[X] Make the tea
Adhoc vote count started by Gamefreak1ed on Apr 23, 2017 at 9:02 AM, finished with 30 posts and 25 votes.
[X] Make the tea and ask Ganondorf about what he thinks is happening.

This Quest is something else, my word. Glad we stocked up on supplies, I suppose.
[X] Make the tea and ask Ganondorf about what he thinks is happening.
[X] Make the tea
It took me a second to realize what was happening, and now I have the goofiest smile on my face. This seems to be happening to me more frequently as of late.
[X] Make the tea and ask Ganondorf about what he thinks is happening.

I know that feel Zelda. Rip.
[X] Make the tea and ask Ganondorf about what he thinks is happening.

It always delights me when stuff like this comes up. Especially since the old "hurr hurr PMS" chestnut is starting to die off.
[X] Make the tea and ask Ganondorf about what he thinks is happening.

It always delights me when stuff like this comes up. Especially since the old "hurr hurr PMS" chestnut is starting to die off.
yes and like Ganondorf is going to have to explain this to Link

I'm going to treat the next update like a fine motherass wine man. Ganondorf of the thousand Moms vs Link 'I KNOW ALL THE KOROKS PERSONALLY WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT IM ISOLATED'. Although that is somewhat unfair to Link but who cares at this point. We're all on the edge of our seats with held breaths and hands full of popcorn.

4 hour later edit, zelda why did you curse me =c
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[X] Make the tea and ask Ganondorf about what he thinks is happening.

You walk away from Sheik over to Ganondorf, intent to start boiling the tea only to notice Ganondorf had already set out the pot and thrown in a piece of willow bark.

Without much to do you grab a plate and take some bread and meat from the frying pan. As you eat and wait for the water to boil Ganondorf evidently calmed himself, as he quickly finished his meal and was drinking from his water skin.

"Soooo...." You begin, "Do you know what's wrong with Sheik?"

A blast of water hits you in the face as Ganondorf falls over, clutching his sides as tears streamed down his face. You frown as you hear Sheik groan from over where she had curled up. If Ganondorf knew something why was he laughing at this? If there was some Gerudo medicine that trivialized whatever affliction Sheik had-




By the goddesses holy power, you are a complete and utter idiot.

You hold your head in your hands, face burning as Ganondorf laughs even harder. Eventually, Ganondorf manages to pull himself upright, wiping tears from his eyes.

"Hahahaha Oh please don't tell me I have to give the talk-"

"What?! NO!"

"Haha, thank goodness-" He freezes, the mirth was gone from his face, "Wait, did you get the actual talk or the 'curdles milk' talk-"

"ACTUAL!" You almost shout, ears red.

You hear Sheik groan again as Ganondorf lets out a sigh of relief.

You aren't even sure where those beliefs came from, it's not like magic didn't allow scholar's a nearly unlimited ability to peer into the world. Even you, who lived in the woods for years, knew the disease that killed your mother was caused by a microorganism.

You wonder why the University of Hyrule didn't put out any papers dismissing some of the more.... absurd theories you've heard. Or maybe they have and you've lived in the woods for too long.

The water was now boiling, so grabbing a cloth and being glad to have something to distract from the realization of how stupid you are you take the hot pot and pour it into a mug for Sheik. You wait a few minutes for it to cool before carrying it over to Sheik, who was still lying in her bedroll.

"Here, the tea," You say, setting it down next to her. In an instant Sheik snatches it up and downs the entire thing in seconds.

"See, get used to it haha... haaaaa...." You chuckle awkwardly, rubbing the back of your head as Sheik glares at you.

You inhale and let out a long breath, "Sorry, I'm an idiot."

"Yes, you are," Was Sheik's mumbled response.

You shake your head, standing up only for Sheik to speak up, "Wait..."

She looks up at you, still looking a bit green but there was a faint smile on her face, "Thank you for the tea."

You look away, scratching your cheek, "Hey well... can I get you something to eat?"

Sheik waves a hand, "No, couldn't keep it down if I wanted. Urgh..."

