Other Duties As Required (MLP)

Wasn't this what Fluttershy's job was? And if she'd have the same issue, she could use the same solution. Because it really doesn't have to be Page doing this, it could be a guard or someone that would tell him the truth.

Oh yeah, changelings. Literally what they're best at, infiltration and information gathering.

Issue with changeling going undercover, is that within the lands of Equestria, part of the agreement for co-existance made it illegal for changeling to completely hide their nature. So if one were to do that, either a) non-changelings find out and assume a hostile hive, and/or b) non-changelings find out and said changeling gets punished for violating the agreement.

Fluttershy...is possible...if she weren't...Flutters. sure she has improved by leaps and bounds in this fiction, but acting still isn't her strong suit and in addition given her job requires her to be on the ground and up in every ponies business, her vanishing will be much more noticeable then the Page going on a meditation retreat. And a whole lot harder to explain.
I smiled at Sparks, "Now, remember to try to actually get some relaxing done as well. No need for a full schedule of events."

That earned me a look from Sparks, but Sunset smiled, "Don't worry, I won't let her," she said before her ears perked up, "And they are finishing the loading. We should get going."

I nodded and gave them each a soft kiss, "And remember, have fun."

Twilight kissed back, "We will," she agreed, "Miss you."

"Miss you too, Sparks," I said and then winked, "But we can always meet you know where."

"See you there," Sunset said and then pulled Twilight alone, "They're waiting for us!"

"And I need to get going too," I said and waved before I wrapped myself in a teleport and suddenly I was in one of the underground shelters at the train station.

Midnight, Amber, Thorax, Spike and Talon were already there.

"Okay," I said, "We need to move quickly. Everypony knows the plan?"

"Got it, sir," Amber agreed and green fire flowed across her and suddenly there was a second Blank Page facing me. I blinked at her and looked her up and down. Do I really look like that?

"And this is for you," Midnight said as she approached, "This is still a bad idea, mind you."

I smiled, "But it's going to work, right?"

"Yes," she grumbled, "Most likely," and floated a small metal stud from a box, "This will transform you to look like a batpony fully. It will be a physical transformation, but you'll still be an alicorn beneath so you'll have your magic. Don't want to risk this on an illusion."

I eyed the metal stud, "...I thought we talked about illusion and necklace. I know how you Sparkles are about transfiguration magic..."

That earned me a glare, "You asked me, remember? I can pick where I put this, it can be ear, tongue or somewhere else. So feel free to keep talking."

I shut up.

Somepony woke up on the wrong side of bed this evening. Midnight is as scary as Sparks when angry.

"Anyway, it's not quite the same as transfiguration," she explained and it floated out of my field of view and there was a sharp pain through my right ear.

I managed to keep quiet, but that stung!

A cold sensation flowed through and across me and suddenly I was looking up at her. I must have shrunk at least a hoof in height!

She took a sponge and dripped some sort of potion at it before dabbing it at my ear, "There," she said, "Should stop hurting in ten minutes or so. A necklace could have gotten snagged somewhere and revealed the entire thing."

"Here's the bags," Spike said, carrying a pair of worn looking saddle bags over to me, "Your name is Night Wind, goes by Night. You're from a small village on the other side of the Everfree forest named 'Waterdeep'. We haven't gotten any ponies moving in here from there yet or even from the general area."

I slipped the bags over my back and looked at myself.

Batpony stallion of average height, grey coat, black mane, amber slitted eyes. An open book cutiemark.

"...How in the world did you fake my cutiemark, I thought that was impossible," I asked.

"Complicated, and it's not faked. Just a lensing effect of intent. Now get going, thirty seconds!"

I nodded firmly, "Thank you!"

I focused on my magic to wrap myself in a teleport field. Time to see if I was still an alicorn!

Sure enough, the air before my forehead took on a familiar golden glow and I reappeared in the bathroom of one of the last passenger carts.

I took a deep breath, wanted ten seconds listening hard before I exited and jumped off the train, just as it started to move again. I landed easily on the train station, ears turning as I looked around.

