Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

It was his turn to blink again, followed by frowning in confusion, "So you meant to say that you didn't track me down for my relation to William 'I copped a feel from heaven' Frankenstein? How the hell did you recognise my substrata, then? Shit was so wrecked I had to grow a completely new body."

And with that Vanitas was finally snapped out of his thoughts, belatedly realising he had kinda spilled a silo's worth of beans. And as the day old man he was, he would just snark and pretend he had meant to do all that "Logic has clearly committed suicide after one shenanigan too many and she's mourning the loss."
Looking at the my other sire, I sigh. "Vanitas, only one person in the entire Multiverse can command the Unversed with such totality and who the fuck is William Frankenstein?"
Looking at the my other sire, I sigh. "Vanitas, only one person in the entire Multiverse can command the Unversed with such totality and who the fuck is William Frankenstein?"
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

He rose a finger, then looked at the squad of Unversed in formation around him, promptly lowering it, "Alright, fair. As for the old man, well at this point there's no point hiding it, he's the reason I sprouted on the cracked scraps that were left of this substrate and pulled it together into a coherent entity. Shit happens when Magicians get involved."
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

He rose a finger, then looked at the squad of Unversed in formation around him, promptly lowering it, "Alright, fair. As for the old man, well at this point there's no point hiding it, he's the reason I sprouted on the cracked scraps that were left of this substrate and pulled it together into a coherent entity. Shit happens when Magicians get involved."
Frowning, I cock my head. That sounds like... "This William... Was he always from this version of Reality?"


"Okay!" I confirmed. "Everyone, fasten your seatbelts!"

I started pressing buttons and flicking switches, and the Gummi Ship roared to life. "Batteries to power, turbines to speed..." I muttered, before gripping the wheel with one hand, and slamming a big red button with my Mage's Staff. "LIFTOFF!"

The Gummi Ship rose into the air, smoothly turning until it was pointing right into the wild blue yonder, then seemed to rear back a bit before rocketing off into the distance...

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of Hollow Bastion...

"Holy crap; this thing is tough!"

Four adventurers stood on the plain, facing a knight-like Heartless with a horned helmet, a sweeping purple cape, and an enormous scimitar. The ground had been broken up from the force of the ongoing battle, and the adventurers weren't faring much better.

"That's why you're the leader, Zest," a Thief dressed in green snarked. "Nothing gets by you!"

"Focus, Sauber!" Zest the Warrior snapped back. "When this thing moves, we'll need you in position to stab its joints! Floe! How are we doing on healing magic?"

"I can keep going, Zest," Floe the White Mage replied, as she made herself ready to cast another round of Cure spells. "Daewoo, how are you doing?"

"I think I'm running low on MP," Daweoo the Black Mage said, sighing despondently. "Sorry guys!"

"Okay; hang back for now," Zest replied, getting his shield ready. "Here he com-what?"

Just then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw something falling out of the sky at speed. At the rate it was going, it was about to drop right on top of them!

"Everyone, get back!" he roared, and the rest of the party quickly complied, hearing the urgency in his voice.

The Heartless roared in triumph, and charged forwards, scimitar at the ready. But just before it could knock them all down for good...


The Heartless was suddenly squished into paste by several tons of Gummi Ship crashing down on its head, rapidly dissipating into Darkness shortly afterwards.

The four adventurers could only stare at the Ship that had just crushed the Heartless that was about to kill them all like a bug. "Well, that was convenient," Sauber finally said.

I stumbled out of the Ship, and bent down to kiss the ground. "Never again," I groaned. "We are never dealing with Hunters ever again."

Sora, for his part, was as happy as a clam, as he bounded out of the Ship. "Man, that was fun! I never knew that Gummi Ships could move like that!"

He looked back at the ship. "Hey, guys! You coming?"
@Jhin Lemon
Location: Hollow Bastion
Time: It looks like daytime
Extra Notes: We should do that more often...Weaponize the Gummiship I mean not make the emergency landings after the ramming.

"Okay...That last part was disorienting, can you give us some time to adjust before we make the landing? Or at the very least warn us to brace ourselves before you ram our ship into a giant Heartless?" I say as I exit the ship massaging the back of my head. "The whiplash can hurt if you aren't expecting it."
Mysterious Tower -> Hollow Bastion
Time: Still unknown
Status: Ow

Ow. That was a big Heartless, but did we really have to ram right into it? Without any brace warning?

