Other Duties As Required (MLP)

Aaaand we're full-circle again, because now I have to point out, once again, that trees are at least theoretically flammable and they definitely don't have this many trees at wherever the Kirin are currently living.
we do know from the chapter that the kirin live in wooden houses that dont spontaneously combust all the time, despite being in more arid conditions and that the kirin leader saw no risk in moving to nocturnis, since he was the one who suggested the move in the first place after hearing about it

and if there is anyone that should know how dangerous/risky kirin are to their environment its the leader of the them
Do we? Midnight said nothing about their living conditions. They may just as easily live in stone houses.

And as an additional point, even if all the rain is enough to keep the houses from burning up/spreading on the outside, it doesn't do shit to stop a fire from rampaging through a wooden building's interior.
Slipping back into wakefulness, I slowly blinked my eyes open. The sounds of the village drifted up from outside and it was well after sunset.

Not sure if it was my little tantrum or getting to spend some time with ponies I loved and talk things over that did it, but I felt more relaxed than I had in months.

Stuff is still bad, but we'll deal with it as it comes. Somewhere during… talks… today I even had some ideas. Vague unformed ideas, but ideas.

Pulling my wings a bit tighter around myself, I yawned before slowly relaxing and stretching before letting go with my tail. A flap of my wings put me down on the floor and I stretched again.


Leaving the bedroom for the living room, I find breakfast already laid out. Multiple kinds of fruits, diced mango, even a bowl of strawberries.

And a glass of ice tea.

Smiling, I moved to sit down, pulling the bowl of mango over and picking a cube up in my magic to eat.

Love mango. Luckily, they were really common in the jungle here, we were unlikely to ever run out of those at least.

There was a short knock on the door and I glanced up, "Enter."

Flower Rain slipped inside, "Good evening, your majesty," she said with a smile.

"Good evening, Flower," I answered, "Had breakfast yet?"

"Yes sir," she agreed with a nod, "Sleep well?"

I smiled a bit, "Actually yes. I did. And before I forget, Midnight is bringing some visitors back. They're Kirin and their entire village might be moving in if they like what they see."

Flowers eyed widened slightly, "Kirin? What's a Kirin? And how many?"

I flicked one ear, "Kirin are..." I started before I considered how to explain it, "They are to unicorns as bats are to pegasi. They have horns and magic, but it's more elemental. They apparently have scales on their backs like a dragon and manes that are more like that of a lion," I said before I frowned, "I never actually seen one myself."

Flower slowly nodded with a frown of her own, "They're coming here?"

I sighed and nodded, "Midnight found them on her expedition. I'm not sure we can handle that sort of influx easily, but they're barely a thousand of them left that we know of. Midnight thinks it may help moving them to a new environment."

"..Just a thousand," Flower said softly, her ears drooping, "But sir, at those population numbers..."

We had done a lot of research on sustainable population numbers during the setup of Nocturnis. The five thousand bats or so remaining was a safe number as long as we weren't dumb about it.

A thousand however...

That was on the lower limit of what was even possible.

I sighed and nodded, "I know. But nothing says they have to keep to themselves, all ponies are cross compatible. If we weren't, bats would have died out long ago."

Flower nodded in agreement before taking a deep breath, "A thousand, I'm not sure we had a single intake that big since forever."

"Yes," I agreed, "We're going to need to check with their representatives when they arrive, but I suspect they prefer to keep their hooves on the ground. That would make things easier."

"It would," she agreed thoughtfully, "But I know we don't have enough ground structures for them, even temporarily. But at least they're cheaper and faster to build."

I smiled, "Flower, they're not all arriving tomorrow. We have a couple of weeks until their representatives arrive and nothing says their entire village will pile onto a train at once even if they decide they like it and want to move here. We'll have plenty of time, they might even like to build their own housing. We don't know yet."

She slowly nodded, "That makes it better."

"It does," I agreed, "When they arrive, we'll find out more. If they eat like dayponies or what. In honesty, it would likely not be a bad thing to get more ponies that prefer being awake during the day, especially if they have magic. As I understand, lack of ponies with magic is one of the bottlenecks we have in several of our endeavors."

Flower now looked thoughtful, "That's also true, sir. It may be a problem if they need a lot of grains we can't grow here, but we could always expand our ricefields more to offset it a bit."

"We likely should anyway," I mused, "And on different spots in the river for redundancy. Our goal is for our population to grow after all and having a buffer for failed fields would be good."

She nodded, "We do have some of that, but we don't have enough ponies for many more of them. At least ponies that know how to farm."

"Don't have to be an earth pony to pull a plow."

Do you even plow for rice? I have no idea. I should likely know that.

"No, but it certainly helps," Flower said and sighed, "And bats as well as most pegasi are pretty useless at it. Not only are we too light to get a good enough grip, but our wings get in the way of harnesses. That along with the strength difference mean that earth ponies are something like five times faster in finishing a field. Maybe Kirin are farmers? They have to be, right?"

"Well, they had to eat something in that valley they lived in," I mused, "Another thing to check I suppose. But this might actually be a self solving issue as long as they don't just all jump on the train and arrive at once."

"Sounds like it," Flower said with a thoughtful frown, "I'll pull Solid and Fluttershy into it, see what they think. See if we can't have some preliminary site surveys so we have somewhere to show when the representatives arrive as an example on where housing can be built."

