Path of Being Evil (Original Fantasy Quest)

I will close the vote in 2-3 hours. Though I didn't expect all of you to choose finding Cobe. I wonder did my choice of not disclosing all of your abilities is a correct one?
Vote Closed. We will be looking for Cobe. The Skill, or the Skills that would help you in interrogation is Command Undead and Possess Undead respectively. Each will give you a different result due to their nature.

As for Elisen, you can convince her to look around for Cobe while you interrogate them. As Vecna had already learned the method to disperse her negative energy, then there would be nothing for Zephyr to detect if you were quick to do it. All that would be left is dark mana residue that Vecna can easily give a reason to.
Scheduled vote count started by Black.Horus on Dec 26, 2021 at 3:29 AM, finished with 11 posts and 7 votes.
I will close the vote in 2-3 hours. Though I didn't expect all of you to choose finding Cobe. I wonder did my choice of not disclosing all of your abilities is a correct one?

You should probably tell us everything Vecna knows about what she can. Everything else should be made as a mystery to us as it was to her.

The Skill, or the Skills that would help you in interrogation is Command Undead and Possess Undead respectively. Each will give you a different result due to their nature.

As for Elisen, you can convince her to look around for Cobe while you interrogate them. As Vecna had already learned the method to disperse her negative energy, then there would be nothing for Zephyr to detect if you were quick to do it. All that would be left is dark mana residue that Vecna can easily give a reason to.

I intentionally do not want to resort to necromancy outside the laboratory. And I don't think any information they knew was worth the risk. Elisen could have returned at an inopportune moment, or someone else could have come to this place.
Interlude: Blooming Cinder, Part VIII
You can't think of anything to coax what you wanted out of this man. Maybe if you were given a few hours of freedom with his pain receptors you can make him sing anything that you desire, but sadly you currently didn't have the luxury of doing so.

It's much better for me to just stick with the plan and continue to build up my rapport with the rest of Team 8. You thought with frustration before giving Elisen a suggestion in how to proceed.

"Let's leave them here. We need to find Cobe." You emotionlessly offered. Already moving to bag everything out of these people that is either dangerous to leave with them alone or can serve as evidence for their participation in tonight's incident. Stuff such as the unused cans filled with the suspected Boil and each of their body hair.

Elisen doesn't give you an answer for a moment. Simply staring at the dozen completely drugged up Beastkins with an indescribable expression on her face before finally responding with a question. "Can your Sorcery provide a prevention of their return?"

You turn your head to her with a raised brow at that, wondering the reason for her seemingly random query, but you chose to ignore it entirely instead before giving her an honest answer on your part.

"It can." You nonchalantly said, brightening her facial expression as she turned to face you, before dashing it as you explained yourself further. "As long as I have time. I am merely a Novice on the practice. The strongest wards that I can make in such a short time to restrain them will be easily breakable, and while I can improve the durability of the handcuffs that we are issued with using Imbue, there is simply far too many of them. So unless we found a pile of ropes somewhere around here, the others who hadn't been restricted can found a way to break free those who did with their Beastkin strength."

"So there's no solution?"

"None unless we decide to leave Cobe alone."

Elisen looked displeased by the answer you had given to her, but fortunately her ire is simply directed at the situation in general and not to yourself specifically. She then spent a moment or two longer to look at the many spawled forms of Beastkins on the ground before sighing softly to herself. Seemingly accepting her inability to do anything meaningful to them.

"It is unfortunate." Your Elven leader said as she then began to walk away, you closely doing the same from behind her, before resolutely giving you an order. "But the well being of Cobe is definitely of our hightest priority. Let us carry on with our quest Vecna. They shouldn't have gone too far."

_ _ _​

It took quite a while, approximately around half an hour, but the two of you did eventually managed to find Cobe, and it is good for him when the both of you did so as he is not alone.

It started with Elisen claiming she had heard a shouting from someone nearby. With no other lead to follow, you both then decided to approach the source, and before long you could also began to hear them. The voices slowly becoming much clearer and more understanable the closer did the two of you get to them. Both of you recognizing one of them for being Cobe with you being the only one to recognize the other.

So, it is of no particular surprise to you how once the two of you turned to the corner, you both not only found Cobe, but also Char. Both of them being completely riddled with wounds. With the latter slowly choking the former on the nearby wall while angrily yelling about something to the out of breath blunette.

"-you hear me, you damn mutt!? That's why I don't give a shit about your damn Tower! So keep your nose where it belongs or I swear I'll smash your face to your fucking litter!!" Threatened Char as he roared right in front of Cobe's face, which is steadily becoming of the same colour as his hair; Blue.

"Kgak-C-Cha-staph!" The Beastkin Assistant tried to say as he struggled to remove the hands on his neck. His consciousness rapidly fading away.

"You better listen to me this time, you son of dog. Did you think I wouldn't fucking dare!? If you keep this shit up, then I will ki-"

"You will what, Sir Char?" Suddenly said Elisen in a cold tone. Stopping the Feline Beastkin in his tirade and making him quickly turn his face around, before freezing at the sight of a sharp blade and a humming dark orb that is currently being pointed towards his back. The Elf's words continuing unabated all the while. "Because whatever you might do, I highly hope for you to reconsider them."

"Wha-what?" Breathed out Char in response. Speechless at the abrupt appearance of the two of you. Judging by the bulging eyes of Cobe, he isn't the only one being surprised.

"Drop him." You ordered the outlaw, which he then immediately done for his part, before giving him another one with a shake of your head. "Come here. Hands on the back."

"E, cough, Elisen? And, cough, Vecna, cough, too?" Coughed Cobe in disbelief. Staring wide eyed at the sweat soaked forms of his rescuers before continuing his words much smoothly than before. "H-how did you find me?"

Hearing that, Elisen then gave him a smile. Turning her attention away from Char who is being handcuffed by you and then said to him the method of your arrival.

"The two of you are just being too loud Cobe. Couldn't you have done this somewhere much more private?" The Elf asked while extending her hand to help him up. Seeing the confused look on the Wolf Beastkin's face, she then shamelessly explained herself further. "It shouldn't be too hard for the two of you to get a room. What would the neighborhood have said if we haven't stop him from doing you in?"

Cobe stared at his leader, mouth completely agape. You and Char meanwhile just stared blankly at Elisen with the one you are currently putting on hold expressing out exactly what you had wanted to say.

"Shut the fuck up, long ears. You're shit at it." Uttered the feline Beastkin in disgust. Distraughting Elisen with his honest critique.

Cobe then laughed himself out at the exchange. Accepting Elisen's hand before moving to stand up with barely little signs of pain. Followed by him voicing out his thoughts on the matter.