"Okay, I get we want to stop the Heartless, but can we do it in a way that hurts less next time?" I ask with a groan as I slowly make my way out of the gummi ship and onto the nice, stable ground.
Sora laughed sheepishly, and scratched the back of his head. "Sorry, guys! I guess I'm still a little rusty when it comes to Gummi Ship piloting."

At that moment, Zest spoke up. "Um, excuse me? Who are you people?"

"They look like another adventuring party," Floe noted. "Maybe they're new?"

"You could say that," I replied. It was technically true for three-fourths of our party, after all.

"Still, I've yet to see such a... dynamic entry before," Daewoo continued. "Was that deliberate?"

"Nnnnnot really?" Sora replied. "I hadn't flown in a while, so I didn't quite get the landing gear out in time. Good thing that Heartless was there to break our fall."

"You're telling me," Sauber chuckled. "You pretty much saved our bacon with that crash landing!"

"Either way, I don't think we've introduced ourselves," the Warrior interjected. "I'm Zest. These are my party members: Sauber, Floe, and Daewoo."

He pointed to the Thief, White Mage, and Black Mage in turn, as they waved and said hello.

"Nice to meet you all!" Sora replied happily. "I'm Sora, and these are my friends Egret, Paradox and Riku!"

@Jhin Lemon
Frowning, I cock my head. That sounds like... "This William... Was he always from this version of Reality?"
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

Vanitas tilted his head, by now having decided to dismiss the Unversed but not Jackie nor his Keyblade, although he removed the Darkness coating and pointed it at the ground, "He isn't in the local worldline if that's what you mean. He's on the next sub-cluster over, half a twist sideways and up. Follow the smoke and mad laughter. If that isn't what you mean, I can't help you much beyond telling you that he slipped through the cracks into a non-standard Fate iteration quite a few years back, germinating in a fetus. Friends with Zelretch as he is, he didn't bother looking for the world his spore came from. His imprint memories only stretch back one generation, to an author living in a presumably mundane iteration of contemporary Earth, went by the alias 'Nihilo' if that helps any."
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

Vanitas tilted his head, by now having decided to dismiss the Unversed but not Jackie nor his Keyblade, although he removed the Darkness coating and pointed it at the ground, "He isn't in the local worldline if that's what you mean. He's on the next sub-cluster over, half a twist sideways and up. Follow the smoke and mad laughter. If that isn't what you mean, I can't help you much beyond telling you that he slipped through the cracks into a non-standard Fate iteration quite a few years back, germinating in a fetus. Friends with Zelretch as he is, he didn't bother looking for the world his spore came from. His imprint memories only stretch back one generation, to an author living in a presumably mundane iteration of contemporary Earth, went by the alias 'Nihilo' if that helps any."
Scratching my chin, I laugh. "Nihilo? Haven't heard that name in ages. How'd the Digimon RP go? It's me, Xalgeon."

Sora laughed sheepishly, and scratched the back of his head. "Sorry, guys! I guess I'm still a little rusty when it comes to Gummi Ship piloting."

At that moment, Zest spoke up. "Um, excuse me? Who are you people?"

"They look like another adventuring party," Floe noted. "Maybe they're new?"

"You could say that," I replied. It was technically true for three-fourths of our party, after all.

"Still, I've yet to see such a... dynamic entry before," Daewoo continued. "Was that deliberate?"

"Nnnnnot really?" Sora replied. "I hadn't flown in a while, so I didn't quite get the landing gear out in time. Good thing that Heartless was there to break our fall."

"You're telling me," Sauber chuckled. "You pretty much saved our bacon with that crash landing!"

"Either way, I don't think we've introduced ourselves," the Warrior interjected. "I'm Zest. These are my party members: Sauber, Floe, and Daewoo."

He pointed to the Thief, White Mage, and Black Mage in turn, as they waved and said hello.

"Nice to meet you all!" Sora replied happily. "I'm Sora, and these are my friends Egret, Paradox and Riku!"

