No good deed... (Worm AU)

Here's a fun thought for you all.

Should the Protectorate manage to trip on their dicks over this whole fustercluck...

A massive oriental man with an ornate dragon tattoo looked down (a little) to the surviving reminder of what had caused the fall of the Empire 88, the permanent rise of the Azn Bad Boys to dominance in Brockton Bay.

"Please, look me in the eyes, and do not be afraid. Do not worry, young one." He could afford some small bit of familial affection for the girl; she had just handed him the city on a silver platter. "Do not let what my men might say turn you away from this, Basilisk."

"Even if I were not a dragon, you showed honor far above and beyond what your father's slayers did, showing what you should have been born as." Lung smiled widely to her, showing absolute trust. "You are well and truly Asian."
Here's a fun thought for you all.
Insinuation 2.2 said:
The section beneath the description of Lung and his powers covered his subordinates. He was estimated to have forty or fifty thugs working for him across Brockton Bay, largely drawn from the ranks of Asian youth. It was pretty unconventional for a gang to include members of the variety of nationalities that the ABB did, but Lung had made it a mission to conquer and absorb every gang with Asian members and many without. Once he had the manpower he needed, the non-Asian gangs were cannibalized for assets, their members discarded. Even though there were no more major gangs in the east end of town to absorb, he was still recruiting zealously. His method, now, was to go after anyone older than twelve and younger than sixty. It didn't matter if you were a gang member or not. If you were Asian and you lived in Brockton Bay, Lung and his people expected you to either join or to pay tribute one way or another. There had been local news reports on it, newspaper articles, and I could remember seeing signs in the guidance counselor's office detailing where people who were targeted in this way could go for help.
The You Are Now Asian meme flies in the face of canon.
Ok, time for me to try and clarify what the whole website streaming thing thought process was (please note, I am not a computer engineer)

The Gesselschaft is an organized group of Neo Nazi's based out of Europe, these are the guys that give the E-88 their Nazi green cards so they can be recognized as fellow Nazi's. These guys are the real Empire, Kaiser's just the blacksheep/offshoot in the USA.

As an organization, these people need to have worldwide communication/organized means of spreading their ideology to various people around the world if they want to continue to expand their membership.

This isn't at all a stretch of the imagination. Fucking ISIS has internet and web connections of their own, and new ones crop up as soon as the respective law enforcement agencies get around the laws and shut down the previous websites.

That's right, law enforcement has to go AROUND the laws in order to attack these sites. Most modern countries do have a term of "Free speech" in their constitution, or a general equivalent and these websites USE those same laws and have their rules adhere to the black letter word of the law which gives law enforcement genuine trouble in order to break around the whole song and dance regarding these websites in order to take them down.

So, naturally, Gesselschaft has its OWN dedicated website where they can spew their spiel, both with severs in Europe and in the United States/Brockton Bay.

Given their resources, this site has ENCRYPTION so people can't just blitz their way in discover who's a Nazi (Not all shave their heads and wear tattoos) and drop their recruitment levels to virtually nothing on the non extremist side of the group (You know, the people who seem reasonable and are marginally more important than dumb muscle because they can blend into regular society)

These guys are members of that site.

Now, in the United States and here, Free speech and privacy laws are *extremely* broad and widely encompassing *Especially* when it comes to internet services (as can be seen by the controversy with Apple happening right now)

What these guys did was contact one of the "For the cause" chat buddies over in europe who knows a thing or two about computers, and manages to stream the video and scramble their IP adress/ signal- bounce it around across several internet service towers to make it appear as if the signal could be coming from anywhere across the eastern seaboard/europe. Dragon and Colin knew that it was from Brockton Bay, since someone immediately recognized Hebert and told Colin when he got the news of the video at all, which allowed them to brute force through the signals/ignore the decoys in other parts of the world and focus their attentions on Brockton Bay.

Now that they knew the city, they had to find out what number of Bay individuals were members of the site.

Here they hit two roadblocks.

USA law/Beurocracy

And Gesselchaft Tinkertech encryption.