I nodded and chewed a piece of mango, "Good plan. We have a couple of weeks before their leaders even get here with Midnight. What's on the schedule for today?"

"Well, there is a meeting with the merchants council at midnight and then a guard inspection just after," Flower said, not even checking her clipboard, "After which there is an open four for three hours. And I have some new papers for you to look at after that and I'm sure Starlight has the same."

"Likely," I agreed and sipped my tea.

Starlight had really thrown herself into the administrative stuff. She seemed to like the structure of it, she was like some sort of bureaucratomancer.

She was actually really helpful.

Chewing on a strawberry, I then nodded, "Alright, anything for this evening until midnight?"

"Nothing scheduled, sir," Flower said with a smile, "So I guess you have a free evening. Any plans?"

I thought about going flying or something but then shook my head, "You know, I think I might just read a book."

"That sounds like a good plan."
I smiled, "Flower, they're not all arriving tomorrow. We have a couple of weeks until their representatives arrive and nothing says their entire village will pile onto a train at once even if they decide they like it and want to move here. We'll have plenty of time, they might even like to build their own housing. We don't know yet."

"Well, they had to eat something in that valley they lived in," I mused, "Another thing to check I suppose. But this might actually be a self solving issue as long as they don't just all jump on the train and arrive at once."
Shot yourself in the hoof there, Page.
The moon shone high above and I gazed up at it as we waited. Torches and light crystals had been set up all around the train station.

The moon was full and shone brightly, stars sparkling above and to my eyes it seemed like the entire station was lit like mid noon. But I had checked through a set of day goggles and apparently it was just barely lit to day ponies.

That's why lighting for this sort of thing only involves day ponies, no bats.

We just can't tell how bright something really is to somepony that's night blind. I mean, I can guess, but to be sure, it was just better to let somepony that didn't see right do it.

A bright light lit up the edge of my vision, drawing my attention. Moon Glow yelled out an order and all the guards went to full attention as the train passed through the shield.

It puffed steam, metal wheels screamed against metal tracks as it engaged its breaks and started to slow.

Finally it stopped with a huff of steam, smoke and water vapor drifting around us.

Good machine. Got everypony safely here.

The door opened and Midnight walked down the steps with a smile, "Page."

"Midnight," I said with a smile of my own, giving her a nod, "Welcome home."

She moved out of the way and a pair of... I assume Kirin followed her out. One was larger and taller than Luna, almost Celestia's size, the other seemed more similar to the size of a pony.

She had a pale beige coat with a green lion like mane that ran all the way down the back of her long neck and around the front of her chest. Her tail was long and narrow, ending in a puff of green and her horn was red, long and curved, about halfway up it split into a Y shape. She was not wearing a crown, but a gold diadem of sorts.

Her companion looked similar, but orange instead of green and pony sized. As they stepped down the steps, I saw that their hooves were split, like a deer instead of a pony.

The tops of their backs were covered in scales instead of a normal coat.

"Prince Page," Midnight said, "May I introduce Rain Shine, leader of the Kirin. And Autumn Blaze, a friend. Rain Shine, Blaze, Prince Page of Equestria, Ruler of Nocturnis."

I nodded to them, "Welcome to Nocturnis," I said with a smile before Midnight got the idea to continue listing stupid titles.

"We thank you, Prince Page," Rain Shine said with a nod of her own, "I have heard much of this place from Princess Midnight, I look forward to seeing it in person."

She had a nice voice.

I smiled at her, "I hope we can live up to it," I said and motioned towards the small docks, "This way."

"Is it true that there are few thestrals?" Rain Shine asked as she walked next to me, looking around.

I nodded with a small sigh, "Five thousand or so," I agreed, "It's part of why we built Nocturnis. To give bats a home, somewhere we belong. It's the first step to reversing that trend."

"...There are even fewer of us," Rain Shine said softly, "And we were all in one place."

"May I ask what went wrong?"

Her ears drooped slightly, "There never were a lot of us, I know as much. While we live long lives, we rarely have children. In time, it has taken its toll."

"I hope there is something we can do to help."

Midnight and Blaze were whispering about something and for some reason Midnight was glaring at her. I glanced back at them, "Midnight? Anything wrong?"

She blushed for some reason and shook her head, "Nothing wrong."

Rain Shine for some reason glared at Blaze for a second before turning back again and looking at the barge waiting for us. We have two of them now, one for cargo and the other like this one, set up to move people. It even had a canopy against rain and seats!

"This will bring us to the town?" she asked as she walked onboard with me.

"It's forty minutes or so away," I agreed, "When we built it, we considered building right by the railway, but the trees in this area are too small. At the time, the safest course was to build in the trees to avoid the large predators. This was before we had the shield."

"Is it that dangerous here?" Autumn Blaze asked as she jumped onto the barge.

I smiled at her, "Here? No," I said before motioning towards the shimmering edge of the shield, "Out there? Absolutely. We're safe on the river and inside the domes, but I would not recommend walking around on the ground out in the jungle outside the domes. Big things with big teeth can be found there."

Rain Shine looked out towards the jungle at the other side of the river before she looked towards Midnight, "This is where you wish for us to move?"

"Yes," she said, meeting her eyes, "I think it's better than the valley where you live. And you'll do better here than somewhere like Canterlot."

