Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Allies IC Thread

Social: work on trying to restore order to France by appealing to the people of Francis common decency about how all they are doing is killing their fellow countrymen and proving that they are no better that what they think of the government they seek to replace as a result of the tragedy that killed civilians are they not doing the same in their action.

Result: Failure.

No-one's listening to diplomatic overtures; each faction is so heavily entrenched in their way of thought that it is going to be impossible to get them to agree to a ceasefire.

Design: work on designing a ship to work as a mobile air craft hanger and launch station make sure to make it have a strong anti aircraft system for its defense and try to make it so it can host at least four aircraft squadrons optimally but it can have less as this is a proof of concept design.

Result: Success

So, you want to make an Aircraft Carrier? Is that it? Because those do exist here, and the US Navy has them. Not good ones, but they have them.

In any case, the design teams realise that the need for sea-launched aerial firepower is going to be a necessity and luckily the Kestrel is easily adapted to serving as a carrier fighter through the reinforcement of the areas that would experience the most stress from catching the arrester hook and it capable of short take off and landings already.

The new class of Carrier is much larger than the current Escort Carrier vessels that the US Navy has, able to carry four squadrons of Kestrels and enough supplies for several weeks of operations. These ships are floating towns in a way, with full kitchens, recreation areas, plenty of beds for both the ship crew and the Kestrel pilots. These ships also contain workshops able to fabricate spare parts out of on-board supplies, and store huge amounts of munitions for the Kestrels and the six 20mm-chambered D12 Vulcans that provide anti-air protection.

The new aircraft carrier, named the 'Columbia'-class Aircraft Carrier, is quickly approved for US Navy operations, allowing US air power to be projected from the sea as well as land.

(New Unit Available For Production: Columbus-Class Aircraft Carrier)

Research 1: Research into ballistic theory and how we can apply this Research to our rocket systems that we have designed and to our rifles to see what improvements we can make.

Result: Critical Success!

Ballistics is not a new concept, but as knowledge improves and technology follows, updating old expertise with new insights becomes necessary.

Conventional guns can be further improved with minor adjustments to the rifling of the barrel, which would provide some minor but noticeable increases in accuracy but the real prize is the work on rocketry.

Ballistic rocketry is far more complicated than firing a rocket into the air and hoping it comes down in the right place. Wind conditions, weather, airspeed, even the rotation of the planet are all important factors. By creating the necessary math equations, it was possible to develop an unguided ballistic rocket that could be used to carry a large VK-Explosive warhead and kept on course with various primitive electronic guidance systems, mostly in the form of a programmable, gyro-stabilised positioning system that had to be programmed with the current location of the rocket before launch, and then programmed with the target location before firing it off.

From here, it should be possible to create a purpose-made tactical ballistic rocket, which should open the way to integrating electronics into the design.

(New Research Unlocked: Tactical Ballistic Rocket)

Research 2: try to attempt to figure out how to crack the atom like the Japanese have as we now know it can be done and won't ignite the atmosphere or something we cannot let the Japanese be the only ones to have this or they will be able to threaten all free people of the world.

Result: Success!

Your research teams discover a process whereby Uranium can be converted to gas and collected to be converted into a purer form suitable for usage in the creation of an atomic weapon with a hopefully equal to superior yield than the Japanese device detonated in Manchuria. The process is slow, but should yield enough atomic material that you can begin work on your own Atomic Bomb.

(New Infrastructure Unlocked: Nuclear Production Facility)
(New Infrastructure Unlocked: Nuclear Research Lab)
(New Infrastructure Unlocked: Nuclear Testing Site)

Production: produce one battleship and 2 infantry units and 1 tank unit to truly give our task force some true fighting power on land and sea.

Result: Success!

Your new forces include a brand new South Dakota-class battleship, ready to provide some serious naval firepower.

Military: support whumbly in his efforts to help the French government restore order to their country and protect the innocent people being caught up in this.

Result: Auto-Success

have the intelligence agencies all work together on this find evidence of German duplicity in this french situation intercept orders to sabotage us pass them on but record them, spread disinformation, find the skeletons in the axis closet discover what we can that can prove German involvement.