If they could have gotten themselves a court order, the Gesselchaft website would have been FORCED to give up the names of their members because they would otherwise be protecting an ACTIVELY- IN PROGRESS CRIME (Different from Apple in which the crime has already been committed and future crimes/information on those crimes is purely hypothetical)

However, getting court orders requires time. Gotta wake up the judge, the DA, try to notify the party involved if they don't answer just go Ex Parte argue out the points, get a temporary order THEN notify the Gesselchaft website people and get them to give up the list of people.

Does all of that sound like it would take less than an hour?

No. It sounds like it'd take an hour and a half or two AT BEST.

So, Armsy and Dragon decided to do something highly illegal in the US and if anyone asks they never did it at all.

They decided to just hack their way in.

But what about Dragon's locks on obeying the law.

Yes. But Dragon has been known to skirt around those blocks and those blocks say that she needs to obey the sovereign laws of any place she finds herself in.

So she just hopped on over to some third world country, where this legislation doesn't even exist yet and started hacking from there.

Now, hacking from a local location, is hard.

Hacking from a continent or more away is downright impossible.

But again, Dragon is an AI, she can manage this.

Colin helped immensely.

This is the step by step process I believe happened in my head.

Dragon and Armsmaster were focused on finding Danny/the local stream. The OTHER guy in europe that was helping to scramble the signal, uploaded the livestream to PHO and other common public websites and Dragon didn't even bother because it would have been double the work to try and track it through there and might not have even worked.
Ok, time for me to try and clarify what the whole website streaming thing thought process was (please note, I am not a computer engineer)

The Gesselschaft is an organized group of Neo Nazi's based out of Europe, these are the guys that give the E-88 their Nazi green cards so they can be recognized as fellow Nazi's. These guys are the real Empire, Kaiser's just the blacksheep/offshoot in the USA.

As an organization, these people need to have worldwide communication/organized means of spreading their ideology to various people around the world if they want to continue to expand their membership.

This isn't at all a stretch of the imagination. Fucking ISIS has internet and web connections of their own, and new ones crop up as soon as the respective law enforcement agencies get around the laws and shut down the previous websites.

That's right, law enforcement has to go AROUND the laws in order to attack these sites. Most modern countries do have a term of "Free speech" in their constitution, or a general equivalent and these websites USE those same laws and have their rules adhere to the black letter word of the law which gives law enforcement genuine trouble in order to break around the whole song and dance regarding these websites in order to take them down.

So, naturally, Gesselschaft has its OWN dedicated website where they can spew their spiel, both with severs in Europe and in the United States/Brockton Bay.

Given their resources, this site has ENCRYPTION so people can't just blitz their way in discover who's a Nazi (Not all shave their heads and wear tattoos) and drop their recruitment levels to virtually nothing on the non extremist side of the group (You know, the people who seem reasonable and are marginally more important than dumb muscle because they can blend into regular society)

These guys are members of that site.

Now, in the United States and here, Free speech and privacy laws are *extremely* broad and widely encompassing *Especially* when it comes to internet services (as can be seen by the controversy with Apple happening right now)

What these guys did was contact one of the "For the cause" chat buddies over in europe who knows a thing or two about computers, and manages to stream the video and scramble their IP adress/ signal- bounce it around across several internet service towers to make it appear as if the signal could be coming from anywhere across the eastern seaboard/europe. Dragon and Colin knew that it was from Brockton Bay, since someone immediately recognized Hebert and told Colin when he got the news of the video at all, which allowed them to brute force through the signals/ignore the decoys in other parts of the world and focus their attentions on Brockton Bay.

Now that they knew the city, they had to find out what number of Bay individuals were members of the site.

Here they hit two roadblocks.

USA law/Beurocracy

And Gesselchaft Tinkertech encryption.

