Other Duties As Required (MLP)

You know, if Thestrals are to Pegasi, and Kirins are to Unicorns…

Then what species is there to Earth Ponies?
Okay, that was a fantastic chapter. Just the conversation itself was great, that build up of "It's not about you." But the very end, him applying the lesson of the conversation to his distaste at manipulating that very conversation in a way that helps his batponies...well written, @Hiver
The full moon shone into the throneroom. It was likely enough even for a daypony to see comfortably, but it's been so long since I had those eyes that I had the light crystals filling the space anyway.

I grinned, "If you say so."

Silverstreak fluffed his head feathers slightly, a grin of his own, "I do say so! Healthy competition!"

"Perhaps," I mused, "Never seen a game of ring ball before. It sounds difficult."

It also sounded very similar to that Aztec game, whatever it was called. The one where you played with your hips and bounced a ball through a high stone hoop.

"Would you like to? I would be most pleased to introduce you to it next time you visit."

I slowly nodded before I smirked a bit, showing him a bit of one fang, "Do you one better. Bring the rules and the court specifications next time you visit and we'll see what my Guard thinks about the entire thing."

If nothing else it sounded interesting and introducing new sports was usually never a bad idea. Even if it didn't take off, there's always going to be ponies that wanted to try something new.

And who knew, maybe it would stick around.

Silverstreak nodded, "I would be honored, Prince Page."

"Looking forward to it."

The door of the throneroom opened and Flower slipped inside quietly.

Silverstreak glanced back and then turned back to me, "It seems like you are going to be getting busy, your highness."

"No more than usual," I told him with a smile, "I'm sure your own King would agree with that. There's always something."

"Indeed there is," he agreed and stood up, giving me a small bow, "Such as me needing to get going before my boat leaves without me."

"Safe journeys, Ambassador. Please, bring my well wishes to your King and his family."

"I will. And please, may your nights be long and prosperous."

A slight modification of the usual griffon saying.

Once more bow and then he stood up, adjusted his feathers and left.

I liked the griffon. Of course, that was also his job, but whoever picked him to be the point of contact between our people had done a very good job. I didn't detect any falseness in him either, so either he was a good enough of a liar and actor to trick the alicorn of stories, or he was genuine.

The door closed and Flower approached, "Your majesty," she said formally, "Rain Shine seeks an audience."

I raised an eyebrow slightly at her before I nodded, "Show her in."

Flower bowed elegantly, wings spreading before she turned and trotted out, a bit more bounce in her step than usual.

She was happy.

I tried to remember if she said anything last morning about going on a date with that stallion she liked, but couldn't remember that she did. Well, if Flower was happy, then I'm happy.

She deserves to be happy.

The doors opened again and Rain Shine walked inside, flanked by Autumn Blaze.

She bowed to me as she came to a halt, Autumn Blaze copying her before she stood up again.

I nodded to them both, "Rain Shine, Autumn Blaze," I said with a smile, "How are you finding your stay in Nocturnis?"

"It has been pleasant, Prince Page," Rain Shine said with a small smile before taking a breath, "Your highness, on behalf of my people I would like to request permission to move my village to the area of Nocturnis."

I nodded, "Permission is granted, Lady Shine," I told her, "Do you have a location in mind?"

She hesitated and then shook her head, "Not specifically, but your idea of having it by the ocean sounds... nice."

"I'm sure we can find a location that will work well for you," I said and jumped off the throne, walking up to her and holding out my right hoof, "Thank you, Rain Shine."

She lifted her own hoof, touching it to mine, "...No. Thank you. Thank you and Midnight Sparkle. My people may have been lost to history."

"What remains will not be easy," I cautioned her, "In fact, it's likely going to be the hardest thing in your life. And in the life of your Kirin. There's going to be a lot of adjustments, a new place, new ponies. Both of us and you."

She took a deep breath and nodded, "I'm aware. But it is necessary. We will return to our village and start preparing to move."

I smiled at her and dropped my hoof, "Just not too quickly. Perhaps start with a hundred or so, focus on woodcutters and craftsponies. Take it from somepony that knows, it's a lot easier to move somewhere when there is shelter already there. Besides, we still need to find the exact spot and erect defenses."

"Of course, your highness," she said with an answering smile of her own, "I have a dozen Kirin in mind for the survey team already."

"Looking forward to meeting them."

She took a breath and then looked at me, "I do have one request, Prince Page. I would like Autumn Blaze to remain here in Nocturnis. As our representative."

I glanced at the other Kirin who nodded slightly. I then smiled at Rain Shade, "Of course. Of course, I don't expect such a thing to turn out to be exclusive. I'm sure there are ponies from Nocturnis that would like to settle in your new village."

Rain Shine smiled in turn, "Just as there will be Kirin that prefers Nocturnis. And I would not blame them, it is a beautiful village."

"Thank you. We try," I said with a smile, "How soon do you plan on leaving?"

"Next train," she said and sighed, "...There is little point in delaying."

"And even less point to rush," I cautioned her, "This is a problem of generations. It will not be solved in a year."

Rain Shine nodded and then bowed slightly, "True. Good night, your highness."

"Good Night, Rain Shine."

She left, leaving Autumn Blaze behind.

I smiled at her and then looked at Flower, "If Autumn is going to stick around, we should likely find her somewhere more permanent to live in than the guest rooms."

"Of course, your majesty," Flower said with a smile before looking at Autumn, "...I'm sorry, but it may take a while. We're still building new homes, but we have more ponies than we have homes. Would it be alright to stay in the guest rooms until we find one?"

Autumn smiled a bit, "Of course. They're bigger than my old home... and more comfortable to boot," she said and then bowed to me, "Prince Page. Thank you."

"Don't thank me yet, Autumn," I said with a sigh, "What I told Rain Shine was the truth. This is where things get difficult."

"Few things worth doing are easy."

I glanced out towards Nocturnis and then turned back to her with a smile, "So very true."


And that's the last part for now! Page will return in the future, but for now we'll leave him to get another village going. Luckily, he already done the paperwork for it once.

Thank you all for reading and hope you all enjoyed. If anyone is interesting, later this week I will continue another series of a dragon in star trek. The story will be called 'The Voyage Without' and I will of course post a link in this thread to it when it's posted. Here is the first part of the series: Always be yourself...
Can't believe I missed this while it was being written.

I know these suggestions are a little late but as a suggestion for making money, It seems vanilla would grow exceptional well there since it a orchid that grows in tropical regions and orchids can grow on trees. Plenty of giant trees to farm them. Other spieces and tropical plants should do well there as well if on the ground floor.

Also curious what would happen if they try the tree grafting method on a jungle tree to give it fruit. I can also see that and Epiphytic Plants as a way of gardening up in the trees as well flower boxes.

and If the river have a sandbars, does that mean it there spots in the riverbank that are sandy like a beach? also what to stop them from diverting the river into a pony made lake with a beach like shore before connecting it to the main river again?

lastly they could also making the new port town double as a resort town since it would be near actual beaches
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