No good deed... (Worm AU)

But apparently Nazis can't put in the effort to look that up online(for all of 30 seconds or so it'd take) or research the family background before attacking them(Considering they were able to find the two of them pretty easily).
These are a couple of guys who decided it would be a GREAT idea to disobey Kaiser and BROADCAST IT TO THE WORLD. An overabundance of brains is not a worry they appear to have.

EDIT: Sorry. HAD. They HAD. (And good riddance.)
These are a couple of guys who decided it would be a GREAT idea to disobey Kaiser and BROADCAST IT TO THE WORLD. An overabundance of brains is not a worry they appear to have.

EDIT: Sorry. HAD. They HAD. (And good riddance.)

Speaking of the broadcast, how the heck did these schlubs manage to have enough access to Gesselshaft sites to use their tinker-grade encryption to block the authorities from immediately finding them/blocking the broadcast?
Speaking of the broadcast, how the heck did these schlubs manage to have enough access to Gesselshaft sites to use their tinker-grade encryption to block the authorities from immediately finding them/blocking the broadcast?
Probably they were part of the human tec support for E88, or knew someone in that particular cell. Since the Gesselshaft aids nazi organizations without tinkers they probably have a user friendly system.
These are a couple of guys who decided it would be a GREAT idea to disobey Kaiser and BROADCAST IT TO THE WORLD. An overabundance of brains is not a worry they appear to have.

EDIT: Sorry. HAD. They HAD. (And good riddance.)

Was that part actually part of the broadcast? Couldn't the guys have actually started streaming it right after that? Because if it was, then Kaiser can easily claim "rouge elements" of the E88 and everything and be right. Seems too easy a way for the E88 to(largely) escape punishment(I'd still think the PRT would jump up its raids and shit on the E88 if so, but that's small-scale shit).

Speaking of the broadcast, how the heck did these schlubs manage to have enough access to Gesselshaft sites to use their tinker-grade encryption to block the authorities from immediately finding them/blocking the broadcast?

That's a very good point. Just how did they do it? Go online and type in User Name: NaziGrunt#216 and Password: ILoveHitler at Go Nazis!.com?
Given th fact that they wouldn't have two brain cells between the 4 of them with which to start a fire? Probably.
now thats unfair, they may not win any prizes attempting to graduate highschool, but they can go 'make fire, burn meat on fire, burn meat good' if you give them some petrol and a box of matches
now thats unfair, they may not win any prizes attempting to graduate highschool, but they can go 'make fire, burn meat on fire, burn meat good' if you give them some petrol and a box of matches
OK. Yes with petrol and matches a monkey can light a fire. Although I wouldn't doubt at least one of them would end up with 3rd degree burns.
OK. Yes with petrol and matches a monkey can light a fire. Although I wouldn't doubt at least one of them would end up with 3rd degree burns.
Like they did? Because angering Kaiser is probably going to end with him slowly roasting you on an open fire while liberally throwing salt to your wounds.
Whilst I know they were calling Danny and Taylor Jeweish slurs, Danny does have red hair and possibly looks Irish (as well as living in New England) so they could be rolling with insults against the Irish, instead of Jewish maybe?
  • Cat-lick
  • Paddy (think this is mainly a Brit thing though)
  • Green-Nigger (American equivalent I believe).
Since categorically, Nazi's hate the Irish. Not what @LD1449 went with, but possible, yeah?

Otherwise, they must just be assuming because Taylor has curly black hair and their last name is Hebert.
Whilst I know they were calling Danny and Taylor Jeweish slurs, Danny does have red hair and possibly looks Irish (as well as living in New England) so they could be rolling with insults against the Irish, instead of Jewish maybe?
  • Cat-lick
  • Paddy (think this is mainly a Brit thing though)
  • Green-Nigger (American equivalent I believe).
Since categorically, Nazi's hate the Irish. Not what @LD1449 went with, but possible, yeah?

Otherwise, they must just be assuming because Taylor has curly black hair and their last name is Hebert.

