Archer blinks, then smirks at the revelation. "Of course, Jack the Ripper is anyone they could ever be. All we'd know is that they're Assassin."

Rin sighs, "Guess you're smarter than you look."

And then the conversation ends, and all anyone knows about the girl is that they're assassin.

But when Vanitas brings up the topic of "Unlocking" the grail everyone in the room has a look on their face of absolute horror. Well, everyone except Shirou, who looks around in confusion, "Is, that even possible? How-"

"You know what, I take it back." Rin stands up, having passed the point of blatant outrage into a tranquil fury. "You have to be the stupidest magus I've ever met. If you think that it's a good idea to tamper with the ritual of the grail, just to get more servants out of it, you deserve whatever misery and travesty comes your way. And I promise you, It won't be pretty."

Archer raises a finger as if to add something, then lowers it. "What she said. Nothing good will come out of playing with the holy grail like a toy."

Everyone looks to see what Vanitas' response will be. Even Shirou seems to be gripping the plate he's cleaning in his hand a little tighter than normal.
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

He hummed in thought, before nodding in acknowledgement, eyes glazing over slightly as he dived into his memories, "Hm, oh right, there was quite the track record on that matter, wasn't there? An exceedingly powerful cursed fire during the last war and a disastrous attempt to summon... a Zoroastrian god of evil in the third, I believe. Most likely related. And given your ages you may have been affected by the former directly or otherwise. Apologies for bringing up unpleasant memories" He tapped his fingers against the table, deep in thought, "That said, if I recall correctly, there were several instances of successful tampering, such as a joint Master bond in the fourth War and a summoning of two different versions of a Heroic Spirit occupying a single class slot in the third. Although admittedly the scale of the tampering is quite different. Hm, oh well, at the present time we have no need for additional Servants, so let's merely keep in mind the possibility but leave it well enough alone for now."

He visibly snapped himself out of his slight fuge, chuckling sheepishly at the wary looks he was getting, scratching the back of his head, "Now, now, no need to be so worried, I'm just the sort to verbally brainstorm, don't expect me to go through everything I propose. Should anything I say sound like a bad idea, I invite you to tell me as much. It is the reason behind me vocalising such thoughts, after all."
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The Castle that Never Was
Eternal Evening
Splitting the Party?

Standing, I wave Axel and Xalgeon over. "Listen guys, I need to check out that alternate Riku, but Aqua and Ventus are right, we can't leave Terra any longer. I want you two to take them, Atlas and Genesis if he wants to the End of The World and find Terra. I'll take the two girls and follow up on that lead I have. If either of you need reinforcements outside of your minions Ping me on Viv."

@UbeOne, @Pred1059, @Atma Warrior
I perk up at...what I assume is an acronym ."Viv?"

Atlas speaks up. "Voices in the Void. The name for our communications channel. We often shorten it to viv."

Sounds a bit edg-oh wait, Xemnas. Of course. I turn toward Roxas!Xal "Well, please take care of Ginny on your trip. If anything happens to her I promise to visit the wrath of Molly Weasly on you." Ginny giggles a bit.

I turn toward the remaining friend. "What do you say Atma?"

Genesis Rhapsodos
A new Trail?

"I'll go with you to follow up on that lead. If this Seru is holding onto some previous notions with that original message, then he may not expect out of context problems. Besides, I kinda want to see more worlds. Never know what we could find there."

I nod. "Probably our best bet, He'll be expecting Organization members with certain powers, rather than Keyblade wielders and whatever tricks you've got. You about ready Ube?"

Well it looks like she wasn't going for another crotch shot, and was in fact copying Wakka, who chose to jump in mid run to avoid her Keyblade. However, his lack of experience with melee weapons showed, as he didn't start swinging it soon enough. At this rate, he would just crash into her.
I let out a cry of surprise, before trying to scrapple away from Wakka. Then, my bird came back and rammed into him, diverting his course away from me.
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

He hummed in thought, before nodding in acknowledgement, eyes glazing over slightly as he dived into his memories, "Hm, oh right, there was quite the track record on that matter, wasn't there? An exceedingly powerful cursed fire during the last war and a disastrous attempt to summon... a Zoroastrian god of evil in the third, I believe. Most likely related. And given your ages you may have been affected by the former directly or otherwise. Apologies for bringing up unpleasant memories" He tapped his fingers against the table, deep in thought, "That said, if I recall correctly, there were several instances of successful tampering, such as a joint Master bond in the fourth War and a summoning of two different versions of a Heroic Spirit occupying a single class slot in the third. Although admittedly the scale of the tampering is quite different. Hm, oh well, at the present time we have no need for additional Servants, so let's merely keep in mind the possibility but leave it well enough alone for now."

