Whistle While You Work
Health: 100/100
Aura: 50/50
Sanity: 100/100


Stories scattered through time.

Mankind has grown quite fond of recounting the exploits of heroes and villains.

Tales of love and valor, tragedies and comedies that move our very souls. Such finely woven dramas of the countless struggles faced by humanity, and the numerous triumphs in the face of adversity are what we habitually seek to break from the tedium of our existence.

If an observer were to come here to Beacon on this very day in search of a story's makings, much like the epics of old…

...they would be sorely disappointed.

You see, Remnant is a dangerous world. One filled with death, suffering and bloody evolution.

And just who do you think has to clean up all that blood up after your men and women have evolved into heroes?

"Go mop up the Dust, Cricket." I spoke in an exaggeratedly nasal voice. "One of the students painted the halls with Boarbatusk entrails, Cricket. Mnnyeeeh!"

I rifle through the interior of the Chief Sanitation Office, my custom-order plaque proudly adorning the door, and sort my way through a perfectly categorized stack of metal cases. "Pay for that plaque with your own money Cricket, Beacon isn't your personal playground!" I scoff and unlock one of the cases with but a single key from a ring of many. "These plebeians have absolutely no appreciation for the brilliance that is my mind! I'll show them one day, oh I'll show them all."

With a snort of disgust, I search through my fantastic inventory of janitorial chemicals in search of Cricket's Secret Ingredient™. "Lessee here...bleach, windox, sodium bicarbonate, chlorine trifluoride, ethylene glycol, sodium thiopental, energy propellant rating ninety-three, styrofoam, heavy-duty degreaser...a-HA!" I shout and triumphantly hold a reinforced plastic tube to the heavens. "Industrial adhesive, just like mama used to make."

I confidently stride across the closet that I had personally expanded into an office befitting one of my glorious stature through a series of discrete renovations and remove a floor panel, exposing a microwave oven in a hidden hole connected the the facility's wiring, leeching power from the grid like a parasite of metal and radiation.

From the microwave I withdraw a plate of piping hot cookies, specially made just for this coming occasion.

Nobody must ever know the horrible secret. I bake cookies in a microwave.

With chocolate chips and spite.

Cackling maniacally, I inject dollops of industrial adhesive into all but one cookie in preparation for my latest, greatest scheme.

I exit the office and slam the door shut behind myself, taking extra care to engage all three locks I had installed on the door as part of my renovations. I then relax my shoulders, rolling them gently as I ease my back into its natural position. My breathing grows deep and rhythmic as I mentally prepare myself for what lied ahead. If this was to be a success, I must devote everything I have to the delivery. Such is the nature of acting.

Mere minutes later, I jubilantly skip out the academy's front doors, a fresh batch of warm chocolate chip cookies held on one hand and Mantis Panoptes twirling in the other. I pass by another one of the school's staff, one of those whose existence is not important enough for me to match a name to their face, and begin whistling a merry tune.

His slack-jawed expression is one of abject horror.

I continue my path of delightful skipping on to the set of wooden benches closest to the landing bay. As the airships containing this year's students finishes landing, I set down Mantis Panoptes in mop form, standing erect, and balance my plate of cookies atop it with a spin.

I then seat myself on a bench with a youthful grin that any onlooker would declare "full of zest for life."

And I wait.
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Go wild, kids

OOW is going to have splashy fun at Wild Adventures

sucks to not be OOW
I dunno

I got pretty drunk and wild last night, and am having barbeque and home made ice coffee to chill out and relax this morning

without a hangover

[X] Shout to the heavens, "CRASH! INTRUDE!" and then begin your crusade against your hated foe, cookies, by ramming into them wherever you see them with your full power! Preferably with your aura active as you run around while doing so.
TehChron threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Hello, Jaune Total: 14
14 14
TehChron threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: IT BEGINS Total: 57
57 57
[X] Throw waterballoons at the janitor, while screaming "Tunnel Snakes Rule!".
Khawy threw 1 20-faced dice. Total: 16
16 16
Khawy threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 80
80 80
I dunno

I got pretty drunk and wild last night, and am having barbeque and home made ice coffee to chill out and relax this morning

without a hangover

[X] Shout to the heavens, "CRASH! INTRUDE!" and then begin your crusade against your hated foe, cookies, by ramming into them wherever you see them with your full power! Preferably with your aura active as you run around while doing so.
[X] Throw waterballoons at the janitor, while screaming "Tunnel Snakes Rule!".
[X] Catch a whiff of the cookies... loose the battle with motion sickness.
EDIT: Ignore the second 20 :oops:
Retsof threw 2 20-faced dice. Total: 8
6 6 2 2
Retsof threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 91
91 91
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[X] Hmm there is something wrong with that janitor on the bench. Something you can't quite put your finger on...OF COURSE! Walk up to the janitor and say while posing dramatically "SO! IT HAS COME TO THIS! Did you really think that such a disguise would work on me AARON GENTLES! It seems that you've gone senile in your old age if you thought that such an obvious ploy would work . Allow me to show you the young stallion that master fell for's strength." tear off your shirt and then put the janitor into a crippler crossface maneuver.
Illusion threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: who? Total: 6
6 6
Illusion threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: How good? Total: 13
13 13
Suddenly, number 6 was Isaac Hemostrus. :V

Or not, since the dice seem to hate him.
[X] Observe the combat mop in the janitors hand and be inspired!
-[X] Find the forge posthaste!
Archeo Lumiere threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Crafter Total: 5
5 5
Archeo Lumiere threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Inspiration Total: 91
91 91
[X] Your bored. You should beat someone up. Preferably someone easily forgotten. Like that Man in what looks like a janitor uniform. Yes he would be an excellent target. Now I am going to jump off the airship screaming LEEROY JENKINS and first give him a devastating punch with Aura. Give everything you have in this brawl. Hopefully this janitor can give you a challenge.


Oh well. Maybe next time.
Hadiz threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Character Total: 1
1 1
Hadiz threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: How Successful? Total: 16
16 16
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[X] Well now. Look at that specimen over there! You didn't think a janitor uniform could look good, but you think it suits him. Go over and flirt. With your looks and your fists. After all, men like very beautiful, and powerful women, right?

(Wut. IDEK.)
Rikki threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: wut Total: 1
1 1
Rikki threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: ahhh Total: 79
79 79
I'm totally not sure how the d20 chooses the character. Is that a crit fail so, no character? Or is it like #1 is this character, #4 is this one, etc.?
The latter, I believe.

Which means OOW is being literally hit on by the quickest-moving Tsundere in the setting, apparently.
[X] Shout to the heavens, "CRASH! INTRUDE!" and then begin your crusade against your hated foe, cookies, by ramming into them wherever you see them with your full power! Preferably with your aura active as you run around while doing so.

[X] Someone is going around and breaking Cookies! This is unforgivable! You must save every Cookie you see, by devouring it, while you hunt for the Cookie Breaker, so that you may teach them the error of their ways!
Mortifer threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Ruby Please Total: 8
8 8
Mortifer threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Critfail Total: 73
73 73
[X] Someone is going around and breaking Cookies! This is unforgivable! You must save every Cookie you see, by devouring it, while you hunt for the Cookie Breaker, so that you may teach them the error of their ways!
Oh shit might apply, but knowing that adhesive, I'd say probably not.