If they could have gotten themselves a court order, the Gesselchaft website would have been FORCED to give up the names of their members because they would otherwise be protecting an ACTIVELY- IN PROGRESS CRIME (Different from Apple in which the crime has already been committed and future crimes/information on those crimes is purely hypothetical)

However, getting court orders requires time. Gotta wake up the judge, the DA, try to notify the party involved if they don't answer just go Ex Parte argue out the points, get a temporary order THEN notify the Gesselchaft website people and get them to give up the list of people.

Does all of that sound like it would take less than an hour?

No. It sounds like it'd take an hour and a half or two AT BEST.

So, Armsy and Dragon decided to do something highly illegal in the US and if anyone asks they never did it at all.

They decided to just hack their way in.

But what about Dragon's locks on obeying the law.

Yes. But Dragon has been known to skirt around those blocks and those blocks say that she needs to obey the sovereign laws of any place she finds herself in.

So she just hopped on over to some third world country, where this legislation doesn't even exist yet and started hacking from there.

Now, hacking from a local location, is hard.

Hacking from a continent or more away is downright impossible.

But again, Dragon is an AI, she can manage this.

Colin helped immensely.

This is the step by step process I believe happened in my head.

Dragon and Armsmaster were focused on finding Danny/the local stream. The OTHER guy in europe that was helping to scramble the signal, uploaded the livestream to PHO and other common public websites and Dragon didn't even bother because it would have been double the work to try and track it through there and might not have even worked.

Makes a lot of sense when put like that.
Also, now that everyone knows what happened...anyone willing to do a PHO Omake xD?

Again, I'd do it, but I'm complete shit at it, and I really would find it interesting to see the public reaction to this whole event, to the E-88, Taylor, the Shadow stalker story which is bound to leak, the people that recognize Taylor or Danny and everything in between.

Or should I ask for 4 or 5 volunteers and give them a google doc to play in?
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PHO- E-88 Revenge Video
♦Topic: E88 Revenge Video [NO LINKS]
In: Boards ► News ► Current Events ► America ► Brockton Bay

NightHawk Chaser (Original Poster) (Cape Husband)
Posted on December 24, 2010:

Ok, so, if you use this web search, you should be able to find a site that is hosting the E88's video. That should be enough of a separation to not break the rules and get this thread taken down like the last three. Normally, I'm opposed to the mods trying to censor specific videos from being shown if they are already public, but this time, given how graphic that video got, I think I can support it.

For those of you who just woke up, or haven't been paying attention, the basic idea is that two people, a man and his daughter, got on the wrong side of the Empire over in Brockton Bay. (Until their names are announced on the news, I'm going to respect the girl's privacy and not name names. If you want to risk the mods wrath to do so, don't blame me.) From what I've gathered, they rescued some hero from a group of E88 skinheads, killing some of the skinheads in the process, and one of their "victims" brother grabbed them to get revenge.

From there, it gets graphic. The dad basically taunts the Empire grunts with every insult he can to keep their attention on him. It...he lasts a long time. Finally, the cavalry arrives in the form of Hookwolf, one of the E88's own capes, as apparently this was an "unsanctioned" hate crime. It's just past the hour mark on most of the videos I've seen up, when he tears in through the wall, berates the torturers, and gets ready to bug out.

Then, the girl stands up, and everyone dies.

So, go nuts, pour on the hate for the Empire or whatever. I'm going to go hug my own daughter.

(Showing Page 6 of 47)

► Marzipompom
Replied on December 24, 2010:
Oh boo fucking hoo. Wah, I'm Marco and this video has ruined my Christmas. That girl had to live through it! If you want to complain, go do it somewhere where the rest of us don't have to see how pathetic you are.

► Northend_King
Replied on December 24, 2010:
So, can anyone confirm that the girl is ok? Not going to ask anyone to name names, but...

► MrPigWitch
Replied on December 24, 2010:
I sure hope so. She's a goddamn hero, for taking that piece of shit Hookwolf down permanently.

► Lover of Brit
Replied on December 24, 2010:
:rage:How could u?! that girl's been through so much, and your focusing on the bloood on her hansd?