He visibly snapped himself out of his slight fuge, chuckling sheepishly at the wary looks he was getting, scratching the back of his head, "Now, now, no need to be so worried, I'm just the sort to verbally brainstorm, don't expect me to go through everything I propose. Should anything I say sound like a bad idea, I invite you to tell me as much. It is the reason behind me vocalising such thoughts, after all."
At the mention of the fire, a small snapping sound can be heard. While Vanitas continues rambling, Rin and Saber both look to see Shirou hastily setting down what is left of the plate. As he wraps up the explanation, Archer speaks up. "I understand that circumstances might change. However, I will say that unlocking the Grail might let loose things that humanity is NOT ready for. I hope for your sake that whatever might come to prompt unleashing that is worth it."

Rin takes a moment to process Archer's words then pales. "Hold on, if whatever's in the Grail is...well dangerous. What on earth coul-" And then she shuts her mouth. "Nope, nevermind. Not finishing that thought. Not going to tempt fate more." At this her servant nods.

Then Shirou speaks up. "Is there even something that exists that's wor-"Rin stomps her foot to interrupt him.

"SHIROU SHUT UP!" "Wha? But wh-" "NOPE SHUT UP. I was going to change my initial plans for today when he showed up. But you know what, it keeps us off that topic then that's what we're going to do. You and I are going to go somewhere else, and have fun, and not think about whatever dumb ideas this idiot magus brings up."

At this, Shirou begins sputtering."Wha...where...What would?"

"We. Are going out. And having. FUN."
At the mention of the fire, a small snapping sound can be heard. While Vanitas continues rambling, Rin and Saber both look to see Shirou hastily setting down what is left of the plate. As he wraps up the explanation, Archer speaks up. "I understand that circumstances might change. However, I will say that unlocking the Grail might let loose things that humanity is NOT ready for. I hope for your sake that whatever might come to prompt unleashing that is worth it."

Rin takes a moment to process Archer's words then pales. "Hold on, if whatever's in the Grail is...well dangerous. What on earth coul-" And then she shuts her mouth. "Nope, nevermind. Not finishing that thought. Not going to tempt fate more." At this her servant nods.

Then Shirou speaks up. "Is there even something that exists that's wor-"Rin stomps her foot to interrupt him.

"SHIROU SHUT UP!" "Wha? But wh-" "NOPE SHUT UP. I was going to change my initial plans for today when he showed up. But you know what, it keeps us off that topic then that's what we're going to do. You and I are going to go somewhere else, and have fun, and not think about whatever dumb ideas this idiot magus brings up."

At this, Shirou begins sputtering."Wha...where...What would?"

"We. Are going out. And having. FUN."
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

Vanitas hummed, eyeing EMIYA, face set on a slight grimace, "So my guess was right, then. Unfortunate, to say in the least. Given the certainty in your tone, you either have a skill like Clairvoyance or come from further down the timeline, since the Throne is atemporal. Which makes my earlier comment of the Grail being a monkey's paw far more accurate than I'd like. However, this presents an unique opportunity. If we can convince the other Master-Servant pairs of the fact, we may just be able to peacefully resolve this War. Perhaps even band together to ensure further ones either don't happen or are safe, depending on the capabilities of the available Servants." Then he turned to Shirou, "I'll tell you later if you wish. It will most likely do your peace of mind no good, however." He nodded to himself, "If you're leaving, I believe I'll go work on some healing magecraft capable familiars and get Assassin up to speed on modern medical techniques. Should prove invaluable." He then smiled, tone finally returning to its usual lightheartedness, "Have fun on your date~"

Jackie perked up at the medical techniques comment, interest piqued. He gave her an indulgent chuckle and a headpat.
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Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