At this point, who the fuck knows(they could be calling them fucking japanese for all I care at this point). I don't even remember what Danny looks like because the majority of the time, the man is a non-entity for me, so I'll take your word for it, but we've basically established these are die-hard Nazi fucktards already.
Was that part actually part of the broadcast? Couldn't the guys have actually started streaming it right after that? Because if it was, then Kaiser can easily claim "rouge elements" of the E88 and everything and be right. Seems too easy a way for the E88 to(largely) escape punishment(I'd still think the PRT would jump up its raids and shit on the E88 if so, but that's small-scale shit).
To quote:
The skinhead… Derek, knelt down infront of him, his face devoid of expression. "Now you killed my brother you Barcode prick. And I don't give a flying shit what Kaiser says. That crap doesn't go unanswered."
So, yeah. Given the fact that Danny saw the camera already set up, I'm pretty sure this whole thing was running live. Kaiser can EASILY claim these morons were acting without/against orders... if he really wants to.

But there's the thing: If he says "We had nothing to do with them." AFTER having already said "The only people involved will turn themselves in and nothing more will happen."... then he looks weak. He couldn't control two bottom rung grunts. That's... not gonna look good to ANYONE, especially when it gets around just WHO those grunts tortured to death on live camera. (The E88 probably has a LOT of support, even just implied, in the blue-collar, heavy labor crowd of the Dockworker's Union... and those guys would have KNOWN Danny. He's the guy who went to work EVERY DAY and kept their union viable and got them jobs in a city with NO SHIPPING TRAFFIC. They're gonna be PISSED.)

Another alternative is trying to cover those idiot's asses... which makes it look like he went back on his word and DELIBERATELY targeted the Heberts. In which case, see above only WORSE.

The third choice is to say nothing, but... that's not gonna fly. They've got Hookwolf on camera rebuking the idiots. They KNOW Kaiser knew and was pissed.

So, basically... he's probably going to have to admit they acted without orders, he couldn't do anything to stop them, and crucify everyone who should have stopped them. Probably literally.

Nazis hate everybody. Especially other Nazis.
<Groundskeeper Willie> Damn Nazis! They ruined Nazi-land! </Groundskeeper Willie>

Oh, and before I forget.... You remember THIS bit?

He turned, taking a step to the door when he heard a thud.

Brian had just fallen over.

Hook looked to the girl, wrists and ankles rubbed red and raw by the ropes, dark hair hanging over her face and shoulders, enveloping her gaze in dark, long shadows.

The world around him turned blood red
You notice how there weren't any weird visions or [BLAHBLAH] or passing out from Hookwolf here? That means Taylor had ALREADY Triggered when this happened. She already had powers. Powers she very possibly can't control. Powers that, apparently, kill with a glance.

And there's her dad. Who's dead. And who she almost certainly was looking at. How long do you think it'll be before she thinks about that and starts doing the math in her head?
now thats unfair, they may not win any prizes attempting to graduate highschool, but they can go 'make fire, burn meat on fire, burn meat good' if you give them some petrol and a box of matches

Shame on you sir, for implying that these good gentlemen are incapable of claiming any sort of prize. Their actions have demonstrated that they possess the necessary traits to obtain the prestigious Darwin Awards. :V
To quote:

So, yeah. Given the fact that Danny saw the camera already set up, I'm pretty sure this whole thing was running live. Kaiser can EASILY claim these morons were acting without/against orders... if he really wants to.

But there's the thing: If he says "We had nothing to do with them." AFTER having already said "The only people involved will turn themselves in and nothing more will happen."... then he looks weak. He couldn't control two bottom rung grunts. That's... not gonna look good to ANYONE, especially when it gets around just WHO those grunts tortured to death on live camera. (The E88 probably has a LOT of support, even just implied, in the blue-collar, heavy labor crowd of the Dockworker's Union... and those guys would have KNOWN Danny. He's the guy who went to work EVERY DAY and kept their union viable and got them jobs in a city with NO SHIPPING TRAFFIC. They're gonna be PISSED.)

Another alternative is trying to cover those idiot's asses... which makes it look like he went back on his word and DELIBERATELY targeted the Heberts. In which case, see above only WORSE.