"-haha, and I am glad that you did, Elise." Smiled Cobe with mirth before turning his attention to you, gaining yours in return "Though I didn't think you would come too, Vecna. I thought you didn't like me."

Why did you have to make this difficult? Agh, to Inferno with it. You thought in irritation before giving him a reply.

"I did." You said truthfully while glancing to the side. Earning yourself a brief hurtful look from Cobe and a reproachful one from Elisen. Before they could say anything in response, you immediately turned yourself around to point a finger at the annoying Beastkin's chest. Berating him strongly for his acts. "However, that doesn't mean I hate you. I can't let my partner go and kill themself with their own stupitidy, couldn't I? It would make me look bad by doing so."

For a moment, all that Cobe did was to just stare at you, but before long he then gave you a soft smile. Making you blink at the abruptness of it and what his next words to you are.

"I see. Thank you for helping me then Vecna." Thanked the blunette with a grateful nod. Confusing you as you think you can hear some sort of an understanding from his tone. Where does that even come from?

Your bewilderment, however, needs to take a step back for now. Because Elisen then decided to rejoin the conversation and brought up an interesting point of fact that you have failed to notice at first.

"So Cobe." The Elf said, directing all the focus towards her person. Once she sees she had you all, she then continued. "What manner of events had transpired before our reunion? I didn't believe you and Sir Char to have been fighting againts each other, at least not innitially."

It's true, and this can easily be seen on Char. The feline Beastkin injury is, despite the amount of them being present, clearly haven't been made by Cobe. There's not a single bit of frost on his body. As a matter of fact, these two had quite a similar set of wounds, with them looking like they had been run over by something big and jagged. Almost as if they....ah.

"You two fought the Monster, didn't you?" You plainly stated while looking at Cobe as if he is a moron. Making him fidget awkwardly as Elisen then started doing the same. Obviously knowing he had done something stupid, and is now being uncomfortable of discussing it with his superior. Well, too bad for him. You're just getting started.

"If you have seen what I had also seen then you should be aware about how it must be around Adept Class, right? How it had endured Observator Isaac's onslought for a brief moment? Why would you want to fight it when you know you would be outmatched by it? With Char too no less? You could have been eaten by it if you-"

"Shut the Fuck up!! You pale bitch!!" Suddenly roared Char in anger, thrashing around in your grip and giving you a difficulty in making him go still. He is glaring at you with murder in his eyes and he snarled his next words to you. "Call him an it again and I kill you, you hear me!? He's not an animal!!"

You finally managed to make him stop by blasting a Dark Grasp on his back. Smashing him down painfully to the ground where you can easily pin him. To the side, you can hear Elisen questioning Cobe on more of what he know. The blunette's answer is slow and is filled with uncertainty. He is obviously unsure about something that he is going to say, about how it is kind of ridiculous even to him, but his leader then convinced him to say it either way and then you need a couple of seconds to process just what had came out of his mouth next.

"Apparantly the Monster is his brother." Explained Cobe to the immense displeasure of Char and to the absolute bewilderment of you and Elisen upon hearing them. In the end, all that you could say in response was.


_ _ _

"So his brother is the Deer Monster?" Asked Observator Sonia as you roughly handed Char over to Kiera who is standing beside her. Clearly amused at the suffering that you are having, but you don't give her a damn. The Feline Beastkin has been trying to escape from you ever since the halfway through the return trip, and all that you wanted right now is to get rid of him from your care.

You would be lying if you said you didn't took a great satisfaction at the feline Beastkin's panic upon him being picked up by Blake, Kiera's familiar, who is now somehow the size of an adult tiger, but who cares? Let the cat handle their fellow cats.

"He had claimed it to be so." Answered Elisen in a professional manner before she then unpromptly explained herself further. "Based from Cobe's accounts. Char's older brother Mika is a Beastkin with a sub-species of a Deer who had been working as a low level drug peddler, hired muscle, thief, and other such unscrupulous jobs around the Old Beastkin District. He is apparantly one of the first Boil distributor who believed the substance to be nothing out of ordinary and who then sold them cheaply to his more 'adventurous' clients for an easy money from the supplier. Thinking it to be an act to promote the wares, and nothing truly nefarious."

"How is this makes him diffirent from the others?"

"It all changed however, once Mika had never returned home from getting another batch of Boil. Sir Char has been hounding the drug operation and destroying their supply hub with close friends and neighbors to find his brother ever since, not being able to rely on the Tower as Mika then would be caught as well. It was during one of these operations did he discovered the Monster who is guarding one of the hubs in question. He didn't managed to catch it for the first time, but highly suspect it to appear at the plaza based from what he had found from his aggressive search."

"So the Monster is controlled instead of being simply released. Good to know. How did this bad boy think that hulking mass of muscle is his brother though?"

"Cobe said it was because Sir Char recognized the scent that the Monster is emitting. It's difficult for him to found the word for it, but he said it's as if there are layers on the Monster's smell and how Mika's smell is hidden under the very bottom of it. Only Sir Char could picked up on it and it's because of the tight bond that they have with each other."

Observator Sonia looked sceptical upon hearing the reason, but the resident Warlock then decided to add her own piece too on the matter. So she then choose to accept it for now.

"Ohh! Blake did said something about smells from those who are families being somewhat similar. He must mean that!" Excitedly said Kiera as she pet her familar's neck. Receiving a growl from Char who is currently being picked up by the scruff of his neck by said familiar as if he is an irate kitten.

"Beastkin stuff then. Let's leave it at that." The white haired Observator reluctantly accepted before smiling wickedly in Char's particular direction. Making the Feline Beastkin flinch in response. "I will found it all soon enough by rumming through that little head of his."

"Rumming through?" You asked in confusion. The answer you received though, sends chill to your back.

"I am a Mind Delver. It's my job to literally get inside someone's mind and search for informations that we needed if they aren't feeling chatty. I would need to dive into a more 'inhuman' parts of his memory for this, but I am confident in myself." Proudly said the Telepath with a hand on her chest. She then gave you a smirk upon seeing your face hardens. Leaning dangerously close. "I can't do that willy-nilly though and my time is precious. So I won't look into yours as long as you didn't have anything to hide. You don't though, don't you Iza?"

You take a single gulp of air. "No Maam."

"Good girl." She said while patting your cheek.

"Sonia!" Warned Kiera. Which is enough to make the woman back off.

"I am just messing with her." Observator Sonia said with a chuckle before addressing both you and Elisen. "Anyways, nice work on your part. We will take things up from here. So go and have a talk with the rest of your team."