Rain Shine looked dubious but turned back to me, "Why settle here if it's so dangerous?"

I flicked one ear as the barge started to move and I walked over to the railing, "Several reasons," I said and sighed softly, "Historically bats have been discriminated against. Feared. Driven out. I would like to say modern Equestria is better, and it is... but better does not mean perfect. I wanted to build somewhere bats could feel safe to show who they are, live as they like. Safe from glares, stares and whispers. Why here exactly? It's where bats are from. The climate suits us perfectly, we don't do well with cold."

She frowned slightly in thought, slowly nodding.

We stood in silence for a long while before she spoke up again, "You think my Kirin may be treated like your bats."

I shook my head, "No. There is way too little history, my bats used to be cursed, bound by spells and blood magic.- It's a long story, but once in the far past, bats earned the fear they got by turning to blood magic in a war against the unicorns and became vamponies. That fear and history never went away, even after the bloodthirst and power was bound by a curse. There is no such history that I know of with the Kirin. They may fear you as different, but it would not take long for you to gain some acceptance at least locally."

Rain Shine frowned, looking down at the dark waters of the river, "According to the legends, my people came from the foals of unicorns and dragons. I do not know if it is true or not."

"Well, it fits the scales," I admitted, "And stranger things have happened."

"We did visit Canterlot on the way, I met Princess Celestia and Princess Luna," Rain Shine continued, "and toured the city."

"What did you think?"

"...The buildings were inspiring. Ponies stare a lot," she said with a small frown, "We have heard of the Princess of the Sun and Princess of the Moon of course. Meeting them was... special."

"They are very special ponies."

"They're your... marefriend is the term?"

I smiled and touched the feathers at the small braid in my mane, "Wife and marefriend. I'm currently only married to Luna."

"You are also involved with Midnight's sister and a unicorn named Sunset Shimmer?" she asked as she studied me.

I smiled and nodded, "I am. How do things work among your people?"

"Differently," she admitted and flicked one ear, "We're not like ponies. We have a roughly equal number of stallions and mares. It is very rare for a romantic relationship to involve more than two Kirin."

"Huh," I said, slowly nodding, "That certainly is different. Not unheard of among ponies either mind you."

"Only about half of households are made up of larger families," Midnight chimed in, "The rest are majority mare and mare however."

As we rounded a bend in the river, the lights of Nocturnis came into view and Rain Shine gasped softly.

I smiled as I looked towards the Town, it looked like a thousand fireflies lighting up the canopy of the trees ahead, "Welcome to Nocturnis."
Midnight and Blaze were whispering about something and for some reason Midnight was glaring at her. I glanced back at them, "Midnight? Anything wrong?"

She blushed for some reason and shook her head, "Nothing wrong."

Rain Shine for some reason glared at Blaze for a second before turning back again and looking at the barge waiting for us.
Ooh, interpersonal drama!
Rain Shine was quiet for several long moments, looking out over the town and its many lights.

"It is an interesting proposal," she finally said and turned her head to look at me once more.

"It has a lot of advantages, for bats and Kirin," I said with a nod, "And let you stay somewhere you find more comfortable, with great opportunities for trade."

Rain Shine nodded, "And leave us in your domain."

I smiled, "If you're worried about micromanaging, don't. I don't have enough hours in a night to handle everything I need to do, yet alone bother somepony else."

She shook her head, "That's not quite my point, Prince Page. We're not used to... Equestria. Nor being under another's power."

"Ah," I agreed and let out a sigh, "Well, there's some good news. You'd be beneath the same colony laws as Nocturnis and there would be some decades before taxes are expected. We would supply the shield pylons required, we have enough spare. Large predators don't really leave the jungle propper, but better safe than sorry. If you wished, you would be provided with a guard contingent. Be it Nocturnis or Solar. Or if you rather, we'd assist in training your own Kirin."

She was quiet for a couple of moments before she shook her head, "Moving from one small village in the middle of nowhere to a small village in the middle of nowhere does not sound like it will benefit my kirin in any way. At least our old home is safe."

"It may seem as much," I said, nodding, "But your old home is nothing but a slow trap. You noted as much yourself, your population is shrinking."

"And moving would help in which manner?"

I flicked one ear, "The manner where via trade and other movements of ponies back and forth through your village and Nocturnis will likely end up boosting your population."

One of her eyebrows went up, "You're talking of..."

"That is the usual way such matters happen," I said in amusement, "All ponies are cross compatible, I don't see a reason kirin wouldn't be as well. Sure, some foals will be non-kirin, but with your population as low as it is, any more kirin would be a massive bonus."

She shifted slightly, "...With non-kirin?"

"Yes, with non-kirin," I sighed, "I'm not saying anything specific, just that ponies have a tendency to get involved with each other. More ponies moving about helps. There's not enough of you for anything else."

Rain Shine studied me for a moment, "And would Canterlot not be better for this?"

"Absolutely," I agreed with a smile, "And I would be more than happy to assist if you wish to move there instead. But there are reasons why not somewhere heavily populated."

"Such as it would help Nocturnis?"

I snorted, "It sure would. But I could found my own fishing village and it'd be fine and have the same effect. In Fact if you decline, I will. No, what I was thinking of was kirin and ponies. Ponies are nervous about strange beings in the first place. Kirin are strange from their perspective, you can burst into flames, you look different. It'll scare ponies, make them nervous."