@Jhin Lemon
Location: Hollow Bastion
Time: To recover from whiplash
Extra Notes: classic Final Fantasy characters, who would've guessed.
"Hello, I'm Paradox Nice to meet you all." I say mentally noting that even with others inhabiting his friends bodies Sora still uses the Sora Donald Goofy Formula. "Anyways can you tell us how to get to the nearest outpost from here? it's been awhile since we've came here last and I don't know if any locations have changed or not. "
Scratching my chin, I laugh. "Nihilo? Haven't heard that name in ages. How'd the Digimon RP go? It's me, Xalgeon."
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

He smiled, finally relaxing fully, Keyblade dismissed. Jackie... Jackie could stay concealed for now. Just in case. "Not quite. I'm... well, closest term would be grandkid, except I'm also his third incarnation, except the previous ones are still kicking and there's a shitton of other branches out and about. There's quite a few incarnations of you around too, by the way, most of the time at the centre of a mass insertion event. The old coot makes a game of finding interesting ones and having one of my... 'siblings', for lack of a better word, germinate in the area."
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

He smiled, finally relaxing fully, Keyblade dismissed. Jackie... Jackie could stay concealed for now. Just in case. "Not quite. I'm... well, closest term would be grandkid, except I'm also his third incarnation, except the previous ones are still kicking and there's a shitton of other branches out and about. There's quite a few incarnations of you around too, by the way, most of the time at the centre of a mass insertion event. The old coot makes a game of finding interesting ones and having one of my... 'siblings', for lack of a better word, germinate in the area."
Laughing, I clap. "Finally, someone like me, how many of my Roles have you encountered?"

Blinking, Ginny looks at me. "Like you? You mean there are other Higher Entities out there?"

Blushing, I rub my head. "Don't call us that, you'll make us sound like gods..."

Stepping further forward, EMIYA points Kanshou at me. "Enough joking around, who or what are you? No mere human can make Alaya cry, It doesn't even cry at the Extinction of Mankind... Why does it cry for you?"

Reaching up, I rest my hand on the black blade and smile. "Because Shirou, people like us four... We're members of an ancient order that puts the Counter Force to shame and Alaya admires us for it."With that I casualty crush the faux-heroic steel in my hand.
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Laughing, I clap. "Finally, someone like me, how many of my Roles have you encountered?"

Blinking, Ginny looks at me. "Like you? You mean there are other Higher Entities out there?"

Blushing, I rub my head. "Don't call us that, you'll make us sound like gods..."

Stepping further forward, EMIYA points Kanshou at me. "Enough joking around, who or what are you? No mere human can make Alaya cry, It doesn't even cry at the Extinction of Mankind... Why does it cry for you?"

Reaching up, I rest my hand on the black blade and smile. "Because Shirou, people like us four... We're members of an ancient order that puts the Counter Force to shame and Alaya admires us for it."With that I casualty crush the faux-heroic steel in my hand.
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

Scoffing internally, Vanitas sent a telepathic command through the Master-Servant bond, a second later Jackie had used her Presence Concealment and Murderer of the Misty Night aided sneak attack to launch a ballistic cushion at Xal's face.

"Dad said to quit posturing." So sayeth the newly revealed Assassin, who was quick to use that high Agility of hers to climb atop Vanitas' shoulder once more.

Vanitas, for his part, wiped a nonexistent tear from his eye, his heart about to burst from fatherly pride.
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

Scoffing internally, Vanitas sent a telepathic command through the Master-Servant bond, a second later Jackie had used her Presence Concealment and Murderer of the Misty Night aided sneak attack to launch a ballistic cushion at Xal's face.

"Dad said to quit posturing." So sayeth the newly revealed Assassin, who was quick to use that high Agility of hers to climb atop Vanitas' shoulder once more.

Vanitas, for his part, wiped a nonexistent tear from his eye, his heart about to burst from fatherly pride.
Getting clocked in the face with a cushion flying at sufficient velocity just caused my head to rock back. "... ow."

Looking over at the little girl on my sire's shoulder, I could feel parts of my mind fogging over, panicking, I flooded my Heart with Light, briefly causing my eyes to flash a pale yellow like a moon. "Jack The Ripper huh? If I wasn't used to Namine's mind games I would've missed the memory erasure... That a normal Assassin thing or just her?"

Staring at her, Ginny yelled. "Bloody hell! That's Jack the Ripper?! I expected someone more menacing for a Dark Lord. Even Tom had an aura about him..."
Getting clocked in the face with a cushion flying at sufficient velocity just caused my head to rock back. "... ow."

Looking over at the little girl on my sire's shoulder, I could feel parts of my mind fogging over, panicking, I flooded my Heart with Light, briefly causing my eyes to flash a pale yellow like a moon. "Jack The Ripper huh? If I wasn't used to Namine's mind games I would've missed the memory erasure... That a normal Assassin thing or just her?"

