian Republic.
-[][UAE] Increase military and economic support to the UAE, including advisors to get them to shape up their act both militarily and politically with the promise of further investments and threat of witholding those investments if they do not comply.
-[][CON] Provide diplomatic, economic, and military aid to the FNLA government in concert with the Americans.
-[][RHO] Coordinate with East Africa to establish a no-fly zone over Rhodesia, provide support to the rebels and station troops at the border, threaten an invasion of Rhodesia if majoritarian rule and land reform is not implemented.
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I've changed pro-western organization in Angola because I've been informed that UNITA was a splinter group from FNLA. That's been updated. FNLA is the larger, conservative group, and UNITA is a splinter group aligned with it, but under the personal command of Jonas Savimbi. So everyone please keep that in mind when updating plans. :D

I mean, we could try and see if France would like to mediate talks in Spain too, we did enter talks with them last year, maybe this would work out, and see to deescalate tensions with the Soviets.

If Spain wasn't a member of CAN and if there were no American or CAN soldiers in Spain, Mitterrand would join the Weimar Pact invasion of Spain. He'd let the Soviets take charge and would only support it when there was a major uprising, like right now. Hardliners would have launched an invasion immediately to overthrow the regime regardless. He may be a revisionist gravedigger of the revolution in France, but he'd still shoot Franco.

What is going on with portuguese Daman, Diu, Goa and Macao?

Macao is Japanese. Portugal's Indian possessions though are being eyed up by India. It's ready to "assume custodianship" over the territories for an "undetermined amount of time." They'd prefer an official go ahead, but if Portugal's undergoing a bit of a crisis, well they'll probably going to march in if they think they won't get chewed out for it.
[] Plan: Nixon It's Your Time
-[][CAT] CAN troops to guard the border and military bases to free up Spanish troops along with providing more arm sales to the Spanish.
-[][MOR] Cut a deal with the King exchanging diplomatic, economic, and military support for cooperation in dealing with the Liberation Army. Hold a Commonwealth vote in securing and establishing a Mauritanian Republic.
-[][UAE] Increase military and economic support to the UAE, including advisors to get them to shape up their act both militarily and politically with the promise of further investments and threat of witholding those investments if they do not comply.
-[][CON] Provide diplomatic, economic, and military aid to the FNLA government in concert with the Americans.
-[][RHO] Coordinate with East Africa to establish a no-fly zone over Rhodesia, provide support to the rebels and station troops at the border, threatening an invasion of Rhodesia if majoritarian rule and land reform is not implemented.
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[X] Plan: You Thought I Was Joking? Coup Spain
[X][CAT] Blanco remains a persistent obstacle. Coup him for a suitable liberal before passing a Commonwealth vote for a CAN intervention in Spain.
[X][MOR] Cut a deal with the King exchanging diplomatic, economic, and military support for cooperation in dealing with the Liberation Army. Hold a Commonwealth vote in securing and establishing a Mauritanian Republic.
[X][UAE] Increase military and economic support to the UAE, including advisors to get them to shape up their act both militarily and politically with the promise of further investments and threat of witholding those investments if they do not comply.
[X][CON] Provide diplomatic, economic, and military aid to the UNITA government in concert with the Americans.
[X][RHO] Coordinate with East Africa to establish a no-fly zone over Rhodesia, provide support to the rebels and station troops at the border, threaten an invasion of Rhodesia if majoritarian rule and land reform is not implemented.
Voting still isn't open yet.

Also please remember to update plans. UNITA has be changed for the FNLA as the leading conservative African liberation group in Angola.
[X] Plan: Liberalism, By Hook or By Crook
-[X][CAT] Tell Blanco to liberalize or die. Zero support from the FBU until he caves. Serve as a diplomatic intermediary to prevent further American or Soviet intervention in the name of preventing nuclear war, seek a concession from the Soviets to get rid of the American nukes in Spain.
-[X][MOR] Do nothing unless Blanco cracks. If so, mediate peace talks to preserve Spanish assets in independent Morocco as much as possible. In the meantime, secure Spanish Mauritania with CAN troops and offer favorable aid and trade to King Hassan, so long as he stays away from Soviet alignment.
-[X][UAE] Condemn Yemen's perfidy in the League of Nations. Provide air support. Hold Aden at all costs. Use cut outs to hire reliable mercenary forces for the UAE without the UAE ever meaningfully handling the money. Demand the UAE at least ban slavery and prosecute some scapegoats.
-[X][CON] Tell Salazar to liberalize or not die exactly, but fuck off. Bog down his illegitimate Article 5 claim. If he cracks, offer FNLA air support and generous loans in exchange for preserving Portuguese assets. Prepare to deal with the Portuguese military directly if he continues acting like this.
-[X][RHO] Declare Rhodesia traitors to the crown. Give East Africa the green light, arms, air support, and a volunteer expeditionary force. Agree to all terms so long as atrocities are avoided and the majority rule state remains a Commonwealth member for at least 10 years.