"Ponies in Nocturnis have not looked upon us like that."

"Ponies in Nocturnis are not the average pony," I pointed out, "Even disregarding my bats, the kind of pony that moves to a place like this is a bit strange."

She frowned, "Would they not get used to us?"

"Oh, absolutely. But moving somewhere like Canterlot you have a new issue. The Kirin, are they educated?"

"...To some level."

I nodded, "Finding jobs would be difficult. Especially all in one place. And if not in one place? There's so few of you left and you would be scattered to the four winds. It's what happened to my bats and there were a lot more of them originally."

"...It would be the end of the kirin," she said quietly.

"Possibly," I said before I sighed, "Rain Shine, I don't have all the answers," I said and jumped off my throne before walking over, looking up at her, "I just had an idea and thought I would give it to you. Think it over, talk to Midnight about it. Go back home, talk it over with your people, see what they think."

She frowned slightly, looking uncertain before she nodded, "I think I'll discuss it with Midnight first."

"Usually a good idea," I agreed, "She and her sister are way smarter than ten of me. Maybe she has some better ideas."

She nodded before turning slightly before pausing, "Good night, Prince Page."

"Good night, Rain Shine," I said as she left the throneroom.

"Trouble," Flower commented from her desk as soon as the door closed.

I turned to her, "When is it ever not trouble around here?" I asked her with a smile, "At least this one will solve itself."

She flicked one ear and frowned, "How do you figure that, your majesty?"

"Simple. Either they agree and make a village a few days from here and solve, oh, half a dozen different issues for us eventually, or they decide not to and buck off and become somepony else's problem."

Flower eyed me suspiciously, "And you will just let them risk going extinct if they leave and not get involved?"

I let out a sigh and just looked at her.

"Thought so, sir," she said with a small smirk.

"...I have no idea how, if they don't want me to," I said and jumped onto the throne to lay down again.

Flower actually smirked, "Well, I can think of a way. Like you said to Lady Rain Shine, the usual way poni-"

I just groaned as both Shade and Leaf giggled at me. Actually giggled, I didn't know the twins knew how!

"Yes, yes, very funny," I grumbled and let out a sigh, "...Well, whatever happens, it's not that urgent. In the meantime, I'm going to have a nap for a bit. I should talk with Sparks and Sunny, they should be starting back to Nocturnis soon."

"Wish them well from me," Flower said with a smile.

"As soon as they get back, it's your and Starlight's turn," I pointed out to her with a smile of her own, "Buck, bring that coltfriend of yours too."

Flower just rolled her eyes.

I smiled and got comfortable before closing my eyes and slipping into the dreamscape. Heading for Sanctuary I then changed my course as I saw a shimmer of a mane exiting a dream portal.

"My Sky."

Luna turned to me, "My Page," she answered and moved to meet me. Before I could say anything else, her lips found mine and her forelegs slipped around me, pulling me tight. I smiled and leaned into it, kissing back as her wings wrapped around me in turn.

"Miss me?" I finally managed to ask.

"Very much so, My Page," she said quietly.

"Me too," I said and leaned against her, "What I miss the most may be evenings spent in your tower, just relaxing by the fireplace, reading a book together."

"Those were good times," Luna agreed, nosing at my ear with a small smile.

I shifted and smiled up at her before I pounced.

Luna squeaked and fell onto her back and I landed on her, keeping her pinned with my hooves,

"Rawr, I got you now, Princess!"

Luna laughed and grinned up at me, "And what will you do with me now?"

I smirked and settled down, bumping my nose softly against hers, "I can think of a few things. How much time do we have?"

Luna sighed and her forelegs slipped around me, "Not long. I have court in perhaps twenty minutes. You are in a good mood this night."

"You know what, I am," I said, "I figured out some solutions to some problems," I told her before explaining what the plan was.

Luna slowly nodded as she stroked my mane, "...That makes sense. It's a good plan."

"Thank you," I said with a smirk, "Now, how much time until you need to wake up?"

Luna sighed, "Some ten minutes or so."

"I can work with that."

Luna squeaked in surprise.
I ducked, the wooden staff passing by above my head and I shifted mine, held between foreleg and body, my hoof crooked around it.

Swinging it around, I gripped it with my teeth to spin it around in a return strike and to my other foreleg.

Moon Glow shifted her own around and brought it up to block, bracing it against her neck with her foreleg to take the impact. It completely threw me off when I felt the impact and I almost dropped my staff.

She pulled back, shifting her weight and rested her staff against her neck, held with one hoof, "You let go too early, sir. Always keep two points of contact with the staff. Hooves, teeth, neck, does not matter. But two points of contact or you completely lose leverage."

"This is way harder than it looks," I admitted and shifted my staff around into the same resting position as she held.

I could use a spear okay. Sword, yeah, sure. In my magic primarily.

But I used a sword held in my teeth in the past during training with Luna.

But that's not the training Moon Glow had set up. No, she wanted me to use the staff like an earth pony. Which meant no magic, no wings.

The worst thing was that I couldn't even really argue with her logic that sticks were everywhere and if I got as far as needing to defend myself like that, my wings and magic likely weren't working.

"It really is," she agreed with a nod, "while some things carry over from the spear, you don't have that sharp point so you really need good leverage and grip. You can't just jab and let the sharp point carry it through, sir. You're several times stronger than me, but you saw how my staff blocked yours with no effort?"

