Path of Being Evil (Original Fantasy Quest)

Man I've got to say, this vote has been bouncing back and forth like a ping pong ball.

Currently 'Rising Villain' is in the lead by one vote, and Necromancer, Jester, and Overlord are in a three-way tie.
Scratch that, Jester is one vote behind both of them.
Yeah....I'm going to have to place my hopes on Overlord, and switch from Jester to that.

Come on, Necromancers are a dime-a-dozen. You can literally find one on literally any page, and it's had so many different interations that there's no point in doing another one again.
[x] Revenge
-[x] Overlord

That's the only part of the vote I 100% don't hesitate.
You might wanna vote for anything then, since the vote's almost closed.

I like the idea of being an rising diabolist, necromancer has been done to death.
Fellow like-minded individual, join your vote to mine in hopes of Overlord winning instead of Necromancer.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Black.Horus on Nov 15, 2021 at 12:19 PM, finished with 28 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X] Rising Villain
    [X] Old Monster
    [X] Revenge
    -[X] Overlord
    [X] Obsession
    -[X] Necromancer
    [X] Obsession
    -[X] Infernal Cultivator
    [X] Rising Villain
    -[X] Necromancer
    [X] Rising Villain: You are a new player coming into the board. Practically with nothing in your name and still fresh from your studies, your activities will at first mostly be contained around a single city which will become your power base. Your ambition will start by you seeking for ways to gain the recognition from those above you to climb up the social ladder and to gain more personal power. Be wary of stepping on any toes that you can't simply dealt with and go look for methods to prolong your life. Grudges lives long among villains and a century is too short to fulfill your goals.
    [X] Servitude: Unlike others of your stature, you consider yourself empty without this feeling of Affection and Joy that you felt from the existance of a particular person you consider to be your Lord. Their goal is your goal, and your fate is firmly within their hand whether they know it or not. It is as simple as that and you will happily do whatever your Lord had asked of you even if it will cost you in return. In this you are content.
    -[X] Jester of Discord: There is no Joy that can be found in your life. You view the world as painting without any real colour. Dull and boring in every sense of the word. There are some patches of true colours that hold your interest for a time, but you pass them all at some point eventually until the day where you found your Lord. A colour so unique and vibrant that you had never seen before. You remembered very clearly how the colour grew and fizzled at how you just barged in to their life. Uncaring of their protest and amused at the reactions that to you got just by twisting the lines and shapes of the painting for just a little bit. You are capable of adjusting yourself into a shape appropriate to your goal with the experience you had in dealing with a large variety of colours and are capable of twisting the so called 'magic' in impossible ways that just baffled the peanut gallery for some reason or another. The only thing that you truly cared about is a way to gain more Joy from watching your Lord react to your antics whether they want to or not.
    [X] Servitude
    -[X] Jester of Discord
    [X] Revenge

And closing up. Rising Villain with Necromancer path wins.
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Why necromancy even have to be evil? It could be art of creation automatic constructs for manual labor, while living people learn and trying to make their lives even better. And give your body after death for a necromancy construct creation is a honor, a good thing.
"Let's dead work and go to danger, while our living have happy long life. Dead body not a big sacrifice, because soul is who we are". - Well, many authorities will not accept this new philosophy. Kings, Nobles or Churches may make them villians and try to destroy new school of thought, kill scholar and start violence. Other side answer with violance and maybe go too far with it, or among members we find some really evil people, that make thing even worse... Maybe even we will present this rotten apple? They can be bloodlusty, megalomaniac, cruel and aware of it, trying to get power. Maybe not so evil? Maybe, they could be a fanatic, believing in infallibility of this way, maybe in their chosenness... Or just someone in the wrong place, in the wrong time and without a choice, hurt and mentally broken by violence.