Vanitas hummed, eyeing EMIYA, face set on a slight grimace, "So my guess was right, then. Unfortunate, to say in the least. Given the certainty in your tone, you either have a skill like Clairvoyance or come from further down the timeline, since the Throne is atemporal. Which makes my earlier comment of the Grail being a monkey's paw far more accurate than I'd like. However, this presents an unique opportunity. If we can convince the other Master-Servant pairs of the fact, we may just be able to peacefully resolve this War. Perhaps even band together to ensure further ones either don't happen or are safe, depending on the capabilities of the available Servants." Then he turned to Shirou, "I'll tell you later if you wish. It will most likely do your peace of mind no good, however." He nodded to himself, "If you're leaving, I believe I'll go work on some healing magecraft capable familiars and get Assassin up to speed on modern medical techniques. Should prove invaluable." He then smiled, tone finally returning to its usual lightheartedness, "Have fun on your date~"

Jackie perked up at the medical techniques comment, interest piqued. He gave her an indulgent chuckle and a headpat.
"No, it's not a date. We're just going out to take our mind of-""You know what, it is." Rin interrupted Shirou.


"That's my plan. To take you out on a date."

A bit of a blush formed on Shirou's face "Wh-wha..."

"WHAAAAT? Shirou why didn't you SAY you got a date?" And suddenly, the lurking threat only known as Fujimura Taiga made herself known to the room. Her surreptitiously eaten breakfast forgotten on her plate. "So how long have you been dating? Where are you going today? Are you getting up to anything I should know about~? " And then she notices two newcomers to the household. "And who are they?"

Shirou could only sigh, "Would you quit asking so many questions? It's just something for today." Meanwhile, Rin rolled her eyes at the childish teacher. "This is Vanitas and his daughter, they'll be staying with us."
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"No, it's not a date. We're just going out to take our mind of-""You know what, it is." Rin interrupted Shirou.


"That's my plan. To take you out on a date."

A bit of a blush formed on Shirou's face "Wh-wha..."

"WHAAAAT? Shirou why didn't you SAY you got a date?" And suddenly, the lurking threat only known as Fujimura Taiga made herself known to the room. Her surreptitiously eaten breakfast forgotten on her plate. "So how long have you been dating? Where are you going today? Are you getting up to anything I should know about~? " And then she notices two newcomers to the household. "And who are they?"

Shirou could only sigh, "Would you quit asking so many questions? It's just something for today." Meanwhile, Rin rolled her eyes at the childish teacher. "This is Vanitas and his daughter, they'll be staying with us."
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)


Carefully reigning in his internal screaming, he smiled and offered a nod, meanwhile Jackie gave a little wave. Reasonably confident his internal screaming wouldn't become external, he spoke up, "Aye, we got kinda stranded and a relative once told us to head here if we ever were in need of room and board in the area. Don't worry, I'll be helping around the house to repay the hospitality."

As soon as the tiger's attention was off him, he'd gesture for one of the Floods to sneak into her shadow and keep her safe and monitored. Something fucky was going on and he wanted to know what.
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He sat seiza over the burning remains of Golyat. He was within a paralell timeline, but all that truly mattered lay dead before him. The disemboweled corpses of the Lodissian Commanders, their Death Templar, and the Heroes of Valeria all, scattered around him. He should have felt something. But when he tried to conjure something, the malformed heart in his breast gave him nothing. His eyes could not even conjure bloody tears. "The tragedy is man. And it's hero, the Conqueror Wyrm." He gave a bitter laugh at that. "Oh the terrors I could bring to the world, but in the absence of everything else I desire..." He looked moonward as the snow slowly fell around him.

He did not even have it in him to ask forgiveness. "Seraph's shall sob, at vermin fangs. This human gore, imbued." Golyat, a small seaside town, a minor trading port, burned all the brighter, and the flare of ash and snow did not trouble him in the slightest as he closed his eyes, before he felt the world shudder, and twist. A few moments longer, before he was sitting seiza on an alter in a small island, magma all around. "Alogo awaits at the Central Gardens. Fitting, for us to conduct my ascent, amidst the ruins of a Kingdom I once loved." He rose, and opened a black corridor, one hand extended.

"Mayhap dearest Deneb will escape." He shrugged as he crossed into the corridor.
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)


Carefully reigning in his internal screaming, he smiled and offered a nod, meanwhile Jackie gave a little wave. Reasonably confident his internal screaming wouldn't become external, he spoke up, "Aye, we got kinda stranded and a relative once told us to head here if we ever were in need of room and board in the area. Don't worry, I'll be helping around the house to repay the hospitality."

