Once Upon a Lie (Disney's Villain's Victorious/Lies of P) (Yes, Really)

So besides Hades (or maybe a different version), Esmerelda and who is in her group any ideas on what other Disney characters our characters will meet?
Considering we are a port we will certainly meet at least 1 sea faction. The Brethren Court, Ursula, Morgana, whatever deep ones bs the Atlantis stuff is connected to(Prince Aladdin Quest has Eldritch Lemuria), the EITC, etc.
I still think we're probably going to run into some Porco Rosso stuff. So Sea planes and sky pirates mainly, maybe have to fight the 'rightful Italian government' remnants or something.
SEA The Adventurer's Club has an HQ on Pleasure Island so there's the lesser known park only characters. Donkey(Shrek) is probably going to be there.
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SEA The Adventurer's Club has an HQ on Pleasure Island so there's the lesser known park only characters. Donkey(Shrek) is probably going to be there.
Oh, I can't wait to send P and the Watcher over there and destroy that place. Venigni must feel insulted by the mere suggestion of the existence of the boss of that place.

I hope that no one in the future who knows about Pleasure Island even suggests that Venigni bears the slightest resemblance to that monster, because P, with how much he trusts us and knows that we are genuinely trying to help everyone, will not be happy with the comparison.
I wonder how hades will feel about ergo, the crystal shit, by the lie of p lore, are crystallized human souls, he will either demand us to hand some over so he can figure out what the hell caused it(hades will have concerns how crystallized souls are a thing) or ask for a agent if his to be stationed to study ergo

Esmerelda and her group, there going to br in one hell of a culture shock with how the city of kratz is like, and the scars they have, wonder how they feel about pinocchio, cause from the huncnback of notredam movie they have heared of him, but he was small and innocent, not the whitish-purple haired chad that can fight monsters and have the slight power of rewinding time?
I wonder how hades will feel about ergo, the crystal shit, by the lie of p lore, are crystallized human souls

Ergo is a manifestation of a person's memories, life essence, and time. When a person dies, their essence is transformed into Ergo which naturally disperses around the site of their death. However, when a mineral known as Kroud is present, it will absorb and harness Ergo's energy, causing it to grow larger.

Kroud is the mineral, ergo is the energy. Kroud is presumably the 'wishing star' that fell to Earth long ago. It has no power on it's own save for absorbing ergo and growing as far as anyone knows.

Maybe ergo is more like soul residue, with the power to call a soul back from death or create a new one? Because the life it brings isn't always exactly the one that left.

suggests that Venigni bears the slightest resemblance to that monster, because P, with how much he trusts us and knows that we are genuinely trying to help everyone, will not be happy with the comparison.
Disney's Coachman doesn't really look anything like Venigni.
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Just for curiosity:

If the SUPERGIANT version of the Hades Cast is here, does that mean that Hades 2 could be here too?
And can non-human beings (like puppets, demons or god-adjcent) use a Godly Boon? [Like Hermes Speed Boons, or Demeter's Deadly Ice Lasers]
Flight From France (Semi-Canon)
Flight From France
(🎵🎶Let Mercy Come🎶🎵)

Esmerelda looked out at the camp in sadness and regret. How did it all come to this? What could she have done differently to prevent this outcome? Was this God's plan for them? No, she couldn't let herself think like that. With a shake of her head, she went back to trying to make sure everyone was as warm as possible. Blankets, campfires, treating the wounded, soothing the dieing. It all took resources, resources the refugees simply didn't have.

Cast out into this dark new world, hungry and alone. Ironic, seeing as they had to flee the flames consuming France, both literally and figuratively. The heat of damnation nipping at their heels as the cold of nature threatened to steal them away as they slept.

The people were losing hope, she could tell. It's hard not to feel abandoned by God when a man declaring himself pope wanted to watch you burn on the pyre. Wanted to take you personally to-

Esmerelda settled a half burned preacher with her own shawl as his pillow. He sided with them against the madness, helped the unjustly prosecuted to flee. He likely wouldn't last the night. The Roma woman, the Gypsy, walked through the people. Djali following faithfully in her wake as always. Clasping her hands together she felt more alone in this moment than she ever had before, yet still she opened her mouth and began to sing accompaniment to her nearly solitary procession.

