Fire and Fury
7th of June 867 A.D.
A pause... a breath, a dozen arrows fly cutting the air, then sharper still the cries of anguish as the beasts left standing begin to scatter and those less fortunate fall with heavy thuds, the hunters smile, they start perhaps to cheer, but there... but of the corner of your eye you see movement and, turning you glimpse the glint of steel.
"Ware!" you call out to the king, but his eyes are not on you, instead upon the beast that he had felled, the largest of the herd. He starts to turn... too late as more arrows still start to fall.
Suddenly it is not just the elk who are crying out in agony, the scream of horses struck through and of men whose furs are little hindrance to bows meant for war. Not a lone killer but half a dozen shooting from the cover of the wooded hill in front of you. Yet by skill, by chance or by the favor of his gods Rurik is not struck. Of the three arrows that had been aimed his way one strikes the tree to his right, narrowly missing his head, the second pierces the saddle just behind the knee and the third glances off his helm.
Alas some of the other hunters are not so fortunate, including Thorvardur whose horse collapses under him catching his leg under the weight as those closest to him try to save him.
In the chaos you hear the thunder of hooves from up the hill, your enemies little more than shadows against the morning light, obviously as prepared for failure as much as success.
"After them!" Rurik roars. "Bloody nithlings!"
You are not sure if he is calling the killers or his own men 'folk of no account', but it is clear from the sheer chaos in the hunting party that one is is prepared to charge after the enemy... even if they could. Looking more closely at the crumbling hillside with a few daring roots barely holding it together it's clear a straight charge in the direction of the arrows is more likely than not going to lame a horse. You and Ular might be able to jump it thanks to the quality of your mounts, but then you would be two against at least six, not odds you would prefer to be charging into.
Even as the king's commands start to move his warriors to action a seventh arrow arcs through the air, this one trailing smoke and flickering fire sending the horses that had not been wounded and no small amount of the men in a panic as the dry leaflitter catches flame. That won't burn long you realize, but it does not have to. A few moments head-start is all they would need to lose themselves in this wilderness if they know the way and their pursuers do not.
So again it falls do us. Do we owe him the attempt? Is his favor worth the risk?
Looking to Ular you see familiar grey-green eyes reflect a trust long earned. He will follow where you lead.
What do you do?
[] Charge after the assassins (Intrigue DC 61 to catch them; contested martial to fight outnumbered)
[] Wait for the rest of the hunting party to get in order (Lose the trail; Chance to investigate the assassination later)
[] Write in
OOC: Rurik was really lucky on this one since Eriol did not roll quite high enough for the warning to negate the assassins' surprise.