Raising her eyebrow, Rin smiled as you entered more familiar territory. "Oh? What family are you from Vanitas-san? I didn't catch your last name."
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (living room)

He smiled, genuine fondness entering his tone despite never having personally met the bunch, "Well, they are no great dynasty like most magi families, more of a conglomerate of likeminded individuals with a great deal of blood relations and adoptions mixed in. Our research is also focused on life in all its forms, so whenever someone sapient pops out of the vats, they are considered part of the family."

He then chuckled and scratched the back of his head, "As for why I didn't mention the family name, well, they aren't present in this worldline anymore as far as I know. My closest relative is friends with the local iteration of Zelretch and there was a bit of an accident, it happens every now and then, but it is the first time I was on the receiving end. I figured it'd give the wrong impression to introduce myself as a member of a family which, as far as you knew, was wiped out long ago. As such, Vanitas von Frankenstein, at your service."
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (living room)

He smiled, genuine fondness entering his tone despite never having personally met the bunch, "Well, they are no great dynasty like most magi families, more of a conglomerate of likeminded individuals with a great deal of blood relations and adoptions mixed in. Our research is also focused on life in all its forms, so whenever someone sapient pops out of the vats, they are considered part of the family."

He then chuckled and scratched the back of his head, "As for why I didn't mention the family name, well, they aren't present in this worldline anymore as far as I know. My closest relative is friends with the local iteration of Zelretch and there was a bit of an accident, it happens every now and then, but it is the first time I was on the receiving end. I figured it'd give the wrong impression to introduce myself as a member of a family which, as far as you knew, was wiped out long ago. As such, Vanitas von Frankenstein, at your service."
As you go through your speech, Rin's face grew more and more blank. "Not only are you related to Frankenstein... but you know Zeltretch well enough to understand the Third Magic... SHIROU YOU IDIOT! HOW DO YOU KEEP ATTRACTING PEOPLE WHO CAN NUKE THE CITY?!"
As you go through your speech, Rin's face grew more and more blank. "Not only are you related to Frankenstein... but you know Zeltretch well enough to understand the Third Magic... SHIROU YOU IDIOT! HOW DO YOU KEEP ATTRACTING PEOPLE WHO CAN NUKE THE CITY?!"
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (living room)

He chuckled, "Kid has a heart of gold, no wonder all the dragons flock in. Care to enlighten me as to the motley crew 'round here?"
Wakka Crumbled to the ground as I facepalmed. Casting a quick Cure spell on him to save his nether reign, I speak "I know I said that Keyblade's can be set to a sort of training mode...but attacks to that area are still going to do some damage. While I commend your reflexes, maybe don't hit your friends in the groin." I then turn to Wakka "Do you feel up to continuing?"

Wakka got to his feet "Ya! That was a dirty move Kairi, didn't know you had it in you"
I shrugged. "Dad always did say don't fight fair if you can help it in regards to self defense... Then again I doubt he was thinking if anything like this."
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (living room)

He chuckled, "Kid has a heart of gold, no wonder all the dragons flock in. Care to enlighten me as to the motley crew 'round here?"

I shrugged. "Dad always did say don't fight fair if you can help it in regards to self defense... Then again I doubt he was thinking if anything like this."

Wakka groaned "Wonderful." I felt for the poor boy, I really did, but he kept on keeping on like a real trooper as he charged at her again. Hopefully, this time he had a plan to counter her crotch attacks.

Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (living room)

Vanitas immediately perked up, suddenly very interested, "Hoh? A Holy Grail War? Any Servant get dispatched yet? I distinctly remember my relative mentioning that the Grail could be tricked into summoning extra Servants so long as the class slot had been forcefully vacated beforehand. I'm handy at anything soul related, methinks I could manage to put something together if you give me some time to wrestle with the system."
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (living room)

Vanitas immediately perked up, suddenly very interested, "Hoh? A Holy Grail War? Any Servant get dispatched yet? I distinctly remember my relative mentioning that the Grail could be tricked into summoning extra Servants so long as the class slot had been forcefully vacated beforehand. I'm handy at anything soul related, methinks I could manage to put something together if you give me some time to wrestle with the system."
Huffing, Rin turned back to you. "So far only Rider has been killed, but she's already been replaced. You might be able to finagle an Assassin though since the current one has been summoned outside of the system and acts more like a Guardian Spirit than any actual Servant."
Huffing, Rin turned back to you. "So far only Rider has been killed, but she's already been replaced. You might be able to finagle an Assassin though since the current one has been summoned outside of the system and acts more like a Guardian Spirit than any actual Servant."
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (living room)