She doubles over again, looking miserable "Could you just sit here for a bit, until the tea kicks in? Always used to do stuff to keep my mind off it."

You nod, taking a seat on the grass. It was slick from the morning dew but you didn't mind.

"Think we'll get to the stable tonight?" She asks, and you nod.

"Phew that's a relief, finally a real bed- wait...." Sheik's eyes go wide and she paled as a terrible realization went over her like a storm.

"We'll be having two rest days for the horses starting tonight... right?" She asks and you nod again, raising an eyebrow.

"The cramps... always start a few days before..." She trails off, staring ahead with the look of a woman who knew a terrible fate awaited her.


"Oh... " You manage to get out as Sheik lets out a frustrated scream, falling backwards with her hands over face.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH WHY?! What did I do to deserve this?! Did I anger Hylia in a previous life?! The heroines in all my books don't have to go through this!!" She cries out in anguish.


"I mean I know why, I'm not some uneducated boor, " Sheik adds, looking over to you, "It's a natural cycle-"

You hold up a hand, "Okay, yes I know. I'm not that much of a moron."

"Oh just let me talk, doing anything else makes me want to drown myself in a tub of that tea," She moans, arm over her eyes.

"You could tell me about your life in the Sheikah village," You offer, and she lifts her arm up partly to fix an eye on you.

"We're called the Shadow Folk for a reason, Link."

"And this reason includes keeping your friend up all night as you tap away on your Sheikah Slate?" You ask, crossing your arms.

"Uuuuuugh, I'm in too much pain to argue with you." Sheik groans, covering her eyes again, "Fine, as I said before I'm the teacher and resident scholar of my village."

"Self-appointed, if I remember you correctly," You say with a smirk.

"H-hey! There was no one else and s-since I am the most well read it was important that someone taught the village children how to read and write, and how the world works!" She sputters, pushing herself upright with an embarrassed blush on her face before grimacing and flopping back down.

"Did you like being a teacher?"

"Of course! I... I could actually make a difference in their lives. Their parents and the elders only have so much time in the day, a-and I could show them so much more. Make them see as I did through the books that there is so much more to this world than the village," Sheik says, conviction in her voice that slowly puttered out.

"But you left," You state, hoping you didn't sound accusatory.

She winces, not in pain, "I... I wanted to see what was in my books... experience it for myself. What good am I as a scholar if I never truly researched anything? And..."


Sheik seems to struggle to find the words, eventually managing to say "I... I have a friend. A-almost a sister really. She... She's really devout to the Sheikah's teachings, more so than anyone in the village."

A sadness seems to wash over her as she spoke, "Hardly anyone appreciates her piety, how she works herself to the bone every day to fulfill her duties and she's so modest she'd never think of complaining. Impa's always so busy as guardian and everyone expects me to..."

"Expect you to what?"

She shakes her head. "Nothing, but well... I thought if I find the relics of our ancestors I can give the data I gain from them to my friend. She'll get to know so much more about our history and the villagers will finally appreciate her."

"Heh," You chuckle to yourself, shaking your head, "She and I have got a pretty amazing friend."

Sheik blushes hard, turning away.

"But... why didn't she go with you?"

Sheik frowns, her ears drooping slightly, "I wanted her too, but she's not a fighter and she told me...told me..." Sheik trails off, tears building in her eyes as she recalls something.

"Sheik?" You ask, concerned.

"N-nothing," Sheik says, rubbing her eyes, "It's my... pain suddenly."

Whatever her friend had said to her meant more than you can imagine to Sheik, so you won't pry.

Sheik didn't really want to talk more after that, so you helped Ganondorf pack up the camp. Eventually though she was able to ride and the three of you set off. Sheik was miserable, but now there was plenty of people on the road. Various snippets of conversation drifted through the air, plus a few exclamations when they saw Ganondorf's unique appearance. You did notice the number of travelers armed and armoured, men and woman. Monsters, it seemed, were a problem even this close to the capitol.