"One point of contact," I agreed, slowly nodding, "Shifting it with my teeth is well and good, but don't let go until I have it with my other hoof."

Moon Glow smiled and nodded, "Correct. If it helps, sir, you're doing really good for somepony that has never used a staff before."

"My bruises appreciate your kind words," I said dryly, "Not quite true though. I have used a staff before, it was the first thing I learned actually when my wife was teaching me to defend myself. But it was always held in my magic which is very different."

She nodded, "Going up against a good unicorn is a nightmare," she admitted, "They'll always have an advantage in grip and reach, even if they don't blast you with magic. You have to break their concentration somehow. A bonk to the horn is ideal for that."

I nodded in agreement, "Yes, having a red hot steel spike driven through your head sure breaks my attention, Glow."

She grinned, "That's the point, sir."

"I thought the point was that you enjoyed the opportunity to beat me with a stick."

Moon Glow smiled, "Whyever would I ever do that, your majesty?"

"Maybe for all the stress I put you through?" I suggested with a smile of my own, "Seriously though, Glow. I appreciate it. Both the work you do and agreeing to help me practice. If nothing else, it's good exercise."

"You're welcome, sir," she said and then glanced up at the moon, "I think we should break for tonight. It's getting late."

I nodded in agreement again, "And if I don't get to reviewing those reports, Flower is going to borrow your stick," I agreed and hoofed over my staff when Glow offered to take it.

Glow grinned and nodded, giving me a small bow. I nodded to her and then headed over to where Leaf and Shade were waiting,

"And you two don't need to be enjoying yourself so much," I teased them.

I got a pair of innocent looks in turn,

"Whatever do you mean, sir?" Leaf asked.

I shook my head with a smirk, "I swear, I should sell tickets or something," I said and then reached up with my hoof to brush my mane back. Shade held out my silver circlet and I smiled at her,

"Thanks," I said and took it in my magic, putting it back onto my head. Didn't want to risk damaging it by getting hit in the head with a stick.

I felt my mane with my hoof again. Starting to get a bit long really, but Luna liked it and so did Sunset. Even so, I should likely have it looked at and maybe evened out a bit. My tail too for that matter.

There wasn't much scheduled for the rest of the night. Well, official stuff anyway, I had planned to visit Fern closer to sunrise but until then my schedule was actually fairly clear.

There was a stack of reports and various stuff waiting back on my desk, but right now I rather jump off the platform with my wings tied.

I couldn't even go visit Sparks and Sunny, they were working on getting back on Nocturnis time during the trip so we were still awake.

But I could visit Sunshine.

"I think a nap is in order after all of this," I said and stretched a bit, "Especially if I'm going to be running around with Fern later. I'll never know where that overgrown houseplant gets the energy."

"It's a mystery, sir," Leaf commented.

I grinned at her and then took to the air, heading for my balcony. It wasn't a very long flight and I didn't bother to land.

Slowing down, I swept in through the opening and then pulled up hard, turned it into a flip and my tail wrapped around the rafter. The momentum swung me up and I put all four hooves on the ceiling to brace against the impact before swinging back down again.

Careful motions with my wings quickly slowed my swinging down to nothing before I pulled my legs to myself and wrapped myself in my wings.

One yawn, a bit of magic and I was in the dream realm.

A quick sorting and de-nightmaring of dreams later, I trotted up to Celestia's dreamportal. It was silvery and blue. She was having a happy normal dream.

Smiling, I touched my horn to the silvery surface and slipped in through it.

The dream formed around me and I found myself standing on the grass of a hill. I could see the mountain Canterlot is built on the side off in the distance, but no city clung to its side.

Beneath the hill was a small village surrounded by fields, but it looked different. Straw roofs, wood and mut walls. A dozen smaller buildings and a larger one that was made completely of wood, looking a bit like a longhouse.

A river glittered in the sunlight next to the village and I could see earth ponies going about their business.

A quick glance around revealed Celestia, she was laying on the grass, surrounded by a group of ponies of all major tribes, unicorn, pegasus and earth pony.

She looked younger, barely larger than Cadance is now, her mane still a bright pink and not moving.

Her group was facing a small gathering of earth ponies, led by an elderly earth pony.

Solidifying the dream as I approached, I listened in.

They were talking about... staying the winter?

Celestia's ears perked up and she looked around before she spotted me. She smiled and then turned back to the older earth pony, "Birch, this is my stallion, Blank Page."

I gave the elderly earth pony a bow, wings spread but didn't speak.

She looked me over and then nodded before turning back to Celestia, "It's agreed. In return for favorable weather during fall, your group may put camp on this hill and move through the village at will."

"Thank you, Birch. We appreciate it. We will assure that weather is favorable for your crops."

As the earth pony delegation got up and moved away, I slipped in next to Celestia and settled down, "This was really early," I told her softly.

"It was," she agreed and smiled softly, "Two years."

"Two years?"

"Two years until it really starts," she said softly, "That's when villages had really started to join my sister and me. That's when the earthy pony empire took notice. What followed was a long time of strife," she sighed before turning to me, nosing at my ear, "But these two years were really good."

I shifted, leaning against her, "And this time, did you intend to create something like Equestria?"

Celestia laughed and then smiled at me, "As much as you intended to become a prince. No, my sister and I's goal at this time was to forge bonds between villages of the different tribes. To stop fighting and to increase trade."

