December 25th, 2024.
If you are reading this, the worst has come to pass. The North Pole has been taken over by Amazon. Well, it will be taken over officially on the 26th. That means I have 24 hours left to enact Operation Weihnachtswunder.
If you were part of the North Pole, then you know what this means. But if this has found its way into the handles of a normal person, let me explain. Do you remember what it meant to believe in Santa? Or a regional version of him? That wonder and childlike innocence helped power the North Pole, the Workshop, and all the magic of Christmas. That's right, it's real! All of the holidays are! And there was so much magic, once upon a time.
But the world has become colder and crueler day by day. The light of hope dim, and evil seems to win. Goodness and kindness are ground down by the need for profits and power. Even the gods that promised peace and love have become petty and cruel. Or maybe they always were, and I just didn't want to believe it.
However, I refuse to let everything we have worked for become nothing. There are children counting on us! Even if we can't spread Christmas cheer globally, we can still do what we can.
And to help you with that, I leave you a gift: The Spirit of Christmas. Five years of it! That's right, you are now Santa Claus. Or any of the regional variants, if you prefer. You can build workshops, make toys, hire elves and reindeers, and bring cheer to all! And as you generate hope, wonder, and love, you can generate your own Spirit! Though I would burn through my portion first. It'll fade five years after the 26th, as I will no longer be around to maintain it. Don't worry, anything you generate will keep as long as you remain alive. Also, you're close to immortal, as long as you keep the Spirit alive!
There's more to it than this, but that will be for the second letter. That will come upon my death, the moment the takeover takes place. I would rather put all of myself into this last hope, then watch everything I work for be sold off to make a line go up in some CEO's bank account.
If you accept this, then repeat the following words out loud: "The Hopes And Fears, Of All My Years, Are Met In Thee Tonight." Be warned: Once you say this, and mean it, there is no going back.
If you refuse this, do not worry. The letter will leave you after 30 minutes, and find the next available person to take on the mantle.
May the fires of Christmas forever burn brightly in your heart.
Nicholas of Myra (The First Santa Claus)
Welcome to Operation Weihnachtswunder, a quest where you must save Christmas by becoming Santa Claus. How you do so is up to you.
So, before we do anything else, who are you?
[ ] You are Blitzen, one of the Nine Reindeer that carried Santa around the globe. You're the fastest of them as well, though that admittedly didn't matter much when you had to work as a team. While technically you belong to Amazon, you and some of the others were set free before. You might not be the smartest - that was always Vixen - you know once the presents are on the sleight, you can get them there the fastest. (You start with 1D7 Reindeer, though not Rudolph, along with two Gifts. You are fast. Amazon owns you, and wants their property back. )
[ ] You are Krampus. Where Santa brought cheer and happiness to good kids, you punished the naughty ones. You are also a Demon, though you forsook Satan after spending some time with the jolly St. Nick. If you're the choice to continue Christmas, something has gone horribly wrong. Well, time to bring punishment, because there are a lot of people on the Naughty List. (When you punish wickedness, you generate Spirit and gain benefits. You start with your Sack, and two Gifts. Both Satan and God hate you)
[ ] You are Mary Christmas. You were once Mrs. Claus, until the Takeover. You'd always been your husband's guiding light, and he yours. And now that's gone. But you know people. Or rather, you know the other Holiday Spirits. Well enough that they may help you out at the start. Furthermore, you managed to escape with his Sack. You just hope your heart doesn't become consumed by hatred. Nicholas wouldn't have wanted that. (You start with Two Gifts, plus 1D4 Additional Gifts from the other Holidays. You also possess the Sack of Santa. You hold Hatred in your heart towards the world.)
[ ] You are Eldras, a leader of the Elves. You still remember the old ways to make toys, which will serve you now. But Amazon isn't the only predator. Other mythical beings may decide you are now easy prey. Santa always protected you, but he is no longer here. It is now your job to protect the Elves that refused to join Amazon in the Takeover, and lead them - and Christmas - back from the brink. (You start with 1D200+100 Elves, with 1D3+1 Named Units. You have a Toy Specialization, to be voted on. Predators will attempt to prey upon the Elves, and you.)
[ ] You are Ebenezer Scrooge. The Spirits of Christmas helped you see the error of your ways, once. Enough that it changed your fate in ways no one had intended. Now is the time to repay the favor, by saving Christmas. You'll have spirits helping you, as well as your business sense and your hatred of Greed. (You'll start with the Spirits of Christmas, as well as the Spirit of Marley and two Gifts. You start with Maxed out Stewardship. You have a Hatred towards the Greedy.)
[ ] You are Judas Iscariot. This should not be happening. You betrayed your Lord so many years ago, and have been paying the price ever since. Yet somehow this letter has reached you even in Hell. Maybe… maybe you can have a second chance. To atone for what you've done. Wait, what is Christmas? [You start with a secret benefactor, and four Gifts. You are a man two thousand years out of time. You have severe trauma. You are Infamous. Hard mode.]
[ ] You are a normal person. Somehow, you got hold of the Letter. Why? Well, let's find out. (You start with four Gifts, and are highly customizable. You are unknown to any of the Christmas or Holiday spirits.)