Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Allies IC Thread

So what are we going to do about Valeria? Unless we have some kind of justification of war, we can't put her down.

Sure we can. We just need to find some guys inside Brazil to stage a counter coup. Or assassinate her. Seems simple to me.

But hey, at least we got a design action. Even if everyone in Europe hates our guts now (the Axis Council is happy, no big surprise there)
Sure we can. We just need to find some guys inside Brazil to stage a counter coup. Or assassinate her. Seems simple to me.

But hey, at least we got a design action. Even if everyone in Europe hates our guts now (the Axis Council is happy, no big surprise there)
I have a feeling that the crit fail was engineered somehow. Maybe that's my paranoia talking, but I think that's not totally out of the question. Is it?

Anyway, since Europe now hates us, how about we scrub all efforts on salvaging it and turn our attention to the other continent next to ours and beef up our defenses?
I'll keep my focus on Japan. My military action didn't pan out cause of the fact I fucked up my production action, so I'll try that again this turn.
I think we need to avoid making actions that rely on the sucess of another one. Just to avoid something like this happening again.
I mean... I'm just making submarines to be deployed. Making units is almost always an auto-success.
Social: With the return of America from the depression, people now have money to buy things. And thanks to the improved infrastructure of the country, we have a way to take advantage that. Specifically, focus our efforts this turn on improving the automotive industry in the United States through provided tax cuts, government contracts, that sort of thing. This should have the knock on effect of improving the economy by increasing the reach of businesses, and it can be used for military production later when the war starts.

Result: Success!

While there are combustion engine cars, the dominance of the autosteamer was near-total until technology began to improve. Now, it is possible to have quiet petrol engines with good performance, such that people are discovering that there is such a thing as 100 miles per hour on major highways.

Ford, Chrysler, General Motors, Dodge, and Buick are among the companies challenging Drakan-founded or African-based autosteamer companies, releasing cars for the family, sports cars for the wealthy, even commercial trucks for businesses. Slowly but surely, the autosteamer is being shown up and proven obsolete; the newest and greatest thing is the combustion engine.

(Factories are now being converted for combustion engines and other, more technically advanced vehicle parts.)
(American Autosteamer industry begins rapidly drying up.)

Research: Captured German U Boat. We need to understand what they have. Weapons, power supply, technology, etc. That way we can ensure increased effectiveness in the future. Also keep an eye out for code related things. Enigma machines captured from German subs in WW2 went a long way towards helping crack more advanced variants of Enigma, and hopefully we can do the same.

Result: Nat 1

A ticking is heard when the torpedo room is opened. Everyone manages to evacuate and take cover right as the U-Boat explodes as a network of demolition charges hidden inside the vessel detonate, reducing it to scrap metal.

When the smoke clears, there's nothing recoverable that is of any use.

Research: Tactical Ballistic Rocket.

Result: Critical Success!

The R-1 'Journeyman' is a large rocket the size of a thick telephone pole, capable of traveling several thousand miles and high enough to graze the edge of space before coming down. It can carry a large payload of explosives or other materials and could be suitable for putting a satellite or other such device into space.

While the usage of a liquid-fuel engine presents the typical hazards present with volatile fuels, the R-1 shines in all testing, which should open the way to larger designs.

(New Research Unlocked: Strategic Ballistic Rocket)
(New Technology Unlocked: R1 Tactical Ballistic Rocket)

[QUOTE]Design: Begin work on creating a new Destroyer, this ones drawing on the techs that we've developed thus far to provide extra support for an ASW role, since that seems to be our primary concern at the moment.[/QUOTE]

Result: Success!

The Liberty-class of Destroyer is a railgun-armed destroyer with rotary cannon air defense systems designed to act as an anti-aircraft picket and provide supporting fire for larger vessels.

4 railguns are joined by eight 160W Phaser cannons, along with rotary cannons to fill the air with a storm of lead should enemy aircraft be detected by the Liberty's radar systems. This is further joined with a depthcharge launcher to engage enemy subs, detected by a sonar system installed in the belly of the vessel.

(New Unit Available For Production: Liberty Class Destroyer Squadron)
(Generic Destroyer Squadron is obsolete)

Production: Begin construction of a Nuclear weapon Research Facility in the Southwestern CONUS, away from major population centers and in an area where security can be easily regulated.