Staring at her, Ginny yelled. "Bloody hell! That's Jack the Ripper?! I expected someone more menacing for a Dark Lord. Even Tom had an aura about him..."
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

Jackie tilted her head, blinking owlishly at the redhead's remark for a moment before smacking a fist on her palm in realisation. Not a second afterwards, everyone in the room got to experience the unrestrained presence of the gestalt of over ten thousand abandoned children, the only saving grace that yearning for a parent was distinctly sated courtesy of the man whose shoulder the aforementioned gestalt was perched on.

Jackie stopped it when she suddenly found herself fiercely hugged by her dad. She leaned into the hug. This was nice.
Hangar -> Javelin, Castle That Never Was
Full Moon Night
A story to tell?

The Castle that Never Was
Eternal Evening
To the End Of The World

"Alright then, let's take the ship and get going. Good to go Atlas?"

The pilot nodded, "Just about ready. Need to finish some registration with the personnel." Over his hand, I see a small screen scrolling past and filling out various documents. Eventually it vanishes. "We're ready. Let's head to the hanger."

I call out to the other Xalgeon, busy conversing with Roxas "We'll meet you in the hanger with the Javelin." And with that, me and Atlas make our way back to the ship, and begin strapping ourselves in to take off once everyone is aboard.

@Atma Warrior

I notice Roxas-Xal conversing with his alternate self, but I don't listen in. Their business is their own.

Rather, I board the spaceship along with Pred and Atlas. "So, Pred, how have you been?" I ask him. Things must have happened between waking up at Castle Oblivion and the meeting at Agrabah.
The Space between Worlds-->Olympus
Huh. So that's how a world looks from outside. Neat

Having gotten some random bits of resources wandering about, I finally see a world that seems to fit my criteria of being viable to siphon off resources.

Relatively low tech, but civilization nonetheless, perfect for what I had in plan. Heading on over, I see where I can land to go ahead and begin my operations. Might be able to bargain some people with 'alchemy' too out of what I need.

Isn't a scam if they don't have any knowledge or sources of what I sell, even if it's cheap where I got it.
First Roll: 81+60%=129.6 Crit roll 78+60%= 124.8 Crit again 83+60%= 132.8 3rd Crit 21+60%= 33.6 Extra roll due to clarification: 30+60%=48 Roll for passing 100 threshold 41+60%= 65.6(Total 161.2+534.4= 695.6)
Holy hell, this place is absolutely loaded in stuff! Abundance in metals and plenty of resources that I haven't even heard of just basically lying around.

With this kind of place, I should be able to finish up collecting in no time too!
Second Roll: 63+60%=100.8 Crit roll 31+60%=49.6 Passing 100 threshold 61+60%=97.6 (Total 782.4)
Making decent progress...not as much as before unfortunately, but still very good.
Noob5674 threw 9 100-faced dice. Reason: Siphoning Stuff off of Olympus Total: 489
81 81 78 78 83 83 21 21 30 30 41 41 63 63 31 31 61 61
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Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

Jackie tilted her head, blinking owlishly at the redhead's remark for a moment before smacking a fist on her palm in realisation. Not a second afterwards, everyone in the room got to experience the unrestrained presence of the gestalt of over ten thousand abandoned children, the only saving grace that yearning for a parent was distinctly sated courtesy of the man whose shoulder the aforementioned gestalt was perched on.

Jackie stopped it when she suddenly found herself fiercely hugged by her dad. She leaned into the hug. This was nice.
Feeling the absolute wall of abandonment spring up from the Servant of Death caused us all to stagger back a good few paces...

All except Xion, who fell to her knees, sobbing

Forcing myself through my own hyperventilation, I rushed to her side and hugged her, just as much for myself as it was for her. "Hey, hey, Xion, I'm here... I'll never leave you..."
The Castle that Never Was
Eternal Evening
Number's up?

Hangar -> Javelin, Castle That Never Was
Full Moon Night
A story to tell?

I notice Roxas-Xal conversing with his alternate self, but I don't listen in. Their business is their own.

Rather, I board the spaceship along with Pred and Atlas. "So, Pred, how have you been?" I ask him. Things must have happened between waking up at Castle Oblivion and the meeting at Agrabah.
"It's been..." I go over the series of events that led to our reunion in my mind. "Manic. To say the least. It can't be more than a few hours since I work up in Castle Oblivion...Well, probably more, I had to get myself back in shape after that long nap."