Result: Critical Success!

Your agents manage to make an intelligence coup! Files that were mistakenly thrown out instead of being shredded and burned were recovered that implicate a major German figure behind the initial wave of riots that resulted in the Paris Massacre, including a signed order approving the giving of the signal to agents embedded in the French Socialist groups responsible.

This information could ruin German credibility if made public.

(Acquired Blackmail Material.)
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Okay, I'm not going to say, "I told you so," but in the future please, please please please, at least let me know that any diplomatic negotiations are even happening before officially signing anything, okay?
Social: Get public support for intervening in France.

Result: Success

Since you can't reliably use the information acquired from Germany just yet, mostly because it could lead to the situation escalating in France to all-out war in France, you work on the angle that the accusations about the United States arming a new French dictatorship were an honest mistake, and that the wonderful thing about being American is working to fix those mistakes.

This is not a war, this is an honest attempt to end the fighting and bring the various factions to the negotiation table to rebuild France. And if American helped start this mess, then America is going to step in and clean it up.

The campaign works, public support for an intervention in France is rising, but you know the situation in France is more complicated than what the public knows.

Design: We have an expeditionary doctrine. Train 2 Victory Boys battalions in it just in case we need to deliver some democracy to side that requires it, and upgrade everyone's armaments and equipment while's we're at it.

Result: Failure

The test-training of a military force in a new doctrine is best done as a Military Action. The Victory Boys are upgraded with the latest equipment however. The implementation of the new Expeditionary Doctrine is to unlock the USMC for production.

The current naval squadrons we have are good, but they can be better and much more diverse. See if a new type of vessel that travels underwater, instead of just above it, can be made. Incorporating VK-technology in it's construction, of course.

Result: Nat 100!

You know, I do know what a Submarine is. Anyway...oh come on...

The new model Submarine for the US Navy is built on the latest available technologies, with the captured U-Boat being restricted until it can be safely taken apart for study. While this is a restriction, the research teams are confident that they can do better.

The first step is the acquisition of oxygen and the research teams work on developing a new type of electrolysis system to extract usable oxygen from seawater when another team makes a startling discovery.

Liquid Hydrogen, when exposed to VK, remains as a super-cooled liquid even when exposed at room temperatures. With this, it is possible to use a bank of VK Power Cells or a VK Ship Reactor as worked on by the other teams without the need for bulky radiators and heat insulation, allowing for the engine space to be less cramped and with the usage of VK-Liquid Hydrogen, much colder than would be expected for an area with active VK power generation systems, long known to create lethal levels of heat when in operation.

With this new cooling system, it is possible to operate VK power systems at higher outputs with a greatly reduced risk of a catastrophic and explosive meltdown, meaning that the lack of heat being dumped into the sea won't be as detectable by Sonar, which can detect the difference in density caused by heated water.

Weaponry is initially conventional, but when the subject of a Deck Gun comes up, an idea is born: a trio of 180W Heavy Phaser Cannons mounted in a modified naval turret would allow the new submarine to reach out from longer distances with crackling blasts of plasma that would almost certainly have their victims talking more about ghosts than a submarine. This is backed by an electrically-powered set of mechanical 'revolver' style loading chambers for it's four torpedo tubes, with additional internal storage for it's primary weapons.

VK Torpedoes offer the best combat punch for a submarine, as VK-Electric Torpedoes can be utilized for air and surface deployment more effectively. Their small but powerful warheads are perfect for bringing down large vessels and their small size allows for a large number to be stored.

Finally, the new submarine is armored by the new VK-Steel Naval Armour that will allow the submarines to dive to incredible depths, far beyond that of conventional submarines, and the new Sonar systems will grant it the means to navigate underwater with only the need to rise to attack depth before quickly sinking back into the depths beyond the capability of any depth charges or torpedo counter attacks.

The new submarine, after testing, is quickly approved for production and named the 'Shark' Class.