Darkness falls, and Hope has hid
Hear my prayer, and let dawn come
This path is long, and the way is unclear
I pray to you

Let mercy come

Soon another voice picked up the song in her heart, causing Esmerelda's eyes to widen as more and more voices joined together in the night. Their cacophony raising together in a rapturous choir, as if the surrounding mountains, hills, and trees themselves were their cathedral.

We are lost, and home is gone
We keep you in our hearts, for we know dawn will come
Hear our prayer, so we aren't alone
We pray to you

Let mercy come

More and more people stepped up until all that could raise their voices to the heavens were doing so. The non believers just as loud as the faithful, the children as solemn as the elderly.

God we are outcasts, yet we look to you still
We'll keep our faith, and hold it high
Though different people may seem, there's one father shared by all
We pray as one

Let mercy come

Maybe it was happenstance, maybe it was fate, or maybe it was God himself. In that moment of combined prayer every refugee was looking in Esmerelda's direction at the head of the encampment. They all saw in the same moment that the last words echoed out into the air, the horizon behind the one that started the hymn lit up like a blue dawn in the distance. Silhouetting the performer and her goat alike as if they were divine messengers.

The people one by one, in a wave, began to kneel and prostrate themselves. Were they showing deference to Esmerelda, or to the holy light? Both?

"The sky!"
"Is it dawn already?"
"It's like a star on Earth!"
"It's a sign!"
"God gave her a sign!"
"Is she an angel!?"
"A shepherd! She has a lamb!"
"That's a goat you old fool!"

And as Esmerelda turned in shock, the embers of hope reigniting in her soul, she knew they were not abandoned. God sent them a sign. They would head towards the light, and find their salvation. Whether it was passage into Heaven's Gates or a haven against the evil chasing them it mattered not.

Hope could burn a person alive just as much as any stake.

And so the camp broke and set off into the night immediately, led by a single woman as unanimous decree. They followed the light as it burned for hours.

Eventually they found a great city with walls and machines, sitting by the water.

Only time would tell if it was the miracle it appeared to be.

I used this song as inspiration. Hopefully this isn't terrible!
Yep, the reason they found Krat was because we lit it up like a Christmas tree, and in a suitably Disney fashion no less!

View: https://youtu.be/AgYxMVRtJr4?si=pvNaO6UJ83v-pgwy

Shadows fall, and hope has fled
Steel your heart, the dawn will come
The night is long, and the path is dark
Look to the sky, for one day soon
The dawn will come

The shepherd's lost, and his home is far
Keep to the stars, the dawn will come
The night is long, and the path is dark
Look to the sky, for one day soon
The dawn will come

Bare your blade, and raise it high
Stand your ground, the dawn will come
The night is long, and the path is dark
Look to the sky, for one day soon

The dawn will come
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Turn 2 Feb/March- News From the Outside
You deliberated for only a few more minutes, turning around and spinning your hand over your head.

"OPEN THE GATES! AND GET WHAT DOCTORS THAT WE HAVE HERE! THERE ARE WOUNDED!" The men at the gate began to move quickly, the sound of clinking gears, whirring chains, and the grinding of steel on steel as the massive gate into Krat opened fully towards the train cars that led into the city.

Above you, you could see just the faintest hint of a smile on Pinocchio's face, before he came down, and began to move towards the crowd of people that started to push forward.

"Please! Everybody, come across the gate in an orderly manner! There are only so many transports that we can take! Wounded first!" You shouted across the fields outside of Krat, the people beginning to move forward in a seeming panic, before the woman before you repeated your words to the crowd.

It would have been a far smoother transition if the other larger transports hadn't been wrecked during the Plague to try and curb infection leaving the city. It had been a necessary action at the time, for what would it have looked like if the rest of the world had experienced this as well? No matter how much it pained your heart in having been the one to suggest it in the first place.

Unsurprisingly, the woman that had spoken to you had immediately moved to help those behind her, helping those who were limping and using large broken sticks as staff's or crutches to move forward. You followed close behind, shrugging off your jacket, jewelry, and folding up your dress shirt as you stopped a man with a wound on his head from falling to the floor.

You paid the blood on your shirt no mind, after all, you had many more, yet, there was only one of this man, whoever he may be.

The rest of the day was honestly a blur.

A constant motion of helping the injured into the train carriages, trying to keep track of all the livestock and carts that had managed to make it through.