He hummed in thought, "I can work with that." He then blinked and snapped his eyes back to Rin, "Ah, by the way, don't worry about my wish. I have no interest in the Grail, I just want a Servant. So, pray tell, what Servants did the two of you summon?"
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (living room)

He hummed in thought, "I can work with that." He then blinked and snapped his eyes back to Rin, "Ah, by the way, don't worry about my wish. I have no interest in the Grail, I just want a Servant. So, pray tell, what Servants did the two of you summon?"
Grumbling, Rin flopped back down on the couch and buried her head in her hands. "Urgh! What is it with you people and not wanting the Grail?! Should I just arrange a four-way cage death match between Berzerker, Lancer, Caster and Archer and just be done with it?"
Grumbling, Rin flopped back down on the couch and buried her head in her hands. "Urgh! What is it with you people and not wanting the Grail?! Should I just arrange a four-way cage death match between Berzerker, Lancer, Caster and Archer and just be done with it?"
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (living room)

He shrugged, "Given that one of the creators of the thing was that sick fuck Zouken Matou, I'm disinclined to get anywhere near it. Stinks of monkey paw."

Then turned towards the kitchen, rising his voice enough to be heard over the din of his host's work, "Yo, Shirou, mind me using your magic circle to summon my Servant? I figure a hearty breakfast will do for a good first impression."
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (living room)

He shrugged, "Given that one of the creators of the thing was that sick fuck Zouken Matou, I'm disinclined to get anywhere near it. Stinks of monkey paw."

Then turned towards the kitchen, rising his voice enough to be heard over the din of his host's work, "Yo, Shirou, mind me using your magic circle to summon my Servant? I figure a hearty breakfast will do for a good first impression."
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (living room-->Shed)

The spellcaster smiled, "Zelretch. And thank ye kindly"

And with that he was off to the shed.

Alright, there was the magic circle, now let's modify the chant a lil'...

"Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill.
Let each be turned over five times, to be broken asunder at the appointed time.

Let Soul and Heart be the essence.
Let Darkness and Body be the foundation.
Let my great master Frankenstein be the ancestor.

Raise a wall against the wind which shall fall.
Close the four cardinal gates.
Spring forth from the crown.
Rotate the five-branched road to the Kingdom.

I hereby declare!
Your body shall serve under me!
My fate shall lay in your sword!
If you will submit to this will and this reason, then answer!

I hereby swear!
I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven!
I shall hold dominion over all evils of all of Hell!

From the Seventh Heaven, clad in three great words of power, come forth from the ring of restraint, O Protector of the Balance!"
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (living room-->Shed)

The spellcaster smiled, "Zelretch. And thank ye kindly"

And with that he was off to the shed.

Alright, there was the magic circle, now let's modify the chant a lil'...

"Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill.
Let each be turned over five times, to be broken asunder at the appointed time.

Let Soul and Heart be the essence.
Let Darkness and Body be the foundation.
Let my great master Frankenstein be the ancestor.

Raise a wall against the wind which shall fall.
Close the four cardinal gates.
Spring forth from the crown.
Rotate the five-branched road to the Kingdom.

I hereby declare!
Your body shall serve under me!
My fate shall lay in your sword!
If you will submit to this will and this reason, then answer!

I hereby swear!
I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven!
I shall hold dominion over all evils of all of Hell!

From the Seventh Heaven, clad in three great words of power, come forth from the ring of restraint, O Protector of the Balance!"
As you recite the incantation, the Magic Circle glowed an inky purple and filled the room briefly with fog as your right hand burned, before the mist cleared to reveal a white-haired little girl in black and purple clothes looking at you with her head tilted cutely. "Are you my new Daddy?"

As you recite the incantation, the Magic Circle glowed an inky purple and filled the room briefly with fog as your right hand burned, before the mist cleared to reveal a white-haired little girl in black and purple clothes looking at you with her head tilted cutely. "Are you my new Daddy?"

Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Shed-->Living Room)

He offered her a warm smile, "Yes."

He promptly found himself with a little bundle of joy hugging the air out of his lungs with her Servant-tier strength. This was fine. What was a little asphyxia between father and daughter? He ruffled her hair.

Eventually the moment passed --unlike his consciousness, thankfully-- and he nodded at the door, "Now let's head in, we got a breakfast and some introductions waiting for us."

A moment later saw him entering the house proper like a conquering king, Jackie seated on his left shoulder and kept steady by his left arm. Glowing with pride, he gladly announced, "Good news everyone, I have become a father!"

Jackie tilted her head and gave a small wave.
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Shed-->Living Room)

He offered her a warm smile, "Yes."

He promptly found himself with a little bundle of joy hugging the air out of his lungs with her Servant-tier strength. This was fine. What was a little asphyxia between father and daughter? He ruffled her hair.

Eventually the moment passed --unlike his consciousness, thankfully-- and he nodded at the door, "Now let's head in, we got a breakfast and some introductions waiting for us."

A moment later saw him entering the house proper like a conquering king, Jackie seated on his left shoulder and kept steady by his left arm. Glowing with pride, he gladly announced, "Good news everyone, I have become a father!"

Jackie tilted her head and gave a small wave.
"Good for you." Came the snark from the Archer-Class Servant EMIYA as he helped his younger counterpart as Rin and Saber sat waiting.

Looking up at you, the once and future king frowned. "Hm, Shirou, you really need to stop being so trusting."

Rolling his eyes, Shirou sat down the last plate. "Trust me Saber, if you saw him at the front door, you'd've let him in to. He looked like he'd just crawled out of a cave."

Rin didn't even bother saying anything and just buried her head in the table and screamed.
"Good for you." Came the snark from the Archer-Class Servant EMIYA as he helped his younger counterpart as Rin and Saber sat waiting.

Looking up at you, the once and future king frowned. "Hm, Shirou, you really need to stop being so trusting."

Rolling his eyes, Shirou sat down the last plate. "Trust me Saber, if you saw him at the front door, you'd've let him in to. He looked like he'd just crawled out of a cave."

Rin didn't even bother saying anything and just buried her head in the table and screamed.
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

He smiled and got himself a seat, pulling up another for Jackie, which was promptly refused in favour of sitting on his lap. He didn't mind.

He clapped, "Alright, I believe some introductions are in order. I am Vanitas von Frankenstein, Spellcaster extraordinaire, soul and biology specialist. This is Jackie, also known as Jack the Ripper and Servant Assassin, my daughter as of ten minutes ago."

Jackie tilted her head, not remembering having offered her name at any point, then nodded to herself. It only made sense for a parent to know their child's name, after all.
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Wakka groaned "Wonderful." I felt for the poor boy, I really did, but he kept on keeping on like a real trooper as he charged at her again. Hopefully, this time he had a plan to counter her crotch attacks.
I stepped back, and swung my keyblade at where his legs should be going, to sweep him off his feet. Please please please work.
I stepped back, and swung my keyblade at where his legs should be going, to sweep him off his feet. Please please please work.
Well it looks like she wasn't going for another crotch shot, and was in fact copying Wakka, who chose to jump in mid run to avoid her Keyblade. However, his lack of experience with melee weapons showed, as he didn't start swinging it soon enough. At this rate, he would just crash into her.
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

He smiled and got himself a seat, pulling up another for Jackie, which was promptly refused in favour of sitting on his lap. He didn't mind.

He clapped, "Alright, I believe some introductions are in order. I am Vanitas von Frankenstein, Spellcaster extraordinaire, soul and biology specialist. This is Jackie, also known as Jack the Ripper and Servant Assassin, my daughter as of ten minutes ago."

Jackie tilted her head, not remembering having offered her name at any point, then nodded to herself. It only made sense for a parent to know their child's name, after all.
"Vanitas...empty?" Rin pondered having learnt Latin long ago. Then she processed the other part of his introduction. "Jackie...Wha-WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUST ANNOUNCING YOUR SERVANT'S NAME LIKE THAT! DON'T YOU KNOW HOW DUMB THAT IS? EVEN IF YOU DO WANT TO WORK WITH US!"

