No good deed... (Worm AU)

This story is just depressing. But like everything by LD I find myself compelled to read it. And I find myself enjoying it. Alot.
I couldn't help but notice that Sophia never tells Emma what happened to her.

My Beta's pointed out the same. My answer then, was :

I don't think Sophia is emotionally or socially capable of revisiting her torture/near murder on the fly. To bring it up on her own and endure, what would be a session of 20 questions about the night that she was nearly burnt alive isn't something I see a relatively well adjusted person able to do easilly, let alone a less than pristine example of mental stability that is Sophia Hess.
I figured she just couldn't admit she'd been beaten up, much less to Emma. It would have forced her to confront her own weakness.
I figured she just couldn't admit she'd been beaten up, much less to Emma. It would have forced her to confront her own weakness.

The 'Confronting her own weakness phase' was pretty much reached, punched right through and passed at the point she realized she was a second away from being burnt alive by a cripple.
Please don't make her trigger, I HATE the Emma becomes a superhero and redeems herself and everything becomes ok because she wants it to trope, sometimes bad things CAN happen to bad people without things getting better.
When she finally did answer her Emma was torn between relief and rage.

"Fucking hell Sophia? What pissed you off you couldn't answer me for three goddamn days?"

"I was busy."

"Busy with what? I mean-"

"Cleaning that crap out of the locker."

She froze. She remembered the messages from the night before, and the shock that ran through her spine was a near palpable thing.

"Wait...You- You were serious about that!?"

"The hell did you think?"

"I thought you were playing a joke on me! Fuck, it took us weeks to get that crap and then keeping it out of sight and getting it into the school. Why would you go and do that?"

Sophia didn't answer. For a long time she'd just stayed quiet, so long infact, that Emma had to call out to her.


"It's done with Emma."

"What the hell is-"

"No. It's done! This thing with Hebert. We're not doing it again. Neither of us. You leave her alone and don't even breathe wrong next to her. We clear?"

"The hell is wrong with you?"
She shouted. She remembered shouting standing up in her room and beginning to pace. "Look. This little joke of yours has gone on long enough. She's a victim! You said so yourself! So I don't know what got into you but why in the hell are you wasting your time...defending her now!?"

"Because I feel like it. If you've got a problem with it that's your problem! And it's a problem I'm going to make my problem if I catch you pulling some shit on Hebert again. This. Shit. Is. Over. Emma!"

But…" She felt like she'd been punched in the gut, like all the wind had just been knocked right out of her. "What? Sophia...She's...she's just… weak. She's a- why are you-"

"It was bullshit Emma!"
I'm assuming these are phone dialogue instead of texts, but the underline-italics combination matches makes it seem like... not dialogue?

Also, the second piece of non-dialogue narration in the quoted portion is underlined when it shouldn't be.
Please don't make her trigger, I HATE the Emma becomes a superhero and redeems herself and everything becomes ok because she wants it to trope, sometimes bad things CAN happen to bad people without things getting better.

She could get powers and not be a hero. Maybe she'd be Taylor's nemesis. After all it would be easy for her to blame Taylor for turning her world upside down and be out to kill her with her new shiny powers.

Meanwhile somewhere else...

Jack: My murderhobo senses are tingling. How would you like a new big sister, Bonesaw?
I don't see why Emma would get powers here and now when she didn't get any in canon.
2. You lied about Legacy Undone. That, or you forgot Chapter 9.

Ya lost me...

3. I fail to see how the story being fanfiction bars you from taking canon into consideration. It's not like it's a Naruto ship fic.

I can take canon into consideration. (Like Sophia's world view, Armsy's social awkwardness, Triumph, the Wards, Piggot's Bias/prejudice etc.etc.)

I can also discard the parts I wish to discard. By being fanfiction, by definition, I am not bound by canon's limitations. :p
...Okay... LD... what are you doing to us, man? Wha-what? Just... what?

I don't think I've found a story yet that makes me like Emma or Madison, but watching terrible people having terrible things happen to them while they feel guilty still feels sour sometimes.

Congrats though, this didn't make me cry.
You must not have read Outcry then.
"Cleaning that crap out of the locker."

She froze. She remembered the messages from the night before, and the shock that ran through her spine was a near palpable thing.

"Wait...You- You were serious about that!?"

Why is the middle sentence underlined? Doesn't seem like it should be.

When he came with his doctors... she was gone.

Huh. I don't really know what to say to this. This doesn't feel like an "Oh shit." moment to me or anything.
We have learned several valuable things from this update.

The most important being that no matter how serious a mental breakdown Emma is going through there are people who hate her enough to leave a 'Funny' rating.