As soon as the tiger's attention was off him, he'd gesture for one of the Floods to sneak into her shadow and keep her safe and monitored. Something fucky was going on and he wanted to know what.
"Great! Shirou will probably need all the help he can get with everyone here. Well, anyway, I ought to get going myself!" Taiga scarfed down the remainder of her breakfast, got up, and went to gather her jacket. "Shoudn't keep him waiting."

Rin tilts her head. "So you've got a date too?"

"More or less!" Then her face briefly gets serious, and for once she looks like the responsible adult she should be. "Just don't go off and do something too crazy alright?" And then she snaps back to her indomitably cheery self "Welp, see you later!" And with that, she heads toward her scooter. And the flood following her quickly zips into the loose luggage compartment as she speeds off.
"Great! Shirou will probably need all the help he can get with everyone here. Well, anyway, I ought to get going myself!" Taiga scarfed down the remainder of her breakfast, got up, and went to gather her jacket. "Shoudn't keep him waiting."

Rin tilts her head. "So you've got a date too?"

"More or less!" Then her face briefly gets serious, and for once she looks like the responsible adult she should be. "Just don't go off and do something too crazy alright?" And then she snaps back to her indomitably cheery self "Welp, see you later!" And with that, she heads toward her scooter. And the flood following her quickly zips into the loose luggage compartment as she speeds off.
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

Vanitas spoke up as soon as there was no chance of Taiga doubling back to get something she forgot, tone genuinely apologetic, "Now, I know you already have enough worries, but I'd rather not leave you in the dark. She positively oozes the substance I make my familiars out of. Now, all living beings generate some, what with it being tied to emotional capacity, but the amount present in her is orders of magnitude above the usual levels for a human. To the point that, by all rights, she should have been significantly warped by it physically and mentally." He sighed, "I've sneaked one of my familiars on her belongings with orders to keep her safe and monitor her condition. At the very least she seems unaffected so far, best case scenario it is a relatively harmless quirk like a sorcery trait or ESPer."
Hangar, Castle That Never Was
Full Moon Night
Time for a rescue

Standing, I wave Axel and Xalgeon over. "Listen guys, I need to check out that alternate Riku, but Aqua and Ventus are right, we can't leave Terra any longer. I want you two to take them, Atlas and Genesis if he wants to the End of The World and find Terra. I'll take the two girls and follow up on that lead I have. If either of you need reinforcements outside of your minions Ping me on Viv."

@UbeOne, @Pred1059, @Atma Warrior

I find myself relieved by what I hear, that we'll be going off to rescue Terra right away. Hopefully he'll be all right...

The Castle that Never Was
Eternal Evening
Splitting the Party?

I perk up at...what I assume is an acronym ."Viv?"

Atlas speaks up. "Voices in the Void. The name for our communications channel. We often shorten it to viv."

Sounds a bit edg-oh wait, Xemnas. Of course. I turn toward Roxas!Xal "Well, please take care of Ginny on your trip. If anything happens to her I promise to visit the wrath of Molly Weasly on you." Ginny giggles a bit.

I turn toward the remaining friend. "What do you say Atma?"

I nod. "Probably our best bet, He'll be expecting Organization members with certain powers, rather than Keyblade wielders and whatever tricks you've got. You about ready Ube?"


"Yeah." I nod. I know the End of the World is a dark place, with Heartless galore... but I've walked the shadows before, and I'm a bit stronger now, and I'm not alone in this.

Though it'd be a good idea to figure out how to make a Corridor sometime. I consider one made of Light, but if such a thing does exist, I'm not sure if it would be any safer than the Dark one, not when there are enemies made from Light.

While I may be protected from the ambient influence, I'd have to take the others into consideration, too.

@Atma Warrior
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

Vanitas spoke up as soon as there was no chance of Taiga doubling back to get something she forgot, tone genuinely apologetic, "Now, I know you already have enough worries, but I'd rather not leave you in the dark. She positively oozes the substance I make my familiars out of. Now, all living beings generate some, what with it being tied to emotional capacity, but the amount present in her is orders of magnitude above the usual levels for a human. To the point that, by all rights, she should have been significantly warped by it physically and mentally." He sighed, "I've sneaked one of my familiars on her belongings with orders to keep her safe and monitor her condition. At the very least she seems unaffected so far, best case scenario it is a relatively harmless quirk like a sorcery trait or ESPer."
Rin narrows her eyes studying Vanitas, then she sighs. "We'll talk about it later. Right now, we're going out."