"Good work you two. See you later!" Parted Kiera cheerfully from atop Blake's back, and with a grumble from Char, off did they go then back to the Tower. Presumeably to get to know the inside's of the Feline Beastkin's brain as soon as possible.

Leaving you alone with Elisen in the now calmed down Plaza.

"Are you okay Vecna?" Asked your leader in concern as the both of you then started to make way to the others. Where Cobe is being treated by Dawn. "Miss Huberta might be a bit rough, but she highly respect the privacy of others. She wouldn't dive inside your mind without permission."

Or maybe that what she wanted you to think. You thought with paranoia inside your might not be so private anymore mind before responding.

"I know." You lied as the two of you navigate around rows of people being healed. You can see Zarya in the middle of it all being busy curing all the Beastkins who are infected. Apparantly she can only do it if she was fast enough. So you wouldn't be able to talk with her for the rest of today. A shame, but you need to finish your conversation with Elisen first. "I am just uncomfortable with the notion of someone who can enter my mind being close by. It makes me feel unsafe."

The blonde Elf put a hand on your shoulder, holding it tightly while sounding reassuring. "You will be used to it soon enough. Miss Huberta is a nice woman."

"I hope so." You honestly said while glancing to the side. Watching the returned Wilhelm and Ricardo having a heated discussion with the unharmed Mayor Linnaeus. You wonder where those two had gotten up to, and where exactly the Vice Master is right now.

You and Elisen had gotten close with the rest of Team 8 by now. Most of them are talking to each other while sitting on the ground, or leaning on the wall in Alan's case, and the first of them to notice you both is Aaron. He turns his head to your direction and smiled upon seeing your approach.

"There you both are." Pleasantly said the Karrion Mage as he moved to stand up. Gaining the others attention and alerting them of your presence. "The suspect had been successfully delivered then?"

Why is that even a question? If we failed then we wouldn't be calmly taking a stroll to you, do we? You thought to yourself with an inward eyeroll deep inside your mind. Though your leader seems to decide to humour him regardless of the pointlessness of it.

"It was." Elisen said with a warm smile before gesturing to each of them. Wanting to know how did they fare in the middle of all the chaos. "May I assume everything had gone well on all of your ends?"

"It was on mine." Stoically said Alan. Not even bothering to move from his position on the wall. "The most trouble that we had was on subduing the maddened Beastkin Adventurers, Guards, and even other Assistants. They are slippery."

You would agree with him. The arm where that damnable Hyena lady had bitten you is beginning to ache once more.

Aaron, upon hearing the red head recounts, then began to tiredly sigh to himself while shaking his head softly. Clearly having a different experience on his part.

"Mine and Dawn hadn't gone as great." The Sandmancer said with a closing of his eyes while shrugging and pointing his palms upwards to express himself more vividly. "It had gone well enough at first. Our numbers being enough to fight off most of the assault despite having some of ours being taken by Miss Sonia, but Brock of all people then decided to pay us a visit at the end."

"Brock?"/"Brock!?" You and Elisen said simultaneously. With one understanding the situation more than the other. You were just about to ask for a clarification on the subject, but Alan beats you to it by describing the person in question with his next words.

"You didn't tell me you three were attacked by the strongest Adventurer in Mavis." Coldly said the Fire Mage with a glare to Aaron, who doesn't look particularly concerned. "There's no way for you all to get out unscratched after facing someone who had been an Adept for years. How did you ward him off? Is Kiera safe? Did any of yo-"

"Hey, now stop it you two!" Berated Dawn who had been mostly silent all this time. She is currently being occupied with healing the winching Cobe who is also staying silent. Before the Noble can say anything else however, she then continued. "There's no need for you to worry Alan. We are fine. Kiera is fine. We might be pounded for a while, but Sister Lynn then came to our rescue. Healing most of us in seconds."

"We would have been still in trouble if it weren't for that Scalekin though." Further explained the Curse User. Gaining back the rest of everyone's attention. "Despite her amazing healing capabilities, Sister Lynn is still not a fighter. We are only able to beat him due to the help of a Saurian civillain. He called himself Zoanuctlacl."

"Zoa what?" Said Cobe in confusion. Not being able to pronounce the bizarre name.

"Zoanuctlacl." Alan repeated for Aaron. Seemingly having calmed down. "I heard of him. He is the fortune teller who had come here around half a year ago isn't he? I am not aware he is an Adept. Much less a fighter."

"Me neither." Answered the Karrion Mage. Traces of amazement still evident in the way he is talking. "You should have seen them fight. The Scalekin is definitely outmatched by Brock, yet he fought with a ferocity that I have never seen before. Trading blows for blows againts one of Mavis best with fury of a Dragon."

"It definitely is a sight to behold." Agreed Dawn as she recalls her memories of the battle, before suddenly jerking her body as she remembered something. "Vecna!"

"Yes?" You asked, but instead of talking to you, she spoke with Aaron for some reason. Reminding him of something which the Earth Mage then remembered.

You watched, utterly perplexed as the Sandmancer then fiddled with his pockets. Looking for something. You turn to see the others reaction, but they seem to know what exactly is this all about judging by the smile on their faces. Even Alan! Just what is going on?

Finally, Aaron then found what he is looking for. He holds it in a palm of his hand, some kind of white fabric. You then became more confused as he then handed it to you.

"It's a gift." He said as you inspect the fabric further. Unraveling it, you found it to be a pair of gloves. A Magic Gloves according to your experienced eye.

(Received 1 Low Grade Equipment: Magic Gloves. Effect: +3 Magic)

"W-why?" You simply asked. Not understanding the reason behind the action.

"It's kind of Team 8 thing." Explained Cobe, and with a gesture, he shows off his hand where a similar set of glove is on. Looking around, you can see how the others are also doing the same with theirs.

"Kiera is the one who had started it all. Wanting us to have something to match with each other." Said Elisen as she gazed at her own set.

"So we thought we get one for you too!" Said Dawn as she happily looked at you.

"But, it took us so long because we hand crafted it, and none of us have the necesary skill to actually do it properly." Said Aaron as he helplessly shrugged.

"We planned to give it to you when the mission ended. As a congratulation of completing your first big job, but well...." Trailed off Cobe as he grimaced at how things had ended up.

"So you only received it now of all times. Just to make sure nothing else crops up later on." And finally said Alan as he looked away from you.

You don't know what to say. You don't know what to feel about all this. Why did they even do this? They don't need to do something this meaningless at all, do they? You had never received something like this except from your teacher and your Sister.

In the end. All that you could say is....

"Thank you."

And with that, Blooming Cinder is over! Congratulation on getting through your first event everyone!
"-haha, and I am glad that you did, Elise." Smiled Cobe with mirth before turning his attention to you, gaining yours in return "Though I didn't think you would come too, Vecna. I thought you didn't like me."

