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Light. It's only the sun

Pain. Quit your bitching and take it like a man

Countless sabers of...

The Out Of World

Lichte's Brain
Light. It's only the sun

Pain. Quit your bitching and take it like a man

Countless sabers of burning white-hot energy pierce my eyes and pass on through to my brain, frying it in my skull.

For all I know, this could very well be the end of me. Drama queen

The relentless stabbing continues, bringing my soul further agony. It's time for you to wake up

I've lived out this vicious cycle far too many times to count. I've done this song and dance time and time again, always futilely holding on to some hope that I could weather the onslaught and resume the peaceful life I so deeply desired. Still not a morning person, I see

The tide of fiery death rages on, beating down on me until my mind is lost in its terrifying brilliance.

Where once there was comfort and serenity, there remains but a single pinprick of black against an infinite sea of white.

This is the end, then.


I just wanted a comfy life. Was that so much to ask? Yes, now get your ass up and quit sleeping on the job

...Wakey wakey eggs n' bakey?

There we go!

Aw shit, I fell asleep again. Staying awake and being me at the same time is just too damn hard.

It ain't easy being OOW so good the whole universe revolves around the immense gravitational pull exerted by the sheer magnificence of my amazing self. *groan*

Speaking of which, where exactly was I sleeping?

[x] An endless expanse of smothering black, laying on my back by a bonfire, hands folded behind my head. In this world of darkness one can seldom tell up from down without the flame acting as a beacon. The energetic thrumming of the flawless and uncracked red orb in my pocket has roused me from my slumber. Off to work, I suppose.

[x] I was wading through a river in the pouring rain. I violently hack up water and savor the return of air to my lungs. Any longer under the surface and I would've been a goner. I snatch my patchwork canvas hat as it floats by, bobbing in the water. I seriously need to find a new hobby.

[x] Sitting at a computer console crafted from technology beyond my imagination, I peel my face off the keyboard and shake myself awake. The rhythmic beep of an alert and the flashing on-screen indicate an incoming service tram. I pull up the train's manifest; nothing but cargo and personnel as usual. A quick check of the security video feed shows the transport racing along an ocean of blue metal. At least my slothful attitude is relatively useful around here.

[x] Meditating on an outdoor bench in a baby blue janitor's jumpsuit. Here I am covered by a plethora of colorful birds, enjoying the last vestiges of quiet tranquility before this year's students arrive. The gentle babble of the fountain's flowing water is soon overshadowed by the roar of approaching airship engines. Hopefully this batch won't turn out like the last gaggle of little trigger-happy bastards.

[x] I am roused from my nap by the chiming of the small brass bell on the door. Customers. I take a brief glance back at my stock of knives, spools of metal wire, needles and assorted other pointy objects, the tools of the trade. I resume leaning on the plain wooden store counter and reading an old book I checked out from the local library as I was before nodding off. For the love of god, please let it not be a trio of idiots.

[x] I lean forward and wipe the drool on the corner of my mouth with my sleeve. These papers aren't going to fill themselves out, so I suppose I might as well take care of them. I barely notice my reflection in my computer's of my ever-helpful coworkers scribbled obscene images all over my face with sharpie. If this ink is anomalous, I swear to god…

[x] Write-in

Say hello to OOW Quest, party people! This little thing here is inspired by the original Salt Quest made by TehChron, the resident embodiment and distributor of saltiness. Some of OOW's peers over on the wdango thread (no you can't go there; it's for cool kids only) suggested he try something along this vein for his next Quest while he violently procrastinates in avoidance of his other Quests.

As the title would imply, this is a Self-Insert Quest.

Now before you walk out the door, let OOW make sure you are properly informed. This is not a Quest in which you control a self insert of OOW - that would quite frankly be ridiculous and in poor taste. Instead, you will be controlling the actions of other characters in the various settings explored as OOW tries to muddle his way through a barely passable self insertion.

OOW's Goal? To stay alive and sane.
Your Goal? To bring yourself sick amusement from toying with the universe from behind your computer screens. You monsters.

Now, OOW has instated more or less the same regulations as the original Salt Quest to keep the chaos relatively under control.

Each voter can make a single vote per voting round. Voters will roll two dice, a 1d20 and a 1d100. The 1d20 will select the character whose actions you are dictating. The 1d100 determines whether or not that attempted action was successful.

If a selected character's actions appear to be strikingly out of character, a higher 1d100 score is required for success. Near-impossibilities may require a natural 100 to be realized.

