No good deed... (Worm AU)

I really like the portrayal of Triumph here, a lot of people forget that he has character and even an interlude in Worm. I'm going to love the interactions between him, Taylor and the rest of the Wards, also interestingly Taylor can use Gallants emotion sensing, even less secrets from her now. I would be happy to help with the beta process.
1) I looooove your concept of what her eyes look like. *shivers*
2) ....damn. I can already see the mushroom cloud when this whole Sophia mess goes nuclear.
3) Lisa is totally going to break down when she sees Taylor, isn't she?
4) Again, LD1449, bang-up fucking job here. THIS is how you do a dark storyline. Mad props; the tequila is on me!
Would be interesting to see Shadow Stalker never meet Taylor. Sophia might just decide it's not worth it and ask for a transfer. That would definitely be new and interesting.
Alright There is ONE more interlude for this arc BUT there will be a Bonus scene. It's kind of an interlude, but I think it's too short, so its kinda Omake-ish length hence why it'll be posted as a "Bonus" scene, that takes place simultaneously to this chapter. Anyone wanna take a guess who it is that it'll involve :)

Guessing Shadow Stalker, though I wouldn't mind being surprised with a New Wave POV. Thought it might be Cauldron, but not sure how Taylor rates on their list.

Anyway Hope you all enjoyed it for what it was, and now Taylor has a clearer picture as to what the Ward's program is really like, so she can make a more informed decision. (Sorry to those who were expecting a blowout with Sophia :p)

We're just happy for any update. Still expecting some kind of confrontation between Sophia and Taylor before she makes a decision. If it doesn't, it's gonna be that elephant in the room that'll ping the readers. Even if it's not the meltdown I'm hoping it'll be, I still like what you've done so far.
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I liked the wards in this chapter, especially Clock and Vista (even if she barely had a few lines) it's nice to see them as more than just comic releif

3) Lisa is totally going to break down when she sees Taylor, isn't she?
Considering the public nature of the video and all I'd be surprised if she doesn't already know about Taylor.
That just gave me horrible premonitions of a Bank Job gone Worse, starring
Sophia Hess as Amy Dallon
Taylor Herbert as Glory Girl
and Lisa Wilborn as herself

cause Tattletale hasn't had a good day unless she's poked and proded an S-class threat's emotional problems

It is a trap intended to lull us into a false sense of hope. Keep your tinfoil hat at hand- things will be going south soon and it's only a matter of when and how. . .
tinfoil (pirate) hat never came off for this story. I'm expecting horribly incredibly dark depressing things from this story.
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That just gave me horrible premonitions of a Bank Job gone Worse, starring
Sophia Hess as Amy Dallon
Taylor Herbert as Glory Girl
and Lisa Wilborn as herself

cause Tattletale hasn't had a good day unless she's poked and proded an S-class threat's emotional problems
Right, S-class, u-huh. LaughHarder.jpg
Really enjoying this.

It feels like this was written based on the question of: "What would have to happen in order to actually make Sophia feel bad about bullying Taylor?", and this was the result. Anything less would not have broken through her predator/prey bullshit.

Looking forward to more!
Would be interesting to see Shadow Stalker never meet Taylor. Sophia might just decide it's not worth it and ask for a transfer. That would definitely be new and interesting.
It would be boring.

That just gave me horrible premonitions of a Bank Job gone Worse, starring
Sophia Hess as Amy Dallon
Taylor Herbert as Glory Girl
and Lisa Wilborn as herself
And thus, SS was officially demoted to the role of Damsel in Distress. #Gotafeelingsocomplicated
1.4 Bonus scene
Bonus Scene: Emily Piggot:

When she opened the door, the man had the gall to smile at her.

"Director," Anthony Hassan drawled from where he sat, pocketing his phone with a cold little smirk on his face.

She stepped into the room, a file under her arm.

"Is this the part where we begin the verbal barbs and the not so subtle interchanging of threats?" He asked with a throaty chuckle.

Piggot frowned, tossing the file on the table. It wasn't the first time she'd gone into a verbal fight with someone who used humor, it was however, the least common tactic in her experience.

"Anthony Hassan," She responded, deciding to get right to the point. " I did some digging on you."

"Only after I stepped on your toes, I see."

"I've been busy, as you can imagine," she said. "You're the one that decided to climb to the top of my particular shit list."

"And people say I've gotten out of shape in my old age."

She opened the file, reading out of it, or at least pretending to, she'd committed the thing to memory already.

"Military experience, got out and applied for law-school in your mid thirties, graduated three and a half years later, was arrested in teenage years for breaking and entering." She watched him carefully. "First wife's name was Aaradhya Hassan, murdered in nineteen sixt-"

The man's smile grew, interrupting her. "Time for the punchline? I've heard this one before. I'm afraid. Murdered in Nineteen Sixty four by Anthony Caldwell, known white supremacist."