► XxVoid_CowboyxX
Replied on December 24, 2010:
[Deleted - Until they are publically identified, we will not allow public identification of the victims here. Try again and it will be another temp-ban for you. - Tin_Mother]

► SpecificProtagonist
Replied on December 24, 2010:
Oh god... that's... oh god...

► #Hashtag#Defender
Replied on December 24, 2010:
Wow, that was fast. Mods are def paying attetion to this. My condolences to the girl, and I'd just like to say, props to the father. He protected her until the very end.

► LadyCicero (Cape Geek)
Replied on December 24, 2010:
It is stuff like this that is the reason I moved out of the big cities to begin with. So many people who band together, thinking they are above the law, and it is the little guys who suffer.

► Bladeblur (Unverified Cape)
Replied on December 24, 2010:
Well well well, looks like it's Open Season on Nazis. Might have to make a cross country trip to help show them why this is not acceptable.
[Warning - This is toeing the line as far as threats and inciting violence. As utterly despicable as what happened is, make sure to stick to the rules. - VagariousAugry]

► WB37173
Replied on December 24, 2010:
I hope the Protectorate comes down on them hard.

End of Page. 1, ... 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ... 47


Here is my initial attempt at a PHO Omake. If anyone wants to write up the discussion for another page of this thread, feel free to add on.

Edit: Oh, and sorry to @Smugraptor for Imp'ing you.
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♦Topic: E88 Revenge Video [NO LINKS]
In: Boards ► News ► Current Events ► America ► Brockton Bay

NightHawk Chaser (Original Poster) (Cape Husband)
Posted on December 24, 2010:

Ok, so, if you use this web search, you should be able to find a site that is hosting the E88's video. That should be enough of a separation to not break the rules and get this thread taken down like the last three. Normally, I'm opposed to the mods trying to censor specific videos from being shown if they are already public, but this time, given how graphic that video got, I think I can support it.

For those of you who just woke up, or haven't been paying attention, the basic idea is that two people, a man and his daughter, got on the wrong side of the Empire over in Brockton Bay. (Until their names are announced on the news, I'm going to respect the girl's privacy and not name names. If you want to risk the mods wrath to do so, don't blame me.) From what I've gathered, they rescued some hero from a group of E88 skinheads, killing some of the skinheads in the process, and one of their "victims" brother grabbed them to get revenge.

From there, it gets graphic. The dad basically taunts the Empire grunts with every insult he can to keep their attention on him. It...he lasts a long time. Finally, the cavalry arrives in the form of Hookwolf, one of the E88's own capes, as apparently this was an "unsanctioned" hate crime. It's just past the hour mark on most of the videos I've seen up, when he tears in through the wall, berates the torturers, and gets ready to bug out.

Then, the girl stands up, and everyone dies.

So, go nuts, pour on the hate for the Empire or whatever. I'm going to go hug my own daughter.

(Showing Page 6 of 47)

► Marzipompom
Replied on December 24, 2010:
Oh boo fucking hoo. Wah, I'm Marco and this video has ruined my Christmas. That girl had to live through it! If you want to complain, go do it somewhere where the rest of us don't have to see how pathetic you are.

► Northend_King
Replied on December 24, 2010:
So, can anyone confirm that the girl is ok? Not going to ask anyone to name names, but...

► MrPigWitch
Replied on December 24, 2010:
I sure hope so. She's a goddamn hero, for taking that piece of shit Hookwolf down permanently.

► Lover of Brit
Replied on December 24, 2010:
:rage:How could u?! that girl's been through so much, and your focusing on the bloood on her hansd?

► XxVoid_CowboyxX
Replied on December 24, 2010:
[Deleted - Until they are publically identified, we will not allow public identification of the victims here. Try again and it will be another temp-ban for you. - Tin_Mother]

► SpecificProtagonist
Replied on December 24, 2010:
Oh god... that's... oh god...

► #Hashtag#Defender
Replied on December 24, 2010:
Wow, that was fast. Mods are def paying attetion to this. My condolences to the girl, and I'd just like to say, props to the father. He protected her until the very end.