And ensuring that the dead were properly taken to one of the buildings that had been turned into the morgue.

There would be time to bury the ones who did not make it later on. For now, it was time for everyone to rest, and recuperate.

Along with dealing with all the consequences of your action. You could tell that there were people who were not exactly happy with the decision that you had made. Most of your 'inner circle' were more than happy with the choice that you had made, though Bianca was very ambivalent to the whole situation.

Now, it was… midnight. Dear lord, it was late.

Your clothes were very much ruined, your hat and glasses having been lost in the chaos long ago, but you didn't really care as you took a glass from Pulcinella with a thankful smile. "My thanks, old friend."

"Of course, Master Venigni." The old puppet bowed at the waist, far smoother now that he no longer had to pretend that he was a 'mere' puppet, and began to bring drinks for the rest of the people currently in your office.

Bianca had at some point disappeared under her tide of children, each of them trying to get her attention for some reason or other, though you had noticed that the child had been staring at Esmeralda for some reason.

The same Esmeralda, who was being led to a chair by Pinocchio, who had barely managed to catch the woman before she had tumbled to the floor.

"It's fine, thank you." Esmeralda said with a small smile at Pinocchio, the young man seeming to freeze in place as the woman gently grasped his mechanical arm.

The puzzled expression on her face gave way to surprise as she rubbed against his hand, causing the young lad to squirm in place as his face seemed to turn into stone. Were his ears turning red? No, couldn't be, he didn't have any blood vessels, even with how advanced his body was.

"What is-" Esmeralda seemed to ask as Pulcinella bowed next to her, placing down a steaming tea cup on the table next to her.

"Here you are miss, something soothing for the body." The woman stared at the puppet as he stood back up and left the room, no doubt to do some more work even though you had long since told him that he was free to do whatever he liked.

She spoke something in a different language, one that you believed that you had heard before, but could not quite understand.

But, you knew what she was feeling now. Yes, you had seen it many times in the eyes of people that had never seen puppets before.

"Pinocchio, and Pulcinella that just left, are puppets." You raised your hands and moved your fingers to and fro, as if you were moving about strings for a play. You quickly stopped when you saw the stony look on Pinocchio's face at your movement. "I'm sorry about that, my friend."

The young man merely shrugged at that, but you could tell that it still had bothered him a bit. Well, damn. You would have to figure out how to make it up to him. Did he even have any hobbies besides working at the hotel?

Questions for later.

"Are they… machines?" She asked, her accent tripping a bit at the word 'machine'.

"We are people. Though… some of us are more awake than others." P said, the stony expression on his face twitching a bit as the woman gave him a polite smile.

"It is good to greet you." Esmeralda said as she grasped his mechanical hand with new strength, almost embracing the young man with open warmth that took you off guard. "Thank you, for letting us in. Many of us hurt. Many sick."

"Yes, you mentioned that before. And, quite frankly, we have been far too busy these past two months. Many… problems that we had to deal with when whatever chaos hit the world settled on us. That huge darkness." Stormy blue eyes met your own, and an understanding was exchanged between the two of you in that moment. Good. A confirmation that whatever darkness had enveloped your own city was not limited to just this region.

"We come from France." A country that you had never heard of before. And you suddenly grew very, very concerned when she grabbed a piece of parchment from her bag and extended it on a table. It was a map.

A map of a landscape that you had never seen before. One of landmasses that neither you, nor anyone in Krat had ever seen before.

She places a finger on a landmass that resembles a boot, specifically on the eastern coast of a northern part of it. "Here, we are." She traces her finger along the landmass towards the northwest. "I been running for… long time. Very, long time." Suddenly, the young woman looked far far older than she should have before she steeled herself and started pointing at the map again, specifically, on a particular landmark further south to where you are all at right now. "This is Rome. Old city. Many people running from it. Bad man attacking it. Don't know how, he was chasing me first, but, met many people who say year is different."

"The year is different?" Venigni asked, leaning forward in his seat while P simply listened in silence.

"Yes. I… many of me and mine thought year was 1483. Others say that the year is 1500, 1525, 1800, 1942, Rome… old now. People from earlier." She struggled to explain in her broken common tongue, what she called 'latin', but it was enough for you to understand.

Time, it seemed, was yet another thing that was twisted and changed beyond what you all understood.

Sighing, you finished your drink, savoring the burn, and took out a notebook, writing in it as fast as you could while you gestured for her to continue.