Why did you have to make this difficult? Agh, to Inferno with it. You thought in irritation before giving him a reply.

"I did." You said truthfully while glancing to the side. Earning yourself a brief hurtful look from Cobe and a reproachful one from Elisen. Before they could say anything in response, you immediately turned yourself around to point a finger at the annoying Beastkin's chest. Berating him strongly for his acts. "However, that doesn't mean I hate you. I can't let my partner go and kill themself with their own stupitidy, couldn't I? It would make me look bad by doing so."

"Not that I was doing it for you or anything!"
Seriously, if it was negaquest from Cobe's or Elisen's point of view, my first reaction would be that Vecna is a huge tsundere.

"Apparantly the Monster is his brother." Explained Cobe to the immense displeasure of Char and to the absolute bewilderment of you and Elisen upon hearing them. In the end, all that you could say in response was.


Okay, this part sounds very disturbing. This crisis is maybe even more serious than we initially thought.

You don't know what to say. You don't know what to feel about all this. Why did they even do this? They don't need to do something this meaningless at all, do they? You had never received something like this except from your teacher and your Sister.

In the end. All that you could say is....

"Thank you."

It was really nice of them.
In addition, I just now realized that if we count the Cobe element as water and the Aaron element as earth, it turns out that Team 8 has representatives of each element. Quite symbolic, and I feel stupid that I only noticed this now.

I am wondering how many Relationship points we got from this story. Besides, I'm curious about it for a long time, but how do gold stars differ from silver ones?
I am wondering how many Relationship points we got from this story. Besides, I'm curious about it for a long time, but how do gold stars differ from silver ones?
Gold Star simply means it was filled. In order to progress to the next level you need to fill all the Silver Stars, and once you do, those are emptied again but with another addition of a Silver Star.

So if Cobe become closer to Vecna he will gain a Star, filled both of them, and then will have 3 Silver Star at the end. Gaining those however will steadily becoming more difficult and the person itself will affect the DC/difficulty of it.
Turn 3 Mavis News
Insult on Akhti?: The people of Mavis City experienced a great shock when moments of their celebration were interrupted by not one, but two attacks on their public safety. On a joyous day of commemorating one of the Six Gods birth no less.

Everyone had already heard about how the plaza was bombarded with vile green smokes that forces any Beastkin who breathes them into attacking anyone who is near. Terrorizing everyone involved and the Beastkins themself most of all. Fortunately, with the help of our reliable protectors from the Mage Tower, the Military, and one Head Priestess Zarya Lynn, the casualty was able to be kept on a minimum. Yet ache does our heart for those who we have lost on this tragedy.

What everyone does not know however is how there's a second attack aimed at one of the residential district of Mavis, specifically aimed at the New Beastkin District. An attack that will prove disastrous if it were using the same method as the one in the plaza. Mavis Mage Tower Master Wilhelm Keyne, his Vice Master Noralf Alberad, and Mavis Head Captain Ricardo Bevis are the ones who is able to prevent this incident from occuring. Capturing a number of perpetrators in the process.

Many citizens are now concerned with what the Mastermind behind these incidents will do next as they have clearly shown no disregard to the Gods. Many more however, wonders what kind of judgement will they receive for this transgression, and whether it will be enough.

Guild's Grand Market!: Between all the sadness and fear however, there is a single ray of happiness! One that will provide the people of Mavis with everything that they need. Selling you it's latest products, both made and gathered by our skilled adventurers, is the Guild Grand Market! Finally opening it's branch in our wonderful city, and we are absolutely flooded with resources just waiting to be grabbed by our esteemed customers. From equipments, magic utilities, consumeables, and even to simple day to day items! Even more, we also gave out a beautiful bracelet adorned with six precious Mana Stones as well as a one year discounts for all of our merchandise for some of our first visitors. So pack up your bags and hurry over to the Grand Market before it's all too late!

Aid of Faith: Time though, waits for no one, and with the conclusion of Akhti's festival, the Time of Pilgrim is closely approaching. For most of Phione, this will be a standard fair just like the years before, but for Mavis specifically, it's people are wondering whether they will receive help from other cities. This is just idle ponderings however, as the Pilgrim is a religious activity, and those who participates in it usually doesn't want to look for trouble. The ones who will be coming their way also doesn't sound familiar, with the exception of them coming from the two city over to the East. So the people of Mavis can only hope for these visitors to not make the situation worse with their presence.

A little bit of something to mark an end of a turn as well as the year. Not my greatest, but I already expect it with these news section.

So later on I will not be doing a Mavis News again. Instead, I will be trying a Rumour Mill. That way I could keep using Vecna's perspective and will be able to include some obscure info on them for you all to mull on.

Next update might also takes a lot longer than usual as I need to take care a couple of things in my end. Both in Quest and IRL.

Anyway, that's about it. Happy New Year Everyone! I'll see you all in 2022.
First off, I just caught up today and must say I'm enjoying the story :)
The fight scenes are cool and the world is interesting. You introduced characters faster than I could keep track of, but you have a dramatis personae, so I could always go back and look who is who.

"She's the only Acolyte that I have, so yes." Nodded the Bishop. "Lily is a bright young girl who had lost her village years ago. The temple wasn't able to take her in at the time, so I welcomed her and a couple of others who share the same fate into the Church. Time passess, and in the end she decided to become an Acolyth under me while others had decided to go elsewhere."

"You sounded like you appreciated her quite highly." You blandly asked the man.

"If it weren't for her then I think my days would have become darker yet darker than it was today." Smiled the man warmly to you, and before you can think of a reply, he then perks up at the sight of something that is right below your field of vision. "Oh would you look at that?"

Franklin Fawkes. You thought with a frown before continuing. That man is going to be a problem.

It only has been merely an hour after your coincidental meeting with the dark haired Bishop at the Pop Veggie attraction and now the time is closely approaching one of sunset. After finishing your business with Miss Fortez, your group has then decided to head over to the main plaza to see to the climax of this year Akhti's festival. You mulling over the potential complications that the Priest could cause to yourself all the while.

It is clear to you how dearly Father Franklin did held Lily to his heart. So, obviously it is only going to be matter of time until the man would have eventually realized the long term departure of his precious acolyte, and then he surely would began an investigation for any signs as to her whereabouts.

A futile effort considering you had already killed the young Priestess in the night before today.

The problem is, despite the weakened status of the Church in Phione, the Bishop apparantly still had some kind of repute over the people of Mavis judging by his interaction with Zarya and Miss Fortez. Maybe it's not a strong one, but the old man definitely has the connections that he needed to get the word out about Lily's disappearance.