► LadyCicero (Cape Geek)
Replied on December 24, 2010:
It is stuff like this that is the reason I moved out of the big cities to begin with. So many people who band together, thinking they are above the law, and it is the little guys who suffer.

► Bladeblur (Unverified Cape)
Replied on December 24, 2010:
Well well well, looks like it's Open Season on Nazis. Might have to make a cross country trip to help show them why this is not acceptable.
[Warning - This is toeing the line as far as threats and inciting violence. As utterly despicable as what happened is, make sure to stick to the rules. - VagariousAugry

► WB37173
Replied on December 24, 2010:
I hope the Protectorate comes down on them hard.

End of Page. 1, ... 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ... 47


Here is my initial attempt at a PHO Omake. If anyone wants to write up the discussion for another page of this thread, feel free to add on.

Edit: Oh, and sorry to @Smugraptor for Imp'ing you.

Nice, that's a very good PHO interlude.
To quote:

So, yeah. Given the fact that Danny saw the camera already set up, I'm pretty sure this whole thing was running live. Kaiser can EASILY claim these morons were acting without/against orders... if he really wants to.

But there's the thing: If he says "We had nothing to do with them." AFTER having already said "The only people involved will turn themselves in and nothing more will happen."... then he looks weak. He couldn't control two bottom rung grunts. That's... not gonna look good to ANYONE, especially when it gets around just WHO those grunts tortured to death on live camera. (The E88 probably has a LOT of support, even just implied, in the blue-collar, heavy labor crowd of the Dockworker's Union... and those guys would have KNOWN Danny. He's the guy who went to work EVERY DAY and kept their union viable and got them jobs in a city with NO SHIPPING TRAFFIC. They're gonna be PISSED.)

Another alternative is trying to cover those idiot's asses... which makes it look like he went back on his word and DELIBERATELY targeted the Heberts. In which case, see above only WORSE.

The third choice is to say nothing, but... that's not gonna fly. They've got Hookwolf on camera rebuking the idiots. They KNOW Kaiser knew and was pissed.

So, basically... he's probably going to have to admit they acted without orders, he couldn't do anything to stop them, and crucify everyone who should have stopped them. Probably literally.

<Groundskeeper Willie> Damn Nazis! They ruined Nazi-land! </Groundskeeper Willie>

Oh, and before I forget.... You remember THIS bit?

You notice how there weren't any weird visions or [BLAHBLAH] or passing out from Hookwolf here? That means Taylor had ALREADY Triggered when this happened. She already had powers. Powers she very possibly can't control. Powers that, apparently, kill with a glance.

And there's her dad. Who's dead. And who she almost certainly was looking at. How long do you think it'll be before she thinks about that and starts doing the math in her head?

Oh my God. She's not gonna have a good time any way this rolls. When she finds out that Sophia is SS... Bring out the sunglasses...
One of the main draws for me with this fic is actually the interaction between Taylor and Sophia. Sophia basically had her world-view turned upside down. No, she is not strong, and Taylor saved her? She is either going to dive even further into self-delusion or change hopefully for the better. I could see her follow Taylor around like a lost puppy after this, which I doubt Taylor would appreciate.
One of the main draws for me with this fic is actually the interaction between Taylor and Sophia. Sophia basically had her world-view turned upside down. No, she is not strong, and Taylor saved her? She is either going to dive even further into self-delusion or change hopefully for the better. I could see her follow Taylor around like a lost puppy after this, which I doubt Taylor would appreciate.
And the first chapter supports the theory. I think that for the first time ever she actually feels guilty about something, in fact it seems that she confessed to Piggot about her treatment of Taylor.
<HedonismBot> Ooooh, how... TRANSGRESSIVE. </HedonismBot> (Also, no. I didn't know/remember that. I learn something new every day! I don't suppose you've got the WoG handy?)