Result: Success!

The National Atomic Studies Institute is a facility located in New Mexico where the best minds in the fledgling field of nuclear energy are gathered to begin researching the United States' first atomic weapon. Here, the necessary equipment necessary to research new weapons are purpose-made based on the exacting specifications of the researchers.

Time will tell what will come out of these labs.

(You can now research atomic weapons.)

Military: Deploy additional ships to safeguard our vessels to Europe until such a time as we are sure that the threat of submarine warfare has passed.

Result: Neutral

The President quietly orders all shipments to Europe end. There's too much of a risk that it could escalate things into a state of war against Germany.

Covert: Begin efforts on trying to infiltrate the Drakan heartland in Africa to set up a spy network there. Efforts should be focused on planting agents in and making contact with potential resistance cell who can possibly help to build those covers and allow for future actions in Draka itself.

That said, he looked around at those who were present. "Any objections?"

Result: Failure

It's impossible to get agents inside the Police Zone, they wouldn't be able to pass as Citizens and Serfs are never placed near any information of sensitivity or importance. The Drakan caste system and the vigilance of the Security Directorate makes infiltration impossible.
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So my ultimate action failed.... I hope you can forgive me through my other three Critical Successes. As for Brazil, why don't we draw Gran Columbia and La Plat into an alliance and use the conflict to test our weapons and tactics more openly?

I'm thinking of designing satellites for communications and spying.
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Seems like a good opportunity to draw the rest of South America closer to the US by using Brazil as a common enemy too.
Social action: Assist whumbly with his reveal of the German actions.

Result: Auto-Success

Design: a new type of destroyer using vk atmour, phasers, electric torpedoes, a strong anti air compliment and sonar and radar systems but make sure it is mass producible as a destroyer should be but make this design focus more on the escorts of capital ships and surface battle role of the destroyer.

Redundant Action: A new model of destroyer has already been designed.

Reaserch 1:do Reaserch into the production of a ship that is somewhat of a combination of a battleship and carrier but focus on keeping the airing at a usable level it only needs enough firepower to be able to beat back cruisers with its guns.

Result: Failure

The Navy rejects the design, believing that the roles of the Battleship and Aircraft Carrier are not something that should be combined into a single vessel. The design itself is feasible, a masterpiece of naval engineering even, but that's politics for you.

Reaserch 2: do Reaserch into the phenomena known as magic to see if there is magical forces or whether "magic" is just a lost form of science.

Result: Minor Failure

No-one, not even the people in your employ, take your suggestions seriously. But you do manage to find a book in your free time that was supposedly written by Aleister Crowely that contains information that hints that VK may have been responsible for the myths of the Philosopher's Stone and other magic.

Maybe VK holds the key? It has for most everything else after all.

(New Research Unlocked: VK-Magic)

Production: produce a nuclear testing ground and build several mines that we can use to keep our war machine supplied.

Result: Success!

Several new mines are opened in Canada and Alaska and in Central America, while in Nevada, a large section of land is fenced off for the construction of several test gantries and observation facilities for the test detonation of atomic weapons.

(Nuclear Testing Site built: Atomic weapons can now be tested.)
(Mines constructed. Increased Industrial Capacity)

Military: Assist Azerceth in his military action with my naval experience.

Result: Auto-Success

Covert: work with our intelligence services to prevent Germany sweeping their involvement in causing the French situation under the rug and their raiding of British and American shipping from being hidden by them.

Result: Auto-Failure

The Germans managed to secure a way to completely exonerate themselves and blame everything on American interference. The shipping raids were also kept secret from the rest of Europe, and also dismissed as American lies.
Seriously though I would work with the Germans if they admit and apologise for their attacking our shipping.
But @Gideon020 could we as a private task force use the carrier battleship hybrid design in our private forces as it does say the designs are good.
As for Brazil, why don't we draw Gran Columbia and La Plat into an alliance and use the conflict to test our weapons and tactics more openly?
I agree, though, if it's possible, annex invite them to the states. I imagine we need to push their leaders that they need to join us to stay alive.