You had already erased any traces of the girl's death in the Church and your cellar is warded to prevent anything on the inside it from getting out to be detected. So the only methods left to find the girl's corpse then, as far as you know, will be by using a strong enough divination technique or though checking the Tower's record and finding out how you had been using magic where the girl had been last sighted.

The former, you can't do anything about, but reliable diviners were rare so it should be okay. Meanwhile for the latter, you can just simply erase any incriminating records of you from one of the Tower's many control room. It's about time you began to truly seep in your influence to the place anyway.

Hopefully Franklin would give up as the time passes, but you wouldn't bet on it. Any of these though? They are for you to worry about in the future because at this moment-

I was thinking about the issue with Lilly and Franklen Fawkes and I'd like to purpose a backup plan.

There, at the deepest part of the cellar. Lays a white coffin with a panel of glass. A middle quality item with it's only use is to preserve whatever it is inside it as long as mana kept on being supplied into it periodically once per month.

Laying a single hand on top of the coffin, you swept away the haze on the glass to peer into what is inside. Or rather, Who.

"Sister Kas...."

We have a coffin that allows us to preserve bodies. We should construct a second one and place Lily in it. if Father Franklin catches Vecna, we can promise to resurrect her. If we can cast True Resurrection once, we can cast it twice.
Obviously there are many issues with this plan, chief among them Father Franklin not believing that we can do it, or not being willing to work with us, which is why it's only useful as a backup and I'm not suggesting approaching him about it if he doesn't discover Vecna.
That's why it's a backup plan.
We are probably safe, but who knows if he might get access to divination or some other weird magic.
An interesting quest.

Kinda was hoping more Overlord and less mid climax betrayal character. I wasn't against being a necromancer but we haven't been doing any necromancing because we keep getting caught by side plots and building our cover.

Don't get me wrong it's the smart thing and the wise thing, but it's kinda not why I'm here. I'm here for the villainy, so here's hoping the actions start heading that way.
An interesting quest.

Kinda was hoping more Overlord and less mid climax betrayal character. I wasn't against being a necromancer but we haven't been doing any necromancing because we keep getting caught by side plots and building our cover.

Don't get me wrong it's the smart thing and the wise thing, but it's kinda not why I'm here. I'm here for the villainy, so here's hoping the actions start heading that way.
Hoping for one as well, but as the votes had determined Vecna is a Rising Villain who started off in a very security heavy Phione. There's really not a lot she can do without being destroyed because she stepped on a wrong toes.

Old Monster and Iskaldin for example has the most freedom with one being you are as strong as an entire country and the other being the place is very isolated with each other.

Not to worry however. I want this to be a proper Villain Quest, so there will be many choices which requires you to do a few villainous acts in order to proceed further into the Necromancer path. As well as complications with people hunting you down like Father Franklin. Mental trauma for Vecna herself is also a possibility. This is only Turn 3, so everything is still in it's baby steps.

Though I think I won't be updating for a week. IRL is being a hassle right now and I haven't been in the right condition to write stuff out.
I'm not denying palpa is a villain, but we love him best when the facade has been stripped away. I know this is plenty villainous but there's a whole bunch of do-gooding in between and less time focusing on our sister.

Forgive me for saying this but for our desperation being what it is, I think we need to start developing maluses if we aren't directly necromancing even the most basic steps because I'm afraid of losing ourselves in the role so to speak
Well, looking at all this character interaction, I'm really glad we started at Phione. This part of the quest has been great so far. Also, the fact that it doesn't feel like a traditional necromancer game, with hordes of zombies besieging cities, seems positive to me. Clichés like these often lead to the fact that even villains with interesting backstories quickly become one-dimensional. At least that's my experience with fiction.
As for necromancy ... Well, we kind of left it aside before, but it's more likely because we have so many important things to do and not much time.
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Which I get and totally respect. Just feel like it needs to be said that we should be actively beginning our network of evil. Start offing and stealing stuff to benefit us and start subverting and flipping people to serve us.

Who says being evil is boring and cliche. We all know the real aspect needed.


This is more what I'm down for us to start heading into direction wise. Let's be unrepentant in our Desperation, let us revel in the throes of ecstasy when we slowly corrupt the first Champion into our Undead Thralldom. You may see it as cliche, I call it classic
Yes, I do agree we need to start on progressing our evil campaign. Right now besides a little murder we haven't done too much in the way of, ya know, progressing our main goal.
Turn 4: Before the Raid
You took one more critical look upon the bracelet you are holding in your palm. Assessing the multi colored stones adorning it of it's value, worth, and quality. You done this in less than a minute before finally giving away your honest evaluation of it.

"Another scam?" You blandly inquired to indignity of the shopkeeper before you. A certain pink haired woman who you had the unpleasureness of meeting once before.

"Sca-!? Oy! Oy! Oy! Don't say that!!" Hurriedly replied Merro in a panic while looking left and right before continuing in a whisper. "What if the others hear it!?"

To the side, you can barely see Dawn, who is audibly sighing to herself for some reason while holding her hand to her forehead with a close of her eyes. Seemingly exasperated at something.

Though obviously it is to the blatant fraud that you are currently witnessing being openly done in the Guild's Grand Market.

It only has been a few days since the events of what the public had been calling as the Festival's Tragedy. There are a few other names for it such as the Beastkin's Rampage, and the Sun's Stain, but those were far and between according to Alan and was quickly suppressed by the Tower who is trying to keep the situation from spiralling out of control. Something about stopping people from doing stupid actions? You are not entirely sure about the specifics of it.

Well, regardless of their reason, your coworkers efforts on the matter is certainly not working as much as they had hoped. It isn't outright hostility, but even on the way here you can see many people who inches away from any congregation of Beastkins. Wary of them suddenly turning feral, you would assume. This, in turn seems to aggravate the Beastkins themself. Which then makes those people becoming even more fearful. A cycle that keeps feeding on itself, your teacher would have said.

And even in a situation like this people will still try to shamelessly make a profit out of lies. You thought to yourself while eyeing dozens of similar looking ordinary bracelet which has their mana stones cutted off, lessening their usefulness by a half. These things are only worth three mana stones in total and not six like what you had been told.

"I told you this is not a scam!" Stated Merro in frustration, seemingly able to know what you are thinking. "What you read is just advertisement! Ad-Ver-Tise-Ment! The bracelets would cover your entire forearms if we use their original size, and we might as well throw you bags of gold if we use the small concentrated version of them. We are already in a pretty tight budget, so give us some slack over here!"

"Heeh?" You and Dawn both drawled out. Looking blankly at the extravagant room of the store that you were in.