Archer's eyes narrowed. "So you offer the identity of your servent right off the bat. You're very trusting." Despite the complimentary words, his tone was anything but.

"Nevertheless, it is good to meet you Vanitas, Jack." Saber nodded. "You may call me Saber, this is Emiya Shirou, my Master. As well as Tohsaka Rin and her Servant, Archer." Shirou nodded.

"He knows my name." Rin waved off.

Archer sighed. "Though given I just got here, I don't think I was introduced until now."

"I Know..." Rin rubbed her forehead to relieve the oncoming migraine. "Well, if he's being honest, then at least we don't need to worry about one more person running after the grail."
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"Vanitas...empty?" Rin pondered having learnt Latin long ago. Then she processed the other part of his introduction. "Jackie...Wha-WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUST ANNOUNCING YOUR SERVANT'S NAME LIKE THAT! DON'T YOU KNOW HOW DUMB THAT IS? EVEN IF YOU DO WANT TO WORK WITH US!"

Archer's eyes narrowed. "So you offer the identity of your servent right off the bat. You're very trusting." Despite the complimentary words, his tone was anything but.

"Nevertheless, it is good to meet you Vanitas, Jack." Saber nodded. "You may call me Saber, this is Emiya Shirou, my Master. As well as Tohsaka Rin and her Servant, Archer." Shirou nodded.

"He knows my name.Rin waved off.

Archer sighed. "Though given I just got here, I don't think I was introduced until now."

"I Know..." Rin rubbed her forehead to relieve the oncoming migraine. "Well, if he's being honest, then at least we don't need to worry about one more person running after the grail."
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

"Pleasure to meet you all," He gave an easy shrug, an innocent smile like butter wouldn't melt on his mouth firmly in place, "As for Jackie here, she has the advantage of her identity never having been found, so she has no weaknesses stemming from her legend whatsoever. Also, one of her skills is going to make you forget her identity as soon as the conversation is over. Convenient, that."

Jackie nodded at his words, backing up his claim. Such a supportive daughter he had.

There was a pause, before he blinked at a sudden realisation, "On another note, I've just realised that a certain artefact in my possession may be able to trick the Grail into giving us extra Servants without having to forcefully empty the class slots. Very potent conceptual bullshit centred on 'Unlocking'. Not guaranteed to work, but methinks it bears testing."
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Hesitantly waving back, Ginny Turned back to me. "So… Wait, why are there two versions of you here in this reality? Are you saying this branch failed twice?"

Sighing, I unstrap myself as we land. "I'm not sure… this is the first time I've reinserted actually, so this is as new to me as it is to you."
Standing, I wave Axel and Xalgeon over. "Listen guys, I need to check out that alternate Riku, but Aqua and Ventus are right, we can't leave Terra any longer. I want you two to take them, Atlas and Genesis if he wants to the End of The World and find Terra. I'll take the two girls and follow up on that lead I have. If either of you need reinforcements outside of your minions Ping me on Viv."

@UbeOne, @Pred1059, @Atma Warrior
Standing, I wave Axel and Xalgeon over. "Listen guys, I need to check out that alternate Riku, but Aqua and Ventus are right, we can't leave Terra any longer. I want you two to take them, Atlas and Genesis if he wants to the End of The World and find Terra. I'll take the two girls and follow up on that lead I have. If either of you need reinforcements outside of your minions Ping me on Viv."

@UbeOne, @Pred1059, @Atma Warrior
Genesis Rhapsodos
A new Trail?

"I'll go with you to follow up on that lead. If this Seru is holding onto some previous notions with that original message, then he may not expect out of context problems. Besides, I kinda want to see more worlds. Never know what we could find there."
Hollow Bastion

Having finished up the defense system, I re-looked over some of the parts that Cid had already finished and thought that...well, they could have been done better in all honesty. Not that doing things by the book isn't bad, but there did seem to be room to experiment for improvements.

Taking some time to change and fix up on the details, I somehow end up improving the entire thing much better than expected. Should be able to handle medium-sized Heartless...Heartless...why does that...

At that thought, I realized that I'm on the brink of realizing something. A familiar sense that Cid himself experienced, 'On the brink of an epiphany', where just one nudge and everything fits into place. Going to a mostly vacant area, I relax and think further into this...