(New Unit Available For Production: Shark-Class Submarine Squadron)
(Bonus Technology Unlocked: VK-Hydrogen Cooling)
(Bonus Research Unlocked: Ballistic Rocket Submarine)

- Ship reactors sound like an interesting research topic. Have it done and see what we can make of it.

Result: ...Nat 100

There is a major breakthrough when VK-infused Liquid Hydrogen is applied for cooling purposes. By using Liquid Hydrogen, the size of a VK Reactor for a naval vessel is reduced by a dramatic margin, with the primary drawback being that if the reactor is breached, there is no saving the ship, but this is a risk for anything powered by VK, so this is largely considered a non-issue in light of the bigger picture.

By using VK-Hydrogen Cooling for ships, the resulting vessels would be faster than any contemporary on the water to date, and likely will remain superior in speed as the technology matures and is refined.

But a key element to this is that the VK-Hydrogen does not have to be limited to naval vessels; this same technology can be applied to Super-Heavy Aircraft and Tanks, which are the only vehicles that would require the increased outputs from Hydrogen-cooled VK Reactors.

This would allow for theoretical road speeds of some 100 to 120 miles per hour, ludicrous for any tank and only possible with the capacity offered by VK, and super-heavy bombers could potentially outrun fighters if properly designed.

(New Technology Unlocked: Hydrogen-Cooled VK Ship Reactor)
(A Major Bonus has been applied to Super-Heavy Tank and Super-Heavy Aircraft.)

Production: Recruit one more Victory Boys battalion.

Result: Success!

Military: Abstaining.

Automatic support given to remaining military actions.

Covert: Something isn't adding up to the AWP easily surrendering their things for search. More so when such things emerge clean. Have the FBI run a quick background check on the AWP leaders and anyone of note they have employed, see where they've been and what they've been up to recently.

Result: Minor Failure

Although a few tantalizing links are discovered, there isn't enough evidence to pin down anyone as possible Soviet agents. Further work will have to be conducted.
Even with its reluctance towards adventurism the United States' enormous resources and booming economy can serve as the world's Arsenal of Democracy. With our existing trade relationships it is in pursuit of US economic, ideological, and formal diplomatic interests to help Britain and France through their troubles. We will organize a three-way mutual defense and prosperity pact to stand together in this ever more dangerous world.

With Britain and France working to open their economies to investment by US businesses and, at least in France, the wildly successful social programs which have catapulted us out of our economic malaise and social woes we will flood them with the desperately needed resources and expertise to reproduce our recent wonders and win the hearts of their citizens. With prosperity and trade comes peace and harmony, both within and without. In a few years the leaders of these countries can hope to be laughing off socialist influence and critique just as easily as we so publicly did during the Olympic games.

Formal basing rights throughout the empires for these new investments will be ample payment for our generous donations, as well as ensure that the United States has skin in the game if our new allies are attacked.

Result: Failure

Formal protests are lodged over the focus on diplomatic relations with France and Britain for a benefit that many politicians cannot see. They feel that if the United States must engage in diplomacy, making sure that it's southern neighbours don't get any strange ideas will be a good place to start, or enforcing the United State's presence in the Pacific in case the Japanese withdraw from Japan and go for easier prey in South-East Asia.

Gyrotron. In the real world the invention of the cavity magnetron permitted the Allies a large radar advantage over the more fine-tuned but larger and less efficient klystrons of the Axis. We can do better. More a conceptual breakthrough than a technical one the Gyrotron combines the advantages of the klystron and the cavity magnetron in one high-power package and is well within reach of a team who knows it is possible and the basic theory behind it. Pursue the key to small, precise, extremely powerful radar systems.

Result: Critical Success

The work is difficult, but the research teams manage to use VK to bypass several key flaws and allow for the creation of a test radar machine that is highly compact and powerful enough to be the equal of a conventional radar station. This 'Mini-Radar' as nicknamed by the teams, opens the way to an entire range of portable radar applications for vehicles, aircraft and even infantry, as well as new ways to utilise radar.