Megalomaniac. Poor Madman. Heartbroken.
Why necromancy even have to be evil? It could be art of creation automatic constructs for manual labor, while living people learn and trying to make their lives even better. And give your body after death for a necromancy construct creation is a honor, a good thing.
"Let's dead work and go to danger, while our living have happy long life. Dead body not a big sacrifice, because soul is who we are". - Well, many authorities will not accept this new philosophy. Kings, Nobles or Churches may make them villians and try to destroy new school of thought, kill scholar and start violence. Other side answer with violance and maybe go too far with it, or among members we find some really evil people, that make thing even worse... Maybe even we will present this rotten apple? They can be bloodlusty, megalomaniac, cruel and aware of it, trying to get power. Maybe not so evil? Maybe, they could be a fanatic, believing in infallibility of this way, maybe in their chosenness... Or just someone in the wrong place, in the wrong time and without a choice, hurt and mentally broken by violence.

Megalomaniac. Poor Madman. Heartbroken.

If you don´t, read the Wandering inn! You will love it!
I guess it's fine to tell you all here. The reason the Necromancers were considered evil in Altria, (beside how most people doesn't like the thought of their relatives corpses being violated), is because of the stuff they were using to do necromancy.

To put it simply it made them go crazy. There are some meta physical rules or another that should have prevented the entire Undead process to be impossible, but something happened and now those who defies those rules suffers the consequences of going insane if they don't do something about it. Think of the Soul Rot from Fate series, but with an entire magic system available to it now because of that something.
Character Creation: Skills and Traits
Desperation always let people do some foolish actions don't they? How young you are back then. Full of childish hope and naively think your absurd moment of thought will not carry you to where you are now when everyone else suffers the same fate. Did you think of yourself as special? That because of your good intentions destiny wouldn't let you fall like all the others?

I wonder if it's because of your attribute? Legends says of the person's personalities are directly tied with the element they are the closest to. From what do I see we can say that there's some measure of truth in those words, don't you agree?

[ ] Your Attribute Specialty
-[ ] Fire
: Passionate element and aggressive in nature.
-[ ] Water: Flexible element and calm in nature.
-[ ] Earth: Firm element and stoic in nature.
-[ ] Wind: Fickle element and swift in nature.
-[ ] Dark: Gentle element and hungry in nature.
-[ ] Bright: Harsh element and protective in nature.

Still, even if you were hopelessly naive at the start you are at least not a fool.

Most necromancers when starting out will venture fort to the most near graveyard that they could find and will immediately start to raise their undead army with no hint of subtlety, ignorant of how the graveyard will be the first place for people to look when undead sightings are happening. Dooming them when they realize that for all the dozens of undeads that they commanded, most of them are all just ordinary skeletons and zombies which fall like a house of cards when being confronted by a single concerned Expert class fighter stationed in every large town and city of Altria. Gaping helplessly like a fool when being striked down by the expert as their personal strength are small and the time to hone them are all wasted on creating worthless disposeable minions.

You, at the very least, are not that kind of fool. Even when your fate suddenly throws you at this path you still calmly think of your options. After realizing the fact that there's no way out, you immediately began to prepare and train your skill in secret. Tirelessly searching in the likeness of the undead that you now commanded to this day for every possible way for you to both improve your condition and still achieve the ultimate reason for why you had become the person who you are now.

Yes, even when there are many setbacks and loses that you had experienced in your journey, there is no denying that you are different from the others. The moment where you can no longer play it safely and hope to continue your progress in a timely manner you immediately leaped at the nearest opportunity without a shred of hesitation. Even when your heart ached, your conscience screaming, and your mind begging for you to stop. There is no stopping your ambition from realizing the hope that you have for the future, because to you, everything else would be worth it once you succeed. The fruit of your preparation is a mirror to that statement.

[ ] Starting Skills (Choose 5)
-[ ] Drain Life: Restore wounds by draining another through a touch of negative energy.
-[ ] Detect Life: Cast a burst of negative energy to sense available lifeforce and the lack of it around the area. Cause a feeling of discomfort to others within range.
-[ ] Reanimate Corpse: Channel a stream of negative energy to a corpse and raise it as a wild Undead.
-[ ] Command Undead: Force your mana and will to a wild Undead to put them under your control.
-[ ] Possess Undead: Transfer your consciousness to the body of an Undead under your control.
-[ ] Undead Whisperer: Influence your mind with a smidge of negative energy to communicate with an Undead.
-[ ] Bonemancy: Shape and control bones using your mana to be used as weapons and Undead's upgrade.
-[ ] Fleshcrafter: Shape and control flesh using your mana to be used as weapons and Undead's upgrade.
-[ ] Negative Reinforcement: Coat your body with a shield made by negative energy to make two units worth of barrier and temporary raising your Martial by 2.
-[ ] Fear Aura: Enhance your Negative Presence to cause Fear to other who caught sight of you. Raise your Diplomacy by 2 using intimidation.