A natural 1 on a 1d100 roll nets that character a Critical Failure. Not only will they fail, but they will fail so hard they just might even succeed in a devastating series of possibly explosive accidents, like a Rube Goldberg Machine of pure fail.

Each character rolled for by voters will be allotted no more than 2-3 actions per voting round. The highest scoring 1d100 roll will determine which action takes priority, whereas the second-highest scoring 1d100 will determine that character's secondary action.

If multiple votes are made for the same combination of character and action, the 1d100 scores of those votes will be added together and compiled into a mean score.

Keep in mind there may be some cursing depending on the level of stress brought about by certain situations. While OOW will strive to keep cursing to a minimum for a clean Quest, you all have been warned and acknowledge the risks posed to your sanity by reading on.

You will be provided a Character Sheet to keep track of OOW's Health, Sanity and whatnot. If OOW's Health counter hits zero, he dies, obviously. If OOW's Sanity reaches zero or, gods forbid, dips into the negative values, he may very well enter a demented frenzy. What happens from there is anybody's guess.

For this Quest, OOW will be distributing "∅ Points," a form of worthless internet currency that is inherently superior to wpoints and Salt Tokens. These points can be spent to modify your 1d100 rolls, lowering the required score for a success, among other uses. They will be awarded to players as they amuse OOW. ∅ Points will be kept track of on a nifty little table below.
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Index & Character Sheet
Character Sheet

Health: 100/100
Aura: 50/50
Sanity: 100/100
True Name: The Out Of World
Aliases: J. Cricket, Keyser Söze, Phantom Stranger, "Kill Me"
Titles: Self-Proclaimed Lord of Otherworldly Things, Chief Sanitation Officer, High Inquisitor
Semblance: Hydration/Moisture
Hair: Bald
Eyes: Green
Height: Estimated at 7'3", subject's height is difficult to determine due to constantly slouching or hunching over to pass through doorways.
Favorite Food: Footlong Philly Cheesesteak with extra mushrooms
Likes: Money, Naps, Revenge, Immolation
Dislikes: Work, Spiders, Strenuous Effort, Hair, Dedication, etc.
Miscellaneous: Does not believe in the existence of the moon; claims it is the back of the sun despite all evidence to the contrary.

  1. Baby Blue Janitor Uniform(s)
  2. Navy Blue Janitor Uniform(s)
  3. Stylish Crimson Janitor Uniform(s)
  4. Mysterious Phantom Ensemble
  5. Mantis Panoptes; three-stage Mop/Cavitation Hammer/Amphibious Flechette Rifle
  6. Assorted Chemicals

∅ Points

Points are displayed to the right of your username.

Illusion 2∅ ziizo 0∅ notmi 2∅
Bondo 1∅ TehChron 15∅    
Retsof 2∅ Karuadin 15∅    
Mykenae 2∅ Shintouyu 6∅    
RandomLurker 3∅ InfiniteDaze 1∅    
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[x] I lean forward and wipe the drool on the corner of my mouth with my sleeve. These papers aren't going to fill themselves out, so I suppose I might as well take care of them. I barely notice my reflection in my computer's of my ever-helpful coworkers scribbled obscene images all over my face with sharpie. If this ink is anomalous, I swear to god…
[x] Meditating on an outdoor bench in a baby blue janitor's jumpsuit. Here I am covered by a plethora of colorful birds, enjoying the last vestiges of quiet tranquility before this year's students arrive. The gentle babble of the fountain's flowing water is soon overshadowed by the roar of approaching airship engines. Hopefully this batch won't turn out like the last gaggle of little trigger-happy bastards.
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[x] An endless expanse of smothering black, laying on my back by a bonfire, hands folded behind my head. In this world of darkness one can seldomtell up from down without the flame acting as a beacon. The energetic thrumming of the flawless and uncracked red orb in my pocket has roused me from my slumber. Off to work, I suppose.

First option is dark souls right?
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[x] I lean forward and wipe the drool on the corner of my mouth with my sleeve. These papers aren't going to fill themselves out, so I suppose I might as well take care of them. I barely notice my reflection in my computer's of my ever-helpful coworkers scribbled obscene images all over my face with sharpie. If this ink is anomalous, I swear to god…

Is this Site 19? Also, 3 Bozos for 1
∅ Point?
As always, mpoints remain the most valuable of the worthless currencies.

[Exchange rate time: 3 ∅ Points for 2 mpoints?]
[x] I am roused from my nap by the chiming of the small brass bell on the door. Customers. I take a brief glance back at my stock of knives, spools of metal wire, needles and assorted other pointy objects, the tools of the trade. I resume leaning on the plain wooden store counter and reading an old book I checked out from the local library as I was before nodding off. For the love of god, please let it not be a trio of idiots.