(New Technology Unlocked: Vehicle Radar)
(New Technology Unlocked: Aircraft Radar)
(New Technology Unlocked: Infantry-Portable Radar)
(New Research Unlocked: Advanced Radar Applications)

The Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing program. Rule 1 of government purchasing: "Why have one when you can have two for twice the price?" The US is swimming in resources, but aching for the industry and manpower to use them properly. Fortunately, the new communications networks and computing technologies present the opportunity to augment the effectiveness of its growing capital. Our program will exploit the classified technologies to promote the adoption of unclassified end-user numerical control technologies in computer integrated manufacturing programs.

Due to the versatility the new systems permit, multiple factories can be retooled in record times to allow larger numbers of more generalist workers managing numerical and programmable logic controlled lathes, looms, saws, drills, welders, stamps, presses, rollers, and machines and tools of all stripes to be given a production order and turn out two products in the time of one.

Effect: "Industry" resource doubled. Production orders can be "doubled-down" to produce twice the products for twice the price.

Result: Critical Success!

(Industrial Capacity doubled.)
(A single production action can result in double units if double the listed price is paid.)

Magnetoplasmadynamic thrusters.
Inspired by the incredibly dense power sources available from VK technology and starting from earlier work on practical railguns, we have developed an electromagnetic propulsion system. Instead of a solid projectile, a ferrofluid sweats from coaxial VK-steel grids, where it simultaneously serves as ablative coolant, electrode, contact surface, and projectile. Due to the higher efficiency coaxial and helical designs possible and the electromagnetically manipulable propellant itself serving as all of the high-current and high-temperature elements an extremely compact, high-power engine can be built which hurls toroidal pulses of fantastically hot plasma at extreme velocities.

By using this as the driver for a valveless puslejet the extremely high velocity plasma can augment its momentum and therefore thrust with ambient atmosphere through combustion-assisted entrainment in a manner which automatically calibrates to the operating regime. By using the waste heat of the VK-reactor and engine itself to pre-heat the fuel cruising efficiencies in excess of 80% can be achieved. Since the engine uses an electric arc to heat the propellant into a plasma extremely dense, inert fuels can be used to increase capacity and safety.

While the propellant consumption is usually trivial due to the majority of the engine power coming from the VK reactor the fuel flow can be dramatically increased to boost the combustion contribution for short periods as a form of very inefficient but extremely effective afterburner which rivals rockets in total thrust-to-weight metrics. The result is a powerful, compact, robust, entirely solid-state jet engine.​

Result: Success

(New Technology Unlocked: VK-Plasma Jet Engine)

Production + Military:
Cooperative operations with the Soviets and their proxies in China. Provide them with (unclassified) resources and materiel, as well as special operations troops to operate more classified technologies and feed recovered intel back to them. We want to recover as much intel, salvage, and as many prisoners as possible while making both the Draka and the Japanese bleed.

Result: Success!

The Soviets are willing to cooperate with you in China, and while you covertly arrange for shipments of materials to them via Vladivostok, the PSG forces in China make contact with Russian intelligence officers working with various rebel groups including the infamous Comrade Mao who trumpets the increased support as legitimacy for his eventual rule over China.

(Russians will gain a boost in resources and bonuses to Covert Actions.)
(Increased quality Intel from the Draka and Japanese.)

Infiltrate the Axis. Our first priority is whatever it takes to crack their encryption.

Result: Failure

The Germans are paranoid since they discovered that important documents that a compatriot stole were tossed out by accident instead of being burned. Your agents avoid detection but cannot get close enough to important works and facilities to acquire the necessary codebooks and other information to break the new German encryption method.
Well, when the going gets tough, America gets going. Let's thank the Germans for poking America in the eye, shall we? :V

Drawing on the efforts made to drum up support for intervention in France, begin to use this to spur the development of light and heavy industry for the production of weaponry and other war materials. Use the fear that if it happened in France it could happen here as well, and provide motivation to businessmen in the form of the profits that they can get. Our boys are going to need weapons and equipment to defend our freedom, and if it takes lucrative government contracts to get that then so be it.

Result: Minor Success!

While the public support is good, it isn't enough to really kickstart the initiative, but when rumors of a new Empress taking the throne in Brazil in a bloodless coup reach the United States, particularly of the aggressive actions she has been taking on the borders of Gran Colombia and La Plata, then there is a need for increased war production capability in case these actions spill over into the United States.