Please use a plan vote for this part. You have 5 FREE STAR to use as currency. You can pick a drawback for more STAR. Every drawback and advantage can only be chosen once unless specified.

[ ] Pale: Your features had become pale as a corpse and appears to be sick. Not an obvious signs telling you as a Necromancer, but those who made contact with negative energy one way or another usually has similar complexion. +1 STAR

[ ] Weak
: You had never been the most physically inclined person in your life, and your recent commitment to the studies of Undead seems to just reinforced it. Receive -5 in Martial until you had trained your body back to top health. +2 STAR

[ ] Impaired
: The introduction of negative energy in your system had damaged your mana pathway considerably and reduce your Magic performance by 25%. Not something you can't fix by yourself, but it will take time to search for necesary reagents and heal yourself. Something that can entire be avoided if you can manage to find an Adept level healer who wouldn't just call the guard once they discovered who you are. +3 STAR

[ ] Haunted
: A vengeful wraith stronger than you had took an interest in you and not in a good way. You can fight the spirit off better than most using your Necromantic skills, but your current level of strength are still not strong enough to properly end it for good. +3 STAR

[ ] Hunted
: You almost thought it was the end of you when you found an Exterminator from the Church of the Twin appeared in your house, but somehow you managed to shake them off. It will be a while before they track you again and you are sure they will not send anymore than a pair of Exterminator after a new Necromancer like you, but it still makes you uneasy knowing the church now knows about your existance. +6 STAR

[ ] Adept Necromancer
: A trait that translate how you are someone who had mastered the basics on using negative energy which can create and control undead. +5 on Magic. -5 STAR

[ ] Adept Wizard
: A trait that translate how you are someone who had mastered the basics on using elemental magic which created short lived but focused magical phenomenon. +5 on Magic. -5 STAR

[ ] Novice Artificier
: A trait that translate how you are someone who had become proficient in the first stage of artificing which can create Lower Class magical items. +3 Learning. -3 STAR

[ ] Novice Sorceror
: A trait that translate how you are someone who had become proficient in the first stage of sorcery which can create an unfocused wide ranged and long lasting magical phenomenon. +3 Magic. -3 STAR

[ ] Novice Curse Caster
: A trait that translate how you are someone who had become proficient in the first stage of curse casting which can create debilitating magical phenomenon on the target of choice. +3 Magic. -3 STAR

[ ] Novice Warrior
: A trait that translate how you are someone who had become proficient in the first stage of fighting physically using mana which increases your martial performance. + 3 Martial. -3 STAR

[ ] Mana Sight
: A trait allowing you to see the flow and attribute of mana from your surrounding and people. -5 STAR

[ ] Soul Sight
: A trait allowing you to see the nature and inner working of a soul. -10 STAR

[ ] Nocturnal
: A trait allowing you to stay refreshed long into the night and allowing you to allocate your time more freely. +3 Stewardship. -2 STAR

[ ] Another Attribute Specialty
: Allows you to pick another Attribute Specialty. -3 STAR
-[ ] How many?
- -[ ] Specify which.

[ ] Safe House
: A hideout where you can conduct your research away from prying eyes. If not chosen you will be living in a graveyard. -2 STAR

[ ] Specialized Lab Equipment
: A select few tools you had designed, and purchased to help you in your research ranging from Middle to High Class magical items. +5 Learning when doing research and improving your undead in your place of resident. -3 STAR

[ ] Legacy Class Item
: An item which can only be created by a Master Crafter. An item that boost 2 stats of the user and possess an uncommon magical effect. -3 STAR
-[ ] How many?