Shirou speaks up, "Well what if whatever she has is dangerous? Shouldn't we look into it?"

The master of Archer shrugs and shakes her head. "He already said he had one of his familiars keeping an eye on her. And right now they seem friendly enough. Saber, you ready to go?"

"Are you sure I should be accompanying you two on your date?"

"It's more of insurance in case something happens, or a magus does something stupid. Speaking of which, Archer?"

"Keep Vanitas from enacting any mad experiments? Don't need to tell me twice."

Rin gives a thumbs up, and begins making her way outside, along with Shirou and Saber.
Rin narrows her eyes studying Vanitas, then she sighs. "We'll talk about it later. Right now, we're going out."

Shirou speaks up, "Well what if whatever she has is dangerous? Shouldn't we look into it?"

The master of Archer shrugs and shakes her head. "He already said he had one of his familiars keeping an eye on her. And right now they seem friendly enough. Saber, you ready to go?"

"Are you sure I should be accompanying you two on your date?"

"It's more of insurance in case something happens, or a magus does something stupid. Speaking of which, Archer?"

"Keep Vanitas from enacting any mad experiments? Don't need to tell me twice."

Rin gives a thumbs up, and begins making her way outside, along with Shirou and Saber.
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

He rose a finger, then lowered it, "Fair enough. Having someone around to tell me if something sounds like a horrible idea tends to lead to good results." He went about getting up and setting Jackie back on his shoulder, making some talk meanwhile, "So, Archer, do tell: Precog, Clairvoyance or from the future?"
Genesis Rhapsodos
A new Trail?

"I'll go with you to follow up on that lead. If this Seru is holding onto some previous notions with that original message, then he may not expect out of context problems. Besides, I kinda want to see more worlds. Never know what we could find there."

The Castle that Never Was
Eternal Evening
Splitting the Party?

I perk up at...what I assume is an acronym ."Viv?"

Atlas speaks up. "Voices in the Void. The name for our communications channel. We often shorten it to viv."

Sounds a bit edg-oh wait, Xemnas. Of course. I turn toward Roxas!Xal "Well, please take care of Ginny on your trip. If anything happens to her I promise to visit the wrath of Molly Weasly on you." Ginny giggles a bit.

I turn toward the remaining friend. "What do you say Atma?"

I nod. "Probably our best bet, He'll be expecting Organization members with certain powers, rather than Keyblade wielders and whatever tricks you've got. You about ready Ube?"


Hangar, Castle That Never Was
Full Moon Night
Time for a rescue

I find myself relieved by what I hear, that we'll be going off to rescue Terra right away. Hopefully he'll be all right...

"Yeah." I nod. I know the End of the World is a dark place, with Heartless galore... but I've walked the shadows before, and I'm a bit stronger now, and I'm not alone in this.

Though it'd be a good idea to figure out how to make a Corridor sometime. I consider one made of Light, but if such a thing does exist, I'm not sure if it would be any safer than the Dark one, not when there are enemies made from Light.

While I may be protected from the ambient influence, I'd have to take the others into consideration, too.

@Atma Warrior
As everyone prepares to leave, I turn to my other and wave him to join me in the corner. "Listen Xalgeon, the person behind Aqua? She's very important to me... to us... I need you to keep her, and by extension Terra and Ventus, safe and happy at all costs... I know... I know we agreed to keep it secret in the original timeline... but... But if you have to... use Darker Than Dark... Nothing can happen to them Xalgeon, understand?"

Looking at me, he smiled sadly. "So we finally made our own friends huh? I saw how you let her push you onwards in the Grey Area with Xion. I didn't know it at the time, but if anyone else tried that, we would've just clammed up even further..."
The Castle that Never Was
Eternal Evening
To the End Of The World

Hangar, Castle That Never Was
Full Moon Night
Time for a rescue

I find myself relieved by what I hear, that we'll be going off to rescue Terra right away. Hopefully he'll be all right...

"Yeah." I nod. I know the End of the World is a dark place, with Heartless galore... but I've walked the shadows before, and I'm a bit stronger now, and I'm not alone in this.

Though it'd be a good idea to figure out how to make a Corridor sometime. I consider one made of Light, but if such a thing does exist, I'm not sure if it would be any safer than the Dark one, not when there are enemies made from Light.