Research: With the help of our various scientists such as the recruited Professor Goddard, begin research into liquid fueled rockets. Focus less on payload at the moment, and more on improving the rocket itself. Range, speed, that sort of thing.

Result: Success!

Currently, solid-fuel rockets are the main technology in operation and being considered for military purposes, but the possibility of liquid-fuel rockets which could store fuel, which could then be potentially an additional explosive source when used in combat, is attractive along with the possibility of much higher cargo capacities.

The main problem is the issue of stability; liquid fuels by design have to be highly energetic and so such rockets have to be either fueled before launch or use a lower-power liquid fuel with would result in lower payload and range. But results are promising, and could open the very stars themselves in time.

(New Technology Unlocked: Liquid Rockets.)

Research: VK Incendiaries. Bigger booms means more fun.

Result: Success!

The usage of VK for incendiary purposes is a risk-filled one; many combinations simply result in the materials exploding into flames or just exploding, some suddenly invert temperature and freeze into uselessness, while others sublimate into nothing in a literal flash. But one material doesn't.

Napalm, a combination of petroleum and specialist chemicals, is a standard of flamethrowers and incendiary bombs, but when combined with VK, it takes on an entirely new paradigm. VK powder mixed with the jelly-like substance causes it to turn into a thick, viscous substance that is very harm to the touch, nearly scalding, and sticks to skin and clothing so well that it is nearly impossible to wipe or wash off, requiring a solvent to remove.

It's ignition is even more informative; the liquid suddenly increased in quantity, the VK fueling some unknown replication ability, allowing a small bomb to suddenly project enough Napalm to cover a grown man from head to toe and burn at such high temperatures that even VK-Steel is melted upon exposure.

Due to the replication ability and the capability for the new napalm to be stored at higher pressures in larger amounts, it is possible to create specialist incendiary grenades alongside bombs, a new flamethrower system using VK to power an electrical igniter and pump, and a new class of tank.

(New Technology Unlocked: VK-Napalm)
(New Technology Unlocked: VK-Napalm Grenades)
(New Research Unlocked: VK Infantry Flamethrower)
(New Research Unlocked: VK Flamethrower Tank)

Design: Begin work on a new Medium tank, using the technologies that we have gained thus far. We need something with a bit more kick to it, and while our light tanks are nice we want something that can ideally slug it out with other tanks and isn't based on an OTL prototype that never saw combat.

Result: Nat 100!

With VK, the creation of an entirely new model of Medium Tank, one that would replace the obsolete 'Grant' Medium Tanks that had been around since the Great War, is a welcome challenge and the design teams out do themselves as they present their new tank.

It is called the M26 Pershing, after legendary Great War General John J. Pershing, with the man himself proud to lend his name to the new vehicle, armed with a massive high-velocity 105mm rifled tank gun, the largest known conventional tank gun in the world, built using VK-Steel to handle a specially-made 'Overpressure' shell that would outrange any known tank.

A VK Power Cell provides the tank's electrical transmission a road speed of 95 miles an hour, alongside a massive ammunition capacity for both the gun, a co-axial M4 'Vulcanette', a hull-mounted Liberator, and a turret-mounted Liberator. This is combined with an armour scheme of 180/110/90 hull armour thickness, and a 140/100/100 turret side armour scheme and 60mm top armour thickness. With the lightness of VK-Steel, the actual weight of the tank is a mere 35 tons fully loaded.

In field demonstrations, the 105mm gun can hit targets at such ranges that the Pershing would have to stop to let the Commander sight the targets using specially-made spotting binoculars and modified artillery ranging tables, while in urban combat the gun can fire through buildings using armour piercing ammunition and even HE rounds if the walls are thin enough.

Not only that, thanks to VK-Steel, the design teams are able to design a 'Super Pershing' armed with a gun that in this day and age is considered nearly ludicrous, a 120mm rifled gun with a coaxial 120W Phaser cannon, essentially adapted from howitzer designs. This beast of a tank also sports thicker armour and is 10 tons heavier than the standard Pershing, but still manages to be classified as a Medium Tank.