[ ] Portable All Purpose Undead Critters
: Small Undead minions you can easily conceal on your person such as bone rats, small skeletal birds, fishbones, and a skull snake belt which you had designed for reconnaissance purposes and to make sure you are never alone in battle. +5 Intrigue. The skull snake has a Martial stat of 10 while the rest has 5. -2 STAR

[ ] Adept Level Special Undead
: An undead which you had created from the mangled corpse of someone ranked as a Master. Your special attention had also made them retain some of their intelligence to the point you are willing to have them carry your order without your supervision. While they does not possess their full capability when they are still alive it is possible to restore them to their full glory. Possessing a single adept level skill and three novice skill. -8 STAR
-[ ] How many?
[X] Plan Classics
-[X] Your Attribute Specialty
--[X] Dark
: Gentle element and hungry in nature.
-[X] Starting Skills (Choose 5)
--[X] Drain Life: Restore wounds by draining another through a touch of negative energy.
--[X] Detect Life: Cast a burst of negative energy to sense available lifeforce and the lack of it around the area. Cause a feeling of discomfort to others within range.
--[X] Reanimate Corpse: Channel a stream of negative energy to a corpse and raise it as a wild Undead.
--[X] Command Undead: Force your mana and will to a wild Undead to put them under your control.
--[X] Fleshcrafter: Shape and control flesh using your mana to be used as weapons and Undead's upgrade.
-[X] Advantage
--[X] Soul Sight
: A trait allowing you to see the nature and inner working of a soul. -10 STAR
-[X] Disadvantage
--[X] Haunted
: A vengeful wraith stronger than you had took an interest in you and not in a good way. You can fight the spirit off better than most using your Necromantic skills, but your current level of strength are still not strong enough to properly end it for good. +3 STAR
--[X] Weak
: You had never been the most physically inclined person in your life, and your recent commitment to the studies of Undead seems to just reinforced it. Receive -5 in Martial until you had trained your body back to top health. +2 STAR
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@Black.Horus , we can't get Mana Sight and Soul Sight if we don't choose them at the start, right?
Nope. There are some items that you can purchase to mimic mana sight and later on when you are stronger you can sense it. But you can't see mana naturally unless you go on full Danzo on those who has them.

Soul Sight is meanwhile completely unique. Unless a God gives you a boon there's no way of getting it after this. There's reason why it's the most expensive advantage here.
Right so why plan Classics?

Dark is described as a gently but hungry element. So it is well suited for our needs. As a Necromancer, we will be skuling in dark places so having an elemental affinity for Darkness would be a boon. That hunger would also ensure that our spells have that additional omph.

So why the Starting skills?
Drain Life: Our Healing spell. Don't leave home without it.
Detect Life: To detect those meddling kids before they detect us.
Reanimate Corpse: Free minions, obedience not included.
Command Undead: How to train your Undead. Must have.
Fleshcrafter: We can offset weak with this. We can use this both to boost our physical training as well as try and disguise our undead from being....well undead. Or try. It may also help in healing so it combos of that or may.