While I may be protected from the ambient influence, I'd have to take the others into consideration, too.

@Atma Warrior

"Alright then, let's take the ship and get going. Good to go Atlas?"

The pilot nodded, "Just about ready. Need to finish some registration with the personnel." Over his hand, I see a small screen scrolling past and filling out various documents. Eventually it vanishes. "We're ready. Let's head to the hanger."

As everyone prepares to leave, I turn to my other and wave him to join me in the corner. "Listen Xalgeon, the person behind Aqua? She's very important to me... to us... I need you to keep her, and by extension Terra and Ventus, safe and happy at all costs... I know... I know we agreed to keep it secret in the original timeline... but... But if you have to... use Darker Than Dark... Nothing can happen to them Xalgeon, understand?"

Looking at me, he smiled sadly. "So we finally made our own friends huh? I saw how you let her push you onwards in the Grey Area with Xion. I didn't know it at the time, but if anyone else tried that, we would've just clammed up even further..."

I call out to the other Xalgeon, busy conversing with Roxas "We'll meet you in the hanger with the Javelin." And with that, me and Atlas make our way back to the ship, and begin strapping ourselves in to take off once everyone is aboard.

@Atma Warrior
Hollow Bastion
Yeah...this isn't working out fine

Searching for quite some time, I...found very little despite the amount of time he was around. And even with the stuff that I did manage to get, it was limited due to the necessity for reconstruction as well.

...I'm gonna need to head elsewhere if I really want to make any progress. Thinking, I recall a Gummi Ship Cid had. It's an oldie, but it works perfectly fine, albeit somewhat custom fit for his own use at that.

Heading back to where I had my blueprints and such, I make a list of stuff I'd need to keep an eye out for, and head to the ship to set off on a resource hunt. And by that, I mean just look for a relatively low-tech world to siphon off some stuff before heading back.
@Pred1059 @Xalgeon
115+(33+40%)= 161.2
Noob5674 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Collecting on the way Total: 33
33 33
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As everyone prepares to leave, I turn to my other and wave him to join me in the corner. "Listen Xalgeon, the person behind Aqua? She's very important to me... to us... I need you to keep her, and by extension Terra and Ventus, safe and happy at all costs... I know... I know we agreed to keep it secret in the original timeline... but... But if you have to... use Darker Than Dark... Nothing can happen to them Xalgeon, understand?"

Looking at me, he smiled sadly. "So we finally made our own friends huh? I saw how you let her push you onwards in the Grey Area with Xion. I didn't know it at the time, but if anyone else tried that, we would've just clammed up even further..."
I call out to the other Xalgeon, busy conversing with Roxas "We'll meet you in the hanger with the Javelin." And with that, me and Atlas make our way back to the ship, and begin strapping ourselves in to take off once everyone is aboard.

@Atma Warrior
Nodding at my past life, I wave him off towards the Javalin.

Grabbing Xion and Ginny, I head towards The Room That Gazes Into The Void, telling a passing Dusk to grab one of the spare Coats for Ginny along the way.

Entering the domed room covered in Netherscript Rune Arrays, I could practically feel Ginny vibrating in excitement. "Merlin's Balls! What's all this? I've never seen such a language before."

Looking at the other girl in surprise, Xion blinked. "Huh? It's Netherscript, one of the three Prime Languages and the basis of all of Father's Devices."

Laughing, I ruffled Xion's hair before moving to my place at the center of the Runic circle as I explain. "She doesn't know what the Three Prime Languages are Shi-Shi, She's only just been brought in on the knowledge of the wider universe, I doubt she knows anything about the Three Forces yet. Now let me concentrate please?"

Clearing my throat and reaching out to the Nothingness in the room, we suddenly looked like we were hanging in The Lanes Between suspended in a cage of pulsing grey Runes as I started the scrying ritual's chant;

"As I gaze between this world and the next
Forgotten to the eternal blaze of the Heart
Begotten of any reason to march onward
Blind to simple reason by the fog of absence

I, the simple remnant of what once was
The ever humble lost flesh of yesterday
Call on thee, o great and lonely void
And plead thee grant me only this;

Guide this lost soul towards his destination.

As several of the runes flash, a grey road of mist forms, at the end of which lay a portal to Fuyuki city.