Hours into the night, you realized just how bad things have become.

Frollo, some man who was once a judge or something, had been chasing Esmeralda for who knows how long. He had killed her old troupe, her friends, the man she had fallen in love with, and now wanted her to be his. Yet, she ran, and the more she ran, the more people that she had come across. It was while she fled east that the change had occurred, and her caravan accumulated the more strange and odd people in her travels east.

No city would take them in, either fearful of this Frollo, or because they simply did not wish for more mouths to feed.

Honestly, the food situation was going to be stretched thin… but it was a relief to have so many people here again. There was nothing more harrowing than walking through a mostly empty city.

It was a horror that you were more than thankful to no longer have to deal with.

There were other rumors, of fantastical, and magical locations that boggled the imagination. Trees that consumed people, forests that people would enter, and exit as old, wizened folks, entire villages consumed in a blaze of 'holy' glory.

And you had a feeling that you were going to need a lot of guns to deal with whatever chaos this new world brought to your feet.

Before you could truly focus outward though, you would need to deal with the new changes that were to come to Krat. Such as all these new mouths to feed, homes for them, language.

Sighing, you close your notebook, and give the woman a small smile.

"Thank you madame. This talk has been… informative. Very informative. Pulcinella shall show to a room for some rest. I believe that we shall all need it." You move to stand, but the woman gently grabs one of your hands with a soft tug.

"Help. I… want to help." She said simply, that fire in her gaze once again returned.

And, you just knew that she would throw herself into whatever work you gave her. You pat her hand, with a nod. "Of course madame. I have a feeling that we shall need it."

New Hero Added!


A woman whose outer beauty is matched with the loveliness of her heart. Compassionate, eager to help, and impromptu leader of the influx of refugees that have entered the city, this Romani woman is world weary, yet has managed to keep her heart against the conflict and tragedy of her life. She is on the run from this self-proclaimed "Pope" Frollo, a man who is in the process of besieging a city by the name of Rome. There is still much that she has not revealed to you, for you are still a stranger to her, but you have no doubt that she will be a boon with relations.

Martial: 5

Perks: ???
Loyalty: 25/100

Due to previous actions and the current state of Krat, you can now substitute one category of actions for another. Example, you are able to use your Martial Actions, for a Stewardship Action or vice versa.

Personal Actions for Heroes can also be used for any actions involved with rebuilding Krat, or helping the refugees that need it. This shall only last until the last part of Krat has been rebuilt.

Barring swapping Personal Actions, Heroe's can only be assigned to a single project each turn, while Venigni's score is added to every project as leader.

Please Choose 1.
Arming the Walls: News from the outside world has brought much… fear of what might be coming for us. News of magical creatures that now roam the world, demons and those with light proclaiming to be 'holy', only to delight in laughter as they burn their victims with glee. Well, they were going to find it hard when the defenses at the walls shot them out of the sky.
DC 50/100/150
Results: Increase DC checks against sieges and attacks on Krat.

Further Martial Actions are Locked due to Krat Reconstruction

Please Choose 1
[]Categorization of Tongues: Before anything can be done involving the newcomers, we actually need the ability to speak to them. And unfortunately, there are many that do not speak the Common Tongue, or as many know it, Latin. There have been a number of languages named, English, French, Italian (which you and those in Krat spoke), Mandarin, and many many others. You need to actually document these languages.
DC 25/50/75

[] A 'Voluntary' Diplomatic Meeting: A… 'god' came to visit you and dropped off an 'invitation' to a diplomatic meeting with his boss. Who is no doubt another god. Which god, you don't know! This whole world has become something entirely new, and whatever deities you once knew probably meant nothing. Worse, while the words had been polite… you had no doubt in your mind that bad things would happen if you said no.
Expires after this turn. Consequences.
Pinocchio and Venigi are included. Pinocchio shall not be available for other actions this turn. DC Variable

[] Ease Puppet Tension: There is still some underlying tension amongst normal people and puppets, even with the good that has come due to cooperation. We must take steps to try to ease them, or we shall find that we are fighting amongst each other instead of whatever threats might come our way. DC Variable

Please Choose 1
[]New For the Homefront: With the influx of new inhabitants, they are going to need proper homes to live in. Honestly, everyone needs new homes instead of the collection of communities that Krat has become in the wake of the Long Night.
Results: Lower Repair Central Krat Roll. Lower Tension in the City. Potential New Actions unlocked.