"Welcome to Nocturnis!" somepony said and I looked over towards an approaching earth pony guard wearing the unicorn of the Nocturnis guard. For an earth pony, he wasn't especially big, about the size of Applejack actually.

"H-hi..." I said, taking a hesitant step back.

He stopped and smiled at me, "Relax. I'm Mashed Potato. Call me Pot. New arrival?"

I nodded, "Night Wind. Go by Night," I answered and blinked at him, "...Feels strange."

Potato nodded understandingly, "Got decursed by the Princess?"

"Yes, sir."

"You're walking after a couple of minutes, that's better than most. Must have gotten one of the weaker curses. You'll do fine," he said with a smile, "Come on, let's get you to the office and get you registered."

I paused, "...Registered?"

Potato nodded, "Just procedure. Need to know who moves to the village and all. It'll set you up with a place at the loft and a small starting stipend."


"Do you have any family in town already?" he asked as I started to follow him towards the small building at one side of the train station.

I shook my head, "No family. Just me."

He nodded, "Not uncommon," he admitted, "Here we go," he said with a smile and pulled the door open for me, "I'll wait outside."

"Thank you," I said and walked inside. It was late, the first rays of the sun starting to filter in through the high window and the mare by the desk looked sleepy. That quickly went away when she saw me however,

"Oh! A new arrival!" she said, her bat wings rising as she smiled.

I paused and stared at her. I had seen enough new arrivals to know that was the right reaction. Many bats that arrived had never seen another bat that wasn't a parent before. Seeing another of their kind, especially of the other sex had to be an experience.

She didn't seem to mind at all, just smiling at me, "I'm Cherry Blossom," she said and brushed her mane back with a hoof, "And you?"

"Oh, sorry!" I quickly said and glanced away, "I'm Night Wind. I-I'm new."

Blossom nodded, "Welcome to Nocturnis. You're the only one this time?"

I nodded, "Yeah," I said and moved to sit down on the chair she directed me towards.

She smiled, "Let's get you registered then. Possibly tonight, you might get to meet Prince Page. He likes meeting all the new arrivals if possible."

I slowly nodded, "I see."

She got some papers together, "Alright Night Wind... previous place of living?"



I shook my head, "...No."

Blossom's smile turned a bit sad, "I understand. Occupation?"

"I was a technical writer. I'm not sure that works out here," I admitted.

Blossom shrugged, "You never know," she said and put it down, "And that's pretty much what we need!"

I looked at her in surprise, "What, really?"

"Yes," she said, "This is mostly a census so we know how many and which ponies we have in town and to get you registered for a place to stay. There is a waiting time for somewhere private unless you build it yourself, but there is plenty of space on the loft to hang your tail. The guard will bring you to the village and show you where you can stay. Tomorrow somepony from the welcoming office will come and meet you and show you around, get you signed up with the employment office. See if we can't find something that fits you."

Slowly nodding, I met her eyes, "Thank you."

Blossom smiled at me and jumped off her chair to round her desk. She gently put her hoof against my shoulder as she looked into my eyes, "Welcome to Nocturnis. You're free now."
Throw up the red flags!
I mean...

Bat-Ponies are *still* heavily discriminated against, and that's without getting into the fact that as a sub-species of Pony, they were effectively breeding themselves out of existence.

Like, this *one* town is basically the only place where there wouldn't be quite significant issues for them.
I mean...

Bat-Ponies are *still* heavily discriminated against, and that's without getting into the fact that as a sub-species of Pony, they were effectively breeding themselves out of existence.

Like, this *one* town is basically the only place where there wouldn't be quite significant issues for them.
On the one hand yes. On the other she didn't say home now she said free now. Which makes me read some religious fervor in that line. And given his Alicorn status there good reason for a cult. So I am worried if we're about to discover a very different idea of Nocturnis than we (Page) had of it.

...every religion has it's nutters.
I blinked awake, looking across the small room at the wooden wall. The small glassless window revealed the final rays of the sun as they cast across the room.

I was at the loft, the temporary living place for ponies that arrived with nowhere else to stay. It wasn't much, but it did give every pony or every family that arrived a private room and a choice of cot or perch.

