Of Winding Ways and Cunning Devices

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More ships than Nine set off from Numenor that fateful day of Downfal, though only nine reached the shores of Middle Earth, but in the midst of Eru's wrath who is to say where those who were lost found themselves. Who is to know what place the Exiles found. This is one of their stories.
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Arc 0 Part 1: Birth and Origin
Of Winding Ways and Cunning Devices
Born to the last gasps of a dying age, born as the gifts of Westernese faded even as its might and glory grew to darken the very skies, yours would not be the journey of Elendil and his sons and your ship shall not be one of the Nine to reach the shores of Middle Earth. A stranger journey waits for you, a path undreamt for good or ill, but for now you dream you remember and become. They say you were begotten under a lucky star, for the Dunedain, a people of navigators and seamen hold much stock such things. But Firstly. Are you...

Gain 5 Bonus Points

[] A man: Write in name (List of Numanorian names)

[] A woman: Write in name (List of Numanorian names)

The life of even the least free inhabitant of the Numanor is one of ease and luxury beyond the imaginings of the Men of Darkness who toil still under the shadow of Morgoth's servants, but to which of the stations of life were you born?

[] Freeman, higher in status than slaves or foreigners, but still expected to know your place little of your humble beginnings hint at your later rise or ambition (Gain 1 Bonus Point +1d2 Stewardship )

[] A Citizen, artisan, smallholder or some member of the urban elite, your family was expected to provide men in times of war and give taxes to lord and king (Automatically gain Literacy in Adûnaic +1d2 Martial and 1d2 Learning)

[] A Minor Noble, while your House is far from the rarefied status of the House of Elros or the Great Houses of Armenelos you are still one of the highborn, expected not merely to follow but to lead in peace and in war, to know the histories of your house and of the world. Still as with many of your class the vision of the horizon can blind you to that which is near at hand (Costs a Bonus Point Automatically gain Literacy in Adûnaic and Sindarin +1d4 Martial and 1d4 Learning -1d2 Stewardship)

From which province do you hail?

[] Forostar, a land of foreboding mountains draped in forests of fir and larch, of high moors that some say birth a dour people (Roll 1d5 Martial 1d2 Diplomacy; 1d3 Stewardship; 1d4 Intrigue; 1d3 Learning)

[] Andustar, a rich land on the shores of the rich Bay of Eldanna where many fishes swim and from whence the tall ships of the Eldar sailed in happier days (Roll 1d4 Martial; 1d3 Diplomacy; 1d3 Stewardship 1d2 intrigue; 1d5 Learning)

[] Hyarnustar, thought of as 'quaint' and 'rustic' by the folk of the great cities when they are trying to be polite and known by less kinder names when they think themselves unheard or are in their cups the folk of the southwestern province take pride in being one of the most well ordered and peaceful lands upon the Island of the Gift (Roll 1d2 Martial; 1d3; Diplomacy; 1d5 Stewardship; 1d4 Intrigue; 1d3 Learning)

[] Hyarrostar, home to many tall ships for trade and for war the province is enmeshed as if in threads of silk with many of the provinces in the south of Middle Earth, hence flow the spices perfumes, the oil used even in the house of the king and the flowers that adorn his palaces (Roll 1d3 Martial; 1d5 Diplomacy; 1d4 Stewardship; 1d3 Intrigue; 1d2 Learning)

[] Orrostar, where grow great fields of wheat and barley, a populous province of old and mighty noble houses and cities well established in their privileges (Roll 1d3 Martial; 1d5 Diplomacy; 1d4 Stewardship; 1d3 Intrigue; 1d2 Learning)

[] Mittalmar, home of kings and princes, heart of power and seat of treachery where is decided the fate of the realm and of all lands the touched by the sea. Those of other provinces might bow deeper to the folk of Mittalmar but whispers follow them wherever they go (Roll 1d3 Martial; 1d4+1 Diplomacy; 1d3 Stewardship; 1d5+2 Intrigue; 1d2 Learning Cost 1 Bonus Point)

OOC: So what on is this? This is in an odd way a spiritual successor to both Kings of Men and Age of Ice and Blood, the first of which died off because I did not know enough about Warhammer at the time and the second because people meandered off and got bored. I am going to take the lessons of those quests and for instance use actual history, but I am also going to go for a more expanded character creation so we can get a sense of who this person is and what they value before we uproot them from everything they know to be the creepy supernatural advisor and later feudal lord in their own right
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Character Sheet
Name: Eriol Sapthan, Son of Henderch
Age: 76 (Appears to be roughly in his late 30s by the standards of the men of Middle Earth)