"I am serious, so shut it!!" Shouted Merro while strangling her voice before sagging in apparant exhaustion. Looking like she is quite done with the day even though it is only an hour away from noon. Despite that however, she is still capable of shooting you both with that trademark grin of hers. Appearing especially smug as she offers you a folder full of documents she had just grabbed from under the counter. "You both were not the only one who had brought this up, but there's really nothing illegal about this. We had already processed it all with the City Hall before we opened up even. Everything is squeaky clean over here ladies."

"It does seems official." Confirmed Dawn with a frown as she quickly glimpse over a bunch of signed papers from beside you. The workings behind these kinds of records aren't quite familiar with you yet, so you need to put your confidence in the more experienced Assistant on this one.

"I told you~." Sang Merro as she leans over the counter with her hand on her chin. Looking quite pleased with herself. "What are you both doing here anyway? Aren't you Tower folks has some terrorist to catch onto?"

"We are just checking here due to the pile of complaints we had over the days." Smoothly answered Dawn without missing a beat as she neatly put all the papers back into the folder. That done, she then continued her words with a reassuring tone. Handling back the folder to Merro while she does so. "As for the culprit behind the attacks, we can't say much, but we are close in catching him. So you don't need to worry Miss Merro."

It's true. You didn't know about it at first, but apparantly catching Char is indeed quite a boon to the Tower's investigation progress on finding the Boil's supplier. A multitude of locations he had provided definitely helps some Observators in capturing a few thralled mooks, but the real prize is surprisingly the feline Beastkin himself.

You don't know how, but the higher ups apparantly want to use Char as some sort of living sensor to locate the whereabouts of his brother, Mika. If the Monster that appeared on the plaza is indeed his sibling, then they are going to use the blood relation that they have with each other to locate the Deer Beastkin who is most likely staying near the supplier.

The capability to change people into obedient attack monsters is not normal. As there haven't been any other similar sighting being reported, the think tank then theorised how there's a high chance of Mika being one of the kind. Thus warranting an extra care from the supplier which necessitate their close proximity with one another. Giving the strike team a moment to capture both of them when they are together.

"Well, if you say so. Personally? I want all of these nonsense to stop. There's not a lot of people who had come shopping here what with the terrorist and the increased security recently." Helplessly Merro said in dismay.

"Me too, Miss Merro. Me too." Softly replied Dawn, and with that, the both of you then leave the Grand Market to it's own business. Wanting to grab a lunch in a nearby restaurant before proceeding with your fair share of patrols during the evening.

It is on the way to Dawn's recommended Sylveon food place did you then continued your line of thought from before. Tuning out the brunette's chatter and just blindly nodding to her words to give your mind some free space to think properly.

It will take a while for the research team to recalibrate their equipment with the data they would gained from Char. Around a week and a half at most by your reckoning. Once they had settled it, the Tower will then doubtlessly will try to capture the supplier and put this incident to a close as fast as they could. Nothing else will suffice what with the amount of bad rep they had gotten from allowing these events to occur in the first place.

The only question is whether you want to join in on this operation or not, with being on a guard duty in somewhere important being the most likely place where you will end up if you don't. You unfortunately didn't have as much intel as you would have liked. If only you have some information on where this conflict would have took place then you could have prepared for something to take advantage of them for your own personal gain. An escape route, a hiding spot, a surveillance system, anything to give you an edge.

You let out a soundless sigh the moment Dawn turned herself away from you to look at the sign ahead of you which indicates the eatery where you will be eating. Maybe there's something at the Market which might of help, but alas, there's nothing else you can do about the Supplier other than to look for opportunities being presented while moving alongside the other Tower agents.

All that you need to do is to not make a single mistake while doing so.

You will be planning your turn from the combination of Four Type of Actions. Each having their own rules and purpose. There is General Actions, Research Actions, Personal Actions, and Mission Actions. You will have Four AP to be freely distributed between these actions unless it specifically stated to be otherwise that all will take place around 2 months time in Quest.

Crits will be on 95-100 range in General and Personal Actions, 19-20 in Research and Mission Actions, and when the number you reach are double that of the required DC such as you rolling a 40 on a DC 20. The last part can keep on accumulating as in if you roll a 80 on a DC 20 you will get triple the rewards and 160 on a DC 20 will get you four times.

Crit fail will be on 1-5 range in General and Personal Actions, and 1 in Research and Mission Actions.

Actions may need to use up a grade item to actually complete them. Once you had assigned a Grade Item to that action you would not need to assign another one to do that action again unless you received a Crit Fail. You can also assign those grade items to actions that doesn't require them to have a special reward. One such example being assigning a Dark Mana Stone to Portable Undead Action will result in one of the critters having a special ability related to darkness. Beware some rewards are not worth it with the example being assigning a Dark Mana Stone to Mavis Underbelly will only result in some random criminals who will thought of you as guillable and give you more information out of pity. Grade items can only be gained from Rare Hunting General Action with high DC, Mission Action, and certain Crits.

Simplified version of the rules above. You have 4 AP you can distribute freely to any of the actions only once unless stated otherwise. Some actions need to be assigned a Grade Item for you to actually do it. Each turn last for 2 Months.

Corpses: 1 High Quality (Lily)
Materials: 40
Reagents: 35

Actions that you can only complete with either the assistance of another or a long thought out preparation on your part. Success on getting past a DC with a 1d100+Stats. Will require a cost and usually will serve as a minor point in progress to the Quest. You can only assign a single AP to any of the actions.

[ ] Wolf Among Sheep
Martial DC: 70

A Necromancer is never without a need for more corpses. What you need however is not the usual rotting pieces of flesh and bones that are halfway in on being decomposed. No, you need something that is strong and most importantly fresh, and with soldiers guarding each of the way in and out of the city that you know of, there's really only one possible method for you to get what you want. Cost: 30 Reagents

(Reward: A good quality corpse for you to turn into an undead and improve on.)

[ ] Bar Rules
Diplomacy DC: 30

The Clever Owl Outpost seems to be a quite high ranking bar where many powerful and influental people in Mavis had gathered together to either relax or have a nice drink with someone of their peers. A great place for you to do some networking with some important people. Cost: 15 Materials

(Reward: Knowledge on some noteables within Mavis. Unlock more actions)

[ ] Lab Details
Stewardship DC: 40

Before you can actually start on experimenting with the arts of necromancy, you will need to first prepare the necesary tools and equipments. Jars, scalpes, saws, and everything else that you will need to properly disect and preserve a corpse. With Phione being a hot spot for mages from all over Altaria, you should be able to find these items with their very specific uses pretty easily. Cost: 20 Materials

(Reward: Unlock more Research Actions.)

