Oglethorpe's dream: A Colony of Georgia quest

A Day of Mourning
A message has reached the General Assembly from the British Government informing us that our founder James Oglethorpe passed away on June, 30, 1785. This has greatly effected many of our assemblymen and it will be difficult to get work done but we must push on and persevere. The Assembly has one issue to deal with.

Death of James Ogelthorpe:

The founder of the Colony of Georgia James Oglethorpe has passed away recently and it falls to the Assembly to decide how to treat his death. Should it go unremarked upon or should a big spectacle be made? How should Georgia react to the death of her founding father?

[] James Oglethorpe
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georgia-0 Ex-D.P.H-100
The government gives a great speech on the service that James Oglethorpe gave the province and declares his death a provincial holiday. As for the agricultural collage named after him the act passes and the collage enters into construction. The government takes the opportunity to pass an act conducting a census every ten years but this is overshadowed by much bigger news.

Dangerous Ex-D.P.H workers escape to Spanish Florida!
The dangerous and deranged ex-D.P.H workers have escaped to Florida after avoiding the governments hired manhunters. The ex-D.P.H workers have been welcomed to St. Augustine by the Floridan government. Despite the rightful protests by the Georgian government that these men are evil and dangerous the Floridan government has refused to extradite them. From the perspective of our constitutional expert at this newspaper the government has two options left to them. Option one is to bring the matter before His Majesty's government in London and see if they will protest on our behalf to the Spanish Government in Madrid. Option two is to let the matter drop and never recover the criminals. I think we know what option Maryburg will choose.

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So I took a haitus from this quest and my fantasy quest (which I am in the process of worldbuilding for) but I'm back now!!
June to November, 1785 Results
D.P.H Convicts returned to Georgia in chains:
When His Majesty's government hears of the outrage committed against Georgia by Spanish colonial authorities they get a little to worked up. Parliament was so enraged there was talk of resuming the war against Spain in defense of Georgia's honor. In the end though the threats of war are never carried through as Spain commands the Floridan government to extradite the convicts to Georgia and Madrid even pays the province a small amount of money for the trouble that Florida caused.

Mail links finished:
This could have been a disaster were it not for the fact that the project was almost completely finished. The reason is that almost the entire population turns up on the road leading from St. Augustine to Augusta to publicly jeer and shame the ex-government workers as they are brought to the city they caused so much harm to in chains. Luckily the project is finished on time though due to having most of it already done.

Charter Companies supply British Military and Provincial Armies:
The Charter Companies have done well in their goal of muscling in on the military market. The Companies soon have a whole arms manufacturing industry up in running. The boon they receive for their efforts is a slew of orders from Provincial Armies and the prestigious award of a contract with the British Army for their North American and Caribbean forces. This has caused quite a nice uptick in the Georgian economy.

Government printing press struck down by Supreme Court:
The Printing Press set up by the Provincial Government is struck down as unconstitutional by the Provincial Supreme Court. Their reasoning is that a state owned printing press would have an unfair advantage over other information sources therefore hindering freedom of information which by now has become a established part of Georgian Common Law. The only consolation is that the Supreme Court upheld the government's right to publish government related papers and information.

Georgia gets third port!:
The government has invested a substantial amount of money in the town of Brunswick. A major port has been built and the local government given provincial funds to improve the town as they see fit. This has caused the town to rapidly expand with many predicting that Brunswick will become the third port of Georgia after Savannah and New Inverness.
Also quick question would you rather move to yearly turns where you have ten actions and a turn lasts a year or stick with the current six month turns?
December, 1785 to December, 1786
The Williams government ha convened to plan the Province's agenda for the next year. Yes you heard that right after careful deliberation the General Assembly has decided to move to yearly plans. You have ten actions!

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Augusta overreacts big time!!
Neighbors uncommitted to improving relations:
Talks between Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and the Autonomous Regions are held in Augusta, Georgia. The talks drag out for five months touching on various topics but end with nothing but a committal to continue "open dialogue and relations".

Festival cancelled due to rioting:
The festival has to be cancelled due to rioting after the trial and the heavy handed response of the Augustan authorities...