One General comments, "If this is the new way of Medium Tanks, what kind of monster could we have for a Heavy?"

(New Unit Available For Production: Pershing Medium Tank Company)
(Bonus Unit Available For Production: Super Pershing Medium Tank Company)

Production: 2 CAS Bomber squadrons

Result: Success!

Military: Using the forces that we have so conveniently moved as a deterrent in the previous turns, deploy military forces to France's colonial holdings, subduing any rebels that might be present and acting in support of the Fourth Republic in Paris. Act fast and with a firm hand, making it clear that any foreign incursions into this territory will not be tolerated.

Obviously the Army and Navy will spearhead this effort, rather than our own private forces

Result: Failure

The soldiers in the Pacific refuse to engage in combat operations in French Indochina, their commanders citing the threat posed by Japan, who could take advantage of the confusion in order to open additional routes into Drakan territory.

Covert: Have our covert operations begin actions in conjunction with the British and French to counter foreign influence in France. This should take the form of providing intelligence on enemy troops movements, leaders, that sort of thing to aid military operations, as well as organizing sympathizers and beginning a campaign of guerrilla warfare in favor of the Fourth Republic that takes the form of sabotage, assassinations, whatever we need to do to win. Taken into context, if there is no active conflict going on then we should support parties favorable to us in anticipation of the election, and counter others covert actions in France

Result: Failure

Operations are put on hold when the British reveal something incredible.

Germany is holding a pan-European conference to address the French situation.
Yay, the crits are back.

*narrows eyes at guests* I feel like we're being watched. :V
Pre-Turn 6
June, 1932

-Deliberations for the location of the next Olympic Games are now being held.

-The war between the Japanese and Drakan forces continues to wreak havoc on the Chinese, who have been fleeing their homeland en-masse in even greater numbers to the safety of Russia.

-Germany has called for a pan-European conference to discuss how France's neighbors can end the French Civil War.

-President Von Hindenburg has made his first public appearance since falling ill and appears to be recovering well.

Outside Scientific Discoveries: The Draka have revealed a new technology that they intend to use for Serf pacification and military operations. This weapon uses Tesla's energy transmission technology to transmit a specific wavelength of electromagnetic energy capable of causing great pain, horrendous tissue damage, and even detonate explosives and ammunition.
(The Draka have discovered Microwave Weapons.)

Internal Scientific Discoveries:
-A group of engineers and researchers has found a way to use digital computing to create high-resolution colour pictures. The machine is bulky and heavy, but would be perfect for aerial photography alongside conventional cameras in a specially made scout aircraft.
(New Technology Unlocked: Digital Photography Machine)

Military Movements:
-The Drakan have managed to punch through the stiff Japanese defensive lines thanks to the usage of chemical weapons and airborne infantry. The Japanese have been thrown backwards by waves of Janissary troops and elite Citizens supported by aircraft, tanks and chemical weapons towards new defensive lines near Kunming, Chengdu, Longnan and Jinchang.
-The Japanese Imperial Navy has struck at Drakan supply lines from carrier-based aircraft and is supporting the defense of Kunming with constant shore bombardment.
-Drakan military movements along the Drakan-Soviet Border have increased, both in part to increased supply movements to China, and in a general buildup of forces along the border.

Income Report:
+2500 Manpower
+2600 Supplies
+3560 Ammunition
+4800 Industrial Capacity
+3000 Fuel
+1200 Electronics
+3200 VK

Presidential Directives:
-The President wants updated information on the Brazilian Empire.

Internal Troubles:
-There is a sizeable expatriate Brazilian population in Central America, Mexico and the Southern states of the Continental US. Their loyalties may be divided, or they could be willing to serve their Empire still.

There are new Intelligence Reports!
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Right, so, suggestions:

-Someone needs to look into the U-Boat. It'll give us some idea of what the Germans are running with and potentially access to at least one variant of the Enigma Machine that we can crack with our computing.