[]Repair Central Krat: Rosa Isabella Street, Krat Central Station, and the Port. The center of the city, the mercantile, and living quarters of what had once been the wealthiest in the city. What had once been the beating heart of the greatest and most technologically advanced city state in the world was a broken skeletal mess. And before you could truly do the work that you needed to, you must rebuild.
DC 75/150/225
Results: Lower Dice for a number of projects. Unlock many options that are barred to you.

[]Repair Southern Krat: Mallum District, the slums of the city. City Hall, the beating heart of the bureaucracy of the city, full of records, data, and the tools that have kept this city running day to day. Finally, Venigni Works, your precious factory that was the starting engine behind the industrialization of the entire city. The second core behind the power behind your growing city that you would need repaired before true work could be done.
DC 100/200/350
Results: Lower Dice for all reconstruction projects. Lower Dice for a number of other options. Unlocks full industrialization, building, and learning actions.

[]Salvage What Was Broken: The Grand Exhibition and St. Frangelico's Cathedral are both purely broken and unsalvageble wrecks. While the Cathedral is truly broken, the Exhibition is full of Puppet Parts, machinery, along with housing the main Railroad Operating building.
DC 60/120
Results: Unlock Future City Development Actions. Lower Future Dice rolls for potential Learning and Stewardship rolls.

[]Rationing and Preservation: Supplies are going to become a problem any day now. Take stock of what you have and take steps to preserve what you have to prevent starvation.
Result: Supply count unlocked. Extend how long supplies may last.

[]Gold Collection: Money has sort of become useless now that the world has changed. But that does not mean that it will always be that way. Collect what gold you can from around Hotel Krat to safekeep as future potential income. After all… gold has to be worth something here.
DC 10
Result: Begin the process of establishing a form of currency

Please Choose 1
[]Train a Scientist Crew: Most of your engineers and scientists did not make it through the various tragedies of Krat. Which means that you are going to need to train even more should you wish to further Krat's technological measures. DC65
Results: Unlock new avenues of research, and lower future DC rolls.

[]Gepetto's Notes: It still hurts to think of your old friend. The man who you would have once called a mentor. The man who doomed the city to become what it is. Who almost turned your dear friend into nothing more than a puppet for him to use. Yet, there was genius to your friend that even you could never hope to stand against. Read through his notes, and see what you can glean from them. DC65
Results: Future options to further puppet research. Potential insight into the special P-Organ.

[]Roof Climbing Tools: You don't know why you never thought of it before. What better way to traverse the city than through the rooftops? It would certainly make it easier to avoid ambushes by puppets or carcasses on the ground, plus lessen the amount of time it takes to get around. DC45
Reward: Create Roof Climbing Tools. Lower DC for activities around the city. Provide a bonus +10 to certain exploration and intrigue actions.

[]The Sick and the Weary: We are going to need to establish a new hospital at some point. However, with the state of the city, that is going to be an impossibility, so we must begin with at least a medical center where those that are hurt and sick can acquire some modicum of treatment.
DC 60
Results: Establish the beginnings of a true hospital, and medical wing of the city. Unlock future Learning rolls.

[]Railway Repair: In the chaos of Long Night, the Railway took quite the beating due to the sheer number of people and puppets that made an effort to travel through the city, or better yet, tried to leave. Repairing it is sure to help in movement across the city, and help transport goods, equipment, and the sick from one district to the other.
DC 80/160
Results: Lower DC for a number of Stewardship and Learning Rolls. Unlock future transportation tech tree.

Please Choose 1
[]Train Scouts: You are going to need people that can scout, not just in the city, but out in the world once you have reclaimed your home. DC40
Results: Unlock Scout Unit. Unlock potential future actions. Increase actions within the city by +5, and those for scouting by +5.
[]Bianca's Nest: The young urchin is certainly a busy one. A young woman with a number of different hideaways, and secret passages that she and P have gone to the trouble of clearing out. Hideaways and secret passages that we can no doubt use for more… shadowy purposes.
DC 45/90
Results: Increase DC defense for the city. Establish the infrastructure for spy and counter spy rings.