"Who also happened to be your father," she pointed out, irritated at his lack of reaction. "Who was also reported missing three months after this event, hasn't been found since. Many suspected you had a hand in that."

"Oh my," he laughed. "Is this the part where you threaten to open up a decades old cold case if I don't become your yes man?"

"Perhaps." Emily frowned. "If you make it necessary."

He tsked, like a parent scolding a child. "Tut-tut-tut Director. A case over four decades old, in the current anti-Nazi climate of the Bay. This isn't exactly a case a prosecutor would be lining up to try. How many greased palms would it take? How many expenses can you justify in your budget meetings, hmm?"

She glowered at him.

She had been bluffing. But she'd hoped she'd have gotten more of a reaction than simple dismissal.

He smiled almost in answer to her thoughts. "This is an old dance, director. And unfortunately, from where you're sitting, I have thirty years experience over you in the careful little steps."

"Fair enough," she admitted. "Then let me be clear. This is the part where I tell you that your… grudge against white supremacists is yours, and yours alone. Ms. Hebert isn't to be manipulated by you to carry on any vendetta that you might have." She pulled out a sub-folder, tossing it to him, one that held every single case he'd ever tried as a prosecutor against white supremacists in the Bay.

Over thirty years experience with over two hundred eighty six cases taken against them.

One didn't need to be a psychologist to put two and two together.

"No, of course," he admitted with another of his enigmatic smiles. "She would be better off being wholly manipulated by you."

"If that's how you wish to see it," she said scathingly. "I won't argue the semantics with you." She then took a seat across from him. "The fact is the Protectorate's resources are the most well-equipped and capable of dealing with her particular difficulties, your obstructionism prevents their full use."

He gave a single grunt that sounded like a laugh, looking at her with green eyes that glinted like flint knives.

"Piggot," he began. "How would you like to be my lawyer?"

Of all the responses he could have given, that certainly wasn't what she'd been expecting. "What?"

"Well you certainly have the cutthroat nature for it, and the selective tunnel vision for your set goal. Your personality is a tad more unpleasant than most but there are many divorce clients who are looking for just that mindset. Having gone to law-school or not, you'd still certainly make a better lawyer than PRT director."

She grit her teeth. "You're working an angle," she bit out ignoring the thinly veiled insult. "One that intends to utilize a very dangerous, highly unstable young woman."

"Not quite as unstable as you seem to think," he laughed.

"This is your only warning," she pressed on. "Advise your client all you want, but step one foot out of line and I will tell her exactly what connection you have to the Empire. That won't go over well for you."

He took a breath, sighing through his nostrils. "No… I don't imagine it would at all."

With a smack of his hands onto the armrests, the old man stood, smiling down at her again. "Pleasant as this has been director... I'm afraid this conversation is done."

"Not quite," Emily said. "Tell me how you found out I'd called for Taylor?"

"Brockton Bay's economy isn't exactly booming, director," he pointed out. "You'd be surprised how many are willing to tell an attorney his very sympathetic client is being called into someone's office for a minimal bonus fee. One could almost liken it to a civic duty. Or common decency." He smiled. "Now. If you'll excuse me, I need to have an important conversation with my client."

He marched around the table and walked right out the door.



My thanks go out to @Axel Fones ,@nitewind and @DarkMagyk for their work as Betas :)

As promised, a Bonus scene. It takes place simultaneously to 1.4. Expands a little on Hassan's background and motivations. Hope you all enjoyed :)

One more Interlude that I'll try to get done this weekend before Dark Souls 3 hits and I'm sucked into the game.:)
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Funny how the saying "one step out of line" is so vague. It's almost as if Piggot wants to be able to say she warned Hassan later when she really did nothing of the sort but threaten him. /shrug
Isn't Piggot getting mad at Hassan for actually doing the job of an attorney? She was the one that attempted to corner a emotional and unstable underage girl in a meeting that normally requires at least a guardian present... Is it just because he's getting in her way, is that why she's so angry?
Isn't Piggot getting mad at Hassan for actually doing the job of an attorney? She was the one that attempted to corner a emotional and unstable underage girl in a meeting that normally requires at least a guardian present... Is it just because he's getting in her way, is that why she's so angry?
According to Ld Piggot was deliberately NOT going to do anything with Taylor that would legally require a guardian present. Try and sell her on the Wards program, yes, but she wasn't going to have her make any actual decisions without Hassan present. So basically Piggot wasn't planning to do anything that was illegal.
I'm hoping that my computer will be strong enough to run it, even at the lowest possible setting. I may just have to get an Xbox One if I want to play it.

Also, short interlude is short, but such is the nature of bonus scenes.
Or be a reasonable human being and get a ps4 like me and LD. That way we could play together.