It was very bare bones. Mostly a wooden box, some simple furnishing. The only real decoration was a map of the village on the wall, pointing out the important places.

There was a knock on the door and I blinked sleepily before letting go with my tail, spreading my wings and landing on my hooves on the floor before moving to open it, finding a rather cute batpony outside.

"Night Wind?" Fluttershy asked with a smile, "Good evening. My name is Fluttershy, I'm going to be your guide today."

I blinked at her. I didn't expect Fluttershy! I knew she was in the pool of guide ponies, but there were like twenty ponies there!

"L-Lady Fluttershy!"

She smiled at me, "No need for that, I'm just Fluttershy," she said, "Are you hungry?"

"A bit," I admitted, "I don't have many bits..."

"Don't worry about it," she said, "Come along."

I followed, walking next to her, "Where are we going?"

"Feeding hall," she explained, "Anypony that's hungry can go there for food if they have nothing else. It's nothing fancy, mostly they provide local fruits and sometimes a bit of meat if there has been a recent hunt. If you are a day pony, they also provide you with grain as they need it to stay healthy."

"We don't need grain?" I asked as I slowly nodded, "And we eat meat?"

Fluttershy nodded with a smile, "We don't need grain. But we do actually need a bit of meat in our diet to stay healthy. I know it might sound like a lot to get used to, but it's actually easier than you think."


"Don't worry, most eat mostly fruit, meats expensive. When you start to earn bits, there is the market with different foods, both imported and home grown such as rice."

Looking around as we walked along one of the bridges between trees, lights came on around in places around the village as my eyes quickly adapted to the gathering darkness as she led me to the feeding hall.

It was a different converted bunkhouse at the next tree over. She led me inside, "Here we are," she said before waving at an earth pony unloading a cart of fruit onto a large table, "Hey Steady. What do we have today?"

Steadfast smiled at her, "Sky Melons, Fluttershy. All you can eat. Newcomer?" she asked, looking at me.

Fluttershy nodded, "This is Night Wind. Night Wind, this is Steadfast, she is usually the pony running this place. She goes around to the harvesters and merchants to gather what they can spare."

Steady smiled at me, "And today, Sky Melons. Ever had one?"

I shook my head, "I heard about them... I think they sell them in Canterlot? Expensive."

"Expensive in Canterlot. Here they grow commonly," she said and shrugged slightly, "Think a giant blueberry and you're not far off. Anyway, I need to go see what else I can scare up. Enjoy!"

Steady left and I slowly approached the table, picking one up with a hoof.

Fluttershy walked up next to me and did the same before slamming one side of it against the edge of the table, cracking it before she pulled it apart to get to the insides, "Like this?"

I copied her.

Soon we were both eating. I really should eat more skymelon, they were really good. Wonder why we don't get them much at the castle?

"Many eat here?" I ask her as more ponies start to file in.

Fluttershy nodded, "Most ponies eat here at least a couple of meals a week. Nopony in Nocturnis is very rich and food can be expensive, especially if you're a daypony and need imported goods. If you're saving money for something like new tools or something like it, you get really familiar with this place."

I looked down at my half eaten skymelon. These were the ponies that had pooled bits to commission me a silver crown.

"I see," I said as I got my emotions back under control, "Speaking of jobs, where can I find one? Could I start applying to places?"

Fluttershy smiled, "We're actually more organized than that. Once we eaten, we'll go to the employment office. There you'll get your starting stipend and we'll see what jobs are available. When somepony need a pony to work, they register it with the employment office who finds ponies that can do the job."

"And there might be one for me?"

She nodded, "We're always looking for ponies, there are always more jobs that need doing than there are ponies, so don't worry. There's going to be some way for you to earn bits."

"What about a place to stay? The loft is comfortable and all, but..."

Fluttershy nodded, "A place of your own is always nicer," she agreed, "That may take a while I'm afraid, especially as a single pony. We're building as fast as we can, but new places are first come first serve and families have priority."

"Makes sense," I agreed.