Or something.
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Social: Improve popularity of the President and his Party.
Too spearhead any kind of anti-isolationist movement, and deter any kind of coup, the people need to have full of confidence in their leader. By publishing and spreading news more about the contributions of Mr. Roosevelt to the nation and the importance of him in the coming days, particularly the heightened world tension, this should work.

Result: Success!

The new campaign takes hold and public support for ending isolationalism continues to grow in favour of America learning from it's mistakes in getting involved in Europe again and instead looking West towards the Pacific and the threat of Japanese imperial encroachment.

Design: Landing Craft
America is a really large nation island, and any kind of action outside of the Americas will need a beachhead. Landing marines are particularly difficult at hostile environment. While transports may be adequate, we need a specific vehicle for any amphibious attacks.

Result: Critical Success!

The need for troops to get onto the beach quickly prompts the creation of a completely new type of ocean-going ship, capable of being submerged by waves, remain water-tight, and surface right-side-up before resuming it's travels and landing on enemy-held beaches, whereupon it uses it's 20mm Rotary Cannon to shred defending troops and light fortifications and firing off a series of spigot mortars loaded with a mixture of high-explosive and smoke rounds.

The new landing ship is flat-bottomed, with a high waterline. It is fully water and air-tight, and uses a VK Reactor to power a set of four propellors as well as a set of wide tracks that allow the landing ship to move on land at a slow and steady pace. VK-Steel provides protection for the soldiers and vehicles inside the hull, which is entered by way of a large boarding ramp to allow the troops to exit charging into combat.

The new 'Landing Amphibious Assault Craft' or LAAC-1 is perfect for delivering nearly a full fighting company of men with tanks in attendance onto enemy beaches, using the power of it's engines to simply crush or smash aside any obstacles such as tank traps.

(New Technology Unlocked: LAAC-1 Landing Craft)

Research 1: Improve electronic factories.
To be blunt, we really have pitiful amount of electronics. Investigate the current electronics factories and find any kind of problems or issues in there. Efficiency of each factory should be improved before we even think of making new ones.

Result: Success!

You managed to find ways to increase productivity and efficiency on the assembly lines, using new digital computing technology and basic robotics to provide the necessary precision for higher quality electronic parts and reduced wastage of materials. Because of this, all electronics factories in the United States are quietly upgraded with the new computers and robotics in order to boost electronics production.

(Electronics Factories upgraded to Semi-Automated Electronics Factories)

Research 2: Advanced Radar Applications
Radar is such a useful invention, able to detect enemy far before any eye could see. Let's see the limit of this technology.

Result: Critical Success!

With new electronics equipment and other advances, you discover how to use radar in more precise applications. The first such innovation is a new kind of radar for spotting and tracking enemy artillery fire. This 'counter-battery radar' uses VK-Digital Computing to calculate the source of the enemy fire and provide it's distance, allowing for artillery crews to calculate the most likely positions for the guns to be firing from, and then engage them.

The second is the creation of a small proximity detonation system for usage with artillery and other shells, using a specialised radio system to detect a nearby object and detonate when it gets within a certain range. This should make artillery and anti-aircraft fire more effective.

Finally, with the ability to create more powerful radio signals, it has become possible to create a dedicated jamming system for communications or any possible enemy radar technology.

(New Technology Unlocked: Counter-Battery Radar)
(New Technology Unlocked: Radio-Proximity Detonator)
(New Technology Unlocked: Radar Jammer)

Production: Department of Defence building
We need to centralize every war effort we can in one roof. Make a specific building to house each and everyone here. Army, Navy, Airforce and others. Hopefully, it will make communication between branches easier. It will be constantly updated to the state of the art technology we have. It will be guarded by its own specialized police to guard the building.

Get a specific land near Washington, a large one. I don't want it pentagon shaped for reasons.

Result: Success!

Turns out they took your request for the new Department Of Defence headquarters seriously. The new building is as imposing as the OTL Pentagon...only instead they made it in the shape of an Octagon.

(New Infrastructure Produced: The Octagon)
(Greatly improved coordination for the United States military.)

Military: Wargame
Conduct a military war game focusing on combined warfare between infantry, tanks and combat air support. I mean, we have all these awesome tech to use, let's see how they work in tandem.