The third choice is to say nothing, but... that's not gonna fly. They've got Hookwolf on camera rebuking the idiots. They KNOW Kaiser knew and was pissed.

So, basically... he's probably going to have to admit they acted without orders, he couldn't do anything to stop them, and crucify everyone who should have stopped them. Probably literally.

<Groundskeeper Willie> Damn Nazis! They ruined Nazi-land! </Groundskeeper Willie>

Oh, and before I forget.... You remember THIS bit?

You notice how there weren't any weird visions or [BLAHBLAH] or passing out from Hookwolf here? That means Taylor had ALREADY Triggered when this happened. She already had powers. Powers she very possibly can't control. Powers that, apparently, kill with a glance.

And there's her dad. Who's dead. And who she almost certainly was looking at. How long do you think it'll be before she thinks about that and starts doing the math in her head?

I like how your considering the fallout from Danny being the one dead, most people forget about him but he is basicly THE poster boy for the blue collar workers in the bay.

I see a gang war starting as the Merchants and ABB begin moving against the Empire, since they will be off balance from public outcry and the Proctorate hammer coming down on them. Armsmaster will NOT let this slide, especially since this is partially his fault.
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I like how your considering the fallout from Danny being the one dead, most people forget about him but he is basicly THE poster boy for the blue collar workers in the bay.

I see a gang war starting as the Merchants and ABB begin moving against the Empire, since they will be off balance from public outcry and the Proctorate hammer coming down on them. Armsmaster will NOT let this slide, especially since this is partially his fault.
Especially since the loss of Hookwolf means that E88 got their best Brute and one of their most effective leaders down, so the territory under his nominal command is up for the taking and with the loss of Danny the Docks can be put under ABB influence as well, which is a great way of either gaining some limited smuggling capability or additional muscle.

And that's not taking into account what Coil can do to further weaken E88.
I like how your considering the fallout from Danny being the one dead, most people forget about him but he is basicly THE poster boy for the blue collar workers in the bay.

I see a gang war starting as the Merchants and ABB begin moving against the Empire, since they will be off balance from public outcry and the Proctorate hammer coming down on them. Armsmaster will NOT let this slide, especially since this is partially his fault.
The ABB was already planning to come down on them for the initial stunt with trying to kill Shadow Stalker and pinning it on the ABB, this will just either make them come down harder and/or accelerate their timetable. And of course the Merchants will do what the Merchants do best: be bottom feeders and vultures swooping down to grab up any tasty looking and unattended morsels.
Especially since the loss of Hookwolf means that E88 got their best Brute and one of their most effective leaders down, so the territory under his nominal command is up for the taking and with the loss of Danny the Docks can be put under ABB influence as well, which is a great way of either gaining some limited smuggling capability or additional muscle.

And that's not taking into account what Coil can do to further weaken E88.

I didn't even think about what losing Hookwolf ment for the Empire. Shit, Kaiser is gonna have to basicly declare Martial Law in E88 territory for a while, Cricket and Stormtiger are gonna be out for blood and no one in the Empire aside from Kaiser himself was a match for Hookwolf in power.
I didn't even think about what losing Hookwolf ment for the Empire. Shit, Kaiser is gonna have to basicly declare Martial Law in E88 territory for a while, Cricket and Stormtiger are gonna be out for blood and no one in the Empire aside from Kaiser himself was a match for Hookwolf in power.
Kaiser is squishy and made of meat. Your argument is invalid. I think the only match for hookwolf in terms of brute toughness and strength would be fenja or menja.
Kaiser is squishy and made of meat. Your argument is invalid. I think the only match for hookwolf in terms of brute toughness and strength would be fenja or menja.

Kaiser is squishy, yeah. He also produces blades from almost anywhere giving him battlefield control that can really only be contested by someone like Skitter or powerful Shakers. The reason he always has the twins is because of that, he can corral anyone to advantageous positions and any non-brute will die very quickly. His armor is likely resistant to all but high caliber or armor percing rounds, something only Miss Milita would have on hand. Being squishy only matters if the enemy can reach you.