As you all predicted it was nighttime by the time you reached the stable. It was a massive structure, made of wood and fabric with a large horse head sitting on top of it, colourful streamers dangling from it. Animal pens, smaller tents and small barns surrounded the structure, along with stacks of crates, hay piles, wagons and other signs of life. Travelers huddled around fire pits and cooking pots, while those who lived at the Stable went about their evening chores or headed inside to sleep for the night. Those who lived at stables were said to belong to a culture different from most Hylians, indicated by their unique clothing styles. It was said they once belonged to a culture that venerated horses and has managed to maintain their distinct lifestyle for years. You kinda wanted to know more about them, much like you wanted to know about all cultures that called Hyrule home.

Also sample their food, every cultures delicious food.

Ganondorf offers to pay for the horses and beds, he knew the owner of this stable who had covered for him during Empire inspections and could probably get bunk beds that were actually clean. His only demand: Top bunk, the bottom bunk wouldn't fit him.

You and Sheik agreed, and separated from Ganondorf to head into the tent to secure a place to sit. The inside of the tent was certainly interesting, there were no chairs only pillows. Everyone sat around circular tables that were scattered about the cavernous interior. The center of the room was dominated by a massive firepit, with a cauldron tended to by an old man hanging over it. One wall was divided up into rooms via curtains for privacy, a few hanging open to reveal bunkbeds and open trunks, the other half of the room containing the counter where the owner was happily talking with people.

Finding an empty table you and Sheik sit down onto the cushions, setting your packs down around you.

"This place is oddly homely for being so crowded. Never seen anything quite like this." Sheik observes, looking around, "Do you think I can sneak a few pictures-"

You shake your head, and Sheik frowns looking disappointed.

"Hey, I'm going to go get some food mind watching our stuff?" You ask and Sheik waves a hand.

"Yeah, medicine is wearing off anyways. Hope that soup is light..."

Climbing to your feet you weave your way through the tables over to the center of the room, grabbing a tray and three bowls from a table. The line wasn't too long, so you reached the cauldron and attendant quickly. How it worked if you remember right was what was in the cauldron was pottage, essentially whatever the people staying could toss in all boiled into a soup. It wouldn't be the most amazing tasting thing, but it was food.

The old Hylian looked at you with a beady eye, "Anythin' for the pot?" He asked.

You pull some Hylian herbs from a pouch on your belt, and the man happily accepts it and tosses it in. "Thank you kind sir. Ah, are you with that lass hidin those burns? You have three bowls though."

You glance over to Sheik, who had pulled down her scarf to better breathe in the smokey environment. "Yeah, other traveling companion is purchasing everything, knows the owner."

The old Hylian nods as he fills your bowls, "Ah yes, though... if you have a lass why's she making you do all the food gathering?"

That's an... odd statement. "She's... not feeling well?" You say, not sure how to really answer that, "Uhm... stomach cramps."

The old man's brow creases as he looks over to Sheik, who was watching you with her chin resting in her hand. When she see's you both she raises an eyebrow, to which you can only shrug.

Frowning, the man finishes filling your bowls, "Tch... dangerous..." He mutters as you leave.


"What was that about?" Sheik asks as you return, setting the bowls on the table and producing a spoon from a pouch as Sheik produces her own.

"No idea," You say as you dig into your food, wolfing it down.

"Ah good you got food!" A voice joyfully exclaims as Ganondorf sits down and grabs his food, producing a spoon.

"Got a room?"

"Mmm, corner one." Ganondorf says, pointing with his thumb.

"So what's the plan for the next few days?" Sheik asks.

"Well, was hoping to see how you two deal with armoured targets. Monsters ain't the biggest threat in these parts." Ganondorf observes, "Maybe get a bit of sparring in, need to stretch these old muscles."

"Shame it's our rest days, was thinking of seeing if anyone wanted to race. Might earn a few Rupees." You say, slurping down the last bits of your pottage.

Sheik leans back, stirring her food with her spoon as she looked upwards, "Be nice to do some target shooting, haven't really got a chance to break in my new bow."