Please Choose 1
[]Find those with Ergo Potential: Find potential Occult Heroes in the city. DC85
Reward: Occult Hero recruitment
[]Alternative Ergo Containment: Kroud is currently the only means of containing Ergo. And while we have established safer means of containing the substance, we are still primarily reliant on this one mineral that will eventually run out. Which means, that we must find alternative means to contain Ergo that is not reliant on the Kroud mineral.
This is a major project, whose DC can be lowered with study and other national actions
DC 500/1000/2000
[]Primitive Ergo Containment-Large: We have found a means to contain ergo in proper casing, without worry of ergo radiation. However, if we wish to go bigger with our technology, then we must go bigger for truly large constructs or vehicles.
DC 50/100/150
Results: Unlock new avenues of research and development. Lower other project DC.
[]Magical Studies: There have been rumors amongst the caravan of travelers that have entered the city. Rumors of magic, beasts, dragons, demons and the undead rising from the grave. While we are experts in Ergo, these are entirely new waters that we have never seen before. We must begin to accumulate what knowledge the refugees have brought before we can begin to understand the strangeness of this new world.
DC 75/150/225

Personal Actions
Please choose one for each, or substitute one Personal Action for one National Reconstruction Action:

[]Spend time with a Subordinate: It is never a bad idea to bond with the people you work with, especially for those that are in a life or death situation like this. DC Variable.
-[]Write-In Hero Unit

[]Upgrade Pucinella: Pucinella has been with you your entire life and is the only true family besides perhaps Pinocchio that you have left. But, he is just a normal puppet, and you remember the terror you felt when he'd gotten lost in your factory. Well, you weren't going to have it. DC50
Reward: Upgrade Pucinella with combat capabilities. Provides a +5 to Martial

[]Pinocchio's Education: The young man has come to you for help in learning. And, who were you to tell the young man no? After all, neither of you truly had anyone else in the world left. DC40
Reward: Pinocchio gains attribute points.
-[]Diplomacy 21/40

[]Learning: Pinocchio has known almost nothing but fighting. He wishes to change that. DC50
Reward: Pinocchio gains a 1d4 to his Learning stat.

[]Spend Time With Pollendina: The head puppet in charge of the Hotel erased his heart when Antonia passed away, due to being unable to deal with the sheer pain that he felt with her passing. While the Pollendina that he knew is no doubt gone, perhaps there is a chance that Pollendina can awaken as someone else. DC Variable.

[]Stalker Hunt: There are a number of Stalkers, mercenaries or vigilantes, that managed to survive both the Plague and Frenzy. Perhaps P could find some of them? Even some of those that he met during the Blue Night.


[]Training: Sophia was never able to truly defend herself, and that was something that she wishes to rectify by training with Pinocchio. DC60 Reward: Gain a 1d4 to Martial

[]Projection: Perform an astral projection outside the city. DC Variable.

[]Arming Yourself: While Eugenie has plenty of weapons, none of them are really hers. Create a weapon that she will train in. DC45
Reward: Gain a weapon that boosts her Martial.

[]Study Puppetry: While she has a knack for engineering and weaponry, Eugenie truly knows little about how Puppets truly work. Perhaps there are some notes around here she can consult. DC 25
Reward: Gains an understanding of Puppetry. +10 to Puppet rolls that she is involved in.

[]Explore Outside the City: There are few people that are capable of making it out of the city, especially with the Station currently under Carcass control. Yet, Alidoro was one of them. DC40

[]Mapping Out: Even though he is still relatively new to exploring, he's gotten most of the city mapped out already. There are still some hidden passageways and sewers that remain unmapped. Perhaps there are things that can be found within them. DC45

[]Puppet Finder: There are many puppets that are simply broken apart and out in the city. Those whose legs were shattered, or are trapped underneath rubble. If any are left, perhaps you could find them. DC40

[]Get to Know Your Co-Workers: Bianca hasn't had much time to get to know the people here very well. She should try to at least find some that aren't that annoying, or better, those that won't stab her in the back so that they can steal her shoes while the polizia have her knocked out. DC Variable

[]Learning the Language: All these new people have brought with them new information and languages that Bianca has never heard of before. Languages that she would honestly love to learn. Nothing better at avoiding trouble than if people have no idea what you're saying. DC 50/100

[]Dove's Nest: The rest of her little crew have been doing better lately. Eating 3 meals a day will do that, as will actually talking to people instead of trying to rob them. They were still a little jumpy, and were used to sneaking around more often than not, but it was a work in progress. Still, they had to pull their weight, and that meant gathering up what information that they could for her!
DC 45

Esmeralda's Personal Actions shall be unlocked next turn.