So Merits & Demerits:
Soul Sight: A Unique trait we will not be getting in any way BUT Char gen.
: We have to deal with a pesky ghost but still better then a permanent debuff. With soul, we may be able to off set this by power leveling quickly.
: A Necromancer relies on his minions any way. But with Fleshcrafting, we may be able to overcome this. Even otherwise, this is trainable so not a permanent debuff.
[X] Definitely a non-suspicious artifactor.
-[X] Your Attribute Specialty
--[X] Dark: Gentle element and hungry in nature.
-[X] Starting Skills (Choose 5)
--[X] Reanimate Corpse: Channel a stream of negative energy to a corpse and raise it as a wild Undead.
--[X] Command Undead: Force your mana and will to a wild Undead to put them under your control.
--[X] Possess Undead: Transfer your consciousness to the body of an Undead under your control.
--[X] Negative Reinforcement: Coat your body with a shield made by negative energy to make two units worth of barrier and temporary raising your Martial by 2.
--[X] Fear Aura: Enhance your Negative Presence to cause Fear to other who caught sight of you. Raise your Diplomacy by 2 using intimidation.
-[X] Drawback.
--[X] Pale: Your features had become pale as a corpse and appears to be sick. Not an obvious signs telling you as a Necromancer, but those who made contact with negative energy one way or another usually has similar complexion. +1 STAR
--[X] Weak: You had never been the most physically inclined person in your life, and your recent commitment to the studies of Undead seems to just reinforced it. Receive -5 in Martial until you had trained your body back to top health. +2 STAR
-[X] Advantage.
--[X] Novice Artificier: A trait that translate how you are someone who had become proficient in the first stage of artificing which can create Lower Class magical items. +3 Learning. -3 STAR
--[X] Novice Sorceror: A trait that translate how you are someone who had become proficient in the first stage of sorcery which can create an unfocused wide ranged and long lasting magical phenomenon. +3 Magic. -3 STAR
--[X] Safe House: A hideout where you can conduct your research away from prying eyes. If not chosen you will be living in a graveyard. -2 STAR

So, the main idea of this plan at an early stage is to avoid those things that will expose us a necromancer. We can pretend to be a strange magician who spends too much time reading books until we are confident enough of ourselves. We can open a shop of magic items, little by little practice in necromancy at night. A little non-standard option, but for this reason, I chose it. Should be fun. Fortunately, our stewardship and intrigue are normal.
Soul Sight sounds pretty cool and will probably give you a huge exploration edge, but we'll probably learn the same the hard way. That, and I don't want too much focus on necromancy to lead to the character plummeting into madness. It kind of sucks.
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@Black.Horus A question. Do traits like Adept Necro or Artificer give anything other than the + Stats?
Yes, aside from the grade of items an artificier can make. Those traits are literally how good you are in those field. For example at novice level no matter how high your Magic stats did you have you will still be unable to order around the entire undead horde in the graveyard while an adept can at least direct them to a general direction after preparing a ritual. It's the matter of scale and the higher grade you go the more options will be availabe to you.

Another example will be curse caster. At novice and adept you can only curse the target in front of you, but at expert you can also curse the parent of your target through their blood relation. A round about way to attack someone, but very dangerous because the parent doesn't even know they are in danger at all.

Stats is your raw power while those traits is your capability of using it.
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@Black.Horus one more question. Do the Traits like Artificer and Adept Necro only denote unobtainable traits or can we simply learn them later?

What i am asking is what can we learn and what can't we learn? What is unique to Char gen?
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@Black.Horus one more question. Do the Traits like Artificer and Adept Necro only denote unobtainable traits or can we simply learn them later?

What i am asking is what can we learn and what can't we learn? What is unique to Char gen?
The Adept and novice trait is something you can train for. The problem are just you finding the time to do it.

The Sights are special traits that one isn't very easy to get while the other near impossible.

Nocturnal is something that I may give you in random rolls.

Gaining another attribute is not as rare as getting mana sight. The method of attaining them is just very troublesome. In Overlord and Master of Arms path it will be easy, but as a necromancer this is maybe the only time you can get this because of all the negative energy you would build up. Most would just resort to use a specialized high class or a legacy item containing a couple of spell when they really want to use another attribute.

Safe house is just a safe house. The only special thing about it is I won't do a roll for somebody random to discover you unlike in the graveyard and any other hideout you would find without a crit.

Lab Equipment is something you can get if you get a crit in a searching action. For a Price with capital P.

Legacy class items is everywhere. You would just be very unlikely to found one for a while and if you choose this it will be yout signature item. The item rank are as follows: Lower (Novice), Middle (Adept), High (Expert), Legacy (Master), Relic (Unique title), Legendary (Legendary), and Divine (Gods).

Undead Critters are something you can definitely made after two or three turns thus their low price. Though their stats wouldn't be as good.

The Special Undead is basically a hero unit who has 100 percent loyalty from the get go to differentiate it from your disposeable minions. The quality of this undead is the special one because it opens a unique side quest regarding its past.
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