D.P.H convicts get off with life imprisonment:
An air of tension hangs over the City of Augusta while the trial is conducted. This bubble of tension busts when the verdict is announced. The verdict announced is Life Imprisonment. This causes the city to erupt into rioting as the verdict everyone wanted and expected was death by hanging. The city police are unable to contain the rioting which devolves into looting and the Augustan Gendarmerie is called in by the city government to put down the rioters. The Gendarmerie battles the rioters for three days until finally on the fourth day the city is at peace.
This peace however comes at a cost as twelve are dead, an unaccountable amount are wounded and one hundred have been hanged by the city government for looting. Already Savannah has condemned the Augustan council for in their words "inexcusable barbarity and savageness toward their own people". But New Inverness has had the opposite reaction praising Augusta for "keeping the peace and a level head when many would falter."
All eyes are on Maryburg the Provincial government must make a statement and if they deem necessary legislate laws in response for the situation.

[] Statement
[] Anything else you wish to do with the situation (subject to QM veto)

Roads built:
The roads inland are built as instructed by the government but go unnoticed due to the actions of Augusta's city council...

Oxford professors decline invitation:
The distinguished professors politely decline the invitation to speak at the Davenport Complex due to not wishing to be associated with the actions of the Augustan Gendarmerie...

Georgia flooded with agricultural specialists:
Luckily the Agricultural Specialists come before the rioting. Their help has led to as much as a 200% increase in crop yield in some places. The Province is swimming in food! (Trait gain: Have to roll a five or below to enter a food shortage)

Books arrive and put in libraries:

The books on English and math arrive at the libraries but are unremarked upon due to well you know Augusta...

Loss of business to New Jersey:
People have caught on to this Arsenal idea as the Province of New Jersey has built one in Middlesex County. Due to the instability in Georgia most have decided to take their business to the Middlesex Arsenal despite us advertising for the Savannah Arsenal.

Can't build fast enough:
The government has a good problem for once as they can't build the granaries fast enough leading to food rotting in the fields. The farmers are furious but we are having a problem made from positives for once!

Civil Servants have salary raised:
The salary of Georgia's civil servants is raised but it goes unremarked upon by the newspapers and general public. Due to the Augusta riots.
I very much enjoyed writing this!!!:evil:
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December, 1786 to December, 1787
The General Assembly passes a law that legalizes public strike and peaceful protest in certain areas. On the other hand this law harshly punishes violence, looting, and arson. It is seen by all sides as a satisfactory compromise. While in session the General Assembly also plan the next legislative year while they are in session. Also the Budget finally permits the building of forts on Ossabaw and Sapelo islands which were purchased by the province at the time of King George the thirds ascension to the throne. Land on each island was set aside to build forts on when the budget permitted. Now the General Assembly has the required surplus.

[] Forts
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Final update
Forts blocked by fiscal conservatives:
The construction of the forts are blocked in the General Assembly by fiscal conservatives who united with the Whigs to defeat the bill.

Money given to Farmers
The General Assembly is able to pass a bill giving financial relief to the Farmers who are able to hire laborers. The bill is passed with the support of the Whig party.

Town criers have average success
The town criers have average success with a small upsurge in immigration from England occurring.

Buy Georgian popular in England and Buy British popular in native regions
The various deals go through with Georgia getting preferential treatment among many companies in England in return Georgia promotes their products in the Autonomous regions. buy British becomes very popular in the A.Rs as a result. And slowly but surly investment trickles into Georgia.

H.Ms government rejects deal
His Majesty's government politely rejects the proposed deal.

Arsenal plan blocked by fiscal conservatives.
The planned order with the Arsenal is blocked by the fiscal conservatives

Negotiations stall on trade
The negotiations stall and dissolve with not deal

Companies ship Georgian goods
Many companies take the deal and start shipping Georgian goods

Tax codes catch on fire
The Georgian tax codes catch on fire. Mainly due to the fact that the Financial Department's headquarters burned down in a huge fire.

Construction starts
Construction on the roads starts in the coastal areas.