Martial: 19 +3 = 22
Diplomacy: 9 -1 +2 +2 = 12
Stewardship: 11
Intrigue: 5 +1 +1 +3 +3 = 14
Learning: 12 +6 = 18

Languages Known
  • Adûnaic (Native)
  • Sindarin
  • Quenya
  • Old Finnish (Poor)

Ambidextrous: Able to fight with your left hand as easily as your right you have surprised many swordsman more skilled then yourself. Against an opponent who has not faced you before Re-roll the first failed combat roll
Black Numanorian: you are one of those who saw the wisdom of Sauron earely and in some small way benefited from his rise +6 Learning +3 Intrigue
Duelist: Every skilled and willing with a blade, this has given you anew understanding for all the underhanded ways a duel may be started... or won, but it has earned you few friends +3 Martial +1 Intrigue -1 Diplomacy
Lustful: You have enjoyed the companies of all manner of women and they yours +50% Fertility; -10 to resist seduction
Minor Noble: You are a member of the highborn of Numenor, if only just
Novice Guldur (Magia): Capable of producing small scale elemental acts of destruction within line of sight. These attacks are powerful enough to kill, but they cannot overcome stout walls or earthen ramparts.
Novice Guldur (Goetia): Can invoke powerful if simple negative emotions in others by song. It takes a strong will not to get caught up in the very emotion you invoked
Silver Tongued: With a smile and a jest you have managed to her out of trouble almost as many times as you got into it +2 Diplomacy; +1 Intrigue
Unflinching Pride: You have looked unblinking into the breaking of the world and all who look upon you can see it in your gaze +2 Diplomacy +3 Intrigue +20 to any rolls to resist persuasion or manipulation

  • 66 Mithril Scepters
  • 65 Golden Sails
  • 209 Silver Trees
Each coin weighs an even six grams and presents on one side the the portrait of the King, Ar-Pharazôn for most of them though a handful bear the bearded visage and deep seated eyes of Tar Palantir, and on the other the titular mark, the Scepter of Kings, the Sails of the Great Fleets and the White Tree.
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The Daring Wanderer
The Daring Wanderer

Displacement: 200 Tons
Length: 28 Meters/92 Ft.
Cargo Capacity: 60 Tones

Crew: 60 Sailors
  • Fair Quality (+5 to all sailing and navigation rolls)
  • Numanorean (+10 to rolls vs illness)
  • Morale: Poor (-10 to Morale Rolls)
  • Captain and Navigator: Eriol Sapthan
  • First Mate and Ship's Doctor: Ular 'the Faithful' of Andúnië
  • Quartermaster: Abrazân of Nindamos
  • 3 Tons of Elven Sindarin Musical Instruments
  • 3 Tons of Elven Wine
  • 3 Tons of Sindarin Cloth and Rope
  • 3 Tons of Fine Noldorin Tools (for glass-blowing fine gear making etc...)
  • 20 Numenorean Horses (2 Stallions; 12 Geldings; 6 Mares)
Supplies: 2 Weeks
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[X] Sunset Arrivals?
-[X] A man: Eriol
-[X] A Minor Noble, while your House is far from the rarefied status of the House of Elros or the Great Houses of Armenelos you are still one of the highborn, espected not merely to follow but to lead in peace and in war, to know the histories of your house and of the world. Still as with many of your class the vision of the horizon can blind you to that which is near at hand (Costs 1 Bonus Point Automatically gain Literacy in Adûnaic and Sindarin +1d4 Martial and 1d4 Learning -1d2 Stewardship)
-[X] Hyarrostar, home to many tall ships for trade and for war the province is enmeshed as if in threads of silk with many of the provinces in the south of Middle Earth, hence flow the spices perfumes, the oil used even in the house of the king and the flowers that adorn his palaces (Roll 1d3 Martial; 1d5 Diplomacy; 1d4 Stewardship; 1d3 Intrigue; 1d2 Learning)
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Oh just to be clear, the choice of gender will not really affect the character creation stage. the Numanorians were pretty egalitarian in that regard right to the end, but it will effect the kind of reception and the kind of impact you have on Europe once you get there.

Also the choice of province will and station will impact the skills you can gain later, being a freeman in Forostar does not a courtier make.
Okay... I prefer to concentrate on singular advantage, and for this advantage I am inclined to preservation of Numenor knowledge. It wiil be a unique feature on Earth, and I presume that this Earth will be quite special (supernatural-events-from-CKII-kind special). And this means Learning.