Soooo.... been a while.

I apologize for being gone so long. My health hasn't been the best the past couple of months, and work has only made it worse. This, along with the sheer amount of work that a quest of this nature takes sorta put me off from it. Well, I'm back working at it, and have been doing a
lot of reading on history, cultures, and a lot of stuff in between.

The more I write for this, the more the fic has transformed from Disney focused, and more of a historical setting than just pure Disney which honestly has made writing it more enjoyable. I hope that no one minds that too much, but looking at it that way has helped me flesh out the areas that are sorta barren from the original DVV.

No promises on when, if I'll ever, have a map ready for everyone. To put the whole map thing at ease, Krat is where Venice would have been. I'll do my best to stay on top of this from on, chipping away at it bit by bit when I can.
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[X] Arming the Walls
[X] A 'Voluntary' Diplomatic Meeting - Hugo
[X] New For the Homefront - Esmeralda
[X] The Sick and the Weary - Eugenie
[X] Train Scouts - Bianca
[X] Primitive Ergo Containment-Large - Sophia

[X] Spend time with a Subordinate - Esmeralda
[X] Stalker Hunt
[X] Projection - Siege of Rome
[X] Study Puppetry
[X] Puppet Finder
[X] Get to Know Your Co-Workers
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While I do say real life does take priority, especially in regards to health.....I also won't lie and say I'm not beyond pleased to see this back. I really can't wait to see more.
Aaah crap forgot to add in the Personal Actions.

Give me a few minutes. Busy with choose but I'll get on it the moment I'm done
[X] Plan: Helping Strangers
-[X] Arming the Walls
-[X] A 'Voluntary' Diplomatic Meeting - Hugo
-[X] New For the Homefront - Esmeralda
-[X] The Sick and the Weary - Eugenie
-[X] Train Scouts - Bianca
-[X] Primitive Ergo Containment-Large - Sophia
-[X]Pinocchio's Education: The young man has come to you for help in learning. And, who were you to tell the young man no? After all, neither of you truly had anyone else in the world left. DC40
Reward: Pinocchio gains attribute points.
--[X]Diplomacy 21/40
-[X]Learning: Pinocchio has known almost nothing but fighting. He wishes to change that. DC50
Reward: Pinocchio gains a 1d4 to his Learning stat.
-[X]Sophia swaps personal action to help the Learning Action 'The Sick and the Weary'
-[X]Eugenie swaps personal action to help the Stewardship Action 'New For the Homefront'
-[X]Puppet Finder: There are many puppets that are simply broken apart and out in the city. Those whose legs were shattered, or are trapped underneath rubble. If any are left, perhaps you could find them. DC40
-[X]Learning the Language: All these new people have brought with them new information and languages that Bianca has never heard of before. Languages that she would honestly love to learn. Nothing better at avoiding trouble than if people have no idea what you're saying. DC 50/100

for the personal actions i figured i should avoid anything that specifically has to do with the 2 people who are going to be gone for the majority of the turn except for between the 2 of them plus since Pinocchio has to go with Venigni anyway might as well finish up his Diplomacy training since he might have to be involved in that and it makes thematic sense, and since Sophia and Eugenie are still here i think they would both be trying to focus on helping the people who just got here, and Hugo's abilities would not be as helpful for doctoring and building new homes so he's focused on trying to find any puppets who have been trapped and helping them as well and for Bianca learning the language of those who have arrived is just purely practical
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-[X]Sophia swaps personal action to help the Learning Action 'The Sick and the Weary'
-[X]Eugenie swaps personal action to help the Learning Action 'The Sick and the Weary'
You don't actually get an extra roll if Eugenie uses her personal action on this. If you have someone double-tap they just add their stats twice.

Also triple tapping for a DC 60? Not a great use of action economy.
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Alright, wasn't going to say anything at first, but now I feel I have to in order to make sure there is no confusion.

Using two people on the same National Action is going to simply add their stats to one dice roll.

However, using one of those characters PA for an action that they are already working on is going to cause another DC.

And remember, the formula is this.

Dice Roll+ Venigni's stat+ Heroe's stat= Final Roll.