Fluttershy smiled at me and actually shot me a wink, "On the other hoof, you're a single stallion. I don't expect that to last for long around here."

Was Fluttershy flirting with me?

Wow, she really has changed since she moved here. Old Fluttershy even five years ago would have spontaneously combusted at the very idea.

I felt the inside of my ears turn a bit red and I focused on my meal.


"And here we are," Fluttershy said and led the way into a building and over to an unicorn, "Lights Dawn, this is Night Wind. He's a new arrival. We're looking to register for the stipend and for employment."

Lights Dawn nodded to me. She was an older unicorn with grey mane and almost but not quite white coat. I remember when she arrived in Nocturnis, apparently to support her bat pony granddaughter.

"Welcome to Nocturnis," she said and shuffled some papers around, "Ah, where we go. Night Wind, origin of Waterdeep. Trade, technical writer?"

I nodded and moved to sit down on the chair as she motioned for me, "Correct, ma'am."

She lit her horn and pulled out a drawer, picked out a small pouch and put it on the desk, "Your new arrival stipends fifty bits. You have food and board at the loft and feedhall, this is for essential items you may be missing."

"Understood, ma'am."

Lights Dawn studied me for several moments, "Technical writer?" she finally asked.

"Yes, ma'am. I understand that might not be in demand here, but I have done other things growing up. I helped out on the farms around home, some for extra bits."

She made a thoughtful sound, "What do you think about working in a shop?" she asked, "How are you with numbers?"

"I know several of them."

Apparently, she had left her sense of humor behind when she moved to Nocturnis, so she simply nodded, "The alternative would be harvesting or woodcutting, those are most in demand right now and I do not think you have the physique for those. Perhaps fruit harvesting."

"I would like to try the shop work, ma'am," I suggested, "I've done so once or twice before". That would be perfect anyway, allowing me to talk with so many ponies.

She pushed her glasses a bit further onto her nose, "Very well, we'll give it a try," she said and moved to get a paper, "Take this," she said and handed it over to me, "Present this to Iron Brand, he runs the general store."

I took it and the little bag of bits, putting both into my bag, "Yes, ma'am."

Lights Dawn finally cracked a small smile, "And welcome to Nocturnis. Don't worry, this is just to get you back onto your hooves. You're not forced to work anywhere, if it does not work out, just come back here and I'll see if I can find you something else. Or find it on your own."

I nodded, "I will, ma'am. Thank you."
Fluttershy smiled at me and actually shot me a wink, "On the other hoof, you're a single stallion. I don't expect that to last for long around here."

Was Fluttershy flirting with me?

Wow, she really has changed since she moved here. Old Fluttershy even five years ago would have spontaneously combusted at the very idea.

I felt the inside of my ears turn a bit red and I focused on my meal.

"And here we have a candidate for the new marefriend I've been predicting!"
"You remember that this is not an inherently monogamous society, right? Discord would be a particularly chaotic metamour, but the default assumption here is that nobody is exclusive."
Ah, no, that's not it. But it's a multi part issue; if Fluttershy would be interested, if Discord would agree with the idea and choice, and the most important: Page would then have to interact with Discord much much more than he'd ever wanted so far. So no. Also Page doesn't want another male in the equation.
Yah, Discord is a thing. I mean, meeting under very false pretenses also isn't a great impression for that kinda romantic thing. Some ponies wouldn't mind but Fluttershy strikes me as the sort to be a bit irritated.

The ponies he meets will probably forgive him knowing it was for the benefit of any newcomers to Nocturnal. But while the whole false identity thing works in feudal myth because the king can do whatever he wants, in a more modern society it kind of undermines their trust in their ruler by showing he doesn't trust them.