"Well, you certainly succeeded there."

"Eventually," she said and then frowned, "Birch didn't survive the winter. She got ill soon after first snow."

"It was a rough time," I said quietly.

"...It was," Celestia agreed and then sighed, "One we must never return to," she said before she shook her head and then turned to smile at me, "I think this is a perfect time for a history lesson."

I had rather different ideas about what I rather spend the time doing, but I nodded anyway, "Of course, miss Celestia," I said with a smile, "What will I be learning today?"

"Let's go down to the village," she said and got to her hooves.

Nodding, I followed her.
I waited as the train started to pull into the station.

Screaming metal against metal, puffs of steam, drifting smoke.

The door of the train carriage opened and a pair of guards exited to take position by it, followed by...

I moved to meet them, "Sunny," I said with a grin, "Spa-mph!" I managed to say before Sunsets lips found mine and shut me up. Sparks pulled us both into a tight hug and I broke the kiss, giving her one in turn as I hugged back tightly.

We stayed like that for quite a while before slowly letting go. I dropped down on all four hooves with a smile, "Welcome home."

Twilight stretched a bit with a smile, "Oh, it's good to be home," she said and looked around.

"Yeah," Sunset agreed, "Manehattan was... strange."

I frowned a bit, "Strange bad?"

Sparks shook her head, "No, just strange. Sounds and smells were very different," she said and took a deep breath, "...This smells much more like home."

I smirked, "Coal smoke and hot metal?"

"No, jungle!" Sparks sighed and poked me with her wing, "Nocturnis still where we left it?"

"Uhm, more or less," I admitted, "Some things have been going on."

"Like what?" Sunset asked, one eyebrow raised as Moon Glow started to herd us towards the waiting sky carriages.

I shook my head, "Nothing serious or urgent. Most of it can wait until tonight when you two have had some time to rest."

"No," Sparks said and climbed into the carriage, glancing back at me, "Spill."

I climbed into the carriage with them, "Well," I said and flicked one ear in thought, "I started working out some. Twice a week I started to spar with Moon Glow."

"That sounds fun," Sunny said with a smile, "Think I can join?"

"Sure," I agreed with a grin, "Sparks?"

Twilight hesitated and then nodded, "...I likely should move more so, so yes. if you don't mind."


"What else?" Twilight asked from my right.

I flicked one ear, "Well... there's trouble with the solar guard base. Due to there now actually being consequences for guards that get arrested, they have banned anyone from there from going to Nocturnis. Been a couple of weeks so far, we'll see how long they last."

Twilight frowned, "That's not good."

"Not good at all," Sunset agreed from my left, "That's against the entire reason to have it here at all."

"Not completely, it really is for training," I pointed out, "But yeah, most of it. But it really was causing more issues than it was worth. Besides, I don't think it will last."

"Possibly," Sunny mused. "What caused it?"

"I got tired of dealing with it, requested a Judge from Canterlot and gave her a free hoof," I said with a smirk, "So far, she's doing awesome."

Twilight nodded, "Anything else?"

I scraped my hoof against the floor of the sky carriage, "The griffons... no, you know about the griffons offer of dredging the river. That was before you left. Oh, I know," I said with a smile, "Midnight found a new tribe of ponies."

"WHAT!?" Sparks exclaimed, jaw dropping as she stared at me, "She actually found some!?" she then asked. Sunny looking just as surprised.

"Which ones?" Sunny asked, "Kirin or Kelpies?"

I smiled, "Kirin," I said and sighed, "Their leader and a small group are in Nocturnis right now. As far as we can tell, there's only a thousand left of them."

Sparks frowned, "A thousand..." she said softly, looking towards the rising sun.

"Yeah," I agreed with a sigh, "A thousand."

Her ears drooped, "That's... Page, we did the math when it came to the thestrals before we knew how many... a thousand... it's not enough!"

I shook my head, "Not purely from Kirin at least," I agreed, "But they're still ponies. They have isolated themselves for a long time, but nothing says they're not cross compatible with other tribes. I guess we'll find out."

"If they move here," Sunset said, catching on at once, "Can we take in a thousand ponies at once?"

I smiled, "Oh buck no. But I thought about that. But I'm not going to tell you."

That earned me a double annoyed look, "And why not?"

I smiled at Sparks, "Because I want to know if you come up with something different from me that's better, without my idea biasing you."

Twilight frowned at me before she sighed, "That's fair, I suppose," she grumbled, "But I want you to tell me tonight."

"Tonight," I agreed, "After your massive brain had time to work on it."

She shifted a bit closer, leaning against my side, "...Missed you."

I nosed softly at her ear, "Missed you too, Sparks," I said with a smile.

"What about me?" Sunset teased and slipped in beneath my other wing, side against mine.

Smiling, I turned my head to give her a soft kiss, "You too, Sunny. I missed you two... so much," I said and slipped my other wing across Twilight's back, "I could never do anything like this without you two."

Even as I said it, I felt a tension I had not even realized was there flow out of me.

I had missed them.

More than I had realized.


I slowly blinked my eyes open. It was early evening, the last of the suns rays shining across the room.

We must have forgotten to put up the darkness bubble over the bed.

I couldn't hear Sunset anywhere, but Twilight was laying on the bed, facing me. Mane a bit mussed up, a pillow hugged to her chest, slightly curled up on her side.