[ ] Bringing a Numenorian Light to this probably-barbarian world!
-[ ] A Minor Noble
-[ ] Andustar

I would prefer to play as a man. Not sure about name. What do you think?
[X] The Highlander
-[X] A man:
-[X] Freeman, higher in status than slaves or foreigners, but still expected to know your place little of your humble beginnings hint at your later rise or ambition (Gain 1 Bonus Point +1d2 Stewardship )
-[X] Forostar, a land of foreboding mountains draped in forests of fir and larch, of high moors that some say birth a dour people (Roll 1d5 Martial 1d2 Diplomacy; 1d3 Stewardship; 1d4 Intrigue; 1d3 Learning)
I've always prefer the E names. Elendil, Earnil, etc. Reminds me of the Anglo-Saxon naming convention and that's one of my favorite form among names in history.
Sound Middle-Earthy. :) I'll borrow your name variant, ok?

[X] Bringing a Numenorian Light to this probably-barbarian world!
-[X] A man: Eärnil
-[X] A Minor Noble, while your House is far from the rarefied status of the House of Elros or the Great Houses of Armenelos you are still one of the highborn, espected not merely to follow but to lead in peace and in war, to know the histories of your house and of the world. Still as with many of your class the vision of the horizon can blind you to that which is near at hand (Costs 1 Bonus Point Automatically gain Literacy in Adûnaic and Sindarin +1d4 Martial and 1d4 Learning -1d2 Stewardship)
-[X] Andustar, a rich land on the shores of the rich Bay of Eldanna where many fishes swim and from whence the tall ships of the Eldar sailed in happier days (Roll 1d4 Martial; 1d3 Diplomacy; 1d3 Stewardship 1d2 intrigue; 1d5 Learning)
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Yeah Earnil was a ship king of Gondor.

Edit -Actually found a name ai like better. Eriol. According to early Tolkien Lore Eriol was a Angle who managed to travel to Arda and learn about the elves.
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[X[ New line of Kings
-[X] A man: Vëantur
-[X] A Minor Noble, while your House is far from the rarefied status of the House of Elros or the Great Houses of Armenelos you are still one of the highborn, espected not merely to follow but to lead in peace and in war, to know the histories of your house and of the world. Still as with many of your class the vision of the horizon can blind you to that which is near at hand (Costs 1 Bonus Point Automatically gain Literacy in Adûnaic and Sindarin +1d4 Martial and 1d4 Learning -1d2 Stewardship)
-[X] Forostar, a land of foreboding mountains draped in forests of fir and larch, of high moors that some say birth a dour people (Roll 1d5 Martial 1d2 Diplomacy; 1d3 Stewardship; 1d4 Intrigue; 1d3 Learning)
I understand that we'll probably play for some kind of King's men, not Faithful, but I still want to him bring some kind of fraction, shade of the shade of elven Lore on Earth. Doubt that more of it survive at this point, but still Andustar gives us 1d5 Learning. That's why I vote for it.
I understand that we'll probably play for some kind of King's men, not Faithful, but I still want to him bring some kind of fraction, shade of the shade of elven Lore on Earth. Doubt that more of it survive at this point, but still Andustar gives us 1d5 Learning. That's why I vote for it.
Understandable. I myself am invested in that diplomacy/Martial duo lol. StillI think there will be opportunities to improve learning in the next stages. Also RNGesud is fickle in my experience lol. Imagine we end up with low everything lol.
I understand that we'll probably play for some kind of King's men, not Faithful, but I still want to him bring some kind of fraction, shade of the shade of elven Lore on Earth. Doubt that more of it survive at this point, but still Andustar gives us 1d5 Learning. That's why I vote for it.
Is this to our earth? Or any other fantasy setting maybe it just stays in lotr setting
Is this to our earth? Or any other fantasy setting maybe it just stays in lotr setting
Yes this is our earth. The little authors note at the end gives readers a hint

"am going to take the lessons of those quests and for instance use actual history,"

Also the alternative history tag. The period is a mystery and we'll probably decide it in the next stages of char creation.
Imagine we end up with low everything lol.
Rolling 3 on 3d6 is entirely possible... but probability of such event is only 0,46%. The more dice we roll, the closer reult to the normal distribution.

Is this to our earth? Or any other fantasy setting maybe it just stays in lotr setting
As far as I understand, it would be our Earth... with some fantasy elements. What elements – well, we'll play and find out.
You can be the weird supernatural advisor in those really out there events that CK2 had. :V
That's also why I want Andustar – with high Learning it's easier to deal with some weird things.
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