An assigned changeling agent wouldn't have that risk, but would lose us this cool narrative of learning how things work for the everyday thestral.
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An assigned channeling agent wouldn't have that risk
Aside from the fact that it's legally a crime for them to hide the fact they're a Changeling, and the fact that even if they pulled it off, it wouldn't give him the first hand perspective that he wants, since most of the people under him have a bad habit of telling him what he wants to hear, and not what's actually going on.
Aside from the fact that it's legally a crime for them to hide the fact they're a Changeling, and the fact that even if they pulled it off, it wouldn't give him the first hand perspective that he wants, since most of the people under him have a bad habit of telling him what he wants to hear, and not what's actually going on.
I think, based on the fact they are currently impersonating Page with his permission, Page is allowed to give them a royal dispensation on that.
"So what do you think so far?" Fluttershy asked with a smile as she led the way along one of the main bridges in the rough direction of the so-called castle.

I moved to the side to be out of the way of a pair of earth ponies carrying planks. I waited until they were out of the way before I answered, "It seems... nice. It's different from where I used to live, a lot more different."

"Any family there?"

"No," I said and shook my head.

Fluttershy nodded a bit, "You're not the only one here. A lot of ponies come here alone. We have even some non-bats arriving looking for somewhere they can build something new."

"Oh. That's the lower town I saw?"

She shook her head, "No, even if a lot of them do prefer to live there. The lower town is mostly made up of ponies without wings; they find it much more comfortable to have their hooves on the ground."

I glanced over the railing of the bridge and the deep drop below, "I guess I can see why," I admitted.

Without wings, working here had to be a bit nerve wracking before you got used to it.

Fluttershy smiled and looked down, "Not all have moved down. Some still prefer to live up here. And some with wings live down on the ground, even some of us bats."

"Is the entire town nocturnal? Even the... non bats?"

She shook her head and started walking again, "No, but the great majority are, especially among us bats. We can be awake during the day, but it takes effort and makes a lot of us feel sleepy."

"I always did have trouble staying awake at school," I agreed, "So what do you do when not guiding new ponies around?"

Fluttershy smiled, "I'm on one of the hunting teams and I help take care of the livestock. I also have some duties to the Prince."

"Oh really?" I asked, "Like what?"

She shrugged her wings a bit, "Mostly organizational for holidays and such."

"What about the other parts? Livestock and hunting?" I asked as we approached the commercial district.

Fluttershy shook her head, "It's not as horrible as it may sound. Most things around here is really dumb and trying to eat us first anyway... and we do need meat in our diet."


She shrugged, "I wouldn't be mad at a cat for hunting a squirrel, she's just trying to eat. We're creatures too. We need to eat as much as the cat does... we're fine on mostly fruit, but we do need some meat after the decursing."

I slowly nodded, flicking one ear.

That had been the biggest thing for most batponies. They had lived with the usual equestrian view of such things all their lives. It was actually remarkable how quickly they adapted. Then again, I suppose it helped that it tasted good.

"Here we are," she said as we reached the general store before leading the way inside. The store wasn't big. Really, none of the buildings in the upper city were what you would call big, even the palace. The lower city was a different matter, especially the bath house which I was actually looking forward to trying. Anytime I went before I was just taken to my own private pool.

Kinda defeated the point in my opinion.

But my ponies had insisted on building the damn thing which meant I had to keep using it.

I followed her into the store where we almost ran into the owner. From the name Iron Brand, you would have expected an earth pony. But no, he was an older bat with a dark grey coat and almost white mane and tail, his mark being that of a golden bit.

"Miss Fluttershy," he said with a smile and a small bow, "How may I help you today? I'm afraid your shipment has not arrived yet."

She smiled, "Oh, that's not why I'm here," she said and motioned to me, "Brand, this is Night Wind. He's a new arrival and employment suggested he try here."

Iron Brand gave me an appraising look, "Night Wind," he said, "Ever worked in a store before?"

"Actually, yes," I said with a smile, "A book store when I was younger."

He nodded, "Might as well try you out," he admitted, "The last two were a complete loss, maybe you'll do better."

Well, I convinced you and everybody else to move to a monster infested jungle, how much more difficult could it be to sell... whatever is sold in a general store. Generals?

Damn, I have not really gone shopping for myself in… quite a few years now.

I suddenly felt rather out of touch.

I nodded firmly, "I'm going to give it my best."

"I'll be back to get him at the end of the night, "Fluttershy said and then looked at me, "Continue our tour then?"