[ ] Rare Hunting
Stewardship DC: 75

In order to conduct your research, you will need to have a constant stream of graded items for you to use. A hard prospect considering how everyone else also wants them for their own reason, but money can always brought you to places. Only if you have enough of course. Cost: 30 Materials and 10 Reagents

You can spent as many AP as you want on this action

(Reward: Generating a choice between three middle grade item for you to pick.)

[ ] Undead Creation
-[ ] Which Corpse?
Learning DC: 35

You can't be a Necromancer without even a single Undead servant at your side. While any random corpses you can found in a ditch somewhere can be used, those are usually at a very poor quality and the resulting Undead doesn't display even a half of what they could do in life. So it is important for you to prepare the corpses to better accommodate your Negative Energy. Cost: 5 Materials and 10 Reagents

(Reward: An Undead unit that would provide a boost to your actions.)

[ ] Mavis Underbelly
Intrigue DC: 85

If there is any kind of ally that could exist for a necromancer like yourself then it would be those who you could found lurking behind the dark alleyways and the seedier parts of the city. While it would be difficult to actually meet the core individuals who ran the criminal elements around Mavis, it should be easy for you to learn about what kind of gangs that exist and their group dynamics with each other. Cost: 25 Materials

(Reward: Knowledge on the gangs operating in Mavis. Unlock more Mission Actions.)

[ ] Urban Tree Huggers
Intrigue DC: 60

The Green House which belonged to the Pharmacy of Mavis City definitely has a plethora of different and unique graded items inside it according to the news you had read. It would be great if you can steal some of it, but realistically you need to gather some more intel first. But with the festival approaching and a murderer on the loose it seems the Green House had tightened up their security to not let anything slip out. Cost 10 Materials and 30 Reagents.

(Reward: Knowledge on the Noteables within the pharmacy, Green House layout, and the details of Blooming Tender Event. Unlock more actions.)

[ ] Lucky Porcupine
Intrigue DC: 45

You still remembered quite clearly about the opportunity that is being presented in Quill. Sure, your want to find him mostly stems from petty grievance of him succeeding on a useless game which you had failed miserably at, but the notion of three High Grade items being in the possession of somebody who is both weak and is very unlikely to be missed? The least that you could do is to entertain the idea of freeing the Beastkin of that burden he is carrying. Cost: 10 Material and 10 Reagents.

(Reward: A High Grade Item?)

Actions that you will do in the safety of your lab/cellar. Success in accumulating a number of proggress to reach the research completion with a 1d20+stats die. Will have a cost and usually serve as a method to improve yourself. You can assign as many AP as you want to any of the actions.

[ ] Finishing the Basics
-[ ] Drain Life (0/35)
-[ ] Detect Life (0/35)
-[ ] Undead Whisperer (0/35)
-[ ] Bonemancy (0/35)
-[ ] Fleshcrafter (0/35)
Accumulated Learning

If you truly want to learn a spell to ressurrect your sibling without any kind of abnormalities or defects physically and mentally then you will need to learn everything that necromancy has to offer. You can't exactly do that without first learning about every basic spell in necromancy. Cost: 5 Materials and 10 Reagents.

(Reward: Learned a necromancy spell. Unlock more actions.)

[ ] Mark of a Mage
Accumulated Learning

Every mage that is not dead poor would have something to help them channel their mana into spells more efficiently. A Genius Loci created
for their personal use. While difficult, you are certain you can make a decent middle grade genius loci if you spent weeks of your time on them. Cost: 10 Materials, 10 Reagents, and 1 Middle Grade Material.

(Reward: A Middle Grade Equipment focusing on Magic.)

[ ] Crafters Worth (Middle)
-[ ] Specify it's purpose
Accumulated Learning

You are an artificer. A Crafter. You have the capability to create items of power for yourself unlike those who needs to purchase theirs. With the forge inclusion on part of your house, now you can freely create items with a much wider selection than before. The question is just what should you make? Cost: 10 Materials and 5 Reagents

(Reward: Choices between three Middle Grade Items based on the items being used to made them. Note: You can also elect to use nothing.)

[ ] Suppression Coats
Accumulated Learning

The Tower has the capability to scan and analyze anything within it's surrounding. If you want to have any hope to bring in an extra undead muscle or two during your outings then you would need something to cover up their Negative Presence. Cost: 5 Materials and 10 Reagents

(Reward: Your Undead will become harder to be detected by others.)

[ ] Portable Undead
Accumulated Magic

You didn't like the notion of being totally alone in any part of the world. By carefully selecting the specimens of small undead critters which you could easily conceal on your person you will no longer be short on minions you can use to distract an enemy in mid combat and can now enter some previously impossible places for you to infiltrate due to the critters rather diminutive size. Cost: 5 Material and 5 Reagents.

(Reward: A group of small sized undead. Unlock more actions.)

[ ] Wizard's Advancement
-[ ] Animated Spells (0/150)
Accumulated Magic

Your Soul is the source of your Magic. Inside it, Mana is constantly being made, stored, and changed based on what you need. A step to improve this function of your being is called Advancement, and you can only fit three different characteristic into your Soul. So you better choose wisely on what is going to be your foundation on going forward. Cost: 10 Materials and 10 Reagents.

(Reward: Progress on becoming Adept Wizard)

Actions that you can complete by doing it alone without any preparation. Success in getting past a DC with a1d100+Stats die. Requiring no cost and usually will serve as a point of interest to progress the Quest. You can only assign a single AP to any of the actions.

[ ] Forging Bonds
-[ ] Specify who from Dramatis Personae
Diplomacy Check

Connections are important to everyone and you are not an exemption despite being a necromancer. While it would be nice to spent every single day in solitude researching for ways to resurrect your Sister, you know that would only be an idle fantasy. In order to survive you would need allies and people who you could trust. Those who you can be at ease in revealing yourself as a necromancer and confide in your greatest secrets. Something that you can only do by spending time with somebody.

Crit doesn't apply in this action

(Reward: Deepening of the friendship and trust between Vecna and a character. Once it reached a certain threshold you can freely ask them to help you complete certain actions)

[ ] Asking for Help
-[ ] Specify who from Dramatis Personae
Diplomacy Check

Sometimes you would need assistance in completing a task or to simply ask for informations. Asking someone that you know to help you shouldn't be too difficult, though you would need to watch out what kind of problems you are going to bring in front of them. You do want them to not know about any of your illegal activities afterall.

(Reward: A noteable stats would be added to the action you had specified. That action would need to be done in the same turn or the turn after. Depending on the noteable, there may be a change in the reward for completing the action that could be either good or bad.)

