I think some forum PMs between a Madison/Emma/Sophia could be interesting, if you wanted to add to the Omake,
Nah, I plan to leave main character responses to LD. If the canon Madison response doesn't exactly fit SpecificProtag, then it is just someone else.
That said:
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♦Topic: Hookwolf, Thread Four
In: Boards ► News ► Villains ► America ► Brockton Bay
VagariousAugry (Original Poster) (Moderator)
Posted on September 23, 2009:
Alright, so the last thread both was overly bloated, and had descended into a general hatefest, so we had a quick hammering session and are now opening another thread. Remember, this thread is specifically for factual information purposes only. Threats, baseless speculation, and *shudder* shipping are not allowed.
Hookwolf is a villain, associated with the Empire Eighty-Eight, a white supremacist gang based in Brockton Bay. He is officially listed as a Brute 7, Changer 4. His power is to shapeshift into a whirling mass of metal blades. He commonly takes the form of a wolf. A map of the areas he is commonly sighted can be found
here (thanks goes to
Norville_Walker for putting the Villain Sighting Maps together).
Edit: Map updated as of 06/25/2010.
(Showing Page 92 of 94)
► Mansangno
Replied on December 24, 2010:
Look, until the official announcement goes out, don't go assuming he is actually dead. Yeah, we saw him collapse, but that could just mean he is incapacitated. Remember, he's broken out of Birdcage transports, by himself, twice!
► MrPigWitch
Replied on December 24, 2010:
Which is why the first reposne of those on the ground should be to fill him full of lead. Don't take any chances.
► MadAtYou (Cape Groupie)
Replied on December 24, 2010:
Look, matter can neither be created or destroyed, so all of that metal that he makes has to have come from somewhere. You don't get to be a villain of his level without being shot at, so I doubt filling him full of lead is going to do much more than let him generate more metal.
► MrPigWitch
Replied on December 24, 2010:
Then throw him on the electric chair. No one is actually invinsible, you just have to try hard enough to kill them.
► Louie The Stooge (PRT Agent)
Replied on December 24, 2010:
Word hasn't broken yet, but it's coming, so I'm just going to say it. Hookwolf is
dead. Confirmed, bagged, tagged, ready for disposal. This might get me in trouble, but I've known several good men and women that he ripped to pieces, so I'm going to get in early to say good riddance to bad rubbish.
► GRS777
Replied on December 24, 2010:
Watch the tone. The Wolf of Blades may have been monstrous in shape, but he had a warrior's honor. That death was beneath him.
► Louie The Stooge (PRT Agent)
Replied on December 24, 2010:
F*** you! He was a raging butcher, and he deserved exactly what he got. Death.
► Tin_Mother (Moderator)
Replied on December 24, 2010:
Official Warning - Keep things civil. As good as it is to know that a villain like Hookwolf is off the streets, this thread is not for arguing or debate. Take it to the Brockton Bay Events Discussion thread if you want to argue.
► GRS777
Replied on December 24, 2010:
I thought the moderators were supposed to be neutral, but it seems I am once again proven wrong. I am not condoning the atrocity that was committed, but men like Hookwolf and
[Temp-Ban - You were told to cease, and we are still not allowing release of the names of the victims from the E88 video yet. Take 24 hours to cool yourself off. - Tin_Mother]
► edgar1175
Replied on December 24, 2010:
Good riddance. To both Hookwolf and those supporting him.
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New Replies to Private Messages
Subject: For Danny
*NEW* edgar1175: It's no good. They aren't letting anyone see her except family, and she doesn't have any in the Bay.
*NEW* edgar1175: Memorial raising of a toast to Danny at Longman's Bar, then a -peaceful- drive through 8th Avenue. You in?
Craig Bronson, occasional shift supervisor for the Dockworker's Union, only had to consider for a moment before typing his reply.
craig28843: I'm in.
*NON-CANON ALERT* 8th Avenue is a local term for a stretch of neighborhoods that are well-known as Empire Territory.