"Yes please, Lady Fluttershy."

She nodded and left, the door closing behind her and I turned to Iron Brand,

"What's first, boss?" I asked with a smile.

He flicked one ear, "First, put your bag in the back. Then I'll show you the register. Then we get to work."

I quickly did as he told me before returning. The register wasn't the same as the one I used way back, but really there was a limited amount of change that could be done to one. It was simple enough.

"And you finish the ringing up by closing the drawer," I said with a nod, sliding it shut.

"Good," he said, "Then I have your first task. Go down the stairs in the back to the lower level, I have sacks of potatoes stored. I need then split up into smaller bags for easy purchase. Not everypony need forty pounds of potatoes at once, nor can afford it, nor the cooling spells to store them."

I nodded, "Potatoes are imported, right? Do we sell a lot of them?"

"Not to other bats," he said, "Some, but the majority goes to undertowners. For being imported goods, it's not that expensive. It's cheaper than grain in any case as we don't import it from as far away either."

"Can do, boss," I agreed with a nod, "How much a bag? One or two pounds?"

"Do two," he said, "Hundred of them should be enough."

Nodding, I trotted into the back of the store and then down the narrow staircase. The place wasn't lit, but the gloom wasn't enough to hinder my vision and small chirps of sonar made it easy enough to navigate.

Opening the door, I slipped inside and instantly shivered.

The room wasn't a freezer, but it couldn't have been more than five or so degrees above freezing. Coming from the thirty plus outside and into here felt like walking into a snowstorm.

The inside was almost pitch black and I looked around, finding the pressure pad I gave it a tap and a small little single glow crystal came to life, giving just enough illumination for me to see by.

Yep, that's a bunch of sacks of potatoes and other goods that liked the chill.

And a stack of much smaller empty sacks.

Might as well get to it.
So what is the point of this arc? We went from founding a Citystate to international politics to now the prince is roughing it for no reason when there is a LOT that needs to be done. It's not bad, good slice of life, just feels like an odd jump to me.
So what is the point of this arc? We went from founding a Citystate to international politics to now the prince is roughing it for no reason when there is a LOT that needs to be done. It's not bad, good slice of life, just feels like an odd jump to me.
And now he's checking out how things are for the common pony. Also, starting with some slice of life stuff is common for Hiver's stories. The major plot will probably revolve around the trade deal with the Gryphons and managing to pay off some of the debts to Celestia and Luna. Or it could be something entirely unrelated.
I checked the prices on the list and entered it into the register, "And fifteen for the potatoes puts us at a total of fifty three bits," I said with a smile.

She smiled back, her bat wings shifting slightly on her back, "Oh, any chance I could have some of those raisins as well?" she asked, pointing high on the shelf behind me.

"These?" I asked and reared up, grabbing one of the small bags with my other hoof put onto the lower shelf, "One or more?" I asked, glancing back at her.

"One should be enough, thank you," she said with a smile, "How much is that?"

"An even fifty five," I said after entering it, "Anything else I can do for you?"

She brushed a hoof through her mane, "Oh, no, I think that's all I can afford for now. You're new here? Haven't seen you before.

"Arrived this morning," I said, "Names Night Wind. Iron Brand was kind enough to give me a chance."

"Silver Arrow," she introduced herself and held out her hoof.

I reached across the counter and touched it with mine, "A pleasure."

She smiled and then started to count out the bits on the counter, "Come alone or with family?"

"Oh, just me," I said and scooped the bits into the register, "No family."

"I'm sorry."

I shook my head, "It's alright," I said with a small smile.

She nodded and started to pack her things away into her bag, "Well, welcome to Nocturnis. I'm sure things will go much better for you here. It can be difficult, but we like our town."

"Seems nice so far," I agreed.

"Oh, I should get going. Thank you so much for your help," she said before she left, giving me a final smile before leaving.

Well, at least everypony was so friendly. That's always nice to see, especially to a newcomer.

Iron Brand exited from the back, carrying a basket to restock the shelves behind the counter, "Was that Silver Arrow I heard?"