[ ] Access Required
Diplomacy DC: 35

You are aware of the restricted section of the liblary that you had discovered during your previous visits to it for study. After inquiring about them from the others, you had learned about how it is the storage for dangerous informations that were inaccessible to the public. Something like dangerous Curses, Advancements methods, list of Named Infernals, and variants of Necromancy~? Aaron had apparantly managed to gain permission to enter the place. You just need to do the same.

(Reward: A selection of field study that you can learn for 6 Turn/1 Year.)

[ ] Outdoor Foraging
Stewardship DC: 40

When the time is rough you could always go in person beyond the walls to brave in the wild. Avoiding any beast that could pose a fight to you and center your entire focus on getting as many resources as possible. You can assign as many AP as you want to this action.

(Reward: Generates a 3d20 in both Materials and Reagents.)

[ ] Data Sweep
Stewardship DC: 20

Your excursion to the Church hadn't gone well. While you had managed to erase every traces indicating the use of Negative Energy on the area, your own mana residue is practically saturating the whole place for at least a year. Erasing any incriminating data of you that has and will be made in the records during your shift in the control room should swiftly took care of this problem.

(Reward: Erasure of every incriminating data of Vecna's activities for the past year in the Tower's record.)

[ ] Hitting the Liblary
-[ ] Diplomacy: DC 30
-[ ] Intrigue: DC 30
Learning Check

You are very much aware at the few areas where you are noticeably lacking. These weakness of yours are very much unacceptable in your efforts to save your Sister when you knew you could easily do better. Fortunately the Mage Tower seems to be equiped with a liblary which are open to both it's staff and the public at large for them to freely read the books within. A perfect place for you to correct yourself even if it would take you months to do so!

Crit doesn't apply in this action

(Reward: Generating a 1d3 dice roll to improve either of your stats until the number reached or go beyond 10.)

[ ] Reverse Engineering
-[ ] Specify Items
Learning Check

Throughtout your life, you would often found items which has functions that you didn't recognize. Studying them in detail would open up paths for you to create something similar on your own.

(Reward: More choices on item creation.)

[ ] Covert Stalking
-[ ] Specify who from Dramatis Personae
Intrigue Check

Informations are precious and theres no telling what kind of secret information does someone that you know have. They may not want to tell you, but there is no denying you from what did you desire. Following them for days on end and observing their every single action should be enough for you to uncover what it is they are hiding from you.

(Reward: Knowledge on a noteable secret. Decrease DC of some actions, revealing DC of some actions, and unlock new actions.)

[ ] Novice Curse Caster
-[ ] Ask Aaron for help.
Magic DC: 100

Casting curses, or what the common folk like to call Black Magic, had always interested you. It seems to be an ideal partner skill to your necromantic ones. Not to mention how nowadays the nations are more accepting of the curse casters after long years of study to the arts and thus you would be free to use them in the open. Frustatingly however, integrating a new method of casting to someone's magic had always been hard. You would need luck to quickly becoming a novice of this art by studying in the tower's liblary.

(Reward: A Novice Curse Caster Trait.)

[ ] Overtime
Magic DC: 50

Even with a stable job at hand, you still hadn't managed to escape the ever so cruel grip of resources requirements. You need more materials and reagents. If that means you would need to do a double time in the Mage Tower then so be it!

(Reward: Double the wage your job creates for the next turn.)

Actions that can be resolved in multitude kind of ways. Selecting a Mission Action will generate an Interlude sequence spanning multiple updates where you will most likely face foes that wouldn't be very easy to take down. These actions of course has a greater rewards than any other action type due to its dangers with at least 1 graded item for you to gain. You can always choose to retreat during the middle of an interlude though the reward will also diminish. These actions will usually serve as a major point of progress in the Quest.

[ ] A Necromancer in the Graveyard

You now had located the city's graveyard. A place that is choked full death and decay to the point undead would spawn naturally into the area. If there is a place in Mavis where you don't need to worry about the repercussions of unleashing your full necromantic might then it would be in the graveyard. Who knows what kind of advantage you could find in there as a necromancer? It would definitely be dangerous however as you know first hand how death is not something that wished to be controlled. Cost: 25 Material and 25 Reagents.

(Reward: Knowledge on the graveyard layout, and multiple necromancer related advantages.)

[ ] Knife to the Back
-[ ] Specify who from Dramatis Personae

Life is always dangerous for a Necromancer and sometimes you need to kill someone who you know of to survive. These people you had met in Mavis are no exception. You had deemed them to be more useful in death than when they were alive and wouldn't hesitate to take them out. Everything is for your Sister and nothing else matters. Cost 20 Materials and 20 Reagents.

(Reward: Corpse of a noteable.)

[ ] Boiling Up Raid

The problems and uproars that these drugs had caused to the City of Mavis needs to stop. This is the majority opinion of everyone from the Tower and they will be conducting a raid on the supplier's hide out very soon. Joining in on this foray will give you a lot of opportunities. Not only would you receive a field bonus from doing a most likely dangerous mission, you would also have the chance to snatch a couple of valuables from the scene if you were discreet enough in your actions. Cost: 10 Reagents.

(Reward: Participation on the Boil High Incident's conclusion.)

Alright, most of the problems that I have IRL had been resolved. Let's see whether I had gone rusty and whether anyone still have an interest in this Quest of mine.

Note, I have altered a few Research Actions requirement as they seemed too demanding. I want our progress on Necromany to not be halted too much.

You can also use other items as ingredients for the Crafter's Worth such as the Staff of Daylight. Think of it as you retooling troublesome objects that you weren't able to easily get rid off by selling it.
Not making a plan just yet, but some things to note:
  • We need to be mindful of the amount of materials and reagents we have available when making plans. To that end, we may want to go for low-cost actions or free actions this turn to be able to save up for some more expensive actions;
  • Think we should get involved in the raid, even if only to solidify our cover;
  • Access Required should only be attempted if we are confident that we will be able to dedicate at least 1 action per turn for 6 turns to the opportunities opened up by that action, if it is successful. Also, it may be worth seeing if we can improve our relation with Aaron in order to see if we can get his aid of getting access to the restricted section of the library (or, at least, find out how he got access to it in the first place);
  • Not something to note, but... do we risk going for Data Sweep (Stewardship roll, DC 20, we would need to roll at least a 6 to succeed) and/or Lucky Porcupine (Intrigue roll, DC 45, we need to roll a 38 or higher to succeed)?
Mind, Data Sweep original DC is 40. It is lowered for this turn only because many people from the Tower is spending most of their time patroling around the city. A few other actions were also lowered or raised depending on the situation.
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