I prefer "non-judgemental." It sounds nicer!
No, you're a creep. I'm non-judgemental because I still like you anyway. Mostly.
<HedonismBot> Ooooh, how... TRANSGRESSIVE. </HedonismBot> (Also, no. I didn't know/remember that. I learn something new every day! I don't suppose you've got the WoG handy?)
Crusader Interlude 18 said:
"Hmm." Justin watched more PRT vans arrive. They were spreading out, clearly anticipating Kayden's artillery-level attacks, and they had the damn foam-bead nets they used for dealing with fliers. "Theo, who's your mom?"


Justin sighed. Heith was Fenja and Menja's cousin and guardian, Kaiser's first wife, killed in a turf war with the Teeth, back in the old days of Brockton Bay. She has powers after all.

Somehow, all of this would be easier if he could believe that Theo was illegitimate.
I always have the WoG handy.
Oh, almost certainly true. I just needed to fill my quota of Worm memes I'd yet to screw with, and do you really think Lung would just throw away someone with the Desu Animu Eyes?
Lung Interlude 22 said:
"But the 'Azn Bad Boys'?"

"A reminder, to my enemies, of what I've done before, what I could do again."

Bakuda frowned.

"I defeated many gangs, many groups. Some had powered members, others did not. I recruited some. Oni Lee was one. The rest I killed."
Nine out of ten capes agree: Lung will kill you if you aren't an obedient Asian.

As for the story itself, I suddenly find myself wondering what Coil's going to do to make everything worse.
Kaiser is squishy, yeah. He also produces blades from almost anywhere giving him battlefield control that can really only be contested by someone like Skitter or powerful Shakers. The reason he always has the twins is because of that, he can corral anyone to advantageous positions and any non-brute will die very quickly. His armor is likely resistant to all but high caliber or armor percing rounds, something only Miss Milita would have on hand. Being squishy only matters if the enemy can reach you.
But we're talking survivability. Hookwolf wouldn't die to normal weapons fire. If they wanted Kaiser dead mm would kill him inside a week. Am would have an insta-kill do him inside two. You'd have to bathe Hookwolf in insanely strong acid or plant a grenade in his chest (which he would spit out) I won't remember how he does in canon I want to say Levi but that's wrong. Is it scion?
Nice Omake..

► SpecificProtagonist
Replied on December 24, 2010:
Oh god... that's... oh god...

Feeling wee bit guilty there are we Madison, heh. Does Emma have a PHO account? As I imagine Madison would be telling her about this asap, if she didn't know already from somewhere else. I'm curious how this will change their view on things. Wonder if Danny's will specifies who Taylor would go to. Such potential for massive awkwardness.
Nice Omake..

Feeling wee bit guilty there are we Madison, heh. Does Emma have a PHO account? As I imagine Madison would be telling her about this asap, if she didn't know already from somewhere else. I'm curious how this will change their view on things. Wonder if Danny's will specifies who Taylor would go to. Such potential for massive awkwardness.
Oh yes, especially if Taylor never told Danny about Emma. With Taylor's seeming 'kill everything i want dead' power this could go very wrong. I've seen a few fics where that happens... Taylor ends up running away most times.
Oh yes, especially if Taylor never told Danny about Emma. With Taylor's seeming 'kill everything i want dead' power this could go very wrong. I've seen a few fics where that happens... Taylor ends up running away most times.

Yeah, but in the majority of those she does what she does because Emma tries to continue the bullying, I don't see that happening here since Sophia and Madison would be disinclined to continue for obvious reasons - and I highly suspect Emma would to, since that video made things a little too 'real' beyond school bullying, and would also give her flashbacks to her own encounter - that and bullying her would no longer be a 'free pass'. In fact things might get a little awkward for them at school.

I doubt Taylor will get away from the PRT until her eye infection is under control though. So her spontaneously killing people will probably not happen. Taylor is pretty fragile now, and vulnerable, so anything could really happen (she might not even notice if she was stuck in Emma's room, hah). People also know or highly suspect she is a cape for the Multi-kill caught on Twitch.

I think some forum PMs between a Madison/Emma/Sophia could be interesting, if you wanted to add to the Omake, @LordCirce.
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