Waving the girls on, I follow behind them and step into my old rival's house.

As several of the runes flash, a grey road of mist forms, at the end of which lay a portal to Fuyuki city.

Waving the girls on, I follow behind them and step into my old rival's house.

Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

The very instant the portal opened, Jackie activated her Presence Concealment A+, while Vanitas' Keyblade manifested in his hand and coated in Darkness, ready to be put to use. Likewise, all his Unversed sans the one Flood busy with Taiga were now in a formation around him, however barely could the blobmob fit inside the house by dint of being boneless. Preparations done, he finally spoke, "Bold of you to stroll right into the headquarters of a Master alliance."

He didn't bother glancing at EMIYA, he had a good head on his shoulders and could take care of himself.
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

The very instant the portal opened, Jackie activated her Presence Concealment A+, while Vanitas' Keyblade manifested in his hand and coated in Darkness, ready to be put to use. Likewise, all his Unversed sans the one Flood busy with Taiga were now in a formation around him, however barely could the blobmob fit inside the house by dint of being boneless. Preparations done, he finally spoke, "Bold of you to stroll right into the headquarters of a Master alliance."

He didn't bother glancing at EMIYA, he had a good head on his shoulders and could take care of himself.
Raising my arms, I show him I'm unarmed. "Relax, I'm not anything to do with the Moonlit World, I just need the advice of the Third Magician and knowing him, his eyes are on this house, Vanitas, Shirou."
Raising my arms, I show him I'm unarmed. "Relax, I'm not anything to do with the Moonlit World, I just need the advice of the Third Magician and knowing him, his eyes are on this house, Vanitas, Shirou."
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

That earned a blink, startling him enough not to think his respone through, "The fuck do you need my old man's advice for?"

[OOC: The Third True Magic is Heaven's Feel, the Second True Magic is the Kaleidoscope]
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

That earned a blink, startling him enough not to think his respone through, "The fuck do you need my old man's advice for?"

[OOC: The Third True Magic is Heaven's Feel, the Second True Magic is the Kaleidoscope]
Shaking my head, I blink. "Sorry, I meant the Second Magician, I always get confused between the True Magics. I think we've encountered an Alternate Entity."
Shaking my head, I blink. "Sorry, I meant the Second Magician, I always get confused between the True Magics. I think we've encountered an Alternate Entity."
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

He grimanced, "Oh joy. Alright, I don't know the local iteration of Zel, but the one eating popcorn next to my old man must be sending him a transdimensional invoice right about now." There was a pointed cough, followed by muttering, "he better if he wants to keep getting monsters of the week for his magical girls at a discount." Say what you will about the old coot, but he cared.
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

He grimanced, "Oh joy. Alright, I don't know the local iteration of Zel, but the one eating popcorn next to my old man must be sending him a transdimensional invoice right about now." There was a pointed cough, followed by muttering, "he better if he wants to keep getting monsters of the week for his magical girls at a discount." Say what you will about the old coot, but he cared.
Blinking some more, I frown. "Old man? What does Xehanort have to do with Root Magic? Unless you mean Ventus' dad all the way back in the Daybreak Town of the original Worldline?"

Before I could continue, Archer stepped forward with Kanshou and Byakuya raised. "I don't know what you two are talking about, but how do you know my name? And why has Alaya been crying ever since she layed eyes on everyone in this room?! Alaya never cries!"
Blinking some more, I frown. "Old man? What does Xehanort have to do with Root Magic? Unless you mean Ventus' dad all the way back in the Daybreak Town of the original Worldline?"
Fuyuki City (F/SN), Shirou's House (Living Room)

It was his turn to blink again, followed by frowning in confusion, "So you meant to say that you didn't track me down for my relation to William 'I copped a feel from heaven' Frankenstein? How the hell did you recognise my substrata, then? Shit was so wrecked I had to grow a completely new body."

Before I could continue, Archer stepped forward with Kanshou and Byakuya raised. "I don't know what you two are talking about, but how do you know my name? And why has Alaya been crying ever since she layed eyes on everyone in this room?! Alaya never cries!"

And with that Vanitas was finally snapped out of his thoughts, belatedly realising he had kinda spilled a silo's worth of beans. And as the day old man he was, he would just snark and pretend he had meant to do all that "Logic has clearly committed suicide after one shenanigan too many and she's mourning the loss."