Atlas looked at me incredulously "Asleep for 10 years? It's a wonder you're standing."

"Tell me about it. Anyway, where to begin?" Hmm...maybe a question that might work as a double check to see if it is the same Ube from Sufficient Velocity."A quick question. It's odd...but indulge me. Do the numbers one, zero, five, and nine have any significance to you?"
Javelin, Castle That Never Was
Full Moon Night
Not sure that rings a bell

The Castle that Never Was
Eternal Evening
Number's up?

"It's been..." I go over the series of events that led to our reunion in my mind. "Manic. To say the least. It can't be more than a few hours since I work up in Castle Oblivion...Well, probably more, I had to get myself back in shape after that long nap."

Atlas looked at me incredulously "Asleep for 10 years? It's a wonder you're standing."

"Tell me about it. Anyway, where to begin?" Hmm...maybe a question that might work as a double check to see if it is the same Ube from Sufficient Velocity."A quick question. It's odd...but indulge me. Do the numbers one, zero, five, and nine have any significance to you?"

"Uh... can you elaborate?" I ask, puzzled. I don't get why he's asking about particular numbers. Maybe if he explains what he's trying to get at, I might understand what he means.
The Castle that Never Was
Eternal Evening
Paging Pred

Javelin, Castle That Never Was
Full Moon Night
Not sure that rings a bell

"Uh... can you elaborate?" I ask, puzzled. I don't get why he's asking about particular numbers. Maybe if he explains what he's trying to get at, I might understand what he means.
"It's...a series of numbers that I use with my name, Pred, back on my world. If this doesn't make sense to you, don't worry about it." I wave it off. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But that specific name, Ube, just sounds too close for it to be a coincidence, right?
Javelin, Castle That Never Was
Full Moon Night
Now that rings a bell

The Castle that Never Was
Eternal Evening
Paging Pred

"It's...a series of numbers that I use with my name, Pred, back on my world. If this doesn't make sense to you, don't worry about it." I wave it off. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But that specific name, Ube, just sounds too close for it to be a coincidence, right?

Oh! That Pred. The look in my eyes shows that I remember now. His username has numbers appended to it.

"Let me guess, were you the one with the plans for 'whacking things with key-shaped swords'?" I ask, complete with air-quotes. That was the title of a forum quest that I was part of, and that a certain Pred was actively participating in.
The Castle that Never Was
Eternal Evening
Face to Face

Javelin, Castle That Never Was
Full Moon Night
Now that rings a bell

Oh! That Pred. The look in my eyes shows that I remember now. His username has numbers appended to it.

"Let me guess, were you the one with the plans for 'whacking things with key-shaped swords'?" I ask, complete with air-quotes. That was the title of a forum quest that I was part of, and that a certain Pred was actively participating in.
It's always wild meeting someone you've only met online until then. Granted, it usually isn't done in the bodies/souls of fictional characters. Even so, I still can smile. "Yeah, though more than a few plans involved fire." Wonder if it means anything that I got the handle of fire first as a keyblade wielder? Eh, questions for later.

"Anyway, what happened after I woke up? Well, I wandered a bit before meeting Atlas, apparently the organization left him in Castle Oblivion." At mention of him, the replica gives a wave. "Eventually, we made our way to Radiant Garden...Hollow Bastion...same thing. I tried to find Merlin to get some more information as to how I got in Ventus' body. But then it turns out he got...Inserted into as well. By a guy named Jacob."

"It was rather jarring seeing the wizard act so juvenile." Atlas mentions.

"Anyway. That's when we found out that Dumbledore was staying at Hollow Bastion. Yes, that was Ginny Weasly back there." I'm guessing Xalgeon has an interesting story about how they both met.
Feeling the absolute wall of abandonment spring up from the Servant of Death caused us all to stagger back a good few paces...

All except Xion, who fell to her knees, sobbing

Forcing myself through my own hyperventilation, I rushed to her side and hugged her, just as much for myself as it was for her. "Hey, hey, Xion, I'm here... I'll never leave you..."
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

Without a word, the Floods marched out of Vanitas' shadow, the Barista Flood organising them into preparing tea and gathering blankets, which were respectively forced into the hands and draped around of all those present in varying degrees of shock.

Meanwhile, Vanitas was using a minor application of Fire magic to become a living radiator, softly humming while he stroked Jackie's hair. She closed her eyes, basking in the warmth she had found at long last.