The three of you finish your meals without being disturbed, though not feeling tired you just sit as a few people pull out instruments, ale or cards.

Quiet talk drifts over to you, snatches of conversation about people's lives. No ground shaking news, but it kept you all entertained.

Then you hear it, an argument coming from a nearby table as the old man from before talks with other travelers.

You mostly ignore it until finally he slams his hands down onto the table and stands up, drawing everyone's attention. "I'm tellin ya you shouldn't use her name in vain like that!"

"Oh pipe down, she's been dead for nearly a decade now." His companion says,

"No I agree, saying the Princess be rottin, it ain't right to speak ill of such a sweet young girl." Another adds.

"It wasn't right what happened to her, so let me be cynical in peace."

"No, we should be raisin a glass in her memory!" The third says, and another table adds in a "Hear hear!"

"To the beloved Princess Zelda! May she find peace in the Goddesses arms instead of knowin the sufferin of our sorry lot!"

You glance over to Sheik, whose expression had darkened considerably. Her eyes were fixed on the growing commotion.

"Oh I remember seein her at the castle some ten years ago. As she walked past I swore the flowers bloomed in her wake."

"Ah, if she was here she'd give a right talkin to the governor bout them taxes, if she could talk down that brute of a fish she can convince that lout."

"Oh if only she lived, she'd be such a pretty lass now. As beautiful as a Silent Princess in full bloom."

The old man slammed his ale mug down on the table, before standing up straight, "Won't hear this talk, she is alive, bidin her time for her return!"

You could hear nails digging into the wood of the table,

"Been eight years, what hope is there now?"

"I'm tellin you she's out there, and you know how I know she's alive? We all say it every day, she's blessed by the goddesses, the most blessed of anyone!"

Murmurs of agreement seemed to spread through the crowd, everyone's eyes on the old man.

"Aye, blessed! She'd not be afflicted by the ills that affect us today! Even when her mother fell ill did she even show signs of being afflicted by that miasma? No! She was right as rain, her purity protecting her! Her very presence was a blessed sign in a morally corrupt Hyrule! None of those Sheikah filth's blades could hope to draw the blood of someone so pure! Nay, she must have escaped!" The man rants, before casting a glance towards Sheik who was grinding her teeth, "Ah but when she returns imagine how her heart will weep when she see's how our society has collapsed? That is why she has not returned to us!! Youth running about with such loose morals, woman letting their afflictions corrupt them and their husbands into-"

"Oi! How about an affliction of boot in the face ya old coot!" An armored woman stands up, glaring at the man, "Don't try to shove the Empires beliefs onto the Princess!"

"Only good thing the Empire ever did..." Another old git muttered, prompting one of the younger travelers with him to get up,

"Oh and I'm sure you think them desecrating the temple with their Fierce deity was not sacrilege?!"

"Our old Legends always spoke of a warrior..." The old man mutters, prompting more angry shouts. Soon the entire stable had descended into shouting as they argued on religion and what aspects of society was stopping the return of the pure Zelda from saving Hyrule. You glanced over to Sheik, only to catch her vanishing out the door of the Stable into the night.

"Go after her Link, I'll help the owner calm these morons down." Ganondorf tells you, standing up and making it very clear he loomed over everyone present.

You nod and take off, exiting the din of the Stable into the quiet, clear night.

It didn't take you long to find Sheik, she had wandered over to an oak tree a bit off the main road. She was rubbing her knuckles, having evidently punched the tree shortly before you found her. When she hears you approach she looks up, a glare on her face that softened when she noticed it was you.

"Hey..." You begin, but she waves you off,

"Sorry, I had to leave before I lost my cool," She says, "I'm not going to hit someone like a fool just because they're.... ugh."

"Yeah, that was just.... ridiculous." You say, leaning against the tree.

Sheik lets out a bitter laugh, "Yeah, the wonderful goddess blessed Zelda. What a joke..."

Huh? "What do you mean?"

