Made a slight edit to Akua's personality section to hint at her motivation for taking part in the war if she's present.
im sorry but i think itll be banned, its too powerful

not even a beast could stand up to such might
That sounds like a challenge.
Name: Master With No Name/Beast VII
Universe: Fate/Grand Order
Independent Manifestation
A confirmed existence that permits unsupported manifestation into reality. Renders oneself immune to instant death and time manipulation attacks.
Negates Noble Phantasms and attacks with their basis in Luck and the gatcha.
Is able to effortlessly defeat Gilgamesh
Rule Breaker
Noble Phantasm of Medea. Severs all magical bonds and contracts. Does not affect Nasu curses.
Consists of Elizabeth Bathory(Caster), Elizabeth Bathory(Brave), Kintoki(Rider), Artoria Pendragon(Vanilla), Artoria Pendragon(Lancer), Artoria Pendragon(Swimsuit)(Archer), Artoria Pendragon(Santa)(Alter)(Rider) and Jeanne D'Arc (Santa)(Alter)(Lily)(Lancer). All are neglected.
Personality: What do you mean 'I'm not filling this in because this is a gag sheet'?!?!
That sounds like a challenge.
Name: Master With No Name/Beast VII
Universe: Fate/Grand Order
Independent Manifestation
A confirmed existence that permits unsupported manifestation into reality. Renders oneself immune to instant death and time manipulation attacks.
Negates Noble Phantasms and attacks with their basis in Luck and the gatcha.
Is able to effortlessly defeat Gilgamesh
Rule Breaker
Noble Phantasm of Medea. Severs all magical bonds and contracts. Does not affect Nasu curses.
Consists of Elizabeth Bathory(Caster), Elizabeth Bathory(Brave), Kintoki(Rider), Artoria Pendragon(Vanilla), Artoria Pendragon(Lancer), Artoria Pendragon(Swimsuit)(Archer), Artoria Pendragon(Santa)(Alter)(Rider) and Jeanne D'Arc (Santa)(Alter)(Lily)(Lancer). All are neglected.
Personality: What do you mean 'I'm not filling this in because this is a gag sheet'?!?!

*sees picture*

I think our submissions are getting progressively more 'Heroes come kill me now' and we started with Alduin.
My other idea was the orphan changeling, you're the one who solidified the theme :V
Hey, hey, just because my character was a cultist doesn't mean that she engages in the blasphemous act of demon summoning. I do not condone this trend of villainy and heresy against all that is good and nice.
Hey, hey, just because my character was a cultist doesn't mean that she engages in the blasphemous act of demon summoning. I do not condone this trend of villainy and heresy against all that is good and nice.
Unlike some Coadjutors, Istrazak barely knows what a demon is, so Faithful Orchid, being a stupid country bumpkin bandit thug, has no ability to engage in demon summoning either :V
Unlike some Coadjutors, Istrazak barely knows what a demon is, so Faithful Orchid, being a stupid country bumpkin bandit thug, has no ability to engage in demon summoning either :V
We're such good individuals, you and I. That's right, we're the good guys here and the other people are one step from summoning Satan.
So seeing as nobody responded to me posting my character sheet, can I assume I'm not in the rp? Or am I missing something here?
Lu Bu / Nanimani
Well, I'm just going to do the boring thing and submit a Servant. My secondary idea was One or Zero, but no one wants the Watchers getting involved.

Name: Oda Nobunaga
Universe: Nasuverse

  • General Servant things. Can go spirit form, eat souls, make a contract for a magical energy supply, all that. She's far stronger, faster, more durable than a human, but she's in the mid-low tier of Servants, physically.
  • The guns are her Noble Phantasm. If you're good at riding things, if you currently are riding something, they're more dangerous. Also, she can summon more than just can hold, and they'll just kinda float in the air, fire, and disappear again. Max number in a barrage is 3000. It's a pretty dangerous Anti-Army Noble Phantasm if the target(s) is/are good at riding things or if their existence bears a high amount of Mystery. Even without either condition, it's still a lot of bullets.
  • Most things, in fact, find her rather dangerous if they bear a large amount of Mystery. She gets stronger when they do, weaker when it's the opposite. A Servant itself is a Mystery, of course, but some are moreso than others. Someone who doesn't use magic, with a well-documented life, they'd find her weaker than normal. Not sure where drop-ins count. Their appearance is certainly a mystery, but I don't know if it's a mystery with Mystery.
  • Magic Resistance. It's a thing. Fairly high-ranked, so mages are going to find her tough to effect. They only really have a chance if they put their best efforts out there, but it's going to have a much reduced effect whatever they do.
  • Can lead armies, govern territory, etc. Considering this is a vacation, it's unlikely she'll need to do any of it.
  • Something something Papiyas. It's a Reality Marble that turns the world to fire, which scales pretty massively with both Divinity and Mystery. Gil'd need to bust out Ea pretty quick to pop it or just die, but any rando off the street'd be perfectly fine in it. Maybe a tad toasty. It can also be partially manifested as a giant, flaming skeleton. Let's... Let's just call it a Stand, if one with a fairly straightforward effect.

Snazzy outfit. The cape is, of course, utterly necessary.
All of the rifles.


Serious rank: 1 (Out of 10) Frankly, her confidence in herself is high enough she's got no problem acting like a fool. It's fun, after all. She's not the type to stand on ceremony or worry about the difference in station between herself and another. The Demon King of the Sixth Heaven may enjoy making a dramatic entrance, but her theatrics are for her own amusement. A bit scary when events come about to make her act seriously, but that's rare. One could call this second life a vacation for her. She already made her mark in human history when she was alive; no need to worry about trying that again.

Enjoys experiencing new things, meeting new people, mingling with cultures she's not used to, etc. She isn't really restricted by much, and dislikes those that stay bound to the same old practices. If something, she replaces it with something that works better. Indeed, though most of her reforms were undone after her death, she rewrote practically the entire market system from the ground up to allow the poor to be less so.

Naturally, being summoned to where a grail war is taking place, wouldn't she want to participate? It's a good source of amusement for her, and her presence can only be called a much-needed wild card, shaking it up a bit. Sure, Grail Wars generally have those as a consequence of all the heroes around, but any war of heroes that can be said to have rails anywhere in sight isn't far enough off them. Of course, there's line where it would get too out of control for even her liking, but that's unlikely. Humanity's not going to be in any danger from something like this.

As a side note, she may be addicted to tea. Certainly, she enjoys it and pursues valuable teapots with an otaku's passion.
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So seeing as nobody responded to me posting my character sheet, can I assume I'm not in the rp? Or am I missing something here?
Well 1, no one has really 'responded' to anyone's character sheet yet, and Narcissist isn't likely to comment until pre-reboot players either drop out or reaffirm their interest.

If players drop out, spots will be available for prospective new players like yourself.

Second, I'll be honest. Look at your sheet and compare it to everyone else's. Yours is really vague and offers no information on limits or uses or anything really of their powers. I would recommend trying to add more information if you want to be considered for the RP.
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