"Evening," she murmured quietly with a small smile, eyes half open and sleepy.

"Evening," I answered as I watched her, "Sleep well?"

She let go off her pillow and slowly stretched, something I always found very interesting to watch. She rolled onto her stomach in a full body stretch, wings rising high before she relaxed again, wings folding back down and she shifted back onto her side, nose almost against mine, "The best."


"Mmm. Missed our bed," she admitted, "The one at the hotel was too soft I think. It was nice enough, but..."

"Not yours."

That got a smile and her nose touched mine for a second, "Not mine."

"Sunny up already?"

Sparks smiled and scooted closer, I reached out to pull her close with my forelegs as she nuzzled in beneath my chin, "Bathroom. And said she'd find us some breakfast."

Sighing softly, I held her close, burying my nose in her mane and closing my eyes.

We didn't move until there was the sound of the door opening, hoofsteps I recognized very well. They paused for several long seconds before the bed wobbled slightly.

I opened one eye to look at Sunset as she laid down across from Twilight, a smile on her lips as she watched us, a wooden tray floating in her magic.

"What?" I asked with a smile of my own.

Sunset smile turned into a grin, "Oh, just trying to remember what the name of that artist we saw in the Manehattan Royal Gallery was. Was thinking of hiring her to take your portrait like this."

Twilight let out a small groan of protest but started to move again, rolling onto her back and reaching up to pull Sunset close for a small kiss, "Evening."

"Evening sleepyhead," Sunset answered after the kiss before leaning across and giving me one in turn, "And you too, wingboy."

I smirked, "Didn't call me boy last morning."

The inside of her ears turned a bit red, "No I didn't," she answered with a grin before pulling back and setting the tray down, "Mixed diced fruits, sandwiches and orange juice."

"Love you," Sparks said and rolled over onto her stomach.

"What she said," I happily agreed and did the same.

"I also ran into Flower," Sunset told me, "I canceled everything you had scheduled for tonight."

I picked a bit of mango from the tray with my magic as I couldn't help but smile, "This evening is getting better and better!"

"Abstract Contrast."

"Huh?" I asked, looking at Twilight, "What's that?"

She smiled and looked to Sunset, "That artist you liked."

"Oh yeah," Sunset agreed and then looked at me, "I was thinking of buying one of her paintings actually, but even with magic preserving it really wouldn't have survived this climate for long."

"I think you would have liked them too," Twilight said to me as she picked up a sandwich in her magic, "She painted night scenes, but used shadows to create another scene in the first depending on how you looked at it."


"Sounds neat."

Twilight nodded and then eyed me, "...Alright, I have been patient. Spill. What's your plan with the Kirin?"

"I'll give you a hint," I said, "We have another problem too. Fluttershy brought it to my attention that the prey animals are starting to smarten up. The large ones are slowly starting to avoid this area. In a couple of years we'll likely be at a deficit for even our current bat population."

Twilight frowned as she considered the problem.

Sunset eyed her sandwich in her magic before she raised an eyebrow at me with a smirk, "Eat the Kirin?"

I groaned and facehooved, "No, we're not eating the Kirin!"

That got a small laugh from both of them before Twilight shook her head, "Alright, I give up. What's your plan?"

"Branch village," I explained as I chewed on half a strawberry, "Set up a fishing village out by the coast, by the inlet of the river. Set up a shield dome and build a small port."

Twilight slowly nodded, "A trading outpost too," she said softly, "Goods could be unloaded there and then shipped into Nocturnis on much smaller boats that can handle the river."

"It's a several day long trip," I said, "Not practical to do for every ship individually, but if they can unload there and then be off again, suddenly it's practical."

Sunset looked thoughtful, "even if the Kirin don't want it, we should do that anyway."

"Exactly my thoughts," I agreed with a smile, "And it has another big pro for the Kirin."

"Which is?"

"It will mean a lot of ponies coming through," I said, "But slowly, get them used to non-Kirin. And, in addition, a lot of new blood, both in contact with Nocturnis and the rest of Equestria."

"That'll help their population numbers in the long term,' Twilight mused as she nibbled on her... daisy sandwhich I think. How did the chef even get hold of daisies?

I nodded, "That's my long term hope at least," I admitted, "What do you think?"

"I think you're way smarter than you think," Twilight said with a smile, shifting to lean against my side and wiggling a bit to put my wing across her back.

Sunset smiled and scooted close to Twilight in turn, "I think it's a good idea," she agreed.

We did eventually get moving, but by then it was well after midnight.
Dinner had finished and everyone had their beverage of choice.

It had been held at the roof of the so-called palace with everyone invited. The Griffon envoy, the Kirin, Midnight, Tempest.

I sipped my tea and glanced up towards the moon, wishing Luna was here for a second. Twilight and Midnight was off to one side, talking with Rain Shine and the griffon Envoy, Silverstreak.

Sunset was over by the railing, laughing at something Tempest had said.

The second Kirin, Autumn Blaze was standing alone by the opposite railing, looking out over the lights of the town and the river glittering in the moonlight.

Picking my tea up in my magic, I walked up to stand next to her, looking out over the village below. She had a glass of sky melon juice sitting on the railing.

I glanced at her with a small smile, "What do you think?"