Where did I know Heartless from...I didn't figure it out from just that, so perhaps it's not that important...Well, either way. Now that I'm done with the Defense System, I suppose now I have some free time to think on my own.

Let's see what I can brainstorm on my own. And with two live's worth of experience and knowledge...well, more knowledge from Noob's side and experience from Cid's, but at least I can figure out what kind of ideas my Otaku head can think of into something usable.
first roll: 62+40%=86.8
Made some decent progress, but will need to find other blueprints to double check on Thruster details and how to best 'miniaturize'
Second roll...: 3...+40%=4.2
...What the fu- There are at least 15 different ways of making Thrusters work apparently...I'm gonna need to sort through this
Third roll: 66+40%=92.4 (Total is 183.4)
Allllrighty then. Managed to sort the usable ones and the ones that won't work period. Now to figure which would work best for the project.
Fourth roll: 75+40%= 105 Crit Additional roll: 25+40%=35 (Total: 323.4)
Surprisingly, after sorting and managing the mess that was already here, the blueprints Cid made were very well made. Already had labels for parts that could be replaced and made working with them much much smoother. Should have a working model in no time with this.
Fifth Roll: 97+40%= 135.8 Crit Roll: 71+40%=99.4 (Total 558.6)
I don't quite know what happened, but like how I said before with an epiphany, as soon as one problem was fixed, everything else just clicked into place. And I somehow ended up with a blueprint that'd work well as basic power armor...but let's see just how far I can go with this.
Sixth Roll: 37+40%= 51.8 (Total 610.4)
Hmmm...I...I finished the blueprints and fixed up some details that were sticking out that might end up just pointlessly hampering effectiveness...but I don't quite know how much further I can actually improve on this...Screw it, let's just finish up and actually put this into effect and see the physical results
Hollow Bastion
Alrighty, time to stop being a NEET

Having finished up my blueprints and details over my new future suit, I wipe my sweat before heading outside for once in a long while.

Taking out a cigar...I put it away. I might share the same memories as Cid, but I don't like the smell of smoke. Anyways, time to see what I can go find/scrounge up round about.
First Roll: 24
Ok then...Where to first...
Second Roll....:6...
I don't think I quite know where I am, but I am pretty sure I'm making progress...I think...
Third Roll: 85 (total: 105)
Okay, finally got to an actual place where I managed to get some scraps and parts...but this isn't much honestly...this will probably take me ages to actually get to what I need...
Noob5674 threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Searching for Scrap Total: 115
24 24 6 6 85 85
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Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

"Pleasure to meet you all," He gave an easy shrug, an innocent smile like butter wouldn't melt on his mouth firmly in place, "As for Jackie here, she has the advantage of her identity never having been found, so she has no weaknesses stemming from her legend whatsoever. Also, one of her skills is going to make you forget her identity as soon as the conversation is over. Convenient, that."

Jackie nodded at his words, backing up his claim. Such a supportive daughter he had.

There was a pause, before he blinked at a sudden realisation, "On another note, I've just realised that a certain artefact in my possession may be able to trick the Grail into giving us extra Servants without having to forcefully empty the class slots. Very potent conceptual bullshit centred on 'Unlocking'. Not guaranteed to work, but methinks it bears testing."

Archer blinks, then smirks at the revelation. "Of course, Jack the Ripper is anyone they could ever be. All we'd know is that they're Assassin."

Rin sighs, "Guess you're smarter than you look."

And then the conversation ends, and all anyone knows about the girl is that they're assassin.

But when Vanitas brings up the topic of "Unlocking" the grail everyone in the room has a look on their face of absolute horror. Well, everyone except Shirou, who looks around in confusion, "Is, that even possible? How-"

"You know what, I take it back." Rin stands up, having passed the point of blatant outrage into a tranquil fury. "You have to be the stupidest magus I've ever met. If you think that it's a good idea to tamper with the ritual of the grail, just to get more servants out of it, you deserve whatever misery and travesty comes your way. And I promise you, It won't be pretty."

Archer raises a finger as if to add something, then lowers it. "What she said. Nothing good will come out of playing with the holy grail like a toy."

Everyone looks to see what Vanitas' response will be. Even Shirou seems to be gripping the plate he's cleaning in his hand a little tighter than normal.
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