First option is dark souls right?
+2 ∅ for smurty pants
[x] I lean forward and wipe the drool on the corner of my mouth with my sleeve. These papers aren't going to fill themselves out, so I suppose I might as well take care of them. I barely notice my reflection in my computer's of my ever-helpful coworkers scribbled obscene images all over my face with sharpie. If this ink is anomalous, I swear to god…

Is this Site 19? Also, 3 Bozos for 1
∅ Point?
+2 ∅
*scoffs again*
[x] Meditating on an outdoor bench in a baby blue janitor's jumpsuit. Here I am covered by a plethora of colorful birds, enjoying the last vestiges of quiet tranquility before this year's students arrive. The gentle babble of the fountain's flowing water is soon overshadowed by the roar of approaching airship engines. Hopefully this batch won't turn out like the last gaggle of little trigger-happy bastards.

Airships and trigger-happy students? Sounds like RWBY... this will be glorious!
[x] Meditating on an outdoor bench in a baby blue janitor's jumpsuit. Here I am covered by a plethora of colorful birds, enjoying the last vestiges of quiet tranquility before this year's students arrive. The gentle babble of the fountain's flowing water is soon overshadowed by the roar of approaching airship engines. Hopefully this batch won't turn out like the last gaggle of little trigger-happy bastards.

Airships and trigger-happy students? Sounds like RWBY... this will be glorious!
+2 ∅
Let's see if you chumps can figure out the rest
[] I am roused from my nap by the chiming of the small brass bell on the door. Customers. I take a brief glance back at my stock of knives, spools of metal wire, needles and assorted other pointy objects, the tools of the trade. I resume leaning on the plain wooden store counter and reading an old book I checked out from the local library as I was before nodding off. For the love of god, please let it not be a trio of idiots.

Naruto. :V

I'm surprised there isn't a BlazBlue option.
[x] An endless expanse of smothering black, laying on my back by a bonfire, hands folded behind my head. In this world of darkness one can seldomtell up from down without the flame acting as a beacon. The energetic thrumming of the flawless and uncracked red orb in my pocket has roused me from my slumber. Off to work, I suppose.

Is the service tram option FF7? Only train-related scene I can think of off the top of my head that fits.
[x] An endless expanse of smothering black, laying on my back by a bonfire, hands folded behind my head. In this world of darkness one can seldomtell up from down without the flame acting as a beacon. The energetic thrumming of the flawless and uncracked red orb in my pocket has roused me from my slumber. Off to work, I suppose.

Is the service tram option FF7? Only train-related scene I can think of off the top of my head that fits.
[x] Meditating on an outdoor bench in a baby blue janitor's jumpsuit. Here I am covered by a plethora of colorful birds, enjoying the last vestiges of quiet tranquility before this year's students arrive. The gentle babble of the fountain's flowing water is soon overshadowed by the roar of approaching airship engines. Hopefully this batch won't turn out like the last gaggle of little trigger-happy bastards.

Is this RWBY?
Light. It's only the sun

Pain. Quit your bitching and take it like a man

Countless sabers of burning white-hot energy pierce my eyes and pass on through to my brain, frying it in my skull.

For all I know, this could very well be the end of me. Drama queen

The relentless stabbing continues, bringing my soul further agony. It's time for you to wake up

I've lived out this vicious cycle far too many times to count. I've done this song and dance time and time again, always futilely holding on to some hope that I could weather the onslaught and resume the peaceful life I so deeply desired. Still not a morning person, I see

The tide of fiery death rages on, beating down on me until my mind is lost in its terrifying brilliance.

Where once there was comfort and serenity, there remains but a single pinprick of black against an infinite sea of white.

This is the end, then.


I just wanted a comfy life. Was that so much to ask? Yes, now get your ass up and quit sleeping on the job

...Wakey wakey eggs n' bakey?

There we go!

Aw shit, I fell asleep again. Staying awake and being me at the same time is just too damn hard.

It ain't easy being OOW so good the whole universe revolves around the immense gravitational pull exerted by the sheer magnificence of my amazing self. *groan*

Speaking of which, where exactly was I sleeping?

[x] An endless expanse of smothering black, laying on my back by a bonfire, hands folded behind my head. In this world of darkness one can seldom tell up from down without the flame acting as a beacon. The energetic thrumming of the flawless and uncracked red orb in my pocket has roused me from my slumber. Off to work, I suppose.