"...I don't know," she answered before she looked at me, adding, "Your highness."

I smiled a bit, "Not tonight," I told her, "It gets a bit old eventually."


Sipping my tea, I smiled a bit wider, "Like you wouldn't believe," I admitted and then motioned slightly with one hoof, "Over five thousand ponies. Bats, Pegasi, Earth ponies, Unicorns. Couple of Griffons and as of a couple of months ago, I think we have a pair of donkeys. All in the most dangerous environment inside Equestrias borders."

"It's impressive I guess."

"Could be," I mused, "Could also be stupid. Climate is pleasant for bats, but that's... alright," I said and sighed, "It's not quite all it has for it. These lands... they're historically thestral lands. We're from here. You can... call it a connection? That's part of why I chose to build it down here."


I nodded, "There's so few bats. So little is known about thestral history, we... I thought it might help forge bonds. Give us a link to a lost history."

Autumn Blaze looked out over the village and I could see her mind clicking into the connections I meant for her to make.

"Did it work?"

"I don't know," I said, shrugging my wings slightly, sipping my tea, "I'm not sure we'll find out for quite a while. At the same time, we're studying what little there is to find our thestral ancestry. But so much have been lost in the mists of time, overgrown, destroyed..."

She slowly nodded, "I was at the market."

I smiled, "How did you find it?"

She scraped a hoof against the wooden deck with a small frown, "Everypony looked at me," she said, "I get why, but that wasn't the strangest thing."

"We did announce that you were visiting with us, explained what Kirin were," I said with a smile, "I hope they treated you alright."

Autumn Blaze looked out over the village before she turned to look up at me, "More than. They gave me things. Food, even a necklace. For free!"


She shook her head, "No, I mean..." she said and frowned, "Prince Page, these ponies don't have any money."

I studied my cup of tea before I sighed, "Nocturnis is a poor village," I agreed, "Everypony just tries their best."

Autumn Blaze shook her head, "We didn't use much in the way of money, we make everything we need but... they barely have anything, why would they..."

"Because they know how it is to be isolated," I told her gently, "To have nothing. When we introduced you, we said there were even less Kirin than bats. I think some like you all have had the same difficulties they did."

She shook her head again, mane swaying as she stomped one hoof firmly, "We're not here for charity!"

"I know that," I said and then shook my head as I met her eyes, "It's not about you."

That seemed to make her mental track derail a bit, "Huh?" she asked.

I nodded to the side towards the village below, "Nocturnis is a poor village. There's houses in Canterlot worth more than the entire village can scrape up," I said and chuckled, "I'm an alicorn prince, yet I doubt I could scrape up more than a thousand bits right now."

"A thousand bits is quite a lot."

I smiled sadly, "You'd think so," I mused, looking out over the village, "But I know how much it costs to import grain here. It's really not."

She looked thoughtful, "So what did you mean?"

"We get a lot of aid from the rest of Equestria," I explained to her, "Many bats here... did not have good lives before they moved here. The thought of depending on Equestrian aid sits very badly with them, even if they know it's necessary. Helping somepony else, giving you food and gifts... it's not really about you. It's a symbol, a way to ease the burden. A way to… pay back."


I smiled at her and reached up to touch my silver circlet, "See this? It was a gift from the village. I didn't know about it until it was delivered to me. It must have cost them many thousands to have made by a master craftspony in Canterlot. If they asked, I would have refused. But they did it because they wanted their Prince, their thestral alicorn to have a crown."

Autumn Blaze stared up at me, eyes flicking up to the silver circle and then back to my face again, "...It's not about you."

I smiled and gave her a small nod, "Now you're getting it," I said and motioned out over the village with a hoof, "It's about them," I said and then looked to her again with a small smile, "My idea of a good life is a small cabin with my mares, a small field to grow what we need and a warm fireplace. A quill and a lot of paper to write on. But for them, I will stand here. I will wear a crown. I will face the politics and challenges of ruling. They look to me for answers, Autumn Blaze. And I will always be here, and do my best to give them."

"Because it's not about you."

"Because it's not about me," I agreed with a smaller smile, "if it was, I would be in Canterlot with my wife."

Autumn frowned, "That sounds lonely."

"It's not," I said with a smile, "Twilight and Sunset are here. I have friends here. I meet Luna and Celestia as often as I can."

"But it's not easy."

I laughed softly, "It's never easy. Very little worth doing is easy."

"...Like leaving the village."

I sighed softly and nodded, "Like leaving your village. Your people have lived there for generations. It's the land of your ancestors."

Autumn Blaze picked up her glass in her magic, looking out over the lights of the village before she closed her eyes, sipping her sky melon juice before she shook her head, "We can't stay," she finally said, "Our children... not if we want them to have children of their own. There's so few of us."

I stayed quiet for a long time before I asked quietly, "What does Rain Shine think?"

She shook her head, "She knows it as well as I do," she admitted with a sigh, "She just doesn't want to admit it yet."

"It's no hurry. You have time to make your decisions."

Autumn Blaze looked up at me, "Not a lot of time, your majesty," she said softly before she smiled a bit with an expression I couldn't quite place on her face, "I get it now."


"Why the locals call you that," she said before walking off towards Rain Shine, to join her leader.

I glanced after her before turning back towards the village below and then to look up towards the moon shining in the skies.

I didn't like manipulating ponies like that.

But it's not about me.