"Yep, seemed nice," I said and looked at the shelves, "That's the sixth bag of raisins I sold so far. Are they very popular?"

"I usually sell that many a week," he commented with a smirk, "Local fillies checking out the new colt, making you stretch for them."


I felt the inside of my ears turn a bit red.

"And on that note," he said and started to remove the raisins from the shelf, replacing them with what looked to be more expensive sewing thread spools.

Well, merchant is going to merchant I guess.

Also, do we really have that much of a lack of stallions around? Or is it just that I'm new? Sure, the form Midnight gave the transformation was on the nice looking side of average, but I wasn't that pretty.

The door opened and a unicorn wearing solar guard armor entered.

I turned to him with a smile, "Welcome, sir, how can I help you?" I asked.

"Pipe tobacco, please," he said, stopping by the counter, "Seventy bits worth."

"Of course," I agreed and looked at Iron Brand. He barely glanced at me before nodding towards the back.

Heading around into the back room, it didn't take me too long to find what I was looking for. Finding the weight and pricing chart on the wall next to it, I weighed out and packaged the right amount before returning.

"Sorry for the wait," I said and put the pack on the counter, "I'm brand new, still learning."

"Eh, it's alright," the guard said and counted out the bits, "Thanks."

I nodded, "Welcome back," I said and took the bits as he floated the pack into his bag on his way out.

The door closed behind him and Iron Brand scowled at the door, "Damn sunners think they own the place," he grumbled before going back to stocking the shelf.

I raised an eyebrow, "Sunners?"

He nodded, "Sun ponies. The Equestrians. Everything has gone downhill since they put up that damn base to keep an eye on us. They do nothing but cause trouble. Not enough they made us hide for thousands of years."

"...He seemed nice enough. And he did buy seventy bits of tobacco."

Iron snorted, "Nice now. Then something will happen, ponies will panic and they'll blame us for it. Tried to kill our Prince, they did. Couldn't stand us bats getting anything."

"I thought that was a random madpony."

Iron shook his head, "So they say. Don't buy it, more were involved. I know how things work."

"I'm not sure Princess Celestia woul-"

He looked at me, "I don't want to imply the Princesses know something about it," he said and sighed, "...Never done anything for me until Prince Page arrived. Used to hate the stupid bint. But Prince Page loves them, so I guess they have to be decent enough sorts so I likely was wrong about that. Don't mean other ponies weren't involved. You know how we'd been treated."

"...Yeah," I admitted, glancing down, "But there are a lot of ponies here that's not bats."

Iron shook his head, putting his hoof on my shoulder, "It's not the same. The ponies here may be bats or they may not be. They're our friends and neighbors. It's not about tribes, it's about some ponies not being able to stand anypony that's not like them."

"He seemed alright though."

Iron nodded, "But what is he really here for? Training? Or because the Equestrians don't trust us and put a base of sunnies close enough to do something about it if necessary? The Princesses might not even know about that plan."

I frowned but the door opened and Fluttershy poked her head inside,

"Hi, I'm back!" she said with a smile, "How have things been going?"

"Well enough," Iron Brand told her with a nod, "He'll do for now," he said and opened the register, counting out thirty bits onto the counter, "For your work today," he told me, "Come back tonight at dusk."

"Yes boss," I agreed with a nod, getting my bag before scooping the bits into it before I looked at Fluttershy, "Where next?"

She smiled at me, "Now, I'll show you around the usual landmarks."
It's hard to explain the guards are there specifically to look after Page in case of incidents because the bastard keeps getting into trouble and Luna and Celestia are Not Having It. Lol.

I mean, how do you even begin to explain "so my wife and her sister may be a tiny bit overprotective…"
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So, is there a real lack of men, or does Page have Alicorn Rizz even when disguised?
Page is currently pretty good looking, but not *so good* that he's Model Good, if that makes sense, he essentially accidentally stumbled on the perfect mix of 'Good Looking' and 'Approachable' from entirely base principles.

Plus, he's a Bat Pony in the Prime of his Life, so they're probably just 'enjoying the view' so to speak.