Nixon will see the funny side eventually.
[X] Plan Franco-British Superpower
-[X][CAT] Commonwealth forces would only guard the border and military installations and would give no further support until Blanco liberalize or allow LoN Peacekeepers in. Request the US to coordinate with us.
-[X][MOR] Support West Africa and Azawad to secure Mauritania and declare an independent country with collaborators. Request Morocco to allow refugees to leave to CAN countries. Recognize Morocco's gains and offer beneficial trade deals and low interest loans to keep them neutral if the Commonwealth agree with it.
-[X][UAE] Advise the UAE to give independence to South Yemen with local collaborators with promise of compensation and investment from us. Whether they take our advice or not, give them our support to hold Yemen at all cost.
-[X][CON] Recognize and support FNLA as the legitimate government of Angola in return for accession to ECCU and its economy remaining open if the Commonwealth agree to it. Coordinate with the US on proxy campaigns to contain Congo.
-[X][RHO] Invade with Commonwealth forces with the intention to institute majority rule conditioned on gradual land reform and retaining ECCU access.

Guys, Nixon would never agree to take American nukes from Spain. The UAE should not hold onto Yemen too, they don't care about them and would probably eat any aid money or investment going to Yemen.

[X] Plan Triage:
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Guys, Nixon would never agree to take American nukes from Spain.
If the price is right, Richard Nixon would do anything. That much will be up to Soviet interests. But ultimately successful or not, the real objective is to keep Spain from turning into World War III, and to advance our government's consistent anti-nuclear line. We actually have enough credibility on this issue to pull such a move.
[X] Plan: You Thought I Was Joking? Coup Spain
[X][CAT] Blanco remains a persistent obstacle. Coup him for a suitable liberal before passing a Commonwealth vote for a CAN intervention in Spain.
[X][MOR] Cut a deal with the King exchanging diplomatic, economic, and military support for cooperation in dealing with the Liberation Army. Hold a Commonwealth vote in securing and establishing a Mauritanian Republic.
[X][UAE] Increase military and economic support to the UAE, including advisors to get them to shape up their act both militarily and politically with the promise of further investments and threat of witholding those investments if they do not comply.
[X][CON] Provide diplomatic, economic, and military aid to the UNITA government in concert with the Americans.
[X][RHO] Coordinate with East Africa to establish a no-fly zone over Rhodesia, provide support to the rebels and station troops at the border, threaten an invasion of Rhodesia if majoritarian rule and land reform is not implemented.
[X] Plan Triage:
-[X][CAT]: Encourage the Nixon administration to provide all levels of support necessary and give him a free hand when it comes to diplomacy in return for the US supporting our policies for the other crises.
-[X][MOR]: Attempt a LoN resolution for peacekeeping and anticipating vetoes threaten to retaliate against Morocco with an CAN wide Air campaign if they don't pull back.
-[X][UAE]: Send troops into Aden to ensure control of the straits. Sidestep the Emirati military corruption by finding more suitable local tribal clients and arming/supporting them directly against Egyptians and Republican infiltrators. Incite Saudis to rack up pressure on their border but no more.
-[X][CON]: Prepare to recognize FLNA as legitimate government of Angola in return for accession to ECCU and its economy remaining open. Encourage US to coordinate on proxy campaign to contain Congo.
-[X][RHO]: invade with the intention to institute majoritarian rule conditioned on gradual land reform and retaining ECCU access.

Rhodesia must not only be invaded, but a proper desegregated multi-party parliamentary republic must be established. Also we must secure the straits, etc.
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