Result: Success

The wargames quickly show how infantry and armour working in tandem can be a significant force multiplier in combat, and by the end of the wargames, the US Army should be able to operate alongside its tanks without any significant problems.

(No penalty for using the Combined Arms Doctrine on both infantry and armour.)

Covert: Fund out who are the heads of the isolationist movement in America.
We need to know who keeps spouting such things to the masses that prevent us from freely intervening in outside. Maybe we can *cough* convince them to stop?

"And that's the gist of it." Kruz finished with a puff of his chest.

He asked to the members around him,"What do you think?"

Result: Success!

You compile a dossier of names of prominent isolationist supporters. Removing these individuals should allow you to move ahead with getting the United States more involved on the world stage, abortive attempts in Europe notwithstanding.

(Acquired list of Isolationist supporters in positions of power/prominence.)
Pre-Turn 7
July, 1932

-Reports have filtered in from around the world of a strange pillar of light coming from Africa for several minutes for over a week.

-The Japanese Emperor has called for solidarity amongst the Japanese people, and that the Empire will not fall to Drakan agression. This comes after the Imperial Army sustained over 17,000 casualties in a single vicious week of fighting.

-Howard Hughes has declared his intention on entering into defense contracting.

-President Von Hindenburg is in increasingly good health and it seems that fears that Germany may be forced to resort to emergency powers in these trying times may be premature.

Outside Scientific Discoveries:
-Nothing of note this turn.

Internal Scientific Discoveries:
-Nothing of note this turn.

Military Movements:
-Drakan chemical weapons deployment is extensive and brutal, and the Japanese may lose a city next month.
-A daring Drakan raid has sunk three Japanese battleships, forcing the Imperial Navy to withdraw and regroup, relieving Janissary and Citizen forces being constantly bombarded.
-Drakan military movements along the Drakan-Soviet Border continue to increase at a rapid pace.

Income Report:
+3000 Manpower
+3200 Supplies
+4000 Ammunition
+4800 Industrial Capacity
+3000 Fuel
+3900 Electronics
+3200 VK

Presidential Directives:
-There are no directives this month.

Internal Troubles:
-Brazilian army forces are performing aggressive exercises revolving around jungle fighting near the borders with Gran Colombia and La Plata.
-Howard Hughes is going to be in direct competition against you now.

There are new Intelligence Reports!
Things we need to do:

+A form of Alliance/Defence pact with Gran Colombia and La Plata.
-Maybe become some kind puppet state?
--Get public support in their and our places for union?

+Amphibious, Jungle warfare and equipments.
-Amphibious Tanks
-Jungle Tanks?

+Increase support for the moderates in Japan
-Get Emperor in this?
--No, is in a desperate time. Maybe if it was peace.
-IJN Humiliation?
-- Is losing 3 battleships in a raid humiliating enough?

+Chemical weapons
-Some kind of suit for infantry?
-Filter for tanks?

-Get info of military, social unity and infrastructure.
--No info of her. Too much risks.
--Possibility of a power struggle that will break into a civil war.
---Maybe we can use that as justification? As a peace keeping unit?
----No, that will ruin America's reputation in the world.

+Equipment upgrade
-Anti Tank
-Anti Air
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Well maybe we can more easily convince Gran Columbia and La Plata to come into our sphere of influence by offering to aid in industrialisation? I remember in a previous post which said that South America looked jealous at our blitz of industry.
We can also (maybe)do how America did with Texas? We can get both and start a war with Brazil at the same time.

Let's just hope we are actually prepared this time for a jungle war.

Or we can bypass the jungle and land from the seas. :V
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I'm doing the marines, combining them with our landing craft and Banshees for easy deployments and looking into VK flamethrowers.
Snipers would probably be useful in Jungle warfare. Maybe a new Sniper Rifle? And camouflage?
I think I'll work on designing a sniper, and maybe CBRN gear. Possibly supply it to our moderate friends to get them a bit more rep within the Japanese government.

Could someone design improved artillery for us too? We're still using our generic ones.
You know I think I have a way of defeating Brazil. For its war it'll have to send troops to the other side of the country over a large distance. Hit the infrastructure to deny fast movements and disrupt supply chains. Meanwhile launch an amphibious invasion of their capital of Rio de Janeiro with the aim of capturing their empress and government and forcing a surrender.