So, if you use two Heroes on one project it's going to be like this.

Dice Roll+ Venigni+ Hero 1+ Hero 2= Final Roll.

But if you use Eugenies Personal Action for the same roll she's already working on its going to be like this.

Roll 1: Venigni+Eugenie+ Sophia+ Dice= Final Roll

Roll 2: Venigni+Eugenie+ Dice+ Previous Roll= Final Roll.

I hope that explains everything.
[X] Plan: Helping Strangers

Happy to see that this Quest isn't dead, I'm sorry that life was hard on you boss.

Anyway, Meeting with Hades!
[X] Plan More People More Problems.
-[X] Martial : Arming the Walls - Pinocchio
-[X] Diplomacy : A 'Voluntary' Diplomatic Meeting - Alidoro/Hugo
-[X] Diplomacy : Categorization of Tongues - Esmeralda
-[X] Stewardship : New For the Homefront
-[X] Stewardship : Rationing and Preservation
-[X] Learning : The Sick and the Weary - Euginie
-[X] Intrigue : Train Scouts - Bianca
-[X] Occult : Ergo Siphoning - Sophia
-[X] Venigni Personal : Replace with Stewardship National : Rationing and Preservation.
-[X] Pinocchio Personal : Stalker Hunt
-[X] Sophia Personal : Replace with Diplomacy National : Categorization of Tongues
-[X] Euginie Personal : Study Puppetry
-[X] Alidoro/Hugo Personal : Puppet Finder
-[X] Bianca Personal : Dove's Nest

With all these new people, we need to address the food situation.

The language situation also feels pretty important.
-[X] New For the Homefront - Esmeralda

-[X]Eugenie swaps personal action to help the Stewardship Action 'New For the Homefront'

Do we really need to put a hero in New For the Homefront? Because, I'm sorry if I'm misinterpreting something, but it looks like a auto pass to me?
Lorenzini has 36 Stewardship and plus 5 from Pucinella to all rolls, meaning he pass the DC of 40 without any hero.
[X] Plan: Sanctuary
-[x] Martial
--[x] Arming the Walls
-[x] Diplomacy
--[x] A 'Voluntary' Diplomatic Meeting: Pinocchio
--[x] Categorization of Tongues: Esmerelda
-[x] Stewardship
--[x] New For the Homefront
--[x] Sophia Personal: Rationing and Preservation: Sophia
-[x] Learning
--[x] Eugenie Personal: The Sick and the Weary: Eugenie
--[x] Roof Climbing Tools
-[x] Intrigue
--[x] Train Scouts: Bianca
--[x] Bianca Personal: Bianca's Nest: Alidoro/Hugo
-[x] Occult
--[x] N/A: Diplomacy Action Substitute
-[x] Venigni Personal
--[x] Upgrade Pucinella
-[x] Pinocchio Personal: N/A
-[x] Sophia Personal
--[x] Stewardship Action: Rationing and Preservation
-[x] Eugenie Personal
--[x] Diplomacy Action: The Sick and the Weary
-[x] Alidoro/Hugo Personal
--[x] Mapping Out
-[x] Bianca Personal
--[x] Intrigue Action: Bianca's Nest
-[x] Esmerelda Personal: N/A

Okay so my reasoning.
Pinocchio is our only real Martial Hero, so with him unavailable we should leave the walls a plain roll. It's important, but we have better things for the heroes to focus on.
We need to understand everyone and we can't snub the Gods. Pinocchio has to go on the God Action and Esmerelda is the only person that knows all the languages.
We need food and housing situated, so Sophia is better off counting supplies and getting that double roll boost on them.
Doubling up Eugine on The Sick and Weary should get out hospital up ASAP, very important. I swapped out the Occult Action to get those Roof Climbing Tools for the general city boost. We'll need it.
We need Bianca's Nest for defense, and we need Scouts. Bianca using her Personal on her own stuff is fitting, and Alidoro is our explorer so he boosts that a lot, and with his own personal of Mapping the passages it's a perfect combo. Plus I want to see these two interact. Ofcourse Bianca still has her normal helping Action which she can use to help train the scouts in the national action.

Finally I put Venigni on upgrading Pucinella because he is walking into a Greek fighting game right now! Yes, he has Pinocchio but another bodyguard wouldn't hurt just in case. They like trials of combat over there.
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