[x] I was wading through a river in the pouring rain. I violently hack up water and savor the return of air to my lungs. Any longer under the surface and I would've been a goner. I snatch my patchwork canvas hat as it floats by, bobbing in the water. I seriously need to find a new hobby.

[x] Sitting at a computer console crafted from technology beyond my imagination, I peel my face off the keyboard and shake myself awake. The rhythmic beep of an alert and the flashing on-screen indicate an incoming service tram. I pull up the train's manifest; nothing but cargo and personnel as usual. A quick check of the security video feed shows the transport racing along an ocean of blue metal. At least my slothful attitude is relatively useful around here.

[x] Meditating on an outdoor bench in a baby blue janitor's jumpsuit. Here I am covered by a plethora of colorful birds, enjoying the last vestiges of quiet tranquility before this year's students arrive. The gentle babble of the fountain's flowing water is soon overshadowed by the roar of approaching airship engines. Hopefully this batch won't turn out like the last gaggle of little trigger-happy bastards.

[x] I am roused from my nap by the chiming of the small brass bell on the door. Customers. I take a brief glance back at my stock of knives, spools of metal wire, needles and assorted other pointy objects, the tools of the trade. I resume leaning on the plain wooden store counter and reading an old book I checked out from the local library as I was before nodding off. For the love of god, please let it not be a trio of idiots.

[x] I lean forward and wipe the drool on the corner of my mouth with my sleeve. These papers aren't going to fill themselves out, so I suppose I might as well take care of them. I barely notice my reflection in my computer's of my ever-helpful coworkers scribbled obscene images all over my face with sharpie. If this ink is anomalous, I swear to god…

[x] Write-in

Say hello to OOW Quest, party people! This little thing here is inspired by the original Salt Quest made by TehChron, the resident embodiment and distributor of saltiness. Some of OOW's peers over on the wdango thread (no you can't go there; it's for cool kids only) suggested he try something along this vein for his next Quest while he violently procrastinates in avoidance of his other Quests.

As the title would imply, this is a Self-Insert Quest.

Now before you walk out the door, let OOW make sure you are properly informed. This is not a Quest in which you control a self insert of OOW - that would quite frankly be ridiculous and in poor taste. Instead, you will be controlling the actions of other characters in the various settings explored as OOW tries to muddle his way through a barely passable self insertion.

OOW's Goal? To stay alive and sane.
Your Goal? To bring yourself sick amusement from toying with the universe from behind your computer screens. You monsters.

Now, OOW has instated more or less the same regulations as the original Salt Quest to keep the chaos relatively under control.

Each voter can make a single vote per voting round. Voters will roll two dice, a 1d20 and a 1d100. The 1d20 will select the character whose actions you are dictating. The 1d100 determines whether or not that attempted action was successful.

If a selected character's actions appear to be strikingly out of character, a higher 1d100 score is required for success. Near-impossibilities may require a natural 100 to be realized.

A natural 1 on a 1d100 roll nets that character a Critical Failure. Not only will they fail, but they will fail so hard they just might even succeed in a devastating series of possibly explosive accidents, like a Rube Goldberg Machine of pure fail.

While players may not edit their posts after having rolled any dice (OOW is always watching and will know when you try this kind of shit), they may instead make a new vote during that same voting round with a new set of dice rolls in a new post. Your new votes will replace your old ones, so don't whine if you eliminate your successful roll with another vote.

Each character rolled for by voters will be allotted no more than 2-3 actions per voting round. The highest scoring 1d100 roll will determine which action takes priority, whereas the second-highest scoring 1d100 will determine that character's secondary action.

If multiple votes are made for the same combination of character and action, the 1d100 scores of those votes will be added together and compiled into a mean score.

Keep in mind there may be some cursing depending on the level of stress brought about by certain situations. While OOW will strive to keep cursing to a minimum for a clean Quest, you all have been warned and acknowledge the risks posed to your sanity by reading on.

You will be provided a Character Sheet to keep track of OOW's Health, Sanity and whatnot. If OOW's Health counter hits zero, he dies, obviously. If OOW's Sanity reaches zero or, gods forbid, dips into the negative values, he may very well enter a demented frenzy. What happens from there is anybody's guess.

For this Quest, OOW will be distributing "∅ Points," a form of worthless internet currency that is inherently superior to wpoints and Salt Tokens. These points can be spent to modify your 1d100 rolls, lowering the required score for a success, among other uses. They will be awarded to players as they amuse OOW. ∅ Points will be kept track of on a nifty little table below.

Invisitext alert.

Also, what's the wpoint-∅point conversion rate?