She shakes her head, "Didn't you hear? The whole Hyrule worships.... her like some savior even when she never did anything. Making flowers bloom, what nonsense."

Sheik kicks the dirt, glaring at it as though it had wronged her, "Everyone expects her to return, to save Hyrule, to be like a goddess when she hasn't done anything great her entire life. Mo- her mother saved Hyrule from plague, not her. What would she even do? It's not like there an evil who destroying will make things go back to the way they are. It's not like she can make taxes go away..."

She folds her arms in front of her, looking more like she was holding herself than crossing her arms, "There are other's so much more deserving of praise and admiration, yet no one cares about them over Zelda..."

She then looks at you, "What do you think of Zelda, Link? You think she's the savior of Hyrule?"


You think pretending to not know who she was had run its course, you need to confront her about it. Especially after... that. But she also seemed to truly want to know what you thought of Zelda, and saying the wrong thing might hurt her.

What do you say?
[] Write-in.
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[x]Hmm. One could say Zelda and zelda are two different people all together. One was the princess of the realm that might've ruled the kingdom at some point. On the other hand Zelda is an image the people of hyrule have crafted in an hour of need and despair as a way to cope and hope things get better. More often than not religion is used to appease the minds of the masses. Which is exactly what is happening here. People turned Zelda into an idol of worship as a way to cope with the loss of their kingdom or rather their independency.

I don't have any real opinions. I don't agree with turning zelda into an icon of worship and praying that someday things will be better.

[X] She was a little girl that had to do her best to grow up far too quickly.

Maybe a tad blunt, but I think it could work...
"So um... what's your name?" You ask, hoping to change the subject.

"ZeldaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAH I MEAN... UM... UUUUMMM.... Um.... Sheik...ah.... SHEIK! My name is Sheik!" She tells you.

........There is no way.

"...Really?!" You shout in exasperation.

"Shut up! It's a real normal name!" Sheik yells at you, shooting up in your bed before doubling over and groaning, probably holding her sides.

You hold your head in your hands. You can't believe it.

"It's a real name..." She mumbles.

"Fine, just-"


[JK] Grab her shoulders and look her in the eye.
-[JK] "Sheik, you have a number of exceptional talents, and I have the utmost respect for you as a person. However, honesty compels me to inform you that you are the worst liar I have ever seen or heard tell of in legend."

This might become an actual vote. Literally told Link her name already.
[X] Don't let those idiots bother you. I firmly believe that Princess Zelda is alive. She was Kind and courageous and tried to do the best for the people of Hyrule. There are two Zelda's right now. The Princess Zelda that everyone has put on a Pedestal because of the Empire. And then there is Zelda the person. She has flaws yes but she wont ever give up on doing what is right. because that is who she is. she is smart and beautiful even if she insists on using me as an experiment. *Link bends to his knee and looks her straight into the eye.* She has my complete and total loyalty and I will protect her whether she be Sheik, Just plain Zelda or Princess Zelda, from now until the end of our lives whenever that might be. Long live Hyrule and Long live Princess Zelda.
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You know we can just tell her we know she's Zelda.

[] "All I know is that Zelda is my nerdy friend who is beating herself up over what those morons said back there."
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[X] "People want something to inspire them to be their best. Sometimes it's the goddesses. Sometimes it's the princess who was beloved by the common folk and who vanished during the rise of the Empire." A pause, a breath, a meaningful look. "The Zelda I know is brilliant, beautiful, kind, and always seeking to do the right thing. She has my complete loyalty, whatever identity she happens to choose, be it the golden-haired princess or a crimson-eyed sheikah."

Yes, we know she's Zelda.
Those who lived at stables were said to belong to a culture different from most Hylians, indicated by their unique clothing styles. It was said they once belonged to a culture that venerated horses and has managed to maintain their distinct lifestyle for years.
...Hylian mongols?
"Oh and I'm sure you think them desecrating the temple with their Fierce deity was not sacrilege?!"
...is the Empire from Termina?

[X] "All I know is that Zelda is my nerdy friend who is beating herself up over what those morons said back there."