-Obviously the French situation is important. Worst comes to worst, we toss out the blackmail like a politically charged grenade into the European scene, create a coalition, smack Germany down. I'd probably talk to the Soviets about this, but we don't want to be too specific about what we have. Probably.

-For what it's worth I'm going to be focusing on Brazil. Our previous actions there to engender political support from various influential individuals should be helpful in discerning what's going on there and potentially stopping any foreign imposition of rulers on them. Cause muh Monroe Doctrine.

Coincidentally, I see we're on the research path for the U-2 now. Fun.

And I think this is relevant to my research action:
I think I'll continue to focus on Japan. I'd like to request that people spend some of their design actions designing new navy ships that I can use to fuck up the Japanese Navy and help the moderates. Also, the Drakans have their own energy weapons, it seems, while the Japans get closer and closer to their nuke. Things really are heating up there.
I'm going to be focusing on designing an air superiority fighter to intercept enemy aircraft. Also considering civilians electronics for using the Fallout tactics of mass consumerism to make Americans too content to take up arms against us while improving their quality of life.

I'd also like to see if we can kickstart out own nuclear program to deter aggression against us.
Tentative action plan barring further events/discussion.

Social: While America is not really all that well known for its corruption, it exists wherever there is power and money, and with America's recovery from the recession, there is plenty of space for corruption to spawn. Make efforts to clean it up and free up manpower and resources that could be better used elsewhere in other government efforts and programs.

Research: Electronic Imaging

Research: With computers now a thing, we now have the capability to start on basic robotics. Hell, we have some application of it already with our power armor. Robotics, however, have much more potential for applications beyond just powered armor. Uses in factories, manufacturing, and weapons are many other potentials within the field of robotics.

Design: Begin designing a new battleship armed with the latest and greatest in technology we have. Armed with phaser cannons and railguns for more conventional artillery bombardment for when it is necessary to fire over an object. Use our new vulcans for anti-air defense and naval radar for increased awareness. It seems rather prudent to keep the VK-reactor that powers the ship in the center, as well as being the most heavily armored component of the ship.

Production: Utilizing our large tracks of undeveloped land within Canada, begin construction of a massive weapons design and testing facility. Within it will be miles upon miles of land, fenced off for use as firing ranges, hangars and vehicle bays, as well as manufacturing complexes all within close proximity of each other.

Also purchase four Shark submarine squadrons.

Military: Deploy our Sharks to begin harassing Japanese forces near the Philippines. Have our allies within Japan's moderates help begin circulating rumors from the men about ghosts or hauntings, divine retribution, whatever works. Make sure our phaser cannons leave an impression on the Japanese military though.

Covert: Reorganize and reform intelligence services to allow the various agencies to specialize in what their organization is for. Form the NSA to oversee American SIGINT which has before been doled out to various seperate organizations piece meal. Streamline communications between organizations in order to take advantage of their specializations.
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Social: Abstaining.

- We have transport VTOLs and fighter-bombers. Now to make the fighter aircraft that will dominate the skies and keep enemy aircraft from harassing the ground pounders.
- The idea of a super-heavy bomber aircraft is appealing. See if such a thing can be feasibly built with two variants; one meant for the original bomber role, and one meant to serve as a mobile command center with the capability to launch aircraft

Design: The Marauder powered suit is big, bulky, ungainly, and good for terrifying troops or act as walking machine gun nests. But the basic design has promise for usage by the rest of the American armed forces. See if a stripped down version of the Marauder can be made and incorporated into the D3 Clamshell.

Production: Abstaining

Military: Train two Victory Boys platoons in expeditionary doctrine. Last time was a tinsy mistake that, hopefully, won't happen again.

Covert: Have the FBI do a quick comb through of the expatriate Brazilian population in Central America, Mexico and the Southern states of the Continental US. Citizens or no, we cannot risk them supplying any sort of covert information about the U.S to foreign powers. Should anything bad be found, be they infantile drug cartels/gangs or spies, our suits have permission to nip the problem in the bud.
Hey @Gideon020 does this Brazilian Empress have a name? Given she took power over the country I can't imagine it'd take more than looking at a newspaper to find out what that is.